#Shinmon Benimaru fanfiction
manias-wordcount · 11 months
Playing with Fire (Benimaru Shinmon)
Kinktober 2023 Day Twenty-Eight: Bath
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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You love nights like these.
  Nights where you can sit back with a sigh and enjoy being silent. Being alone. Nights where you can tilt your head back and look up at the star-filled night sky as you in soak in the warm, warm waters of the outdoor onsen for hours upon hours. Nights where you can clear your mind or think very quietly. Plan out what you want to do before bed. Think about what errands you need to run tomorrow. And just exist.
  So of course, when the onsen doors open, you don’t bother checking what woman decided to come in and join you. But you do raise some eyebrows at the rough way the door slides open. And as heavy footsteps start sounding afterward, you figure it wouldn’t hurt chancing a peak at whoever just came wandering it- just a little one at least. Though instead of a grumpy old lady or an overly excited young girl walking towards you- you’re met with a far, far, far different sight.
  A perfect view of your husband approaching you as he drops the towel around his waist and exposes his body to the cool, outdoor air.
  “Beni!” You’re practically shouting the man’s name as you turn around quickly and fully with a wild splash. One look at his face tells you that he’s not surprised by your reaction. Or that he necessarily cares about it. No, he just continues to step on with confidence. Standing at his full height. Straight-faced. Fully naked. As if he owns the place. As he belongs here. But you know the truth. And you’re almost certain he knows too given the fact that the two of you have been here many times before. And the big sign on the door leading to this particular bath. “Beni, get out! This is the girl’s side, you can’t be in here!”
  At your words, he falters. Right now, he’s standing at the edge of the bath. Ready to step in and join you. But for a second, he turns and looks at you. With a tilt of his head, he studies your expression carefully. Eyes dragging along your face and looking a little further downwards. At your neck. At your shoulders. At the instinctive way your arms have come up to cross against your chest and block your boobs from his sight (despite the fact that he’s seen them plenty of times before). At your torso, and the water surrounding it- blocking the rest of your body from being seen. And then he turns his head back up and looks straight back at you. The small hint of a devious smile, playing at his face.
  “Who said?”
  “The rules, Beni!” You exclaim back in response, but your words come far too late. Because before you can even finish your sentence, he’s already stepping into the water with you and shuddering at the change in temperature before relaxing completely. Your eyes widened as you took in your boyfriend’s complete and sudden disregard for the rules of the onsen. For a second, you glance at the onsen entrance, hoping and praying that no one was thinking about coming in until you managed to get him out of there.
  But then there’s the sound of more splashing. Waves rippling and water swishing around the bath. You turn around to look at your husband only to find that he’s closer than before. Much closer than before. In fact, when did he have time to sneak up on you? When did he have time to walk this far into the part of the bath that you’re lounging in? 
  When did he have time to get so close that you’re just barely a breath away.
  You suppose in a way, you should have expected it. In everything he does, Benimaru always marches to the beat of his own drum. It just so happens that this drum was a little quiet today. Maybe that’s why he came into the girl’s side of the bath and marched in like he owned the place without another word. Maybe that’s why he was able to sneak up on you- creeping closer and closer until suddenly he’s all but touching you. Standing face to face. Eye to eye. Breathe to breathe. 
  Maybe that’s why you’re a little too eager to let his hands reach out and touch you- even though you know in this moment just how much you both shouldn’t. How you just couldn’t. And yet…
  You don’t say anything as large hand places itself on your arms, and gently helps you uncross them- giving him a full view of your chest covered in water droplets and being lit by the stars. You don’t say anything as another hand reaches out and grabs onto the curve of your hips. His fingers spread out, almost possessively as they try to get as much of your ass as they can grab at this angle. It allows him to tug you a little closer than ever before. Hold you a little tighter. Have your chest press into his so you can feel the warmth spread from feverish his skin with every rise and fall of each breath. 
  You hum at his actions, the heat making your mind a little looser. Your judgment a little less clear. Any desire to follow the rules sounds a little like a fever dream now. Because the water you’re standing in? It makes you feel nice. It makes you feel relaxed. But him? He makes you feel so warm. He makes you feel so hot. And that hard thing pressing up against your lower stomach just below the surface of the water?
  It makes you feel even hotter.
  “What were you saying about rules?” Benimaru asks you, an eyebrow raised as the corner of his lip tilts upwards- almost sharing with you a smile. But you don’t pay his words any mind. Not while you’re busy letting one hand reach up and wrap around his shoulder as your hands reach up to play with his hair. Not while you’re busy leaning into his touch impossibly more- to steal some more of that warmth- some more of that fire- that only your husband can bring to you. And certainly not while your other hand is reaching down, down, down, and wrapping around a very, very dangerous thing. One that will surely result with you bent over the side of the bath and screaming his name if you’re not careful.
  But that’s fine with you. When you married Benimaru, you knew you were playing with fire.
  And he knew just how much you loved to get burned. 
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honeeslust · 1 year
Benimaru | a fiery fantasy
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🖤 forgive me! I just got my first taste of Benimaru and I’m so down bad rn!!
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It’s the way his permanent scowl slightly wanes as his eyes feast over your naked body.
The look of desperation in your eye calls to the primal beast within him.
It’s the way he needs your sweat, your tears, you cum. All of which is for him and him alone.
You take his fingers into your warm mouth, sucking just slightly. His pleased and breathy groans are stirring at the sweet center of your core, making you suck harder while you tease at the knot of pleasure gathered under your pulsing clit.
You all but cream at the sight of him looking down at you like you the pathetic little love doll that you are. Your eyes wide open and rimmed with your mascara tears imploring him to give it all to you. His pain, his frustration, even his hate. You’ll take it all. If only to provide him with his most basic primitive need for release.
Truth is, you could never tell him how much you long to be his filthy little cum slut, so you decided to just show him.
From the honey pot 🍯
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lyranova · 1 year
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Hi guys! So this is my first Fire Force Oneshot in well over a year, I apologize for that. I’m still not 100% back into my old fandoms yet, but I’m getting there! I’ve been working on this oneshot off and on for about…a year think 😅. So I hope you all enjoy and I apologize if it’s a bit OOC. Also this oneshot is based off THESE headcanons 🥰!
Word Count: 1,749
Warnings: None
“ I’m not doing it.”
“ Please Beni, it’s only for a couple of hours. Please!”
