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plush0fairy · 2 months ago
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The siblings three with colorful noses and ears
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naturepunks · 1 year ago
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treasonous activities
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flameclan-clangen · 6 months ago
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Moon 207 - Winter
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Welcome to the first official moon! FlameClan's an old save of mine, so we're starting 17 years after the Clan's founding. You'll learn about the founders and past events through the moon events or by asking the characters.
I'll try to post new moons at least once a week, but don't hold me to that schedule.
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catquarry · 2 years ago
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Some recent art!
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saffronscales · 2 years ago
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aiko-kpwc · 4 months ago
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Yeah if you guys wanna request for your oc to be drawn, a pride icon thingy, or even that thing where you give me a name and I turn it into a drawing, just yeah- head to my ask box or smt-
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the-owl-tree · 2 years ago
Stupid isekai au question:
Who would be dumb enough to down like... 12 mints and then attempt to drink water and experience figurative mouth ice?
i would say none of the cast are "dumb", some of them just tend to lose their brain cells in certain situations or around other cats
that being said i can absolutely see elkpaw and sheeppaw (who are smart on their own but are also the equivalent of 13 year olds with sharpie eyeliner and every hot topic accessory imaginable) behind a 7-11 about to do this while honeypaw pretends she's not watching because she's SO above it all- only to be stopped by sundaze and and dawnstep who lecture them
......then when sundaze leaves dawnstep ties back her beard and is like "look if you're gonna do this do it right. watch this" and then has to go lie down for the rest of the day
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hazardouscattboy · 27 days ago
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Drew @plush0fairy 's Ocs Cometpaw and Sheeppaw for an art trade :)
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sirpoopy2 · 1 year ago
Little thing while I struggle to tween lol
I put multiple clangen blogs that I want to edit in this as a sneak peek ig. In order of appearance we have,
Snowfrost is from @whispering-clan
Comfreyreed is from @sorrelclan
Crowstar is from @sporeclan
Conifersun is from @castaway-clan
Belle is from @almaraclan
Rimebat is from @ashpaw-is-alone
Wisteria is from @rookclan
Sheeppaw is from @silkclan
Honorable mentions I wanted to add: Rivercall from castaway-clan and Fireroar from mooseclan. I didn’t have room for them </3
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fluffytheocelot · 1 year ago
Hello it’s extremely late oops. Did not realize how long this thing would take (28 and a half hours apparently according to procreate lmao) but finally, here it is!
Carmen Week Day 8: La Femme Rouge
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Holy crap that was a lot of characters! For day 8 I wanted to draw all the ways I've drawn/imagined Carmen over the last 5 years! There are many I didn't do for one reason or another, but it mainly boiled down to space lol. These 10 (11 including canon Carmen) are (most) of my favorites of my AUs :)
this turned out so cool im putting it in a frame when i get a chance lol
Info and solo drawings for each under the cut! it is. so long lol
as usual, i'll gladly answer asks about em :) i have plans to write a few for sure, but it's gonna be A While for them lol
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Both a Warriors AU and also just my "_____ as a cat" style!
This ones a lot less fleshed out so just bear with me lol. (ATM there might only be 2 clans, ACME and VILE, idk yet lol. idk what to name em either cos stickin "clan" on the end don't feel right XD)
In the Warriors AU, Sheeppaw grows up learning 2 contradictory versions of the Warrior Code: The true one from Shadowstalk, and the VILE version from older warriors. She gets made an apprentice a couple moons early, but is relegated only to camp duties until shes 6 moons old.
She trains alongside Cracklepaw, Tigerpaw, Molepaw, Goatpaw, and Silentpaw. At her first gathering she meets another apprentice, maybe a few moons older, from the other clan: Jewelpaw. The two hit it off and become good friends (and develop little mutual crushes). Sheeppaw also sneaks out and meets a kittypet: Player, who she also becomes very good friends with.
