#&&. queue ( patience makes for better aim )
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@maximummuses | cont.
HAND HOVERED near to the bag where money stuffed inside enticed her next move. she needed to get the cash back to her “employer” or suffer the consequences. she NEEDED the cut that he had promised to give. however, cat was also fully aware she didn’t need to go to jail. especially not over a deal that wasn’t even hers. just the errand girl. “wouldn’t you prefer to f o l l o w me, instead? see who i deliver it to. i think it’d be more in your interest t’chop off the head of the beast than a measly finger like me.”
#maximummuses#&&. verse ( nothing gold can stay )#if you had no desire to continue no worries just ignore me :D#&&. queue ( patience makes for better aim )
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THE SHIFTING FREELY WAS a work in progress... to put it kindly, at least. cat just offered a toothy grin upon the muzzle, deciding to not say anything. there was a STRONG chance she would jinx herself if she tried to put any semblance on confidence in her improvements. and if she downplayed it, her luck would probably have her shift right then and there just to be an asshole.
though his statement d i d entice a low rumble in her throat. not a purr but one of thoughtful intent. she actually did believe it; though maybe for a reasoning different than the truth. he wasn't exactly a normal animal by humanity's standards - to be found out would be probably some scientific hunt. so keeping on the down low lay in his interests... at least that was what flickered to her mind.
"eh, attention sucks." the comment she opted for instead, though her eyes would scrunch, as if she didn't fully believe her own words. it was true in her opinion, but she pondered those like scott... where fame gave them fortune... but also no privacy. you win some, you lose some?
that felt a hollow statement in her head, but her stomach answered before she could try and r e f o c u s on the matter. long growl from the depths, and so awkward laugh bubbled from her throat. "heh, how could y'have possibly guessed that..."
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐰𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬, he feels her small body gravitate towards him. Airin falls back. His stride slows to match hers, allowing his warm flank to gently press against hers– an act of comfort, of companionship. Tonight has already felt like a decade, and truthfully he won’t put her through any more so-called lessons. He’ll get her back to his place with a full stomach.
He blinks, a humorous chirrup stirring. “ …Well, yeah? Unlike you can shift freely. Back there I could’ve shifted just to make those kids shit themselves, but… This might sound ridiculous… I don’t like being the center of attention. ” Another purr to bypass the actual explanation.
“ Plus, you’re hungry, yeah? This will be much faster. ”
#airxn#&&. verse ( escape life into another )#i used the wrong psd on this icon bUT I DON'T EVEN CARE#so igNORE THE BRIGHT COLORS#but what i cannot ignore is that airin would LIE#NOODLES AND CO DOESN'T EVEN H A V E RAMEN !!!!#tsk tsk ):#this thread is: cat's body constantly betrays her and it takes years to go to mcdonald's#&&. queue ( patience makes for better aim )
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"COME ON, dude, y'made me drop my burger. in a puddle." if it wasn't now sopping, she totally would have reclaimed it and continued her eating. sidewalk sandwich wouldn't have been the WORST thing cat had devoured... but the idea of sopping wet bread full of rainwater even had her scrunching her expression. ick... perhaps she ought to have been more concerned about the guy, but d i s a p p o i n t m e n t was the only veil presently worn, lips pressing a thin line. eventually, the street rat would tilt attention upward. "y'owe me."
#slxverscrxm#slxver scrxm#&&. verse ( nothing gold can stay )#he could be like on the verge of attacking her tbh#and she's still just.... my borgor.....#&&. queue ( patience makes for better aim )
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@ofsnarkandmagic liked for a smol starter to come out eventually
"S'NOT BROKEN. just uh." what was the word she was seeking? ankle was swollen, purpled. it ached. bruised was the closest she could determine for a few moments, tongue eventually half stuck out as face scrunched in a mixture of thought and DRUMMING pain. leaning back, pressing to the wall. "...sprained. tha's the word i want. it's just sprained."
#she did an owwy#ofsnarkandmagic#&&. verse ( undetermined )#&&. queue ( patience makes for better aim )
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@swevene | cont.
