#She is very shookth
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hyruleisforever99 · 5 days ago
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One minute Zelda is flying around skyloft with Link on their loftwings he just won the race and is now one step closer to achieving full knighthood it's such a beautiful day then a black tornado come out nowhere knocking her off their Loftwing and down to here. At first she's falling downward falling downward quickly from the sky then falls through the clouds and as she does her descend slows and Zelda is wrapped in golden light that to anybody down here it would look like a goddess were coming down from the heavens. Thank Hylia somebody caught her already Zelda can feel just how the heat of this place and just how unforgiving it is. Gentle blue eyes look into Ganondorf's. Is she okay? in truth for the moment she's not but more in a state of shock. " W---- what is this place?" could this really be the surface?, the world below the clouds but how is possible because legends say there's nothing below the clouds.
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Well, this is certainly not how he thought of spending a simple walk amidst the ever-stretching sands. Then again, Teyvat held no shortage of strange happenings so this wasn't all too startling of a view.
Amber hues squint, at some descending ray of light, only to get a glimpse of some other colors and someone's face.
Reacting quickly, Ganon has his arms out to catch the person, using his feets to brace himself and cushion the impact. It might be sand but it doesn't mean nothing would hurt in an unforgiving landscape like Sumeru's desert.
Once he manage to catch this, woman from closer inspection, does he avoid from putting her down just yet.
''Hey, are you alright there lady?'', not just anyone comes crashing from the sky after all.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 2 years ago
Sagau but the reader gets reallyangry evry time when someone insults sucrose,venti,nahida and fischil...... so the former sages of academia are now seeing the reader riding on azdaha screaming how they will wrath of the rock, or anyone who badmouths sucrose and fischil feels like reader screaming that they will sufere while zhongli and ei holds them back, but when someone try to insult reader.......reader just gets bored and gose to sleep and acolaytes have wtf face
When Someone Insults Sucrose, Venti, & Nahida... Vs When Someone Insults Reader
Anon, you know for a fact things are about to go down when Reader hears the insults directed at these characters. For all we know—if reader wasn't be held back they probably would actually murder some people.
OH, and this one's going to be VERY LONG, so be prepared! This was also the reason why I had to get rid of Fischl—that and it was also because my motivation decided to die on me—
(Disclaimers: Might be OOC, (perhaps) Mentions of Violence, & Quest Spoilers!)
The moment she gets insulted for how shy and unusual her experiments were, you can literally tell her confidence breaking. You can see it in the way her ears began to droop more and how she starts fumbling with her stuff.
And, you treasure Sucrose A LOT. What are you going to do, sit there on the side lines? NOT do anything?
"Hey, you lot!" You march up to the insulters out of your hiding place. "What do you think you're doing, insulting one of my acolytes?"
This gets the gossipers to shut up immediately. They are shivering as they hear your voice, flaring with anger and hatred to the bone.
"Y-Your Grace! We were just...uhm—just...commenting! Yes, just commenting on, uh—"
"Shut up. This. INSTANT!" Your voice rings out through the street of Mondstadt. Sucrose's eyes were wide as she sees you, the Almighty Creator, stand up for her. "DO THIS AGAIN, AND I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT OUT, YOU HEAR ME?"
Yeah, the gossipers are getting absolute PSTD from this. They are never recovering from this incident. Sucrose, upon hearing the threat, quickly runs up to you, to hold you back from actually hurting them.
Yes, you were raising your fists. Who wouldn't want to punch them? They were acting ignorant!
"P-please, Your Grace! Let's not get violent!" Sucrose tries to persuade you from not doing anything murderous—she doesn't want to have to report to the Knights of Favonius that the Creator themself has committed first-degree murder on the streets right before her eyes.
You sigh, relenting. You won't do it if Sucrose won't like it, but if anyone asked you, they absolutely deserved losing their vocal cords.
"Fine." You turn back to the gossipers, who were cowering on the table they were at. "You both, get out of here. If this happens again, I will do what I threatened to do. Or worse."
That's what gets the moving. After several panicked confirmations ("Yes, Your Grace!" "Understood, Your Grace!" "This won't happen again, Your Grace!"), they leave.
But if you were the one that got insulted? Sucrose would be so horrified of the audacity of these people! How could they say such things about the Creator?
She would be even more horrified to realize that you were there, hearing it all. So, instead of telling off the gossipers, she runs up to you to make sure you were okay. Your feelings matter more than those idiots!
"Your Grace, are you okay? I'm so sorry for what they're saying! Please know that they're not true!" She would say gently, and Sucrose would be ultimately surprised to see you actually pretty chill about the entire incident.
"Hm? Yeah, why wouldn't I be okay?—Oh, are you talking about those people over there?" You point at the gossipers, still insulting and calling you names. "Yeah, they're actually pretty amusing."
Shookth. That's what Sucrose's expression is. Absolute shock. You would expect someone like the Almighty Creator to be enraged or upset by this kind of behavior from your own people, but no, you're just sitting there, at a table near the Good Hunter, listening to some dudes piling up random trash on the table like it's some Live Soap Opera.
"U-uhm, pardon me, Your Grace...but are you not affected by what they're saying?" Sucrose can't help but be puzzled at your reaction. It's not exactly...what people would expect, you know?
"Nope, none. Anyways, I'm feeling up for a mushroom pizza—wanna come join me? It'll be on me~"
Sucrose blushes, her mind going frantic. Pizza, with the CREATOR THEMSELF?! But, if the creator wants her to join, she can't refuse!
"O-of course, Your Grace!"
"Alright then. SARA! YOU MIND IF YOU MAKE US A MUSHROOM PIZZA, PLEASE?" The moment you shout from your table, the gossipers turned pale. They look over at you and Sucrose.