When her mentor, the deputy, Shadowstalk fails her on her final warrior assessment she pretty much has most of the same reaction as the show, just in the WC style.
After witnessing a murder, she hightails it out of there and encounters the newly named Crackletail. Panicked, she hastily and vaguely tells him she saw something and needs to Leave.
She makes it to Players yard and lays low for a while, and he introduces her to the neighbor cats, a sibling pair named Zack and Ivy. The four brainstorm and Sheeppaw is renamed Carmen. They know they cant let VILE keep doing what they're doing. So rogue Carmen and her kittypet friends start figuring things out from behind the scenes.
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Pirate Cat:
Exactly as it says, bipedal cat world. Black Sheep was dropped off at a random orphanage in England, with a small stuffed black sheep (where she got her name). Since everybody are cats, Black Sheep isn't that atypical of a name. Sorta a mix of normal people names and cat names.
She grows up there alongside her self-appointed older brother Graham. When she's about 10-11ish she meets the princess: Julia Argent. Childhood friends to lovers letsgoo (its a recurring theme in these lol. its cute i like it).
The two eventually get together (in secret, yay homophobia and also societal status) It doesn't help that Black Sheep had a habit of getting in trouble so she could see the princess her princess.
The two get caught one night, and Black Sheep is nearly executed for "corrupting royalty", but Julia manages to talk her father down from that. Instead, she is exiled. If she ever sets foot in the kingdom after dawn, she WILL be killed this time.
Julia visits one last time, and Black Sheep promises to return someday when she finds somewhere where they can be together freely. She gives Julia her stuffed sheep to look after while she's gone, and asks her to take care of Fuega while she's gone (on one of their sneak-outs, they found a baby dragon that Julia managed to convince her dad to let her keep). Julia gives her the triangle choker. yay tearful goodbyes ;-;
Black Sheep and Graham (because no way is he letting his little sister go into exile without him) go from place to place, stealing when they need to and end up accidentally stowing away on a VILE pirate ship.
VILE pirate training to avoid death, they escape. Graham appoints the newly named Carmen Sandiego captain of their little ship, and they also pick up Zack, Ivy, and Player along the way. Carmen becomes very well known around the globe: civilians/lower class people see her as a Robin Hood hero (correct), while most royals and nobles see her as nothing but a filthy pirate (incorrect).
A few years go by when suddenly the crew gets word that the King of England is trying to marry off his daughter, who has recently come of age. Cue panicked race home + childhood lover reunion.
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Daughter of Poseidon (Carmen Sandiego and the Olympians):
Percy Jackson AU! Replace Percy with Carmen, Grover with Player, Annabeth with Julia, and switch/move around some plot points and that's about it lol. I keep telling myself I'll do some scene rewrites of this one so we'll see. Includes PJO and HOO acting as prequels for Carmen Sandiego. Def wanna do dome rewrites for the canon show for this AU too lol
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Dino Squad:
I'm out here combining one obscure kids show with another lol. If you haven't seen it, Dino Squad is this early 2000s animated show about these 5 teenagers that get mutated and can turn into dinosaurs, and go around stopping the bad guy from turning everything into dinosaurs. (I think the entire series may be on youtube lol. its goofy but man i loved it as a kid. i wanted dino powers so bad)
This is basically a high school au but most of Team Red has dinosaur powers. :P
In this, Dr. Bellum is experimenting with bringing dinosaurs back, but instead of just cloning them, she figures out how to mutate already-existing organisms into others.
(in the OG dino squad, the bad guy IS a dinosaur that evolved into a human--long story--and believes everything should still be dinosaurs. hes technically right, tbf, if the meteor hadn't hit they prolly still WOULD be dinosaurs. why does bellum want dinosaurs? because she's Bellum and she Can lol)
Carmen Wolfe and her twin brother Graham (they're fraternal twins. why? bc i thought it would be funny. yes he still has his accent. its my world i do what i want) are raised by Carlotta and Dexter Wolfe in Kittery Point, Maine. Carlotta is a paleontologist/biologist and Dexter is a history and geography teacher at the high school. They do know of VILE and what Bellum was working on and have been monitoring it in secret from the kids.
