#Shizuku hcs
pjsk-headcanons · 18 days
There's not a lot of Hinomori sisters love here so here it goes:
- for a while in middle school, Shizuku tried to hide from her fans that she has a sister to protect Shiho. They found out after a while, but it turns out Shiho has a good resting bitch face that protects her anyways and she was rarely bothered, her angry face also was used as a shield for Shizuku whenever they walked together.
- once some guy tried to reach her to interview her about Shizuku and he got a big fat "no, go fuck yourself loser leave teenage girls alone what the fuck" on Live TV. Which worked greatly to get people off her back.
- now that leo/need is famous as well she's getting more people around asking for pictures but she treats those nicely (and if they listen to the songs they likely know she just has an angry face without being mean anyways)
- Shiho used to go to Shizuku when she had nightmares, they had a routine, Shizuku would make hot chocolate for them both while Shiho did a blanket fort in the living room and would usually sleep cuddling. It stopped in middle school when Shiho started to distance herself and Shizuku had less free time, however they both missed that time so much that one day (after main story) Shiho just goes to her at midnight like "... Can you make me hot chocolate again?" And they started the tradition again.
- Whenever middle school Shiho made a song or drew smth, she always hated it and tried to throw it away. Shizuku always caught them from the trash and put them somewhere in her room.
- Shiho has hit someone for making Shizuku uncomfortable in front of her. She'd do it again. That day was the first time she made the hot chocolate for her older sister
-anon anon
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luffyvace · 3 months
yandere hero & villain hxh au pt2
to explain this again for those who haven’t seen pt1, Basically the main 4 & the Hunter association are the heroes and the villains are the phantom troupe!!
Request via dms by: @animerules898
Btw this is separate for each character, and bc they’re yandere they feel like the opposite side (hero in this case) want to take you away from them so they’re protective 💃👍
This is the villain one! Pt1 has the heroes! Also! These exclude hisoka & kalluto! + have Illumi! :)
Light Yandere! Themes, mentions of death/killing—Phantom Troupe stuff yk, nothing too crazy ofc!! (Here’s pt1)
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Ngl unless you’re scared of this man (he’s always gentle and never hurts you physically) you’re pretty much good! 👍
like I said…..physically. 😬 depending on whether or not you try to escape (he inevitably kidnaps you bc there’s no way you’ve seen the news on how dangerous he is and will decide to date him anyway- or maybe you will! What do I know..) your mental may take a hit
he’ll give you anything you want really, and I don’t hc him to punish you by taking away luxuries, he’ll just ignore your behavior, patiently waiting for you to stop acting out (if you do, like I said)
he is heavily protective over you though! Thankfully for him, he basically has a whole gang ready to help him jump any heroes who may try and “save” you! :)
pshh! Just who do those heroes think they’re saving anyway?! He gives you more than enough love and most of them are just as bad as him anyway! 🙄
anywho! These gotta be short bc the villain version has more characters 😊
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Nobunaga definitely doesn’t like the heroes but oddly enough would be open to any of them “opening they’re eyes” and switching sides if they’re strong!
not to say he immediately trusts them tho! Especially around you! His beloved! He hardly lets anyone near you! Those darned heroes aren’t even gonna be able to touch you with a 10 feet poll before they’re sliced into shreds 😤✋
there’ll be no “saving” you on his watch! 😒 he heavily watches over you, if he can’t he’ll have his buddy Uvo do it! (And boy you don’t dare try to escape when he’s around) otherwise, he’ll probably pay Shalnark to do it, this is VERY rare tho
he doesn’t really trust him like that knowing he’s a sadist…..but he’ll do it if it comes down to it. he has faith in the troupe so there’s no one else he’d rather go to
overall you have a pretty decent life! You always have essential needs met like food, clothes and shelter. And! Nobunaga actually does really well controlling his temper around you, so you’re pretty good! He keeps security tight so your chances of getting away are slim. You won’t be going anywhere, but ask for something and he’ll deliver!
