#Sims 3 NSB
lilithmeadow · 4 months
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geminipixels · 4 months
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Aminta got home from work Friday, and received some lovely cute responses back from Luis. Seems he's receptive of her affections.
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shawsimmer · 3 months
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checking in on my babiesss
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thepettymachine · 2 months
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Wandering Souls Challenge for TS3
Heeey so I made another challenge. Might be the last one I ever make who knows. But I got inspired by the Postcard Legacy for TS4 and made something similar but not similar to it. It took a minute to make but I hope you enjoy
Wandering Souls Challenge is a 10 generation legacy challenge where you go through multiple jobs and careers with story elements involved. This is a challenge if you don't wanna do just one career all of your sims life and don't mind moving around + mild drama but not soul shattering.
Tag: "wandering souls challenge" or "@" me
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I didn't really make any but don't feel obligated to do everything as an objective. Somethings you probably aren't going to get to everything and that's okay. If you do everything congratulations, if you don't move on.
I have no designated way to play this (ex: what town do you recommend in playing with this), I'm giving the player what they want to do within the confines of this challenge. It's your sandbox not mine.
You do have some optional goals for extra fun if you choose to do so.
Have fun
Carry On Wayward Son
When you were young, you didn’t take anything as serious as your music. Your obsession with the chords became as necessary as breathing and you’ll do anything but sell your soul to the industry. But as you grew older and had a family, you wish for more structure with your music in hopes for it to reach the people that desperately need to hear it. So you find an indie record company and work with them because your artistic freedom is still the forefront of why you’re doing all of this. Plus feeding your family and paying the bills. 
Start by making money through collecting tips while working part time jobs
Half way through your YA years, you try a Singing career or being part of a band but it doesn’t work out
As an adult, you enter into the Music career for more structure and to reach a larger fanbase
Pick a branch between classical or rock
Your lover/(s) must be all creative types like you (artist, sculptor, architect, musician, street artist, etc)
You encourage your children to also pursue the arts
Master all 4 instruments (guitar, bass, piano, and drums)
Get at least 3 tattoos somewhere on your body
2. Jeffrey Jeffrey Simzos
If the Grinch and Scrooge had a love child, it would be you. You couldn’t really get behind your parent’s idealistic dreams about music and art, it felt unstable and unrealistic to you. You want wealth and power at your fingertips and anyone at your beck and call. Whether its through a wealthy spouse, your boss, the corporate ladder, or getting into politics, you will reach the top. For there is no redemption arc and no grace to be given for Greed has already devoured the remnants of your dead beating heart.
Have bake sales as a child and dislike any attempts at the arts
Join the Business career
Be enemies with all of your coworkers
Go from a small house/apartment to a big mansion/house
Be the owner of multiple businesses around town + an additional home
Marry a rich sim you definitely married for money
Have at least one child with the butler or maid you hired
You become more power hungry so you join Politics after reaching level 8 of Business career
Steal campaign funds 
Your kids must be the top of their class, no exceptions (straight A’s, no skipping school, be apart of a club) or they are sent to boarding school
You are not close with any of your children
Optional: woohoo your boss
3. Yes Chef
Because excellence was required of you as a child, you tend to have a strong work ethic and unrealistic expectations for yourself and others while despising what you had to endure in your upbringing. The one good thing out of it was discovering your love of cooking. Cooking was a way for you to escape your worries and as an adult you desire to be a chef, going against everything your parents raised you with. You started from the bottom and found your way all the way at the top as head chef. But something is missing and so you explore other cultures and find new excitement in  nectar making. You figure when you retire, you wanna spend the rest of your days being a nectar maker on a giant farm in the countryside.
Start at the diner for the first half of your career, then move over to the bistro for the second half
Bartend for bars at night for extra income
Read every recipe and learn all the fancy drinks
Master Cooking & Mixology
Marry your childhood friend or high school friend you haven’t seen in years
Cook your spouse and children their favorites meals at least once
At the top of your career, you get bored and visit travel other cultures for their cuisine (go to France, Egypt, and China to learn their food recipes)
Get inspired by nectar making 
When becoming an Elder, move to the countryside, retire as a chef, and become a self employed nectar farmer. 
