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People online: tee hee Viktor is like sci fi Jesus
My friend, an intellectual: OMG ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI HIIIIII
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catgirlforeskin · 4 months ago
If I was Jesus I’d have sigmata because the grind never stops
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cemeterygrace · 6 days ago
stigmata? more like sigmata amiright
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themusicormisery · 6 months ago
frank iero posting about a sigmata in 2024 is INSANE
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deathbyfalldamage · 4 months ago
why did you want to get to the ark, in the first place?
"Safety and refuge. One that was lost sank in the floods of despair and anguish of the Damned."
(Real explanation below cut in case you dont know)
(There was going to be a full religious aspect of Marble Hornets that was scrapped in season one, thus To The Ark being called that. Also why in season one there's a Sigmata (I believe) hidden around in the tapes or TTA videos, and when Alex had blood around his head similar to the way jesus' head bled when he had a thorn crown placed on his head (I believe that's how the story goes, I'm not religious and my knowledge of Christianity is limited to whatever I had committed to memory))
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fantasyfantasygames · 7 months ago
Doorkickers, Kevin "Spike" Boots, 2017
Doorkickers is a punk-ish dungeon crawler. It's not "dungeonpunk", as the modern D&D/Pathfinder aesthetic has been called. It's not all the way over in Sigmata/Misspent Youth territory. It's approximately as punk as Gutterpunk. Yes, I am the arbiter of what is punk now; come at me and my semicolons.
I started writing this review with a lot of that kind of comparison - not as complex as X but more than Y, not focused on money like A or fame like B, etc. - but that sort of approach robs Doorkickers of what it actually is. Here's the gist.
You are terminally pissed off people at the margins of society. People who are just barely better off than you have asked you to help. The default setup is that their friends or family have been kidnapped into the bowels of a nearby catacombs. The guards won't help, the authorities don't care, so they turn to the only people that the guards and the authorities won't touch: you.
The system is basically an OSR-ified version of True20. Classes are Marauder (fighter), Lurker (skill monkey) and Devil (caster), but with stronger niches. If you don't have a Marauder, do not attempt to maraud. It will not go well. Spells come with drawbacks, but there's no backfire roll until after the fight, when your massive built-up stash of chaotic power either subsides or explodes.
Monsters are entirely non-humanoid, and mostly non-sentient. Spike's take on the monster/person divide is pretty similar to my own - if you can have a conversation with it, it's a person. The monster art is great. The character art is not as great, because while the artist was awesome at drawing oozes and monsters made of chains and manacles, their grasp of human anatomy is lacking. The cover is done by a different artist, and it fucking rules - door blasting open in splinters, boot coming straight at your face, knives and talismans being brandished in the darkness behind the axe-wielding maniac in the foreground. Great stuff.
I say the game is punk-ish rather than punk because you never end up causing problems for the people whose fault this really is - the guards and their masters, those in power. The game could have done with a "second stage" where you bring the problem to the guilty. But you do play some pissed-off people putting it on the line to help others, and damn if that isn't a core piece of the punk ethos.
Spike self-published Doorkickers on Lulu for a while. Lulu does decent PoD, but you'll never see it in stores because their printing costs are too high. Still, the quality is good, so if you track one down they won't fall apart.
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peachfuzz-nygma · 4 months ago
gen alpha stigmata call that sigmata
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etherealcloudyforest · 10 months ago
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"'I loved a wolf', says the little heroine ..... And in the end, of course, it kills her, or else it's she who kills herself for it. As soon as one speaks of loving, it is there."
- Hélène Cixous // Sigmata: Love the wolf
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paddycake5 · 2 years ago
Tribal tattoos on his wrists call that Sigmata send tweet
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cadaverousdecay · 1 month ago
AN: I sed stup excommunicating ok stigmata’s name is SIGMATA nut mary su OK! POPE IS SOO IN LUV wif dem dat he is acting defrent! dey nu eechodder b4 ok!
“POPE!” I shouted. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?”
