#She looked at him like bffr
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holyblanchett · 4 months ago
"I wish we could go home."
Agatha really hit Billy with the "Then take us home!"
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haenels · 5 months ago
rio's love for agatha being SO STRONG that she bent the rules of life for her and you want me to believe they DIDNT?!? create nicholas together?
that the boy who was given life from death is NOT death's own son?
that the little child who instinctually felt no fear or hesitation leaving his mama—his only sense of security—in the middle of the night to go with rio—a total stranger—ISNT hers as well??
that death—whose whole existence is made up of having to take and return to earth—isn't viscerally haunted for all eternity by also having to take away the only human life she's ever created?
i just wanna know how you fumble such an immaculate storyline??? 😭
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mango-parfait · 1 year ago
Maturing is just me realizing that I don't actually hate children. I just like to keep a distance.
Because after being an art teacher and seeing all kinds of parents, I realise that one of my greatest fear is becoming one of those parents that nitpick their children's artworks and criticise instead of encouraging.
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gregoftom · 2 years ago
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oh my fucking god
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miss-tina-susanne · 4 months ago
Athenais lets out a sharp, pained wail, almost like a wounded animal as she collapses and crumbles, screaming in a way to suggest that she has barely scratched the surface of her own despair.
To Chuen, you send secretly: Athenais is visibly shaking as she reaches out to you. "You literally said... YOU SAID YOU WEREN'T COMING BACK, AND YOU WERE GOING ON ABOUT HOW I SHOULD MOVE ON. Do you fucking know how painful it is to hear that you should move on from someone you love?"
Athenais sits up, eyes wide, shivering from head to toe as she clutches the bedding and drags it to her chest.
Emerik blinks, confused as to what just happened and who just went running through the bedroom. Absently he rolls off you, falling to sit on the bedside; dumbfounded, processing.
Chuen tells you: I'm not upset You tell Chuen: You're not? I am.
Athenais is completely ashen, her brow furrowed in a mixture of confusion and shock as she holds a pillow to her chest, seemingly lost in her thoughts. After a moment, she lifts her head, gazing towards you, brow furrowed.
Chuen tells you: I did tell you you should find someone else. I'm not even sure I'll stay. It would be silly of me to get upset over you following my advice. You tell Chuen: That's the problem, isn't it? I never wanted anyone else. I wanted you. Secretly: Chuen reaches out to touch your cheek with a few fingertips. "I wouldn't have you waiting for me forever, regardless."
Emerik scoots to the edge of the bed, his legs dropping off the side to hang at the knee. With his back slightly hunched and his head cast towards the floor at his feet he sighs softly; not sounding angry so much as... tired, "Was that..?" He didn't say the name, there was no need.
To Chuen, you send secretly: Athenais is visibly shaking as she reaches back out to you, shaking her head wordlessly, pain palpable in her voice and her consciousness. "Chuen, I—" Secretly: Chuen allows his hand to subside, shaking his head once. "I shall forever love you." To Chuen, you send secretly: Athenais lets out a weak little sob, reaching for your hand even as it subsides, then finally just collapses, seemingly at a loss. Within her mind, the ebb and flow of thought surges, as if overloaded with sentiments and emotions. There's pure, white hot rage. Fury. Despair. Loneliness. Love, for you, buried beneath an ocean of hurt and the agony of being left behind. The weak thrumming of hope, engulfed in the overwhelming mountain of weariness, wariness, and defeat.
Athenais appears to be completely engulfed within her own mind, her eyes wide and her brows furrowed. She stares at you for a moment, and for the first time since your introduction, the woman is perhaps more stranger than confidante - more madwoman than mage. Her eyes twitch just a touch, hands digging into the bedding beneath you, a weak, shaken breath escaping her lips. "I—"
Emerik's head lifts and turns to look over his shoulder at you, his forehead wrinkled with his furrowed brows as he searches you - not just your face, but all of you; from the position of your legs and arms to the wild expression in your eyes. "He's back," the rogue says simply, quietly. He leans over, reaching to the foot of the bed where his pants are and slides his feet in one at a time. "I should go," he says as he stands and pulls his pants up at the same time.
Visibly shivering where she is currently seated, alone, upon the bed, Athenais still manages to gaze up, your voice seemingly plucking her from whatever deep, dark pit of despair she has currently barricaded herself inside. Your words seem to strike her deep inside, drawing her from her reverie, and her eyes widen even further, mist turning the gold a dull, faded - heartbroken - ochre. She doesn't verbalize her thoughts, and perhaps she, herself, does not even know, the weakest, faintest shake of her head the only painful reminder of what she feels for you. With evident terror gripping her entire body, she somehow chokes back a sob, one hand moving to clutch her mouth as she slumps over and begins to sob in earnest.
To Emerik, you send secretly: Athenais' mind echoes all around yours, her trembling mental presence encased in despair with walls as thick as winter's ice. Even though she does not physically verbalize her thoughts, they swirl, whether by subconscious desire or desperate begging, all about you. And while it comes not of her lips, the sentiment is all too clear as it hangs thick within the space: Please don't leave me too..
Emerik hadn't intended to turn back around. Last looks back were for those who couldn't stand to look forward; he was already moving forward -- towards where he left the pile of his possessions. He falters when he hears your sob from behind, but before he could steel himself your emotions hit him through that telepathic medium like the crashing of a tsunami; it swept over him and washed away the disappointment and sadness he was wrestling so frantically to shove and lock away. He could sense the deep despair, he could feel it resonating deep within him in recesses of himself he had locked away and buried under years of booze. The only relief he felt from that pain - the pain he knew to be yours - were those swirling thoughts of him. He stood frozen for several long, painstakings breaths. Slowly he half-turned towards you, letting his gaze fall on you. His brows were downcast, eyes soft with consideration and his lips creased into a frown that ill-suited his countenance - several longer breaths passing before he moved again. Emerik swiveled slowly on the ball of his heel and took a single step forward, his arms opening in silent invitation.
Athenais exhales through gritted teeth, her expression broken as she lifts her tearstained, bruised face, her shoulders quaking and her knuckles pale from digging too deeply into the bedding beneath her knees. She gazes at you then, all dignity forgotten in the throes of her ugly crying: she is a creature of heartbreak and despair, eyeballs bloodshot, tears streaking down her face, snot and spit wetting her chin and lips. While your earlier words had seen to it that the woman had maybe expected you would have left her by now, the fact that you remain appears to be received with a quiet, desperate hope, shock that you care, and unspoken relief. She reaches a hand to you, evidently unable to move herself, the other covering her face as she continues to sob without a care for anything else but catharsis for wounds held too long against her breast.
Secretly: Emerik sent an image back through their connected minds. It started hazy, indiscernible, but gradually grew focused and more detailed as his untrained and unconditioned mind focused on what it was he wished to convey. Slowly you would see waves violently flying into the air in an explosion of mist and foam over and over and over again with such violent intensity than any one of which felt capable of sinking a ship. Soon it became clear enough to see that the waves broke on a single, fractured, worn rock - smooth where the water had washed away imperfections, yet jarring and jagged where the sea had delivered damaging debris. The image continued to play - not on repeat, but giving the sense that time was fast forwarded. Shadows formed on the jagged features and smooth alike as the sun passed overhead darkness fell and nothing could be seen except the glint of moonlight off the rock's wet surface. It became clear that time, in this image, was passing every faster. Like a flashing light, days passed, faster and faster. Throughout it all the waves crashed on that rock yet, no matter how hard the waves crashed. No matter how many days - years - flashed by, the rock relented. In the chaos of the crashing waves, it was steadfast. The message was simple: I will be your rock.
Emerik reaches out to your outstretched hand, capturing it in his, and pulls - or drags you kicking and screaming if he has to - to him; both arms wrapping around you tightly to pull your face to his chest. He didn't speak, having no words that could describe what it was he wished, there was no need to.
Athenais lets out a sharp, pained wail, almost like a wounded animal as she collapses and crumbles into your arms, screaming in a way to suggest that she has barely scratched the surface of her own despair. Perhaps only just now confronting all the pain and sorrow within her, she wails - a wraith, a baby, a lost soul - her fingers scraping into your back as she clings onto, and clutches you in earnest. Trembling from head to toe, she barely manages to stand upright, her entire weight thrust upon you even as her sorrows are imparted upon the space. She screams, again and again; overhead, the crystals begin to dance and swirl, slamming dangerously into their neighbors to fill the space in a cacophonous, bitter song. Winds swirl - several of the crystals crack, then shatter, raining precious stone upon the pair of you as she weeps, and weeps, and weeps.
Emerik closes his eyes tightly as he hears your screams and the hair on the back of his neck, his arms, and even his legs stood on edge; all sourcing from the ominous chill that crashes down his spine with the unfocused release of your magic. Through the crashing of the chandelier above, the swirling wind lifting stray locks of his brown hour. Then the crystals above shatter, his hand lifts instinctively to the top of your head, cradling it and pushing your face into his chest. When the last of the debris lay strawn on the floor his head lifted from your shoulder, tilted to look down at the top of your head.  "Addy..." he said, a tremor of fear in his voice before he steeled himself and said again loudly, commanding, "Addy! *Look* at me," he moved his hand from the top of your head and moved it to your chin to suggest - but not force - you to look up at him; unsure if you could even hear him through your cocoon of despair.
The winds slowly die down, and the air within the room slowly begins to still. In the wake of the chaos, several tens of crystals lie shattered upon the floor and bed, papers scattered and books overturned. The pallid shroud which had before shielded the mirror from sight hangs loose to the ground, reflecting the full extent of the chaos. In your arms, Athenais sobs softly, her hands clutching you still as she remains hunched over, shoulders quaking and legs buckled beneath her. Naked as she is, it is all too clear when her magic fades away, perhaps from over-use, and perhaps from a lack of will to keep up appearances any more - a gentle shimmering like bubbling water washes down her back, then it is all revealed to you, every last scar and burn mark that dances in a dragon-scale weave from the left shoulderblade down to the waist, curling in to the corresponding side of her abdomen. She stares at you then, still sobbing, eyes wide, broken with grief as her hands clutch your forearms.
Emerik's wiry physique relaxes as the winds begin to fade and the room begins to settle, until finally dissipating into silence save for your sobs. If he was aware of the unveiled imperfections, there was no clue alluding to it in his expression. His brows were knitted with concern; his bronze-hued eyes intently focused into yours when your gaze lifted to meet him, both pools flickering as he searches your countenance. A few breaths later his expression softens and his voice lowers to a reassuring hush as he says, summoning all the bravado the charming rogues possesses, "It's goin' ta be a'right, Addy. Y'hear me?"