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oh gosh….I LOVE this man but I feel for you when I say your in for it…😃
no. I don’t hc him to abuse/torture you cuz no. I just never liked those hcs tbh 😅 but I don’t exactly think he’ll be all kissy over you LOL
yeah he’s like 100% guaranteed no escape 👍 your not leaving and the heroes ain’t savin you so your best just negotiating with him
he has set rules you CANT trespass, you don’t dare to find out the punishment behind them….yes I think he would threaten you but it’d be the types you don’t know if they’re empty or not. Like the ‘you set foot past this red line and I’ll make sure you never think twice about it again’ type yk?
except that’s TERRIFYING coming from him so you never wanna test it 😭
he’s not sweet or anything but he knows what you like (he knows literally everything about you. You have no secrets) so he makes sure wherever you live has plenty stock of all your fav foods, equipment, merch, clothes whatever!
uhh good luck! You won’t need it too much if you don’t say or do the wrong things…….
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Machi gotta be one of the most skeptical ones ngl. She won’t let you within a 30 meter radius of a single hero no matter how weak they are. She just can’t risk it. If you see them you might try to ask for help, and if they see you and figure something’s “wrong” they, once again, might try to help or “save” you.
she’s always watching though, so even if that situation does come into play, they’ll get they’re neck slit by a thread that leads back a couple blocks down (to her ofc).
she’s very motherly so as long as your not a slob and you don’t try to escape you shouldn’t have much trouble. 😃👍 life with her can pretty much be almost domestic if it wasn’t for her yandere tendencies…😁
The most she would trust to look after you is probably pakunoda. She knows she can take care of someone (like with the cat she saw, she isn’t always hostile like uvogin or smth) so she’s always her go to. Chrollo would be on that list but she doesn’t wanna bombard her boss with her personal affairs n such.
Machi also keeps an eye out for other villains as well, like I said she’s a skeptic so she puts nothing past her. Looking at hisoka here ngl….😑 if he was still interested in pursuing her she’d flat out state she isn’t into him and to drop it. If he doesn’t leave it at that, she’ll ultimately decide to ask the troupe about the matter since members aren’t allowed to fight. It’ll have to be a new rule not to get into each others personal affairs or smth bc hisoka is a MENACE. 😭🗿 At the end of the day, shes still gonna tighten security on your house 😊👍
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Phinks is another very possessive one. He’d get so angry if any dumb hero tried to save you and you’ve probably seen him kill before considering how angry he gets. He bashes their head into the ground and……yeah it’s a whole mess.
he likes to take you out a lot despite all the heroes that attempt to save you, oddly enough. He just wants you to get out and have some fun, get some fresh air! You know?? And those stupid heroes always try to ruin it!! Catching themselves tryna be a savior and what not….😤 it just makes him so angry!! Like?? you’re happy aren’t you?!
you get asked that a lot and you’d better give the right answer when he’s in that type of mood. If you don’t he won’t necessarily punish you but he’ll walk off and ignore you for a while. He’s trying to cool off, really, but now you can’t ask him for anything. Like when your mom is angry but you want something so you just go “nvm” 😭😂😂
anyway! It’s become very causal for multiple heroes trying to save you to get pummeled while you’re out on dates, so I hope you can handle some blood…😅 This probably deters you from trying to run away, even though you two go out often. Also the fact that you’re never not practically glued to his hip too.
ultimately you’ll be pretty comfortable in your life with him if you don’t run away and agree with him on his “heroes suck” rants. LOL 😂 he’s a pretty decent cook/at cleaning. He’s still practicing on cooking tho ….but hey! It’s not too bad!
