#Sille's writing
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good-wine-and-cheese · 1 month ago
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Lo-fi Kazuya to scream and die to
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puffpawstries · 5 months ago
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callistone · 3 months ago
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call me by your name by andré aciman
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inkameswetrust · 4 months ago
The Window Sill (Pt. 6)
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Pairing: James Diamond x Kendall Knight
Characters: Kendall Knight, James Diamond, Katie Knight, (The Mention Of) Brooke Diamond
Content Warnings: Fluff, BL, SFW, Slight Angst(?)
Word Count: 2,551
As Kendall shook off the petrification Brooke had relentlessly instilled in him, the twinge of pain in his chest stopped him from entering the building. He was afraid to enter, afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing, and upsetting Brooke even further. Kendall knew James and his friends were expecting him. Still, suddenly his feet surrendered to the pavement as if he'd sunk underwater with an anchor tied to his ankle. It seemed impossible to reach the entrance door if Kendall was no longer treading water.
His fingers curled inward, not enough to clench his fists but enough to give off the impression of being unsettled. There was a faint wincing sound rumbling in the back of his throat that, too, was afraid of moving any further. It was as if Kendall's whole body had retreated to the safety of its shell like a tortoise in harm's way. After raising one hand to wrap his weary fingers around the strap of his backpack, Kendall hit the ground running and fled the parking lot.
He swiped his phone from his left back pocket and flipped it open to text James. Kendall attempted to type a message saying that he wasn't feeling well and had taken the bus home, but his phone chimed with an unsavory beep when he hit send. A notification popped up on his screen saying he had insufficient text credit. Kendall swore under his breath with a hearty groan to accompany it as he crammed the bottom half of his phone into his fist and shoved it back into his pocket.
A passing public bus made its way beside a nearby bench mounted to the sidewalk. It creaked and huffed as it came to a drawn-out halt and opened the door. Kendall sprinted inside, pulling out a handful of loose quarters from the side of his backpack and sliding them into the coin slot. He avoided eye contact with the bus driver and hurried to the first available window seat. His arms wrapped around his backpack as he sat it atop his lap and let his head tilt against the window.
Kendall's phone buzzed in the confines of his jeans. He sat still at first, knowing James was most certainly texting him about his whereabouts. The temptation to open his phone and read James' text was too great. But what was the point? Kendall had no way to respond.
His phone buzzed again, its vibrating sensation becoming strikingly alarming the second time. Kendall sat with his open palm against the side of his face, almost as if to shield himself from the impulse to respond. As he fought back the urge, a third and final buzz triggered his brows to furrow. Kendall whined into his palm but stood his ground and kept perfectly still until the bus came to an uneasy halt at his stop. He scampered away through the exit doors down the middle of the vehicle and tightly clung to his backpack as he shuffled the rest of the way home in a daze. His scuffed-up Converse Chucks scratched against the asphalt as he barely lifted his feet with each weary step.
Kendall stomped onto the porch with his head heavy in his hands like a boulder. He stared at the front door as second thoughts began to consume him familiarly. Did Kendall make the wrong decision by leaving so abruptly? Could he have at least called? Part of Kendall wanted to come hurdling back to Brooke Diamond Cosmetics Headquarters despite his complete journey home.
Before Kendall could get his foot in the door, Katie stood before him, wearing a look that connoted neutrality and indifference. Her eyelids hung low in contrast to the cock of her brow, accompanied by her lips stretching out in a straight line.
"I was gonna open that, y'know," Kendall sighed, gesturing to the house keys he crammed in his fist.
"Didn't need to," Katie replied, almost as though she were mocking him, "I could hear you moping from a mile away."
"Whatever," Kendall groaned as he brushed past Katie and stormed off to his bedroom.
Bewildered and none the wiser, Katie watched Kendall disappear behind his bedroom door. The only sound accompanying it closing shut was the sound of Kendall flopping backward onto his bed. He ran his palm across his face and his fingers through his hair as he pinched his eyes shut. If only the world could smite him where he lay and erase the turmoil brewing in the depths of his soul. Life could never be that merciful, though. Kendall was doomed to sit and stew in his own emotional filth.
He rolled onto his side and fetched his cell phone from his pocket. Kendall grimaced as he flipped it open and punished himself by continuously reading James' text messages. The blonde wondered if it was too late or cowardly to call now. He clenched his fist around his cell phone and grunted out of frustration. Why wasn't there an easier way out? Why wasn't there a silver lining in all this? His fit of brooding was cut short by a knock at his bedroom door.
"Are you okay?" Katie murmured.
"Go away..."
Despite Kendall's protest, Katie twisted the doorknob and tip-toed to his bedside. She nervously twiddled her fingers at the sides of her jeans as her gaze fell upon any direction but her brother's.
"Did something happen?" Katie continued.
Kendall curled up in defense and hugged himself in deafening silence. His blanket rustled beneath him as it bunched and folded to match his movements. Katie shuffled closer and sat at the foot of Kendall's bed with her hands awkwardly folded atop her lap.
"Is it James?"
"I just thought this would be easier," Kendall sighed, turning his head back and meeting Katie with half a glance.
"Wait, what? You still haven't talked to him?"
"No, I've obviously talked to him already. That problem's been solved," Kendall retorted as he sat up on his bed, "We're actually... dating now."
"Then what's the problem? That's what you wanted!"
"I know that!" Kendall barked as he raised his hand to chest level and offered the sight of his open palm as a means of defense. He immediately regretted raising his voice at Katie. It wasn't like him to shout. Not at family, at least. Katie leaned back and temporarily distanced herself from Kendall. She was annoyed to be caught in Kendall's emotional crossfire. She made that known with the curving, souring, contorting expression of contempt painting her face.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell," Kendall confessed after a long overdue deep breath, "It's just that... I don't know. This is just a lot harder than I thought it'd be."
