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m0e-ru · 1 year ago
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yeah you have been lied to. he doesnt have one, hes only an npc and we make fun of him because he showed up in the stageplay once. good thing i made this helpful diagram to clear things up!
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what the fuck goes on at the gas station anyway
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flamie-42 · 1 year ago
*after meursault* Dazai: Has Chuuya got his fangs out yet? Chuuya: *cant speak with the fangs* thop it thucking asthole i hate you Dazai: *laughing* Chuuya: *grabs him by the collar* you bether shuth ith Dazai: *gay panic*
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xamaxenta · 4 months ago
Holy shuth this stomach ache is activrly going to end my life
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enchantedvistas · 3 months ago
2 month into therapy and every time I feel like I’m shuthing myself deeper and deeper. Brain just goes off, cant speak, cant think, cant anything. Im scared. but even now when Im alone w myself, I cant answer any of questions I ask myself. Like, Why am I scared? Idk. Why am I scared of doing things alone? Idk. Why do I wanna depend on someone so much? Idk. Why cant I be more independent? Idfk. Not once in my life was I asking myself questions why is it like this, why is it like that. I was always deciding based on some hunch that I cant explain not to anyone not to myself, I am doing things as I think in that moment. And now when I need to think why, i dont fucking know. IM SO LOST
I wanna be a puppy.
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cosmicdenro · 1 year ago
Hi im totally fine after this . yeah
Inspired by this post!
Ty to @frazzledazzlin for making me feel really normal about old stickmen. all the time
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zombiechara42 · 1 year ago
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blood-cumandwires · 9 months ago
Look at you, barely able to speak, let alone type
hhhh UHH likeee shuth up anaon yoire p you youre prolly not even like onj call with me rn like my maxie my frienddddmaxie is........ and maxie totally thinsk im like acting like super sober and isnt like makingfunofmymy mylike weird randomvalleyboyy acent thing dialcect what the fuck is it actually uhh lemme look it up ITS CALIFORNIA BABYYYYYY OH MY GOD THATS LIKE WHERE AMERICAN WHITEWASHED ACE ATTORNEY TAKES PLACE FUCKING CALIFORNYYAAAAAA BABBYYYY thats so fucking cool oh ym god ajon do you think likkeeee OH MY GODD IMAGINE LIKE PEHOENIX RIGHT WRIGHT WITH LIKE A VALLRY BOY ACCENTTTT OHM,YGODDDDDD LOLL
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fat-ugly-bus-driver · 2 years ago
they say what on the bus?
anyway, are you going to sawcon next month?
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rusty-gloinks · 2 years ago
Hey, Rusty. The baby's here.
*holds up Emma Eclipse Wylde*
I was adopted by a rando and i.dont Even know what’s going on dude 😭😭😭
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from orc (TES) names, excluding the letter "G"
Abarosh Akorm Aliand Alorn Alzurz Arally Arlame Arlarzhumul Ashub Azbat Aznor Azulazuhl Badkulasom Bafthak Bakad Bakhoweed Bakzurumph Balarbeshon Balekar Baler Balikh Balka Barduka Barka Baromata Bashdush Bashki Bashoth Bathes Batorcorn Batzothelub Baver Bazda Bazratum Besha Beshbeed Beshdul Bhamphak Bhasha Bimin Bimpha Bisquel Bizbardar Blarthra Blorub Blunh Bluthel Bobuk Bolashub Boldolak Bolpokh Bonfisa Boradba Boradub Borarz Bordash Borta Bozikh Brakh Braku Bramur Bratoruk Brimozra Brobdab Bronabek Brubekh Brulob Brushul Bruzra Bukurishub Buladlub Bulfin Bumorz Bural Burasemok Buraz Burborn Burlmulfim Busionk...
