#Shoei Barou x reader
dangopango00 · 2 months
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What does he do when he wants some attention?
BLLK x S/O!GN Reader
Characters: Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, Kunigami (Pre&Post WC), Gagamaru, Rin, Nanase, Sae, Shidou, Barou, Sendou, Nagi, Reo, Oliver, Otoya, Karasu, Yukimiya, Hiori, Kurona, Zantetsu, Raichi, Aryu, Kiyora, Kaiser, Ness (In that order)
CW: Suggestive as hell in Aiku & Otoya’s parts, A little angsty in Shidou, Reo & Ness parts
A/N: Idk all of them toooooo well but they’re all interesting to me so I’d like to try also I excluded some people who are irrelevant in my mindscape (i'm so sorry) (Nagi is honestly lucky to be here with the flopism he has been displaying smh) Gagamaru my goat ntm on him also added Zantetsu in honor of him finally getting his cover art
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Yoichi Isagi
I think if he’s craving attention he’d probably be a bit hesitant because it's embarrassing for him to ask (since he likes a lot of attention so he’d be asking all day LOL). In order to save himself the embarrassment he’ll usually just hold your hand and give you a serious look– if he can muster that (sometimes if he’s feeling shy he’ll just put his hand on yours while looking away). Well when he does look at you he thinks he’s giving you a serious look but surely all you see is him giving you puppy eyes.
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Meguru Bachira
Oh if he’s craving attention YOU WILL KNOW. He’d probably cling to you as if you were a missing part of his body he was trying to reconnect. He’ll hug your arm or pepper you in kisses and he’ll seem way happier than usual because he’s just so glad to be around you. He’s a bit ridonkulous he might even jump on you, making you both collapse to the floor, or if you’re in a place with a hard floor he’ll instead pull you towards him and squeeze you like a giant teddy bear.
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Hyoma Chigiri
He’s a bit tricky honestly. He has a good amount of pride so he doesn’t like to seem too clingy but that doesn’t mean he’ll back down if he feels like he’s being neglected. If he wants attention he’ll try to make you the one who’s embarrassed and craving attention by flirting subtly though incessantly. He’ll wrap his arm around you and lightly ghost his thumb over your skin or even ‘innocently’ kiss your jawline and then just as quickly as he started, he’ll stop and go back to whatever he was doing before so you’re the one asking for attention from him now.
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Rensuke Kunigami (PRE Wild Card)
Honestly? Upstanding young man ass dude he’ll probably just start giving you attention until you reciprocate. He’s stubborn too so you know he won’t stop until you give in unless you’re seriously not in the mood for whatever reason. He’ll sneak up behind you and hug you and start kissing up your neck; eventually turn your head so he can kiss you on the lips if you’re willing to indulge him. The kind of guy who’d just lay up in your arms and gently lay you down with him after a long day.
Rensuke Kunigami (POST WC)
Ok I know he SEEMS insanely different but tbh I don’t think he’d change all that much. He’s probably a little bit more socially awkward because for a while all he’s done is train with little social interaction. When he wants attention, I think he’d likely use the same tactic but in a different way. He’d probably nip your neck or shoulder (not painfully; he is trying to be playful) and when it gets your attention, he’d start to pepper you in kisses or lay his head down on your shoulder if it's been a long day.
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Gin Gagamaru
I don’t have a great grasp on this guy (despite being one of my goats 🥹) but I think he’d probably have like mannerisms for it like pointing at where he wants to be kissed and kisses you back when you oblige him. He also seems like the kind of guy who’d bring you something from his journeys in the wilderness as like a homemade gift and hopes you’ll give him the attention he seeks in return (you can definitely tell because he just stares at you as you open the gift, hoping you like it and then continues to stare expectantly when you do like it)
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Rin Itoshi
Imo if Rin decided to get into a relationship with someone he’d dedicate himself to them just as he does soccer because he wouldn’t want them to be hurt the way he was hurt (someone you love acting coldly towards you) but he doesn’t really know how without cringing. SO his way of asking for attention would be somewhat sweet although awkward. I think he would likely try to do some semi romantic gesture like laying his head on your shoulder/in your lap (although he’s pretty tense) or just making general contact like touching knees or brushing fingers together and will absolutely WHIP his head away if you look at him.
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Nijiro Nanase
Nanase is just a guy; another upstanding young man. I think he would probably flatter you if he wanted attention. He’ll probably start talking about the things he likes about you and how much he loves you, giving you a kiss on the cheek along with his praise as well. He is very aware of the fact that you think he’s the cutest thing to hit planet Earth and he will use it to his advantage!! Of course, he means what he says but if saying it out loud will get him covered in kisses he’ll say as much as you want because he’s never gonna run out of things to say.
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Sae Itoshi
This guy… Is a real piece of work but, like his brother, I think if he’s willing to get into a relationship then that means he's willing to put in the effort but doesn’t know how, although he respects you a ton. If he’s craving attention I don’t think he’ll even realize it; he’ll just get really irritated when you aren’t around and when you are around he’ll stare you down so hard he could burn a hole through you but the fact that he doesn’t even look angry is what tips you off to what he wants. The look in his eyes isn’t insanely soft but it's not a hard stare either, he looks like he's daydreaming or zoning out tbh.
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Ryusei Shidou
If Sae is a piece of work this dude is a whole project. It’s easy to say he’s like Bachira, which he is during the day, but I think it’d be more interesting to talk about him during the night. When the day comes to an end he said he “becomes nothing” so I think it would be the number one time where he craves attention and validation that he exists and you’re really there. It’s a somewhat vulnerable time for him but he plays it off like he’s just his usual clingy self and probably places himself in front of you at any opportunity. Looking down? He’ll lay on your lap. Facing forward? Well here he is in front of you. And by the time it’s finally time for bed he's completely wrapped his body around yours.
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Shoei Barou
It’s kind of hard to imagine how he’d show affection in a relationship buttt I think similar to Kunigami, I think he would just give you attention until you give in. However, I think Barou is probably a bit more aggressive about it and he’d probably go up to you and kiss you, then pull away just enough to await your next move. If you take too long to decide though he’ll start kissing around your face: on your nose, your forehead, etc. He’s pretty bold but he is a tiny bit embarrassed/hesitant when it comes to feeling ‘soft’ with you so he’ll kiss you to distract himself from it.
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Shuto Sendou
This guy is peak loserboy activity whew he is a huge sucker for being spoiled so he wants attention OFTEN. I think he probably just stands really close to you and complains about how his day was soooooo horrible and how he worked so hard but if being standoffish isn’t working he holds onto your waist for dear life or plops himself on your lap and hugs you, waiting for attention when he gets desperate. If he’s super desperate he’ll start kissing around your neck and complain even more. He even starts to say how betrayed he feels at how easily you’re ignoring his woes.
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Seishiro Nagi
He’s pretty efficient in the way he shows he wants attention. Since he’s the spoiled type he’ll usually try to get your attention the normal way first: acting cute and laying his head on your shoulder or on your lap while he plays his game (he is expecting you to play with his hair) but if you don’t he’ll honestly be confused at first because he’s usually given whatever he wants. At first he’ll try to put your hand on his head but if you keep taking it away he’ll make you lay down with him and literally try to immobilize you by putting all his weight on your body; will even pretend to be asleep if you protest.
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Reo Mikage
He’s a lot bit codependent so if he’s feeling neglected he’ll do everything he can to get your attention. He’ll usually shower you in gifts and/or take you on a romantic date. He’ll plan out a whole ass day of pampering just because he wants some attention. Please remind him he doesn’t need to do. All that. Because he often feels a bit useless if he doesn’t have time to do that. Not only does he feel useless but he’s somehow convinced himself subconsciously that he doesn’t really deserve your attention if he hasn’t done anything for you.
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Oliver Aiku
If he wants attention from you, he’ll give you an insane amount of attention. Unlike Kunigami and Barou, he’s very forward and will text you, showering you with sweet words while he’s on his way to yours and when he gets there, he’s practically already all over you. He’s going on about how much he loves you and how he missed you so much all while kissing you wherever he can reach you. Tbh if he's craving attention, he probably just wants to have sex since he’s not a very clingy guy so he's probably already backing you into a wall and trying to undress you.
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Eita Otoya
Honestly his appeal to others is usually him being the “cold but caring” type so, like Aiku, he’d probably text you before getting to yours but it’d be even more bare bones like, “i miss you” or “can I see u” even if he DOES genuinely like you he doesn’t really think deeply about his feelings and impulsively texts you when he wants attention. Unlike Aiku, he is a clingy guy and if he’s really desperate for attention he’ll still escalate it to sex if he can; just slower. Probably wants to lay his face in your chest or lap and makeout.
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Tabito Karasu
Oh this smartass. He’s probably similar to Hyoma in the fact that he makes sure it's you who wants his attention by pampering you one minute and acting like nothing happened the next. However he does tend to like smart people so if you’re smart enough to see through his hot-and-cold act he’ll eventually hold you and hide his face in your chest, admitting defeat but he’d still be smiling because either way he wins. He’s already got you and he won't let go until you fill the quota of kisses you owe him.
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Kenyu Yukimiya
He’s the type to feel a bit embarrassed about wanting attention at first but will be more forward if you don’t pick up on his subtle hints. His hints include sneaking glances at you or holding your hand whenever he gets the opportunity. He’s honestly pretty charismatic so I think that when being more forward he would probably kiss your hand and help you with anything you may need to get done or finish anything he may need to do so that you can completely focus on each other when there’s nothing left.
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Yo Hiori
Honestly craving attention is a somewhat rare occurrence for him so it's a bit embarrassing, especially since you two are used to kinda doing your own thing. Probably gives you little ‘hints’ like starting off by asking if you want to play a game with him as an excuse to get you close to him. Another hint would likely be him invading your bubble whether it be by scooting close to you or hooking his leg over yours a bit or whatever it may be. If you still aren’t getting it he probably says something that tips you off while looking directly at you or glancing at you like, “Do you mind me being clingy?” or something along those lines.