"Did something happen?"
Kendall's eyes flickered at Katie with discomfort. He unclenched his fist and left his cell phone at his side while recalling how Brooke Diamond threatened him and his relationship with James. It still gave him chills to recall the words she spoke to him.
"I think James' mom may have seen me kissing him," Kendall admitted uneasily, "She told me she could have me replaced in the blink of an eye and that she only lets me around James because I can keep him happy without interfering with the plans she has for him."
Katie sat beside Kendall in disbelief. She had no words with which she could respond to her brother's tale. It was common knowledge that Brooke Diamond was a force to be reckoned with, but this seemed excessive even for her.
"I got so scared that I left without saying anything. I ran away and took the first bus home I could catch," Kendall continued, "I was going to text James I left, but I ran out of credit."
"And you didn't call?"
"Well, I was going to when I got home, but..." Kendall trailed off.
"But what?"
Kendall shrunk his posture and averted his gaze from Katie. He cowered at the realization that he'd be reprimanded for yet another exhibition of poor communication or the lack thereof. He sat there silent and still as he braced himself for impact.
"You really have nothing to say?" Katie sneered, "Go call him right now, you idiot! He's probably worried sick about you!"
"No, he's not!"
"Kendall, you make everyone worry about you." Katie countered, "All you do is make reckless decisions. Then you run and hide when things get difficult."
"Oh, what do you know? You're just a kid!"
"Yeah, a kid who knows better than to avoid her problems!" Katie snapped back with her hands on her hips in a similar fashion to that of her mother.
Kendall flashed a displeased look in retaliation to Katie's comment. She had him cornered, but he'd never admit to that. His stubbornness was one of his strongest shortcomings in circumstances such as this. Katie narrowed her eyes in defense and stood her ground with a glare that shot daggers at Kendall.
"Just call him already."
"Fine!" Kendall grumbled as he swiped his cell phone from his pillow and dialed James' number. He raised it to his left ear and listened to the monotone chime of its ring. The ring sounded louder than usual. Almost as if it could be heard from a distance. Confused and mildly intrigued, Kendall darts his head in every direction to locate the additional sound. He looks behind him, and to his surprise, James is waving through the window with his cell phone in his vacant hand.
"James!" Kendall cries as he rushes to his window and pulls it open, granting James entry.
"Hey," James chimed as he climbed through and lowered his feet to the hardwood floor.
The two boys, while relieved to see one another, were awkwardly silent. There were numerous things to be said, many glances to offer, and quite a few gestures to share, but none of the courage to exchange anything. Sensing the rising tension in the air and the desperate need for a private conversation, Katie shuffled back to the door with an awkward grin.
"I'll just leave you two alone," Katie uttered as she closed the door and tip-toed into the hallway. She left an additional moment of awkward silence in her wake. Kendall plunged his fists into his pockets and nervously tucked his lips inward. James took note of Kendall's slightly averted gaze and parted his lips to speak, albeit quietly.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," Kendall replied with a weak smile.
"Are you sure?" James questioned, his brows furrowing with disbelief. "Because you left without saying anything. I texted you."
"I know. I'm sorry," Kendall began, pacing around the room and speaking with open palms, "I wanted to text you back, but I ran out of credit."
James watched as Kendall nervously marched across the floor. Those frantic footsteps and frenzied hand movements always worried him. The brunette was confused, and his question had yet to be answered, but he was concerned, above all else.
"I was gonna call you earlier, but then I wondered if it was too late and maybe I was making a mistake. I'd already gotten home, so I figured there was no point," Kendall continued, trudging from corner to corner. "But then I realized the real mistake was leaving, and believe me, I wanted to go straight back as soon as I got home."
James curled his fingers in anticipation. He itched to reach out to Kendall and strip him of his unease and stress. Though, he sensed Kendall was far from finished. His words came spilling out like water splashing through the cracks in a dam.
"I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't shown up," Kendall sighed, with his head in his hands. "Maybe I'm in over my head. I'm terrible at this! I have no idea what I'm doi—"
James ground Kendall's spiral to a halt by pulling him in by the arms and, with a gentle yet unwavering grip, joined their lips in an abrupt kiss. Kendall's eyes snapped open, and his body stiffened under James' touch. He was stunned into silence yet again. It wasn't until the crescendo of James' kiss that Kendall felt calm enough to loosen up and surrender to his senses. James pulled away, his hands swimming down Kendall's forearms until they reached his fingers.
"What was that for?" Kendall mumbled with a nonplussed look.
"I don't know, I was worried about you," James sighed with a heavy gaze.
Kendall brought his palms to his face and groaned as he hunched over, saying, "Ugh, am I terrible at this?"
"No," James refuted without a second thought. "Do you think you're terrible at this?"
"No... maybe... I don't know! This is just harder than I thought." Kendall panicked, "I just can't stop worrying about who's looking when we're together. I don't want anything bad to happen."
"Is that why you left? Because you were scared that someone saw us?"
Kendall's heart stopped at the sound of that question. He wanted to be honest with James, but there was no use in confessing to being threatened by his mother. James was incapable of confronting or standing up to Brooke. He couldn't possibly jeopardize his position as her darling boy. Cornered and afraid, Kendall had to concoct a lie that was believable enough to be true but not enough to make a fuss. He felt their relationship depended on his response and that he'd have to choose it wisely.
"Y...Yes," Kendall mumbled, hoping to not come off as uncertain. "I think someone saw us holding hands at school, and I didn't wanna slip up in front of your mom, so I ran off!"