Athenais lets out a few shaken breaths, her eyes darting furtively about the room even as she struggles to hold back more sobs. At present, she appears barely able to see, much less make sense of everything. Indeed, all she sees is you, your eyes, your face, your person - unremarkable, perhaps to the world, but certainly not to her. With hands digging tightly into your forearms, she shifts her footing tentatively - then lets out a sharp cry as a crystal shard pierces her underfoot, sending rivers of blood flowing onto the wooden floor beneath even as she crumples into you, onto the floor.
Emerik appears to be waiting for something; but it was unlikely even he knew what it was that he was expecting. His hand left your chin and moved to your arm, his fingertips pressing into the supple muscle of your tricep as your thumb strokes her bicep. Both brows shoot up with your scream, and his gaze drops as he catches the movement of your leg recoiling from the shards of glass. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of the blood, and the volume; likely knowing from similar experiences how deep such cuts could go - and how complicated they could be. With concern furrowing his brows his gaze flicked to the bed, where the blankets and sheets were littered with similar shards. He took a deep breath and by time he bore a full chest he had made a decision, "It's not safe in 'ere right now." With little effort he swoops you off your feet, holding you as he did the night previous. The crystals crunched and broke beneath his feet and his jaws rippled with the tight flexing of grit teeth biting back pained yelps and shuffled towards the door, leaving streaking bloody footprints in his wake. He stopped at his pile, shifted all of his weight to one foot - what shards under had not fragmented and cut him, did then - and with the other foot kicked his backpack out the door, following after it soon after.
Cottage Foyer
   Closer to a hallway than an actual functioning foyer, this narrow space spans barely two metres across, with more than half that taken up by a flight of steep wooden stairs. With dark wood floors and walls painted over in a deep rust red, the space is afforded some sun by day, courtesy of a single narrow window beside the front door; a black iron lamp hangs overhead to wash the space in candlelight by night. A long narrow table is pushed right up to the wall parallel to these stairs, bearing a messy and packed mail cubby, a singular tower of stacked, smooth river stones, and a large china vase holding aloft a bouquet of old, crumbling blooms. A rectangular high pile rug dyed a deep gemstone carmine adds a hint of warmth in this otherwise haphazard space.
   Obvious exits: porch, design, up and east.
Athenais blinks blearily at you, shivering from head to toe as she appears to be trying to make sense of the situation and where she is. Very little escapes her at present, the woman clearly emotional exhausted and physically drained - perhaps not even aware of how, or what had happened. She inhales sharply then, choking back a teary sob, then only just manages to rasp your name before slowly burying her face into the crook of your neck and shoulder.
Emerik stops outside the door to once again kick his backpack, this time more gently to send it skidding to a stop beside the stairs, and again follows after it with you in his arms. He takes three pained, limping steps down the stairs before stopping and turning. As if the top of the flight were a chair he settled you on it. Without speaking he reaches over to his backpack and pouches strapped to the inside of it, typically hidden between the pack itself and his frame. He reached into the backpack, but not finding what he looked for checked the far side pouch. From within a produced a small vial and took a long look at it before bringing it to his lips and pulling the cork from the top, "Take a sip," he tells you firmly, holding the vial out to you.
Athenais's eyes slowly roll back into her head, though at your insistence, she appears to regain just a hint of consciousness. Her hands prove useless, however, the vial falling free of her fingertips to simply land within the curve of her abdomen as she lolls within your arms, sapped of strength and unable to move. She gazes at you then, still blinking blearily, her gaze one of confusion, hopelessness, and, most palpable of all, guilt at the trouble she has caused you.
Emerik grows more concerned as he grows more aware of your condition. His heart skips a beat as the vial drops from your hand, some of the contents splashing out, wasted. Hastily he scoops the container from your belly, his thumb blocking the lip and lifts it to the light to measure how much remained -- not near enough to risk wasting. He brings the lip of the vial to his lips and empties it into his mouth before dropping it callously down the steps. The same hand takes your chin and turns your face to him, pulling your lips apart while helping to hold your head study. His lips sealed against your and all so slowly he let the bitter potion drizzle into your mouth as if delivering an antidote to the unconcious poisoned.
Athenais lets out a weak breath as you transfer the potion into her mouth - and thankfully, manages to swallow, droplets dribbling from the corners of her lips as they quaver, moistened by tears. She trembles within your grasp, her lashes fluttering as she seeks out your face and your eyes, blinking hard as if struggling to commit them to memory at present.
Emerik withdraws his mouth from yours as the last of the fluid is drained. He licks his lips, savoring what he could. He could feel even the almost insignificant amount of potion that had been absorbed into the mucous membranes of his cheeks and gums already started to reject the rainbow of shattered shards that had embedded in his flesh; pushing them from his body as the flesh knitted itself together from the inside out. Perhaps if he had more the wounds would have fully healed, but as it were the healing was incomplete. The smaller slices and gashes healed over fully but remained discoloured, tender slines' but the larger remained a swollen mass of bare pink flesh; what one would except to see after a few days of the body's natural healing. His eyes scanned your face, his hand sliding from your chin to wipe the drizzle of potion from the corner of your mouth. His brows remained furrowed as he watched you, holding your limp body loosely in his one arm. "Addy, can ya' hear me Addy?" He asks, the pitch of his tone high with concern and more than a touch of anxiety.
While her physical wounds do, indeed, begin to knit together, Athenais remains pale and unmoving in your embrace, her ashen skin cool to the very touch. The gold in her eyes softens as they seem to mist over, and she studies you with vaguely furrowed brows, her voice barely perceptible as she whispers, "W-what happened?"
Emerik sighs a breath of relief upon seeing the first hints of alertness; his entire body relaxed as tension ebbed from him - she was going to be okay. "I d'nno," he says softly, his gaze set to yours, "I think ya' lost control of ya' magic." As he speaks his hand moves to your cheek, grazing it with the back of his knuckles, concern oozing off his every syllable as he asks in a hushed tenor, "Are ya' a'right?"
Athenais allows her head to loll lifelessly back, though her eyes remain upon yours. She swallows hard, the motion visible beneath the skin and muscle of her neck, hands deathly cold as she tries to raise them to reach for yours. "You stayed," She croaks, hoarse and barely perceptible, sheer marvel and gratitude at your devotion palpable in her quavering cadence. "'m sorry... for putting you through this... "
Emerik lifts his hand from you to take one of your weak, trembling hands in his and guided it to his cheek for you, holding it there - knowing you did not have the strength to do so yourself. "Of course I did," he says in a whisper, "I couldn't leave you to that pain by yourself."
Emerik would be worried if not for the lift and fall of your chest with your breathing and your brief period of lucidity prior. Slowly he stood, cradling your sleeping form to his chest and made his way back through the bedroom door - skirting the edges of the mess instead of having to tredge through the epicenter, managing to avoid anymore damage to his feet, carrying you to the bathroom where he would deposit your sleeping form in the bathtub. He'd disappear from the room for a moment before reappearing with his cloak in hand and drapes it over your sleeping form. A tender kiss is planted to your forehead and, as he withdraws, his gaze lingers on you; sadness tugging a frown on his lips. Slowly he turns and makes his way out, back into the bedroom.
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cinnamorollcrybaby · 4 months ago
The way Nanami subtly doms you
Tags: dom!Nanami x fem!Reader, sub!Reader, dom/sub relationship, NO age regression, sub space.
An: yeah idk i feel like nanami’s very subtle with his domming style, but i see shiu kong as full on dom.
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• Nanami isn’t the type to flex his dominance over you. He doesn’t have to be rude or degrading to drive the point home. You know exactly when he gives you that look, it means to behave. His hazel eyes cut in your direction, and his eyebrow raises ever so slightly, like he’s amused by your disobedience. However, he doesn’t smile — doesn’t reward bad behavior.
• “Want to say that again?”, “Language.”, “Didn’t I tell you no pouting?” when you’re being a brat and mouthing off. bonus points if he’s pulling his tie away from his neck and slowly wrapping it around his palm.
• It’s simple, but he gives you his hoodies or coats to wear when you’re out and about. He likes seeing his clothes encompassed your body, and he enjoys that everyone will immediately be able to tell just whose you are.
• Speaking of clothes, Nanami’s not the type to tell you when you can and can’t wear something. He’s confident in his abilities to keep you safe, but that doesn’t mean he won’t make suggestions. “Are you sure about the skirt, sweetheart? I don’t want your legs getting cold.”
• He takes great care of you in an inconspicuous manner. He’ll adjust your clothes on you, buttoning up your top or gently fixing your unruly hair. He’ll throw your towel and pajamas (that he picked out for you) in the dryer when you’re in the shower, so they are all warm and cozy for you when you get out.
• Nanami is also the type to set a pretty firm bedtime for you. He knows how much you like to stay up and how ill you get in the mornings if you hadn’t had a minimum of 8 hours of rest. So, he sets you on a pretty strict bedtime schedule and routine. Don’t worry. He’s there every night to cuddle you to sleep.
• Insistent that you hold his hand while you two are out. He knows how distractible you are, and it eases his mind when your palm rests in his.
• The way he talks can throw you straight into a more submissive headspace, and he knows it too. He doesn’t do it often, but when he notices you getting too stressed or burnt out, he’ll immediately start with the dom talk, “My baby needs a break, doesn’t she?” He’ll coo and pull you into his lap, and when you inevitably lean into his touch, “There she is. Did my baby miss me?”
• Nanami sees it as a gentlemanly thing, but it could also be seen as another form of domming. He doesn’t let you touch a single door handle if he’s with you, and you best believe he’s walking on the outside. You’re tucked beside him on the inside of the sidewalk. He’ll also never let you hold a shopping bag. No, he does not care that he’s holding a bunch of Victoria’s Secret and Ulta bags. He pays for everything. If your car needs gas, Nanami fills it up.
• On the off chance that you two are out, and he’s not right beside you, all he has to do is curl his finger and point at the ground in front of him to let you know that he wants you to come to him, and you better do as you’re told.
• The king of giving simple stern instructions. “Look at me.” “Speak up, baby.”, “Come here, now.”, “Give me a kiss.”, “Ask nicely.”
• Nanami will sit on the couch, spread his legs, and pat his knee when he wants you to sit on his lap. He doesn’t even have to give simple instructions for that.