Pope didn’t answer but he stopped the popemobile and he walked out of it. I walked out of it too, curiously.
“What the fucking heaven?” I asked angrily.
“Stigmata?” he asked.
“What?” I snapped.
Pope leaned in extra-close and I looked into his holy golden eyes (he was wearing color contacts) which revealed so much righteous love and piousness and then suddenly I didn’t feel mad anymore.
And then…………… suddenly just as I Pope kissed me passionately. Pope climbed on top of me and we started to make out keenly against a tree. He took of my top and I took of his clothes. I even took of my holy garments. Then he put his thingie into my you-know-what and we did it for the first time.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! ” I screamed. I was beginning to get an orgasm. We started to kiss everywhere and my wounded body became all warm. And then….
It was…………………………………………………….God!  
Hi my name is Stigmata Divine Suffering Crucifixion Christ and I have bloody stigmata wounds (that’s how I got my name) with fresh blood and a deep gash on my side that reaches my mid-back and pain-filled blue eyes like Our Lady of Sorrows’ tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Mary Magdalene (AN: if you don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Jesus Christ but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a saint but I haven’t been canonized. I have scabbed up skin. I’m also a priest, and I go to an abbey called Montecassino in Italy where I’m a newly ordained priest (I’m seventeen). I’m a catholic (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly vestments. I love the Vatican and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black alb with a matching black cassock, and a black linen surplice, a red stole, and episcopal sandals. I had crimson blood dripping from the crown of thorns wounds in my head, the four nail wounds in both my hands and feet, and the spear wound in my side. I was walking outside Montecassino Abbey. It was storming and raining which made me think about Isaiah 4:6, which I was very happy about. A lot of protestants stared at me. I put up my crucifix at them.
“Hey Stigmata!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was... Pope Francis!
“What’s up Pope?” I asked.
“Nothing.” he said shyly.
But then, I heard the archbishops call me and I had to go away.
AN: IS it good? PLZ tell me thanks be 2 god! amen
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shippingcontainmentunit · 2 years ago
Finally watching the new season of my hero and shigaraki has sigmata
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kogadoguinho · 2 years ago
bronseele <3
vai demorar, seguinte, bronya nasceu na siberia, pai foi d caixao antes de ela nascer e a mae logo dps do parto, ela acabou crescendo cm um antigo amigo do pai dela q morava sozinho, quando ela tinha uns 12 anos nao lembro bem mas ela era bem novinha, acabou virando sniper pra ter o q comer por falta d opção e ficou conhecida como 'silver wolf of the urals', certo dia uma das vitmas delas era a cocolia, cocolia por sua vez, acabou descobrindo a bronya antes de ser morta, desmaiou a coitada e levou ela pra o orfanato raio d luz q ela administrava, la ela acabou conhecendo a seele (q a gente nao sabe sobre o passado dela ainda), a lilya e a rosalya (gemeas), a sin mal e varias outras crianças
a cocolia fazia uns experimentos cm as crianças tds os dias e a sin mal era a mais habilidosa de todas, so q no primeiro dia a bronya ja se mostrou melhor, a sin mal se mostrando mt invejosa (e um pouco homofobica) empurrou a bronya de umas escadas e ficou pisoteando as pernas dela (quebrou obviamente) 
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a seele ficou se culpando pq ela viu td mas tava mt assustada pra interferir e bronya ficou toda 'nao liga minha linda tudo vai ficar bem nao foi nada d mais enquanto vc estiver aqui cmg eu nao vou sentir dor' (mt gays)
seele foi sequestrada nao mt tempo dps pra ser vendida como trafico sex*al (sim ela tinha 12), bronya nao mt feliz foi atras dos sequestradores e matou o grupo todo d sequestradores q eram tipo umas 5 pessoas no minimo e todas armadas pq ela nao queria q a seele perdesse sua inocencia (tadinha nao tava entendendo o q tava acontecendo mt burrinha ela), por conta dessa experiencia ela desenvolveu um certo trauma e como resultado uma nova personalidade nasceu dentro dela q o fandom chama d veliona (ou seele vermelha)
