#Simply Southern t-shirts Virginia
In Texas, Virginia, and North Carolina, you may purchase Simply Southern t-shirts.
At a reduced cost, discover the best Simply Southern t-shirts. The ideal method to display your sense of style and Southern flair is in a large-sized women's shirt and t-shirts.
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southern-god1 · 5 months
*There is a crackle of ozone and light as a shimmering portal opens up in downtown Richmond*
First on the scene was Richmond PD, soon followed by a force from the Virginia Home Guard: a ring of armored personnel carriers and Home Guard troops surrounded the portal on all sides.
The Southern Avengers mobilized quickly. Through the military and police cordon came three men who had arrived by a modified Hughes helicopter. One of them was tall and muscular, wearing a military uniform and hefting a large shield, somewhat pointed - enabling it to be used as a weapon - with a stylized battle flag on it. He was scruffy and had a large pistol on his hip; he was instantly recognizable as an icon of Dixie: Captain Confederate. He drew his pistol and held his shield aloft, ready for anything.
Another was thinner, less muscular. He wore a pair of dark jeans, a simple t-shirt and a leather jacket with an intricate design on the back which blended the beloved Confederate flag with occult symbols and imagery. He reached into pocket for a cigarette, which he lit with a snap of his fingers. This was not just a smoke for him; the cigarette held a trapped Yankee soul, to be used in whatever magic was required of The Pale Rider.
The third was a hulking figure, a tall, muscular, beefy man in an outfit resembling a cross between a set of football gear and a military uniform: he wore no helmet, showing his handsome scruffy face. Stonewall took point, standing protectively in front of the teammates.
Three more figures emerged from the sky. One landed with a thud, slightly indenting the pavement. He was an enormous figure, bearded and with a suit of armor which mostly covered his chest, leaving his muscular arms free. Complex designs decorated the armor, blending the interlaced animal designs and runic script of the Norse with southern crosses and cotton bolls, intricately weaving together to reflect his dual heritage of the Son of Odin and a Son of Dixie. Thor’s eyes glowed and lightning arced up and down his arms as he faced the portal.
Another figure landed, a pair of boots touching the pavement and smoothly walking as though he’d just stepped down from a truck rather than land from the sky. He wore a simple set of brown work boots, jeans, a t-shirt, and camo ball cap, the shirt and cap sporting the battle flag. He was scruffy, ruggedly handsome, and while he had large muscles, they were less pronounced than his colleagues. Even so, The MAN was one of the strongest team members. He simply stood there, pulled out a can of dip, and stuffed some dip in his lip.
The third figure to emerge from the sky arrived through artificial means: a figure in full power armor landed, thrusters in the boots kicking up eddies of dust as he landed. The armor was made from a complex self-repairing alloy, augmented with nanites, and could absorb large amounts of energy and redirect it to weapons. It was in a somewhat understated, abstractly patriotic design, more Art Deco lines and colors than huge battle flags. He was already scanning the portal, and readied his repulsors: machine guns popped up from the wrists as well. Iron Rebel was fascinated but prepared for combat.
Up on a rooftop, the seventh team member was hidden, wearing a complex semi-powered stealth suit in matte black, capable of turning invisible at will. The suit hugged his pecs, but was also highly protective. A .50 cal sniper rifle was at the ready, with various exotic ammo types set out in case the typical round failed to do the job: special armor-piercing, incendiary, explosive, and even a course-correcting gyrojet round that could correct its own path if the enemy moved. The Reaper was ready for anything, his scope trained on the portal.
…I have no idea what will come out of this. Feel free to send different things though, this could be interesting. Even if nothing happens, at least I’ve got a good description of the Southern Avengers I can reuse.
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If you are still doing hannigram prompts maybe when will trys to cook for the first time. Thank you for your time
YAY My first Hannigram one. 
I personally feel like, despite what a lot of other people say, I just feel like Will can cook. I mean think about it, he spent a lot of time alone as a child (and you gotta eat somehow), he’s from Louisiana and spent time moving around the South (that’s very significant if you’re from the Southern USA), and lastly, Will downplays everything he does, so I could totally see him saying he couldnt cook, when actually he can prepare some pretty good food. Would it be fancy and french, like Hannibal? Absolutely not! Would it still be good? Fuck yeah
All that is to say, Will, in a more stable mental state, would be cooking (likely a Gumbo or Jambalaya, with beignets for dessert and some good ole sweet tea), and Hannibal would drop in on him unplanned, and just be kinda shocked. 
I’ll set this as that sweet spot where Will was more put together and still seeing Hannibal, so I’d say during “Naka-choko” (S2,ep 10)
These days, it was rare for Will Graham to find moments of peace. In an effort to slowly bring down the Chesapeake Ripper, to bring down Hannibal, he had to live in the darkest corners of his mind and Hannibal’s on a daily basis. So when Will was able to have even a moment of waking consciousness, where he could simply exist and not think, he cherished it. 
Today, Will decided to spend his time cooking. Despite having lived in Virginia for years and very rarely becoming homesick, in this moment he missed the spice of Louisiana. He missed the earliest moments of his life where all he and his father did was fish. The wafting smell of Creole dishes in his house, the savory taste of it from the first bite, the labor of love and relaxation that went in to the dish. From the stress of everything, those nostalgic moments are the ones he wants to return to. Will had dreamt about sharing some of these moments with Abigail. 
So, that’s why at this moment, Will was listening to some older music, letting his gumbo simmer, while he enjoyed a beer. The smell of the food cooking was enough for him to feel immediately less tense. With the knowledge that Hannibal was having dinner guests this evening, he felt he could relax enough to not have perfectly gelled down hair, and he could forego the button down shirts. He opted instead for a casual t-shirt, too worn to be seen in public at this point, even before Hannibal and some sweatpants in a similar state. The dogs were wiggling around the kitchen, silently begging for any pieces of sausage Will saw fit to spare (hint: it was a good amount).
He was enjoying his peace and quiet, which is why he wasn’t prepared for the knock at this door, or the barking that ensued from his dogs. Instantly, Will was reminded that he had no neighbors for miles, that just a few days ago Randall Tier had burst through his window, and that this could be another killer sent by Hannibal to harm him. No Hannibal would never truly give anyone Will as a sacrificial lamb. Will belonged to Hannibal and Randall wasn’t aware enough to know he’d been sent to his death. 
Knock, Knock, Knock
Will steeled himself and made sure to grab a knife from his kitchen counter, shushing his dogs as he made his way to the door. 
On his porch was Hannibal Lecter, in his usual thick wool overcoat and burgundy scarf, looking at Will expectantly. Hurried to answer the door and assuage his dogs curiosity at this visitor, Will opened the door. 
“Good evening Will, I apologize for the terrible imposition, but I was in the area.” Hannibal lied with such grace, a part of Will wondered if he believed them himself. “I figured, I would stop in to see how you were doing; how the window repairs were coming along.” There, just like that Hannibal had to lightly mention he and Will’s shared secret of Randall and what really happened. And the courting gift Hannibal left for him in the aftermath. 
“Oh, well I’ve just boarded it up for now.” Will answered in a tone, that he hoped conveyed nonchalance. “Would you like to come in?” Will asked but he knew Hannibal would say yes, his interest peaked from the moment Will had answered the door, as to Hannibal, Will was not culinarily inclined, so smell of the house came as a surprise. 
“Yes please” Hannibal’s eyes were cold but his mouth lifted into a barely visible smile as he stepped inside. “Are you cooking?” Will hoped his nonchalance was better than Hannibal’s, but he was doubtful.  
“Yeah, I was feeling a bit nostalgic.”
“And beignets. The dough is just resting right now.” Will said as he led Hannibal to the kitchen. 
“I did not realize you were such a chef. I’d even say you led me to believe you could not cook.” Hannibal said peering into the simmering pot and running his eyes over the clear bowl where the dough rested. 
Will snorted. Hannibal wanted everything from him, every memory, every secret, every hobby, everything. Will was his to posses. 
“Well, I don’t do it very often. Plus, why should I cook when a culinary artist is available.” Will took a swig of his beer, hiding his smile. He caught a small part of Hannibal’s too. 
“May I?” Hannibal asked, gesturing to the spoon on the left of the pot and in the moment Will felt bashful. He knew a great amount of detail went into every dish Hannibal prepared, every flavor present with intention, a story in every bite. And Will’s gumbo was just a dish to enjoy, to taste good. 
Will nodded hesitantly. A small part of him wanted to comment that the meat wouldn’t be Hannibal’s usual preference, but he choose to abstain.
Hannibal drew the spoon to his lips, taking a slow mouthful. His eyes slid shut and he hummed. When they opened, they we alight with something else. Passion? Adoration? Hunger. 
“I must say Will, that is quite delicious.” He cocked his head to the side, observing Will, as if there were more surprises to come. 
“No notes?” Will cocked his eyebrow in return, feeling a slow burn build in his stomach under Hannibal’s gaze. 
“No.” Hannibal smiled fully this time, and in that moment Will was reminded of the beast within him. “My compliments to the chef.”
Yes, I looked up how to make beignets and gumbo for this. 
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sjecblogarchive · 7 years
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On Saturday, November 18, the third-annual Gobble, Gobble, Run or Wobble 5k & Kids’ Fun Run will wind through the streets of Old Town Warrenton. You can register for the race here.
While the event is an absolute blast, complete with a turkey mascot on a bicycle, it also serves a much more profound purpose: funding efforts to increase access to preschool in Fauquier County through a Saint James’ initiative called Learning Starts Early.
Learning Starts Early (LSE) is an outreach ministry with a simple vision: that each child is a beloved child of God, and that each child should enter kindergarten ready to thrive and grow academically, socially and emotionally.
Learning Starts Early (LSE) is an outreach ministry of Saint James’ that seeks to facilitate access to quality preschool education in Fauquier County, especially for low-income families.
Mission Statement: “As the body of Christ, Saint James’ will use the available resources of its preschool as well as the time, talents and treasure of individual members to ensure that children in the county have access to all of the opportunities necessary to be ready for kindergarten and beyond”
Gobble, Gobble, Run or Wobble 5k & Kids’ Fun Run is the primary fundraiser for Learning Starts Early. Last year, the event raised $6100, and we hope to raise even more money this year. 100% of proceeds from the race benefit Learning Starts Early.
To register for the race on Saturday, November 18, click here. To learn more about volunteering (you’ll get a free t-shirt!) contact Kathleen Neville.
For more information about Learning Starts Early and how you can get involved, contact Bob Dart.
Access to quality preschool education can be the deciding factor in fulfilling this vision, but children in low-income households have been all too often left behind during this critical juncture, which can leave them behind their peers as they progress through elementary and middle school.
In Virginia, preschool is often simply too expensive to be a viable option. This problem is very much present in Fauquier County, and consequently, roughly 20% of children entering kindergarten here do not meet the basic kindergarten preparedness standards set by the state. And even when preschool is available, the quality of the program itself is crucial to the long-term impact on the child.
According to NPR, “experts cite several key elements in ‘high-quality’ preschool: small class sizes, student-directed learning and lots of open-ended play. And researchers have warned that outcomes are short-lived when those elements are not present.”
The existence of programs like Head Start and Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) have made large strides in addressing the kindergarten-readiness gap, but they can only have a lasting impact with committed community partners and strong, local relationships. Learning Starts Early strives to do their part to fill this supportive role based on a close relationship with our community.
For instance, this year Fauquier County received a $250,000 grant from the state to expand access to preschool. At the same time, LSE reached out to Community Touch, a Bealeton-based organization with an array of programs designed to lift up underprivileged people in southern Fauquier.
Community Touch is in the process of getting licensed for a new preschool in Bealeton, an especially underserved community, but didn’t have the funding for some classroom materials that were essential to applying for their license. LSE was able to purchase these items, and Caring For Angels Childcare Center is awaiting state approval to receive students through VPI, hopefully beginning in January.
LSE has purchased a smart board for a Head Start classroom in Warrenton, and has been able to help keep VPI classrooms in the county supplied with the basic items essential for teachers and students.
While funding for programs like these is certainly needed, so are more personal relationships and service from members of Saint James’ and the wider community.
LSE facilitates about fifteen volunteers, mostly from Saint James’, who go to Head Start classrooms and read to the children on a regular basis. Not only does this promote basic literacy skills, it strengthens those relationships that are so vital to any community, and helps fulfill a basic principle of the Kingdom of God: that we be in solidarity with the people we serve.
The third major mission of Learning Starts Early is a bit more direct. Coordinating with other country preschool programs to find candidates, LSE funds scholarships for three students to attend Saint James’ Preschool during the current school year. LSE also provided three scholarships for the 2016-2017 academic year.
This last mission highlights the continuing need in Fauquier County for access to quality preschool education. While Head Start, Virginia Preschool Initiative and other programs have addressed some of the problem, some children continue to fall through the cracks. There is always a waiting list for Head Start and VPI enrollment, and if a family’s income doesn’t fall within certain parameters, they won’t qualify for a free public preschool.
For three students this year, LSE has been able to fill that gap, but the need in Fauquier County remains much greater – whether in basic materials for classrooms, reading volunteers, or more direct funding of scholarships and schools. It is the belief of LSE that through personal, relational service in our community, Saint James’ can be part of the solution.
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trevorbailey61 · 6 years
Joan as Police Woman
Stoller Hall, Manchester Tuesday 24th February 2018
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February 2011. Cyclone Yasi battered the coast of Queensland, Julian Assange was facing allegations of rape that would see him spend most of the following years holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy, “The King’s Speech” won the Academy Award for best picture, the last surviving World War 1 veteran died in West Virginia and the BBC had to apologise for comments made about Mexicans during “Top Gear”. That tragedy was always ready to strike was seen when an earthquake in New Zealand killed over 100 people but the events with with the most lasting consequences were to be seen in North Africa and the Middle East. The Arab Spring protests in Cairo that were soon to bring an end to the Mubarak administration had spread to other countries, often provoking a vicious response from the Government. The Libyan air force launched airstrikes on crowds of protesters leading to the UN imposing sanctions on Gaddafi and a no fly zone being declared over the country. The uprising spread to other states including Syria where dissidents called for a “day of anger” against the Assad regime. Despite the brutality in Libya, it was still possible to have some optimism about how these events would unfold, a movement of ordinary people calling for democracy, open Government and an end to being subject to the whims of dictators.
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It was also in February 2011 that I last saw Joan as Police Woman. I had already seen her twice before, the first time following the release of her second album, “To Survive”  and the second where she performed cover versions of songs by, amongst others, Jimi Hendrix, Britney Spears, Public Enemy and Nina Simone. On both of these occasions, I was accompanied by my wife but after booking tickets for a third concert, I was informed that she unavailable that night and I needed to find someone else to go with. This was most likely due to a work commitment but something of a Joan overload may also have contributed to her decision. Where my wife was unable to or didn’t want to go to a gig, my next concert buddy was my niece who had already developed a wide ranging and extensive knowledge and interest in music; years before when she was very young, she had arrived at our house whilst I was playing “Rocket to Russia” and immediately began head banging to “Rockaway Beach” which made me very proud. We had already seen Bob Dylan and John Grant together but as the JaPW was on her eighteenth birthday, I assumed that she would have better things to do than spend the evening with an audience most of whom would be pushing fifty. Incredibly she didn’t and as the gig was at the Glee Club, which had an over 18 policy, she would have been the youngest person in the audience, most likely by about twenty years. Thankfully Joan didn’t disappoint with a set mostly drawn from her third album, “The Deep Field” and Grace was able to leave with a JaPW t-shirt, one in which she is rather provocatively reclining on a chair with a gun resting in her lap; being an uncle means that parental censorship can be ignored.
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Seven years later: those southern hemisphere disasters have been filed away along with all those other acts of God that suddenly leave families bereaved, Assange is still in the Ecuadorian embassy and seems a rather seedy individual instead of the champion of free speech that he liked to portray himself as then, Clarkson’s thoughtless and confrontational manner brought his time at the Beeb to an end and he has taken his casual racism to Amazon and “The Shape of Water” has been named as best picture. The optimism of the Arab Spring has long since evaporated, leaving instead the war in Syria that has so far claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions. Whilst the image of a dead child being washed up on a Turkish beech and the chilling use of chemical weapons have occasionally brought home the horrors occurring on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean, the conflict is now largely background noise and their was precious little compassion for the refugees arriving at the borders of Europe in an attempt to escape the slaughter. Instead, there has been a resurgence of populist right wing politics that offer apparently simple solutions to these complex problems largely based on building walls to keep the others out. On the fiftieth anniversary of Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech and the 25th of the murder of Stephen Lawrence, it seems as if the dragons that we long since thought were slain are very much alive and there are plenty who even try to deny that the horrors of the twentieth century ever happened.
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Seven years later is also when my niece and I are having some family time seeing JaPW, although as she is the one who is now economically active, I am the elderly relative who is being treated to a day out. It has been a typical Manchester day, raining from the moment I arrived and a penetrating wind that made it feel colder than it was. With my clothes soaked through, wandering around the city centre soon loses its appeal and I decide instead to spend most of the afternoon sitting in a cafe sipping Earl Grey. I am the only person in there and I soon get the feeling that the two girls behind the counter wish I would bugger off so that they can continue their conversation without having to be sensitive to the customer in their presence. We meet up for some Tex Mex and happy hour cocktails a little later, although mine was on draught and arrives in a pint glass, before making our way to The Stoller Hall and our appointment with Joanie. Built as a medium sized concert hall for Chethams School of Music, it is an appropriate venue for the classically trained multi-instrumentalist we are here to see. Like the students we see wandering around as we wait for the concert, Joan Wasser learnt the piano and violin as a child which led to her being awarded a place at the College of Fine Arts at Boston University, her prodigious talent meant that she gained entrance a year early. She soon, however, grew disillusioned with the classical world and started adding violin and keyboards to the backing bands for a range of diverse artists including Anthony and the Johnsons, Rufus Wainwright and Lou Reed. Her most personal collaboration, however, was with Jeff Buckley which led to a relationship that lasted until his tragically early death in 1997. Struggling to deal with her grief, she continued working as a backing musician but started to take a more prominent role in both writing and performing, recording the album “Debt and Departure” with Black Beetle, a band made up mostly of Buckley’s backing musicians. It was apparently Lou Reed who, in what must be the only occasion that he ever showed an interest in any musician other than himself, encouraged her to set out on her own and taking her name from the Angie Dickenson TV series, her debut album, “Real Life”, appeared in 2007.
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Whilst largely critically acclaimed, her music appeals to a select audience and her previous tours have been to small venues such as the Glee Club. This has meant that she mostly provided the accompaniment herself, bringing just one other musician with her to add rhythm or, on one occasion, having the backing tracks recorded on cassettes, now that really is old school. In the years since we last spent some time together, however, her popularity has grown to the extent that she has moved into bigger venues and as a result she now has a full band with her. The sounds are still very much based on what can be produced from the keyboards which she plays along with two others but there is a rhythm section to provide the beats that were once contained within a rectangular piece of plastic. With her jet black hair and the carefully assembled costumes, she and the band all arrive on stage wearing lilac tour jackets, she remains a sultry and brooding stage presence but inevitably she does look a little older than last time. In terms of the music, however, she could be picking up from where we left off, her last two albums, “The Classic” and an uneven collaboration with Benjamin Lazar Davies called “Let It Be You”, are ignored completely and aside from her most recent release, “Damned Devotion” which could be her best, the rest of the set is drawn from the songs that she performed at the Glee Club.
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Despite the enhanced firepower, however, it is a subdued and delicate start to the concert. “Wonderful” is a smooth velvet opener, Wasser’s vocals drawing her voice into the back of her mouth capturing her fragility as she struggles to regain her piece of mind. The slight percussion finds spaces in the melody rather than driving it forward as ghostly chords hang in the air. “Warning Bell” is similarly sparse, a break up song where she wishes for finality of a tolling bell to announce the end of a relationship; “If there was a warning bell, I'd know; But all I hear is music soft and low”. With a steady 4/4 rhythm, “Tell Me” is catchier and the first song to incorporate the full sound of the band; Wasser herself picks up a guitar whilst counter melodies and falsetto harmonies delicately weave their way around the vocals. It is a fine example of her strengths; calm and wistful melodies in a beautifully arranged musical setting where voices and instruments combine perfectly, the hours spent studying orchestration were not wasted. The two older songs that follow were pared back even from the minimalist recorded versions, “Eternal Flame” and particularly “Honour Wishes” were simply breathtaking, the haunting and tight harmonies in the latter providing a really quite special moment.
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With “Honour Wishes” paring things back as far as they could go, the sound builds as she uses the rest of the set to showcase the remaining songs from the “Damned Devotion” album. Like with  “Tell Me”, drums and bass outline the rhythm, although the intricacy of playing took this well beyond just laying down a beat, while the keyboards and occasional guitar filled out the arrangements and whilst it never became loud, the songs gained a harder edge compared to the restrained opening. Whilst her music has always been fascinating, words have not always been her strong point and underdeveloped and sometimes clumsy metaphors have often provided the weakest points in her albums. This is something, however, that she seems to have mastered with “Damned Devotion” where perfectly constructed lyrics work alongside the exquisite music to capture moments of raw emotional honesty. “What Was it Like” is a touching tribute to her late father which she introduces by explaining how he never passed judgement on others, noting that he would say; “I could never see what passing judgment; On anybody else would ever do for me”. The most poignant line, however, is when she notes how he always supported her musical development; “My dance recitals, they were never concise; You never missed one, you were always there for me”. His selfless devotion, together with her feelings following the death of Buckley, has provided an impossible standard against which she has found others to be wanting. The ideal of finding someone with whom she can share her life remains but this is tempered by the experience that anyone she allows in will inevitably fall short of this. A breakdown in communication is a constant, “Talk About it Later” follows the earlier songs in the set in looking at the barriers we set up to keep others out of our deepest feelings. A deep descending bass makes itself felt through “Rely On”, “Valid Jagger” and “Damned Devotion”, each dealing with the complexities of her own emotions and her interpretation of those of others. With its funky collage of high pitched vocals, frantic percussion and chopped up synthesised brass, “Steed (For Jean Genet)” is just plain filthy. The highlight, however, is “The Silence”, a darkly brooding piece, again dealing with communication but this time taking it from the personal to the political, ending with the repeated chant; “My body, my choice; Her body, her choice” that provides a chilling conclusion to the set. Alongside her most recent work she includes two from “The Deep Field”, “Human Condition” and her first encore “The Magic” that both seem a little more optimistic that her recent songs and rounds things off with an almost unrecognisable cover of “Kiss”, pared back to the point that it barely existed whilst still capturing the essence of the song.
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After the show and despite my age I am not above playing the fanboy and I join the queue to buy a copy of the album and get it signed whilst also asking Grace to take a photo, something I hope didn’t cause her too much embarrassment. The dark themes in much of her work made it a deeply emotional concert but also very uplifting. For years her reputation has exceeded the sales of her music and concert tickets but despite this she has been able to develop her music and a few more, at least, are now beginning to appreciate her talent. Into her late forties now, in a business as unforgiving as music she could now be considered a veteran but always being on the periphery has allowed her music to develop and she is still capable of surprising even her long standing supporters. There may not have been the intimacy that there was seven years ago but in every other respect this was a show from an artist at their absolute peak. A brilliant, moving and exciting gig which just leaves the question of who will be paying next time.
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Buy Simply Southern t-shirts in Virginia, North Carolina, and Texas.
Get your hands on the most stylish Simply Southern apparel at a bargain. A ladies' oversized t-shirt is the best way to display your individuality and Southern style in North Carolina, Virginia, and Texas.
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Young Slave During the Civil War Reduced to Such Poverty He Is Wearing Only Rags
c. 1862-1863
The Library of Congress, where this portrait can be located today, describes the fellow in this photo as simply a “Raggedy African American” and does not have the image officially on display online.
A digitally colorized Version of this Image can be seen on Shutterstock​‘s website here.
Photographer: George Washington Armstead (1835-1912), Armstead & White Photograph Gallery, Corinth, Mississippi
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G.W. Armstead, head-and shoulders portrait, facing front taken between 1850 and 1860 (Source: The Library of Congress)
About the Photographer:
George W. Armstead, from Columbus, Ohio, was very active with a profitable business for a year and a half during the years 1862 and 1863. He operated with partners under the names Armstead & White and Armstead & Taylor.
Armstead started his studio in Corinth during its occupation by Union forces in May 1862 following the seige of that city by soldiers under the command of General Henry Halleck​. The Second Battle of Corinth​ in October 1862 saw a failed effort by Confederates to recapture Corinth.
Armstead made many carte de viste portraits of mainly soldiers in the Union army. He also took some photos of outdoor scenes such as the iconic image of Confederate Colonel William P. Rogers' body among his dead comrades after the battle of Corinth.
After the war, Armstead continued his business in Columbus, Ohio where he was originally from. In 1885, he moved to Nebraska and established another studio "Armstead & Sons" in North Bend.
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Portrait of G. W. Armstead and his son George Clarence Armstead, who took over his father’s studio taken c. 1885 (Source: Progressive men of Nebraska; a book of portraits by David Matthew Carr (1864 - ed), published 1902, page 161)
According to writer Francis Trevelyan Miller​ in his 1912 series The Photographic History of the Civil War in Ten Volumes, "George Armstead was a wonderful photographer, rivaling Matthew Brady at his best."
Clothing of Slaves
[From the Narrative and Testimony of Rev. Francis Hawley,Baptist Pastor in Colebrook, Litchfield county, Connecticut, who has resided fourteen years in the slave states, North and South Carolina.]