• Even while he does all this, he respects your independence, autonomy, and intelligence. Let’s bffr rn he’s your biggest supporter in everything you do. He’s so in love with you because he knows how smart and hard working you are. He’s so damn lucky that he gets to be the man to pamper you and ease your weary mind. He loves being that safe space for you, so you can just relax, lean on him, and just be you.
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azulpitlane · 4 months ago
american wedding l ln4
summary: lando dating zak brown's daughter leads to a lot of pr disasters, like getting married in vegas
notes: can be read as a part two to boss' daughter or a stand alone
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 38,329 others
yourusername wasnt gonna drink tonight but i miss my bf like a mf.
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user real tbh
user i miss u like a mf. show ur face at a race already queen.
user no cause it's been forever since she went to one and i miss the chaotic content with her and lando
user you know damn well you were gonna drink regardless liked by yourusername
landonorris i miss u more😓 just drop out of uni and come to all my races
zbrownceo excuse me?
landonorris JUST A JOKE! ha ha ha.
user LANDO😭😭
landonorris but i just booked a flight to nyc because of this post btw. see you this weekend😈
yourusername i was about to start crying until i realized what emoji you used😐
oscarpiastri dont we have be at the mtc this weekened??
yourusername SHHHH OSCAH
landonorris yeah oscar shhh
user poor oscar is always getting tag teammed by those two
user lando getting that in-law privilege by skipping important meetings to see his boss' daughter😭
user i love this relationship's dynamic theyre so perfect for each other
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f1gossip Lando and Y/n's Brown's weekend in New York City! It seems Lando skipped his trip to the MTC to be with his girlfriend where they were pictured clubbing and walking around the city multiple times.
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user he finally met his match lol
user lando is a clingy drunk confirmed✅
user i really want to know what their drunk conversations sound like
user hot take but if she wasnt zaks daughter most of you guys would hate her
user shes making him blow off important meetings so he could be with her? she sounds like a distraction from racing
user girl what- her dad is literally the ceo? if there was an issue im sure he wouldve let them know bffr
user zak brown is probably tired of these two😭
user is partying all they do together?
user no cause she lowkey seems like a bad influence
user i agree🫣 shes always posting herself partying and drinking, thats not wag material
user she might be a pr nightmare but i stand with my canceled wife💜
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri and 820,429 others
landonorris nyc to vegas🛩 aaaand i brought the bad influence with
tagged yourusername
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user the caption IM-
user nah hes lowkey dissing y/n haters😭
user how did he bag someone 10x cooler than him
user the bottle of alcohol and the vape, she really is ready for vegas
user Y/N'S BACK!!!
yourusername vegas aint ready for us
landonorris no they arent😈
yourusername enough.
user no hate to the other wags but y/n is truly the realest one out of all of them
user fr she truly is just a normal girl in her twenties
oscarpiastri 🙂
yourusername what is that suppose that mean OSCAH!!! my father will hear of this
oscarpiastri ok calm down draco malfoy
user why is there lowkey beef between y/n and oscar LMFAO
yourusername he hates my swag!!!
oscarpiastri she brings a lotttt of energy to the garage when shes here🙂
user im crying at oscars response😭😭😭 hes had enough of yn and lando
user idk if her holding a bottle of alcohol is appropriate to post!
user pls grow up omg
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liked by carlossainz55, danielricciardo and 59,329 others
yourusername postt race partoes >>>>>> the avtual race
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user THEE party girl
user i need to party with them so bad
user lando.jpg when???
user the typos😭 shes already drunk
user yup theres already videos of her and lando drunkly dancing together all over twitter
user yeah and oscar was in the background of those videos looking miserable LMFAOO
user oh to be a wag partying in vegas with lando
yourusername posted a story
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user i voted fall to my knees and cry btw…if you even care
user um this is a random question to ask at 3am…
user what stores are even open rn😭😭
oscarpiastri if you guys dont pick up your phones i swear to god…
oscarpiastri of course i get stuck as babysitter to the two most drunk people at the party
yourusername heY oscah😊😊 sendingg u my lpcation now cuz we need a witness so come ASAPPPPPP
oscarpiastri WITNESS FOR WHAT?
danielricciardo if this means what i think it means, youre both so dead🤣
user babes didnt u just post at the club like an hour ago
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 1,392,321 others
yourusername do u guys thonk my dad will be mad thaT oscar walked me down the aislee?
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user OH MY GOD??
user mclarens pr team are going to have a rude awakening in the morning😭
user shes never beating the bad influence allegations i fear
user crazy to think that this time last year he was flirting with her through her instagram comments😭
user and now theyre married omg i remember everyone was teasing lando but he truly got the last laugh
carlossainz55 i dont know if i should congralute you guys or be concerned?
user mind you, its almost four in the morning in vegas
danielricciardo getting married is crazy, you should be at the club
yourusername u mak a grrat point! otw now
mclaren we cannot congratulate until the boss says its okay sorry😕
zbrownceo answer your phone.
oscarpiastri sir, i would like it to be known that she blackmailed to be there
yourusername okay snitch!
zbrownceo im not kidding y/n
danielricciardo ouuu youre in trouble
user its so over for them
user zak finally putting his foot down with these two LMFAO
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f1gossip Wedding celebrations at the club! Seems like the newlyweds are back partying after their wedding announcement was made just a few minutes ago. Congrats to them?
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user everyone is freaking out and theyre literally at the club im cryingg
user "congrats to them?" is literally all of us rn😭
user they are not real omg
user zak is probably blowing up their phones and they do not care at all lmfaooo
user truly winning the idgaf war
user real question is are they getting an annulment once they sober up???
user i really wanna know what zak will make them do
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f1gossip Newly weds update! The two were seen this afternoon leaving Las Vegas with Zak Brown himself. Neither were seen wearing wedding rings, possible divorce?
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user well that was fun while it lasted
user damn they beat kim kardashians record of the shortest marriage
user at least theyre still dating😭
user they definitely got yelled at lmfaoo
user cant tell if zak is happy or angry that his daughter married norris considering how much he loves him
user oh hes def happy about it but not happy they posted it LOL
user good for him for getting an annulment. shes a mess
user and hes not? bye theyre both messy
landonorris 📍qatar
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername and 2,424,232 others
landonorris annulment? we're in our honeymoon
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user oh so theyre fr about this marriage😭
user does bro know theres a race on sunday
user they look so in love im honestly really happy for them
yourusername we beat the fraud marriage allegations💜
mclaren now thats its been approved by the boss, congratulations to the best papaya couple theres ever been🧡
user wow so zak approves! im shocked tbh
user i wish i couldve seen their reactions the morning after the wedding
yourusername ohhh we didnt remember any of it tbh but were happy now!
user LMFAO OMG....
user she finally got her ring!! and here you guys were thinking they got a divorce bc she didnt have one
danielricciardo never thought id see the day
yourusername me neither tbh
landonorris excuse me WHAT
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landoupdates Lando was questioned on his Vegas wedding in new interview.
"We decided not to get any annulment or anything and just keep this Vegas marriage as sort of like a promise for a real one in the future." 🧡
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user omg😭😭they are too cute
user not to be dramatic but i would honestly cried if they broke up
user no literally they mean everything to me
user "i really do think y/n is the one" DO YOU HEAR ME SOBBING
user he gets so smiley when y/n is brought up ughhh me and WHO
user and to think y/n has haters is crazyyy this man is so in love with her
user if oscar isnt the best man ill riot for him, he was there for the og wedding
user imagining them trying to convince zak to not get a divorce is the cutest but funniest thing ever
more notes: has anyone seen anora?? it inspired this haha A FRAUD MARRIAGE!!!
2K notes · View notes
maplesyrupsainz · 3 months ago
˖⁺。˚⋆˙dont call me kid | CL16˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: ex!charles leclerc x singer!reader y/n (she/her) (also some subtle lando norris x reader bc i cant help myself)
genre: social media au
warnings: angst!! sorry charles is the bad guy lol
summary: in which a very illicit affair finally gets out and you face the backlash
a/n: obsessed with this request ahhhh i need to write more angst!!!! also yea okay IM BACK IM BACK
request!!!: singer!reader and charles date but he kept it private so no one knew which is why they break up and like the fall out when ppl find out abt it online <3 maybe her healing and him regretting it? or like her moving on with someone else
my masterlist
fc: holly humberstone
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liked by user3, user17, user44, and others
f1gossip charles leclerc seen out shopping today with girlfriend alexandra saint mleux
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user6 what hahaha
user7 so y/n must've been a while ago right??
user8 crickets from y/n
user9 they're so cute together y/n is deffo trying to split them up or something
user10 this whole situation is weird imo
user11 right like im confused and dont think y/n is the villain??
user12 be fr charles fumbled y/n.
user13 okay 😂
user14 sureeeee
user15 yuppp y/n defenders rise fr!!
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liked by pierregasly, carlossainz55, and others
charles_leclerc the good life ☀️
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user16 omgg charles & alex are so cute together
user17 omgg such gorgeous pics
user18 dont know who im more jealous of
carlossainz55 looking good 🏝️
charles_leclerc who, me or the beach?
carlossainz55 no comment
user19 charlos you will always be famous
user20 alex is the best wag <3
user21 ahh a leo leclerc cameo we love to see it
alexandrasaintmleux i love summers with you 🫶
charles_leclerc it is an honour to be in your company
user22 STOPPPP
user23 me whennn omg
user24 downgrade from y/n lol.
*comment deleted by charles_leclerc*
user25 justice for y/n much 🙄
*comment deleted by charles_leclerc*
user26 wait is he deleting comments about **
yourusername 📍 london
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liked by yourbff, landonorris, and others
yourusername back home ❤️
tagged: yourbff
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yourbff love you
yourusername love you
user27 is this charles’ attention seeking fling 💀
user28 geez & she thought she could compete with alex
user29 ikr she's the wrong vibe fr
user30 emo vibes
user31 here u go here's ur clout 💀
user32 music sucks too
user33 lando in the likes? her nxt target bro
user34 bffr even he doesnt want her
user35 wtf is this comment section
user36 why so much hate???