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Ranze Kurona
He’s such a sweetie he probably braids your hair if it's long enough (if it’s short he’ll still try a root braid if you want but he’s not very good at it). If not he’ll usually get you both stickers to mess around with, putting some on your face, others on various items and sometimes you put them in random hidden places as a nice surprise when you find them again. Typically this is enough to get the attention he’s looking for, but if you’re teasing him or simply forgot, he’ll lightly nip your shoulder or lightly graze his teeth over your shoulder (Since you two got together you have definitely encouraged him to be comfortable with his teeth around you)
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Zantetsu Tsurugi
This guy often tries to be something he’s not so he’d probably try to do a bunch of romantic gestures that aren’t his style. Knowing him he’d probably put together some poems. They aren’t very good but it IS very sweet and he’d keep doing this for a while until the poems start to sound the same and he starts to get frustrated. He’d try learning an instrument, impressing you with his knowledge on a subject you like etc. until eventually he would just force himself to suck it up and ask you for attention outright and just straight up admit how much you mean to him because all these other things are draining and they aren’t him.
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Jingo Raichi
He’s another guy who finds it a bit embarrassing to be ‘soft’ so when craving attention he’ll often ‘starve’ himself of it. Usually you’re the one who has to give him attention but if you haven’t for whatever reason then he’ll be angrier than usual that day with his teammates. He’ll probably give up by the time he gets home and just crashes into you grumbling about how his day has been SO unsexy. Probably won’t let you go until he falls asleep tbh and even then he still has a pretty good grip on you.
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Jyubei Aryu
When he wants attention Aryu would probably start flaunting his beauty, pushing his hair back, striking poses, modeling clothes for you, whatever stylish thing he can think of– he will do it and then glance over at you to make sure you were paying attention. If that doesn’t work then he’d have you do some stylish things like he might have you try on some clothes he bought you or ask you to style his hair because he is “lacking inspiration” (He actually just knows you like playing with his hair smh)
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Jin Kiyora
This dude is a freak, it's a lot bit funny. When he wants attention he probably asks you to watch a movie with him (You’re already suspicious that he didn’t put on Fight Club for the umpteenth time or another action movie). He honestly put it on as background noise and thought it looked boring so he’d probably just tell you to lay down with him and lightly kiss you until you get the picture (Spoil him). Can and WILL turn the movie off and hide the remote if you neglect him smh (He will not enjoy the returned energy next time he wants to watch fight club so for both of your sakes just give him some kisses).
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Michael Kaiser
Complicated individual, rightfully so. If he wants attention he’d simply demand it. Bye. He would likely just pull you towards him without any further commentary, he might even look a bit annoyed. If you didn’t know him you’d think he was in a bad mood and upset with you but you know how he gets. However, he’s more clear when it’s been a long day and he’s feeling a bit beat down or unsure of himself. He’d just shove his face into your back or your midsection and let you play with his hair as he conks theee fuck out.
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Alexis Ness
Another complicated individual whew. What is up with these codependent purple dudes who found the worst possible person to depend on? Ness has yet to find a relationship where he is properly loved and not essentially abandoned so if he feels like you’re slipping away he’ll panic and do everything in his power to convince you to keep him around. He needs a lot of reassurance tbh and spends a lot of his time in your arms. When he’s craving attention he’ll usually just be sulking around all day like a sad wet cat. Every now and again he turns to look at you wistfully and walks past very slowly like that damn homeless ant. Show him some love he needs it now more than ever ayayayay.
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sphireath-wisp · 1 year
#One, Two, Three, Kiss!
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Sypnosis: You get put on a kiss cam with another person while watching their game live. How do they react?
Part 1: Yoichi Isagi, Micheal Kaiser, Chigiri Hyoma, Mikage Reo
Warnings: Jealousy, not proofread, the reader goes on the kiss cam with both girls and guys, short, cursing, a little suggestive depending on how dirty your mind is
Featuring: Shoei Barou (@randomnumber20, @ariachaos), Ryusei Shidou, Sae Itoshi, Rin Itoshix GN! reader
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Shoei Barou
You shifted closer to your armrest, away from the guy next to you to highlight your reluctance. It felt more than just sickening - the cheers from the audience to go through with it, the shockwaves sent through your body when you felt a hand caress your forearm. You wished it was anyone other than the guy in the kiss cam with you, his touch disgustingly gentle.
Your feeling didn't last long though as you noticed the guy's grip on you loosen significantly, his fingers trembling against your skin. It felt like there was a sudden chill all of sudden. He gulped, eyes locked onto whatever or whoever was behind you, towering over the both of you.
"Babe!" You cheer with a smile, your shoulders dropping and a sigh of relief escaping you. Barou's glare melted away at the sight of you, placing a reassuring pat on your shoulder - though, it didn't take a genius to sense the anger seething out of him. "I'll win the game for you later, go grab some snacks for yourself first, I'll pay."
You felt Barou place a cap on your head, pushing the peak of the cap down so you wouldn't be able to see the horrific scene in front of you. You could hear a yelp and, from the corner of your eye, you spotted blood. For a moment, you felt pity for the guy, but that quickly dissipated.
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Ryusei Shidou
Being in a relationship with Shidou was like adopting a clingy, violent, rabid dog from the street. Did you love him? Absolutely, without a doubt. Did you question why you loved him every moment of the day? Hell fucking yeah. Every time he scored, he would stare in your direction and give you the biggest shit-eating grin ever. Having front-row seats only made it easier to hear him ramble and boast. Though, it did make you feel content to see him so motivated.
Oh boy, did that all change when the realization dawned on you - you were on a kiss cam with the person next to you. The gaudy effects and filters on the screen, the hearts littered across the panel of you and that poor person, you could feel a migraine kicking in as you imagined the scene Shidou would stir up.
A hand wrapped around your waist, yanking you away from the person. "Shidou, don't do anything stupid." You attempted to bring him back to his (nonexistent) senses, though it was in vain. He was already cracking his knuckles, a hand holding the collar of their shirt and his other hand balled into a fist.
Desperate times call for desperate measures - you try to reassure yourself as you pinch his earlobe and pull him close to you. You lower your voice to a whisper, a little flustered as you part your lips. "Score 10 more goals and win the match, then I'll spend the night with you."
Without a single atom of hesitation in his body, he let go of the person's collar - practically forgetting about their existence. Shidou's hands are on your waist, pressing kisses all over your face, his giggling paired with a dopey smile. "10 more goals and I'll have the best night of my life? You've got yourself a deal."
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Sae Itoshi
This man is completely absorbed in his match, he couldn't care less or so he believed. However, that unpleasant, irked expression on his face when he saw you on the screen with another girl said otherwise. He could control himself, of course, hands tucked comfortably into his pocket to hide his clenched fists, fingernails digging into the flesh of his palm, eyes lingering on the screen for a bit too long.
You make eye contact with the girl next to you and he notices it, his jaw clenching and his body tensing up. You talk to her for a moment shaking your head firmly right after. "I have a boyfriend."
His lips part and his shoulders drop, chin dipping down. The camera pans elsewhere and he scans the audience to find you, fishing his phone out from his pocket. You feel your phone buzz in your hand, instinctively checking it to see Sae message you.
"Don't scare me like that again."
He could see his favorite, oh-so-charming grin on your face, as you rested your chin on your palm. As your fingers gently tap against your phone screen, his gaze alternates between you and his phone screen. "Yessir <3"
He chuckles softly. "I'll treat you to something special after the game, be ready"
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Rin Itoshi
He clicked his tongue when he saw you on the screen. Rin was already pissed with how the match was going, but seeing you on that idiotic kiss cam - not to mention, during the break from the match -only soured his rotten mood even more. His eyes narrow, the already secure grip he had on his phone hardening.
"Switch seats" You glanced at your phone, reading the message Rin sent. "Make sure that idiot doesn't try anything."
You smirk. The camera must have caught it because Rin immediately replied back, "What's with that smile?" Your hands lay on the armrests of your chair. Instead of moving like you were advised - no, instructed to, you melt deeper into the chair, really getting yourself comfortable.
"What are you trying?" He texts with one hand and the both of you hear the emcee announce that the game is starting where it originally left off.
You noticed his game has been a little off and while you weren't sure if it was nerves or the fact that you were watching, you wanted to provide your beloved boyfriend a boost of motivation. Crossing your legs, you text Rin after skimming through the messages he spammed you. "If you don't want this guy to try anything, you better wrap this match up quickly, good luck Rinrin <3"
Tucking your phone away, you stare as Rin dashes out first. He shoots you a glare paired with a smirk and an incredulous scoff. You check your phone for one last time to prepare yourself for an exhilarating match, humming to yourself as you notice a new message from Rin.
"You better keep your eyes on me, during the match and tonight as well"
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megu-nya · 1 year
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★ ¦ ft: shoei barou
★ ¦ tw: nsfw :: fem!reader :: virgin!reader :: loss of virginity :: size kink :: belly buldge
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"Look at you. Atta girl", he groaned as he slid his dick in between your wet and tight walls. He knew it was your first time and he even more knew that he wasn't on the smaller or thinner side, quite the opposite, so he gave you all the time you needed to get comfortable with him being inside of you. But god, it did take all of his self control he had to not start pouncing you in this exact moment.
Shoei looked down at you, seeing your face contort in a mix of pain and pleasure as he begins to slowly but surely starting to move his hips, his thick and veiny shaft dragging along yoir plush, velvety walls, hugging him tightly with every twitch of them, making him almost lose his mind.
"God, fuck", he groans breathily, eventually increasing his pace, watching as your pupils practically take on a heart shape from the way his bulbous head was hitting your g spot over and over again.