I also forgot to mention he may send some heroes to his buddy Fei, just because he knows he can handle them better in the sense of punishing them 😗 And he’ll call up his buddy Shalnark to track you down if you ever do manage to get away (after that he places a tracker on you—yes it’s connected to his phone)
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Shalnark is like your ultimate op if you’re trying to get away 😭😭 no matter who your yandere is! Because they all go to him to track you down 🙏
so if your his s/o? Yeahhhh no you’re not leaving buddy. First of all he has a crap ton of technology, there’s no way the house isn’t practically bullet proof and you aren’t buffed with trackers- LOL 😭 it’s true tho and I feel for you 😔🙏
as we know he’s pretty sadistic and I don’t really know where I stand as to whether he’s like that towards you or not…..I’d say he’d do it more so mentally than physically, like Chrollo. Let’s face it he probably does view you as a toy, but thankfully one he doesn’t wanna break, so he takes extra special care of you.
for the record I don’t think he’d wanna break you mentally either, then you’d be no fun since he couldn’t even get a reaction out of you! On another note I think he’d realize Uvogin is a bit too rough to watch over you in the case he somehow can’t….(IDK HOW 😭🗿) but Phinks might do the trick! He makes sure you’re safe and demands authority! Plus he won’t hurt you physically! That perfect!
as far as the heroes go, your (missing persons—bc he erased all evidence of him kidnapping you) case will probably close for two reasons 1) he also erased you from the internet, scrubbing every nook and cranny of info on you and 2) he closes it LOL! Ez enough to just hack in the system and change it 🤷‍♀️
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Franklin seemed pretty scary at first because he had to assert dominance, making sure you know where you stand and that your his, then he becomes a a sweetheart <3 your relationship is probably something like his and Shizuku’s 💗
Franklin isn’t worried about any heroes “saving” you, he knows he can fend off any that try, and he always keeps a close eye on you no matter what. Plus he made sure to drill ‘no escaping’ in your brain before he started being kinder to you. Don’t mistake that for him letting his guard down though, that’ll be your first mistake.
he wasn’t mean when he was training you not to leave, just strict. But now I think your life with him is second most domestic to Machi tbh! He’s a decent cook and knows how to clean, so as long as you don’t act up- life’s good! 🤗
as far as who he trusts to watch over you while he’s gone, I’d say it’d have to be one of the girls, like any of them really. Machi is caring but a good amount of strict, like him. Pakunoda is just someone simply everyone trusts and Shizuku and him spend a lot of time together, so he knows she won’t forget you’re not allowed to escape lol.
if you ever managed to leave he’d for sure find you, by any means necessary. Whether he had to threaten a random stranger or Shalnark for the info or not🗿 JOKING (abt Shalnark anyway..) The most important part tho!- (😭) is that when you get back home, 1) if a hero helped you consider them dead. And 2) he’s not gonna be in a good mood for quite some time……seems last time wasn’t enough 😬
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Shizuku will forget if you don’t like gore/blood, and kill any hero who tries to “save” you right in front of you, every single time. Blinky ruthlessly sucks them whole as they scream and shoot into the vacuum. Or! They might just get hit in the head with the vacuum instead. Either way it’s sure to leave you traumatized if your not used to that sorta thing..