Caraz Chanz Charon Chenifetarz Chesh Chishu Crumakh Deryk Drash Dristh Drothomal Druel Dubdeye Dufth Dulfimph Dulort Dulov Dulub Dulush Dulzullob Dumolbasha Dumorz Dumph Dumur Durbdodar Durbzahz Durkh Durom Durot Durulfin Duruz Durzbor Durzer Durzothum Dusha Eshznak Falahkive Femindol Fhesh Fnazz Forzbu Harkub Hazonk Heluthuthe Huttor Izbak Jounk Jouts Keryk Khakh Khane Kharash Khdum Khorotha Khozul Kirobakh Klash Klasha Koffub Kordzuha Krefe Kreshelra Krian Kulorz Kurdukar Kurothulzal Labeshar Lahab Lakhi Lakul Lamok Lamuk Laralekh Larbashnak Larbuzh Larkh Larstew Larulpok Lashesh Lashuk Latumniter Loblabesh Loboron Lobrim Lolfim Loord Loorn Lorburz Lornuk Lorturbarz Lortwo Lukardowed Lumnikh Lumoldzob Lumph Lumura Lumzul Lunlikhamph Lunloodrat Lurazulfal Lurlotham Lurzar Lushail Lusham Lushamp Lushandaish Mabanakh Mabek Mabeshnakh Mabura Mabzill Mahzothi Maidy Makurba Makuz Maled Maravre Marla Marzarorz Masharhaish Masharkub Mashukad Mathmulara Mauhl Mazra Meshamak Minit Moddi Modeaver Molura Morakh Morkh Mormodurkh Motazikhru Mother Mubesha Muktur Mulak Mulamuk Mulbat Mulbava Mundosh Mural Murshnar Murub Murush Murza Murzu Muzuut Nabzimfare Nakhazh Namash Nammol Namph Narfasha Narsurdosh Narth Narzodruk Nasha Nayam Nazul Nokha Norah Norubes Nurzoth Nushakham Nuthrash Offub Olash Olush Ondowed Oobul Oodorm Oornarron Oorowkelbza Oramph Orbaakh Orbdasha Orbesh Ordakh Ordakulfim Ordub Ordzo Orkulz Orkuzhoth Orlfim Ornarzakh Oroldur Ortabz Orted Orzbash Orzulza Orzusha Osesh Oshee Othal Otharz Otundrash Outhunk Ozikh Pentor Primazabekh Prula Rabza Rashk Rhakh Rharz Rishnara Rokhraka Rolfam Rolfub Rooks Roshan Rothak Rozakha Rubar Ruhlor Rulamph Rulat Rulazhwuz Ruluk Rulza Ruthak Ruthikh Shainclash Shakha Shaku Shamon Shamurz Shanbesh Sharbum Sharok Sharshat Shash Shashuk Shazash Shazhnabesh Shazhul Shaznook Shazulmuk Shbakh Shdusha Shelarz Shesh Shnakh Shnamurn Shnamuzu Shnar Shnaronk Shnifema Shnikh Shothbadba Shualknatar Shuhl Shulump Shunar Shurol Shurud Shuth Slash Slauk Slazh Slorulol Slorz Smarush Smasha Snaramothz Snarkul Snarn Snartavikh Snarz Snashulmesh Snath Snazol Sniten Snunrah Snush Snuthola Strok Stush Suanak Taran Thamorol Thamp Thamul Thara Tharn Thatha Thienifeat Thmah Thmor Thorn Thoron Thoshumph Thozun Throl Thrul Thrum Thrunduk Thuck Thuthrikh Thuzhakh Thzutha Titeratul Todoshlor Torda Tornt Trokiresh Tubul Tulra Ufthadodra Ufthuk Ufthulak Ulfardul Ulozrub Ultuv Ulura Undood Unishurub Urash Urkurz Ushak Ushnoorusha Uudurak Uuloh Uuthmushesh Volash Volfish Vrent Vrezha Vulfub Vusur Warburb Washamed Whelza Worim Wrododrimph Yamabzikhaz Yamlah Yamon Yamorakh Yamph Yamuthel Yarah Yaraku Yarnd Yathuk Yatub Yatumur Yazhak Yazrahur Yazushuhl Yzzurash Zabul Zakulzub Zarshabak Zbesh Zbual Zester Zhnikh Zubdurz Zufth Zularak Zulorzoth Zunta
