#She's not stupid just sheltered 💀
pigengy · 1 month
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trappednyourheart · 6 months
A Haunted Doll's new kid
“A Damian and he's haunted doll”
Instead of Jason having Danny as his childhood doll or haunted doll, how about if Damian got haunted doll Danny?
Where a young Talia Al Ghul stumbled across a very old and abandoned mansion in a middle of nowhere, only tall dark trees and harsh winds accompany her outside of the manor, at her vulnerable worse moments, her team was ambushed by a very cunning new group..took a lot of damaged out of her but she survived and now left wandering on her own, without anyway to contact the league or if she will faced punishment for being defeated, she decided to seek shelter inside the lifeless Manor for the time being, but to her surprise inside the manor it was warm as if no sign of abandonment as if it was alive, only one there was a beautiful baby doll.. something those rich young daughters would play at those times she heard from rich society of children..
Only Alive entity keeping her warm and welcome, so she decided to bring it to the League and no matter how childish this action was..she really can't stop letting go until she give it to her son in his 12 birthday, hoping him to take care of the Precious doll as if a heirloom, which it is😅
Damian knew what this Doll was, it was his mother's doll. A doll so clean and beautiful, he never understand why there was a doll back then at the league.
It was his first everytime to even see a doll up closed than reading and imagining it at textbooks and examples of words in his former lessons, the Doll was strange.
Unlike The doll, it felt alive, warm and cozy like a child would be clingy to it's parent
He could feel waves of emotions he could distinct knowing the Doll's feelings..
No matter how much time passed after his mother gave it to him, he knows understands why he's mother would take care of this Doll.
No matter how much his family freak out at the constant, chairs spinning too see the baby doll sitting in it, finding in other places standing, moving heads, and little joyful laughter's. (Except for Alfred cause he already accepted the doll,)
Danny was absolutely not amused, after a whole prank war with the fam, Ellie and the others decided to trap him in this stupid girly baby doll, with a brand label with his name💀 and decided to drop him off to a abandoned version of Vlad's house just for funzies if a few mortals ever get scared, but it kinda backfired now he's been getting good care through this girl now turn woman then her son is now taking care of him, he is grateful he isn't some kind of heirloom..right? But it was fun haunting this so called bats, even sending Grey hairs to his new profound kid caretaker,
Danny appearance as a doll is a female baby doll, that is plump and porcelain, he also has a voice box for the original dolls lines, but he sometimes make some unholy and demonic noises to scare one of the bats except for Alfred or Damian, the doll that he was inside in had Caucasian skin, dark hair and deep blue eyes that look like had stars twinkling in it which he approved, his dress was a plump white dress that had green designs in it that was glowing, a small beautiful beach hat and a cute glowing green heels? Shoes ya that's the description and some cute accessories like a golden bracelet which had unique jewels like emerald, ruby, and etc,
when talia found him, the Girls, Ellie had created a very doll like luggage with his necessities, clothes, things for dolls..which he considers are now his own belongings after being used to the routine in the league and how he accept this as a vacay cause he knows CW is watching him😅
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banj0possum · 1 year
Can we get a zombie horde with a gn! Reader where their abusive family finds them again?
after years of inactivity im fucking back ! sorry for the long long wait but at least im able to put out a few more fics !
Zombie Horde!Reader's Abusive Family Finds Them Again
CW: verbal abuse, abusive family, (mentioned) being rejected food
💀 You haven't always been alone in your travels, in fact, you were with your family when the outbreak happened. But to be fair, you never liked your family..
💀 They would always bully you, boss you around, even put the blame on you whenever something bad happened, the torment didn't end even when there were zombies banging on your doors!
💀 In fact, because of the virus, they got even more cruel to you.
💀 They would take away your food rations for any small mistake you did, make you take the night watch for days on end, even send you out to get supplies just because 'you talked back that one time'!
💀 You couldn't take it anymore and left, knowing anywhere would be better than being stuck in a house of people who did nothing but torture you.
💀 You thought you were safe from them, cuddled up with Ribs in your bed as the others wandered around the abandoned mall, but it all came back when you heard a familiar voice shout out your name from the distance..
💀 "(Y/N)?! I know you're here you runt!"
💀 It was your dad...
💀 Ribs sat up as soon as he heard it and snarled, crawling out of bed and going out to see the commotion.
💀 Your heart raced as you followed him, but it was hard to walk with your body trembling at the thought of seeing him or any of your family again.
💀 "Jesus there's four of them!" "What are you waiting for you stupid bitch?! Shoot em!"
💀 It seems your mom was also there..
💀 You run the broken escalator and see the horde fighting with your family, gunshots ring throughout the mall as you see your beloveds blasted with bullets.
💀 You weren't scared though, they were dead after all, but it was still heartbreaking seeing them get hurt.
💀 You pick up a nearby rock and throw it at your dad to get his attention away from the boys. They all look at you, your family glaring at you while the horde coos at your presence.
💀 "(Y/N) you come here right this fucking second we're coming home!" Your mother shouts at you, walking over angrily and grabbing your arm strong enough to leave a red ring.
💀 Bo fumes and pulls her of you "You stay away from my mate ya hear me?!" he growls.
💀 "It talks?!" She yelps as your dad comes over as well. "Mate? Don't tell me you're hangin out with these monsters! Are you that much of a dumbass?!" he scolds you.
💀 You shrink, knowing whatever you say will make things worse..
💀 "Why you little whore.." Your dad growls, about to slap you, but Screw runs over and pushes your dad away, sending him back a few feet.