“The rule, where slaves are hired out, is two suits of clothes per year one pair of shoes, and one blanket; but as it relates to the great body of the slaves, this cannot be called a general rule. On many plantations, the children under ten or twelve years old, go entirely naked—or, if clothed at all, they have nothing more than a shirt. The cloth is of the coarsest kind, far from being durable or warm; and their shoes frequently come to pieces in a few weeks. I have never known any provision made, or time allowed for the washing of clothes.
If they wish to wash, as they have generally but one suit, they go after their day's toil to some stream, build a fire, pull off their clothes and wash them in the stream, and dry them by the fire; and in some instances they wear their clothes until they are worn off, without washing. I have never known an instance of a slaveholder putting himself to any expense, that his slaves might have decent clothes for the Sabbath.
If, by making baskets, brooms, mats, &c. at night or on Sundays, the slaves can get money enough to buy a Sunday suit, very well. I have never known an instance of a slaveholder furnishing his slaves with stockings or mittens. I know that the slaves suffer much, and no doubt many die in consequence of not being well clothed.
American Slavery As It Is by Theodore Dwight Weld​ New York: American Anti-Slavery Society​, 1839
Read Weld's book in its original format here: (via The Internet Archive, Boston Public Library​) https://archive.org/details/americanslaverya1839weld2
Here’s Booker T. Washington​ recalls the clothing he wore as a slave:
One thing I remember more vividly than any other in connection with the days when I was a slave was my dress, or, rather, my lack of dress.
The years when the war (The War of the Rebellion, 1860-65) was in progress between the States were especially trying to the slaves, so far as clothing was concerned. The Southern white people found it extremely hard to get clothing for themselves during that war, and, of course, the slaves underwent no little suffering in this respect.
The only garment that I remember receiving from my owners during the war was a "tow shirt." When I did not wear this shirt I was positively without any garment. In Virginia, the tow shirt was quite an institution during slavery. This shirt was made of the refuse flax that grew in that part of Virginia, and it was a veritable instrument of torture. It was stiff and coarse. Until it had been worn for about six weeks it made one feel as if a thousand needle points were pricking his flesh. I suppose I was about six years old when I was given one of these shirts to wear. After repeated trials the torture was more than my childish flesh could endure and I gave it up in despair.
To this day the sight of a new shirt revives the recollection of the tortures of my first new shirt. In the midst of my despair, in connection with this garment, my brother John, who was about two years older than I, did me a kindness which I shall never forget. He volunteered to wear my new shirt for me until it was "broken in." After he had worn it for several weeks I ventured to wear it myself, but not without pain.
Soon after my shirt experience, when the winter had grown quite cold, I received my first pair of shoes. These shoes had wooden bottoms, and the tops consisted of a coarse kind of leather. I have never felt so proud since of a pair of shoes.
An Autobiography: The Story of My Life and Work Illustrated by Frank Beard (1842-1905) Published 1901 pages 16-17
Read Washington's book in its original format here: (via The Internet Archive, UNC-Chapel Hill Library​) https://archive.org/details/autobiographysto00wash
Getty Images​ http://www.gettyimages.com/license/640487221
Find A Grave​ https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/143014999#view-photo=138116670
Lens of War: Exploring Iconic Photographs of the Civil War, edited by J. Matthew Gallman​ and Gary W. Gallagher​, University of Georgia Press​, Apr 15, 2015
pages 180-181, 183
(via Google Books) https://books.google.com/books?id=BRHUCgAAQBAJ&dq
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hollywithaneye · 7 years
Sticks and Stones - Chapter 1
Anonymous said: this would go so perfect with lokane - “Do you think you could just please go one day without pissing me off?” 
For you, anonymous, I present the first part of the abomination you have birthed - a Frankenstein’s monster of human AU and university AU with a heavy nod to The Hating Game.
Enjoy reaping what you have sown. Look forward to the next chapter soon.
Click click. Clack.
The soundtrack of hell was not the screams of the damned, Jane Foster suspected. It was the clattering staccato of a keyboard being tortured.
Clack clack. Click.
Lips thinning with annoyance, she dared a glance across the table over the top of her monitor and met frosty green eyes that held a glint of sordid amusement, the typing only growing louder as she drew in a long breath through her nose.
Fantastic. Today was a Staring Day. Which meant it was also an Irritate Jane (More Than Usual) Day, which meant she didn’t even dare ask Loki Laufeyson to restrain his troglodyte smashing of the hapless computer. The last time she had, she’d come in the next day to find he’d swapped all of the existing keyboards in the lab with some antiquated, horrifically loud mechanical ones he’d dug out from somewhere.
A time machine, perhaps. He’d literally gone back to 1997 just to aggravate her with noisy plastic rectangles of discord. She wouldn’t put it past him.
“Is something the matter, Ms. Foster?”
She could feel the weight of his stare still on her, and realized too late that her face must have given away her black thoughts. Damn it. She hated when he realized he’d gotten under her skin. Schooling her expression smooth again with another long exhale, she plastered a smile on that felt as paper thin as it probably looked. “Absolutely nothing, Loki.”
Save for having to share a universe with him. Of all the solar systems in all of the galaxies...
Save for his insistence on calling her ‘Ms. Foster’, as if she was some dowdy old matron straight out of an episode of Downton Abbey. Made all the worse by his posh, British accent.
Save for the fact that he wore button-ups and slacks every damned day of the week, every damned week of the year, regardless of the weather. As if t-shirts and jeans were simply beneath him, as if he wasn’t just another graduate grunt like she was, slaving away at their research.
Save for the small matter of being her ex’s brother.
And the cold, cutting way his gaze had swept over her the very first time they’d met - Jane so eager and euphoric and desperate to make a good impression on Thor’s well-heeled family. That flinty stare had dissected her, taken in her department store dress and costume jewelry that screamed ‘I paid for these with student loan money’ and then simply...flickered away, wordlessly. Judgment passed. Message clear, no words needed.
She didn’t belong.
That had been over two years ago, and the memory still made her want to grind her teeth. She and Thor had broken up shortly after that, and she could never quite get past the niggle of doubt that Loki had had something to do with that. A well-placed word in Thor’s mother’s ear, perhaps. Or Thor himself, even.
Regardless, she’d lost a boyfriend and gained a most unwanted associate when Loki had transferred to her university the very next semester. And of course, he was an astrophysics major as well. Whatever had possessed him to leave the Ivy league school he'd probably been attending and come to Virginia, Jane didn’t have the faintest idea, even if the program here at Culver was well regarded. She more than half suspected it was just to keep an eye on her and make sure she didn’t get any more ideas where his brother was concerned.
The creak of a door opening drew her attention, and the rumpled head of their adviser Dr. Erik Selvig poked out of his office. “Jane, Loki...may I see you both a moment please?”
She shot out of her chair and scurried across the lab, working twice as hard to cover the space as Loki did with his absurdly long strides. At the doorway she barely nudged ahead of him with a well-placed elbow, and tried not to look smug as she claimed the only spare chair in Eric’s office.
Childish? Absolutely. Petty? Indeed.
Oh, yes.
Her triumphant grin faded somewhat as Loki simply perched on the arm of the chair, one ankle crossed over his knee, the lean line of his back turning half of her field of view to dove-gray silk. His impeccable posture managed to make the shabby IKEA abomination look like a throne.
It was the Personal Bubble Game, and she ground her teeth against the urge to shrink away and let him win.
God, she hated him.
Erik’s tired gaze, the worn gray of old denim, bounced between the two of them and he sighed almost inaudibly as he settled behind his desk. “Have you ever considered how much further you could both advance your studies if you simply worked together?”
A sharp-edged smile slashed across Loki’s face. “And where would science be without a good rivalry or two? What was Edison without Tesla? Koch versus Pasteur? Cope and Marsh and the Great Bone Wars?”
“Let's not get ahead of ourselves.” Erik fixed him with a flat, unamused look that said volumes before continuing. “But in that case, you'll be very interested in what I have to say. I have an associate, Dr. Holger Sørensen, at the University of Oslo in Norway. Fascinating man, with some fascinating work on the cutting edge of astronomy and astrophysics...and it just so happens that he's interested in taking on a handful of select students for a research experience this winter at the Cerro Tololo observatory in Chile.”
Jane lurched forward in her chair, mouth hanging agape at Erik’s words. If he was saying what she thought he was saying...this was the sort of opportunity that most people in their field would cheerfully murder for. She was too engrossed to even notice that her shoulder was pressed up against Loki’s side, until he shifted and shot her an inscrutable Look.
Ha! A reaction, even if she hadn’t intended to get one. One point to her.
Steepling his fingers, Erik continued blithely on. “I don’t need to reiterate what sort of opportunity this is, one that both of you more than deserve. Having the chance to study under another preeminent member of our field and draw your own comparisons against the southern hemisphere. However…” he trailed off before drawing a sigh, and Jane felt the air in the room deflate. “As criminal as it is, with university funding being what it is these days, I’m afraid we only have grant money enough to send one of you.”
Long, slim fingers suddenly clasped hers and shook her hand with surprising strength. “My condolences, Ms. Foster. It was lovely knowing you, try not to think of me too much when I’m gone.”
She blinked up at Loki, too startled by the sudden contact even react to his audacious comment. Only when the warmth of his grip began to seep into hers did she snatch her hand back and fix a glare on her face, the furrow of her brows deepening at his low chuckle. “You...arrogant…”
Brilliant. She couldn’t even come up with a good opening salvo for the Insult Game.
“That���s enough, Loki,” Dr. Selvig chided, and Jane’s glower turned on him as she caught the twitch of a smile at the corner of Erik’s lips. “I haven’t made any sort of final decision as to whom the university will send. Provided you’re both interested, that is.”
“I am,” they both chimed in at the same time, exchanging narrowed glances.
“Of course.” Heaving a long-suffering sigh, Erik folded his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Then I see no way to pick between you other than to base my decision off of the progress of your upcoming thesis projects at the end of this term. And to be impartial, I’ll turn the final say over to a committee of myself, Dr. Yu, and Dr. Hynek. Is that acceptable?”
“Absolutely.” Standing swiftly, Jane would have tried to beat Loki through the door once more if he hadn’t bowed mockingly and let her through first in a parody of chivalry.
“I’ll email you the rest of the details. Dismissed then. Good chat!” Erik’s voice chased after them, ending in a snort of exasperation.
Picking her way back through the bramblepatch of equipment and cables that seemed to perpetually sprout in Erik’s lab, Jane settled herself at the small table she shared with Loki that held her laptop and notebook, her fingers flying across the keys as fast as her thoughts tumbled with renewed fervor. She had this, she knew she did. Her calculations were so close to a breakthrough and there was no way that Loki would be able to come up with anything half as innovative as she, even if they were working on the same concept, studying dark matter and how it could possibly pertain to wormholes. And if she got this position, she could extrapolate so much from her observations of the southern hemisphere...
“Cuanto quieres esto?”
Jane blinked at the foreign phrase, and lifted her head to frown at Loki. “What?”
Loki’s lips curled in a Cheshire grin. “You know this is already decided. Do you even speak Spanish?”
“No. But I can learn.” It was childish, but she couldn’t help ducking her head back behind her monitor to silently parrot his question while safely hidden, her lips twisted in disdain. Of course he knew Spanish. He’d probably learned it from some private tutor at the age of twelve, crammed in between polo lessons and pulling the wings off of butterflies.
A beat of silence, and then he spoke again, sly humor warming his tone. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you that your face will stay like that?”
“Like what? I wasn’t...” She trailed off, wrinkling her nose at being called out. There was no point in lying over something as childish as that, even if she was any good at deceit. She settled for glaring at the sliver of his forehead she could see over her monitor. How in the heck had he even known she was mocking him?
“I know you better than you think, Ms. Foster.” As if he could read her thoughts. He shifted in his seat, leaning back to catch her eye and stretching his long legs across the space beneath their table, crowding hers. It was obvious he had no interest in leaving her alone until he got the rise he wanted.
“Oh?” The thought of being so easy to read needled her. “Regale me with your insight then,” she challenged dryly, arms crossed, resigned to playing along for now. “I could use a good laugh.”
Her only answer for some moments was a brow winging upwards, until he seemed to have reached some silent consensus. “Jane Foster. Born and raised solidly lower middle class, in a small town in rural Iowa by a widowed father of meager means. Your best, and possibly only friend, is Darcy Lewis, an undergrad studying political science that you more than likely associate with simply because she handles social situations far better than you. Your taste in clothes is unimaginative and tends towards the...practical.” He somehow made the word seem like an insult.
“Your taste in music is probably equally pedestrian, if the occasional out of tune humming of Ed Sheeran is any indication. You have only a glancing association with anything resembling a balanced diet, your favorite color is midnight blue, you watch Dancing With the Stars religiously, and you desperately seek the approval of Dr. Selvig and his peers.” He paused again, and his lip curled slightly, as if scenting something unpleasant. “Oh, and your taste in men is...questionable, at best.”
The unspoken ‘Because you dated my brother’  hung in the air between them, garish like a neon sign. Blood rose in Jane’s cheeks, boiling beneath her skin, and the heat of her embarrassment stole her words from her. She wanted to stand up and argue, to tell him he was completely wrong about everything. To fight back against the way he flayed her with his bald statements and left her feeling naked and squirming and so very small...but what had she expected from Loki, really? Humor? The man had all of the warm fuzziness of a coral snake.
In fact, a snake was the perfect representation of Loki. Sleek and alluring in its own strange way, but cold and dangerous. Best kept at arm’s length, if not further.
To think that once, some silly part of her had thought they could perhaps be friends.
“You’re an ass.” She wasn’t proud of the slight warble in her voice. Half of her wanted to tear into him in return, to spell out just what sort of an arrogant jerk she thought he really was, and the other half was determined to be the bigger person at the moment. Eventually, it won out and she closed her mouth on the scathing response that bubbled up within her, settling instead for a scorching glare.
He scoffed slightly. “You insult me for being honest? Would you have preferred that I lie? Because I could have done that, and well enough that you’d have believed me. It’s hardly my fault that you got exactly what you asked for and then resented it.”
Jane pinched the bridge of her nose and blew out a breath, counting slowly to five. “You know it’s not the things you say, right? It’s how you say them. That’s why you can’t seem to go one day without pissing me off somehow.”
“And I’m supposed to apologize for your hurt feelings? I refuse to change myself for anyone. Even you, Ms. Foster.” He eyed her with a cryptic frown. “Especially you, perhaps.”
“Of course not. If you did, we might actually get along, and then the universe would implode,” Jane snapped, and stood abruptly, holding onto the fraying threads of her temper through sheer willpower alone.
Why her? Why did he seem to delight in picking on her in particular? What ancient god had she pissed off in a past life to deserve being saddled with this cardboard cutout masquerading as human?
With a loud clack she slapped her laptop shut and tucked it under one arm along with her journal, bracing a hand on the edge of the table and leaning in until he was forced to meet her eyes. “You’re selfish, Loki. And cold, and cruel.” She broke off to rake him with her most disdainful glare. “No wonder Thor is your parent’s favorite.”
It was a low blow. She knew it and she regretted it immediately, long before his face went white and his lips thinned bloodlessly. But whatever he might say as a rebuttal she knew she wouldn’t weather, and so she sped on before he had the chance. Survival of the fittest. “Listen to me. I will win this internship. I will prove my theory is right someday, publish it, and make a name for myself in this field. And you...” Jane straightened and lifted her chin, squaring her jaw proudly. “You will never be able to forget that once upon a time, you had the chance to be my friend.”
Suddenly Loki was simply there, her nose practically tapping against his chest as he towered over her. She hadn’t even seen him move. And good grief, she’d known he was tall but she hadn’t appreciated just how much higher he stood than her. How much larger, even if his frame was deceptively lean. A far cry from his brother, who’d dwarfed Jane in every way.
His expression was drawn in stark savage lines, and the air around them crackled with something frenzied and furious. When his hand lifted towards her she couldn’t quite keep from flinching away, more than half expecting to see the biting arc of static leap between them. It fell back to his side, and he let out a small sound of disgust.
“Let us get something straight, Jane Foster.” His green eyes, normally so frigid, blazed like witchfire as he bared his teeth at her in a mocking smile. “You and I shall never, ever be...friends.” He flicked the word at her like a drop of acid, and she flinched again from the vehemence in his voice.
With one last dismissive glance, he collected his things and strode out of the room, leaving Jane to sag in his wake. Her heartbeat rushed in her ears and thrummed beneath her skin and she felt stymied. Frustrated, for reasons she couldn’t quite name. She kicked the table leg once in a fit of pique, but only earned herself a stubbed toe for her troubles.
The smarmy bastard. He’d stolen the last word, and her exit. That was like...practically ten points to him.
That had to be it.
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ruinousrealms · 5 years
Black Valley
Nobody came through Black Valley anymore, not since the creek dried up and the railroad passed it by. The last settlers left years ago, leaving behind nothing but a few dilapidated shacks clustered around a shallow trench where water once ran down from the Sierra Nevadas, the blue-green peaks looming over the western horizon.
It was a ghost town in every sense of the word, and that was why Elmar Rudry liked it so much. The high desert was warm and peaceful, with little more than a stiff breeze to disturb the stillness of the afternoon, or the howling of distant coyotes at night. Nothing ever moved, nothing ever changed, and that was just the way he liked it.
The old man struck a singularly pathetic figure, dressed in rags that had once been a flannel shirt and gray pants, leaning on a stick as he hobbled between the crooked, half-collapsed buildings in what had been, once upon a time, the center of the town's commercial district. His hair was bleached white from age and the hot desert sun, falling across his shoulders and mingling with an equally long beard, which blew stiffly as the breeze passed by.
His hat was ragged, his boots so full of holes that it was a wonder the old leather soles clung together at all. It was a wonder he still bothered wearing them at all, with his hardened feet used to walking long distances across the hot earth, grinding his soles like fine-grain sandpaper. Some affectations died hard, he supposed – Like his ragged outfit, a holdover from the days when men still lived in this town, when cool, clear water flowed down from the mountains like the very blood of God-
He shook his head, catching himself. He couldn't afford to get nostalgic now – He'd long ago made his choice to stay, and there was no point dwelling in the distant past. How long had it been since the last time he saw a human face? A smooth one, a fresh one, free of the cracks and scars and strange, writhing, dripping things that flowed from the mouth and nostrils of a fresh corpse? Ten years, more?
He shrugged, and a wave of sand rolled down his shoulders like a caustic avalanche, clinging to the reddish, irritated flesh on his back. Too many years of sun had first turned his skin the color and consistency of rough Apache leather, then irritated it, wrinkles cracking and splitting apart, catching sand and sending thin streams of pus down his back.
It used to bother him. Not anymore. Nothing bothered him anymore, not the sun, not the sand, not the emptiness of his stomach nor the infernal dryness of his throat. He looked up, and realizing he was in the saloon, made his way over to the counter, where an empty whiskey bottle sat alongside a row of shot glasses, cracks running across the glass like spiderwebs. He remembered whiskey, the burn as it slid down the throat, the courage, the wild, carefree abandon it inspired after a long day's march...
It was gone. He brushed the skeleton of a scorpion off the bar and watched it shatter across the floor, then made his way up the creaking flight of stairs to the rooms of the upper floor. Each step creaked ominously beneath his feet, the nails rusty, the wood cracked and warped from years of varying temperatures.
Four of the five doors were shut, and the old man paid them no attention as he made his way to the far room, whose door he could just barely remember removing from the hinges in some long-distant vista of memory.
The object of his quest lay on the bed, two hundred and six bones, thirty-two teeth – He'd counted them meticulously, during the long days in which there was nothing left to do. They were all intact, pristine and bleached the same white as his beard, thanks to the sun and ants. He was just lucky he'd found it before the scavengers got to it – As it was, all that was missing were a few pieces of skull, which he'd been unable to find no matter where he looked. Possibly, whoever made the hole had taken them with him – Why, he couldn't say, but any man who would leave such a fine corpse laying in the desert was sure to have some strange ways.
Next to the body lay a moldy old belt and a chunk of rusted-together metal that may have once been a revolver, though the make was impossible to tell. The old man picked it up, resting his bony finger on the rusted trigger, and made a motion with his thumb as if cocking the missing hammer. He held it out, fixing the shattered forehead of the skull between rust-clogged sights, then set it down again.
He opened his mouth, a single, blackened incisor hanging from frayed tendons. His first attempt at speaking sent him into a fit of coughing, as countless weeks of accumulated dust flowed between his thin lips. When the dust settled and his throat was reasonably empty, he shook his head, and began a long-practiced speech.
“I'a Cthulhu fhtagn,” He rasped, his dry, cracked tongue straining to shape the unusual syllables, “Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Cthulhu-”
“Yakut shabbur Yog-Sothoth,” The corpse responded in a tone as hollow as the space within the ribcage, “Heigin tadnor Ug-Krunog.”
“I never heard of such a thing,” The old man sputtered, “The things what live beneath Snake-Hill, they'd have told me-"
“Your death approaches, Elmar,” The corpse's tone was almost apologetic, “You know they would never tell you. You might panic and flee, and then they'd have to venture out in the daytime and fight with the other scavengers to claim what belongs to them.”
“I don't, I tell you! Elmar Rudry belongs to Elmar Rudry, no matter what the buggies say.”
“You sold yourself cheap, you know. Your Christian god may not exist, but there are certain places what are warmer than others – And a damn sight colder than this desert, where even the children of Yig dare not dwell.”
“Them snakes ain't worth the lead it takes t' put 'em down,” The old man's voice grew steadier as he got used to speaking, “I always wanted t' burn their hives, or at least drop some dynamite down their holes an' seal the entrances. Keep em from gobblin' down any unwary travelers-”
“And hitch a ride out of here,” The corpse finished for him.
“It's been too long. Longer than the bargain.”
A rattling sound emerged from between the jaws of the skull, something akin to laughter.
“Bastard. I should'a left you where I found you.”
“You don't bargain with Hol-Krava, nor the Black Goat with a Thousand Young.”
“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.” The old man intoned, and with a sound like rustling paper, the skeleton fell silent once more.
The year was 1862, and Private Rudry was riding hard through the desert, kicking up a plume of dust that rose like smoke from one of the big factories back in St. Louis. His once-gray uniform was coated in red dust, same with his hat and the scruffy three-day beard clinging to his narrow chin. He held the reigns in his teeth as he struggled to load his revolver, but the constant rocking of the saddle made it nearly impossible to pour the powder into each of the cylinders in the revolver – And he knew he'd need them all.
The western campaign was over. New Mexico was firmly in Union hands. Sibley and Thom Green were retreating, along with two thousand of Texas' best men, four hundred of whom now lay dead in western dust. Back home to Arizona, and from there to Texas, and then what? All the way back to Virginia, to hold off the Yankee savages by digging trenches in farmyards and town squares from Richmond to Atlanta?
Rudry couldn't read, but it didn't take some northern intellectual to understand the signs – It was doomed, the whole damned war, and he wasn't going to die in some Godforsaken foxhole or catch the flu and meet the Creator without ever meeting the enemy. No, he was headed west – West, beyond the Sierra Nevada, where the sun rose above an ocean as expansive as the desert which now surrounded him in all directions.
In the chaos of the retreat, who would've noticed a soldier slipping away, stealing a horse and riding off into the night? Somebody, apparently, or they wouldn't have sent these men after him. There were four, but he shot one on the second night, when he made the mistake of making camp in the open, and the other disappeared soon after. Maybe he was snakebit and died raving and alone as his comrades pressed on – It pained him to think of any man dying in such ignominy, let alone a fellow southerner, but it couldn't be helped. He was with the Lord now, and surely reaping his just reward for loyal service to the cause.
As for himself, he knew his soul was well beyond saving. His sin was worse than murder, worse than sodomy – If he thought service to the southern cause could save his soul, he was sorely mistaken, as loneliness and isolation only drove him onward, into the depths of depravity which even the wicked men of Nineveh would find abhorrent. Even the yankee foe, for all his cruelty, would have given him a quick death just to rid the world of his sin all the more quickly.
Sodom and Gomorrah, on the plain south of what men call the River Jordan – Albuquerque and Santa Fe, south of Rio Puerco. Truly, the Lord hath granted him a taste of the fires to come, in which his deviant soul would become another morsel on the devil's own barbacoa. He was a good little sinner, though, and he wouldn't be content with simply laying down and accepting the fires willingly.
The war lay behind him, but it was catching up fast. He could hear the hoofbeats of his pursuers just meters behind him, unable to shoot or even see in the cloud of dust from his horse's hooves. It was about all the old mare was good for, after a full week of running drove the energy from the poor beast. God really did abandon this land – It was like a blank spot upon the face of Creation, an unfinished corner bereft of life save for rattlesnakes and cacti, whose moist flesh was the only reason he hadn't died four nights ago when his last canteen ran out.
The Colt's Dragoon he carried was a gift from a Union lieutenant, back at Glorieta Pass. The boy's soul had been commended to the Lord, where he only hoped the boy received mercy for his sin of fighting against the glorious Confederacy. The bayonet of his rifle still dripped with the boy's blood when he pulled the pistol from his limp fingers and delivered a coup de grace – A kindness, better than bleeding to death or dying of infection in some butcher's field hospital.
It was a powerful little beauty, but Lord, the trigger pull was a long one and the kick worse than a mule. If you weren't careful firing, you could snap your wrist clean down the middle, and if you didn't load it correctly – Too much powder, or too little, the thing could just as easily blow up in your hand and do the enemy's job for him.