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weezer with my old lesses designs minus Flawless bc no
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"Just make Planless the tallest one and it's perfect." -Restless
"It's not perfect without me-" -Flawless
"shuth the fuckth upth you unforgivable half assed king" -Planless probably
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444namesplus · 2 months ago
Abrathrûstshe Adreshirch Ake Akrolunth Alalên Alaroynn Alasho Alewr Aleyntherth Aliwmmrâdhpru Aluth Alwethprarlo Alwonthlo Alâcksheprun Alâm Alâmlûth Alârr Alênthzôstrinth Alônthlorchlorch Alôr Alûrr Anro Aprenglethriyll Apârdhshunthnrûlbh Arall Arasha Ari Aryennlâth Arâstshyoll Arêmm Arôdhrarth Ashe Ashu Ashyus Ashâcklûmshi Ashênthshêdhrem Ashôbhlith Ashônthor Ashôsri Ashûmmlu Ashûn Asoshînn Asrebh Athrenthshawck
Bang Bimri Brenth Brumsha Brâmrom Brîmmlâmm Bwulbhthro Bârdhlir Bêmmlêllêlbh Dorla Drashôrfânth Drînn Drûllshorînn Ebathlenrorch Ekrarushûrdh Elath Elenth Elerthpo Elewlbhrîrrlôrdh Elilêrrlîr Elothûnth Elushurthkem Elûstlanthrer Emêrdh Emôlllôllla Enûbhlum Eralêlbhshu Erarshiynlist Erimro Erinorshûst Ero Erumvyertu Erunthlanthshênn Erârdhlith Erûlbhmo Eshangda Eshenryobh Esherim Eshêdhshôm Eshêslûrra Eshûlbh Etarch Etrêstshu Ezrûrrrêck Fawmmsro Frenrês Fuwm Garthshu Gewxroth Grêlbhshe Grîsrigroth Hoshan Hrumdrashûrdh Hrîrdhlunlinth Hêsthrêrr Idromre Igônthsreshi Iho Ikungrûl Ilam Ilashurêck Ilenhrôm Ilexrûckruth Ilingshêstreng Ilothshurth Ilulânthle Ilumka Iluwxzrurth Ilyunthle Ilârdhru Ilâslaybhlwuck Ilêst Ilêth Ilîbhlâstdrôck Ilômmron Imôrvu Inalenth Iprâxrushîck Iranth Irenthirchrim Irerruth Iruwlllomgung Irâck Irêllshôx Irênnle Irîrdhrêx Irôdhshwemshem Irôr Irûstvrûlbhbun Ishenshênn Isherêst Ishimlûth Ishornûx Ishoro Ishowrdhrên Ishu Ishulo Ishwoll Ishâstlôrr Ishôrshir Ishûbhhrôdh Itîdh Izorlorthlo Kiydhlêdh Krêrr Krîmmdi Kônn La Lalun Lanlîth Lannling Lanârrorth Larth Larushâck Laspa Lathrarshêbh Le Lelo Lelôl Len Leshibh Leshânn Leshêrrlu Lethne Lethreth Lethrîck Lifimrwer Likêrdh Linsha Lirishêst Lirthlîx Lishomru Lo Lolâll Lon Lor Lorram Loshonth Lostthêllli Losûrrryos Lule Lurch Lusherch Lusheshust Luth Lutrêxrûr Luwcklîlbhro Lwenthshêth Lâckshokor Lâdhporch Lâlldôrdh Lâmm Lânrithshyil Lârrshâth Lêbhshîmshinth Lêmm Lêrdhshurr Lêrlashôn Lêrrlyockshuwn Lîm Lînn Lînth Lîrdhshim Lîslâck Lîst Lôbhlun Lôlri Lômmkrardh Lûlbh Mrwath Môrrbem Nremlôskrîdh Nryulshwibh Nîdh Nîrdhshin Nîrru Obeshola Obrathûnnlênth Ofweckshim Ogrênthron Olannrath Olenthshânthlu Olimshurch Oliti Olu Olurthshu Olîmmlu Olôsfryax Olûbhryodh Olûmmlo Omrann Oproym Orangfrunth Orarthsherri Oruga Oryirdhshârdh Orâmm Orêlbh Orêltrôbh Orêrdhlâdhryubh