The way you looked so small compared to him, your hands being half his size as he grabbed them and the outline of his dick on your lower stomach drove him crazy, making the last bit of sanity he had in himself disappear.
He mumbled a sorry before flipping you onto your stomach, manhandling you with the enormous strength he had as if you weighed nothing, drilling his cock into your tight pussy once again, making you moan out so sinfully, a sound he has never heard from you before. His tall and broad figure loomed over the small of your back, his big hands grabbing onto your waist, his hips snapping into yours at an animalistic speed. All the self composure he had was now completely gone.
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2023 © megu-nya — all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, translate, modify or plagiarize in any form.
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rintoshis-archived · 10 months
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fav!character who loves seeing his frame devour you. the way his clothes just swallow you whole, your thighs barely visible. he thinks it's fucking adorable. you tried his pants before but wore his boxers instead. that sight alone drove him mad.
the times where you had to physically climb him in order to get something off a shelf or on the top of the cabinet, he loves it. instead of volunteering to get it for you, he knew you were too prideful to let him do all of the work. your hands grabbing onto his large biceps and toned back, his thin shirt giving you a glimpse of his nipples.
the little things where you still choose to sit on his lap other than any chair available, where he gets to wrap his big arms around you, completely engulfing you.
or when he's wearing a hoodie a little too big for him, (which was huge for you) you like to crawl underneath it, feeling his mellow skin warm you up more than any hoodie or sweater can. he loves it, trust me, he fucking loves it.
he loves helping you out. he isn't sure if his love language is acts of service, or he just loves the way his name rolls off your tongue, cause he's the first one you shout out for when you need help. he's always one call away. ''___'' ''___?'' ''___!'' and he's sprinting to where you are.
whenever he sees you doing something, if it's painting your nails, doing your hair, drawing, brushing your teeth in the morning with messy bed hair, he just loves seeing you in your element.
it might be weird, but he just feels so much better when he sees traces of you everywhere in your home. your toothbrush beside his, a plushie sat on your bed together, your small shoes beside his, your things on your side of the sink, and his things on his side of the sink, your towels being two different colors, he just loves it.
it might be corny, but he just loves you... being there. you two could be doing nothing and could still sit there for hours. one look from you and he folds immediately.
he's fucking whipped.
and other of your favorite characters !
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camryn-haitani · 8 months
BlueLock boys getting jealous
Shoei Barou, Jingo Raichi, Sae and Rin Itoshi (separate) x reader
TW: cursing
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kingkunigami · 1 year
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The thing I love about this blog the most is I’m just writing all my pathetic little self-indulgent thoughts down on paper with absolutely no shame.
Barou makes you clean his cock after he fucks you.
Pairing: Shouhei Barou x f!reader.
Warnings: 18+, not proof-read (as always), semi-public sex, messy blow jobs, hand jobs, mention of licking his taint, mention of Oliver being a perv, cum swallowing, throatpie.
Word Count: 1.3k.
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Barou’s strong hands wrap around your throat as his fingers frame your jaw, the calloused pad of his thumb brushes along your bruise kissed lips as he ventures inside. Your lips part obediently as he presses down on the pad of your tongue, his still-hard cock twitches at the way you immediately lap at him. The glassy eyes staring up at him are almost enough to send him toppling over the edge, the delicious whine that vibrates from the back of your throat almost the nail in his coffin as your spit begins to dribble down your chin.
You can hear the rambunctious shouts coming from the other side of the door, the locker room full of his team mates as they contemplate their next moves during half time. Aiku had managed to score the first goal of the match, which meant his team were currently in the lead. “Don’t you want to be with the man of the match instead, babe?” Aiku had winked at you as you followed Barou into the shower room, ignoring Barou’s growl for him to “Shut the fuck up, Aiku.”
The entire exchange was something that would have embarrassed you the first time you’d done it, but now his team were used to you slipping inside to help calm the striker down whenever he’d missed a goal.
There was rarely any time for prep in these moments. Barou’s cock hard and thick as your walls stretched to accommodate his girth, starting a ferocious pace as the sound of skin against skin echoed in the tiled room. But you were more than happy for Barou to take all his frustrations out on you, secretly happy that Aiku had managed to steal the ball to score the first goal of the match. Something you knew would make this situation far more satisfying as your boyfriend worked you towards your climax.
You whined when Barou pulled his cock from your pulsing cunt, white spots blanking your vision from the intense climax that had just rolled through you with little effort.
“You’re such a mess, sweetheart.” He rasps, glancing between your bodies at the glossy sheen coating his cock. Creamy white rings circle the base and matt his trimmed pubic hair, dripping down to his heavy balls, “Barely even touched you this time.”
“It’s not my fault,” You slur around his thumb, a whiny lilt to your tone as you feel the heat rise to your cheeks when you notice just how much of a mess you made.
Barou pulls his thumb from your mouth, dragging your bottom lip downwards as it flicks back into place.
“You want me to go out there like this, huh?” He growls, motioning to the locker room that’s meters away as he tilts your jaw, “Let them all smell your needy little cunt all over me?”
“I—” Your mind was hazy at the thought of them smelling you on him, kicking a ball out on the field still completely covered in you.
“I bet Aiku would clean me up,” Barou sneered, “Asshole wouldn’t give a shit as long as he was getting a taste of you.”
Your walls clenched around nothing at his words, the orgasm he’d just awarded you now shrouded by the desire for more. Your puffy clit crying out to be touched as you were certain your slick was drooling down your thighs at this point. You were the only thing Barou delighted in making a mess of, and he did it so well.
“Or maybe I should show them how much of a mess you are for your King, hm?” He moved your head towards his crotch, the slick tip of his cock oozing fresh pre as he smeared it against your glossy lips. Leaving a trail of your mixed slick against your cheek as he continued to hold you tight, “Show them all what a filthy girl I have.”
A groan roused from deep in your chest at the words, squeezing your thighs together in a pitiful attempt to alleviate the desire burning between them. You know he doesn’t have enough time to fuck you again, not with the second half starting in a few minutes. There was barely even enough time for this, his team had already banged against the door to get him back to the field.
“Come on, pretty girl.” He grunts, “Clean my cock.”
The first sound that you pull from his lips is deep, animalistic when your tongue wraps around the engorged tip. Plump lips curl into a pout as you suck gently against the soft skin, travelling further to trace the forking veins that decorate his thick cock.
“Good girl,” He groans, fingertips dig into the back of your head as he follows your motions. Pulling you closer as you take more of his cock inside your warm, wet mouth, “You’re so pretty like this, so perfect.”
You try to take as much of his length as you can inside you, feeling his pink tip hit the back of your throat as you begin to gag around him. Spit pools in your mouth as it escapes to dribble down his length to join the mess you made at his pelvis, blinking back tears as you pull away for air.
“I think you’re making a bigger mess than before, princess.” He goads, wrapping a hand around his length to tap the leaky tip against your lips.
You move your head to the side, gliding your tongue against the length of his cock as you meet the base. Lapping at the mixture of your slick and spit as you clean him up. Barou’s hand continues stroking his cock as he watches you, lifting his length to offer you his balls which you eagerly accept. Tonguing the soft sac as you suckle one inside your mouth, marvelling in the feral grunt that sounds as his nostrils flare.
There was something domineering and imperious about him like this, adrenaline still coursing through his veins from the first half of the match as sweat dripped from his body. Wispy hairs stuck to his temples as he glowered down at you, a man that barely had to say anything to show he was in complete control.
The taste of your essence is tart on your tongue as you travel lower, following the salty line of sweat against his taint as he pulls your head back with one strong palm at the back of your head.
“Not now, princess.” He groans, returning your lips to the tip of his cock as he continues stroking himself, the top of his fist bumping your mouth with each upward stroke as he searches for his release, “You’re gonna be the death of me.”
You can feel him twitch against your tongue, his thighs tense up as his pelvis seizes. Emptying his balls as he shoots warm ropes of cum inside your eager mouth, claiming his mess as your own. Barou sucks a breath between clenched teeth as he watches you swallow his spend, pumping rope after rope inside you as his hand slows to help ride out his high.
“Good girl.” He helps you from your knees, standing on shaky legs as he fixes your panties. Uncaring that the fabric was now ruined from your slick and his pre, the wetness seeping into them as he pulled your skirt back into place. Smoothing it down with large palms before pressing a sultry kiss against your glossy lips, “Don’t worry, princess. I love you filthy.”
