#Shingen Onigiri
hekateisconfused · 4 months
Happy Pride Month Chat!~ From your favorite pangender, pansexual celestial witch!
I don't have much at the moment... So to atleast give y'all something, here's my Onigiri sexuality/gender headcanons! (also my main ships teehee-)
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No way I can fit everyone in the tags so I'll just fill in names till it caps me--
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atmeal012 · 4 years
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おにぎり劇場@mZHtgivNQr33RCL 「武田信玄」のおにぎりを作りました。
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ikeromantic · 3 years
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A Mitsuhide Akechi fanfiction, approx. 1200 words. This scene takes place well after the events of the romantic epilogue. Kyubei struggles with his new responsibilities while Mitsuhide continues to face uncertainty in the present day.
First: Mitsuhide and the Maiden
Previous: Stuck on a Feeling
It took hours of unrelenting discussion, several bared blades, and enough sake to drown a village, but the forces of Kasugayama and Azuchi were aligned, supported by the remnants of the Ikko Ikki. They were finally poised to take down the resurgent shogun.
Kyubei leaned back against the wall in the meeting hall, wishing he could sit someplace quiet. Wishing he could rest. But there was so much more to be done. For the thousandth time, he missed the steady presence of his lord. Mitsuhide always seemed so tireless in these machinations. So focused.
For him, it was an effort to listen to the words of the warlords, to pick out the underlying meaning. To read the body language and nudge, as needed. All the while simultaneously running his group of spies at the meeting location, staying on the alert for enemy and ally agents, vetting the serving staff, keeping tabs on the missives and information at his drop locations . . . honestly, Kyubei felt like he needed another two or three of himself to keep up.
“You look terrible.” Ranmaru poked his head from around a corner. He had a tray in his hands with refreshments for the gathered allies. Newly minted and temporary allies, as was clear to see. Suspicion and frayed tempers worried the edges of their agreement already. And no wonder.
Kennyo wanted Nobunaga’s head on a pike. So did Kenshin. And Shingen . . . whatever he might want, it was all he could do to hold himself up, straining to keep his seat at the table. Yukimura sat beside him staring daggers at the Oda.
Kyubei’s attention snapped back to the page. “Do I? I’m not surprised. I haven’t slept in three days.”
“I could keep an eye on these guys and you could get some rest?”
He considered the offer for a moment before rejecting it. He didn’t think Ranmaru would betray him intentionally. In the last month, the two of them had come to a certain mutual respect for one another. But Ranmaru’s loyalties lay with the demon abbot first, and so he could not be trusted. “Thank you, but it’s not necessary.”
Ranmaru grimaced for a moment, but he quickly controlled his features. “Well, at least have something to eat!” He handed Kyubei an onigiri before continuing into the room.
Kyubei sniffed the rice ball and then tucked it into his pocket. He couldn’t afford to trust, not right now. He wouldn’t have time to eat it anyhow. He could see Kenshin was nearing violence again, staring across the table at an equally aggressive Hideyoshi. Time for more distract and disengage tactics. He took a breath and got to work.
The hotel rooms were nice. Mitsuhide thought he was learning to discern the amenities of this time. In room baths and raised beds, room service, and cable television. He wondered if it would be hard to return to his own time, where these luxuries hadn’t even been invented yet. His golden gaze fell on the sleeping face of his beloved.
She hadn’t voiced a complaint in the months he’d known her. Not about that. Perhaps about his teasing. His secrets. As if it was an easy thing to lay bare your heart to another.
He toyed with a lock of her hair, letting the silky strands fan across his palm. It shouldn’t be possible to love someone so much, he thought. So much that the need to touch them was a physical pain, like hunger or thirst or the need to breathe.
Her eyes opened, bleary with sleep. “Is it morning?”
“What do you think?”
“Yes?” she glanced toward the digital alarm clock beside the bed. “Oh! Oh no! I can’t believe I slept so late! We’re going to miss -”
“We don’t need to catch the earliest train back to your parents. We can head back this afternoon.” Privately, Mitsuhide wondered if they should head back at all. Youko, his beloved’s mother, had asked them to take a few days out someplace. To have a good time. With the unspoken understanding that it would give her Youko and Minoru time to talk.
Mitsuhide was not sure there was any amount of private discussion that would convince Minoru his little girl was better off engaged to a Sengoku warlord best known for betrayal. But they were obligated to ask for that blessing, even if it would never come.
“It will be fine. My dad will come around.” His little mouse reached up to cup his cheek.
“It seems you’re learning my tricks. Reading my mind, hm?”
She laughed. “That would be a nice change.”
Mitsuhide held back a smile. “It will be that much harder to keep secrets from you.”
“Oh? Are you keeping secrets?” She grabbed his collar and tugged him closer. “I’ll have to use advanced information gathering to ferret them out.” Her lips brushed against his.
“I’m going to take more convincing . . .”
She slid her hand down his chest, pushing his pajama top open. Her leg curled around his hip, pulling his body against hers. Satin-soft lips trailed kisses along his neck.
He let out a sigh of pleasure. “Keep that up and we won’t make our check out time, little mouse.”
“Is that a threat?”
“A promise,” he chuckled. Then he disentangled himself from her and stood. “Much as I’d rather stay here another day and do nothing but you . . .”
She sighed. “I know. I know. Mom and dad are waiting. And Sasuke and Miyake would probably come looking for us. Awkward.”
It didn’t take as long as Mitsuhide expected to dress and pack up. They checked out of the hotel and met Miyake and Sasuke outside. The two men looked tired and a little hungover. Which came as no surprise. Miyake seemed determined to eat and drink his way through the modern day, and Sasuke didn’t mind being his guide.
“Did you two go out drinking last night?” Mitsuhide raised one fine, white eyebrow.
“Nope,” Miyake grinned.
“Takeout, eat in,” Sasuke confirmed. “We watched movies in our room.”
Mitsuhide studied his warrior critically. He wondered if Miyake would want to stay here. He certainly seemed to enjoy the benefits of this age, to embrace the conveniences. It was a question he would have to ask later. When the return home became a reality.
“Ooh what did you watch?” The chatelaine looped her arm with Miyake’s. “I saw there was a new super-hero movie on the paid channels. We didn’t watch it.” A slight flush to her cheeks gave away the reason why.
“Nah, Sasuke picked out some . . .” Miyake took a moment to find the word. “Scifi?”
The ninja nodded. “Yes, though if we needed a genre-specific labeling, it would more accurately fall into the category of action/horror with a science fiction basis.”
“Oh! Well . . . was it any good?”
The three of them chatted about the film all the way to the train. Mitsuhide followed, lost in his own thoughts. He worried about his beloved’s family, their acceptance and what it might mean if Youko and Minoru withheld it. Part of him hoped they would have time - perhaps years - to get to know each other. Time to prove himself and his intentions. But he also wanted very much to return to his own time and his responsibilities there. Here, he felt extraneous. Purposeless.
His work in this time was answering basic questions about simple things to men who made a career of studying his life. It didn’t feel real. It didn’t feel worthwhile. He needed to be back to a life where people depended on him. Where his decisions mattered. And he believed, hoped, that the people he’d left behind needed him as much as he needed them.
Next: Promises Made
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amenomiko · 4 years
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Thank you for the request @ikemen-girl !!! Once again, thank you for your constant support and endless love for my works 😘😘😘😘😘💖💖💖💖💖💖😘😘😘😘😘😘💕💕💕💕💕💕💕✨✨✨✨✨✨✨❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
A/N : They called her big sis, as it was a child mode of them turning into a child (of their past)
Even though he is in a child mode..
That usual smug and proud attitude is still there.
Did he develop such personality since he was small? Oh God, have mercy on my poor soul - MC.
"When I grow up, I demand you to be my wife."
Also MC: You don't have to demand it now, you already say the same thing even when you are an adult 😒😒😒.
Commands MC to feed him his konpeito while he lay down on her lap.
"(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)✨ Hm."
"Say that once again."
"Oh? Perhaps you didn't hear me clearly? Woman! I command you to feed me those candies while I-"
"An apology or a 5 minutes of tickle torture on your neck?"
He took a step back. "H-Hm. 5 minutes is for sissies."
"Oh really? I will make it 15 minutes then."
There he goes. Peeking at MC from afar again.
"Are you hungry?" And boop! He hides himself.
Is he cat? If he is, he will be the most adorable cat and MNGH it's really, REALLY HARD for MC to hold back from taking this BEAUTIFUL opportunity to have him all to herself, especially when he is in a very vulnerable state..!!
"(´・_・`)...." He peeks again.
"This smol lovely thing-- how did he became the saltiest lord again?" She mumbled under her breath, visibly trembling to hold back herself from squealing.
"Uhm.. I'm hungry.. J-just a little bit."
HNGGGH! SHE CAN'T!! "UGH..!! MAH HEART 💕💕💕💕💕💕!!!"
"(´・д・`) *Gasp*! B-big sis are you okay? Do you want some medicine? I may not be strong as much but.. I know how to treat wounds..!"
MC: *Breathing heavily* You do..?
"Yes,.. Uhm.. You see.. The kids always b-bully me so.. When I'm injured I always tend to my own wound.. And- B-BIG SIS QAQQQQ???"
Current MC: *Faints from nosebleed and she writes her death message (with her blood from her nose at that) with the word "An angel has killed me."*
( X/////w/////X ) - MC.
MC: (❁´◡`❁)🌸🌸🌸
Masamune: *Peeks* (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)...... *jumps and smacks MC's butt* BIG SIS ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ!!!!
"KYAAAA O/////O!! Masamune!!! How many times do I have to tell you to NOT do that???"
"EHEYYYYY!!!" NYOOOM he runs away while laughing, leaving bewildered MC behind.
Heavens. Masamune is cute and all when he is in a child mode but that mischievous side of him is still THERE!
Every time she bend down, he will get every single chance to do that! She could only sigh on how ironic adult Masa and child Masa is:-
That naughty habit can't be changed.
...Except Masamune will playfully squeeze her butt in front of everyone.
"Oh well. May he turn back into an adult soo-"
*Masamune appear back and play MC's butt like a drum before running away again*
"WOOOHOOO ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ!!!"
"........GET BACK HERE YOU EARTHWORM ᕕ(ಠ Д ಠ)ᕗ!!!!"
"Sit here for a while, okay?"