"Oh, I had no idea anyone had seen us," James sighed. "I mean, you're always trying really hard to be discreet. I thought there was no way."
"Yep... someone saw us. A couple people, actually." Kendall replied, wearing a poker face as he mentally reprimanded himself for expanding on his blatant lie.
"No wonder you're so stressed out," James chuckled. "Imagine if my mom saw us, too. She'd lose it!"
"Haha, yeah! We wouldn't want that..." Kendall replied as he forced an ingenuine grin for James' benefit. He was sure this decision would come back to haunt him. Kendall couldn't deny he'd already jeopardized their relationship with the secret he began to keep.
"Well, I'm glad you told me," James breathed, "I was starting to think you were pulling away from me."
"From you? Never." Kendall replied, the strain in his face easing away and melting into a more natural look.
"Good," James purred, pulling Kendall in for an additional kiss with the cupping of his cheeks.
Kendall's face soured at first, his gaze hardening and his eyes still fluttering open. It felt wrong or even dishonest to kiss James under these circumstances. There was a potent taste of distrust and guilt lingering on his breath that Kendall couldn't seem to shake. He furrowed his brows, shut his eyes, and crept his hands up James' chest until he was distracted enough by the kiss to put his thoughts to rest. After all, this problem would go away by itself, right? Kendall could only hope life would spare him the consequences of his actions just this once.
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milfmorrowind · 7 months ago
August 17th: mirror or abandoned
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A forest glade, awash with early morning light. The trees sway gently with the wind, their leaves leaving a pattern of dappled light across the forest floor. The birds sing, the squirrels chitter, and somewhere in the distance the rushing of a river can be heard.
A crack of thunder. A sudden rush of heat. The scene explodes into fire and ash. The ground splits open like a gaping maw and everything grows impossibly hotter. From the crack in the ground emerges an arching, razor-sharp structure of midnight black and blood red. Between its pillars crackles a vicious energy. A single gnarled talon breaches the field, then a whole finger, then a hand, grabbing, groping, reaching–
Sille blinked. It was over, at least for now. She leaned back down to the stream beneath her and filled her waterskin. The water was bitingly cold, but she plunged her hands into it nonetheless, trying to focus on the feeling of it rushing past her skin.
You may feel somewhat distant when it ends, Ellia had told her. As if the world around you is not truly there, or perhaps not real at all. Her hands had been gentle as she cleaned and dressed the wound on Sille’s temple. It will help to focus on your surroundings. What you can see, hear, touch.
Sille leaned back. In the rippling surface of the river she could see her own face, though distorted. The world around her was coming back into focus, if slowly. She sling her waterskin back over her shoulder and stood. As she dusted off the dirt from her skirts, her fingers tangled in the feathers at the end of her belt.
She took the end of the belt in between her fingers, feeling the texture of the weave. Hawk feathers. A gift from Kyne. She’d been presented with the belt in celebration of her seventh year at the sanctuary. Seven years in service to the goddess. Seven years as a priestess.
Seven years away.
She made her way up the twisting walkway through the sanctuary. As she climbed the stairs, she passed Brigit, hard at work with her plants. The girl looked up from her work to give Sille a bright smile and a wave, which she returned. She continued, walking as far as the path would take her, until she reached her destination.
Mother Isolde sat between the roots of the Eldergleam. Her fingers were busy with a small loom resting on her lap and she absently hummed a nameless tune. Although the belt she wove was hardly three fingers across, its pattern was a complex web of intricate interlocking lines. To the unfamiliar, Isolde appeared engrossed in her work, if a bit distracted by her humming. But Sille knew the weaving was only part of the aged priestess’ undertaking, and that she was in fact in a nearly meditative state.
Sille sat down across from Isolde to wait. The Mother’s prayers were frequent, and varied in length. She had been known to sit like this for hours. But that was an uncommon occurrence; she had responsibilities to attend to, and would never shirk them for longer than necessary.
Isolde’s humming stopped. Her fingers slowed, and her eyes opened to see Sille, sitting patiently with her legs crossed.
“Sille,” she said, smiling. “What brings you to me this morning?”
Sille shifted a bit. “You told me to come to you whenever the visions returned.”
“That I did,” Isolde said. “And they have?”
“Yes, Mother.” Sille rubbed her belt between her fingers. “There was more this time.”
“I see. And what did you see this time?” Isolde asked.
“The same as always, at first. The glade. The storm, the heat. The rift in the earth. But what changed was the gate. When it opened, there was something–”
“The gate?” Isolde interrupted.
Sille felt her cheeks turning red, though she wasn’t sure why. “That is what I’ve taken to calling… it. The structure.” It was deeply embarrassing, explaining this to the Mother. Seeing no judgement on Isolde’s face, however, she continued. “When the gate opened this time, something was trying to get through. I only saw its arm, but–” She shuddered. “I’ve never felt such terror.”
Mother Isolde nodded. “And it ended there?”
Sille nodded in response.
“And you are feeling no ill effects? No pain, no faintness?”
Sille shook her head. “I was dizzy for a moment when it ended, but it passed. I was crouched by the stream when it came over me, so I did not fall.” And praise Kyne for that. At first, the vision had come only in dreams. The first time it came to her while she was awake, she had fallen and bashed her head on a rock. The bleeding had been worse than the injury itself, but she’d almost fallen unconscious again when she awoke to see her arm covered in blood. In the time since, she’d learned to be on her guard for any sign that the vision may be returning.
“Good.” Isolde sat back against the Eldergleam. Her long white hair fell unbound from her shoulders and caught on bits of bark. She gestured to the loom on the ground before her. “What do you think?”