“ No, I’m not doing-.” Beni started as he suddenly watched his wife grab her bag and walk towards the door.
“ Thanks dear! I’ll see you two in a few hours!” She shouted over her shoulder before she walked out of the house, Benimaru was suddenly left standing there, in the doorway, with his mouth partially open in disbelief.
Earlier this morning his wife had asked him to watch their daughter, Natsuki, while she went to the market for a few hours. Of course he refused, not because he didn’t want to spend time with his daughter, but because he had never spent time alone with her. Even though Benimaru looked calm on the outside, on the inside he was almost uncharacteristically nervous!
He looked over at his daughter, who looked right back at him with an almost curious gaze. She was probably wondering why her mother was leaving her with someone with little experience. He almost chuckled at the thought, if he were Natsuki he wouldn’t trust him either.
Benimaru walked over to her, picked her up out of her highchair, and gently held her in his arms.
“ Alright, looks like it’s just you and me today, kid.” He told her with a sigh, he looked down and saw what appeared to be a look of skepticism on his daughter's face. “ What? It’ll be fine.” He added with a shrug, but just in case things happened to go awry, he walked over to his house phone and decided to give Konro a call.
When Konro answered he knew exactly what this call was going to be about. Beni’s wife had informed him a few hours ago that she would be leaving the two alone and that he wasn’t allowed to help Beni unless it was an emergency.
“ I’m not coming to help you if that’s what this call is about.” Konro said with a small chuckle, he heard Beni make a weird noise as he had been caught.
“ I need your help Konro. I-, Natsuki stop squirming, I-, please Natsuki I don’t want to drop you!” Benimaru muttered as he wrestled the squirming child, Konro chuckled again as he listened to the father argue with his daughter.
“ Beni, you don’t need my help, you don’t even need your wife’s help with this.” Konro said as Benimaru scoffed on the other end of the line.
“ Of all the people in Asakusa I didn’t expect you to be the one to lie to me Konro.” He muttered, of course Konro had told small white lies in the past, but not blatant ones like this.
“ I’m not lying. I don’t think you realize how good you are with Natsuki. Wasn’t it you who was the first person to tell what her different cries meant? And not to mention you’re pretty much a pro when it comes to feeding her.” He pointed out.
“ Those things were just luck.” Benimaru muttered, Konro sighed.
“ If that were true do you really think your wife would have left you two alone, and for hours at that?” Konro asked, they both knew he had a point, if Beni’s wife really thought he wouldn’t be able to handle it she would have asked Konro to go over there, or she just would have taken Natsuki with her.
“ You…have a point.” Benimaru muttered, he glared slightly as the older man chuckled.
“ Listen Beni, you can do this. I know you’re nervous since this is something different and something you have very little experience in, but do you really think you’re the first and only parent who's ever felt like this when they were left alone with their kid for the first time? I bet if you ask any parent in Asakusa they’d tell you what I just did.” Konro could just see Benimaru looking away and rubbing his neck nervously. Konro chuckled, he probably knew Beni better than Beni knew himself.
“ You’ll be alright, besides, it’s only for a couple of hours right? You can do this.” Konro reassured him, and Beni just sighed.
“ Fine…but if something goes wrong, then I’m going to tell my wife it was all your fault because you didn’t help me.” Beni told him, to which Konro chuckled in response.
“ Alright, that sounds pretty fair to me.”
The men hung up and Benimaru looked at the now settled baby in his arms and gave her a slightly strained smile. He could do this, it wasn’t like he was fighting a hundred infernal’s right? He could do this.
At least that’s what he thought.
Things started off great after Benimaru had gotten off the phone with Konro, he and Natsuki had lunch and he had hoped that maybe she would try to take a nap.
But that didn’t happen.
Actually the complete opposite happened, instead of getting tired like he thought she would, she got a burst of energy. She began to crawl around and reach for things even though he would try to stop her, she accidentally knocked things over and broke them, and at one point had somehow locked herself in Benimaru and his wife’s closet! Benimaru sighed as he finally found Natsuki just sitting on the floor of the closet, playing in her parents clothes.
“ Natsuki, you’ve been crawling around for nearly an hour. Aren’t you tired yet?” Benimaru asked as he picked his daughter up and held her in his arms, she suddenly giggled and tried to squirm around in his arms which told him that no, she wasn’t tired yet.
“ Captain! Captain!” Benimaru suddenly heard someone shout as they went running through his house, the dark haired man turned and looked, it was one of his brigade members.
“ What’s going on?” Benimaru asked as Natsuki finally stopped squirming and looked at the man who was trying to catch his breath.
“ Captain, there’s two Infernal’s in the marketplace! I think it’s the old fisherman and his wife!” The man said quickly after he caught his breath, Benimaru nodded seriously before following the young man out of his house.
Benimaru knew he couldn’t bring his daughter with him as he went to take care of the Infernals, but as he looked at the younger members of his brigade, he didn’t trust them with his daughter. They were slightly nervous, sweat was collecting on their brows and their hands were trembling slightly.
“ Beni! Have you heard about the Infernals already?” Konro asked as he ran up to the younger man, Benimaru suddenly turned and handed Natsuki off to Konro.
“ I did and I’ll take care of it. While you take care of Natsuki.” He told him quickly before following behind the younger members of the brigade towards the market.
“ W-Wait Beni! Beni!” Konro shouted after his younger friend, but sighed as he was ignored. He looked down at Natsuki with a small smile. “ Looks like it’ll be just us for a bit huh?”
After Benimaru and his brigade took care of the Infrenals they began to rebuild what they had destroyed during the conflict. Benimaru had wanted to stay and help out, but his brigade members insisted he go home and be with Natsuki, that they could handle it and he could help out tomorrow.
Benimaru eventually gave in and slowly began to walk back to his home. It always took a toll on him whenever he had to put down an Infernal, especially when it was someone he saw on a regular basis such as the fisherman and his wife. He hoped that there would come a day where he would no longer have to do this, that he and his friends and family could all just live in peace without the worry of Infernals and Spontaneous Human Combustion.
As Benimaru finally made it to his home he was pulled out of his thoughts by a near whining noise, and as he looked up he saw Natsuki struggling against Konro’s grip.
“ Are you alright?” Konro asked as he stood up and walked over to his young friend. Benimaru reached out and took his daughter from him and held her tightly in his arms, which she reciprocated.