4. Country Roads, Take Me Home
You’ve always found interest in nature as a kid and instead of wanting to be in the comfy suburbs or stargazing the city’s skylines.You even had a knack for bringing stray animals into your home but they always seemed to run away when you left for school (according to your parents). That’s why instead of working a typical 9-5, you fulfill your childhood dream of being on a farm and working with your bare hands. Building a life you always dreamed of yet will work hard to maintain. There’s no sleeping in for this dreamer.
As a child you were part of the scouts
Live on a farm or ranch
Work as a self employed gardener
Master the Fishing, Gardening, and/or Riding skill
Adopt 2 strays (horse, dog or cat)
Marry your helper on the farm or Marry a townie that loves the outdoors/animal lover trait
Wake up in the early hours of the day
Have a big family cause free child labor
Raise a horse from baby to elder 
Optional: Own a cow plant 
Optional: Win the highest horse competition (racing or jumping)
5. He was #1
You’ve always had an interest in the outdoors but sports was your passion and you’re very good at it. So good, you were being scouted by agents who hoped to take you to the pros and have your name chanted by the thousands. Your dream did come true but another did not. You’re a closeted hopeless romantic who always wished to find their soulmate and have a family, but being a professional athlete with a recognizable face has made it difficult for you to find true authentic love. What will it take for you to find love and will you have to choose between your two greatest loves or can they both coexist together for your sake.
Enjoy your outdoor activities (playing ball, going to the pool, camping, etc) once a week
Find love through online dating 
Go on 3 dates with a person before committing 
Host a big wedding party and bachelor/bachelorette party and if possible, ask your partners parents for their blessing
Master the Athletic skill
Become a stay at home parent when you reach level 6  of the sports career
After a sports injury that takes you out of the field. You find yourself recovering and unemployed and decide to take care of your children while deciding your next move. 
You realize you want to be a sports agent so you go back to college as an adult and get your physical education degree 
Reach level 10 of Jock social group. 
Join the Sports Agent career
Gain the Eternally Faithful Moodlet
6. You Blinded Me with Science:
Curiosity killed the cat or in your case it just made you curiouser. You couldn’t keep your hands still and always have to be tinkering with something. So much so that you lost your beloved job at the science lab because you kept goofing around with some scrap from the town’s junkyard during company hours. No worries, you just decided to go all in with being a self made inventor and creating gizmos and gadgets the world has never seen before. Except one day, you find a mysterious device you’ve never seen before and upon activating it, you end up in the future. There are alot more prettier machines than the ones you’ve been messing around with and you sorta take one home with you. Oh well what’s the worst that can happen. 
Start out in the Science career but get fired after reaching lvl 3 in inventing and join the Inventor self employed career 
You spend your weekends messing around in the town's junkyard and blowing stuff up for your experiments. The neighbors even catch you dumpster diving around town 
Marry someone just as eccentric and quirky as you (ex: eccentric, neurotic, insane, socially awkward, slob, etc)
Master the handiness and inventing skills
Create all inventions, including a simbot
Make some of your children through the Time Machine (past: child - YA/ future: elder, you can age down if you wish) 
All your children’s traits have to be randomized
Optional: Go into the future and obtain all the gadgets to bring them back home to the present 
Optional: You even bring back home a plumbot and learn how to take care of one
Optional: Leave the Inventor career and present and work in the Astronomy career in the future.
7. Who You Gonna Call?
This generation can be played in two different ways. The choice is up to you. (Also double heirs can be accepted for this gen)
Super Skeptic Route:
The question you’ve always asked yourself was “Are Ghosts Real?” You believed in the supernatural, the horror stories, and the abduction of Bella Goth and was hoping to find evidence in the graveyards. But alas you could never find your ghosts and your dreams were crushed. Now as an adult, you’ve become a skeptic and believe it all to be a charade and try to speak sense into the “sheep” around you to see the light. Until one day you do encounter a ghost and for the last time, you investigate into the question, “Are Ghosts Real?”.
Work in a graveyard in your teen years
Have the Supernatural Skeptic trait. 
You dabble in Alchemy but it never takes effect on you. 
Join the Con Artist branch of the Fortune Teller career
Encounter 3 ghosts to convince you that ghosts are real
Leave the Fortune Teller career to become a Ghost Hunter
You convince Ghosts to move on/ Set them free rather than have them experiment on by the science lab (avoid opportunities that say otherwise) 
Do all investigations (spirit invasion, paranormal investigation, poltergeist haunting, ghostly presence, angry ghost invasion)
Ultra Fan Route:
As a child, you always found yourself interested in what couldn’t be reasoned or argued against, the supernatural. You obsessed over horror stories, wandered into graveyards, deep subreddits of conspiracies behind Bella Goth’s abduction and studied too many ways to become one. You started to give up hope of ever becoming one. Until one day you befriend a fellow occult member of society and it changed your life forever.