Carmen and Julia are those friends that met bc they were both hiding under the slide in like. Preschool and just stayed friends lol. They're the kind of best friends that will just. Show Up. usually Julia at Carmen's house because "You have better snacks" also Julia's parents just Don't Like Carmen. (Why? idk bc i said so. idk they think she's a bad influence. she's really not lol) Literally Julia has like a spot on the couch and a table setting. She's basically the third twin these three have known each other essentially their entire lives.
Zack and Ivy joined the group in middle school, when Ivy had the same class as Carmen, Julia, and Gray. Zack joined via association. (Zack and Ivy, on the other hand are not twins. again. bc its funny. each sibling pair thought the other was like them. zack and ivy thought Carmen and Gray were just normal siblings, and Carmen and Gray thought Zack and Ivy were twins. Julia had to explain to all of them it was not the case lol)
Player is Carmen's online friend that the whole group includes. they all game together and he gets ALL the public school tea. hes about the same age as Zack, so about a year-ish younger than Carmen, Gray, Ivy, and Julia.
At the end of their freshman year, Carmen and Julia start dating. Their friends and Carmen's parents know, they keep it secret from everyone else. At the end of the summer everybody (aside from Player) go to the beach for one last day of freedom before school starts. They swim through the mutant goo, and over the next few days discover their powers.
Carlotta IDs each dino: Carmen is a (large/person sized) pyroraptor, Gray is a T. rex, Julia is a troodon, and I still cant decide on Zack and Ivy's dino forms lol. Carlotta and Dexter explain the whole VILE thing and the group just kinda simultaneously goes "welp guess we're superheroes now. cool"
so yea dealing w highschool and also mutant dinosaurs and superpowers. this ones fun bc they can just be stupid kids lol
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The Last Wolf:
My werewolf AU. The one that started all this mess and my love for making AUs of this show. It was my first fanfic i ever wrote, and it is very near to my heart. it's also gotten out of hand and become a franchise at this point it's ridiculous. (Seriously i've got a prequel of her parents planned and also a series of shorts set in the universe) It's gonna be a long ride, boys. Hope people still like CS by the time it's done lol
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A Thief's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse:
Zombie apocalypse AU! Talked about this one a bit for AU day, and also as of this post I have ~1k words written of the first chapter! I also have a bunch of the major plot points outlined too ;) I wouldn't expect anything soon tho lol.
She wears a wetsuit under the coat bc it's really hard to bite through, especially with rotten jaws. She's got some boots she probably scavenged or traded for, and of course: the Walkman she probably found looting some abandoned building. She collects cassettes to listen to. Gotta keep sane in the end of the world.
How is this one a literal apocalypse and its still more lighthearted than the one based on FNAF lol
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Redd Wolf (Five Nights at Redd's):
FNAF AU. I've truly lost it lol. I have this one completely outlined, nothing written but a lot of things are VERY clear in my mind. This ones uh. a lot more intense than even Thief's Guide. It's FNAF. its immense violence and child death. Seriously, Carmen, Player, Gray, Ivy, Zack, and Julia all end up possessing animatronics at some point. It ends happily, but it is based off a horror thing so if that's not your thing b careful <3
its supposed to be more of a mystery that gets unraveled, but if anyone wants specifics of it u can drop an ask :) i only have animatronic designs for Carmen, Julia, and Gray so far tho. I have ideas for the others too.
This is one I wanna share with y'all at some point. its probably the shortest of the AUs I have outlined so far, so yk. maybe in this lifetime lol.
