#She's the warmth and life in my cheeks and my voice and my words when I'm around her
novaursa · 3 days
Hi. Saw ur reqs were open🎉 and I just want to say that I love ur fics.
I had a vague idea for a story but didn’t know what character it suited best, so I’ll leave the choice to you! Basically male!reader is in an arranged marriage with either Sansa Stark or Helaena Targaryen (perhaps a martell!r for Sansa or stark!r for helaena) and as a marriage gift, reader has a dress tailored for her (embroidered with direwolves for Sansa or bugs for helaena).
Idk just a sweet romance for either of my fav characters because they both deserve so much better than they got.
Warmed by the Sun
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- Summary: You decide to honor your bride-to-be with a gift.
- Paring: (male) martell!reader/Sansa Stark
- Note: The reader is the brother of Trystane Martell.
- Rating: Mild 13+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne @oxymakestheworldgoround
- A/N: ❤️
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The wind bites sharply as it sweeps through the courtyards of Winterfell, the cold settling into your bones as you make your way through the keep. You are not used to this kind of chill; Dorne’s warmth is like a distant memory, but you’ve adapted, if only to be near her. The North may be a place of harsh winters, but you find it almost poetic that you’ll spend your life here, alongside Sansa Stark.
As you approach her chambers, a nervous energy grips you, your hands clutching the finely wrapped bundle. The wedding is fast approaching, and you’ve spent weeks ensuring that the dress you had made would be perfect—something that reflected her strength, her Stark pride, and, more than anything, the memory of her beloved direwolf, Lady.
You knock softly, and her voice calls you in. When you enter, Sansa stands near the hearth, her auburn hair catching the flicker of the flames. She greets you with a soft smile, the ice that Winterfell so often carries melting away when she sees you.
You step forward, bowing slightly, though the formality feels unnecessary now. "I’ve brought you something, my lady," you say, your voice warm, though the cold of the North tries to steal it from you.
Her eyes widen slightly, curiosity lighting them. “What is it?”
You present the bundle to her, unwrapping it carefully to reveal the dress. The deep, forest green fabric gleams in the firelight, embroidered with intricate silver threads forming the shape of direwolves. The wolves weave around the hem and neckline, their presence commanding yet graceful, a tribute to Lady, her fierce protector. You see her eyes soften, her fingers tracing the delicate stitching.
“It’s beautiful,” she breathes, her voice barely a whisper. “You had this made for me?”
You nod, your heart beating a little faster at the tenderness in her gaze. "It reminded me of you—strong, noble, and graceful. The wolves... they’re Lady, in a way. I thought you should have something that honors her, especially on such an important day."
Her hand lingers on the fabric, and then, without warning, she steps closer, her fingers brushing yours as she holds the dress between you. Her blue eyes meet yours, gratitude and affection mingling there. "No one has ever given me something so thoughtful," she says, her voice steady but with an edge of emotion.
You can’t help but smile, your hand moving to gently lift her chin. “You deserve more than I could ever give, Sansa,” you reply softly. “But I’ll spend the rest of my life trying.”
The sincerity in your words is met with a look that makes your chest tighten. She leans into the touch slightly, her gaze never leaving yours. “You are kind to me,” she whispers, a softness in her voice that feels rare for the North.
Your fingers, still at her chin, fall slowly to her cheek, your thumb grazing her skin. The fire crackles behind you, but the warmth you feel comes only from her presence. "Kindness is easy when it’s for you."
She blushes, a hint of color rising to her cheeks, and for a moment, you feel as though the cold of Winterfell is a distant memory. Her eyes flicker down to the dress again, and then back to you. “I will wear this proudly. For Lady... and for you.”
Your heart swells at her words, and you lean down just enough to kiss her forehead gently, lingering there as you breathe in the scent of her hair. She leans into the touch, and you can feel the quiet strength she possesses.
Pulling back, you smile at her, though your hand remains on her cheek. "You’ve made me feel at home here, Sansa. I hope I can do the same for you, as your husband."
Her hand moves to rest on top of yours, squeezing gently. "You already have," she says softly, her voice like a promise.
In that moment, the cold, the weight of Winterfell’s walls, and the looming future all seem to fall away. All that remains is her, and the quiet, steady rhythm of your shared breath.
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 days
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Chapter 32
Short chapter but all the action is happening now!
With the arrival of the dawn, Nesta had gone. The space where she had been lingered with her warmth although her absence was felt keenly. It made a change to be the lover who remained behind; it was usually Azriel making the hasty escape. He wasn’t sure that he liked the feeling of being abandoned, but both of them had a heavy weight on their minds. He could forgive her for running.
Azriel stood and dressed quickly. The ache in his back remained, his wings reminding him that they still needed time to heal. The wounds had knitted together leaving vivid pink scars that time would eventually fade. Each tendon screamed in protest as he spread his wings as wide as they’d go then brought them together again. They worked. That mattered. The pain was irrelevant. Azriel knew how to manage pain. Knew how to tuck it away and forget about it.
‘Oh, good. You’re awake,’ said Rhys, striding into his tent. His eyes went automatically to Azriel’s wings, checking the damage for himself. ‘I need you with the Archerons today. You’re in no position to fight with the legion, but your powers – and shadows – will be invaluable in keeping them safe. Amren will be with them too.’
He was trapped between a rock and a hard place.
‘I will be fighting with the legion, Rhys.’
Rhysand shook his head firmly. ‘No. You won’t be. You’ll be a weakness on the field.’
‘And I won’t be a weakness next to your mate?’
‘By my mate and your own. No. You will not. Your shadows need to seek out the Cauldron. You can do that from a vantage point. If the tide changes, you can get them out. You must do this for me.’
He saw what Rhys offered him. A future regardless of Hybern’s advancement. Azriel could winnow with Nesta and her sisters if the noose pulled too tight. But that wasn’t who he was. He’d never forgive himself for not fighting. He was Illyrian – as much as he denied it. This was his purpose in life, not running away.
‘I’m fighting.’
Rhys slapped a palm to his forehead. ‘You are so stubborn.’
‘I am Illyrian,’ he replied. ‘To deny my right to fight is-’
‘I am your high lord,’ Rhys barked out, his voice growing louder. ‘When I issue an order, it goes above Cassian, above Devlon, about anyone. You are not fighting today.’
‘What will you do? If the shadows take me, what will you do?’
‘I will chain you to a fucking tree, Azriel.’
Azriel had been about to argue back when a figure appeared in the slit of the tent’s opening. Nesta held two bowls of steaming porridge in her hands, face pale. She hadn’t run away after their night together after all. She was bringing breakfast to him. That made a change.
‘What’s this?’  
In two strides, Nesta had crossed the tent and looked expectantly between them. Rhysand inclined his head, allowing Azriel to explain. Bastard.
‘I’m forbidden from fighting.’
‘Because his wings aren’t fully healed,’ Rhys finished. ‘We have better use of him beside you, Elain, and Feyre. He has seven siphons, can winnow, and can use his shadows to seek out the Cauldron – but your mate is too stubborn to see reason.’
Nesta set the bowls down. Her brows pinched together as she mulled over the words. Shadows slunk up her arms as if they’d been parted for an age instead of minutes.
She stroked a hand against his cheek, tilting his face towards her. Fear swirled in her grey eyes. ‘Won’t you protect me?’
What could he say? That fighting was a way to protect her. If Azriel died, he’d take out a legion with him. And she’d have to watch it. He couldn’t do that to her. Couldn’t throw his life away when she was only just starting to bloom.
Azriel let his eyes close.
‘You will be at my side, Azriel,’ she said then leant forwards to kiss him.
They ate quickly, neither of them having much of an appetite, then joined the others. The grin that Cassian gave him told Azriel that Rhys had not kept his mouth shut and had likely delighted in telling the others that Nesta had brought him to heel so easily.
They spoke of the plan that Azriel had not fully engaged with yesterday. He would accompany the Archerons and Amren as they sought the Cauldron. All four females had slipped into Illyrian leathers and he did his best to keep his eyes off of Nesta and the form-fitting clothing. When Elain blanched from the blade that Cassian offered to her, Azriel extended the hilt of Truth-Teller.
‘This is Truth-Teller. I won’t be using it today – so I want you to,’ he said, limping towards her. ‘It has never failed me once. Some people say it is magic and will always strike true.’ Azriel pressed the hilt into her trembling hand. ‘It will serve you well.’
In the corner of his eye, he saw Nesta’s nod of approval.
The armies moved into position led by their high lords’ commands. A vast, grassy plain stretched to the shore. Hybern had planted their army a mile inland amongst the rocky foothills.
‘The prick took every inch of high ground and advantage that he could find,’ said Cassian, landing softly on the knoll that they stood. 'If we want to rout them, we’ll have to chase them up into those hills. Which I have no doubt he’s already calculated. Likely with all kinds of surprises.’
They would shield the army as best they could. Magic versus magic for the first portion – as long as the King didn’t use the Cauldron from the start. Then they’d not stand a chance.
‘My shadows are hunting for the Cauldron. But the wards are so strong – no doubt reinforced by the king after you shredded through his at the camp, Feyre. We might have to go on foot. Wait until the slaughter starts getting sloppy.’
He saw Elain shudder, but Nesta stood as strong as steel, face fixed upon their army. He could not be more proud of her. Her strength. Her unflinching way of facing the world.
In silence, they watched the Illyrians take to the skies as the land army tightened their rows. A part of him felt like it was missing to not be in the air amongst them. Summer, Winter, Day, Dawn, and Night were marked by the colours of their armour. In the skies, Thesan’s Peregryns joined the Illyrians, their golden armour gleaming in the weak sunlight. There was no sign of Autumn or Spring.
Magic bounced against their shields whilst their own tried to penetrate Hybern’s. A deathly silence settled across both armies, like the great breath before the plunge.
‘I never got you a mating present,’ came Feyre’s voice. ‘But this is for the both of us.’
As Helion’s shield crashed down, Feyre dropped a glamour. In front of their army, a cloud of darkness appeared, writhing and whirling on itself.
‘Mother above,’ Azriel breathed.
And not only it; the Bone Carver and the weaver of the Wood stood either side of the black mass. That would help to even the odds.
‘Here’s to family reunions,’ said Rhys before the Weaver, the Bone Carver, and Bryaxis unleashed themselves upon Hybern.
 It was messy already.
The three immortals slammed into Hybern’s lines. Bodies were left in their wakes as the Carver and Stryga drained them. Some fled from Bryaxis.
Rhys extended a hand towards Hybern’s army and obsidian power erupted from him. A massive chunk of the army misted. Where they had been, only red mist and metal shavings remained. Azriel took that as his cue. Power built within him, funnelled by his siphons, then he let out a second blast to match Rhys’. Blue light slammed into the now-exposed flank, driving them further apart. Two smaller armies was easier to manage than one, great mass.
That was the signal for the Illyrians. They plummeted from the sky, raining down arrows as they went with deadly accuracy.
Hybern mounted their own volley – arrows made with ash shafts and faebane heads. The king had adapted and improved his arsenal.
Azriel couldn’t just stand and watch. His instincts screamed at him to delve into the thick of it and fight. As more and more bodies fell, he knew he was wasting himself here.
‘It’s messy,’ said Amren. ‘Time to go.’
‘Not yet,’ snapped Rhys. ‘Much of the army isn’t yet engaged past the front lines. We need Hybern’s focus elsewhere.’
Hybern’s army pressed ahead. Whenever Bryaxis plunged into the ranks, they quickly staunched the holes with a never-ending number of soldiers.
It was Helion bellowing down the front lines that held their own males steady. He had been in the last war, knew how it felt to carve out his heart and fight. Arrows rose and fell towards their own army. The ones tipped in faebane struck true every time as if the king had spelled them to hunt their targets.
‘Hybern will slaughter us before we can even get down the hill.’
Rhys had been about to argue when a horn sounded to the north.
Both armies seemed to pause to look.
Three armies.
One bearing the burnt-orange flag of the Autumn Court. One bore the grass-green of the Spring Court. And the third, one of mortal men in iron armour. Their cobalt flag had the crest of Lord Nolan. They had come to fight.
Out of a rip in the world, Eris appeared atop the knoll where they stood, clad head to toe in silver armour, a red cape spilling from his shoulders. He rested a hand on the pommel of his fine sword and said, ‘We thought you might need some help.’
They had joined the fight.
Spring and Autumn were running and winnowing for Hybern’s ranks. The mortals mounted their charge on horseback, spears and swords readied to rattle bones.
‘What of your father, Eris?’
‘Taking care of a problem,’ he said, inclining his head towards his brothers.
The Vanserras approached the front line, winnowing in bursts past enemy soldiers, towards the wagons filled with faebane. They crackled with blue fire then turned to ash as every cache, every arsenal was destroyed by the flames of Autumn. That deadly faebane was destroyed with such precision… as if Jurian or Tamlin had told Beron exactly where each store would be.
‘We go now,’ said Feyre.
They took a step then Nesta crumpled, taking Amren down with her. Azriel felt her anguish as keenly as his own down their bond. She inhaled a shuddering gasp as Azriel leapt upon her to haul her to her feet.
‘The Cauldron,’ she spluttered.
Eris winnowed away then Rhys surged forwards. His magic shot out of him, arching around the entire army, his breathing a wet rasp.
Nesta’s hands grappled in the grass as Azriel tried – and failed – to hold onto her. Her eyes scanned the horizon.
Azriel let his power flow over their group, let shadows flock over them, to try to keep them safe.
Nesta began screaming. Not in pain. But a name. Over and over until her voice went hoarse.
Still she roared his brother’s name.
Her body lurched in Azriel’s arms then she went limp.
A figure shot from the Illyrian ranks, spearing towards them, red siphons blazing.
Nesta lurched again, heaving like she had been stabbed.
The earth seemed to shudder in response.
A battering-ram of white light hurled towards the Illyrian legion.
Cassian was halfway towards them when the Cauldron’s blast hit their forces. It shredded their shields. Shredded Rhys’ and Azriel’s.
It hollowed out Azriel’s ears as ashes rained down. Where a thousand soldiers had been a heartbeat before, only ashes remained.
Nesta gaped up at him in agony and terror. Azriel held her. Held her tight. She had known exactly where it would strike. And she’d saved his brother.
Her skin was hot. The hairs that had broken from the coronet stuck to her sweaty face. Azriel held her tight, stroking her forehead as she made another whimper – just as Cassian hurtled towards them.
The Cauldron did not hit the same spot twice. Hybern was willing to incinerate part of their own army if it meant wiping out their strength. White light slammed into the Bone Carver.
There and gone.
They were losing. Badly. Their soldiers fell like sheaves of wheat, one after the other. Hybern was gaining ground easily. They pushed back, overwhelming their armies. It had turned into a bloodbath. They would not survive another blast of the Cauldron.
Cassian landed and reached for Nesta. ‘What is it?’
He stopped, looked at the sweat beading on her forehead, glanced back at the legion wiped out by the Cauldron and devastation swept across Cassian’s face as he realised what had happened.
‘It’s gone quiet again,’ she breathed.
Carefully, Azriel moved her into a sitting position while she found her breath.
Rhys stood rooted to the spot, eyes lost to his power. ‘Get back in line. The soldiers need you there.’
Cassian bared his teeth. ‘What the hell can we do against that?’
Azriel squeezed his mate’s hand tight enough to make her bones creak then he stood.
‘I’m going in.’
He spread his wings, testing them. They would keep him airborne for as long as it took. And right now, they had no time. None of them. If Nesta was to find that Cauldron, Azriel had to give them as much time as he could. That was love, wasn’t it? Giving up his life so his mate could live?
‘No,’ Rhys snapped.
‘Chain me to a tree, Rhys,’ Azriel said softly. ‘Go ahead.’ He checked the buckles on his weapons. ‘I’ll rip it out of the ground and fly with it on my damned back.’
He leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to Nesta’s lips. Azriel saw the understanding in her eyes. She knew why he was leaving. He wished they had time. Time to live in the sun.
Helion, Tarquin, and Kallias struggled to hold the lines. Jurian, Tamlin, and Beron still battered the northern flank, while the Illyrians and Peregryns slammed back the aerial legion; Keir’s Darkbringers now little more than wisps of shadow amid the chaos, but … But it was not enough. Not against Hybern’s sheer size.
A horn sounded.
An armada appeared. So many ships. All teeming with soldiers.
Hybern had trapped them. It wasn’t solely for the uphill advantage that they’d positioned themselves on the rocks. From here, their armies were caught between the sea and the hill. They couldn’t fight both armies. They could barely fight one.
Rhysand swallowed. ‘Azriel. You lead the remaining Illyrians on the northern flank.’
If he lingered, he’d never go. Azriel touched Nesta’s hand. Their future had been stolen from them, but he’d find her again on those golden sands of home. Then they’d have their forever.
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armpirate · 2 days
Soundleasure | Choi San || CH. 35
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Pairings: Soft!San x fem!reader || Strangers to lovers, fake dating
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, online sex, ghosting
Warnings: inexperienced!San, fem!reader, masturbation, online sex, camboy, first times.
Summary: You can do whatever you please and be whoever you want on the Internet. And San knew that a little bit too well.
After finally following all the signs the universe was throwing at him, he started living a double life that no one was aware of. Everyone in his daily life knew him as Choi San, the reserved and quiet boy who wouldn't raise his voice, and would barely communicate with anyone outside of his comfort group. But only a few knew him as Soundleasure, the man with a sexy voice and a filthy mind that had their toes curling just with his narrations.
He never thought of the possibility of those two lives ever meeting, he had always tried for them to follow a parallel route and had always played safe to keep his friends from ever suspecting that side even existed. But his plans will start to crumble when he gets a little too close with one of his subscribers and she invades his real-self and altergo's universes without being able to stop it.
Y/n will not only help him to keep his secret from his circle, but will also show him there's more of Soundleasure in him than he'd like to admit. 
Previous || Next
Aprox. time of reading: 20 minutes
Chapter warnings: Smut, oral sex (male and female receiving), dirty talk, explicit language, protected sex, recording of audio porn
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Y/n's eyes opened slowly, realizing she was trapped among San's embrace, with his cheek squishing against the back of her head. Breathing in his scent first thing in the morning, that musky smell that remained even hours after he put the perfume on, was like the biggest energetic boost she could think of. And that thought itself had her smiling against his chest, feeling a warmth in her belly when his fingers momentarily spasmed on her nape, before they went back to their natural steady pose.
She couldn't describe with words how happy he made her with such simple things. He didn't even need to try.
And that realization had her smile slowly dropping.
Whoever the person was behind those notes, they were persistent on how she was going to make her way to them by herself. That person had mentioned San in such despective tones that it had her stomach shrinking down her body, slowly feeling her blood stop running through her veins just at the thought of something happening to him.
Her face hid in the curve of his neck, hugging closer to him, closing her eyes to absorb as much as she could of the moment, unaware that it'd make San to wake up.
He first groaned, stretching his legs while his arms were still lazily around her. And when he realized what woke him up, he could only think of sinking his face deeper in her head, closing his arms around her.
—Good morning to you, too —he lowly giggled, kissing her head—. What time is it?
—Don't move —she whispered, fists clenching on his t-shirt when he attempted to roll on his body to reach his phone.
And San aimed to please her, quickly letting go of the idea to care about the time, or being late to work.