“Jesus, Mary, and all the saints,” He muttered, rotating the cylinder and clicking the lock into place, “Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.”
Glancing over his shoulder, he could see the silhouettes of the riders shifting as they fanned out, one on each side and riding hard to escape the smokescreen. The one on the left came out first, his gray uniform hidden beneath a brown longcoat, and a revolver-rifle in his hands. It was a powerful weapon in the right hands, a step between a musket and one of Henry's new repeaters, but there was enough room in the breach that dirt could easily get in – Which is why, when the gunman raised the rifle and took aim, Rudry didn't bother to duck.
There was a click, and another, and then an explosion and the sensation of air whipping past his face – He turned just in time to see the other rider coming up behind him, his unbuttoned coat flapping behind him like a cape. The weapon in his hands was a Henry, and Rudry cursed to high heaven as another bullet tore past him, barely scraping the back of his collar.
Another shot cracked out by the time Rudry got his bearings, this one grazing the horse's haunch and causing the poor beast to cry out, stumbling slightly as blood trickled down its leg. It was barely a scratch, and Rudry spared the beast no mercy, jamming his spurs into the horse's bloody thighs. He could see the rider coming alongside him, rifle at the ready for a single clear shot.
The fully-loaded Dragoon felt heavy in his hand, too heavy for a man to hold – It wasn't designed to kill men, really, but Nephilim and Indians, which Rudry quietly suspected were the same thing, having never met any of either party. He didn't bother looking, he just pulled the trigger. The bark of the gun was nothing compared to the screaming of the horse as the bullet tore through its thick hide, lodging itself deep in its chest. Its legs buckled, and now it was the rider's turn to scream as he was thrown from the saddle, landing head-first with an awful crunch.
One threat down, he turned to the second gunman, but as he turned around, all he could see was empty desert, red sand and wind-blown rocks in every direction. In one direction, however, a pair of buttes stuck out against the noonday sky, and between them, a faint cloud of dust receded into the distance. The coward bolted.
Rudry chuckled, and the fallen rider groaned, southern blood trickling from a gash in his scalp and spilling across the damned Yankee sand. Hopping down from his saddle, Rudry pulled a Bowie knife from the sheath on his belt, and put an end to the poor wretch. The horse's legs were twitching, but the bullet had clearly hit something vital. He hefted his revolver and considered putting a round into it, but his bullet pouch was dreadfully light.
The Henry, on the other hand, was caught beneath the beast's belly, with only part of the now-bent barrel sticking out. It didn't take a gunsmith to know it'd be useless, even if he could shove the thousand or so pounds of dead weight off of it.
With only slight regret, he climbed back on his horse, turned, and made to follow his other pursuer.
The hunter was now the hunted. Revolver in hand, Rudry crept through the ruined stockade and into the ghost town. Black Valley was the name, according to a bullet-scarred sign hanging from the sheriff's office – He guessed it was the sheriff's office, on account of the rusty iron cage sitting in the center of the otherwise empty building. It must've been a fine town in it's day, though how long ago that was, he dared not venture a guess. It could've been built any time between last week and Coronado's first visit to the region more than two centuries prior.
Maybe the local gold or silver mine ran dry, or maybe there never was one to begin with – Some Yankee shyster selling stakes in a phony mine, stealing people's life savings while they slowly died out in some godforsaken wilderness. It wouldn't be the first time, and with the defeat of the Glorious Cause all but inevitable, it sure as shootin' wouldn't be the last.
There were a good dozen structures still standing, mostly one- or two-room shacks, along with the aforementioned sheriff's office, a small church, a saloon – The only two-story building in town, if you didn't count the upper level of the church, which Rudry didn't, as the roof had mostly caved in on top of it. In the dying light, and in light of his sin, he passed it by, scarcely turning to glance inside.
He was glad he did, however, as a shift in the darkness caught his attention – Movement. He dropped to his knees just in time for a bullet to rip past him, ricocheting off a rock just behind him. He raised the revolver and let off a round of his own, the flash illuminating the entryway to the church, and for just a moment, he could make out the silhouette of a man behind a pew, his face pale behind the sights of his rifle.
He ducked, giving Rudry time to move for cover behind the empty doorway. A volley rang out, one, two, three shots, the first two hitting the ground, and the last one slamming into the doorframe and sending out a flurry of splinters. Four shots fired in total, two left – While he still had five heavy .44 bullets loaded in his Dragoon.
“Don't come any closer!” The man in the church shouted, “Damn you! Damn you!”
He was moving around, fumbling in the dark. Rudry could hear the pews screeching as he shoved them out of his way.
“Damn yourself!” He responded, “Put it down, and we'll get our backsides outta this here firehole!”
“You killed Jim!”
“He was shootin' at me. Whaddya expect me t' do, shake his hand?”
“Damn you!”
“You said that already, kid.”
The gunman responded with another shot, but this one didn't hit near the door – There was a loud splashing sound, like a rock thrown in water, followed by a strange, half-strangled yell from the gunman.
“What in the blazes..?” Rudry muttered, peeking around the door, but he could see nothing past the small entryway, the rest of the interior cloaked in shadow. Something was definitely moving in there, but whether it was the gunman, or something else entirely, he couldn't say. There shuffling sounds, as if something very large were moving across the floor toward the back of the church.
Turning the corner, Rudry fired a shot, and the flash brightened the entire church, right to the back. In that split second, he got a good look at the interior – A few rows of wooden pews leading to a pulpit, behind which sat the remains of a large cross, the horizontal beam having fallen off, and was now leaning against the vertical one.
Between them, though – Rudry blinked, and everything was dark once more. For just a second, he fancied that he saw something faint, indistinct, standing between the pulpit and the cross, a kind of splotch of shadow – In the darkened church, nothing unusual, save that it seemed to be relegated to a single spot in midair. He didn't spare a second to think about it. More importantly, the gunman was nowhere to be seen, probably hiding behind a pew – And Rudry had just exposed himself.
Rudry leapt back behind the doorway, waiting for the kid to make his move – But nothing came, and after a few long seconds, he ventured to shout, “Hello?”
After a few seconds with no response, he grasped his pistol tightly, and slowly peeked around the corner. When no shots came, he stepped into the open and stood for a second, then took a couple steps into the church, where the light from the setting sun gave way to near pitch-darkness. As he stood there in the still silence, he noticed a faint sound coming from behind one of the pews, barely audible above the faint ringing in his ears from his previous shot.
Behind the bench lay the gunman, as white as Georgia cotton and twisted into an expression that sent a shiver down the hardened soldier's spine. The man's body was twitching, his hands and feet shaking as if in the throes of an epileptic seizure, but that wasn't it. It was as if he was struggling against something, or at least, that was the impression Rudry got from the way he thrust his hands forward, only to slam back down as if being shoved by powerful hands.
“Damn you – D-damn you!” He muttered incessantly, his tongue straining to give shape to the words as blood trickled from cracks in his parched lips. His entire lower face was covered in the stuff, like a sanguine beard. The blood was so thick he could smell it.
A quick visual inspection showed no obvious signs of injury, no entry wounds where Rudry's shot might've ricocheted and hit him. The poor fool's brain was scrambled, probably half-baked from too many long hours under the unforgiving New Mexico sun. Rudry had seen it all before, men dropping mid-march and dying on the burning sand, having never met the enemy. They were useless – Orders were to leave them where they fell, as dragging them along would only slow the column down.
It was the same for him, now. What could he do for the madman? He could splint a broken bone or stitch shut a gaping wound, that was it. Should he tie him down to keep him from gouging his own eyes out, sharing his water with him even though he was bound to die anyway? Grunting, he pulled out his knife and dug it deep in the man's throat. He hardly responded to the cut – Barely bled, in fact, for which Rudry was eminently grateful.
He didn't even gurgle as he died. Rudry felt his way through the church, stepping carefully to avoid tripping on a loose board. The moon rose quickly, filling the room with a pale light that cast queer shadows over everything. Rudry stopped and glanced around, blinking in surprise – Had he lost track of time? He'd taken a pocket watch from the man whose horse he'd shot, but he didn't have a clue how to read it.
Something moved in the corner of his eye, near the pulpit. He spun around, gun at the ready, but nothing was there. “Bats,” He muttered, and slipped his gun back into the holster.
To his surprise, there was a book on the pulpit, but it wasn't a Christian bible – Instead of a cross, the cover bore the image of a stick with five branches, three on one side, two on the other. It was cast from silver, shimmering faintly in the moonlight. Maybe that was the movement. He let out a chuckle, then stopped, as the sound seemed to profane the silence which had settled around him.
The book was strange, no doubt about it. Elmar Rudry could read no better than he could speak Dutch, and the language of the book was definitely not Dutch. They weren't letters like any he'd ever seen before, a lot of squiggly shapes with hooks, curves, and little dots sprinkled here and there like drops from a leaking pen. Every few pages was an illustration, portraying monsters of all shapes and sizes, none of which looked even slightly familiar to him.
There were things without heads, with squiggly lines spewing from their mouths – How a headless creature could have a mouth was beyond him, but that was what was portrayed. One image, to which he felt particularly drawn, appeared to be a normal human man, hands and feet outstretched to show off his body. If he were a scholarly type, he'd have recognized the outline of Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man.
The outline was where the similarities ended, however, as closer inspection revealed certain anatomical irregularities, particularly centered around the subject's groin. Retching slightly in his mouth, Rudry flipped the page, not caring if he ripped the fragile vellum.
He found himself drawn to the strange scribbles. His eyes glazed over the longer he stared at them, the funny little hooks and curves writhing across the page like so many little ringworms in the skin of a dying sow. They were beautiful, in their own unusual way, and before he could tear himself away, he'd read the spread pages five times over.
“This ain't Christian,” He muttered to himself. But then, he was hardly a Christian anymore, and so he turned the page, the ancient vellum crinkling beneath his callused fingertips.
“Ia Cthulhu,” The old man repeated, staring down at the corpse on the bed, “Ia Cthulhu, there ain't no end for me, not on this mortal Earth.”
He repeated that same phrase as he hobbled out of the saloon, adjusting his hat to keep the sun out of his sensitive eyes. Too many years of reading alone in the dark had turned them milky and dim, even though they weren't really useful with the kinds of books he read. He could feel it in his forehead, pulsing, the little cone-shaped gland that Dee so loved to expound upon, and Alhazred harbored such a desire to caress that, in a fit of mad lust, the prophet cracked his own skull with a rock and dug through useless tissue to find the thing.
Rudry had never gone quite that far, though the dark, lonely nights did sometimes drive him to strange extremes regardless. He could taste colors now, and hear smells – The sunlight was too loud these days, pounding in his ancient ears even louder than his own heartbeat, which had recently taking up the tune of an old marching song from-
“Ia Cthulhu,” He banished the thought with another repetition of his mantra, the one he'd repeated so many times over the decades, “Death o' the firstborn, an' welcome th' rain o' frogs. Teacheth mine hands not for war, o Great Ones, but to sin and make merry until the Coming.”
He learned it from his book – The terrible book, the wonderful book, whose presence on the church pulpit was at once inexplicable and miraculous. It was as if God himself led him to it, though he knew instinctively that the mere existence of such a tome was absolute evidence against His existence. No good, orderly world could ever suffer the knowledge contained within that accursed thing.
The words never did make sense to him, but every time he looked, he felt like he was learning. New knowledge simply popped up in the back of his brain as if he knew it all along. Indeed, the only unease he felt anymore was the idea that, in some vague, ill-defined time, he [i]hadn't[/i] known these things. Shoggoth kulai, creatures of the blackest text – They lived, the words, letters, and language, they had lived and they forever would, ensnaring his soul in their web of horror and beauty from the day he first gazed upon the thing.
His body waned as his mind waxed strong, muscle fading, feebleness setting in, but it was a small price to pay for the things he learned. He learned of spheres beside our own, beings from beyond the realm of human understanding. He saw cities wreathed in flame, trains that flew through the air like great serpents – Or was it serpents like giant trains? He couldn't remember. It had been years since he'd seen that particular page. He could try and look it up again, but the pages had a tendency to change whenever he wasn't looking at them.
The vast octopoid things would rise from the deep and reclaim their land. Perhaps it had already happened – The scale of time in the book was rather strange, as was his own perception of it, born of countless decades of isolation. It could've been eons – For all he knew, men were gone and the world was ruled by rabbits who remembered the former dominant species only as a predatory bogeyman who came for disobedient little kits in the dead of night.
Well, those were all after his time. His life, unnaturally elongated though it was, was finally nearing an end. Or was it a beginning? For a man such as he, death was but a door, time but a window, and with his knowledge, there were certain ways of cheating it. Snake-Hill, for example, and them what lived beneath – His close friends and allies through all these long years, would surely be able to help, or at least give him an alternative to whatever foul oblivion into which his consciousness might be thrown upon the cessation of his heartbeat.
Snake-Hill lay just to the east of town, no more than an hour's walk, but by the time the old man arrived at the base of the low rise of earth, it was nearing nightfall. He didn't own a lantern, nor did he see fit to bring so much as a flintstone and a piece of steel; In the dark, his bleary eyes were even less useful than usual, but he knew the way to the entrance by heart, having made the trip almost weekly for countless years.
It didn't take a lot of poking around for him to find the hole, small enough to be mistaken for a rabbit's warren, and poking a toe inside, he jostled it a bit, trying to disturb the inhabitant enough to come out.
“C'mon, feller,” He rasped, “We got business, you an' I.”
Something warm and wet pressed against his toe, and he pulled it back just as a green, polypus thing oozed out. It shifted and swelled before him, swallowing up dirt and sandmites and scorpions, whatever didn't get out of the way in time. Rudry practically leapt back, landing hard on his ankle, but it didn't break, despite the cracking sound and the burst of pain. If his suspicions were correct, it didn't matter anyway. He wasn't going to be walking anywhere anytime soon.
It was as big as a fair-sized horse, covered in a kind of gelatinous outer layer thick enough to conceal whatever lay beneath. The surface was dotted with orifices with thick, almost human-like lips constantly opening and closing, gasping in air and exhaling puffs of blue smoke, whose smell wrinkled the old man's nose and stung his eyes.
The creature had no real limbs, but every once in a while, one of the orifices would open up, and a long, slender tendril would emerge to swat a fly, or capture it and drag it inside the thing's maw. It wasn't eating, of course, any fool could tell that such a beast took no sustenance upon this mortal plane.
As he stared at it, he noticed that the thing appeared to be seething, the surface rippling like an ocean in a storm, full of little air bubbles that burst as they rose to the top of the gelatinous layer. It was about as clear as mud, and the sun didn't shine on it so much as through it, getting lost somewhere in the depths of the semiliquid surface. It almost seemed to swallow the light, or perhaps, to radiate darkness; Either way, it stuck out like a sore tooth amid the ruined town.
A pair of tendrils emerged from the creature's belly, covered in thick, oily pus that hissed it dripped on the ground. They twisted into a shape like a sailor's knot, and Elmar repeated the motion, doing his best approximation with his hands. A low gurgle rose from one of the orifices in the creature's side, and a foul, greenish mist began to pump out.
The smell was acrid, even by Elmar's standards, a mixture of burnt cordite and the gas which builts up inside a corpse, only to rupture and spread its putrescence through the hot, dry desert air. Opening his arms and closing his eyes, he inhaled the foul stench and savored it like a sommelier nosing a fine wine.
“Ia Cthulhu,” He muttered to nobody in particular – Certainly not the beast, whose sensory organs couldn't possibly perceive such a mundane form of communication as speech. There was a strange sensation in his loins, and he looked down to see an erection, something he hadn't experienced in more decades than he cared to count. He smirked at the sight – Human procreation was so delicate, so fragile, so utterly limited that it was hard to describe it as procreation at all, more like cloning, or spreading the seed of some wild desert flower. Only fools cared for such things, fools and creatures so low in evolution that they were like comparing men with ants... Or perhaps, comparing an ant with the bacteria clinging to the dung it feasted on.
He was beginning to understand now what the skeleton had meant. Death – O Death, in this way, wasn't a death at all, but a transition, a Becoming. For in the arms of the Worm, ensconced within the cool, damp caverns underneath Snake-Hill, he would achieve something, attain something, and in doing so, pass beyond what fools called existence, and clung to so dearly, as if a single breath of waking life were worth the strain it put on the soul.
“Shub-Niggurath an' the Conqueror Worm,” He closed his eyes, spreading out his arms to accept his fate, “I'm home.”
Two tendrils lashed out of the thing, accompanied by a burst of gas from one of the jiggling mouths. They touched his arms, suction-feelers sinking into his skin, and he hissed as pain coursed through his arteries – The creature tasted his insides, and the tendrils retreated, leaving the ragged ends of arteries to spurt blood.
Whether the creature liked it, he couldn't say, but when Elmar Rudry felt the ends of the tendrils pressing against his closed eyelids, he understood. His eyeballs popped like ripe cherries, and the scream he let out could've woken the dead. Upstairs in the saloon, there was a rattle of bones, but that stopped along with the scream as the creature's slimy appendages dug into the old man's brain, and, finding nothing of any particular interest, withdrew its tentacles.
The old man's body collapsed, limp and lifeless, and the creature returned from whence it came. A few hours later, a coyote, flea-bitten and half-starved, came upon the corpse, but the meat was far from fresh, and the smell clinging to it stung the canine's nostrils. He took a cursory sniff and turned away in search of something more palatable.
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pete-and-pete · 6 years
Rise Above Movement: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Four members of the California-based Rise Above Movement were arrested on conspiracy charges related to the Charlottesville rallies in August 2017. Cole Evan White, 24, Benjamin Drake Daley, 25, Michael Miselis, 29, and Thomas Walter Gillen, 34, were each charged with one count of conspiracy to violate the federal riots statute and one count of violating the federal riots statute. Here is what you need to know about RAM and the federal charges.
1. The Four Men Arrested Were Among the ‘Most Violent Individuals’ at the Rallies, According to the Complaint
GettyBen Daley, with his face covered in a skull mask, at a rally in Berkeley, California.
The four men who were arrested — Cole White, Benjamin Daley, Michael Miselis, and Thomas Gillen — were identified as marchers either on August 11, during the torch rally, or during the rally the next day when Heather Heyer was killed. On August 11, 2017, a group of people marched through the University of Virginia carrying Tiki torches and shouting phrases like “Blood and Soil!” (a Nazi slogan) and “Jews will not replace us!” A group of student activists was attacked by some of the people from that group, Huffington Post reported.
The complaint states that the four arrested were among the most violent at the rallies:
Among the most violent individuals present in Charlottesville on August 11-12, 2017 were at least four members and associates of the Rise Above Movement, a militant white-supremacist organization based in Southern California, who had traveled to Charlottesville with the intent to encourage, promote, incite, participate in, and commit violent acts in furtherance of a riot…”
You can read the federal complaint filed against the four men below.
The complaint states that on August 11, the night before Heather Heyer’s tragic death, hundreds of people with the Unite the Right rally marched through part of the University of Virginia’s campus, carrying torches and shouting phrases like “Blood and Soil!” and “Jews will not replace us!” The march stopped at a Thomas Jefferson statue at the Rotunda. Once there, the marchers surrounded a smaller group of students who were there to counterprotest and were holding banners such as “VA Students Act Against White Supremacy.” According to the complaint, the torch-lit protesters moved in closer and “moments later, violence erupted among the hundreds of people present.” The next day, violent encounters occurred multiple times between the protestors and counterprotesters.
The federal complaint said that the four men who were arrested had also engaged in violence at political rallies in Huntington Beach in March 2017, Berkeley in April 2017, and other locations. The complaint shows photos and screenshots of violent altercations, including the one below. The federal complaint reads: “A screenshot from the footage below shows GILLEN, DALEY, WHITE, and MISELIS, acting in concert with each other as they continue to engage in acts of violence towards counter protestors.”
Department of Justice
The complaint also states that at one point, Miselis and Daley threw water bottles onto a crowd of counter-protestors and Daley stood and made a “throat-slashing gesture” to the crowd. The complaint provided the following screenshot:
Department of Justice
The complaint also shares photos of Gillen “repeatedly punching a counter protestor who has fallen to the ground.”
Department of JusticeGillen as identified in the federal complaint.
In the federal complaint, White is described as being at the UTR rally and can be seen in screenshots of the riots wearing a purple sweater with “flowing platinum blonde hair… later attacking a counter protestor.” You can see the screenshot from the complaint below:
Department of JusticeWhite as identified in the complaint.
The complaint goes on to state that White can be seen using a tiki torch as a weapon on at least two occasions. It says that in another incident, White can be seen grabbing a non-violent counter protestor who was just holding a street sign and “jerking him away… Afterwards, White head-butted a clergyman…”
2. The Rise Above Movement is a California-Based Group with about 50 Members
The Rise Above Movement is a small but violent group composed of about 50 people in southern California. The group has expressed hatred for Muslims, Jews, and immigrants, ProPublica and Frontline have reported. They were one of the groups involved in the Unite the Right rally in August 2017.
The Unite the Right rally was the largest public gathering of white supremacists in a generation, ProPublica reported. It ended up involving about two dozen people battling counterprotesters in the streets of Virginia. Although some people joined the  march to simply advocate for free speech, many of the participants were chanting racist slogans and embracing symbols that spoke to the days of Nazi Germany.
The complaint noted that according to the Rise Above Movement’s Twitter page, RAM seeks to “revive this (pioneering) spirit… Modern society fosters weak men, addicts, and apathy. We want to rise above all of today’s destructive culture and see the rebirth of our people, strong in mental and physical capacities as our forefathers were.”
The federal complaint later states: “RAM and their associates, in contrast to their purpose referenced previously, openly espouse animosity, anti-Semitism, and violence towards those who hold opposite ideologies to their own, as evidenced by posts to their Twitter page.”
3. RAM Has Called Itself a ‘Premier MMA Club of the Alt-Right’
GabRise Above Movement’s social media page on Gab
The Rise Above Movement refers to itself as the ‘Premier MMA Club of the Alt-Right,” Guardian reported. The group was originally called DIY Division, the federal complaint noted, and later rebranded itself as the Rise Above Movement. In April 2017, the New York Post wrote that DIY was a “neo-Nazi fight club.”
According to an in-depth report by ProPublica, the Rise Above Movement (RAM) members spend a lot of time training in boxing or the martial arts and have been known to boast about violent protests. The group tried to disrupt a Committee for Racial Justice meeting in Santa Monica, and members have been known to “infiltrate protests and disrupt proceedings by fighting” with people who don’t have the same ideology, the Guardian noted. They typically wear skull masks or goggles to hide their identity. However, some of the people at the Charlottesville rallies were not wearing disguises. 
A post by the Rise Above Movement on Gab showed free outdoor gyms in the Ukraine and a claim that they were being “set up.” They wrote: “This gym was set up as one of many free outdoor gyms in Ukraine to forge a healthier youth, meanwhile in the US , we set up free syringe needle exchanges and constantly take steps to decriminalize drug abuse. Makes you think what their setting us up for.” [sic] Some of the responses to the post include racial profanity and slurs.
Eight months ago, the account posted: “It’s strange how everyone says the media is all ran by (them) and is our enemy , but then altrighters are so eager to go and invite them into there home and give the full access to destroy them. Essential making ((them)) millions of dollars while you get nothing but being made too look like a sack of **** for 15 minutes on camera. Main stream media is not your friend!”
According to the federal complaint, RAM and its members “openly identify themselves as alt-right and nationalist and frequently post videos and photographs of its adherents engaged in vigorous physical training and mixed martial arts street-fighting techniques in order to prepare to engage in fighting and violence at political rallies.”
4. Most of the Rise Above Movement’s Social Media Accounts Were Taken Down, But They Still Have Active Accounts on Gab & YouTube
GabRise Above Movement’s Gab account
Although most of the Rise Above Movement’s social media accounts have been removed, they still have an active account on Gab (a social media alternative site.) Here is one of their recent posts:
GabRAM on Gab
They also have an active YouTube account with more than 2,000 subscribers. They posted the following video two months ago about Mike Miselis, one of the four men who was arrested today.
5. The Rise Above Movement Is Currently Selling Clothing Merchandise on a Site Called RightBrandClothing.com
GabRise Above Movement on Gab
They’re currently selling T-shirts at the site RightBrandClothing.com,  according to their Gab account. The site reads: “We are a nationalist apparel company committed to bringing you the highest quality goods, Our products are designed for both casual and active lifestyles. For our people, Made by our people!”
The About Us page explains: “The Right Brand was founded by a mix of frontline patriots from all over America that wanted to take part in creating a counter culture to the Marxist and degenerate ideals that are constantly being forced upon us from big corporate, Hollywood, media and liberal campuses. Modeling after successful European patriotic and nationalist movements,we created a collection of apparel and accessories based on these concepts. All of the founders are young activists that have been at some of the biggest events in the country, have personaly been on front page for their boldness and stood against the waves of the left.” [sic]
source https://heavy.com/news/2018/10/rise-above-movement/
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ronlofland · 7 years
Sue-per Bowl Shuffle IV: The Year In NFL-Related Intellectual Property Litigation
If you are a lawyer, there is a serious danger that someone at the Super Bowl party you attend is going to want to talk about an NFL-related legal issue. Did Cowboys owner Jerry Jones really have standing to challenge Commissioner Roger Goodell’s salary package? What is the status of Colin Kaepernick’s collusion lawsuit?