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tojjist · 1 year
𝗷𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺 - 𝗕. 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗲𝗶
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barou shoei x fem! reader
tags: vaginal sex, ooc, worship, dub-con (kinda), semi-public sex, barou w a boner, mentions of masturbation, breeding, unprotected sex, one mention of the pill, praise, encouragement, creampie
minors, ageless, and blank blogs dni
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i just know barou is packin’.
he’s a big boy, in more ways than one.
it’s bothersome sometimes, really. the way his shorts would perk a little more upward than he likes when you’re running around the field in that pretty little skirt of yours, talking and laughing to the other boys.
or when you hand him the water bottle, fingers brushing against his fingers. it’s as if your perfume hasn’t already taken a toll on him, making him a little lightheaded as he tries so hard to keep his composure. there is no way it isn’t intentional, especially the way your eyes look at his so innocently, waiting for him to give you the right reaction.
barou gets especially hard when you wear nails that match with your outfit. he can’t stop himself from thinking just how far can these nails dig into his back? how easy is it to rip off the clothes?
yeah, and everyone knows. everyone noticed the way his breath catches, the way his body tenses, and the way his shorts lift a little upwards; signaling at some feelings growing inside him.
except you, you were the only one who didn’t know. you were so innocent and so sweet and so, so fucking tempting.
or maybe you knew. because there is no way you just happen to drop whatever is in your hand more than most times he walks behind you, bending over just enough to give him a painfully short view of your pretty panties.
and oh those pretty panties, clinging onto all the parts he wants uncovered, fabric dipping softly at the folds. he could almost trace them with his eyes if you jus-
then you abruptly stand up. he almost groans in protest, taking a step back to stop himself from pushing you back down. god— the adrenaline courses through his veins excitedly at just the thought
he’d tell himself to not look, but he looks anyway. he stares, as you stand up gracefully and his cock is twitching in his briefs, begging for some attention. he’d tell himself to pull it together.
but he doesn’t anyway.
it doesn’t take too long, almost too fast to process.
he tastes like mint and… lust.
he doesn’t ask. none of his senses were functioning as they should be now. everything was solely focused on you. you were now in a janitor room, the door cracked open just a little, barely enough to get a line of light through. you could be out in the hallway for all he cares. barou wasn't one to think of these trivial details, especially when you're there for him to handle.
barou is the king. and a woman like you deserves to be no where but at his side, a queen for him to worship and cherish and claim.
he pulls away, and without a second thought begins to unbutton your shirt. he was rough, and a few buttons fall to the ground. you try to call him but once again his mouth finds yours.
one of his hands was still undoing the stupid shirt, this time a little softer, while the other was curled in your hair, pulling you closer.
your shirt is off, and soon your hands find the back of his neck. closer.
you pull away, face adorned with a blush he didn't realize he needed to see so much. a glistering string or salvia connects you two, and barou's insides grumble with need. he wants more of this connection. closer.
he kneels before you, pulling the skirt you wore down delicately. he could deal with losing the shirt, but he can't rip your skirt off too.
his lips find the plush of your thighs, trailing soft kisses down the skin and worshipping every inch he could. he relished the way your legs shake just a little. he knows what you want, even if you won't say it.
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"barou- b-barou- nhngh- suh-slow d-down-!"
but he can't slow down, not when you're taking him all in so good like that. god- this pussy was made for him. his hips thrust fast, the stimulation almost causing your legs to buckle underneath you. but he holds you firm; rough, calloused fingers glued to your stomach to keep you standing for him.
barou didn't talk all too much on a regular bases, and sex most definitely wasn't an exception. but the way he grunts into your ear, breath battered, speaks enough of how good your making him feel.
"quiet down," it's more of a grumble. "don't wan' everyone else hearing yer' pretty moans."
he bullied himself inside your tight cunt. despite your protests, saying it's too big and you're not on the pill, he continued his assault on your perfect insides, molding it into shape so you'll always remember just how good it felt.
"barou- ah-" you moan, fingers clutching into what must be a shelf as you feel sanity begin to slip out of your view little by little as you felt the knot forming in your stomach. barou felt so fucking good. much better than your toys. he's exceeded your imagination, fingers tracing all the places you didn't even know were right.
"feels good, hmm, pretty girl?" he whispers, teeth grazing your earlobe. "like how i stretch you out? come on me, yeah? let me feel you come undone"
his hips picked up their pace, making even more lewd noises. the sound of skin slapping against skin was a melody to both of you. it was his skin against yours, almost too good to bear. barou knew this was always meant to be. you were always the perfect girl for him.
your cunt begins to tighten around him, causing a louder groan to escape his hoarse throat. you mewled that your close, calling his name like it's the only word you know.
as if to prove his points, your release came almost in sync with his, walls clamping onto him for dear life. it was a rhythm he's so willing to get used to. a pleasure he's never known before. the way you tremble and beg beneath him as he cums, milking his cock like you needed it.
his girth almost hurt, but it hurt so fucking good. he rode out your orgasm, panting as his sticky webs paint your insides white.
panting, he helps you stand up, pulling out. the movement made him wince just a little, exposing his length to the cold air of the room.
your hands remain clung onto the shelf, standing upright as you catch your breath. barou took his jacket off the floor, putting it over your shoulders. it was almost funny. this doesn't cover anything. if it covered the skin of yours, it definitely won't cover for the obviousness of the situation. everyone will know.
and barou didn't exactly mind that all to much
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asocialangel · 1 year
blue lock - how you hold their hands pt2
Different ways you hold the bllk’s boys’ hands.
Shidou Ryuusei, Itoshi Sae, Michael Kaiser, Shoei Barou
Short Headcanons. Part 1 (isagi, bachira, nagi, rin) already up ! [I’ll proofread tmr mornin]. Part 3 could be considered if i get specific character request <3
Shidou: holding his wrist
There is no particular reason to this other than his hands get sweaty pretty fast
It also allows him to hold other things like, let’s say, the bag you brought but ended up asking him to carry.
He’s also kinda bashful so holding your hand would be too much to handle for his soft heart.
And he also likes to keep that tough appearance. 
So if he was publicly seen holding someone’s hand, it would ‘ruin his reputation’ (nobody would care)
This way of holding hands also helps him convince himself that you’re the one begging for his attention or wtv
(Which is a cute yet pathetic attempt considering he’s head over heels for you, probably more than you are)
Anyways, he often grunts a little when you grab his wrist, while you snicker cause you know he wanted it more than you did
Since he won’t grab your hand to place it on his wrist, or just straight up ask you to do it, he’ll brush his hand to yours.
Sometimes he pretends it’s “by accident” (“the crowd is really dense huh?”) but most times he just quietly does, not even looking at you
Rest assured, sometimes he holds your hand. That is when you accept his request. (He often does it to show people your his and only his)
Sae: locking arms (maybe ooc ? advice welcomed <3)
I don't think there was a particular reason for this
It’s just what the two of you came to prefer
Yeah, you hold hands ‘conventionally’ sometimes, but most of the time, it’s this, your arm over his.
Sometimes you hold his arm too, but usually you just cross them and go on.
It’s so casual that sometimes you’ll place your hands in your pockets, hold a cup or a bag… Basically not giving all your attention in holding him
That’s a relief though.
Cause if you had to pay full attention to it, that’s the only thing you’d ever do.
Since you’re always locking arms.
No seriously, wherever you, whatever you do, even if you’re just walking a meter, heading over to the trash can, you’ll simultaneously have the reflex to get close to each other and lock arms.
People say it’s rather classy though.
It fits your dynamic well, two lovers that do everything together, including sitting in silence. 
Kaiser: always the comfortable position
You know how when you hold someone’s hand there's always a position that’s comfier ?
Usually the shorter person gets it (not necessarily)
(You hand is more sideways as opposed to more vertical) (anyways if you don't get me it's okay)
Well kaiser always lets you be that one
Of course he’ll let his princess get the best things, he’ll go out his way to make your life smoother
He doesn’t even realize he’s getting the worse part, and if he didnt he wouldn't mind.
Anyways, he’s always the one to take initiative to hold hands. 
Wherever you are, whether one or a hundred people could see you, if he wants to hold your hand, he will. 
Question being: will you get blushful over it ? Ahh, don't care actually, because he'll do it anyway. 
When you try to let go, he tightens his grip so you double think your decision.
But if you really decide to break free, he’ll let you, no hard feelings.
And when you reach for his hand first, it boosts his ego - and love for you - up.
Barou: palm to back (the back of your hand faces the palm of his)
Classy way for classy man
I mean distinguished rather.
When it comes to holding each other’s hand, Barou goes for it as much as you do.
He’s not shy when it comes to expressing how much he loves you
So if he feels like he wants to hold your hand, he’ll just take it
But since he’s full of pride, he gets hurt if you refuse or let go first.
When you first started holding his hand in this unusual, quirky way, he was intrigued
But he soon realized it would be one the many quirks you have he’d come to love. 
And now, he actually like this way over any other way to hold hands
It’s singular ! 
The few times people tried to make ‘fun’ of him for being soft, he just glared at them for a second, and it was enough for them to understand how bad of a decision that was.
Deep down, they were just jealous he was mature enough to be so proud of loving you.
A\N : I loove writing HCs they’re so easy haha ! I hope this is clear and in character. I’d love to hear anything that’s on your mind after reading this~
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gojoroui · 8 months
hello everything is fine? If requests are open I would like to know if you can write headcanons for the blue lock boys (isagi, rin, barou, chigiri and bachira) with a female reader who is a famous volleyball player? (if it doesn't matter if accepting this request could make the reader look like the female version of satoro gojo from jjk?) Thank you in advance.
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cw. established relationship, blue lock x fem! reader, headcannon, reader is a famous volleyball player, reader is kinda like gojo?, definitely not proofread
note. i sat in my chair for 5 hours for 5 days straight just pondering what to write 😭 anyhow, im good :) my apologies for the delay and lack of info — i didn’t know what to put and im so so so unsatisfied :( i hope you still like it!