—I don't want to go to work today —she confessed.
—You? —San managed to move his head back a little, enough to earn a difficult vision of the side of her face— My Y/n? The same person who works on her free days? You worked even in the hospital when you were recovering.
—I just don't want to go —she whined, hiding her face in his chest.
—Babe, I know you might get away with missing one day, but I won't —he clicked his tongue—. Mia is already annoyed enough after I rejected her and called her out. Missing would be a chance to fuck me up.
Any other day, his girlfriend would have answered to his sensible response, moving back and accepting the fact that he was right, but instead Y/n moved closer to him, shaking her head.
—What's wrong? —he directly asked, accepting the fact that he wouldn't move away anytime soon.
—Nothing —her voice sounded muffled against the fabric of his clothes.
—Y/n... —San warned her.
That warning was a reminder of what they went through and how they had just made things up after they went through communication problems. They assured each other they'd be honest just one day back.
—I don't think it's a good idea to be away from each other —she confessed, slowly moving back—. What happened last night... I just don't want anything to happen to you.
—They broke into your place —San commented—, and you're worried about me.
—The crazy person always goes against their competition —she explained—. Haven't you watched those thrillers?
—And here I was thinking of taking you to the cinema —San scoffed.
—San, I'm serious —she sat up on the bed—. I'll never forgive myself if something happens to you because of me.
—Well, you don't have to think about it, because nothing will happen to me —he also sat up, cupping her face—. Will you be more calm if we're together today?
She first side eyed him with unsure eyes, only to finally nod while pressing her lips.
—Aren't we working on that project? —San asked, caressing her cheek with his thumb— Come up with an idea for the whole team to be together. Say you saw on a research that results are better when group work is done that way. I don't know —he shrugged—. You're the boss, it's not like you need to give explanations.
And she didn't hesitate in putting his idea into practice.
At first, the team was surprised by her decision, but neither complained or tried to change her mind as they all moved to one of the large conference rooms.
The familiar hum of office chatter filled the large, glass-walled conference room as Y/n settled into her seat. San was seated a few chairs away, his focus glued to his laptop screen, although his eyes kept flying -not so subtly- in her direction to check on her.
The morning passed in a blur of meetings and brainstorming sessions. Y/n was just beginning to think she would be able to focus when Tom showed up, leaning casually against the doorframe of the conference room, his usual easy grin in place. Her heart sank.
—Y/n, got a minute?
The way he said her name made her stomach twist. She glanced at San, whose shoulders had tensed at Tom's arrival, not even trying to hide it. Y/n forced a smile, gesturing for Tom to follow her into the hallway, while her boyfriend's eyes followed them until they stepped outside. The door closed behind them with a soft click.
—It better be something work related —she warned him.
—I just wanted to make sure you were okay —Y/n slightly furrowed her eyebrow—. These days you seemed quite upset and running out of energy.
There was something off about the way he phrased it, as if he knew more than he should. Y/n's heart raced. She forced herself to keep her expression neutral, refusing to give away any of the panic swirling inside her.
—I'm fine —she answered, coolly.
—You sure? —he leaned closer—. I know it might be difficult to work with your boyfriend when you're in the middle of a crisis. Or did you make things up?
Emily's breath caught. She took a step back, trying to put some distance between them. Tom's eyes flicked briefly to the conference room, and when he looked back at her, his expression was one of feigned concern.
—Did you seriously ask me for a talk for this? —her eyebrow was lifted, while her arms remained closed on her chest— It's not like this is the best place to talk about this —she looked around—, and it isn't any of your business either.
—I was just checking up —he shrugged nonchalantly—. People talk. And I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay, that's all. I know things didn't end well between us, but that doesn't mean I don't care.
His hand laid on her shoulder, fingerprints slightly pressing on the fabric of her white shirt to reassure her.
—And if he isn't treating you well...
—Ironic coming from you —she scoffed, quickly snapping back.
His words were laced with something that made her skin crawl. Tom had always worked on his own, barely giving her any explanations on what he did or why; he was the best example of emotional immaturity. Yet there he was, attempting to work as psychologist out of nowhere.
—I appreciate your concern, but I'm handling it —she moved her shoulder away—. I really need to get back to work.
—Of course. I just thought... Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, someone who understands, I'm here.
She nodded, turning quickly and heading back into the room, her heart pounding. She could feel Tom's eyes on her as she closed the door, the unsettling sensation of being watched making her skin prickle. She forced herself to focus, pushing the conversation with her ex boyfriend to the back of her mind.
But the unease lingered, gnawing at her concentration like a relentless itch she couldn't scratch.
As the afternoon wore on, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of being monitored. Tom seemed to find reasons to pass by the conference room, glancing in with what she could only describe as a calculated gaze. Once, he came in under the pretense of needing a document, lingering just a bit too long by her side, his shoulder brushing hers as he handed her the folder. She flinched, almost imperceptibly, and he smirked, that same unsettling smile that didn't reach his eyes.
Across the room, she saw San's jaw tighten as he watched the exchange, his fingers drumming impatiently on the table. When Tom finally left, his eyes followed him out, a dark, unreadable expression on his face.
By the end of the day, the conference room felt stifling. Y/n was exhausted, her mind buzzing with a thousand thoughts she couldn't control. As the team started to pack up, she found herself still sitting in her chair, breathing deeply to calm her racing heart as she allowed herself to burst all of her worries out.
San came back a few minutes later, his expression softening when he saw her.
—Are you okay? —he asked, quietly.
—Yeah, just a long day —she nodded, not convincingly.
San sat next to her, a hand reaching the side of her neck to give her a soft touch that had her whole body responding to it.
—Did he bother you?
Her eyes slowly opened back, reminded of how they had no time to be alone to talk, not even for a few minutes, throughout the long day that was left behind. San had seen her nervously bite the reverse of her thumb, shake her legs nervously, look around for any indicator. It even was obvious on the way she aimed at the small group of people in that room, with the confident side of her slowly fading with each passing second. It was as if she was alert to everyone and everything.
—He just wanted to check on me —she shrugged—. Apparently it's well known in the company we had problems, so he just wanted to know if I was doing okay.
His eyes were full of concern, and that made her feel a pang of guilt. Why did it always feel like she kept adding bad things in his life instead of good ones?
—Don't worry though. You're the first victim, remember? —she joked, trying to get him to calm down.
—I don't like him around you.
—Honestly, I don't like anyone around me right now —she sighed, moving away from him—. It's like everyone is guilty, everyone has something to do with those notes... And the most frustrating thing is that... —her tongue clicked, unable to say any more words when a knot tightened in her throat.
San held her close, hiding her face just when the first tear started rolling down her chin, snuggling their bodies together while he let her let everything out her chest.
—What if we do something nice? —he suggested, trying to give her mind something else to think of— We can get an ice cream, go for a walk... and maybe meet up with the boys. It might do you good to see them all.
But before she could say how much she liked his plan, two knocks on the door made them move away from each other slowly.
—I'm sorry —Jennifer apologized, looking down—. I thought you were alone —she mentioned, referring to Y/n.
—It's okay, Jen —despite everything going on, her smile still remained shining for others—. Did you need me?
—Well, I wanted to discuss some doubts that came up while reviewing some documents...
Y/n sighed, pondering whether they could be as important for her to think of staying there for longer than the five minutes it'd take her to grab her coat and leave. But one look at San and she knew nothing, in that moment, mattered enough for her to pause all of her plans.
—Can we leave it for tomorrow? —Y/n asked— Don't worry about it, we'll sort it out.
One weak wink and a sided smile, and she thought it was done. Jennifer simply accepted Y/n's refusal to help her, pressing her lips while looking down.
—Shall we leave?
San's dimples were the most visible she had seen them in the past few days, smiling widely before nodding.
His fingers moved in between hers, intertwining them together as they made their way to the front door. It was his way of showing her he didn't care how dangerous it could be or not for him, he'd always support her. He'd be there to protect her in case things didn't go right, and neither of them should care of what others could think of their actions from that moment and onwards.
As they walked out of the building together, side by side but not quite together, Y/n's thoughts were consumed by the cryptic messages, the lingering glances, and the suffocating feeling that something -or someone- was closing in on her. Although one quick pressure brought her back to reality, leaning on his body with a lovely gesture
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Getting some fresh air, even if it was something as simple as going for a walk around the park near his house, was something she didn't think would make such a big impact. She allowed her mind to relax, to get away from the stress by just being around San. That was probably what helped the most: his company.
San clicked his tongue on her back, looking up at his phone while he closed the door behind him with his other hand.
—Wooyoung isn't coming today. Seems like his date with the cute guy is going in a good direction —he followed her to his room, seeing through the corner of his eye how she took her coat off—. And Mingi is going to stay with Yunho, since Iseul went back to visit her family.
—That means we're alone tonight...
—Yup, the house is all ours —he gracefully confirmed, slipping his jacket through his arms—. Although it seems like you've thought of something already.
His comment laced with the way her fingers traced the curve of the mic on his desk, glancing a malicious look at him. Her eyes were tempting when they narrowed that way, with her lips curving up in that usual shape that had his knees going weak.
—Did you record the video for this week? —she asked.
—Not yet.
She typed in his computer with his answer, unlocking the screen and clicking straight on the icon she had seen him click on before whenever they were together in his place and he used that time to film. Despite all being fake, those few times she found herself pressing her thighs together, looking for relief and earning a mischievous look from him before he continued with his thing. All those times, he ended closing the app and joining her in bed to do to her everything he narrated.
That time, and with everything going on in her head moving aside to give space to that idea, she wanted to lead one of those recordings with him. Carrying out the promise they both made when they started speaking.
San walked to her, intrigued by her idea, and too enchanted to move his attention anywhere else that wasn't her.
Rubbing her fingers with his, he pushed her hand away to click on the recording. His tongue traced her upper lip, before making its way in her mouth in a hungry kiss that almost made her lose her balance.
His fingers gripped on her hips over her blouse, asking her to take it off without emitting any sound other than a groan when she bit his lips. In front of his desk, they both took off each other's clothes slowly, until they were just covered by their underwear.
Her hands moved up the waistband of his boxers, touching his subtly-marked abs, moving past his sensitive nipples -earning a squirm from him- before moving her hands away from his wide shoulders, reaching the headphones that were placed over the mic support.
She had watched him for long enough to know what he used those headphones for, and she was so ready to use them on him. And there wasn't a better moment than that one, sure they'd help to erase any thought in his mind that wasn't her.
Her tongue licked his jawline, reaching her earlobe, and biting on it. His breath fell heavily on her hair, moving her locks with it. For a second, she could feel his pulse against her muscle, a bit faster than usual. And she couldn't imagine the speed it had reached when she sat in front of him at the edge of his bed, and pulled down his boxers.
The microphone was moved down, left at the same level as her mouth, before she started licking the tip. He felt so hard, yet at the same time so soft when she first took him in her mouth, knowing it'd take him seconds to be hard and thick in a matter of seconds.
That day, everything felt multiplied per ten. The way her lips around him felt even more powerful with the clear sounds he heard through his headphones. Every groan and moan while her head bowed all over his length, the few reflex gags that made her throat close around his tip when she took in too much... hell, he could even hear the way some lines of saliva piled up on the corners of her mouth, while his moans were overheard.
His hand, whose only role was to stroke her head as support, tensed when her fingers cupped his balls, making his cock twitch in a reflex.
—My turn —he groaned, pulling from some of her locks to move her head back, mesmerized by the way her lips were still connected to him by the thin string of saliva.
When he tried to clean it, Y/n skillfully moved her tongue up, licking his thumb while her eyes penetrated through his.
—Fuck, babe. If you keep looking at me that way, I'll end up fucking you so hard against the bed you'll start seeing stars —he bent over—. I'd eat you out until you only see white, anyway.
—Good —she smirked—, because that's the only good way I expect you to fuck me tonight.
She unclasped her bra, but before she could take it off, San's lip fell adamant on hers, possessive and authoritative. He helped her get naked through the kiss, dragging her to the edge as much as possible and pushing her body to the mattress so she'd be lying up.
—Why don't you take a pic of me? —her head tilted to the side, with the amount of time he took admiring every corner of her naked body.
—I want to, I will —he nodded—, but when you're so fucked up you can't even recognize yourself.
He passed the headphones to her, carefully putting it around her head, before he moved down to lick from her belly button to the space between her breasts. One knee was between her legs, the other one on the side of her hip, and his hand moved the microphone so it'd be pointing to her core.
Her nipples were already hard when he got to them, but he could feel them sticking against his tongue whenever he twirled it around either of them. The wet sucking sounds were loud against her ears, making her body instantly react, arching her back as she was looking for more, but only found herself disappointed when her boyfriend started moving back down on her.
San pulled from her panties, and a groan escaped from the back of his throat. Her juices coated her folds and leaked from her entrance like a fountain, that he was desperately dying to drink from.
He wasn't subtle like other times, he didn't taste the waters, his head sunk in her core like he had been thirsty for days.
His lips enclosed around her button, pulling from it and letting it go a few times, the sound of each suck rumbling through her ears.
—Fuck, I love it when you press your thighs around my head —he commented, loud and clear through her headphones, before he bit on the sensitive skin of the inner skin of her left thigh.
Y/n could clearly hear each breath he took before he closed his lips and sucked her clit, after his tongue licked all the way up from her entrance to her clit. He was everywhere at the same time, and that barely gave her a chance to settle, which she loved. A throb of pride beated in her chest, and her pussy, when she reminded herself she was the only one he learned all those techniques from, and the only person he had used them on. And she could only wish it was the same the other way around.
Two of his fingers brushed any thought in her head away, combining the soft groans with the push sound his digits made against her wetness every time he dug in her channel.
Her fingers ran through his head, wanting him to stick against her pussy, but also dying for him to look up. And, as if he had read her mind, his fierce gaze trapped her, instantly clicking her body to an orgasm she thought she was ready for. But it ran over head, from her scalp to the tip of her toenails, allowing her to hear her moan -which San had only been able to hear until then- through her headphones.
She didn't know exactly when he took the device away from her, when he moved the microphone up so it'd encompass his whole bed, or when he wrapped himself in a condom, but she felt his body on hers while she kissed her to calm her down. A brief sweet moment to make sure she was alright before they continued. His Soundleasure role took complete control of him that night.
—On all fours, babe —he whispered, caressing her hair.
Although her legs still felt weak, Y/n managed to move over the mattress when he gave her space to move.
His hand traced her arched spine when she was in position, moving up to her nape to squeeze it and rub his thumb on her jawline, before he sank down in her pussy, lining up himself with his other hand.
Soon the room left its momentary quietness to be replaced by lewd claps from their bodies, filthy words, and guttural moans and groans that had the other yearning for more.
She was so fucking right when she said her moans would sound so well mixed with his. He knew it the first day they slept together, but it was confirmed that night.
The urgency in her tone just told him what her pussy was hinting, by the way she kept closing around him. His movements kept the same speed and power, adding his fingers rubbing her clit until she was shaken by another intense orgasm that almost had her collapsing over the mattress.
His hand cupped her ass cheek, squeezing her skin, before she was back to her senses and looked up over his shoulder.
—On your back —she commanded.
And San obeyed. Fuck yes he did.
He laid next to where she was, exactly in the middle of his bed, before she straddled his hips and sank himself back in her after moving her hips down. To all the lewd sounds from before, the sound of his bed squeaking under them with each jump she made was added.
—Fuck, you look so beautiful like this —he moaned—. A fucking goddess.
That compliment made her smile, although it disappeared quickly when the first wave from the third orgasm was hitting her.
—Rub your clit against me —he commanded.
She did. She sank his dick inside of her, completely connecting them, until their pubes met. Each of his hands were on her hips, helping her move while she frantically humped against him, the friction causing those starts he promised to show up in front of her eyes, while he twitched inside her tight channel.
Her hand fell around his throat, not closing her fingers around it nor choking him, only looking for some support when she was sure she was close to passing out.
—Hmm, are you going to cum with me? —she asked, almost out of breath, managing to let some words in between her cracked moans.
—Uhum, babe —he groaned—. Cum for me. Cum all over my cock.
It all happened so fast, and they both got momentarily clouded by each of their highs, that they lost consciousness of time when she collapsed all over his body. Even forgetting the app was still recording their soft pecks and giggles while they touched each other.
—I don't have to upload it.
—Why? —she looked genuinely disappointed when she looked up to him.
—Well, I understand it'll make you uncomfortable.
—Not really —she sighed—. Nobody knows it's me, or you. And it'll work pretty fine to let some of those women know you're pretty much taken.
—Babe, I was taken even before we dated. None of them stood a chance against you.
He always knew the right words, and he was always vocal about his feelings. And what drove her even crazier was knowing how real and genuine they all were.
—I'm so lucky to be with you —she whispered.
—I'm the one who's lucky, actually —he didn't let her snap back, his lips were on hers before she could—. Shall we make some dinner?
The night went on with that intimate atmosphere that clouded them whenever they were together, that lovey dovey vibe that always made them feel dizzy, and that accompanied them from their kitchen, to the couch, until they were back in bed.
Both of them were on their phones, scrolling through emails, social media and texts, before one made her stomach twist.
If you're not mine, you'll be no one else's.
It was sent from a different number, but she knew what it was. She still hid it, sliding her finger to the side to make the notification at the top of her screen disappear.
Y/n left her phone on the night stand on her side, covering her body with the sheets, and immediately after feeling San's arms wrapping around her with a sigh, his face buried in the curve of her neck.
She wished they could go back to a few hours back, when her mind was able to rest from that stalker and everything they caused her. But she'd never feel genuinely calm, not until the police caught them.  
Taglist: @brown88
15 notes · View notes
foxgirlmoth · 1 year
You ever realize you're in love with a Goddess
2 notes · View notes
sanarsi · 2 months
But daddy, I love him!
older boyfriend!Joel Miller x f!Reader
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Summary: Your controversial old boyfriend is back from his deployment. Your father is against your relationship. Or Joel fucks you on his motorcycle. Warnings: +18, MDNI, angst, arguing, age gap (reader is 20, Joel is 40), ex-soldier!boyfriend!Joel, rough sex, unprotected PIV, pussy eating, dirty talk, dom!Joel, motorcycle sex, daddy kink, pet names (daddy, sir, baby girl, good girl), hair pulling, no-outbreak AU and no-Sarah Wordcount: 4,5k An: My boyfriend’s back, and he’s cooler than ever. This text inspired me to write this wonder. Hope you enjoyed bestiesss <3 Music I worked with: Lust For Life - Lana Del Rey, The Weeknd
One message made your heart fill with warmth and your lips formed the most sincere smile in months.
Joel: I'm back.
The same message also caused hell in your house.
Screams echoed throughout the house for almost an hour. Your throat and eyes hurt.
Another dose of hot tears ran down your cheeks as you tried to convince your father to let you meet with Joel.
With your controversial old boyfriend who you met right after your eighteenth birthday. And the whole world could be against your love but you didn't care. After all, it was with him that you experienced the most beautiful things in your life.
He was the one who treated you like his princess the moment your father stopped.
"I forbid you!" Another scream from your father echoed through the kitchen.
Your mother was sitting at the kitchen island drinking soothing herbs. She hadn't said a word for several minutes. Just stared blankly into space.
She wasn't defending you.
She was on her husband's side.
Not on her own daughter's.