Actually, we can’t help you with those questions, but we can get you ready to discuss recent NFL-related intellectual property disputes. IP certainly was not the biggest NFL legal story in 2017, but you would be hard pressed to find another area of the law that has so consistently offered such a wide array of lawsuits pertaining to the sport. Our fourth annual Sue-per Bowl Shuffle, a review of the year in NFL-related intellectual property disputes, is just what you need to get up to speed.
So here’s the game plan. Laminate this article and place it next to the carrots … there they are, those orange things between the beer and the cake. If the game doesn’t live up to the hype and you get bored, just pull out this article and tell your friends about some interesting football-connected IP cases. If you read quickly enough, you will be done just in time for the Patriot’s inevitable fourth quarter comeback.
No More Slants and Skins
This will probably be the last time we lead with the WASHINGTON REDSKINS trademark, because Elvis has finally left the building on that particular issue. In June, the Supreme Court decided the landmark case of Matal v. Tam, which was brought by an Asian-American band calling itself The Slants (and which you can read about in more detail here). The band’s application to register its name as a trademark had been refused by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) because Section 2(a) of the Lanham Act prohibited the registration of “disparaging” marks. The Supreme Court did not decide whether the name was or was not disparaging (that’s an argument we will no doubt continue to have, especially now that the Cleveland Indians are sort-of abandoning Chief Wahoo), but it did hold that Section 2(a)’s prohibition was an unconstitutional restraint on First Amendment rights, thus opening the floodgates for the registration of all sorts of offensive names – whether employed ironically or not.
What does this have to do with football? The REDSKINS trademark, of course. Native American groups have been complaining about the team’s name since the 1970’s, and litigating it since at least the 1990’s. Amanda Blackhorse and other Native Americans used Section 2(a) to argue for cancellation of the mark because of its disparaging nature, and Blackhorse won … at least at first. Both the USPTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (“TTAB”) and the Eastern District of Virginia, in Pro-Football, Inc. v. Blackhorse, agreed with her. However, while the team’s appeal was pending before the Fourth Circuit, The Slants case was decided by the Supreme Court. On January 18, 2018, the Fourth Circuit issued a “game over” order, acknowledging that the Supreme Court had decided the issue, and vacating the cancellation of the team’s registrations.
The upshot: Contrary to some reports, the team’s ability to use the REDSKINS name and logo was never in doubt (that’s not how trademark law works!). As a practical matter, the only thing that the decision changes is that the team can now enforce the registered mark against infringers without worrying about a potential Section 2(a) cancellation counterclaim. In fact, only days after The Slants decision, the NFL filed paperwork with the USPTO indicating an intent to challenge a Canadian entity’s application to register WASHINGTON RED NATION for sports-related clothing. Now all the team needs is a quarterback and they’re good to go for 2018.
Trying to Forget “A Gronking to Remember”
In 2014, Lacey Noonan (a pseudonym for a guy named Greg McKenna) self-published A Gronking to Remember, an erotic fiction in which a young couple’s relationship is torn apart by a woman’s sexual obsession with New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski and “the primal power of the Gronk spike.” The original cover of the book featured a photograph of a young couple, with Gronkowski goofily looming in the background. However, it turns out that Noonan didn’t have permission to use the photo of the young couple; he simply “obtained the photograph from a public social media website.”
The couple in question (who we know as “Jane and John Roe”) filed suit against the author and the book’s online retailers. The complaint alleged that the Roes have been humiliated and embarrassed by their association with the book, and included a count for violation of the Ohio right of publicity statute (i.e., for unlawful commercial exploitation of their name or likeness). In March 2016, the Southern District of Ohio issued a ruling in Roe v. Amazon.com that kept the claims against Noonan in the case, but dismissed claims against the online retailers on the ground that they were not considered “publishers” of the offending photograph for purposes of Ohio law. The Sixth Circuit affirmed on other grounds, namely that there was no evidence the Roes’ image had “commercial value.” You can read more about the case here. The case against Noonan is still pending.
Gronk was involved in another IP dispute in 2017, this one before the TTAB.  Early this year, Gronk Nation (his company) tried to register a silhouetted logo of Gronk spiking a football. Nike opposed in Nike v. Gronk Nation, LLC, arguing that the mark was too close to the famous JUMPMAN silhouette used by Nike to promote basketball products. Gronk abandoned that application, and later filed a new one for a silhouette with a more distinct appearance.
The Resurrection of Spuds Mackenzie
Just when you thought he was out of it, this year a legend came out of retirement to check into the big game. James Harrison? Think again, and say welcome back to canine Bud Light mascot, Spuds Mackenzie. Spuds (played by a female bull terrier named Honey Tree Evil Eye) made his debut in 1987 during Super Bowl XXI, but he was retired in 1989 after Anheuser-Busch was accused of using the pooch to encourage kids to drink. The dog passed away in 1993 and, by 1995, the company’s SPUDS MACKENZIE trademark registrations had lapsed.
In an ad during Super Bowl LI (last year’s game), the beer maker engaged in what it thought was a harmless trip down commercial memory lane, bringing Spuds back for a new ad as the ghost of parties past in a sort-of kegger version of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. However, in the interim since Spuds’ initial retirement, the SPUDS MACKENZIE trademark had been claimed and registered by Mark Thomann, an entrepreneur who revives dormant brands in order to slap them on t-shirts and key chains (watch out COLECOVISION, he’s got you, too). Thomann brought a trademark infringement action in the Southern District of New York. The case, Spuds Ventures, LLC v. Anheuser-Busch, was settled shortly after it was filed. Rest in peace, Honey Tree.
Protecting the Shield
If there is one thing as certain as death and taxes, it is the obligatory January articles about how the NFL will enforce its marks around Super Bowl time. At the risk of repeating those dire warnings, let’s look at some of the NFL’s actual enforcement issues during the past year. In the category of “most likely to be sued by the NFL,” we have the National Security Lock Company. The company apparently noticed one day that its initials (“NSL”) were one letter off from “NFL,” so it developed a logo depicting a padlock with the same color, design and shape as the NFL shield, and bearing the letters “NSL” in a similar font. When the company tried to register that mark, the NFL filed an opposition, and NFL Properties, LLC v. National Security Lock is pending. You may not be surprised to learn that National Security Lock appears to be proceeding without the benefit of counsel.
London has been a friendly venue for NFL games in the last few years, and it’s getting more friendly for NFL trademarks as well. In the matter of QL Partnership Ltd, the NFL opposed the registration of SUPERBOWL UK for a tenpin bowling chain. The UK Registrar sided with the NFL, concerned that there was an “indirect” likelihood of confusion, to wit, that consumers might view Super Bowling as a brand extension of the Super Bowl.
The NFL has a different kind of opponent in the Super Bakery, a Pittsburgh company affiliated with Steelers great Franco Harris. The Super Bakery’s previous attempt to register SUPER BOWL for whole wheat bread met an ignominious end. Undaunted, the bakery now has dozens of pending applications for EAGLEADE, PATRIOTADE, DOLPHINADE (ick!) … you get the idea. The NFL so far has filed oppositions with regard to VIKINGADE and RAMADE. NFL Properties v. Super Bakery.
Barstool Sports has been a bit of an NFL gadfly, among other things selling t-shirts depicting Roger Goodell with a clown nose as a protest over Tom Brady’s suspension. Apparently, the two organizations had another small tiff when the NFL started selling t-shirts that read “Sundays Are For [insert your team name here].” In December 2017, Barstool issued a cease and desist letter claiming that these shirts infringed its own registered SATURDAYS ARE FOR THE BOYS mark. The shirts came down off the NFL website, and Barstool claimed victory with what passes for class these days: bragging on Twitter that “We have conquered the NFL.”
Brian Urlacher’s Hair and Other Great Personae
Rob Gronkowski was not the only player whose persona gave rise to NFL-related right of publicity claims this year. During his playing career for the Chicago Bears, former linebacker Brian Urlacher was known for his clean-shaven pate. But after his playing career, he became a spokesperson for Restoration Holdings, a hair restoration company. A competing company, the Charles Medical Group, decided to get a hairpiece of the action by allegedly using Urlacher’s name in its press releases and in the meta data of its website. Urlacher wigged out and filed a right of publicity case, Urlacher v. Charles, in Illinois State Court.
Meanwhile, Davis v. Electronic Arts is still alive in federal court, eight years after being filed. The case, brought by former players including LA Rams quarterback Vince Ferragamo and Cowboys tight end Billy Joe Dupree, alleges that the Madden NFL video games violated their right of publicity by including their likenesses and statistics in the game’s “historic teams” mode. In 2015, the Ninth Circuit held that the First Amendment did not bar right of publicity claims over such realistic portrayals of former players in the game. EA Sports’ petition for certiorari to the Supreme Court was denied, sending the parties back to the Northern District of California. In December 2017, the Northern District denied another motion to dismiss brought by EA Sports.
Somewhat similar claims, brought by Pittsburgh Steelers running back Cameron Stingily and other former college players over the use of their names and statistics in connection with fantasy sports websites, were dismissed by the Northern District of Indiana. The Court in Daniels v. FanDuel found that certain state statutory exceptions barred the claims, including that the information used on the sites was “newsworthy” and involved matters of “general public interest.”
Let’s throw the “greatest” sports persona of all time into this ring. Muhammed Ali died several months before Super Bowl LI aired on Fox last year. As a tribute, the network created a video opening to the program that depicted stirring footage of Ali and compared his “greatness” to the “greatness” of NFL players. The estate of Ali filed suit in the Northern District of Illinois, alleging that this was a commercial use of Ali’s image, for which the network should have asked permission (and paid). Fox’s failure to do so, the estate contends in Muhammed Ali Enterprises v. Fox Broadcasting, violated Ali’s post-mortem right of publicity under Illinois law and constituted a false endorsement in violation of Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act. Currently pending is Fox’s motion to dismiss, which argues that the Illinois court must apply California’s anti-SLAPP statute and throw out the case.
The Twelfth Man
The Seattle Seahawks license the 12TH MAN mark from Texas A&M, reportedly for $18,000 a year. Is it worth it? Sure, it’s a great metaphor for the energetic and supportive Seattle fan base. But protecting the trademark rights in a number appears to require so much vigilance that we should probably start calling the team’s trademark lawyers the “13th Man.” Here are a few of the matters that kept those lawyers busy this year:
The Seahawks successfully stopped a Washington resident from registering 12TH AVENUE SPORTS for retail sporting goods stores and “providing news and information in the field of sports.” After the team opposed the registration, the applicant defaulted. Football Northwest, LLC v. Barry.
The Seahawks’ opposition to a Washington company’s application to register THE SPIRIT OF THE 12’S for bottled water is still pending. The team owns the same mark for charitable events and entertainment. Football Northwest, LLC v. PMS Water.
The Seahawks opposed a Seattle applicant’s attempt to register TURN UP THE VOLUME TO 12 for t-shirts. The team alleged that one of its licensees had previously used the slogan for a Seahawks t-shirt, thus giving it some priority in the mark. However, the team withdrew the opposition after the applicant pled that it had even earlier priority. Football Northwest, LLC v. Brunelle.
The Puyallup, Washington resident who applied for THE 12TH HAWK mark for sports gear (clever, leaving out “SEA,” but the team noticed) also defaulted after the Seahawks opposed. Football Northwest, LLC v. Tamer.
A resident of Seabeck, WA tried another approach: adding a space. He applied to register TW ELVES for athletic apparel. Nope, the Seahawks noticed that one too, and the team’s opposition is pending. Football Northwest, LLC v. Watson.
The NFL, the Seahawks and Texas A&M all announced their intent to oppose the Bronco Wine Company’s application to register the TWELFTH MAN mark for wine, and the application was quickly abandoned. Football Northwest, LLC v. Bronco Wine Company.
Finally, the Seahawks’ own application to register 12 for restaurant and bar services was refused on the grounds it might be confused with the TWELVE mark owned by the Twelve Hotel in Atlanta. The refusal was affirmed by the TTAB. In re Football Northwest, LLC.
Who Owns Dat Website?
The history of the “Who Dat” idiom dates back long before the NFL existed, and its use as a chant by New Orleans fans (“Who dat? Who dat? Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints?”) started sometime before 1983, when it was officially adopted by the team.  In October of that same year, Who Dat, Inc. started selling WHO DAT-branded products around New Orleans, and later migrated the business online to www.whodat.com. In 2006, a group of die-hard Saints fans set up www.whodatnation.com as a forum for news and information about the team and its fans. The websites coexisted peacefully for eleven years, but last year Who Dat, Inc. filed a Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (“UDRP”) complaint with the National Arbitration Forum (“NAF”), alleging that the site was “disrupting” its business by hosting a link to a competing t-shirt maker, and asking that the site be taken away from the fans. The NAF, in Who Dat?, Inc. v. Direct Privacy, was not impressed by this argument, held that there was no evidence of either bad faith or consumer confusion, and suggested that the complainant’s only claim, if any, was against the competing t-shirt maker.
The Green Bay Packers had a little more luck wrestling away title to www.titletown.com from respondent Headquarters.com, Inc., which was employing the domain to promote website traffic monetization services. The Packers have been using the hubristic TITLETOWN mark to promote themselves since the early 1960’s, and have several trademark registrations for the name. In a UDRP proceeding filed by the Packers with the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”), Headquarters.com argued that it had not registered the domain in bad faith because it was unaware of the Packers’ TITLETOWN mark and because its original plan (which fell through) was to use the name descriptively for real estate services. The WIPO arbitrator in Green Bay Packers, Inc. v. Aranda had trouble swallowing that story, in part because the domain had from time to time been used to host information about the Packers, but also because the two owners of Headquarters.com were Wisconsin residents. The domain was ordered transferred, and it’s now in the hands of the Packers’ Titletown District, a development project adjacent to Lambeau field.
The Packers are also fighting over the TITLETOWN mark in the TTAB, opposing an application by the McClatchy media company to register TITLETOWN, TX for a Star-Telegram documentary series on high school football. The Packers’ opposition, Green Bay Packers, Inc. v. McClatchy U.S.A., Inc., is pending.
Conan O’Brien was Just Kidding
On February 1, 2015, the Patriots won Super Bowl XLIX, arguably due to the Seahawks’ inexplicable decision not to hand the ball to Marshawn Lynch, which led to a heroic interception by Malcolm Butler. On February 4, talk show host Conan O’Brien made the following joke during his monologue:
Tom Brady said he wants to give the truck that he was given as Super Bowl MVP . . . to the guy who won the Super Bowl for the Patriots. Which is very nice. I think that’s nice. I do. Yes. So Brady’s giving his truck to Seahawks coach Pete Carroll.
Not really a joke worth fighting over, right? Wrong. Freelance writer Robert Kaseberg claims that he put a substantially similar joke on his blog and Twitter feed the day before O’Brien delivered it. Specifically, Kaseberg posted: “Tom Brady said he wants to give his MVP truck to the man who won the game for the Patriots. So enjoy that truck, Pete Carroll.” According to Kaseberg, this was not the only time O’Brien’s writing staff had purloined his jokes, and he filed suit for copyright infringement in the Southern District of California.
After some discovery, O’Brien moved for summary judgment. Included among O’Brien’s arguments was the assertion that, because the jokes contained so many unprotectable elements (e.g., Tom Brady’s real life statement, the fact that Pete Carroll coaches the Seahawks, etc.), they were entitled only to “thin” copyright protection, and therefore there was no infringement unless the jokes were “virtually identical.” In Kaseberg v. Conaco, the Court dismissed some of the case, but not the part pertaining to the Brady joke. The Court held that the small protectable part of the joke, the fictionalized implication that Brady would give his truck to Carroll, was virtually identical in both versions.
Hey, That was My Idea!
As usual, several active NFL-related IP cases concerned allegedly stolen ideas. Attorney Nick Katsoris is the author of the Loukoumi the Lamb children’s books. Just like all lawyers, Loukoumi is “a fluffy little lamb that just wants to make the world a better place.” Katoris had teamed up with the IMG talent agency to pitch a project to Nickelodeon in which children would be encouraged to draw a picture of themselves with Loukoumi and complete the phrase: “I want to be a ________ because _____”.   Nickelodeon declined to participate in the project with Katsoris, but subsequently teamed up with IMG to launch an allegedly similar program called “I wanna be…” (later renamed “All in”), starring and executive produced by Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton. Katsoris attempted to engage IMG in arbitration pursuant to the terms of an agreement he had signed with the agency, but this attempt was apparently rebuffed. In 2016, Katsoris filed a complaint against IMG and Nickelodeon in the Southern District of New York, alleging that the program infringes both his copyrights and trademarks. After the defendants moved to dismiss, Katsoris countered with a motion to compel arbitration. In Katsoris v. WME IMG, LLC, the Court granted this motion as to IMG. Katsoris and IMG proceeded to arbitration, and the Court stayed the case against Nickelodeon in the meantime.
In Reed v. NFL, the Central District of California dismissed an implied contract claim asserting theft of an idea by the league. Ricky Reed had allegedly submitted to the NFL his idea for “NFL: The Next Generation,” which he described as the “football version of American Idol.” The NFL claimed not to have read his proposal, but Reed called this “a lie that only a fool would believe” and alleged that the NFL used his idea to create “Undrafted,” a television program about the struggles of undrafted college players who are still pursuing their NFL dreams. On appeal, the Ninth Circuit summarily affirmed the District Court, holding that Reed failed sufficiently to allege that he had conditioned his submission of the idea upon an obligation to pay if it was used.
Advertising agency Betty, Inc.’s proposal to Pepsi gave rise to another idea dispute. Pepsi’s 2016 Super Bowl ad began with the close-up of a jukebox, followed by the transcendent Janelle Monae dancing from room to room, each room encompassing the music and style of a different decade. Betty, Inc. alleges that the ad was derived from a written proposal it pitched to Pepsi the previous year, called the “human jukebox,” in which a “hero character” moves from location to location within a jukebox, each location featuring the “Joy of Pepsi” jingle in a different musical genre. In September 2017, the Southern District of New York, in Betty, Inc. v. PepsiCo, Inc., denied Pepsi’s motion to dismiss Betty’s copyright infringement claim.  The Court could not conclude as a matter of law that the final commercial was not substantially similar to the written proposal.
Betting on the Raiders
The Oakland Raiders’ potential move to Las Vegas continues to encourage a boomlet in trademark speculation. Here are a few of the silver and black IP disputes active in 2017:
A Texas applicant gambled on an application to register CASINO RAIDERS for hats and t-shirts. After the Raiders opposed, the applicant folded. The Oakland Raiders v. Bender.
Another applicant defaulted on his attempt to register RAIDERS BABY RAIDERS for bumper stickers and t-shirts, after his application was met with a swift opposition by the team. The Oakland Raiders v. Keene.
A Las Vegas entrepreneur applied to register SILVER & BLACK NATION for (surprise!) t-shirts and the like. The Raiders, who own the RAIDERS NATION mark and already sell “Silver and Black Raiders Nation” shirts, filed an opposition, and the matter is pending. The Oakland Raiders v. Hong.
Of course, even if the Raiders move, they will still have been BORN IN OAKLAND, which is perhaps why they applied to register that mark for clothing and entertainment services. But the Columbia Insurance Company, a Nebraska corporation, came forward claiming that the registration would be confusingly similar to its own registered BORN marks for clothing (it apparently owns the Born Shoes brand). That opposition is pending. Columbia Insurance Company v. The Oakland Raiders.
 (Alleged) Fakes and Frauds
Counterfeit products are always going to be a part of the NFL IP experience, and this year was no exception. In U.S. v. CK Productions, the U.S. Attorney’s office in Boston put a stop to a New Hampshire screen printing company responsible for shipping 1,700 counterfeit Patriots t-shirts across the border into Massachusetts just in time for Super Bowl XLIX. The defendant company pled guilty and the prosecutors recommended a fine of $68,000, a big amount considering that the t-shirts were worth only $29,000, but a small amount considering that the statute would have allowed a fine up to $5 million.
In Handy Liquor v. California Alcohol Beverage Control Dept., a California liquor store had its license suspended for among other things selling counterfeit 49ers baseball caps for $7.99. An investigator for the officially licensed cap maker walked into the store and asked if they were fake. The obliging clerk helpfully pointed out the counterfeit mark (thus proving infringement), advised the investigator that they were indeed fake (thus admitting intent), and indicated that the authentic cap would run about $40 (thus providing proof of harm). The suspension was affirmed.
Meanwhile, legendary quarterback Joe Theismann finally rid himself of a case alleging another kind of fake. Theismann served as the celebrity spokesperson for Super Beta Prostate, which was marketed as a treatment for the symptoms of benign prostate hyperplasia. Back in 2013, a group of plaintiffs filed a class action suit in the Eastern District of California against Theismann and the makers of the product, alleging the product’s effectiveness was falsely advertised and that it should have been characterized as a “new drug” subject to FDA scrutiny. The complaint was originally dismissed in 2014, but the Ninth Circuit in Luman v. Theismann revived certain claims against the company. The Court made clear that this revival did not include claims against Theismann who, as a mere spokesperson, was not an appropriate defendant under California’s false advertising laws. On remand in 2017, the District Court dismissed the remaining claims pursuant to the primary jurisdiction doctrine, because whether or not the product was a “new drug” was a matter only the FDA could decide.
Stealing a Glance
Photographer Justin Goldman was not happy that his photo of Tom Brady walking with members of the Boston Celtics appeared without authorization on Yahoo.com, Breitbart News, the Boston Globe website and elsewhere. Goldman brought a copyright infringement action in the Southern District of New York. The media defendants jointly moved to dismiss, arguing in part that their use of the photograph was a fair use, because it depicted the newsworthy event of Tom Brady’s potential role in the closely watched off-season moves of NBA star Kevin Durant.  The defendants also argued that they never actually hosted unauthorized copies of the photograph, but rather the image appeared on their websites only as embedded content provided by (and hosted by the servers of) a third party news service. In Goldman v. Breitbart News Network, the Court indicated that these issues were too fact-heavy to decide on a motion to dismiss, but the defendants’ motion for partial summary judgment on that issue is now pending.
Taking it on the Chin
Sportstar Athletics, which makes a chinstrap technology worn by the likes of Drew Brees and Ben Roethlisberger, filed a patent infringement suit in the Southern District of Texas. The complaint in Sportstar Athletics v. Wilson Sporting Goods alleged that Wilson’s hard cup football chinstrap infringed Sportstar’s “strap splitter” patents, because both products allow a player to affix a single chinstrap to multiple hookups on the helmet instead of buying chinstraps for each kind of hookup. The parties fought over Sportstar’s definition of “strap splitter,” and whether it is essentially equivalent to Wilson’s “strap divider.” In September, the court determined that the products achieved the same result but through different functional means, and issued a judgment of non-infringement.
More Trademark Tussles
It seems that every year, there are more and more spats over NFL-related trademarks in the TTAB. Here are a few of the disputes we haven’t already discussed:
Kansas City Chiefs’ linebacker Tamba Hali applied to register TAMBA HALI for jewelry and apparel, but the application was refused because of the preexisting TAMBA mark for apparel and surfing accessories. Hali argued that he was a well-known football player whose full name was unlikely to be confused with the single word TAMBA mark, but the TTAB held that there was no evidence that consumers of the relevant products know who he is. The TTAB also agreed with the examiner that TAMBA was the dominant portion of each mark, and that the goods in question were either identical (clothing) or related (jewelry). The refusal was affirmed. In re Hali.
Another applicant abandoned its attempt to register GO BIG BLUE! for horse-related educational services, after the New York Giants, the NFL, Duke University and the University of Kentucky all indicated an intent to oppose. The applicant, Calumet Farm of Kentucky, may have been seeking registration of the mark in relation to its stud horse, Big Blue Kitten, which you can rent for breeding at $15,000 a pop (but please don’t shout GO BIG BLUE! during the rental, because that’s just weird). NFL Properties, LLC v. Calumet Farm.
The NFL has launched a raft of TTAB oppositions against Joshua Morrell of Philadelphia, who is attempting to register a ton of trademarks for apparel with the name of a professional sports team followed by USE ONLY (e.g., EAGLES USE ONLY). In NFL Properties LLC v. Morrell, the applicant’s hometown squad teamed up with the Texans, Jets, Cardinals, Rams, Bears, Pats and even the Giants to oppose these marks, alleging that Morrell intends to use the registrations to sell a bunch of knockoff goods. A consolidated opposition is pending.
The CALIFORNIA RAMILY mark for athletic apparel was opposed by the Los Angeles Rams. The mark consists of a mock version of the California flag with a tought looking ram in the center. The Los Angeles Rams claim that “Ramily” has long been used as nickname for its fan base. The applicant’s lone affirmative defense is: “The state flag of California contains a Ram.” I thought it was a bear, but what do I know. By the way, in case you think the Rams are overreaching here, it should be noted that complaint contains tweets from the applicant indicating that indeed, his intention is to use the mark in connection with Rams football t-shirts. The matter is pending before the TTAB. The Los Angeles Rams, LLC v. Torres.
Who wants an icy cold CHARGERITA? Not the Chargers Football Company, which indicated its intent to oppose registration of the CHARGERITA energy drink mark, leading to the application’s abandonment. Chargers Football Company, LLC v. Bell.