Orêxshu Orônthla Oshadâmm Oshe Osheng Osherrre Osheshanth Parobh Prelûnnsherth Proshenthlu Prubuylrem Prîlbhlarthvâm Rali Ranth Rar Rarchgur Rarthlirrlun Rawstlâxru Remmra Renthnong Rerchbôth Rerfunth Rerthlo Rewlbhrîs Ri Rila Rinthshânth Rirch Rirla Rirênth Ro Ron Ropirth Rorchtherch Roru Roymmshestsherth Ru Ruli Ruthshaynnru Ruwllâmmlîn Ruyx Rwam Ryebhrervrwurr Râllruth Râllsho Râmshûlbh Rânth Rânthfulil Rârpilo Rârrrurdrîn Râs Rêdhdinth Rêlllûr Rêthshir Rîmmshûrdh Rînla Rîrrrînth Rôlbhri Rôlbhshârdhfrêll Rôlbhshônth Rôstzrannlu Rôxningsheth Rûlbhshîthrorch Rûllledrîr Rûnren Rûrle Rûslur Rûthvi Shakrôbh Shamnyomlârr Shandôrr Shanrârda Share Sharshenglûx Sharth Shelulîr Sheng Shenthbôbhlist Shenthrîrdh Sherlûnnlêm Shi Shingryerdhlubh Shinshanth Shinthshurr Shiryurr Shishanshi Shith Shithrêm Sho Shofruzrorth Shomthâck Shomzôrrrîr Shontrônshong Shorôst Shoshôdh Shu Shun Shunshoth Shunth Shushôth Shuth Shuthshîth Shwesror Shyulbhbryomm Shyusshanth Shâbhrîlhrir Shâll Shân Shêcklurring Shêlbhfi Shêlrosho Shêmluth Shênthhrênth Shêsrôn Shîdhshurthvri Shîr Shîrli Shîrrshinshônth Shôlllenshâm Shôrr Shôs Srengpâllthrâlbh Srôlbhshe Sulamri Sênthvêrdhshi Tanrursha Tanshyon Thevrâr Thrâdhshûrdh Thrâlbhlosruth Tri Trîbhpe Trîllsho Târthrerth Ubrurordh Ubrwustpirr Udru Udêrdhlûth Ufon Ufriwlbh Ugravûbh Uhreng Ukrurthshi Ukômmlîx Uleyllge Ulilbhlith Ulockhregrick Ulole Ulomlur Ulonrûrdh Ulu Ulurerr Ulwarmorrrelbh Ulêthnrânth Umyithlorlanth Unîrshûck Uralirlirth Uremshanthshi Urerûdhlong Urilen Urishuwll Urisrêst Urugan Ururchrim Uruthsho Urîx Urûdh Ushankri Ushebh Usherdh Usholbhkrêr Ushoshorthshâlbh Ushu Ushyerrshûm Ushyidhroli Ushâbhkrâl Ushâmmshath Ushânthrorth Ushânvarchthedh Ushâthsho Usûmmluthladh Utheshe Uvollsho Uvuthprâst Vathlolo Vramfrirch Vwardhrôdh Zo Zrewbh Zroth Zrôrrrêmm Zrûllshir Zrûrr Zurthpa Zûth
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beverlybotoxx · 5 months ago
shuth the fuck uo
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archiearchiearchiearchie · 1 year ago
"Daily reminder: your skin is not paper, so don’t cut it, your neck is not a coat, so don’t hang it, your body is not a book, so don’t judge it." SHUTHE FUCKUPPPPPPPPPPPP OHMYGODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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gloriasato · 2 years ago
“ew mutant mayhem april is so ugl-“ SHUTHE FUCK UP AND LOOK AT THIS SCREENSHOT OF HER.
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Tbh, I don't trust anybody who thinks Mutant Mayhem April is ugly
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japplejottomjeans · 3 years ago
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live reaction
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