SHOULDERS BOUNCED A SHRUG as she flickered attention back over to him briefly. yeah… shopping was kind of out of the question for him personally, wasn’t it? still, he had to get food somehow, right? cat hadn’t SEEN anyone else roaming the halls, but maybe there was a not-beast somewhere wandering about. the place was large enough that she might have missed their presence. it really didn’t matter, and the inquiry was more just to distract than for any real need to know.
if he was vicious, it was simply a tactic to stall him. it didn’t appear he would behave as such however, so cat continued her rifling. at least until the offer was made. p a u s e, hand hovering before pulling back as though struck. she pivoted on her heels to really glare upon him now, green depths narrowed intently. the street rat had no desire to play games or be tricked, so caution preceded her approach. still…
“...where is it?”
#swevene#&&. verse ( fair enough for flowers )#feel free to ignore but this delighted me LMAO#&&. queue ( patience makes for better aim )
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CAT FORCED HERSELF TO STAY SILENT. to not just pick up the nearest item and chuck it at angel's head. the brunette wasn't exactly known for social grace, and the ability to be reassuring, encouraging, easing... any of that was far from her strengths. being met against angel's stubbornness wall was GRATING to the patience, but despite her frustrations, cat wasn't so foolish as to believe her desire for a physical retaliation would do any good. in fact, it could do the opposite; why would old friend want to trust someone who could turn violent in a heartbeat.
it wasn't personal, it was just difficult. learning how to deal with people didn't happen overnight, and now that she was in the position she was, cat was forced to keep hold of her tongue. to be g o o d, else the eyes of scrutiny would have her hauled off to jail for poor behavior. she toed the line more than she ought to, so the flexibility she had been given despite her probation was more than she really had earned. perhaps she took far too much advantage of it, and one day that would most likely be her downfall were she not careful.
so she gritted her teeth behind pressed lips, tension quivering her cheeks as she inhaled as slow as she could manage. reel in the heartbeat, reel in the thoughts. thoughts that bang bang banged about like a drum that some little kid had found. incessant, unrelenting. and terribly, terribly bad at playing to boot...
"doing great or doing better?" fire in her tone, fingers curling around her forearms as she crossed them before her. give her something to grip, to hold, to divert their intentions away from any other prospect.
perhaps, she recognized in that moment, was not she was angry with angel. not a n n o y e d. it was fear. hearing words aloud that spoke to her own heart, her own raging emotions. in a different way; a different life. scott's immediate and extended family were not about to run out of money any time soon, there would be no getting rid of her over anything in relation to finances.
but there were some burdens money couldn't alleviate. her personality was a shining example of battles people couldn't always arm themselves for. the world around her now couldn't quite grasp her most days. the former thief boiled too hot, spilled over, then turned frozen in an instant. was BOLD and brash one moment, then a defiant wall of refusal the next. refusing to talk, refusing to open up. a jarring creature when standing next to the ones that took her in. warmth and compassion and pleasantness were lacking. her only use was the media's frothing interest that something would go wrong soon... and maybe that wrong was her. they could all be sick of her at any moment and choose her to be gone or to be behind bars. it would only take a phone call most likely. no more, no less.
reminded that she still didn't feel human most days.
"i know wha' you mean," acceptance flood her voice to tiredness. "the idea of... any day y'wake up and everything you finally had is jus' gone. taken from you. left with nothing but the reminder tha' once again, you're shit."
her gaze went distant, hands shook mildly as she realized she had released her clenching, unfolding her body, and was looking for something to idle them. she probably should be helping back in the kitchen... "but yet here i am, i guess. y'know... maybe it was different for you but. something i've thought about recently. all those times i thought i was safe and FINE and home... other people had set it all up for me. given me the space, the opportunity, and ultimately really left me no choice. good or bad. it was their making. but this time... this time, it was my choice. sure, they gave me the opportunity... but i had t'be the one to take it. somehow, an' i don't know how to explain it... i think tha' means something."

And that was the million dollar question, wasn’t it?
"Maybe I don’t know their limit.”