Shizuku remembers everything about you, so it’s weird to you that she forgets if you can tolerate gore or not…..you’re starting to think she’s not actually forgetting. (She’s asserting dominance). Your chances of escaping her is 50/50. Not really but let me explain. Escaping goes one of two ways: 1) you escape, find a hero and right when you ask for help they start screaming and then get sucked into her vacuum or! 2) you actually succeed in getting away! Except she tracks you down each and every time..🙂
you don’t know how she does it, and neither do I. I assume Shalnark is one way but I feel like she has other methods…..let’s not talks about them yeah? 😊
Shizuku would trust a few members to take care of you while she’s away, like Paku, Machi or Franklin! These 4 basically stick to each other since they have similar morals when it comes to their s/o
might I mention Shizuku doesn’t necessarily hate the heroes or anything. She only cares if they attempt to “free” you. Then she kills them..otherwise your life ain’t half bad! Enjoy 🍽️
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Pakunoda is like- the best, most kind yandere in the troupe. 😭💗 she lets you do whatever as long as it’s not escaping or harming yourself. You can go outside (only with her). She buys you whatever you like and indulges in your hobbies. Okay, she may be on Machi level domesticity….maybe more 🤭
Pakunoda trusts Machi most with taking care of you, Chrollo would also be an option for her if he wasn’t her boss. But she knows Machi will get the job done 👍
You can pretty much be genuinely happy with her! You won’t see any killing and the only (mental) damage you’ll like take is being kidnapped 😭 But I do gotta mention the fact that she won’t hesitate to put a bullet in the brain of any hero who dares to “save” you
she dislikes, not hate, heroes only because the try to take you away, acting like they could treat you better than her 🙄✋ She won’t kill them in front of you, thankfully! But she’ll be sure to borrow a favor from another member of the troupe! 😁 Or she might do it herself! If Machi is watching you and she’s out and about, might as well look for that idiot who calls himself a hero! 🤷‍♀️🤗
your not escaping bro 🗿 give it up. Ngl you probably can’t genuinely escape any member bc they have Shalnark + connections, etc. Anyway she has some security but will probably tighten it if you ever manage to get out. She’s not very strict though, so she’ll see it as you just wanting to be able to go out more 😭😅
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Bonolenov is another that doesn’t kill in front of you because his way of doing so is long ranged and dangerous. Soooo he just remembers their face and name! 😀 bro got a hit list 🗿 On that note he’s another who doesn’t have much of an opinion on heroes. He just dislikes how biased they are.
he will ask if you wanna live in a traditional Gyudondond house and eat they’re food. He won’t be offended if you say no, so don’t say yes thinking he’ll get mad, and end up regretting it later if you don’t like living like that 😭
it’d probably be easier to have security on a traditional house anyway. His security isn’t super tight or anything though, he just keeps an eye on you like Franklin or Shizuku. He loves spending time with you so that’s no problem really.
he loves to teach you his traditions and talk about them with you. He’d be a bit offended if you expressed disinterest in it (😭) but he’ll get sad over being angry, lucky you.
If you ever escape he won’t be mad or anything, he’ll just take you back home and keep a closer eye on you. He doesn’t necessarily blame himself for not watching you, but he doesn’t get upset at you for trying to leave either. He’s pretty patient, so at least that 😅🤷‍♀️
your life’s pretty decent I’m ngl 👍 I hope you like Gyudondond food tho…..
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Uvogin is physically the scariest 😬 because 1) look at the dude- if I got up in HIS house the next day I’d be shivering my timbers 😭😭😭😭 and 2) even if he’s not trying to hurt you, he might one day….and you don’t know how soon
he will absolutely pummel heroes trying to save you. He despises them for trying to take away his precious, but he also has fun (😭⁉️) beating them up
he can’t cook or clean….and likely makes a mess out of your house all the time, on accident ofc. So you will probably end up being the one doing all the domestic stuff 🤷‍♀️🗿
your escape chances with this man is 0 and probably your attempts too 😭😭 THANKFULLY you’ve never made him mad and your not trying to see him mad either 🙏
definitely has his buddy Shalnark keep an eye on you for him. So Uvogin + Shalnark = you’re never going home bro 🙏🗿 On the bright side he does like to take you out to places sometimes! Mostly to boast about how wonderful you are while killing the heroes who have been trying to save you for m o n t h s 😭😭😃
um your life is very spontaneous and honestly..? I HOPE your gonna be good 😭👍
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Illumi is another one you’re not gonna be able to even manage ONE escape ATTEMPT with 😀 Especially since Killua ran anyway? Nah your not gettin outta this one 😔
VERY strict and overprotective. I can’t decide if he or Feitan is worse? I think they’re matched…😭
Even leaving your ROOM is an adventure at this point 😬 Food is served to you on a golden platter and you have anything you could ever want (that he deems safe) buuut you might have to go through some pretty intense training bro….YEAH you heard me 😭🙏 No weak Zoldycks bro..that include YOU!
