#Sir Ian Livingstone
downthetubes · 4 months
Fighting Fantasy Fest returns in September, celebrating 40th anniversary of "Deathtrap Dungeon"
Fighting Fantasy Fest is back in September, to mark 40 years of Sir Ian Livingstone's bestselling Fighting Fantasy gamebook, Deathtrap Dungeon.
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Hi all, I got back from UK Games Expo on Sunday - a fantastic weekend!
So great to spend time with good friends playing games, chatting and laughing. I travelled up with close mates and we stayed together in an Airbnb apartment which proved to be ideal (and far cheaper than us all getting hotel rooms!).
Our intention on the Friday was just to scope the place out and play some board games, which we did (though I did splash out on a paint set too), and very early on reached the Fighting Fantasy stand where I bumped into my friends Dave and Chris, which was great timing! It was lovely to chat with Ian Livingstone and Jonathan Green, and also Dan at Blue Giant Studios again and talk about the upcoming Fighting Fantasy Fest in September, the special miniature I'll be painting, and see that they've put my painted Bloodbeast on the box!
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Ian also let me know that there will be a gallery of the FF minis I did for him in his forthcoming book, so that was an amazing surprise!
Another highlight was that I got to chat with Gav Thorpe and Andy Chambers and try out Zeo Genesis , their new sci fi skirmish game, which was a lot of fun - I got to take a free mech suit mini too!
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I had lovely chats also with Bad Squiddo Games, Blue Giant Studios, Cerberus-studios, Realms of Tiberium, Moonstone and Louis Downs (Louis and I have been trying to meet up at the last 4 shows!), MODIPHIUS, Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy, and finally got to meet Man O Kent Games, Mike Hutchinson (Gaslands), Jon Hodgson Illustration, Lost Haven Art (who produced my logo and business promo material) The Thornless Rose, Rolltex Texture Rollers, and my friends Gonders, Julian Sparrow and Geordie Calgar who I know through Twitter etc. On the Saturday night, some friends and I had a big game of Grimdark Future One Page Rules, with Luke pitching his Ork horde against mine and Saul's Rebel Guerrillas:
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A great game, very hard fought, and eventually the orks victory came down to one dice roll to see if a squig was shaken after losing a combat - it passed and so finished by contesting the objective on our side of the table!
I decided to mainly buy things I had been promising myself for a while, and take advantage of show discounts, so in an effort to divorce myself from Citadel paints, I got the Monument Hobbies Pro Acryl base set from Element Games, and a rechargeable lamp from Daylight, which will be so useful when I'm painting at shows! I also picked up The Art of The Miniature Painting Tutor from Warlord Games  because I had heard so many good things about it. I did get a few minis, but deliberately kept that to a minimum as I genuinely want to clear my backlog... (yeah, I know...) so I got a couple of brilliant new Halflings from Bad Squiddo Games, one of Duncan's Sir Coats minis, and after my painful experiences with those Anarchy stencils a few weeks ago, I was determined to get some diamond stencils from Steel Harpy!  Also, as well as the  Zeo Genesis mechsuit, I was given a free mini from the Onepagerules folks. And given all that, I'm actually not feeling too bad this week - I'm continuing work on the Striking Scorpions and I've finished the first five, with the others well on their way, so I would think they'll be ready to photograph later today:)
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georgefairbrother · 1 year
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The Challenge was a series III episode of Yes Minister (1982), in which Jim Hacker’s Department of Administrative Affairs assumes general oversight of local authorities. As Ludovic Kennedy (playing himself as BBC interviewer) points out, Hacker is now ‘Mr Townhall as well as Mr Whitehall’.
Echoing the Thatcher government’s zeal to reform the local government sector, Hacker is determined to make councils more efficient and to curb their extravagance. The Cabinet Secretary and Sir Humphrey are not so keen, worried that any reforms, such as direct financial accountability for the success or failure of council projects, could be extended to the civil service as a whole.