“ No. But I will be.” Benimaru muttered as his daughter wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, he almost wanted to laugh, it was as though she knew he needed a hug.
As he and Konro parted ways and Benimaru walked into his house with his daughter in his arms, he silently hoped that the day of peace would come sooner rather than later. For his daughter’s sake at least.
Another hour passed before his wife came home, she quietly announced herself before slipping her shoes off at the door. She silently walked into the house and saw her husband and daughter sitting together on the floor. Benimaru was holding Natsuki gently in his arms as he read her a story, and the two laughed at one of the passages he just finished reading.
“ You two look like you’ve had a productive day.” His wife said softly as she entered the living room, Benimaru smiled softly at his wife.
“ Yeah, it started out pretty rough, but we finally found our footing.” He told her as he glanced down at his daughter, who began to rest her head against his chest tiredly.
“ I heard about the Infernals…are you okay?” His wife asked as she crouched down beside him and gently moved some of his dark hair out of his face. She knew that he probably wouldn’t be okay for a long time, he always took these things harder than he would ever let anyone know.
“ I’m…I’m getting there, Natsuki’s been a big help.” Benimaru admitted quietly as the young girl in question closed her eyes and began to drift off into sleep.
“ I’m glad she was able to help,” His wife kissed the top of his head before reaching out towards Natsuki. “ Here I’ll take her to bed.”
As his wife reached out towards their daughter Benimaru moved her away and shook his head.
“ No, I'll take her to bed.”
“ But-.”
“ I’ll do it. Just sit down and relax, I’ll be right back.” Benimaru insisted as he stood up and carried their daughter towards her room as his wife watched them walk away with a fond smile on her face.
The two seemed to have bonded even more while she was away, which is exactly what she had hoped for.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you have a good day 🥰!
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daisies-daydreams · 8 months
I wanna write a fic with Benimaru x f!reader involving Shibari ngl 👀🤭
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tarithenurse · 2 years
Spark Masterlist
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Smut/lemons/nsfw/sexual themes = * Mental health issues = % Violence/gore = #
Always watch out for individual chapter warnings/content.Reader is per default female unless otherwise stated.
Spark * % #
Benimaru Shinmon x fem!reader. After reader’s little sister combusted, reader has been making it from day to day on her own, under the radar. She should never have come to District 7.
1. Flashback || 2. Detected || 3. Smoke || 4. Smoulder || 5. Flare || 6. Ember || 7. Flash Fire || 8. Scorched || 9. Ashes || 10. Charred || 11. Tinder || 12. Kindling || 13. Seared || 14. Glow || 15. Choking || 16. Inferno || 17. Explosion || 18. Incinerator || 19. Fuel || 20. Arson || 21. Ignite || 22. Seared || 23. From dust, to dust || 24. From the ashes || 25. Forged by fire || 26. Warm heart
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niishii · 1 year
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nighted-mist · 2 years
I’m currently on break from fanfic to work on my original fiction (I write spec fic), but the last thing I posted was the first chapter of a young!Benimaru & young!Hisui fic.
Fic Title: gesshoku
Fandoms: EnS | Fire Force + BnHA/MHA x-over
Rating: ⚠️M
Main Relationship: Shinmon Benimaru & Hisui | OC Gen or pre-slash pairing
See tags below.
Young!Benimaru meets a weird kid who apparently has a healing ability.
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runabout-river · 11 months
My fanfic on Ao3
If you liked my hopium post about Gojo surviving (and my other JJK posts), may I introduce you to my fanfic you might read while coping.
I'm NinjaWind on Ao3 and I've written a handful of fanfiction since march this year. I started to properly write my fics down after Sukuna possessed Megumi's body (to cope).
Gods of War and Destruction (Jujutsu Kaisen/Fire Force crossover; m/m; Toji/Benimaru) Currently at 35 chapters and 120k+ words, updated weekly Through a glitch in time and space, Toji survives his fight against Gojo and finds himself in a strange place where some people spontanously combust and others have firepowers. By pure chance, he lands in the backyard of the future Company 7 of the Fire Force Brigade and gets more or less adopted by them. The Captain of Company 7, Shinmon Benimaru, doesn't trust this strange man at first, but through time they get to know each other better.
Bandaid on your Knee (Jujutsu Kaisen; m/f; Toji/Mamaguro; Megumi centric) Currently at 7 chapters and 25k+ words Mamaguro lives and Megumi's life takes a drastic turn to something else, namely, being the oldest siblings of 6 with parents who are disgustingly in love with each other. Non-linear storytelling because I write the chapters when inspiration strikes. This is the happy Fushiguro family fic.
Touch/Killed (Jujutsu Kaisen; gen) Updated weekly Toji survives his fight against Gojo but not without losing his arm and so much more. He is sick and depressed and his second wife and children try to help him get back up on his feet but it's difficult for everyone involved. This is the sad and depressing Fushiguro family fic, but it does have a hopeful ending.
Mended Bones (Jujutsu Kaisen; m/m; Toji/Sukuna) Oneshot with 3.5k words Student Sukuna arrives at the scene of a fight that just took place between Toji and a curse that was stronger than the mission parameters had described. He's worried about his secret boyfriend who had gone to this mission with inadecate weapons and no backup.
An Escape's End - Resolution (Jujutsu Kaisen; m/m; a/b/o; Toji/Sukuna) 6 chapters + epilouge like extra chapter; 33k words Sukuna's reincarnation took place 20 years earlier and the newly crowned Curse King of Japan had his eyes set on a broken omega from the Zenin clan. Toji esacped him though, but 20 years later he had him again inside his palace walls giving birth to their child. The stroy idea was longer than the 33k words but I couldn't write that one with another long fic I'm comitted to, so I reduced it to the birth but with the rest of the narrative compressed as a backstrory plus epilouge.
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A gift from the sky
Benimaru x f!reader
400 words
Back to Beni’s teenager years.
Benimaru watched the crowd wandering along the street, full of conversation, laughter, and calls to join in the fun. He didn't quite have a clue what exactly he was doing here. He wasn't even sure he wanted to be here. Yes, the festivals in Asakusa were great but not with Konro by his side, making sure that no liquor would end up in the hands of a minor.
The small frown on Shinmon's face did not escape the attention of the older hikeshi, who for almost an hour was becoming more and more convinced that the young master had completely lost his eyesight, or was passionately ignoring the stealthy glances cast at him from every single group of not only girls they encountered. Trying not to lose hope, he nudged the teenager with his elbow, gaining his attention.