💀 Ribs and Soda smile and clap as Bo and Screw help you up.
💀 "You ok darlin?" Bo asks you in a sweet tone. "Is your arm ok? Does is hurt? Do you need a bandaid? I have a pink one with a cat on it.." Screw looks at the mark your mother gave you.
💀 You smile and assure them everything's ok.
💀 "Fucking freaks..(Y/N) do you hear me?! Get your ass up and let's go!" Your dad yells at you again as he stand up.
💀 "They're not going anywhere mean guy!" Ribs growls at him.
💀 Your mom is to the side next to Soda, she sneers at him and he looks back at her, giving her the middle finger, making her scoff and look away.
💀 In a shaky tone, you ask how they found you. You've cut off contact with them for months, there was no way they could find you..
💀 "Hah! Your dumbass thought you were just some person in the middle of nowhere? Half the state knows about your little talkin freak boyfriends!"
💀 You look down in shame as Bo and Screw comfort you "I think it's about time you folks leave..." Bo says, glaring at your parents.
💀 "Oh no you're not kicking us out! We came all this way to get this ungrateful little leech back! We gave them shelter and this is how they repay us?! You should've learned your place and stayed put!" he berates you. You finally snap and yell back at him, telling him all the things you've endured in their household, how you were treated like dirt every day, how you were much better off without them.
💀 Finally you firmly tell them to leave, pointing to the exit as you look at him with no fear left in your eyes. He scoffs "Fine..go get killed on your own then! Don't come to us for any fucking help!" he yells as he leaves, your mom in tow.
💀 Ribs laughs at them as they leave while Soda smiles at you.
💀 After the whole interaction, you were completely exhausted, the boys huddling up with you to calm you down.
💀 You give them all well-deserved kisses for protecting you, they all coo and chirp at the affection and kiss you back.
💀 "Do you still want that bandaid?" Screw asks you softly.
💀 You say yes.
this one was pretty short but expect more fics to be sent soon ! love you guys and remember that youre awesome and amazing !
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First posted: May 28, 2018
Focuses on: Jason (and his family)
My favorite bookmark: "Jason Todd is sassy monster and Bruce has PTSD from this asshole dying. 🥺🤣"
My second favorite bookmark: "I CANT STOP CRYIIINNNG WTFFFU"
Tier: Pretty middle of the road in terms of metrics, but one of my personal favorites.
This is my "behind the scenes" series where I indulge myself frightfully by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above. Thoughts below the cut.
This fic was dedicated to @starknjarvis27 because she came up with the idea on one of our many BatFam discussions, and being a Megan Whalen Turner superfan, I couldn't not take on the idea.
For those unaware, this fic lifts the bones of an absolutely wonderful scene in The King of Attolia, the third (and best) book in the Queen's Thief series. I made sure you didn't need to know the series at all to enjoy "Breathing," but the girlies who know shriek more.
Jason was still breathing when Bruce found him.
Most of my fics, I may not totally know where they're going, but I know my first line. No exception here.
The voice of this one doesn't feel fully Bruce to me, which makes sense because it's so early on in my written works. Also I'm telling myself that's just young Bruce not sounding quite like his more mature self. Ah, the tales we tell ourselves sometimes. 💀
Jason’s chest, or what was left of it, rose again, the cavity of smashed ribs deepening as his lungs fought to work.
I don't know enough medical things to comfortably get too detailed on Jason's injuries (and I wasn't friends yet with Audrey to ask), but since this was Bruce's POV, I worked to make it adequately gruesome.
If those panicked, roving blue eyes with their black-blown pupils could see anything beyond his own fear.
And sometimes I make up words for fun.
He wanted to hold him. Wanted to scoop that broken body into his arms and shelter it with his own until the miracle he was praying for arrived. Bruce wanted to hold his boy. But his stupid, awful, useless brain hissed warnings of spinal injuries and paralysis, of the harm he could cause by giving into sentiment at just the wrong time.
Apparently I also knew how I wanted this section to end because I was deliberately writing toward
And, at last, Bruce held his son.
Trying to figure out the setting of the second half was tough because I didn't care about where they were coming from. I wanted it to be vaguely comic cliche and hopefully not racist or otherwise offensive but that's all.
Also, ugh, staging. Staging. I hate staging. Trying to mark where everyone is and why and keep them all straight as they start to move. Bah.
Of course, now, looking back, hewing more closely to the original scenario where the main figure (Attolis, Jason) turns and smiles at the narrator just before disaster, that sure would have been something, wouldn't it.
But Jason. The odd man out. The wild card, for good or ill. The unpredictable ace up their sleeve. Their magnet for trouble, collector of odd experiences. Too cynical to be Dick, too rash to be Tim, too undisciplined to be Damian. Raised on the streets. Trained by a Bat and a Flying Grayson. Raised again by assassins. Comrade of drug dealers, mercenaries, and thieves. Their family stories always seemed to twist on a “but Jason.”
I like this bit a lot, personally.
He had never seen Jason kill like this. It was the blinding flash of blades, the blur of a tan leather jacket and dark curls, the splatter of red blood on grey stone. And then it was done.
At the weight of three sets of eyes landing on him, Jason turned only his head and met Dick’s gaze. His face was pale, almost green, and splattered with a fine mist of blood. It took Dick a moment to piece his coloring together with the slant of his jaw and the blaze in his eyes. He was angry. No, he was furious. But when his eyes met Dick’s, he smiled. All teeth. “Let’s not keep Daddy Dearest waiting, boys.”
