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climbing-starrs · 1 year ago
BESTIE i started reading ur banana fish fanfic if it’s written like a fic and it’s so gOOD ANDBAKDNAK
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astrcthesiai-archived · 2 years ago
@whiskeysmultimuse || Send 🌷 for a soft starter. ((shoreiji))
While everyone else was out, Shorter had been put on Eiji-sitting duty. Eiji sat next to Shorter on the sofa while they had tea served by the housekeeper. They had finally made it to the address where Banana Fish was supposedly made in California but had run into Yue.
Was it Yue-long or Yue-lung? Eiji was not sure about the young man, but he let them stay at home. According to Shorter, Californians usually would let a new person/new friend stay with them. It was considered good hospitality. Eiji found the tradition odd, but no one hesitated when they were allowed guest rooms. The old housekeeper was very nice, and Yue-long seemed okay, but he was sure everyone else was on their toes.
There was a lull in activity, and Shorter seemed very tired, so Eiji smiled. He reached up to his shoulder and patted it. "You can rest here if you want," he said. He scooted closer to Shorter.
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whiskeysmulti · 9 months ago
30 Days Of Pride- Day 15!
Favorite LGBTQIA Ship!
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.Whiskey. I can't really just pick one, there's a lot.
8059, 1859, 5927, 100+1, 48+1, 0027, 9586, DA, Gratsu, Luvia, RukiHime, IshiIchi, RenIchi, HarriNel, SasuNaru, SakuHina, SakuTem, InoSaku, KisaIta, SasoIta, SasoDei, Carmen x Shane (The L Word), AshEiji, ShorAsh, ShorEiji, ShorAshEiji, Shin x Toma just to name a few.
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kybelles · 11 months ago
Hello, can I ask from this ask game :
For fandom: Banana Fish, Captive Prince, AFTG, and Fruits Basket.
Thanks 🌻
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hi doll! 💖 this was honestly sooo fun 😍
fruits basket
Favorite Character: i genuinely can’t choose between tohru kyo and yuki i’m so sorry!! 🥹
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: i’m a kyoru girl to the end so i’ll go with true form arc!! when kyo called by her name for the first time… let’s just say lives were changed
i also love the ep about baby yuki sm!! the reveal about him being tohru’s savior 🥹🥹 BABY YUKI I WILL AVANGE YOU!
Character I Think is Underrated: momiji 🥺 his backstory makes me wanna kms everytime i think about it and in another life he and tohru were meant to be together 💔
Character I Think is Overrated: hatori 🧍‍♂️ name one useful thing he has done… quickly…
Favorite Ship/Pairing: KYORU 🧡🩷 but i also have a soft spot for yukimachi and yukeru
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: that pretty much every character has an interesting arc! i really love ensemble stories that doesn’t forget about its main characters (cough given cough) and i think furuba had a nice balance about it 🙏
banana fish
Favorite Character: again i can’t choose between ash and eiji i’m sorry 😭
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: asheiji’s domestic life in the condo will always have me in a chokehold… also forever holding a grudge to the anime for erasing eiji’s forever but that part also lives rent free in my mind 🥲
Character I Think is Underrated: SING!! i believe so much mess could be avoided if everyone just listened to sing 🫠
Character I Think is Overrated: blanca 😒 another useless af man who generously told ash to go back to his abuser… DIE!!!
Favorite Ship/Pairing: asheiji till i die 😗 i like unrequited eiji ships too! unrequited shoreiji, singeiji, yueiji… *chefs kiss*
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: honestly i don’t think i can put it into thewords! there’s a reason why banana fish was so influential for so many gay stories that came after it and even though i’m forever bitter about the ending i’ll never not be in awe of yoshida for creating such a beautiful love story
captive prince
Favorite Character: DAMIANOS OF AKIELOS 👑
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: ik this isn’t a very original answer but nesson-eloy will always have my heart! the flirting, the banter, the closeness… simply delicious
Character I Think is Underrated: jokaste ☹️ so many takes about her makes you realize misogyny is well and alive 😍
Character I Think is Overrated: KASTOR 😩 how i wish people would give 10% of the courtesy they show for him to jokaste… what has this balding murderous manbaby ever done to deserve your sympathy people 🧍‍♂️ he’s literally a mirror or regent and yet so many people are ready to believe he was mistreated by theomedes when the canon evidence shows the exact opposite of this claim… ok
Favorite Ship/Pairing: lamen 🫶🏼 but i love me some damenik, damenjo and damenerasmus from time to time 🙈
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: mutual obsession so strong that one of you willingly fucks his brother’s killer and one of you willingly fucks the guy who tortured him… who is doing it like them?