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isagi is a very supportive boyfriend when it comes to you. buying tickets and going to your games — he’ll often times get spotted at the end of games to hug and congratulate you. you both enjoy teaching each other your sports — soccer and volleyball — it always ends with a few bruised knees and hands, but you two will do it nonetheless. in the end, you two pretty much mastered each other’s sport. even though he’s not as tall as the average volleyball player — for men — he is still very skilled. he probably gives the tightest hugs when you run up to him and tell that you won — how supportive. hence, he literally gives the best princess treatment ever; he will give you a bath, cook you dinner, buy you the most expensive clothing and jewelry, it goes on.
rin and you are quite a couple to behold. because you two play sports, you both are very tall and well built. although when you wear heels, you look way taller and older than him. rin mostly stays outside— away from the crowd during your games, but he’ll always be there once you’re finished to support and show his love. you sometimes tease him about — making him rolling his eyes. since your famous, you often have cameras around you when your in public — rin likes to avoid being on screen at all times. and you notice that — talking to your manager to lower the possibility of cameras recording you. on most days, he seems quite impatient to get home, behind this is that he wants to see you and see you practice — with you hair tied up and sweat rolling down your face. but he’s always give you the best treatment once your done.
barou is selfish when it comes to your appearance. he likes bragging to his friends about how lucky he is to have someone tall and beautiful as you. during games, he occasionally shouts and screams — it’s his way to support, gotta understand that — he loves you that much to scream in a crowd and say “i love you! i believe in you!” a supportive boyfriend, although doesn’t find much in the sport you play. but he still helps you practice no matter what!
chigiri helps you prepare for your game and you do the same. he’s a pretty fast - learner and definitely enjoys playing volleyball. he makes a few mistakes here and there, but you help him improve — which ends with a skilled chigiri. he obviously joins your game and cheer for you. unlike the rest, he like sitting from the stadium and watch as you smile and celebrate with your teammates. you end spotting him staring at you — making him blush. at the end of the day, you both enjoy a warm bath and meal. enjoying each other’s company and presence.
bachira is your biggest supporter. the second you tell him that you play volleyball, he goes crazy and starts bombarding you if you could teach him how to play. they’re questions, but he makes no room for that and his questions turn into statements. in the end, you give in and teach him to play. you’re quite impressed to see how easily he went from being a complete noob to a professional. maybe a little too happy once he knows how to play — ends up buying multiple different volleyballs and even a few nets to play in your backyard. he’s definitely the first person to arrive at your game, getting the best seat to watch you. cheering and clapping while he watches your graceful steps. literally a child running up to you and hugging and congratulating you.
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kenslilove · 1 year
᯽៰ ͘ ࣭⸰ 𖥔 ͙ࣳ Happy Birthday, Shoei
a.n. Yes, I’m obsessed with barou n yes ofc I had tu write him a birthday piece. It’s funny bc I always seem to get bursts of creativity whenever it’s my favs bdays. They just— deserve to be celebrated yknow? Anyway, this is self indulgent, enjoy <3 Reblogs, comments, and feedback are greatly appreciated <3
W. Somnophilia, sloppy head, spit, gagging, female pet names, barou n his big phat cock <33
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Barou was a heavy sleeper. Once he found himself comfortable in clean sheets, feeling you curled up into his side, not much could wake him up from slumber.
This morning was no different; sleep was heavy in his head, yet consciousness was coming to him slowly and groggily. His body seemed to be awake before his brain, because his hips were twitching, muscles in his abdomen and thighs tightening up, flexing under soft sheets.
Your palm was the next thing he felt. He’d recognize your touch anywhere, even in this half-awake state of his. Small and delicate fingers smoothed over his hip bone, traced his adonis belt before travelling down, down…
“Fuck–” The groan bubbled free from this throat, low and raspy and still full of sleep. Your hand had cupped his balls, massaged them and circled them in the base of your palm as if you were luring him from sleep. Now that he was becoming more coherent he could feel your sweet, warm pants against the vein that ran up the underside of his cock, the air conditioning hit his already wet and very swollen cockhead.
“Mornin, King.” You murmur, voice still sounding a bit far away to his ears. Shoei wasn’t sure now if it was because he wasn’t entirely out of dreamland, or because you wrapped your lips around him again, suckling on his tip like a pacifier.
“God fuckin’ damn–” His head tilts back into the plushness of his pillows, black hair fanning out around him as his Adam’s apple bobs with the force of his low, baritone moan. His muscles loosen enough for him to finally lift his head, hair momentarily in his eyes which were still slit with sleep.
He’s met with your beautifully flushed face, plump lips wrapped over his cock, palm fisting at his base to keep his heavy cock upright. Your chin was shiny with spit, knelt between his flexed thighs, ass swaying a bit as you pulled off him with a wet pop.
Shoei could have sworn he saw little hearts in your gaze as you pressed your cheek against his cock, and nuzzled the hard flesh while pumping him slowly.
He had them too, those heart eyes, though he’d never admit it.
“Mornin, Princess.” He sighs, lifting a palm to rake it through your hair. He cups the nape of your neck, thumb rubbing up against the soft spot behind the back of your ear. Your eyes fluttered at the feeling, a little hum leaving your lips as you left open-mouthed, sloppy kisses along his shaft. In each one he felt the warmth of your tongue, felt dribbles of drool pool at his balls, and it only made his cock ache further, twitching and quivering under your touches.
It was times like this Barou did not mind a mess.
“Happy–” You let your tongue run through his slit, refusing to let his bead of pre-cum roll down his length. “Birthday.” You finished softly, batting your lashes at him. “Happy Birthday, Shoei.”
He huffs fondly, palm tightening on your nape only to guide your mouth back to his tip. You open up without any fuss, sinking on his cock until your cheeks feel puffed. Until he sits snuggly in your throat and leaves it bulged out. Until your nose is nestled up in his well-trimmed and manicured pubic hair.
You sputter a bit, gag even and choke just a little. And yet you stay right there, mouth full and eyes watery. He continues rubbing that gentle flesh behind your ear, his elbow now wedged behind him and keeping his upper half upright.
“Thanks, little love.” His voice is still deep, and low, although sleep has fully faded away now. When he feels your fingers start to twitch on his balls his index finger taps at your jaw, your cue that you’re allowed to finally raise your head.
Drool connects your swollen lower lip to his dick in strings, some of them snapping back and sticking to your already messy chin. You suck in a few quick breaths, your sweet little hand massaging your saliva into his shaft and Barou expects to exchange a few words with you before you get back to it. He was ready to tease you about how long you had been sucking him off in his sleep, or if this might have been a birthday present.
But Shoei didn’t get the chance. Your mouth was back on him, lips pushed out on either side of him to suckle his tip comfortably. Your eyes are wide and watery, looking at him all doe-like, soft and gooey. This time, he chuckles, his hand finally moving from your nape to pet at your hair and make your lashes flutter. Your cute whines vibrate all the way through his cock, waves of pleasure making him swallow hard, roll his hips just a bit so his cock could feel every corner and creves of that mouth he loves so much.
“Eager little thing…” He simply murmurs, allowing you to continue to bob your head shallowly, suck and slurp at his dick like it was your favourite thing. “Gunna make me cum for my birthday, are you?”
You nod, because there was no way you were disconnecting from his lenght again. Not when he started leaking more pre against your tongue, and defiently not when you started to feel his balls twitching for release in your hand. Instead, your words are grabbled around his girth, a semblences of words that make Shoei smirk.
“Mhm, first present of the day.” <3
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certified-boyliker · 2 years
Boyfriend Headcanons
Actors: Sae, Rin, Aiku, Barou
Notes: gn!reader, aiku bein aiku, ya know how it is
Sae Itoshi:
Awww, you have a... lovely (?) boyfriend
He's caring in his own way, but no one but you sees that
In public, he's still his cold, serious self, with just a cute partner holding his hand and dragging him into store
In private, he's sleeping against your chest and your running your fingers through his hair
He likes hugging up on you in private, but very reserved in public
Never likes reporters asking you questions, because he knows damn well you'll answer truthfully
Embarass this boy, it's the only way he'll learn
You and Shido actually get along pretty well. Both enjoy teasing and annoying Sae in various ways
You send him memes with Sae's face and he sends memes with Sae's face back
He does not like your relationship, because you both get double annoying
You hear about Rin, but you rarely, if ever see or meet him
Not terribly jealous, knows how much you like him, so it's hard for him to get jealous
Soft, but reserved boyfriend
Rin Itoshi:
Also reserved
More reserved than Sae somehow
He doesn't hold your hand in public, but he purposefully brushed your fingers
He likes seeing you window shop and talk about all the things you want or like
In the case there's something you want, you typically find in on your desk later or he gives it to you directly
Just kiss him on the cheek and watch him blush lightly. It isn't easy to make him blush, but if you do that, he will
Ain't know way in hell he's telling Sae about you. You see Sae at his house and he just drags you to his room without saying a word
You go to his games and wear his number to show your support for your boyfriend, and always looks up to you before a restart to give him that confidence
Jealous as hell. Someone else looks at you and Rin is glaring at them, please distract him
He only trusts people your friends with or... who tolerate him, he has no friends
Reserved boy, and also soft, and still hotheaded
Oliver Aiku:
It took for-fucking-ever for him to actually date you
It took many flings for him to find someone he was actually willing to date
You two don't live together, but he practically lives at your apartment. He sleeps there a lot of the time, he likes hanging around you when he can
He texts you all the time. Mundane things, remembering his games, anniversaries and birthday texts, all sorts of things
Also the type to have a photo of you two as his lockscreen. Probably you kissing his cheek while he's smiling
He's a jerk, he likes rubbing his face against your face, scratching you with his scruffy beard
PDA to the max. Reporters going over to you two? He's kissing you deeply and pulling you into close hugs and telling them how much he loves you
Adores you so much, buys you so many things, shows his love through his actions mostly
Likes lying on you and watching stupid, low-budget movies and TV shows with you
He doesn't get too jealous, very laid back, But if someone does hit on you, he pulls his defensive moves and keeps his partner to himself, pouting and glaring.
Golden Retriever boyfriend to the max
Shoei Barou:
He also adores you, but also uses his action. Quite reserved himself too.
He doesn't hold your hand or even get close to it, but if you two are sitting together, he likes leaning against you
He likes bowling with you and gets you your own bowling ball and it gets competitive really quickly
He likes your spirit of fighting, and loves it very much that he enjoys doing anything competition with you
Video games, 1v1 soccer, bowling, anything that he can think of
Likes it when you call him "King", even jokingly. He enjoys the high he gets from you particularly calling him "King"
He likes kissing you in private and expects you to wear his jersey when you're hanging out
He likes cooking for you and you clean up dishes, and he's absolutely certain he's in love with you
Loves it when he sees you clean up around his or your apartment
He also likes hugging up on you and watches action movies when he's not practicing or keeping the area clean
Jealous, so very easily jealous, so please distract him
He is a reserved, hotheaded boyfriend
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ryus3i · 11 months
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When Barou had learned that the players or “contestants” or blue lock received a two week break he didn’t think much of it. He simply thought of it as it was a break,  a break from training and a break from idiots. 