it’s not the type the Zoldycks get since birth but it’s still pretty scary considering you either train with Illumi whenever he’s home or one of the butlers. If you’re already strong, lucky you! In fact it’s highly likely! I can’t see Illumi falling in love with someone weak….
anyway heroes probably don’t even TRY to touch the Zoldycks so being saved is not an option. Unless Killua or Gon find out abt you, or you were apart of the main trio to begin with, nobody else is coming to save you……..Telling someone you ran away after getting kidnapped by a Zoldycks is just gonna scare them away anyway 😭😭😭
100% puts his nen needle in your head so you don’t run away. ☹️😬 He’s not that bad of a boyfriend…(ok yes he is)
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Kortopi doesn’t seem too bad! He clones your “dead body” when he kidnapped you so if you ever manage to escape it’ll be a shock to the heroes and your family 😭
if you don’t escape you’ll be presumed dead, so no one’s gonna come save you 😬 all according to his plan ofc! That makes things way easier for him, he wants a peaceful life with you, and he doesn’t exactly have combat compatible nen, so if the world thinks you’re dead, that’s perfect!
he can clean better than he can cook, he’s still learning on that part..but bear with him because he’s ACTUALLY not too bad of a boyfriend
he is a good listener (no. he won’t listen if you plead to be set free) and loves to chat with you! Will indulge in your hobbies and get you things of your interests too! :)
the biggest down slide (besides being kidnapped-) is you can’t go out ever again because the world thinks your dead 😭😭he keeps you updated on the outside world at the least..🗿
has some (a crap ton) security measures he got from Shalnark. He doesn’t wanna risk you leaving because he isn’t the best fighter + then the world would know your alive and try and “save” you
Hope you enjoyed your hcs!! :) 🩷
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77ngiez-archive · 6 months
project sekai is crazy because literally every character is queer trans neurodivergent physically disabled or some combination of the above
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thekinksmaster · 4 months
Some Shizukasa Headcannons
(I'm going insane)
When they were kids
Would practice plays and put on shows together
While doing one of their shows they were a prince and princess at some point and were eachothers first kiss
Even though they weren't as close as their sisters were they were still really great friends
Wouldn't really see each other much once Shizuku became an idol
A bit before dating
They became close again after A Once-In-A-Lifetime Pandemonium!?
Once they bumped into each other while Shizuku went on a walk and Tsukasa joined her after that they would frequently go on walks together
Always goes to some sort of café
This is a more of an in general type of thing but they are always the loudest at Leo/Need concert and sometimes get kicked out
Another general one, Shizuku is taller than Tsukasa
When Tsukasa was finally going to ask Shizuku out he had WxS help him serenade her one night from her balcony (he had them all stack up on each other so he could reach her balcony)
Only certain people know about them since yk how people get when their favorite idol gets in a relationship
They match outfits
They write letters to each other and Emu delivers it to each other since she goes to Kamiyama for lunch
For Halloween they went as an angel and knight (PLEASE SOMEONE GET THIS REFERENCE)
I love being a multishipper i might do more idk
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the-menace-in-pink · 1 year
The Phantom Troupe members if you tried fixing their sheets/covers
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Phantom Troupe members if you tried fixing their sheets/covers at night
Phinks: Sleep-fights you 🫶 Throw hands, spits, kicks and everything.
Chrollo: He’s sleeping soundly but has his fingers tightly curled around one end of the sheets and would NOT let go 🥊 Cherry on top, will probably bitch about having felt cold all night. In a passive-aggressive way bc he thinks no one cared enough to check on him.
Machi: Instantly wakes up and stares 👁️ (glares.)
Shizuku: Depends on whether she remembered to tuck herself under the covers. If she did, she’ll wake up and blink. Says a quick prayer thinking you’re the demon from under her bed, and then falls back asleep. You’ll be dealt with later 🤽
Feitan: Usually feels you approaching and has already thrown something at your face before you got any closer 😭 In the rare times he doesn’t wake up, engages in a vicious tug-of-war battle.
