#Shinsou x OC
aheckinmess · 7 months
Wash Away the Storm [Shinsou] (Angst)
(One-shot to 1/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots - posted regularly on Saturdays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Shinsou x OC, Hitoshi Shinsou, Shinsou Soothes the Mind and Soul, Tragedy Befalls the OC, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Our Favorite Purple-Haired Bean, Grief, Grieving OC
Word Count: 860 words
Summary: Following a devastating tragedy, Ichijiku is grateful when Shinsou inadvertently helps quiet her mind during her grief.
Author's Note: This one-shot isn't a part of a series, so if you're ever looking to see what character I'm writing for, I'll give a character name and whether it's angst, fluff, or smut in the title. Enjoy!
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Ichijiku (Tigress)
"Hey, are you okay? I heard about what happened last week."
"Do you need a minute?"
"You must be so sad! Why don't you go see Hound Dog?"
All of their voices melt together as I try to make sense of everything happening around me. Getting the call that my grandpa died is crushing, and I haven't really wanted to do much except train and fight to get out all of my anger and sorrow.
My friends in 1-A, however, nudge me to seek out help as opposed to my avoidance coping mechanisms. I'd do the same thing, but I don't know if I feel ready to talk about it right now.
Still, I make an empty promise that I'll go see Hound Dog to get Ashido to stop talking to me and then go walk into the forest after school. I don't feel like going home yet to see Naomi. It'll only serve as a reminder of who's not there.
"Are you ever not out here now?" A tired voice pierces through my tumultuous mind.
"Are you ever not out here in general?" I sass back, turning to the purple-haired offender with a roll of my eyes.
His lips quirk into a smile as suddenly my mind is blank. It's blissfully, peacefully blank. I've learned how to combat Shinsou's brainwashing with an exhaustive bout of mental fighting, but this afternoon I don't want to. I just close my eyes to let the darkness aid the empty feeling in my mind.
That's when Shinsou seems to realize there's a problem. My thoughts flood back and I drop to my bottom, pulling my knees to my chest and tucking my forehead on them. Why'd you stop? I think. Why couldn't you just keep all of my memories away? To make the world go away for a little while longer...
"You didn't fight back, Sunshine." He comments softly, sitting down beside me in the grass. "That's not normal for you. Did something happen today?"
Right...Shinsou's still in General Studies. He hasn't shifted to the Hero Track yet. He wouldn't be close enough to anyone to know. I debate for a few moments if I should say anything, but ultimately decide we're close enough friends at this point to tell him.
"I guess it makes sense you wouldn't know yet. Not many outside of my class do." I choke out a little laugh. It lacks my usual humor. "I got news several days ago that my grandpa died while in the Navy." I want to cry, but I don't feel like it. I don't know that I have the energy anymore.
He doesn't make a sound, but I feel the tension in his arms. There's a long pause, not that I blame him. After all, how does one respond to that?
"Did my quirk give you a little break?" He asks after a moment. His arm gently wraps around my shoulders.
"Yeah." I breathe, once again hit with serenity when he brainwashes me and my mind quiets.
"Go ahead and get out a good cry." Shinsou whispers to me. Normally, I would fight this order. Shoot, my body even takes a second's pause like it's deciding whether to comply. But all of my sorrow suddenly combines together and splashes out of me onto his shoulder. "I'll keep you safe." He says as his hand strokes the back of my head and his other arm wraps around me.
Blissful, brainwashed fog swirls in my head as my body slumps onto his shoulder to be held. With a blank mind, I'm able to find that release of grief and tears without holding on so tightly to the pain that accompanies it.
By the time all of my tears are spent, he lets my mind go but I stay tucked into his side. It's so warm. Don't leave me. It feels so good in his arms. I decide to give myself a brief reprieve from grief and imagine what a life would be like with him. More moments like this, whether sad or content, pulled close into his arms to soak in his comfort and offer my own in return.
"Do you think he'd be proud of me?" I whisper.
"Your grandpa? For sure. I'm proud of you, and I rarely admit that to anybody." Shinsou says, shocking me abruptly. His shoulders shake with a snicker. "I mean it. I don't think I've ever seen someone work as hard as you do at helping others feel better, making sure they're alright, and at the same time juggling all of your own responsibilities and emotions. I can barely throw my scarf properly. But you," He pauses and I turn to look up at him. "You learn so quickly. You have the uncanny ability to take your weaknesses and reflect on them to immediately turn them into a strength. It's...nearly inhuman. I love that about you."
His words flood me with warmth and I sigh, relaxing.
"I appreciate that." And I mean it. "Is it okay if I stay here for a little while...with you?"
"I would never leave you to deal with this alone."
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Want More Shinsou? Try: Coffee Cures
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hydrangeapartridge · 2 years
Until death brings us together Chapter 4 : DEATH
Final chapter of my Ghost Shinsou x reader fic!
You can read it on AO3
Title: Until death brings us together
Stauts: Complete
Tags/Warnings: Shinsou x reader, ghost!Shinshou, modern AU, Suicidal Thoughts, Implied/Referenced Character Death, depression, toxic friendship (not with Shinsou), sadness, pain, needles, perfusion, hospitals, mention of cancer, drugged drinks, ethylic coma, accidental death, suffering, disease, bullying, bittersweet ending
Rating: E
Summary: It starts slowly, insidiously; the sadness, the restless nights, the tears you silently cry at night alone in your empty apartment. That’s coincidently when you start seeing him: the man with the deep violet eyes, and he’s following you.Is he an evil spirit? Is he death? Or is he your depressed mind playing tricks on you?
Chapter 1 , 2, 3
You fall into a routine with Hitoshi. A dangerous one. Dangerous for your sanity. Because it just feels too real. Like he’s an actual colleague, or a roommate, made of palpable flesh, supported by solid bones. You tend to forget he’s not even breathing.
He’s with you at work when you take your break alone; he’s here on your couch in the evening when you need to talk about the upsetting things that happened during your shift. He’s here in the morning, teasing you about being a zombie before you had your coffee. You have his undivided attention when you talk, as he has yours when he sometimes tells you about his parents with watery eyes in the late nights of the week-end. He doesn’t want to go see them; you asked.
Since he’s become your supernatural roommate (companion? Friend? ..? You don’t know, you’re not afraid of him, but of what you want to call him), you’re…. better. Surprisingly so. You should be afraid for your sanity; you still had the pills you wanted to take when you first noticed him, but things in your life are weirdly easier. It’s easier to talk with your colleagues, the doctors seem nicer, more approachable. More human. You truly realize you’re all in this together, and they’re flawed like you are, but it’s fine because Dr Stiles has a beautiful wife that he likes to call “his heart” and one of your stoical older colleagues is a grandmother now and talks about her grandson with tears of emotion in her eyes. They are touching. They are people like you are, and not robots who do the same routine as you,; people that you pass by without seeing them, without caring, despite being a nurse.
Kagura even apologizes to you one day. You accept to hang out with her again, because she’s not so rotten, just insecure. You only promise yourself you won’t make the mistake of not setting boundaries with her this time. Oddly you have a feeling it won’t be a problem. When you hear her laugh again for the first time in weeks, it brings a smile to your face.