*comments on this post have now been limited*
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liked by user11, landonorris, yourbff, and others
ynupdates y/n spotted in a parking lot talking on a phone call this afternoon!! the first sighting of her in over three months ❤️
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user44 ew stay hidden
user45 girl get off a y/n fan page then 💀
user46 omg she looks happy or is it just me???
user47 i hope she's healing🥹🥹
user48 our girl is back omg
user50 she real for dat
user51 y/n we miss you 😭
user52 COME BACK Y/N
user53 okay wait why is no one talking about lando norris in the likes
user54 this is so atrociously random.
user55 maybe he's a fan🥹
yourusername posted a story
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liked by yourbff, sabrinacarpenter, and others
user56 OH MY GOD
user57 FINALLY
user58 new music please im praying
ynupdates omg finally. war is over
gracieabrams so effing glad ur back.
yourusername dont you know it
phoebebridgers thank god, my queen is back
yourusername for good!!
billieeilish im locked tf in
liked by yourusername
charles_leclerc glad you're back y/n!
landonorris cant wait for the world to hear your voice
yourusername thank u lando 🥹🥹
landonorris of course. always thinking of you!
yourusername means so much xx
user60 im healed.
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liked by landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux, and others
yourusername you'll be flushed when you return ❤️ hi guys :) sorry that it's been a while... here's a lil peak into what i've been up to. my new song ‘illicit affairs’ is yours now.
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user61 oh my god
user63 the way literally all the leaked pics of y/n with charles were in cars too...
user64 omg the song is so so heartbreaking... fym it dies & it dies & it dies ?!?!?
user67 omg what did that man do to my girl
user68 such a beautifully heartbreaking song
user69 u showed me colours u know i cant see with anyone else:(
user70 u taught me a secret language i can't speak with anyone else:(
user71 okay but the lyrics look at this idiotic fool that u made me & for u i would ruin myself a million little times are so so heartbreaking like she fr got bullied off the internet over this secret relationship bro
user72 alex in the likes? lando in the last pic? is my girl winning in every category rn
user73 karma
landonorris such a beautiful song
yourusername tysm i rly appreciate u listening 🥹
landonorris 🧡
user74 now kiss
oscarpiastri amazing song y/n!
yourusername thanks osc <3
carlossainz55 as always such a lovely song. you're a rare talent y/n!
yourusername 🥹🫶
messages ->
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liked by landonorris, user17, and others
f1wagupdates charles leclerc's wag alexandra saint mleux was seen last night leaving a restaurant alongside singer songwriter y/n y/l/n, who was recently connected to leclerc as having had a secret romantic fling together. what do you think is going on here?
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user75 oh my god
user76 WHAT???
user77 shit's about to get crazy 💀
user79 lando in the likes???
user80 y/n's biggest fan lol
user81 he's so real
user82 wtf are they talking about bro
user83 y/n stealing charles' new gf she's real
user84 im on board with this new friendship
user85 someone spill the tea RIGHT NOW im desperate oh my god
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liked by lilyzneimer, landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux, and others
ynupdates y/n seen out last night in PARIS with lando norris. don't know what to think. head = empty.
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user86 what
user87 what
user88 WHAT?
user89 why is half the grid and their wags in the likes
user90 hello?
user91 what's happening
user93 they're just friends, right?
user94 😂 yeah.
user95 charles found dead
user96 girl i need answers im foaming at the mouth
ynupdates you and me both
user98 so much has happened the past few months but im just even more confused than ever
liked by yourusername
user100 @.yourusername you lurker
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liked by landonorris, lilyzneimer, and others
yourusername look at this godforsaken mess that you made me 😊😊😊
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lilyzneimer 🧡
liked by yourusername
user101 HELLOOO??!?!!
mclaren good sweater choice!
landonorris i second this
oscarpiastri i third it
yourusername 😭😭
user102 what's going onnn
user103 new mclaren wag jus droppeddd
liked by landonorris
user104 i feel like this is confirmation that charles and alex are over.....
liked by yourusername, alexandrasaintmleux
user106 not the comment section lurking i cant cope
alexandrasaintmleux most beautiful mess in the world
yourusername oh, you 🥹
user107 she's real for this....
user108 charles is crying i think
user110 need answers but im happy she's happy
user111 we've learned patience 🙏
user112 fanbase growth 🧡
yourusername love u
user113 Y/N!!!?!:!:!:!:!/!:!/:£:&;£;
landonorris 🧡
yourusername 🧡🧡
landonorris 🧡🧡🧡
1K notes · View notes
5sospenguinqueen · 6 months ago
Love You FURever | Toto Wolff x Vet! Reader
Summary: When Toto marries a vet, he realises his life consists of yelling about cars and fostering injured animals.
Fluff. Humour. Pinterest pics.
Requested: Yes by anon. Sorry this is only a small one
F1 Masterlist
━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━
ynwolff just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, kimi.antonelli and others
ynwolff some friends from work
maxverstappen1 sassy and jimmy said they’ve never enjoyed a vet visit so much
→ ynwolff bring them back anytime! such lovely cats
user toto’s plan to get max to mercedes is by making his wife befriend his cats liked by ynwolff
→ user ahah she liked. she’s so funny
lewishamilton roscoe says he can’t wait for his check-up
→ ynwolff i can’t wait to see my sweet boy
→ georgerussell63 i miss when i was your sweet boy
→ ynwolff i’ve been around you too long. you stopped being my sweet boy last year
albon_pets any room for more friends?
→ ynwolff there’s always room for f1 pets
→ user this just makes me think she set up her own clinic purely so she could look after the f1 animals
→ user agreed because she attends every race where a pet is so she can be on hand for them
charles_leclerc this is my sign to get a dog
→ user yes! charles dog dad era needed
mercedesamgf1 i thought we were friends… but you haven’t visited us for ages :(
→ ynwolff don’t make me tell my husband that you’re emotionally blackmailing me
→ mercedesamgf1 he told us to (and there’s no proof if we delete the comment)
→ ynwolff (i have it printed out)
→ user omfg she’s defo the funniest wag
━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━
mercedesamgf1 just posted
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liked by ynwolff, georgerussell63 and others
mercedesamgf1 boss man hard at work
ynwolff tell him not to look so serious. he’ll scare the children
→ totowolff my love, i can see your comments.
→ ynwolff when did you do this? why do you follow mercedes and your drivers and not ME!
→ user toto sleeping on the couch later liked by ynwolff
kimi.antonelli 😊
user i hope he’s trying to figure out how to fix the shit box that is the W15
user he’s such a grandpa with his tied sweaters
→ totowolff i am not a grandpa.
→ ynwolff so when you were complaining about your back aching and begging for a rub?
→ user i bet he doesn’t act like a grandpa at home, that’s how they ended up with a 6 year old
→ georgerussell63 guys, he can see these comments now fyi
user definitely the hottest team principal liked by ynwolff
→ totowolff with the hottest wife.
→ user omg they’re so down bad for each other that he’s breaking pr rules for her
━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━
wolffcare just posted
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liked by roscoelovescoco, albon_pets and others
wolffcare boss of the month
ynwolff i paid them to post this. literally
→ wolffcare that only makes it like 5% less true
roscoelovescoco vets of thes years
charles_leclerc leo is looking forward to his first trip to the vets tomorrow
maxverstappen1 would recommend
lewishamilton 10/10
alex_albon the cats are begging me to make them fat so they have a reason to come visit you
→ ynwolff stop feeding them cheese
user why are all the f1 drivers here?
→ totowolff because this is my wife.
→ user when he claims you
→ user girl bffr
→ user starting to feel like toto only made an insta so he could join the drivers in praising her online
mercedesamgf1 if the w15 was an animal, we would trust you with it more than toto
→ totowolff my office. monday. 9am.
→ mercedesamgf1 crap
→ ynwolff they were complimenting me, my love
→ totowolff fine.
→ totowolff @/mercedesamgf1 make that 10am.
━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━
ynwolff just posted
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liked by lewishamilton, alex_albon and others
ynwolff my best friends for the weekend
user omg the fact that she cropped out toto
totowolff liebling, are we no longer friends?
→ ynwolff you left your wet towel on the bed again so no
→ user oh so it’s not just my husband
→ user even millionaires piss off their wives
→ totowolff *billionaire.
roscoelovescoco my favourites grand prixs buddy
→ ynwolff my favourite bulldog
georgerussell63 offended that i’m not in this
→ ynwolff toto, your child is pestering me again
→ lewishamilton actually, i’m a little offended that I’m not in this either but bono is
→ ynwolff omg lewis i’m so sorry. i'll dedicate a whole post to you this weekend
→ georgerussell63 wow
user jack is so cute. he’s the perfect combination of toto and yn
→ totowolff yn did a great job, didn’t she?
→ ynwolff stop trying to convince me to have another
→ user omg he’s trying to get her to have more!
mercedesamgf1 we love having the three of you in the garage. brings us more luck
━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━
totowolff just posted
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liked by mercedesamgf1, ynwolff and others
totowolff gentleman, if you fall in love with a vet, she will give you the best family. but far too many animals in your home
mercedesamgf1 the cutest family 🩵
lewishamilton is this the puppy that was going to be put down?
→ totowolff yes. yn rescued him and i couldn’t say no.
georgerussell63 so that makes one child, three cats, two hamsters, two cows and a puppy. what’s next?
→ ynwolff i really want a pig but toto says he doesn’t like the noise :(
→ user isn’t he trying to get you to have another baby? how is that noise okay?
albon_pets we should open up a zoo together
→ totowolff don’t give her ideas!
charles_leclerc omg when can we meet him!?
→ ynwolff he’ll be at the next couple of races
f1wags what a lovely picture of yn and jack
ynwolff you shouldn't call your son an animal. he’s only a little feral. he gets that from you
→ totowolff i watched you tear into a steak yesterday. not sure i’m the cause.
→ ynwolff uh, you were the cause of my craving for steak
→ totowolff who knew getting you pregnant made you such a carnivore.
→ user pregnant?!
→ user baby #2?!?!
→ user definitely not a grandpa
→ ynwolff toto!
→ totowolff this is why i didn’t want an instagram!
━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━
Requests open! Now include Franco Colapinto and K Mag
Tag list
@peachiicherries @rosecentury @c-losur3 @heavy-vettel @evie-119 @raizelchrysanderoctavius
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poetsblvd · 11 months ago
bisous 𖤓 carlos sainz 𝒙 leclerc!reader.
❨ summary. all he wanted was a kiss, it’s not his fault the paparazzi caught it, and it’s totally coincidental that your brother’s going to kill him. ❩
❨ faceclaim. @/claudiamariewalsh on instagram <3 ❩
❨ notes. i had sm fun doing this! though it did exceed the limit i was looking at, becoming a bit long, but i do wanna do a part two to this because imo the charles x carlos beef is gonna be really funny!! i hope you enjoy xx ❩
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ instagram.