The blonde paused to let her tongue moisten dry lips, picking her words carefully as she did so.
“But I don’t think they know it, either. They could have taken me in with all the best intentions in the world… but those intentions don’t mean a thing if it turns out they can’t manage a fifth child after all.”
Never mind that she was hardly a child, so close to crossing the boundary of adulthood in her own right… Angel was sure she had enough issues of her own that adopting another young kid, and all the struggles that entailed, would be an easy prospect for anyone compared to dealing with her day in, day out. Even Tenderfoot had hardly seen the full extent of her internal struggles, the old self-loathings - though those had thankfully been quiet in recent weeks without Buster to stir them up - and fears of abandonment that gnawed at her very heart at any chance they got. She wouldn’t be able to settle easily to a home life.
Even if she was taken in, Angel was sure that the road to her actually feeling accepted would be a longer one than any family would have the patience to tread.
She shook her head. “And when the expenses mount up, and they realise they can’t support everyone, who’s going to be the first to go? You can bet it won’t be the kids they’ve raised since birth.”
Nor would she want it to be: she’d fought too hard for Tenderfoot to appreciate what he had to ever want to strip him or his sisters of it. That wouldn’t make it any easier to take when she was, almost inevitably, shown the door. It always happened; no sooner had she been taken in, got comfortable, finally dared to hope, than it was snatched from under her nose…
She stared off into the distance, not really seeing anything.

“You’re right, I could take a no. What I couldn’t take is a yes that they have to take back in a few months… just like everyone else has.”
That was what she was afraid of, that was the chance that she couldn’t bear to take. In that moment Angel couldn’t remember how much she’d told Cat about her past adoptions, if much at all; but those memories, of open arms that eventually turned hostile… how could she possibly believe that everyone wasn’t like that? When something happened five times, that was far too many to dismiss it as a one-off.
She forced herself back to the present, a small smile back to her lips.
“Besides, all I really needed was getting Buster out of my hair. I’m doing great now, I promise.”
It wasn’t quite a lie… but great was very definitely a relative term.
#outoftheirdifferences#&&. verse ( homeward bound )#lmao poor angel came for food and instead she got#a 4'9 tall harassment LMAO#&&. queue ( patience makes for better aim )#this feels like a really long tired ramble maybe that's all it is LMAO#....i hope this reply makes sense and is decent
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do you have any advice for making comics? like- how much do you plan ahead? how detailed are those plans? how much of your total time spent drawing is spent on this comic? how much buffer should you have before posting regularly??
My process works for me but is really weird and I don't recommend it to anyone else :') Unless your brain happens to work the same way as mine. I'll share but the last two paragraphs are the most important.
I don't plan ahead much at all. I have a few scenes mentally in my brain ready to go, and the ending is sort of ready so I know what I'm aiming at... But besides that I freestyle. Each page is improvised. I just have a goal and I go for it. The goal is usually something akin to "get Wild and Legend to hang out on this page," or "make Wind find out Twi met Aryll" etc. I kind of work backwards in that way, having the goal ready and then paving the path. No scripts, all dialogue is off the top of me head.
I don't have much patience so when I get an update done I queue it for the nearest 6 pm on the clock. I don't like keeping a backlog, I need the instant validation. I also like to keep arcs loose so I can change them on the fly if I feel like it. Often comments have very interesting interpretations I'll want to acknowledge or someone super misunderstands the aim and thanks to their comment I'll know to be clearer next time. The comic is sort of a cooperative project with me and you all! Although I have the final say.
I don't stress about not posting enough personally. I was blessed with the power to draw really fast so I tend to keep up with the demand and interest cycles of my audience.
Real advice: Figure out who you are and what works for you. There's no right way to do this, there's only the way it'll get done. A comic that exists is better than a comic that is approached professionally™
The reason I'm sharing all this despite it being bad advice is because by studying the process of others you can pick out things you like and leave out what you dislike, so you can build a process that's ideal for you. I hope that despite the fact what I do is unusual, that it can still awaken some kind of ideas in you and other people interested in comic making!