"Okay, big sis."
Phew. She's glad that child Mitsuhide is very obedient. He seems like a good boy so far. Helping her with errands, smiling sincerely when she served him food and such, practically the OPPOSITE of adult Mitsuhide.
Well.. She is wrong. SO, SO WRONG.
Hideyoshi had came to MC's place, looking furious.
"This kid..... Is just.like.his.adult.mode!"
"Huh? What did he do OAO?"
MC turned to Mitsuhide and it was met with a very innocent smile,...
Until he opens his mouth. "Well.. His letter for his so-called fan girl breaks people's heart so.. I helped him by writing a new one. See? They are all dressed in a wedding kimono outside, isn't that lovely ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)?"
"It took me 5 hours, MC. FIVE! To draw them away and explaining things at them!!"
MC went (°д°) when Hideyoshi walks away, crying, and shakes her head at Mitsuhide. "I see. He is such a small snake even when he is in child mode, huh?"
Welp. MC literally jumped when he suddenly give out a creepy, low chuckle to her words after that.
Them: (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)Σ(°д°ノ)ノ
The plate of snacks nearly fall from her grip the moment she entered the room.
Imagine child Kenshin, surrounded by a cloud of bunnies all over him, and he is there, in the middle of it, with ONLY his head that sticks out with this face (눈‸눈).
"Uh.. K-Kenshin? I brought some light snack, let's have it together...?"
"(´・ェ・`).... *sweats*"
"It's delicious, you know? See? This bun is shaped like a bunny."
"(눈‸눈) ...Hm."
"Uh.. S-so can you tell the bunnies to go outside? Or maybe y-you know, let you move so you can eat the snack?" She clasped her hands together, beaming a (forceful) smile, "It's a veeeerry limited edition...! It's like onigiri, you see? It has plums in the middle of it..!"
"(눈‸눈)... *gasp* (°д°)! Plums?"
"Yeah, plum- WAAAAHH \(OAO)/!!!! 🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇🐇!!!"
Poor MC get swarmed all over by the bunnies. But it's a miracle the bun survived though.
"Oh my angel, my goddess, my angel, my sweetest being of my life 😏😏😏😏✨✨✨."
"...You said the word 'angel' twice, Shingen."
He gasped, "Ooh? I have come across a very genius goddess as well 💖💖💖💖💖!"
MC about to escape from him, but only to be stopped with him, biting a cherry blossom branch in his mouth as he take it out when he successfully gets her attention,
"No, no, don't go and leave me like that. It hurts me, goddess..!"💖💖💖💖💖
MC's eye twitched to the saliva around the branch (ewww) before turning to him, "God, seriously, his child mode is the worst than his adult mode."
"What are you saying, my rainbow sunflower dango mochi? I am serious..! I don't see you as a big sis who take care of me..!"
"Oh really now? Show me how serious you are, then."
He nodded, genuinely showing a very firm look before going away for a while. "You wait here..!"
MC: ( ͡°з ͡°) Now what is he planning- uh--
*Shingen comes back with Yukimura, by riding on his shoulder like a very proud lord + wink* 😘😘😘😘😘✨✨✨✨✨
Also Shingen: *Kabedon MC in that state, with a SUPER EMBARRASSED Yukimura below him* So..? Do you believe me now, my kuchipu mimimu? 😘😘😘😘😘😘💖💖💖💖💖
MC: *S N A P*
*Cues sound of Shingen's forehead got flicked and both of him and Yukimura stumbled backwards and SPLASH!! They fell into the nearby pond*
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daeva-agas · 4 years
Nobu onigiri, by the same person who made the Shingen one
Check their Youtube channel if you wanna see the making of the Shingen onigiri too
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[Shingen: Oh! Well, I don’t mind anything. Koro, do you have something in mind?]
[Koro: Hmm… Koro… *thinks* wants to play in the snow~!! 😊]
{Aya: Oh my… *stands up*}
{Asahi: Is something the matter…? You two seem worried about her.}
{Hatsume: *walks in while eating an onigiri* What’s going on?}
{Aki: !! *notices the other animals* … *blushes at their cuteness* I think… I’m in heaven.}
{Dazai: Yes, I wonder the same… she also began to panic. I truly hope everything is ok…}
{Arthur: She just scurried off before we could actually register it all.}
{Sebastian: Knowing her, that was definitely not regular behavior… *looks at Theo*}
Zeest: *panting heavily and curls up on the floor, sniffling and covering her mouth to keep herself quiet*
Selena: Oh, we can make snowmen! Are you feeling sleepy at this time of the year, Koro?
Sasuke: Well, she has been looking down. I feel like something is wrong. Oh, hello Hatsume.
*Chimaki, the cats from Mitsunari and Kennyo, Wasabi and Shogetsu got closer, snuggling her. Muramasa was laying on aki’s lap*
Theo: Look, I... said something that might have upset her. I tried apologizing but she didn’t seem to accept it.
Jean: what... did you say to her?
*Masamune enters his room, his heart breaking at the sight of Zeest crying. He slowly got closer, hugging her*
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Warlords hearing MC getting busy and their reactions (in no particular order), Part I of II
Long time no content, apologies! This is my first time writing a headcanon post, please enjoy~
-          On his way to deliver his daily report to Lord Oda, mentally running through the items in his head so he won’t forget anything and waste his lord’s precious time
-          Just about to announce his presence, he hears “the sounds”
-          Oh, it is definitely a bad time for a report. It’s just before dinner too, have they eaten already? Are they eating each—never mind! They’re definitely NOT going to be joining the others for dinner, that’s for sure
-          Shakes his head as he turns to head back down the stairs, trying to erase MC’s breathy voice from his mind
-          But he does return just a short while later with a tray filled with an assortment of Masamune’s onigiri and water, placing it by the door to help with their ‘recovery’
-          It’s his job to know everything that is happening, both in Azuchi and everywhere else. Today is his rare day off, even he needs a break from the shadow sometimes
-          His ears perk up as his silent steps carry him down the familiar hallway of Masamune’s manor
-          Masamune’s voice is unmistakable, his playful tone has dropped a whole octave though, man, MC does not stand a chance against that man
-          -Smirky smirk smirk. SMIRK-
-          The polite thing would have been to pass by quickly, switch out the water for sake in the kitchen as planned, then leave and pretend nothing was amiss
-          But not him, he stays and listens for a moment longer so he can tease MC later, just imagining her blushing face brought a chuckle to his lips, it’s going to be very entertaining indeed
-          He couldn’t forget bumping into Lord Tokugawa in the library just the other day, and he was so kind and helped return the books to the shelves for him
-          So he had to do –something- to return the favour!
-          Both arms full of books and scrolls pulled from his room, they covered topics from rare herbs and how to grown them, to advanced drying techniques for preserving medicinal properties for use in the field
-          For once he wasn’t walking with his nose stuck between book pages, and he arrived outside Ieyasu’s room in record time
-          The maids’ strange behaviour should have alerted him to come back another time, but he’s Mitsunari~
-          Hearing grunts and shuffling through the screen door, he paused, trying to place the type of exercise Lord Tokugawa was doing
-          Would he be interrupting his workout? But he was so excited to see him again, surely Ieyasu won’t mind a break with some quality reading material? Oh, and he’s calling MC cute, she must be helping him again!
-          With his usual upbeat voice, he announced himself before sliding the door open with one foot… ((oh, baby, no))
-          Does his ninja ceiling thing as per usual above MC’s room
-          Is that Mitsunari’s voice? The famed strategist of Azuchi? Perfect opportunity for a little listen—
-          Hold up, what was that? Why is he comparing the back of his hand to her body. Oh. Oh no, but, also yes?
-          But MC is his friend, he should yeet himself out of there pronto, yet he stayed crouching above them as the angel’s voice went into detail on the beauty that is her skin, and touching all the placed to make her gasp and ask for more
-          Anything for science? No, he’s overstayed his welcome. Adjusting his glasses and pulling the cloth over his mouth, he’s gone before either of them are the wiser
-          Constantly looking for someone to train with, sun’s out, sword’s out, am I right?
-          Has already beat half the castle onto their butts in a self-declared battle royale, but where is Sasuke? He wasn’t in the training hall, or on the roof, he must be in his room!
-          With renewed energy, he charged for Sasuke’s room, dodging katanas with the grace of a dancer and knocking weapons flying as he went
-          What he wasn’t expecting was the soft moans just audible through the shoji screen
-          Is he not alone? Dammit! Of all times to be busy, he chose now?!
-          He won’t disturb them, but Sasuke best be prepared to train doubly hard as soon as he’s done
-          He missed his friend, and he firmly believed the man he’s known still lives beyond the scar
-          For old time’s sake, he set out to pay Kennyo a visit at his temporary residence, bringing a few carafes of sake with him
-          The late afternoon sun lit the pebbled path up to the humble building, fresh incense and candles burned both inside and out, giving its surroundings a serene quality
-          He has a good understanding of the layout of temples, and he rounded to the back, where the private quarters are held
-          Everything was quiet, until it wasn’t
-          The moment he realized what was happening, is this what they call mixed feelings?
-          Kennyo’s room is always the one at the end of the hallway, and he could see the door shift slightly with every movement, no doubt they were –right- behind it
-          Each whimper and moan that’s being held back was most definitely still heard
-          Having the most devious smirk on his face, Shingen turned around and left while chuckling, “a little sin never hurt anybody”
-          Mumbling the whole way back from the market with a fresh batch of sweet buns, he made sure to leave half in the kitchen before taking the rest to Shingen
-          Stomping towards his Lord’s room, his thoughts almost as loud as his steps, he failed to realize Shingen was a little preoccupied
-          Wait, did he hear something? Or was that just his imagination? Shrugging his shoulders, he called out for Shingen and one hand moved to slide the door open… except it refused to move more than an inch
-          Confused, he stood and stared until he heard Shinge’s voice cooing seductively through the crack in the door. “Sing for me, my angel,” “… but someone’s outside!” “That’s probably Yuki. Don’t mind him, allow me to make you feel good”
-          Boy, did he blush like a rose from the garden
-          Dropping the leaf wrapped package by the door, he ran like the wind ((sorry, Yuki~))
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mythiica · 5 years
Fics Masterlist
✰ = Request
♧ = Requested through Ikemen Discord Writers
♡ = Reposted from my dA
✿ = Third person POV
☾ = First person POV
❤ = Personal favourite
🌼 = Edgar Appreciation Week 2019
★ = Ikemen Vampire Angst Color Collection
Most of my fics at in the second person (you/your) and (Y/n) as the subject. Lately, I’ve been testing out some different point of views, and they have been marked with a ✿ to make it easier to tell the difference. 
