#Shtish talks
shtish · 10 days
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Someone once said that if you're sad or pissed off you should bake, because even if you're still pissed off by the end of it at least you'll have baked goods. I'm taking it to heart.
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torak-and-human · 4 months
This is the human of Torak speaking. You may call me Shtish, or Human, or His Human.
I'm writing this less than a week out from actual Torak acquisition. Currently, he's still at the animal shelter and we're still working on getting ready for his arrival. We being my mom, our cat, and I. Not that the cat's doing much, but shhhh.
Torak will be my first dog as an actual adult, second dog overall in my life. I'm super excited to welcome him to the family soon!
I'll post more in a couple of days, it's midnight here and I really ought to be asleep... But yeah! Exciting stuff!
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Shtish: We can't jump out of the window to get it
Raptor: ... the blood?
Shtish: ...
Shtish: I was talking about that tunic
Raptor: O H
Sketcher: Don't jump out of the window to catch the blood, that is illegal
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shtish · 1 year
Listening to The Bifrost Incident and the exchange between Loki and Thor is so good y'all
"For vengeance."
"For love."
"Die in peace."
"Die in honor."
Goosebumps every time... 😭
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shtish · 5 months
Okay so I broke my "no buying books until you've at least read all the ones you own physically" last Thursday. One of the books that I broke the rule with was "Nettle and Bone" by T. Kingfisher aka @tkingfisher aka @ursula-vernon. To my great pleasure, I realized I still got it. I can still read more than 300 pages in a single day and finish a book.
I've read a bunch of her short stories over the years, and I return to "Summer in Orcus" about once every summer, drinking it in greedily since I no longer have to wait for the next chapter to be released. I was always vibrating with excitement when they dropped. And now I own a physical book! And it's not Summer, but it's Marra and her Bonedog and the dust-wife and Fenris and Agnes and the demon chicken whom I love and would probably rather not have as a pet, if only because I'm sure she'd laugh at me when I did something silly. Then again, maybe it's good to have someone else to laugh with you when you're silly. I usually do anyway, but it might be good to add a chuckled cluck as an extra undertone, you know?
Anyway, all of this is to say that it was a delightful read. Ursula Vernon's storytelling is so quintessentially hers, somehow. It sounds silly to say it that way, but that's the simplest way to say it. Her voice is so strong and lovely and so dry sometimes, and it leaves my heart laughing.
It's good, is what I'm meaning to say, in so many words. I'm keeping this one on the shelf, and I'm giving it the spot with the favorites, and some others will have to scoot. I'm running out of shelf space either way. I can't wait to have a home of my own so I can get the biggest book case and give every book the place it deserves.
Okay. That's all I've got, I think. I'm heading off to bed.
Go read "Nettle and Bone". And feed your chickens and bone dogs.
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shtish · 5 months
My left ear is blocked completely for the second time in my life and I am already climbing up the walls ready to bite any god that comes close to me
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shtish · 1 year
Spinning Silver was so fucking good you should all pick it up and read it.
Mild spoiler below because I NEED to get it off my chest before going back to read the last 70 pages again because OH MY GOD. So good.
Go read it. Get off my blog.
I got Tiffany Aching vibes from both Irina and Miryem. Brave and clever and stubborn because those are YOUR people and it's YOUR right and YOUR worth and you better fucking step off.
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shtish · 1 year
As always, feel free to elaborate in the tags!
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shtish · 1 year
Still on my Skyrim and Lucien ride, but I'll put this under a read more for those that want to get Lucien on their own (you should, he's hilarious, I love my little science boy)
The SECOND he mentioned an assistant, I fucking knew he'd unleashed the murder AI into some sort of construction so it could WALK AROUND because that's a GREAT IDEA that CAN SURELY NOT BACKFIRE
Okay I admit I too felt kinda bad for the murder AI and I'm curious to see where this will go BUT ALSO LUCIEN WHY
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shtish · 8 months
My newest DnD character is unhinged: she feeds seagulls
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shtish · 8 months
This is profoundly silly but every time I wash my hair I have to let it air-dry loose so the curls don't get messed up, and my hair has gotten quite long. This leads to me sitting in places and just moving back and forth because my hair is doing all kinds of fun bouncy things in front of my face. Excellent entertainment.
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shtish · 11 months
I lost my self-made scarf in the bus yesterday, but I just got the email that they found it!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!
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shtish · 10 months
Blegh. Had a weird day full of cramps and it was weird at work now I had one fucking glass of spiced wine and my head is spinning a bit and just fuck this day man
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shtish · 1 year
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I hit 50 books!
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shtish · 1 year
Just saw a mutual post and I s2g I made a cat activation noise???
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shtish · 1 year
Finished playing the Pathless today and whoo boy, that was fun! Some of the boss battles were frustrating (looking at you, Sauro and Nimue) but the rest was sooooo fun. Thank you Hollow Knight for teaching me platforming, I get to enjoy similar games now! (Though it helps that the Pathless gives you a get out of platforming free card).
Bottom line tho: good AF game. Go play it.
I'm heading into Strange Horticulture now, and I'll find some time over the weekend to go back into The Outer Wilds... I need to keep notes for that one and it's easier to do that during the day.
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