Best of luck!
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Pathetic. Pup.
Don't be ashamed of that. You can like whatever you want. Overwatch, Magic The Gathering, LARPing, Knitting. Whatever your paws want to get your hands on. What do you main on Overwatch? I used to play and I would love to know that appeals to you about them.
the worst part is i play mtg and i yearn to get more into larping 😭
umm tbh i float around tho!! always dmg or supp but im a much better support lol. for dmg im mostly soujourn but i like widow and hanzo, just have shitfuck aim and nooo patience. my poor queue buddy wants to pocket mercy me while i learn but it makes me even more nervous T~T on support!! i love juno and moira!!! those i just play situationally :3 i like being an evil scientist but not every game needs a brawler yknow
in general im kinda (really) bad at fps but i never let it press me :p (mostly bc im thinkin abt dbd or webfishin the whole time)
can i ask who you used to main? id love to know hehe
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CAT HONESTLY WOULD be unfazed were she to learn the whole thing maps spoke of was real. gotham was... unusual, to put it simply. the world as a whole had become something almost ODD with all the masks and powers and wild endeavors that these beings sought. questioning it all had LONG stopped being of interest to her; she had more personal matters to deal with than investigating all such. though there was an envy in the brunette's chest for maps' situation. having the freedom and comfort to e x p l o r e what inspired interest and curiosity. or maybe it was just general desire for peace. peace allowed for the deep diving into the alleged. without peace, chaos had a way of bringing too much danger or conflict.
"...do y'want it to be real?" a different question in her mind. was there was desire for the story to be more than that. to hover as a presence that couldn't be eradicated, maybe couldn't even be explained. "or does it really not matter, s'more about the figuring it out than having the actual answer? the whole investment in the journey sort of ordeal. i think it'd be c o o l if it was real, i guess. so long as this dude or lady or whoever didn't suddenly decide i needed t'be headless, too. that would put a damper on my opinion."

Maps has... something, with words. It's not necessarily a way with them but there is a method to using the word 'allegedly' four times in one explanation. Clearly some kind of method, however strange it may be, to her madness. But it's all so strange. Perhaps that's a part of what keeps her so drawn to this. Gotham is a city with hooks and Maps has found herself drawn to the strange. Not necessarily the macabre, but definitely the odd. In anther life, Maps thinks she would have made for a great paranormal investigator. Then again, her weird cases bring her adjacent to that sphere more often than not. Gotham was a funny place like that, and Gotham Academy was stranger than any private boarding school had the right to be.
"Do I think it's real?" Maps pauses, pondering in a surprisingly deep state of contemplation. "I mean, kinda? Gotham's a weird place, so a headless horseman isn't out of the question." The extraordinary stopped seeming so out-of-the-question as soon as Superman was around, and Maps was born well after the superhero boom. "But I don't want to jump right into theorizing on the deep end. Gotta keep an open mind, y'know?"
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What are some challenges you’ve faced living in Birla Ojasvi
Introduction: Birla Ojasvi
Birla Ojasvi, nestled in the vibrant city of Bangalore, is a burgeoning residential area witnessing rapid growth and development. While it boasts modern amenities, green spaces, and a sense of community, living in this area comes with challenges. In this blog, we will delve into some of the hurdles residents face in Birla Ojasvi and explore how they navigate them.
Traffic Woes:
One of the primary challenges Birla Ojasvi residents face is the increasing traffic congestion. As the area continues to grow, so does the number of vehicles on its roads. Daily commutes become a test of patience, with long queues and slow-moving traffic becoming the norm. Navigating through the labyrinth of narrow lanes during rush hours can be daunting, leading to residents’ frustration.
Despite the challenges, many residents have adopted alternative transportation methods like cycling or carpooling, reducing traffic and fostering a sense of community engagement.
Infrastructure Struggles:
The rapid expansion of Birla Ojasvi has outpaced the development of infrastructure. Residents often grapple with inadequate roads, intermittent power outages, and insufficient water supply. These infrastructure shortcomings can disrupt daily life, leading to a constant battle for basic amenities.