Jason is scary and I love him. I think if I could pick an audio narrator for him, especially the way I wrote him in the beginning, I'd pick the guy who does the Raven Boys audiobook, specifically in the voice he uses for Ronan.
“I could use a hand on this next part,” Jason admitted, voice steady and cool. 
And my brain recites, oh gods, stairs.
“I’m dying, Dickie. My insides are on my outsides."
Direct. Hecking. Quote.
“I probably won’t even make it to the Batplane,” Jason moaned. “You’ll have to leave me here. They’ll make me a trail marker. Reach the skeleton with the sweet jacket and you’re halfway to the temple of doom.”
A nice little trail marker. So like a thief in a ditch, one might say.
Jason lay still on the narrow cot, conscious but boneless. Even the furious greenish tint of his skin had faded away into a bloodless pale. Alfred had pulled up his shirt to reveal the truth. Jason’s grip down the mountain hadn’t been only to stanch the bleeding, but to hold himself together. At some point in the blurred fight, a blade had snuck under his defenses and slit open his abdomen, nearly from hip to hip. The blood that had trickled through his shirt and over his hand had been nothing compared to the steady flow that had soaked unseen into his pants. Over Alfred’s shoulder, Jason opened his eyes and met Dick’s.
This is full-scale lifting, my obscene apologies to Megan Whalen Turner, I love your work.
Alfred’s back blocked most of Jason’s body from view. Dick could see Jason’s face and upper torso. Bruce, being taller, could probably see a little more. Damian and Tim, being shorter, could probably see a little less. Both boys stood further back as well, Tim just behind Bruce and Damian behind Dick.
friggin blocking, my foe. Just lining up the stupid little dominoes so they fall right in a minute.
Six people breathing. Five people breathing.
I'm a genius. Good job, me.
Jason erupted like a tiger caught in a snare. He clawed at the cot, trying to push himself up. Alfred cried out, warning of wounds and fresh blood and popped stitches as he tried to force Jason back down. Dick sprang forward and tried to grab his brother, but got a fist to the face for his troubles. He staggered back.
Againnnnnnnnnn I'm so sorry Megan Whalen Turner
Dick slowly unclenched his fingers, first releasing Jason’s hair, then his wrist. Violent red streaks branded Jason’s skin like a cuff
I am a clever little clog with my symbolism and because these fics are for me, I can be smug about it
At least a couple people have said this fic have pushed them to read Megan Whalen Turner which is all I could ever want or hope for.
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papirouge · 4 months
Example of terfs supporting Israel with the argument of “well Gaza banned abortion” HUH. Also the tags are disgusting “people complain when Jewish people do this but not when Muslims do this” Trump literally banned Muslim immigration, do terfs think Muslims are privileged?
What a weird and ironic connection with terfs and conservatives
Thank you anon but I lowkey resent you bc the ask in the link legit made me lose braincells 💀
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"birth control is illegal in Gaza, as is homosexuality"
Saying that "birth control is illegal" is retarded if you don't define what kind of birth control you're talking about. Choosing celibacy or refraining from sex to not get pregnant ARE forms of birth control. Are Palestinian women legally forced to marry/have sex, @/old school butch?? ...oh my bad, you're probably one of those racist uneducated idiots who think of Arab women and immediately thinks they are all forcibly married at 9 y.o.
Also from what leap does she assume not accessing to birth control = female not "owning" their body? This pattern of thinking is a general consensus among radfem and I never understood it. Those women cannot conceptualize women *not* needing fertility control medication to "own" their body.
I assume she's actually talking about medicalized form of birth control, which then reveals in their mind contraception pills/device = birth control = full body autonomy. They admit entirely relying on some medication to own their body. That's VERY ironic because it shows they're not that different from trans identified people (they hate so much) who rely on hormones to be their true self ™️. Apparently women need hormone control medicine to "own" their body 🙃
And same goes with the "homosexuality is illegal" thing. Homosexuality being "legal" doesn't mean gays being safe and vice versa. Palestinians been fighting for DECADES against colonization, deportation and oppression and this sheltered (white?) woman be really like "but what about gay people??? 🥺" ....She's dumber than a door knob.
"bred in captivity to supply martyr for the revolution" this whole sentence reeks fake concern with a sprinkle of whitefem saviorism. Let's make something clear : women like that butch don't care about those women. She's literally projecting some disgusting breeding fantasy scenario from the words of one (1) moid to brush Palestinian women like broodmares deprived from any sense of self to push her dehumanizing agenda against Palestinians.
It would never occur to that white butch that those non white women may actually wanted those big families. Noooo, they are just poor victims of that evil Islamist patriarchy forcing them to pop up the next generation of martyrs!! Also note the typical whitefem eugenicist urge to freak out at the thought of women having 6 children...that would inevitably end up becoming terrorists.... that's why birth control is sooo important to stop them from existing. But yeaaaaah those radfem are totally NOT edging on white supremacy and that's just some stupid TRA conspiracy LMAO
That's why I know OP is White : the whitefem saviorism (homonationalist version) is POPPING out there. Nothing like paternalistic white women distressed at seeing women oversea having lots of children... GOD FORBID non White women have children and reproduce... WITH (SAVAGE NON WHITE) MEN??!!
"this suffering was known and accepted by their leaders" which "leaders"? The Hamas ? That hasn't been voted for for like 10-15 years ? Can't wait ppl start advocate to collectively punish USAmerican voting in war criminals Bush & Obama a few years ago.
What "suffering" is she even talking about?? Who's the actual cause of it, BUTCH?? I ain't no Hamas supporter but the Hamas 1/is not a feminist movement 2/whole point of existence is to defend and free their land. Whining about them not doing enough for women(??) is silly. Someone tell that dummy there won't be Palestinian women to defend if there's no more Palestine..