Ikemen Sengoku
Reader x Nobunaga Oda - Midnight Confession ♧ ❤
Reader x Nobunaga Oda - Morning in Vienna
Reader x Nobunaga Oda - The Ashes of Us ♧ ❤
Thunderstorm Headcanons {Nobunaga} ✰
Reader x Hideyoshi Toyotomi - Affection ✰
Reader x Hideyoshi Toyotomi - Wash Your Worries Away
Reader x Masamune Date - Caring For Your Sick Person
Reader x Ieyasu Tokugawa - How to Properly Brew Shincha Tea ✰
Reader x Ieyasu Tokugawa - Eccedentesiast
Reader x Mitsuhide Akechi - Rendezvous in the Rain ❤
Reader x Mitsuhide Akechi - Trust the Kitsune ✰
Reader x Mitsuhide Akechi - A Kitsune’s Confession ✰
Reader x Mitsunari Ishida - Oblivious
Reader x Shingen Takeda - By Your Side ♡ ❤
Reader x Shingen Takeda - Congratulations
Reader x Shingen Takeda - Heaven’s Confetti
Shingen Takeda {Ikemen Sengoku} Headcanons ♧
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi - Salty Onigiri
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi - Persuading You
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - Stolen Kiss
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - Settling Down ✰
Reader x Kennyo - Little Bird
Mai x Kennyo - Perhaps ✿
A Note from Kennyo - Accidental Kiss ☾ ❤
Modern AU! Slow Burn - {Ieyasu Tokugawa}, {Mitsuhide Akechi}, {Shingen Takeda} ✰
Reactions to a sick MC - {Masamune Date}, {Nobunaga Oda}, {Kenshin Usegui}, {Shingen Takeda} ✰
Mini Fics Early Morning Fluffs {Mitsuhide}, {Kenshin} ✰
Mini Scenarios - The Warlords Seeing Their Children for the First Time ❤
Mini Scenarios - The Warlords Reacting to Minor Injuries
Mini Scenarios - The Warlords + Being Fed
Nobunaga Oda {Ikemen Sengoku} Headcanons
Reader x Fem!Nobunaga Oda - Lady Nobunaga
Reader x Masamune Date - Hot Springs Fun
Reader x Ieyasu Tokugawa - “Stay here for the night. Don’t go back to your room.”  ✰
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi - Pickled Plums
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi -  Divine Punishment
Reader x Shingen Takeda - Reverse Roles ❤
NSFW Alphabet Headcanons {Shingen Takeda} ✰
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - Hold On ♧
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - “ll take it you were happy to see me then?” ✰
Reader x Sasuke Sarutobi - Rendezvous on the Roof ✰
Reader x Kennyo - Distractions ♧
NSFW Headcanons {Kennyo} ✰
Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader x Mitsunari Ishida - Celebrating Victory
Hideyoshi Toyotomi x Reader x Nobunaga Oda - Reward
IkeSen Scenarios - Dom!Fem {NSFW} (all warlords) ❤
IkeSen Scenarios - Warlords + Food {NSFW} (all warlords) ❤
Dom!Fem Headcanons - {Nobunaga Oda} {Mitsuhide Akechi} ✰
NSFW Alphabet Headcanons {Nobunaga}, {Ieyasu} ✰
Drunk MC + Suggestive Mini Fics - {Nobunaga} {Mitsuhide} ✰
Drunk MC + Suggestive Mini Fics - {Ieyasu} {Mitsuhide}, {Sasuke} ✰
Shingen Takeda x Nobunaga Oda - Taming the Devil King
Shingen Takeda x Nobunaga Oda - A Game of Go
Crack (usually edits)
Noburella Part 1/4 ❤
Noburella Part 2/4
Ikemen Revolution
Reader x Ray Blackwell - Serendipity
Reader x Sirius Oswald – Forget-Me-Nots ❤
Reader x Sirius Oswald - Gentle Smiles and Lullabies ♧
Reader x Seth Hyde - Macarons, Not to be Confused with Macaroons ♡
Reader x Luka Clemence - New Traditions
Reader x Lancelot Kingsley - You Mean the World to Me ❤
Reader x Jonah Clemence – Peek-A-Boo ♧
Reader x Jonah Clemence - Morning Cuddles ✰
Reader x Edgar Bright - Intimacy ✰
Reader x Edgar Bright - No 🌼
Reader x Kyle Ash - Rum What? ♡
Reader x Zero - Midnight Therapy
Reader x Harr Silver - Springtime Skinny Dipping
Reader x Harr Silver - Your Eyes, Like Silver
Reader x Oliver Knight - To Charm a Woman
Reader x Blanc Lapin - A Bunny’s Habit
Oliver Knight {Ikemen Revolution}  Headcanons ♧ (Written with kiarigirl-blog)
Reader x Lancelot x Sirius x Harr - A Competition for Your Hand ♧ ❤
Reader x Sirius Oswald - Temporary Bliss
Reader x Sirius Oswald - View
Reader x Fenrir Godspeed - A Picnic… Without Clothes?
Reader x Lancelot Kingsley - A Night to Remember ♧
Reader x Edgar Bright - Sensual
Reader x Loki Genetta - How to Properly Start Your Day
Ikemen Vampire
Reader x le Comte de Sainte Germain - Golden Days  ★ ❤
Reader x Wolfgang Mozart - Lavender Dreams ★ ❤
Reader x Leonardo da Vinci - An Amber Astrolabe ★ ❤
Reader x William Shakespeare - My World ♧
Reader x le Comte de Saint Germain - Letters to You ♧
Isaac Newton Edits ❤
just a regular sunday evening
jean meme
if ikevam had internet
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Reader x Gavin - Sunset Atop the Oak Tree ✰
Reader x Gavin - To Keep You Safe ✰
Reader x Gavin - The Proper Way to Distract Someone ✰
Reader x Gavin - Last Sunrise ✰
SFW Headcanons {Gavin} 
Reader x Kiro - You Promised ✰
Silly MC Headcanons {Victor} ✰
Reader x Victor - Confronting Chik ✰
Endometriosis Headcanons {Lucien} ✰
MLQC Headcanons - Hiking
Victor, Gavin Incorrect Quote
Victor edits ❤
Reader x Gavin - Officer’s Punishment ✰
Reader x Gavin - Date Gone… Right? ✰
Reader x Gavin - A Night Full of Surprises ✰
Reader x Gavin - Mistletoe Surprise
Reader x Victor - Shower Sin ✰
A-Z NSFW Alphabet {Victor} ✰
Reader x Lucien - Jealousy Looks Good on You ✰
Reader x Lucien - A Steamy Bubble Bath ♧
Reader x Kiro - Sweeter Than Sweet ✰
Baby Fever/Fluff {Main 4} ✰
Obey Me!
Reader x Beelzebub - Midnight Snack
The Arcana
Reader x Muriel - Twitterpated
Vibrators Mini Scenarios {Main 6}
Midnight Cinderella
Reader x Alyn Crawford - Nemesism ♧
NSFW Headcanons {Sid} ✰
NSFW Headcanons {Byron Wagner} ✰
Reader x Giles Christophe - A Lesson on the Human Body
Reader x Levi Ackerman - Blood Rusted Memories ♡
Reader x Saeran Choi - Dystychiphobia ♡
Reader x Tooru Oikawa - The Three Times He’s Cried for You ♡ ❤
Reader x Yut-Lung Lee - Intimacy ✰
Ash Lynx, Yut-Lung Lee {Banana Fish} Headcanons ✰
Reader x Jumin Han - Mine ♡
Reader x Vanderwood - Good to be Home ♧
Other - not fics
Salt {Chat between Lancelot and Oliver}
Rose {Chat between Jonah and Luka}
Bang Bang {Chat between Mitsuhide, Mai, Mitsunari, and Masamune)
Throne {Chat between Nobunaga and Mai}
Womanizer {Chat between Shingen and Mai}
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casual-romantic · 6 years
Samurai Love Ballad Party is Pretty Great
For someone with not one but two sideblogs devoted to Samurai Love Ballad Party, I sure do rag on Voltage a lot. So, in the spirit of the holiday (and definitely not because I’m procrastinating real work), a list of reasons why I’m still playing this game eight months in.
Realistic characters No, they’re not realistic in terms of power levels or historical fact, but nearly all of the characters in SLBP feel like real, actual people. Both virtues and faults can be found in abundance. Furthermore, whether a given trait is a virtue or fault can switch depending on the context. This is key to making a character seem real instead of just a list of traits on a spreadsheet.
For example, Mitsuhide is meant to be a perfect samurai. That’s great - until his devotion to duty and people means he might be separated from MC forever. Yukimura’s innocence and faith in people leads to both good things (hooking up with MC, being friends with Saizo) and bad (leaving himself wide open to being taken advantage of).
Distinct characters Despite a sprawling cast, each character is very different from each other and easy to tell apart at a glance.* That's pretty hard to do! SLBP also adheres to a philosophy espoused by OKCupid** back when they did interesting dating math about how some people thinking a person isn't hot only makes that person more attractive to other people.
*Except for their chins. I swear every male character in this game has the exact same jawline.
**Seriously, if you have any interest in otome games and why controversial characters make the most money read that post. OKC used to have the most amazing blog back when it was run by two statisticians.
Historical setting SLBP massages history a lot, but there’s quite a lot that’s actually pretty accurate (or close enough that you can at least recognize the key events when you read a wikipedia article). I like that. I also like that it gives a very interesting canvas for the writers to play with.
If you’ve ever seen Project Runway or a similar competition, you've probably noticed people do their best work when they’ve got a limitation or two stymieing them because it makes them think more creatively. In the case of SLBP, how will they handle Shingen’s well-known end? Nobunaga is the first unifier - what was it like for the people working for and against him at that time? There were more guns in Japan than Europe in the late 1500s - how did that play out on the battlefield? Restaurant workers from Kyoto weren’t likely to meet multiple samurai lords - how do you get around that believably? There’s a lot of neat stuff to delve into.
