#Single Review: Catch Your Vibe
romanoffsbish · 8 months
So Kiss Me
Natasha Romanoff x R
Natasha was a perfectionist, something that normally benefited her, but when it comes to dating she is a bit lost. In her time as a spy and single woman she’d shared her fair share of kisses, but with you she’d yet to find the perfect moment… | WC: 1,521
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"Pull over!" Natasha looked at you incredulously, it was pouring down rain and you were on a highway, driving away from her failed attempt at a picnic date.
Just before she denied you she let her gaze linger on your face, you looked so enthralled by the storm; wordlessly she pulled off onto the side of the road, her red emergency lights flashing in the dead of night.
If you were anyone else she'd have kept on driving, but you weren't. You were Y/N, the beautiful person who turned her world upside down just by existing. Gravity was lost on her planet though, so the vibe was wavy. All Natasha wanted was to make you happy so she stood beneath the dim light of the moon observing you. Not caring if it was cold and wet, because you were smiling.
After she helped you climb over a white fence and into a field you released her hand and began to twirl around  the wet, open grassy area in a fit of infectious giggles.
You were perfect. This entire moment was, honestly.
Natasha wanted to dance with you, but she was lost in her depraved thoughts, of your lips pressing into hers.
It was too soon, right? Two months and four dates, alongside many a lazy night in at the compound, and she had yet to make the daring move. Was she scared?
No, she told herself she was just being cautious. If you move too fast then things are more likely to crumble to the ground and that was the last thing she wanted. In this moment though, where you are genuinely joyful she questions what even constitutes the perfect timing.
Natasha dreamed it could've been today, you'd have just finished eating: a pb and j for herself and a bit of snacking for yourself, a strawberry here, some cheese and cracker there, a brownie made by Wanda, always.
The thought made Natasha smile, she could only imagine the mess you'd leave behind on your face in your rush to gobble the treat down. Her heart would skip and she'd scoot closer to you with the excuse of needing to wipe your face clean. She'd tease the idea of trying a brownie herself, then she'd lean even closer.
You'd look at her lips, a jolt of electrified energy would surround you as your eyes met again. The desperation muddled into your sweet y/e/c eyes would compliment her desire. Natasha would gulp down her fear, masking it with a channeled confidence and kiss you firmly.
Soft and slow as her tongue swiped your lips, in a perfect world she would have you in her lap. It would be a gradual shift, and just as your thighs touched hers she'd squeeze your hips and slide her tongue into you.
Tasting the brownie, catching hints of a dark caramel, not caring for the way that it covers your natural taste. Yet she would be compelled to stay where she was, unable to separate herself from your affection until she felt your body tremble from the oxygen deprivation. As she'd pull away she'd hotly whisper, delicious—the brownies review; commentary laced with innuendo.
Natasha would observe you fondly, the moment you stop feeling a need to gulp down air you'll meet her gaze and your lips will tiredly upturn. The redhead would grin just the same as she lifted water to your lips. The both of you'd sip some down, silently regarding one another before the inevitable embrace.
You'd likely still have been there now, laid out on the blanket beneath her with your tongues entwined. A beautiful encapsulation of your heart's connection.
It would've been perfect...
Natasha caught you staring up at her, heart racing in her chest and she smiled, realizing it still could be.
"Fuck it," the redhead whispered under her breath. In two long strides she was stood right before you, leaving enough space for you to move away, but you moved right into her open arms with a radiant smile. The rain had soaked through the both of your clothes but you were warm and so content in her offered embrace.
Wonder; the look in your eyes, bright and refreshing as you stared up at your lover. Natasha's eyes were a bit murky, a silly fight going on in her stubborn mind.
"You're so pretty Natty," you giggled, a finger raised up to boop her flushed nose, "my beautiful Natasha."
The storm in her mind faded instantaneously.
Natasha was uncharacteristically nervous, even though it was near pitch black you could still see her face flushing under the bright stars. The redness on her nose from the cold trailed a bright stripe across her cheeks and you'd never seen her look more beautiful.
You sighed gently, "What's on your mind honey?" Natasha leaned more into your touch as your thumbs mindlessly stroked over her cheeks, comforting her. A stuttered breath left her lips, "C-can I kiss you detka?"
You grinned, heart racing incredibly fast as you pulled her face close enough that she could feel as you nod. A nudge to your nose and then her lips were on yours. It was like the atmosphere had thinned around you but it didn't matter, your urge to breathe was nonexistent.
If Natasha was a succubus you'd willingly submit, it was never a question you had but now it was answered. The taste of her blood should've alarmed you, but all it did was make you press your soft lips further into hers.
It was like you were trying to love her back together, kiss her until all her broken pieces fit as one again. A warmth spread through her chest and radiated off the brief smile you felt against your lips. Strong arms then wrapped around your waist until her hands could grip your hips and lift you off the ground. A continuation of the expression of her unbridled joy as she spun you.
Your legs dangled and clacked together momentarily until you followed your reflex to wrap them around her, pulling her front flush to yours; it felt natural, to finally be this close to your true love, bodies entwined.
There was no place else either of you'd like to be, even if the field was another's territory it felt like you two belonged here. At least for the time being as your relationship reached new heights; a melodic moan left you as her tongue sensually swirled around yours, her grip on your hips tightened and you both realized just how heated the moment was with your back to a tree.
Natasha's arms loosened, resting on the sides of your body now as she lowered your feet to the ground. Your head tipped back, hanging off to the side of the tree trunk, your eyes full of happiness gazed up at her.
A playful sigh left you when you saw her eyes dart to your glimmering lips. "Took you long enough, Natty."
Natasha gasped in offense, "What ever do you mean?"
"Don't get me wrong," you coo'd, hands going back up to cup her cold, wet cheeks, "This was perfect, but I just had anticipated it would happen far sooner."
"Oh," she squeaked, almost embarrassed but she steeled herself. "Mind telling me when sweetheart?"
Natasha chuckled when you shivered, a mental note made to remember how easily you react to her teasing.
"I was ready after our first date," you admitted with a dreamy sigh to follow, "It was a perfect night to me."
The redhead nods, remembering the moment too.
It was the most awkward night of her life but you only seemed to find her timid exploration of the situation endearing. When she grabbed onto your hand while in line for the massive rollercoaster you gently smiled, refusing to acknowledge the sweat coating her palms.
You wished she'd kissed you then. When she tried the cotton candy for the first time you wanted to kiss her. Seeing the glint of childish amusement in her eyes as the sugar melted on her tongue made you sentimental.
At the top of the ferris wheel, when she risked putting her arm around your shoulders you'd expected it then. Yet still, she missed the opportunity to lean in, just like she did that night when she left you at your own room.
"I thought you maybe weren't feeling me," you admitted with a regretful tone, "but then you asked me for a second date; I realized you were taking it slow."
"Wow," Natasha acknowledged, "I am an idiot."
You giggled, "It's okay Natty, truly, I appreciate the consideration you gave to our relationship so much."
"I just want this to work Y/N," she pleaded, "I need us to be endgame. Nobody else could make me happy."
"You wanna be my endgame?" Natasha nodded, and held your tilted face in her hand, then she instinctively leaned in for a kiss, stopping only briefly to whisper, "More than anything," against your parted lips.
"I want that too, Natasha." The moment was perfect.
Every single minute spent with you always was....
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7ndipity · 1 year
Jealous over your collab
Tae x Idol!Reader
Summary: Tae can't help but feel a bit jealous about your dancing with someone else.
Warnings: Jealous Tae, suggestive at the end, not proofread(when are they ever, lol)
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! Sorry uploads are a little slower rn, this week's been kicking my ass, but we're getting through it.👍
Requests are open
“Hey, whatcha watching?” Tae asked as he found you sitting on the couch with your laptop, staring intently at the screen.
“I’m reviewing footage from today’s rehearsal.” You said without looking up.
“Is this for your collab?” He asked curiously. Lately, you'd been working constanly on a
special dance piece for an upcoming award show, but he'd yet to get to see any of it.
“Mhm, you wanna see?” You answered.
“Sure." He plopped down next to you as you restarted the video.
Almost immediately though, he began to regret his decision.
He knew you’d been working on the dance performance as duo with one of your labelmates, but he hadn’t realized that your partner was a guy, or that the vibe of the performance was going to be quite so... mature.
As the video progressed, he could feel himself tensing up more and more, trying to be analytical about the footage as you talked about sections that you thought needed improving or reworked, but all he could focus on was the amount of roaming hands and lingering touches that were sprinkled throughout the choreo.
