#Short trip
jasmine7031 · 1 year
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I ate and drank a lot on the flight back to Haneda.I enjoyed the short trip.
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may-k-world · 2 years
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家からチャリ🚲で15分くらい、かの有名な “荒川の土手” に行ってきました。 期待したツクシは見つからなかったけど、早春の草花観賞で気分もリフレッシュ❣️🍀💕
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jepretanjanet · 8 months
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/Bromo 2.0/
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ara0minthe · 1 month
Thursday 8th of August / Jeudi 8 août
I will try to describe my day in a more organized manner
Work/Focus: I focused for an hour today, did some sudokus, my focus isn't that bad, and the more I do sudokus, the better I become at it.
Since at the start of summer, I tried to slowly stop my scrolling consumption, I definitely did get better, mentally, physically, cognitively.
I literally feel like I got freed of my addiction to scrolling and short-form content, like I got back my control over myself and what I do and Im definitely happier like that.
Obviously, it's not perfect but the fact that I don't have urge to scroll anymore, the fact that I gained back my clarity of mind, the fact that I can focus half an hour without needing to be distracted or needing a shot of dopamine says a lot about how I improved just by cutting back from this destructive habit.
So I'm happier and proud because I actually did improve on my worst point.
(Because of this addiction I even failed this year's exams for my degree at uni, just so you know bad it was)
Health: ate pretty healthy, (apart from the burger and fries at 11pm), also walked a lot outside before and after that, 5000 steps
Main event: Tried to work on myself by doing actual work as said previously.
Then I visited some cousins with my family, I played Minecraft, it recalled me my childhood, I want to play that game again now.
Then, with my brother and the 2 cousins my age, we got outside at night, it was 11pm and we decided some fast-food would be good.
It was a short fun trip at night (it was so fun, I now have a good memory for life).
So we go out, it's dark, 11pm, we drive to a fast-food, buy burgers and fries and enjoy the meal over some talking. It was delicious.
Then we drove a bit more around the place where they live with loud music in the car.
And when we got home it was late.
My mother was waiting for me and my brother to come back so we could go home, we had to go by foot since we didn't have a car that would fit all my family.
It was a short walk; 15 minutes at most, they don't live far from us, it's one small neighborhood away and it's pretty safe (I live in a nice place in France so it's alright)
So we go home then, my small siblings are singing random things during the whole walk.
There's literally no one else around so we can run around, race, take poses on the road to take picture. We were just enjoying.
When we finally get home, it's 1 am.
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mrgabel · 1 year
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Going on a trip for two days and was wondering what to pack. I always think I am taking too much with me, but the weather should be rainy on one day and sunny on the other day - so better safe than sorry, am I right?
What are your essentials for going on a short trip?
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96925mm · 2 years
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hawkeyes-chicklet · 1 year
I've read a whole book about chicken, attended a wonderful concert and saw my favourite city. I should do trips on my own more often.
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danielkupfer · 2 years
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savageandwise · 1 year
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Liverpool 23.3.2023
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anonym10time · 2 years
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Rammstein Store...take me back to Saturday
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spuslblue · 2 years
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Going to Spain very soon…
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flowendt · 2 years
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kangaroosmile · 2 years
Time out in the snow 🎄
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description: Because they need a short break in the very hectic christmas time, their manager booked a Woodhouse where they could have some time out. Nobody expected that they would be snowed in over the night.
pairing: ot8, Chan x Minho x Changbin x Hyunjin x Jisung x Felix x Seungmin x Jeongin
genre: time out, boyfriends, relationship, polyamory, they are all in love, soft kisses, snowed in, spending time together, Chan loves all his boyfriends
word count: ~3,3k
trigger warning: a bit of panic
Do you want to read the other Advent Calendar days? Here is the Masterlist 24 to 25
Chan walked through the dorm one last time, closing every door after checking the room. It wasn't unusual that one of the boys would forget some important thing.
“I checked everything. We can go now”, said Chan to one of their staff members, who had been waiting for him.
“Alright. Then let's go. The others are already in the garage and are waiting for us”, the staff member explained, as he started to walk towards the elevator followed by Chan.