Complementary relationships If you like one member of the Date clan, you'll probably like the others. Same goes for Kai. Nobunaga's followers are a more mixed bunch, but that's only fitting because he's got the "big tent" strategy going on as the lord with the most territory. This further contributes to the believability of the stories and makes reading them more engaging. Maybe you like Inuchiyo the best, so you normally wouldn't care so much about a ninja event, but Sakuya's good friends with him so you've got a story to look forward to after all.
Many events There's almost always something to do in SLBP. You're not just limited to five free chapters of the main story per day, even if you're free-to-play. Right now we've got ninja event stories and a samurai fair, we just wrapped up Lord of the Draw with extra side stories and items to get, and there's sure to be another battle on the horizon soon. On the very rare occasions when there’s no event, I realize how much I’ve come to rely on that steady flow of extra content.
Engaged marketing team Voltage is very active on multiple social media platforms and, whether or not they can respond, they do see and pay attention to what fans are saying. They're very encouraging of fanworks and are supportive of their player base. Should be par for the course, but shockingly not as common as you would think.
Pretty good writing I am very critical when it comes to writing. I don't like to see typos, I don't want to have to pause and figure out what's going on because the description was confusing, I do want to each character to have their own individual voice, and I want good pacing and storytelling in general. For the most part, SLBP does a good job and I can largely turn off the editor in my brain and enjoy the stories.
(That's why I get so upset when certain stories don't live up to SLBP's usual standard. I go back into editing mode and can't just enjoy Genya flirting with MC.)
Cute side games I like dressing up my avatar and decorating my castle. I like accumulating a bunch of onigiri to get rewards in the tea garden. I like playing the lotteries to see what I get (need those pearls!). They're all nice little distractions that complement the main game but don't need to be played if you don't want to.
Limited player interaction I can do everything I want in the game without interacting with anyone if I want, or I can make a bunch of allies, compete for a fancy dress, and chat up a storm with someone after complimenting their castle. Block options are available for the rare occasion you need to use them. For me, it's just the right amount of interaction with other players.
Unapologetic fanservice Voltage knows what the fans want and is happy to give it to us (...in exchange for pearls). No need to feel embarrassed for wanting to see Shingen with his shirt off. The stories have also gotten noticeably sexier as I've played, which is nice. Well, sex is an important part of most romantic relationships. It's good to know MC is having her needs met, and it's good to know I can re-read certain epilogues whenever I want in my album.
Autism representation This is pretty niche and may not have even been intended, but Mitsunari is almost certainly on the spectrum. But! He's not portrayed as an asshole who thinks he's always right and justifies being a jerk with a (at the time, non-existent) diagnosis. No, he, like most autistic people, is struggling to do better and learn more about how to interact with others. (Also he thinks he’s almost always right.) And his special interests and ability to retain information come in handy a lot, and he has people who understand him and treasure him for who he is, not in spite of it. That's really great.
Anyway, that's my non-exhaustive list of reasons why I actually really love this game. My complaints are only because I want it to be as good as I know it can be. If I really hated it, I'd stop playing and I'd definitely stop buying pearls. XD
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Dearest Elly, allow me to identify myself as the thirsty anon who asked about slbp. I want to thank you for answering my ask so quickly and thoroughly. As suggested I went with Shingens route noting to put Saizo on my next list cause again, I am one thirsty virgin. Allow me to jus say that I was moments away from blowing my whole paycheck on pearls. All of it. I had to put the phone down, eat dinner with my mom, take a long cold shower, and ponder my life choices. (Part1)
(Part2) This hasn’t happened since mysme. Not because it was revolutionarily smutty but because I fell hard for Shingen and was hella frustrated that I could read his story in one sitting. Those bastards at voltage know damn well what they’re doing by creating games like these and yeah I can see why teasing smutty content would become a meme. I mean damn. I haven’t wanted to bang a fictional character this bad since Jihyun said “wait for me.”
(Part3final I swear)Anyways thanks for your recommendations and advice. I am now looking for a higher paying job to support my newfound obsession. And as always thank you so much for everything that you post with us. Might I mention again that it was your wonderful writing that made me want to try this game out in the first place. I wanted to know the characters and was hella curios about a Yukimura?
I’m so happy you’re enjoying it, Nonny! Welcome to hell…we have kinky njnjas! Really though, I don’t think there’s a bigger honour as a fic writer to hear your word vomit inspired people to check out the original work, so thank you so much.
In terms of pearls, there are a number of ways to get them for free, though it takes quite some time to do so:
Visit your allies at their castle! You can visit your allies whenever you want and leave messages etc, but it’s definitely worth doing at least once per day as the game gives you a limited number of attempts to claim gold, onigiri and sometimes even pearls.
Speaking of onigiri, make sure you use the tea garden, since you can exchange onigiri for in game items, including story passes, gold and...yes...pearls.
Speaking of gold, the castle lottery is a great way to farm pearls. You can play 10x in a row in exchange for 3000 gold, which doesn’t take too long to gather if you go training/trysting often enough. Bear in mind which events are on, though, since in story events you will need that gold to progress through the event. (The alternative is spending pearls, which goes against the object of the exercise lmao)
Events! More specifically Battle Events (which is the next event!! Yay!!). Battle events are awesome for farming pearls, since all you have to do is hand over the items you automatically collect for playing the game. Story events also have pearls, but you need to be top of your allies to get them, which as a beginner player won’t be so easy at first.
Sometimes the devs have log in events or reading campaigns, but not all of the time. The rest, though, are tried and tested and have saved me so much money, haha.
Also, if it’s smut you’re looking for, I honestly recommend trying Love 365 or Lovestruck on the app store. These are also Voltage apps, but are 17+ rated, compared to SLBP’s 12+. As I’m sure you can imagine, these stories are a good deal raunchier. Love 365 is a paid app, but all in all it isn’t too badly priced. I personally have the VIP pass and get three stories every month. Lovestruck comes from the American branch of Voltage and not only is it steamy and free to play, but it’s also a good deal more...progressive??...than a lot of otome apps. You have multiple POC and LGBTQ love interests (and many who fall into both categories). 
Also holY shit Yukimura. I love him so much ;; He’s just so cute. He’s a peach.
I feel like if you enjoy V, you’ll probably like Kenshin. Everything fandom loves about V, like the eccentric, overly romantic artist with a soft heart who loathes himself and will die for those he loves, is true of Kenshin and his route.
I’ll shut up now dgdfgd, but yay for playing SLBP!
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A Different Time pt2
note: I have found a new form of torture that is highly effective and results in my long suffering proofreader shouting various profanities at me whilst trying to get their head around a story I have written about a certain ninja.
Warning:Scientific Nerdy Ninja
Chapter 2 - Lacking Data
I guess I should have calculated the possibility that this had maybe happened before and factored that in somehow to my current situation. After successfully proving my theory of a wormhole achieving the ability to manifest itself, along with proving my theory of its possible application for use for time travel. I had evidently neglected to consider a few basic scenarios. The main one being the smiling woman in front of me. What if I am not the first to fall through the space time continuum?
She rose from her position on the log and walked over to the shack returning with a cast iron pan and she poured water into it from a bamboo canteen. “Tea? I have a feeling we might need some refreshment.”
“Thank you. Can I help with anything?” It may have been a slightly stupid question but I have failed to abandon my manners instilled in me by my parents.
“No …  it’s fine! You’re technically a guest so don’t worry.” She smiled as she placed the pan into the fire to boil and retrieved a couple of bamboo cups. I’m impressed she has enough equipment in her pack to cater for guests.
“Yes, I guess I am a time traveller” She shrugged as she poked at the newly lit fire with a stick. “Although it wasn’t planned that way!”
“Wait so how? When? I’m sorry I must apologize I seem to be experiencing heightened levels of adrenaline causing my speech to become erratic.” I was aware that I sounded less than coherent. If I was honest, my pulse rate had increased so much after this new discovery that I was struggling to regain control of it.
“Ha … it’s ok. I felt exactly the same back at the compound. I never thought I would meet anyone from my time here.” She cautiously looked at me. “I suppose you are from my time?”
“Your time?” Seriously Sasuke now is not the time to repeat back to her like a parrot. “Erm, that is to say what time... when did you get here?” This is starting to sound like the plot for an old sci fi movie. I had finally regained some control over my pulse even if my mind was still running faster than the Hadron Collider with bombarding thoughts.
“Mmm... where to start? I’ll just go from the top and if it fails to answer anything else you want to ask then…” Her fingers were tapping on the side of her cup as she thought about what to say.
“I’ll ask after.” My intention to encourage her caused me to interrupt. Luckily, she didn’t appear to mind.
“Precisely. Ok, well for a start I was on holiday, about eight years ago, and thought visiting Kyoto was a great idea. I always loved Japan and well I’ve never been much of a history buff or anything but I still like it. Kyoto just seemed like somewhere with lots of history all in one place, so I got a ticket and arranged my week around seeing old temples and buildings. I was on my way back from museum and thought I’d look in at a temple on the way to the hotel.” Her voice was a little distant as she recalled her past. The smile on her face did falter a little but it didn’t appear to be due to her feeling sad. Nostalgia. It was a weird idea to think of the modern day in a past tense but that was the reality of the situation we were both in and I could certainly empathise with her on that.
“The Honnoji Temple?” My need to answer the questions running rampant in my head was making it more than a bit difficult to keep quiet. She nodded in agreement.
“That’s the one. It was such a nice night and I was enjoying the walk then out of nowhere it started raining so hard I was soaked to the skin in minutes. I ran into the temple to look for some shelter and …” she paused in thought.
“And?” I hadn’t noticed it myself, but I had drawn my body forward from my seating position and was leaning towards her. Her eyes really are a deep caramel chocolate colour. The personal realisation that I have not only moved closer to her but I have also made such an observation that was not in the least bit professional caused me to shift a little uncomfortably back into place on the log.
“Well that’s just it, I can’t remember past that point. I mean there was a loud crack, I think it might have been lightening. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was laying on the ground near a road.” If she noticed how I felt, she was gracious enough to not mention it.
This was incredible! Not only was the location exactly the same as the day I predicted it to be for myself, but it seemed that it was a recurring site of manifestation. I wish I had my notebook on me to make notes on this, but I think I left it at the room I’m staying in. I patted my clothing absentmindedly searching for my non-existent writing materials. The woman watched me and suddenly smiled.