Generally, you tend to see the silver linings of things a lot more than before, the brighter side of negative events, the glass half full. And it feels great actually. You feel better.
Your life is far from perfect, and work is still difficult, but you truly feel better. You even go as far as starting random conversation with strangers at the mall, in the café where you still like to hang out. There you often chat with the new barista, the one with freckles and a smile that feels like sunshine. You even got his number. His name is Izuku. But Izuku’s not the one towards whom your thoughts always drift out without your consent.
It’s bad, how important Hitoshi became in your life; how close he is to your heart, he who doesn’t exist anymore. Thanks to his presence, you never feel lonely; you’re capable of being brave; braver, because he’s never too far away from you, even when you can’t see him. And because of it, you selfishly refuse to let him go.
You did research on ghosts, browsing weird websites to gather information you’re not sure you can trust. And you’re convinced he’s here for a reason, which probably isn’t keeping company to a depressed meaningless little nurse. Yet you don’t want him to leave you, so you ignore all the stuff you read about ‘accomplishing something so they can finally rest in peace’. Given how he’s gone; how could he ever be at peace? All that stuff’s probably bullshit anyway… right? Sometimes you still feel guilty for not telling him about those unscientific researches; for not at least trying to set him free.
He never approaches the subject of the future with you. Maybe he’s content with your actual situation? Or maybe he can’t wrap his mind around the concept of leaving forever. Of disappearing. Everyone’s a little afraid of death. Maybe that’s just why he’s here in the first place? Because he doesn’t want to make the big jump. Because his death was so sudden he wasn’t prepared to go; and he’s still not ready to go.
That night, you’re in your bed, musing over all this bullshit under your blanket, unable to sleep.
You can’t sleep because you’re thinking of him, and those thoughts treacherously go towards the feelings you’ve grown towards him.
If only he was still alive. If only he was a resident in your hospital, things could be much simpler. Would have been much simpler. You don’t know the guys who did what they did to him and either they don’t care or they are traumatized. Either way you hate them. You feel like they robbed something from the both of you.
You could have loved him. Would have loved him.
It’s easy to let your thoughts wander to that fantasy. You imagine dates in cafés, ice-cream under the sun at the beach… and then more intimate situations.
Mindlessly, your hand has travelled down your stomach and between your legs. During one second you feel ashamed of what you’re about to do. But the desire burning deep into your core is stronger. Your libido has been down for months because of your state of mind, and now that its awakened, the need you feel for release is unbearable.
It’s not difficult to imagine Hitoshi above you. Your creative mind offers to fill in the gaps as you picture his naked body; lean but muscular., taking you while he whispers sweet nothings into your ear in that smooth voice of his. His resonates clear and deep in your mind and his half-lidded purple eyes watching you are easy to picture.
“Hitoshi please” You don’t hear yourself breathe his name with your pulse pounding against your temples.
You’re almost there.
His voice has the effect of an icing shower and you jolt up, grabbing your blanket to hide yourself, to hide the activities you were abandoning yourself to.
“W-what are you doing here? How long have you been here?” You ask too quickly, a little panicked.
“I just arrived, I thought you called me”
“I didn’t.. I-”
You stop when it occurs to you that maybe you moaned his name. A desperate groan escapes you and you hide your burning face under the blanket. A moment of heavy silence, and then Hitoshi dares to ask : “Were you doing what I think you were doing?”
You roll yourself until you’re a blanket burrito facing away from him.
“Do you want me to leave?” He asks next, maybe a little bit embarrassed. At least he doesn’t sound angry.
You groan again and try to disappear into a mountain of blankets. You’ll never be able to look him in the eyes again.
There’s a moment of silence, and you think he’s gone, never to come back given how disgusted he must be with you.
But you think you feel the blankets shift when in truth they don’t shift at all, and his voice is closer to your ear when he says. “I have to admit I’m kind of flattered”
You peak out from under your blanket, face so hot you’re surprised there isn’t smoke coming out of your ears. “Really?”
Hitoshi, who’s lying on his side ontop of the covers, facing you, graces you with a bashful smile. “Really”
“You’re definitely not real”
He chuckles at your comment, the sound of it music to your ears.
“I’m sorry” You mumble, mouth hidden by your blanket.
“I’m sorry too….” He tells you, and then there is a shift in his eyes. “That I can’t be with you like this”
He’s very intently looking at you, and the mood changes back to something more serious. “That I can’t touch you the way you want me to” He continues, and the way his voice lowered has you shiver. The tension is back in you, the desire renewed between your legs from just a few words.
“I wish I could feel how soft you are, how smooth your skin is” He confesses, his dark amethyst eyes never leaving your body, trying to see more, like he can see through the barrier of your blanket.
One hand slowly moves towards you, and although he can’t, it’s like he’s cupping your cheek. “How sweet you would taste”
There’s a tingling in your lips when his thumb ghosts over them. It’s like you can feel him there next to you. The warmth of his touch, almost real, sending electricity coursing in your veins wherever the echo of his skin touches yours.
“I would kiss those perfect lips”
His fingers travel down to the hollow of your neck, and his face comes closer, his lips close to your ear as he whispers: “I would make love to you all night long”
A sigh escapes you and the previous ache you felt in your core awakens again, burning ten times harder. You’re probably going mad at this point, because no one touching you as ever felt as good as Hitoshi just being here next to you, talking to you.
“Go on, don’t be shy, let me admire you, my pretty kitten”
The pet name makes your cheeks heat up. Still, you push your blanket away, unashamed of showing him your body now that you’re excited. You instinctively know he’ll take care of you and help you tend to your needs.
“Yes, just like that. You’re so beautiful” Beside lust, there’s a hint of another emotion in his voice, something like regret or sadness that he’s trying to hide. But your brain stops focusing on it the second he says:  “Now touch yourself for me.”
Your heart skips a beat in your chest before it races, your blood pounding in your ears. You close your eyes and let his voice guide you, fill your mind until the only thing you can think about is him. Obediently, your hand travels down to resume your previous activities. Hitoshi is so close to you. You’re sure he’s watching your every move. You’d love to see the look in his eyes; maybe he’s licking his lips from time to time. But you still feel a bit shy and it’s easier to keep your eyes closed and abandon yourself to the pleasure you’re sinking into.
“That’s it. My sweet kitten. So nice to everyone. You deserve to feel good”
You whimper, the pace of your hand on your clit increasing. You’re so close already. You’ve never been so aroused so quickly and if you weren’t so lost in the moment, you would feel ashamed of nearing the age so easily.
“Let me make you feel good”
He’s so smooth, feeding you with praises in a steady flow that brings wave after wave of pleasure pulsing through your whole body. Slowly your arousal builds up with the way he keeps bringing it higher and higher from his voice alone, like he’s growing a fire by slowly but meticulously blowing onto its embers.
“I want to hear every breath I would draw from you”  
The ghost of his touch tingles under your skin, warm and inviting, comforting.
“Say my name again”
You obey, crying out his name just before a powerful orgasm steals your voice and all the air from your lungs.
It takes you a moment to come to, and when you open your eyes, Hitoshi is still lying next to you, a wickedly satisfied smile on his lips. You feel shy again, exposed in only your underwear when he’s fully dressed. You bring the blanket up to your neck and his smile becomes gentler when he sees the way you’re blushing.