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veliona nao tinha boas intenções, esqueci d mencionar mas seele nasceu cm essa coisa chamada stigma, q poucas pessoas tem, ou uma pessoa nasce cm uma ou ela herda uma stigma familiar, a da seele é a stigma q nasceu cm ela, e é a msm da herrscher of death da era passada mas ela nao virou herrscer ainda (e talvez nem vire pq a historia ta no ultimo cap)
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continuando, cortando mt coisa veliona tranformou a vida da sin mal em um inferno por ela ter machucado a bronya, a seele nunca queria q isso acontecesse mas a veiona é mt vingativa ela, e por coincidencia veliona é a unica q conseque liberar todo o poder de dentro da stigmata da seele, a seele por si só nao consegue fazer isso
bronya ia passar por um experimento mt perigoso chamado x-10 mas seele se ofereceu pra ir no lugar e cocolia aceita pq ela nao sabia sobre a sigmata (seele so revelou agr pra ela), bronya se preocupa, seele passa pelo experimento e ele funciona ate bem de mais e ela é mandada pro ‘sea of quanta’, quando ela volta, ela volta como um espirito, ngn consegue ver nem interagir cm ela, a veliona consegue trazer ela d volta pra dar um ultimo tchau pra bronya mas ela acaba sumindo antes disso mas deixa o negocinho do cabelo dela cm a bronya, bronya chora
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ultima parte prometo, sabendo q ela era mt promissora, bronya ameaça a cocolia a passar a faca no proprio pescoço se ela nao mandasse ela pro sea of quanta cm a seele, cocolia disse td bem mas tu nao vai ficar mt la pq eu nao quero perder outra criança, bronya chega la e encontra a seele (yay) elas conversam um pouco se abraçam e choram, bronya nao quer voltar, ela quer ficar cm a seele, mas a seele diz NAO tu vai voltar pra la sim louca, cm isso elas fazem a promessa de q a bronya vai voltar pra la no futuro pra buscar a seele e levar ela pra ver o mar/praia, seele achou um bau la cm uma pedra q tem o poder de ‘recontruir’ e da pra bronya pra ajudar ela no mundo real (q vira o project bunny, o robo da bronya), pausa pra beijo
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seele manda um ‘eu te dei meu primeiro beijo bronya, quando vc vier me buscar vai ter q me dar um também’, bronya volta cm sucesso porem nao, pq ela acabou passando tempo d mais por la, ela acaba voltando sem poder usar mais as pernas e sem a seele, dps disso tudo corta pro cap 10 do jogo onde a gente tem a finalização dessa historia ent daqui pra frente é td spoiler, agr fica cm o video ‘azure waters’ q meio q resume o manga em 2 minutos cm musiquinha mas sem mts caixas d diaogo ent nao da pra saber o q ta acontecendo
edit: uma info q so vai ser usada no cap 26? 27? é q a abyss flower foi criada usando o core da herrscher of death da era passada, por isso q a seele consegue usar ela (pq ela tem a stigma da herrscher of death), pelo menos é isso o q pareceu pra mim
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rpgcovers · 4 years ago
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Sigmata: This Signal Kills Fascists ~ Land of NOP (2018)
Currently available as a Pay What You Want pdf from DriveThruRPG.
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fantasyfantasygames · 1 year ago
The Revolution
The Revolution, Devin Roundsman, 2008
Sometimes you throw a bunch of things into a blender and come out with a gem of a game. The Revolution, despite its generic name, has a lot of really cool stuff going for it in a very focused package.
The Revolution is a modern-day game, and it leans heavily on that for its setting. You're relying a lot on "everyone knows what corporate executives act like." It's lazy but it's excusable I guess.
For the system - have you ever seen one of those systems where someone says "I like it because it gets out of your way"? Yeah, someone brewed up one of those in an afternoon. You roll a number of d6 equal to your effectiveness in a particular thing. It starts at 1d6 or 2d6 where you're specialized, and maxes out at 5d6 or 6d6. Not a dice pool, just roll and add 'em together.