That was the next gossip going on throughout the streets for the next few weeks. And you found that entire episode even more amusing.
This guy is honestly pretty used to insults, so hearing one of his own people call him names and insulting his skills as a bard, he just ignores them and goes on with his day.
However, today was different. He was inside the tavern when you stormed to the table where the insults were being piled up on.
"Ahem." Just by the sound of your voice, you can see the dudes trembling. You were that much of a scary character when you wanted to be. "What is the meaning of this?"
"A-ah! Your Grace, we were just placing opinions on a certain bard's skill in their music—"
"And how does insulting the bard himself have to do anything with their music taste?" you ask, voice ringing with anger. The bad mouthers were turning pale just by the tone you were using. If emotions could kill, your glare would have them drop dead in a heartbeat. Venti found that a little amusing, honestly.
"U-uhm, Your Grace, we can explain!" one of them quickly exclaims, trying to save their own skins. You glare down at them, not even budging in expression or movement.
"Perhaps I should call StormTerror and have your discarded bodies thrown into the ocean." Ayo, hold up! Venti nearly sweats his pants off. The Creator calling in his dear friend, Dvalin, just to kill like, 3 people that were badmouthing him?
As much as he wanted to see his buddy again, he does not like the situation as to why he was even here in Mondstadt again. And besides, these three were still children of Mondstadt! It's better if he steps in and saves them all.
"Yahoo! Your Grace!~ Come join me with for a lovely glass of wine!" He uses his cheekiness to get your attention, knowing the favoritism he'll get over the trio in their little corner.
You sigh. You were so close of letting loose your rage on these idiots, but alas, having fun with Venti outweighed dealing with smack talkers.
So, despite your urge to continue to scream bloody murder from the skies above, you joined Venti at his usual spot in front of the bartender. Venti can only smile as he manages to defuse the situation without making a bigger scene.
"So, Your Grace~ Care to hear this bard's next ballad dedicated to the Almighty Creator themself?" Purely distracts you before you can think more about the frustrating topic.
But when Venti hears someone smack talking about the Creator? Oh, it's really about to go down. Someone was really asking for a death wish. He can suddenly sympathize how much anger you could've felt when you heard other talking crap about him.
Until he sees you, chilling in the corner, listening in on the crap and looking like you would fall asleep at any given time. Venti was puzzled—has the Creator heard insults such as these before? He had to know.
So, disregarding the stupid and semi-drunk idiots, he runs up to you. The moment you see him, you were suddenly very much awake.
"Your Grace! I apologize for what those morons are saying—please, allow this humble bard to deal with them—" You wave him off, telling him to not bother. You tell him that it was actually pretty amusing, and sometimes really good background noise to help you sleep.
Now this dude is even more confused. How could insults be good background noise? How could the Creator themself be using that as a source to doze off to dreamland? It didn't make sense, but he suppose it'll be better for himself if he just left the question alone, never to be answered.
"Well, anyways, I'm up for a walk—you wanna come with?" Venti grins at the request. Spending time with the Creator? Of course he would join! He can brag about it all to the old block head in Liyue and the grumpy royal in Inazuma.
"Ehe, lead the way, Your Grace!" He says it loud enough to have the gossipers freeze and look over. They watch as you both leave the tavern to go on a walk.
Mission accomplished! Venti can live with that kind of revenge on the plate. It served them right to be scared.
Okay, to make it more convenient for myself, let's have this take place before the Greater Lord Rukkhadevata was erased from Irmunsil. The traveler has managed to save Nahida from the sanctuary of Surasthana, and now we're basically at the part where Cyno meets Azar face to face.
You, quite literally, begged Cyno to let you join him—you were sick and tired of that old man that proclaimed himself to be he Grand Sage anyways.
Even without all the begging, Cyno would've let you follow him anyways. If Azar didn't think that the Dendro Archon could ever lay judgement on him, then let the Almighty Creator reign justice on him themself.
The moment you step into the sanctuary, however, you felt your blood boil. You remember playing through this darn quest and listened to all the crap this son of a dirt bag threw at the wholesome bean that is the Dendro Archon.
You knew what would happen, since you played through the entire quest. For some reason, Teyvat hasn't gone through this change, but you knew. In the end, Nahida was too merciful to the sages. And, let's be honest, who wouldn't want to throw a darn punch at this guy?
You let Cyno do most of the talking with Azar, enjoying how he was looking uneasy as you silently glared at him from the shadows. You can tell Nahida saw you, her eyes wide with awe and shock.
The moment Cyno slams down his polearm, you took it as your cue to come out of your hiding spot.
"And if you think you're leaving this place unharmed, you better think twice! I will claw off that smug face of yours if you think you would get away insulting that precious child!" You point at Nahida to make your statement very clear of who said-child was, in case Azar was stupid enough to think it was someone else.
The moment the (ex)Grand Sage saw you, you can see the literal fear dawning his very figure and eyes. Cyno had to hold you back with an arm on your shoulder because you were looking wayy too murderous than he thought you would be.
"Your Grace, please calm down!" As much as she hates what the sages and the Fatui did to the people of Sumeru, she didn't exactly want Azar dead.
Nahida is smart enough to speculate that if she interfered, maybe Cyno would be able to do his job for both she and the Almighty Creator before things escalate too quickly by Their Grace's divine hand.
As much as she loves you standing up to her, she really doesn't want things to get too bloody than it needs to be.
You glare at Azar one more time. Fine, if you can't have this son of a crap dead as a corpse, you would take some satisfaction in driving fear into him.