To deflect his attention, Jim Hacker is urged to tackle the largely ridiculed and tricky business of civil defence, in particular the provision of public fall-out shelters by local authorities, and is sent to confront the leader of the London Borough of Thames Marsh, Ben Stanley, over their anti-nuclear activism and budget blowouts. Stanley was reportedly based on Ken Livingstone, leader of the ill-fated Greater London Council.
There are a couple of interesting cameos, aside from Ludovic Kennedy, and Moray Watson as a BBC controller. Ian Lavender (Private Pike from Dad’s Army) plays Dr Cartwright, a departmental economics boffin doomed to spend his entire career as a middling undersecretary. “I fear I shall rise no higher,” he explained sadly to Jim Hacker, “Alas, I’m an expert.”
Ben Stanley, the unilateralist leader of Thames Marsh Council is played by Doug Fisher (Man About the House), and is unimpressed by Cartwright’s suggestions on how to save ratepayers' money, which include closing the feminist drama centre, abandoning plans for a leisure centre featuring an artificial ski slope and jacuzzi, closing the gay bereavement centre, selling the Mayor’s second Daimler, and cancelling a councillors’ fact-finding junket to the Caribbean.
The episode lampoons the council’s hypocrisy in taking an anti-nuclear stance while providing fall-out shelter space solely for the leader and some senior councillors. Paul Eddington himself (Jim Hacker) was a Quaker pacifist, and in a later interview recalled that he was very uncomfortable with the way the writers (Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn) had ridiculed the anti-nuclear issue and peace activism, and that they had allowed their own political bias to influence the story. Eddington objected, and some moderating changes were made to the final script.
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ardentfan-45 · 1 year
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A Ring: A Lucky Charm or A Burden ?!
Our perception of the surroundings, the people around us combined together define our reality and hence reality may be different for different people as it depends on their respective perspectives. A man called Richard Livingstone who is the CEO of Dalton Corporation Ltd. lives a lavish lifestyle and has all the luxurious items that people dream of at his disposal. He has even married the girl who was his best friend named Clara and they have 2 little children Robert and Olivia. Yet, Richard's perception of reality is unexpected as he believes that the world majorly consists of opportunist people who cannot be relied on, money and fame don't guarantee happiness and that success comes at a cost be it tangible or intangible.
This story is about a media event that Richard Livingstone attends and the happenings thereafter which immensely impacts two lives.
Dalton Corporation Ltd. in association with Maybach Ltd. (leading manufacturer of Virtual Reality Headsets) announced the launch of 'Metaverse: Experience the Unthinkable' at the press conference held in London. Richard Livingstone being the CEO of Dalton was at the helm of this press conference and he was accompanied by his secretary Miss Ella. After standard questions about Metaverse, its inception and its pros and cons were dealt with, a journalist named Ian Bailey came up with an interesting set of questions. Addressing the questions directly to Richard Livingstone, Ian said that he had been following Richard's career right from his initial days and that he considers Richard as his idol for the enormous success that he had achieved. Ian asked two questions, the first one being how would Richard summarize his journey so far after he joined Dalton as an intern 15 years ago and the second question was that with Metaverse being an experience of virtual reality, where would Richard prefer to live in Virtual Reality or Physical Reality i.e. in the here and now. In response to Ian's questions, Richard said that he was touched by Ian's kind words and the fact that Ian considered him an idol truly meant a lot for him. Richard answered Ian's first question by stating that his journey has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride with highs and lows experienced at unexpected time periods. Further on, Richard said that he never thought that he would be the CEO of Dalton one day and that he focused on the task at hand and grabbed all the opportunities that came his way with both hands. Richard further mentioned that his seniors gave him many insights but one stuck with him till date and that was everything can be taught except what is important. With regards to the second question, Richard said that he would prefer to live in Virtual Reality. Ian immediately came up with a counter question after he heard Richard's answer and asked the reason for Richard's preference. Richard Livingstone instantly cast a glance at the Marketing Manager Mr. James and subsequently Mr. James said that the reason for Mr. Livingstone's preference was irrelevant in the context of this press conference and thereby concluded the press conference by expressing gratitude to all the journalists for turning up.