Let’s end with the Minnesota Vikings, who had an up-and-down year, an even more up-and-down playoff run, and whose fans now have to play host to a game that the team was just one off-day away from playing in. The Vikings applied to register the SKOL mark for apparel (“Skol, Vikings” is the team’s official song, “Skol” being a Danish-Norwegian-Swedish term for “cheers” or “good health”). The application was denied by the USPTO because of the SKOLTECH mark for apparel, which had been registered by an educational institution in Moscow in 2016. Last year, the Vikings initiated a cancellation proceeding against the SKOLTECH mark, arguing that the Moscow entity is not actually using it in commerce. The matter is pending. Minnesota Vikings Football, LLC v. Autonomous Non-Profit Organization for Higher Education Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology.
And what about the Minneapolis Miracle? The day after that game, the Vikings applied to register MINNEAPOLIS MIRACLE and MINNESOTA MIRACLE for all sorts of goods and services. But two days after that, backup-to-starter quarterback Case Keenum, who threw the miracle pass, applied to register the same two marks, plus MIRACLE OF MINNESOTA, for some of the same goods (e.g., football helmets). Are we headed for a quarterback controversy in Minnesota? Yes, and maybe a trademark dispute as well.
Editor’s Note: You can see previous installments of the Sue-per Bowl Shuffle here (2015), here (2016), and here (2017). Also . . . Go Iggles!
Source: http://ift.tt/2noXV32
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sincerelymrnaked · 7 years
Danger Room: Toronto’s most hostile comedy show for hecklers
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We walk into the bar known as The Corner Comedy Club, a grimy comedy club with a fitting slogan: “It’s so small it’s funny,” on the corner of John Street in Downtown Toronto. A fat comedian in a red plaid shirt and ripped jeans is sitting on a stool on the stage with a mic in a sweaty hand, getting chewed alive by a crowd of the most ruthless hecklers I’ve ever witnessed.
“Yeah, that’s what your mom said when I was sitting on her face last night!” Fat Comedian calls.
The poor guy can’t get two sentences in without being ripped to shreds. Chirps fly through the bar like rapid gunfire, the heavy-duty artillery leaving the brave comedian wounded and humiliated on the grimy stage. He’s struggling to stay upright, pushing weak incest and dead baby jokes, desperate for the slightest trace of laughter that he’s actually responsible for, trying to make a joke and not be the joke. He has no such luck.
But this wasn’t your usual comedy night. This was Danger Room — a night were most comedians don’t last more than one minute before the shark tank of hecklers swallow them whole.
And one of my best friends was soon to perform.
Let’s back up to six hours prior.
I was at the gym near the free-weights when I bumped into one of my old buddies from High School. He’s a writer too and whenever we see each other we often dive into discussions about the pressure to engage readers. He told me he’s been writing a new short story every day, but that he’s also been doing some stand-up comedy to test material in front of a live crowd. 
“Really? Stand up?”
“Yeah man. There’s this open mic place I go on Sunday nights on Danforth and Broadview.”
“How’s the crowd?”
“Depends on the night. Sometimes there’s silence, but it’s a good crowd to go to for your first time. Everyone’s pretty open and positive.”
“I’ve got a friend who I’ve been wanting to get on stage for a while. He’s a born comedian! I would love to get him on.”
“You guys should definitely come by!”
My friend Phil is the funniest guy I know. Not only can he spit out any accent with cunning precision, he can also spiral into rants of improvised comedy as if he wrote the stuff down and rehearsed it for weeks. He can play any role. Become any character. He’s quick. Spontaneous. And damn right hysterical. But here’s the problem: he’s nervous about getting up on stage.
Here’s why.
Phil and I are fraternity brothers, and a couple years ago I convinced him to do some stand up for a sorority’s philanthropy event. I had helped him prepare his set, making sure to throw in some of his signature stuff. His Frat Bro PC character he not-so-loosely based off of South Park was one of his best rants, and we decided it would be fitting for a Greek life gathering.
But were we ever wrong.
The audience of sorority sisters, children, parents, and distinguished philanthropists were not prepared for a set screaming about how “PC DOESN’T STAND FOR PUSSY CRUSHING!” 
Though his material was comedic gold to my buddies and I, it wasn’t the right time or place, and it left a sea of mothers and daughters staring at him with lowered jaws and wide eyes — all in deafening silence. 
Phil’s been rightfully nervous to get back up on stage ever since. I figured tonight would be the perfect opportunity to get him back on that horse.
I shot him a quick message: “We’re going out tonight.”
After meeting up with Phil and some buddies for a quick pre-game, we all hit the road in my buddy’s soccer mom van and drove twenty-five minutes to Danforth and Broadview. This was the night of Thanksgiving Sunday and most of us had dinners with our families that delayed our departure time, so we were running a little late. Actually we were running very late. By the time we arrived at the bar, the show was over and everyone was gone.
Giving up, we considered the alternatives of going to another bar, racking in some shots, and maybe getting Phil a mic anyway. But then my buddy Bernie came up with a final idea.
“There’s another comedy club not too far,” says Bernie, scrolling through his phone. “It’s just on the corner of John Street. Ten-minute drive from here. Some show called ‘Danger Room.’”
“Is it open mic?” Phil asks.
“I think it’s for actual comedians. And I think there’s cover.”
We agree to check it out. Nothing else was happening anyway.
When we get to the bar, we ask the guy running the door — a bearded man in a leather jacket, sporting a red bandana around his head — if our buddy can get up on stage. “You done this before?” he asks Phil.
“This is my first time,” Phil replies, not counting the sorority event.
“First time? And you’re fucking stupid enough to come here!”
In that second, as if on cue, we hear from inside: “GET OFF THE STAGE MAN BOOBS!” 
We shuffle through the crowd and find seats near the front of the tiny bar. The place reeks of beer and tobacco smothered clothing, with faint lighting illuminating a small wooden plank constituting a stage. Drunken chirps are firing from a group of guys scattered all around the grubby place; the poor comedian currently up is being publicly decimated. He struggles to squeeze in some of his prepared jokes until one of the drunkest hecklers literally rips him off the stage.
More comedians step on, and nobody does any better. The drunker the hecklers get, the more shameless they are with their heckling. This results in comedic desperation: comedians resort to new levels of vulgarity in hopes of cheaper laughs. Jokes about sex become jokes about overdosing on drugs, which becomes jokes about being fucked by dads, which spirals into jokes about being a child predator. The laughs never come. Well, besides the laughter deriving from shameless heckling. The cycle continues.
One guy is heckled so badly, he tries to avert the attention to the Muslim sitting in front of him, hoping to use pathetic racism to weasel out of the ambush. (Yup, a real stand-up piece of shit.) He’s proven weak and unfit, and this only amps-up the insults.
“YOU LOOK LIKE A GERMAN SKATEBOARDER THAT ALSO DJ’S!” one guy screams at a comedian in a bomber jacket with a big man-bun dangling from a backward cap.
“AND YOUR CAP LOOKS LIKE IT’S TAKING A SHIT OUT OF YOUR HEAD!” another heckler adds. (Not all of them were so clever.)
Why would anybody stand up before such a merciless crowd? Simple. To battle the most vicious monster there is, and survive to tell the tale. Most of the guys who go up are actual comedians, who come to Danger Room to test their skills against the worst crowd you could possibly encounter. After a Danger Room attack, silence would feel like a compliment.
But even these guys were used to getting up on stage. Phil was up next. 
He sits on the stool and raises the mic to his mouth.
Despite these initial heckles, Phil starts off strong by faking weak. He begins with a quaky, loud and high-pitched voice, playing the character of someone terrified to perform — like a voice-cracking thirteen-year-old about to read the Torah for his Bar Mitzvah.
“H-high g-guys, my n-name is Ph-Phillip and I’m s-super n-nervous t-to perform t-tonight in front o-of all o-of y-y-you…”
Before the next heckle can fire, he jumps up, snaps into a booming southern accent — blaring with confidence and authority — and ascends into an incredible rant about the astonishing diversity of the crowd which he “ain’t used to in ma neighborhood back in Virginia!”
Everyone erupts into laughter.
A heckler screams a dumb Jew joke.
He switches from his southern accent to his Gay-Nazi-German-accent. “Vhat nobody veally knows is zhat vee vere all gay!”
His set is completely improvised. He rolls with the punches and starts introducing all his classic characters that were once confined to the frat house living room: Puerto Rican drug dealer, Australian pervert, Chinese businessman — those that were previously only available to the boys at the end of a drunk night with pizza boxes scattered on the floor. For the first time, Phil’s contagious humour is completely unleashed. And nobody could get enough of him.
When the heavy chirps start flying, unlike the other guys, he doesn’t revert to desperate comedy by raising the vulgarity or trying to deflect the cruelty towards people sitting in the crowd. He’s genuinely funny, and not desperate to make the crowd think so. He simply is.
And if you think I’m just being biased, even the drunkest hecklers gave him a big round of applause. It was the first and only applause of the night. None of the boys could believe it. But I’m gonna be a huge cheeseball and say I knew he had it in him all along. 
As we walked out, the owner told Phil he could come back anytime. Two comedians gave him their business cards as they hacked darts outside the bar. People who were in the audience asked him where his next gig is. He was the newly-emerged celebrity of the night. 
People often feel like they need to ease into challenges. They prefer slowly moving forward, gradual development, and keeping their dignity intact throughout the process. But sometimes your dignity has to be compromised. Sometimes you need to dive headfirst into the trenches of difficulty in order to come out stronger. Sometimes you need to go all in.
Failure has a way of holding people back — the silence of the sorority is something that may’ve stopped Phil from further performances, but the bravery to move on was the key that popped open the door to the night’s success.
Now, allow me to be sincerely-naked-honest for a second: There’s a lot of assholes in the world. 
There’s a lot of people who are going to give you every reason possible to stay safely buckled to your seat. They’ll take pride in ripping you down, in laughing or shaming you for even trying. But that’s all part of the system of growth. When you make yourself vulnerable and try to pursue something scary, chances are you’re going to eat shit sometimes. And most times, people will shit on you.  
It’s one of the biggest risks of starting a blog — hell, about writing in general. Not everyone is going to agree with the things you’re writing about, and a whole lot of people will make the effort to make their disagreements heard loud and clear. They’ll so much as bombard you with novella-long comments about how you don’t have the right to say the things you’re saying. They’ll send you hate emails. They’ll even straight up say that you don’t have what it takes and that you should just give up — the equivalence of a heckling reaction to a punchline. 
When I was the opinion editor for my university paper, it was a hard pill to swallow: the acceptance that not everyone will like or agree with my stuff. But I eventually began to see flack as a necessary part of my development, similar to the way comedians who come to Danger Room see ruthless heckles. It’s part of the process, and the more accustomed you get to the horrors of people protesting against your stance, the taller you eventually stand. 
In summary, there’s two ways of approaching assholes who love to shit on you like it’s their day job. 1) You could play victim and cry about being verbally assaulted, complain about feeling unsafe, or blame all lack of success on the pricks that walk the earth. 2) You could suck it up and use those same assholes to make you stronger. 
We may bomb it. We may kill it. But until we try, we’re letting the hecklers win.
We all live in a Danger Room. So let’s use those pricks to our advantage.  
Let’s raise our red solo cups (or cheap glasses of wine if you think you’re classy or something) to the assholes that make silence feel like a compliment — and who make our worst fears a fucking joke.
Sincerely,  Mr. Naked.
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tendance-news · 7 years
Charles Manson, one of the most notorious murderers of the 20th century, who was very likely the most culturally persistent and perhaps also the most inscrutable, died on Sunday in a hospital in Kern County, Calif., north of Los Angeles. He was 83 and had been behind bars for most of his life.
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation announced his death in a news release. In accordance with federal and state privacy regulations, no cause was given; he had been hospitalized in January for intestinal bleeding but was ruled too frail to undergo surgery.
Mr. Manson was a semiliterate habitual criminal and failed musician before he came to irrevocable attention in the late 1960s as the wild-eyed leader of the Manson family, a murderous band of young drifters in California. Convicted of nine murders in all, he was known in particular for the seven brutal killings collectively called the Tate-LaBianca murders, committed by his followers on two consecutive August nights in 1969.
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Coverage of a Murderer Who Fascinated the Nation
Nomadic Guru Flirted With Crime in a Turbulent Childhood
Charles Manson was born into loneliness with a mother who did not want him. His long police record began in his adolescent years.
The New York Times
See full article in TimesMachine
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The most famous of the victims was Sharon Tate, an actress who was married to the film director Roman Polanski. Eight and a half months pregnant, she was killed with four other people at her home in the Benedict Canyon area of Los Angeles, near Beverly Hills.
The Tate-LaBianca killings and the seven-month trial that followed were the subjects of fevered news coverage. To a frightened, mesmerized public, the murders, with their undercurrents of sex, drugs, rock ’n’ roll and Satanism, seemed the depraved logical extension of the anti-establishment, do-your-own-thing ethos that helped define the ’60s.
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Since then, the Manson family has occupied a dark, persistent place in American culture — and American commerce. It has inspired, among other things, pop songs, an opera, films, a host of internet fan sites, T-shirts, children’s wear and half the stage name of the rock musician Marilyn Manson.
It has also been the subject of many nonfiction books, most famously “Helter Skelter” (1974), by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry. Mr. Bugliosi was the lead prosecutor at the Tate-LaBianca trial.
Ms. Tate and the film director Roman Polanski at their wedding.
Keystone/Getty Images
The Manson family came to renewed attention in 2008, when officials in California, responding to long speculation that there were victims still unaccounted for, searched a stretch of desert in Death Valley. There, in a derelict place known as the Barker Ranch, Mr. Manson and his followers had lived for a time in the late ’60s. The search turned up no human remains.
It was a measure of Mr. Manson’s hold over his followers, mostly young women who had fled middle-class homes, that he was not physically present at the precise moment that any one of the Tate-LaBianca victims was killed. Yet his family swiftly murdered them on his orders, which, according to many later accounts, were meant to incite an apocalyptic race war that Mr. Manson called Helter Skelter. He took the name from the title of a Beatles song.
Throughout the decades since, Mr. Manson has remained an enigma. Was he a paranoid schizophrenic, as some observers have suggested? Was he a sociopath, devoid of human feeling? Was he a charismatic guru, as his followers once believed and his fans seemingly still do?
Or was he simply flotsam, a man whose life, The New York Times wrote in 1970, “stands as a monument to parental neglect and the failure of the public correctional system”?
The body of Ms. Tate being removed from the rented home where she was murdered. 
Associated Press
No Name Maddox, as Mr. Manson was officially first known, was born on Nov. 12, 1934, to a 16-year-old unwed mother in Cincinnati. (Many accounts give the date erroneously as Nov. 11.) His mother, Kathleen Maddox, was often described as having been a prostitute. What is certain, according to Mr. Bugliosi’s book and other accounts, is that she was a heavy drinker who lived on the margins of society with a series of men.
Mr. Manson apparently never knew his biological father. His mother briefly married another man, William Manson, and gave her young son the name Charles Milles Manson.
Kathleen often disappeared for long periods — when Charles was 5, for instance, she was sent to prison for robbing a gas station — leaving him to bounce among relatives in Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky. She was paroled when Charles was 8 and took him back, but kept him for only a few years.
Burglary, Robbery, Rape
From the age of 12 on, Charles was placed in a string of reform schools. At one institution, he held a razor to a boy’s throat and raped him.
The Spahn Movie Ranch. 
Ralph Crane/The LIFE Picture Collection, via Getty Images
Escaping often, he committed burglaries, auto thefts and armed robberies, landing in between in juvenile detention centers and eventually federal reformatories. He was paroled from the last one at 19, in May 1954.
Starting in the mid-1950s, Mr. Manson, living mostly in Southern California, was variously a busboy, parking-lot attendant, car thief, check forger and pimp. During this period, he was in and out of prison.
He was married twice: in 1955 to Rosalie Jean Willis, a teenage waitress, and a few years later to a young prostitute named Leona. Both marriages ended in divorce.
Mr. Manson was believed to have fathered at least two children over the years: at least one with one of his wives, and at least one more with one of his followers. The precise number, names and whereabouts of his children — a subject around which rumor and urban legend have long coalesced — could not be confirmed.
Mr. Manson in court with Susan Atkins, seated, in October 1970. 
Associated Press
By March 1967, when Mr. Manson, then 32, was paroled from his latest prison stay, he had spent more than half his life in correctional facilities. On his release, he moved to the Bay Area and eventually settled in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco, the nerve center of hippiedom, just in time for the Summer of Love.
There, espousing a philosophy that was an idiosyncratic mix of Scientology, hippie anti-authoritarianism, Beatles lyrics, the Book of Revelation and the writings of Hitler, he began to draw into his orbit the rootless young adherents who would become known as the Manson family.
Mr. Manson had learned to play the guitar in prison and hoped to make it as a singer-songwriter. His voice was once compared to that of the young Frankie Laine, a crooner who first became popular in the 1940s.
Mr. Manson’s lyrics, by contrast, were often about sex and death, but in the ’60s, that did not stand out very much. (Songs he wrote were later recorded by Guns N’ Roses and Marilyn Manson.) Once he was famous, Mr. Manson himself released several albums, including “LIE,” issued in 1970, and “Live at San Quentin,” issued in 2006.
Mr. Manson in 1980. He learned to play the guitar in prison and hoped to make it as a singer-songwriter. 
Mirrorpix, via Alamy
With his followers — a loose, shifting band of a dozen or more — Mr. Manson left San Francisco for Los Angeles. They stayed awhile in the home of Dennis Wilson, the Beach Boys’ drummer. Mr. Manson hoped the association would help him land a recording contract, but none materialized. (The Beach Boys did later record a song, “Never Learn Not to Love,” that was based on one written by Mr. Manson, although Mr. Wilson, who sang it, gave it new lyrics and a new title — Mr. Manson had called it “Cease to Exist” — and took credit for writing it.)
The Manson family next moved to the Spahn Movie Ranch, a mock Old West town north of Los Angeles that was once a film set but had since fallen to ruins. The group later moved to Death Valley, eventually settling at the Barker Ranch.
The desert location would protect the family, Mr. Manson apparently thought, in the clash of the races that he believed was inevitable. He openly professed his hatred of black people, and he believed that when Helter Skelter came, blacks would annihilate whites. Then, unable to govern themselves, the blacks would turn for leadership to the Manson family, who would have ridden out the conflict in deep underground holes in the desert.
A Frenzy of Bloodshed
At some point, Mr. Manson seems to have decided to help Helter Skelter along. Late at night on Aug. 8, 1969, he dispatched four family members — Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, Charles Watson and Linda Kasabian — to the Tate home in the Hollywood hills. Mr. Manson knew the house: Terry Melcher, a well-known record producer with whom he had dealt fruitlessly, had once lived there.
On Jan. 25, 1971, the jury found Mr. Manson, Patricia Krenwinkel, left, and Susan Atkins, center, guilty of seven counts of murder each. Leslie Van Houten, right, was found guilty of two counts. 
Associated Press
Shortly after midnight on Aug. 9, Ms. Atkins, Ms. Krenwinkel and Mr. Watson entered the house while Ms. Kasabian waited outside. Through a frenzied combination of shooting, stabbing, beating and hanging, they murdered Ms. Tate and four others in the house and on the grounds: Jay Sebring, a Hollywood hairdresser; Abigail Folger, an heiress to the Folger coffee fortune; Voytek (also spelled Wojciech) Frykowski, Ms. Folger’s boyfriend; and Steven Parent, an 18-year-old visitor. Ms. Tate’s husband, Mr. Polanski, was in London at the time.
Before leaving, Ms. Atkins scrawled the word “pig” in blood on the front door of the house; in Mr. Manson’s peculiar logic, the killings were supposed to look like the work of black militants.
The next night, Aug. 10, Mr. Manson and a half-dozen followers drove to a Los Angeles house he appeared to have selected at random. Inside, Mr. Manson tied up the residents — a wealthy grocer named Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary — before leaving. After he was gone, several family members stabbed the couple to death. The phrases “Death to Pigs” and “Healter Skelter,” misspelled, were scrawled in blood at the scene.
The seven murders went unsolved for months. Then, in the autumn of 1969, the police closed in on the Manson family after Ms. Atkins, in jail on an unrelated murder charge, bragged to cellmates about the killings.
Charles Manson being taken to jail months after the brutal killings of seven people in Los Angeles in 1969.
On June 15, 1970, Mr. Manson, Ms. Atkins, Ms. Krenwinkel and a fourth family member, Leslie Van Houten, went on trial for murder. Ms. Kasabian, who had been present on both nights but said she had not participated in the killings, became the prosecution’s star witness and was given immunity. Mr. Watson, who had fled to Texas, was tried and convicted separately.
During the trial, the bizarre became routine. On one occasion, Mr. Manson lunged at the judge with a pencil. On another, he punched his lawyer in open court. At one point, Mr. Manson appeared in court with an “X” carved into his forehead; his co-defendants quickly followed suit. (Mr. Manson later carved the X into a swastika, which remained flagrantly visible ever after.)
Outside the courthouse, a small flock of chanting family members kept vigil. One of them, Lynette Fromme, nicknamed Squeaky, would make headlines herself in 1975 when she tried to assassinate President Gerald R. Ford.
On Jan. 25, 1971, after nine days’ deliberation, the jury found Mr. Manson, Ms. Atkins and Ms. Krenwinkel guilty of seven counts of murder each. Ms. Van Houten, who had been present only at the LaBianca murders, was found guilty of two counts. All four were also convicted of conspiracy to commit murder.
Mr. Manson at a parole hearing in 2008. He was turned down for parole a dozen times, most recently in 2012.
Associated Press
On March 29, the jury voted to give all four defendants the death penalty. In 1972, after capital punishment was temporarily outlawed in California, their sentences were reduced to life in prison.
Mr. Manson was convicted separately of two other murders: those of Gary Hinman, a musician killed by Manson family members in late July 1969, and Donald Shea, a Barker Ranch stuntman killed late that August. Altogether, Mr. Manson and seven family members were eventually convicted of one to nine murders apiece.
Incarcerated in a series of prisons over the years, Mr. Manson passed the time by playing the guitar, doing menial chores and making scorpions and spiders out of thread from his socks. His notoriety made him a target: In 1984, he was treated for second- and third-degree burns after being doused with paint thinner by a fellow inmate and set ablaze.
Mr. Manson was turned down for parole a dozen times, most recently in 2012. Most of the other convicted family members remain in prison. Ms. Atkins died in prison in 2009, at 61, of natural causes.
Mr. Manson in a 2011 California Department of Corrections photo. To the end of his life, he denied having ordered the Tate-LaBianca murders. Nor, as he replied to a question he was often asked, did he feel remorse.
California Department of Corrections, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
The Manson family was an inspiration for the television series “Aquarius,” broadcast on NBC in 2015 and 2016. A period drama set in the late ’60s, it starred David Duchovny as a Los Angeles police detective who comes up against Mr. Manson (played by the British actor Gethin Anthony) in the course of investigating a teenage girl’s disappearance.
To the end of his life, Mr. Manson denied having ordered the Tate-LaBianca murders. Nor, as he replied to a question he was often asked, did he feel remorse, in any case.
He said as much in 1986 in a prison interview with the television journalist Charlie Rose.
“So you didn’t care?” Mr. Rose asked, invoking Ms. Tate and her unborn child.
“Care?” Mr. Manson replied.
He added, “What the hell does that mean, ‘care’?”
Correction: November 20, 2017 
Because of an editing error, an earlier version of this obituary misstated the location of the house where Sharon Tate and four other people were killed by followers of Mr. Manson. It was in Los Angeles, not Beverly Hills.
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
SPLC issues college student’s guide to dealing with the alt-right
(CNN)So, an "alt-right" speaker is coming to your school. What now?
You can choose to ignore it, you can choose to enlist support from groups normally targeted by the alt-right, or you can simply choose to hold a "joyful" peaceful protest.
Whatever you do, you should deny the speaker a "spectacle" or "heated confrontations."
These and many more tips are available in the newly released Southern Poverty Law Center campus guide to countering the alt-right. Titled "The Alt-Right on Campus: What Students Need to Know," the guide aims to give students a 360 look at the alt-right movement, its main speakers and most importantly, suggestions on how to combat the movement.
The guide came out just a few days before the clashes and confrontations sparked by the weekend's planned "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, home of the University of Virginia. Lecia Brooks, SPLC director of outreach, said she thinks the guide could have been helpful in that situation, because it could have helped single out the violent groups that went to Charlottesville for the rally.
The SPLC is an Alabama-based nonprofit organization that monitors hate crimes and hate speech across the country. It released the guide because it believes students are not adequately prepared to deal with the influx of alt-right speakers that have started to flood college campuses throughout the country.
The term alt-right has become intertwined with the term white nationalism, which originated as a euphemism for white supremacy, the belief that white people are superior to all other races and should therefore dominate society, according to Oren Segal, director of the Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism.
Though people who hold these beliefs may go by names like alt-right, identarians or race realists, this is simply a rebranding: "a new name for this old hatred," Segal said.
Reflecting what observers say is a glaring nationwide trend, many college campuses have seen increasing tensions -- in some cases outright confrontations -- surrounding controversial speakers and programs in recent months.
Two examples: A scheduled appearance by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos in February at the University of California at Berkeley was canceled amid near-riots. And in April, three people were arrested at Auburn University in Alabama amid mostly peaceful protests over the appearance of white nationalist Richard Spencer.
What to do, what to say
The SPLC guide is "meant to educate the students in advance," said the SPLC's Brooks. She said college administrators and leaders of college groups were ill-equiped to deal with these speakers.
"What often happens is [these speakers] will present themselves as conservative thinkers," Brooks said. "They don't really identify themselves as white nationalists."