"So, what do you think?" You asked, turning to him, your smiling faltering as you noticed his flat expression. "What's wrong? Is it bad? Did you not like it?"
“No, it’s good, really good.” He said, clearing his throat awkwardly. "What do you want for dinner?" He asked, changing the subject abruptly.
No further mention was made about the video or your collab until later that evening as you got ready for bed.
“So, are you and him close?” He asked suddenly, in regards to your partner.
“Uh, I guess? We were trainees together.” You said as you finished your skin routine.
“Is he single?” He questioned.
“I don't know, why?”
“No reason, just wondering.” He said, folding his arms.
You studied him for a moment from the doorway before coming to sit next to him, wrapping your arms around him as you did so.
“You know the only reason I’m working with him on this is because we’re labemates, right?” You asked him, rubbing his shoulder soothingly. ”You don’t need to be jealous.”
“I’m not jealous! Why would I be jealous?!” He protested.
You didn’t answer, looking at him pointedly.
“Okay, maybe I'm a little jealous, so what?” He said quickly. “I’m your boyfriend, I’m allowed to feel weird about some other guy putting his hands all over you!”
“It’s just a dance though, it doesn’t mean anything.” You reassured him.
“I know, but still.” He grumbled.
“And it’s only a few more days till the showcase.” You promised him, pressing a gentle kiss to his jaw.
“You did look really good.” He admitted, still pouting slightly.
“Thank you, baby.” You said, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "You know, yours are the only hands I like on me, though."
"Think you could teach me some of that choreo?" He asked in a low voice, turning to catch your mouth with his.
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amuseoffyre · 11 months
Have had a couple of days and a rewatch and some mulling to put together my thoughts:
The good:
the writing - I've talked at length about the use of metaphor, symbolism, allegory and the like to add meat and substance to the narrative
the continuity tied in to S1 and the foreshadowing coming full circle, plus running themes continuing
the music is flawless throughout - both the soundtrack with songs and the original score and the way old motifs are used to add parallels and depth to scenes
the acting across the board has been staggeringly good. Especially for Taika, Rhys and Con. I can see why so many reviews had been raving about it.
the bits of set-up for S3 that have been planted if/when they get it
new characters who are an absolute delight
Family Trauma the TV show - intense to watch but cathartic af
Badass ladies and the soft boys who love them
The bad:
too much story and not enough time to tell it
sacrificing a lot of crew-related stuff - I know this is primarily the Ed and Stede story, but we're told that Olu was always talking about Zheng, but we never even got a single line of it. Buttons' disappearance gets one sus line. We gloss over the probation and why Ed is back in his leathers literally the next day. Again, I know, time constraints, but it does feel weaker for it.
speedrunning so much that it's taken several rewatches to catch everything that's going on - yes, it can work as a narrative device, but not all the time
still not over Zheng falling for Ricky's gift. Do not trust the aristocratic white dude, especially not when you've been blackmailing him. And I know there's some logical sense to her being so used to being able to manipulate desperate people on the fringes with both carrot and stick, but it feels like severe underestimation on her part about how ruthless and cruel and petty Ricky could be. He's not like the pirates - he has the power and privilege and it feels like she ignored that.
whatever that Teal Oranges pivot was so Jim could have a girlfriend, especially since they didn't have time/space to actually develop the Olu/Zheng and Jim/Archie stuff. Archie was barely a scrape of characterisation because of time constraints.
The ... Forbs Boding
Izzy - it falls under the typical archetype of Loss of a Role Model especially given all Ed's dad issues, which I thought we were beyond, but then it also fits with the running motif of the show of change, death and rebirth. We've had confirmation of the existence of a place between life and death plus a character who was beaten to death coming back from it and a seawitch turning up at the grave. I can see why it was done as it has been foreshadowed since "the only retirement we get is death" but after all his growth in S2, having Ricky be the one to get the jump on him is... hm. I feel like they had him and Ricky talking and Ricky causing his death for a reason. Feels like there's set-up for S3 planted and ready. My Forbs, they are A-Boding. ffs, they Obi-Wanned him right after he did a speech about "our spirit will last beyond your whole fucking empire". Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine vibes.
The way trauma is/isn't being dealt with - I feel like there's stuff there that is set up for S3 as well, because we've seen how Stede is still bottling all his stuff and hasn't dealt with any of it, while Ed has done some processing and started to make peace with himself over it. Stede still has his mental lockbox and while he tries to pretend it isn't there, it still informs so many of his decisions.
All the Star Wars vibes - I've always been convinced this was the Empire Strikes Back season and now, they have all the pieces in play for the Return of the Jedi arc: Stede and Ed are together and recovering but will have a role to play, Izzy is in carbonite with a seawitch control panel, their allies are out there getting pieces in place, and the Imperial figurehead villain who showed up in S2 is still out there and convinced he holds all the power. And I just realised that this means that if they use Hornigold, he's the equivalent of Boba Fett - Bounty Hunter for the Empire XD
On the whole, I am content with it and am already having thoughts about the potential for S3, but I find it incredibly frustrating knowing how much more it could have been with the budget/time they wanted and didn't get.
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terastalungrad · 1 year
One last plug for this!
I'm recording my solo standup show at Edinburgh TOMORROW at 1.30pm!
It's a high-energy, uplifting comedy show full of gags - and it all secretly builds up to a big thing at the end. Very much a show for Tumblr. Disguised as a mainstream comedy show, but is actually a queer, neurodivergent and Welsh perspective on disability and self-diagnosis. Some poignant bits, but no sad bits! Just a love hour, and you'll have a nice time.
Ticket link:
It's a big room, so every ticket bought in advance will make a big difference to my peace of mind.
This show doesn’t invite reviewers. Instead, here are reviews from audiences who’ve seen the show:
Steffan Alun is the Welsh bisexual Russell Howard.
Funny, light-hearted, and clever (yet still accessible for a tired hungover brain).
I love the way his mind works. I just want to see everything Steffan ever does from now on.
He doesn't waste a single line. Incredibly impressive show.
So satisfying. And crammed full of gags.
Brings everyone along for the ride - a rollercoaster from start to finish.
Warm, inclusive comedy that never takes the piss out of the audience (unless you're an Englishman named Mark).
Every year, Steffan gets better and better.
I took a chance on a whim, and I'm so glad I did.
Hilarious, relatable, and kind. I've never seen a show like this.
Some shows make you laugh until you cry. Some shows take your breath away. Some shows make you feel better about the world. This show does all three.
The most comforting standup I've ever seen.
Unmissable. I always come see Steffan at the Fringe, and this is my favourite show yet.
Last minute decision to catch a show before the train home and so glad I did. Funny throughout and would definitely recommend.
Steffan made everyone laugh throughout. A great start to the morning.
A show packed with laughs but also a healthy amount of poignant self reflection. Exactly the vibe of comedy I needed. I hope I'm allowed to rate a show based on my judgement of him as a person? The support was also really funny. Will be recommending this to others.
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vannilac0ke · 1 year
How to study like Rory Gilmore
Have you seen Rory Gilmore from "Gilmore Girls"? She's, like, this super smart and book-loving girl, and I'm totally obsessed with her study vibes! If you wanna study like Rory, here's what you can do
Create a Structured Study Schedule
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 Rory was known for her disciplined study routine. Set aside specific times each day for studying, and stick to a consistent schedule. This helps create a sense of routine and makes it easier to manage your time effectively. So something like every single day after school you study. Or every other day. Some examples 
Morning (8:30 AM - 12:00 PM): Attend classes and take thorough notes during lectures.
Afternoon (1:30 PM - 4:00 PM): Focus on reading assignments, research, and note-taking.
Late Afternoon (4:30 PM - 6:00 PM): Review class notes, clarify doubts, and work on assignments.
Early Evening (6:30 PM - 7:30 PM): Dinner and casual downtime to relax.
Evening (8:00 PM - 10:00 PM): Engage in focused reading, exploring new books, and taking detailed notes.
Late Evening (10:30 PM - 11:30 PM): Wrap up the day with a review of the day's accomplishments, plan for the next day's tasks, and unwind with light reading or leisure activities.
Saturday (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM): Use the morning for in-depth reading of complex subjects, working on long-term projects, or catching up on any missed assignments.
Saturday Afternoon (1:30 PM - 3:30 PM): Take a break for a leisurely lunch and engage in a social activity or hobby.
Saturday (4:00 PM - 7:00 PM): Explore different genres of literature, research topics of personal interest, or engage in discussions with friends and family.