“Feeling good?” He asks, shifting closer.
“Perfect” You whisper. “Thank you”
“My pleasure” The melody of his low purr almost makes you want to have another go at whatever ghost sex you just had. But your muscles are sore, and you feel exhausted.
You don’t have time to ask him if you can somehow return the favour, even if he doesn’t have a body, because your eyelids fall heavily over your eyes, and you feel yourself helplessly drifting to sleep.
“Sweet dreams kitten” He whispers, and as you close your eyes, there’s a warmth on your forehead where you imagine he’s gently kissing you.
“Good night Hitoshi” You try to whisper before falling asleep.
The next day, you are in an excellent mood. You spend a lazy Sunday at home, drinking hot chocolate while watching a movie as rain pours outside your window.
Hitoshi appears at one point and the smile you give him is positively beaming. He sits next to you, like it’s the most natural thing in the world, and you chat about the work that awaits you this week at the hospital.
In that moment, close to him, you feel content. You feel complete and at peace. You hope he feels it too; that calm.
That night you throw away the pills before his eyes, and when you go to bed, Hitoshi is not too far, and there’s no anxiety to keep you awake.
Your honey-moon phase is short lived. What goes up must always come down they said, and things soon started to go downhill.
It starts the next week-end when you go to your usual café. Hitoshi’s sitting across from you, and the next moment he’s not. Cut mid-sentence he disappears. When he comes back, you brush it off with a smile. However these incidents keep happening more and more often. At home, when he’s next to you, you don’t feel the warmth from before anymore, and looking at it more closely, he’s becoming more see-through with each day.  You have more and more difficulty seeing him, hearing him, and he looks more and more transparent, the tips of his hair and his fingertips sometimes even blurred, like he’s fading into the atmosphere.
At first you deny he’s starting to vanish from your life. But you can’t hide from the truth forever, and you have to face the fear that keeps you awake at night.
Then, you start feeling selfish, for. How could you help him feel at peace like he helped you? You realize you can’t live like this forever. You’ll grow old, and what will happen to him? Will he stay in between forever? Is there something you can do so his soul can rest in peace before he just disappears?
With these thoughts soon comes another question: if you killed yourself, would you be able to stay with him as a ghost forever? No, you can’t let yourself think like that. You have your whole life ahead of you when he was robbed of his. He would never forgive you if you ended it for him. And he would be right about it.
You’re so caught up in your racing thoughts and anxiety that you barely even enjoy the few moments you manage to spend with Hitoshi.
One rainy day, when you get home from work after no seeing him during your shift, despite calling for him, you find him waiting for you beside the couch.
He looks sickly pale, even for a ghost.
The way he softly says your name when he invites you to sit down breaks your heart.
“I think it’s time for me to go”
You want to stand up, to confront him and if the gesture he makes with his hand to appease you is enough to keep you sitting, it doesn’t stop your voice from cracking.
“What do you mean. Go where?!”
The pained look in his eyes is torture to watch.
“ Since the day you threw away those pills away, I have more and more difficulty maintaining myself here. My consciousness is getting blurry and in my mind it feels like there’s something pulling at me, trying to lead me somewhere. And I think I need to follow it” He clutched an the blurry fabric of his shirt, just where his heart should be. “I feel it in my gut, my job here is done. You’re safe, so I can go. ”
This time you get up. You try to embrace him, but this time your arms just pass through him.
“Please no, don’t go, I need you. I can’t live without you!” You can’t stop the tears that are streaming down your cheeks. Angry and sad, you try to grab at him, to hit him, to push him, whatever it takes to just keep him here with you.
“You know we can’t stay like this. You need to move forward, to enjoy your future. I won’t change, I’m not even really here. I will only hold you back if I stay. I have to see what’s next. I’m not afraid anymore. You gave me courage” His smile doesn’t reach his teary eyes.
“But it’s unfair, you helped me so much” You sob, your tired arms falling to your sides.
“You heart is too tender for this world. But it is not a bad thing. You are a good person. You help people” Hitoshi’s voice is harder and harder to hear, slowly becoming a low whisper. “Live for the two of us. Enjoy. I wish we had met earlier but if at least I could help you so you wouldn’t end up like me, I’m glad. I’m glad I met you. Live long and live well… ”  You can’t see his legs anymore, and his waist is starting to evaporated into the air, like he never existed.
You’re powerless. From the beginning you were powerless. You hate that he was given to you and that now he’s taken from you. God, spirits, the devil, you despise whoever put you through these wonderful moments just to rob you of them. You despise the guys who had Hitoshi killed…. But amongst the pain and sorrow, you manage to tell him the most important thing. The thing you don’t regret.
“I love you” You cry, and the look of surprise on his face is blurred by his fading contours and the tears streaming down your face.
His amethyst eyes widen before they soften. He forces one last smile for you and if his last words are barely an echo of a noise, you’ll never forget them “I would have loved you too”
In front of you there’s nothing but empty air. Around you the only sound is that of silence. You fall to your knees and cry your heart out for him.
The next day, you call in sick. You don’t want to do anything, don’t want to see anyone. You leave Kagura’s worried messages on ‘unread’.  You rummage through your trash can, looking for the pills, but they’re long gone.
The next week, you at least take a shower before going to work, your only intention being to steal the pills again. At night, the bottle in hand, you look yourself into the mirror. Dark bags under your eyes, pale skin and untended hair… you look like shit. You look into that poor girl’s eyes; that poor girl who has her whole life waiting for her. You throw the bottle of pills against the wall with all your force before you start crying again.
The next month. You accept to go out with Kagura. The pain so vivid before is a dull ache that makes you feel numb. You don’t want to do anything, but you let her take you wherever she wants. When she goes to use the bathroom, the bubbly freckled barista comes to have a chat with you. He manages to bring a small smile to your face.
The next year, you’re texting Izuku in the train that brings you to Hitoshi’s hometown. You place white lilies on his grave and pray that he’s in a better place.
Years later, you marry that cute barista who brightens your life like sunshine. When the two of you have children, you make sure to show them they’re not alone and listen to their struggles. You are overjoyed when they become parents too. You keep your job as a nurse until your retire and with your husband and family, you overcome all the smaller troubles that life brings you.
At the end of a full life with no regrets, in your hospital bed, you close your eyes and greet death like an old friend. A tall figure extends a pale hand to you at the end of a tunnel of light. You get closer and find shiny violets eyes wrinkled with the hint of a smile. You take the silhouette’s hand, unafraid.
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julieemarine · 2 years
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[Left: OG Shinsou; Right: Black Shinsou]
I have decided to ship Mizumi with Shinsou. Also, hc’ing Shinsou as Afro-Dominican/Japanese. (I took inspo from @redhoodzuko)
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hitomashi · 2 years
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katsuki bakugou x reader
texts katsuki struggled to send you.
part 1/3
different than what i usually write, but i thought i’d try it out
inspired by down bad
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11:06 pm
kats: hey, idiot
kats: i’m sorry
11:10 pm
kats: i messed up
kats: happy?