"I'm not sixteen anymore so you can forbid me from doing something!"
"You're my daughter! I have the right to forbid you from making the biggest mistake of your life!"
And that's how this conversation looked from the moment it started. From the moment your father accidentally saw a message on your phone.
If it weren't for your inattention, you would be sitting in your room now, waiting for another message. Happy that you're about to see your beloved after a few months of separation. Without letting your parents know where you're going, who you're with, and when you're coming back.
"He's not a mistake!" you screamed, more tears streaming down your neck. Your preparation for the meeting went to hell. You looked like seven disasters. Mascara smudged under your eyes, irritated eyes, tears that had washed off your makeup.
Everything was wrong.
Father snorted dryly at your words, sending you an amused look. It hurt.
"Child, this man is using you. He's manipulating you because you're young and stupid," he growled in disgust.
You blinked a few times, not knowing if it was your heart that broke or the cup your mother had dropped. You stared at the man who raised you and was once the most important person in the world to you.
It was amazing how time can change everything.
"Is that what you think of me?" you asked, smiling sadly. "That I am stupid because I fell in love with someone who treats me like an equal? ​​Shows me respect and understanding?" you said, your voice breaking more and more.
"Oh, please," he snorted, rolling his eyes. "Do you really believe that a guy my age can love you and not just want you in his bed?" There was simply hatred in his gaze. There was no compassion or understanding. In his eyes, you were a stupid and disobedient girl.
You snorted sadly, shrugging your shoulders.
"I don't know, you used to," you replied with venom.
The kitchen fell silent. Your mother was afraid to even look up at you. And your father seemed to be on the verge of madness. He was breathing heavily, looking at you with something dark in his eyes.
You felt the vibration of your phone in your pocket and your heart immediately beat faster.
He had arrived.
"Get out of my sight," he growled, pointing his finger towards the stairs leading to your bedroom.
It was a pity that you didn't intend to go back there. Not after the hatred with which your own family treated you. If they could, they would have disowned you and everything you represented.
But looking at your parents, who were together out of habit and not love, you were glad that you were different than they wanted you to be. You weren't the one who was unhappy. You weren't the one who cheated on your partner at the first opportunity. You weren't the one who fell asleep after an argument about who was the worse person.
You loved and were loved.
"With pleasure," you said angrily and left the kitchen.
But instead of going to your room, you went to the hall to put on your shoes and take your backpack. It was amazing that you had packed everything you needed in it.
All your belongings.
"Where are you going?" he shouted, following you.
"I'm getting out of your sight. Just like you wanted," you said indifferently and with one movement you opened the door. You didn't pay attention to how hard the wooden board hit the wall when you went outside.
Your gaze immediately fell on the end of the sidewalk to the man sitting on the motorcycle.
Time stopped for a moment.
There was only him, smoking a cigarette in peace. A gentle wind blew his flannel shirt, jeans hugged his legs and gel held his slowly graying hair perfectly.
He looked even better than you remembered.
Broad shoulders and muscles tensed under the dark green material. The same wrinkle between his eyebrows and that tired look that immediately lit up at the sight of you.
Your father's screams didn't reach your ears.
There was only the strong beating of your heart and that smirk you missed. You felt butterflies in your stomach as you watched him throw the cigarette butt on the ground and reach behind him for helmet.
The helmet he bought specially for you.
"You're not going anywhere with that man," your father growled, tugging on your elbow to get your attention.
That was enough for the endless moment to end.
You looked at him over your shoulder with a hateful look and yanked your hand out of his grip.
"Try to stop me," you said defiantly.
Your father knew who Joel was. And he might have doubted your love, but he couldn't doubt that Joel was capable of protecting you.
That's why when you saw a spark of hesitation in his eyes, you immediately took the opportunity and ran towards the motorcycle.
"Get back here!" he shouted, running after you. Joel started the motorcycle as if on cue. You grabbed the helmet he held out to you and quickly sat down behind him. Your fingers trembled as you try to buckled it.
"I wouldn't come any closer if I were you."
You shivered when you heard the voice you missed so much. You looked up at Joel who was just sending a warning look to your father. The tension between them sent shivers down your spine.
"You're disgusting," he hissed.
Joel snorted under his breath and smiled widely. With superiority.
"Nah, your daughter thinks I'm pretty good," he teased. Your breathing quickened when you finally managed to get the clasp off and you hugged him tightly around the waist. "See ya," he winked, amused at the state he left your father in.
Anger seethed in him and if he could, he would have started to boil. But you couldn't see it anymore because Joel, with a roar of his motor, drove away from your house. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you could barely catch your breath, let alone know what was going on around you. Your arms tightened around him as you pressed your cheek against his back.
Feeling him again after so many months was a completely different experience. It was better than getting high after rehab.
His scent was intoxicating. He smelled like a man you would trust with your life. His muscles felt like a place you never wanted to leave again.
He was like home.
"Hi, baby," he said tenderly, placing his hand on your thigh. You felt shivers when he started stroking your leg in that caring way. He laughed quietly feeling your body tremble.
Everything around you became quieter.
"I missed you."
"Yeah?" he asked teasingly.
"Mhm," you nodded hugging him tighter to which he tightened his hand on your thigh.
"I missed you too."
You smiled at his words which made warmth spread through you.
He missed you.
And suddenly everything in your head calmed down.
All unwanted thoughts and worries disappeared.
There was only the sound of the motorcycle, the wind whistling over your skin, his body against yours and the view of green fields.
You felt good again.
"Do you have everything with you?" he asked, calmly leading the way. You nodded. "Just your backpack?"
"Yeah," you replied, swallowing hard. The change in tone didn't escape his notice. He removed his hand from your thigh and slowly ran it over your hand on his stomach.
"That's good. I have more room to maneuver with the gifts," he said with a smile, then took your hand and pulled it to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss on it. You shivered at the feeling of his lips and beard on your skin.
You didn't even realize how much you missed it. His words, as always, brought you comfort.
He always took care of you.
From the moment he decided to save you from the aggressive guy at the club. From the moment his worried eyes met your terrified gaze.
From the moment he offered to walk you home after that, you always felt safe with him.
It took so little to fall in love with him.
His gentle smile, warm gaze, and careful touch were enough.
"Want to show you somethin’, sweet girl."
Then there was only a loud growl, acceleration and a tighter grip on his body. The landscape slowly passed before your eyes as you drove fast through almost empty roads.
A feeling straight out of a movie.
That's how you felt all the time when he was around.
His gaze was always on you, making you hot and butterflies in your stomach. With him, you were the main character. Always. Even when you argued, all he wanted was for you to stop looking at him with pain in your eyes.
He treated you like his princess.
Only to treat you like a whore at night.
And he was the best at it.
Motor began to slow down so you lifted your cheek from his back to look around. You were on top of some mountain. The view of the forests and the city stretched in the distance. You had never been here before. You didn't even know this place existed even though you had lived here your whole life.
Joel stopped, turning off the engine and patted your thigh. You knew what to do so you deftly jumped off the seat.
There was silence all around, interrupted by the singing of birds. It was peaceful. Perfect.
You took off your helmet and hung it on the handlebars. A strong arm immediately wrapped around your hips, pulling you closer. You bumped into Joel's hard chest and gave him an innocent look that immediately made him start to harden in his jeans.
His gaze began to carefully examine every inch of your face, as if he was seeing you up close for the first time. But you hadn't changed even a little. The same shiny eyes, firm skin and delicious lips.
His fingers ran down your neck, sending shivers down your spine. A smirk bloomed on his lips as he felt you still react so intensely to his proximity.
You were so damn soft under his rough touch.
"Will you smile for me?" he asked, grabbing your chin. As if on cue, you couldn't help but smile. "That's my girl," he praised, returning your smile. "That's what I missed the most." His thumb slowly ran over your skin until it caught your lower lip. "And that," he added and without waiting, he leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. You closed your eyes immediately, melting in his arms.
The longed-for and deep kiss he gave you, easily made your knees tremble. You slowly embraced his neck, pulling him even closer, thirsty for his closeness.
His attention.
His tenderness.
A quiet sigh escaped your lips into his when he tightened his hand on your hip. His touch was domineering and his lips dominant. His desire for you didn't decrease even a little, it actually increased.
You felt a slap on your butt and his fingers digging hard into your skin. You moaned, thirsty for more.
More of his hands on your body.
More kisses on your warm skin.
More of him.
“I missed those sweet sounds of yours,” he whispered against your lips as he slowly pulled away with a blissful smile. You caught your breath licking your swollen lips, and your eyes began to sparkle again as you looked at him.
Unlike you, he had changed.
He had more wrinkles around his eyes. His hair was starting to lose its shine and his beard was turning grey.
He was aging before your eyes.
“You were supposed to go to war, not to a beauty salon,” you said biting your lip to hide your growing smile.
He snorted, looking away for a moment in amusement. This sound was enough to make your stomach clench pleasantly. His smile was the most beautiful sight you could have after so many months of emptiness.
“Are you teasing your old man? Naughty,” he smacked his lips disapprovingly and squeezed your butt harder before he let go of you.
You took a step back, letting him get off the bike. He straightened with a soft groan as his spine cracked.
“I guess it’s been a while since anyone gave you a massage,” you said teasingly as he slowly walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Unfortunately, where I was, there weren’t any masseuses as pretty as you,” he teased, wrinkling his nose as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on your lips.
A few soft kisses.
You giggled as he started kissing your cheek and neck, teasing you with his stubble.
“I have something for you,” he whispered, straightening up and reaching under the collar of his shirt.
A soft jingle caught your attention.
The sun reflected off the silver dog tag that hung between you.
“This was my last mission,” he announced, placing the necklace around your neck this time. “I’m yours now.”
Those words hit you like a bucket of cold water. You blinked a few times, looking at the dog tag. The embossed letters with his data gleamed in the sunlight like a promise. Such a little piece of metal that meant so much. So much to him and now, so much to you.
He belonged to you now.
Your heart almost fell out of your chest when he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him again.
“Now I can take care of you properly.”
The gentleness and certainty with which he said it made you dizzy. And suddenly all those months of waiting turned out to be worth every minute.
Just so he can come back to you, giving yourself on an open hand.
“Will you accept me?”
It's the same as 'will you marry me'.
You stared at him expectantly, slowly starting to lose your breath. Did he really- No, he can’t. Or can he?
Joel saw the confusion in your eyes. You were only twenty, you had barely started living an adult life, and he was offering you something that was an obligation until the very end.
And maybe he was old, he didn't have as much strength and will to live as he once did, but he wanted you.
He wanted to take care of you.
He wanted you to be able to rely on him in everything.
So that you wouldn't be afraid to ask him to buy an extra pack of jelly beans or to kill a man for you.
He wanted to help you get through life, protecting you from anything that could hurt you.
“Say yes, my love,” he whispered, stroking your cheek.
Your silence began to drag on. But you didn’t think about the answer. You tried to understand what happiness had just reached you.
“Say yes and I will never let you worry about anything again.”
He needed to hear your consent even though he saw the answer on your face. That's why he wasn't afraid to wait when you were silent for a long time.
He leaned down and gently brushed his nose against yours. His hot breath mixed with yours and even such a small thing made you shiver.
"Say yes and be mine," he whispered, tilting his head so he could run his lips over yours.
Gently like the beating of a butterfly's wings.
Your eyelids began to droop from the feeling of warmth he began to surround you with.
And that was enough for his hand to tangle in your hair, holding you tightly as he pressed his lips painfully against yours.
You moaned, wincing as your teeth clashed and his tongue immediately entered your mouth. Only now could you feel the desire from longing for you.
He kissed hard but slowly, passionately.
He kissed so that you felt a tingling between your thighs.
The tingling quickly turned to excitement as he pulled closer your hips until you could feel his hard cock. You sighed, wrapping your arms around his neck as he gently rubbed himself against you with a soft groan.
After that, everything happened quickly. You had no idea how you ended up on the seat of a motorcycle, without any shorts or panties, while making out with him. But you don’t mind. As long as his hands gripped your body like that, you didn't care about anything.
He growled softly, his fingers gripping your thighs tighter. His thumbs were close to your little slice of heaven, sensually massaging your skin.
And you might have been wet before, but now you were leaking onto the seat.
Joel didn't care that he made a mess. He didn't care about the teeth marks he left on your skin as he went lower and lower. He didn't care about how his cock painfully dug into his jeans, wanting to get out.
He cared about how hard your nipples were standing before he even ran his warm tongue over them.
The animalistic groan that escaped your throat made his balls ache.
"Fuck baby, I haven't even started with you yet and my cock is about to fall off," he mumbled without stopping sucking on your nipple.
Another wave of arousal hit your clit, allowing more juices to flow out of your hole and between your ass cheeks. His teeth began to tease your already oversensitive nipple, making you whimper.
"Joel, please."
He loved hearing your pleas. How beautifully his name sounded on your lips when you were possessed by pleasure. And Joel never refused you. So after a moment he was kneeling in front of you, gripping your thighs, forcing you to spread your legs even wider for him.
“Oh, fuck me,” he groaned at the sight of your cunt. Wet, leaking and throbbing, just for him. “Daddy’s home.”
And he dove in, collecting with his tongue everything that leaked out of your hole with gusto. You moaned loudly watching as he greeted your pussy. Groans of pleasure left his throat every time another dose of your arousal appeared on his tongue.
Like a thirsty man, he dove his tongue into you and your loud moans mingled into one. All your blood began to flow to that one small point, which after a moment was between his lips.
He sucked on your clit with a purr and allowed himself to give it a moment of attention. He made slow circles with his tongue and your legs began to tremble.
"I'm gonna come," you warned him, panting heavily. He glanced up at you, not taking his mouth off you, and you could have sworn that this view should be immortalized in a museum. You could watch for hours as he knelt thirsty in front of you to eat you.
The grimace of pleasure on your face only made his balls boil. He ran his tongue along the length of your slit and sucked on your clit again. You whimpered as you felt your orgasm approaching.
You didn't even have to try, because a wave of pleasure hit you a moment later when he bit down on your nerve nub. Fucking nirvana you could feel again after a few months of separation.
You shuddered, pushing your hips into him as he rode you through your orgasm for as long as he could.
And only when he cleaned everything that had flowed out of you, he let you breathe. He stood up with a quiet groan and immediately reached for his belt.
"My balls are about to fall off because of you, princess," he joked with a quiet snort. You breathed heavily as you watched him unzip his fly and reach under his underwear.
With a sigh of relief, he pulled out his painfully hard cock, which quivered at the contact with the outside world. You swallowed hard as you saw another drop of precum flowing from his head. He pumped it slowly a few times and approached you, positioning himself perfectly between your legs.
He held his cock firmly at the base and with a hiss of satisfaction he slammed it perfectly into your clit a few times. You whimpered, clenching around nothing.
"Yeah, just like that."
He guided the tip down and ran it between your wet slit. His head was soft and warm so your body didn't resist as he slowly pushed a few inches into you. You began to breathe harder, watching as he slowly disappeared deeper and deeper into your pussy.
Joel moaned in satisfaction, feeling your hole accept him perfectly smoothly. As if she was just waiting for his cock to fill her up again.
“Oh god,” you gasped, already feeling full but you could see he had to go in a few more inches. You clenched on him in warning and he grabbed your hips tightly to hold you in place as he slowly pushed deeper into you.
“Good girls take everything their daddies give them,” he gasped, watching you helplessly look at the spot where you were connecting. “You’re a good girl, right?”
You squealed, pressing your lips together tightly and nodding your head eagerly. His cock made you not know if it was better to breathe or not. Joel smiled, pleased with your reaction and with one hard movement, he pushed himself all the way into you. You moaned like a wounded animal as your eyes rolled back and your head fell back.
“Fuck yeah,” he groaned in pleasure, feeling your pussy clench around him in welcome.
And then it started.
His hips slowly pulled back only to thrust hard into you. Joel was never gentle with sex. And you never thought you'd like it. But you did.
His fingers dug hard into your flesh as his hips began to painfully slam against yours. You were barely able to stay in your seat. The loud moans had already scared away the birds and his growls had scared away all other animals. He was pounding his rock hard cock into you, causing more and more juices to spill from your hole.
The wet sound echoed around every time he thrust into you. And he didn't care that you couldn't catch your breath. He didn't care that you had nothing left to scream for. You just existed. Taking everything he gave you. Like a regular fuck doll.
"Fuckin’ take it," he growled.
You slowly started to choke but that only intensified the pleasure that accompanied his cock as he drove it into you all the way. He watched you struggle with the overwhelming feeling of bliss that he gave you. He loved seeing you like this.
His cock literally took your breath away.
But then his thumb appeared on your clit and you automatically gasped for air. You tensed up, moaning throatily until your knees trembled under him. Your pussy immediately became tighter, making his balls shiver.
His thumb made quick circles around your clit and you couldn't fight the feeling that appeared in your legs. You were helpless.
"Yesyesyesyesyesyes," you started to repeat on the edge of your endurance. Your body was fighting the approaching orgasm, making the blood start to boil throughout your body.
His finger disappeared and in return, you felt his hand grab your hair tightly. You weren't even able to hiss in pain when he pulled you to him. You looked at animal instinct in his eyes, feeling how he intensified his thrusts.
"Father didn't want you?" he asked, panting heavily. You clenched your jaw tighter as he jerked you harder. A devilish smile appeared on his lips. "Don't worry, baby. Now I will take care of you."
"Yes," you hissed, fighting the feeling that was slowly overpowering you.
"Yes what?" he growled, tugging harder at your hair. He leaned down, running his tongue over your neck to finally plant a gentle kiss.
“Yes, sir,” you repeated. He smiled against your skin
“Good girl,” he praised you, pleased and bit into the spot right after your ear. And then you were gone.
You moaned like a real slut, coming on his cock. Your legs began to tremble as he continued to fuck you mercilessly.
A wave of orgasm flooded your body, cutting off your access to oxygen, and another wave, flooded his cock. Your juices began to drip down his balls as with a groan, he continued to suck on your skin, marking you.
Moans, sighs and squeals mixed into one as your pussy pulsed around him. And that brought him to the end. He bit painfully into your neck and holding you tightly, thrust into you several times. Hard and deep, filling you with all of his seed.
His throaty groan sent vibrations through your body as he finally stopped. You panted heavily, still pulsating until his cum started to flow out of you too.
"Fuck, I missed you," he groaned pulling away from you so he could look at your face. Tiredness mixed with bliss. But it was your sparkling eyes that said it all.
You smiled lazily as he rested his wet forehead against yours, allowing both of you to calm your racing hearts.
"I would possess you in every way possible and I would never get enough of that sweet pussy of yours."
You snorted helplessly at which a smile blossomed on his lips. And then he just kissed you. Tenderly and slowly. Finally able to enjoy your closeness
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velvetcrimsonkisses · 3 months
Blind Gojo adjusting to his new life…
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The fight against Sukuna took a lot from everybody. With everyone making sacrifices, it was only right Satoru did too. He wanted to win, he was the strongest right? He had to win, no matter what. Losing the six eyes was just the mere cost of winning the battle. It was worth it right?
