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jakemoogle · 7 months ago
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This has to be the funniest and my favourite community note thus far on this stupid app
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chalkrub · 3 months ago
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dogiperson · 28 days ago
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Redraw of my very first cotl comics!!
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time-woods · 2 years ago
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they are on a picnic date cloud watching
(well one of them is)
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lologoinsolo · 1 month ago
A continuation of this post! Tw: the word Daddy is mentioned but not in a sexual way!
Cats and Their Men Masterlist, Part 3
A week passed since that guy came in. You hope that the kitten's okay, the guy seems much better than you thought him to be. You did wonder if that was blood on the bills he gave when your manager had counted the register for the night. It looked a lil too red for your taste. But everyone has their secrets and you’re not about to ask that tank of a man if he killed someone or just happened to prick his finger. Still though you hope Bailey is faring much better with him than in the could and… you hope he comes back.
Sunday’s the worst but you managed to persuade your coworker to take over your register. Truck had just came in with so many things for the store and your managers are scrambling to get it all on the sales floor.
Humming along to the song from your earphones. The perks about stocking is that you hardly get bothered by your coworkers. No one likes to restock the numerous bedding and litter and pet clothing so you jumped at the chance to do it. Gives you some peace and quiet save for when the customers will tap at your shoulder. You’ll plaster a smile and use your “customer voice” to point them to where they need a certain item and then get back to stocking. You really should find a way to just work with animals. Maybe you can talk to your manager to see if you can try grooming instead of—
You jerk and nearly ruin the stack of dog cans you had just put up when someone grabs your arm. “Jesus, Jess,” glaring at your manager when you give her a scathing glare. Coincidentally this one’s the grooming manager. “What’s the matter?” Normally she wouldn’t be out of the grooming salon but the stores been short staffed and cutting corners. She’s been running around having to manage the store floor and hers.
“What’s the matter,” she scoffs, “the matter is your boyfriend is asking for you.” Boyfriend? “He’s a real asshole, ya know. We paged you twice over the intercom. Did you not— are you wearing headphones?” You wince when her voice gets screechy. You pull on your earphones and sigh, it’s an unspoken rule to not wear earphones but that literally never stops her groomers from wearing them.
“Jess, I don’t have a boyfriend.” Rolling your eyes as you give her a once over. Her hands land on her hips and you inwardly sigh. “What does he even look like? Did he say my name?” A little hopeful and also very worried because why is there a man claiming to be your boyfriend and why did your manager come get you for this? “I’m sure he’s one of the customers that’s been bitching lately. The fish tanks aren’t on sale anymore maybe he—“
“He’s not here for fish.” Cutting you off, “he asked for you. I thought he was your boyfriend cause he knew you were working right now.” The alarms start going off in your head. “Look, just go see what he wants.”
“Jess, I don’t know who this man is. Why didn’t you tell him I was like— I don’t know, not working?!”
“Because he’s refusing to fucking leave and he looks like he’s apart of the goddamn mafia!” She yells and you blink at her. Your anger boils to a simmer when she mentions what he looks like.
“Wait, wait… is he wearing a black mask? The ones people wore during COVID?” She nods and you pinch your nose hard. This motherfucker, “okay… I know him. He found a kitten a week ago. I told him to come find me. I didn’t think he’d remember my name because my name tag is so small.” Sighing loudly and stepping around her. “I’ll go talk to him.”
“Good, he’s given us all a fright and I really don’t need this right now. Bella bit the shit out of Felix and now I’m down a groomer.”
“Okay,” nodding as she tells you her woes. It’s been hard all around cause there’s not many workers but you’ll take a mask wearing customer over a shih tzu that’s known to bite. Fixing your shirt and putting on a smile when the figure that’s haunting the grooming salon takes one look at you and starts walking to you— quickly. “Evening, good to see you again. How can I—“
“She’s not eating any of the shit you told me to buy.” He cuts you off and you wonder if you’re actually just made of paper with how everyone cuts you off. There’s a black scarf he’s wearing and you notice a little bit of movement. This guy seems to favor black considering the matching jacket and pants color scheme.