Work in a graveyard in your teen years
Have the Supernatural Fan trait
Master the Alchemy skill
Start a side hustle of being an author writing primarily in the horror genre
Publish 15 horror books
Join the Mystic branch of the Fortune Teller career
Befriend a supernatural of your choice to be turned into
Get 1st place at Trivia night at the Vault of Antiquity
8. Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Being a doctor was something you always thought you wanted to be. It came with status, notoriety, respect, money, student loans, and it was something more stable than what your parents were able to give you. You worked hard and got into the Medical career where you met your spouse and lived in a beautiful home with your two kids and pet. It’s like everything worked out in the end. But your desire to see the world burn just keeps rearing its ugly head and you can no longer contain the person you thought you repressed for so long. It desires the status and respect you’ve obtained but also infamy, underlings, and power.
Have the Evil trait
As a teen, be a straight A student, work a part time job, and be best friends with your parents, enemies with your siblings (if applicable)
Choose to go to college on full scholarship or enter the Medical career immediately. 
Marry a fellow coworker whose as ambitious or hardworking as you
Live in a nice home with a white picket fence, 2 kids and a pet of your choice
Befriend some townies who work in the Criminal career
Donate to criminal organizations at least once a week
Leave your job in the Medical career in your adult years
Join the Criminal career
Choose the Evil branch of the Criminal career and reach the top
Optional: Divorce your spouse, find a new home, bring the kids (or don’t) and marry your criminal coworker.
9. Baywatch
You used to work in law enforcement until the red tape got to you and so you went to become a private investigator. Solving crimes and digging through trash got exhausting and difficult as you try to serve others yet the system kept letting you down. After having a midlife crisis, You’ve come to realize that helping people can be simple, enjoyable, and have a great ocean view. Being a lifeguard wasn’t in the career plan but saving lives from the depths of the oceans and looking good in red too. Not a bad career change.  
Join the law enforcement career
Become friends with/date your cop partner 
When reaching level 5 of the career, you leave your job to go into the Investigative career to get away from the red tape 
Continue being an investigator until your Adult years
Have a midlife crisis and complete all the wishes or go get therapy at the hospital
At the end of your crisis, you join the Lifeguard career
Find an island or befriend a mermaid  
Master the scuba diving skill and logic skills
10. Master of None
Oh the journey you have been on. From caring about the music to fighting robbers in people’s homes, you’ve been through it all. As you worked hard for what you wanted, You have reached this crossroad and wonder what it all means and what it meant before. Maybe discovering yourself is what the journey is all about or maybe it's the experiences that shape you that gives you your form. Regardless, you’ve been feeling torn about what to do now and with no destination, maybe you start to express who you truly are. Who knows. There is no rush in the process or a destination in sight, only the curiosity that keeps your soul wandering on the journey.  
Join at least 5 different careers you haven’t played in this challenge (Education, Magician, Firefighter, Stylist, etc)
Have 3 best friends you maintain until Elder
Start dabbling in painting or sculpting in your free time outside of work. 
Meet the love of your life 
Be apart of your community - take opportunities that involve helping your neighbors/fellow townies
Pamper yourself -  go to a place in town for some you time once a week
Learn a new skill once a week (you don’t have to master it) 
If applicable, befriend your grandchildren 
Optional: turn your hobby into your job 
Thank you for playing. Feedback is welcomed
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l-e-i-k-o · 6 months
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𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕒𝕜𝕖𝕤.
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silentgrim · 8 months
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night market outing!
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ellenneedscoffee · 2 months
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grimm-haven · 6 months
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Sixam engagement photos.