TL;DR : That butch is the average white woman hiding behind feminist to dismiss entire system of oppression (such as Zionism) that override genders. regardless they're gay, radfem, butch, etc. White feminists are NOT to be trusted when it comes to defend WOC. They will inevitably side with White supremacy and are the dumbest people ever when it comes to geopolitics and womanhood worldwide beside their sheltered western bubble. They should keep seething against TRA to pretend being subversive, and let actual women with a brain talk.
bonus the most stupid tags I seen in a while :
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"no one say shit when middle east women suffer" *ME WHEN I LIE*
"when it's Israeli women their suffering is either denied of justied"
*when Arab do this it doesn't matter"
Those women made me lose 35% of my braincells BYE AND GOODNIGHT
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treemaidengeek · 2 years
Whumptober: This Wasn’t Supposed To Happen
Harrowhark Nonagesimus / Gideon Nav
The Locked Tomb (spoilers for Gideon the Ninth only)
..........................................(AO3 link).............................................
The Reverend Daughter Harrowhark Nonagesimus curled up into a fetal position inside her bone cocoon and fumed.
This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. She was the best damn necromancer at Canaan House. She was the best damn necromancer the Ninth had produced in generations. And yet faced with… whatever kept destroying her work in the Response Chamber… she felt hopelessly thwarted.
She had sent one hundred sixty-three skeletons in so far. They kept dying, which was enormously unfair seeing as they were already dead in the first place. She had no idea how they were being so thoroughly destroyed, which was even more unfair. She really ought to have figured that out by now. Perhaps it would come clearer once her blood stopped trying to evacuate her body en masse and the ocean stopped swamping her brain. At present, though, she was bleeding rather a lot, and her senses had discovered a profound and unfortunate obsession with swimming.
She just needed to rest. That was all.
💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀
She was shivering and achey and her hair was partially gummed to the concrete with drying blood. None of these were good signs. Had she passed out? For how long?
How long could she be in this cocoon, without food or water, and continue to get better before she began to get worse?
She took a deep breath and huffed it out angrily. She propped herself up on her elbow, peeling her head away from the congealing vitae on the floor. It was a good idea. She didn't want to be on the floor anymore.
It wasn't a great idea, though, because as soon as she gained that eighteen inches of elevation, her brain decided that swimming wasn't enough and it needed to add raging drunkenness into the mix. She wobbled and abruptly collapsed back onto the floor and clung there with the panicked certainty that if she wasn't careful, she would sink straight through.
She was beginning to consider the possibility that she was in serious trouble.
💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀
Consciousness came and went. Everything hurt. It was impossible to track the passage of time because, well, the only things that changed were the amount and state of her blood on the floor and how badly she wanted to curl up and die.
She had spent her entire miserable life training for this opportunity to renew her House, and she was failing. She was failing herself, her family line, and the two hundred dead children whose accusing eyes had been fixed upon her in judgment every single day of her life.
She was the best of the best. And she was going to die alone.
💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀
Something smashed through her bone cocoon, showering her with splinters. The hole sucked away all the meager warmth her body had stored up in its little shelter. She wished she could shut her eyes even harder against the scorching lights of the laboratory.
She couldn't. She hadn't the capacity even to turn her head. Saints, she was exhausted. If this was some other House come to finish her off, she was quite simply finished.
Voices. One of them sounded a bit male. Another one immediately filled her with a very particular combination of loathing and longing. She knew those feelings. It was… it was…
Strong arms hoisted her up onto a broad shoulder with all the dignity afforded a sack of snow leeks. This should have alarmed her–she did not permit people to touch her–but she felt… safe?... which was honestly worse. She couldn't even be properly outraged about it because the sudden movement sent her senses drunkenly spinning off into oblivion again.
💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀
She remembered fragments. The clang of boots on steel. Palamedes Sextus saying something very stupid and wrong. Shifting lights. The smell of Gideon Nav's sweat. Rather a lot of cursing.
The world snapped briefly into focus when they stepped through the doors of their rooms, through the wards that were an extension of her own mind and soul. She couldn't make her eyes open. Griddle was carrying her, though. She was certain of it. Even aside from the way the wards reacted to them, no one else on this miserable flooded rock was so--so ridiculously buff and so comfortable getting into her personal space and–
Griddle had come down to the Facility against Harrowhark's explicit orders to the contrary. And she had seen Harrow like this, and paraded her weakness around in front of the Sixth and who knew who else on the way back up. Harrow's empty stomach did a sick little flip.
Griddle lay her down on the bed and tucked warm blankets around Harrow's shoulders. There were the small sounds of shuffling feet and water on glass. Then there was a long stillness.
Griddle rolled and cracked her shoulders audibly, the way she always did when she was stalling and preparing for a fight.
Harrow was suddenly very done with the whole thing. She was having too many feelings and hadn't the energy necessary to box any of them away. She needed to rest and lick her wounds in private like some injured animal.
"Touch me again and I'll kill you," she snapped, with as much conviction as she could muster. "Really I will."
Griddle snorted. "Good luck with that one, bucko. You look all mummification and no meat."
In fact, the Reverend Daughter Harrowhark Nonagesimus felt like all mummification and no meat. That didn't mean her sworn Cavalier had to go around saying so. It was impertinent and insulting. Insubordinate, too.
Harrow realized that she had run off with adjectives for idiot Cavs beginning with the letter 'I', which was probably not a fantastic sign for her state of mind. God, she did need a nap.