11:18 pm
kats: ok im sorry again
kats: i just got jealous when i heard you went out with icyhot, thats all
kats: i know im the one that broke up with you
kats: but that doesn’t mean i was okay with seeing you go out with some other guy
kats: i know thats fucking stupid you don’t need to tell me
12:01 am
kats: i know you’re still mad at me
kats: i shouldn’t have freaked out like that when i saw ur instagram story
kats: shitty hair’s making me type most of this shit btw
12:53 am
kats: ok we’re alone he went to bed
kats: i can see ur online
kats: do you still have me saved with ur dumbass nickname
kats: i kinda hope you do
1:02 am
kats: i regret not texting you more often
kats: im sorry i was so dry
kats: but you’re the only person i’d ever text back
kats: i actually liked hearing from you
kats: im sorry
1:17 am
kats: i broke up with us bc i wasn’t treating you right and i went home everyday feeling like a shitty boyfriend. you deserved better
kats: i did it for ur own good, idiot
kats: especially after what i did to you
kats: i can’t ever make that up
kats: the guilt was killing me
kats: and after that i knew you deserved more
kats: but i miss you
kats: and im sorry i didn’t tell you the truth
kats: i take back everything i said
2:00 am
kats: are you asleep?
kats: whatever you’ll read this in the morning
kats: you left your moisturizer here
kats: i wish i could call you. i fucking miss your voice. im sorry
2:49 am
kats: you know ur the only person i want
kats: theres literally no one else
kats: and idk what i’ll do if i can’t have us
kats: i was an idiot to let you go
kats: im sorry about freaking out about that half and half bastard but im so much better for you
kats: i make you laugh
kats: i bet you were faking it with him
kats: even if you weren’t. lie to me
kats: i miss you
3:33 am
kats: you’re the prettiest person i have ever seen
kats: did i tell you that enough?
kats: well i’ll tell you now
kats: even if you slam the door in my face i’ll still tell you ur beautiful idc
kats: you’re so pretty it makes me angry
kats: i saw a photo of you in my gallery
kats: my mom says she misses you
3:51 am
kats: is ur apartment cold
kats: im sorry i never fixed your heater
kats: i should’ve made the time
kats: but i liked when you came to me for warmth
kats: maybe i didn’t fix it on purpose
kats: if you don’t take me back i’ll still fix it
kats: i love you like that
4:04 am
katsuki (do not answer) : have i told you that enough? that i love you?
katsuki (do not answer): im sorry
katsuki (do not answer): for not telling you i love you enough
katsuki (do not answer): for not telling you how god damn pretty you are
katsuki (do not answer): for not buying you flowers
katsuki (do not answer): for not treating you how i should have
katsuki (do not answer): i know i messed up
katsuki (do not answer): but i wanna make it right
katsuki (do not answer): you’re my whole fucking world
katsuki (do not answer): and i do love you
katsuki (do not answer): so open the door, im outside
part two soon! 🪽
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gaecactae · 5 months
A Cozy Cloud☁️
04. Home, at last🏡
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😊😊 it brings me so much joy to show you this comic, I have no idea why haven’t I done that earlier!
Well, Tenko is at his forever home from now on! Story obviously continues 🥰
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real-hot-grl-shi · 3 months
y'all srsly need to stop slandering my man (monoma) fr like he is not a egotistical asshole who only loves himself and that's it he literally glazes class 1-B. not himself. name one time that he said that he was better than class b. I dare you. he has a inferiority complex and It shows pretty clearly, but y'all just hate him bc he doesn't like class 1-A??? LIKE THATS THE ONLY REASON WHY YALL NGAS HATE HIM 💀
hes good with kids (eri), he knows when to chill out, and he doesn't really even cause any harm to class 1-A outside of season 5 when they were training!! like y'all really need to chill out. Hori literally said in his character sheet that it wasn't 'Noma's fault. LIKE?? like he cannonly got along with mina and ochako in one of the official arts- LIKE YALL CHILL OUT. 
and to some of y'all ngas saying that he ugly- bro. sorry that he looks normal and his hair aint cray cray??? like not everyone needs to look wack or abnormal in a anime. 
(its literally cannon that hes a pretty boy, and he is. ive been thinking dat shi the first time I saw him 🙄)
like if you didnt know anything about the character, mha, or anime in fact, would you look at this nga:
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and say "EW HE LOOKS SO UGLY??????///" no 💀 you wouldn't. bc you know ppl that look like him in the world exist and walk on the streets. 🤷🏾‍♀️
y'all really need to stop slandering my man bc if it wasn't for him the hero would've lost. 🙇🏾‍♀️anyway monoma edit bc MY MAN MY MAN MY MANNN!!!!
also this too
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kikyoupdates · 18 days
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☁ yandere ♡ oneshot masterlist
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🔮 masterlist ☁
❝ You don't know how or why, but you've been isekai'd into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Although your first instinct is to stay away from the plot, you've been blessed with an abnormal amount of cursed energy, and for better or worse, you find yourself sucked into the storyline. You decide that you may as well use your newfound powers for the greater good, and if you're lucky, you might succeed in rewriting some of the characters' fates. But it turns out that your presence in this world is an even bigger deal than you first thought, and soon, everyone wants to make you theirs.❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev and ao3
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💫 masterlist
❝ You never believed reincarnation was possible, least of all in the fictional world of Jujutsu Kaisen. However, from the moment you meet Gojo Satoru, it’s impossible to deny. Whether it’s a miracle or some kind of curse, you find yourself growing up alongside the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. Unfortunately, you know what the future holds in store. You know exactly what kind of tragedies await. Perhaps that’s why you were brought into this world. If it means saving people from a gruesome fate, you’ll gladly suffer in their place. You’ll do whatever it takes. All for the sake of a better tomorrow. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev and ao3
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🧪 masterlist
❝ You didn’t accomplish anything in your previous life. Looking back on it, you feel nothing but regret, and you yearn for the chance to do things differently. As it turns out, your wish is answered, and you are reborn into your favorite fictional world. This time, you resolve to make a change, and you have the means to do it. You won’t be content with just sitting on the sidelines and letting life pass you by. You will live boldly and vibrantly, as if every moment is your last. No matter what it takes, you are going to leave your mark. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev, ao3, and wattpad
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💎 masterlist
❝ You are the product of a series of twisted experiments, an anomaly that shouldn’t have ever existed in the first place. Thankfully, you are taken into the arms of a hero and given a new purpose in life. But as you soon discover, it isn’t easy to deny your true nature, especially when you were made to destroy. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev and wattpad
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💔 masterlist
❝ You awaken one day with virtually no memories. The only thing guiding you is some strange system that likes to dictate your every move, and for some reason, it insists that you make certain people fall in love with you. Desperate for answers, you decide to go along with its demands. After all, how hard can it be? ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev, ao3, and wattpad
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💌 masterlist ☁
❝ Your Quirk is rather unique. It plays out almost like a game, giving you missions and goals that help you become stronger. On top of that, you also have the ability to charm those around you. It sounds innocent enough on paper, and you can’t help but revel in the attention everyone keeps showering you with. But what happens when their feelings give way to something more sinister? ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev and ao3
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💋 masterlist