Sunday (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM): Attend a study group or engage in academic discussions with peers to exchange ideas and perspectives.
Sunday Afternoon (1:30 PM - 4:30 PM): Visit a library or bookstore to discover new books, gather resources, and continue reading.
Sunday Evening (5:00 PM - 7:00 PM): Reflect on the past week's progress, review notes, and plan for the upcoming week.
Remember, you should tailor your own study routine to your personal preferences and what's the most comfortable for you.
Minimize distractions:
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Find a quiet and clean space where you can concentrate on your work without interruptions. OK, first things first, let's tackle that phone situation. Put it on silent mode, flip it face down, or even, like, put it in another room. Trust me, Instagram can wait. After that, find a spot that's cozy but not too comfy. You wanna be focused, not napping. Clear your desk or table of anything that's not study-related so you won't hyper- fixate on those things. Try playing music, but make sure it's not, like, super distracting. And if you catch yourself dancing, maybe it's time for a new playlist. Also Have some snacks and water ready, so you don't have to get up every five minutes. But, stay away from messy stuff that'll ruin your notes. Make sure to break it up. Set a timer for your desired amount of time  of focused study Then take a short break and get back to it. Get cute and organized stationary
Organized Stationary
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Rory's organized approach to her studies is evident in her well-kept notebooks and study materials. Use binders, folders, or digital tools to keep your study materials organized and easily accessible. Having cute stationary ask increases your likelihood to study since it aesthetically pleasing to look at and enhances creativity. You can also add personalization which is always fun.You cant get cute stationary at stores like MUJI, Paper Source, Stationary Pal, Society6, Kikki.K and from retail stores like Aliexpress, Etsy and Temu.  And Finally Review Regularly.  Periodically review your notes and materials to reinforce your understanding. This spaced repetition technique can enhance your long-term retention of information.
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thelongestway · 2 months
Dawn: Trailed
Now that the spoiler embargo is gone, well...
This is probably my favorite expansion. On par with, if not better than, HW (My personal rating otherwise goes HW>ShB>Ew=Sb=Arr). I went through it without reading anything about others' experiences, and you can imagine my surprise about the incredibly mixed reception!
I was even more surprised, because I was going in very burnt out on FFXIV, and had really been expecting to go in and say "eh, this was ok, sure, but nothing special."
Instead, I got exactly what I wanted or, dare I say it, even needed. That is to say, this:
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So this review is going to be reflecting over the type of story this is and what made it so appealing to me specifically.
Tons of spoilers below the cut!
What I thoroughly enjoyed about Dawntrail:
the "not my circus, not my monkeys" vibe
the worldbuilding
the pacing
And I think these things are related. But let's start with the pacing.
My usual way of playing is "do story, do available sidequests as they pop up, a couple of fates along the road, etc". I usually wind up with a class fully leveled and a class half-leveled by the end of the story. My WoL is very thorough and meticulous, and a firm believer in "get the lay of the land" first.
In most previous expansions, that meant there were spots where I went stir-crazy, because something about that flow didn't click; there were many places I was bored but also did not want to skip things, because while it felt bad to do them immediately, it would feel even more out of place to do them later. To wit: Moogles HW (even though I loved the crafter quests later), Ruby Sea SB, Twine etc ShB, Ultima Thule EW (yes, not Labyrinthos part 2 - sorry my friends, I love insane academics, while Ultima Thule really, really did not hit for me).
This was not the case in DT. There wasn't a single moment I felt truly bored. And specifically I enjoyed the vibe that you can come and go at any moment - the fact that the succession isn't really your problem helps with this a lot. This is why the amount of Wuk Lamat didn't particularly bother me - my WoL just went "oh, fantastic, any fallout is your problem, not mine - I'm just here to see the sights and talk to people". He got to have a good night's sleep without being interrupted, for gods' sake - unheard of!
On a player level, this worked wonderfully, because I hate it when writers try to raise the stakes by making it personal. Usually, I have a very visceral reaction to that, which is primarily "you do NOT get to decide what makes it personal for me", and I can count the number of times that kind of bait worked for me on one hand. In FFXIV specifically, Haurchefant and Ysayle in one expansion - and never again (although should anything happen to the twins, yeah, that'll work). Having another character take the brunt of "this has to be personal For Them" is really one of my favorite vibes. That said, I'm very much a worldbuilding-over-story girlie. Give me a world to muck around in, and I'm happy. And if I don't feel punished for taking my time, this becomes even better - I detest time-based long-term gameplay, I have enough of that IRL. Which means that for me, the vibe of this whole expansion was "excellent, I've got an excuse to be here - oh, we're moving on? You go on, I'll catch up". The last time I felt like this was really in HW, while the resolution to the Monetarist plot was brewing in the background. "Yeah, we can't really go back to our three home states for long. Great - let's explore the floating islands and see what the deal with the Dragonsong war is. We've got nothing but time." In both expansions, giving me time to fool around let me develop a personal connection - not to the characters, to the space. And by the time the plot picks up, I am hooked.
So aside from being my favorite type of worldbuilding, the feeling that "the plot is on pause and I have time to breathe" is unironically one of my favorite things in games, and what lets me feel like I've been relaxing while playing a game. And, well, I really needed a vacation from IRL bullshit, and I got just that.
It was one heck of a surprise for me to see that's not the case for most other players. To showcase this, I actually quite enjoyed one of the most controversial storytelling moments - which was "you've found the City of Gold! ...Now before you go in there, the current ruler needs to inform their successor about the bullshit going on down there, and you're not invited". My WoL's reaction was an amused "yeah, sure, I'm not in a rush - we'll get there (not that you can stop me from poking my nose in). Now, what else did you say was here? Xak Turaal?"I know a lot of other players got thrown out of the illusion of verisimilitude here; for a lot of people, the pacing here felt like a jarring stop. For me, though, it felt like breathing space; like a promise - there's no rush, we'll get there. Take your time, relax. It was like the game said "yeah, I see the load you carry normally. You don't have to for a few hours". And that was great.
It was the same with Wuk Lamat. The big cat wants all the bullshit I hate? She can have it, and my gratitude with it! The only time my WoL felt irked with her was the "invitation to be part of her government" - but even that moment was basically fixed immediately by the WoL's reaction! Which is: you stare at Wuk Lamat silently - silently even for the WoL, no gestures or implied responses, she sheepishly goes "you don't have to answer now... also I got you that pass to Xak Tural I promised?.." Only then do you smile. And you have the option of basically turning around after that and walking directly into Xak Turaal without talking to anyone except Erenville, which I found appropriate and more than a little hilarious. Finally, much later, Wuk Lamat even goes "ok, yeah, I get it now, the invitation was kinda stupid, sorry" - which is a big Point for her in my WoL's eyes.
And you get to just walk away! And there are no problems arising from that! And you walk into Shaaloani, doubling down on the "nope. I am On Vacation. Nothing but the wind and the vibes", and it was exactly what I wanted and needed. And then, after Shaaloani, once I've thoroughly relaxed, the plot picks up! I've had my rest, and now I get to do shit! 10/10 hit in the personal preferences, no notes.
All of this would've been enough to bring DT on par with HW and above ShB (which had the "new world exploration" down pat, but was also much more inconsistent in its pacing for me). But what brings it really... Above HW for me was the last zone. Because that zone hit stuff I'd been needing to have a good cry about, and I spent 8 hours doing just that: reading through and sobbing.
Now, this was a very personal hit in the themes. I mean, it was mostly coincidence that it hit that hard. But it was what I needed.
Dawntrail is an expansion that has two main themes: vacation (break, pause, freedom) and death. Death, while always present as an FFXIV theme, here is discussed specifically in the aspect of "leaving behind stuff for others to take care of". These two themes are bundled in extremely neatly, you keep going back and forth between them, and they reach a crescendo in the last zone, which is a memorial disguised as an amusement park; a memorial whose paperclip-optimizer managing AI was about to try and kill everyone it could reach in order to keep that memorial's lights on. So you walk into a deteriorating attempt to make the "between-space" of vacation last forever, and then you turn that vacation into death, and that comes as a relief.
I won't go into the IRL bullshit that made me cry over this. But the mix of "you can't capture happiness in a gilded cage" and also "you cannot exist in that liminal space where you temporarily leave your burdens - you shouldn't try to actually live there", and finally "someday you will have to leave your burdens to someone else, and you will never solve everything forever" - yeah, I needed that. I needed a good ghost story right now, and I didn't know I did. So the last zone hit insanely hard, and I loved it.