Now that we got the boring stuff out of the way, the actual concept: this game is one part Exalted Modern, one part Werewolf the Apocalypse, and one part Sigmata. Your characters, everyday people, "wake up" to being able to see the spirit world overlaid on the physical world. There are massive, ethereal, sinister spirits manifested by corporations and other large orgs, which feed psychically on people. You can fight those directly if you can get to them. Your PCs are pulled together instinctively.
You get 5 levels of power: the mere-mortal level 1 (which rolls 1d6), the empowered-mortal 2 (2d6, where you generally live), and three levels (3d6/4d6/5d6) of "you can reach for it if you want it" that shift you up to Super-Sayan temporarily. Where you are power-wise at any given time is totally up to you, if you don't mind glowing. You get some low-level superpowers like wide-area blasts, enhanced movement, phasing, armor, etc. Except the 5d6 level. When you go for that, you'll die at the end of the scene, but you'll go out in a blaze of glory. It's very much a how-bad-do-you-want-it scenario, so... part wish fulfillment and part deathwish fulfillment.
The XP curve is shallow. You're expected to go through a bunch of characters in a longer game, or to have half the party die at the end during a one-shot or convention game. I do feel like the urge in a con game will be to guarantee your own death at the end because you aren't really attached to your character, but maybe that's just the people I usually play with.
The Revolution was a 46-page PDF on 1km1kt. Pour one out for the typewriters and another for the monkeys.
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midgardia · 6 years ago
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Our Cyberpunk charity is NOW LIVE! Join us right now, and for the next 22 hours as we play 5 different Cyberpunk flavored tabletop systems as we raise money for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
We’re also offering a unique cyberpunk shirt design that will only be available during the stream! All proceeds from the sales will be added to the donations after the stream =D
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rpgsandbox · 7 years ago
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"SIGMATA: This Signal Kills Fascists" is a cyberpunk tabletop role-playing game about ethical insurgency against a fascist regime, taking place in a dystopian vision of 1980's America.
Players assume the role of Receivers, the superheroic vanguard of the Resistance, who possess incredible powers when in range of FM radio towers emitting a mysterious number sequence called "The Signal." When the Signal is up, Receivers lead the charge against battalions of Regime infantry and armor or serve as the People's Shield, protecting mass demonstrations from the brutality of a militarized police force and neo-Nazi hooligans. When the Signal is down, however, Receivers are mere mortals, desperately fleeing from a powerful state that senses their weakness.
It's called the Sigmata, a Signal-induced stigmata, because it is a both a blessing and a curse. At least when you're marked by the state, you can’t sit on the sidelines anymore.
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Two Receivers storm a Regime fortification, bullets bouncing off of their cybernetic flesh.
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Regime propaganda, McCarthy's vision of an America under siege by the Interior Threat.
SIGMATA takes place in a dystopian vision of America where fascists have taken control of the government. The Regime fosters white supremacy, religious bigotry, and Cold War hysteria to turn America's fury against already marginalized populations, all while plundering America's coffers and thrusting the country into pointless proxy wars all over the globe. To punish internal threats to "Real America," the Regime rewrote the U.S. Constitution to establish the Freedom Fist, a complete merger of military and law enforcement, which dutifully executes the fascists' national program of mass incarceration and deportation.
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Freedom Fist regulars protecting the State from the People.
The communities targeted by state violence have begun to fight back. The Resistance is bolstered by an unlikely alliance of radical Leftists, right wing militias, Christian extremists, and wealthy entrepreneurs, whose grievances with the Regime overpower the seething contempt they have for each other. As linchpins of the Resistance, the Receivers must take great pains to prevent the alliance from fracturing. If they allow ideology to trump strategy, the factions will fall back on their worst tendencies, handing the Regime the political victories it needs to maintain a stranglehold on the people.
