nobuyukia · 6 years
I'm gonna play V's route.
I am not ready for the angst...😢
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nobuyukia · 6 years
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nobuyukia · 6 years
if you’re a Youth and you’re reading this i just wanna discourage you from like….imitating the culture on this site too completely and building your whole worldview through the lens you’re finding here. just. be cautious be careful be critical
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nobuyukia · 6 years
When Hideyoshi is a lord you give no fks about yet waste down 84 of your pearls to get his ugly gacha items on repeat yet I can't get Inuchiyo's hair yet. I'm so mad at the pearls I wasted.
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nobuyukia · 6 years
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nobuyukia · 6 years
Stop complaining about people who are for equality but do not call themselves feminists and start complaining about people who call themselves feminists and don’t support equality.
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nobuyukia · 6 years
Your constant borderline abusive rhetoric of telling lgbt people, women, and/or poc that “straight, white, male and/or cis people hate you, don’t care about you, want to hurt you, etc. stop trusting them/caring about them” is so damaging. You’re making these people fear and hate others who hold nothing against them. You’re making them constantly afraid of everyone around them because you have instilled this idea that everyone fucking despises them and wants to hurt them.
You are turning yourself, and others, into the very monsters that you have made everyone else out to be. You sit here judging people based on sexuality, race, and gender, telling impressionable people that random people hate them, while pretending that somehow you have the higher moral ground.
It’s disgusting.
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nobuyukia · 6 years
You know how the slbp mc is supposed to be you in a way? I am conflicted with Nobuyukkin cause while I like the character and will toss my money at him like a reverse stripper when his route gets here. I know I'm way too fucking sly and suspicious to fall for his shit.
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nobuyukia · 6 years
Them: Sit like a lady
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nobuyukia · 6 years
Do not protect my feelings if I ask your opinion: I’m asking because I’m unsure; I’m asking because I know something’s wrong. Tell me the truth. Be brutal. Help me.
Tennessee Williams, Follies of God: Tennessee Williams and the Women of the Fog
Read more on wordsnquotes
(via wnq-quotes)
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nobuyukia · 6 years
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And the teasing continues.
I’ll never get tired of seeing yukimura flustered (╯3╰)
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nobuyukia · 6 years
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I hate this route
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nobuyukia · 6 years
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via Rewarded Persistence by Steve Hancock / 500px
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nobuyukia · 6 years
Alone in the Light (Yukimura x MC) Chapter 2
A/N: Again many thanks to @han-pan​ for beta reading.
Trigger Warning: OC death. If you are depressed, suicidal, considering that and easily triggered by these topics. DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER. This is a work of fiction and should not be transferred to real life. Please get help instead of reading fked up fics,
Synopsis: There’s something about the sadness in her eyes, the lost gazes and melancholy she harbors in her petite body that makes Yukimura want to save her. For her the rain never stops falling but he will open his arms to her offering to be her shelter. To give her the warmth and love she needs but it’s only because he doesn’t know the truth. For the devil is known to disguise himself as an angel.
Part 1
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nobuyukia · 6 years
Any person that won’t allow you to think for yourself and form your own opinions is not your friend.
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nobuyukia · 6 years
Alone in the Light (Yukimura x MC) Chapter 1
A/N: Shout out to @han-pan​ for keeping me from going overboard with this fic.
Synopsis: There’s something about the sadness in her eyes, the lost gazes and melancholy she harbors in her petite body that makes Yukimura want to save her. For her the rain never stops falling but he will open his arms to her offering to be her shelter. To give her the warmth and love she needs but it’s only because he doesn’t know the truth. For the devil is known to disguise himself as an angel.
Part 2
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nobuyukia · 6 years
Fandom is cancelled, we’re going back to casually enjoying media and not basing our fucking identities around the shit we consume.
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