❝ As punishment for your sins, you, a young vampire, are banished — not just from your home, but to a different world entirely. Now, you find yourself in a foreign place where Quirks and heroes are the norm. In addition to coming to terms with your new life, you must also face your greatest challenge: controlling your massive thirst for blood. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev, wattpad, and ao3
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💘 masterlist
❝ Ever since your Quirk first manifested, you’ve been the apple of everyone’s eye. With the goal of becoming a hero, you enroll to U.A. and soon find yourself drawing the attention of many. Will you form genuine connections with others, or is this all just your power's will? ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev and wattpad
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🩸 masterlist ☁
❝ Desperate for money to pay off your debts, you sign up for a program that allows you to sell your blood to vampires. At first, everything is fine, and you’re finally able to make ends meet. But they soon begin craving more than just your blood. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev and wattpad
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🦋 masterlist ☁
❝ Hoping to try something new and earn a bit of money on the side, you join an app that lets people hire you for your dating services. The idea is pretty straightforward — you pose as the client's girlfriend for a brief period of time, and in turn, you receive payment. But you didn't foresee everyone getting so attached to you, and suddenly, they're no longer satisfied with a fabricated relationship. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev
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🗡️ masterlist ☁
❝ Reincarnation isn't as great as it sounds, especially when you've been reborn as none other than the villainess. Fated to die if you stand in the heroine's way, you immediately resolve to distance yourself from the plot. As long as you have nothing to do with any of the relevant characters, surely, you'll be able to avoid an untimely death. But in a horrible turn of events, the heroine ends up wanting to get close to you. Are you really doomed to meet the villainess' tragic end? Or is there an even more sinister fate that awaits you? ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev
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💞 masterlist ☁
❝ A desperate cry on your deathbed leads to you being given a fresh start at life. You're overjoyed at having finally obtained a healthy body and a real chance at living normally, only to discover that you've been transported into a yandere game, where danger lurks at every corner. Determined to protect your new life at any cost, you vow to stay as far away from the major characters of the game as possible. But things don't always go as planned. ❞
more chapters of this story are available on quotev
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oneshot masterlist
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needtoloveoutloud · 2 months
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Shadows Of Our Past, Present, and (possible) Future — Series
My Hero Academia — Female!OC Fanfiction on AO3
Part One (Completed — 93k words):
The one where Shota Aizawa stumbles upon a back alley full of stray cats and ends up adopting a child
“Fine, then a cat? We both know how much you love those little furry…things.” At this, Shota paused the game and turned to the pushy blonde next to him. “I actually have considered that.” “And?” “And: also, no. It makes no sense.” Hizashi looked almost scandalized. “Makes no sense?” “I made a pro and contra list.” “Of course you did.”
When underground hero Shota Aizawa, twenty-two years old, is out on patrol one Friday evening, he doesn't expect that a single meow from a cat would lead him to find a homeless girl called Yoru. From then on, Yoru and Shota grow up together, make mistakes together, and try to overcome every obstacle life throws at them.
>> Read on AO3 <<
Part Two (Ongoing, regular updates — growing long fic — 231k words so far — READ PART 1 FIRST, PLEASE AND THANK YOU):
The one where Yoru Aizawa tries to navigate through life at U.A.
Two days after her fifteenth birthday, Yoru decides to drop the bomb on him. “I want to go to U.A.” “You want to go to U.A.” Her Dad puts the book he's been reading down on the glass balcony table.  “Yes, I want to go to U.A.” She slumps down on the outdoor couch next to him, grabbing the discarded book. “What are you reading?” ‘A Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi — The classic guide to strategy ’. She raises an eyebrow. “Reading that for fun, huh?” “Why do you want to go to U.A.? You never cared much about heroes. Besides Edgeshot, that is.” Yoru smirks up at him. “What, jealous?” “As if.” “You know, even if they sold Eraserhead posters, I wouldn’t hang them up. It would be super weird.” “Good to know where your loyalties lie.” He rolls his eyes. “Back to the topic at hand, why do you want to go to U.A.? Because Shinso wants to go?” “No.” Pause. “Okay, that may be part of it. But I’m serious. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and I really want to go.” “That might be so, but you still neglected to tell me why you want to attend there.” Yoru plays with her hair, noting how it’s time for another hair cut when she finds some splint ends. “I wanna be a hero.” Her Dad blinks. “A hero?” “Yes. Well, I want to help people and do some good with that shitty quirk of mine.”
When Yoru tells her Dad that she wants to attend U.A., she expects it to be a difficult path. She didn't expect all the awkwardness, blossoming friendships, confusing feelings, and near-death experiences, though.
>> Read on AO3 <<
Please heed the warnings/tags (TWs in the author's notes of chapters where they apply to).
This story is a mix of:
Slice of life
SLOW BURN Romance — Enemies to Lovers (Bakugo x Yoru)
Growing up, coming of age (hopefully lol)
Teenage awkwardness
Mixed media (pictures, music, chat screenshots (later on in Part 2), etc. — chat screenshots will always have the written text below, to make it accessible for visually impaired folks or people who use screen readers)
Author: NoBecksPleaseNo on AO3
Please don't copy the work, the character, the premise, etc. Also, no cross-posting anywhere, please and thank you.
Disclaimer: Yoru's image is AI generated and then edited/adjusted by the author. The other character images in the header are from Pinterest (besides the one of Present Mic/Midnight, that one's from the light novels) — unfortunately without a source. If you're the artist, and you're not okay with me using them, please message me and I will remove them. If you're the artist and are okay with me using them, please tell me, so I can credit you.
Besides the OC characters, I don't own any already existing characters from the My Hero Academia Universe — that honor belongs to Kohei Horikoshi.
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aheckinmess · 3 months
Coffee Cures [Shinsou] (Fluff)
(One-Shot 14/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays - and sometimes Sundays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Shinsou x OC, Hitoshi Shinsou, Shinso, Original Female Character(s), Ichijiku Aoki, Shinsou-centric, OC Runs Into Her Best Friend, OC Writes Stories, Coffee Date Because Shinsou is a Cutie, Shinsou is a Little Shit, He Likes to Tease OC, Honestly They Are Disgustingly Adorable, Aizawa is Mentioned, Obviously, Also There's a Cat, Overall Cuteness
Word Count: 1,542 words
Summary: After a long time writing, Shinsou invites Ichijiku with him to the coffee shop to rest and relax. On the way home, they meet an unexpected friend on the street!
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Ichijiku (Tigress)
“Hello? Earth to Ichijiku?” Shinsou tugs me out of my manic writing frenzy with his dulcet tones. 
I blink and he’s blurry. One more blink and he comes into focus. Damn. Was I really that out of touch with reality? I turn back to my computer where ten new pages of content look back at me from my word processor.
“How long have I been brain dead?” I grunt, stretching over my chair and popping my back.
“Almost two hours. How the hell did you manage ten pages?” He gapes, looking at the screen as I scroll.
“The characters wouldn’t stop yelling at me.” I whine.
I tilt my head back and he looks down at me with that sleepy smile. When he kisses me, all of the tension in my muscles melts away. Everything feels serene and pleasant.
“You look like you could use a break from all their rambling. Want to come to the coffee shop with me?” His fingers graze my cheek.
“As if that’s a question.”
. . . . .