Although he’d never admit it, he did have a few people he looked forward to seeing again, his family, mostly his sisters and you, his partner. 
You two had met in school and after mutual pining for months and awkward confessions you two got together and are now happily together. 
When Barou unlocked the front door to his family’s home he was surprised to hear you and his two sisters having a late night tea party in the center of the living room. 
Before he had left for blue lock you had only met his family twice and not by his own will. Once he bumped into you at the grocery store with his sisters while he was looking for more cleaning supplies. He’ll never forget the look of adoration that had spread across your face when his sisters had introduced themselves to you. The second time was when you dropped by a hoodie he had lent to you while his parents were home, they immediately invited you in to have dinner. 
Admittedly when you heard the front door unlock you assumed that Barou’s parents had arrived home, that was until you had seen the time. Calmly getting up not to alarm the girls you swiftly make your way to the front door, shoe in hand. 
Upon seeing Barou at the door, you immediately drop the shoe and wrap your arms around him. Barou takes a step back, stumbling from your sudden embrace but immediately returns your embrace pulling you into his arms. 
“What are you doing here?” you immediately ask.
“I should be asking you that, considering this my house” Barou replies, raising an eyebrow urging you to explain yourself. It’s not that Barou was mad about you being there, it was just that he was super confused. 
“Oh well your parents asked me to babysit your sisters while they went out, you’ve been gone for so long for blue lock so they needed someone to watch them, that someone being me” you explain to him. 
“I missed you, Shoei, ” you say, wrapping your arms around him gently, making him focus solely on you again.
“Missed you too” he mumbles pulling you in closer as he places a kiss on your forehead.  
You lean up and gently kiss him, he quickly returns the kiss but it doesn’t last long before it is interrupted by a chorus of “nii chan” is heard before small feet rush towards Barou. Both girls rush into his arms excited to see their older brother after so long. Barou leans on the floor and pulls them into his arms. You know he’s happy behind his familiar frown, he’s missed everyone just as much as you’ve all  missed him. 
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sphireath-wisp · 1 year
#My Favorite Lipstick
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Sypnosis: How do they kiss?
Warnings: I have never experienced those deep heated kisses (only quick ones), not proofread, different from my usual formatting, not individual sections, F! reader is implied maybe, suggestive at some parts?
Featuring: A Variety of characters x GN! reader
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QUICK, SWEET, SIMPLE The type of kisses that he steals from you when he wants your attention on him only. He has so much to do today, so would you let him have your eyes on him and him only - even for this short, fleeting moment?
He stops in front of the door, his feet coming to a halt when he lightly grazes his own lips, realizing he had forgotten the thing that keeps him energized throughout the day.
You spot him, completely still accompanied by a stare that tells you he's deep in thought. Just as quickly as you saw him, his head turns to you. That rational part of his mind jerks his hand up to the doorknob, well aware of the time crunch he's in, yet he hesitates to leave.
"Bye-bye honey! Have a good day at practice," You wave with the sweetest grin known to mankind - the smile that was crafted to be too perfect, the smile that greets him home and showers him with butterflies.
His defenses are toppled down, and the grip on the door handle softens as his fingers hover around your cheek. Pushing away those irritatingly silky strands of hair that become an obstacle for him, he leans in for a short kiss that leaves the both of you wanting more.
While he still wanted to give you another - you could tell from his gaze, stuck onto your pretty lips like glue - he had to endure the hellish task of holding himself back.
It'll be fine though, he'll be able to satisfy himself once he gets home and returns to your side.
RIN ITOSHI, Sae Itoshi, Rensuke Kunigami, Shoei Barou, Seishiro Nagi?
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FUN, PURE, INNOCENT The type of kisses that is embedded into your daily routine. The ones that don't seem that special brighten up his day nevertheless. The ones that cause giggles and laughter to escape out of the both of you.
He tackles you onto the bed, arms tightening around your waist as he presses kisses onto your belly. No matter how much you yelp and cry that it tickles, he doesn't stop, your laughter becoming the soothing music to ease anything bothering him.
Lips explore your upper body, pressing his soft and heart-filled kisses onto you until he reaches your face. Puppy dog eyes stare back at yours whilst his cheek nonchalantly rests on your chest. Like a cat, he claws his way up, tugging on your shirt once while he continues to cover every inch of your face with his endearments.
Making those dramatic "mwah" sounds whenever he leaves his mark on your skin, he holds the 'mmmm' sound with cold lips against your cheek for what feels like an eternity - and you would exaggeratively wish euphoric moments like this could last an eternity. Covering your face to shield yourself from his 'attacks', you giggle as you notice the apparent pout forming on his face.
His forehead flattens against yours and your pinch his cheeks gently, molding his face into a silly, lighthearted expression that engraves itself into your memory. "I love you," or so he would declare to you, his pupils dilating the moment he heard you repeat the exact words back to him, adoration laced into that siren-like hum of yours.
MEGURU BACHIRA, Reo Mikage, Yoichi Isagi, Hyoma Chigiri, Seishiro Nagi
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DEEP, HEATED, FORCEFUL The type of kisses that he expects as a reward for all of his hard work. After a long day, he loves those cute kisses that you pepper onto his face - but he's demanding and knows damn well that he loves that rush in his body when you're aggressive with him.
He pins you to the wall, the loud crash of your body against it passing as if it didn't physically cause you to wince. Well, it's not as if you had any time to focus on the pain when you're stuck in a deep kiss, the satisfaction from receiving such a treat from him washing away any pain inflicted.
How could he not hold back? It had been months since he had seen your precious face and he just had to let loose. You invited him to a secluded corner away from anyone else and that ridiculously smug smirk told him everything he needed to know.
Your hands travel to his hair, pulling at his scalp to give you the limited time needed to breathe before getting to round 2. He doesn't restrain himself either, hands tucking themselves comfortably under your shirt and caressing your back.
Once the both of you stop, you catch your breath, heart still racing in your chest. "We're going to get caught, idiot. Hold back a little." You rub that dark spot on your neck, flustered face scowling at him as if he was scum.
An Iron grip holds your hand, lightly kissing another spot on your shoulder. "You're asking too much out of me, princess." He was still hungry for more, unluckily for you.
Technically, you initiated this, so you better be ready to bear the consequences.
RYUSEI SHIDOU, Micheal Kaiser, Aiku Oliver, Reo Mikage, Shoei Barou, Sae Itoshi(let me dream)
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megu-nya · 1 year
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★ ¦ ft: kenyu yukimiya :: shoei barou
★ ¦ tw: nsfw :: gn!reader :: brat tamer!character x brat!reader :: sadist x masochist :: spanking :: master kink :: face fucking :: face slap
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★·.·´ KENYU YUKIMIYA `·.·★
"Ken-chan, I'm sorry! Ah!", you screamed at the top of your lungs, another harsh slap landing onto your buttocks, another red hand print adorning your skin. "You know how to address me, love", he said, his voice and demeanour calm as ever, never faltering. An immense aura engulfed him, indescribable, making your arousal pool into your underwear and staining it, a wet patch forming. "I'm sorry, master!", you spat as another slap landed on your ass. "Now that's better", he purred, his eyes glimmering dangerously in the dimly lit room.
"Now tell me darling, why am I doing this to you?", he asked, fully knowing the reason behind your punishment but wanting to hear it out of your mouth. This was his way to degrade you. Spanking you while you had to tell him what you did wrong.
"Because I - ah! because I disobeyed master! He told me to - ah! told me to wait patiently for him and not- and not to touch myself!", you tried to say in between cries out of pain, another three slaps finding its way onto your sensitive skin. "Mhm, that's right", Kenyu said, stroking your buttcheek before giving it another spank.
Some time passed by of him not saying a word but his spanks talked for him. The more pain you received the fuzzier your mind got. The mix of pleasure and pain hazing all of your senses. You were the embodiment of no thoughts, head empty. As much as it hurt you didn't want him to stop. No. In fact you wanted him to keep going. You wanted him to punish you even more.
You whined when his spanks took an end, hand now stroking over the expanse of your back, over your cheeks and onto your thighs, ever so lightly grazing the part that desired his touch the most, a fuse in your head had been blown when you spoke. "Please master! Please punish me more! Need to feel the pain! Please!", you begged, not wanting him to stop. A chuckle escaped your boyfriends mouth. He now had you exactly where he wanted to have you.
★·.·´ SHOEI BAROU `·.·★
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"Kneel down for your king", he said, a dangerous aura looming over him, a spark of carnal desire grazing his red eyes, the darkness and ferity making your sex twitch and throb with lust and desire, mouth watering the sight of his thick dick hitting his stomach when he removed his undergarments. "I said-KNEEL!", he growled, one hand landing on your should and pushing you down, making you fall off your feet and land on the floor with a thud.
You looked up and watch as his shadow hovered over you. You knew he was bigger than you but right now he seemed gigantic, and not only because he's hung like a horse. Shoei watched your startled expression, noticing a hint of fear when he grabbed your face, fingers squishing your cheeks harshly as he brought you closer to his throbbing dick, the scent of arousal and pure testosterone making your mind go fuzzy.
With his thumb he urged your mouth to open, not even giving you the space to swallow, drool soon dripping out of your mouth and down your chin, falling right onto the floor. A tch escaped him at the sight of it. "You really dare to make a mess? Now, at all of times? You are brave. Or rather stupid. Think I should plug that filthy mouth of yours", he said, ramming his dick into your mouth without a warning, making you gag around him when his tip hit the back of your throat.