Shalnark: Bold of you to think this man’s sleeping long enough to lose his covers. Spends his whole night shitposting on reddit and twitter and takes a nap 1 hour before sunrise 💀
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livegastrodonreaction · 4 months
drops mmj pronounce and queer headcanons and runs
establishing right off the bat that All of Them are lesbians and polyam. so I don't have to individually list that in their bullet points
she/it/clover transfem agender
realized her lesbianism and gender identity from a young age. seeing Haruka for the first time made her realize that she wanted to be a girl and Minori's family has been nothing but supportive. Later on, Haruka was also her lesbian awakening.
also resonates a lot with xenogenders, specifically many of the animal related ones
she is very proud of her queerness, but that pride in its identity was used against her in conjunction with the other things about her that could socially isolate her. like her bad luck, constant enthusiasm and passion for her interests, clumsiness, eccentricity (cough cough neurodivergency cough co- *dragged away*), etc. In my head this would contribute to her, in the past, being that person who everybody knew and said hello to but not many people bothered to stop and really befriend and listen to. Besides her few close friends that were accepting of her quirks (like the girl we see in Dear Me, From Back Then), I think Minori would have been kind of socially isolated - it wouldn't have affected her majorly but it definitely would have influenced her low base level of self-worth and the way she perceives herself. whoops JESUS CHRIST I went on a tangent there huh maybe i'll just make another post about this it lives in my brain
they/he transneumasc nby
likes playing around with his gender expression but he still feels a little apprehensive about it. In general, he has trouble being accepting of themselves and their identity both as a lesbian and genderqueer person. It's very tied to his fear of change, his need to keep up a certain image of themselves, and his previous experiences in The Industry. he's come a long way in expressing himself with MMJ's support though!!
wears a binder often. "Yeah, I'm just wearing a binder to further enhance my disguise in public" -> "huh. huh I like this. oh wait. huh."
"I'm probably on the ace spectrum but I have a show in 3 days so I don't really care about that right now"
she/her transfem
started transitioning from a pretty early age, like Minori
specifically is a femme. the femme label is very precious and affirming for her
i'm pretty sure this is just canon but Airi ties her transness and girl-ness to her idolhood, and worth as an idol, a lot. MMJ is helping her work on undoing this self-damaging outlook on her identity. it'll take a hot minute but she's getting there :)
Sort of bullies Haruka and Shizuku into letting themselves experiment and express themselves freely. Minori then makes sure Airi is following her own advice about this topic.
they/she/fae (+ a whole lot more neos) egogender
They struggled with finding a label for themselves for a while until Minori helped them do more research on the topic. and then she realized that her gender is just. Her. She likes just thinking of her gender as just. being herself :) *I am we are starts playing*
plays with her gender expression A Lot. Like Haruka, but More. she does as a part of discovering herself beyond the image her old agency had forced her into and letting herself express herself more and realized that her perception of how her identity manifests changes quite often. Also like Haruka, she is still nervous and apprehensive about fully going with the flow and expressing herself.
she plays with her gender perception often enough that she's questioned whether she's genderfluid. fae does not have a definitive answer to that yet
Like Minori, also resonates a lot with xenogenders
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thatphantomtroupelady · 5 months
HxH Ringtone HCs 1
even tho I seriously need to study rn- eh. also weird title but okay
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It could literally be anything
From the theme song of an old bungee gum/texture surprise commercial
To just a screeching fire alarm
Like he just enjoys catching people off guard and it's one more way to do it so why not~
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Poor guy suffers from IRS (indecisive ringtone syndrome) 😔😔
Pakunoda has tried to fix it in the past by just having him keep the default ringtone
But then he gets soo bored of it :((
He needs his ringtone to be a nice classical piece
But he also CAN'T decide which classical piece it should be
So he just ends up shuffling through a library of like at least a hundred of them
Per month
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He can and WILL yell at you for ending the call too early
Even though he just... was not picking up
Yes. He's the type of guy to like his ringtone so much that he straight up does not pick up his phone at times
And even if he does pick up he will complain about his favorite ringtone ending and yes it is your fault
Why? Because he can.