Satoru believed he didn’t deserve to live, but he had too now for everyone who died. Ultimately, deciding to now live his life as Satoru Gojo and not "the strongest” anymore. Losing the six eyes initially lead to frustration and anger, as he tried to adjust to being blind. He felt useless for a while, not being as efficient as he was. But over time, this loss lead to his personal growth. Gojo developed a deeper sense of humility and empathy for others, finally understanding the struggles of those who are not as gifted as he once was.
It wasn’t until he met you that he started to feel a sense of normalcy. And here he was at almost 30 learning how to live as a human for the first time. You taught him what true genuine love was and you patiently taught him how to reciprocate it back to you. He learned how to express his feelings to you instead of bottling them up inside. You created a safe space for him where he could unveil the true side of himself. Trust and intimacy forming between you two. Both of you navigating the complexities of loving each other.
He also didn’t know exactly what you looked like, not that he cared. His other senses were still in top shape and keen allies to him. That’s why his hands are always on you, he could feel you. Feeling the warmth of your body against his fingertips, large cold hands always coming to your face. He liked tracing your bone structure with the pads of his fingers, caressing your cheeks, and especially savoring your lips against his own. With each caress, he discovered new assets of your beauty, not defined by your visual appearance but by the sensations that awakened within him.
He could also smell your scent. He knows when you walk into a room when the sweetness of your perfume fills his nostrils, causing it to twitch like a bunny. He buries his nose into your hair because he loves the fresh fragrance of your shampoo. He loves when you bake him all his favorite sweets, the aroma of brown sugar lingering on you makes you smell even sweeter.
The sound of your voice. Satoru could never get tired of it. For once in his life, Satoru found himself not being the talkative one in a relationship. He cherished all the words that would leave your lips, each word a symphony to his ears. In the mornings Satoru would always lay in bed until you woke up waiting for the sound of your voice to be the first thing he heard each day.
All these aspects combined Satoru knew he was finally living the life he finally dreamed of. Every touch, every word, every moment was filling his deepest desires. In your presence, he found the reason why he deserved to live. He found peace and joy, a sense of completeness that he had long yearned for all in one person.
Even though he couldn't see anymore he felt things he didn’t before. He made up his mind that he didn't want to waste any more time. Satoru was now certain that his blindness didn’t stop his ability to love or to commit fully to you and he was more than grateful that you showed him that. It wasn’t long before you both decided to marry.
“She’s perfect…” you utter softly, handing the baby gently into an anxious Satoru’s arms. He cradles the baby just like you taught him, careful to not get too excited and accidentally hurt her. The baby babbles as she feels the comforting warmth of her father.
“The little sounds she makes are my favorite thing to hear,” he says, poking the baby’s cheek. “Describe her again to me, will you?” Satoru looks up from the baby, trying to decipher where you were.
You walk over to join him on the couch. “Of course, she has your beautiful blue eyes…” You noticed Satoru smiling, still holding his daughter close to him. “And your white hair…” you continue, Satoru’s finger coming up to her head, feeling the softness in her hair.
You describe every detail you could about the little baby to Satoru. You tell him about how her eyes seem to gaze into his soul full of love, and the way her tiny nose wrinkles when she sleeps just like his. A lone tear falls down Satoru's face, filled with heartache knowing that he will never be able to see her with his own eyes.
In that vulnerable moment, you hold Satoru close, letting him know that you were there. He smiles at you as he feels your touch, sniffling. There was determination in Satoru’s eyes. He was going to cherish every moment with his family.
"I'll be there for both of you," Satoru whispers, his voice filled with quiet resolve. His words carry a promise.
Thank you @suguwife for this lovely idea and the discord server as well!
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httpsdrewstarkey · 29 days
behind closed doors || drew starkey
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authors note: your wish is my command honey @shawtycoreee 🤭
warnings: smut, mentions of mary jane
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After the housewarming party at her new place, Y/N found herself alone in the kitchen, cleaning up the remnants of the evening. The silence was a welcome contrast to the earlier bustle, but her thoughts were elsewhere. As she rinsed the last glass, she glanced out the window and noticed Drew sitting outside in her wooden chair, a drink in his hand. He was wearing a blue sweater with a collared shirt underneath, and despite the exhaustion on his face, there was no denying how good he looked.
She paused, watching him run his hand through his hair, a gesture she’d seen countless times. But tonight, it was different. He looked tired, his shoulders slightly hunched, and she could tell that the stress of wrapping up filming for Queer and immediately jumping into the chaos of Outer Banks was taking its toll. The late flights, the long hours—it was wearing him down, and she felt a pang of concern.
Y/N and Drew had always been close friends, ever since they started filming together. The chemistry between them on-screen had always been undeniable, so much so that fans constantly speculated and wished for them to be together in real life. The fan edits, the comments—it was all in good fun, but it made Y/N wonder sometimes if there was more to their relationship than either of them acknowledged.
She dried her hands, took a deep breath, and quietly made her way outside. As she approached, Drew didn’t immediately look up, still lost in his thoughts. She noticed the tension in his posture, and without thinking, she gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey,” she said softly, her voice filled with concern.
Drew looked up, his eyes meeting hers. For a moment, everything else fell away. He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “You okay?” she asked, sitting on the edge of his chair.
He sighed, shaking his head slightly. “Just... everything. It’s a lot.”
Y/N nodded, understanding more than words could express. “You’ve been through a lot, Drew. It’s okay to feel it.”
Drew nodded, then reached out, threading his fingers through her hair gently. The intimacy of the gesture caught Y/N off guard, and she felt a nervous flutter in her stomach. “You always know what to say,” he whispered, his voice barely above a breath.
Y/N swallowed hard, trying not to blush as his hand cupped her face. The warmth of his palm on her cheek made her feel vulnerable in a way she hadn’t expected. She tried to keep her composure, but her heart was racing, and she couldn’t deny the effect he had on her.
In an attempt to break the tension, Y/N reached into her back pocket, lifting slightly from the arm of the chair. “This might help you feel better,” she said, pulling out a small white case. She opened it to reveal a few pre-rolls and a lighter, holding it out to him with a teasing smile.
Drew’s eyes lit up in surprise, then softened as he looked at her. “You always know what I need,” he murmured, taking the case from her, his hand lingering on hers for a moment longer than necessary.
“Maybe because I know you better than anyone else,” she teased, trying to bring some lightness back into the conversation.
Drew smiled, though his eyes were still serious. He gently placed a hand on the back of her head, his fingers sliding into her hair. “You always have,” he said, this time in a whisper that sent a shiver down Y/N’s spine.
Her heart pounded in her chest, and she felt her cheeks flush as his hand cupped her face again. The simple act of his touch made her feel exposed, like he could see right through her. She wasn’t used to this side of Drew—the side that made her feel nervous and excited all at once. When he let go, she exhaled a breath she didn’t realize she was holding.
Drew lit the joint, taking a couple of slow hits before handing it over to her. As their fingers brushed, a spark of electricity passed between them. Drew watched as Y/N brought the pre-roll to her lips, her eyes fluttering shut as she inhaled. The way she exhaled the smoke, her lips parting slightly, made something in his chest tighten.
He couldn’t help but admire her—her beauty, yes, but there was so much more to her than that. She was kind, sexy, compassionate, and strong. He thought about all the moments that had confused him in the past—like when she wore those short dresses to premieres, would make little comments about how good he always looked, or when he’d visit her in her trailer on set, answering the door in a tank top, no bra, her nipples pressing against the fabric. Those moments always left him flustered, questioning whether he was reading too much into things or if there was something more between them.
Drew’s thoughts raced as he watched Y/N smoke more, the way her lips wrapped around the end of the joint, the casual intimacy of it all. He wondered if he had overstepped by cupping her face, if he had crossed a line. But the way Y/N had looked at him just now, with that same confusion and longing he felt—it gave him hope that maybe, just maybe, they were both on the same page, even if they hadn’t said it out loud.
As Y/N sat on the ledge of the chair beside Drew, they passed the joint back and forth in a rhythm that felt almost intimate. The silence between them was comfortable yet charged, and Y/N’s mind raced, feeling an unusual mix of flustered and unsettled. The ease they usually shared was tinged with something new, something unspoken that made her heart race. She felt almost uncomfortable, but not in a way that made her want to leave—more like she was teetering on the edge of something she wasn’t sure she was ready for.
Drew broke the silence, asking casually about the guy she’d been seeing. Y/N laughed, brushing it off, saying it didn’t work out. Drew chuckled and teased, “You’re too high maintenance. Probably scared him off.” Without missing a beat, he pulled her closer, guiding her onto his lap with ease. Y/N breath hitched as she settled into his lap, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. His hand rested on her leg, slowly rubbing in a gentle, almost absent-minded manner, but his gaze never wavered from hers. The intimacy of the gesture was undeniable, and Y/N’s heart pounded as she tried to steady her breathing.
She rolled her eyes, laughing softly, trying to mask the effect his touch had on her. It was true—she knew she had high standards and wasn’t easy to impress, but that had never bothered her before. Now, though, with Drew’s hand tracing slow circles on her thigh, it felt like a challenge, one she wasn’t sure she was prepared for.
As Drew’s hand slipped lower, resting at the small of her back, the nervous tension melted away. Instead, a new feeling took its place—something braver, bolder, and blaming it on the joint they were smoking. She looked down at him, still smiling from their banter, and said, “It didn’t scare you off.” Her fingers drifted through his hair, which was starting to grow back from the buzzcut he’d gotten a couple of months ago. The familiarity of the gesture was comforting, yet her heart beat faster as she felt the weight of his gaze on her.
Drew’s arms tightened slightly around her waist, holding her there. “No, it doesn’t at all,” he whispered, his voice soft but sure. The words hung in the air between them, heavy with meaning. The joint had eased both of their nerves, softening the edges of their usual dynamic. The lingering glances, the small touches—they all felt more significant now, like they were on the verge of crossing a line they’d been dancing around for years.
For a long moment, they just stared at each other, neither one willing to break the spell. Her hands continued to stroke his hair, and his arm stayed looped around her waist, holding her there. The closeness was intoxicating, and Y/N felt something shift inside her—a boldness she hadn’t felt before. Leaning in, she whispered, “I know you’re stressed...” Her voice was barely audible, and Drew tensed slightly as her lips brushed against his ear. The warmth of her breath sent a jolt through him, and he swallowed hard, his mind reeling.
“Let me take care of you,” she whispered again, her hand trailing down his chest, her touch light but deliberate. Drew’s heart pounded in his chest as her hand continued downward, stopping at his thighs. It was like a dream—one of those moments that felt too good to be real. His mind scrambled for a response, but he was too caught off guard to find the words. All he could do was stare at her, his breath coming faster as he tried to process what was happening, what she was offering.
Y/N stood from the chair a slight smirk on her face, her eyes never leaving Drew. She sank to her knees, digging them into the grass. She looked at up him, her expression bold and eager, Drew’s breathing hitched as he met her eyes. He reached down, grabbing a fistful of her hair, his touch firm but gentle.
“Don’t tease, baby.” he murmured, his voice with anticipation, praying that she would just unbutton his khaki shorts and take him like good girl.
Y/N met his gaze, her eyes shining, “I would never, daddy,” she whispered her voice low. His grip tightened slightly, and he threw his head back, his mind racing. Holy shit, he thought, looking back down to Y/N at her kneeling form, a begging look in her eyes making his jaw clench with a mix of desire and disbelief.
Her hands made there way to his waistband, unbuttoning his pants and watching his cock spring free from his uncomfortable boxers. She took his tip in her mouth, wanting to taste him. Drew couldn’t hold back, his head hitting the back of the chair, the grip on her hair never leaving, and moaning her name. Y/N maintained her gaze on him, swirling her tongue around his tip tasting the precum leaking out of him, and moaning as she was finally able to taste him. Drew stopped her, taking a breath, and grabbing her chin up to his face.
“Open your mouth, pretty girl,” She couldn’t help but smile, knowing what he wanted her to do. She opened her mouth and allowed her tongue to spread and lie flat as he bent down slightly to spit in her mouth.
“Good girl,” he whispered. Y/N’s heart was racing, letting out a small moan and her panties becoming damper each second that passed. She made her way back down to his waist, spitting the contents out of her mouth, onto his member and taking his tip back into her mouth, using her free hand to grip his cock, going in a up and down motion. She could feel him twitching in her mouth as she kept her rhythm steady and taking him all, the tip hitting the back of her throat as she cupped his balls.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he moaned loudly, gripping the sides of the chair as his face scrunched up, the sensation of his cock hitting the back her throat was intoxicating, making them both feel alive. She took him again, her eyes watering, as his grip on her hair became tighter. His hips buckled up making her take him again, as she felt the warm liquid hit her mouth, pooling down her chin.
Y/N looked up at him, her cheeks were rosy and she had a glow to her- she felt victorious, as if she was floating. Drew’s breathing had steadied as he watched her, he felt hungry, as if he were dying to taste her and help her unwind just like she did for him.
He pulled her down into his lap, his hands on her hips, squeezing them roughly as they kissed. Her hands found his hair tugging slightly, as she moaned into his mouth. He stood up from the seat keeping her legs securely wrapped around his waist, and gently seated her back into the chair he had occupied just moments before.
“What are you doing?” she whispered, standing straight up in the chair as her heart started racing again. Drew leaned in, his hand trailing down to her waist, unhooking the button of her jeans.
“It’s daddy’s turn, baby. Lay back.”
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lovings4turn · 7 months
— charles’ girlfriend likes to wake up a little earlier every morning in order to take her time getting ready. charles tries to wake up a little earlier, too. (1.2k words)
+ more than inspired by my need to wake up hours before i realistically need to (and then complain about how tired i am)
+ fluff ! mentions of reader wearing make-up but nothing overly specific !
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gentle clattering served as charles’ alarm clock as he pried his eyes open, rubbing at them clumsily to rid his vision of the bleariness that came with just waking up. a throaty grumble escaped his lips, the sound coming from deep in his chest as he pushed himself up onto an elbow.
after a long overdue movie night, charles had spent the night at your place, something he would never, ever complain about. somehow, sleep always came to him much easier when he was by your side, wrapped in sheets that harboured the smell of your perfume.
though you'd already left the bed, currently sitting at your dressing table as you laid out your skincare products, charles could still feel the warmth of your body travelling along the mattress and up his body like vines of ivy.
time wasn't important to him right now, but he could assume that it was fairly early.
despite your incredibly sleepy nature, you'd surprised charles towards the beginning of your relationship by revealing to him that you quite enjoyed waking up a little earlier in order to take your time getting ready.
rushing to get out of the door was something that always provided you with feelings of anxiety, and you could never shake the thought that you'd forgotten something important. this way, you could slowly wake yourself up and spend a little more time focusing on yourself, an idea charles couldn't find fault in.
any amount of love and care shown towards you was welcomed by charles with open arms.
whilst charles' job required him to be a morning person, thanks to early training sessions and odd schedules on race weekends, it by no means meant that he was magically transformed into someone who delighted in waking up before the sun rose.
dragging himself into the gym at ridiculous hours in the morning required copious alarms and a boatload of motivation, but somehow when it came to this - watching the love of his life follow the same routine she performed almost daily - mornings felt easier.
"good morning, baby," charles said, deliberately keeping his voice low so as not to startle you. the words were thick with sleep, almost slurred together and syrupy, and a smile immediately rose to your face at the sound.
"g’morning love. sorry, did i wake you?"
a fond expression washed over charles' face as you turned to look at him over your shoulder, moisturiser poised in one hand ready for you to use. he shook his head gently, messy chestnut hair falling a little into his eyes.
"no, no, you're fine," he assured, throwing in a gentle smile to fully placate you.
and it was true. charles wasn't woken by the noise - or lack thereof - that you were making. it was as though his body had subconsciously realised you were awake and moving, and had forced his eyes open so he could savour every last second with you, satisfying his desire to get as much of you to himself as he possibly could.
water, oxygen, food, and you: those were the four things charles was certain he required for survival.
noticing that your eyes were still fixed on him, his upper body bare above the crumpled sheets of your bed, a lazy smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as his words took on a teasing tone.
"don't let me distract you, baby. keep getting ready."
you playfully rolled your eyes at his teasing, ignoring the way that his words made heat bubble beneath your cheeks. it was nothing a cooling moisturiser couldn't fix, and you relished in the feeling of the cream on your tired skin as you turned back to face your mirror.
meanwhile, charles was utterly mesmerised, transfixed by the glimpse of your reflection he was granted from his spot in bed. 
how you could be performing a task charles had seen countless times before and still spark flames of awe in his heart should have been baffling, but to charles it all made sense.
everything about you set him alight, provoked a jolt of white hot electricity that ran through his veins and left him breathless. yet at the same time, you were the epitome of comfort and peace. your effect on him was far too powerful, so much so that it could break the rules of the universe and cause his heart to both pound and stop simultaneously. 
charles settled back against the plush pillows, stretching his arms above his head with a soft grunt before letting them fall to rest against his stomach. 
even in your silly fluffy headband, designed to look like a snail and complete with two eye-stalks, you were striking to him. every movement was fluid and precise, and it reminded him a little of himself in the car.
just as he knew every button of the steering wheel like it were an extension of his own body, had learned exactly where the breaking points were on each track and tuned himself into the car's movements, you had perfected your own artistry. your hand never faltered as it moved from product to product, and you barely batted a sleepy eye as you followed the routine you had down to a tee.
the two of you had fallen into a comfortable silence, not wanting to break the tranquil air that an early morning provided. now and again, you would meet his eye in the mirror and stick your tongue out at him, a gesture which he would return without hesitation. 
it took about twenty or so minutes for charles’ body to begin to wake up, finally registering that the man wouldn’t be trying to get back to sleep any time soon. though his eyes were still a little heavy, charles swung his legs over the edge of the bed and made his way to his feet, muffling a yawn into the palm of his hand.
he padded over to you, leaning down to rest his chin on your shoulder and peer at you through the mirror. 
“mm,” you mumbled, relaxing into his warmth. “hi, sleepyhead.”
charles pressed a lingering kiss to your temple before running a thumb lovingly over the spot that his stubble had grazed, attempting to reverse any disturbance to the makeup you’d carefully applied moments ago.
“hello beautiful.”
reluctantly, charles stood up to his full height and flicked one of the headband’s fuzzy stalks with a look of fondness before speaking.
“gonna go make us some coffee. don’t miss me too much”
even with his teasing tone, you almost melted at his words, sure that when charles returned he’d find a pile of sweet, syrupy goo in your place.
charles never needed to tell you how much he loved you - though he never missed an opportunity to do so. instead, your boyfriend preferred to show you, actions speaking louder than words as the famous phrase said.
so, if waking up early on his rare days off to watch you get ready and make you a coffee made your smile a little brighter and your day a little easier, charles would take the mid-day crash he was inevitably going to experience.
anything was worth it when it came to you.
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andy-15-07 · 6 months
A Father's Pride
masterlist ! pairing Feyd-Rautha x reader
SUMMARY : feyd rautha watches how Y/n plays with their child and hears her telling him about their relationship
DUNE Masterlist
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Feyd Rautha watched from the doorway, a proud smile tugging at his lips as he observed his wife, Y/n, playing with their young child in the living room. The room was filled with the sound of their child's delighted laughter as Y/n tickled and chased them around the room, her eyes sparkling with joy.
"You're getting faster, little one!" Y/n exclaimed, her voice filled with affection as she scooped up their giggling child in her arms.