Soon they walked towards two black cars. One car was already closed but the other one was still open, waiting for Chan to jump in. Their manager waited outside and held out his hand for Chan's luggage.
“Thank you”, Chan muttered and then entered the open car. Felix was fast asleep next to Changbin, who looked tired but was playing some game on his phone. He looked like he hadn't had any sleep since they stopped producing two hours ago. Chan settled down next to Jeongin. He was awake too but as soon as Chan sat down next to him, he crawled closer and laid down his head on the older man's shoulder.
“Don't move”, he whispered and hugged Chan's arm. It didn't happen often that the youngest acted so touch starved but Chan liked it. Liked it when Jeongin seeked comfort in him. He texted Minho, asking whether in the other car everything was alright but then he put away his phone and made himself comfortable. He closed his eyes and tried to relax.
He must have fallen asleep because the next thing he knew was the car getting slower and then stopping completely. He opened his eyes and looked out of the window right next to him. They had stopped in the woods. The snow laid heavy on the trees and was at least one metre high on the ground.
“Hyung look!”, he heard Felix and looked towards him. Felix had his arm outflung and pointed towards a wood house. “The house looks so cute with the pond in front of it.” Changbin slowly nodded, a small smile on his lips. Still he looked tired but not as much as before. It was good that they would stay at this place for two days just for themselves without any cameras. They needed it. All of them. Some of them more but in the end they all needed a time out.
Behind Jeongin, Chan jumped out of the car and checked whether the others were behind him. From the other car, Minho got out first, followed by Jisung who was holding his hand.
“Seungmin is still sleeping”, Minho informed Chan, looking back towards the car. After a short nod and after softly touching Minho's free hand, Chan walked up towards the second car. Hyunjin was already getting ready.
“Seungmin is still sleeping, Hyung”, Hyunjin muttered pointing towards the sleeping Seungmin. Chan let out a soft laugh and nodded.
“I know, Minho already told me.” He patted Hyunjins knee and turned towards Seungmin. He sat down next to the younger man and softly started to shake his shoulder. “Wake up, darling”, he whispered. “We've arrived.” Seungmin let out a low sigh and moved closer to the older one. “I can't kiss you right now. There are still other people”, Chan whispered as he noticed what Seungmin was trying to do. “I'm sorry.” Now Seungmin opened his eyes and looked straight to the older one.
“Can I have your scarf?”, he muttered, already playing with Chans scarf. With a little giggle Chan nodded and gave his scarf to Seungmin, who let out a satisfied sigh as soon as he had the scarf around his neck.
“Ready to go and see where we will stay the next two days?” When Seungmin nodded, Chan turned and got out of the car, carrying Seungmins bag. The two closed up to the rest of the group and then all eight walked towards the house.
“Alright, here is the key”, their manager said, handing the key over to Chan. “The fridge is full and there is more food in the basement too. If you need anything else just text us. We have booked rooms in the next village.” Chan smiled at their manager and bowed slightly.
“Thank you, Hyung.” Their manager nodded and then walked back to the car. They watched the car disappear between the trees.
“Open the door”, Jisung said, jumping up and down in little. With a laugh, Chan opened the door and let his kids enter first. He watched Jisung, Felix and Hyunjin run through the entire house, already claiming in which room they would sleep. He closed the door behind himself and walked in a bit just to be stopped by Seungmin. The younger man started to play with Chans Hoodie strings.
“Can I have a kiss now?”, he asked, avoiding Chans glance. Chan chuckled and opened his arms.
“Come here, Minnie.” Immediately Seungmin closed the distance between them and connected their lips. The kiss didn't last long but when Seungmin drew back, he had a satisfied expression on his face.
“Come help unpack everything instead of making out in the hallway”, shouted Minho from somewhere further into the house. Seungmin and Chan exchanged a glance and started to laugh.
“Coming!”, Chan shouted back and together they walked from the hallway into the contiguous room which seemed to be the living room.