It's a problem™
It's probably just one of the default ringtones though
He's not as non-basic as he likes to boast 😔😔
yes it does, Phinks.
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Bold of you to assume he has a ringtone
He keeps his phone on silent 24/7 because otherwise it may turn out to be a liability when he's sneaking/shadowing around
Practical but... frankly boring
Even if he ever un-silents his phone, it's just the default ringtone
Why? "Because I have better things to do"
Fair enough
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Wait wdym you can change the ringtone???
What's a ringtone???
I don't even have a phone???
No??? That phone is not mine??? I've literally never seen it before????
What's a phone???
Ok boomer
Fr tho queen behaviour
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A ringtone?? Huh?? You're so basic that your phone rings when someone calls you???
Sorry but he's just built different
His phone releases a special kind of aura that only he can detect that tells him that someone is calling him
The stronger the aura the more urgent the call is
Very 🤓👆 coded
but also can't say I wouldn't want one too
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priscirat · 5 months
thoughts on Shizuku’s relationship with everyone in l/n ?
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(expand for words on thoughts)
THE MAIN POINT. the main point. shizuku is SO so grateful for leoneed and what they bring for shiho.
it is shown repeatedly thru stories that she asks each of them to look after shiho because she KNOWS she knows how happy they make her and how theyre a place that shiho can always come back to (the same way that she Is for shiho but she doesnt believe how important she is for shiho)
a part of me believes that ofc it is due to How shizuku is ofc. but shizuku never got to connect in such ways to ppl before highschool and airi and more more jump. she mentions that Already before being an idol ppl were put off by the 'gap' of her looks and personality so i always saw it as her being extremely lonely.
so when she sees that her younger sister Also has the tendency to be put away from her peers due to her personality. can you imagine how relieved she is when she sees three fellas always coming towards shiho and growing up with her. she actually so often mentions how glad she is that shiho is making friends when she hears that kohane and minori are ALSO friend with her later on. so leoneed being there for so long. my god she loves them. her little stars.
for each relationship separately now. First i want to state howwww badly i want prsk to Actually put more text in their relationships. we get bits here and there but its mostly from mouth to ear situation so i HOPE. that they get to actually hang More. anyway.
ichika. #pure heart class sweep. both have this very earnest way to be. especially to their relation to their skill and how they keep pursuing someone in hope to fine their own shine. i will say it for each one of them but. shizuku is so fond of her for that. i wish we got them to be more often together bc the comedy of them being a Bit too earnest in some situation would be Extremely funny.
saki. oh the heart in their sleeves girlies. i often think about how shizuku Also in some way was affected by their whole separation and how not seeing saki around while the three others were there. man. but they both love so so much the people dear to them and don't shy from telling and showing them and seeing them team up for shihos bday let me say Easily that it isnt the first and last time it happened. definitely think theyre the ones who might have the closest relationship.
honami. u ever think about how both of them were under this pressure of fitting the image that others had of them. and i truly. truly cant imagine the catastrophe that would happen if shizuku Learned about it. anyway. the. so much. caring. silent supporter. relearning Herself. they got so much in common and their moment in the same committee together where they got to. learn more about shiho in their own way. theyre so so sweet.
i think it is so extremely sweet that you can see a bit of shizuku in all three of them. little shiho mentions how much she admires and look up to shizuku. current shiho still does even if shes shy about it <3 but since her sister was such an important pillar of her life i think it tracks that all of her closest friends do reflect a lil bit of her in some way.
ie : ln are shizukus little stars. she keeps going to their rehearsals to bring them treats and cried when they formed their band and she keeps crying when she sees them grow on stage.