Feyd's heart swelled with love as he watched the tender moment between mother and child. He stepped into the room, his presence unnoticed as Y/n continued to play with their child, completely absorbed in the moment.
"You're such a good mother," Feyd murmured, his voice soft with admiration.
Y/n looked up, surprise flickering in her eyes as she saw her husband standing there. A warm smile spread across her face as she approached him, their child still cradled in her arms.
"Feyd, I didn't hear you come in," she said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Did you want to join us?"
Feyd nodded, his gaze lingering on their child. "I just wanted to watch for a moment. You two seem to be having so much fun."
Y/n grinned, bouncing their child gently in her arms. "We are. But it's even better when you're here with us."
Feyd's heart swelled with love at her words. He had never imagined he could be so lucky as to have Y/n as his wife and the mother of his child. As they settled down on the couch together, their child nestled between them, Y/n leaned her head against Feyd's shoulder.
"Remember when we first met?" Y/n asked, her voice filled with nostalgia.
Feyd nodded, a fond smile playing on his lips. "How could I forget? You captured my heart from the moment I saw you."
Y/n chuckled, her fingers tracing circles on their child's back. "And you swept me off my feet with your charm and wit."
They reminisced about their early days together, sharing stories of their courtship and the adventures they had shared. Feyd couldn't help but marvel at how far they had come since then—from two strangers brought together by chance to a family bound by love.
"You've given me everything I ever dreamed of and more," Feyd said, his voice filled with emotion.
Y/n smiled, her eyes shining with love. "And you've given me a life I never could have imagined. I'm grateful for every moment we've shared together."
Their child yawned, snuggling closer to them as they settled down for the night. Feyd pressed a kiss to Y/n's forehead, feeling grateful for the love and happiness they had found together.
"I love you, Y/n," Feyd whispered, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/n leaned into his embrace, her heart overflowing with love. "I love you too, Feyd. More than words can express."
As they sat there together, surrounded by the warmth and love of their family, Feyd felt a sense of peace wash over him. In that moment, he knew that no matter what trials they faced in the future, as long as they were together, they could overcome anything.
And as their child drifted off to sleep in their arms, Feyd couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the precious gift of family that he held in his arms—a gift that he would cherish for the rest of his days.
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iamgonnagetyouback · 18 days
♡ ︎ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: After being the forgotten one your whole life, you thought that they wouldn't forget you.
♡ ︎ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: Angst, Getting stood up
♡ ︎ꜱʜɪᴘ: poly!marauders x reader
♡ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ : part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
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The small café was almost unbearably stuffy, the kind of warmth that clung to your skin like a bad memory. You sat at the tiny table, your fingers wrapped around the fifth, long-cold cup of coffee. Five empty cups already littered the space around you, their contents drained, and yet the boys were nowhere to be seen. The delicate pink and gold décor of Madam Puddifoot's—once sweet and charming—now felt suffocating.
You glanced up at the clock again.
They were an hour late.
Your heart sank lower into your stomach. An hour. The tiny voice in your head whispered cruel thoughts, thoughts you tried so hard to push away but they gnawed at you nonetheless. Did they stand me up?
You and the boys had only been dating for a few months—James, Sirius, Remus, Peter. It was unconventional, but you all cared about each other, or so you thought. The beginning had been a whirlwind of excitement and passion, stolen kisses in the corridors, late-night sneaking into the Gryffindor common room. But lately… lately, something had shifted.
You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were slipping through the cracks, that the bond they shared with each other was unbreakable and you were just some added accessory, an outsider trying to fit into a world that already had no space left for you.
A pang of doubt stung your chest. Maybe you had been stupid to believe that this could work. That they wanted you, truly wanted you. A bitter laugh escaped your lips as you stared down at the empty cups. Five cups. Five glasses, just like five people. You had been here. But where were they?
Each tick of the clock seemed to mock you. You had tried to convince yourself, at first, that they were just running late, that something had come up. They were the Marauders after all, always busy with some adventure or prank. But now? Now, you weren't so sure. The knot in your chest tightened, the air in the café becoming harder to breathe in. You were drowning in your thoughts, the same ones spiraling over and over.
Maybe I’m not important enough for them. Maybe they’ve realized they don’t need me. Just each other.
A tear slipped down your cheek before you could stop it. You quickly wiped it away, but the damage was done. Your heart was cracking with each passing second, each tick of the clock hammering the reality into you: they weren’t coming. They had forgotten you. Or worse, maybe they never even planned on showing up.
The idea that they had stood you up made your blood boil, but underneath the anger was the cold sting of hurt. They were supposed to be yours. How could they do this? How could they leave you waiting here, like some fool, while they—?
You couldn’t stay here any longer. The sight of the café and the sound of the clinking china cups was making you nauseous. You grabbed your things, hands shaking, and bolted out of the door, the chilly evening air hitting your tear-streaked face. The wind stung, but not as much as the empty feeling gnawing at your chest.
Your feet carried you without thinking. You needed to get away, to find solace, to bury yourself in someone who cared. And there was only one place to go.
Lily and Mary’s dorm.
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When you burst into the room, Lily and Mary were tangled up together on the bed, kissing softly, not noticing your entrance at first. The door creaked behind you, and suddenly, they pulled apart, eyes wide and worried as they saw your tear-stained face.
“Oh my God, what happened?!” Lily was up in an instant, rushing over to you, her hands gripping your shoulders gently as she took in the sight of you, broken and shaking.
You opened your mouth to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out. Instead, a sob escaped, one that ripped through you, and you crumpled into her arms. Mary had joined the two of you by now, her eyes filled with concern.
“Sweetheart, what is it? What happened?” Mary’s voice was gentle, but the panic was clear.
You choked back another sob, wiping furiously at the tears streaming down your cheeks. “I hate them,” you finally spat, the bitterness in your voice taking even you by surprise. “I hate them so much.”
Lily’s brow furrowed in confusion. “The boys? What did they do?”
“They didn’t show up,” you hissed, the words tumbling out like venom. “They were supposed to meet me at Madam Puddifoot's… an hour ago. And they didn’t come. Not even a bloody owl. Nothing.”
Lily’s face hardened, and Mary’s mouth opened in shock.
“They… they stood you up?” Mary asked, her voice soft, as if she couldn’t believe it.
You nodded, your throat tightening as the tears threatened to fall again. “I waited, and I waited, and they never came. I… I thought they cared, you know? But maybe I’m just—maybe I’m just not important enough for them.” The last part came out in a broken whisper.
Lily pulled you closer, her arms wrapping around you tightly. “No. No, don’t you dare think that. They’re idiots, all of them. Complete and utter prats.”
“But I’m always the last thought, Lily,” you sobbed, the hurt spilling out. “They’ve been so distant lately. Like… like I’m not even part of the group anymore. Like they’re fine with just each other and I’m… I’m just in the way.”
Mary knelt beside you, her hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. “You deserve better than this. So much better.”
“I thought they were different,” you said bitterly, “I didn’t expect this from them. Not from them. But… I guess I was wrong.”
The room was quiet for a moment, only the sound of your broken breaths filling the space. Lily and Mary exchanged a look, one that told you they were just as furious as they were heartbroken for you.
You had come to them with your broken heart, and now, you didn’t know what to do with the pieces. All you knew was that in this moment, you wanted nothing to do with the Marauders. You wanted to scream, cry, and hate them with everything you had.
And maybe—just maybe—you could learn how to forget them too.
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dead-boys-club · 1 month
†  do you love me? : the fatui.
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❥ scenario: their mute s/o asking if they love them. ❥ no triggers ❥ i don't have any beta readers - you get what you get. ❥ requested. [ my pending isn't updated, it's a liar. ]
you had thought over it for a while, curious as to where you actually stood with your lover, no.. partner? did they love you? as your curiosity grew to a sickening need for an answer, you decided to write your question down, small and neat; 'do you love me?' before approaching to hand the paper off.
❥ la signora.
as she took the paper from you, you'd be unable to read her expression, something that was awfully common. you couldn't help but become slightly anxious as a few moments of silence went by, giving her the time to process the question. you had learned that signora was a very complex someone, someone who was guarded and difficult to read, but you had grown to understand those things about her. when she finally looked to you, there was a warmth in her gave and she set the paper down, now folded in half. she wouldn't have much to say, a simple 'yes' being whispered, full of sincerity and adoration for you, even if her expression didn't match. she reached out to cup your cheeks, the touch tender with her gloved hands, and she leaned to press a kiss to your forehead. it wasn't easy for her to express how she felt but she would never allow you to live with doubts on how she felt for you.
❥ scaramouche.
unlike signora, scara's response would be heavily complicated. he would be reluctant to take the paper to begin with, his expression immediately showing discomfort and clear distaste. love had never been something that worked out for him very well, nor did he understand it as much as others - love was one of the reasons his life had been filled with betrayal and manipulation. he was wary of emotions to begin with but love held a different kind of weight - it was almost like the word alone left a bitter taste at the back of his throat. he would quickly narrow his sharp eyes, masking the vulnerability with agitation. 'what kind of stupid question is this?' it would have hurt you had their been any malice to his tone. even as he crumpled up the paper and tossed it away, you could see some type of softness slipping through the cracks. it would take time but after a few minutes, he'd glance to you, gaze softening slightly. 'i don't know,' he admitted, voice quiet as he decided to be honest, 'i don't know if that's something i'm capable of but.. i don't hate you, if that's what you're worried about.' for scara, that was the closest thing to a confession you'd be getting and you understood and accepted that. besides.. he was a lot better with his actions than his words, even if he didn't realize.
❥ childe.
childe is always happy to accept your notes, be it during full conversations, asking him about missions, and so forth. with that happy expectation, he took the paper, only to falter briefly before a warm smile formed. 'of course i do,' he answered without hesitation. he'd wave the little piece of paper between two fingers before setting it down, 'this is a silly question.' he wasn't being demeaning, just pointing out what he thought - hoped - was obvious to you. his arms would find their way around you, hugging you close to lift you off your feet with a soft chuckle. 'why would you even feel the need to ask that?' childe had always done everything in his power to make sure his love was open and honest, being hidden from no one because he never wanted you to doubt him. he would actually wonder if he'd done something wrong that lead you to asking but it would be put on the back burner for later. 'you're one of the most important people in my life,' he whispered as he set you down, pressing a kiss right below your ear, 'and, i'll always love you.'
❥ dottore.
you knew such a question could leave you with an aching heart but you'd prepared yourself before hand, knowing the day you agreed to be the doctor's lover, it may not be in such a manner. as he took the paper from you, he read over it with an impassive expression, which you'd expected nothing less. minutes passed as he worked through your question. love was not something dottore considered valuable - emotions, in general, were considered a hindrance to him. love, most of all, was the worst there was. the paper was set down without an answer as he returned to his work, leaving you lost and hurt, despite knowing this would be the outcome. you began to turn on your heel to leave when he glanced to you. 'love is a trivial thing,' he said coldly, almost bitter. 'it's a distraction and a weakness.' you stopped yourself from frowning. contrasting his words, as you looked closely at him, you found something - a hint of conflict that told you there was more he wasn't willing to acknowledge. dottore never was one to answer things directly but his actions - his way of keeping you close, keeping you safe and granting you attention in ways no one else was allowed - that was enough, you decided.
❥ arlecchino.
she would take the paper from you and take no time in reading it, her expression calm. she isn't brought to emotional response easily - you were sure you'd never seen her flustered. she set the paper down with a thoughtful hum before looking at you, her gaze gentle. 'love isn't something i give easily or take lightly,' she answered, steady and serious, 'but if i didn't care for you deeply, you would not be here.' in another of situation or context, you'd have taken the words as a threat but instead, they calmed any frayed nerves. arle's way of showing how she feels is protective and pragmatic, something that doesn't rely on cheap words. she wouldn't give flowery words or pointless gestures - but she would make sure you felt valued in your relationship. 'yes, i do.' she finally admitted, her tone leaving no room for doubt, even as she turned away from you. 'you are mine, and i protect what's mine.'
❥ columbina.
immediately going off of your facial expression, she knew she didn't need to read the paper to know the type of question you had, a gentle, knowing smile forming. columbina is the most attuned to emotions, her own and others, especially yours. she would quickly be able to feel the vulnerability and doubt behind your written word. without hesitation, she collected your hand in her own, making sure to hold your gaze. 'yes,' she said easily, 'i love you more than words will ever be able to express.' columbina leaned in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to your cheek. 'you needn't doubt that,' she whispered, letting your hand go only to pull you into a hug, her eyes closing, 'i always will, beloved.' her love was soft, open and nurturing, a presence that never ceased and you almost felt guilty for doubting her. she had done her best to make sure you felt cherished and adored and she would continue to do so.
❥ pantalone.
he wouldn't question why you were suddenly handing him paper but he would be curious, eyes shining with interest as he read the question. panta is a man who sees emotions as secondary to his ambitions and goals, especially with his wealth and power. however, he wouldn't hesitate to admit that you, are different. this may be something that lead you to thinking you were more of a possession than a lover - he would be smart enough to figure out where the doubt blossomed from. folding the paper neatly, he set it down and let a thoughtful smile show, turning his attention to you. 'love, like any valuable asset, is not something i take lightly,' he began, head tilting slightly, 'but you, my dear.. are more precious than anything to me.' reaching out to you, his fingertips brushed over the apple of your cheek. 'yes,' he answered directly, 'i love you, and i will make sure you never doubt that again.' like the others, panta's love is often expressed through actions - keeping you comfortable and safe, your happiness being of utmost importance to him.
❥ il capitano.
he would take the paper without a second thought, reading the words slowly and feeling the weight of them. it would take him a moment to find how to answer, knowing if he was careless, it would bring you unnecessary hurt. love has never been something capitano was accustomed to, not when his life was outlined and defined by duty, loyalty and the cold fate of a soldier. he briefly wondered if love was something he could feel or understand. would he know if he was in love? after what seemed like an eternity, he would slowly set the paper down and look to you, speaking just as careful. 'love is a concept i have little experience with,' he began, his tone apologetic, 'i do care for you, deepy.. your wellbeing, your happiness. i want to keep you safe.' his answer would be straightforward, almost as though he was searching through his own words. he wished he could use the same pretty, poetic words he'd heard in passing, but that wasn't possible. 'if that is love,' he nodded slowly, 'then, yes, i do love you.' he wouldn't be as confident in those words as he wanted to be but he felt as thought it was as close to what you wanted to hear as he could get.
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i did send the same thing to another writer i enjoy bc i love different takes on things, but my little dumpster brain has had one thought in the last 24 hours - imagine confiding in your captain that you'd like to have a baby bc biological clock or whatever, and being in the field really puts a damper on your sex life, so that makes it difficult. but the 141 will do anything for one of their own, so if that means they're running trains and taking turns on you DAILY until it takes (and probably even after 👀), then so be it.
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lol... you lit a fuckin' fire with this ask, my friend. hot!!
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"The Window" (141/Reader)
You awoke to the soft tinkling noise of his belt and zipper, rattling at the edge of your bed. Your captain, John Price, was answering his call of duty, and within moments, you knew he would slip his fat, flaccid cock between your legs and allow your warmth to make him harden within you. He preferred it this way. First, he would rub you with it, heavy and smooth, smearing your wetness all over his skin. Then, with a singular talent, he would somehow stuff his soft, lolling head into your hole, feeding himself into you gently, letting your body take him in on its own as your pussy pulsed for him, and he would rub your clit absent-mindedly, comforting himself with your swollen lips, sighing raggedly as you covered him up. Once he was hard - and fuck, he was impossibly hard - he would fuck you through your blinding pleasure, his girth giving you burst after burst of hot, searing bliss.  
He wasn’t your boyfriend - none of them were - but the members of your task force, the 141, had all agreed to be the father of your child. It had started when Captain Price first saw your appointment on the team calendar. You’d meant to post it privately, but you had failed to do so. He came to you right away, his face full of worry,
“Wha’s goin’ on, Spar? Goin’ to the main base hospital… Wha’s all this about?”
So, you’d told him, a little bashfully, that you were trying to get pregnant. You’d be turning 28 this fall, and you wanted to be a mom, sooner rather than later. Every few weeks, you were shipped off to some too-cold or too-hot locale, getting shot at and flash-banged. There wasn’t really time to find a date, much less convince them that you would make a good mother. The last time you tried to use Tinder, one guy had called you ‘Rambo’ and blocked you, so it wasn’t going well. 
“I’ll go with you, little bird. Sounds important.”
“You don’t need to do that, Captain. I’m sure I can take out a loan for it…” You thought out loud, remembering the pamphlet and all of its cost breakdowns for IVF treatments.
“A loan? Last time I checked, love, it was free,” he chuckled. 
“Free when you have someone who’d be willing to give it to you, sir,” you challenged him with your confidence, trying not to be ashamed, even of your ‘Rambo’ nickname. 
“Sparrow,” he raised his voice and nearly shouted your callsign incredulously in the small mess hall where he’d found you, “There’s no bloody way you don’t have someone willing.” 
“Wha’s goin’ on, Cap?” Gaz poked his head in behind the door. 
“Nothing,” you tried to stop the literal landslide of embarrassment that was happening to you.
“She wants to have a baby,” Price told him, smiling a bit as your cheeks turned pink.
“A baby?” Gaz commented with no small amount of surprise.
“Who wants a baby?” Simon yelled out from the hallway before opening the door wider and scooting around Gaz to join into the conversation. 
“A bairn!?” Soap barged in, slamming the door all the way open and forcing Gaz to tumble into the kitchen. 
So, the whole team knew in a matter of moments, but Price kept his word. He drove you to the hospital for your appointment and asked more questions to the doctor than you did. Unfortunately, he heard all of the strictest rules and took them to heart. No cigarettes, no caffeine, plenty of rest and… plenty of exposure to male ejaculate. 
There had been a meeting, of which you were not a part, between Price and the other men in your task force, and they had come to a conclusion: they would put a baby in you. It was their singular mission. A bit of back and forth had occurred when you found out their plan.
“Is there… we dinnae want to pressure you, lass, but,” Soap looked around at Ghost, Gaz, and Price before settling back on you, “Are there any of us you wouldnae like to be the father? We willnae take offense.”
“No! I’d be happy to have any of you… I mean… But, I don’t want you to feel like you need to do this if you don’t want to,” you could feel the heat of your shame rising in your cheeks, and you knew you were as red as a lobster. You heard a bit of laughter at your comment and feared the worst. But then, Gaz explained,
“I’m afraid all of us very much want to, Sparrow.”
He had even palmed his growing cock for emphasis. 
But, it had to be fair, you decided. There should be a schedule; no favorites. And for the first month, there was. Soap was your Monday, Ghost was Tuesday, Gaz was Thursday, and Price was Friday. But then Price had a meeting and so Soap was Friday, and Price was Saturday. That meant Ghost was Monday. You were in training on Tuesday, so Gaz was Wednesday, but Soap couldn’t do Thursday or Friday because he had to go in for his annual review. So, he joined Gaz on Wednesday, stepping in right after him as if you were a pretty little mailbox and the boys had come to drop off their packages. 
When the weekly schedule fell apart, you hung a big calendar in your quarters, and they’d pencil themselves in. That was fine until you had been shipped out to Aqtabi. You’d tried to keep it up while you were in the field, remembering what day was which, but the truth was that sometimes you had no idea if it was morning or night. Was that the sun or a flare? 