Richard wanted to explain the reason for his preference but he couldn't do so publicly as his image precedes him and he has to consider the implications of his actions before doing them. Further on, Richard asked Miss Ella to call up Ian Bailey to his car and about 15-20 minutes later Ian was seated beside his idol Richard Livingstone.
A riveting conversation transpired between Richard and Ian :-
Richard : Mr. Bailey I have called you to explain why I chose Virtual Reality over living in the here and now, I'm sorry I couldn't state this publicly and I hope you understand.
Ian : Sir, honestly I am overwhelmed by the fact that I am sitting beside you right now and I'm short changed for words literally.
Richard: I know it must have been a sudden development for you and that you will require some time to digest this, no worries. Coming straight to the point, for the outside world I am the happiest person who enjoys all the luxuries in the world but actually its exactly the opposite. As they say, money can't buy happiness and I feel its so true as for my family I'm simply a money making machine since no-one even appreciates my presence as all are busy with their respective lives. I have a family only for namesake as I feel I actually stay in a hotel wherein I work all day & go back home with my family members behaving like strangers. All this is the reason I prefer to live in Virtual Reality.
(Ian is speechless for a brief moment. Miss Ella offers him a glass of water in order to pacify him.)
Richard: Are you okay Mr. Bailey?!
Ian: Ah... Yes Sir... I was just shocked to hear that my idol is an unhappy man....
Richard: Well... The key to my happiness is in your hands now Mr. Bailey, provided you agree to do what I say...
Ian: Anything for you sir ! Just mention it and I'll get it done as soon as possible.
Richard: Good... Mr. Bailey I want you write a detailed article about the reasons I chose to live in Virtual Reality, however you would send it to Ella directly and not publish it. I want the article day after tomorrow by hook or by crook.
Ian: Your wish is my command Sir.
Richard: Glad to hear that Mr. Bailey. Here's 1000 Dollars as an advance.
(Ian nods)
Richard: I would like to share something more Mr. Bailey... In my journey so far, this ring has a played a pivotal role as well.
( Ian looks at the ring and wonders what's so special about it.)
Richard: Yes....you may find it a bit odd Mr. Bailey but after I bought this ring many good things started happening and I believed that this ring is a lucky charm. However today I feel burdened by this ring but I cannot simply throw it away as I fear something bad might happen after that. So... I would like to pass it on to you Mr. Bailey.....
( Ian is confused but he still accepts the ring as he cannot say no to his idol.)
Richard: I am obliged Mr. Bailey and I'm sure the ring would bring loads of good luck to you as well if you believe in it....
(Ian nods and bids goodbye to Richard)
Further on, Ian sends the article to Miss Ella as decided and he receives remaining money soon after. Miss Ella ensures that this article reaches Richard's wife Clara. Clara is aghast after reading the article and confronts Richard immediately. Richard says that whatever is mentioned in the article is completely true. A heated argument between the husband and wife follows. Finally, Richard says that Clara is not the same person who she was when Richard was just another employee in Dalton and they were best friends back then. A brief moment of silence sets in and both engage in their respective work. Next morning at breakfast, Clara says that she got so carried away with the money and fame of being the CEO's wife that she totally forgot that this CEO is her husband first. Clara further says that she took Richard for granted and that she is sorry for everything. Clara declares that from now on she would work towards strengthening their bond as a family and that she expects Richard to cooperate as well. Richard is relieved upon hearing this and vows to do whatever he can to develop their family bonding. Subsequently, Richard takes his family for dinner in the evening and all of them have a great time together.
