#Shifting log
I literally shifted last night and all I did was look at the side of me for a second, be annoyed I was awake, then go back to sleep.
Extreme L on my part💀
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attn-pls1 · 4 months
Shifting log #1 ig?
So I was doing a reya singh guided mediation yesterday to shift to my wr and it was just like normal but then when she said to feel around the room I actually felt things? Like I visualized waking up on a leather couch so I touched it and I could actually feel the leather?? And then I touched my jeans and I could feel them completely like I was wearing them
I was also kinda cold before I started but my wr's sunny and I suddenly started getting really warm. And I could see like a light above me but in my cr the curtains were closed and the light was off.
She also started fading out and I couldn't hear her but I was still aware? It took a while to realize I was conscious cause I felt like nothing but every now and then I'd randomly hear her say something. And then I just started twitching like crazy. My whole head twitched and my hand twitched straight up but I tried to ignore and persist. OH AND it was almost like I could still see my room? But my eyes were closed?? It was like I was looking THROUGH my eyelids it was kinda freaky. I haven't experienced that before so idk what it means 🤷‍♂️
I didn't end up shifting to my wr but I did feel really close, more so than I have in a while. Afterwards I felt REALLY out of it like I had just woken up from a deep nap like I was stumbling all over the place. I've also noticed that since doing it I'll slip up every now and then and instead of saying like "I'm gonna eat" I'll say "I'm gonna shift" which is like,, that's interesting 🫣
Def doing this meditation again
Meditation I used
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Sometimes, I wonder how people react when coming across my blog.
I feel like most DRs aren't nearly this. I'm unsure of how to put it, but I'm sure you all understand what I'm trying to say.
I would like to become more active, but I'm rather unsure of how to do so. I do apologize for that.
I suppose I'm open to suggestions. I hope that doesn't sound like interaction bait.
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daviannaaa · 2 months
I Need Advice / Help !
So I am currently shifting for some YouTubers and in a recent video they brung up reality shifting and said that they think it’s weird that people are shifting for them. I’m starting to feel guilty and start to think it if I should stop shifting for them, their fans ( the fandom I’m in ) can also be very demotivating when they see others shift for them and bring up the topic ( shifting ) up even when nobody is talking about it and starts to talk down about it and clown it which gets under my skin. I still want to shift for them but at the same time idk. So the question is if I should stop shifting for them or still do it ? and my other question is how should I start to not them let get under my skin ( the fans + antis as well) !
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yuxinmi · 5 months
holy shit guys-
So i laid down on my bed, listened to Reya's shifting guided meditation, breathing in and out, answering some questions, doing usual guided meditation thingyysss
Then SUDDENLY, just a few minutes in, i could hear Reya's voice immediately fading out of my hearing, It felt like my awareness was fading halfway from my CR 🤭🤭🤭 I remember my hearbeat picking up so quickly that i had to affirm a few times to calm myself down
Eventually i did, i took a few deep breathes and even so, i could barely hear the meditation but i could still pick up what Reya's saying so I followed through with ease. Eventually, I felt confident that i would wake up in my DR so i just fell asleep.
So yea anyways,,,,, i did NOT wake up in my DR 💀
However, i wasn't feeling so down nor dissapointed about it...like seriously i would usually be sooo upset that i didn't shift during a monday morning and yk i hate mondays 😭
BUT, this experience showed me how actually easy shifting is and that all i gotta do is keep persisting and just let go, i'll be redoing the meditation tonight and i'll keep you guys updated!
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missvifdor · 2 years
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Glorious day! 
I tried Shift this morning and despite the symptoms I fell asleep.  HOWEVER !  I Shift completely in my sleep!!!  I literally felt my spirit leave my CR body and land in my body from one of my DRs!  It lasted maybe a whole minute and then I got excited and lost control. 
This is one of my biggest results and after 1 year and 1 month, it makes me super happy, it gives me motivation and confirmation that I haven't tried for so long for nothing!
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im preparing
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hxnyshifting · 2 months
7-26-2024 Shifting log
DR: Idol school
Okay I tried to shift last night so I put on one of Alunar's guided meditation (the 5-senses method). I was pretty awake and had trouble sleeping but the second I turned it on, I fell asleep instantly. I woke up several times during the night (which never happens) and I wouldn't hear anything for a few seconds until I would suddenly hear the meditation again.
This was my first time making a shifting attempt after my really long break so I wasn't expecting much.
I'm going to shift tonight. I plan on using either one of Reya's shifting meditations or the same one I used last night. I'm not going to instantly fall asleep this time.
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shifting journal/log
recently i tried to shift very often by using guided meditations. i kept falling asleep really early for some reason, but most of the attempts aren’t rly notable
however when i used the void state 3.0 one from alunir, i feel like i could’ve succeeded if i hadn’t given up. basically i did enter this weird hypnagogic state where i wasnt really aware of much anymore and i feel like i could’ve gotten to the void but i ended up just pulling myself out of it bc i wanted to go to sleep
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wyverntails · 8 days
I had a shifting dream!!! I was tired last night and decided to just go to bed, I didn't even affirm or anything and just fell asleep. In my dream, I was looking out the window (now that I think about it, it looked kinda similar to the windows I have in my dr bedroom) and stared at the cityscape. After focusing on it for a while, my surrounding started to change before me and I was at some sort of beach. And I swear it looked so vivid. I could hear and see the waves lapping against the sand and I could see almost every the detail but I knew I didn't fully shift because I could still hear sounds from my 'dream cr' lol it's so trippy but cool. I don't think it was a lucid dream? I wasn't really aware that I was dreaming at all, it just sorta happened on its own.
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The best motivation for shifting is food. That's all.
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attn-pls1 · 3 months
Omg y'all I was doing a guided mediation and I got the weirdest symptom. It was like my soul(?) was sliding through my body. You know when you tilt a bowl of water and it splashes around? It was like that but my body was the bowl and I was the water 🙃
And then ofc an ad played 😑 had to get up to skip it but I decided to persist and I think I got close to the void? I was still conscious but I didn't even realize when the vid ended so I think that's a good sign 🤐
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Tuesday, September 10th. 9:19pm
I am in control of my reality
I am more than my physical flesh
I can do that which I set my mind to
My reality has expanded beyond measure
I am fully in control of my journey
I am protected and resilient
I navigate my surroundings with confidence and clarity
I am able to withstand the physical sensations that I will be met with
I am aware of the intentions of those I will encounter
I am able to find safety easily when I deem it necessary
I have full control over the intensity of the sensations I will feel
I can adjust the intensity of sensations as necessary
I may return to my base reality at any time if it is ever deemed necessary
I am able to understand and manipulate puzzles with ease
Tuesday, September 10th. 9:32pm
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
Sometimes I get the feeling that none of this is worth it. That I write fanfiction for nothing. That it means nothing. It's a very negative side of me that I tend to keep at bay, but yeah... tonight's one of those nights.
I'm just getting this off my chest, so please don't think I'm fishing for reassurance. You are all very lovely. It's just my mind playing tricks on me.
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esse-lunam · 4 months
liberals dont talk about shifting realities cuz they too busy shifting they gender
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shifting to my waiting room tonight guys. gonna throw on an alunir sub and try my actual very hardest. wish me luck 😗🤞
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