“Looking for something?” She had a sparkle in her eyes that reminded me of the look Lord Shingen would have when handed a plate of sweet buns.
“Sorry it’s habit.” I pushed my glasses back onto the bridge of my nose and took a sip of tea.
“Not the only habit I see.” The mischievous smile on her face did something to me I really couldn’t understand.
I paused in my own musings over the space time continuum and lack of appropriate materials to document newly discovered information. Long dark hair, deep brown eyes, pale skin. Her clothing wasn’t in fact tight so much as it was bound. Over the top of her dark blue kimono was lengths of fabric wrapping the layers closer to her limbs. Practical even if highly unusual. Her headscarf gathered around her neck from where she had unpinned it. As if feeling my inquisitive gaze, she shifted her position and looked directly at me.
“I would say take a picture it will last longer but the technology hasn’t arrived here yet.”
I choked a little on my tea at her comment. It had been a while since anyone around me had used a modern-day reference, never mind making a whimsical joke with one and it caught me off guard. Yes Sasuke, you cannot inhale tea. She smiled at my reaction but didn’t pursue it. Instead she opted to move on with the conversation.
“So? How did you get here then?”
“I had been studying unusual weather patterns and created a theoretical formula that I made from my collected data with the intention of predicting the occurrence of an active wormhole. Although technically there is nothing that suggest that a wormhole can…”
- Ha ha ha -
Her laughter cut through the clearing and went straight into my chest like a kunai. It wasn’t really a bad feeling and that surprised me nearly as much as the whole other time traveller thing. I really wish I had my notebook, maybe if I gathered more data I could work out what is happening.
“Oh, sorry … sorry. It’s just when you are talking you get so animated and ...” she paused as she wiped the corner of her eyes with the back of her hand. “I’ve never been brilliant with science and stuff.”
“I look animated?” I know my eyes widened at that. I could even feel my mouth go slightly agape.
“Yes? Has no one ever told you that before?” she inclined her head and her hair tumbled over her shoulder with the movement.
“Quite the opposite really, I’m usually getting told that I lack expression.” I was still a little flummoxed with her honest observation. Do I really become animated talking about my scientific research?
“What would they prefer you do? An interpretive dance in the middle of a mission? Oh, hang on a minute are you hungry?”
As if on cue my stomach rumbled. When did I last eat anything? Yesterday morning then, I was walking around town trying to figure out if there was a different side to the compound that I could get in at… ah. Ok no I completely forgot to eat anything past lunch yesterday. And now my stomach has reminded me and outed me all at the same time in front of the woman. Bug detected: embarrassment exe. Loading.
She pulled out a saddle bag from the shack and then reached in and pulled out two wrapped bundles bringing them both over.
“Got anything you don’t like to eat?” She enquired.
“No, not really I must admit I eat mostly plain food.” That was in fact completely honest. I don’t like lying and avoid it as much as safely possible even in my line of employment.
It’s difficult to cook anything fancy when on the road and I usually just eat in the teahouses wherever I happen to be for work. Yukimura did at one point say he was surprised at my lack of culinary skill as all I ever seemed to make was rice porridge but it had never bothered me even in the modern day.
“Good because I can only guarantee these will fill you up. I only had limited ingredients so flavour may be lacking.” There was a light flush to the pale skin on her face and I couldn’t help but find that very charming.
“Thank you for the meal.” I bowed my head lightly as I accepted the food bundle. Inside was some onigiri and what appeared to be inarizushi. I picked up a piece of the stuffed tofu and enjoyed the different taste of the fried food mixing with the rice. “This is good.”
“Well then you are easy to please.” She seemed to relax after my honest review and let out a little sigh and started eating hers. “After you finish eating you might want to slip back into town before it gets too busy.”
“You’re right.” I had lost track of the time since sunrise as I was engrossed in my search for information on the wormhole.
“You never did tell me why you were trying to get into the Daimyo’s manor.” There was no sign of her trying to pressure and pump me for information. Her tone was natural and in keeping with light meal conversation.
“My employer wanted some information on him.” I couldn’t really say anymore. Careless talk cost lives and I didn’t wish to be on the list of names of people that had forgotten that.
“I see.” She nodded as if she could read my thoughts knowing I wasn’t going to divulge anything further. “Well if that is all it is, then I might just let you enter tonight.”
“Really?” My eyes shot up to meet hers.
“Yes, I mean you’re not going to interfere with my plan so…” She shrugged.
“Your plan?”
So, did she have an employer? Was she some sort of mercenary? What was she doing? A list of possibilities mixed with a train of thoughts all seemingly unconnected like the stars in the sky and yet there had to be a pattern. There was always a pattern, somewhere.
“Ha, you really do love asking questions.” From the look on her face I knew she was not going to say anymore.
“Sorry, hazard of the job and also having a naturally high scientific curiosity.” I tried to laugh it off. Which I suppose might have worked for someone less expressively challenged.
“It’s of no matter. Eat up and I guess I’ll see you tonight.”
Her words were still rolling around in my head as I made my way back to town. What had she been talking about ‘her plan’? And why on earth was her wording of ‘I guess I’ll see you tonight’ making me feel light headed like I may be sick.
There was clearly nothing wrong with the food. I can only theorize that lacking in nourishment for so long whilst also engaging in strenuous activities had depleted my body’s ability to maintain a normal functionality.
When I got to the first building on the edge of town I could hear the people moving around starting their daily routines. The air was filled with happily chattering voices as the traders set up and sold their wares and there were the aromas of freshly prepared food wafting through it all tempting passers-by.
I was moving along the towns small but abundant main road when I caught the glimpse of a familiar red kimono and short brown hair.
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saizoswifey · 7 years
Hi! I am just getting started on slbp and I was wondering about a small something and was hoping you could help me out? Why is it that Shingen and Kenshin have special names for their endings? (Also what are some tips you have for beginner players? I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed hehe)
Hello dear, welcome to the fandom! 
I have answered that questions HERE. But just so you know, the answer will contain a spoiler as to what happens in the end of the routes! 
As for tips, yes, this game is a bit overwhelming at first because there is so much going on! Don’t let it get to you, though. Before you know it you will be navigating like a pro. 
Cook every 5 hours! During routes you will come across missions where you need X amount of love points (which you earn from cooking) so make sure you keep on it! 
Serve the onigiri you earn from cooking in the tea garden! You get a ton of useful items such as energy hearts and pearls to even closet space! Stick to one lord if you can. 
If you need pearls, the castle lottery is an often un-utilized place to get them. I found I have better luck using the lottery of the lord that is in my castle. Also, do the 10 draw, not single. I have gotten over 28 pearls in a matter of an hour using just castle lottery. 
There are two types of ‘Events’ that occur in the game; Battle Events and Story Events. 
Battle Events have usually two teams of lords, East and West. You pick a side and collect whatever item (I.E. konpeito) you get through either cooking, visiting allies or reading the main story chapters. You serve those items you’ve collected to a certain lord in order to get castle items and usually a chibi of them. You can usually rank in the event for an outfit. 
Story Events have special AU stories of the lords you can read. Unlike Battle Events, where you can cook in the MS and earn rewards, you need to cook in the actual event to earn ‘Secret Tryst’ points. Always try and have some high level allies specifically for this event, it will make it easier for you to read through the stories. You usually get a special item for each story you read, an EC (early clear) bonus for finishing the first set of stories in X amount of time, A special background for reading ALL of the stories, and ranking prizes for your Secret Tryst points. 
I hope some of this helped! It doesn’t take very long to get the hang of it all! I know there’s probably a lot more tips but I’ll leave it at this for now haha 
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amenomiko · 5 years
Tumblr media
Thank you for the request <3!
-Will spoil her and will be strict as well.
-He will nag at her if she procrastinate, but will reward with handmade onigiri and hot chocolate.
-A kiss to motivate her. Or to keep her from falling asleep.
-Will also help her by giving ideas, praising her when she gets the inspiration to continue with her thesis.
-Which is also, in a way, replenishing her energy to complete that monster paper works.
-Would tease her all the time. But she does not know that he had been secretly helping her to search for some information and data for her thesis, compiling, marking and arranged it on her working table.
-Didn't admit when she ask about it.
-He shrug, "I don't know? Maybe some kind of magic?"
-Feign a confused look when she thank him  while hugging around his chest. "Hm? Why are you happy all of a sudden?"
-"Because you are having panda eyes yourself." She said.
-"Oh, I'm just playing with your make up, that's all."
-Glared at the thesis.
-MC: No, please don't "kill" it by shredding it apart, you will kill me instead.
-Also MC: Professor..? Yea he is the one who- wait- where are you going- WAIT NO DON'T KILL THE PROFESSOR OAO!
-Will gather bunnies around her if she fell asleep on the floor.
-When she overslept, he is the one that helps to complete her thesis.
-She gets full mark.
-...Happy but guilty. Ehem.
-"My chest is all yours if you need something to replenish your energy-""No thanks."
-Uses his charm to persuade her Professor with "Let's change the topic of the thesis." And "How about we extend the time?" requests.
-MC is so happy to have him as her charmer- *ehem* boyfriend.
-"You can do this, Goddess. You can do it. Put more effort into it. Yes, just like that."
-MC: I'm not giving birth, Shingen, nor giving you a *beep* or something. I just need to finish the last word of my thesis (-"-;).
-Shingen: Oh my. My goddess is so kinky (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵).
-But that lessen her stress. Much better than ever.
-Uses memes and puns to make her day better but..
-He got a menacing glare.
-"..I'm sorry."
-He then turned from memelord to a serious Sasuke mode. Adjusting his glasses, he went out all of a sudden, leaving confused MC behind, and coming back with few books and papers.
-It is all the data that she wanted. And he could get everything less than a day.
-"Aww.. Sasuke. How do you-"
-"I have my sources." He bli-wink.
-"Hehehe." She giggled. "I guess I will-"
-"Kiss me for reward? It's okay. I'm always saving the best thing for the last. So.."
-She blushed as she sees a small grin on his expressionless face.
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[Koro: Oh! Mommy’s awake!]