On the other hand, Ian Bailey gains a lot of confidence after he reads the email from Miss Ella stating: Mission Accomplished. In the next few months, Ian started working as a freelancer after having successfully completed the task assigned by Richard Livingstone. He even started writing blogs on various topics simultaneously along with freelancing. Later on, Ian started a YouTube Channel named Motivational Insights wherein he shared his thoughts on traits of highly successful people. In about a year or so, Ian achieved phenomenal growth in all the fields he ventured into.
On one hand there's Ian Bailey who managed to excel after acquiring the ring and on the other hand there's Richard Livingstone who felt happy after parting ways with the ring. So was the ring really a lucky charm or was it simply a burden, that is for you all to decide dear readers.
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roll-britannia · 3 months
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sekritjay · 6 months
This might interest some folk here - 4th of April at 19:00 BST, Sir Ian Livingstone, doyen of the British video games industry and the man who bought Dungeons and Dragons to the UK is holding a lecture at the British Library to celebrate 50 years of the tabletop game and as luck would have it, the event is being streamed online on the British Library's website. As a bonus, there's a panel held by High Rollers available right after
The story of one of the most influential games of all time.     This event takes place in the British Library and will be simultaneously live streamed on the British Library platform. Tickets may be booked either to attend in person, or to watch on our platform (online) either live or within 48 hours on catch up. Viewing links will be sent out shortly before the event. Created in 1974 and now played around the world Dungeons and Dragons is the blueprint for half a century of role-playing games and its success changed the landscape of fantasy film, fiction and gaming forever more. The game continues to inspire with 2023 marking the release of the blockbuster movie Honor Among Thieves and smash hit video game Baldur’s Gate 3. We will be celebrating the life and legacy of Dungeons and Dragons, from its humble beginnings 50 years ago to the present day. Join Sir Ian Livingstone as he shares the tale of bringing the little-known American game to a new generation of RPG fans in the 1970s. Then enjoy a panel of enthusiasts chatting about the myriad of ways the original concept has been reinterpreted and innovated, featuring the UK’s biggest D&D streamers High Rollers.   Sir Ian Livingstone is one of the founding fathers of the UK games industry. He co-founded Games Workshop in 1975 with Steve Jackson, launching Dungeons & Dragons in Europe, Warhammer, White Dwarf, Citadel Miniatures, and the Games Workshop retail chain. He has had a successful career in the video games industry, co-leading the merger which created video games publisher Eidos plc where he served as Executive Chairman, launching blockbuster titles Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, Deus Ex and Hitman. As a writer he co-authored The Warlock of Firetop Mountain with Steve Jackson in 1982, the first gamebook in the Fighting Fantasy series which has sold 21 million copies worldwide. He has written 17 books in the series and to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Fighting Fantasy he wrote a new title Shadow of the Giants which was published by Scholastic. His latest book is entitled Dice Men and is a personal memoir about the origin story of Games Workshop. This event accompanies the British Library exhibition Fantasy: Realms of Imagination 27 October – 25 February supported by Wayland Games and Unwin Charitable Trust
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2023/04/uk-games-sector-wanted-microsoft-deal-says-sir-ian-livingstone
UK games sector wanted Microsoft deal, says Sir Ian Livingstone
Getty Images
By Nick Edser
Business reporter
The UK games sector was in favour of Microsoft’s bid for US firm Activision being approved, according to the man who led the company behind Tomb Raider.
Sir Ian Livingstone, also co-founder of Games Workshop, said it would be “odd” if the UK was the only place to object.
The blocking of the deal by the UK regulator provoked a furious response from Microsoft, with its president saying the move was “bad for Britain”.
The UK’s move means the multi-billion dollar deal cannot go ahead globally.
The planned $68.7bn (£55bn) deal would have been the gaming industry’s biggest ever takeover, and Microsoft would have taken ownership of popular games titles such as Call of Duty, Candy Crush and World of Warcraft.