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liked by charles_leclerc and 30,987 others.
yourinstagram. wined and dined xo
view all 11,345 comments.
username when god has favourites 😩
username holy shit
charles_leclerc mon poupette! tellement jolie.
yourusername je t’aime cha xx
username my brother is a dick compared to charles lmao
arthur_leclerc bet you were smelly.
yourusername bet you came out of a gutter.
username now that’s more like my brother
username not carlos creeping in the likes 👀
username girl bffr he’s like 6 years older than her??
username so lol #zaddy
username don’t ever say ‘zaddy again’.
landonorris wined, dined and sixty-nined.
charles_leclerc get out.
yourusername ew you weirdo
landonorris so it’s funny when kevin in the office says it??
yourusername he has rizz, unlike you.
maxverstappen1 real.
landonorris i hate you.
francisca.cgomes so stunning my girl 😻
yourusername love u forever keeks <33
username someone look at me like she does in the third pic 😭
carlossainz55 espléndida
yourusername 🤭❤️
charles_leclerc ???
arthur_leclerc ???
landonorris ???
username lando what??
landonorris felt a bit left out there 🤷‍♂️
⋆⭒˚.⋆ twitter.
Tumblr media
⋆⭒˚.⋆ instagram.
carlossainz55 added to their stories.
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seen by yourusername and 800,567 others.
yourusername replied to this story.
⤷ mon coeur 🫶🏼
⤷ je t’aime tellement !!
landonorris replied to this story.
⤷ did you wine her and dine her??
⤷ ;) ;)
charles_leclerc replied to this story.
⤷ i bought yn a ring so similar for her 21st!
⤷ what a small world eh mate?
⋆⭒˚.⋆ text messages between yn and charles.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ text messages between yn and carlos.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ instagram.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by carlossainz55 and 47,222 others.
yourinstagram sunny days ☀️
view all 24,432 comments.
username carlos crying in the likes lol
username someone check on big bro charlie 😭
charles_leclerc poupette???
charles_leclerc que se passe-t-il?? ( what’s going on? )
charles_leclerc you didn’t say BOYS were gonna be on this trip!!
yourusername is my hair not pretty?
yourusername you haven’t complimented it yet?
yourusername it’s healthier and you haven’t noticed :((
francisca.cgomes you should be ashamed charles_leclerc
pierregasly absolutely sick of you charles !!
landonorris even i noticed her stunning hair! it’s smoother!
maxverstappen1 disgusting behaviour
charles_leclerc ??? no ??
yourusername oh?? it’s not healthier? i’m not pretty anymore?
francisc.cgomes HOW DARE YOU charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc NON poupette desolee
yourusername don’t talk to me.
username me when i dream
gigihadid 😻😻
arthur_leclerc stunning hair btw
yourusername love u tur
username he’s being nice??
arthur_leclerc too bad it doesn’t help the ugly face lol
username nvm
charles_leclerc pick up the phone poupette
charles_leclerc you’re very pretty !! you’re hair is so shiny !!
charles_leclerc we’ll go shopping soon poupette 💌
yourusername okay charlie love u 🥰
arthur_leclerc i want a new ps5
charles_leclerc get it yourself.
carlossainz55 hermosa
username poor boy
username mans desperate fr
username not when she’s soft launching mate 😭😭
⋆⭒˚.⋆ instagram
carlossainz55 added to their stories.
Tumblr media
seen by charles_leclerc and 1,678,432 others.
yourusername replied to this story.
⤷ photographer of the year !
⤷ very much thought you were gonna use the pic of me falling.
⤷ love u
charles_leclerc replied to this story.
⤷ girls’ hair get better every day.
⤷ looks oddly similar too tbh
⤷ where’d you say you were vacationing again mate?
charles_leclerc can no longer view your stories
landonorris replied to this story.
⤷ shiny hair 👀
⋆⭒˚.⋆ twitter.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ text messages between yn and kika.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ twitter.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ texts between yn and charles, and charles and carlos.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ instagram
yourusername added to their stories.
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seen by carlossainz55 and 986,444 others.
charles_leclerc replied to your story.
⤷ poupette you’ve never done anything wrong in your life.
⤷ i’m not mad, call me please
⤷ desolee bebe
⤷ i have that new chanel you wanted ❤️
landonorris replied to your story.
⤷ so unserious lmao
pierregasly replied to your story.
⤷ charles is going to buy the entire mall y/n !!
⤷ tell him you’re not mad at him
francisca.cgomes replied to your story.
⤷ tell pierre to piss off
⤷ let charles buy you what he wants.
⤷ omg tell him you want a ferrari !!
⤷ IN PINK !!
carlossainz55 replied to your story.
⤷ mi vida your brothers texting me again
⤷ it’s very weird he’s apologising now??
⤷ he’s asking me if you want a pink ferrari??
⤷ bebita you should have told me you want a pink ferrari??
⤷ with a matching bag okay my love 🩷
arthur_leclerc replied to your story.
lorenzotl replied to your story.
⤷ i’m very happy for you mon chou ❤️
⤷ ignore arthur he doesn’t need a new ps5
⤷ he makes his own money.
⋆⭒˚.⋆ instagram.
carlossainz55 added to their stories.
Tumblr media
seen by charles_leclerc and 1,410,333 others.
charles leclerc replied to your story.
⤷ who do you think you are buying MY sister a pink ferrari
⤷ you be with her, okay. you date her, okay. but buying her things?
⤷ and a matching bag???
⤷ you piece of shit.
⤷ when i said we were brothers i didn’t mean this!
yourusername replied to your story.
⤷ ma vie 💌
⤷ je t’aime tellement <3
arthur_leclerc replied to your story.
⤷ y/n wants a ps5!!
⤷ brother 😃😃
francisca.cgomes replied to your story.
⤷ you picked up the correct bag for her!!
⤷ she also likes chanel and hermès !!
⤷ you’ll be outdoing charles in no time !!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ twitter.
Tumblr media
❨ disclaimer. i do not own any of the images above, all were found on pinterest, this is purely for fun and nothing is based on real life ❩
3K notes · View notes
sanaexus · 9 months ago
social's as shidou's girlfriend
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-liked by itoshi_sae, isaichii and 145.7k others
yourusername: i feel bad for rin this mf don't even go easy on his on girl
tagged: shiidoryu
shiidoryu: they say all is fair in war and love ↳itoshi_sae: it's love and war fucking idiot ↳shiidoryu: you love me 🥺👉👈 ↳yourusername: mate IN MY FUCKING COMMENTS? ↳shiidoryu: you're saving as if i don't eat that pussy every night ↳yourusername: blocked. reported. I FUCKING HATE YOU??? ↳chigi.who: woah guys maybe like don't do that here??
nikkoki: why the last image. ↳yourusername: why not 🙁 ↳megubachi: for gits and shiggles 🥰 ↳rin.itoshi: that's not the fucking quote?? ↳megubachi: and you're not the best striker so stafu ↳rin.itoshi: TAJTS SO UNNNESCARY?? ↳isaichii: look at rin finally genz-ing w the spelling errors and capital letters ↳hiyori: feels like yesterday he was js a little baby ↳megubachi: they grow up too fast ↳rin.itoshi: you guys are my 13th reason.
shiidoryu: si 💔you💔won't💔mention💔the💔part💔where💔i💔 bought💔you💔icecream💔and 💔then💔talked💔sjit💔ab 💔your💔ex💔 ↳yourusername: and you're not gonna mention the part where we had the bet who could swing the fastest and i won bc you fell on your butt and felt like you were ab to throw up so you HAD to get me icecream? ↳shiidoryu: #donttakltomeiamdespressed #betryaedbymyowngf #emo ↳karasu_tabito: HE FELL ON HIS ASS? DO YOU HAVE THE RECORDING I'LL PAY FOR IT ↳yourusername: bet how much we talking? ↳karasu_tabito: enough to buy another shidou prolly ↳yourusername: check your dms ↳eita.otoya: are we buying people from the black market ↳kenyu.yukimiya: no we are not the fuck?
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-liked by kuniisuke, megubachi and 159.4k others
shiidoryu: i actually do love my girl and i don't always act gay
tagged: yourusername
julian.loki: "i actually do love my girl" proceeds to try to throw her into a garbage can ↳mikka.kaiser: fucking dustbin you mean? ↳hiyori: OH MY GOD U REMIND ME AB LINDASY FROM MY 4TH GRADE CLASS WHO USED TO NITPICK ON EVERYONE FOR THERE ENGLISH ↳mikka.kaiser: their* ↳isaichii: stfu it's called a trashcan ↳kuniisuke: i think we're straying off topic BC THAT'S A WHOLE AHH HUMAN THAT'S GOING TO BE PUT ON A FUCKING DUSTBIN ↳mikka.kaiser: in* ↳oliver.aikyu: i swear to fucking god i will ↳alexis.ness: nuh uh ↳yourusername: MAN KUNIGAMI AND OLIVER THE ONLY REAL ONES FR ↳oliver.aiku: we gotchu girl ↳kuniisuke: second that except in a less gay manner ↳julian.loki: SHE'S BEING PUT IN TRASH. ↳rin.itoshi: she's fine. shidou has that trash tan all the time ↳megubachi: i think she's okay considering how ego roams around with that garbage ahh haircut ↳isaichii: that trash can't be worse than igaguri's football skills, she's fine ↳mikka.kaiser: YOU SAID FOOTBALL THANK FUCKING YOU ↳shiidoryu: you're fucking him?