Sille picked up the loom and looked closer at the belt. Now that she examined it at close range, she could see that the diamond-shaped pattern mimicked the coloring of a hawk’s feather. “It’s beautiful,” she said, placing it on the ground. “May I ask what it is for?”
“Of course you may, child,” Isolde said with a smile. “It is for Brigit. I plan to present her with it next month, if she still wishes to be welcomed into the fold.”
“So soon?” Sille asked, surprised. Brigit was a sweet child, bright-eyed and always eager to learn, but she had been at the sanctuary for less than a year.
“Yes. Her time here has been short, but I believe she is ready. You think it has not been long enough, I gather. Many will agree with you.” Mother Isolde placed a hand against the Eldergleam. She closed her eyes and hummed. “Perhaps they are right. Perhaps I am not. But regardless, the choice is mine to make. We all have a part to play here, even Brigit. Even you.”
Sille’s shoulders tightened. She did not like to imagine herself having a part to play. She wanted to serve the goddess, to be with her in the world she had made. She did not want a grand destiny or a hero’s journey. She was destined to serve Kyne– she had known that since she was a little girl– and she would go wherever that might take her. But the thought of being meant for something more was absolutely terrifying.
She jumped slightly at the sound of her name. She turned over her shoulder to see Katilda standing a few at the top of the stars, hands folded. She smiled at Sille and bowed her head to Isolde. “I apologize if I’ve interrupted. There is someone here to see you, Sister.”
Sille scrambled to her feet. Who would want to see her? Her parents were the obvious answer, but they would have come a long way to see her. And besides, they wrote to her each month. It would be strange to plan a visit and not inform her of it… unless something had gone very wrong.
Out of the corner of her eye, Sille saw Mother Isolde slowly climb to her feet. She reached out a hand to help her, but the old woman waved it away.
“I am fine, child. Go see your visitor. I have my own duties to attend to.”
Sille nodded and let Katilda lead her away. When they were about halfway down the climb from the Eldergleam, she turned to the other priestess.
“Do you know who it is?” she asked. “Did they say why they were here?”
Katilda shook her head. “I’m afraid I don’t know much. It’s a young woman, perhaps a few years younger than you. She did not seem to want to tell anyone why she has come here, but she seemed harmless enough. The only thing she would say is that she must see you.”
Sille furrowed her brow. She could not think of any young women who would demand to speak with her– come to think of it, every young woman she could think of was a fellow priestess. So who was this mysterious visitor?
They reached the bottom of the sanctuary. Katilda pointed towards the shaded entrance. “The woman is just within. Ellia is with her.” She took Sille’s hands in hers. “Whatever this is, I am certain that all will be well. Do not fear.”
Sille squeezed her hands. “Thank you, Kat. I hope you are right.”
She walked towards the entrance, heart pounding in her throat. Be calm, she tried to tell herself. It is likely nothing. A case of mistaken identity, perhaps. She did not believe herself any more than she had believed Katilda. As she approached the edge of the sanctuary, she saw Ellia standing with a tall blonde woman, trying– and failing– to engage her in conversation. 
The woman turned her head at the sound of Sille’s approach. She glanced over her, then looked her dead in the eye.
“Sille.” It was not a question.
It took Sille a moment to recognize her. “Signy,” she said softly. Her sister. Her little sister. Here.
When in oblivion had she grown so tall?
“It is good to see you, sister,” Sille said, stepping forward. Ellia was looking at her curiously. “What brings you here?”
Signy uncrossed her arms. She wore a studded leather cuirass and a pair of thick leather boots, and there was a sword fastened to her waist. She was almost unrecognizable from the little girl she had been all those years ago. It occurred to Sille that, in the years since she had left home, she had forgotten that Signy was growing up as well.
“I’m leaving,” Signy said flatly.
“Leaving? Leaving where?” Sille asked. She was distracted by Signy’s appearance. Where could her sister have found that armor? And why was she carrying a sword?
“Skyrim. I’m joining the Legion.”
Sille thought her heart stopped for a moment. “The Legion?” Signy had always been stalwart, tenacious even, but the Imperial Legion? That was foolhardy. They would send her away, far away, to serve as a guard or a footsoldier, and if she was lucky enough to survive they might promote her, but there was no guarantee. And she was too young, besides. “Signy… you cannot.”
Signy’s eyes flashed. “You do not get to tell me what I can or cannot do, Sille. I am leaving, regardless of whether you, Mother, or Father like it.”
Sille tried to look her younger sister in the eyes, but her gaze was drawn inevitably to the scar over her left eye. She hoped the flush of shame that came over her was not visible. My fault. My negligence. She had been no older than ten when Signy got the scar, meaning her sister had been seven. A little girl, scarred for life because of her sister’s carelessness.
“Signy…” she tried to speak, but her mouth was dry. She swallowed. “Signy. You cannot just leave.”
“You left,” Signy said.
“But I did not leave Skyrim!” Sille’s voice rose, despite her best efforts.
“You may as well have,” Signy bit back. “I have seen you fewer than five times in the seven years since you left.” The look she gave Sille was one of anger, but sadness, as well. “I no longer know you, nor do you know me. The only reason I have come here is because Mother and Father insisted that I tell you myself.”
Of course they had. Almost certainly, they’d hoped that Sille could convince her sister to stay. And she had failed them, and Signy as well. Again.
“Very well,” Sille said. She needed this conversation to end, so that she could let loose the tears she was holding back on her own. “I will pray for your safety.”
Signy stared right through her. “I am certain you will.” With that, she turned and left, leaving Sille, though surrounded by her Sisters and the creation of her goddess, utterly alone.