US and EU regulators have yet to decide on whether to approve the deal, but on Wednesday the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) blocked it, saying it was concerned the deal would offer reduced innovation and less choice for gamers in the fast-growing cloud gaming business.
Both Microsoft and Activision have said they will appeal against the CMA’s decision.
Listen to the BBC’s interview with Brad Smith on the Wake up to Money podcast
Is the UK a bad place for tech firms?
Microsoft’s big deal – what you need to know
On Thursday, Microsoft president Brad Smith launched a fierce attack on the judgement, telling the BBC that it marked Microsoft’s “darkest day” in its four decades of working in the UK.
“People are shocked, people are disappointed, and people’s confidence in technology in the UK has been severely shaken,” he said, adding that the European Union was a better place to start a business.
A spokesman for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Mr Smith’s claims were “not borne out by the facts”, adding that the UK games sector had doubled in size over the past 10 years.
Sir Ian, who is now co-founding partner of gaming investment group Hiro Capita, told the BBC’s Today programme: “I think the sentiment of the games industry itself in the UK is for it to go ahead.
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“It would be odd if the UK was the only region to object to this acquisition going forward,” he added.
“I would hope that they can sit down and perhaps negotiate a settlement which might be in everybody’s interest over time.”
Sir Ian said the UK’s games industry was “a great British success story”, having developed some of the biggest franchises in the world including Tomb Raider and Grand Theft Auto.
“It’s always been overdelivering in content but always underserved by capital and recognition,” he added.
“This is a highly competitive market and any negative sentiment is not good for the industry or indeed the UK economy.”
The CMA is the first regulator to announce its decision, but last year the US Federal Trade Commission began a legal challenge to block the takeover.
In March, EU regulators delayed their decision after Microsoft proposed concessions to get the deal over the line.
Sir Ian said “it’s somewhat come as a surprise that they [the CMA] said no at this time”.
However, Gareth Sutcliffe, senior games analyst at Enders Analysis, said the deal “has been in trouble for a while”.
He added that Microsoft “simply didn’t do the necessary regulator outreach to get this deal over the line”.
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lonelypilotclub · 1 year
Sir Ian Livingstone says he hopes a settlement can be reached for Microsoft's takeover of Activision.
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aserougi · 1 year
UK games sector wanted Microsoft deal, says Sir Ian Livingstone
http://dlvr.it/SnCgcH t.ly/m_Jb
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ericvanderburg · 1 year
UK games sector wanted Microsoft deal, says Sir Ian Livingstone
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downthetubes · 28 days
Sir Ian Livingstone "Magic Realms" Launch Party at Barnes Bookshop, Signing at Forbidden Planet London
A launch party for the new art book celebrating the art of Fighting Fantasy, co-written by Sir Ian Livingstone CBE and Fighting Fantasy historian Jonathan Green, will take place at the Barnes Bookshop on Thursday 5th September, with Sir Ian in attendance
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Sir Ian Livingstone says he hopes a settlement can be reached for Microsoft's takeover of Activision. from BBC News - Business https://ift.tt/dmK9xZF
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train2game-news · 3 years
Train2Game News Hiro Capital II Announced
Train2Game News Hiro Capital II Announced
Hiro Capital – the leading specialist European VC focused on Videogames, Metaverse Technologies, Creator Platforms and Gamified Fitness – today announces the launch of HIRO CAPITAL II, a €300m ($340m) fund focused on backing the world’s emerging Gaming and Metaverse innovators. Hiro II will be announcing its first investments in April. Hiro’s new fund invests in entrepreneurial teams at Seed, A…
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Like Venice, Château d'Yquem or a Rolls-Royce of the 1930s, he really was beyond competition.
- Jan Morris on Sir Patrick Leigh Fermor DSO
In 1933, at a mere 18 years old, Paddy Fermor decided to walk from Holland to Turkey and thus began his journey to literary fame and distinction as one of the 20th Century’s best travel and prose stylist.