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Carmen and the Age of Wonderbeasts:
Mega Jaguar Carmen. This ones more of a ~vibe~ than an actual plot but i like drawing mega jag carm :)
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Plushie Dragon:
This one's not an AU, but actually based on doodles of these 2 plush dragons! Matching red/gold and blue/silver dragons named after carmen and julia lol. I'll get around to posting more drawings of em cause they're cute
the plushies <3 (they have spikes u just cant see em:
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ik they look goofy i lov them anyways
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Wings of Fire:
Wings of Fire AU! Carmen is a rainwing/skywing hybrid (rainwing dad, skywing mom) She can camoflauge, fly decently fast, and has a prehensile tail. She can't breathe fire or use typical venom, BUT she figures out her venom, while not face-melting by itself, IS in fact flammable. again, more of a ~vibe~ than a story and plot, but I like drawing dragons.
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Canon Carmen:
She's front and center, the one that started all this.
Way back in 2019, the autism and ADHD departments in my brain came to an agreement: This show is the greatest show of all time.
It was the first fandom I actively contributed to/interacted with. (I still read fics from other fandoms before, but had never been active in a fandom) Like I mentioned with Last Wolf, I had never actually written fanfiction before, and definitely never posted it. I love writing and telling stories (and boy howdy do I have A Lot of stories rolling around my brain). between all of the AUs ive come up with, I've gotten to practice so much worldbuilding and characterization. English classes usually focused on expository stuff, with like. a brief fiction writing thing. So I've definitely gotten to stretch my creative writing muscles with this show, and hopefully I can put em to use on original projects someday <3
I fell in love with the first season, and got ridiculously excited for every new season and the interactive. (heck, i played every possible option for the interactive the day it came out, and binged every subsequent season the day they aired.)
This show has been a big part of my life the last five years, and the original show will always be special to me. It's the reason I started learning to draw people lol, I have a drawing of Carmen from 2020 that I'm still really proud of. It's hung on my bedroom wall to this day.
So thank you, Carmen Sandiego. For everything.
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plush0fairy · 28 days ago
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Sheeppaw.. :(
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naturepunks · 1 year ago
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flameclan-clangen · 1 month ago
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Moon 208 - The Gathering (Part 5)
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eggfleck will return smiles
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deathnguts · 4 months ago
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Regulus holding my girlfriends warrior cats oc Sheeppaw because I have free will
@plush0fairy I did it! :D
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silkclan · 1 year ago
I went looking through some very very old art and I found my very old warriors oc that I used to draw all the time. So ofc I had to redraw him.
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I’ve decided he’s friends with Sheeppaw (if you remember him) but they aren’t in the same clan.
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the-owl-tree · 1 year ago
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Sheeppaw/Sheeptail and Elkpaw/Elkrunner, the other two apprentices of WolfClan!
Sheeppaw and Elkpaw are a package pair, having been childhood friends since their days in the nursery. They're sweet on one another, a tight package but also eager to please, Sheeppaw more so than Elkpaw, who went along with it out fear of losing his friendship with Sheeppaw. They bonded with Honeypaw immediately after their apprenticeship ceremony and quickly got roped into her "teasing" of Frostpaw. While at the time they were quick to buy into her calling it harmless fun, and even at some point thought it was fine since Frostpaw never complained...they eventually do come to recognize they were doing something seriously wrong. While they tried to pull back initially, the toxic circle of pressure that Honeypaw created kept them going until when Honeypaw escalated to physical violence in front of them, enough was enough and they ended the friendship. They had mixed emotions when she was brought back after the battle, both grieving the loss of their friend...but also knowing something more had gone down.
Eventually when they become Warriors, respectively named Sheeptail and Elkrunner, they attempt to make amends with Frostblaze, who felt obligated to forgive them at the time (but does come around to forging a genuine friendship with them!). The two settle down as a couple when they're older and more mature, having exasperated the Clan with what seemed like the longest courting period between two cats who so obviously liked each other that they'd seen.
They are inspired by Dustpelt, Sandstorm, Needletail, and Sleekwhisker.
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