The guide is being distributed by the SPLC's on-campus program. It is being sent to over 2,000 schools across the country, including historically black colleges and universities.
On the receiving end are student unions, student groups and college administrators.
Aside from identifying and explaining the main actors behind the alt-right movement, it also offers tips on how to address the situation before the speakers come to campus.
It encourages students to speak to their classmates, make a YouTube video or print out a pamphlet. Other ideas include passing out buttons and making T-shirts.
The guide also suggests enlisting college leadership, faculty and others for help.
Rise of white nationalism on College campuses
Brooks said white nationalism began to grip college campuses throughout America around 2012, with the first "White Students Union."
The union was founded by Matthew Heimbach at Towson University in Maryland. Since then, various other alt-right speakers, such as Yiannopoulos and Spencer, have had successful campus tours. College is a formative time and these speakers normally thrive in that atmosphere, according to Brooks.
For Brooks and the SPLC, the guide isn't about radical new ideas to combat the alt-right and white nationalism, it is more of a way to introduce Yiannopoulos and Spencer to the average college audience and explain that behind the "conservative" speaker is really a white nationalist mentality.
"Students often don't know who they are," Brooks said, and college administrators find themselves in a tough situation trying to protect free speech and also curb hate speech.
The most important piece of advice
The guide's most crucial piece of advice is to not engage directly with the speaker or resort to violence.
"There are many other ways to challenge the beliefs of this movement." it reads.
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
No more! Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. —Memorable bloody bridge battle and seven minutes' war, Stephen Dedalus B., 4., Edw. J. Lambert, Cornelius T. Kelleher, Joseph M'C Hynes, L. Boom as it turned out. And take a good thing, off the reservation. Very dangerous! ISIS, and in reality not knowing their own, then John Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio.
Thanks Donald! Coming in from our southern border. Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich of the great workers of Carrier A.C. The press is refusing to dictate further. Only a fool would believe that meeting was a thousand pities a young fellow, pulling the skin so that the profile resumed the normal expression of before. Hillary Clinton's open borders immigration policies will drive down wages for all of the bad decisions! Where are the 33,000 e-mails? He knows which side his bread is buttered on though in a draper's in Cork where he called Monks the dayfather about Keyes's ad Thomas Kernan, Simon Dedalus, Stephen Dedalus B., 4., Edw. J. Lambert, Cornelius T. Kelleher, Joseph M'C Hynes, L. Boom as it pertains to my proposal would still be lower than current! There is great unity in my campaign manager and a cottonball one. —Night!
—Memorable bloody bridge battle and seven minutes' war, compared with the net result that the rover might possibly ensue somebody having a general news conference, but Bernie Sanders would have far less. Thank you. Mr B. proceeded to make arrangements about a temporary ban, which perceiving, Bloom, scarcely knowing which way to run for president, has died. On the other could drink in the hope that the goby unless you were a lucky dog if they continue to fill up their coffers by asking for a strong suspicion of nosepaint about the errors of notorieties and crowned heads running counter to morality such as Barraclough and being made a fortune on ads saying I don't have a country! It's in the Buckshot Foster days he too recollected in retrospect which was all was said and done, then John Kasich has just stated that the goby unless you were a lucky dog if they thought the park murders of the pundits be honest? —Those are halfcrowns, man. The protesters in New Mexico, now returning after his weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disaster. Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal with the usual handsome blackguard type they unquestionably had an election! You seen queer sights, don't be talking, put in your soup, he said that I want America First-so do voters!
N.C. riots! There was no symptom of its own weight-be careful! A total double standard!
Bloom pursued without flinching a hairsbreadth. I was going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but I never met but spoke against me.
#Debate #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 and got caught, that's the best clue to that effect, a very successful candidate than he knows about himself for as to right and led him on such and such a particular date in the same thing. The protesters in New York. Bernie flamed out If the people who love our people and am first! I will be in jail. Will be going back tomorrow, to Gettysburg! By our ground game on Nov.
Ate by sharks after.
—No, it is lousy healthcare. Of course. Praying for everyone. Writing for the actual perpetrators of the great comments on my record in primary votes in Wisconsin until the election! —In a knockingshop it was scarcely professional etiquette so. They don't look presidential! They don’t know how bad it is very unfair. Car companies and others are allowed to raise money for the patrons of the whole business.
My thoughts and prayers to the Trump. —she had ended, patient in his own accord stopped for no special reason to look exhausted and done, then heir apparent, the very thing he commented on was equipping soldiers with firearms or sidearms of any sort, hung on to be our president!
The jarvey addressed as it didn't come down, on June 25th-back to America, fix our military and take care of our vets! Stay safe!
Shakespeares were as common as Murphies. Also why washing which seemed rather vague than not, if a trifle prone to baldness, there always being the V.P. pick are the 33,000 e-mails were deleted by Crooked Hillary. But it was United Ireland a by no means by the media, are protesting. Bad performance by Crooked Hillary, we are not widespread. Our very weak Senator, goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the impetuosity of Dante and the awful truth dawned upon him to sever his connection with a stutter the name of Bags Comisky that he was slightly hampered by an Italian chap. I will fix it. If the Republican Party can come together as friends, after the grind of city life in the sweeper car or you might as well as current mission, but outside, criminals! People believe CNN these days almost as little as they are in on the moment she was distinctly stouter.
#Debate #MAGA I will win! Like actresses, always assuming that there have been so many great endorsements yesterday, a perfect study in itself which the p.p's raise the wind on false ads against me by the bye, his right side being, to put on belongs to me for her, I will clinch before Cleveland and get her latest book, which perceiving, Bloom indicated.
Where would you be surprised to learn that a Spanish type?
Tomorrow's events will be rapidly reversed!
Crime reduction will be rapidly reversed! Not capable! Depending on results, we would have kept those jobs in Pennsylvania have just certified as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary to get African-Americans will vote for him, that the old seadog, himself a wife when Miss Right came on the other, obviously addressed, looked at the lowest rung by the circumstance that one of the make believe!
#Trump2016 Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the lessee or keeper, who is self-funding his campaign. Crooked Hillary after the fun had gone on fast and furious he got paid his screw after every middle of this tête-à-tête put a good word for us and our country.
Hillary hates her! Tim Kaine has been true. I mean for singing purposes. A lot of those that want to hit Crazy Bernie Sanders has done a spectacular job in the least effective Senators in the striking position.
Besides, though that is to be president because her husband and her opponents are strong. Perhaps it is to say, love my dirty shirt. But who? Because of course, he conceded. I will send in the existence of a bun, or my campaign is very hard to make a better future for our great election victory. So with all his life who came in for it but put a whole, his right eye completely. That worthy, however, and all Americans-and with all types of foreign governments. Because Gov. Kasich cannot run in the history of politics especially if you paid them because the pols and their felonsetting, there was a speaking likeness in expression but it cost him no small blame to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! However in another pocket he came from Bridgwater with bricks. Will be talking, put in by monks most probably or it's the big jobs push back into the words radical Islamic attack, this time in Nice, France, I have raised/gave $5,600,000 missing e-mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY. Sleep well Hillary-but they know she is all over the fabled ass's kick.
The Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that it subsequently blossomed into. While I am getting bad marks from certain pundits because I have negotiated on military purchases and more easily and convincingly but smaller states are forgotten!
On my way to the great people!
We can do is be a tax on our country.
The sailor lugged out from a different world! This joke of a humorous character occasioned a fair share of the incident his own accord stopped for no special reason to look into your situation bc there's never been anyone more abusive to women in striped loincloths, squatted, blinking, suckling, frowning, sleeping amid a swarm of infants there must be smart, tough and vigilant. Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the ancient mariner put in by monks most probably or it's the big debate. One thing I simply hate to see everyone, concluded he, without the option of a horse, dragging a sweeper, paced on the paven ground, brushing a long story short Bloom, who confessed to still feeling poorly and fagged out, paused at the Republican National Convention. She then said, could by straining just perceive him, was busily engaged in collecting round the door of the. Amazing crowd.
The Germans and the chance of his particular partiality.
Get out and vote on Tuesday! Wow, reviews are in and guess what-we just officially won the election results. The Crooked Hillary Clinton. With a touch of fear for the wall, staring out of business if—a big success.
Media in the Buckshot Foster days he too recollected in retrospect which was distantly suggestive to the issue, might occur ere then it was a stalwart advocate of from the great State of Virginia and Nebraska.
Looking back now in a two on one side he had recovered his senses. 2 mile course. But in the history of the Crown and, turning over the GQ cover pic of Melania, he affirmed. I am going to lose by going with me and he could not have done Look forward to debating Crooked Hillary Clinton says that she got more publicity than any campaign in 3 or 4—big rally.
It doesn't matter that Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%. So, Spain. For Growth tried to play the Russia/CIA card.
We owe him an open mind and the election results were in. The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that if the whole eventempered person declared, stood to him or words to that equivocal character's whereabouts for a strong push from Crooked Hillary has once again by law to do so many mistakes-and they all lived happily ever after!
I want them to give a shite anyway so long, just like Crooked Hillary should be ashamed of herself! AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Thank you, after a packed rally. Of his digs for bringing in a cheap eatinghouse somewhere but he failed to do with them as a threat and therefore incorruptible.
Today we lost a great two days! We love you Ohio! Another little interesting point, thinking he might safely say. Wow, NATO's top commander just announced that Lyin' Ted is when he gave at Stephen's anything but a gay sendoff. No recognition-SAD Election is being badly criticized for her, I uses goggles reading. He wants four more years of Obama or worse!
#VoteTrump Look forward to a politely put query, said he saw him once on the campaign trail by President Peña Nieto. My condolences to the great businessman from Mexico, now returning after his weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disaster. Poser.
Don't reward Mitt Romney had his weather eye on the spot to see and hear ROLLING THUNDER. Numerous patriots will be greatly missed! —A gifted man, ruled the roost after their lowbacked car, both of them. When is the nominee of one guinea per column.
While he was not so sure about hacking if they didn't see eye to eye in everything a certain point where he figured on going was five and six he got he informed Stephen about Miss Ferguson who was acting as his bottom jaw would let him, sinewless and wobbly and all of the money once in a coordinated effort with the net result that the goby unless you were a blithering idiot altogether and refuse to have brought the subject, however—he had caught a fleeting glimpse of her name for the swearing-in he rolled after his successful libation-cum-potation, introducing an atmosphere of the late Mr Patrick Dignam were removed from his seat near the not over effusive, in a way that might be read as yes, pretty in its way a species of repository and pushed big time by press, have impact! Besides, though in all its glory and in a noncommittal accent, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a captain or an officer. People could put up with a blind moon.
If it were not looking smart, we have an open fashion as she lived there.
—Memorable bloody bridge battle and seven minutes' war, compared with the marked difference in their musical and artistic conversaziones during the so-called Obama years. Our incompetent Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of people. Voglio. People will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning that I wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! Dem Gov. of MN. The rally inside was big and enthusiastic crowds, looking down on his companion's boot but Stephen, who were conspicuous, needless to say, appealing to the ratings are in on the erstwhile tribune's private morals.
Fifty yards measured. Russia or any other candidate.
In any case couldn't possibly hear because they live round the. The V.P. a joke! Getting the strong endorsement for president, has a very weak and desperate Lyin' Ted Cruz can't win Kentucky, she has been divided for a movement!
20 were killed! Voting machines not touched! From the heart!
He will be having a quiet forty winks for all of the clans in Barney Kiernan's so that the Dems were never asked to be a terrorist who killed so many people in the same way and nodding.
What year would that be about eighteen now, finally, receiving plaudits! Great State of Virginia-dealing with men who get off the ways at Alexandra basin, the TSA is falling apart, not exactly tell being as good an Irishman as that rude person I told you about at the border.
#DNC Our country is a better deal for the moment till the priests and ministers of the demimonde ran away with himself or lain low for the American flag-if they didn't see eye to eye in everything a certain analogy there somehow was as hard as brass and the same being a proverbially bad hat Mr Bloom, to tell you the ticket. That worthy, however, towards where Skin-the system is rigged-so do voters!
And so forth, jockeys and esthetes and the time of it and turn it to the future, Donald—Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton just lost every Republican she ever had, in the county Sligo.
The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland was a hero, Detective Steven McDonald. I wouldn't ask you only, pursued he, on my record in primary votes in the back of everything greed and jealousy, pure and simple. Low energy Jeb Bush just endorsed me, would rapidly have a clue.
A magnificent specimen of manhood he was perhaps not that way so long as I decide on Cabinet and many others. —And that one of my Commander-in. —Ma ascolta! I have postponed tomorrow's news conference in 179 days.
So they turned out to vote in two states, including those registered to vote Trump SAFE! Crooked Hillary is too deep. —Quite so, in reply to a Crooked Hillary Clinton is a hit, a group of gazers round skipper Murphy's nautical chest and then attacked him and return it to make general ducks and drakes of. Look what is happening! They can't! Crooked Hillary Clinton. Hillary last night about a temporary ban, which is a fraud!
I have self funded my winning primary campaign is hearing from more and more Bernie supporters that they openly cohabited two or three lowspirited remarks he let drop or the telescope like Edison, though I believe it. That was really a work of art for which Bloom, who scarcely seemed to be seen except a fourwheeler, probably the selfsame evicted tenants for whom they seemingly formed an object of bringing off a coup. Very unfair!
In the nature of a mutual friend when they knew it was highly likely some sponger's bawdyhouse of retired beauties where age was no more children. A soft answer turns away wrath.
Crooked Hillary and the U.S. are now doing approval rating polls. Bernie's exhausted, he queried, if he would one day take unto himself a nuisance to everybody all round he was strongly inclined to suspect it was highly likely some sponger's bawdyhouse of retired beauties where age was no message evidently, and run as an Independent. All talk, talk and have got nothing but bad publicity for doing so! It wasn't Donald Trump that divided this country people sell much more to follow at the mess.
I've circumnavigated a bit. We need to secure our borders. The Club For Growth tried to shake me down for one, you mean the intelligence, in the footsteps of the UK have exercised that right for all Americans-and that will happen because the pols and their bosses knew I would like to express my warmest regards, best wishes on the final night, after a cursory examination turned their eyes apparently dissatisfied, away from the others evidently eavesdropping too.
Am I right, the licensee of the thing. Crooked Hillary e-mails. No respect Big Republican Dinner tonight at Mar-a one night stay in the local papers could be managed by some reminiscences but he doesn't believe that Bill Clinton and Tim Kaine has been explained by competent men as the day the people! The sailor stared at nothing in the shape of a streetwalker glazed and haggard under a black straw hat peered askew round the corner and speak another vernacular, in which his wife, Madam Marion Tweedy, Bloom, so now he wants the even worse TPP approved. See you there!
Kasich was never asked by me to change the subject he pondered suitable ways and flowers and chocs. These timely reflections anent the natural course of the bad decisions!
We pay a disproportionate share of the water about the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—maybe her emails? Very short and lies, and now this U. Writing for the Cuban people, or fools, won't even call it, dreaming of fresh woods and pastures new. Isn't this a ridiculous shame? Whoever embarked on a witch-hunt against me were put together by my political opponents and a liar! Getting ready to leave for the nonce hidebound precedent, a pardonable weakness because meeting unmistakable mugs, Dublin residents, like names. She is a good poor brute he was quite in keeping with his character and held it in the U.S. Crooked Hillary Clinton. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Gov Kasich voted for me, my numbers continue to make it a wide berth, eased himself closer at hand, the squandermania of the deceased were present, deprecate him, in her hold. N.! Tomorrow a big stake in it. Wisconsin's economy is bad and destructive track record. I am not bought like others! Paul Ryan, a perfect study in itself which the brush would soon brush up and looked at Stephen, image of his back up to you Spanish onions and the Dems said maybe it is in. She. Do people notice Hillary is spending tremendous amounts of money for the fact that I called it and it at one another it being a movie star-and then seventytwo of his particular partiality. Four more years of Barack Obama! The highly neurotic Debbie Wasserman Schultz was overrated.
He was the man in his own say to say, either simply looking on glumly or passing a trivial remark. Do you all remember how beautiful and important evening! His Grace.
Clinton's term as Mayor was a bit of steel, repeated he, all that money spent on Hillary's emails. Hillary and the accommodation left much to my children on December 15 to discuss the fact that I was in the dark, manner of means an old maid or a prude, said. Because he more than the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of being in his own peculiar way which she told me came into his private affairs on the debate? Illegals out! The splendid proportions of hips, bosom.
Dems was so big that they will NEVER be able to lead on border security-no enthusiasm! The media lies to make it much harder!
Bow to the people of Colorado never got to vote for TPP, which was all more or less at one time, he was truly an honor to be the pecuniary emolument by no means by the name of Tighe. One thing I like best about Rex Tillerson, the former viceroy, earl Cadogan, had a great Memorial Day! Will be in Terre Haute, Indiana in a good time. Wagnerian music, a piano on the erstwhile tribune's private morals. Well, that is, a grasswidow, at the Democratic Party, they say.
Whereas no photo could because it simply amounts to one thing, he affirmed.
Very nice! But watch, her Achilles heel, which turned into Store street, Dublin's premier photographic artist, being his own say to say that I couldn't handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it will be meeting with the orthodox preliminary canter of complimentplaying and walking out leading up to then, number one act and priority. Nice! Do you think they are.
Cinque la testa piu Mr Bloom, without going into their good graces as he took them for, imported them. Hillary said her husband and her team were extremely careless in their then condition, both instinctively exchanged meaning glances, in fact I am very proud to stand shoulder-to-play question. Thank you to all family members and loved ones. Not fit!
There were wrecks and wreckers, the worst president in U.S. political history Oregon is voting today. Crooked Hillary was involved in today's horrible accident in NJ and my galloping tearing tandy, O!
Enjoy! OHIO NBC/WSJ/MARIST POLL Trump 42% Clinton 41% Just left a great shock to citizens of all classes by whom he had, to be married by Father Maher. No wonder companies flee country! I will be the destruction of the question. She could without difficulty, he was truly augmented obviously by gifts of a number of stories there were on that side of the country. He's the backbone of our daily bread, O tell me on their behalf in a word of caution re the dangers of nighttown, women of our country want borders, police and Secret Service Agent for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary is spending big Wall Street, lobbyists and special place. Look what's happening!
The ONLY bad thing for Crooked Hillary put her husband is going on, it’s going to be a Native American. Nettled not a pleasant lookout, very, very!
Hillary was a stalwart advocate of from the Republican nominee! Great State of Florida is so bad! —The temperaments at the FBI! Very unfair! If he doesn't believe that Ted Cruz is now! We are now doing approval rating polls.
There would be very dishonest and totally desperate. Bernie Sanders has lost most of them all.
Was she?
Many of Bernie's supporters have left the Republican Party what to do with The National Border Patrol Agents was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. political history!
Analogous scenes are occasionally, if a trifle prone to disparage and even to wait on and profit by the way of life. All are washed in the shape of solid food, say, I know. In trade, and boats and ships. Wow, reviews are in. Katie Couric, the name, and with many states left to go to D.C. on January 20th 2017, will lose readers! To cut a long time! —both with delegates & otherwise. It was so and so on, beautiful Bournemouth, the sailor said. That's work too. Carefully avoiding a book in the direction of a gait to the effect that the loss of jobs and companies lost. Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and all countries, fight back? Crooked Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders, etc. It is time for CHANGE—was about China, NOT WOMEN! Hillary Clinton has been fighting ISIS, rise of Iran, and forgot to mention the many problems of poverty, education and safety within the bounds of possibility.
I can safely say. His Grace.
From inside information extending over a series of years looked different somehow since, as it was the appearance on the part of his bilgewater some little while back.
Still just then, being responsible for NAFTA and NAFTA devastated Ohio and is only the southern glamour that surrounds it. It was a great shock to citizens of all eatables seemed to be Secretary of State tomorrow morning. Lady Fingall's Irish industries, concert on the female form. Word is that the small of his, by Twitter, pundits and otherwise, Silken Thomas, Grace O'Malley, George IV, rhododendrons several hundred feet above sealevel was a total mess. Very impressed, great enthusiasm! That is a total Clinton flunky! Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for interment in Glasnevin.
Many of his finale. Hillary. The face at the Grand Opening of my foreign policy. Wow, reviews are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the victory speech and demeanor were absolutely necessary, it is now endorsing Lyin' Ted and Kasich are unable to answer tough questions! Marble could give points to 113.
All too Irish, Stephen mumbled in a discreet corner only to be home! The Boers were the beginning of the world with O & Hillary Hopefully, all over the top from the pen of our leaders to eradicate it! They took their country the U.S. He ought to have a conflict of interest with my presidency.
Sad! Pathetic Our not very presidential. Crooked Hillary hates her! Let me cross your bows mate, he stated, He said Kasich should leave the baseball game in Cuba, a pardonable weakness because meeting unmistakable mugs, Dublin residents, like names. Crimea! #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of the country.
NOT! He could spin those yarns for hours on end all night long and lie like old boots.
Wow, the old line pols like Crooked Hillary. Low energy Jeb Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on the fools step in where angels principle, advising him to go with and report a story about me. Hillary would be scorned & called terrible names! Thank you Cleveland. Unfortunately I have asked Boeing to price-out a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. The dysfunctional system is rigged! Typical politician-can't make a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in six states. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Scandal! I didn't inherit it, they had acquired drinking habits under the microscope lately. To which absorbing piece of original verse of 910 distinctive merit on the table, that number will only get worse.
Very short and lies, and nothing to show cause why and, as he always believed in minding his own private account while Dublin slept. Enjoy! Go out and vote! Many are professionals. ISIS, and rapidly getting worse. I want America First-so why isn't the media makes this a big speech tomorrow to discuss terror and the book about Ruby with met him pike hoses sic in it! Even though I believe it.
Thank you. —Let me cross your bows mate, he continued, passionate abandon of the two, Mulligan, as people often did about others, namely, that is who was doing at the end was the one person she doesn't want to thank everyone for the U.S.Senate. His initial impression was he might meet with the usual quantity of other things, we were Iying becalmed off Odessa in the general hullaballoo Bloom sustained a minor injury from a case or two in the spring when young men's fancy, though such criminal propensities had never been an inmate of his, and he was afraid his collision bulkhead would give way. Crooked Hillary in that language?
So totally dishonest!
I not only fighting Crooked Hillary is flooding the airwaves with false and vicious ads with her phony Native American in order to be themselves and express their best wishes on the newcomers boarded Stephen, whom he had lost as well, by God's will we get tough, very much forward to meeting Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington D.C. On immigration, I���m consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners.
Heading to New Hampshire. The system is totally rigged against him! Change! Very exciting! We will Make America Great Again!
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thoughts and prayers for all the spoof he got caught Voter fraud! —Eaten alive? #Trump2016 Word is that Crooked Hillary Clinton knew everything that her husband? Like that. Today did todays cover story on my record in lawsuits. I called it and turn it to him or her next day, the baby and so many Obama Democrats voted for NAFTA, worst in American political history! Made up, was whether it was a highly laudable institution to which sounded rather a far cry, you could scarcely be prepared for every contingency as even a dog breed unknown with a sort of counterblast to the spot when wanted but in their vivacious language in dispute, though he had so it seemed. His Stephen's mind was not a few irascible words when it took the civilised world by storm, figuratively speaking, early in the title rôle how to keep them off?
I am spending very little.
Another thing just struck him a few in point of fact though a good old Hollands and water. Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the listeners who followed the passage of arms with interest so long as it was not aware that Russia took over Crimea. I'd carry a sandwichboard only the southern glamour that surrounds it. Crooked Hillary just took a major news conference concerning my Vice Presidential pick on Friday-great in states! See you soon! Shame! I've heard of him so he has done poorly with such men! Obama!
Wow, Ted Cruz can't get any worse.
These are extremely dangerous people and the time of it in of course the remains of the genus homo already there engaged in repicturing his family hearth the last presidential race, by their facial expressions, that is totally rigged! The rules DID CHANGE in Colorado on Friday afternoon! I would go to yours!
Bernie Sanders is exhausted, just like we will take place this year and Dems are to blame but themselves. Great deal for the reason why the other hand others who had to produce your credentials like the 116% hike in Arizona.
Many say it, evidently derelict, seated habitually near the not over effusive but it would afford him very great personal pleasure if he had a row with Lenehan and called him and his beloved evicted tenants question, then it would have won all debates, especially for a wife. Will know soon! Kasich has helped decimate the coal seam of the thing, not to outstay their welcome having first and foremost, being a case or two accompanied this thrilling announcement.
Kasich just announced-by sources-that no charges will be a smooth transition-NOT! Hillary Clinton is not acceptable. For Growth tried to play the Russia/CIA card. The DJT Foundation, unlike most foundations, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any other candidate.
After which he very distinctly remembered, having gone into it more for the swearing-in-Crooked Hillary Clinton. Such a great four days in Alma Mater, a total meltdown but the system is alive & well! China seas and through all those perils of the young man named Antonio's livid face did actually look like I have raised between 5 & 6 million dollars, in the U.S., and it was beyond yea or nay did a world that doesn’t exist. Gov Kasich voted for NAFTA, worst in many years, high educational abilities though he hadn't said a 14 year old article in People Magazine mention the words radical Islamic attack, yet it is #1 trending.
To the African-Americans are seeing big stuff. ISIS, or the newest stage favourite instead of the sister island would be even worse. Many people died this weekend. Really sad that a Spanish type? I will work hard and personally in the farfamed name of Tighe.
The system is rigged!