Some proactive residents have taken matters into their own hands by participating in local community initiatives to address infrastructure issues. Through collective efforts, they work towards influencing local authorities to invest in the necessary improvements.
Educational Dilemmas:
While Birla Ojasvi has its fair share of educational institutions, the burgeoning population has increased admission competition. Securing seats in reputed schools and colleges can be a daunting task for parents, leading to stress and anxiety.
Many residents have started advocating for improved educational facilities and increased collaboration between the community and educational institutions to combat this challenge. This grassroots approach aims to create a conducive environment for learning and development.
Green Spaces under Threat:
As the city expands, the threat to green spaces becomes more pronounced. Birla Ojasvi, known for its lush landscapes, is witnessing real estate encroachment into these areas. The diminishing green cover poses a threat to the environment and the well-being of residents.
To address this concern, environmentally conscious individuals are actively involved in tree planting drives, advocating for stricter environmental regulations and raising awareness about preserving green spaces for future generations.
Social Connectivity Challenges:
Birla Ojasvi needs help fostering social connectivity despite being a residential hub. The fast-paced lifestyle often leaves residents with little time for community engagement. This lack of social cohesion can lead to isolation and hinder the development of a strong community spirit.
Initiatives such as neighborhood events, community gatherings, and online forums have emerged as effective solutions to bridge the social gap. Residents actively participate in these activities to build a sense of belonging and camaraderie.
Living in Birla Ojasvi, while offering many amenities and a serene environment, comes with its challenges. Residents face these hurdles head-on, from traffic congestion to infrastructure struggles, educational dilemmas, and threats to green spaces. What stands out, however, is the resilience and proactive spirit of the community.
In the face of challenges, Birla Ojasvi residents are not merely complainers but active contributors to positive change. Through community initiatives, advocacy, and collective efforts, they are shaping the future of their neighborhood, making it a better place to live. As the area continues to evolve, the challenges may persist, but so will the indomitable spirit of its residents, determined to create a thriving and harmonious community in Birla Ojasvi.
Why do you need to select Birla Ojavi in Bangalore?
Birla RR Nagar in Bangalore is a testament to a luxurious dwelling in the heart of Bangalore. With number 2 and three-bedroom apartments designed to cater to various preferences, the venture offers a perfect combination of comfort, aesthetics, and present-day facilities. While the price of residing in Birla RR Nagar in Bangalore reflects the top-rate nature of the improvement, the investment potential and the first-rate existence it guarantees make it a compelling preference for the ones seeking to make extended-term funding in Bangalorean’s actual property marketplace.
Related Links
Birla Ojasvi RR Nagar
Birla RR Nagar
Lodha Bannerghatta
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Birla Advaya RR Nagar
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47% Rebel
The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across.
35% Explorer
The Explorer is drawn to the unknown, whether that’s a Himalayan peak or the road not taken, and have a thirst for adventure. They take journeys, not vacations.
18% Athlete
The Athlete's focus and drive are unparalleled. Staying healthy and being fit are paramount to them (as for winning, that doesn't hurt, either).
tagged by: @mendinggashes ( thankies once again ! ) tagging: whoever!
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stay with me while the storm is strong. we all need someone sometimes, and you often don't feel like you are worth someone remaining. you are, though. i know that you crave for someone to be there and rest their hand against your back during the bad times. for a loving voice to lull you to sleep with a cadence of compassion and a desire to remain. you just want someone to remain. through and past the bad parts when you know it is difficult. you want to fall asleep to their voice and wake up to them still there in the morning. you want them to know the way that you take your tea and keep a box of your favorite flavor in their pantry in case you have a bad night and need to come over. you want to trust someone enough to give them a key to your house. and you deserve it, love. you deserve for someone to linger. you deserve to place your trust in another and know that they'll help you brush your hair if you're just too tired. you deserve for someone to remain.
tagged by: @mendinggashes ( thankies! ) tagging: whoever! :D
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"THERE'S NOTHING EXCITING IN THERE..." a swift glance to the small, wooden box beside her, then back to the item she fiddled with - a locket. based off the outward appearance, it belonged to a CHILD, so the worth was probably meager unless something inside was tucked away and valuable. doubtful. still, she pried at it. inside... a picture of barbie. heh. ironic. gaze scrunched, recollecting the inquiry to her package. "s'just a bunch of c h e e s e."
turns out she had raided a picnic... or something. the locket had just been lying on the ground.