user1: ignoring the second picture the one is actually so cute like 🌷🧚‍♀️💅🎀💕✨‼💯 ↳yourusername: lyt cutie ↳shiidoryu: YOU NEVER EVEN CALL ME CUTE? ↳yourusername: go stare at sae's ass or something ↳itoshi_sae: no don't do that don't stare at my ass ↳yourusername: jokes aside he was actually nice to me in that picture (he didn't try throwing me off) ↳user2: something in that sentence makes me think she got thrown off a swing far too many times ↳shiidoryu: in my defense she keeps putting tomatoes in my sandwhich ↳yourusername: you look like one don't blame me
karasu_tabito: did he fall on his butt this time? ↳yourusername: he was careful bc i was sitting on his lap ↳eita.otoya: shidou in his softie green flag era? ↳yourusername: what if he's actually doing this to gain my trust and like gives me off to some kidnapper ↳nikkoki: bffr rn he would probably BE the kidnapper ↳shiidoryu: yeah what if I AM the kidnapper
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-liked by chigi.who, hiyori and 198.5k others
yourusername: he isn't always an asshole <3
tagged: shiidoryu
chigi.who: the last picture?? ↳yourusername: my life goals right there ↳yourusername: shidou that better be us when we grow up ↳shiidoryu: that already IS us ↳yourusername: are you called me a 73.8 year old grandma? ↳shiidoryu: IN MY DEFENSE IM CALLING MY SELF A GRANDPA TOO
aryu.jubei: your hair is very ✨glam���drop the hair care routine (did he try to yank your hair?) ↳yourusername: check dms ↳yourusername: SURPRISNGLY NO?? HE WAS ACTUALLY REALLY NICE TODAY?? ↳shiidoryu: i'm always nice baby ↳yourusername: yeah to your side chicks ↳shiidoryu: YOU are the side chick, sae is ml ↳yourusername: oh fuck you what does that man have other than thick thighs, a thick ass and an ass attitude ↳itoshi_sae: what do i not have ↳yourusername: proper relationship with your family ↳itoshi_sae: fuck off
shiidoryu: you look pretty ↳yourusername: ily im gonna go cry ↳shiidoryu: DON'T CRY WHY ARE YOU CRYING NOW I COMPLIMENTED YOU ↳yourusername: THAT'S THE THING YOI COMPLIMENTED ME ↳shiidoryu: wajt
user3: she looks so pretty and happy in the second pic. shidou you better watch out, i'm in your walls ↳shiidoryu: my walls are nasty, what if my dead hamsters are there ↳yourusername: MY TEIGO. I BOUGHT IT TO YOUR HOUSE AND IT JS DESPAWNED ↳shiidoryu: I'M SORRY
user4: when a zesty ass loving thigh loving (man loving) tomato looking demon who kicks balls around and pick fight w emo boys can pull ↳yourusername: my dms are open for u ↳shiidoryu: no they're not ↳oliver.aiku: how much we betting that he's gonna go make 15 accounts to spam y/n dms ↳isaichii: betting a whole ahh bachira ↳megubachi: WHY ARE U BETTING ME OFF??? ↳chigi.who: betting my other acl ↳kuniisuke: HELP WHAT?? ↳kenyu.yukimiya: betting my already shit vision ↳nagi.seishiro: my gaming console ↳reo.miikage: my entire networth ↳itoshi_sae: my abibas sponsorship ↳user5: ABIBAS 🔥🔥💯💯🔛🔝🗣🗣 ↳rin.itoshi: betting off my brother ↳itoshi_sae: what
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welllll that took a lot longer than it should have buttt here you go shidou simps i had fun writing this ig sorta maybe kinda idk
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writtenbyhollywood · 2 months ago
Lee byung hun but situationship maybe? Pretty please 🙏
having a situationship with lee byung-hun
a/n: thank you for the request! I actually really loved this idea
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liked by from_jjlee and others
byunghun0712 #미스터션샤인 #mrsunshine
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leebyunghunfan this is the first time I don’t see @/yourusername like his post
user1 @/leebyunghunfan probably because of the way he’s looking at the girl in the first picture
user2 interesting post…
yourstruly @/user2 bffr they’re just coworkers
user2 @/yourstruly are we looking at the same pictures ?
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liked by yourbestfriendsuser and others
yourusername book date with the bestie cuz men ain’t shit
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randomuser wait happened?? is she talking about byung-hun??
ilovedilfs @/randomuser I really hope not
girlblogger y’all are overreacting. they never said they were together
ohfish @/girlblogger they’re prob just hooking up
yourbestfriendsuser hoes before bros
liked by author
userr12 I just noticed she unfollowed him omg…
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liked by byunghun0712 and others
yourusername if you don’t want me DON’T ACT LIKE YOU FUCKING WANT ME
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yourbestfriendsuser he don’t know what he’s missing out on
byunghunandyn I’m seriously wondering if they’re together or not
user_ @/byunhunandyn was the caption not clear enough for u?
iconiccuser we’ve all been there girly
user55 @/iconiccuser the strongest of soldier fr
user91 I get this on so many levels
user32 no way. He liked the post as if this wasn’t about him😭
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liked by byunghun0712 and others
yourusername im someone who forgives and forgets
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marrymebyunghun who can blame her
byunghunswife @/marrymebyunghun I mean look at him
ynfan we get it dw
user31_ you’ll get out of that phase
ynfan4ever @/user31_ if my bf gave gifts like that I would forgive him without hesitation
user31_ @/ynfan4ever THEYRE NOT EVEN TOGETHER
ynfan4ever @/user31 YOU DONT KNOW THAT
user76 and the crowd is...confused?
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liked by yourusername and others
byunghun0712 cheers 🍻
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user12 guys… she’s following him again
byunghunfan @/user12 NOOOOO
stormshadowsabs leave my man alone
ynsfan @/stormshadowsabs tell him to leave our girl alone
hayyleee raw.
dilfenthusiast let's make love
azeala.aa all 10 fingers
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liked by byunghun0712 and others
yourusername saw lisa live!!!
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ynfan1 gorgeous
user09 are they together?
randomuser @/user09 yes and no
leahhhh.hhh till the bed breaks
user45 ahhh omg ur a lisa fan!!!
yourusername @/user45 well of course!
fckmeleebyunghun the jealousy im feeling...
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liked by yourbestfriendsuser and others
yourusername maybe the single life suits me better
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user08 bad bitch
ynfan02 girl what happened now
user34 I’m getting used to this now
byunhunfan this is more entertaining than my life
user12 well what did he do this time
leebyunghunswifey @/user12 why do u assume he’s the problem? Maybe it’s her
ynfanpage @/leebyunghunswifey men are always the problem. you’ll understand that when you’re older
user10 u may have lost ur man but at least ur hot
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liked by yourusername and others
byunghun0712 💪
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yourusername biting my lip
liked by author
user12 now why is @/yourusername in the comments
byunghunswifey @/user12 Frl what are u doing
userr09 @/yourusername is so luckyyy
user98 can she not make up her mind ?
ynfan y’all are taking this too seriously. so what if they’re hooking up?
user23 @/ynfan exactly like they wouldn’t be the first to do so
463 notes · View notes
wingedshadowfan · 3 months ago
comparing caitlyn to real life dictators will never not be funny to me because bffr she'd be such a girlflop dictator among them are we kidding??
0 megalomania or grandomania, in fact she never wanted to be in that position of power in the first place and now that she was, she wanted it all to be over expeditiously - she really only wanted to catch jinx and had no beef w/ zaun beyond that??
tired, underslept, stressed, work in the morning (read: mediating shit betw piltover's guilds/houses and dealing w/ the noxians and ambessa doing wtv she wanted behind her back), misunderstood and deeply not in the mood for maddie's advances (read: having one bitch and not even liking her)
a sniper and yet shown exclusively using her net ammunition and specifically saying "months of peacekeeping occupation, sweat and tears" no blood girl?? she was also not shown using the grey again although she easily could've
against the noxians' growing demands for fortification (but mentioning that there would have been enforcer casualties w/out them, so no casualties yet? makes you think the level of violence used might not have been deadly on either side)
holding ambessa accountable for her right hand man rictus instigating violence (being aware of his brutality and fearing leaving vi w/ him during their double-cross) and also telling her, a literal warmonger, "why is violence always the justification for peace?" bold little one alright
openly distrusting ambessa ("the blade cuts both ways"), attacking ambessa from the back during sparring while she was lecturing her on guile (not at all subtle foreshadowing), spying on her/rictus/singed (read: looking for an opportunity to double cross her or spoil her plans before she reunited w/ vi)
calling singed a monster and pulling up on him with a sniper rifle (surprising ambessa who was looking to use him and his knowledge as a weapon) for what he'd done to his test subjects but also to the undercity by creating shimmer, which she'd dismantled
threatening singed w/ rotting in the stillwater solitary confinement prison cell vi was being kept in, the use of which she'd forbidden (and him not giving a fuck lmao) bcuz she deemed it too cruel
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darling-flora · 7 months ago
main thing 2
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lewis hamilton x yn model - social media au
[part 1]
[part 2]
[part 3]
[part 4]
fc : bella hadid
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Liked by lhamfan3, ynfan5 and 69,944 others
ynlewisupdates Y/N and Lewis in stayed in Barcelona following the Spanish GP and enjoyed a day on a yacht followed by a loved up dinner.
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lhamfan3 loving them so much 🤞
ynfan44 STOPP the way lewis is looking at her on the yacht is crazyyyy 🤭
↳ynhamfan1 she has him in a chokehold 😫
lhamfan82 i saw them at the restaurant they were at and they were so touchy and cute !!
lhamfan33 she’s just riding on lewis' fame…
↳lhamfan63 girl be serious 🙄 she's THE worlds highest paid model like bffr...
lhamfan9 hope she going to more races !!
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Liked by lhamfan3, ynfan5 and 68,144 others
ynlewisupdates Rainy Qualifying in Canada outfits
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ynfan6 y/n posting on her story that she had to change last minute because of the rain is making me giggle...
ynfan44 I MET HER OMFG !!
↳ynhamfan1 OMG you're so lucky !! what was she like ?!??! ↳ynfan44 she was so sweet !! i told her that i wish i could've met lewis but he was like running lol.. and she laughed and then literally PULLED OUT A SIGNED LEWIS HAT !! i almost cried.. we took a pic then she went into lewis' driver room. ↳ynhamfan1 omfg that's actually so crazy i would've pass out 😭
lhamfan67 wonder if were gonna get another insta story selfie saying "omw to watch my man secure a podium 🏆💋"...?
↳ynhamfan72 hopefully 🤞
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Liked by lhamfan28, ynfan81 and 78,981 others
ynlewisupdates Seeing red in Canada for race day !! Y/n is again watching the race from lewis’ driver room !
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lhamfan68 they are such cuties 🫶
ynhamfan44 hopefully we’ll see her in the merc garage soon
↳lhamfan91 she’s been at the podiums.. ↳ynhamfan44 yeah but we don’t really have pics of it..it would be nice to see her being supportive ↳lhamfan91 it would be nice for you ?? he’s said how supportive she is… your just being weird 😭
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Liked by lewishamilton, devonleecarlson and 6,159,944 others
yourinstagram london with roscoe and friends🤍
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yasminediba need more guitar lessons please 🙏
↳yourinstagram of course 😘 anytime !!
lewishamilton miss you beautiful ❤
↳yourinstagram miss you more !! cant wait to see you 😘😉
ynfan62 they're so in love.. when will it be my turn 😖
yourbrother roscoe is the sweetest 😇
↳lewishamilton he loves spending time with his mom ↳yourinstagram 🥹❤ ↳lhamfan44 "his mom " oh how i love my parents
lhamfan68 she's truly living my dream life
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Liked by lhamfan28, ynfan81 and 178,981 others
YNLNupdates Y/N arriving for qualifying & watching in the Mercedes garage.