And it hit all the harder because the focus wasn't on me. For contrast, Ultima Thule was my least favorite zone of EW. It was a total, absolute miss for me - the exact kind of "the writers are trying to make it personal" that I hate. I think I have the exact feeling about Ultima Thule that most people have about Dawntrail: if the plot had been moved a few steps to the side, I would've enjoyed it - say, have the Scions lean into "we're building a bridge, and whoever gets to the end will have to handle the rest. WoL, though - you're gonna have to be the last one to go, we need you to bring us back. Let's walk into this with our eyes open" rather than into the "sacrifice" aesthetic. But they didn't, and it didn't hit for me. I felt sort of numb and irritated throughout.
Meanwhile, Living Memory - and its focus on a bunch of NPCs I didn't know, and then Krile, and then Erenville and Cahciua - let me experience what I needed to experience without also feeling like the writers are dragging the requisite emotion out of me with pliers. For once, playing through the story as a Black mage was amazing - I was very much "okay, time to put on my thaumaturge ritual robes and hold a funeral". It was a somber feeling, but also it felt like it should.
And then you get a multidimensional key out of it! And you end 7.0 alone, looking at a map with the key in your posession, and you can see the gears turning in your WoL's head as they plan... That's my personal perfect ending.
As a result, this expansion made me reflect very heavily on my own personal preferences on pacing and plot, and how the niche that I inhabit is probably smaller than I thought. Things that are absolute dealbreakers for other people are barely blips on my radar; while things that are absolutely monumental to me often go unnoticed. Good stuff to know for a writer - and I'm very grateful for getting a story that was written so close to what I like.
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djservo · 1 year
beat you to it once again... oopsie! early, even! JUNE: what did you read, what did you think? what's next in your summer reading, cas? i want to know it all
not only was I not first but I'm also days late to this too, a girl can't win! </3
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I read 5 which is kinda silly & perhaps proves the theory of me reading more when I travel - something about a full schedule that just makes me go Ahhhh yes perfect time to read ! I made a lil visual of the 5 bc for some reason my goodreads isn't showing the dennis cooper covers + I really loved the cover art
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Closer by Dennis Cooper
my first Cooper, I feel initiated!! read this in one sitting on a flight, I couldn't possibly put it down - truly the book form of a car crash you can't look away from, a Camus/Bresson/Araki vibe with Disaffected / Cynical Youths In Situations™ feel. one of those books where it's not so much about the prose or character developments but moreso the emotional journey/damage (lol) the events put you thru?? I read it on my kindle and was still paranoid someone would catch a glimpse of my screen during the particularly depraved scenes, it's such a rush to read sick twisted books like this in public <3
Frisk by Dennis Cooper
read this on a beach day with friends and it trulyyy hit the spot, like will 4real recommend this as a beach read if anyone asks LOL with Closer still fresh on my mind I was less shocked by the depravity, less taken back with the extent of how graphic things got, and was able to focus more on the characters and storyline itself. realllyyyy really loved it, the theme of obsession and unraveling it to its foundational moments came across so cohesively + the unreliable narrator was written so convincingly. I read in a review that while Cooper was writing sex scenes, if anything turned him on, he would rewrite it LOL I love that so much - COMMIT TO THE SICK BIT, TRULY! a testament to writing sick things not equaling glorifying/romanticizing said sick things (which should go without say but yknow). also Loved the movie adaptation of this - it's been on my radar 5ever and I'm so glad I read it first bc the gritty artistic direction(s) felt that much more justified to me
The Carnivorous Lamb by Agustín Gómez-Arcos
3 fictions in a row omg are you proud?? this was soooooo beyond what I expected, so gripping. it reminded me a little bit of Call Me By Your Name at times (ironically not even just bc of the taboo relationships) with its hazy idyllic summerlike prose and ambience, but this one's definitely way meatier with its themes and intent. incest/queerness/family dysfunction as metaphor/consequence/response to a dictatorship, the aftermath of war, the disintegration of a country as you once know it. so punchy and direct but also delicate and wide-eyed at times, I really really enjoyed it more than I expected to. was very surprised to find out that it seems to be a hit with Supernatural fans (particularly the subsection that ships the 2 brothers together), stripping context from the flowerier lines for the purpose of singling out the incest....like ummm!! that's certainly One way to interpret a book so tangled with Franco's dictatorship but ok go off?!!
Pornotopia by Paul Preciado
ooooooo so much fun. the playboy mansion as disneyland for grown men, as a surveillance state, as dante's 9 levels of hell, as women's prison. The Girls Next Door was my first introduction to Playboy and I used to be so fascinated with the idea of people living this way, like you're telling me these hot young women are CHOOSING to live with this frail hag in a robe??? so it was cool to unravel the mystique of the mansion/company/Institution of Playboy to its bare, ideological + architectural bones. to follow, I read this profile piece on Hefner's eldest son's experience growing up in/around the mansion - what a trip!
How Do I Look? Queer Film and Video by Bad Object-Choices
I'm almost positive I read one of the essays (Looking For My Penis by Richard Fung) in college already bc I had a sense of deja vu the whole time, but generally this felt really familiar! conversations/discussions I've had in school, movies I've watched and the analyses that followed. this collection is essentially a bunch of transcribed presentations/talks at a conference followed by a discussion with fellow queer/film theorists/academics, so there was so much dimension to every topic which I appreciated! rly loved that they didn't hold back in the discussions, kind of scandalizing to see some theorists poke holes at the presenter's talk + you can Feel the tension that was in the room without even being there. I think I'd pee my pants in that position
I turn 25 in August and had idealized getting all my #EssentialAdult reading in the time leading up to the (alleged) Final Forming Of Thy Brain, finally dip my toes in some Joan Didion or some city woman grown-up wisdom, all that jazz. I'm kinda on a fiction kick though?? I've already finished 2 books this month (1 fiction, 1 memoir) I'll talk about later + am like halfway thru the 3rd George Miles Cycle book by Cooper (Closer + Frisk are part of a 5-book series, though mostly unrelated as far as characters go). I've got another fiction I have planned, but otherwise I do think I'm in desperate need of a woman's literary touch LOL so perhaps I will get on the Road-to-25 plan after all
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mydetheturk · 1 year
What order should I watch/read trigun? Like anime first before maximum? Or does it matter or not? I really do want to get into maximum because I heard nothing but good things about it!
oh! um. Hi? I don't think i'm an expert or anything but i can do my best?
you. You probably don't wanna do what i did, which was: only just get into trigun when stampede came out, watch the first three episodes, think to yourself "damn this is cool. three episode rule really kicked in hard. this is a compliment," watch weekly until episode 6, find out hulu has the original anime dubbed and proceed to watch that in about 3 days, continue watching tristamp for another couple weeks, find the overhaul project of the manga, read a volume or two a night until you've started volume 8, at which point you read the rest of volumes 8-14 in a blur (pausing for a cry at volume 10), at which point the last two episodes of season one of tristamp have yet to come out; your roommate makes you watch badlands rumble with them the same night you watch the season finale, JUST so they can watch you watch wolfwood say the gayest sentence you've ever heard with your own two ears.
follow all of this up with the trigun book club (started by @trigunbookclub) to actually figure out what the fuck you were reading in the first place.
if you want to start with one of the anime, you can either start with tristamp or trigun 98 first - tristamp season one is 12 episodes and its set up as a prequel series. trigun 98 is mostly vibes, but its really fun - in its defense, the only thing out of trigun the manga at the time was the two volumes of trigun and maybe the first volume or two of trimax? tristamp is working with the whole of trimax, and if you read trimax before watching tristamp you'll catch stuff! there's also stuff in trimax that reference the 98 anime! its a very self-referential series. (complimentary)
or you can jump right into trimax! i recommend the translation done by @trigun-manga-overhaul - they've done a really good job of translating it and keeping things consistent. dark horse has the official release, and i can't say anything for or against it atm because i am still working my way through it. i don't have all the volumes and i haven't just gotten the digital version yet. i keep forgetting
it's fairly heavy in tone though - themes such as bodily autonomy come up, assault of various kinds, body horrors, mental illnesses, just a whole host of things. Nightow does a really good job handling them, imo. plus the art is insane! in a genuinely good way! i love how nightow lets us sit with things sometimes!