"You do this again, little old man, and I'll make sure you actually lose all that self-pride you have and oh-so cherish. Got it?" Even with confirmation, you wouldn't let this guy off the hook. You were that enraged with him.
But at least Nahida was out of her cage, so that's all that mattered.
"Don't worry, Your Grace! I won't let others do this again to me, I promise!" She reassures you that she will not have anyone trample all over her again, and you just couldn't help yourself but smile gently down at her. You know very well she wouldn't.
Alright, post-sumeru archon quest, Nahida is pretty much free to roam wherever she wants. She's pretty happy, until she hears a group of people huddling together talking bad about the Almighty Creator...
At first, she was surprised. Then she got upset and a little angry. Why would her people speak so ill of the Creator?
She literally nearly breaks when she sees you chilling at a different table at Puspa Cafe. She ran up to you, surprisingly, undetected by almost everyone she ran past.
You notice Nahida approaching, and welcome her with a warm smile and a wave, but dies away when she sees the sadness on her face.
"Your Grace! Please forgive my people for talking such false things about you!" She would exclaim, her eyes close to watering tears. While she doesn't like what she hears about you, she doesn't want her people hurt for such things they say.
"Oh—that's what you were concerned about?" you said, dumbly. You look over at the table that were still gossiping about you. "Nah, don't worry, Nahida—they're actually pretty funny."
That immediately gets Nahida spiraling down in confusion. Huh? How could such hurtful things be funny? Was the Almighty Creator very used to this kind of thing, or was it simply because they truly did find it amusing somehow?
"I'm sorry, Your Grace...but I don't really get what you mean." You shrug it off, telling her that's just how you roll. Besides, this was like a free, live time drama show! They were that amusing.
"Say, since we're sitting here in Puspa Cafe, how 'bout I treat you to some Padisarah Pudding and Candied Ajilenakh Nuts? It's all on me!" Yeah, you're pretty okay with spoiling Nahida with treats. Besides, cute bean was sad—you wanted to cheer her up!
When she agrees, you shout, "BOSS! MIND IF YOU GET ME TWO PADISARAH PUDDINGS AND A PLATE OF AJILENAKH NUTS?" And, much like what happened with Sucrose and the pizza, the gossipers freeze, turn pale, and look over.
They become even paler when they see the Dendro Archon herself sitting with the Almighty Creator, casually talking about random things.
"Your Grace, did you really fall from the sky as a shooting star to our world?" You and Nahida would continue talking about your origins and how you brought Teyvat to life from the storybook version, not knowing that the bad mouthers were having a existential crisis at their table.
I hope you guys enjoyed it though! See you around! :)
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Ghost Rebel Side Note: This was WAYY longer than I thought it would be, holy cow- but at least it turned out okay? :') Boy, I am so tired lol- this took far too much energy than I thought it would. My motivation legit started plummeting when I got to Nahida—You can legit tell I had to reuse the cafe/restaurant scene from Sucrose into hers because my brain just died on me- But I do hope you guys still liked it! Especially you, Anon! I hope it was up to your standards :)
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wtftarot · 7 months ago
Review of "Five Card, Indepth Reading on Career" (7/20/24)
LISTEN UP Y'ALL, Ash's intuition is not to be fucked around with. Even without me posing a specific Tarot question related to career, she picked up SO MUCH that even I am shookth and in AWE of the absolute amount of specific details she picked up: past, present, future, even more "mundane" details (like Spirit telling me to get into a specific niche hobby I've been putting off)! 😂 
The full dirty details (Warning: in ADHD word vomit form) are down below in terms of how MUCH got picked up if you're somehow curious/nosy of what went down in my personal reading. ☕ 
For those with less time to mull over the specific proof, here's the TLDR; version of my review of Ash's tarot services:
Ash's tarot readings are piercingly insightful, accurate, and reliable. She delivered the reading (and my requested pictures of the cards!!!) in a timely, friendly manner (hell, even within the next morning upon yesterday's payment?!). Best $13 I ever spent, especially given other pricer readings I've seen in and outside of Tumblr. 
Definitely give her a try, cause while she'll be honest about what she finds, she's also no monster in what she delivers either. Definitely wanna order another reading from her again when the calling is right. All in all, her readings are good medicine for the soul, I would say! 💪🤩
Excerpt of My Live Reaction Upon Receiving my Reading (LMAO, so sorry Ash, I word vomited all over your DMs 😂):
Holy fucking crap. I'll be sure to save your reading and the pictures, to post it on a wall somewhere to remind myself by! No regrets buying your five card indepth reading cause like I said, HOLY. CRAP?!! 
Cause real talk, Ash: you picked up on a LOT more than I expected even without me giving you a specific question related to my career! 🤯 
As for things that stood out to me in terms of your uncanny accuracy and wisdom, I'll try to keep them in specific order of the cards [Warning: Enthusiastic ADHD Word Vomit Ahead]:
1.) For the 6 of Pentacles: It's funny you took certain specific words right out of my mouth. I had this exact thought to myself yesterday upon ordering the reading and on a whim, decided to use some of extra funds towards donating other people/causes: "When [I] have a bit extra, I like to share it," since life tends to flow in cycles of scarcity/abundance just like the seasons and it's easier to give when one's own cup is full, to borrow a popular saying. 