[Shingen: Ah, Bluebird~! We are ready~ Though if you are tired we aren’t against staying inside~ *gently pats her head*]
{Aya: Oh~? My my, I’m so honored~ I am your fan as well~ *kisses his cheek*}
{Hatsume: Look, you may be tall, strong, and incredibly handsome, but you can’t keep me from stuffing my face with onigiri whenever I want!!}
{Asahi: *knocks on Ieyasu’s door* Lord Ieyasu? It’s me.}
{Aki: I was feeding them. I also managed to get closer to them, so I can be their friend. *since she isn’t facing him, he can’t see her new hairstyle*}
{Dazai: Thank you, Masamune-Sama~! ^^}
{Sebastian: Sounds like a good idea.}
{Arthur: Let’s go then.}
Zeest: *nods at Vincent and then makes her way to the attic*
{Arthur: ? Looks like she’s going there too.}
Selena: Oh, sorry. I am not tired, just got a bit comfortable here.
Sasuke: You honor me, lady Aya. Oh, we didn’t eat breakfast yet, did we?
Hideyoshi: hm...? Well, you shouldn’t eat too much, you might get stomachache if you eat too much.
Ieyasu: Asahi? You can enter, I am just reading a book, so I am not busy.
Yukimura: Really? Seems like the animals like you.
*He puts her down gently, trying to look at her face*
Masamune: Oh, then let’s follow her and give her a hand.
Jean: Very well, and we should be careful this time, I remember that last time she hit her mouth.
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nobuyukia · 8 years
Amongst the Angels (Takeda Shingen x MC) Chapter 2 Reupload/Rewrite.
Commentary: Because I am stupid and deleted the original Chapter 2 by accident. Thanks to @noomsu for helping my lethargic self with this. Will edit some stuff later. And yeah a bit different from the original.
Summary: 500 years couldn’t kill his love for her. He broke his promise centuries ago and he now searches the faces in the crowds for her. She has no reason to be there but he still has hope no matter how much it fades day by day. She’s haunted by dreams of a red haired samurai and his faceless lover, she doesn’t know why they’ve been in her head for years. Maybe she knows but she doesn’t remember.
Prologue  Chapter 1
Fear clung to her body, before her stood the Devil’s Hand and his men. His ruthless gunmetal eyes sent shivers of fear through her body. She feared for her and her baby’s life. If they did not kill her, there were other unpleasant tortures she could be a victim of, nevertheless, she had to try something. She had to save him, she needed to save him.
“ Please.” Her cracked voice echoed throughout the night, the desperation to save him, to save the father of her unborn baby was the only reason she was able to stand.
“Spare his life, Lord Nobunaga! Please! I beg of you!” a single tear spilled down her cheeks.
The Lord in front of her scowled, he seemed to pity her for a mere second before his eyes were again cold as icicles. Icicles that were determined to stab the heart out of her chest The coldness numbed her skin, raising prickles of flesh across her arm. Her throat closed up on her, she couldn’t breathe and she knew why they called him the lord of hell. Dripping in blood, his merciless gaze was glued to her, waiting patiently for her, the filthy wife of his rival to speak.
“Please. One life won’t make a difference..please let him live.” Her tears flowed freely, she held them back for too long.
But the red haired lord smiled darkly.
“ Are you talking about Takeda, woman?”
Unable to speak, she nodded. Her hands clutched the fabric of her kimono so hard, her knuckles were white and trembling. Lord Oda’s smile widened as he walked closer , curious to get a better look. Was that trembling little wench supposed to be the rumors called the Tigress of Kai? He wanted to laugh. She was just a little girl.
Kneeling in front of her, he traced the curve of her jaw, relishing in the way she flinched and how her brown eyes fought not to make eye contact.
“Give me what I want and maybe I’ll grant your wish.” The bloody fingers ran down her neck, staining her skin. “Poor girl doesn’t know it’s the blood of her Tiger.” His retainers chuckled behind him and he wanted to burst out laughing too. Oh she was so naïve. They were going to enjoy toying with this girl.
Cupping her cheek, forcing her to look at him, he inched his faced closer, as his other hand ghosted over the neckline of her robes. “I’m curious about what made Takeda Shingen look at you. I want to take you to my bed to see? If you spend the night with me I will spare his life.
She clutched her kimono even harder, the humiliation of those words brought immense shame to her body. Was it worth it? Was it? This was the only way to spare her lover’s life? Would he still do it after discovering she was with child?”
The dark grin never left his lips as he held her in place. It made her tremble slightly. Taking a deep breath.
“If I say yes, will you really spare him?” she sniffled.
This time he roared with laughter. His retainers joining him, all of them enjoying the stupid girl at their mercy. Her naivety was a lovely show. If only she knew, the thought made him laugh more, scaring the crows from the trees.
“He promised you that he would come back? How sweet.” Lord Nobunaga mocked her “ I never thought Takeda was such an emotional man. But well people can change. However did you change?” Shaking his head “Look at you, you’re only a kid, a weak little girl who made a fool of Takeda. Now you are crying over a man, who sooner or later would have broken his precious little promise.”
Her heart stopped in that second.
“You should have stayed at home. Married a normal guy instead of being someone you clearly are not.” His voice lost all mocking, it was ice cold and full of pity that she hung her head, ashamed.
“If you’re the Tigress of Kai, no wonder that fool thought he could have won against the Oda army. He was just as naïve as you, wasn’t he?”
The world stopped for her, all she could hear was laughter , mocking her, making fun of her attempt to save her love. She didn’t notice if they were leaving or surrounding her to kill her.
“I’m sorry Shingen. I failed to save you. I failed you and I failed your child.” Was the only thought in her head.
He never liked the thought of war. He wanted to save lives not spill blood, kill countless men and leave families heartbroken. Mitsuhide sighed, maybe he wasn’t made to be a samurai after all. Unable to help himself, after making sure his clan had gone ahead, he knelt infront of her.
Her eyes widened in fear, he could see the blood draining from her face, leaving her ashen. He smiled at her wiping her tears away gently with his thumb, so soft was his movements because he was afraid of hurting her even more.
She was guilty of nothing, just falling in love. She was guilty of loving a man so much all she could do was beg for him to be saved not knowing he had been killed already.
“Are you hurt anywhere?”
She cried harder, being spoken to so kindly after being humiliated, hurt. She felt vulnerable to this man.
I’m alright.” She sobbed not daring to tell him about her baby.
“Why don’t you go back to your parents’ place or where you grew up. The place before your life in Kai. And start over again, forget, heal…”
She never replied and he feared that she was too terrified of him but no. She was in pain because this man did not look at her with scorn or pity but with true kindness and concern. He was the only man who acted human with her. The only man who seemed to have some humanity left in him even after going to war.
“What’s your name? Let me guess, it must be after a flower since you are so pretty?” She could imagine that closed eye smiled he gave to her on so many occasions when they lived together.
“Oh? Is that your name? Peculiar but still pretty.”
The girl in the kitchen wanted to hit her head on the door, on the oans, on the tables whatever could make the second hand embarrassment go away.
“Umeko, my friend you are an idiot.” she rolled her eyes listening to Akechi flirt with her. The same Akechi who told her to stop using his name because he had a new woman he intended to  marry.
“So now you are a polite gentleman huh?”
“Umeko is such a beautiful name, like the blossoms that will be here soon.”
“Ahh..h.. oh.” the pathetic girl could not even speak, she became a rambling fool choking on her words. A man could tell Umeko that she looked as lovely as the overcast sky and she’d be tumbling down the stairs, dreaming of her babies with that said man.
“Now tell me pretty lady, what kind of onigiri do you serve?”
Bo bo nito.”
“Great! I’d like to have Bonito!”
“One minute my….uh sir!”
“Oh god here she comes.” mustering a smile to her face by sheer will power by the time the door opened.
“Eeeeeeeeeeeeee. Don’t you see him? He is so quiet and polite, he looks like a teacher and those gorgeous blue eyes, so calm like the ocean His voice omg his voice so low and smooth. Can’t you hear him my friend?.” Umeko squealed shaking her shoulders before doing a twirl. “He’s so cute. He asked me for my number!”
“I didn’t hear that part of the conversation.” she said brushing Umeko’s hands roughly off
“Besides he’s average,plain and boring.” she said. “You’re trying to find fault with him cause he left you.’ she thought
“Whatever, I doubt you ever dated or anything, what would you know snow queen.”   Umeko pouted. “Do you have my darling’s onigiri.”
“You’ve only met him for less than 20 minutes and all of a sudden he’s your darling?
“I can dream you know.”
“At least have realistic ones.”
“I can’t deal with your put downs, I don’t know why Mari had to leave and have you this grumpy grouch as this replacement.”
“You better get back in here to serve your darling his onigiri. My break is in a bit.”
“Of course, like I’d let you scare him away.”
“Sir, why do you stand there like tragic romance hero”.
The blonde gaikokujin’s stare read “crazy guy who escaped from an asylum.”
The other’s read “ Romeo o Romeo where thou art.” Shingen thought he was safer off asking the round spectacle one.
“Hello.” he greeted them in a English voice clutching the bouquet. Boiled eyes became the two men’s eyes.
“He can speak to us!. round spectacles nearly tripped over his feet.
“Don’t worry he sometimes forget that not only him can speak more than one languages.” the nodded to Shingen.
“W..which part of America are you from?” the stunned man asked. “I’m not from there, I lived there for some years teaching among some other stuff.”
“Oh no wonder your english is broad like those hunk..”
“Francisco.” glared the other worker who turned back to him with a smile. “What can we help you with sir? You seem to be on a date?”
“DATE?” Francisco’s eyes shot up scanning the cafe. “There’s no good looking girl in here.” Luiz held his head in his hands.
“Ah these two never changed.” Shingen chuckled running a hand through his short hair. It wasn’t unusual for his looks to attract both male and female suitors. Sultry voluptuous women and toned men lay naked on his bed, on his sheets, sometimes he’d have both ravishing his body but all of that would stop today, if he found her.
“I had some lovely Kinako mochi from this establishment. I’d like to get more but I have no idea since I’m not seeing those in the cases.”
“So you mean those flowers are for me?” tears formed instantly in Francisco’s eyes, shining as they ran down his cheeks. “Oh you shouldn’t have I was right when I hired the right girl to make them.”
“Girl?” his heart beat faster, “She’s here.”
“The Japanese sweets are upstairs.”
Before his body gave the command, he was already up the stairs.