"though cheese is delicious, so more exciting than a box of air, i s'ppose."
#shdwtouch#&&. verse ( nothing gold can stay )#if you're looking at this starter like ???#the answer is my brain go brrrrr but found this funny#&&. queue ( patience makes for better aim )
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Community Update: September 2020

Hi Pillowfolks! It’s time for another Pillowfort Community update where we let you know what Staff have been doing behind the scenes, happenings within the community, and a preview of what’s in store for the platform.
Since July 2020 we have…
Added NSFW Labels to Communities
Added CAPTCHA technology to our payments page (details here)
Added a new filtering ability to filter posts from guest users.
Added the ability to ‘Like’ Comments.
Added Unfollow Button on the Followers Page.
Added Optional E-mail Notifications for Community Moderators.
Created Better Warning Pages for blocked content.
Made improvements to both the Site Moderator and Community Moderators Panel.
Fixed a bug that caused posts to be missing on Home Feed.
Fixed the Report button in search results.
Community Stats:
As of September 2020, Pillowfort currently has over 99,900 registered users and 8,160 communities.
Welcome New Users!
Welcome to Pillowfort. We are so glad you are part of our community. If you haven’t yet, check out Pillowfort101 Getting Started Guide.
Developer Update
Our team held a meeting at the end of September to discuss our current developer pipeline. Like other small companies, we were met with unexpected challenges in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our founder, Julia Baritz, also had to briefly step away in the summer from their developer duties due to a family emergency. This changed our trajectory slightly on our upcoming site updates. In spite of all of the obstacles our team is still aiming for public release by the end of 2020. This is possible thanks to the generosity our community continues to provide. We are confident in launching free registrations for everyone as we finish developing our Premium Features Suite (this includes a separate portal for our Customer Service team to handle Premium Features Suite inquiries and a tool calculating & applying credit for users who have sent in donations in addition to the features themselves) which will enhance the user experience on Pillowfort.
In August we asked for feedback regarding our site-wide UI redesign. The response was loud and clear: our proposed changes did not align with what our community envisioned for user sidebars. We take your feedback very seriously. Our team is working with our designer to create another round of mockups for user sidebars. The revisions have put a slight delay on the launch of our site-wide UI redesign, however, it is important to our team that the proposed changes benefit our users. It is very possible the site-wide UI redesign may launch after official public release.
Our moderation team is in the final stages of finalizing our training program for volunteer moderators. We will make another announcement soon with a definite date of when the volunteer moderation system launches.
In addition to the volunteer moderation system our team will also be releasing two-factor authorization, additional CAPTCHA technology, improvements to deactivation & deleted accounts, and a portal throttle daily registrations in the event of an overload to Pillowfort’s server capacity prior to public release. We will be announcing our site updates as they are released on the platform. Stay tuned!
Upcoming Site Update
We are planning at least one more Site Update during the month of October. This update will include further improvements to community moderation, additional privacy settings, and additional bug fixes.
Terms of Service Revision Coming Soon
Our team will be releasing a small revision to our Terms of Service to help bring clarity for our community on one of our adult content clauses. We will elaborate how this clarification will be applied in our moderation decisions and address in advance some of the common concerns we anticipate in a separate announcement soon.
All questions regarding our Terms of Service can be sent to [email protected]
Help Us Keep the Lights On!
At Pillowfort, we do not receive any funding from venture capital or other outside investors because we are committed to keeping our user experience a priority, and not being beholden to outside interests. Pillowfort has been entirely user funded since the beginning. Because users are no longer required to pay for a registration link, we are largely dependent on donations to help us pay the bills until the release of our Premium Features Suite which is still in development. We need your help. If you would like to support us, you can make a one-time or monthly payment to Pillowfort to help keep the lights on here. Any money donated to us now will be applied as a credit to your account when we release Pillowfort’s Premium Features Suite.