2.) Page of Cups: Even without me posing a specific question to you about career, you amazingly picked up that YES, I am looking into a new role/field even though I don't know what that is yet. 🤔 Hell, I remain surprised by the new job titles I see on websites cause there's a lot more now than I ever originally conceived of since my early 20's. Hell, my *current* job and company didn't exist until about post-pandemic fter getting laid-off from a previous company that I was at for 6-ish years. Life works in funny ways, dude! 🤷 Am trying to keep faith that something (intuitively) "right" will turn up for me, so long as I stay open-minded and hopeful in my research exploration. I'm trying to be less rigidly logical about my job search as I was in the past--heck, my inner romantic (?) also keeps hoping that I'll be pleasantly surprised by whatever I find or get offered. 😂 Your interpretation just gave me even more of hope of that, so thank you so much! 🥹
3.) Regarding the 4 of Wands & 3 of Cups being reversed: LMAO, I am honestly am not surprised that's how my coworker situation starts out at first. 😂 I tend to be very task-focused when I'm on the clock, making it likely that coworkers may not know what to make of me at first. The examples you gave of them possibly being the type to go to bars or be vastly younger than me are self-accuratelu plausible reasons on why we may not 'click' at first, despite me studiously also not being the type to seek or "get pulled into drama." While I'm civil and aspire to be helpful, I know my introversion and task-focus doesn't make me come off as personable or easy-to-read either. 😅 The fact that I'm primarily here at work to Get Shit Done™ (eeeey, my Aries Rising/Capricorn Midheaven!) probably does put some people off from me at first. 🤷 The fact you picked up on such personality details or examples is amazing! 😍 
4.) Regarding seeing an image of "someone painting lil figurines or something small like that": Holy crap amiga, I don't know what what specific clairvoyant ability you'd call yours (but you should definitely look into the names of different types), but it's just so fucking HILARIOUS you'd affirmed something that my own gut has been nudging me towards! 😂 Cause yeah, I need more creative outlets that aren't purely just mental/screen-oriented (ie. my creative writing) for my own sanity. Something more grounding, more hands-on. Something to redirect my (occasionally neurotic, IMO) detail-oriented, systematic brain. 😅 
Have you ever seen videos or photos of minature art, where people make small-scale replicas of entire landscapes, buildings, objects, or even living animals and characters? My heart has been enthralled by such works, and it's just funny and touching that your reading is giving me a nudge to get more into that type of hands-on creativity,  even if it's starting out with something as small as buying a pre-made model kit of a minature bookstore filled with cats...or whatever. 😂 
5.) It's also amazing how you picked up on a current (?!) and/or past energy of where I HAVE "taken on a lot at my job, like more than you [I] should've had to." This was especially true during the years of being a first-time team leader during the Pandemic Era within an "essential" job (no staying at home for me, just constant overtime!). 🙄 Such a painful, despairing experience opened a lot of wisdom into healthier boundaries & sense of self-responsibility, reevaluating my standards and personal values, and increasing emotional awareness (especially of old childhood dynamics that I was unconsciously encouraging in myself/others who were enabled by my own overworking behaviors). 
I'll leave myself open to being pleasantly surprised if my future self somehow overcomes scars around leadership and a new industry leads me back into a "managerial or leadership role fairly quickly." Thankfully, you also included the word "may" so that promotion remains by choice and it's not like I owe that company anything. 🤷 Regardless, finding an industry that gives me the opportunity to establish myself or even to "build a whole ass life around" sounds like a dream come true, honestly. 😂 (So long as I balance that out with self-care & other life areas, of course!) 
Wishing you all the peace and prosperity, just like how you brought a sense of peace and hope into my heart, Ash! 🥹🫶
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rarepears · 8 months ago
lol I just realize that for all of the folks who don't know Game of Thrones but still reads my fanfiction, I should provide some background.
So in cannon when Cersei is like 8 (i don't remember anymore), Cersei hears of this fortune teller in the woods and goes to visit her. She's named Maggy btw. And this is how it goes:
Cersei: When will I wed the prince? Maggy: Never. You will wed the king. Cersei: I will be queen, though? Maggy: Aye. Queen you shall be... until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear. Cersei: Will the king and I have children? Maggy: Oh, aye. Six-and-ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds, she said. And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.
Naturally with the Stranger in the mix, Cersei's questions are different. Her focus isn't so much on wedding the prince and so forth, but I imagine that Maggy still routes the answers back to Cersei becoming queen and "gold shall be their crowns" and how someone prettier shall take everything she holds dear and all that.
For Jinwoo, wtf is he going to respond to this kid telling him that some crazy old lady told her she's going to have 3 kids, become queen, and get (what sounds like) overthrown and strangled to death? Plus translation errors. So his mind, since he's all used to democracy instead of royalty, is that "gold shall be their crowns" refers to hair. Hey, there's crown hair loss - known better as balding - that a lot of guys (cough Jinwoo) fear they'll experience when they get older. He's not sure if this is a prophecy about Cersei's future kids having balding problems (nice shiny heads that shine like gold? Maybe??) or having very nice sleek gold colored hair - Tywin's hair is more of a white blonde in the books - but uh, he can change up Cersei's hair right now. A nice physical change now will help distract Cersei, yeah?
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#imagine her dying her hair black to march jinwoo lol#i love the image of jin woo being like it's poison and still eating it he's a polite boy and he does not waste food#also imagine him asking the assassin what he used it tastes nice he wouldn't mind having it again (via caranmerya)
Is Cersei going to get those skunk highlight:
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Or a full head of black? She's probably going to keep some of that beautiful Lannister blonde though. She's quite vain and proud of showing her Lannister heritage, so it's probably these chunky black highlights.
Plus the highlights are not too hard to do.
So Cersei now gets to flounce around looking more like the Stranger's lovechild with Tywin. Hilarious!
Since black dye is pretty expensive and difficult to maintain, people are going to be Shookth about Cersei's permanent black hair dye and think that maybe she's now actually got the blood of the Stranger because how is that kind of hair possible to get overnight? It's so black! Her bathwater is so clear! It hasn't faded even after a couple months! What kind of witchcraft is this!?