“I want to sleep in the room under the roof with Innie”, stated Felix as he ran down the stairs into the living room. Chan hasn't seen Felix this excited for a while now. To be fair he hasn't seen any of his boys be so relaxed and happy for ages. It felt like the thick layer of stress and responsibility had lifted from their shoulders as soon as they entered the holiday house. With a wide smile, he watched the other seven men get themselves comfortable. Soon Minho excused himself to start cooking their dinner. Right after the second eldest left the living room Seungmin and Felix followed him more or less obviously. Jeongin had found a video game console and soon the living room was full of loud complaints and cuss words. More often than not he had to hold back a giggle because once again Changbin was failing the round they were playing.
“You will not get a goodnight kiss today”, Changbin muttered as soon as he had lost another round and the youngest started to laugh.
“That will hurt you more than it will hurt Innie”, Chan laughed and started to run through the room as soon as he said it because Changbin jumped up from where he was sitting and started chasing him.
“There will be no kiss for you too, Hyung!”, he shouted.
“I will kiss Innie then.”
“I hate you, Hyung!” Chan stopped in his tracks, turned and hugged Changbin as soon as the shorter man was close enough. Chan knew Changbin was stronger than him but he was faster. He pressed a short kiss on Changbin's lips and then escaped towards the kitchen. He heard Hyunjin laughing and Jisung making some stupid joke but he didnt hear anything from Changbin. With a smile he entered the kitchen. He had made Changbin speechless. He liked that feeling.
“Stop that stupid grin, Hyung, and help us with getting everything to the table.” Chan looked up and raised one eyebrow but then did what Minho said and helped them to carry the bowls into the living room. When he met Changbins glance he couldn't hold back a wide smile. Changbins ears were still beet red.
When they had carried everything from the kitchen into the living room, they sat down next to each other. Chan was pressed between Jisung and Felix but he didn't mind it. “I just wanted to say, I'm really happy we are here right now. Let's enjoy our time here and don't think about work for a moment.”
“Look who's talking.”
“Yes Hyung?”, answered Minho while making an innocent face but soon the right corner of his mouth went up.
“Can we start eating? I'm hungry”, whined Jisung right next to Chan, who let out a resigned sigh and nodded. Within a moment the whole table got silent and started to look towards Jeongin. Chan didn't remember when they started to let Jeongin take the first bite. Maybe had been since the beginning, he couldn't tell.
“Sometimes I wonder whether I have to eat first in case it's poisoned”, the youngest joked, getting some of the meat and leading it towards his mouth.
“Seungmin did the meat today so be careful”, Minho laughed. For a second Jeongin stopped and looked towards Seungmin, as if he was weighing whether to eat it or not. But when Seungmin rolled his eyes, Jeongin placed the meat into his mouth and started to eat.
“Finally!”, cried Jisung out and immediately started to dig into the food.
“So sweet”, heard Chan mutter Felix at the other side of him and could only agree.
They nearly ate for an hour, just talking and enjoying each other's presence. When they had finished eating, Chan and Hyunjin volunteered to do the dishes. So while the others already made themselves comfortable in the living room, Chan and Hyunjin started to do the dishes. Midway through the dishes Hyunjin started to play music. With a giggle Chan watched how Hyunjin was slowly dancing through the kitchen, the dish towel as his partner. When Hyunjin was in front of him again, he placed down the dish towel next to the sink and grabbed Hyunjin’s hands. Hyunjin smiled from ear to ear when they danced through the kitchen. When the song ended, Chan was pulled into a tight hug by Hyunjin. With a soft smile he returned it and placed a kiss on Hyunjin’s temple.
“Love you”, Hyunjin muttered as he pulled back.
“Love you too.”
With some delay, Chan and Hyunjin joined the others in the living room. While Hyunjin ran directly towards Felix and Changbin and pressed himself in the little space between them, Chan didn't really know where to sit down.
“Hyung”, Seungmin muttered and patted the empty space between him and Minho. Chan sat down between them and pulled the blanket that Minho had, also a bit over himself.
"My blanket", Minho whined and pulled the blanket back to him.
"Can I have a bit of the blanket too?"
"No." Chan turned towards Minho and looked at him with a big pout.
"I said…" Minho stopped himself mid sentence, rolled his eyes but then gave Chan a bit of the blanket.