Beginning of Lemon Gen // Previous // Next
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trailerparkdad · 4 months
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welcome to the life of a quiet lab technician
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glossedmango · 29 days
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meet little baby blossom
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berfloop · 1 year
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mindy lookbook♡(>ᴗ•)
(press image to enlarge it)
these are all the outfits of my not so berry minty sim !! im playing the extended version by illusorythrall which has 50 generations !!!!(help!!)
can you tell i really like those tights.. used them for 4/8 outfits..
all cc linked under cut:D
on all: rin hair recolor | kissing glow lip oil
everyday: nabillera skirt recolor | skulls leg garter | amber bracelet | monogram tights | lena top | jelly platform sandals recolor | bgc necklace | naomi earrings
formal: monogram tights | melpomone corset | yamazaki ombre skirt recolor | gi boots | sarah choker | ariel corset sleeves | eunji arm warmer
athletic: jenn shorts | checkerboard sneakers | tm shirt
sleepwear: angeliki set recolor
party: monogram tights | billie shorts recolor | blackout chunky platforms | skulls leg garter | ganguro bangles | legwarmers | geri top
swimwear: attention bikini recolor
hot weather: amber bracelet | bear hat | maxine top | jelly platform sandals recolor | nabillera skirt recolor
cold weather: monogram tights | animal ear beanie | antifragile boots | elsa dress | star legwarmers
!!all sliders and details i use are listed in my resources page!!
thanks to all cc creators♥
@an0nymousghost @okruee @ladysimmer94 @trillyke @kamiiri @serenity-cc @arethabee @dcwnandout @caio-cc @ezrelea @simandy @regina-raven @jius-sims @berrybeans @catnnip @saruin @jellymoo @sentate @simbience @imvikai @0298butcher @148dazed
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lilithmeadow · 4 months
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geminipixels · 4 months
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Skill grinding!
As usual and most mundane thing of most gameplay, is building skills. But on the bright side, Aminta wanted to own a beebox. And she's already a natural beekeeper.
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shawsimmer · 1 year
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these two photos deserve their own post bc i love them so much :’))))
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thepettymachine · 1 year
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Not So Berry Plus Challenge for the TS3
I just wanted more for the TS3 version of this challenge and honestly, who wouldn't. I didn't create this challenge, I simply added and modified somethings to fit more for what TS3 has to offer while trying to keep to the NSB playstyle and heart of the challenge. So if you like the NSB but want more to do in the TS3 version of it, this is a challenge for you.
Disclaimer: I didn't make this challenge, @lilsimsie did. I also incorporated ideas from @simlovinggirl from her TS3 version of this challenge. Also inspiration from @sweetlysimss from their updated version of the TS4 version. Also sim wikia page for all information i need in terms of gameplay.
Tag: the normal nsb tag or "nsb plus" or "nsb +" or "@" me
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Do you like the rainbow? Do you like the idea of playing with berry Sims but hate berry Sims? Do you want to mess around with aspects of the game you’ve never used before? Boy, do I have the challenge for you!
You can follow the orignal rules of the NSB but I'm not requiring it for this.
You can keep the color scheme for each generation or just stick to the objectives of each generation. It is up to you as the player
2-3 traits are required but you don't have to have all of them for the heir if you don't want to.
Have fun!
If you wish to keep track of the generation goals/your progress, @rcpunzel created this spreadsheet for the challenge
🔬 Generation 1: Mint
What a mischievous scientist you are! As a career-driven individual, you still try to hangout with your friends and family and want what’s best for them. But in your free time, you enjoy the misfortune you cause others and love the idea of luxury in your life. Minty fresh indeed.
Traits: Vegetarian, Ambitious, Friendly, Inappropriate, Green Thumb
Aspiration: Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
Career: Science
Reach Level 9 of Science Career
Master the gardening, fishing, and science skills
Have 3 best friends that you hangout with once a week 
Make 3 enemies
Meet your match: Marry a sim with the inappropriate/mean-spirited trait whom you get into a fight with. 
Own a garden with excellent quality with rare fruit (life fruit, death flower, omni plant, etc)
Own expensive luxury items in your home
Spoil your children rotten (get them anything their wishes desire)
Complete the Gems & Metals collection
💋 Generation 2: Rose
You were spoiled rotten as a child and it made you into an irresponsible insatiable person who hungers for more. Whether it's in your career in politics or lovers you left in tears, you always get what you want and leave the mess for someone else to clean up. Even if one mess ended up with your beloved child.
Traits: Flirty, Workaholic, Charismatic, Irresistible, Schmoozer,
Lifetime Wish: Master Romancer
Career: Politician
Only have one child that resulted from a one night stand 
Gain the “Casanova/Natasha” reputation (for 7+ relationships/romantic interests at one time) or gain the “Player” reputation (for 9+ relationships/romantic interests but none at the same time)
Reach level 10 of Politician career
Throw campaign parties
Master the Charisma skill
Break off an engagement
Get married as an elder
Be distant with your child, provide for them but never be there for them. 