Now, Jinwoo being Korean is used to eating all sorts of fermented foods. He's got kimchi breath. He likes his sour, spicy, bitter and all the flavors in the world. Poison just adds a new dimension to flavor and yes, he's going to savor this new experience. Also he's not sure if the flavors he doesn't like is because it's Westeros cuisine or because of the poison, so he's not going to comment.
I’ve been reading and rereading and rereading your Tywin x Jinwoo stories cause I can’t get enough 😂 I reread them when I’ve got nothing to read. I was just wondering if it’s abandoned? That’s all, thank you!
Here's some random ideas I have:
-Cersei still goes to see that witch of the woods and gets that prophecy. But this time she has the Stranger who's her dad's betrothal so like, it's impossible for that to happen. But just to be sure, she talks with Jinwoo.
Jinwoo: So do you, like, wanna dye your hair?
Somehow the idea of Cersei with neon green streaks makes me laugh.
Tywin, unhappy but unable to say anything because it's the Stranger: Ew, my daughter looks like those Tyroshi people who dye their hair.
-Maybe Cersei still goes and kills her friend in the well after hearing that prophecy and that's what triggers Jinwoo to give her shadow soldiers. Naturally Jinwoo doesn't know it's Cersei who killed the girl. He just thinks that wells are dangerous and young girls are liable to trip and sadly drown themselves in wells. It's kind of a rude awakening to him and a reminder that gates aren't the only danger around. So he basically gives Cersei bodyguards slash nannies.
-Jinwoo eating poisoned food in the dining hall with Tywin and just calmly pulls all the platter out of Tywin's reach with a causal, "that's poisoned, just so you're aware." But he keeps eating the poisoned food because it's not good to waste food.
The great hall is shocked silent for a moment until the people realize, oh yeah, that's the Stranger. He's not afraid of death BECAUSE he is death haha... *insert nervous looks at each other because everyone else isn't the Stranger and do need to worry about their own food being poisoned. Not everyone can have the Stranger as their own personal food tester like Tywin Lannister*.
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nctrsn20 · 4 years ago
[just a heads up but trigger warning for the Dreamies + Shorato&Sungchan]
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POSITION ― Leader-Boss of DREAM, All Rounder
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Strictly Unavailable [colleagues to lovers]
I swear Mark is exactly like Peter Parker
now introducing the boss and leader of DREAM, Mark Lee
a young, handsome and polite man which all girls kind of having a thing for him (both in the mafia organization and in school)
but when it comes to work, he is a mixture of Kun and Taeyong
he is nice like Kun but he doesn't take bullshits just like Taeyong (and he gets pretty scary when his love ones especially his bestfriend are involved in his businesses - expect Mark not to be nice and probably knowing he is going to kill you by the end of the night)
very hard-working individual
he jumps from helping 127 and to be Dream's leader, basically helping the young ones and lead them - he HAS A LOT of plate to handle but he is lucky that he has Haechan to relate to
but there is someone he would easily get everything and anything out of his chest and that would be Mark's best friend and crush
she knows everything about Mark - vice versa and how did they know each other? well, they kind of met thanks to Lee Taeyong (you see, Mark's bestfriend is Taeyong's sister)
they met in Taeyong's company building where all 23 members work at and tbh it was iconic because she came in barging into the level where the 23 members located - that area is strictly prohibited to outsiders and ONLY a few staff could enter (and Mark plus some of the 127 members were there at that point of time and strangely they just asked Mark to lead her when he doesn't even know her, but it looks like the older members knew her because they kind of greeted her nicely and cutely which is rare to see the older ones do that)
and ofc gentleman+awkward Mark lead her to where Taeyong is and from there, Mark finds out that she is Taeyong's sister (Mark feels dumb but it's okay bcs she actually doesn't introduce herself as Taeyong's sister for safety reasons - it was weird for Mark, he kept on bumping onto her even when she visited Taeyong for both business purposes and for siblings time)
he also finds out that she went to to same college as him (as well as the other Dream members' partners, it was all a coincidence that Mark's crush is friends with the other Dream members' partners)
and because she is Taeyong's sister, she would always be invited to parties that are made by Taeyong or the other members. (in result all of them became friends and consider a family, she is even friends' with all 23 members' partners - she is a social butterfly)
whenever they are talking in the corner of the room, the older members would look at her and Mark - observing Mark from far and they kind of guessed that Mark somehow likes her, just seeing the way his body language shows
they are right, Mark indeed likes her ever since she kind of confronted Taeyong on giving Mark missions back to back (Mark finds out that it lead into a huge argument between her and Taeyong - actually everyone finds out they were screaming in Taeyong's office till Taeyong's girl and a few of the 127 members had to step in)
and let's just say Mark is a HUGE mess ever since he sees her as his crush (Haechan would always push him to confess to her but the leader would always stutter - like how can you easily shoot someone on the head but can't even say 3 simple words?)