"I'm not saying it wouldn't hurt me, Griddle," she replied. "Only that you'd be dead."
There followed the same silence that occurs after one drops a rock into a dark shaft and waits far too long for a plink.
Harrow heard some quiet shifting and rustling and the slosh of a bit of water. Except for these little signs of life, she might have been alone waiting for that plink forever.
"'Thanks, Gideon,'" Griddle finally mimicked in a tone that was more bite than bark. "'I was in a pickle and you saved me, which I had no reasonable expectation of, since I'm an asshole who got stuck in a bone in a basement.' Is that what you've been doing without me, all this time? Dicking around in a basement?"
Nothing for it. This conversation was probably due sooner or later on account of Griddle was a shitty Cavalier incapable of taking any kind of instruction from her Adept. Why not have it now, when Harrow felt like death warmed over and then frozen and then thawed again?
This was not a good plink. This plink meant she was going to be compelled into an argument when she desperately wanted to be left alone to lick her wounds and sleep. 
She summoned her meager reserves and waded in.
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jestertizm · 1 month
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Hello invisible youtube audience >:) Welcome to the first edition of me yapping to myself about the media i’ve consumed over the past week. I thought it’d be fun to do a little report every week about what i’ve watched and read and all that and just yap about what i’ve been doing. I’ve had a decent monday, knees and feet hurt like hell but i’m doing alright. we went to the pet store earlier to get crickets for my leopard gecko and they had kittens from the shelter there. and one of them was so friendly and came running at me when they opened the door aND HE WAS SO SWEET AND PLAYFUL AND WAS SUCH A PRETTY TAN-ISH GRAY COLOR HE WAS JUST LIKE MY CAT WHEN I FIRST GOT HIM BUT I COULDNT TAKE THIS ONE HOME AND I AM STILL DEVASTATED AUGH. But anyways-
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I rewatched a lot of anime this week because my little sister wanted to watch them, including my all time favorite anime Kekkai Sensen. I could sit here and yap about how much i fucking love Kekkai Sensen but the amount of text i’ve already written is straining my eyes so it’ll try to keep it brief. I FUCKING LOVE THIS ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found it scrolling through hulu when i was about 12 trying to find something to watch since my mom had only recently let me start watching anime, i thought it looked neat and was absolutely hooked by the first episode. It was so funny watching the same thing happen to my sister, up until that point she had only really watched kids and magical girl anime, she used to watch one punch man and death note when she was little, but she preferred magical girls like cardcaptor sakura. when we finished the last episode, the was silent for a second then she slowly turned to me and yelled “THAT WAS THE GREATEST FUCKING ANIME EVER”. That day she figured out why i had been so fuckin stupid about this anime for almost 6 years now. I fuckin love this anime. P.s. Klaus is my wife 🤭
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My sister also DEMANDED i rewatch Scott Pilgrim Takes Off with her and oh my god i think i regret it. Now she wants to be EXACTLY like Ramona Flowers to the point where she finally wants to cut her hair after refusing to cut it for almost 12 years. Personally, I really enjoyed the anime a lot (if it wasn’t obvious 💀) though i wanna watch the movie soon. Also she won’t stop fucking sending me this stupid ass photo of Gideon Graves
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Last thing i watched with my sister was Mob Psycho 100. I had started it by myself a while ago but told her we could watch it together, so we watched the first two episodes last night. I wasn’t really paying attention both times i’ve watched it, but i really like it so far, def a lotta jokes that caught me off and made me laugh. Not really much else to say, I love Mob though.
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I’ve been watching My Deer Friend Nokotan since it started airing. I’m not someone that keeps tabs about what’s airing during what season and watches everything that’s currently airing, i usually just wait til it’s finished and then completely forget about it. if anything, this is this first anime i’ve watched that i’ve been watching as it’s released. It’s already half way through and my opinions so far: it’s goofy as hell. in a good way. the jokes are all so stupid but tbh i love it. some episodes aren’t as good as others, but i thought the last one (the 7th) was pretty good. idk why but the thought of Japan’s Next Top Deer Model made me laugh, kind upset i didn’t get to see Nokotan actually at the deer show 😔 also now whenever some goes wrong that one song that plays in every episode when something bad happens, that “shikaaa shikaaaaa shikaaaaaaaa” song, plays in my head. My only real gripe with the show so far is that the relationship Anko has with her sister Koshi is WEIRD AS FUCK. Like???? That’s one of the things i hate about anime and manga is why there is so much borderline incest in them??? eugh. On a more positive note, Nokotan is very silly and i love her. I bet Nara Deer Park in Japan has seen an increase in visitors lmao.
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Second brand new anime i’ve started watching is Delico’s Nursery. I’m already an episode behind but oh well, i’ll probably watch that later. It’s pretty promising so far, the art style is very pretty and the opening goes hard. I know nothing about the stage play it’s supposed to be a prequel(? i think?) to, but if i’m being completely honest the pretty vampire men already have me ensnared lmao. Idk how to describe it, but you know that trope where the older, more serious guy comes across a traumatized kid and he essentially adopts them and is all like soft only towards them? There’s probably a better way to describe that trope but i am a sucker for it. This anime looks to be pretty much that trope except they are their biological children instead. Although one small issue i have is I think (i’m not 100% sure i didn’t quite grasp the plot yet) they are looking for this “true of vamp” guy but they shorten it to TRUMP and i cannot take it seriously every time they say something like “we gotta find Trump!” 😭 A BIG issue i take, however, is that the children are ALWAYS SCREAMING, LIKE MAKE THEM STOP. I hope to god the screaming and crying chills the fuck out in the next episodes but other than that it’s still wayyy to early in the series to cast any kind of serious judgement but i really like it so far just from the first episode.