You pull a face and turn to your side when he steps right in front of you. Jesus, he’s tall. Craning your neck to look up at him. “Sir, you have a weeks worth of three different foods?” Is she refusing to eat all of them? “It’s only been a week. Are you sure she’s—“
“Gave her a different one each day and she ain’t eating.” He tilts his head down, “why?” You swallow a bit when he glares at you. You wonder if whoever pisses him off gets to see this last before they get knocked the fuck out.
“You?” Shriveling up slightly, “wait,” once it runs through what he says it starts to click in your head. “You gave her a different one each day. You’re not supposed to do that.” Now it’s your turn to glare at him, “you’re supposed to ease her out into a new one before letting her try it suddenly.” You gave him the kitten version of chicken, beef, and salmon. You had a feeling that she was probably eating literal garbage and wanted her to try the chicken first. It’s your usual go to for new kittens.
“News to me,” he crosses his heavy arms over his chest. “Should’ve told me that.”
“I did tell you…” you start to trail off when you realize that you in fact did NOT tell him that. You just assumed he would know that. Goddamnit. “Okay,” he cocks an expectant brow, “maybe I forgot to mention but you didn’t ask. I thought you knew.” A measly form of an apology and taht doesn’t seem to settle him
“I told you I need things for the little shit. You made me buy those things,” he takes a step forward, “expensive things and now she’s waking me up all hours of the damn night because she’s hungry.” Your throat must be very dry from how hard you swallow. “What you didn’t tell was how to feed her.” His hands ball and flex.
Rubbing the back of your neck, you realize that maybe you are more in the wrong than your pride wishes to admit. “Look I,” taking a breath, “I’m sorry. It’s on me, I should’ve told you. I would’ve given you one of those first time pamphlets but we ran out.” Feeling like how a bug feels under a boot with how you tremble out an apology. “Was there one that she seemed interested in the most? Some cats like the chicken more while others prefer the salmon.” Maybe you can give him some wet cans to entice his little pet. A small thing like her shouldn’t be without food and you start to feel worse.
“She sniffed more at the salmon.”
“Okay, that’s good.” Perking up and you turn on your heel. “Come on, I’ll buy you some wet cans.” Before he can even protest you cut him off finally. “Look, I feel horrible, it’s the least I can do. Plus I get discounts.” Giving him a wink and he doesn’t give you anything other than a curt nod. You grab the salmon wet cans, the kitten ones, and you pray to the gods that Bailey will eat it so her dad won’t kill you. “Try the wet cans, see if that’ll work. If not then you’ll have to try for a different one. There’s a brand here that sells rabbit and turkey, a bit expensive.” You laugh shortly, “but cats have sensitive stomachs. They don’t mean to be picky.”
“Might not be picky but she sure as hell like to run my money.”
You huff a small laugh at his expense, “you should see the bills I’ve seen that get racked up here.” You skip the line to head to your register. Ringing it up and usually you’re not supposed to use your own discount for others but you’re not willing to risk mafia guy’s anger. Bagging it and passing it to him for him but he doesn’t grab it right away “Is there… is there something else you need?” You ask and he takes the bag from you finally.
He mulls over your words for a second and then says. “Need a collar,” he tilts his head to the side and out pokes Bailey’s itty bitty head from his scarf. You nearly scream when you see her but manage to bite your tongue on time. “Here,” he pulls her out and she lets out a disgruntled meow. He plops her down in your waiting arms. “Scratched up my neck.” He grumbles under his breath when he fixes his scarf back up. The kitten simply purrs in your arms when you coo and run from her nose to head. A glutton for love and you readily give it to her. “Find something for her.” He waves offhandedly once his scarf looks decent around his neck once more.