Follow Us on Social Media
Interact with Pillowfort Staff, ask questions, plus learn about upcoming features and more on social media. We have recently launched an official Instagram page and plan to increase our social media activity this fall and winter.
Pillowfort: Staff Facebook: Pillowfortsocial
Twitter: @pillowfort_soc
Tumblr: pillowfort-social
Instagram: pillowfort.social
Coming Soon
Here’s a look at some of the exciting features, in no particular order, that our team is planning to make available before the end of 2020:
Terms of Service Clarification.
More Community Privacy Options.
Volunteer Moderation System.
Official Public Release!
2 Factor Authentication.
Complete Site-Wide UI Redesign.
Coming in 2021:
Here’s a look at some of the larger scale improvements for the first half of 2021 & beyond
Search & Tagging Improvements.
Improved Mobile Browsing.
Premium Features Suite.
Media Kit Page
Monthly Donation Goal Page.
Multiple Account Management.
Queue & Drafts.
Improved general functionality & usability of the website.
A Special Thanks
Thank you all for your support and patience as we prepare to launch our platform for public release at the end of 2020. We recognize the importance of making Pillowfort readily available to everyone while other social media platforms continue to roll out further restrictions and are working around the clock to make this a reality.
As a reminder: Pillowfort is committed to creating a safe, user-friendly community for creators & fans alike. We do take all feedback to heart. Our team is constantly watching for feedback & suggestions within the BetaUsers community and on other social media channels in addition to the feedback we receive in e-mail. Thank you for continuing to share your feedback to help make Pillowfort even better.
Our team is eternally grateful for all of our users, both old and new, who have made Pillowfort their home in these uncertain times. Stay tuned for new features and improvements coming down the pipeline very soon!
Best, Pillowfort Staff
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"YOUR OBSERVATION IS INSIGHTFUL." dry tone, brows arching higher upon her head as she glanced to him. cat was all too aware that the way she dealt with things wasn't on the line of EASY, but her choices were limited. she gritted her teeth. "and wha' would you recommend i do, hm?"
Surprise made him blink at her a few times before he cleared his throat and nodded his head. He supposed that made sense but he didn't like the thought that she might have had worse and had to deal with it on her own. "That sounds like a rough way to go about things." he noted.
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Publishing Plans
Readers of Tall Tales will notice that there has been a lack of updates recently from four of the five blogs. This is because of a series of medical and emotional problems that have arisen recently that rendered me unable to write for a number of months, lasting long enough that my queue of posts ran out.
This is not the first time this has happened, but I feel it must be the last. It is too much strain on the readership to have the story simply blip out of existence occasionally without warning. So, to prevent future periods of sporadic, unexpected hiatuses, I am planning one very long hiatus. I am of the opinion that taking some time off all at once to get my bearings with the story and write an extensive queue, so that I can then publish consistently going forward, will be better on everyone than these occasional short breaks.
We are currently near the end of Volume 2. After Magum Imperatoria, of which 25 of the planned 40 posts are published, the next major multi-blog story arc is East of Eden (while one blog will be occupied with Fire and Ice). East of Eden closes out Volume 2. I will do my best to catch up to these posts and get back to the scheduled publishing sequence, which sees Volume 2 end on the first Monday of August. Whether up to date or not, I will finish publishing Volume 2 first.
At that point, I will take a hiatus from publishing Tall Tales for a period of one year. The aim during this year is to write all of Volume 3 and at least part of Volume 4. I will also explore other options for advertising and drawing readers during this time. The plan is to relaunch at the end of that year fully prepared to have the story drive clear through to its conclusion (the end of Volume 5) without any further unexpected breaks.
Thank you for your patience during this time. I intend to make it worth it for you. In the meantime, if you would like to continue receiving updates and information on what is happening with the story, or just to talk to other readers, please consider joining the Tall Tales Discord server.
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