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A Resistance SysOp performs reconnaissance on Regime BBS systems using her blazing fast 300-baud Haze modem.
SIGMATA takes place in alt-1986, before the Internet was a thing, and at a time when less than 10% of American homes possessed a computer system. The retro technology of the 1980s is full of constraints that make for exciting stories about Resistance organizing; from seeking a payphone in a dangerous rural environment, to smuggling floppy disks of mission critical data through Regime checkpoints, to infiltrating corporate facilities in order to access room-sized mainframes, to recording amateur VHS videos of Regime atrocities and playing them on public access cable channels. The Resistance must organize using payphones, dial-up modems, bulletin board systems (BBS), floppy disks, pirate radio broadcasts, photocopied zines, and word of mouth, all while avoiding Regime forces using technology, influence, and intimidation to hunt them down.
As a foil to SIGMATA's dark political vision, the game delivers a satirical take on 1980s media, fashion, pop culture, and consumerism, complete with all the embarrassing chic, uncritical jingoism, and style-over-substance cool we've come to expect from 1980s period pieces. Expect playful nods to the 80s film that inspired this setting, including Robocop, Red Dawn, Terminator, War Games, Escape from New York, and Videodrome, among others.
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Mechanically, SIGMATA is a hybrid of a traditional role-playing game and a narrativist story game. There is a game master (GM) involved, but players will be doing most of the storytelling. Players make decisions about what tactics and powers their Receivers employ during structured scenes of combat, stealth, and intrigue, but who gets to narrate the outcome of decisions depends on how well players do on their dice rolls. When a dice roll is required, a player rolls a combination of D10 and D6 dice, depending on her Receiver's four processors (i.e. Aggression, Guile, Judgement, and Valor), hoping to get a result of 6 or higher on each die. The more successes a player rolls, the more control she has over the outcome in the story space. Rolling a single success permits her to narrate a story of marginal success, complicated by an element of tension or stress that the GM contributes to the story. Rolling several success permits her to narrate a story of dramatic success, emphasizing how skilled, strong, or courageous her Receiver is, without input from the GM.
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A Receiver uses the Wrecking Ball subroutine to channel the Signal into superhuman strength.
Players aren't just rolling dice for a chance to own the story; they are playing to win. Scenes of combat, intrigue, and stealth are structured in a way where each player needs to manage a resource called exposure. Exposure represents danger; the danger of getting caught during a stealth scene, the danger of getting injured during a combat scene, or the danger of being outed as a Resistance spy during an intrigue scene. Each turn, the GM makes moves to increase the Receivers' exposure. In response, each player selects a tactic, allowing her to either increase the enemy's exposure (cautiously or recklessly), reduce her own exposure, or reduce the exposure of one of her allies. The end result is exciting stories told with a narrativist approach, influenced by a tactical resource management mechanic that emphasizes risk/reward and teamwork.
Of course, this is a cyberpunk genre game as much as it is a period piece, so Receivers also rely on superheroic powers (subroutines), performance enhancing cybernetic modules (blade servers), iconic equipment (peripherals), and the evocation of fallen comrades (memory) to press through their most challenging ordeals against the Regime.
SIGMATA also features a strategic meta-game that charts the Resistance's progress in toppling the Regime, based on real counterinsurgency (COIN) doctrine. The Resistance's efforts against the Regime's military forces mean nothing if they are not also winning over the local population and the international community. The strategic strength of the Resistance not only tracks campaign progress, but influences the strength of the Signal, which the Receivers rely upon to fuel their most dramatic abilities.
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As an artistic work, SIGMATA attempts a merger of the gritty, cyberpunk styles of Akira with the vibrant colors and action-figure motifs of 1980s Saturday morning cartoons (e.g. G.I. Joe, Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc.), all executed by the mighty Ario Murti. With Ario as the game's sole illustrator, expect maximum consistency and continuity of setting materials, quality, and mood.
Kickstarter campaign ends: Thu, December 28 2017 11:46 PM UTC +00:00
Website: kickstarter
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