Become publicly disgraced for something
Become best friends with your boss
Live in a big house with maids + butler
🔭 Generation 3: Yellow
Growing up, you never had a great relationship with your parent but you did gain your grandparent’s interest in science, specifically space. As a child, you spent the majority of time enjoying your own company while obsessing over black holes, planets, and traveling to the stars. You spent your whole life dreaming of space, now it’s time to make it a reality. No matter the cost.
Traits: Loner, Handy, Socially Awkward, Brave, Computer Whiz
Lifetime Wish: High Tech Collector
Career: Astronomer 
Your best and only friend is your Grandparent. No close relationships or friendships until they die.
Find a star and name it
Master Logic and Advanced Technology skills
Own a Hoverboard, Dream Pod, Food Synthesizer, Holo Disc, and Jet Pack
Join the Astronomy career and go into the Space Explorer branch
Travel to Simulon V
Never marry because space is your one true love
Neglect your own children but still be friends with them. (no teaching of skills, not caring about hw, etc)
Get abducted by aliens and have an alien child
⚽ Generation 4: Grey
You always enjoyed playing sports and being in the great outdoors, contrary to what your family is interested in. You dream of becoming a professional athlete but you’ve always felt second place to your parent’s obsessions growing up and didn’t want the same for your children. You want to be there for your kiddos as much as possible. So while you’re hanging out with your family, you find music is something that brings you closer together.
Traits: Athletic, Virtuoso , Nurturing, Loves the Outdoors, Technophobe
Lifetime Wish: Superstar Athlete
Career: Professional Sports
Be in the Scouts as a child
Reach Level 10 of Sports career
Master the Athletic skill and a Musical Instrument
Teach all your children the xylophone
Be best friends with all your children
Have 3 failed relationships before finding the one. 
Do outdoor activities with your family (going to the park, beach, camping, etc)
Jam out with your family (once the kids get older) on your instrument of choice
Celebrate the seasons together:
Go to seasonal festivals, host seasonal parties, and decorate the home for family fun.
🎤 Generation 5: Plum
Everyone has always told you how talented you are. You’ve always been naturally good at everything to the point that nothing ever challenges you. This causes you to search for something that will. You tried different careers and learned some new skills, heck, you even tried being a Doctor. But one day at a karaoke bar, you sanged your heart out and realized that you love music and wish to become a singer. Is it too late to pursue your dream in your adulthood? Let’s find out!
Traits: Daredevil, Diva, Lucky, Commitment Issues, Natural Born Performer
Lifetime Wish: Jack of all Trades
Career: Multiple jobs, Medical, Singer 
Make straight A’s as a child and teen
Pick 3 different jobs before deciding on the Medical career
Quit the medical career as an adult to pursue your dream as a Singer
Master 3 skills, one of them has to be a musical instrument. 
Complete all of your midlife crisis wishes
Get divorced and then remarry the same sim
Move to 3 different worlds in your lifetime
Reach at least celebrity level 3 as a Singer
Perform at a big private venue
🖕 Generation 6: Orange
Growing up, homelife was competitive and hectic. You never had stability with your parent’s constant hedonistic whims affecting your life. You also didn’t reach academic success like your siblings who always outperformed you in everything, making you feel like a loser in your own family. But while your siblings were doing their thing, you were doing yours. Stealing. The joy of taking something without getting caught is like adrenaline in your veins and you want more. You also want to learn more about cooking as it calms you down. 
Traits: Loser, Natural Cook, Evil, Kleptomaniac, Hot-Headed
Lifetime Wish: Become a Master Thief
Career: Criminal (Thief branch)
Reach level 10 of the Criminal career in the Thief branch 
Master the Cooking skill
Steal from your neighbors and other townsfolk 
Marry a fellow criminal or someone with the Evil trait. 
Only have twins for children
Cook your favorite food + everybody in the household as well. 