But your struggles to fully take him didn't make him stop, no, the opposite, it made him keep going, made him increase the pace he was face fucking you, balls slapping against your chin with every thrust, filling your mouth to the brim and even further. A pleased groan left his lips when he saw tears building up at the corner of your eyes, starting to roll down your cheeks as well as drool dropping onto the floor.
"You're really good for nothing", he said, removing his dick from your mouth before a harsh slap of his hand landed on your face, making you whince in pain, your arousal only growing even more and pooling into your underwear and staining it. More degrading words left Shoei's mouth, making your head spin in ecstasy, unable to think straight. You didn't want him to stop. No. You wanted him to keep degrading and humiliating you like that, which he gladly will.
2023 © megu-nya — all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, translate, modify or plagiarize in any form.
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maochira · 1 year
im at the zoo rn and i got jumpscared by a monkey who suddenly jumped in front of me when i was looking in it’s cage 😭 and so i wanna request:
bllk boys who’s at the zoo w their younger sibling, and them witnessing the thing that just happened to me
HSKSJDBANA OH MY GOD POOR YOU😭 I didn't get many ideas for this though😔
Requests open! - Bllk big bros masterlist
Sees how much it scared you, so he hugs you and makes sure you're okay.
RIN!!!, BAROU, Isagi
Starts an argument with the monkey and insults him over and over. It makes the shock in you disappear immediately because it makes you laugh.
ZANTETSU!!! but he does it unironically, SHIDOU halfway unironically, BACHIRA
Just laughs at you and will forever keep reminding you of this.
KARASU!!!, Oliver, also Shidou
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camryn-haitani · 8 months
Hello everything is fine? If requests are still open can I request headcanon (barou, rin and bachira: separate) falling in love with the female reader who also plays football? Thank you in advance.
all requests are appreciated and this is my first one ever so I thank you a million times<3
BlueLock Boys falling in love with another football player
Rin Itoshi, Barou Shoei, and Bachira Meguru (separate) x football player reader
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the title is pretty self explanatory so yeah<3
TW: cursing, sae slander, biting in Rins(not sexually or violently, just in a playing way), alcohol mention in barou's(none is consumed),
all characters are aged up and adults
these are going to be very long bc of the backstory of how y'all meet. so please bear with me. they may be ooc and I apologize. these brackets [ ] are little notes from me, just so y'all know
lowercase intended
Rin Itoshi
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Rin got forced to go to a women's football game because Isagi's best friend is on the team (you). Isagi physically dragged rin through security, in the concession stand line, and into their seats. Rin didn't even know who he was rooting for.
"hey dip shit." Rin asked. "what's up man?" he answered, not looking at rin, waiting for you to come out to the field. "who's team are we rooting for exactly?" he said with his monotone voice. "(whatever team you choose). they wear (whatever color) and (whatever color)." Isagi said. Rin only nodded and waited for the game to start.
he got startled when Isagi immediately stood up and started screaming your name when you came out on the field. Rin didn't even bother and only looked up at the jumbotron. you had your resting bitch face that weirdly attracted him to you. not romantically, but you definitely intrigued him. he put his phone down and started paying attention to the game, well he payed attention to you. you were the striker for your team so he was definitely paying attention to you.
Rins eyes were trained on your figure the entire game. he cheered (not as loud as Isagi did) when you scored a goal, he internally celebrated whenever you took back the ball, and he definitely payed attention when you came on the screen.
after the game was over, your team had won so Isagi excitedly dragged Rin to where you and your team was back at the locker room. you gave him access to the locker room since he's your bestie.
"y/n!! congratulations!!!" he let go of Rin and tackled you in a suffocating hug. "omg hi isa." you look over to his friend. "who's this?" you pointed to rin. your eyes widen when you realize something. you pulled Isagi off of you and ran over to rin.
you grab his shoulders and shake him. "oh my god oh my god oh my god. you're rin itoshi! you're literally sae's brother, I know y'all hate each other but holy shit! I'm besties with your brother but I know you're the better brother. and I'm rambling on and on because I'm nervous because I'm literally obsessed with you and your plays on the field. I've studied how you play and I just have to say youre absolutely amazing. this is actually a dream come true. I'm so ha-" you get cut off by Isagi. "oh my god y/n, shut up!" he pulls you away from rin.
"no it's ok, I surprisingly enjoyed that." Rin looks confused. "I'm sorry, when I meet people I look up to, I get super nervous and I can't stop saying what's on my mind. just like I'm doing right now. I'm so so sorry, I've looked up to you since the beginning of my career. and I ju-" "y/n! you're doing it again" Isagi interrupts.
"you... you look up to me?" Rin asks. you nod aggressively. "also sorry for shaking you." you apologize. Rin motions his hands for you to give him your phone. your eyes widen and your mouth drops. you start to mouth words but no sounds come out. you nod before running to get your phone from your bag.
"wow Rin you got yourself a fan." Isagi wraps his arm around rins shoulder. "did you know about this?" he asks. "maybe I did.... maybe I didn't" Isagi looks at rin. "it's also why I wanted to bring you to one of her games. she wasn't kidding about studying your plays. she's stayed up countless nights looking at your strategies and plays. she has pages and pages of her and your plays combined" he says.
Rin feels proud of himself for some reason. you, of all people, are a huge fan of him. he didn't think he was anything special. but when he hears you say those things to him, he felt more confident in himself. he internally smiled to himself.
he sees you run back to him and he pulls out his phone. "holy fuck, wait till I brag to sae about this. I'm sooooo gonna make fun of him for this." you were so nervous you absolutely could not contain your excitement. "uhm brb, imma go run around the field for a few minutes. haha...." you sprint off to the field while Isagi follows after you.
Rin soon follows Isagi after putting your phone in his pocket so it won't get lost. he can faintly hear you yell, "I did it! I win in life!" with your arms up in the air. Rin saw you run up back to him at full speed and he braced for impact. you jumped in his arms while he caught you and held his face in your hands. "you are my inspiration for this career and I'll never be able to thank you enough." you quietly tell him. Rin slightly softens when he hears your words.
you get down and he gives you back your phone. "y/n we have to go but I'll see you later tonight right?" Isagi yells. "yes! I'll make your room." you say back. you see Rin and Isagi leave the locker room and you open your phone to see rins contact
Rin(the obviously better brother✌️)
you smiled and hugged your phone.
time skip
you and Rin have talked a lot since y'all first met. like every day. good morning and good night texts, training texts, 3am texts, and all around everything texts. Isagi teases you both because of it, but neither of y'all care. Rin enjoys your company and you enjoy his, what's so wrong with that?
one thing
he has caught major feelings for you. he even changed your name in his phone to have a heart next to it. and it's the "<3" heart too. he's down bad. he's come to Isagi multiple times asking what you like, don't like, your favorite restaurant, snacks, movies and TV shows, e v e r y t h i n g.
he wanted to make sure he wouldn't upset you by saying the wrong thing or hanging out at a place that you don't like. he constantly pestered Isagi to make sure he wouldn't fuck it up.
Rin wanted to see you again (even though y'all hung out yesterday). surprisingly enough, he's never stayed the night at your house. so you took it into your own hands and texted him.
you: hey rinnie rin rinnnnn
rinnie rinnie :3: yes?
you: I have come to realize that you've never stayed the night at my place. sooooooooooo
rinnie rinnie :3: lemme guess.
rinnie rinnie :3: you want me to stay the night?
rinnie rinnie :3: I'll be over in 20
you put down your phone and cleaned up a bit, even though Rin said he didn't care if your house is clean or not, he's there for you and not your house.
you called Isagi and told him all the details.
you: "isagiiiiiii I'm so nervous... Rin staying the night tonight."
Isagi: "ok.... and?"
Isagi: "woah there, calm down. I know you're like in love with him in more ways than one, but pookie calm down. just.... be yourself."
you: "wow thanks for that cringe shit. that helps nothing!"
you heard the door bell ring and you get all excited but nervous at the same time.
you: "he's here! I'll tell you what happens when he leaves. bye isaaaa-" you hang up the phone
you throw your phone on the couch and open the door. rin has his backpack on with his stuff. 'hes so cute.' you say to yourself. "am I just gonna stay outside while you stare at me or are you gonna let me in?" he laughs a bit. "oh shit, yeah come in." you move out of the way
he sets his stuff down and plops onto your couch, stomach first. you flop on top of his back. he can easily push you off but chooses not to.
"whatcha wanna watch? or are you hungry? i can door dash?" you spurt out all the options. "I'm ok for now, but thank you. we can watch attack on titan if you want." he suggests. "season 3?" you ask excitingly [this is my favorite season, I watch it all the time :D] "always" he answers. he pushes you off his back and you land in the floor.
before he got to your house, you moved your coffee table and set down a few blankets and pillows. so you sat between his legs on the floor while he's on the couch. you wrap your arms around his legs and pull them closer to you.
"ow! you bitch!" he laughs. you bit his leg. not hard enough to cause damage, but enough to hurt. he pulled his legs up to sit criss cross. you pick yourself up and flop in top of him, going limp. "get off of me, you're not a lap dog." he smiles. "nah it's comfy here." you respond.
he pushes you off yet again and you land on the floor. you place your chin on his legs and look up at him. his gaze at you softens as he stares into your eyes. this bolt of confidence runs through him and he kisses your forehead. he stands up and goes to your kitchen. your mouth wide open as you follow him.
"what was that?!" you ask
"what was what?" he innocently says
"you know damn well what that was."
"oh you mean this?" he turns around and kisses you again but on your lips. his hands on each side of your face and your arms around his neck. "I like this" you say in between kisses. "I'm glad you do." "hey rin?" you pull back. "hm?" "i love you." "i love you too."