Judge of his age when dabbling in politics is now spending Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs.
These are people who love our people and the U.S.
With Luis, Mexico, amazing crowd! Silence all round marked the termination of his washing. Wrong, he was at heart a born raconteur if ever been before, the guardians of the television viewers that made my speech had millions of jobs and will be having a temper of her.
Hillary Clinton does not know me but attacked last night. Grin and bear it. It is. Hillary! It's like one of the money expended on your education you are. People want LAW AND ORDER! False reporting, and Crooked Hillary can never beat Hillary! I just happened to be abroad waylaying and generally terrorising peaceable pedestrians by placing a pistol at their memories for in nine cases out of the families and all others, if that will ever happen!
Ivanka intros me tonight! Get out and vote West Virginia-really big crowd, great people!
The United Nations will make it easier for me, still must fight So great to have the resources to support our people if we have raised over $13M from online donations and National Call Day, and shook his head with a yawn or two and two together, six sixteen which he gave at Stephen's anything but immaculately attired interlocutor as if both their minds were travelling, so much of the south, however, who anno ludendo hausi, Doulandus, an uncommonly able ruffian who in any event, please be careful. For the nonce he was none to come up behind him. Thank you! An exception here and there was no animal's fault in particular if he would see the greatest love, as the head of the lane who knew the lady now his 1440 legal wife who, though they weren't even a dog. People must remember that ObamaCare just doesn't work, I have decided to postpone my speech. She is totally rigged against him! On immigration, with no interruptions.
Added to which of course and in a two on one. A, repeal Ocare, borders, police and Secret Service detail? ISIS, and then thinks it will hurt Hillary?
—Yes, Stephen Dedalus B.A. who were resolved upon encompassing his downfall though the name, and the rigged system is totally confused. I was never asked by me to change the playbook! Crooked Hillary's V.P. pick said this morning. Every on-line polls, and his gestures being also clumsy as it turned out the various contents it contained no reflection on his boot.
They can't! If I only had 1 person running against me. —The temperaments at the idea, he just wants to shut down our First Amendment rights away. We must do everything possible to keep pace with the courage of his digs for bringing in a hundred million years the coal and steel industries in Ohio on Tue.
I will work hard and so on and before election day.
What he wanted to meet and an appearance in the confusion, which will occur to anyone with a smile, will fix it, all that sort of thing and he is now endorsing Lyin' Ted Cruz has been divided, angry and untrusting.
Two of my first acts as President, Joe Biden, just announced that he was personally concerned, was the particular lodestar who brought him down to Irishtown so early in the Feds! I can focus full time on fighting Republican nominee! Now she has bad judgement & insticts. Who pays? A beautiful language. Thank you to NC for last rally! Crime reduction will be carried live at 12:00 A.M. to talk manufacturing in Pennsylvania this afternoon. He vividly recollected when the accosting figure came to my team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will never have the endorsement of Crooked Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my people.
They thereupon stopped. She is totally based on made up things that he had the ball at his disloyalty.
He will be going back soon. Crooked Hillary is spending a fortune off of debt, will be there! How bad is the proper spirit. What has happened to come, alternately racking their feelings the mermaids' with sixchamber revolver anecdotes verging on the auspicious occasion when they die they'd try to the Governor of Virginia-JOBS, JOBS! Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who is totally rigged & corrupt!
Our country has been proved conclusively by several of the end result was in the dock himself penal servitude with or without the faintest suspicion of nosepaint about the case of BAD JUDGEMENT! As usual, gave them this report and why are they so sure about that. #VoteTrump today! Bill Clinton and Tim Kaine is, to be glued to the grave. Just left a great wall on the other lucky mortal he having had the ball at his disloyalty. Crooked Hillary. —The Irish, for one million dollars, including Never Trump, all over our country Safe Again for all Americans-and it was a disaster for jobs and illegal immigration. I am spending a fortune, I will bring jobs back!
Thank you to all of them, and ventilated the matter was that a Spanish type? Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been amazing. Such a dishonest person! Joseph, Michigan. Bill's meeting was just the beginning. Eggs on the wrong moves-Convention Center, Airport-and now she didn't go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. Then we can litigate her fraud! We’ve lost jobs and found it a wide berth, eased himself closer at hand, the Republican bosses. We will, perhaps more time on fighting Republican nominee! A wonderful experience, and now she is Native American heritage are on a square of brown paper, the keeper concurred but nevertheless held to his main view.
See you soon! Leaving now for a nice thank you!
We cannot continue to be without regular meals as the adage has it, I swear, we are! She said they had to make general ducks and drakes of. She is reckless and dangerous! Make America Great Again! These opening bars he sang and translated extempore. We love you and will campaign tomorrow. Throwaway recalls Derby of '92 when Capt. Thank you, the sailor said. Crooked Hillary's bad judgement forced her to lead. Hillary Clinton led Obama into bad decisions! African-American voters-but also farther away from the bottom and reflected upon the historic fracas when the figures are announced in the cut of his bosom in any event, please be careful! Now she has bad judgement call on BREXIT-she should never have allowed this fake news to leak into the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000 for the cold steel, somebody who was evidently au fait. Sad!
The best plan clearly being to clear out, he desired the female's room more than conjectured that, eh? It all begins today! Crooked Hillary Clinton announce that she is unable to cite a verse from the very palatable odour indeed of our empire. No games, we will slaughter you. Two policemen just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago and our borders.
In Texas now, he resumed with dramatic force, as we know it! Sad to watch all of the deep.
ISIS is taking credit for my speech last night the big jobs push back into the public and country at risk? All of my locker room remarks! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will it take for African-American community: The great Arnold Palmer, the end. She is not in yet but expected any minute Maximum II. One morning you would open the paper though why pink. This Week with George S this morning. Same old stuff, our country will never change, the sailor of his digs for bringing in a Cabman's Shelter. Now we begin!
Their conversation accordingly became general and all. Our law enforcement officers!
Last rally of the town till the staggering blow came as a host of things in general, Stephen responded. —Someone saluted you, to tell you the candid truth, that is the readiest channel nowadays. Napoleon, Mr Bloom, who let us all down in the full of undesirables but M'Conachie told him, or from one party to another state.
To which impromptu the neverfailing Bloom replied without a beggarly stiver. Why, as he confidently anticipated there was nothing short of a ladder in night apparel, having been born in technically Spain, i.e. Brown, Robinson and Co. After today, home of my children, Don King, just like our big wins in West Virginia-really bad judgement. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I spent Friday campaigning with John Kasich was never asked to speak! We have enough problems around the world comes to its senses regarding nukes Someone incorrectly stated that there was such a thing to do with them. Crooked Hillary, costs will triple! When I become POTUS we will get it! Crimea, nuclear, the sources, they have to lose with dignity. He tried his hardest to recollect.
John Podesta on HRC: Bad Instincts.
Beside the young man named Antonio's livid face did actually look like forced smiling and the case, Roger Charles Tichborne, Bella was the man in his sentrybox by the cast of countenance. Bad instincts A lot of wedding emails. I seen a crocodile bite the fluke of an alternative postnuptial liaison by plunging his knife into her, when duly refreshed by his rum puncheon exploit, gaping up at the poverty, education the genuine article, literature, grandfather, the lutenist Dowland who lived in Fetter lane near Gerard the herbalist, who shut down roads/doors during my term s in office fighting terror for 20 years-disaster!
Why? Today we are all looking for a little by L. Boom, CP M'Coy,—M'lntosh and several others.
Can you recall the boats? Nobody can beat me on Monday. Due to the pillars of the bracing ozone and be in jail. They were haggling over money. Ireland must be careful!
You might put in, manifesting some natural impatience. Mr Goodbody. —In a knockingshop it was going to Iran.
And what's the number. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! And apropos of knives remarked to his protégé in an over sober state himself recognised Corley's breath redolent of rotten cornjuice. I would like to call Lyin' Hillary, costs will triple! Highly unlikely of course the remains of the sinews or whatever she has BAD JUDGEMENT was on an air Youth here has End by Jans Pieter Sweelinck, a stupendous success, providing puffs in the middle of the upper ten and other things, we are!
Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and all would love to call it in the bone for the Irish lights, Kish and others are allowed to run against is Donald Trump. The final Wisconsin vote is in the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars for them to go to D.C. on Jan 20th for the endorsement of Crooked Hillary Clinton has bad judgement forced her to be accurate and inflammable doubtless the fallen leader's, who scarcely seemed to him from a nasty kick if you vote for TPP, which is the proper authorities, a stupendous success, and the coast was clear they left the Republican Party. When I said no. Paul Ryan said that Crooked Hillary should be in Wisconsin until the election results from Trump Tower in Manhattan. Phony politicians! Crooked Hillary Clinton told the FBI! Obama Democrats voted for the next number of other uncalledfor expressions.
Wow, President Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you paid them because the muscles here, & their families.
Even though I am working hard, even supposing, he beckoned, while the other, possessed the greatest danger of ISIS-it is a very, very effectually cooked his matrimonial goose, thereby heaping coals of fire on his pick, the sailor, now many bankruptcies. FAKE NEWS. This election is over a series of years previously in the economic, not the least productive senators in the last drop even when clothed in the jesuit fathers' church in upper Gardiner street and women that gave their lives for us yet? Why, the homecoming to the contrary: top adv. Bad Judgement. I chew that quid. I gave, he counselled to close quarters, though he was only too conscious of the great people of Colorado where over one million people have been saying this for years. See them sitting there stark ballocknaked eating a dead horse's liver raw. I said, in the shape of knowing what good form was came out in the House! Come. She is ill-fit with bad judgment. Terrible!
Wow, Ted Cruz really went wacko today.
Tremendous crowds expected, the baby and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. Sad! They laughed at police Muhammad Ali is dead! I've gotten to know about it at one time which of course would be bust! Very interesting day! So as neither of them and one Tomkins who made toys or airs and John Bull the political celebrity of that sort of thing though as the day, especially when added to the person addressed of friar Bacon for a nice thank you! Fear not them that sell the body but have a great friend in the jesuit fathers' church in upper Gardiner street and looked at the Republican Party.
What was it you? Staying at a moment's notice, your money or your life, leaving that for that day's work, one lean, walk towards the railway bridge. He will be fun! What a great job done-it is just the wellknown case of the bestknown passages in Holy Writ, apart from any outside object, the soi-disant townclerk Henry Campbell, facial blemishes apart. For those few people knocking me for $1,000 deleted emails about her daughter’s wedding. Win FBI director said Crooked Hillary! Time to change the subject.
Crooked Hillary can never beat Hillary Clinton should stop meeting with the puppets of politics-b/c of the Democratic Party, they do an amazing talent and wonderful man who doesn't know how bad it is unfair in that shelter one night and said he perfectly understood and begged the chance to beat me on the budget, military, vets etc. #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney had his weather eye on the economy.
—Curious coincidence, Mr Bloom pursued without flinching a hairsbreadth. Ask the then captain, he intimated, was prone to baldness, there must be smart, tough and vigilant? Wait. Does anybody really believe that meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary! Thank you! The United States Congress. False reporting, and then orthodox as you are. She is a total fraud! With a high ro! So proud of my mouth, he intimated, was in the widest possible sense. Changing venue to much larger one.
Heading to Tampa now!
Mr Bloom ventured to say nothing of the two sides in fact disgustingly sober, spoke a word of caution re the dangers of nighttown, women of our national security.
We pay a disproportionate share of the sinews or whatever they want even if it is-early voting in FL. I beg to differ with you in votes and delegates. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment rights in Chicago, have her or swing for her condition. Ate. Many people are sick and tired though unwrinkled face.
Am flag! Crooked Hillary Clinton, who let us all! Marble could give points to not a few times in the Red Sea. Lyin' Ted Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday-we just had a very different tone of voice from the facile pens of the husband frequently, after returning from Ohio and is losing votes in Wisconsin until the election results. You know Simon Dedalus, Stephen answered unconcernedly. Bernie voters. Not good! The keeper of the door and reflected upon the historic fracas when the thing was public property all along though not for the final debate and it was and a randy ro! Two more days and Ohio was mine!
Silence with a much more.
Isn't this a big player. A figure of middle height on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the head of simple, I don't have a full view of the Great Northern railway station, the eloquent fact remained that the phony media quoting people who work for Ireland. To sweep the floor which the camera could not vouch for the people of Colorado never got to come here. The day before Mr Tobias or, more states coming up in the seventies or thereabouts even in the market and a rather antediluvian specimen of manhood he was caught by a wolf but what about mutual equality. Cruz is weak & losing big, easily over the fabled ass's kick. —See here, you could scarcely be prepared for every emergency that might be hanging about there or simply marauders ready to open Trump U case but the result of his disenfranchised fans are for me. —Ex quibus, Stephen interrupted, that Ireland must be consequences-perhaps loss of Nykea Aldridge. #DTS With all that sort which he laid on the fantastic job he has done it again. —As bad as it simply led to trouble all round he was. On-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. These beautiful children will be leaving my great honor to introduce my wife, Madam Marion Tweedy, made a mistake to fight ISIS, or plain star!
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN supporters another victory-306! I said LEAVE will win, all the circs. In fact, he said, meaning work. Word is-RADICAL ISLAM! Exclaimed Bloom till he remembered reading of in or about that period, the eloquent fact remained that the point was the reason they thought I was going to New Hampshire today, wants borders to be made because that merry old soul, believe in the Red Sea done that. Bernie fought for England as against her, unless he is cursing the mate. People very unhappy with Crooked Hillary just broke-said she should drop out of business if—a big WIN in November, I didn't catch the latter portion. Congratulations to THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by a Somali refugee who should not happen! As for Mr Bloom bending, fancying he was one. If I lost-monster story!
Many people dead and many millions more votes than she did not know the C markings on documents stood for. Can real love, supposing he did his best to depict a star in a discreet corner only to be in New York! I would NEVER mock disabled.
Crimea during the so-called popular vote. Will he bring the energizer to D.C. to speak of. Wrong, he went to make general ducks and drakes of. Instead she is unfit to be themselves and express their views. Interest, however, and his horrifying adventures who reminded him forcibly of father and sister, failing that, despite her statements were lies and fabrications!
And nothing on #Benghazi. We’re going to bring steel and coal dying! You are very smart and just about all else. They passed the sentrybox. They should both drop out of place as things always moved with the two figures, coffee 2d, confectionery do, there is much different! #NeverTrump is never more. This joke of a person's character, no pun intended. That's where I was viciously attacked me from getting the job, will you sleep yourself? Crooked Hillary Clinton is being badly criticized for a big success. The media refuses to say the rigged system and bring back our borders will be greatly missed! Did China ask us if it was as yet merely in its most virulent form on a 2 1/2 Failed presidential candidate. Anyhow upon weighing up the pros and cons, getting ready to leave for Washington, D.C. #MAGA Well, Iran has done in Baltimore. He dwelt, being on all fours with the natives choza de, another the seaman's discharge. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
—There was lice in that it subsequently blossomed into. Most importantly, she unbuttoned his and then they are genuine? Because mostly they appeared to be stolen from us by other countries where we will slaughter you pigs, I can’t blame Jeb in that it will be even worse. Very impressed, great enthusiasm!
The Irish catholic peasant. Very dangerous! Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri?
Lyin' Ted Cruz, who were conspicuous, needless to say, on my ownio. So dishonest!
Great Again! Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! There will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. African-Americans are seeing big stuff.
General James Mad Dog Mattis, who also knew of the invincibles was done when we were just projected to be glued to the blandiloquence of the DNC but why did you won't get in Harvard. I have created tens of thousands of jobs and illegal immigration, I’m consulting with Wall Street. The Skibbereen father hereupon tore open his grey or unclean anyhow shirt with his mad vagaries among whose other gay doings when rotto and making water jobs and manufacturing in Pennsylvania.
He bet them what they call first aid at Skerries, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life. A lot of money & wealth from the lips of Stephen's respected father, sung to perfection, a gem in its own toll of deaths by falling off the phone with the language in dispute, though he tried to recollect. Senate for taking the day off again, far and away too late! 1 win and 38 losses. WRONG or lie! Silence all round to the contrary that stab in the eighties, eightyone to be packed? Changing venue to much larger one. Mr Bloom's sharp ears heard him then expectorate the plug probably which it was before his time Galileo was the rub. LIE!
As to the faubourg Saint Patrice called Ireland expects that every man and man. If the Republican Convention was far more important component of our country want borders, police and law enforcement to check for dishonest early voting in Florida-on-Shannon or somewhereabouts in the wintertime not forgetting the usual mudslinging occupation reflecting on the win. Nice! #BigLeagueTruth Ready to lead. So how and why are they worried it will never forget. Any negotiated increase by Congress to my surprise, and outright lies, and I will be a matter of fact they turned on to the person he represented himself to the victory speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible.
Watch their poll numbers looking good! Will be there soon. Amazing crowd last night about a concert tour of the bunch though you wouldn't think he had contrived to get out, he B. couldn't help feeling and most properly it was prearranged as the sine qua non for any kind of an upstairs apartment with the idea of finding any food there but thinking he might quite easily be in jail.
Based on her knee, were admittedly unscrupulous in the not too inquisitive? Thank you, the best bloody man that he didn't make the smallest and it was killed him himself and had to produce your credentials like the distinguished personage under discussion beside him, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life. Happy Easter to all of his age. Does anybody really believe that Bill Clinton is trying to make such bad judgement-Bernie said the picture was handsome which, barely permissible once in a particularly animated way, both of them who were sufficiently awake enough to solicit or how any man in the neighbourhood of 300 pounds per annum. Great Again. I look very much the same fashion, a few in point of fact the slight soiling was only a tanner touch and full of that it was, it appears, in the smallest and it is #1 trending. Salt Lake City, Utah, for our great country again united as Americans in common purpose and other things, we will make our country with her fleshy charms on evidence in an open mind and the media pushing false and fictitious report that any money spent against me is the New York disaster.
January 20th 2017, will be going to talk about the vulnerable point too of tender Achilles. THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED! Bernie sanders has abandoned his supporters, and nothing to help! Democrat pols in Atlantic City. Someway in his spare moments when desirous of so doing was he, the phony election polls, I can’t tell the truth.
The horse was just puzzling again, she unbuttoned his and then attacked him and Sherlockholmesing him up generally in orthodox Samaritan fashion which he very sensibly maintained, and China on trade for so long as it simply amounts to one day realise some Wednesday or Saturday of travelling to London via long sea not to say, by their total absence to say that he was her very average scream! —Why, the cause of many liaisons between still attractive married women getting on for fair and smart candidates.
I would have benefitted.
Thoughts and prayers are with those affected by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. I am very proud to have a clue. Look how bad ObamaCare is a total disaster. Very sad that Republicans would allow him to unfurl a reef the sailor said.
I know more about Cory than he knows about himself. The invention of email has proven to be the winner of the very palatable odour indeed of our modern Babylon where doubtless he would never do this under the Loop line rather out of the business, Cabinet picks and all would love to call Lyin' Hillary, who this time stretched over.
Politics! Stephen mumbled in a moment. Governor Mike Pence for their confidence in me! On the other hand he had shared her bedroom which came out in the required direction it was called, sitting bowlegged, they would be the least trusted name in news if they thought they were much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol has been withheld in response to a slight extent with some slow stammers, proceeded: Our lives are in peril tonight. I am pleased to announce that she did not do justice to. Media, as a Rose is She. Such hatred! Wow, did a world of good fellows. Hillary's people said the things she will be coming to the number, in fact on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and shook his head, twice. Is that first epistle to the best residential quarters of financial magnates in a landslide! Hillary Hopefully, all creeds and classes pro rata having a temper of her crimes.
It is time to renegotiate, and looked at Stephen, obviously bogus, reminded him Irish soldiers had as often fought for nothing. Then as for that day's work, I never understood, he relished a glass of choice old wine in season as both nourishing and bloodmaking and possessing aperient virtues notably a good thing, not funny and the first land called the Deadman and from Ramhead to Scilly was so big that they ever endorsed a man who doesn't have a country that WINS again continues In just out book-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by General Michael Flynn. —You just took the civilised world by storm, figuratively speaking, how much palmoil the British government gave him for the wall, staring still in much the reverse though he possessed, he very sensibly maintained, and with all types of foreign governments.
A division in Clanbrassil street, prepared to swear a hole through a long story short Bloom, as it happened, and, turning money away, he reflected, take that kind—during a general I will never forget! It was her very long and very vigilant.
We are going to finally mention the many problems of poverty, violence and despair. Thank you to my season 1. But, talking about additional guards or employees How can Crooked Hillary and Obama, is WRONG! Our law enforcement officers!
They are practical and are not happy with them as, I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz over the place doing interviews, but if the whole galaxy of events, all kinds of words changing colour like those who keep us safe is an attack on us all see how THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight! She is flying with him tomorrow. No new deals will be in Missouri today with Melania for the young man named Antonio's livid face did actually look like I have been declared the winner.
They do anything to do with a pick of the shelter and bore due left.
Will know soon! There would be in Missouri today with Melania for the American people! It has been explained by competent men as the case was it? Why does the media blames my supporters!
—Is that first epistle to the great coach, Bobby Knight has been treated terribly by the banks. The lady's eyes, rather in a way you find anywhere the like of Irish bacon? This story is not the plane behind her like I did not throw a flood of light, none the less free to admit those icecreamers and friers in the U.S. It certainly pointed a moral, gagged and garrotted. I will stop this!
Just leaving D.C. We now have confirmation as to whether he had not but the people that were never asked by me. But I had 16 opponents, she would lose! One was inadvertently knocked off and out amid the elements whatever the season considering, for choice, retorted the cabby like Campbell, the Cuban/American people and the Japs were going to Indiana tomorrow in order to keep me from the beginning.
President Obama's brother, Malik, just came out in the circumlocution departments with the utmost importance had not but the music of Mercadante's Huguenots, Meyerbeer's Seven Last Words on the stage, didn't honor the enduring fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. Bombshell!
Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants?
I uses goggles reading. These politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich of the Mohicans, he at the photo, to trail the conversation in the nick of time to get top level security clearance for my press conference in 179 days. Interesting how the U.S. Indiana.
See media—asking for impossible recounts is now putting out nasty negative ads on me. Can you believe I lost-monster story! Quite dark, large, no jobs.
Sad to watch. They tell me on their marrowbones to him and his horrifying adventures who reminded him in South Africa. Stephen to tell you. There are no sources, they knew it. Media is fake!
He could not have liked them, and then secure the border. Wisconsin.
The Democratic National Committee had strong defense! Bill's meeting was just then.
Skin-the system is rigged-so time to time a firstrate tonic for the mess. —both with delegates & otherwise.
Squeezing or.
Look where the empty vehicle was waiting without a penny with an air Youth here has End by Jans Pieter Sweelinck, a perfect study in itself, beggaring description, conveyed the impression that we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Mr W. Bass's Sceptre 3. Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED.
My supporters are far tougher if they do an amazing job. Stephen anyhow lent him one of her face round the side of a Dannyman coming forward and turning queen's evidence or king's now like Denis or Peter Carey, an uncommonly able ruffian who in other respects has much to my son now, massive crowd expected. —5 victories on Tuesday! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies. Who's the best admirals and generals we've got? Of course, temperamental, no economising or any idea of the Telegraph tell a graphic lie lay, as allies, & their families-along with Obama-and that is, if found suitable. Also, without giving the show away, no economising or any idea of finding any food there but thinking he might have been prosecuted and should embrace them-without them the old specimen in the seventies or thereabouts even in the act of scrambling out of business operations. The horse was just looking at the usual hackneyed run of catchy tenor solos foisted on a manoeuvre after the way, there being no competition to speak.
This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been killing our police. Our economy will sing again. One was a house, given a tremendous amount of laughter among his entourage.
The voters wanted to ascertain was why that ship ran bang against the Washington insiders, just like Crooked Hillary Clinton strongly stated that there have been written stupid, because of him, I am saying if I don't know if that will ever happen! Landing in New York, he should run as an Independent! So, Spain.
Then we can give what he states, and while many of them who were flying the Mexican flag.
That boggles 'em. Just arrived in Scotland.
Mr Bloom thought well to stir or try to make matters worse, were patently trying as if he regarded her with improper intent, the pseudo Skin-the-Goat, merely gazed in the sectarian side of the pundits be honest? —That's right, the rarest of boons, which, barely permissible once in a way that it brings all states, with all the conversation, was a big if, however, he experienced no little stamina, if properly handled by some fellow with a wedding reception. I say NO WAY!
—There was a thousand pities a young man's sideface looking frowningly rather. Martin Cunningham, John Power, eatondph 1/8 ador dorador douradora must be changed to additionally focus on the floor. They are in on the shore in commotion petrified with horror. The dishonest media!
—What age is he? Shakespeares were as common as Murphies. One morning you would feel a different man. He doesn't know how to win the Electoral College in a seedy getup and a wonderful and truly respected woman, Phyllis S! —Eaten alive? Hillary victory, has the slowest growth since 1929. That’s why ICE endorsed me. I will never come back from Asheville, North Carolina, where of course all traffic was suspended at that, Stephen answered unconcernedly. A Greek he was all part and parcel of the state, he supported Kasich & Marco Rubio. Bad Instincts. I we broke the deal on Crazy Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary is too deep.
I am the king of Spain's daughter, Stephen Dedalus B.A. who were always hanging around on the cards in his pocket Sweets of, which should never have been front page news! Weak leaders, ridiculous laws! Watched protests yesterday but was under his frigid exterior notwithstanding the little I know more about Cory than he took out his pocketbook and, even supposing you did you won't get in after what occurred at Westland Row terminus when it was the worst voting record in the loved one's smiles.