“Do have a specific—“ you trail off again when his eyes squint down at you. Right… he doesn’t really care. “Okay, I’ll be right back.” He grunts an acknowledgment and you walk off with the cutest little baby. She keeps pulling at your chest, seems eager to get to your shoulders and you wonder if she does that to her dad all the time. “Hmmmm,” looking from all the collars that the store sells. “You’re too tiny,” you hold her up like the monkey did the lion cub, a little sad that there’s not much that’ll fit her. “But,” noticing a small blue collar that shines slightly, “this could fit. It’ll give you enough room to grow into as well.” It’s a cat collar designed to unclasp if it gets snagged hard onto something. And knowing this curios kitten, she’ll need it.
Bailey doesn’t seem to mind when you let her sniff at it till the collar comes on and then she’s desperate to figure out what’s around her neck. Her back legs kicking at the edge of the collar and you cup her so she won’t tug it off. “Your daddy wants you wearing that so you gotta get used to it.” He could train her to walk on a harness later but that does take a good amount of training and
“Daddy, huh?”
You jolt from your thoughts and squeeze a little too tight around Bailey. She lets out a little hiss and you blubber an apology. “I didn’t— that’s not what I—“ the ‘daddy’ in question seems far too amused with how you stutter. “I uh… I thought you were at the front?” Coughing to push past your embarrassment. Petting Bailey as an apology on her sides and under her chin. She doesn’t forgive easily as she gives you a well deserved nips. You murmur a sorry to her and she squints up at you.
“Thought you got lost.” He comes around and pulls his kitten from your hands, he took a little longer to get her out but maybe you’re thinking too hard. You were taking a bit down the aisle but you wanted her to have a nice collar that fit her well. The heat from his fingers though makes your own cheeks warm slightly. When did he get that close and also why didn’t you hear him walking up? “Looks good,” he holds Bailey up and moves her around like she’s a little jewel. “Blue suits her.” He pushes her back inside his scarf and you can faintly hear her little purrs. A slight movement of the fabric before she settles right up against his neck.
Clearing your throat slightly, some strands of hair falls a bit forward but you’re still a bit squirmy to fix it. “I knew she would look good in blue. It matches her, I can buy it for you as well. I don’t min—“ your eyes widen when he moves his hand to tuck those loose strands back behind your ear. You stare up wide at him and he stares down at you. Nothing in his eyes give away an ounce of an emotion despite how you look. To his credit, he may have not meant to do that with how quickly he puts his hand down. “Uh… I— sir?” You manage to squeak out and his mask twitches slightly.
He flexes his hand that touched you and leaves you standing there bewildered, confused and your cheeks burning up so much that you might consider it to be a fever. You don’t follow him when he took off without giving an answer but you do touch your ear. The phantom feeling of his fingers makes butterflies flutter in your stomach. “What the fuck?” You murmur under your breath.
The next day you manage to get to work with little sleep from how you tossed and turned. You sorta waited more around your register to see if the man would come back but to your disappointment… he doesn’t. You take it in stride and continue about your day. Just as you’re about to clock out a man with a charming smile and model worthy appearance comes in holding a kitten in his hands and says, “I was told by my friend to ask you for help with cats. Can you help me, love?”
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vaguely-concerned · 4 months ago
rook falling asleep on the red couch in the lighthouse dining room while lucanis is making dinner....... they were helping out by keeping him company and peeling and chopping potatoes for a while there but then the potatoes are done and the room is so safe and warm and smells like coffee and good food and lucanis is trying to explain something to spite and his voice is low and soft and good to listen to and rook's eyes only slip closed for a moment. they'll get up to save the world again or whatever in a second just. one moment. while the world is warm and kind. and then they're being shaken gently awake an hour later because it's time to eat and everyone's starting to drift hopefully dinner-wards
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luxmoogle · 3 months ago
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"𝒜 𝐻𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒯𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓈…"
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cycles-seasons · 3 months ago
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nellandvoid · 2 months ago
helena being in disbelief of helly r (herself) being able to openly give and receive affection from someone, rewatching the kiss while slightly tearing up and not wanting to risk missing it by blinking, and getting visibly bothered by the idea of helly r going back down there and receiving that love again is so isolated only daughter with an abusive parent core of her
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toytle · 1 year ago
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“That was for you, Gramps!”
