apinchofrkmh · 10 months
Water Festival Break
So, it was Water Festival here in Cambodia and I took this opportunity to leave this country. Well, I always do when there's more than 3 days off!
This is my first time sleeping in KLIA 2 airport. I had a midnight layover at the airport and had to be a homeless woman, sleeping on the chair! What a great bag packer experience! It's surely not fun!
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I know I just came back from Malaysia last month and I made my way back again. This is because my beloved cg leader was getting married in a very beautiful place called Suffolk House. I don't really like attending weddings but this one, exceptional. Cause I have amazing friends to be with.
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Didn't take picture with the bride and groom. How sad! haha
We hang out after the wedding at MugShot and had a great time fellowshipping with one another
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Most of my time was spend with my family. Went to have meal in Harvest Inn and Four Season Desserts on the first day when I landed.
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However, last Sunday I had an unpleasant encounter with a contractor who had defrauded my auntie of her money. The contractor showed up at their house, inquiring about the state of the work done a few years back. As a general rule, it's best to avoid engaging with such individuals. However, my aunties, being overly kind, fell for the contractor's ploy and handed him RM350 for paint. He vanished without a trace after receiving the money. My auntie made numerous attempts to contact him, but he consistently offered excuses.
By the time I returned to Penang, three weeks had passed, and the contractor had yet to fulfill his commitments. He even resorted to blocking my auntie on WhatsApp. I reached out to him on Friday, employing a polite tone, and requested that he complete the job for which he had been paid.
He pledged to deliver the paint and the workers on Sunday morning at 8:30 AM. However, he failed to show up. At 9:30 AM, I called him again, maintaining a calm demeanor despite my simmering anger. He continued to provide the same lame excuse about sick workers. His evasiveness pushed me to my limits. I hadn't eaten breakfast and was feeling particularly irritable. I confronted him over the phone, demanding that he honor his commitment.
I persistently called him until I was certain he had picked up, reiterating my intention to settle this matter that very day. He assured me that he would deliver the paint by 1 PM. Initially, I was willing to accept the paint, but upon reflection, I decided to demand a refund instead. I insisted on a bank transfer to my account. Hesitantly, I provided my account number, fearing that he might exploit it for fraudulent purposes. However, after examining his text messages and communication style, I concluded that he lacked the sophistication of a cybercriminal.
Stuck waiting from 10am until 1pm, I was left fuming with frustration. His incessant stream of voice messages filled with excuses on my auntie's phone was unbearable, so I decided to switch off the data. Consumed by anger, I lashed out at my aunties, which I deeply regret. Seeking justice, I resolved to file a police report. Accompanied by my aunties, we headed to the police station and lodged a formal complaint.
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It didn't take long to do a police report. So I sat down and decided to threaten the scammer.
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While threatening him, I had to send voice message to him in the end as he said my English was too difficult for his level as he mentioned he only completed his education up till year 9. Not sure if I should pity him or laugh at him.
I was stern. Making sure he knows that I'm demanding enough. And he voice message me and said that it was unfortunate for him to meet up with me. And I replied him the same way. hahahaha
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He never fail to kept giving excuses. As usual, I turn off the data and didn't want to listen to his excuses. Then I pretended that I was driving to the police station and couldn't reply him.
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Right after the text: "I'm at the station already. Should I proceed?", I received RM350 in my account!
Boy! You don't know how happy I was. Jumping and shouting for joy!
I finally won the scammer! I was polite enough to thank him, bless him and then block him!
I was so relief and manage to have a proper meal with my parents at Gertak Sanggul. Not the best meal, but I was able to have my mind at rest.
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My dad sold my first car. My very first beloved Kelisa that I drove to high school, university and all over Penang. It was time to say goodbye.
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And before I head back, I must meet up with Ralphie. And he invited a lamp post with him. hahahaha!
I won't be seeing Ralphie until next year April. I think I'm going to miss him when I come back in December and February. Isokeh. Time past very fast.
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It's just a short trip of 3 days 2 nights. But it was so fulfilling and overwhelming at the same time.
Loving every moment spend in Penang with my loved ones.
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