"I think you still have time to invite someone to the festival and have a good time together."
Shinmon stopped mid-step, finally grasping his friend's intentions. Crimson eyes flashed with irritation. “That's why you dragged me outside? To find me a girlfriend? "
"Or a boyfriend."
"Doesn’t matter! I have way more interesting things to do than dating."
"Sleeping all day is not interesting!"
“Maybe for you! And don’t forget you are also single. Your dating advices ain't worth shiet. "
"I'm single by choice. You are waiting for the love of your life to fall from the sky."
The teenager opened his mouth, ready to dismiss the accusation, but a loud thud just above them broke even through the hustle and bustle of the festival, followed immediately by a series of smaller mingling with a whole bunch of strangled curses. Benimaru instinctively stretched his arms out in front of him just in time to catch [Y/N] sliding over the roof's tiles above them.
Only after a while she realized that the impact with the ground had no place and she dared to open her eyes, immediately meeting not so much concerned as shocked blue eyes.
"Oh, hi Konro-san." She looked at her hero and her checks immediately turned red. “Hi you too Beni-chan. If you guys could NOT tell my parents I fell of the rooftops again, would be great. They will ground me ... "
She laughed nervously when neither of them reacted, or at least until Benimru looked at Konro in triumph.
“I want this one.”
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lyranova · 2 years
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Benimaru Shinmon:
Fight Me (fic)
As Parent (Headcanon)
With Baby (Headcanon)
The Truth Untold (fic)
Friends to Lovers (fic)
Angst (Headcanon)
Kinktober (Headcanon, 18+ Only)
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Takehisa Hinawa:
As Parent (Headcanon)
With Baby (Headcanon)
Out On a Date (Headcanon)
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Obi Akitaru:
As Parent (Headcanon)
Angst (Headcanon)
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Shinra Kusakabe:
As Parent (Headcanon)
As Older Brother (Headcanon)
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As Parent (Headcanon)
First, Second, and Third Kiss (Headcanon)
With Healer S/O (Headcanon)
With a Baby (Headcanon)
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Konro Sagamiya:
As Parent (Headcanon)
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noisyparadisewinner · 2 years
Fire force masterlist
Shinmon Benimaru
Dating a s/o who served the Evangelist [in process]
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tarithenurse · 4 years
Spark - 18
Fandom: Enn Enn no Shouboutai / Fire Force. Pairing: Shinmon Benimaru x fem!reader. Content: Is it?? Do they?! ARGH!! A/N: Hmmm....I think I messed up in relation to canon timeline. Oh well! Feel free to ASK (or reblog) for tag – in fact: always reblog. Thanks to those who have already <3
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18. Incinerator
...   Benimaru   ...
The captain of Company Seven knows what he has to do. There has never been a doubt in his heart before and there isn’t this time either as the smoke from the explosion wafts in the air across Asakusa...but for once he hesitates.
“Go,” [Y/N] grumbles, “it’s probably nothing, though...” It’s clear in the way she says it that she isn’t convinced.
Turning back to face her, he cradles her face with both hands. “You head straight home, you hear me?”
“Yeah fine, but only out of self-preservation and not because you’re bossing me around!”
There’s that annoying stubbornness and the pout that’s always always challenged by the gleam in her eye. Those lips. If only he could kiss away that frown. It’s tempting. On the other hand, she’d probably just headbutt him in response and then it would be really awkward to pick up the conversation afterwards. And Konro would know, somehow.
The thoughts flash through his head in less than a second which, co-incidentally, is just as long as [Y/N] meets his mouth and shuts up his brain. It’s a kiss. A brief one, but hard and impossible to ignore because it’s sends flames racing through Benimaru’s body, stealing his breath away and he can’t help but look to her lips the instant she pulls back.
“Go,” she says, tip of the tongue darting out as if to taste him, “and hurry home.”
The captain can’t think of anything more intelligent than nodding – not that he’d get a chance to say much as the familiar voice of Konro yells from below for him to hurry.
...  Reader   ...
Before climbing down from the watchtower, you see the two men hurry off in the direction of the smoke and flames. What just happened?
Your knees are wobbly, belly fluttering, all the way home. Did he just...?
The headquarters are silent. Not a soul left because they’ve all hurried out to do their job. Kissed...I kissed him?
“Ah, right on time,” someone says from behind.
You don’t have time to face the speaker before a sharp pain crashes through your skull and turns off the world.
...  Benimaru   ...
Looking over the rubbles of what used to be the company’s favourite teppanyaki place, Benimaru accepts his men’s decision. They and Konro are insisting on staying with the men to help with extinguishing the last flames before clearing as much of the street as possible.
“We don’t need you for this, Shinmon,” the lieutenant smiles knowingly.
It’s strange. The explosion has taken out only the restaurant, creating plenty of chaos and unfortunately injuring a dozen people. No deaths – even the cook had managed to get out before the fire spread and the place blew up. It’s all...normal. No infernals. Just an unfortunate accident in a perfect, newly renovated kitchen.
“Konro...didn’t we help -” Benimaru begins.
The cheeky grin is gone, replaced with a somberness better suited for the situation. “Yeah. Finished last month.”
Asakusa is not connected to the Haijima Power Grid like the rest of Tokyo. Mostly, it’s powered by wood and fossil fuels with the exception of a water-driven generator for the hospital.
There had been no gas line installed for the kitchen. But this is a gas explosion.
“We’ll figure it out,” Konro assures, “now go.”
That’s the second time today someone’s told me to go. At least this time he’s excited for what’s waiting for him.
He can sense something’s wrong even before dodging through the curtained entrance. A sweetly pungent smoke curls through the air, bringing back memories from not long enough ago. Joker.
As expected, the lanky man is waiting, leaning against the wall and his hat hanging on the coat rack as if it belongs there. No greeting, no explanation as Benimaru sits down and removes the heavy boots, noting mentally that the uninvited guest already has done the same. [Y/N] hasn’t invited him in?
The building is silent as the grave and no one comes to greet them as they walk to the kitchen where the captain fills the kettle and places it on the stove. The fire inside is almost dead, but it’s nothing a few logs and a flick of the fingers can’t fix.
Maybe she’s asleep, that’s why she hasn’t shown up, he tries to calm himself.