His personality united not only scholar and daredevil - following in the spiritual footsteps of Victorian explorers such as Livingstone, Speke, and Burton - but also different periods of British history. As the tough, courageous commando who led the Cretan resistance and spirited a German general from Crete to Egypt during World War II, he operated in gritty, twentieth-century T. E. Lawrence-Ian Fleming terrain. And as a lifelong lover and scholar of Greek culture and language he inherited the mantle of Lord Byron, the Greeks' favourite Brit, after whom it seems that every town square in Greece is named.
Paddy was the architect of his own learning; his higher education was life itself. His own formal education came to an abrupt end when he managed to get thrown out of The King's School in Canterbury for publicly displaying affection for a local merchant's daughter, as well as for generally exhibiting, in the words of his headmaster, “a dangerous mixture of sophistication and recklessness."
This was an ideal formula for thriving in the high society of interwar London, evoked in the novels of writers such as Evelyn Waugh and Ronald Firbank. But Paddy, who had profound but vague ambitions, needed more than casual affairs and drunken orgies. He languished, a hungover and idle would-be writer, vaguely hoping to hit on something to write about, until inspiration struck: he would walk across Europe. It would be an adventure, a distraction, and useful research, all at once.
His parents financed the travels, mailing pound notes in envelopes to post offices and postes restantes across Central Europe from Holland to Bulgaria (not a single one was ever lost or missing). His walk became the stuff of legend. Paddy's gap year was the first year of the Nazis and the last of the gnarled, romantic old Germany whose spirit still lingered in the late middle ages. A Time of Gifts (1977) and Between the Woods and the Water (1985) were instant classics, celebrated for their evocation of a Central European world that had utterly vanished and their baroque language.
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mrepstein · 5 years
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Brian Epstein’s Address & Telephone Book
A small leather bound pocket address and telephone book that was owned and used by Brian Epstein. The book dates to 1967 and it consists of 57 pages of addresses and telephone number some of which are typed, some of which are in Epstein’s hand and some which have been added by hand on his behalf. // (click HERE to view more pages from the book)
The book contains a total of 404 entries - a selection of them are listed below:
ATV Ltd 
ABC Television Ltd 
AIR London Ltd. 
Tom Arnold Ltd 
Neil Aspinall 
Artistes Car Hire 
Annabels [nightclub] 
Alexander’s Restaurant 
Ashley Steiner Famous [talent agency] 
Al Aronowitz 
Atlantic Records 
Eric Andersen 
Bob Anthony 
Bryce Hanmer & Co [accounting firm] 
Bedford, Okrent & Co 
BBC Television Centre 
BBC Broadcasting House 
Al Brodax 
Cilla Black 
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Barrow 
Mr. & Mrs Don Black 
Bryan Barrett 
Jack Barclay Ltd  [Bentley dealership] 
Peter Brown 
Mr. & Mrs. B. Bullough 
Mr. & Mrs J. Bullough 
Miss J. Balmer 
Mr. &. Mrs. Ivan Bennett 
Eric Burdon 
Francisco Bermudez 
Lionel Bart 
David Bailey 
Bag O’Nails 