Winds whistle through buildings and serenade my ears with another story. You’d think stories would stop floating around in my head after two hours of writing, but alas, no such luck.
Not that I mind.
“Do you think it’ll snow today?” Shinsou hums.
“I sure hope so.” I smile. “You know winter is my favorite season.” 
“It’s starting to become my favorite too.” 
“You just like seeing me in sweaters.”
“It’s not just that.” Shinsou huffs, hiding his smile in his scarf. “I also like that it’s cold enough that I can cuddle you everywhere I go.”
“If you’re trying to earn brownie points and make me buy your coffee…it’s working.” I laugh taking his hand and swinging it as a tinkling bell announces our presence in the shop.
“I’m trying to earn brownie points because you’re my girlfriend and I like seeing you smile.” He chuckles.
We step in and he kisses my cheek, making my eyes sparkle up at him. Coming from a family that neglected my need for physical touch makes these little micro-affections that much more meaningful.
“Hi, how can I help you?” A familiar voice asks as the barista turns around. Her eyes brighten. “Ichan!”
“Hana-chan! Hey!” I beam. “How have you been? I didn’t expect to see you here!”
“I’ve been great! I landed this job as a way to make a little extra cash. They pay my bills on the Support Team but you know I like to keep myself busy.” She laughs, making someone’s drink and then calling out the order. “How have you been, Shinsou?”
“Ichan still keeps me around, so life couldn’t be better.” He says casually, leaning his head on mine as he wraps an arm around my shoulders.
“You two are disgustingly adorable.” Hanayuki smiles, stepping behind the register. “What can I get you cuties?”
“A peppermint hot chocolate, please.” I say.
“And a hot coffee with cream and two sugars.”
Once our orders are put in and served, we thank her and head to a quiet space in the corner by the window. I take a sip of my hot chocolate and promptly singe the entire surface area of my tongue.
“A-Ah…” I splutter, swallowing and feeling every hot drop of liquid as it slides down my throat like scalding magma. “I have made a mistake!”
Shinsou’s lips twitch as he fights a smile, taking a sip of his hot coffee like it’s nothing and then setting it down as he raises a challenging eyebrow. Cheeky jerk.
“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice, Mister!” I squeak, swallowing a few times as the heat from my drink slowly dissipates. “Now I’m sad and demand cuddles!” I pout.
“It’s not my fault you can’t handle the heat.” He taunts.
“I mean, there’s a reason winter is my favorite season.” I crinkle my nose at him and stick out my tongue.
“Aw, want me to kiss it and make it better?” He puckers up.
“Gah!” I smack his arm playfully and then hide my face in my hands as I flush.
“Hey, don’t hide that cute blush from me.” Shinsou purrs, combing his fingers through the ends of my hair as he whispers in my ear. “If you hide, I’ll be forced to tickle you.” His hand skirts at my side.
“Don’t you dare!” I squirm, already feeling the tingling sensation even though he barely touches me. “You know how ticklish I…snow!”
All antics disappear as we gaze out the large window. Even though it’s outside, the falling flakes have a way of quieting the daily buzz of background noise. My shoulders slump and a smile settles on my face. Shinsou’s arm comes around my waist and pulls me close. For a while, we just watch and sip at our drinks - of course, I wait until mine will no longer scald my tongue. 
When we’re both finished with our drinks and a thin white blanket covers the street, Shinsou grunts and shuffles to the end of the table.
“Ready, Sunshine?”
We toss our trash and head out the door when I hear a faint cry. No, a sort of whine? At first, I ignore it, scanning the area as I thread my arm through Shinsou’s as we move along.
“Do you hear that?” I gasp, turning and looking around for a little bundle of fur.
“Hm? Hear what?” Shinsou asks, but his eyes light up when the sound gets louder. “A cat?”
“A kitten! We have to find it.”
I scour a set of nearby bushes, but there’s nothing of note. Shinsou looks around the dumpsters near the coffee shop.
“Psst, over here, Sunshine!” He calls out, crouching down near the dumpster. “Hey there, buddy. Come on out. We won’t hurt you.”
I’m slow and methodic in my movements as I end up crouched at the other side of the dumpster. A tuxedo kitten pinballs between Shinsou and I, peeking out at one before crawling to peek out at the other. 
Trying to coax the little kitten out, I imitate the sound of a chirping mom cat, extending my hand low to the ground. Shinsou continues using his soothing voice to our advantage as well.
I don’t know how long we both crouch out by the dumpster trying to coax the kitten over when a familiar, droning voice interrupts us.
“What are you two troublemakers up to?”
“Oh, hey, Mr. Aizawa. Didn’t expect to see you here.” Shinsou responds, his attention quickly distracted by the sight of his old mentor. “There’s a kitten behind the dumpster. We were just convincing it to come out.”
“Mm. You might do that easier with a little cat food.”
The sound of rustling grocery bags tickle my ears as I edge closer and closer towards the little tuxedo. Eventually, I plant my bottom in the freezing snow and patiently hold out my hand.
A moment later Shinsou hands me a tin of wet cat food. I sit the open can beside me, watching the tuxedo venture closer at the promise of food. All three of us barely move a muscle as he creeps over to us, eyes wide as he debates whether or not to trust us.
Finally, he’s there. The sound of moist munching breaks the quiet of the falling snow and I slowly reach out to pet him. He snaps his head to me and I pause, but he lets me touch him when he turns back to the food.
“There you go, cutie. You must be freezing cold. We’ll find you someplace warm to stay, lil buddy.” I coo, feeling warm as he starts relaxing around me with every stroke of his fur.
When he finishes off the can, I scoop him up into my arms before he can run away, and squirm until I get my feet under me to stand.
“Look at ‘im, Hitoshiii.” I step closer to him and let him get in a few head pats before turning to Aizawa. “Would you like to pet him, Mr. Aizawa?”
Our expressionless teacher seems less than thrilled with the little animal, but if we learned anything from our time at UA, we know he’s got a soft spot. For his students and cats alike. So I’m not surprised when he scratches the little guy behind his ear and he starts purring.
“Aww, he likes you.” I giggle.
“I’ve already got four, I don’t need another.” Aizawa drones.
My eyes immediately find Shinsou and I put on my biggest pair of kitten eyes, holding the little tuxedo beside my face to soften him even more.
“Pleeeasseee, Hitoshi-kun?” I plead. “At least let’s take him for now while it’s cold?”
“What will Fauna have to say on the matter?”
“You and I both know he’s small enough that she’ll treat him like her own.” 
I don’t miss Aizawa hiding a smirk in his scarf as Shinsou sighs, pretending like he doesn’t want the kitten just as much as I do.
In the following weeks when I’ve got a cold and a sinus infection, I still don’t regret it. Especially when I find the little tuxedo - Kakure - napping with Shinsou, cuddled up on his chest.
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Want More Shinsou? Try: Wash Away the Storm
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serendipitous-girl · 2 months
Fingers grazed the screen, caressing his face gently. He was talking to the news about a recent save, the bright colors of the tv lighting up the otherwise darkened room.
"Oh, my love." She cooed, kissing his lips when they do a close up towards him, "Soon you will be mine."