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musicrunsthroughmysoul · 9 days ago
Saw you posting about Judee Sill
Instant follow
OMG, thank you! I watched Lost Angel a couple weeks ago (have you seen it?), and ever since then I've been listening to her self-titled and Heart Food albums obsessively. I used to listen to "Crayon Angels" almost exclusively (out of her discography) for at least a couple years, but since watching the documentary I am now apparently making up for lost time and putting so many of her other songs on repeat for hours! :D She TRULY was a genius, and I cannot comprehend the obscurity that she disappeared into for such a long time (even after her death).
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shoutmonishere · 1 year ago
So as it turns out, Taiki prefers to keeps his own problems to himself.
Shoutmon so happens to find this out.
Aka, analyzed Taiki too hard i wrote a short fic about it, which is just the much better version of this
Note: takes place somewhere in Hunters' timeline.
Shoutmon woke up confused, to muffled hiccups and sobs so late into the night.
And figuring out who it belonged to is just as disbeliefing.
"Taiki? Taiki, you alright?" He called out raspily from within the Xros Loader.
The sounds he heard earlier had quickly ceased before he is left to hang in silence- with what he believes to his partner's own shaky breath?
Before it could stretch on any longer than it should, he hears something shift around.
"Yeah, im alright." His partner replied. From the sound of his voice, he's definitely trying to put on a smiling voice.
It would have been convincing if only his voice weren't already quivering.
"I- uh, so happened to have heard some stuff. Was that you?"
"Did... Did somethin' happen?"
More silence.
Ugh, that's it.
After a moment of even more silence, Shoutmon now engulfed by the Xros Loader's familiar, bright light, then forcefully pulls himself right out of it.
When he opened his eyes, he finds himself within the comfort of Taiki's bedroom, somewhere near foot of his bed.
The room is reasonably dark, but in spite of that, the gentle moonlight that peeked from the curtained window was more than enough to help him adjust.
It didn't take long for the king to lock eyes with his general's.
The boy was hunched, legs hugged close to his chest, tears still running down his already puffed eyes.
"S-sorry," He apologized hoarsely, now wiping at his tears. "Did i wake you up?"
"Taiki wh- that's besides the point!" The dragon whisper shouts. "Taiki, what happened?!"
"Shoutmon, i-it's okay."
"What happened."
"It's nothing."
The brunette averted his eyes, contemplation washing up in his face briefly. Ruminating whether answering would be of any merit.
He then exhales, and then hugged himself tighter, further burying his face deeper into his arms and knees.
"I... i had a nightmare." He admitted meekly.
"A nightmare?"
"Oh. Uh, what's it 'bout?"
Another look of contemplation.
"It was... about you."
"Uh huh, and...?"
"You.... Died. Again."
Right. He'd died, didn't he?
He'd almost forgotten how death was in the Human World, how heavy it's impact was for those who lost, how permanent it is compared to the Digital World.
"Taiki-" Shoutmon mumbled, his expression softening.
"It's- it's kinda dumb, i know." The boy managed to blubber out as he began curling in on himself more, avoiding eye contact.
"What!? No, dont apologize for that!" Shoutmon clambered up onto the bed. "If it got ya all teary eyed, then that shit ain't stupid!"
Atleast the dragon's usual vulgarity is able to get an amused snort out of the human.
"How long has it been going?"
"The nightmares?"
"... A year ago, i think." He managed to croak out. "A while after you and everyone went back to your world."
"Have ya... mentioned this to anyone?"
"..... No. I- i told you, it's dumb."
"Taiki it ain't dumb-"
"It's dumb because you're okay!" He cried out, his voice barely holding itself together at this point.
"You're alive, you're not hurt anymore, i know that." The boy sobbed, now tugging at his hair. "But for some reason i just- i just keep worrying over nothing."
"Even if that were the case, that doesn't make it any less haunting, doesn't it?"
Taiki gazed at him for a moment before shaking his head 'no'.
"I- Look, Taiki." Shoutmon sighed as he sat in front of the him. "You're a tough guy, someone that cares a lot, that people could rely one. I've seen that first hand, and so have others."
"And we all appreciate that." He grins fondly. "We really do."
"However, that doesn't mean you need to carry your burdens alone." The dragon then gently places a hand on his shoulder.
"As Xros Heart, you've relied on us when it comes to the Bagra Army. And now that they're gone, you could still rely on us, but not only as your army or comrades, but as your friends."
"We've already had the fate of our world's placed on our shoulders," Shoutmon smiles as he reached to ruffle his hair. "So what does it matter when it's now your brain being mean to you?"
Taiki stared at him dumbfoundedly before breaking into a hearty laugh, covering his face with his arms.
"W-when did you start getting this wise?" Taiki chuckled, peering out at the dragon. "I thought you're no good at that?"
"Eh, i'unno." He shrugged as he pulls his hand out of the boy's hair. "I suppose that's what being king does to ya." And in response Taiki laughed a little harder.
"But i really meant what i said, okay?" The dragon reminded. "If there's somethin' bugging you, we've got your back. Im sure Akari, Zenjirou, and the others share that sentiment too."
Taiki could only nod in confirmation as he sniffled and rubbed at his eyes, finally letting himself unfurl from his position.
Then suddenly, the boy reached out and hugged him. "Thank you." He muttered tearily.
And naturally of course, he hugged him back. "No problem."
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emile-hides · 1 year ago
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Kionne (Weavile ♀), Birthday Cake (Deino ♀), and Me (human ♂) did more than just run around Cincinnati fighting Dragon Types all day, we also went to Covington's Purrfect Day Cat Cafe! A new birthday staple for me!
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tillman · 2 years ago
Anyways I checked out a long video exploring myhouse.wad. Basically only have positive things to say about that. What a creative medium to tell a narrative in im genuinely blown away at the detail and obvious technical wizardly put into that.