“I’ll be right back,” Benimaru mutters.
“She’s not here.”
What? He can feel it in his bones that it’s true. “What makes you say that?”
“I checked every room.” Joker has made himself comfortable at the end of the table where Benimaru normally sits. “She’s gone. I thought you’d protect her.”
He wants to scream, wants to punch the lights out of the guy who’s relaxing as if nothing’s wrong, wants to tear up the city if it could just bring [Y/N] back. It won’t. The captain breathes it out through his nose and unclenches his fists.
“If you cared that much, why’d you not let her stay with you?”
“Not my decision.”
“...but you care and you know where she is,” Benimaru states with a growl.
The purple, hypnotic eye reveals nothing as it stares back unflinchingly. Though different in stature, the men are evenly matched and there’s no denying the Joker has a confident swagger albeit it being a bit off-putting for people who can’t appreciate the art of taking their time to think. Konro would approve. There’s no saying what the girl in the middle of this mess would, and the uncrowned king of Asakusa doesn’t want to consider it.
A polite cough brings his attention back to Joker.
“Water’s boiling...do you want it any hotter?” the jackass grins.
Could test it by throwing it at you. Of course, Benimaru doesn’t do that but occupies himself with tea making while he waits for the other to talk. Eventually, he slams down steaming cups for both of them and sits down.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
Request by anon: Since Your requests are open again, please bless us with ''you can get louder, can't you?'' scenario with Beni 🙏
My baby Benimaru you say? Let that man just absolutely destroy me. Please. 👏
I Can’t Hear You || {NSFW} Benimaru x fem!Reader
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Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, 18+ content, dirty talk, jealousy, daddy kink, choking, spanking
Word Count: 1k
You had always known that your boyfriend had been a jealous man… but you had never known just how jealous he could get until you had all gone to a training get together with him.
All of the companies had chosen three members to come to the training with their captains. You hadn’t counted as a member of the company, but Benimaru took you along anyway.
Benimaru had been happy to bring you along until you had actually gotten there and met some of the other captains. Particularly, Akitaru Obi…
The two of you were getting along way too well for Benimaru’s liking.
Your laughter made him want to scream as he watched you playfully slap Obi’s chest. And Obi went right along with it. He never even thought about the fact that you had been the Captain of the Seventh’s girlfriend.
But Benimaru had thought about it extensively as he waited for you to come back to the seventh and eighth’s part of the living quarters.
Each Captain he managed to snag their own room while their three members shared a room with one other company.
When Benimaru saw Obi and yourself walking down the hallways together he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms, propping a foot on the wall behind him.
Obi looked up and locked eyes with him. He placed his hand behind his head and rubbed his neck nervously. “So… uh… this is me.”
Your voice was a little too chipper for Benimaru’s taste as you answered Obi. “I’m right next door.” You then locked eyes with a very jealous and angry Benimaru. “Waka!”
Obi stepped into his room with a wave to you and you slowly approached the Captain’s figure. Benimaru looked around the hallway to make sure no one was coming before standing from the wall.
In one swift movement you felt a strong hand wrap around your throat, pulling your body to the door of your room. Benimaru pushed you back and his lips lingered next to your cheek. “You think it’s alright to flirt with another Captain all night?”
You swallowed hard as you felt the ache between your legs grow. Benimaru never understood just how much it excited you when he took absolute and total control over you. “No, Captain.”
A smirk flashed over his face as he reached behind you and grasped the door handle. “Looks like it’s time for the Captain to teach you a lesson.”
The door opened and Benimaru continued to push you backward, your legs hit the back of the bed as he egged you on more and more. “People who don’t like to listen to orders get punished.”
You felt your body drop onto the mattress as his hand left your neck, his hands now grasping at your button up shirt. His large fingers slipped between the fabric and ripped, buttons popping off and flying onto the bed beside you.
His hands left the shirt and grabbed at your pants, wasting no time as he ripped them from your legs and threw them haphazardly to the floor. “Beni…”
All you could manage was part of his name before his lips were on yours and his hand slid between your legs. “You’ll be begging me to stop by the time I’m done with you.”
His fingers plunged into you, relentlessly sliding in and out of you. Your whole body quivered under his touch as you tried to keep control of yourself. But just as your walls began to close around his fingers he pulled them from you.
A whine left your lips as you let your head push back into the mattress. Benimaru stood and slid his pants down his legs before reaching for his shirt and pulling it over his head. “Now I wanna hear you nice and loud for me, baby girl. Daddy wants Obi to be sure to hear just how good he makes you feel.”
Benimaru’s hand gripped his length and tugged a couple times before lining himself up with your length. You bit your lips as you felt his body hover over your own.
With one quick thrust he bottomed himself out inside you. The sensation of his entrance coursed through your body and you cried out. His chuckle broke through the silence that now filled the room. “You can get louder, can't you?''
His pace started slow, but it wasn’t long before he was pounding his hips against your own. You were barely able to make words as he chased his high. “I can’t hear you.”
Benimaru’s taunts were like music to your ears as you wrapped your arms around him, placing your hands on his lower back and scratching.
As your nails dug into his skin he grit his teeth. “That’s right, baby. Who do you belong to?”
You tried as hard as you could to speak, but with his pace it was futile.
Your cunt was slowly clenching around him and he knew he didn’t have much longer to get you to call him what he wanted. “Say my name darling or this will never end.”
Your walls clamped down around him and you cried out exactly what he wanted to hear. “F-fuck. You, daddy.”
Benimaru grunted as the feelings of your slick coating him made him empty himself out inside you. He rolled over onto the bed next to you and pulled you into him, pulling one leg across his body. A firm hand planted on your ass as he made sure to praise you with a deep, loud voice. “Don’t ever forget it, Princess.”
Your eyes rolled as you got your first taste of just how deep Benimaru Shinmon’s jealousy could go.
Taglist: @monic00l @strangeinternetwasteland @rowley-with-ackerman @kyu-pine @ellechanwrites @bonnisimpparker @impinthecloset @nikiniki743
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nanodayowrites · 3 years
always - chapter 5
by nanodayo (grandmagoose on ao3)
(chapter 1 here)
this took,,,,,,,,, a long time,,,,, i've never actually written smut before but i like how this turned out!! anyways enjoy!
Benimaru freezes, eyes wide in embarrassment and arousal.