Nightow also has really lovely pieces of perspective art and there are so many times while reading (and rereading) the manga I've just left the image open if I've got the overhaul translation up or sat my physical dark horse copy (the single volumes are hard to get (prohibitively expensive in the used manga market, even for someone with a 50% discount thanks to work) but dark horse is putting out a deluxe edition starting this fall (oct '23)) down and just. soaked it in. i know I've got posts in my book club tag talking about how nightow's art Works Thematically
(despite the "goofy" part in my title, there aren't a ton of goofs in trimax or tristamp, but the ones that are there genuinely make it hurt more. this is a compliment. it's a little Pratchett-esque in this way.)
(trigun is a fucked up scifi western, and it changed my brain chemistry. this is important for you to know. it will change your brain chemistry. are you prepared for the consequences?)
(i did pose this to some peeps & they suggest 98/trimax/tristamp, just because 98 prepares you for the art style in trimax where tristamp has so many references to trimax. they did concede that i while i might have had the weirdest way of getting into trigun, it might have actually been the most well rounded. jury's out getting peer-reviewed)
Genuinely sorry about the wall of text, and I hope it makes sense! Enjoy Trigun! have fun getting your brain rewired!
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cosmicangst · 1 year
tags you're it
personal blathering space ft. mostly psycho-pass, joseimuke, (j)rpgs, and video games, lit, vibes, and some misc romance-adjacent stuff. maybe writing and some art. 
i don’t tag everything but i will tag content/trigger warnings so drop me a line. i also collect tropes/themes:
#god’s not dead; she’s just very tired. catch-all religion, spirituality, and mythology
#they used to shout my name; now they whisper it. prophets, martyrs, and made heroes
#après moi le déluge. witch grandma à la strega nona and/or neighbor who communes with goats and that old dead guy who lives in your cupboard
#those who do and those who don’t. cyberpunk, machines who dreamed themselves into sentience, (non)binary states
#upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand. decaying empires, beasts slouching towards bethlehem, and crumbling concrete in the backstreets of the city
#tragedy is clean. it’s restful. it’s certain. the ontology of tragedies, loop storytelling, doomed endings, and good old-fashioned classics
#half daughter / half apology. kind of an ‘about me’ tag— mixture of queer-ing, gender-ing with monster theory and being slightly off from that mental illness luv <3
#diaspora blues. soul-weary homesickness when home doesn’t resemble home anymore
#whatever walked there walked alone. ghosts, hauntology, places that are born rather than built
#romance novels are good actually. because they are!!! also featuring romance novels that i’ve recently read
#💌. future love letters for me and you <33333
#growth. revisit and repeat
#provocations. other food for thot
#footnotes. arbitrary to-read list, mostly history or critical theory/activist texts
fandom-specific things:
#secondhand smoke. tsunemori akane and kougami shinya from psycho-pass (this is THE blog essentially)
#hawya. my fic, “here, and where you are”, a shinkane pride and prejudice/regency au
#pp. psycho-pass meta, memes, discussion, etc.
#sims. my long lifespan sims 4 playthrough ft. shinkane and their descendants
#one single thread of gold. artem wing and rosa/mc (named “elle finch” in-game) from tears of themis
#got your six. shepard and garrus vakarian from the mass effect series because no universe exists where one is without the other
#shepard. my mass effect oc, augustine jane shepard. she’s a pinay earthborn sole survivor with a paragade streak.
#if he is not the word of god. god never spoke. tomas ortega and marcus keane from the exorcist
#please picture me in the weeds. five and viktor from the umbrella academy, and the loving oroborous of the apocalypse that is their family.
#there was the poetry. a dot ham and a dot burr from hamilton. yeah i know
#jm. catch-all liveblogs/notes for all my joseimuke playthroughs
#tme. my book, the moon eaters, which is magical realism set in contemporary los angeles with elements of filipino mythology! really love this novel, hope to write it someday
#for a rainy day., #drafts. prompts, ideas, fic fodder/memes, and works-in-progress
#notes., #fic rec. media reviews, notes, and recs
#weekly reads. my round-up/reviews for what i read the past week
#audio. mostly showtunes, my middle school emo phase, etc. that i downloaded from limewire
#🇵🇭. philippines and filipino diaspora-related art/text
#gif., #edit. non-fic/art related things i’ve made
#reply. answered asks/replies
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married-2-the-music · 11 months
K-pop Discography Deep Dives: Billlie (Supplemental)
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A Disclaimer: I was planning, when I first started Tumblr, to be a lurker, but then I began an office job and needed something to listen to to keep myself occupied. And then, I started going through entire K-pop groups’ repertoires, album by album, and jotting down my thoughts. And then, I stumbled into K-pop tumblr and decided, you know what, there’s at least four people on this hell site who would read in depth rants about these discographies and at least five who wouldn’t read it and then get mad because it’s kind of our job as K-pop fans. My lukewarm takes should be taken with an entire silo of salt and the knowledge that this is completely for fun and occupying my very bored, very neurodivergent brain. All this to say, for the love of god, I’m a sleep-deprived student and I don’t have time for internet hate, so don’t kill me. With that being said, enjoy!
So, since I’ll probably be tackling some groups with large discographies, both now and in the future, I thought it’d be good to shine lights on some smaller groups and soloists who either aren’t as popular and/or have much smaller repertoires, so that’s what we’re doing today! These are going to be a lot more chill than my deep dives because they’re really more of a fun break than anything else.
Here are my credentials: uh…basically none? I know most of their titles and I really love one in particular. I know a little about them through Moon Sua, since she’s Moonbin’s sister and I’d consider myself a fan of his through his acting (I know, there’s like a chart of separation). I’ve been wanting to give Billlie a chance for a while now and I figured this would be a good opportunity to do that. So let’s get started!
Billlie is a seven member group, composed of Moon Sua, Tsuki, Sheon, Suhyeon, Haram, Siyoon, and Haruna, and they’ve been together since 2021 (Although Sheon joined in 2022). As a side note, I know I mentioned this back in my NCT Dream review, but it still absolutely freaks me out when I review groups with idols who not only debuted when younger than me but still are younger than me now, like some of the members of Billlie are. My heart goes out to them, because being 15 is hell on earth all on its own without the insane added stress of being an idol. All this is to say that I have tremendous respect for the members (both of groups I know and don’t). So, without further ado, let’s finally get into the music.
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Ring X Ring begins more harshly than I was expecting from the quirkier tracks I’ve heard before, with its heavy EDM base and almost rock guitar. Once we get to the chorus, it’s much more what I was expecting, with the poppier vibes, higher voices, and catchy beat. I appreciate that they don’t do what many k-pop groups do and abandon the excellent intro after it catches your attention, because that EDM continues throughout the track, and into the second part of that bridge / dance break, which surprisingly, I really liked, especially when it mixes with the creepiness of those nursery-rhyme-esque vocalizations. The only stumbling point I have with this one is with the short rap verse before that dance break, because either the tempo or the intonation are just…wrong for me? It doesn’t feel like the same song. Otherwise, I liked this one, and it definitely establishes who they are right out of the gate.
From Ring X Ring’s EP The Billage Of Perception (Chapter One), I liked a couple songs. Flowerld, despite the odd name, is soothing and emotional, and gives Billlie a chance to really use their voices and showcase their excellent harmonizing; the strings elevated the entire song and especially the last chorus was great. I also liked Everybody’s Got A $ecret’s oddness, and I think it could’ve made a good single with a few tweaks, and the bridge of Rumor is good too.
Snowy Night begins with a gentle piano and a crooning quality to the voices. I’m surprised by a lot of this song: how slow it is, how decidedly adorable it is, and how early into their careers it was released. It feels mean to critique it as harshly as I would a usual single, so all I’ll say is that, while I’m not an especially Christmasy person, I did really like their voices and the stuttering frame rate and various delightful illustrations for the MV gave it a nostalgic stop-motion feel that I appreciated. It’s not a bad song.
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Gingamingayo (Korean for being unsure about something) also has a harsh beginning, but perhaps it feels more so coming right after hearing Snowy Night. The verses are almost entirely rapping, which I have to disclose, is not my personal taste, even if some of them are pretty good at it. In Ring X Ring, I did feel like the verses and chorus were a little disconnected, but I assumed it was intentional and it probably isn’t something I’d take note of unless I was analyzing it for a review. Here, it feels like they’re not just not the same song, but from completely different planets. I do like the chorus, but I was too busy being confused to truly enjoy it. And then we get to the bridge, which is quite honestly, a bit grating on the ears, and cycles through around ten different genres: first, scream-sing talk, then actual singing, then back to rapping, then a a dance break with vocalizing, then ra-da-da-dum, then silence, then finally back to the chorus. And breathe. Billlie sells it as best they can but Gingamingayo is so bizarre that I can’t even decide how I feel about it. Maybe I need to listen a few more times to make up my mind.