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Tboy tgirl realness
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noname-nonartist · 4 months
Tsukasa Tenma is now 165cm tall in my head.
Let him be a short king ColoPal! >v<
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if you watch a fancam of it he is serving absolutely NOWT half the time. NO energy whatsoever. he looked like me when i had to pick up a certificate in school assembly and just wanted to vanish
he looks so lost and confused especially at the end. boyfailure </3
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pjsk-headcanons · 24 days
shizuku used to try to cover up her mole with concealer bc someone told her they were also called beauty marks and that made her self conscious because of the whole “natural beauty” situation with airi but once airi found out she literally cried and made shizuku vow to never do something like that again
random hc but thought i would share anyway…
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luffyvace · 8 months
♪─Shizuku x reader she forgot wasn’t a long time s/o─♪
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To make sense of this basically these hcs about shizuku remembering reader as someone she’s been dating for 6 years. When in fact they’ve only known each other as friends for 6 months :)
~just a fluffy little writing prompt~ <3
To start off you and shizuku were having a conversation over your favorite drinks and it some how tied back to how long you’ve known each other
”mm, yeah we’ve known each other for about 6 mo- no.. 6 years right??”
”hm? No only six months, remember shizuku?”
”no! It’s been 6 years! We’ve been friends for so long how could you not remember??”
”what?! Shizuku! We’ve only known each other for six months! We met recently at a book store remember?? You said you liked mystery books and I said I liked (favorite genre)”
”what are you talking about (name)? What about all the times we had together? Your saying that didn’t happen?”
”Shizuku your misremembering again. We met at a bookstore!”
”mhm, yea 6 years ago!”
”what?! No we didn’t we met when- ah never mind”
”yeah I know.”
you stopped yourself after realizing she wasn’t letting up and you didn’t want this to turn into an argument
”by the way, what should we do for our anniversary this year?”
”wait what??”
”well we did sightseeing last year, and went to the beach the year before that, so i was thinking why don’t we go to a waterfall this year?”
”wait go back! What do you mean anniversary?? a sixth month friend anniversary?—and what beach?? What sightseeing?!”
”what are you talking about? We’ve been dating for a while now! I’m talking about our 6 year anniversary, I know it’s not official between us yet but I thought we discussed this? How come you don’t remember?”
”none of that happened! We just met 6 months ago what are you-“
you paused
All the sudden you realized maybe she was doing that on purpose??
”do you remember now?”
you relax into your seat
“Good. I was starting to think you had amnesia”
you realized this might’ve been her way to propose and make it official!! You were now shizuku’s official s/o!!!
so yes. You two did become a happy couple from a single miscommunication during a simple conversation.
(More like misremembering and misunderstanding)
for the record, you did go on that waterfall visit
you two are adorable 💗
this was so cuteeeee <3 also it’s short on purpose :)
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bookiezzz · 3 months
transgirl hinomori siblings.. if you even care
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autistic-kamishiro-rui · 11 months
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best mmj member \(★ω★)/
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proseka-card-hcs · 3 months
For the card AUs can I ask for Shizuku, Mafuyu and Tsukasa?
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Another tough one, I kinda struggled finding ones that fit here together, but... Listen hear me out.
Y'all know the song Snowman by halyosy? It's a similar idea.
Mafuyu ran away from home in the dead of winter, escaping that dark and oppressive place, but having nowhere to go since Kanade isn't in the picture. After running for a long time, he comes across a snow sculpture and an abandoned framework for another snow sculpture in the park. The spirits of the two sculptures, Shizuku and Tsukasa, accompany Mafuyu throughout the winter, helping him find a place to stay and encouraging him to be himself, all the while knowing that when spring comes, Shizuku will melt and Tsukasa will be torn down and thrown away.
It takes most of the winter, but finally as the snow begins to melt, they manage to get Mafuyu to Kanade's house. Satisfied that their charge is safe, the two of them disappear, knowing that he'll be okay.
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