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POSITION ― Sniper, [Main] Weapon Expertise
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― In A Relationship [high school friends to lovers]
the weapon expertise and a skilled shooter that was acknowledged by Johnny
our Renjun has a tiny wincy incy bit of temper but is tolerable (usually Mark would easily calm him down but we ALL know who is the one who could just calm down his emotions with just showing herself up)
honestly, Renjun is mostly calm with the 23 members but when it's only the Dream members or they are in a meeting, in the end of the day he would either argue with Haechan or Mark about a mission or business
but when it involves physical fight (not with the Dream members though, they always have a soft spot no matter how things get tough), no one could stop Renjun other than his best friend
both of them are friends ever since high school and she was literally his ride or die friend which turned into his crush best friend (Renjun was known to be a tsundere in school and she was well, we will get to her story in her own part, a girl version of Lucas but she is more tone down and she dates the popular ones back in high school)
fast forward to college where all the Dream members attended (and so as their partners), she and Renjun as usual are close as ever not until she dated a guy that was lowkey rivals with Renjun - basically the Huangs'
it was obvious he dated her to get NCTs' information but here is the thing, she doesn't hang out in NCT's residence that much (due to her work and school stuff, she was somehow naïve)
fast forward Renjun and the rest of the members find out that the guy cheated on Renjun's best friend and things went down yall (Renjun got into a fist fight with him and ofc the Dreamies had to call her and that's when things literally went downhill)
she and Renjun got into a huge argument, it's just messy until Renjun couldn't take it anymore and literally shouted those 3 words which is 'I love you' and our homegirl is shook (and Renjun started avoiding her and she just went to NCT's residence crying after Mark and Haechan spill everything to her - Dream members couldn't take it anymore after seeing Renjun basically crying and just wasn't himself for a few weeks)
according to Mark and Haechan, Renjun told them that he has always like her every since high school and till now, his feelings never change - he likes how confident she is, how protective and caring she is (and to Renjun, the way she flirts with him was different from how she flirts with other guys) although she had did things that break his heart (dating others, basically seeing her in campus)
he really loves her that he would kill someone if they wants her head
and let's just say at the end of that day, our homeboy Renjun got a kiss that he always wanted, which was on the lips - and from there, both of them worked things out and now we have a bad-ass couple
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Soldier, Hitman [hand to hand combat expertise]
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― In A Relationship [best friend to lovers]
now let's welcome the hitman of the group, Lee Jeno
to be honest, he is considered an all-rounder BUT Taeyong acknowledges him to be a hitman after seeing him basically attacking and ending up killing one of Taeyong's enemies with just his bare-hands
mind-blowing because Jeno is the quietest and somehow calm and to know he could just kill someone with a pair of hands? damn
it was insane to see his duality that the 127 members could only look at Jeno with open mouth (they were shookth) and of course everyone knows not to make Jeno angry or being in his red list
one day, somehow rumors got into the kids in the mafia school that Jeno murdered someone and out of a sudden kids started to gang up on him
though mostly the Dream members as well as their partners back up Jeno (since Dream members know the exact story) and most of them were willing to get hurt just to protect their friend, but Jeno would tell them to stay out of it
but of course one wouldn't listen to him and let's welcome our savior of Jeno's life, his best friend aka his crush ever since they were in middle school
his crush is a sweet individual and most people were quite weirded out to see him getting along with her, both of their personalities kind of the opposite (they didn't know that the reason why they are able to be friends, much more than friends - best friends)
will explain more about his crush istg i love Jeno's girl Jeno secretly loves her bad-ass/aggressive side which was the day when sadly, his crush gets nearly expelled - so what had happened was Jeno got into a fist fight with a group of boys and there was a commotion obviously which lead Jeno's crush and her friends (which were Dream's partners) to the area
basically Jeno was being ganged up and beaten - her friends were shook that she decided to get involved which was rare and seeing how aggressive she got when she shove one of Jeno's attacker and started throwing out strong punches to the point when the boy screamed bloodily (and her friends had to hold her back, it was so sudden and frightening to see the look she gave)
and all of them was basically sent to the principal's office and let's just say Kun was being called too (he is the dean of the college they are attending) - and everyone receives punishment equally but the group of boys who gang up on Jeno were given much more heavier punishment
the next thing happen that made all of the Dream members step aside was hearing harsh words coming from Jeno as a result the two of them were shouting at each other in frustration until one of them accidentally said 'i love you'
but those words weren't coming form Jeno - it was from her (it was all a sudden but she meant it)
let's just say at the end of that argument, both of them shed more tears in each other arms and getting a kiss on the lips - and a full-time committed relationship
now knowing that jeno thought he knows her best friend-lover too well until he somehow figured out a secret that she has been keeping from him and everyone around her for too long
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Soldier, All-Rounder
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― In A Relationship [acquaintances to lovers]
the troublemaker and an all-round (just like Mark)
he and Mark runs from 127 to Dream back and forth and he is positioned to do all kinds of roles (sniper, assassin, hitman, decoy) according to Mark and Taeyong's instructions
very loud individual and you can hear him screaming or just talking in full-caps somewhere in NCT's residence (Taeyong, together with Kun and Mark actually made their own residence - combining three huge houses together as their home, a place for the ones who doesn't a place to live or when there are missions back to back so 127, WAYV and DREAM has their own houses but the fun part is that their houses is just the opposite of each other)
and interestingly all of sudden he became strangely quiet whenever a very familiar looking girl walks into NCT's residence together with the other older members along with their partner's
you see, Haechan has a huge crush on Jungwoo's and Jaemin's partner's sister and although they were in the same circle of friends, she and Haechan didn't talk much and that's because she is a busy girl while Haechan is too shy to make the first move
but all that shyness has to be put down when Taeyong gave Haechan work to do which was to become the bodyguard to her (apparently her sisters were in danger which lead to Haechan's crush being involve too)