The video shut off, leaving her in complete darkness. She sighed quietly, dropping her phone down on her bed. Then she stood, tracing her lips as though she could pretend they were his.
There in front of her was a beautiful shrine for her darling. She knelt in front of it, admiring the pictures that were there of him. Her eyes fell forward to the single strand of purple hair she had been able to snatch, one night while he eas sleeping soundly. (One of the few times she has noticed him sleeping.)
"I love you, Shinsou." She breathed, her heart already starting to race and heat begin to pool between her legs. He would be hers, to touch and to hold. To kiss and to love. He would be hers.
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lori © 2024. please don't copy, modify, or do anything weird with my writing! i like reblogs and comments but please be kind as this was my writing.
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arbiterofsecrets · 4 months
we finished our banquet around 2 days ago <3
this is a lil drabble of what i think the characters after the text did with you/your oc during prom (inspired heavily by me and my gf's moments during the banquet)
warning(s): tooth rotting fluff, words, a lot of 'em, reader x character, oc x character, not edited, i did this at 1AM, CHARACTERS ARE BELOW THE LAST DIVIDER
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panic sets in at the thought of your partner not being able to make it in time for the entrance. that's when they walk in the lobby with the biggest dorkiest smile, their steps light and swift. their goal was to get to you first, to ease the panic that they knew has wafted throughout your body, through your hand that has been relentlessly checking your phone that's expecting a message from them, and through your anxious tapping foot.
you scold them lightly for arriving at such a time, and they could only chuckle and smile while apologizing. it took no effort to forgive them, of course. not when they looked splendid. their clothing perfectly tailored onto them. it didn't matter if they rented, had it adjusted, or made it themselves. they looked wonderful, they stole the lingering stares, just like they stole yours. they held your hand, theirs warm and comforting your cold, numb one.
here comes the cotillion. you two dance with practiced steps along with your other partnered friends and batchmates. funny how you gaze at each other with knowing smiles, yet turn to face opposite directions out of the fluttering feeling lingering in both your chests. there were a few wrinkled steps that could have been executed better, but you were both having fun nonetheless.
the floor was free to dance for couples of both the juniors and seniors. your batch specifically announcing the songs, and encouraging anyone and everyone to reach the dance floor with a partner.
with newfound confidence, you stand up. your hand reached out to your partner, a soft toothy grin plastered on your face. as if expected, they grab your hand with firm assurance and haste.
your acquainted batchmates and familiar friends of your relationship woo's and wow's were heard and echoed throughout the banquet hall. the teachers only smirk at the nearby table with a, "i knew it" face.
your arm wrapped around them, their's around yours. you both hug each other's body. the coldness of the air conditioning slowly fading with the ribboning warmth circling around your bodies. each step made was simple as you turn and swirl. the monitor in the middle of the hall taking a favorite in you two as whoever is handling the camera keeps switching to you both every other second.
the music seeps into both your ears, the familiar native language turns into honey as you hear the words that you start to quietly sing to the sweetheart view in front of you. the lyrics of the want and need to dance with your partner slowly, and even until the music stops, you would sing acapella into their ear.
at the time of rest, you hold each other's hands. laughing and smiling—the glimmer in the eyes of you two viewed by outsiders are like strips of the milky way painting itself in. as the others look at you both, you only see each other.
with each love song that plays, another dance is ignited between you two. as a promise was kept the first night you two had confessed, "every love song is a confession from me to you."
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character(s): shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, eijirou kirishima, yaoyorozu momo, hanta sero, hitoshi shinsou—bnha; yuuji itadori, yuuta okkotsu—jjk; sal fisher—sally face; miles morales, gwen stacy, pavitr prabhakar—atsv; koshi sugawara, atsumu miya—hq
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skymar13 · 3 months
Master list
All my links are messed up
All characters aged up
Multi character
-Back to school with the bakusquad - https://
-Baku squad reacting to you dying in battle - https
-Breaking up with the bakusquad- https
-Bakusquad being jealous- https
-opposites attract the bakusquad- https
Deku squad
Back to school with the deku squad - https:
All characters
Helping 1A student with post war effects - https
Period troubles - https
“I can’t live without you” Tw: character suicide and reader death. - https
Blondes - https
“Just the tip?” - https
Sweet pussy dinner - https
If the world was ending - https
Character specific
Bakugo katsuki -
Class hothead x class sweetheart - https
It’s way too much - https
Pink promise- https
Izuku midoriya -
Big number 1 - https
Kirishima eijirou -
The gentle hero - https
The manly hero - https
Denki kaminari -
Secret freak - https
No longer a virgin - https
Hanta sero -
Tenya iida -
Shoto todoroki -
Shota Aizawa -
it’s going to be okay - https
Hitoshi shinsou -
Tokoyami Fumikage -
Neito monoma -
Neito monoma - https
Mic -
Hawks- Mr bossman- https
All might -
Dabi -
Shigaraki -
Mr.compress -
Mina ashido -
When you wake up next to him -https
Kyoka jirou -
Secret freak - https
Ochaco Ururaka -
Momo Yaoyorozu -
Tsuyu asui -
Tooru hagakure -
Himiko toga -
Mirko -
Mt lady -
Star and stripes -
Midnight -
Mei hatsume -
Kendo itsuka -
What I won’t write
Rape / non con
Adult x minor
Murder or anything of the sorts
Requests : open✅
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katsuki bakugou x reader
the times bakugou broke your heart
heavily inspired by mbobhft
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1) the denial
“are we breaking up?”
his reasons made sense. he had a job, a goal, a burning drive to prove himself as the best. he was burnt out, his fingers worked to the bones. he couldn’t give you not just what you wanted, but what you needed. and that killed him more than it did you.
it made sense. the gears turned. the writing was on paper. like almost everything he did, it worked out. of course it worked out for katsuki bakugou- he’s the best.
it wasn’t all that set in stone for you, however.
he could have given you a million more reasons before the tears spilled. “i’m an asshole.” true. “i don’t treat you right.” fair. “you deserve so much fuckin’ better, [y/n.]” yeah, he was right.
but you always liked to challenge the acceptable.
at first, it didn’t hit you as hard as you thought it would. you walked through your room, too numb to pay mind to the tears that rolled down your cheeks, and silently packed up his sweaters into a box. the necklace he gave you, the ‘k’ pendant, came off your neck like a butterfly lands on a branch, knowing that its death is inevitable and doing nothing to stop it.
at night, you cried, and cried, and cried. you called him about 27 times. he never answered. he texted you to make sure you were okay, but your tear-blurred eyes kept you from seeing the keyboard clearly. you left him on seen and prayed that he was worried, prayed that his heart would explode at your lack of an answer, prayed to god that he would come over just to check on. suffice to say your prayers were left unanswered.
you thought he’d call. but he didn’t. but your soul remained devoted, eyes glued to your phone screen and hands shaking. he has to call. he has to tell you goodnight. he has to tell you that you’re an idiot. he has to tell you he loves you. he’s going too, idiot.