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ynlvrr44 oh she's serving...🤭
highfashlvrr the dolce & gabbana denim corst is eatinggg !!!
lhamfan60 she looks so cute !!!
ynhamfan44 omg her cheering lewis on, what a cutie !!
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Liked by lhamfan28, ynfan81 and 98,981 others
YNLNupdates Y/N arriving for the race & watching in the Mercedes garage, and y/n watching the podium.
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ynhamfan44 her crying is so real 😭
lhamfan28 love seeing her so happy !!
ynfan81 i cant wait for more race outfits
lhamfan81 she's so beautiful wow
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Liked by lewishamilton, devonleecarlson and 16,159,944 others
yourinstagram this weekend in london with family has been so lovely, got to celebrate my nieces birthday then saw lew stand on the podium at home !! a weekend filled with many happy tears 🥲 ❤
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lhamfan28 awww the little kid with roscoe
yoursister baby khai missed you !! she love's her uncle lewis 😇
↳yourinstagram awwe love you !! 💞
lhamfan81 the stuffed lewis is so cute !! 😭
lewishamilton im so lucky to have you in my life... i love you so much !! 😘❤
↳yourinstagram i love you more than you'll ever know !!!!!!! 🥰
ynlvrr44 i love seeing y/n so happy in a relationship !!
carmenmmundt lovely to meet you beautiful girl !!
↳yourinstagram sooo nice to meet you angel !!
devonleecarlson most perfect girl in the world 🪐🌍
liked by yourinstagram
ynfan81 oh to be lewis loved by y/n 😭
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Liked by yourinstagram, georgerussell63 and 19,159,944 others
lewishamilton There’s no place like home with the people you love !! Every year I’m blown away by the love and energy here. Without it, the team and I wouldn’t have had the result that we did. Still a ways to go, but Silverstone I love you deep ~
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yourinstagram indescribable amount of love for you !! 💞
↳lewishamilton love you love you love you my pretty girl !!! ❤
lhamfan55 oh to be loved like y/n by lewis
georgerussell63 congratulations on the podium 👊🏼 !!
liked by lewishamilton
mercedesamgf1 Every weekend with Y/n is a great weekend 😎
devonleecarlson my pretty girlfriend
↳lewishamilton well MY pretty girlfriend... ↳yourinstagram nothing wrong with sharing me lew 🤭😘 ↳lewishamilton as long as i dont have to share all of you 😉 ↳devonleecarlson okay gross, don't do that in front of me take it to the bedroom...🙄
lhamfan5 need to see them married like yesterday
674 notes · View notes
just1cefor4ll · 11 months ago
I recently got into School bus graveyard and I COMPLETELY understand the hype, idk if im the only who does this... but literally the moment I was done I went to tumblr for fics, but there's like none?? So maybe some dating headcanons for the group!! ^^
Dating Headcanons for the sbg characters
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Ashlyn Banner
best person to have a lazy day with tbh
i swear yall would be like “should we go out today” look at each other for 5 seconds and say “nah”
she would teach you some gymnastics and laugh when your just lying there complaining how you aren’t flexible
probably is more of a person that gives you gifts, or gives you a hug in stead of comforting you with words
she would be a bit awkward at first probably
also I don’t think she likes excessive physical touch cuz red confirmed that Ashlyn is autistic but when she gets used to you she would be okay with it but still, don’t go too hard on her
you let her play/stim with your fingers
you’re always there for her when she gets overwhelmed and she loves you so much for that
doesn’t call you that many nicknames probably a short version of your name but if your name is already short then probably just love or babe
if you speak another language she would definitely wanna know some words or learn with you
if it’s your mother language then she would be like “omg how was [your country] like!”
probably is a nerd in some sort of way
anyway probably a great girlfriend to have but only if you aren’t the type to be really really and I mean REALLY extroverted
Taylor Hernández
this girl is such a cutie!!
would plan dates, sleepovers, night outs..
drawing/picnic dates are a must
watching the sunset or sunrise together on the rooftop
calls you cute nicknames like sunshine, mi vida, sugar and that kind of stuff
is very affectionate
cuddles !!
shes the little spoon probably but if you’re feeling down then she will gladly be the big spoon
you would definitely braid her hair if you know how, if you don’t know then there’s another idea for a date! teaching you how to braid hair!
probably isn’t even that awkward at first probably a little bit shy but gets pretty confident later on
the best partner to have if you’re insecure
makes your insecurities disappear in a heartbeat
overall a 11/10 girlfriend !! we love taylor :D
Tyler Hernández
he is probably a tsundere tbh
acting like he doesn’t care but when you are alone he babies you sm
no matter if your bigger then him, stronger, smaller, it doesn’t matter, he babies you no matter what
don’t let the others know tho
isn’t afraid to show you off like girl bffr
holds your hand, has his hand on your waist, kisses you on the forehead, cheek or lips before class starts (even if you are in the same class)
uses nicknames like mi amor, mi reina/mi rey, baby ect.
nicknames with him are endless
movie night is a must
probably would take you to his baseball practice
has a separate album for you only
everyone in the group can tell he’s love sick like he looks at you with heart eyes
a jealous type probably
would beat up anyone and everyone who looks at you the wrong way
he’s probably touch starved and he hides his feelings from you because he just prioritises you over anything
you gotta full on force him to tell you what’s wrong but after a while he opens up to you normally
a 100/10 boyfriend the poor boys been through too much
Logan Fields
gardening dates!!
gives you flowers when you’re sad or just whenever to make your day!
stargazing dates
yapps your ear off about astrology (you let him tho)
calls you nicknames like bunny, hun, love
gives you honest opinions on everything
regrets his choices when you get grumpy afterwards
makes it up to you by cuddling you or kissing your whole face
introduces you to his grandparents
they approved of course because they just trust that he can pick himself a good s/o
hugs from behind!!
reads you a book when you can’t sleep
helps you with your work but doesn’t do it for you (Barron trauma)
best person to seek when you want comfort and or advice
gives you honest advice so if you were in the wrong expect him to tell you lmao
if you listen to music on vinyls or CDs then definitely brings you to a music shop and he will spoil you rotten
loves listening to your music taste no matter what genre it is he just wants to bond with you
he’s such an adorable and amazing boyfriend it mealts my heart !! :D
Aiden Clark
be prepared to patch this boy up every single second of the day
and also getting him out of trouble every single day
he is a wild one for sure
doesn’t mean he’s a bad boyfriend
loves showing you things he learned on his skateboard and he tries to teach you
does that thing where he holds your hands while your on the skateboard, tells you to jump and flips the board for you
that tik tok kind of shi
while on the topic of tik tok, does every silly couple tik tok trend with you lmao
yapps your ear of all day every day
not the best person to ask for advice from but he will hold you until you feel better!
best cuddle buddy
and hug buddy
if you don’t like physical touch then idk if you could have a relationship with him, he will CLING to you as if his life depended on it
loves it when you play with his hair
makes a playlist for you two
calls you nicknames like rockstar, doll, my love, bae, babe
definitely has you saved as “future wife🤭❤️” or “the mother of my kids🥵😍”
he be weird like that
loves to have you in his lap
idk he probably likes you ass sm, not in a sexual way but just lays on it, smacks it, squishes it..
only in private tho
honestly a pretty good boyfriend but he’s more of like your child then boyfriend
Ben Clark
a chill one for sure
hugs, holding hands are a must
listening to music through his headphones how he did with Taylor in that one episode
jealousy scale is um pretty high
you gotta reassure this boy because he’s just scared of loosing you
would fr fight 100 people at once for you if you asked him to
whenever he gets angry, you’re there for him when Aiden can’t and he appreciates that
loves it when you hold his hand and rub circles on the back of it
forehead kisses >>
probably doesn’t give you that many nicknames since he doesn’t speak, either a short version of your name, bae or hun
the best listener ever (not because he doesn’t speak)
when you start to yap and just talk about the most random things he has your back against his chest as he rests his chin on your shoulder
very chill and overall good boyfriend
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937 notes · View notes
leclercsainzz · 1 year ago
PAIRINGS: lando norris x gf!reader / tom blyth x fem!reader
TYPE: social media au
WARNING: // cheating implied
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5
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liked by landonorris, tomblyth and 671,810 others
yourusername: the film is out! ❤️
tagged: @tomblyth
view 5,018 comments
user: seeing it tonight!!!
user: ya’ll see that kiss or??? 👀
oscarpiastri: do i still get those free tickets? 🤔
↳ yourusername: of course!
↳ landonorris: and me?
↳ oscarpiastri: you’re rich, shut up
user: wonder how @landonorris felt seeing his girlfriend kissing another guy like that
user: watched the movie last night and OMG
user: yn, do you prefer buzz cut or long hair on coriolanus?
↳ yourusername: buzz cut all the way!!!!!
↳ user: mother knows what’s up 😌
user: LOVED the movie!!
tomblyth: you’re truly phenomenal! ❤️
↳ yourusername: right back at you, my love ❤️
↳ user: @landonorris WHERE U AT, BRO???
user: “love” 😭😭😭😭
↳ user: not just “love” but “MY love” like?? 😭😭
user: watching it tomorrow, cannot wait!
user: her bf is stronger than me bc i would’ve been crying
↳ user: i was like 😮‍💨
↳ user: he kissed her like she was air 🫠 like the air he needs
user: the way tom’s looking at her in that third slide 😩😩
user: you both killed it, omg!!