“UH-” He chokes out “Konro, I, uh-”
Konro is smiling still, unabashedly taking in the sight before him.
“Yes, Beni?” His voice is probably too calm considering he just walked in on the object of his affections jerking off to thoughts of him.
“I’m-I’m, uh…” Benimaru is stuttering, absolutely humiliated.
“You’re…what?” Konro questions, teasing. “What exactly are you doing, Beni-chan~”
“I’m sorry, I’ll, uh, I’ll just-” Benimaru is flustered, sitting up and attempting to cover himself.
“I didn’t say stop.” Konro’s voice takes on a stern edge. He pins the younger man with his gaze, frowning.
“W-what? Konro, what are you-” The captain is shaking slightly. Konro sits beside him, resting his chin on his palm.
“I’m saying, don’t let my presence deter you from continuing. You clearly need it.” He smirks, enjoying the other’s embarrassment perhaps a bit too much. He makes a mental note to revisit that at a later date.
“N-no! Konro I’m not going to-” “That wasn’t a request.” His voice is flat. Konro drinks in the sight of the attractive younger man, not once breaking eye contact. When Benimaru tries to look away, the older man reaches forward and grabs his chin, forcing him to look back.
“It’s okay, Beni.” Konro speaks again, softer this time. Benimaru needs to know that he isn’t here to judge him. Large hands run through damp black strands, comforting.
The captain is speechless. He takes in a shaky breath, and gives in. Konro almost can’t believe it. This is, uh, this is happening.
Benimaru starts by rubbing gently over the fabric of his robe, letting out a tiny moan, but pouting the whole time. Adorable. He still has not broken eye contact. Konro smiles at him and keeps his hand on the younger man’s head, reassuring.
The movements are somewhat jerky. The lieutenant looks down and realises that Benimaru is forced to use his nondominant hand due to his injury. But the younger man continues, increasing the pressure and biting his lip.
“Good job, Beni, you’re doing so well,” Konro praises, still smiling at him. He runs his fingers through Benimaru’s hair, softly tugging. In order to help him, he needs the younger man to relax, so he tries to comfort him verbally. “It’s okay, you’re safe.”
That seems to assuage the remnants of Benimaru’s humiliation, and allows the captain to lose himself in the moment.
The movements are still awkward, and Benimaru grits his teeth, seemingly frustrated.
An idea pops in Konro’s head.
The captain gazes up at him, looking lost.
“Let me help you.”
Benimaru seems too far gone to reply, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. Konro reaches forward and wipes them away, but leaves his hands cupping the beautiful, blushing face of his captain.
The younger man nods. That is all Konro needs.
He wraps his arm around Benimaru’s torso and gently helps him lie back on the futon. The captain’s bulge is prominent amidst the folds of the robe, but Konro ignores it for now. Once the other man is comfortable against the mattress, the lieutenant leans over him, running his thumbs along the soft cheekbones of his captain.
Benimaru is a bewitching shade of scarlet, lower lip trembling. Konro moves forward until they are breathing the same air, a hair’s width apart. Their noses brush together. The older man waits patiently, until Benimaru closes both his eyes and the distance between them in the same motion.
The kiss is chaste, a mere graze of their lips, but it is everything Konro has ever wanted. He allows himself to relish in the feeling for just a moment. But he does not linger. He has a task to complete.
Konro pulls away and admires the man beneath him, the way Benimaru gazes at him shyly, but with absolute trust. The insecurity is to be expected. He knows Benimaru has not been touched in this way before, having always been too focused on protecting Asakusa for such desires.
Konro does not take such trust lightly, and focuses entirely on making sure Benimaru enjoys himself.
He begins by untying the straps that hold the robe together. They were so hastily fastened that a mere tug is all it takes. The thick fabric is pushed back, revealing a bruised torso. Konro spreads his hand over the sculpted chest and feels the heart beating rapidly beneath his palm.
“It’s okay, Beni,” The lieutenant’s voice is quiet. “I’ll take care of you.”
Benimaru doesn’t respond, averting his gaze. He shifts, but does not move away.
Broad hands set to work, lightly dragging fingertips over the exposed skin. Konro traces across the pectorals, and down Benimaru’s sides. The movements elicit delicious gasps from the smaller man, who places his fist in his mouth in an effort to hide the noises.
That won’t do.
The older man lightly grabs the wrist and pins it beside Benimaru’s head.
“I want to hear you.”
Benimaru whimpers, turning his head away to try to mask his obvious embarrassment.
Konro continues. His nails scrape gently over the muscles as he bends down once again, pressing his lips to Benimaru chapped ones. He moves to kiss his cheek, mouths along his captain’s jaw, and peppers soft kisses to the neck.
Benimaru’s eyes are closed, and he struggles to catch his breath.
“Are you alright?” Konro stops his movements in order to ensure that the younger man is comfortable with how far they are going.
“Yes.” Benimaru’s voice does not waver, despite the quivering of his lips.
Konro smiles.
“Good. Please, let me know if you become uncomfortable, or if you need me to stop. I mean it.” He makes the other man look him in the eye. It is so important that he understands. Benimaru nods, and tugs Konro up to kiss him again.
The press of their lips is innocent, neither of them are in a rush to deepen it. It appears they have an understanding. More discussion is inevitable, but right now, it is just the two of them, free to enjoy the moment.
Konro returns to his ministrations, caressing Benimaru’s chest and stomach and sucking carefully on the younger man’s neck. His calloused fingers ghost over a nipple, ripping a cry from the captain. The lieutenant circles the pink bud, occasionally flicking over top. The spot is sensitive, the tiniest motions causing the man to squirm and moan.
The older man shifts, moving his head down until his eyes are level with Benimaru’s collar bones. He closes his mouth around one nipple, and plays with the other one. His tongue swirls about the sensitive flesh, and Benimaru lets out a sob.
Konro pulls off with an obscene sucking noise. He moves to study the younger man.
“Is everything okay?” Konro gently pets Benimaru’s hair, and brushes away the tears that have formed in the corner of Benimaru’s eyes.
“Yeah, ‘m alright,” he inhales shakily, “it’s just a lot.”
Konro kisses his cheek.
“I can stop right now, just say the word-.” the older man breathes.
“No.” his voice is soft, yet firm. “I’m okay, I promise. Konro, please, keep going.” Benimaru’s expression is shy, but the begging is helplessly alluring. The lieutenant smiles, before pressing one last kiss to his captain’s lips.