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I’m not really sure what I’m gonna watch next but I’ve got a few anime I’ve started that I should probably finish, like Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and Serial Experiments Lain. Tbh I’m having a hard time finishing Serial Experiments Lain. Like, I do like it, I find it very aesthetically interesting, but story wise I don’t get it. I know you’re not supposed to get it, but I feel like there’s things that I am supposed to get that I don’t. Imo I feel like there’s too much going on but also not much at all. I can’t keep up with the amount of ideas being introduced at once that are discussed for a few minutes and then they don’t come back up until 2 episodes later, and by then I don’t remember what it is. Despite that, it’s also very slow, my little peanut adhd brain is struggling. I could be watching the episodes far too spaced out from each other since im kinda wanting to not watch it anymore, idk I might restart it and try binging it so I won’t forget as much. I really wanna like it, cuz Lain is literally me, I love her sm.
Also the reason why I still haven’t finished cowboy bebop and trigun is cuz my sister won’t let me watch them without her and she’s gone every other weekend at our dad’s house, which is usually when I wanna watch them 😔
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I’ll probably wind up watching Ponyo soon. I’ve been meaning to watch the whimsical fish movie. that is all.
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I think the next series I’ll watch is FLCL since it’s short. There’s nothing else coming out soon (except one i’ll mention later lmao) that interests me so it’s back to watching the backlog of 90’s/2000’s anime .
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Spoilers for Goodnight Punpun (and by extension Blood On The Tracks) -
Ok, so i have started reading goodnight punpun a little over a week ago and oh my god. I’m currently half way through volume 4 and i really like it so far, but holy shit why can’t this family have a funky good time. you literally cannot have a character you like just even a little bit because then they go out and set a pet shelter on fire or something. I’m honestly so glad Punpun’s mom died but the poor boy is NOT gonna make it out there by himself 😭 and i’m conflicted about his dad because like? i dunno if he really is just an abusive piece of shit, or if he was just trying to protect his son from his batshit insane wife. ok it’s definitely both, but still, he probably genuinely cares about Punpun more, but it’s still such a conflicting situation because he seems really mentally absent. and i’d wish his uncle would just get hit by a train already, I wanted to like him but holy shit dude, whatever therapist you’re seeing they’re not doing a good enough job. i know what i’m about to say is gonna offend a bunch of people, but i’m sorry, Aiko is shady as fuck. Since i’m only half way through she might get better, but she seems like she’ll only continue to make life worse for Punpun, and he’d probably make hers worse too. I do have more sympathy for her though, don’t get me wrong, since she grew up in a cult and clearly has trauma, I don’t hate her, but Aiko and Punpun are only gonna fuck each other up. I do really like how Punpun changes appearance depending on how he views himself, though i have yet to figure out how to translates into a floating triangle. So far i’m enjoying the story, as fucked up as it is, it’s a pretty grim yet realistic look at how abuse, neglect, and trauma affects a kid’s development and the mindset they have as they grow up. a lot of the plot points remind me of Blood On The Tracks, another coming of age manga about a boy who grew up with a possessive, manipulative, and mentally + emotionally abusive mother. The way Punpun and Seiichi from Blood On The Tracks grow up with the effects of their trauma are very similar, as well as how every character is a horrible person, but they are also very nuanced. Anyways I’ll probably have this finished by next monday and i will provide my thoughts then too 👍
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Ok, so i came across this manhua just completely randomly and looked it up because the art on the cover looked nice and holy shit I am so glad i did. I was not expecting the absolutely GORGEOUS art in it. It is easily the prettiest eastern comic i’ve ever seen, the colors are beautiful and looks incredible with the painterly artsyle. The story its self is pretty simplistic in my opinion. The whole story is only a little over 100 pages long and was a pretty quick read. Spoilers from this point on if you want to read it: It’s about Orange, a teenage girl who is suicidal and is about to jump off the roof of a building til she notices this drunk older man, Dashu, hanging out on the roof and then decides not to jump off that day. The story then goes over Orange’s life, her sneaking out of the house, getting boyfriends who wind up being pieces of shit, getting into trouble, and running into Dashu again. She ends up falling in love with Dashu, but she also has complex thoughts with her feelings about him. On one hand she is in love and is fascinated with him, and on the other she’s disgusted by him. Imma leave the summary off here because if you wanna read this it’ll just ruin the ending. The story itself can be pretty upsetting since it deals with suicide, isolation, and a minor in love with an adult, but i think it does a pretty alright job telling it with the limited time it has. I would recommend it if you like stories that explore the grittier aspects of being an older teenager and the topic of feeling isolated from society and because the art is gorgeous.
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Im gonna take a lil break from Goodnight Punpun (since i usually only read one manga at a time) to read Dandadan. The anime is coming out in October and i’m thinking about watching it so i’m gonna read the manga first. It sounds really neat, with it being about aliens, yokai, and cryptid-like creatures (and i’m a sucker for cryptids). That’s pretty much all, I’ll talk about it more next monday. Also, I wanna know what this panel is about 💀
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ough, i haven’t played any games lately 💔 AND I MISSED THE SPLATFEST AGAIN. I have no joke, literally missed every single splatfest since splatoon 3 came out. I AM NOT MISSING THE VERY LAST ONE NUH UH
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Here’s the section where i recommend a random anime and manga from my list 👍
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Ever thought, “Cowboy Bebop is good but i really wish they were girls instead”? Probably not, but if you like pulp crime and western style action, I recommend Gunsmith Cats. It’s only 3 episodes long and can be easily watched in a day. It’s about two girls, Rally and May, who run an illegal gun shop and get blackmailed by an ATF agent to solve a gun running case for them. There’s plenty of high action scenes of gunfights, car chases, and explosions, and i found Rally and May to be very likable characters in my opinion. The only small issue is there is a bit of fan service if you don’t like that, but I don’t remember it being very obstructive like some other shows with fan service, a lot of it is subtle. Overall it was a very fun watch for me and i def recommend it if you like stuff like Cowboy Bebop or 90’s western style action.