“What is wrong with you?” Luiz hissed. “You can’t go doing that with customers.” “Leave me alone heathen, I can dream about broad shoulders like that , he must be a model or something.” “Well whatever he is, he isn’t meant for you.” Fransico just sniffed.
His feet couldn’t stop moving, he practically raced up the stairs, to him no matter how fast he was going it took forever, his breathe stuck in his chest, The cafe was well ventilated but he couldn’t breathe,
“Did she still have her long brown, luscious hair?”
“Was she normal or stylish like the young girls of the era?”
“Would she remember me and all of our times together?” he wondered rubbing the birthmark on his neck.
Fingers played down her naked body as if it were a fine instrument but she made no sound. Hot breath fanned her lips as her husband’s tongue flicked inside of her mouth. She felt like a robot lying there among the sheets of Akechi’s bed. Opening her mouth, faking her moans and her pleasure. It wasn’t his fault. Something was wrong with her, as her husband continued to pleasure her, she felt nothing just a couple organs sticking themselves inside of her body and poking around. Today she couldn’t even bring herself to arch her back.
Molding the balls of rice together she cursed beneath her breath. Her skin still knew how his fingers felt on those intimate nights. She wanted to scrape herself raw again. Here she was making onigiri for the man she hated more than anything. “It was my fault we are nothing now but I still hate him.”
“urgh.” she smashed on of the rice balls. Shaking she wanted nothing more than to march out there and throw the rice in Akechi’s face. He didn’t deserve her effort, he deserved nothing from her after all.
In her anger, she kicked something under the table. Rubbing her toe against the fabric, she could tell it was a sack but a sack of what? Curiously she peered beneath the table, no smell came from it and the way it felt on her foot felt like there was fruit inside. Tugging open the string, a red sort of fruit with a slightly pungent smell made her wrinkle her nose.
“Carolina Reaper. Holds the world record for the most hottest pepper in the world. Heh must be one of Fran’s weird stuff from all around the world.’ Closing the bag to prepare the onigiri again,
“World’s hottest eh?” she smiled, taking out the sack again.
In his mind’s eye, she’d be  wearing pink, happily serving customers, smiling cause making desserts was what she’d love to do for his retainers. She’d meet his eyes, time would freeze and she’ll run into his arms, holding him tightly, She’d call him her husband. “I missed you Milord.” “ You look beautiful.” he desperately wanted to say to her. Maybe if there were not much people there he could mark her as his once again. His chest felt light at the words “I’ve finally come home to you while holding her securely in his arms.
Reaching to the top of the stairs, only a few customers were seated, no happy waitress in pink with brown hair just a brown haired girl in white blushing at at a customer, the romantic time freeze couldn’t happen if the one he loved wasn’t there to see him. He wasn’t about to become a husband right now. A few customers sneered at him and his flowers. This wasn’t the reunion he hoped for.
Scanning the cafe, he couldn’t see even an ant that looked like his wife. The turquoise windowsills and beige tills might have well been grey now to his eyes, everything was dark like the dark winter nights, the stars died like the night Takeda Shingen died.
“Leave.” his mind said. “Get the kinako.” his feet objected instead.
"Hello Umeko.” the name of his old maid slipped out before he could catch himself. Both her and the customer’s eyes widened.
"H..how do you know my name?”
she squeaked. “You were my dutiful maid once.” he thought.
“I heard your name from the the men downstairs when I inquired about the kinako mochi. I would very much like to have some if there’s any.”
The blush on her cheek was so bright, he laughed inwardly, that was the effect he had on women and he couldn’t say he was ashamed of it.
His only shame was the the flowers in his hand meant for a wife that didn’t exist.
“Hold on I’ll see if there’s any, sir.” Umeko practically ran to the back.
Seating himself near the counter, he checked his watch hoping, the preparations were going well for the exhibit. “I can’t focus on the exhibit when I failed.” The hammering in his ribs didn’t give away yet, he needed to sit down, the disappointment bashing it’s way in
and the excitement he once held simmered down to zero. “I thought it was hers. I could have sworn it was hers…why? Why am I always so close but yet so far?” “How dare you.” the man next to him spoke turning to face him. Centuries ago he briefly saw this man in  ravishing silver armor standing beside his lord before a rain of bullets fell like a hurricane, killing his men one by one. “Are you talking to me Akechi.” “Who else is here Takeda?”
Surprise turned into a glares.
“How dare you leave that poor girl on the side of the nasty road, caked in dirt, screaming for you while our men laughed and spit at her? Weren’t you the Mighty Tiger of Kai, but then again, animals are nothing against bullets.”
“I’m glad to see you with all your limbs attached, Akechi.”
Akechi frowned. “At least I did best for her.”
“What do you mean?” the predatory look returned to his amber eyes. “I married her and in the modern day too.”  She’s mine Takeda.”
In an instant, a desperate Shingen had Mitsuhide was up by his collar who pushed him off, Shingen’s voice rising above the music in the cafe. “LET ME SEE HER.” the other customers were staring but Shingen didn’t care.
The other sneered  His face turned red, how dare another man touch his wife, the woman he looked for, for centuries, Akechi never looked for her for so long, why was Shingen so idiotic? Why didn’t he think harder, look harder. Did they have sex? Did he have children with his wife, oh his mind went wild, again he gripped Mitsuhide even harder, like a tiger he intended to rip him apart.
“What man lets his wife see another man?” “What is wrong to you ?”
I need to apologize to her.”
“My sweet wife doesn’t remember you or anyone from her past so don’t waste her time or mine. She has no need for a kitten.” roughly the dark haired man pushed him again, knocking over a stool.
"What’s going on here?” Francisco raced upstairs,
"Please don’t argue.” a small, timid voice asked voice asked. Umeko returned carrying the onigiri, frozen at the sight of two bigger men scowling at each other.
"Thank you dear.” Akechi paid and thanked her.
"You’ve lost Takeda, you lost back then and you’ve lost now.” taking a bite of his onigiri. “Stay away from my …*cough* *cough*.” Clutching his throat,
“Ha ha ha ha” he held his chest.
"Wh..ts. in this onigiri.” Akechi wheezed coughing even harder. “Is he choking?” one customer asked fearfully. “Burning…throat burns.” he breathed hunched over. “My chest…*cough*
"I’ll get him water.” Francisco dashed behind the counter. “ I didn’t do I swear, I don’t even know what’s in the onigiri.” the girl panicked as the man hacked away. The red haired man made no effort to help, still bitter that another man got his hands on his wife first.
He promised and promised that he’s find her, she begged him to find her but someone else found her.
While Francisco handed out ice cubes and water, Umeko handed him his kinako mochi. Instantly his body rejected the snack, he didn’t want to see it, the peanut like smell made him sick. Sliding some bills and handing the flowers to his former maid, “I don’t want it anymore.” with that he left without a glance behind. “I’ll ask Matsuko to order sea cucumber mea or something when I get back.”
You told Yukimura, that we’d be perfect for each other.                                  Similar in age and sexual status. I never forgot you retainer’s blush.                    Evil of me but I never wanted him. He didn’t have your strong arms.                  He didn’t have your experience. I always wanted you, Milord.
The nasty flavor of the sea cucumber faded with every loving,stroke of his tongue in her mouth. His own unique taste, flooded the buds of her tongue. She couldn’t tell made it so pleasant. Her hazy mind, the strong arms gripping her shoulders, Yukimura’s reddening face and her pounding heart. Round and round and round, the room spun but gravity only stopped for the two of them and his wild kisses.“You’re a trusted friend, I know you wouldn’t poison me?” “Do friends kiss each other like this or is this just his nature? Are we lovers? Is the sea cucumber just an excuse for him? He’s a Lord, he can take any woman, am I just another of his conquests?
“Ah!” he bit her tongue, deepening the kiss in her moment of weakness. Wild, hungry and desperate.How long would he keep this up? She heard he drove the women he  pleasured to exhaustion. The Lord didn’t touch her body as yet in that manner and she found herself feeling sorry for those women. “ He’s a wild animal.” Cold hit caressed her lips, her delirious merry go round finally rode to a stop.“This tastes good.” he swallowed. “Or is it just you?” Now it was her turn to join Yukimura.
She jerked herself out of the dream again. She didn’t want to stick around to see her former husband in a coughing fit so she left through the back door in the kitchen and spent her lunch break at one of the nicer restaurants in the neighborhood. Picking up a chicken salad, she sat at the window watching the city go by. So many happy people, happy relationships but her. Akechi coming by hurt her. Of all the places, did he even know she worked there? Why couldn’t he just disappear and leave her to be miserable in peace.
Taking a bite. “Agh.” something a disgusting aftertaste spread across her tongue. It gave her chills, her throat wanted to close up
“What the hell..this doesn’t taste like chicken?!”
In a haste she spit it out, taking a huge gulp out of her drink.
A sea cucumber, lay on her napkin.
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mythiica · 5 years
Reader x Kenshin Uesugi - Salty Onigiri
Title: Salty Onigiri
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Kenshin Uesugi
Genre: romance + slow burn
Warnings: ??? i mean very minor spoilers about his route, but everything after getting out of the.. Place.. Is completely fictional!
Intended Gender Audience: Female audience
Word Count: 2367 words its a thicc boi
Other comments: this is kind of a continuation of my pickled plums thing LOL; there will be a part 3 (angst) and a part 4 (hardcore smut), so keep an eye out for those~  you can reach each part as a one shot though if you’re not into a series, but I do recommend reading them all! For now, enjoy^^
As the days pass, someone has been leaving pickled plums within arms reach of your cell as you sleep. You assume it’s either Yukimura or Sasuke helping you through this unfair treatment, and you promise yourself that you’ll thank them when they stop by or when you get out. Whichever comes first… and at this rate, you’re not sure which one will.
          You’re finishing a plum and reading a basic book about the geography of the land when you hear someone descending into the cells. Wiping your finger on your clothes, you hide the jar and lie down to make it appear like you had been sleeping.
         Kenshin clears his throat when he arrives in front of your cell, but you remain motionless. He scoffs and kicks the bars, sending a rippling wave through the walls. It shakes you as well; a display of his overwhelming physical power. You sit up straight suddenly and shoot him an angry glare. “So you’re alive,” he deadpans, crouching to meet your eye level. His eyes are cold as ever, but there seems to be a slight spark of curiosity – the way a hunter would admire his prey.
         “Yes,” you reply through your teeth.