↳ user: pov coryo took that personal 🤪
↳ user: on top of me, yes!
landonorris: you killed it, pretty girl ❤️
↳ yourusername: 😊
user: the difference between her responds to tom vs lando
↳ user: she’s over here calling tom “my love” while lando just gets some bs of emoji, i CANNOT 💀
user: lando be fighting for his girl’s affection, i swear
user: yn with tom 😩🥰🥰❤️😊😍😌😍😘🥵🥵😍🥰
↳ user: vs yn with lando 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
↳ user: i feel like she’s definitely in love with tom
↳ user: he’s also in love with her, its so obvious
user: tom NEEDED that kiss in order to breathe, i swear
↳ user: dude he kissed her with so much hunger and desperation had me giggling the whole time
↳ user: convinced that was just tom and yn
user: HAPPY RELEASE DAY YA’LL!!! ❤️❤️🐍
user: you and tom were truly phenomenal as snow and lucy
↳ yourusername: ❤️❤️
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername and 698,974 others
landonorris: fun times with MY girl! 😘
tagged: @yourusername
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user: he really said, “my girl”
user: is she attending next race??
user: he saw all the yntom shippers so he had to shut them up real quick, honestly as he should!
user: what about tom? 😭😭 @yourusername
↳ user: girl, bffr
user: idc i’m still shipping yn and tom
user: lando said, “everyone can sit tf down bc she’s my girl”
yourusername: love yaa 😘
↳ landonorris: i love you too ❤️
↳ user: yntom shippers how we feeling??? 😭😭
user: idk why but her comments/replies to lando seem so dry??? like before she’d say the cutest shit ever and now it’s like she just comments bc she has no other choice
↳ user: seems like she’s falling out of love to me
user: @tomblyth GET YOUR GIRL, DONT GIVE UP
user: everyone who is constantly shipping yn and tom need to move on!! she’s literally happy in her relationship with lando
user: are they officially back together??
user: @tomblyth
user: @tomblyth
user: she’s soo beautiful!!! 😍😍
user: lando really said, “if she’s anybody’s girl she’s MINE”
user: ynlando nation rise!!!!!
user: i know she’s clearly happy with lando but her and tom are honestly just the cutest
user: @ everyone who still ships tom and yn
user: not “my” but “MY” 👀
user: he got tired of ppl shipping his girl with someone else
user: mate, you’re stronger than bc the way yn talks about tom is just INSANE! she’s in love with him .. open your eyes
carlossainz55: 🤩🤩
user: the emphasis on the “my” 🤭🤭
oscarpiastri: this is cute or whatever
↳ user: my fav boy
user: wait!! does that mean we will be seeing yn in the paddock again???
↳ user: i hope so!!! 😩😩
user: idk about you all but i feel like her smile/face glows more whenever she’s with tom …….
↳ user: definitely, i agree!
↳ user: that’s bc tom’s her ✨daylight✨
↳ user: shUT uP OMG OMG, YESSS
↳ user: i foUnd my people
user: i missed her, omg ❤️❤️😭😭😭
user: will she be at the next race???
user: i feel like if she’s in love with tom, she should dump him
↳ user: that’s harsh, damn 😭😭
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liked by landonorris, joshandresrivera and 678,739 others
yourusername: a small bts photo dump:) 💗
tagged: @hunterschafer @tomblyth @joshandresrivera @the.sofia.sanchez
view 6,016 comments
user: hunter’s soo gorggg 😍😍😍
user: “a small bts” but it’s just tom
↳ user: it’s her excuse to post tom 🤣
user: the 6th photo was so unnecessary napaksns
hunterschafer: 😘😘😘😘❤️
user: wovey 🥺
user: yn’s down bad for tom, huh???
user: the chemistry they have on and off the screen is just unbelievably insane, omgg
user: 6th SLIDE??? HELLO??!!? MA’AM??!!?
user: lando 💔💔💔💔💔💔
user: her and tom are DEFINITELY more than just friends and ya’ll CANNOT convince me otherwise
↳ yourusername: we’re just friends
↳ user: yeah and i’m jlaw’s daughter, but good try babe
tomblyth: my favorite girl!! ❤️
↳ user: SIR???
↳ user: bitCh what???!? 😳
↳ user: your what????
user: not him calling her his girl, BYE 😭😭😭😭
user: tHe 6th slide napaldndnfnc
user: not her posting the lake scene
user: wAit- are they about to kiss in the 6th slide??? bc i don’t remember no kiss in that scene
user: everyone is freaking over the 6th slide but the last one??? HELLO????? the hand on the chin?? 😩😩😩😩
↳ user: i thoUght i was the only one laswowhrbd
user: wovey, my love ❤️❤️❤️
joshandresrivera: love you, loser ❤️
user: their chemistry bro 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
user: its the way he’s looking at her in the last pic
user: tom and yn took their “relationship” to the next level
user: patiently waiting for lando’s comment
↳ user: i don’t think he knows what to comment 😭
user: she looks so much happier with tom, i swear
user: yn, be honest, are you in love with tom??!?
user: nah i feel bad for lando, bro 😭😭😭😭
↳ user: bro is clueless
user: lando losing on and off the track
↳ user: 💀💀💀💀💀
user: i genuinely want to know what type of relationship her and tom have cause???? it’s def more than friendly
user: @landonorris
user: i feel like she’s cheating on lando 😬
↳ user: 100%
user: they weren’t acting in the movie 😭 they were just being themselves, i swear
user: lando is one of the strongest soldiers i know!!!
user: i feel so bad for lando 😕😕😕😕
↳ user: he deserves better (me)
user: if you don’t want lando, i’ll happily take him
user: genuine question are they dating?? tom and yn, that is??
↳ user: no, but they might as well be dating atp
user: ya’ll gotta understand that a male and female can be close friends without having to be involved in a romantic way
↳ user: PREACH!
↳ user: there’s a thing called cheating, yk????
↳ user: with the way these two act there’s definitely more going on than just a friendly relationship
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liked by carlossainz55, oscarpiastri and 674,836 others
yourusername: NUMBER ONE?!!?!!?????!!!!!??
view 4,946 comments
user: gagged the hater with this one!!
user: your singing had me captivated
thehungergames: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
user: you were amazing
user: proud of you!!!
tomblyth: you did that!! 🤩
↳ yourusername: no, babe, WE did that!! 👏🏼
↳ user: “babe” 😭😭😭😭
↳ user: ma’am just say yall together atp
user: well deserved
user: singing was phenomenal, omggg
user: that’s what happens when snow lands on top!! 🤩
📌 pinned
user: number one in the world and in my heart ❤️
user: you and tom were absolutely phenomenal
↳ yourusername: 💗💗💗💗
landonorris: you deserve it!! ❤️
↳ yourusername: ❤️❤️❤️
user: lucy gray is stronger than me bc personally i would’ve sat down with coriolanus and talked it out
↳ user: no bc same!!!! 😩 like i can fix him
↳ user: i would’ve ran away with him, idc
↳ yourusername: babes, are we just forgetting that he’s the reason finnick’s dead???? or the fact that he’s crazy???
user: proud of you, my love!!! ❤️❤️
user: not her holding a grudge against snow for killing finnick she’s so real for that LMAOOOO
↳ tomblyth: 😩😩😩
user: the real question is did snow ever love lucy gray??
↳ yourusername: i like to believe so, yes! but he definitely loved power more:(
↳ tomblyth: lies 😑 (i agree)
↳ user: please 😭😭 he’s so unintentionally funny
user: you guys all deserve it, each one of you was amazing!!
user: my snowbaird heart ❤️❤️
user: best movie this year, i don’t make the rules
songbirdsandsnakes: thanks to our favorite coriolanus snow and lucy gray!!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩
user: the movie was amazing, well done!!
↳ user: i think we all do!!!
user: well deserved, pretty girl!!!!
carlossainz55: proud of you, yn! ❤️❤️❤️
↳ yourusername: ❤️ thank you, carlos
↳ user: missing this duo 🥺
user: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
user: you and tom smashed it
↳ user: they took the “smashing” part too serious 🫢
↳ user: you did not 💀
user: my lucy gray 🤩
↳ user: yn met jennifer, i believe .. but same!!! 😩😩
user: your singing was phenomenal, babe!!!
user: why’d you leave snow at the end??? 😭😭😭😭
↳ yourusername: cause he’s crazy??????
↳ user: he just wanted to talk tho????!!? 😩 all you had to do was sit and talk with him and apologize to him????
↳ yourusername: so he can kill me after????
↳ user: he would do NO such thing
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 684,830 others
tomblyth: it’s crazy to think tbosas is currently number one at the moment! this was such an unforgettable experience and i’m grateful i got to experience it with @yourusername ❤️
tagged: @yourusername
view 5,101 comments
user: I CANT, OMG
user: THE FIRST POST 😭😭😭
user: lando being in the likes??? 👀
yourusername: wouldn’t have wanted it any other way
yourusername: ❤️❤️❤️
songbirdandsnakes: snowbaird lives with you both ❤️
user: you both deserve it!!!
user: you killed it, mate! ❤️
user: they were both phenomenal, i cannot
user: both were incredible leads
user: it’s hard to tell if they’re just affectionate with each other or there’s simply more
user: if they aren’t dating, i NEED them to date 😭😭
user: they’re in love and nobody can convince me otherwise
↳ user: it’s so obvious
user: amazing leads!!!! 🤩🤩🤩
user: not lando liking 😭😭
user: you were amazing as snow! 👏🏼
user: does lucy gray haunt your dreams, be honest
↳ tomblyth: always
user: phenomenal actor
user: lucy gray or lucy gray??
↳ tomblyth: mhm .. none, i think i prefer lucy gray
↳ user: AS YOU SHOULD!
user: MY CORIOLANUS SNOW!! ❤️❤️ you were AMAZING
user: ya’ll cannot tell me snow didn’t love lucy bc he did
↳ user: he did love her in his own twisted way but he loved power more:((
user: i watched the move like 4 times already
user: if evil why so hot??
user: you and yn were phenomenal as snow and lucy gray
↳ tomblyth: ❤️ appreciate it, mate
user: why’d you betray my boy sejanus like that? 😭😭
↳ user: hes crying in a corner after seeing the first pic
user: they messed with our feelings 😩😩
↳ user: noo frr cause tell me why i was rooting for them knowing damn well how it would all end up 💔
user: i NEED them together
user: they look so good together 😩
user: you can definitely tell they love each other and not just as “friends”
user: well deserved!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
user: in my world snowbaird ended up together and are living happily ever after
↳ user: same!!!
↳ user: snowbaird and yntom
user: i know she’s dating someone but they look so good together, it’s like they are meant to be
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@geraltwintersoldier @love4josh @dudde-44 @coconut-dreamz @newlifeforus @loxbbg @dakotali @f1footballluvverr @mountmaason19 @poppyflower-22 @magical-spit @nazm145 @nikolaros22 @sincerlymatakorama @36babyg @bucket-of-fanfiction @gyunheat @dakotali @bucket-of-fanfiction @djoenthusiast @nyraahub @miglielia @aleidag1rly (if your user is purple, it’s bc i couldn’t find you)
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