And sometimes it didn’t matter. Something would happen on a mission, and Price would crawl beneath your scratchy woolen sheet, searching for the comfort of your arms, not saying a word, not even asking you if it was alright, but just taking you there in the cold night of the desert, filling you up and keeping his cock sheathed in you, safe and sound. 
And sometimes you needed them, too. Waiting on exfil, huddled together in the pouring rain beneath a sad tarp, you’d crawled into Gaz’s lap, looping your arms around his neck and letting him hold you in a cradle, using his big chest as your pillow. You’d dozed, exhausted, and he’d rubbed himself against you through your clothes, coaxing you to pull down your pants so he could empty himself into your womb, quick and filthy. You remembered how it felt when his come had soaked through your panties as you sat next to him in the helicopter, letting him hold your hand. 
You felt a little guilty that you weren’t exactly hoping for a child during those first few months. You were enjoying their affections, no matter how platonic they may have felt. 
It didn’t stay that way, though. Soap was the worst offender. When he fucked you, he wanted to spend most of his time eating you out, sucking on your clit with his mouth like a hungry dog, soaking himself in your scent and your flavor before finally mounting you, crawling over your body like the hound that he was, dipping his cock into you and beating your core like a drum. He’d stare into your eyes when he could manage it, and he’d slipped up one day and told you he loved you. That you were his girl, his wee bonnie lass, and that he’d raise the bairn with you, even if it was Black like Gaz, tall like Ghost, or had Price’s big nose. It’d be his and yours. He’d be the daddy you wanted him to be, he promised. 
Then, you’d had to deal with Gaz. He’d made dinner reservations at a restaurant near base while he had your legs held up to your chest, helping you wait the twenty suggested minutes for his “lads” to “soak in”. Told you he was just hungry, but he had also happened to buy you a nice dress, and he’d driven you in his sporty little Beamer, bright red and clean as a whistle. He’d fucked you after dinner, sneaking in a double feature, which was expressly against the rules. Told you he couldn’t help himself, and he said he’d been thinking about you all weekend, cock in hand. 
Ghost was like his namesake, haunting you all over the place. He found you in the locker room, and decided to fuck you standing up, sweaty from your sparring match. He’d washed you off in the shower, and he’d taken you in there, too, after coaxing you to make him hard again by sucking him off. Ghost would slink by you in the reference room, stalking you through the bookshelves, and dragging you to the storage closet to fuck you on all fours on the floor, maps and looseleaf pamphlets about Russian spy camps under your rosy red knees. He got vocal that night, cramped with his huge body in that tiny closet, telling you what a good girl you were for him, how you fit his fuckin’ cock so perfect, how he’d never want anyone else, how it felt so good to fill your body up with his load. 
Then, there was your captain. At first, you weren’t sure he was truly a willing participant. He seemed to avoid you unless he was on the schedule. He didn’t cut in line, and if you were on the couch or in the kitchen with one of the boys, he’d leave you be, smiling at you a bit before grabbing his tea and escaping back to his office. But, then you realized the truth: John Price wanted to put a baby inside of you more than anyone else, and he would go to the ends of the earth to make sure it happened. 
“Hey, little bird,” John’s finger pet the side of your cheek as you woke, feeling him pull down your pink silk panties so he could start to warm you up, “I’m your Sunday.”
“Mm,” you rubbed the sleep out of your eye and opened up your legs for him, giving him full access to your body on instinct at this point, “John, we gave up on the schedule. You can come whenever you want. Or, you can stop.”
“Can’t stop,” he kissed your mouth as he leaned over you, and you tasted peppermint and tobacco mixing together with something heady and lustful, “We’re in the window.”
Ah. The Window. All of the boys talked about The Window and when it was coming up next. They’d all downloaded trackers on their phones, watching you like birds of prey for when you ordered a box of tampons, checking with you to see when you were off the rag. And then, you’d be “in the window” of ovulation. Their best chance at succeeding at this mission. 
They would fuck you at any time of the month, and Soap and Price would even fuck you through your period, having read in some magazine that there was a small chance of success. But, being in The Window was like covering yourself in honey in the middle of a cave in spring and waking up all the bears inside it. Fertile ground, ripe for the taking. 
“Mm, fuck,” you keened. John had two fingers in you now, pressing on your soft spots and stretching your hole. You wrapped a hand around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss, which he moaned into. 
“Feel good, Spar? You want to make me hard, pretty bird?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, looking up at him with desperate eyes, “Yeah, I do. Please, John…”
 He slipped himself in, half-hard already, and you felt the body of it slide into your core. It was soft, and you liked to squeeze it with your muscles, feeling him writhe inside of you when you did, reveling in his pleasure. He sat back on his heels to let you play with him fully, watching you grind your hips on him as he massaged your clit to its full, swollen height. He was in no rush, and he spoke to you casually. 
“Has Kyle been in this weekend?”
“No, it was Soap,” you tried to remember, “And then Ghost, and then Soap again.”
Price chuckled warmly,
“That boy wants a baby so badly.”
You smiled with him, agreeing, 
“He does. He interrupted Gaz on Thursday and asked him when he’d be done!” 
Price laughed with you then, his eyes gleaming and crinkling at the edges,
“Oh, Christ. He’d be a good one. They’d all be good.”
You watched his mood shift. There was something solemn about it, and you wanted to chase it away. You rubbed your hand along his furry belly, locking your ankles around his hips and shamelessly rocking your hips to fit more of him into you. You confessed, 
“You’d be good.”
His eyes found yours again and he stilled, wondering out loud,
“D’you think so, Sparrow?”
“I know so.”
“Can I tell you a secret, little bird?” He whispered, lowering himself into position and stuffing his hard length even deeper inside of you, making you worry just a bit if he could hurt you with that thing. 
You nodded, kissing his huge Adam’s apple in his throat and nuzzling through his beard. He told you the whole truth as he pounded himself into you without mercy, 
“Sometimes, I wish he would be mine. I wish…” He almost stopped, but he kept going, like a raft in the stream, too caught in the current to go back to the shore, “I wish you could be mine, and then I could rub lotion on your belly when you got big. And I could cook for you when you got tired, and I could read to you, even when he was still inside of you, and I know he could hear my voice. I wish, sometimes, that when it happens, that I’d be the first to know. That you’d tell me first, because you knew it was mine, because you’d want him to be mine.”
You were stunned, and you were coming, and the two were very separate events. As your pussy pulsed and tried to milk him of his come, making you dizzy and almost sick with pleasure, you were shocked by his admission. You grabbed his face and made him look you in your eyes,
“John…” You panted, coming down from your first high of many with Price, “I had no idea you felt that way.”
“I didn’t either,” he smiled, but the corners didn’t reach his eyes. 
When he fucked you this morning, you had no idea how good it could feel, but he showed you. He rutted into you, desperately, like some sort of beast, unable to stop himself. It was as if he would fuck himself bloody in you if he had to, and you wanted to take him as best you could. You felt him finally start to come, and he plugged you up with his thickness, shoving himself as deep as he would go, sealing you off and keeping you warm and elevated. 
He kept his cock in you, gasping for breath and petting the hair out of your face. He kissed you, cheeks and chin and neck, all the way down to your breasts where he suckled from your nipples, almost dreamlike in the way he was touching you, fully covered in you the entire time. 
“Sleep, birdie,” he nuzzled your neck and continued to lave his tongue over your breasts, “I’ll wake you when I’m hard again.”
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Part 2
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
Hear me out: reader & Bucky have a newborn, and a nurse recommends skin-to-skin for their baby.
(a bunch of fluff where reader encourages Bucky to do skin-to-skin with their newborn baby, because he’s not his past, and he should be quite literally embracing his future)
Skin To Skin » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Husband/Dad!Bucky Barnes x Wife/Mom!Reader with baby girl Evie
Summary: You and Bucky just had a baby girl and a nurse recommends skin to skin for yours and his baby and you encourage him to do it.
Warnings: Fluff, language, kissing, nicknames/pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creator @aliciavikander
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You and Bucky gaze down at yours and his newborn baby girl Evie with a look of adoration on your faces. She was born a few hours ago. You and Bucky are completely astonished by her. A nurse comes in the room to check on you guys to see how you, Bucky, and your newborn baby girl are doing, accidentally interrupting the cute moment.
“I’m sorry to break up the cute moment.” The nurse apologizes with a smile. “I just wanted to see how you three are doing.” She says.
“We’re doing amazing.” You say, not taking your eyes off of your daughter.
“You know…” She starts. “Skin to skin contact is really good for newborns.” She recommends.
“What’s that?” Bucky asks.
“It’s simple. You hold your baby against your skin so she can get to know you better.” She explains. “Take your shirt off and I’ll put her on your chest.” She says.
Bucky hesitantly took off his shirt, worried that the nurse would say something about his scars and vibranium arm, but she didn’t. The nurse gently took Evie from your arms and carefully placed her on Bucky’s bare chest. He protectively wrapped his arms around Evie.
“Hi, sweet girl.” Bucky’s voice is soft as he’s talking to his daughter. “I’m your daddy.” He tells her.
“You’re doing such an amazing job, babe.” You say with a smile.
Bucky smiles widely at your praise. Evie made a small cooing noise that made yours and Bucky’s hearts melt with joy. In that moment, Bucky knew he has a new responsibility in his life.
A couple days later, you were released from the hospital and you and Bucky were able to take your baby girl home. You two got settled in with Evie. You were sitting on the couch doing skin to skin with Evie after feeding her. You gently rubbed her back and gave her kisses.
“There’s my girls.” Bucky smiles, walking in the living room and sat down on the couch next to you. “What’re you doing?” He asks.
“I just fed her and now we’re doing skin to skin.” You tell him and kissed the top of Evie’s semi bald head. “You want skin to skin time with her?” You asked.
“I don’t want to ruin your mother daughter moment.” He says.
“It’s ok.” You smile. “I need to take a shower. I smell like a hospital.” You say.
“Are you sure?” He asks.
“I’m sure.” You said. “You’re not going to hurt her, Bucky.” You assured him. “You’re her daddy.” You say.
Bucky smiles at your words. He leaned forward to take off his t-shirt and leaned back on the couch. You carefully moved Evie from your chest to Bucky’s chest. Just like at the hospital, Bucky protectively wrapped his arms around her.
“Mama will be right back.” You whispered to Evie and kissed her chubby cheek.
You stood up from the couch and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Meanwhile, Bucky feels a new warmth in his heart while holding his daughter. This is the second time he’s felt that warmth. The first time was when he met you and knew you’re the one for him.
“You know…” Bucky looks at his baby girl. “You have your mommy’s beauty.” He tells her. “You’re just too cute for your own good, aren’t you, sweetheart?” He coos at her.
Evie yawned before looking up at her daddy with her beautiful blue eyes. Bucky smiles at her.
“You have my eyes.” He tells her.
Evie made a cooing noise as Bucky continued to talk to her. As he was talking to her, her small hand was placed on his Army dog tags.
“Do you want to know where I got those, baby girl?” Bucky asks her. “I got them in the Army years ago. Uncle Steve has the same ones with his name on it.” He tells her. “Uncle Steve is your godfather and he’s going to be your favorite uncle. Even though, uncle Sam thinks he has that spot claimed.” He says.
As Bucky continues to talk to Evie, you stopped in the entrance of the living room and leaned against the wall, listening to Bucky talk to yours and his baby girl.
“I’m going to do everything I can to protect you and your mommy.” Bucky tells her. “Your mommy is the love of my life and you’re the light of my life.” He continues. “I learned how to be happy again when I met your mommy.” He says.
His words made your eyes tear up. You walked in the living room and sat down on the couch next to your husband and daughter, giving them a kiss on their cheeks.
“There’s mama.” He coos.
You smile and lay your head against Bucky’s shoulder.
“Me and Evie were having a conversation while you were in the shower.” Bucky says.
“I heard the end of it.” You smile. “You vowing to protect us is really sweet of you.” You say.
“I mean every word of it, doll.” Bucky states. “I don’t want anything in this world to hurt you and our precious little girl.” He says.
You couldn’t help but smile at his words. You lifted your head and leaned up, kissing Bucky’s lips sweetly.
“I also heard you say that Steve is going to be her favorite uncle.” You say.
“He is.” He says, smiling widely.
“Wait until Sam hears you say that.” You say with a giggle.
“Evie will be the judge of that. Right, sweetie?” He says, looking at his baby girl.
Evie made a cooing noise at the two of you, making you two smile at her cuteness.
“You’re just as cute as our daughter.” You tell him, kissing his stubbly cheek.
“And she has your beauty.” He tells you.
You smile at your husband and kiss him sweetly again.
“I love you so much, doll.” Bucky says in almost a whisper.
“I love you more, Buck.” You say softly.
“We love you as well, baby girl.” You and Bucky say softly in unison and gave her soft kisses.
-Bucky’s Doll
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novaursa · 1 month
The Wolf's Flame
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- Summary: When you take your son flying, Cregan keeps fires warm for your return.
- Paring: velaryon!reader/Cregan Stark
- Note: reader is referred to as Y/N, is only daughter of Rhaenyra, has silver hair and violet eyes and is bonded to a dragon. These events happen after Fires That Never Freeze. To read all parts in chronological order, visit my blog. The list is pinned to the top.
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Word count: 4 000+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @daeryna @21-princess
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Your fingers gently trace the downy softness of Alysane's silver hair, a mirror of your own. Her tiny eyelids flutter as she breathes steadily against your chest, her warmth a comfort in the quiet of the nursery. The light filtering through the windows casts a soft glow, making the strands of her hair shimmer like moonlight on water. She stirs slightly, letting out a small, contented sigh, and you can't help but smile, though it is tinged with sorrow.
You can still vividly recall the first time Jace held your son, Killian. He had been so careful, so reverent, as if the boy was made of the finest glass. 
"He's got your spirit," Jacaerys had said, cradling Killian in his arms with a grin that could have brightened the darkest day. "And a bit of Cregan's stubbornness too, I reckon. He's going to be a strong one."
You remember how his brown eyes had softened, his usual warrior's stoicism giving way to a tenderness that was rare to see in him. You had laughed then, a light, joyful sound that echoed in the stone halls, lifting the spirits of those around you. 
But now, that memory is a dagger to your heart. Jace is gone, another brother taken by the cruel hands of war and treachery. The Battle of the Gullet claimed him, like it claimed so many others, leaving behind only a hollow ache where once there had been warmth and love.
Your grip on Alysane tightens ever so slightly, as if you can protect her from the world that has already taken so much from you. She shifts in her sleep, her tiny fists clenching, and you wonder what kind of life she will have in this world that seems so determined to tear your family apart.
The door creaks open softly, and you glance up to see Cregan standing in the doorway, his gaze heavy with unspoken thoughts. His presence is a comfort, a solid anchor in the storm of your emotions. He steps into the room, his boots barely making a sound on the cold stone floor.
"She's beautiful," he murmurs, his voice rough with emotion as he comes to stand beside you. His hand comes to rest on your shoulder, a warm, steadying presence. "Just like her mother."
You smile faintly at his words, but it's a fragile thing, easily broken. "She reminds me of Jace," you say quietly, your voice barely above a whisper. "The way he looked at Killian… it was as if he could see all the good in the world reflected in him."
Cregan's jaw tightens, and he nods, his eyes darkening with shared grief. "Jacaerys was a good man," he says after a moment, his voice low and filled with respect. "He would have been proud to see how you're raising our children, Y/N. Proud of the mother you've become."
His words are a balm, easing the sting of your loss, even if only slightly. You lean into him, resting your head against his chest, drawing strength from his steady heartbeat. "I just wish he were here to see them grow," you admit, your voice thick with unshed tears. "To see the family we’re building…"
Cregan wraps his arms around you, careful not to disturb Alysane, who remains peacefully asleep in your arms. "We'll make sure they know who he was," he promises, his voice strong and resolute. "We'll tell them stories of their uncle Jace, of his courage, his kindness. He won't be forgotten."
You nod, a tear finally slipping free, tracing a path down your cheek. "I just miss him so much," you confess, the words breaking like waves against the shore.
"I know," Cregan whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
For a long moment, the two of you stand there in the quiet of the nursery, holding each other close, sharing the weight of your grief. Alysane stirs again, and you look down at her, at the peaceful innocence on her tiny face. She is a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest times, life continues, new stories begin.
As you gaze at your daughter, you feel a small spark of determination flicker within you. You will protect her, protect Killian, and ensure they grow up knowing the love and legacy of those who came before them.
"I'll make sure they know," you whisper, more to yourself than to anyone else. "I'll make sure they remember him."
Cregan nods, his grip on you tightening just slightly, a silent promise that he will stand by you, no matter what. Together, you will keep Jace's memory alive, woven into the very fabric of your children's lives, a legacy of love and courage that even death cannot erase.
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The chill of the northern wind bites at your cheeks as you stand in the courtyard of Winterfell, the ancient stones of the castle walls towering around you. The sky above is a pale, wintry blue, the kind that stretches on endlessly, promising the first snows of the season. Thraxata, your beloved dragon, is a dark silhouette against the sky, her massive form casting a shadow over the courtyard as she awaits you with the patient stillness of a creature who knows her place in the world.
Cregan stands nearby, holding Killian in his arms. Your son's violet eyes are wide with excitement, his small hands clutching at the fur-lined collar of his father's cloak. His breath comes in quick, excited puffs, visible in the cold air, as he watches you secure the last of the straps on Thraxata's saddle. 
"Is Mama ready?" Killian asks, his voice high with anticipation, his gaze flicking between you and the towering dragon. 
"Almost, little wolf," Cregan replies, his deep voice softened with affection. He adjusts his hold on Killian, allowing the boy to lean forward slightly, getting a better view of the magnificent creature before him.
You finish tightening the final strap and turn to face them, your heart swelling with love at the sight of your son’s eager face. "She's ready," you confirm, walking over to them with a smile that feels more natural now, more present. The cold air feels invigorating, as does the promise of the flight ahead.
Killian wiggles in Cregan’s arms, his excitement barely contained. "Can we fly now, Mama? Please?"
You chuckle at his enthusiasm and reach out to take him from Cregan, who hands him over with a tender smile. "Of course, we can, little one," you say, holding Killian close for a moment before lifting him up to press a quick kiss to his forehead. "But you must hold on tight, alright? Just like we practiced."
Killian nods eagerly, his little hands gripping your cloak as you turn to face Cregan. Your husband’s grey eyes are filled with warmth, the kind that always makes you feel grounded, no matter how high you fly. He steps closer, wrapping an arm around your waist as he bends down to press a kiss to your lips, a slow, lingering gesture that speaks of love and longing. 
"Fly safe," he murmurs against your lips, his breath warm in the cold air. "And bring him back to me in one piece."
You smile against his mouth, pulling back just enough to meet his gaze. "Always," you promise, your voice soft but filled with the certainty that comes from years of shared battles and shared love. "We'll be back before the sun sets."
With a final kiss, you turn back to Thraxata, your heart thudding with a mix of excitement and the familiar rush of anticipation that always accompanies a flight. You cradle Killian with one arm as you approach the great beast, who lowers her massive head in greeting, her violet eyes shimmering with intelligence and recognition. 