The Collective Soul And Unconsciousness, Chapter One is another mouthful of an album title so it’s good that this EP is also pretty strong. A sign ~ anonymous is quite synthy and has a bit of a funky edge with the horns in the background, and besides being super catchy lets the members experiment a bit with different vocal techniques, which I really liked. Overlap (1/1) is also strong, and the interesting instrumental caught my attention right away. Believe is quite sweet and I enjoyed its optimism. I just wish all of these tracks weren’t so short because a lot of them feel like they could’ve done with another half a minute to really be fleshed out.
Ring Ma Bell is the first song I heard of Billlie’s, and it struck me immediately from the first round of drums. It pulses with a great energy, and sounds like a song a rock band would release mixed with a few classic k-pop touches. There’s an anthemic quality to it, and between the vocals and the electric guitars, I was headbanging in the first verse. It’s a song meant to be performed and I can totally see a crowd going crazy over it at a concert. I think it does a great job of standing out, as Billlie’s songs always do, and this sound works really well for them. And that bridge / lead in to the final chorus? So good! I hope they come back to another rock song sometime in the future.
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The Billage Of Perception (Chapter Two) has a few notable songs too. My favorite was B’rave ~ A Song For Matilda, which is a weird little ballad but, being both a fan of weird little ballads and the story of a weird little girl called Matilda from the Roald Dahl novel, this one definitely touched me. In my opinion, there’s never enough songs about young girls having and being proud of their power, and Billlie, for all their expressed quirkiness, convey emotions in their music quite well. Other songs I liked were My B = The Birth of Emotion, which has a good build up, especially in the bridge, but not the most satisfying pay-off, and Who’s The Joker, which has some great harmonizing that holds it together through its less perfect moments.
EUNOIA (which is Greek for beautiful mind) has a synthy opening, and between the blurry schoolgirl aesthetic, neutral colors, and subtle aegyo, it reminds me a bit of a New Jeans track. Subtle is the word for this track: it’s catchy and ethereal, and hums along with the kind of middling goodness that makes it not a particularly bad song but…a bit forgettable. There’s nothing unique here, which is surprising, and honestly a little disappointing. As much as I’m utterly baffled by Gingamingayo, at least it had some personality. I did like the bridge and the dance break, and the chorus is far more interesting with the extra layer of vocalizing, but overall…eh?
The Billage Of Perception (Chapter Three) has one big hidden gem for me in Lionheart. Firstly, great title. Secondly, and probably more importantly, I liked the song from the steady heartbeat drumming at the beginning and by the time we get to the chorus and the main thread, vocalizing, electro beat, and more sophisticated drumming come together, I had already decided it would be my favorite. The last chorus amplifies this even more, with three different strands of lyrics and to my harmony-obsessed ears, it was perfection. I also liked Enchanted Night’s sleek minimalist city-pop and how its harsher rap moments mix with the gentler vocalizing.
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Bring Your Own Best Friend is a pre-release and Billlie’s first song in a little while, as members Sua and Suhyeon are still on hiatus, the former for obvious reasons and the latter due to health issues. BYOB, like EUNOIA, is ethereal and gentle, but unlike it, it still carves out its own identity. I like the catchiness, the humor, and the smooth transitions between verses and choruses, and I’m always up for a good let’s-have-fun-with-the-girls song. It’s nothing trailblazing but it’s sweet and it’s a good time.
Hocus Pocus is the single promoted with BYOB, and from the start, it’s a welcome return to form, playing with k-pop conventions and having a great time doing it. It’s poppy and weird; off-kilter in a delightful way that had me tapping my head. It takes the good parts of a lot of their songs—the drive of Ring Ma Bell, the ethereal quality of EUNOIA, the concept of Ring X Ring, and the oddball energy of Gingamingayo—and turns it into what may not be my favorite of their singles, but is definitely the best encapsulation of their work as a whole.
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So, as always, I’m glad I did this! Billlie isn’t a band I knew much about, but after getting to know them a bit better, I can say I like them. Between such insanely long song titles, tracks that go gallivanting across genres like they have all the time in the world, and the very funny interviews I watched, I found myself incredibly charmed. I wouldn’t call myself an outright fan, but I’ll be keeping an eye on them, and I’m looking forward to their next comeback.
My Top 5 songs from Billlie are Ring Ma Bell, Lionheart, Hocus Pocus, Ring X Ring, and B’rave ~ A Song For Matilda, with Believe as an honorable mention. Billlie gets an 8 out of 10 from me, which I would define as good, but not consistently so. They’re in a similar realm to (G)I-DLE for me, as in, when they work, they really work, and their successful experiments are among my favorites. But, when those experiments fail, the songs can very easily fall flat and feel messy. I gave (G)I-DLE a higher score both because they’re self-produced and because they use their titles to talk about social issues, but again, the issues I take with both are similar. I am also a Neverland—a (G)-IDLE fan—so take that into account too.
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As a reminder, this was a supplemental, so next up is part one of a much older girl group’s two part review, and next week we’ll have another supplemental (a boy group you might’ve heard of?) and part two of said long review.
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🦇 Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
❝ Four-legged or two, when someone finds their purpose, magical things happen. ❞
❓ #QOTD If you could shift into any supernatural creature, what would it be? ❓ 🦇 Now that Rose Maxwell is no longer the next Prima witch on the Supernatural Council, she's at a loss with what to do with her life. Thoughts of her impulsive, steamy one-night stand with Damian Adams, a half-Demon, still swim in her mind. After a string of dead-end jobs, she finds herself sentenced to completing community hours at an animal sanctuary—the sanctuary where Damian happens to work as a vet. Still tingling from their brief encounter together, the two develop a friends-with-benefits arrangement, certain they won't catch feelings. Unknown to Rose, Damian will lose his humanity if he falls in love. Is the stubborn, sassy witch worth that risk?
💜 April Asher's writing draws you in from the get-go, inviting you to escape into a world of Supernatural beings, magic, and lovestruck mayhem. The prose is playful, enchanting, and witty, ensuring one page rushes right into the next. The book plays like a movie (fitting, since Rose is a fan of romcoms and grand gestures) with an attention to detail that sweeps you off your feet and plops you right into Rose's witchy world. This grumpy vs sunshine pairing bring the banter and sexual chemistry, but they don't overshadow the overarching plot and singular character development. Each side character contributes to the story with their own motivations as well (which will make you all the more eager to read the other two books in the Supernatural Singles series). Don't wait until autumn; whether you're ready for romantic witchy vibes or not, Asher's writing is sure to enchant you.
🪄 The only time the spell stalled for me was when the pacing hiccuped. Each time the story seemed to pick up, it stalled again. With how much information we're given about Rose's family, I do wish we'd received more of Damian's backstory than one flashback. Maybe I'm being selfish in wanting MORE of Asher's dynamic, realistic (despite the Supernatural bloodlines) characters.
🦇 If you're an old-school fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or OG Charmed, this book is for you! And if you're not, the hijinx, laugh-out-loud humor, and heat are bound to enthrall you. This book is pure magic!
🪄 Grumpy vs Sunshine 🔮 Paranormal Romance 🪄 Witty Writing 🔮 Friends With Benefits 🪄 Bwitchy Banter
🦇 Major thanks to the author and publisher for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.
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Can’t sleep and I don’t have the facilities with me to write properly so here’s a bunch of F1 headcanons/scenarios based on my own niche interests for your enjoyment!
- Daniel loves movies. I mean he fucking loves movies.
- Whenever he isn’t away for a race weekend, the two of you always have a movie night on a Friday.
- You usually start by ordering takeout, usually going between a bunch of local restaurants on a rotating basis unless you both particularly desire a certain cuisine.
- While eating, you’ll watch movie one. Usually something chill that you’ve seen before, specifically one of your favourite movies; something you can pretty much quote from memory so you don’t miss anything while distracted by food.
- After dinner, you’ll have dessert. Something like ice cream or cookies or brownies. Anything decadent and delicious.
- Once dessert has been consumed, you watch a second movie together. Something you’ve never seen before, maybe a new release or something that’s been on your ‘to watch’ list for a while.
- After watching, you both review the film on Letterboxd and compare ratings, having a good discussion about it before you retire to bed. Daniel tends to review films in a more comedic, goofy style unless it’s something that really resonates with him. In which case, he’ll write a whole rambling essay with lots of block capitals and general yelling about how good the movie was.