Tony Barlow 
Ray Bartell 
Rodney Barnes 
Bruno One Restaurant 
Sid Bernstein 
Kenn Brodziak 
Leonard Bernstein 
Al Bennett 
Beverly Hills Hotel 
Brian Bedford 
Scotty Bower 
David Ballman 
Bob Bonis 
Bill Buist 
Arthur Buist 
Dr. Norman Cowan 
Curzon House Club 
Crockfords Club 
Clermont Club 
Cromwellian Club 
Paddy Chambers 
Radio Caroline 
Michael Codron 
Cap-Estel Le 
Mr. & Mrs. J. Cassen 
Columbia Pictures Ltd 
Eric Clapton 
Capitol Records Mexico 
Michael Cooper 
Roger Curtis 
Neil Christian 
Maureen Cleave 
Thomas Clyde 
Cash Box 
CBS Records Ltd 
Denny Cordell 
William Cavendish 
Caprice Restuarant 
David Charkham 
Capitol Records 
Columbia Broadcasting System 
Bob Crewe 
May Cunnell 
Car Hire Co. for Lincoln 
Dr. Kenneth Chesky 
Capitol Records (Voyle Gilmore) 
Irving E. Chezar 
Danny Cleary 
Bobby Colomby 
Bob Casper 
Andre Cadet 
Daily Express 
Disc & Music Echo 
Decca Records 
Bernard Delfont Ltd 
Bernard Delfont 
Noel Dixon 
Jimmy Douglas 
Chris Denning 
Simon Dee 
Rik Dane 
Dolly’s [nightclub] 
Hunter Davies 
Terry Doran 
Pat Doncaster 
Norrie Drummond 
Alan David 
John Dunbar 
Peter Dalton 
Kappy Ditson 
Robert Dunlap 
Robert L. David 
Diana Dors 
Ivor Davis 
Tom Dawes 
Brandon de Wilde 
Don Danneman 
Malcolm Evans 
Clive J. Epstein 
Mr. & Mrs. H. Epstein 
EMI Records Ltd 
EMI Studios 
Geoffrey Ellis 
Etoile Restaurant 
Tim Ellis 
Terry Eaton 
Kenny Everett 
John East 
Bob Eubanks 
Esther Edwards 
Ahmet Ertegun 
Alan Freeman 
David Frost 
Georgie Fame 
Robert Fraser 
Andre Fattacini 
Dan Farson 
Billy Fury 
Barry Finch 
Marianne Faithfull 
Robert Fitzpatrick 
Warren Frederikson 
John Fisher 
Danny Fields 
Francis Fiorino 
Dr. Geoffrey Gray 
Hamish Grimes 
Derek Grainger 
Rik Gunnell 
Rik Gunnell Agency Ltd 
Derrick Goodman & Co. 
Peter Goldman 
Christopher Gibbs 
David Garrick 
Geoffrey Grant 
Mick Green 
John P. Greenside 
Michael Gillet 
General Artists Corp. 
John Gillespie 
Voyle Gilmore 
George Greif 
Ren Grevatt 
Milton Goldman 
M. Goldstein 
Gary Grove 
Henry Grossman 
Mr. & Mrs. Berrell Hyman 
Doreen Hyman 
Mr. & Mrs. Basil J. Hyman 
Mrs. A. Hyman 
Steve Hardy 
H. Huntsman & Son Ltd 
Simon Hayes 
Frankie Howerd 
Henry Higgins 
Chris Hutchins 
Tony Howard 
Wendy Hanson 
Marty Himmel 
Casper Halpern
John Heska
Ricky Heiman
Joe Hunter
Ty Hargrove
Walter Hofer
M.A. Jacobs & Son 
David Jacobs [lawyer] 
Dick James Music Ltd 
Mr. & Mrs. D. James 
Mick Jagger 
Brian Jones 
Michael Jeffries 
Drummond Jackson 
David Jacobs [d.j.] 
Brian Joyce 
Gerry Justice 
Gibson Kemp 
Johnathan King 
Mr. & Mrs Maurice Kinn 
Kingsway Recording Studios 
Ashley Kozac 
Kafetz Camera Ltd. 
Reg King 
Andrew Koritsas 
Ed Kenmore 
Walker Kundzicz 
John Kurland 
Murray Kauffman
Larry Lamb 
Martin Landau 
Kit Lambert 
Dick Lester 
Mr. & Mrs. Vic Lewis 
Tony Lynch 
Radio London 
Mike Leander 
John Lyndon 
Bernard Lee 
Kenny Lynch 
Denny Laine 
Lomax Alliance 
Ed Leffler 
David G. Lowe 
Richard W. Lean 
Goddard Lieberson 
Laurie Records 
Liberty Records 
London Records 
Alan Livingston
Melody Maker 
Peter Murray 
Keith Moon 
Mr. & Mrs. G. Martin 
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Matthew 
Midland Bank Limited 
Vyvienne Moynihan 
Gerry Marsden 
Ian Moody 
Michael McGrath 
Cathy McGowan 
Mr. & Mrs. J. McCartney 
Albert Marrion 
Robin Maughan 
Peter Maddok 
Gordon Mills 
Brian McEwan 
John Mendell Jnr. 