“Hello girl,” you whisper, your free hand brushing against her polished obsidian scales, which glimmer faintly with hues of violet and blue in the sunlight. Thraxata rumbles in response, a sound that vibrates through the ground beneath your feet, as if she’s sharing in the excitement of the day.
With practiced ease, you swing yourself up onto the saddle, positioning Killian in front of you. His small hands reach out instinctively to grasp the pommel, and you secure him with a careful, reassuring grip. He giggles with delight as he feels the warmth of Thraxata’s body beneath him, the thrill of the impending flight already bubbling over.
“Ready?” you ask, your voice a blend of both motherly concern and the thrill of the adventure ahead.
“Ready!” Killian exclaims, his voice filled with a joy so pure it sends a spark of warmth through you, despite the cold.
With one last glance at Cregan, who watches you with that same steady look, you give Thraxata the command to take flight. The dragon responds immediately, her powerful wings unfurling with a sound like thunder. She launches into the air, her great body rising smoothly from the ground as the wind rushes past you, carrying the scent of pine and snow.
The world below falls away quickly as Thraxata soars upward, the chill of the wind tugging at your hair and cloak, but the cold is nothing compared to the exhilaration of the sky opening up before you. Killian’s laughter rings out, a bright, joyous sound that echoes across the open sky. He turns his head back to you, eyes wide with pure wonder. “Mama, we’re flying! Look, we’re really flying!”
You tighten your grip on him, feeling the steady thrum of Thraxata’s heart beneath you, the power of her wings carrying you higher, above the walls of Winterfell and the endless expanse of the North. “Yes, we are,” you say, your voice filled with the same awe you see reflected in your son’s eyes. “Just like I did with my mother when I was your age.”
The dragon’s flight is smooth, a testament to the bond you’ve shared since her hatching in your cradle. She’s been with you through every trial, every loss, and every victory. Now, she carries your son just as faithfully, as if she understands that he is a part of you, a continuation of your legacy.
As Winterfell grows smaller beneath you, you feel a sense of peace settle over you. Up here, with the sky stretching out infinitely above and the world below far removed, it’s easy to forget the weight of your grief, the loss of Jace, the uncertainty of the future. Up here, there is only the sound of the wind, the warmth of your son in your arms, and the steady, powerful beat of Thraxata’s wings.
You glance down at Killian, whose eyes are now glued to the horizon, a look of pure wonder on his face. “What do you see, little one?” you ask, curious to hear his thoughts.
“Everything, Mama,” he breathes, his voice filled with awe. “I can see everything.”
You smile, leaning down to press a kiss to his temple. “Then let’s see where the wind takes us, my brave little dragon rider.”
As Thraxata glides effortlessly through the sky, you let yourself enjoy the moment, the rare freedom it offers, the bond between mother and child, between rider and dragon. And for a time, as the cold wind whips past and the world falls away beneath you, you are simply Y/N Velaryon, a daughter of House Targaryen, a mother, a wife, and a rider of dragons. The rest of the world can wait until your feet are back on solid ground.
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Cregan Stark watches as Thraxata’s obsidian-black form rises higher into the sky, the great dragon’s wings beating with a rhythm that reverberates in his chest. He stands in the courtyard of Winterfell, eyes locked on the shrinking figures of his wife and son as they ascend into the endless blue, until they become little more than a speck against the pale sky. The wind whips through the courtyard, carrying with it the scent of pine and the distant promise of snow, but Cregan remains still, his gaze unwavering as long as they are visible.
There’s a sense of awe and pride that fills him every time he watches Y/N with her dragon. Even after years of seeing her soar above the battlements, it never fails to stir something deep within him. She is a true daughter of the Targaryen line, a force of nature bound to the skies, and it amazes him that she is his—his wife, the mother of his children.
As Thraxata and his family disappear from sight, he finally lets out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth, a mix of contentment and longing. He knows she’ll be back before long, but there’s always that small pang of separation, as if part of him takes flight with her every time she ascends into the heavens.
With a final glance at the now empty sky, Cregan turns and heads back toward the Great Keep. The stone walls of Winterfell rise imposingly around him, offering a stark contrast to the boundless sky from which he has just watched his wife and son disappear. The weight of his responsibilities returns to him with each step, grounding him in the reality of the world below.
As he enters the Great Hall, the warmth of the hearth fires greets him, a welcome change from the crisp air outside. The hall is quiet this time of day, the usual bustle of Winterfell subdued, with most of the household attending to their duties. He makes his way down the familiar corridors, his boots echoing softly on the stone floors, until he reaches the chamber where his daughter, Alysane, is being tended to.
The door is slightly ajar, and as he steps inside, he is greeted by the sight of a nursemaid cradling the infant in her arms. Alysane is awake, her bright violet eyes—so much like her mother’s—tracking the nursemaid’s movements with the curious intensity only a baby can muster. The soft, cooing lullaby being sung to her halts as the nursemaid notices Cregan’s entrance.
“Lord Stark,” she says with a respectful dip of her head, adjusting her hold on the child. “The little lady has been a delight today, though I daresay she misses her mother already.”
Cregan crosses the room in a few long strides, his gaze softening as he looks down at his daughter. “She’ll have her back soon enough,” he replies, his voice a low rumble of reassurance. “Let me hold her.”
The nursemaid carefully transfers Alysane into his arms, and Cregan feels the familiar, grounding weight of his daughter settle against his chest. She’s so small, so delicate, and yet she has a strength in her grip that makes him smile every time she reaches out to grasp his fingers. Alysane’s eyes, so much like Y/N’s, meet his, and he can’t help the rush of love that fills him.
“Have you been good for the nursemaid, little one?” he asks, his tone lighter, more playful as he gently rocks her. Alysane coos in response, her tiny fists waving in the air as if to say, Yes, Papa, I’ve been very good.
“She’s taken to her feeding well, my lord,” the nursemaid informs him, a smile tugging at her lips as she watches the interaction. “And she seems to enjoy the warmth of the fire. Perhaps she takes after her mother in that regard.”
Cregan chuckles softly, nodding. “She has the blood of the dragon in her, no doubt. But she’s a Stark, too. She’ll grow to love these cold winds, just as we do.”
He spends a few more moments with his daughter, savoring the simple joy of holding her, of feeling her small heartbeat against his chest. It’s a different kind of peace than what he feels when he’s with Y/N, but no less profound. Alysane is a part of them both, a perfect blend of fire and ice, and he treasures these quiet moments with her.
After a while, he gently hands Alysane back to the nursemaid, who resumes her gentle rocking and humming. “Thank you,” he says, his voice warm with gratitude. “Keep her close to the fire. The day will grow colder before it ends.”
The nursemaid nods. “As you wish, my lord.”
Cregan leaves the chamber, his thoughts now turning to the evening ahead. The wind outside has picked up, and he knows Y/N and Killian will appreciate a warm welcome when they return. He heads toward the Great Hall once more, this time with purpose in his stride. The fires need to be tended, more wood brought in, and the hearths stoked to a roaring blaze. Winterfell might be a cold, unforgiving place at times, but it was also a home—a sanctuary for his family—and he would see to it that they returned to warmth and comfort.
As he reaches the Great Hall, he calls out to a nearby servant, a young man quick on his feet. “We’ll need more wood for the hearths,” Cregan instructs, his tone commanding but not unkind. “Bring in what you can carry and see to it that the fires are stoked high.”
The servant nods eagerly, hurrying off to fulfill the request. Cregan moves to the main hearth himself, where the fire is already burning but not nearly to the level he desires. He takes up a heavy iron poker and stirs the embers, watching as the flames leap higher, their glow reflecting off the stone walls. 
As the fire roars to life, filling the hall with a warm, golden light, he steps back, satisfied with his work. The crackling of the flames, the scent of burning wood, and the comforting heat are all reminders of why he fights, why he endures. It’s for these moments—for the quiet, peaceful evenings after the storms have passed, when his family is safe and together under one roof.
He can almost hear Killian’s excited laughter already, the way his little boy’s voice fills the hall with joy whenever they return from a flight. He imagines Y/N’s smile, the way it lights up her entire face, and how her silver hair catches the firelight as she steps inside, Killian in tow, both of them flushed from the cold and the exhilaration of the sky.
The servant returns with an armful of wood, and Cregan helps him stack it near the hearth. The warmth is already spreading through the hall, driving away the chill that had begun to settle as the day waned. He can feel the sense of home building around him, the very thing he’s fought to protect, to preserve for those he loves most.
With the fires now blazing, he takes a moment to himself, standing in the center of the hall and letting the warmth seep into his bones. It’s a simple pleasure, but one he doesn’t take for granted. The flickering light of the flames plays across his face, casting shadows that dance along the stone walls. 
He glances toward the door, knowing it will soon swing open, admitting his wife and son back into the safety and warmth of Winterfell. He’s ready to greet them, to hear about their flight, to listen to Killian’s breathless recounting of the view from above and to feel the reassurance of Y/N’s presence beside him.
As he waits, the fire crackling at his back, Cregan Stark feels a deep sense of contentment. There’s a storm coming, as there always is in the North, but for now, his world is warm, his heart full, and his family is safe. And that is all he could ever ask for.
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The warmth of the fire mingles with the lingering heat of your bodies, still flush from the passion that had just consumed you both. You lie nestled in the soft, thick furs of your bed, the heavy pelts providing a cocoon of warmth against the biting cold that lurks just beyond the walls of Winterfell.
Cregan's strong arm is draped around you, his hand tracing lazy, soothing patterns on your bare back. Your head rests on his broad chest, rising and falling with each steady breath he takes. The intimacy of the moment is profound, the kind of peace that only comes after such intensity, when every barrier has been stripped away, leaving only raw, unfiltered affection in its wake.
His fingers slide through your silver hair, untangling the strands that had become tousled during your lovemaking, and you feel a contented sigh escape your lips. The connection between you is tangible, a bond forged not only in love but in shared trials, in the promises whispered in the dark and the strength you find in one another.
"Sometimes," you begin softly, your voice barely more than a murmur in the quiet of the room, "sometimes I wish I could be down there, in the thick of it, fighting alongside my mother. Facing the Greens with fire and blood, like we were meant to."
Cregan’s hand stills on your back for a moment before he resumes his gentle caresses. He knows how deeply the conflict weighs on you, how much you struggle with the separation from your mother and the battles you were born to fight. "You’re a warrior at heart, Y/N," he says, his voice low and full of understanding. "It’s in your blood, in your very soul. But you’re here now, and there’s strength in that too—in being the heart of this family, in raising our children with the knowledge of who they are and where they come from."
You nod against his chest, taking comfort in his words. It’s not easy to be away from the fight, to know that your family is out there, risking their lives while you remain here, safe in the North. But Cregan is right—there is strength in what you’re doing here, in the life you’ve built together, in the legacy you’re creating.
"I know," you whisper, tilting your head to press a soft kiss to his chest, right above his heart. "I know. But I’m grateful, Cregan. For this, for you, for everything we’ve found here in Winterfell. It’s more than I ever imagined for myself."
He shifts slightly, turning so that he can look down at you, his grey eyes dark and intense as they meet yours. There’s a tenderness there, a love so deep it nearly takes your breath away. "You’ve brought light to this place, Y/N," he says, his voice filled with conviction. "You’ve made it a home, not just for me, but for everyone within these walls. You are the heart of Winterfell now, just as much as you were born both of Dragonstone and Driftmark. And I will always be grateful for that, for you."
You smile up at him, a warmth blooming in your chest that has nothing to do with the fire. "And I, for you, my love," you reply softly, lifting your hand to trace the strong line of his jaw, feeling the roughness of his beard beneath your fingers. "I never thought I could find such peace, such happiness, in a place so far from the warmth of the South. But here with you, it feels like I’ve found something even better. Something that feels like home."
He leans down to capture your lips in a slow, lingering kiss, one that speaks of love and promises, of the future you’ll face together. When he pulls back, his gaze is serious, his expression thoughtful. "Winter will come soon," he says, his voice taking on a more somber tone. "The snow will fall heavier, and the North will sleep beneath its blanket of white. But when the spring sun melts the snow, when the rivers flow again and the ice recedes, the North will rise. And we will march south, to deliver the justice that has long been owed. Just as I promised you, Y/N. The time will come."
You see the resolve in his eyes, the fire of his conviction, and it stirs something within you—a spark of hope, of purpose. You’ve always known that the North was a place of endurance, of long winters and even longer memories. But with Cregan by your side, you also know it is a place of honor, of loyalty, and of promises kept.
"And I will be ready," you say, your voice firm with determination. "We will be ready. For whatever comes."
He nods, the tension in his expression easing as he presses another kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering there as if to seal the promise between you. "But for now," he murmurs against your skin, "we have this. These moments, this peace. And we will hold on to it for as long as we can."
You close your eyes, letting his warmth and the steady beat of his heart lull you into a state of calm. The world outside can wait for now—the battles, the struggles, the uncertainties of the future. Here, wrapped in Cregan’s arms, you find solace, a reprieve from the weight of the world, and the strength to face whatever comes next.
As you drift off to sleep, cocooned in the warmth of the furs and the security of Cregan’s embrace, you feel a deep sense of contentment settle over you. The future may hold its challenges, but in this moment, all is well. You are together, and that is all that matters.
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bbydoll18xx · 1 month
Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own
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When Paige falls apart, you are there to pick up the pieces.
Paige Bueckers x reader
Based on this request
Word Count: 1k
Themes: fluff and comfort !
A/N: this request was so cute!! As an eldest daughter and a nurse, it's ingrained in me to be a caregiver, and I show my love through acts of service so this was so fun to write. Hope you lovelies enjoy!
Paige had always prided herself on being a tough girl. It was ingrained into her soul to be a leader, and even more so, it was ingrained into her to take care of everyone around her. So when you had started dating her, you immediately were treated to the princess treatment.
As an eldest daughter yourself, you had appreciated someone taking care of you for once, but you knew the effects of having too much on your plate. It was draining, and so you had vowed to help Paige hold up the weight of her world. 
You were always there. 
You baked her cookies when you knew she was having a rough day. You were always there to listen when she was feeling the pressure from the rest of the team. And your kisses were basically magic, bringing life back into the blonde.
You hum to yourself as you walk through the door of Paige’s apartment, unable to deny the bubbling giddiness in your chest at the thought of seeing your girlfriend. 
You had been dating for two years, and while the two of you had fallen into a comfortable rhythm, the overwhelming excitement of her had yet to fade. 
Slipping through the door, you creep through the apartment on light feet, trying to avoid foiling your surprise. Paige wasn’t expecting you, and with the craziness of the basketball season now in full swing and your own work and school schedule, you hadn’t seen her in several days. 
It fucking sucked, but that was life, and now you had cleverly hatched a plan to sneak into Paige’s room during her beloved afternoon nap time and surprise her with your presence. 
A sound cuts through the quiet apartment and a pang cuts through your chest. Paige was sobbing behind the closed door of her room. It shatters your heart, and you gasp, frozen in place for a second, trying to decide whether you should go comfort her or leave her be. 
Paige was a strong girl. She loved protecting her friends and teammates. And she was no doubt an exceptional leader. So when she had her moments of weakness and vulnerability, she hated others to see it. 
You were really the only exception. Your warmth and nurturing disposition coaxed her out of the protective shell she had used to shield herself from the coldness of the media and the unyielding bitterness of those who doubted her. 
Biting your lip, you quietly knock on the door, your voice gentle, as you call out to her. “Paige, baby? Can I come in?”
You hear her sniffle, quickly trying to clear the thick tearfulness out of her own voice.
“I need you,” is all she says. 
Your heart drops into your stomach, and the overwhelming need to just make everything better consumes you, and you pull open the door to quickly get to your girlfriend. 
Paige is laying in her bed, and you can clearly see the tear stains below her red-rimmed eyes, clouding the clear blueness of them. Your eyes flit to see Twitter open on her iPad, and you connect the dots. 
She had gotten sucked into the hate comments again, and it was getting to her. 
Anger and concern rushes through your veins, but you take a deep breath. Now was not the time to lose your own shit. You had a pretty girl in front of you who needed you to make her feel better. And that’s exactly what you were going to do. 
“Oh, baby. What happened?” You whisper, sitting on the bed next to her and soothingly stroking her cheek, brushing away the tears that remained. 
Paige sniffles, leaning into your touch, as if it provided all the comfort that she needed. “Had a bad practice. And then I saw a hate tweet. Just spiraled from there.” Her voice cracks, and the tears in her eyes pool again, threatening to overflow. 
With your free hand, you pull the iPad away from her, trying to make sure she can’t subject herself to the disgusting stream of vitriol spewing from it. You lay down next to her, pulling her into your chest, letting her melt into you. The tension seeps out of her, as she cuddles into your side, welcoming your presence. 
Stroking her hair, you whisper sweet words of encouragement and love into her ear, and it’s not long before her sniffles come to a grinding halt.
Paige lets out a quiet breath and sits up, facing you. She looks sheepish, as if she’s embarrassed by her emotions. 
“Sorry you had to see that,” she chuckles, trying to make a joke out of it. 
“Hey,” you say, bringing a hand to rest against the smooth skin of her face. “You don’t have to apologize for getting upset over something like that. I’m your girlfriend. I want to be able to make you feel better.” You poke her in the belly as you emphasize your point, and she grins. 
And while you were not the one who was necessarily hurting in those moments, seeing the person you loved most, break down in tears over people’s vile words, broke you, too.
But Paige’s smile was like sunshine on the grayest day. And things were going to be alright. 
Paige reaches out to entwine her fingers with yours, making a mental note of how perfectly they fit together. Her eyes move from your gentle fingers up to your eyes, seeing how bright they shined when looking back into hers. 
And when you later fall asleep, curled up in Paige’s comforting warmth, your girlfriend fights the sleep out of her own eyes, preferring to admire the innocence and goodness seeping out of your being. 
You were two girls born having to provide for everyone around you, who found a home in each other, taking on the weight together. 
Because sometimes you just can't make it on your own. 
And that's okay.
Woo this took forever and i kinda hate this but thank you for reading! My inbox is always open for more requests!
xoxo katy
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redeemingvillains · 2 months
cold comfort - mattheo riddle
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summary: mattheo has one rule: any girl can share his bed (and there's been plenty) but none can stay the night. when the unexpected happens, and you're begging to be the first, you find out why he had the rule in the first place.
word count: 4k
soundtrack: between the sheets - imogen heap
a/n: wait this is kind of a saga! it just kept flowing and flowing, but i'm obsessed with it! hope you enjoy!! ♡♡
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When Matteo heard that a first year in Charms cast a spell that backfired so badly it rendered Hogwarts unable to regulate the temperature in the castle, he'd nearly spit out his firewhiskey. The mental image of Flitwick, McGonagall and all of his other professors frantically trying to fix it to no avail gave him sick pleasure as he thought about all the times they'd looked down on him because of his last name. Fuck 'em he thought. Serves them right.
He'd enjoyed his twisted happiness for several days until an unexpected early spring snowstorm rolled off the mountains, leaving the castle a veritable chamber of cold. For two days now it had nearly been cold enough for him to see the white puff of his breath inside. As others scrambled for a place in front of the fireplaces, his mood darkened, making him even more sullen than usual as talk of canceling classes and sending everyone home began to circulate; home wasn't really a place he was looking to go back to.