         His eyes flicker to the slight glint on the embroidery in your kimono. He smirks slightly upon realizing it is juice from the pickled plums he had been leaving for you. However, you knew not about the stain nor the fact that Kenshin had been providing your midnight snacks.
         As silence crept between you, and Kenshin mentally declares the moment a victory over you, but then he wonders why he is so preoccupied with thinking about it. You’re his prisoner.
         However, Kenshin had betrayed his thoughts and you could read his expression plain as day. ��What is it?” you ask.
         He shakes his head and stands up straight. “You are no longer required to stay in here. I’m letting you free.”
         Kenshin opens the door, and it swings open. You’re tempted to make a run for it, but you know that he could cut you down before you’d make it past him.
         “Free to walk around the grounds. Should you attempt to escape and violate my hospitality… I won’t hesitate to send you back to Nobunaga… in pieces…” His voice is low and threatening, so you know he means what he’s saying.
         You linger in the cage, considering his offer. To be honest, you’re not sure if he’s lying or telling the truth.
         “If you want to stay in here, I have no problem with that-”
         “No! I’m coming out…” you say as you stand up and gingerly exit. You watch his body for any sign of movement, but he remains perfectly still. Accepting this as a sign he is telling the truth, you look towards the door and see rays of sunlight poking from under it. Not thinking about Kenshin, you make a run for it, bouncing up the stairs and into the fresh air as fast as you can.
         The passageway opens up to an outdoor hallway, so you leap forward, off the wooden boards and into the sun. Bright light blinds you momentarily and Kenshin shouts after you, but you’re focused on feeling the daylight on your skin. As you bask in the sun, he stumbles out after you. Kenshin is about to grab you, but he watches you twirl in the light, and his breath is taken away.
         As you spin, the golden light reflects on your hair and face, illuminating your silhouette from behind. Your laughter fills his ears, and he doesn’t know how to react in the moment as he is completely awestruck.
         He did not understand how you could find joy in something as trivial as the sun. Tipping his head to the side slightly, he watches you waltz in circles. Kenshin only breaks out of the trance when you call out to Yukimura, who has turned the corner and is walking towards you.
         He waves and smiles at you, asking if you’ve escaped or if you have been released.
         Kenshin watches from the shade like an afterthought, and his heart sinks for some inexplicable reason.
         “Thank you for bringing me the plums, Yukimura! They really kept me going there, especially when I thought that I would be spending the rest of my life in that cell.”
         Yukimura beams and rubs the back of his neck. “It was the least I could do. Happy that you’re out though, even if you’re still a prisoner.”
         Kenshin blinks and his hand lands on the hilt of his sword. He relaxes and shakes his head, wondering why a spell of anger overtook him. Sure, he had been the one to give you the treats, but he did not understand why it bothered him to hear the young vassal taking credit for it.
         Dismissing the situation, Kenshin takes his leave. You only see a flicker of blue from the corner of your eyes when he turns the corner.
“Tell me, why have you come to me of all people? The only reason you dare speak to me is if there is an emergency,” Shingen teases as he takes a sip of his tea. “Could it be that the God of War as developed emotions but does not know how to handle them?”
         Kenshin fumes and considers leaving, but he simply crosses his arms. “Never.”
         Shingen raises an eyebrow. “Does this have to do with a certain little nightingale that you’ve recently released~?”
         “I simply do not understand why I find myself so concerned about her whereabouts.”
         To this, Shingen laughs heartily. “My friend, has she really managed to touch your heart in so little time?”
         Kenshin wishes he had a bottle of sake with him. He could drink it and hit Shingen over the head with it. “We are not friends. And if you continue to laugh at me, I will leave.”
         “Why not go spend time with her? She’s rather lovely, especially when alone~”
         “Have you been with her alone?” Kenshin inquires, a pang of worry plucking at his heartstrings.
         Shigen smirks dangerously. “Of course I have!” He runs his hand through his hair, pushing it back. “I must say… her voice is ever so sweet, especially when it’s the only melody you listen to~”
         Kenshin growls at the comment, but Shingen waves his hand to dismiss anything he might be thinking. “Go to her. She should be in the kitchens. Apologize for treating her like a common prisoner. Women like to be swept up off their feet.”
         “Says you, Womanizer of Kai-” he mumbles in response as he stands up. Before he exists the room, he calls over his shoulder, “For the record, I’m doing this because I have manners. Not because you suggested that I do.”
         “Ha! Of course, Lord Kenshin,” Shingen says with a wink.
Just as Shingen had said, Kenshin finds you in the kitchen. The sleeves of your kimono are rolled up and your hair is loosely tied back. Strands of your bangs curl over your head, matted down by the slight sheen of sweat that reflects in the light as you move gracefully.
         You curse under your breath when the bamboo wrap slips from your hands. As Kenshin moves forward, you squeal in surprise as you had not noticed him earlier. “Lord Kenshin!”
         He grunts in acknowledgement before looking at the mess of rice scattered across the table. “What are you doing here? Besides destroying things.”
         Averting your gaze, you look down. “I was trying… to help…”
         Kenshin raises an eyebrow. “I release you from the cells, and instead of doing whatever you please, you task yourself with manual labor?”
         “Well it sounds stupid when you say it like that.”
         He takes the knife from your hand and cuts the balls of rice into half. “You are using far too much. How do you expect the seaweed to hold it properly when you have enough to feed a soldier in this ball?”
         His comment makes you laugh. Taking another wad of rice, you break it into two. “Like this?” you ask.
         “Yes. Now shape it with the end of the blade.” Kenshin lines up the rice and presses the metal against the sides, forming them into roughly the same size triangles of rice. You follow his steps the best you can, but yours look less equal compared to Kenshin’s. Upon seeing the disappointment on your face, Kenshin takes a bite from one. “It takes practice.”
         “Yours are perfect. How did you do it?”
         “I’ve known how to make onigiri since I was young.”
         Interested by this comment, you press further. “You know how to cook?”
         “Any man should. In the case they find themselves unable to communicate or in a situation where help is limited. Of course I do.”
         Is there anything he can’t do? you ask yourself.
         The two of you reach for the washcloth, causing his hand to brush over yours. Kenshin reels back almost immediately, and allows you to take it. Bowing his head slightly, Kenshin clears his throat. “It was not right to keep you in the cell,” he begins, catching your attention. “I should have put you to work instead.”
         “Is that supposed to be an apology?!”
         Kenshin turns away. “Name it what you will.”
         “Wait!” you call after him as he leaves. However, he escapes before you have the chance to speak to him more.
Tensions between you and Kenshin lessen as time passes, and one day Kenshin sees you admiring the garden in full bloom. He wishes to join you, but Shingen is by your side before he has a chance to go to you. His blood boils when he sees Shingen making you laugh, so he storms off.
         However, he did not hear what actually transpired between you and Shingen:
         “What a beautiful flower, no?” Shingen comments suavely as he meets your pace.
         “Where?” you ask, turning in circles to look for it.
         “Well, surely I am referring to you.”
         Looking down, you tuck your hair behind your ear. “Ah…”
         “Tell me, how do you like it here?”
         You inhale the fresh air and smile. “It’s beautiful… yes. But I do miss the Oda castle. All of my friends are there. I’ve become close with some of the maids here though-”
         Shingen nods and smiles as your face lights up. The two of you walk a few paces forward before Shingen introduces a new conversation. “I do believe that Kenshin has taken a liking to you, my dear.”
         This makes you laugh. “Lord Kenshin?”
         He nods.
         “I doubt it-” you reply swiftly as warmth spreads to your cheeks. “He kept me as a prisoner. Albeit, he made sure I was accommodated, I cannot forgive him for that.”
         Shingen ponders for a moment. “Are you aware that he left pickled plums for you after catching you eating them?”
         “I thought-”
         “And he let you,” Shingen concludes.
         Before you can reply, you see a streak of blue zip around the corner.
         “Oh no…” you whisper to yourself, realizing Kenshin had been watching you.
A few days later and you still feel guilty for upsetting Kenshin. He barely showed himself, and the few times you caught a glimpse of him, he would refuse to look you in the eye. It bothered you that you had become relatively close… if that was even possible… to Kenshin, but now he cut himself off from you.
         Determined to make things right, you go to the kitchens to prepare a special dinner for him.
         It’s hard to knock on his door as you hold the tray, but Kenshin opens the door just as you’re about to call out. In fact, he nearly runs into you, but he stops himself at the last moment.
         “What are you doing here?”
         “I brought you some onigiri. And plums!”
         Kenshin looks at the tray and the words roll off of his tongue. “For me?”
         Rolling your eyes, you let yourself inside. “No, for Shingen.” You set it down on the table and wait for him to return from the door. When he lingers, you laugh and add, “Yes, it’s for you. It’s kind of… a way to make amends? He told me that you left the plums for me while I was in the cell.” But then, you cross your arms. “I wouldn’t have been in the cell in the first place if you hadn’t locked me there, though.”
         He looks at you with a blank expression, and you jump slightly. “I-I’ll go…”
         As you leave, Kenshin catches your wrist. “No. Stay.”
         You sit opposite from Kenshin and wait for him to eat something. After a few minutes of silence, he takes one of the onigiris and bites one of the corners. You expect him to comment on good it is, but instead he spits it out.
         “Did you use an entire salt mine on this?!”
         Relaxing, you howl with laughter.
         Kenshin does not find this funny, and takes a long swig of sake. “How dare you?!”
         “I’m sorry!” you manage to hiccup between bursts of laughter. “I must have accidentally put too much.”
         He does not believe this, and instead thinks you’re trying to poison him. Kenshin attempts to eat a different one, but it has the same issue of being far too salty to consume. You find this hysterical, so Kenshin huffs with annoyance.
         “You’re having far too much fun with this-” Kenshin complains. “Share my fate, then.” He sits up, leans over the table, catches your kimono with his fingers, and pulls you forward.
         Your breath is trapped in your throat as he presses his lips against yours. Kenshin’s tongue invades your mouth, bring the overwhelming taste of salt with it. Despite this, you melt into the kiss, enveloped by his musky scent in addition to the salt. You press your fingers to his jaw – a sign to show you accept his kiss. Had the table not been there, Kenshin would have welcomed himself to pin you under him.
         He leans back and a sly smirk captures his lips as a dark blush spreads across your cheeks.
         The onigiri was far too salty.
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