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Blood On The Tracks is a very good psychological manga, and i would recommend it to anybody who also likes Goodnight Punpun, but similar to Goodnight Punpun, you should read it in a good headspace. I’m fortunate enough to not have an abusive mother but it still really messed with me with how realistic the portrayal of mental and emotional abuse was. I already gave a brief explanation of what it’s about when I was talking about Goodnight Punpun, but i feel like explaining far too much will take away from the impact of where the manga ends up. Massive trigger warnings for death, mental, emotional, and physical abuse, gaslighting and manipulation, murder and attempted murder, sex scenes (i think), and so much childhood trauma if you decide to read it.
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And that was the first Media Yapfest, see you next monday >:3
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0 notes
it's blatantly obvious you didn't even read what jkr wrote, you just blindly agreed with what everyone else said. massive L. makes you look really stupid bc you dont even know what she actually said 🤭💀 do you let other people form all your opinions for you or just the ones where you send death and rape threats to a children's author opening rape shelters and getting women out and away from the taliban just because she wrote some words online you THINK you disagree with? hard to say you disagree with it if you haven't even read it. go apologize to your mother for making her gestate a braindead bloated amoeboid for 9 months
this reads like if you put "4 chan copypasta" into an AI writing generator
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yesimwriting · 2 years
Gloria already raising her eyebrows at Billy and Stu picking Y/n up is me 💀 and them calling Y/n so much over the weekend does make it seem like they care too much, but Gloria isn't positive since 1. She barely knows them and 2. She probably thinks she's being too analytical since she's gotta know they have girlfriends. She probably figures that it's very unlikely that they would try anything if they have girlfriends.
Part of me is like honey, don't u think it's a little weird how much they called? 😭 Don't u think it's weird how they offered you a ride when they knew Gloria could just drive you? But I also understand why she isn't thinking anything of it bc of her concussion and she probably just figures that their just being protective friends. Y/n saw how worried they were in the hospital, it makes sense for her to view them as being overprotective friends since she knows them pretty well.
Them calling Y/n so much and them harassing the receptionist to try to see her at the hospital gives off those protective and caring vibes, so I can't even fault Y/n for brushing it off. Y/n thinks she almost got murdered, so them going out of their way to make sure she gets to school safe fits how Y/n views them. Billy and Stu are constantly teetering on that line of wanting more, but not wanting to scare Y/n off. Y/n's not stupid, it only takes one wrong move to ruin everything.
Also the fact that Billy baby really thought about killing me in ch 1 for 'keeping secrets' ✋ BOY I KNOW YOU DIDN'T JUST THINK THAT. You and Stu gave me a concussion, your lucky I haven't just decided to makeout with Ray 🙄 keep trying to make me jealous with Sid and Tate and I'm bringing Ray home to meet mom pronto. Side note - Y/n BETTER brush them teeth and use listerine mouthwash after hurling. I know that breath gotta be lowkey musty after that 😭😭
THIS MADE ME SO EXCITED, I TOLD MYSELF THAT I COULD ANSWER THIS ASK AS A REWARD BETWEEN CLASSES AND HOMEWORK LOL (also just an announcement that i really want to finish part 4 today, but i have three assignments due in one class bc my professor is actually insane)
Yes!! Gloria knows! Everything! honestly, we know the real reason Stu and Billy are dating Tatum and Sidney, and that it's all about their big murder plans, but having girlfriends really does make them look less threatening! definitely a plus, especially since Gloria hates the ida of Y/n dating, especially now that Y/n's the same age she was when she got pregnant.
I know Y/n isn't being the smartest rn 😭 (especially considering that she's so smart sometimes!! good head on her shoulders, she just doesn't listen to it when it comes to BIlly and Stu 💀) part of it is her sheltered background when it comes to guys, but most of it is wishful thinking. Billy and Stu are her first good friends in awhile, and yeah, she has Sid and Tatum, but it's different with them. They're doting in a way that she's never experienced, and maybe she's starting to develop a bit of a crush that she will never consciously admit to (which we're about to start seeing in chapter 4!!) and so she smooths everything over, especially because Billy and Stu have a response for everything.
Also I love how you worded the part of them teetering on the line of wanting more, but not wanting to scare Y/n off!! They're manipulative as hell (we know this!!), so that definitely gives them some leeway, and they're taking advantage of the fact that Y/n's in a fragile state. In fact, they want to push her into an even more fragile state (Ghostface might be popping up soon...he's been a little quiet...just saying), because that makes getting what they want easy. After all, it's hard to feel weird about a friend holding your hand and coddling you while a murderer is after you.