Barou Shoei
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barou and Raichi coincidentally won tickets to the women's football match this weekend and so they decided to go together cause why not. they get there and wait for the game to start. they introduced all the players and they start the match.
of course your team won cause your teammates are bad bitches. and wow, another coincidence, the tickets included a meet and greet with the team. barou and raichi ask staff members where the meet and greet was because they don't know where the hell to go. they follow the directions and find the others waiting for the team to come out. they stand in the back of the line and wait.
"hey man, uhm I'm actually a huge fan on y/n's so this is actually a big deal for me. so I apologize if I get nervous or freak out..." raichi admits. "nah man youre cool. I don't even know anyone on the team so you can help me. i honestly don't care, I just came to see their strategies." barou stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks around.
your team comes out and sits at the tables for the meeting. the line moves slowly and Raichi gets more jittery and shaky as he gets closer to you. "dude calm down, it's not like youre meeting the president of the United States." barou says. "dude shut up! she's amazing, she's set records, man!" raichi shoots back. barou just rolls his eyes and continues to wait.
they finally get to your table and you flash them a smile. "hi guys, it's nice to meet y'all." you hold out your hand for them to shake. raichi nervously takes your hand and shakes it. barou keeps his hands in his pockets. "aren't you... Barou Shoei?" you point your sharpie at him, "and your Jingo Raichi, correct?" you point your sharpie at Raichi. raichi's eyes widen in shock. "you.... know who we are?!" he yells. "yeah! i remember y'all from BlueLock! y'all were amazing." you compliment. "he's the fangirl here," Barou points to Raichi, "he's been freaking out ever since we got in line. going on and on about how your plays are so cool and your record setting skills." "Barou!!" he slaps his arm. "it's ok, I appreciate it." you look around in case anyone is looking as you lean in. "I'll give both of y'all my number in case y'all have any questions." you wink at them.
you write your number down on an autograph sheet and give each of them one. "dude....." raichi never taking his eyes off of the paper. "hey man, nice job. you got her numberrrrr" Barou teases him. "so did you!" he yells. "come on man, let's go home." barous doesn't want to admit it, but he had a fun time.
time skip
barou gets home and actually debates on whether to texts you. he's got nothing better to do so why not.
you: hey
y/n(that football player): oh hi :)
you: I'm bored
y/n(that football player): I'm actually surprised you texted
you: whys that
y/n(that football player): idk thought you wouldn't text me. I heard you didn't know who I was lol
you: yeah I had no idea until fanboy said something
y/n(that football player): I figured, you didn't seem that intrigued when we met. soooo, since you're bored, whatcha wanna do?
you: ion know that's why I texted you.
y/n(that football player): idea timeeeee. everyday, we have to ask each other one question and the other has to answer.
you: wtv sure
you: favorite food
y/n(that football player): (your favorite food), wby??
you: (whatever you think fits him)
y/n(that football player): oooh cool
y/n(that football player): I have training tomorrow so imma have to go to bed. text you tomorrow, goodnight:p
you: same, goodnight
time skip
the texting went on for months. he's asked you multiple times to help him train and of course you helped him, and Raichi too. sometimes all three of y'all have practice together. raichi has asked you hundreds of questions and you've answered all of them of course.
barou has taken a certain liking to you. he doesn't mind when you text him outta no where or when y'all hang out outside of practice.
y/n❤️: shoeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
you: yes y/n?
y/n❤️: whatcha doinnnnnn
you: absolutely nothing, you?
y/n❤️: good, I'm coming over
you: you have no idea where I live dumbass
y/n❤️: then gimme your address >:(
you: fine (address)
y/n❤️: be there in a fewwww
he started panicking. what if his house isn't clean enough? what if you don't like his house? what if his house smells weird? all the questions running through his head while he's picking up the tiniest of clutter around his home. he doesn't know why he's doing it but he's worried about what you think... of.. him...
he drops everything in his arms. "shit" he realizes. "I like.. no, fuck! I'm in love with her. what? no! yes? but how? I mean, I get excited when she texts, I get sad when she loses her games, I feel comfort when we hang out, but that doesn't mean I lover her." he stands still for a few seconds. "fuck" he sighs. "I do love her..." he picks his stuff back up and continues to clean.
after he's done, he hears a car pull up. his heart pounds in his ears and his hands gets shaky. he hears the car turn off and the door slams shut. with ever step he hears, his heart pounds in his head.
he shoots up and opens the door before you have a chance to knock. your hand was halfway up to knock but he opened the door. "hi Shoei!" he moves out of the way to let you in. you set your keys down on the counter and take off your hoodie. you sit nervously in one of the chairs and wait for him to say something.
"uhm are you hungry?... or thirsty?" he asks. "water please." you respond. his body softens when he hears her voice. he walks to the kitchen and gets her drink. he hears her phone ring and looks at her. "oh it's Raichi. I'm gonna take this." you point to your phone. "you can go upstairs or the other room if you want." he tells her. you (unknowingly) walk to his room and answer the call. he finishes getting your drink and sets it on the counter.
he sits on the couch and waits for you to be done. 'ah shit I forgot to get the charger Nagi let me borrow. I'll set it on the table so I can give it to him tomorrow.' he says to himself. he walks to his room and opens the door.
"yes Raichi I know. I'm just so nervous around him..." you speak while your back is turned to him. "i just... I don't know if he feels the same way. he's so.. handsome and caring and sweet. i love everything about him, jin. i love him. and I'll say it a million times. I'm in love with bar...ou" you turn around to face him, jaw slacked open. "uhh.. I'm sorry. I'll go if you want me to. i understand if you feel uncomfortable around me now and-" "shut the fuck up." he walks over to where you stand and kisses you. you don't know how to react, you're frozen. 'is this happening? am I drunk? no, I can't be, I've had zero alcohol." you think to yourself.
"no stupid this isn't a dream. i love you too, stupid" he says, pulling you in for another kiss.
Bachira Meguru
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back in bachira's BlueLock days, you were their supervisor. you know, monitoring their health, how they're doing, how they're performing, all that. you don't know how but you became particularly close with bachira without even noticing. you would make up stuff just to see team z play, or slip out of a meeting to watch him practice. he never showed off in front of you because who cares what others think of him. bachira taught you how to play the game and dribble just like him too. but once BlueLock was over, y'all lost contact.
over the years, he continued football. he constantly watches games, specifically (the team you play for). he went to their home games, he collected their merch, he even bought collectable cards, but there's one card he takes every where in his wallet. and it's your card. he thought she was so cool with her tricks, plays and strats [he forgot who you were].
bachira, of course, bought tickets for your next home game. so when the time came, he packed what he needed and set off to the stadium.
bachira always buys the expensive tickets too. he got that money money. so when he hears that y'all were having a meet and greet after the game, he just had to buy them.
bachira sat in his seat and waited for the game.
lil time skip to the middle of the game
he was watching you ever so closely and he remembers this thought every time he watches your games.
'her dribbling looks so familiar.'
time skip
the game was over and he was so excited since y'all won. he quickly ran out of his seat and head to where the meet was.
bachira groaned when he saw the big ass line, but it was all worth it to me you. he steps excitedly when he takes a few steps closer in the line, not being able to contain his excitement. you're his inspiration for continuing his football career.
finally, it was bachira's turn. you flash him your warmest smile, "hi, I'm y/n." you held out your hand. he immediately shook your hand.
your eyes widen as you immediately stood up and put your hands in the table, making your teammates stare at you and Bachira startled. you leaned in closer to his face, inches from his. bachira got flustered by this and his cheeks turning a bright pink. you're eyes widen even more in realization.
"oh my god!! bachira!!" you yell, hopping over the table and smother him in a hug. he immediately returns it but he's confused as to why and how you know his name. "it's me! y/n, from BlueLock! i was y'all's supervisor. megs, you inspired me to take in football and go into a professional career." you hold his face.
it takes him a lil bit to place you in the correct spot in his memory but he figures it out. "holy shit! y/n hi!" he hugs you. you wrap your arms around him, tightening every second.
you sit back down and sign whatever he wants you to sign. you secretly slide him your number, not wanting the other fans to see and you go back to signing autographs and taking pictures.
time skip
[I apologize for all the time skips :(]
he almost immediately texts you once he got home.
you: HI Y/N
the best football player💪: HELLO BACHIRA
the best football player💪: YES I DID THANK YOU
those kinds of texts went on for a good while. you both enjoyed them and always though about each other. you offered for him to come practice at your teams field when no one was there so he can practice with you and he can teach you more stuff he's learned since BlueLock.
these practices went on for a long while. sometimes until 2:00 am or later. but neither one of you cared, y'all were having fun and thats all that mattered to you.
bachira always loved these practices. it's a chance to get closer to you. his stomach would always erupt in butterflies when you invited him to practice and he never knew why. he always got that lovesick puppy look in his eyes when you show him a trick you learned. and again, he never knew why he would feel like that, but it was only with you
a few months have pasted since you've reunited with bachira and you've loved it. it was around 1:40 am and you invited bachira to yet another field practice, just y'all two. he was dribbling up the field while you were trying to steal the ball back. he ran upfield and you got closer. he tried to fake you out but you accidentally tripped him. he landed in his back and you fell but caught yourself with your arms. palms all grassy, knees hurting from the fall, bachira's ass hurt when he fell, but none of that mattered to y'all because you were staring into each other's eyes. not wanting to look away, you picked yourself up.
"I think we're good for today. I'll get our stuff..." you turned away. bachira just laid there staring. he didn't want you to get up, or leave. he heard your footsteps and that knocked him out of his trance.
you were about to walk off the field when you heard quick and fast footsteps. "y/n!" he yelled running up from behind you. "bachi-!" his lips crashed onto yours. you dropped all your stuff just to wrap your arms around his neck.
"I didn't know you felt the same way megs." you smiled against his lips. "I'm glad I showed you then."
"I love you, y/n"
"I love you too, megs"
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