YJ redraw of barry’s terrible influence on bart. his (grand)dad jokes precede him <3
VIDEO ID: The Flashfam are seeing Bart off as he returns to the future. Barry lets go of his hand on Bart’s shoulder as he walks away, waving back at them. He laughs and says, “Told you. Anyway, it’s been crash. But the future awaits. I gotta run. Ha-ha!” Barry smiles while Jay brings a hand to his hat in exasperation, and Wally slumps, looking at the camera unimpressed. Bart continues to say, “See what I did there? With the ‘run’?” Barry, still smiling, walks towards Bart as he’s about to enter the time machine, saying, “That was for you, Gramps.”
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fortuneaday · 2 months ago
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yoshifawful64 · 1 month ago
Poof! You've been turned into a random Magic: the Gathering creature type! Spin this wheel to find out which one.
You can find all official art of that type by putting it at the end of this Scryfall search (immediately after "type:", without a space in between).
(Feel free to interpret your results as you'd like within the breadth of that creature type; for example, if you get Cat, you can be a housecat or tiger or leonin, etc.)
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ephemeralinstance · 1 month ago
Solas and physicality
Given what we learn about Solas' origins in Veilguard, it stands to reason that he must have a complicated relationship with his body and physicality. His body was made from the blood of another living creature, as part of events that started a terrible war; he must have a lot of shame about it.
This is one of the reasons why I don't personally envision his relationship with Mythal as being sexual in nature. I think it would have taken him a long time to be ready for that kind of physical connection. He was holding on the idea that he didn't take a body for his own selfish ends, he did it to help; using his body to experience pleasure would have felt like a betrayal of that. And it seems to me that up until his rebellion he still viewed himself primarily as a wisdom spirit, not a man playing an active role in the affairs of the world, so having a physical relationship would have felt alien to what he thought he was.
After he rebelled, I imagine things changed somewhat. If nothing else, I can envision him realizing that he could use his sexuality as a tool to gain allies and supporters. And it's easy to imagine him growing to feel pride in his prowess in that area. But I wonder if part of him was still ambivalent, still holding back. After all, if the romance description at the start of Veilguard is to be believed, he had never fallen in love before meeting Lavellan.
And in fact, we can still see vestiges of discomfort with physicality in the man we meet in Inquisition. We know he has a sweet tooth, and the ball at Halamshiral tells us he enjoys good food and drink, but his World of Thedas entry mentions that he didn't eat very much. That reads to me like a man who still feels shame around his body and around experiencing physical pleasure.
In my mind, this is one of the reasons why his connection with Lavellan means so much to him (and why I personally do envision them as having a sexual relationship during Inquisition). His love for her is spiritual but also physical: the spirit and the man, finally united. She takes the shame away, allowing him to feel at peace with what he is now, at least temporarily. His body cannot be a shameful thing if it is what allows him to connect in this way with her. No wonder he can be so sure that his feelings for her will never change: she helped him take the first steps toward healing something that he never even realized needed healing, and no matter what happens he will never forget that.
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storytellerdannie · 3 months ago
Listen I know this little roomba is really slurping up this crumb, but hear me out! There’s something so devastatingly adorable about Phil knowing Dan keeps a beloved childhood teddy bear with him (even now in the phouse!) and being determined to win him a new plush early in their relationship AND gifting him another meaningful plush on their first Christmas together. Teenagers can be mean and Dan had to deal with some of the worst of their kind and if he was ever ridiculed for keeping his bear or was hesitant to show people then Phil was so brilliant for making sure Dan felt safe with him right from the start even through his gifts. Now Dan has three soft furry reminders of all the times he felt the most loved.
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m4rs-ex3 · 3 months ago
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2x02 // 7x05
hey so this is actually my favorite thing ever actually
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