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evancheatz · 3 years ago
Shorter's little crush 🌝
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deimosatellite · 3 years ago
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yikesthesebikes · 3 years ago
Prompt: it's the first time Ash gave his (Shorter's) bike to Eiji because he was begging to drive it just once. Ash sitting behind with eyes wide and clutching Eiji for his dear life because he's driving it so *fast*. Bonus points if you somehow involve Shorter. (I'm sorry I couldn't think of a good one. And don't worry about the exams, it'll get better ❤️) (oh, and you totally choose to not write it)
This is something short I wrote along time ago. I hope it is okay.
“This is a terrible idea- yeah no, get off-” 
“This is a great idea.” Eiji and Shorter speak at the same time. Eiji’s face scrunches in concentration, tongue poking out. Shorter has his stupid grin, and Ash immediately knows that he is enjoying his fretting. Ash had tried, alright? But how could he win against them both?
“Eiji, you don’t even know how to ride-” Ash said, trying to coax him off of the bike,
“Nonsense! I taught him the ropes. How will he truly learn if he doesn’t try?” Shorter puts a helmet onto Eiji’s head, “Oh, it fits.” Shorter takes out another helmet and puts it in Ash’s hands. Eiji lifts the face shield and grins,
“Ash, you can coach me. Get behind me! Let me drive you into the setting sun!” Eiji jumps up, scooching up to make room on the bike,
“ How romantic! Get behind him, Ash!” Shorter shoves Ash towards the bike, and Ash kicks him in the ass,
“You disgust me” Ash glares at Shorter and walks away,
“You love it!” Shorter shouts after him. Ash ignores him,
“And it’s noon Eiji. Or did you not learn how to tell time yet?” Ash puts on the helmet,
“I can tell time perfectly fine!” Eiji skwoks, flipping the shield down on his helmet,
“Stay safe my loves!” Shorter shouts. Ash flips Shorter off as he blows kisses. Ash gets behind Eiji on the bike, hesitating before settling his hands on Eiji’s waist,
“Don’t kill us, ok?” Ash feels the rumble- hearing the engine start,
“Do not worry. I kinda know what I am doing,” Eiji kicks a foot off as they move,
“KindaaAAAAAAHHHHHH!??” Ash clutches onto Eiji as they speed off onto the road, “Eiji! You definitely don’t know what you’re doing!” Ash screams as Eiji maneuvers them through traffic. Eiji just laughs manically, “Eiji! Slow down!”
“I! Have! The! Need! For! Speed!” EIji yells, and they jump over a speed bump. Ash can feel his heart beating out of his chest. He always knew he would go out for Eiji, but like this??? As Ash thought it couldn’t get worse, he hears the police sirens chasing after them. 
“Hang on!” Eiji responds, and Ash holds on for dear, sweet, life! Ash has his eyes closed, feeling the drop in his stomach as Eiji catches air.
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mochispresso · 3 years ago
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Help girl, I’m drowning
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wongwh0re · 3 years ago
more incorrect quotes bc i can >:)
*Ash is casually searching around the room*
Shorter: Hey Ash, what’re you looking for?
Ash: My will to live.
*Eiji walks into the room*
Ash: Oh, there it is.
Eiji: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one.
Shorter: Erm... it’s nice see your smile when you win!
Eiji: He's probably just staring at my ass, isn't he.
Ash: Yeah, probably.
Eiji: But what about Shorter?
Ash: Don't worry about him.
Ash: I once watched him fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their hotdog like nothing happened.
Eiji: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it?
Shorter: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?”
Ash, scoffing: Oh, please.
Shorter, to Ash: Hey, how you doin’?
Ash: *giggles and blushes*
Ash: Eiji’s gonna kill me.
Shorter: No, he'll probably make me do it.