"Thank you Minnie", said the oldest in a higher voice while trying to look extra cute.
"Whatever." With a satisfied smile Chan leaned back and watched Jeongin and Jisung play chess. He had never seen them play it before but they must have found it in one of the drawers. After a while he felt Minho's head on his shoulder. He leaned his head against the other's head and started to caress his thigh. He had missed such moments with Minho. They had become rarer since they had separated dorms. Honestly it happend with all four that lived in the other dorm. He definitely needed to go over more often when they were back home. Chan continued watching Jisung and Jeongin playing two more games till he could hold up his eyes anymore. Felix was already sleeping in Changbin's arms and when he looked to his right, he saw that Minho had fallen asleep as well.
"I will get Minho to his room and go to sleep too", muttered Chan and got slowly up from the sofa.
"There is one room left for you and Minho. It's the one at the end of the hallway on the first floor", Changbin explained, while stroking Felix's hair.
"Alright." Chan nodded and then took Minho into his arms. "Don't stay up much longer. Have some good rest. Love you."
"We love you too", Hyunjin answered for all of them. Slowly, to not wake Minho, Chan got up the stairs and walked towards their room. Somebody had placed his bag onto one side of the bed so he laid down Minho on the other side. He placed a quick kiss on Minho's forehead and was lucky the latter was fast asleep because otherwise he probably would have gotten some death stares. Or something even worse.
Luckily Minho had already been in his sleeping clothes and did his night routine so all he needed to do was to pull a blanket over the younger man.
Chan himself got out of his clothes and crawled under his blanket. Within minutes he had fallen asleep.
The next day came soon. Way too early for Chan taste even though it was already past eleven.
"Hyung wake up!" Slowly Chan turned around and whined. He didn't want to wake up yet.
"Hyung we have a problem!" Now Chan was a little bit more awake than before. He opened his eyes and saw Seungmin standing in front of the bed, still in his sleeping clothes.
"What is it?" He sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"We are snowed in."
"We are what?" Chan followed the voice that came from the door and saw Jisung standing there with big eyes. "What do you mean we are snowed in?" Seungmin and Chan exchanged a glance.
"When I walked down I saw that the snow was up to about two thirds of the windows."
"We are gonna die here", Jisung whimpered as he grabbed his hair.
"We will not, Jisung", mumbled Minho, who had just woken up.
"We will! The food will never last so long." Suddenly Jeongin and Felix appeared next to Jisung.
"We are snowed in", Jeongin stated, looking into the room and then towards Jisung. "Oh." He must have checked Jisungs current state. Softly Felix hugged Jisung from the side and together they walked into Chan's and Minho's room.
"We are not gonna die here. The village where our team sleeps is just eight kilometres away. It will not take them too long till they are here."
"You think so?", Jisung asked with a breathy voice.
"Sure. If you want I can call them now", Chan offered, already getting up.
"Hyung, how are you not cold just in boxers?", Jeongin whined.
"Minho kept me warm", Chan said with a wink. When he saw Seungmins look he started to laugh but then grabbed his phone and walked out of the room to call their manager. Right before he pressed the call button, Changbin and Hyunjin walked out of their rooms.
"Will you go to Minho's and my room?" With a confused look on their faces Changbin and Hyunjin nodded and went slowly towards the other bedroom.
Chan had tried to call their manager five times but he couldn't get through. He was a bit panicked to be honest but he just couldn't show it to Jisung. Chan took one last deep breath, put on a light smile and walked into the room. He nearly cooed when he saw his seven boys sitting on the bed, all wrapped up in Minho's and Chan's blankets. Jisung was the first to look up, he had been sitting between Minho's thighs.
"He said we should not be worried. It will probably take one or two days but we should have a good time", he lied and hoped everyone would buy it but the most important was Jisung. And it seemed like he believed Chan because he looked calmer now.
"Good…", he muttered. "Then let's… let's have a good time." Jisung jumped out of the bed. "Let's have breakfast."
"This man", sighed Changbin but already followed him. Together they followed Jisung and Changbin.
When Chan walked into the kitchen, Changbin was already making coffee for everybody while Jeongin filled the rice cooker and Jisung set the table.