2) the anger
if he wanted you dead, why didn’t he just say?
your heart burned for anger. for salvation. for revenge. you knew katsuki bakugou knew anger well, but he had no idea the way your soul flared like a whole new depth of hell.
you laid in bed, awake, eyes excruciatingly drive from crying your tear ducts may as well have been burnt off. memories of him haunted your brain while your fists tightened.
you regretted giving him your heart. your love. your late nights and early mornings. your fights, your passions, your 2ams and your smiles. you hated the way you let him draw the laughter out of you, how he showed parts of himself to you he had never shown anyone.
and those little things that made up your love, he was going to use on someone else. you knew it.
he was going to cook them his special fried rice his mom taught him how to do. he was going to teach them how to punch because he doesn’t want them to get hurt- something he did for you. he was going kiss them how he kissed you, love them in a way that should have only been you.
but he shouldn’t. in fact, he should look back at what you had, and regret every. single. thing. he did to let is end. he should regret everything he didn’t do to keep you. he should burn alive from guilt. scream. cry. fight for his life while his body is doused in gasoline. attempt miserably to tear the fire off his skin while it burned him to a crisp. he should die screaming.
he should deserved it, after all. because he heard your screams, and put his headphones on.
3) the bargaining
please. you wailed. who do i have to talk to? what do i have to do to get him back!?
you suddenly thought of so many scenarios in your head, scenarios fuelled by false hope. things you’d do to kiss him one last time, to hold him, to love him and be loved by him. you’d dry the ocean water. you’d turn stones into gold. you’d bring him to heaven and back. you’d get out of bed. you’d compromise more. you wouldn’t forget to kiss him. you’d love him. you’d love him so much harder. please.
suddenly everything seemed possible. if someone answered your calls, if someone made a deal with you, you’d offer up everything. you were sure you’d place everything on the line for him. you want it all back- his yelling, his snark, his nicknames, his attitude, his everything- no, your everything. you’d pluck out your own eyes for his red ones, or your heart for his heroic soul that loved you brighter than anyone else. being loved by katsuki bakugou was something you wouldn’t trade for anything- turns out you couldn’t trade it either.
4) the depression
everything smelled like him. your sheets blossomed into his sweet, burnt scent, the one that he’d leave behind whenever he slept over simply because he left you. all your jackets felt like his chiseled arms, wrapped around you as if you’d be gone in a moments notice. his voice was everywhere. the songs on the radio, the words you read on your phone, and the memories that played like your favourite movie soundtrack.
you wondered if he knew you couldn’t get out of bed. sometimes you imagined him calling your ass lazy, and then dragging you out of bed with a kiss to your forehead and a breakfast he cooked for you. maybe then you’d rip off the sheets and face the day. but right now, your bed was the only place you could mourn.
it was cruel, in a sense. letting you fall in love with him only to leave. letting you fall in love with his stupid smug smirk, his laugh, his teasing, his anger, his unreasonable handsomeness, his millions of pet peeves and trigger words, his clinginess, his distance, his days and nights, ups and downs, his hate and love all tied into one. he made you love him, knowing you would never get to love another katsuki bakugou.
5) the acceptance
acceptance was bakugou realizing how badly he fucked up.
part 2 soon!
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multinamecrisis · 25 days
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OC x Canon time !!! made this for one of my best friends <3 Oc belongs to @ghostly1faces and his name is Daikichi <3
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mintsbubbletea · 5 days
𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨 - 𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐃'𝐬
Word Count: 773
Contains:teasing, sparring, flashing, boobies
Proof read and Edited
A/N: @slayfics Since you're going through shit I decided to write the fics I promise hehehe muah also for the other readers you may just plug yourself in.
slays oc
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As the school day slowly passed, the students of class 1-A were hard at work training. Each student was paired with a partner, their hero costumes on and sweat dripping from their brows as they sparred and practiced their quirks. Kansa and Shinso stood across from each other, both breathing heavily after finishing their sparring session. With a soft pant, Kansa caught the water bottle that Shinso tossed her way. She took a deep drink, relishing the coolness that quenched her thirst. "You're still taking it easy on me," she chuckled, wiping beads of sweat from her forehead. 
Shinso opened his own water bottle and took a long sip before shaking his head adamantly. "I'm not holding back. I'm fighting just as I would with anyone else." He took another swig of water before continuing, "You're just getting better every day." 
Kansa scoffed playfully, setting her water bottle down. "Yeah right," she retorted. "You expect me to believe that I beat you fair and square in each round?"
Shinso shrugged nonchalantly, taking another sip of his drink. But Kansa wasn't satisfied. With a soft smirk, she spoke up again, making her true thoughts known. "I still don't trust you. Maybe you're just weak," she taunted. Shinso's eyebrow raised in response, knowing full well that she was just trying to get under his skin. "I'm not weak," he said firmly, setting down his bottle as Kansa stepped closer to him.
But Kansa's smirk only grew wider, her finger jabbing at Shinso's chest as she continued to provoke him. "Like hell, you aren't. You're weak, just admit it." Her words were like daggers, piercing through his armor and chipping away at his composure.
Determined not to back down, Shinso tightened his grip on her wrist when she poked at him once more. "Do you want me to prove that I'm not? Is that what you want?" His voice was low and dangerous, his eyes glinting with an intensity that mirrored the fire behind them.
Their standoff continued, each one refusing to give in to the other's will. In that moment, it seemed as if anything could happen between these two volatile individuals.
"Yeah, that's what I've been trying to tell you this whole time," she said with exasperation. Her eyes narrowed as she spoke, determined to make him understand her point. Kansa's muscles tensed as she shifted into her fighting stance, her feet planted firmly on the ground. Shinso mirrored her movements, his eyes never leaving hers.
They began sparring, fists and feet flying through the air as they dodged and countered each other's attacks. Kansa whipped out her weapon, a long, thin whip that crackled through the air. But Shinso was too quick for her, easily evading her strikes. He let out a low chuckle as he effortlessly maneuvered around her.
In a split second, he was behind her, his strong arms wrapping around her torso in a firm hold. Kansa grunted as she struggled against his grasp, trying to break free. She elbowed him in the ribs, but as she did so, the laces on her top came undone. With a loud ripping sound, her top burst open, revealing her bare chest.
Kansa gasped in shock and quickly covered herself with one arm while using the other to try and fix her top. Shinso's gaze turned downwards to see what had caused her reaction. His eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected sight before him.
His cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson as he hastily released her, his hands flying away from her chest. Kansa quickly crossed her arms over her exposed skin, a loud, uninhibited laugh escaping her lips. "Shit, I'm so sorry," he stammered, his voice tinged with panic as he reached for the scarf around his neck. He carefully wrapped it around her body, making sure not to look as he covered her up. Kansa shook her head, smiling mischievously as she adjusted the scarf. "If you wanted to see my tits, all you had to do was ask. I wouldn't have minded," she teased, locking eyes with the embarrassed Shinso who couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze. "You didn't have to rip my top like that." She gestured towards the torn fabric peeking out from under the scarf.
The words tumbled out of his mouth in a flustered jumble, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "No! That's not what-" he attempted to say, but she cut him off with a playful smile, struggling to contain her laughter.
"Joking," she finally managed to say, still grinning mischievously. "But hey, thanks for the scarf."
"It's the least I can do," 
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tags: @slayfics @tootiecakes234 @tardis3202 @just-a-hopeless-romantic @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira Lmk if you wanna be added 🐸
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