- It’s no secret that you and Max love quizzes. The abundance of general knowledge between the two of you makes you an unbeatable team in any quiz you may take part in.
- You both enjoy trying to catch one another out with increasingly difficult and niche questions throughout the day, either face to face when you wake up in the morning together, or via text when Max is away and you can’t be there with him.
- With you both being extremely competitive, you often have challenges between the two of you to learn something new, usually focusing on geography or science based categories to see who can learn something the fastest.
- When trying to remember the names of all 50 US states and capitals, Max had become incredibly frustrated at not being able to list all the states while you had done so with ease. You teased him all evening, knowing you had the answer written in your notebook while he stewed for hours, determined to complete the challenge without giving in. Eventually, he yielded, and much to his shame, realised he had missed Texas. You never let him forget it, and it pisses him off endlessly when you tease him about it.
- You and Seb both love music. You’ll listen to anything if the vibes are good, and are always open to different genres and styles.
- Since your very first meeting, you have both introduced one another to so many niche and interesting artists the other had never even heard of before.
- When you both moved in together, one of the first things you purchased was a multi-room sound system so you could listen to music wherever you went in the house.
- You also have a vast collection of physical music, stored in a room big enough to be confused with a Music Store. There you keep all your vinyls, cassette tapes and CDs neatly shelved in alphabetical order. It is your pride and joy, and you both take great pride in your collection.
- Whenever you find something new to listen to, you always make sure to wait to do it together. You like to curl up on the sofa together and listen to the whole album from start to finish as Seb gently strokes your hair. Afterwards, you can talk for hours about the tracks, which ones you liked, which ones you didn’t and so on.
- After being friends with Mick for a while, he finally revealed to you his biggest secret; he is a massive Doctor Who fan. Upon this revelation, you too revealed your obsession with the show.
- From discovering your shared interest, the two of you began the intensive ritual of rewatching every single episode in order, starting from 2005 to the present day, followed by any particular classic episodes you enjoyed, and finishing with a marathon of the many spin offs.
- You were able to talk endlessly about the show, ranking your favourite episodes and series, characters and species. As well as arguing about who the best Doctor was, of course, which is a source of contention between the two of you.
- When one of you is feeling down, you know exactly how to cheer the other up; by playing their comfort episode and providing many snacks. You both know the episodes pretty much off-by-heart and so mostly spend the time together talking about the episode and what your favourite parts are. By the end, you feel so much better, but even so, you can’t help but keep watching until you accidentally finish a series once again.
- Loves books. But like you is more of a book collector than a book reader.
- His ‘to read’ list continues to get longer, but due to his busy schedule, his ‘read’ list does not expand half as quickly. You also have the same problem, as you struggle to find the time to fully enjoy a book.
- Whenever the two of you are free to spend time together, you like to get away somewhere, with no pressure or input from others, and just sink into your books.
- The quiet company of one another as you both read, cuddled up together on a sofa or a sun lounger, is the most peaceful feeling. If you could, you’d spend eternity this way.
- You have what you like to call your own little book club, where you’ll take turns reading each other a chapter of a book and then discuss it together at the end. You love being able to just listen to his voice, and he is just as absorbed in your every word.
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Hot Off the Press: New WordPress.com Themes for September 2024
Hot Off the Press: New WordPress.com Themes for September 2024 The WordPress.com team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. Check out the latest themes in our library, including great options for brats, foodies, and beauty bloggers. Take a look below. All WordPress.com Themes Partygurl Tap into your brat summer vibes all year round with our brand new Partygurl theme. Inspired by the now-iconic bright green and simple typography from Charli XCX’s Brat album, this styling will immediately identify you as someone who’s done with the “clean and polished” aesthetic of sameness that you see across the web. Click here to view a demo of this theme. RecipeBook RecipeBook is a warm, vibrant theme made for foodie content creators who want their recipes to shine. Inspired by the charm of old-school cookbooks, RecipeBook pairs eye-catching colors with bold typography. The homepage invites discovery with a handy category list and flexible Query Loop block, making it easy to showcase your culinary creations. Whether you’re sharing recipes or creating food collections, RecipeBook offers a playful yet functional design to help you dish out your passion for cooking. Click here to view a demo of this theme. Goodskin Goodskin is a great theme for beauty bloggers and skincare enthusiasts. With its light, calming aesthetic and clean layout, Goodskin provides an elegant space for sharing your routines, product reviews, and more. The theme includes thoughtful features like a sidebar for easy navigation and a product rating pattern to highlight your favorite finds. Available in three soothing color variations—Jojoba, Blush, and Eyeshadow—Goodskin offers a serene, sophisticated platform that allows your content to glow. Click here to view a demo of this theme. Luxus Luxus is the perfect look for beauty salons wanting to make a sleek, no-fuss impression. Designed with simplicity in mind, Luxus gives the essentials—services, location, hours, and contact information—right away on the homepage, making it easy for clients to find what they need. Optimized for mobile right out of the box with a clean, single-column layout, Luxus offers a seamless experience for your busy, on-the-go clientele. With the luxurious Ojuju font for headings and the classic Hanken Grotesk for body text, this theme exudes elegance while keeping the focus on what matters most. Click here to view a demo of this theme. To install any of the above themes, click the name of the theme you like, which brings you right to the installation page. Then click the “Activate this design” button. You can also click “Open live demo,” which brings up a clickable, scrollable version of the theme for you to preview. Premium themes are available to use at no extra charge for customers on the Personal plan or above. Partner themes are third-party products that can be purchased for $99/year each on the Business plan and above. You can explore all of our themes by navigating to the “Themes” page, which is found under “Appearance” in the left-side menu of your WordPress.com dashboard. Or you can click below: All WordPress.com Themes Tags and categories: Themes, WordPress, wordpress-com via WordPress https://ift.tt/aNdh9G5 September 24, 2024 at 11:54AM
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estatedekho26 · 11 days
Apartments for sale in ameenpur hyderabad
Discover Your Dream Home: Apartments/Flats for Sale in Ameenpur, Hyderabad
Welcome to Ameenpur, Hyderabad! If you're reading this, you're probably on the lookout for the perfect apartment or flat to call home. Well, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if that's your thing), sit back, and let's dive into the vibrant world of Ameenpur's real estate market. From cozy 2 BHK flats to spacious 3 BHK apartments, this article has everything you need to know about finding your dream home in this bustling suburb.
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Why Ameenpur?
Location, Location, Location!
Ameenpur is a rapidly developing suburb in Hyderabad, known for its strategic location and excellent connectivity. Nestled between the buzzing IT hubs of Hitec City and Gachibowli, Ameenpur offers the perfect balance of urban convenience and serene living. Whether you're a techie looking for a short commute or a family seeking a peaceful neighborhood, Ameenpur ticks all the boxes.
Amenities Galore
One of the biggest perks of living in Ameenpur is the abundance of amenities. Picture this: you're just a stone's throw away from shopping malls, schools, hospitals, and recreational centers. Need groceries? No problem! Want to catch the latest blockbuster? There's a multiplex nearby. From gyms to parks, Ameenpur has it all.
Types of Apartments/Flats in Ameenpur
1 BHK Apartments/Flats
For those starting their homeownership journey or looking for a cozy nest, 1 BHK apartments/Flats in Ameenpur are a fantastic option. These compact yet comfortable flats offer all the essentials without breaking the bank. Plus, they’re perfect for singles or young couples who appreciate a minimalistic lifestyle.
2 BHK Apartments/Flats
If you're planning to start a family or need a bit more space, 2 BHK apartments/Flats are the way to go. These flats strike the perfect balance between affordability and spaciousness. With two bedrooms, a living area, and a kitchen, you have enough room to live comfortably and entertain guests.
3 BHK Apartments/Flats
For larger families or those who simply love having extra space, 3 BHK apartments/Flats in Ameenpur are the ultimate choice. These flats offer three bedrooms, ample living space, and sometimes even a study or a servant's room. Imagine having a room for each member of the family and still having space left for a home office or a guest room!
Why Buy an Apartment in Ameenpur?
One of the biggest draws of Ameenpur is its affordability compared to other parts of Hyderabad. You get more bang for your buck, whether you're buying a 2 BHK or a 3 BHK apartment. The real estate market here is still developing, which means you can snag a great deal before prices soar.
Investment Potential
Ameenpur's real estate market is on an upward trajectory, making it a smart investment choice. With the rapid development of infrastructure and the influx of IT companies, property values are expected to appreciate significantly in the coming years. Buying an apartment here now could mean a hefty return on investment down the line.