ALSO YOUR COMMENTARY AT THE END HAS ME IN TEARS, billy switched up so fast!! i think his mommy issues make him feel betrayed SUPER easily,, so all it takes is one little thing for him to be like wow🙄 i see how you really feel (good thing he's not as impulsive as Stu) but on the bright side!! he only considered killing you for like two seconds, but then decided that he'd likely regret it in the long term!! cute boyfriend material <3 LMAO
honestly maybe Y/n should go off and make them jealous, they're super fake giving her a concussion like that! and during the school year!! acting like people don't have class and homework and grades 🙄
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
hello! I'm quite new to these matching up things so sorry if this is too long or too vague!^^' thank you so much in advance 💕
can i please request a Tf2 romantic match up?
I'm 5'5, a libra ♎️, Bi/Pansexual female and i use every pronounce(he/she/them, she/them I mainly use but you can just use she/her here lol) I'm quite chubby but I like being quick about stuff, short black and brownish hair, I wear glasses, my main hobbies are drawing and crocheting! I mostly draw more though since I'm still new to crocheting and its hard
I absolutely love noodles of any kind and I live for sodas/sweet drinks and I also Really love horror stuff!1!1! mangas,movies whatever lol! I also love collecting stuff that I like, like litlte figures and just stupid stuff to put somewhere in my room and add stuff to my collection. I like going to new places with loved ones but I've been so sheltered my life I usually get very nervous stepping out of my comfort zone
I'm very touch starved hh please give me physical contact 😭, my love language are physical touch and quality time, I'm a very patient person if it comes to relationships and I really hope my partner will also be patient when it comes to me since I'm quite slow half the time, I'm very social stupid so half the time i might not be able to pick up on cues, so I would really want my partner to be straight up with me if anything is ever wrong or they want to express something, I'm bad at expressing my own thoughts but I'll try my best if I know my partner is there to listen to me everytime, and I deal with insecurity on a daily basis so if my partner could give me could give me reassurance a lil bit here and then that'll be really nice ✨
I'm very reserved and quiet when meeting new people i dont know well, but if you're close to me and express that you're ok with being very close to me I can be absolutely batshit chaotic but depends on what kind of person you are, I'll either tone it down or higher it up, I just wanna say dumb shit and dick around lmao
I'm clumsy, I lose shit so easily and forget stuff the moment its said to me- I have one singular braincell and I already fucking lost it somewhere lmao. my thoughts process and what comes out of my mouth sometimes is super questionable, I jump thoughts so much, go from topic A straight to topic C and to A again and to B
alot of people say I'm really nice polite and kind, I dont have the balls to betray anyone's nice to me, I guiltrip myself into being as nice as possible so no one gets uncomfortable, I'm very respectful and I wont cross any lines or boundaries if you tell me before hand, If i do accidentally make my partner upset I'll kick myself super hard about it
I have such a broken sense of humor honestly, I laugh and giggle at the smallest of things and i also get upset at the smallest of things, but I get overstuff very quickly, like in a day or 2, I also use laughter as a coping mechanism in negative times and thats a really shit problem 💀💀💀 And I dont mean like, I giggle at a funeral or something💀, but when I get into a shit problem about Myself, I laugh it off and just hope it becomes better. One major thing about me is that I'm very indecisive, always in the middle of stuff
and uhh i guess that wraps up everything I wanna say Thank you so much again if you do this and sorry if you couldnt 💕
Your matchup is... Sniper!
[Disclaimer, if you're coming from the tags, this is part of a special event I am holding from November 17th to the 21st where I am accepting matchups from all fandoms I currently write for. Feel free to check out my 1K celebration masterlist here for rules during the window this event is open! If it's past the 21st midnight USA central time, do NOT send me a matchup. I will have to politely turn you down. Sorry </3]
In General
Gonna have to trust the process with me on this one, but I think you and Mundy would get along like a house on fire. Let's get into that.
Things He Likes About You
Physically speaking, everything about you vibes with him. Your hair is gorgeous, your body, and he loves your glasses. I think your personality meshes really well with him too - like I can already tell this stuff is going to leak into the next section I adore going off the rails in so let's just - let's just head over there now.
You Two as a Couple
The glasses thing - he's going to let you try his aviators a few times. Thinks you're ADORABLE wearing them. Drawing?? Incredible. Mundy is a bit of an artist himself; I think he likes sketching the cool animals and landscapes he sees while out and about in the world. Furthermore, I think he loves your crocheting, loves seeing you progress. Lady and the Tramp scene between the two of you lmafo. He weirdly has a pretty big sweet tooth? Like, I feel that throws a lot of people off but he has a sweet tooth. Will bring back sweet snacks for you. He doesn't mind horror movies or anything, sometimes gets spooked but he has a lot of fun seeing those things with you. He's slightly into vulture culture, so he gets the appeal of collecting things. Will look at your collections, and will add onto them very slowly. Mundy is touch starved, the two of you are always going to be holding hands, smooches, wholesome touches. He likes resting his head on top of yours bc that man i a literal tree where else would he-. Mundy has the patience of a saint, it's almost scary. He'll explain things to you without any sighs or anything, he knows. He also really likes listening to you as well, and ofc, he can reassure you. I think Mundy is a little awkward with his words? But around you, he always knows what to say. Like two pieces of a puzzle y'know?? He's pretty reserved and quiet at first as well, and yes, he can get chaotic. But I get the feeling you'd be the more chaotic one in the relationship. Mundy isn't that clumsy so he'll lend you his brain cells from time to time lmfao. Your sense of humor would have the two of you rolling at 2am. I just like the thought of that for the both of you. Likes that you're respectful because he is too. Mundy isn't indecisive at all, once he sets out to something he's going to see it through - and the best decision he's made is loving you.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things
Hi love bug, kudos to you for sending this in! You sent me a fantastic amount. hope you enjoyed <3
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