“As you wish.”
Konro ducks down, and begins to cover the younger man’s chest in soft pecks, intermingled with the occasional scrape of teeth on the uninjured areas. One hand circles a nipple, while the other traces patterns over his hip bone.
Benimaru arches up into the touches, moaning. He makes no more efforts to hide his noises, a fact that has Konro grinning into the other man’s stomach.
The lieutenant continues moving further down, leaving a burning trail of marks and kisses in his wake. He sucks beside the navel, and caresses Benimaru’s waist, causing a lewd whine to escape from the captain.
“Beni, can I?” Konro pulls at the cloth that separates his and Benimaru’s length. He peers up at the younger man, who looks completely wrecked. The sight should not be so damn captivating, but he can’t seem to look away from the flushed face of his captain.
At this moment, Benimaru looks a little lost at what Konro was asking, an adorable frown resting on his lips. So the older man decides to clarify. Shifting until the smaller man is caged between his knees and arms, he leans down to whisper in Benimaru’s ear.
“Can I remove your underwear,” he murmurs, “and suck your cock?”
Benimaru closes his eyes and whimpers.
Konro grins.
“Don’t worry, Beni. I’ll make you feel good, okay?” Without hesitating, the older man relocates, and removes the garment in a smooth motion.
The sight of Benimaru spread beneath him is absolutely erotic. The younger man’s breath is coming in gasps, and his legs are spread, revealing his hard cock and bruised thighs. The image is absolutely seductive
But it’s the look in his captain’s eyes that almost tips Konro over the edge right then and there. Because those beautiful, mismatched eyes are gazing at him with complete faith, and what could even be called love.
Benimaru is not sure what exactly has led to this turn of events, but he cannot say that he’s disappointed. Quite the opposite, in fact. Because, if he’s being honest with himself, Konro is amazing. Every drag of his nails, every gentle, tantalising bite, every suck that marks his skin, has completely destroyed the captain in the best way possible.
So when Konro sighs into his ear and asks to suck his cock, the words almost make him come untouched. And as much as his length is aching for release, he somehow holds on, knowing that the best is yet to come.
The older man bites down on the sensitive skin of Benimaru’s inner thigh, and all thoughts are forced from his mind. Konro’s tongue laps over the mark left, and repeats along one leg. He switches to the other, all the while trailing his finger’s across the younger man’s hips.
A particularly firm graze of teeth, combined with the overwhelming sensation of calloused hands touching him rips a wanton gasp from the captain’s lips.
“Enjoying yourself?” Benimaru looks down to see Konro smirking, not unkindly.
“Shut up, as if you didn’t know.”
An impossibly warm mouth closes around the tip of his cock, the action eliciting a moan. But just as quickly as he begins, Konro pulls away, returning to kiss the skin of Benimaru’s stomach. And he keeps at it, soft pecks driving the captain crazy. Almost like the lieutenant is teasing him.
“Konro…” Benimaru whines, he can’t take anymore, “Please.”
“Right away, Waka.” Konro grins. But he makes good on his word, and takes Benimaru’s cock in his mouth completely. The heat is overpowering. The flames that he battles every day cannot compare to the fire that rages in his stomach and around his length. The confident tongue laps at his slit as Konro hollows out his cheeks.
It’s burning.
It’s too much.
And yet not enough.
He drifts, completely swept up in the sensation of Konro’s mouth on him. The only thing keeping him tethered are the broad hands that rest on his hips.
He gasps under the touches, struggling to catch his breath, yet the assault on his senses continues. Konro’s hands move from his hips to grip his thighs firmly, pulling them apart. He is pinned, unable to move. The position grants another level of vulnerability, but Benimaru feels safe. He knows nothing can harm him in this space. Because Konro is here. His warmth is intense, but steadying at the same time. Benimaru is free to relax and to allow Konro to take care of him at this moment.
“Konro,” Benimaru sobs, knowing full well that it is a sentence with no ending. But Konro understands, pausing to smile at the younger man writhing beneath his hands and mouth.
“You’re doing so well Beni,” his praise drags another whine from Benimaru’s lips, “Just a bit longer, okay?”
Without giving Benimaru a chance to answer, he returns to lick up the shaft, before taking it in his mouth once more. Wide hands comfortingly stroke the muscled thighs that are clenching around the lieutenant.
Konro takes the length fully into his mouth and swallows. The feeling is too much, he’s so, so close.
“Konro!” Benimaru warns, his voice cracking.
“It’s okay, Beni.” Konro takes a moment to smile, the expression making the younger man feel so loved and so safe.
Without hesitating, Konro bends down once again, repeating his previous motion. It drags Benimaru over the edge. His vision whites out. With something that could be called a scream, he comes, the flames of his orgasm scorching his lungs, and causing his entire body to shake.
Konro stays the entire time, eagerly sucking through the waves of pleasure that immobilise the captain, and swallowing every drop.
When Benimaru finally comes down, Konro has moved and is kneeling beside him, stroking his damp hair.
“Are you okay?” Konro sounds concerned. The tone makes Benimaru smile, his heart fluttering in his chest.
“Yes, fucking hell, that was-” Benimaru is overcome by a coughing fit. After grabbing a cup of water, the lieutenant helps the smaller man sit up and supports his shaking arm as he sips.
Konro gazes at him affectionately. Benimaru can’t stand making eye contact for too long, the feelings are too overwhelming for him at the moment. But he knows that Konro understands.
“Konro, I’m tired.” He hears the petulance making its way into his voice, but he can’t find it within himself to care. They have a lot to discuss, but that can wait until morning.
“Alright,” Konro chuckles, “Let’s get you cleaned up and off to bed.”
Konro finds a towel and wipes the remnants of their interaction off of Benimaru’s chest, before wrapping him up in a new robe from the closet. This time they do it with no games, and are honest in the few touches they engage in.
Benimaru starts at a sudden realisation.
“What about you?”
At this, Konro reddens.
“I, uh,” He stammers a bit, which Benimaru finds endearing. “I’m good.”
His eyes open wide at the implication. Well then.
Konro stands to leave, but, without thinking, Benimaru’s hand shoots out and grabs his sleeve. The thought of the older man leaving is suddenly unbearable.
“Stay.” Benimaru pouts, but he is unashamed. He needs Konro here.
Konro smiles, eyes shining with something the captain can’t quite decipher.