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sidereus-stars · 6 months ago
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chenziee · 1 year ago
World Economic Journal: Grand Line Edition
A New Pirate Alliance?!
PUNK HAZARD, New World | by @truffyfest
A mere few days since Straw Hat Luffy and his crew appeared on Sabaody after disappearing off the face of earth for two whole years, they are already sending waves throughout the Grand Line and the entire world. Now, they have managed to pass through Fishman Island and are well on their way to destroy the delicate balance in the New World.
Under the promise of anonymity, several of the gangster-like marines from the infamous G5 Navy base have shared some scandalous information with us! They claim that not only has Straw Hat Luffy himself taken over and destroyed a priceless, state-of-the-art laboratory on Punk Hazard—he has also managed to get himself an unbelievable ally! And it’s someone you all know very well!
A member of the Worst Generation, this man caused an uproar during the disastrous Rocky Port incident when he delivered a full 100 (one hundred!) pirates’ hearts to the Navy Headquarters in order to become one of the Warlords of the Sea!
Yes, indeed—not even ‘Surgeon of Death’ Trafalgar Law is immune to Straw Hat Luffy’s charm.
We cannot imagine the Navy Headquarters will simply overlook this but it seems that Monkey D. Luffy’s presence means more than the threat of losing his Warlord title to the cold, stoic man. (And, if our sources are to be believed, he would do near anything for that sunny smile!)
But what is this new alliance’s purpose? What will be the Navy Headquarters’ reaction? Be on the lookout for the next issue of the World Economic Journal as we continue to bring new information straight to you!
[ Next Issue ]
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inkameswetrust · 5 months ago
The Window Sill (Pt. 4)
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Pairing: James Diamond x Kendall Knight
Characters: Kendall Knight, James Diamond, Logan Hortense Mitchell, Carlos Garcia, Jennifer Knight & Katie Knight
Content Warnings: Fluff, BL, SFW
Word Count: 2,253
After a long afternoon of awkward interactions and denting a few cars with the shove of faulty shopping carts, Kendall hung up his uniform apron and clocked out for the day. He then explained to his friends that he needed to hurry home and look after Katie in their mother's absence. Logan and Carlos shared some parting words with Kendall and gave a pair of urgent looks. He nodded in understanding, acknowledging he had to try again at some point.
James, Logan, and Carlos left Kendall to his devices as he silently walked home. He sulked into every labored footstep, his boots crushing the melted snow and chunky ice scattered across the sidewalk. Kendall reflected on the words he spoke to James or the lack thereof, and continued wondering why he found it so difficult to speak up.
All this frustration and regret quickly turned into anger and annoyance. James kissed him, so why was Kendall constantly questioning the status of their relationship? Why had James not confirmed this with Kendall or, at the very least, asked him before the kiss?
Before he knew it, Kendall's frustrated mumbling and spiraling thoughts carried him all the way home. As he sank his hand into his pocket, he realized it felt emptier and deeper than usual. He plunged his hand in further and frantically checked all his pockets to realize he left the house this morning without his keys. Kendall groaned and brought his palm to his forehead before reluctantly knocking on the door, crying, "Katie!"
Katie cracked open the door, only a sliver of space between it and its frame to show a fraction of her frowning face. "You're late," she grumbled while keeping one hand securely on the lock.
"I was at work," Kendall replied in a monotone voice.
Katie held out her hand through the crack in the door, showing her palm to Kendall as if to ask for something. Financial compensation, perhaps. "Five bucks," Katie demanded, as if tardiness warranted an entry fee.
"Katie!" Kendall whined, refusing to cave into her childish demands.
"Fine." Katie sighed, unlocking the door and opening it completely to grant Kendall entrance. He shuffled inside and immediately flopped face-first onto the living room couch. Katie strode to his side with crossed arms and a sympathetic sigh ready to deploy.
"So, how'd it go?" Katie questioned, hoping there was a fraction of good news behind Kendall's defeatedness.
"Mmph." Kendall groaned into the throw pillow. Katie dropped her arms to her sides, realizing the situation was much more difficult for Kendall than anticipated.
"Wow. That bad, huh?" Katie queried sympathetically.
"Hmmph..." Kendall replied in a muffled grunt, his body sinking into the couch cushions like an anchor underwater.
Katie sympathetically gazed down at her defeated older brother, unsure of how to console him or lift his spirits. Although she knew this situation was entirely out of her control, Katie felt an odd sense of responsibility to aid him regardless.
"Do you wanna play Biohazard Battle Blast 5?" Katie questioned, hoping to find an adequate solution or distraction. Kendall shook his head, his face never leaving the throw pillow.
"Do you wanna watch the Pussycat Dolls on MTV?" Katie suggested, to which Kendall responded with an additional shake of his head. She fell silent for a brief moment, contemplating a third and final solution.
"Do you want me to make you a pink smoothie?" Katie added. Kendall nodded his head into the throw pillow, still refusing to make a single sound in response. He turned his head to the side, showing Katie a fraction of his sullied face as a small glimmer of hope began to fuel his movements.
"Great!" Katie cheered, "Now, can you go make the smoothie? Mom says I shouldn't touch the blender."
Kendall groaned and returned his face to its rightful throne atop the throw pillow, hidden away and buried like a corpse. Although he appreciated the sentiment behind Katie's suggestion, he couldn't find it in himself to rise any higher than the arms of the couch.
The doorbell rang, alerting Katie and Kendall of someone's presence. Unwilling to stand or speak, Katie answers the door in Kendall's stead. "Hey, James," Katie spoke neutrally.
"Hey, Katie!" James replied cheerfully.