"What do we want to do today? We can't go outside."
"We could watch some movies or dramas on my laptop", suggest Felix. "Oh I just downloaded some of the newest dramas and also some musicals." Felix looked so excited it was really cute.
"We could also use the fireplace. I have seen firewood in the basement", said Changbin with a soft smile.
And so that was what they did as soon as they had eaten their breakfast. While Felix arranged his laptop and Changbin took care of the fireplace the rest started to built a large pillow bed out of all pillows and matraces they could find.
"Hyung", Jisung muttered as everything was ready and the first started to make themselves comfortable. Chan looked up from his phone. "Can we cuddle?"
"Why so shy, hannie?", Chan giggled, sat down and opened his arms wide. Jisung nearly jumped into his arms and made himself comfortable.
"Everybody ready?" Chan looked around. Changbin and Seungmin laid together on the sofa while Minho laid in between Hyunjind legs with Jeongins head on his lap and Felix sitting in front of the laptop.
"I think you can start the movie." After Felix pressed start, he got back to his place between Chan and Jeongin.
They definitely needed to do such movie nights more often, thought Chan. Sure they had a few in the beginning of their career but he had forgotten how funny it can be when some of his boys commentate a scene or just make a joke. They watched movie after movie till it was dark outside again. In-between movies Minho got up and prepared ramen for everyone. With full tummies they watched on last movie, feeling warm and safe before they squeezed together so that everyone had space in the matraces.
"I want a kiss from Channie."
"Me too."
"I want one too, Hyung." With red ears Chan looked at his boyfriends and got up again. Hyunjin was first. Chan gave him a soft and short kiss on the lips.
"Love you", Hyunjin whispered afterwards, a soft smile on his lips. The next one was Jeongin. For a second Chan hesitated because Jeongin was usually quite reticent towards physical touch but when Jeongin opened his arms, Chan let himself fall into them and gave the youngest a peek on the lips and then on his forehead. When he turned to Changbin, it was the latter who gave him the kiss and not the other way around. Their kiss lasted a bit longer. With a low huff Chan drew back and patted Changbins stomach before he turned towards Minho. The younger man started to laugh, fell back into Jeongin's embrace and also gave Jeongin a soft kiss. Seungmin looked up to Chan with half opened eyes, he was already half asleep.
"Come here, Minnie", Chan whispered, gave him a soft kiss and then stroked through his hair. When Seungmin looked up to him, Chan nearly melted.
"I want to kiss you too, Minnie", said Hyunjin as he leaned over Jeongin and Changbin. Chan let go of Seungmin and crawled over to Jisung and Minho who were already charing soft kisses. For a moment Chan just watched the two kiss.
"Will you give Channie kisses too?", Chan asked in a higher voice and started to pout. Minho rolled his eyes but pulled Chan closer at his hoodie. And while Minho kissed Chan on the lips, Jisung started to place kisses on Chan's jawline. Chan let out a little whimper and drew back. "I think we need to stop here", breathed Chan against Minho's lips, which made Minho laugh lightly. Chan gave Jisung a short peek on the lips and turned to Felix, who had been watching him the whole time. Chan laid down next time Felix again, pulled him into his arms and connected their lips.
"Love you, Hyung", whispered Felix against his lips and snuggled his head into Chan's shoulder.
"I love you too. All of you", Chan replied with a smile. "Good night." And with that they all fell asleep quite quickly.
Chan had been lucky because even though he didn't talk to their manager he had been right. The next morning, rather early, their manager stood in front of their door.
"We did everything to get through you in the shortest time we could." Chan started to smile.
"It's alright. We had a good time."
You can find more of my stories under Stray Kids Masterlist
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velvettoothpaste · 2 years
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As a rule, I miss you.
long distance really is the shittiest thing and i can‘t do anything about it — but here‘s some pics from when i visited him in his new place across the country in october
(the books in his arms are all for meeeee)
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campingsilence · 1 year
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inanchfe · 1 year
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What an impressive architecture! I could have spend hours in the so-called Trink- und Wandelhalle in Bad Kissingen. Just to watch how the light changes from one moment to another. So fascinating!
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