basically they started talking and both were becoming more comfortable with each other that Haechan would always hangs out with her in school and be clingy to her and as usual being his usual loud self (and she is the only one who can keep up with Haechan's clinginess which the other members would call her if they couldn't handle him)
when Haechan started to realize he is in love or already fell for her is when he was summoned into the meeting room with 127 (and for the first time, Jungwoo wasn't there and that's because he was in another country, on a hide out with his girl), telling Haechan that a group of syndicate is trying to kill his crush's bloodline (apparently her family has a lot of hatred just because they have the most gold-basically-rich which is ridiculous)
so she was forced to stay in NCT's residence (together with her younger sister whom were just a few months younger which would be introduce as Jaemin's partner) and by then Haechan already confirmed his feelings for her after they kind of cuddled together as well as having the deep talk regarding her life and it's just different
and when Haechan thinks the situation was eased down and thinking that he could make his move, turns out it was the opposite of what he thinks - and to summarize, his crush end up being the hostage making ALL of NCT members' to move their feet after seeing Haechan basically turn into rage
Haechan was a mess alright, he was mad, frustrated, kind of pissed with himself and also scared (at the end of the day, he was the savior of the night - he was the one who personally took her out of the basement of where the syndicate lives)
the rest was history with interestingly her being the first one to confess to him and Haechan making the first move on kissing her right in front of the members (iconic)
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Soldier, Hitman
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Complicated [high school friends to lovers]
the deadly cute hitman of the group (well Chenle, Jisung and Shotaro are cute but they are different type of cute)
while Jeno is more to a hand-to-hand hitman, Jaemin uses Renjun's newly made weapons on his targets (and again, Jeno and Jaemin are somehow soulmates - they work together, hangout together)
although Jeno is always with him, school somehow separated them since they were taking different subjects (this is in high-school) and that's how he gets to meet his crush, which is also a sister to Jungwoo's and Jeno's partner in a not-so-good situation
Jaemin is known to be that cute introvert individual who does his own thing and sadly, boys who had jealousy of Jaemin's good looks would find ways to tease him or just made fun of him (Jaemin would usually shrug them off and Jeno would always be the one to back him up)
until one day when Jaemin steps out of the school building and he was randomly pushed down and all he remember was huge throbbing on his head from being kicked and punched then hearing groans and yells from the boys before passing out
and when he woke-up kind-of, he saw blurry image of Taeyong, Jeno and a girl in a corner, he couldn't see her face clearly but all he could remember was she had a blonde hair and she was wearing a leather jacket (and he passed out again poor Jaemin he wasn't in a good condition)
Jaemin would return to school a few days later and strangely, there were new rumors regarding a girl, that was also mentioned with Jungwoo's and Jeno's partner's names, coming back and of course as a NCT member he put two and two together (she was the one who save him and she is the sister to both of Jungwoo's and Jeno's partner and they are known to be well-known in their own ways, especially the youngest one. it would be explain in her own profile/moodboard)
honestly during lunchtime, they would make a few eye-contact from far. Jaemin as usual with Jeno and the Dream members while she was in her own clique (this is before she joined Elinovas Angel, she had her own clique in high school)
the reason why Dream members didn't approach her nor her clique or herself is because both groups are kind of rivals secretly (but all of them are chill though and THAT IS BECAUSE of her saving one of the Dream members so it's a win-win situation)
the first time Jaemin approach her was when she was just minding her own business in the cafeteria, sitting alone, reading a paper while munching an apple (apparently the way Jaemin approach kind of her made her choke slightly, causing her to almost fell from her back and that's when Jaemin perfectly caught her, IN his arms all of a sudden it's like a k-drama or something) let's just say they were lost in each others eyes with her basically yeeting out of his arms with a flushed face
THAT was the moment when they kind of were attracted of each other
the rest of high school days were actually pretty memorable because he actually made friends with her BUT in secret , thanks to Taeyong and the older member's parties, Jaemin had his chance to make her trust him as they had this cute bond with each other since she attended the events as a sister to Jungwoo's and Jeno's partners (Jaemin already consider her as his best friend maybe more than that, he is still confused with his own feelings)
but things started to get out of hand nearly graduation when all of a sudden Jaemin and Dream members were being approached by her clique, needing Jaemin's help that one of their members which was Jaemin's best friend/crush was being held hostage (and everyone was shocked to see how Jaemin's face turned from normal to rage - he literally ran out of the school compound)
within an hour with Jaemin rushing to Taeyong and getting the information he needs, Jaemin founds her and he was horrified after seeing her body literally laying on the basement and she looked like she was beaten (Jaemin was crying when he was driving his way to NCT's residence - everyone was shook to see him cry because in every missions they did, he had never show his vulnerable side, this was the first and it isn't even a mission tbh)
he would stay by her side - he even neglected his own daily needs. he wouldn't leave her side even when the Dream members or the older members would softly ask him to eat or take a rest. that was the moment when everyone figured out that Jaemin loves her (it was obvious with the way Jaemin looked at her sleeping face - and deep down, Jaemin even knows he care for her, adored her and love her)
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Tech Specialist
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Complicated [high school friends to lovers]
IMPORTANT FRIEND ― Felix Lee (Stray Kids)
the cute and sassy tech specialist
if Jeno and Jaemin are a pair, Chenle is with Jisung (the two youngest were assigned to be the tech specialist, at the same time the main guards of NCT's residence so they are always in front of multiple PCs' and they are the ones who would accept outsiders in - that's how much Taeyong trust the youngests)
Chenle loves his job tbh that's because he get to plan out booby-traps for unwelcome visitors and most of them would be killed instantly by Chenle and Jisung's booby-traps (the older members were shookth to see a few dead bodies in front of their main door - and they found out Chenle and Jisung had used Yangyang's poison air-gas and somehow put them in balloons)
being tech specialist, he rarely comes out to do missions since Taeyong doesn't allow him and Jisung too - but when Taeyong or Mark really needs a last minute back-up, that would be Chenle (the young one has his own back-up team)