Kendall's head couldn't possibly rise from the pillow any quicker. He hurried to his feet and tumbled off the couch and onto the floor. "J-James!" Kendall cried as he stood with poor coordination and even poorer composure.
Katie looked in both directions, acknowledging the tension setting in. She awkwardly tucked her lips inward and scuttled to her bedroom, saying, "I'll just leave you two alone."
James and Kendall continued to share an awkward glance. James parts his lips to begin speaking, but Kendall stops him with the gesture of his hand before he can get a word out.
"Not yet," Kendall advises with a quick shake of his head, "Katie, close your door!"
The drawn-out creak of Katie's closing door echoed through the hallway, but it never clicked shut. Annoyed by Katie's defiance, Kendall cries, "All the way!"
Katie slowly and reluctantly shut her bedroom door, leaving Kendall and James to their own devices. The two boys shared a glance, the room engulfed in awkward silence.
"So, Logan wanted me to get his calculator back from you," James remarked.
"Oh, right!" Kendall uttered as he scrambled back to the couch and pulled a TI-83 from his backpack. I forgot I still had this. He would've been fuming if I had held onto it any longer."
"Right..." James replied as Kendall handed him back the calculator. He was caught narrowing his eyes deep in thought. "Are you alright, by the way? You've been acting weird today."
"W-What? No way!" Kendall refuted with nervous chuckles and a weak grin, "I'm totally fine. Never better, actually."
"Aww, do I make you nervous?" James cooed with a sing-songy voice, "Listen, I understand. It takes a lot of strength to keep your composure in front of a face like this."
James strikes his signature smolder with both hands fluttering at either side of his face. Kendall chuckles and crosses his arms, saying, "Okay, now you're just teasing me."
"Is it working?" James queried, his puppy-dog eyes rounding to match his crescent-like grin.
"You're ridiculous," Kendall scoffed with a simple shake of his head. He stood firmly, his arms locked together in their own security.
"I think I'll take that," James began, gently tucking Kendall's hair behind his ear lobe, "As a yes."
In performing this small yet seemingly significant gesture, James snaked his hand to the back of Kendall's head and pulled him in closer. Kendall had little time to react before realizing he was almost effortlessly ensnared. Though no words were spoken, it was abundantly clear the contrasting glints in the boys' eyes spoke a million words.
James saw right through Kendall's annoyed glance. He'd chuckle if he had the voice to. Instead, his eyes swam down to Kendall's lips, noticing them parting as if to say something but failing to. Kendall followed suit, his eyes falling upon that familiar pompous smirk.
The two boys leaned in closely, their lips brushing against one another and sparking an electrifying sensation of closeness. Just as they were about to grace each other with the privilege of a kiss, the sounds of jingling keys and a turning doorknob were heard from the front door.
Kendall tensed up, shoving James away before Jennifer could open the door and see them too close together.
"Kids, I've got groceries. Can you please come out here and—" Jennifer trailed off, noticing James's presence. She clung to her bag of groceries and chuckled awkwardly, not having expected guests at this time.
"Oh, hi, James!" Jennifer cheered, struggling to clutch every grocery bag completely.
After a quick shared glance with Kendall, James began displaying a helpful facade to steer Jennifer's suspicions away, if only for a short while.
"Hey there, Mama Knight!" James replied heartily as he reached out to assist Jennifer in carrying the groceries to the kitchen, "Here, let me help you with those. You must be exhausted!"
Jennifer squeaked, watching James take an armful of groceries without a hint of hesitation. She sighed with relief as she let her arms rest and relax at her sides.
"He's helpful today!" Jennifer remarked excitedly to Kendall. She followed James into the kitchen, stowing away the groceries with his help. Kendall sunk into the living room couch and sighed into his palms in disbelief that James' diversion worked successfully.
Jennifer had eventually asked James to stay for dinner to which he happily obliged. Everyone sat at the table joyously and unbothered. At times, James held Kendall's hand under the table causing him to slur his words in front of Jennifer. Despite Kendall's nerves, James found ways of discreetly showing small displays of affection. They'd never gone any further than stealing a few glances or winking in Kendall's direction.
Katie kept a lookout for arousing suspicion and alerted Kendall with a few urgent glances if she felt things were starting to escalate. He thanked Katie each time with a simple nod and made sure to signal James with an urgent glance of his own.
After an incredibly risky dinner, Jennifer and Katie had left James and Kendall amongst themselves. They were sure they wanted to spend a few final moments together before nightfall fell upon them but for seemingly different reasons.
"I'll see you tomorrow, 'kay?" James declared, leaving a familiar impression on Kendall's hand with the caress of this thumb.
"W-Wait!" Kendall cried, stopping James from turning away by reaching for his shoulder.
James looked at Kendall, awaiting a response with an open mind. Kendall's heart drummed away at the walls of his chest, alerting him of the stakes of his situation. It was now or never. This was his opportunity to speak.
Unable to carry the weight of his thoughts and transform them into words, Kendall grabbed James' shirt and pulled him in for a quick yet meaningful kiss. Dazed and bewildered, James kept his eyes wide open. He was accustomed to leaving people starstruck in his wake, but this shift in their dynamic had stunned him completely.
Kendall pulled away slowly and shakily. He reluctantly opened his eyes to see stars glimmering in James'. After a brief awkward silence, Kendall hurriedly distanced himself from James and kept his hands firmly at his sides.
"Why... did you do that?" James whispered breathlessly in a trance-like state.
"S-Sorry!" Kendall uttered, his cheeks flushing with color as the realization of his actions seeped into every corner of his mind, "I just... there's something I've been meaning to ask you."
James nodded in understanding, and with a heavy sigh, Kendall faced the music. "Last night you gave me that gift, and then you kissed me." Kendall began, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "Does that mean we're... y'know, dating?"