Learn 28 recipes/Menu Maven challenge
Live in a fixer upper home/apartment in YA years
In Adult years, live in a house you can’t afford and purchase weird expensive items for aesthetic
Have at least 5 enemies
📖 Generation 7: Pink
You grew up watching your parents be irresponsible with their finances and let you have a little too much freedom in raising yourself. This causes you to become a very practical individual who believes in the steady 9-5 corporate hustle. Your twin on the other hand, dreams of becoming a big time Director in Bridgeport and you can’t help your envy as you also have a secret dream of becoming a best selling romance writer. As you see your twin succeed in their dream, maybe you too can try to pursue your dreams. Maybe you too can find the love you’ve always dreamed about.
Traits: Frugal, Unflirty, Bookworm, Hopeless Romantic, Neurotic 
Lifetime Wish: Professional Author
Career: Business, Self-employed Writer
Master the Writing skill
Live with your twin while they reach the Director branch of the Film career
Live in an urban city in your YA years, move to woodsy/rural town in your Adult years
Quit the business career  to pursue your dream of being a writer as an adult 
Own multiple bookshelves in your home
Write 5 Romance books in order to become a specialist in the genre 
Write 5 books outside of your genre
Find love as an adult through online dating 
Send love letters to your romantic interest
🕵️ Generation 8: Peach
As a child, you loved the stories your parents read to you about dashing knights, charming adventurers,and mysteries to be solved by the world’s greatest minds. You’ve always wanted to become a detective but you also have a thirst for adventure. Why not both?! You work primarily as a detective by solving cases and investigating clues but when you get that itch to explore, you catch a plane to your next destination and meet the locals who will tell you their stories.
Traits: Perspective, Good Sense of Humor, Genius, Adventurous, Photographer’s Eye
Lifetime Wish: Pervasive Private Eye
Career: Private Investigator
Reach level 10 of Detective profession
Move to a different world than the one you were born in
Visit explore different worlds (can be custom/WA destinations)
Master the Photography skill
Bring back souvenirs from your travels
Play chess in the local park and play against other townies for fun
Marry a local
Make all your friends through jokes & funny videos
Have a dog and be best friends with them
🎮 Generation 9: Green
So popular! You’ve always been the life of the party as you are an outgoing person who's always down to have a good time with friends. But no one would suspect that you’re really just a giant nerd that loves playing video games and painting in their spare time. That’s why it’s such a shock to some that you decided to major in Technology and become a Game Developer. You’re a hard worker who wants to develop amazing games but will party to the break of dawn with no regrets.
Traits: Party Animal, Social Butterfly, Excitable, Computer Whiz, Artistic
LTW: Reach Max Influence with All Social Groups
Career: Video Game Developer (Game Artist Branch)
Moonlight as a barista at bars for extra cash/side hustling 
Hacking is also another side hustle for extra cash (Computer Whiz trait exclusive)
Attend University as a Technology major
Unlock the Video Game Developer career by maxing out Nerd social group status
Master Mixology, Social Networking, and Painting skills
Accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends
Own a comic book collection
Have a personal  blog
Have at least 5 good friends
Marry your best friend
🍼 Generation 10: Blue
Your dreams are a reality now that you have married the love of your life, had beautiful children, live in your dream home, and work your dream career. What could you possibly want more than this?! Actually… alot. You find yourself dissatisfied with your present circumstances and your eyes have begun to wander onto things you shouldn’t but want to have. As you begin to question and explore your new found cravings, a one time affair produces a bundle of joy and now everything you hold close to your heart is now in jeopardy of breaking apart at the seams.
Traits: Perfectionist, Good, Family-Oriented, Grumpy, Neat
Lifetime Wish: Surrounded by Family
Career: Teacher
Marry your high school sweetheart and stay with them until death do you part
Join the Education career
Host a big wedding
Move into your dream house
Adopt at least 1 child
Teach your children all of their skills
Toddlers - Teach, talk, poop, logic, music
Children - encourage their skills and help them with their homework
Teens - help them with homework and teach them to drive
Have a secret affair that results in a child
Confess to your spouse that you’ve cheated in order to rebuild your marriage
Purchase the “Clean Slate” lifetime reward to clean up your reputation
Gain the Eternally Faithful moodlet
Thank you for trying this challenge. Feedback is always welcomed!
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thosegothsims · 4 months
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image transcripts:
StrangerVille, 11:45pm, Saturday mynthe: [incoherent angry muttering] mynthe: stupid spaceship with its stupid airlock and stupid stuck wheel— mynthe: what good is a spaceship that makes you crash land in the middle of NOWHERE!!!!!!!
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