So now he was sat in the Great Hall in a large sweatshirt with his hood drawn up around his face, the standard dress code long since forgotten, one hand wound tightly around his second cup of black tea in an effort to warm himself while the other rubbed his tired face as he listened to the incessant chatter of his friends.
He was quietly zoned out until he caught a glimpse of you walking through the large entryway. Everyone in the castle looked in disarray: mismatched sweaters, hats and gloves in haphazard layers to stay warm, but not you, you looked like a perfect snowbunny. You were wearing tight black leggings, fur-lined boots, a thick sweater and a headband to keep your ears warm that complimented your hair. Anyone looking closely enough would see the imperceptible tug of his lips into what could almost be called a smile as you made your way to the Slytherin table and slid onto the bench next to him.
It wasn't lost on him that his best friend was beautiful. He was well and painfully aware of the fact and had been for as long as he'd known you. But, despite the thoughts that ran rampant through his mind at the sight of you, he was determined to keep you at an arm's length. Simply put, you were too good for him, too pure. You had a smile that radiated a warmth that he could feel even now, you were caring and compassionate, smart and sweet, quick with a hug and a kind word. You were everything that he wasn't. He told himself, constantly, on repeat, that it was better to have you in his life at all than to fuck it up trying for anything more.
He subtly traced your face through the corner of his eye: your long lashes, the curve of your smile, and your warm, rosy cheeks, and just like no one but you could see his smile, no one but him noticed the tiredness in your eyes. He nudged his shoulder into yours.
"Alright?" he mumbled.
You glanced up at him, his groggy morning voice and the way his curls stuck out from his hood making you feel like you'd swallowed a pixie. You felt yourself flush, your exhaustion wearing down the mask you normally kept up around him, determined to never let him know how you really felt.
"Just tired s'all" you smiled kindly, nudging him back, coaxing what could almost be another smile out of him as you met each other's eyes. "I can't sleep for shit. No matter what I do, I can't get warm, even under a pile of blankets, in my fuzziest pajamas and a jumper" you shivered.
"Skin to skin is really the only solution" Pansy chimed in with a smirk as she sank further into Draco's arms and you rolled your eyes at the two of them. She had snuck out of your room the last few nights, leaving you not only cold, but alone too.
"Couldn't agree more" Theo said, smirking, before lifting an eyebrow at you "ready, able and at your service, babe" he said, opening his arms to you as you swatted him away, laughing at his attempt to flirt with you. He smiled widely and laughed back before glancing over your shoulder at Matteo whose eyes were narrowed in his direction.
"What, mate, it's not like you're any help, what with your strict 'no sleepover policy'" Theo chirped at him, referring to the fact that regardless of how many girls came in and out of Mattheo's bed, (which was a sizable number) not one had ever stayed the night, always kicked out in the end, despite the fact that they hoped to be the one to break his streak.
You turned to see Mattheo shooting daggers at Theo.
"S'my bed" he muttered, "more than happy to have someone in it for awhile, but a lad's got to get his rest, yeah?" he laughed and the guys laughed back.
You faked a bitter smile, returning your attention to your breakfast in front of you. You weren't naive but that didn't mean you had to sit here and listen to this, you nibbled a piece of dry toast, the mental image of Mattheo with other girls making you nauseous.
Matteo's smile fell from his face as he watched your reaction, and wished for the thousandth time that he could tell you that he made that rule because of you. Because if he couldn't have you, then he wasn't going to waste time getting closer than necessary with anyone else. The nights he spent alone his bed his punishment for who he was, the fact that he'd never be good enough for you.
You stood abruptly and shot him a small smile as you moved to leave. He said your name quietly and reached for your hand, but you were gone before you realized it.
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That night you crawled into cold sheets that felt almost damp with a chill. Despite the pile of blankets and your thick pajamas, you couldn't get warm or comfortable, tossing and turning as small shivers ran through your body and Pansy's words echoed in your head. You were desperate for warmth at this point, desperate for a good night's sleep, but there was only one bed you wanted to crawl into, and it was with the only person who refused to share it.
Surely he would break his rule for you, for his best friend? you thought; things were different between you two. But were you willing to try, to embarrass yourself if he said no? You rolled around for another hour before climbing out of bed.
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Mattheo was in a fitful sleep, which was not unusual for him; his nights were frequented by nightmares, leaving him constantly groggy and grumpy, but when he heard your voice, he was sure he was dreaming, a good dream, a great dream at that.
"Mattheo" you were whispering.
He turned to see you standing at the other side of his bed and was incredibly confused, until you moved to get in... and then he panicked. He panicked because he had thoughtfully planned every way to avoid this exact situation from the moment he met you, knowing that at this proximity he wouldn't be able to control himself. And he was right. You were close, too close. He could smell your shampoo, like warm vanilla, and his hands moved on autopilot towards you, his fingers twitching to bring you closer to him before he stopped himself, inches short.
"Whatareyoudoing?!" he whisper-mumbled in frustration, the words coming out angrier than he'd intended at the range of emotions he was feeling.
You froze, your heart shattering. He was angry. He didn't want you here, he didn't want anyone here. He was going to kick you out and you'd be mortified, your friendship would never be the same, you'd taken things too far. You felt a scratch in your throat as tears threatened to spring forward.
Even in the thick darkness, Mattheo could see that he'd upset you, able to read your expressions better than his own. He could see the wobble of your bottom lip as your wide eyes looked at him and he hated himself and the situation all the more for it.
"Please Matty, m'just so cold, I can't sleep" you whispered, using the nickname that was strictly forbidden for anyone but you that made him melt.
He rubbed a hand over his face and sighed deeply, trying in his sleepy state to figure out a solution as he felt his strength waning; the figment of his every daydream was literally begging to be in his bed and he was certain he couldn't trust himself, certain that this only ended one way.
You took in his rigid form and his frustration and began to backpedal, moving to leave.
"M'sorry, it's okay, I'll go, maybe Theo—"
And you didn't even get a chance to finish your thought before you felt his large, warm hands wrap around your middle and tug you across the bed and into his chest, quickly but gently.
"C'mere" he mumbled as he settled you against him, chest to chest, your head tucked under his.
Your arms wound around him naturally, your legs intertwining, the two of you fitting together effortlessly, perfectly, like puzzle pieces. You let out a small giggle as you nuzzled into him, making yourself comfortable.
He could feel your warm breath as you let out a contented sigh, the innocent sound somehow sinful to his ears as he willed his mind to stop wandering in every direction it wanted to as he felt every dip and curve of your body against his own despite the layers of clothing between you. He kept his hands at your back, unmoving, for a moment unsure if he was even doing this right, unable to remember the last time he'd cuddled with anyone.
"Thank you" you whispered, your voice already sounding relaxed and sleepy to him as your fingers traced patterns on his back, a lavish feeling that released every ounce of tension he had been holding.
You could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest as his arms hugged you to him firmly and you felt a sensation like melted honey spreading through every inch of you, as he rubbed your back, warming you from your heart to the tips of your toes for the first time in days as you fell into a hazy sleep.
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The first thought Mattheo had was that he felt heavy, his limbs felt weighted and his mind felt calm. Rested he realized after a moment. His brain was slowly turning back on, piecing together the dream he'd had, it was a dream, right? You, in his bed, in his arms, pressed against him, nuzzling into him, contented and happy. It felt so real, real enough that he could still smell you, the intoxicating scent of your shampoo, could still feel you in his arms, could still ghost his fingers down your back. You hummed in response and his eyes fluttered open only to realize it was definitely not a dream.
You were here, with him, in his bed, had been all night, your body still wound perfectly in his, neither of you having let go of one another or moved an inch; if anything, it was like you melded together even further. Fuck this is nice he thought as he looked down at you curled into his chest. This was everything, everything he'd hoped it would be. He wanted to stay like this for as long as physically possible, the looming fear of it having to come to an end already upon him.
Suddenly, a pillow came flying onto the bed, askewing the thick curtains that draped around his four-poster.
"Oi wake up, will you, Riddle? Shit, it's almost noon and we've got practice in an hour" came a shout as a cacophony of voices followed behind it into the room.
You stirred in Mattheo's arms just as a hand reached through his curtains to pull them aside.
"Oh. My. Fucking. Days" Blaise drawled, annunciating every word as the others gathered around him.
"I knew it, I fucking knew it"
"Let's gooooooo!!"
"Mattttyyyy!!!" each of them shouted as the jumped up and down in excitement at the sight of you in his bed.
"Fuck off" he said, grasping the pillow they'd thrown at him and hucking it back at them, causing them to disperse as they fell apart with laughter and more cheers.
He felt you shift next to him and looked back to see that you had pulled the covers over your head, just the tips of your fingers and the top of your head visible. He yanked his curtain closed before leaning back towards you and gently grasping the blanket near your hands to pull it back.
While not the wakeup you had hoped for nor expected, Mattheo pulling back the blankets with a soft sleep-ridden smile on his face and his rumpled curls to see you was a mental image that you were sure you would think about every day for the rest of your life. You were swimming in a sea of him, engulfed in his smell, like pine and amber, and you were delightfully warm; he was going to have to pry you out of here.
"Hi" he said quietly in his morning voice.
"Hi" you whispered back.
You looked perfect. He may have thought about waking up to you, with significantly less clothing on and significantly fewer onlookers, but he'd never considered how beautiful you would look, your eyes not all the way open yet, your hair spread like a blanket of its own and fuck if he didn't want to kiss you. His eyes drifted lazily to your lips and back again and he swore he saw a flash of something in your expression in response, curiosity, or perhaps confusion.
"I should—" he started, shaking his head clear.
"—Yeah, of course! Sorry, I didn't realize the time—"
"No problem, take your time—" he said as he rolled out of bed to more cheers and shouts as he shepherded his friends out the door to give you some privacy.
You pulled the sheets back over your heard, burying yourself further into his blankets, reveling in the warmth his body had left before squealing with excitement at the way your day had started.
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You were afraid that things would be awkward, but surprisingly they weren't, you were in your easy, unbothered rhythm together. Besides the giggles and teasing from your friends, nothing had changed... including the temperature. As the day went on the warmth you had woken up in faded and you felt progressively more cold settling into your bones, already dreading the cold night ahead of you.
Spending the night with Mattheo was a nice reprieve, but not something you intended to make a habit of, certain you didn't want to live through more teasing nor get your hopes up trying to read into how intimate it had felt.
You were leaving dinner, arms wound around yourself at the chill in the air when you heard a voice calling for you. You turned to see Mattheo jogging after you.
"Hey!" he called.
"Hey" you smiled back, glancing up at him as he fell into step with you.
He smiled readily back at you; he'd seemed peppier today, letting the ceaseless taunting roll of his back with a shrug of his shoulders, the unwillingness to turn everything into an argument or fistfight very uncharacteristic of him.
"Yeah, so—" he started to say, as he looked around for a moment and carded his hand through his hair. He took in how cold you looked and all he could think was how badly he wanted to fix it. "—About last night or whatever...I know it's still fucking frigid, if you wanted to come by or sleep with, er, stay with — in my — yeah, you could do it again if you wanted?"
You couldn't hide the smile the spread widely across your face, nor the way your eyes sparkled mischievously as you stopped walking to face him.
"Mattheo Riddle, are you asking me to sleep with you?" you said flirtatiously, leaning towards him.
He stopped breathing. Your proximity and the words coming out of your mouth snatched every last breath and every last thought he'd had.
"Don't fuck around with me" he said through smirked lips, his voice low and measured, holding a hint of playfulness, but also a warning.
You laughed softly back but didn't back down.
"I'll see you tonight" you said as you continued your path back to the common room, leaving him gazing after you.
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Your new outfit that night wasn't lost on him. You were wearing a form-fitting pair of soft pants and a matching top that hung slightly off your shoulder, revealing the lace of a bralette. You crawled into bed beside him, smiling contentedly and curling into his arms like you were married, like this was the most normal, easy, simple thing in the world, and yet it still took him a minute to really comprehend the situation, to relax.
He barely had a minute to catch his breath before Blaise shouted across the room, "Goodnight Theo!"
"Night, Blaise!" Theo shouted back.
"Night, Enz!" Blaise said again.
"G'night!" Enzo replied.
Mattheo rubbed a hand over his face at the antic.
"I swear they don't do this every—" he started.
"—Night, Draco!" Blaise shouted.
"And Pans!" Theo chimed in.
"Full fuckin' house in here" Enzo said.
"Goodnight!" she giggled back.
"Goodnight Mattheo..." Blaise said slowly, drawling out his name.
Mattheo didn't reply.
"GOODNIGHT YN" they each shouted.
You laughed, "Goodnight!" you said back and they cheered as Mattheo turned and buried his head into your shoulder in embarrassment, letting his body weight fall on you in exasperation.
You laughed at his reaction, instinctively bringing a hand to tangle in his curls and hold him to you before you could stop yourself. It was decidedly more intimate than anything that had happened between you before, but it had just felt right, something about pulling him into you, comforting him. You paused after a moment, catching yourself... running your hands through his hair should not make you feel this way; suddenly, you were very very warm.
As if he could sense your reaction, he lifted his head just slightly to meet your eyes, his face inches from yours.
He had to feel your heart hammering in your chest at this proximity, right? As he searched your face, it felt like a veil had come down between the two of you after a night spent together on top of years spent dancing around one another like you didn't know exactly what this could be. On cue, the room around you fell deeply silent as the others settled into sleep.
Your hand slowly dropped to trace his cheek.
"YN" he said in a low voice, cautious, guarded, his tone roughly translating to "Don't".
"What?" you whispered.
"I can't" he said.
"Can't what, Matty?"
The nickname made his heart beat double-time, an impossible feat based on the way it was already drumming loudly in his ears.
"You know what" he said sternly.
"Why?" you asked, innocently, the tips of your fingers moving to trace his jaw, nearing his lips before his hand grasped yours firmly, stopping you, making you jump slightly.
His body was rigid and taught, his expression was serious, maybe even threatening to anyone but you, but all you could see was the look in his eyes that were burning with something else, something much more passionate than anger.
His words were strained, like it was a physical effort to form them.
"I. Can't. Alright? Just let it go" he said as his eyes continued to beg otherwise.
Your next words were so soft, he almost didn't hear them, might have missed them if his entire being wasn't fine tuned to hear the exact phrase.
"Kiss me" you said, somewhere between a plea and a demand.
He caught your eye and his breath caught in his throat at the way you were looking at him: your eyes wide, soft and focused on him, your chest visibly rising and falling underneath him, your body pressing against him as you wiggled your hand out of his grasp to trace his cheek. Surely he couldn't have heard you right?
"I'm not—I can't— that's not a good idea. I can't just kiss you" he said, stumbling over his words uncharacteristically.
"Why?" you asked quietly, sadly.
"No—not—fuck—" he started and stopped, trying not to upset you again.
He paused, trying to collect himself.
"Why do you think no other girl has slept in this bed?" he said seriously.
You pulled your hand back at the mention of other girls at a moment like this, but he responded by reaching to cup your cheek, to force you to look at him.
You were shaking your head.
"Because if I couldn't have you, then I didn't want anyone else. You're fucking it for me, always have been, but girls like you don't end up with guys like me and it's best I don't waste your fucking time and ruin our friendship in the process, alright?" he said resolutely, with finality.
"Matty—" you started
"—Please stop calling me that, please" he said, slamming his eyes closed, "I'm trying to maintain a semblance of self control here."
"Stop holding back!" you whisper-yelled, which caught his attention, causing his eyes to flutter open. "That's what I'm trying to tell you. I want you. I've always wanted you, ask any of our thickheaded friends, they've all known for a long time."
He blinked slowly like each individual word had to register in his head. You could see him swallow, could see the sentence process in his brain as the pad of his thumb traced your cheek and you leaned into him, pressing further against him.
"Kiss me, Matty" you said.
And the last thread of his self control snapped. He leaned in, hovering close enough that you could feel the faintest touch of his lips as they ghosted against yours, teasing you.
"If I kiss you, that's it then, you're mine" he said, like it was a threat, an ultimatum, and not the best thing that's ever happened to you.
A smile spread across your lips and you nodded against his.
"All yours" you whispered back and he caught the last of your words with his mouth, his lips taking yours as both of his hands came to grasp your face firmly but gently, pulling you into him.
You could barely suppress the hum of pleasure that left you at the sensation, the relief of the feeling of his lips pillowed against yours, the tenderness and softness so opposite of everything that he was, the duality of it all had your body tingling. One of your hands grasped at his sweatshirt while the other wound around his neck, attempting to pull him impossibly closer to you as he moaned into your mouth. His tongue tangled with yours and you swore there wasn't anything in the world but this moment, this feeling with him as you tasted the lingering flavor of cigarettes and peppermint that you would come to associate with him.
It was all grabbing, desperate hands and crashed lips at first, trying in moments to catch up on years of wanting, until it was tantalizingly slow, languid, purely achingly perfect and intimate. You were certain you would kiss him like this every single day, given the chance.
It could have been minutes or hours that you were lost in each other before he pulled back, and the whine that left your lips at the loss of contact nearly had him throwing you over his shoulder and marching you to the first broom closet he could find.
"I've spent just about every day for the last 5 years thinking about this, and I cannot believe I'm about to fuckin' say this, but I'm not gonna rush it. At the very least, I'm not gonna hook up with you in a room full of people" he said, before tilting his head, "Well, at least not the first time... after that, no promises."
You laughed quietly and swatted at his shoulder.
"C'mere" he said, pulling you into him.
You curled into his arms, head nuzzling into his neck, your head resting on his chest as he held you tightly, brushing soft kisses to your temple as you fell asleep.
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You had been so caught up in the events of the evening, you hadn't really stopped to consider what happens next, namely, how would you tell your friends? Just make an announcement at breakfast? Put on enough PDA that they drew their own conclusion? Take off the scarf you were wearing that was covering the innumerable hickies on your neck? Your mind was in a heady fog about it all as the group of you wandered towards the Great Hall.
You were glued to Mattheo's side, but that wasn't really unusual; his fingers brushed against your own as he shot you a look out of the corner of his eye, a mischievous smile on his face.
"YN!" a voice shouted behind you.
You turned to see Cedric Diggory jogging towards you and you slowed your pace, as did everyone around you. Boys had to be either brave, stupid or naive to approach you when you were with your guy friends, and you weren't sure which category to put Cedric in as his eyes met their unwelcome stares but addressed you anyway.
"Sorry— yeah, I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to—" he started.
Oh no you thought.
"—Cedric, really, that's so kind—" you interrupted, trying to prevent a scene from breaking out as you felt Mattheo tense beside you.
"—You didn't even hear what I was going to say?" he said with a laugh, somewhere between offended, annoyed and amused.
"Well, think that makes the message pretty clear then, mate" Mattheo said, the anger palpable in his tone.
"Excuse me?" Cedric replied. "I was talking to—"
Oh no you thought again.
And you weren't quick enough to intervene before Mattheo had Cedric pinned against the stone wall of the hallway, his forearm at Cedric's chest, nearly lifting him off the ground as his feet dangled for purchase.
"I don't fucking care who you were talking to. From now on, you don't talk to her at all, alright?"
"What are you, her bodyguard?" Cedric sputtered as he gasped for breath.
"No" ... a pause... "I'm her boyfriend" Mattheo growled.
You tried and failed to hide the huge smile on your face behind your manicured fingers as your friends shouted behind you.
Well, that's one way to do it you thought. ♡
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