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jiyuus · 3 years
Hello, Bloops~
Today I bring you, some random bullshit! Like normal~
But I haven’t been feeling well mentally, so I’m going to write whatever I want~ So that only means~ MORE BENIMURA~ YAY!
written at 1am~
TW; mental demotivation, fem pronouns, mentions of period
I hope you enjoy! and if you want to be tagged in my writings, let me know~
[Shinmon Benimura]
Sometimes you hated being a women.
Having to deal with some unfair things was one thing, but having what felt like a little gremlin in your uterus once a month for a week- that was a whole other thing.
In Asakusa, it was hot and humid, and it felt like you were being stabbed over and over again. You would occasionally let out a loud groan as you tried to breath through the pain, but sometimes you couldn’t.
Now was one of those times.
You were in you and Benimura’s room, on the futon curled into a little ball, a few tears falling from your eyes every now and again. Benimura had left to watch over Asakusa a few hours ago, but you wished you could just curl up with him.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” Konro asked after knocking on the door and sliding it open. You simply shook your head, not even wanting to talk- clenching your jaw to try and direct the pain. Konro simply nodded, saying he would be back with some water and some medicine they got from the Empire. 
As soon as Konro shut the door, he was off to find Waka. With his height it was quite easy, and you can never miss him when the people of Asakusa are always around him.
“Waka, you have something to do.” He simply stated, Waka looked relieved to get away from the people- even if the other couldn’t tell. He quickly made his way over to Konro, not looking back at the people who were begging for him to stay.
“What do you need, Konro?” He asked as the men walked back to the station.
“There’s water and medicine on the counter, go take it to, Y/N.” Was all he said, stepping into the station before Waka and disappearing before Waka could argue. And even if he would, hearing the sound of you groan when he entered was enough evidence for him not to.
Grabbing the things that Konro layed out and when to your shared bedroom. Somehow sliding the door open with his foot, he made his way into the room, sitting down next to your curled form.
“What’s wrong with you?” His voice was gruff and harsh, but you knew that was just how he talked. You only whined in response, which made him raise a brow.
“I won’t know unless you tell me, Y/N.” He stated bluntly, placing the water a bit further away than the medicine then placing his hands on his knees. You groaned again, this time moving a bit towards where you thought he was. Finding his knees, you place your chin on one and look up at him, a frown present on your lips.
Benimura’s eyebrows furrowed a bit, one of his most used faces besides his stoic face, before stroking your right cheek with his right hand. He didn’t show affection often, not even in you comfort of your own room, but when he did- he was soft and gentle. Melting into his hand, you moved closer to him, your whole head now resting on his lap as he pet your head.
“Take this,” was all he said. Not moving an inch and instead reaching back for the water and grabbing the nearby medicine. Dangling it in your face, you whined as you slowly sat up and taking the medicine from his hand.
After taking the medicine and downing it with water, you rested you head in the crock of Benimura’s neck- relishing in the warmth he naturally radiated.
“Will you tell me what’s wrong now? And why you haven’t been doing anything? Don’t think I haven’t noticed.” 
“Cramps, and I haven’t been able to really get anything done. Those two things mean my period is around the corner.” You stated, now nuzzling into Benimura, never wanting to leave his warmth.
“That’s all?” He asked, not trying to sound condescending, but failing nonetheless- it was just how he sounded. And you knew that.
“Yep, I’ll be fine- I just want you here for now.”
“I think I can do that.” Was all he said before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to him before laying you both on the futon for some cuddling.
Tags: @killmewithafanfic @grumguchi
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Hey! This might be an odd request but I was wondering how Beni and Hinawa would react/think of a person who can essentially waterbend? I've totally been watching Fire Force and Avatar and the thought randomly popped in my head lol 😆
Benimaru and Hinawa with a waterbending s/o...
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Hinawa Takehisa
tbh he really doesn’t care
like, yeah he’s never heard of someone that can control water but it doesn’t really affect him personally
I mean you’re power is great for dealing with Infernals and for dealing with wounds but that’s it
however, he does find fondness of it during wintertime
during winter, you start making little art sculptures for the Company and in all honesty, the whole process is captivating for him
he loves watching you brainstorm a possible idea for  a sculpture and then just watch as you bend some water
a small smile on his lips as he admires the way the water sparkles around your figure, a small string of water droplets making a delicate crown around your head
it just reflects how beautiful you are
another thing
he purposely lets himself get lightly injured just so that you can use your power on him
he finds it incredibly odd how the water is supposed to be cold and yet, your water was warm
it reminded him of the warmth of your hands
if you’re feeling bold enough, you’ll bend some nearby water and just throw it to his face. But that often ends up with you hiding behind Captain Obi as you beg for forgiveness as though your life depended on it
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Benimaru Shinmon
mans has never been so pissed off at his own confusion much like the moment he saw you waterbending the water out from his cup and onto his face
like not only did you just assault him with his own fucking beverage but you control water
if 2 + 2 = 4, and 4 + 4= 8, then this shit just don’t make sense
**insert confused Nick Young meme
“How the hell are you doing that?” He would say, followed by many other of his usual curses
he’ll teasingly call you a freak of nature but in reality, he’s hella interested
I mean come on
all the world has ever known is fire
shit they even have a sun/fire god
he has never once heard of someone “water bending” like what the fuck is that? is that some new candy? (I was gonna put a dirty joke here but it just didn’t make sense 😞)
but really
he’s incredibly curious about it tho
he won’t ask you directly but he’ll make small remarks about it to make you use it
“can’t you just do that shit with that freaky power of yours? pathetic” or “tch, your water bending whatever is getting weaker, fix that shit” or just some other dumb stuff
Ooo i just thought of something
in the depths of the night, when the hour is unholy and not a single soul is awake, it is then that he finds his peace. It’s often at this time that he is more vulnerable around you, especially when bathing together. You’d be sitting on his lap, your head resting on his shoulder as his arms wrap lightly around your waist. His thumb rubbing small circles on your skin as he watches in pure amazement as you use your powers to shape small drops of water into whatever you want.
he’ll often compliment you on your art rather than tease you about it
sometimes you’ll shape the water into the form of Company members and you’ll make them fight each other or something, which would often lead to you hearing the beautiful music that was his laughter
aw man this is so beautiful to think about
(A/N): If you’re going to request, read the rules.
Hope you enjoyed!
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