"Well, do you want us to?" James queried, not having given this much thought before now.
"Well, yeah!" Kendall blurted out, nervously clearing his throat immediately after, "I mean, yes. I think I do."
"Then it's settled. We're dating." James declared confidently, his smile shining as brightly as ever.
"Okay, wow! Awesome. Super cool." Kendall exclaimed, nervously continuing his response until he awkwardly chuckled his breath away, "But aren't you scared?"
James' cocked his brow, intrigued by the nature of Kendall's query. He was never one to shy away from a romantic pursuit, so he stood his ground and shook his head. "Of what? Being with you?" James questioned casually, taking Kendall's hands in his own and holding him closely, "Do I look scared?"
Kendall's face contorted with a crooked grin and wide eyes. His shoulders shot up like rockets and his skin reddened with constraint. He could feel James' advances causing him to shut down completely. The way James looked at him, the undeniable certainty in his eyes was almost overwhelming. There wasn't a hint of doubt to be found.
Kendall pulled away, shielding his face with his hands and groaning into his palms. "Argh, stop looking at me like that!" Kendall cried, his voice rasping with annoyance.
"Like what? This?" James teased, removing one of Kendall's hands from his face so that he could gaze upon a sillier, more mocking expression. He pursed his lips and jokingly batted his eyes to craft a cartoonish kind of look.
"James!" Kendall barked as he threw his hands down.
"Okay, okay, I'll stop," James assured.
Kendall sighed with relief as he lowered his head to James' shoulder and buried his face in his neck. It felt familiar there, almost comforting. James held him closely, hugging him and gently caressing his shoulder.
"Are you seriously not scared, though?" Kendall continued, "I mean, being together... it can be risky. We'll probably have to hide this from people at school and even our parents."
James' gaze hardened from the harsh reality of Kendall's words. Kendall's worry, albeit warranted, felt infectious. He ceased the stroking movements of his caress and truly mulled over the situation. James acknowledged the risks of their relationship but shook his head and stood his ground for Kendall's sake.
"Don't worry, I think I can handle being brave enough for the both of us," James assured in a voice just barely louder than a whisper.
James' response wasn't a definite no, but it was reassurance nonetheless and Kendall found solace in it. He hoped James would prove to be a man of his word.
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chaoscollectivegals · 1 year ago
Threads Of Fate
I never imagined I'd find such different yet similar souls, fate intertwining our paths with diversity and unity.
From contrasting backgrounds, we've formed an inexplicable harmony, a resonance beyond comprehension.
And who would've thought tragedy would bind us, turning grief into shared laughter and whispered confessions?
Amidst chaos, our bond emerged, resilient like a phoenix from despair's ashes. Together, we're a tapestry of experiences, threads of resilience weaving laughter with tears.
In life's mosaic, we're fleeting moments, held together by the hands of destiny.
Though paths may diverge, your presence remains etched in my heart's tapestry.
So here we stand, united by fate's threads, different yet connected, bonded by tragedy's unexpected gift.
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x-day · 2 years ago
✒️ (:
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laststandx3 · 1 year ago
Bridgens/Peglar Notting Hill modern au. Bridgens is the neighborhood librarian and Peglar is the handsome actor that finds refuge in the library. Bridgens that is older and doesn't follow social medias and has maybe saw Peglar's face on a magazine once but isn't sure. Peglar who feels like a real person when he's with Bridgens
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countessofravenclaw · 4 months ago
I should be outlining next chpaters of my fics, but intead of my mind has justgone and invented this whole another story. I mean it is DCLA ajacent as it is catalysed by Gastón's parents.
Let me explain, obviously, in S2AU, Isla and Marco Perida have a lot of going on because they aployed the Valentes, which meant Sahron is against them now and stuff, read the fic if you want to know more... But in canon (my extentdedcanon), their life is so boring.
Gastón goes to Oxford in 2018, and they probably hear about him breaking up with Nina and are sad about it, but respect Gastón's choices as an adult. Then in 2019, theyear how he has gotten back together with Nina, and they are happy. Gastón and Nina graduate, they get married, have kids. Nothing happens that really distrups his parents life (ouside of the whole head injury in the slopes Gastón gets, but he survies it).
But there is no legal battle against Sharon, no fostering their employees kids, no employees in general... They will never have a close relationship with Luna. So on and so forth...
So, I just came up with this stpry that during S3, so 2018, they look into buong a vacation villa at somewhere in the north and they find this villa called Tuohitie, from Saariselkä. (this is obviusly does retcon my nordic fic a little, with Gastón family having property there, they would have stayed there and not some Aire BnB).
Anyways, the story is not about them. It is about two Finnish University students Sanna (nee. Kurki) and Mikko Lehtinen, who really think someone is messing with them when their realtor calls them saying that Argentinian millionaires want to buy their Villa at Saariselkä.
So, the backstory here is that Sanna and Mikko are two 22-year-old newly-wed pedagogy majors in University of Helsinki, who are starting their last year of masters.
So why do they have a Villa at Saariselkä, when they are financially struggling uni students? Because the Villa is tecnically Mikko's, and it's form his father's uncle. His father is dead and never much was in life, and he died about a year ago and left the thing to his early 20s son.
Mikko and Sanna do not have the resources to upkeep it, because Uni students even in Finland are not doing so hot, so try to sell it.
They do not believe that some millionaires from Argertina are actually wanting to buy the Villa, so it is a very confusing situation.
Unlucky for them, this happened like the last day of summer and the next day they need to go to school, where all of their friends, who they have last seen in their wedding a month ago, notice that soething is up. The assuptions range from thinking that they expecting a child, to a marital crisis...
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