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riverlili · 4 years ago
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Shorter and Eiji as their stage actors(Yusaku Kawasaki, Okamiya Kurumu) 💛
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catching-bananas · 3 years ago
Shoreiji Imagines bc I'm ✨bored✨
Shorter bought Eiji a bunch of magazines to help him with English, but Eiji thought they were suggestive and made Shorter apologize to Ibe for attacking his innocence.
That innocence is complete crap bc once Shorter was chilling on the couch when Eiji walked up to him, knelt down, spread his knees open and asked "Where the hell did I put my pen?" resulting in Shorter kicking him in the head.
It took Skipper calling Shorter out after the man muttered about how good Eiji smelled for Shorter to realize how gay he was for Eiji.
Their dates consist of buying a bunch of American food and rating them from Oprah Winfrey to Kim Kardashian.
Shorter doesn't own a single hoodie. They are Eiji's and Shorter gets to borrow them. Unfortunately for Eiji, all the hoodies either say "Sex" or "Hoe" or something of the like.
They get highly competitive at the gym, but Shorter quickly learned that Eiji is built, stacked, and swole and his cute nerdy style is a detour from a real monster.
Eiji pretends that he's okay with only eating an apple because he doesn't want to bother with cooking sometimes, but that just causes Shorter to pull on his "Sexy Daddy" apron and cook a meal that reminds Eiji of home.
Speaking of home, they live in an apartment Ash bought for them. Although they were apposed, Ash said "Too late, make good use of it" and dropped the key in Eiji's hands.
Eiji's little sister nearly talked Shorter into taking her to a tattoo parlor to get matching tattoos. Eiji found out as they drove off, resulting in frantic transit rides and one very angry lecture.
Shorter likes taking Eiji on motorcycle rides because Eiji hugged him tightly from behind in fear and he likes the closeness.
Eiji likes Shorter After Work™ because Shorter gets really cuddly when sleepy.
Shorter sits in Eiji's lap.
Shorter is little spoon.
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astrcthesiai-archived · 2 years ago
send  🌷  for  a  soft  starter . (shoreiji from my inbox call)
Send _ for a __ starter.
Post: Here
It's a little shorter than I wanted it to be, but here. I didn't have a tag for Shorter x Eiji, so I made one. . u .
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iceywrites · 4 years ago
Shorter: so Ash's birthday is coming up. What do we do?
Eiji: first, we get him banned from all libraries on earth. Can't take any risks.
Shorter: true, true. Okay. Then, what if we get him some cheap wine, the kind he just won't be able to recognise the origin of just by the taste.
Eiji, laughing: yes! And for our cat boy, what if we...get him a dog.
Shorter, cackling: oh my god, yes! We'll get an entire family.
Eiji: AND AND what if we get him to wear the birthday hat for the entire day!
Shorter: But how are we going to convince him?
Eiji: I'll just pout. No one can resist my pout. Especially not Ash.
Shorter: Eiji, you evil hoe, I love it! I'm going to pull the rubber string at least twice.
Eiji: sure, we'll hide all the knives. What next?
Shorter: PUMPKINS!
Eiji: shit, how could I forget? So we get a cake in the shape of a pumpkin?
Shorter: better yet. We make a normal cake but make it pumpkin flavoured.
Eiji, hitting his thigh out of excitement: OH MY GOD, YES! Wait, natto!
Shorter: yes yes! What do we do with natto?
Eiji: what if we grind it and make it really thin and make a salad dressing out of it? And then we pour it on his shrimp and avacado salad.
Shorter, laughing: he's going to hate us!
Eiji, leaning in: and do you know what is the best part?
Shorter, leaning in: what?
Eiji: we'll wake him up at the ass crack of dawn and then we'll drag him to exercise with us.
Shorter: Eiji, you beast! Yes. Yes to all of that-
Ash who was eavesdropping the whole conversation: *barging in the room* ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!?!?
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frogst00l · 3 years ago
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Shorter Wong week day 1: sharing a bed
Because I always need more ShorEiji being SOFT
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forever-lynx · 4 years ago
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the way shorter takes eiji into his arms in mid-air......
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the-odd-genderfluids-blog · 3 years ago
AshEiji hanahaki but Eiji gets it and Ash is dead and they both die.....but there's an afterlife aspect to it with shorasheiji
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