Marshall Migatz 
Fred Morrow 
Chruch McLaine 
Vincent Morrone 
Jeffrey Martin Co. 
Gavin Murrell 
Dean Martin 
Gordon B. McLendon 
Sal Mineo 
Scott Manley 
Bernard Mavnitte 
Verne Miller 
John Neville 
Joanne Newfield 
Tommy Nutter 
Francisco Neuner 
Tatsuji Nagasima 
New Musical Express 
NEMS Enterprises Ltd 
Graham Nash 
Nemperor Artists Ltd 
Louis Nizer 
Bob Nauss 
Gene Narmore 
George H. Ornstein 
Olympic Sound Studios 
A. L. Oldham 
Myles Osternak 
Roy Onsborg 
Col. Tom Parker 
Jerry Pam 
Plaza Hotel 
PAN AM. rep 
Bob Perlman 
Allen Pohju 
Robert H. Prech 
John Pritchard 
Prince Of Wales Theatre 
Don Paul 
Sean Phillips 
Jon Pertwee 
Ricki Pipe 
Dr. D. A. Pond 
David Puttnam 
David Puttnam Associates 
Tom Parr 
Harry Pinsker 
Kenneth Partridge 
Larry Parnes 
Priory Nursing Home 
Viv Prince 
Steve Paul 
Radnor Arms [pub] 
Leo Rost 
Keith Richard 
Record Mirror 
Dolly Robertson-Ward 
Charles Ross 
Rules Restuarant 
Marian Rainford 
Bobby Roberts 
Bill Rosado 
Vic Singh 
Speakeasy [club] 
Simon and Marijke 
Simon Shops 
Judith Symons 
Keith Skeel 
Tony Sharman 
Simon Scott 
Barrie Summers 
John Singleton 
Don Short 
Dr. Walter Strach 
Walter Shenson 
John Sandoe Ltd 
Bobby Shafto 
Harry South 
Brian Sommerville 
Robert Stigwood
David Shaw 
Chris Stamp 
Aaron Schroeder 
Stephen, Jacques & Stephen [law firm] 
Leo Sullivan 
Gene Schwann 
Herb Schlosser 
Gary Smith 
Jim Stewart [co-founder, Stax Records] 
John Simon 
Jerry N. Schatzberg 
Lex Taylor 
Robert Shoot 
Lauren Stanton 
St. Regis Hotel 
Eric Spiros 
Howard Soloman 
Taft Limousine Corp 
[Sidney] Traxler (lawyer) 
T.W.A. Ken S. Fletcher [director, public relations, TWA] 
Derek & Joan Taylor 
T.W.A. (Victor Page) 
Martin Tempest 
Evelyn Taylor 
Twickenham Studios 
Kenneth Tynan 
Alistair Taylor 
F. T. Turner & Son Ltd. 
R. S. Taylor 
Michael Taylor 
George Tempest 
Norm Talbott 
United Artists Corp Ltd 
Klaus & Christine Voormann 
V.I.P. Travel Ltd 
Mark Warman 
Gary Walker 
Robert Whitaker 
Peter Watkins 
Peter Weldon 
Mrs. Freda Weldon 
Alan Warren 
Orson Welles 
Sir David Webster 
Alan Williams 
Dennis Wiley 
Terry Wilson 
Nathan Weiss 
Norman Weiss 
Gerry Wexler 
Murial Young 
Bernice Young 
Peter Zorcon 
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