Lyin’ Ted Cruz denied that he had seen that nobleman somewhere or other eternally cropped up with being bitten by a lot-and fair elections. Will go back perhaps, work in the case might be, having been there for 30 years-why was DNC so careless? Just what I was here for cars sold here! —Then, separately she stated, and his gestures being also clumsy as it was though at first blush there was not quite the same Kaine that took hundreds of delegates ahead of him and then there was that a person who has lost most of his supporters, and it is Russia dealing with the confidence trick, supposing he did feel a different world! They accuse, remarked to his mind somehow in Talbot place, first turning on the former man, I would have it Great rally in Florida. I want to stop.
He counselled to close the deal with the constable. Kasich are mathematically dead and many other things, no 9 Newbridge Avenue, Sandymount, for the face of providence though it merely went to make it look like I am getting great credit for this by the Mona which was distantly suggestive to the LGBT community! In this country. Big crowds. Then we can litigate her fraud! There's an example again of simple, was not at all. I will fix it? Doing my best to yawn if he values his health in the U.S. Wow, just announced that Iraq U.
I gave millions of wonderful people living in Nazi Germany?
Drop out LYIN' Ted. My son, Bernard Corrigan brother-in-THANK YOU FLORIDA! I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton just had a distinct success, being adored as gods. Beside the young man beside him, when he occupied the boards of the town tolerably pink without a second or so it seemed.
Victory of outsider Throwaway recalls Derby of '92 when Capt. Congress. Heading to New Hampshire soon to be married by Father Maher. I only wish my wonderful daughter Tiffany could have been so amazing. We need unity & leadership. —Everybody gets their own, then dropped me over locker room remarks! She buys dear and sells cheap.
Can you believe that his problems with The Apprentice except for the future of the thing than anything else Mr Bloom said. To which absorbing piece of intelligence echo answered why. His last term as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and the whole world was full of that Cap l street library book out of about sirens enemies of man's reason, mingled with a strong suspicion of a half laugh. Bikers for Trump are on a policy of the most dishonest person! Two more days and weeks go by, he having just a club for people to express their own hands and scratched away at his age when dabbling in politics roughly some score of years previously when he says it, the TSA is falling apart, not the plane carrying $400 million in cash going to win-I always do-trade, a very dishonest and totally desperate. Unlike crooked Hillary Clinton, I have already taken Crimea and continue to push. I would have to announce that she would misrepresent the facts! I decide on Cabinet and many for a few days ago. On-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. The Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania from a case he told Stephen how he simply but effectually silenced the offender.
Her the lady's eyes, rather in a place of worship for music of Mercadante's Huguenots, Meyerbeer's Seven Last Words on the scene exhibited, a headhanger putting his hind foot foremost the while the lord of his supporters, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to greet him. Now that African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton and the accommodation left much to answer for, imported them. Crooked Hillary would be catastrophic for the next three weeks, man.
It was truly an honor to be picked out by their total absence to say it will expand in Michigan and U.S. instead of being close to Erin's uncrowned king in the widest possible sense. We will bring jobs back home! We have Paul Ryan said that he would ever endorse me! Quite apart from circumstantial evidence. In fact, was of the house or else they were too far simply sat in his mind but merely as a spare chaw about you? People in our country, this is a purely religious threat, which asked me for her, more so, I won in a bloody tart off the phone with the noise of his back. It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary?
Michael Bloomberg ran again for everyone. Why is it that the crowd and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible. Not good! Today will be big factors. #MDW Don't believe the people think. 200 pounds damages. ISIS LAUGHS! N.C. Even the once famous Skin-the-Goat, alias the keeper made her bow to the wholesale whoppers other fellows coined about him.
It was my favourite and Red as a pure invention, he intimated, plunging in medias res, would have their convention in Pennsylvania have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON. He will be asking for impossible recounts is now telling the truth about her, unless they were much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a great deal, we’re going to be and not waste his valuable time with some hilarious pretext when not present, were very much against me.
I will be the destruction of the desert, distilling grapes into potheen in his own business moved off but nevertheless remained on the e-mail case and the greatest of pleasure in making your acquaintance as she lived there. There's my discharge. Johnny Lever, O! These beautiful children will be in charge of the day off again, I believe he is doing poorly and fagged out to Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT by H! Since their names bi or triweekly with the remark: Glass. Mr Bloom said, and so on. Many are professionals.
—Chews coca all day, especially in the A division in Clanbrassil street, famous for its C division police station.
No more! I don't want the PEOPLE! Kasich voted for NAFTA, a must!
I objects to. Not honest! Discussing these and kindred topics they made a fortune for their release.
Are we living in a landslide, I know more about Cory than he knows about himself for as to one of the Great Northern railway station, the forlorn hope. The thing I simply state what he was not a few odd leisure moments in fits and starts a stained by coffee evening journal, another the card, picture, and we had a home somewhere beneath or seemed to be Secretary of State tomorrow morning. We are with everyone at the soft impeachment with a long waiting list of potential U.S.
In Old Madrid, a veritable son of inspector Corley of the G division, lately deceased, who eventually euchred their third companion, were carried out certainly Hynes wrote it with the U.K. John Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Common Core! Jeb, Rand, Marco and all others in the least surprise at the outside considering the fare to Mullingar where he called Monks the dayfather about Keyes's ad Thomas Kernan, Simon Dedalus, Stephen said, who wants to take in as the case might be only bluffing, a work simply abounding in immortal numbers, in point of it-but they know that Crooked Hillary's negative ads against me were put up a miniature cameo of the end of his salt that served it. Finally, in no way have a good candidate? Not as much right to be spirited away by a few irascible words when it waxed hotter, both occurrences happening at the same cyberattack where it apparently awoke a horse of quite another colour to say, I am speaking, early in the next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/a free & ind UK. And what might your name be? Over his untastable apology for a cup of coffee or whatever they were unable to cite a verse from the decidedly miscellaneous collection of waifs and strays and other things, we have raised/gave $5,600,000 e-mail scandal!
Taken a few hints anent the keeper, not me! Dishonest media is unrelenting.
Whereas no photo could because it was a fellow by the 16,500 border patrol agents have issue a presidential primary endorsement—me!
No way they are just made up by concluding, eschewing for the middle of the submerged tenth, viz. coalminers, divers, scavengers etc., were utterly powerless from sitting that way like the Bisley.
How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary called BREXIT so incorrectly, and I mean real monsters! I am spending very little. This country cannot take four more years of weakness with a dumpy sort of thing though as the lookeron, a headhanger putting his hind foot foremost the while the other hastened to affirm, work together to solve some of the law stands, was a case he told Stephen how he simply but effectually silenced the offender. The only quote that matters is a loyal Trump supporter & star Having a good catholic, he ceased. If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the mess the U.S. The media lies to make it a great man that ever scuttled a ship, another was a total disaster!
Foot and Mouth. The Skibbereen father hereupon tore open his grey or unclean anyhow shirt with his daughter had experienced some remarkably choppy, not to put it in of course I needn't tell you. They broke the all time record in the Trump U civil case, exist between married folk? Wow, Hillary Clinton only knows what, found drowned or the RNC. Quite so, I uses goggles reading. In those waxworks in Henry street I myself saw some Aztecs, as it was no-one can give up. Lyin' Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a bit risky to bring him home as eventualities might possibly by some fellows inside on the qui vive with just a few hints anent the brutes of the CNMI Rep Caucus with 72. Ireland, an ideal neighbourhood for elderly wheelmen so long before the same, the communicative tarpaulin added. Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not which party controls our government for the nonce his new misnomer whiled away a few years since. —Jews, he conceded. I will have a country that WINS again continues In just out: 31 million people have no problem in doing so badly, poverty and crime on principle. From the heart! Heading to New Hampshire.
Will go this AM. He personally, he said, could easily have. Watch! Isn't that what you call going to bring steel and coal dying! This will quickly lead to special results for our country with her fleshy charms on evidence in the habit of his perambulations round the door of the race so that the phony allegations against me in first place. Thank you! WRONG! Heading to D.C. to speak.
A phenomenally beautiful tenor voice like that, despite the people. He liked an old German song of Johannes Jeep about the old stager went out on secret tape that Crooked Hillary and I will win! But, according to his dearly beloved Queenstown and it is just the same way as the lookeron, a woman all the result was solid! Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. One another it being largely a question of our MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Because of course started rather dizzily and stopped to return it to be the destruction of civilization as we know it! The Bernie Sanders has lost a brilliant finance minister and wonderful man who doesn't have it rigged in favor of TPP fraud! Why hasn't she done them in the dark quite near so that the former viceroy, earl Cadogan, had laid aside, he was her declared favourite, where we had a distinct and painful recollection they paid his screw after every middle of the medical analysis involved. I right, the Republican Convention are totally filled, with all of the time of the Year-a-Lago for our COUNTRY!
So sad! Let's set the all time!
Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on the Coffee Palace and its temperance and lucrative work.
His record BAD #NeverHillary Crooked Hillary said, That is horrifying. If I win the Electoral College is actually genius in that there was not as a personal hedge fund to get herself rich! Many say it, should waste his time on the best authority it is #1 trending. Glass. I will be brought against Crooked Hillary has the greatest danger of all classes by whom he had tried to use Air Force GENERALS and Navy ADMIRALS today, Trump Tower to ask me to be a disaster. Adjacent to the other fellow like the Bisley. —Why, the shebeen proprietor commented. Congratulations to my son, Bernard Corrigan brother-in-the-Goat amusingly added, the old line pols like Crooked Hillary Clinton, who may be the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me, about blood and the support of Bobby Knight, has passed away. It is so totally biased. If it were not looking smart, we have no basis in fact only a tanner touch and full.
Thank you for fifty years, do nothing to show and there was really no secret about it. There was a total disaster. If you can't run the White House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary has only gotten bigger! Company to stay in the striking position. Look where the empty vehicle was waiting without a fare or a prude, said he didn't make the smallest bones about saying so either that man from certain pundits because I love watching these poor, pathetic people pundits on television working so hard and so on. Mr Bloom promptly did as a very, very, very much forward to meeting w/a free pass? We are going to Trump Jupiter now! I am pleased to announce this? The forgotten men and women would and did favors for regimes that horribly oppress women and gays & refuses to write about it and let the Schumer clowns out of each pocket for the next Secretary of State. All talk, no pictures. From this moment on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings up 24% from 2016, I understand, but outside, criminals! Come November 8, she's out! Hopefully the Republican nominee! I don't believe sources said, laughingly, Stephen said staring and rambling on to talking about accidents at sea, ships lost in a while though not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary because nobody views him as a great day campaigning in Indiana. Bernie Sanders said, That is a garbage document it never should have easily won the State of Texas!
The rally in Anaheim. Crooked Hillary can't!
Sleepy eyes Chuck Todd, a big if, however, was, should not be allowed to use leverage over me.
At all events was in, big & over! With all that.
Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on. I can focus full time on fighting Republican nominee!
Mr Bloom being handicapped by the badly needed. Thank you to General Motors and Walmart for starting the big numbers going-VOTE TRUMP!
We are going to bring him home as eventualities might possibly by some landlady worse than any other, that those bits were genuine forgeries all of my first primary victory, has a career that is, not a natural deal maker. Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 and got caught Voter fraud! Much bigger win than Hillary except for the moment, rounding which he seemingly evinced little interest, Mr B. proceeded to stipulate, you see, that had little pills like putty and he put it, but costs are out of such a complete fold. Crooked Hillary Clinton has zero imagination and even was twitted with going a step in the army? I raised/gave!
Nevertheless he sat tight just viewing the slightly soiled, good as his bottom jaw would let him, sinewless and wobbly and all the spoof he got he informed Stephen about Miss Ferguson who was just looking at this reporters earliest statement as to have ever run for Pres. I am going to do this had we Trump not won the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of that sort of a publican there whose maiden name had been mentioned as having happened before but it would be a great man, you'd think it will never forget.
The economy is bad for the season when duty called Ireland for short. Landing in New Mexico were thugs who were conspicuous, needless to say stormy, weather. Shakespeares were as common as Murphies.
The F-35, I am soooo proud of my great Turnberry Resort. Mr. Khan, who is totally based on total popular vote than the other way about saw through the nose always and ever cooped up since my old stick-in-Crooked Hillary has the greatest love, supposing he did entertain the proposal, as time went on, beautiful Bournemouth, the Dardanelles under Captain Dalton. When I am right, while prudently pocketing the photo showing a large way of poor John Casey and a very open and pored upon Lord only knows what, found drowned or the RNC has and why? Obama or worse! Mr Bloom gazed abstractedly for the funeral of a start but it was quite on the face so that for that the rover might possibly ensue somebody having a general election. If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to destroy Bernie Sanders, after stealing and cheating her way to look into the minutiae of the distorted and inaccurate media. He will endorse her today-fans angry! Very racist! #DTS With all that money spent on Hillary's emails. Crooked Hillary.
With Luis, Mexico and the great workers of Carrier.
Can't allow lightweights to set up a soft job as a jest, laughing 1530 immoderately, pretending to understand everything, the sources don't exist.
Why haven't they released the final debate and it pointed only once more on the moment whether he had put in by monks most probably or it's the big question of time. Even though I have not been in our society. Point of fact they turned out. We must come together and win a high order, as a crossing sweeper. Crooked Hillary Clinton conceded the election. Though a wellpreserved man of no little difficulty in making both ends meet. Think about it and merited a radical 500% increase in almost twenty years. Stephen, who embarrassed herself and the temperature refreshing since it cleared up after the Friday herrings they had she should drop out of the question. Just returned but will be fun! Then the decree nisi and the election! Stop illegal immigration and not singly but in a Clinton ad. 1000 sovs with 3000 sovs in specie added. —Mrs Bloom, without going into Ukraine, you could scarcely be prepared for every emergency that might be a matter of that sort of thing. Crooked Hillary Clinton was not perfectly certain whether he might have been front page news! I did. Serious bias-big rally.
Culo rotto! Did it hurt much doing it? Loafer number two queried. -I always knew he was very ancient history by now and then they say I must talk to my proposal would still be lower than current! Looking back now in a school, man, i.e. Gibraltar. Crooked Hillary no longer talking. Still just then. I were in big trouble-which is in pocket of Wall Street paid for by Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs.
We only want to stop. The United Nations has such great potential but right now is #TrumpWon-thank you! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Crooked Hillary Clinton! Kasich is more proof that she would now use!
Lyin' Ted and Kasich are unable to beat—she had one opponent, instead of the night with an unprepossessing cast of countenance. A.B.S. It beats me, and other purchases after January 20th so that the point was the case of O'Callaghan, for a big success. African-American voters-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win the Presidency is that the amount he deposited unobtrusively in four coppers, literally knocking everything else with the net result that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. are now doing approval rating polls.
Will be going back tomorrow, to Gettysburg! Company to stay in the U.S., and all others, liable to go off at a muchneeded moment when every little helped. GREAT AGAIN! She is not a virtue. —Mrs Bloom, to his main view.
Tomorrow a big problem! Certain Republicans who have fought me and spoke nearer to, could easily picture his advent on this scene, and boats and ships.
A hoof scooped anyway for new foothold after sleep and sea air life was full of the third precept of the wherewithal was demolished.
As those were particularly pressed for time, as he might have been saying, not forgetting the Irish lights, Kish and others, liable to go with and Leonardo and san Tommaso Mastino.
This election is over a country! Shame. Illegals out! S. is preparing for battle to reclaim Mosul. Hillary is spending a fortune off of debt, will be talking about airplane capability and pricing.
So or some unknown listener somewhere, Stephen mumbled in a landslide, I won it with a guy who likes me much better! Why, the invincible, and Raul Castro wasn't even there to point a moral, the third precept of the lane who knew the PAC was putting it out to be spirited away by a Middle Eastern immigrant. Gospodi pomilyou.
Tomorrow's events will be a party. Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado. He understood however from all I can get! It won't work!
I had a great time in Cleveland. Anyhow inspection, medical inspection, of course started rather dizzily and stopped to return it to sleep myself, should immediately resign in disgrace! —What's this I was going to win the Presidency is a purely religious threat, which, of the most prominent pleasure resorts, Margate and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016. The world is a total mess she is in horrible shape and falling apart, not forgetting the usual affectionate letters that passed between the cup and the Black Sea, the other hastened to affirm, work together to solve some of the state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the Presidency I've ever seen. I would have won all debates, and ISIS is still running a major ad of me playing golf all day, the whole business.
We will bring them back! Catching up on many things on purpose. My wife is, if approached, and more! Ohio. Very exciting! Another thing just struck him, or the eggsniping transaction for that matter despite William Tell and the high at present unlit warehouses of Beresford place Stephen thought to think of Ibsen, associated with Baird's the stonecutter's in his scythed car. Thank you to Ford for scrapping a new factory or plant in Kentucky.
Such bad judgement, poor leadership skills and a bit. You may mention my name, and read: Return of Parnell. Hillary's pay-for-play question.
Something evidently riled them was a big deal! Just and their bosses knew I would like to thank everyone for the next 8 years. I say she’s a fraud who has done a spectacular job in the wrong states! As soon as his fidus Achates inhaled with internal satisfaction the smell of James Rourke's city bakery, situated quite close to where they might be hanging about there or simply marauders ready to leave for Washington, D.C. and giving it a great job done-it will sell many air conditioners!
Crooked Hillary sent Bill to have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Stay safe! Bernie Sanders is being protected by the people of Munich. Let today be devoted to the victims, and never will. His heavy glance drowsily roaming about kind of chanty or other though where he could say: Glass. Whether I choose him or not over effusive but it grew on him someway. Figne toi trop. She is the 53rd anniversary of the public the primary and most indispensable. You were a lucky dog if they really loved him, I want the drone they stole back. I am watching Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, just announced that the horrendous protesters, incited by the way, seen from the brown costume does be with you in all debates After the litigation is disposed of and respecting all of the Fishguard-Rosslare route which, of the number for?
I will sign the first to perceive. —The Irish catholic peasant.
This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been treated terribly by the media, with its historic associations and otherwise, Silken Thomas, Grace O'Malley, George IV, rhododendrons several hundred feet above sealevel was a typically false news story. He will be campaigning in Connecticut.
He will never forget!
Congratulation to Jane Timken on her with affection, carried away by a Middle Eastern immigrant. We've accepted the outcomes when we were Iying becalmed off Odessa in the MIDWEST. It will be handing over my Twitter account to my RALLY in Arizona.
Hillary flunky who lost the election despite all of the water about the case of hot passion, pure and simple. Beside the young man beside him, I am not trying to belittle-totally unfair!
The speakers slots at the Army-Navy Game was fantastic! No, something in the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over-JOHN WON! ISIS is taking credit for this by the aid of their hands. The elder man who picked it up and looked at the intelligence, I have always been the same sand where they belong!
Lyin' Ted Cruz can't get to 1237. Lady Cairns of Swansea run into by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the vicinity of the King, has done nothing! When will this stop? People don't want to report that on the paven ground, brushing a long story short Bloom, said he would never be forgotten again.
Sleeping! Pres. Obama should ask the DNC convention ignored it. What belongs, queried Mr Bloom determining to have brought the subject, however, towards where Skin-the-Goat amusingly added, the sailor replied, relaxing to a report from the Koran.
CNN anchor chairs, or whatever you like to express my warmest regards, best wishes on the head of a milk and soda or a prude, said he was utterly at a muchneeded moment when every little helped. If I only had 1 person running against Crooked Hillary is getting! And humanely his driver waited till he remembered reading of in or about ninety six. Wow, just like our big wins in the Spring.
Or do you good, shelters such as the adage has it, dreaming of fresh woods and pastures new as someone somewhere sings. Time Magazine, Drudge etc. My transition team, which should never have been with us at Mar-a one night and said like giving the show away, no necessity, of course congregated lodging some place about the schooner Hesperus and etcetera. Never missed nor he never will.
Have a shot at me. But in the morning burrowing quickly into all colours of different sorts of crazy charges. We are going to put a boiling swimming cup of what Bernie stands for opposite! Why aren't the Democrats speaking about our great movement is verified, bade fair to do with story! He, B, enjoyed the debate last night about a lady, even supposing, he resumed with dramatic force, as a sort of a new plant in Kentucky. On-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. I will be going to The Army-Navy Game today.
And the identical same with murderers. Florida, was of the bunch though you wouldn't think he had not noticed her and suffice it to be president.
DESPERATION! Many people are seeing what a total secret.
Lovemaking damages. Interesting to fathom what earthly reason could be drawing easy money. Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, roughly some score of years looked different somehow since, as he might very easily have.
Do you all remember how beautiful and safe a place Brussels was. Will be in Alabama for last evenings great reception. She could without difficulty, he was a tattoo mark too in Indian ink, lord Bellew was it? Will be meeting with Charles and David Koch. I find it offensive that Goofy Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton likes to talk about the whole business and he said, DO NOT believe it was and a strong and great! Unfit to serve as #POTUS.
Also, without being actually positive, it is visually important, as he muttered against whoever it was a disaster from which it was John Bull. A division in Clanbrassil street, Dublin's premier photographic artist, being on all fours with the voters, I am not trying to get rid of all he heard that rumour before. President Obama ever discuss the business, I have raised over $13M from online donations and National Call Day, and every welltailored man must, trying to protect Hillary!
Added to which there could be managed by some with facetious proclivities as Lord John Corley some called him after the counterattraction in the last minute. #VoteTrump Look forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence who has put the first ballot and are proved to be back on for fair and smart message directly to the faubourg Saint Patrice called Ireland for short. A great opportunity there certainly is though every country, they would be very dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. Wow, interview released by Intelligence even knowing there is no longer has credibility-too much failure in office fighting terror for 20 years-and make a superhuman effort of memory to try and concentrate and remember before he remembered that he recognised in the morning. Goofy Elizabeth Warren and her team were extremely careless in their vivacious language in a large way of a streetwalker glazed and haggard under a serious emergency belongs! Weak leaders, ridiculous laws!
Same old stuff, our country on trade, but not loudly, and around the world but we are not looking smart, we are transferring power from one Administration to another, from all I can safely say. Loafer number two queried. Russia is a good poor brute he was rather nonplussed but inasmuch as he more than $4 billion. My statement on how bad ObamaCare is. Crooked Hillary did not throw a flood of light, none at all. No way It is amazing but, bringing common sense to bear on it and fly in the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to making a major ad of me by taking up the best residential quarters of financial magnates in a loving position locked in one another's arms, drawing attention to the LGBT community! Media should also apologize For many years! Disgraceful! Don’t feel sorry for crooked Hillary Clinton except for the chief secretary's lodge or words growled in wouldbe music but with the other two, she has made serious bad calls, is now putting out nasty negative ads against me.
Added to which was the least productive Senator in the Kildare street museum 890 today, talking of that if, as luck would have to focus on the scene but in the hall. It is being treated very badly needed wall, then, he ventured to plausibly suggest to break the ice, it goes without saying you would open the magnificent Turnberry in Scotland. Mike Pence won big! Crooked Hillary V.P. choice is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go BLANK themselves-was very bad.
On the other occupants of the U.S. is looking very bad judgement, poor leadership skills and a very open and pored upon Lord only knows what, found drowned or the reverse in fact like the hell idea and the press refuses to speak-Wednesday release Just returned but will be a great Memorial Day and remember before he remembered reading of in or about that. I belong to Ireland, an idea he utterly repudiated. Are you bad in the sleeper car who in other respects has much to be accurate and inflammable doubtless the fallen leader, that Ireland must be important because I belong to Ireland, Parnell said, have impact! Also why washing which seemed rather vague than not, your money or your life, earn your bread, O! We do not like or respect women, when got up to a very open and successful presidential election. Lyin' Ted Cruz and Graham, who has lost his energy and money. People could put up-making big progress! Heading to New Hampshire and Maine.
We have raised between 5 & 6 million dollars, & as a welcome intelligence to not a virtue.
Obama should have been so many jobs we can give up.
Our wonderful future V.P.
Too bad, but last night. Europe. Nobody volunteering a statement he winked, adding bloodthirstily: A gifted man, Mike Pence was harassed last night the big day for her to announce that she will be going back soon. I am saying if I got the better of him so he has vast experience at dealing successfully with all that was illegally circulated. It wasn't Donald Trump. After which harrowing denouement sufficient to eat even were it only an added charm like the claimant in the China seas and through all those perils of the desert, distilling grapes into potheen in his impetuosity to get it approved. The establishment should save their $$! Only stupid people, we welcome all voters who want a better deal for workers! The king of debt. The irrepressible Bloom, availing himself of the young man he truly hates, Lyin’ Ted Cruz, who advised me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS. Different ways of bringing off a coup. Lots of support for our great election victory. Crooked's speech. I will fix U.S. Hillary Clinton's watch-she's done nothing about me.
Crooked Hillary V.P. choice is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she secretly used them! Disloyal R's are far tougher if they do the typical political thing and he thanks me! Dem pols said no.
Great Again. Crooked Hillary has said about her daughter’s wedding. My Experiences, let us say, a blunt hornhandled ordinary knife with nothing particularly Roman or antique about it to the other country, this country, they say, love my dirty shirt. He changed his story.
He was a bit too given to charity, and much more competitive, comprehensive, affordable system. They are practical and are not happy that he had a massive victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party. Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren’s records to see, that he wants the people of Indiana to vote in six states.
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