Community Living
Living in an apartment complex in Ameenpur means you're part of a vibrant community. From kids playing in the park to neighbors chatting in the common areas, there's a sense of camaraderie that's hard to find elsewhere. Plus, many complexes come with amenities like swimming pools, clubhouses, and gyms, adding to the communal vibe.
Finding the Right Apartment/Flat in Ameenpur
Research and Shortlist
Start by researching the various apartment complexes in Ameenpur. Look for ones that align with your budget and requirements. Make a shortlist of potential options and read reviews from current residents. 
Visit and Inspect
Once you have a shortlist, schedule visits to each of the complexes. This step is crucial because pictures can be deceiving. Walk around the property, check the construction quality, and get a feel for the neighborhood. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about maintenance, security, and any other concerns you might have.
Compare and Decide
After visiting, compare your options based on factors like price, location, amenities, and overall vibe. Trust your gut feeling and choose the apartment that feels right for you. Remember, this is going to be your home, so it should resonate with your lifestyle and preferences.
The Legalities and Formalities
Check the Paperwork
Before finalizing the purchase, ensure all the legal paperwork is in order. This includes verifying the property title, checking for any pending dues, and ensuring the builder has all necessary approvals. It might be wise to hire a real estate lawyer to help you navigate the legal complexities.
Loan and Financing
If you're planning to take a home loan, get your finances in order. Compare loan offers from different banks and choose one that offers the best interest rates and terms. Having a good credit score will definitely work in your favor.
The Final Step
Once everything is in place, it's time for the final step – signing the dotted line. Make sure to read the agreement thoroughly and understand all the terms and conditions. Congratulations, you're now the proud owner of an apartment in Ameenpur!
Living the Ameenpur Life
The Daily Grind
Living in Ameenpur means enjoying the best of both worlds. On weekdays, you have a quick commute to work, thanks to the excellent connectivity. On weekends, you can explore the local markets, indulge in some retail therapy, or simply relax at home.
Community Events
Many apartment complexes in Ameenpur organize community events and activities. From festive celebrations to fitness classes, there's always something happening. It's a great way to meet your neighbors and make new friends.
Dining and Entertainment
Ameenpur offers a variety of dining options, from cozy cafes to fine dining restaurants. Whether you're craving Indian, Chinese, or continental cuisine, you'll find something to satisfy your taste buds. And if you're a movie buff, there are multiplexes where you can catch the latest releases.
Final Thoughts
Finding the perfect apartment/flat in Ameenpur, Hyderabad, might seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be an exciting and rewarding journey. Remember to take your time, do your research, and trust your instincts. Whether you're looking for a compact 2 BHK or a spacious 3 BHK, Ameenpur has something for everyone.
So, are you ready to start your new chapter in Ameenpur? Happy house hunting, and may you find a home that brings you joy, comfort, and countless happy memories!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about Apartments/Flats for Sale in Ameenpur Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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luxurybeautyreviews · 1 month
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estatedekho04 · 2 months
Apartments, Flats for Sale in Ameenpur Hyderabad
Discover Your Dream Home: Apartments/Flats for Sale in Ameenpur, Hyderabad
Welcome to Ameenpur, Hyderabad! If you're reading this, you're probably on the lookout for the perfect apartment or flat to call home. Well, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if that's your thing), sit back, and let's dive into the vibrant world of Ameenpur's real estate market. From cozy 2 BHK flats to spacious 3 BHK apartments, this article has everything you need to know about finding your dream home in this bustling suburb.
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Apartments , Flats for sale in Ameenpur Hyderabad
Why Ameenpur?
Location, Location, Location!
Ameenpur is a rapidly developing suburb in Hyderabad, known for its strategic location and excellent connectivity. Nestled between the buzzing IT hubs of Hitec City and Gachibowli, Ameenpur offers the perfect balance of urban convenience and serene living. Whether you're a techie looking for a short commute or a family seeking a peaceful neighborhood, Ameenpur ticks all the boxes.
Amenities Galore
One of the biggest perks of living in Ameenpur is the abundance of amenities. Picture this: you're just a stone's throw away from shopping malls, schools, hospitals, and recreational centers. Need groceries? No problem! Want to catch the latest blockbuster? There's a multiplex nearby. From gyms to parks, Ameenpur has it all.
Types of Apartments/Flats in Ameenpur
1 BHK Apartments/Flats
For those starting their homeownership journey or looking for a cozy nest, 1 BHK apartments/Flats in Ameenpur are a fantastic option. These compact yet comfortable flats offer all the essentials without breaking the bank. Plus, they’re perfect for singles or young couples who appreciate a minimalistic lifestyle.
2 BHK Apartments/Flats
If you're planning to start a family or need a bit more space, 2 BHK apartments/Flats are the way to go. These flats strike the perfect balance between affordability and spaciousness. With two bedrooms, a living area, and a kitchen, you have enough room to live comfortably and entertain guests.
3 BHK Apartments/Flats
For larger families or those who simply love having extra space, 3 BHK apartments/Flats in Ameenpur are the ultimate choice. These flats offer three bedrooms, ample living space, and sometimes even a study or a servant's room. Imagine having a room for each member of the family and still having space left for a home office or a guest room!
Why Buy an Apartment in Ameenpur?
One of the biggest draws of Ameenpur is its affordability compared to other parts of Hyderabad. You get more bang for your buck, whether you're buying a 2 BHK or a 3 BHK apartment. The real estate market here is still developing, which means you can snag a great deal before prices soar.
Investment Potential
Ameenpur's real estate market is on an upward trajectory, making it a smart investment choice. With the rapid development of infrastructure and the influx of IT companies, property values are expected to appreciate significantly in the coming years. Buying an apartment here now could mean a hefty return on investment down the line.
Community Living
Living in an apartment complex in Ameenpur means you're part of a vibrant community. From kids playing in the park to neighbors chatting in the common areas, there's a sense of camaraderie that's hard to find elsewhere. Plus, many complexes come with amenities like swimming pools, clubhouses, and gyms, adding to the communal vibe.
Finding the Right Apartment/Flat in Ameenpur
Research and Shortlist
Start by researching the various apartment complexes in Ameenpur. Look for ones that align with your budget and requirements. Make a shortlist of potential options and read reviews from current residents. 
Visit and Inspect
Once you have a shortlist, schedule visits to each of the complexes. This step is crucial because pictures can be deceiving. Walk around the property, check the construction quality, and get a feel for the neighborhood. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about maintenance, security, and any other concerns you might have.
Compare and Decide
After visiting, compare your options based on factors like price, location, amenities, and overall vibe. Trust your gut feeling and choose the apartment that feels right for you. Remember, this is going to be your home, so it should resonate with your lifestyle and preferences.
The Legalities and Formalities
Check the Paperwork
Before finalizing the purchase, ensure all the legal paperwork is in order. This includes verifying the property title, checking for any pending dues, and ensuring the builder has all necessary approvals. It might be wise to hire a real estate lawyer to help you navigate the legal complexities.
Loan and Financing
If you're planning to take a home loan, get your finances in order. Compare loan offers from different banks and choose one that offers the best interest rates and terms. Having a good credit score will definitely work in your favor.
The Final Step
Once everything is in place, it's time for the final step – signing the dotted line. Make sure to read the agreement thoroughly and understand all the terms and conditions. Congratulations, you're now the proud owner of an apartment in Ameenpur!
Living the Ameenpur Life
The Daily Grind
Living in Ameenpur means enjoying the best of both worlds. On weekdays, you have a quick commute to work, thanks to the excellent connectivity. On weekends, you can explore the local markets, indulge in some retail therapy, or simply relax at home.
Community Events
Many apartment complexes in Ameenpur organize community events and activities. From festive celebrations to fitness classes, there's always something happening. It's a great way to meet your neighbors and make new friends.
Dining and Entertainment
Ameenpur offers a variety of dining options, from cozy cafes to fine dining restaurants. Whether you're craving Indian, Chinese, or continental cuisine, you'll find something to satisfy your taste buds. And if you're a movie buff, there are multiplexes where you can catch the latest releases.
Final Thoughts
Finding the perfect apartment/flat in Ameenpur, Hyderabad, might seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be an exciting and rewarding journey. Remember to take your time, do your research, and trust your instincts. Whether you're looking for a compact 2 BHK or a spacious 3 BHK, Ameenpur has something for everyone.
So, are you ready to start your new chapter in Ameenpur? Happy house hunting, and may you find a home that brings you joy, comfort, and countless happy memories!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about Apartments/Flats for Sale in Ameenpur Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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