until one day, a unfamiliar girl and obviously unwelcomed ran into NCT's residence - there are multiple CCTV's in their residence (they could even see what's going on WAYV and 127 residence) and it was weird to Chenle because he couldn't recognize her since he knows everyone who is somehow friends and are associates to the 23 members
so instead of as usual activating the booby-traps, Chenle's guts tell him to go out there personally armed with a gun and asking Jisung to keep a watch out and in the end his guts were right (it was Winwin's younger sister whom Winwin himself didn't talk much since she is always abroad and she looked pretty terrified)
now the thing about Chenle is he isn't too friendly with people he doesn't know EVEN though they are friend with the other members (except for the Elinovas Angels, Chenle really really treats them like his own guardian/older sisters) but strangely, he didn't know why he has this feeling of wanting to protect her - seeing how fragile she look at that exact moment (dude Chenle was concern, she looked like she was crying on the way here and he actually guided her to WAYV's residence since she barged into DREAM's)
and after that night, Chenle strangely kept thinking of her and in result of him asking Winwin what is going on and he was shook to find out his biological sister was about to be in a arranged married with a psychopath and an abuser (and without thinking Chenle started to give out plans and he didn't realise Winwin was shook to hear how concern he is because Chenle IS NEVER to be the one to get in others business)
Winwin being the good older brother actually listens to Chenle and one was to ask her to stay in NCT's residence and to ask her to enroll into where Dream members are currently studying in which was Kun's college (eventually she enrolled and all of the Dream's partners' are sweet enough to greet her, making her comfortable as she joins the group and eventually Elinovas Angels)
everyday, Chenle sticks to her and both of them are already comfortable with each other, not knowing what was about to come in the future
and one frightening day, Chenle receives a hand-written letter from her and he came running almost crying to Winwin about what was written - he was shocked and hurt that she decided to surrender after receiving threats regarding to attack NCT's residence and Taeyong's company building (what he didn't tell Winwin is that she actually wrote a separate letter for Chenle, confessing that she actually fell for him - he was nice, patient and just his own self unlike other mafia man she knows. she also revealed that if she stayed longer, she would fall completely for Chenle)
that part actually made Chenle hurt the most, he could just cry on the spot but his mind was much faster to run to Winwin to save her from doing something stupid (which was marrying that bastard)
for the first time, out of all missions, he decided to personally rescue her along with WAYV members
iconic and everyone sees Chenle's protective and loving side, he is lowkey to his own members but for the first time, everyone could see his vulnerable side openly (and expect to see Chenle calming the almost raging Winwin and his sister who almost gonna cry and that made Chenle kind of more protective)
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POSITION ― [High-Rank] Tech Specialist
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Strictly Unavailable [childhood friends to lovers]
another cute tech specialist but Jisung is somewhat an angel while Chenle is the devil ajaja
an introvert so Taeyong decided to put him as the tech specialist, together with Chenle (and Taeyong sees Jisung as someone who is still a minor and although this organization is ruthless, Taeyong still cares for the young ones and wants them to be ready when they know they are ready themselves)
everyone babies him tbh and they are protective of him
even his own childhood best friend whom is a younger sister to Lucas, is protective of Jisung
this two are always together - yes, even when they are babies that's because both of their family are friends, close friends
and both Jisung's and his childhood friend's families are known for their own reputation (Jisung's would be having scary parents and hers would be having rich parents)
until one day during middle school, she approached Jisung with tears running down her cheeks - telling him that she had to go, which was to move out since something went wrong within her family business
you see middle school Jisung is different than the now!Jisung, he was happy back then, kind of cheerful although no one wants to befriend him and that's because of his childhood bff (she was always there for him, she went to his soccer tournament, she even attended all of his birthday parties)
Jisung didn't have the time to be shock nor surprised because it was that day itself where his best friend has to go (so throughout the day of his best friend's last day of school, he was being extra clingy with her, accompanying her everywhere)
he decided to follow her all the way to the airport, not surprised when his family was there too to bid their goodbyes' (kind of felt betrayed that they didn't tell him but ofc he didn't care for now since his main focus is his bff)
and everyone is shookth to see Jisung crying while hugging his bff and ofc she had to be the positive one, patting the boy's back - saying she would be back (but both of them know that isn't the case)
fast forward to 4 years later, Jisung meets her at the high school he attended along with some of the Dream members but surprisingly, she was with Lucas (he was again shook because he didn't know at that time that they were siblings and again, he felt betrayed but again that didn't matter)
Jisung didn't approach her though, that's because he didn't know what to feel (during that 4 years without being with each other, Jisung somehow went through the phase of being alone and at some point and as a result, he learn to be independent - and that's how he joined NCT)
until 2 days later where NCT and their partners' were invited for Taeyong's annual party and all of the members' siblings were invited - and from the corner, Jisung saw her along with Lucas (of course some of the Dream members have to call Jisung since the boy wasn't too attentive and Jisung swore that she looked like she didn't want to be there)
and he was right, Jisung followed her quietly - seeing her going to the swimming pool, sitting down on the edge while soaking her feet (the members encourage him to go to her though, and Jisung didn't waste any time to approach her)
the moment he said his first words and locking his eyes with hers, he was stunned on how beautiful she looks - the dim lights in the corners of the pool reflect through the water and to her (let's just say Jisung found out what had happened to her during the 4 years and he didn't know she suffered too - and they ended that conversation with an apology towards each other and hugs of comfort)
since then and fast forward to college, they were as close as ever and at some point, Jisung learnt that his best friend changed slightly (at one time, a group of boys somehow decided to tease him and she decided to step forwards and again Jisung is stunned to see that his best friend know how to fight)
and at one point of time, Jisung realizes that he is falling for his best friend when a boy in school approaches her to get her number but in the end he didn't get one (that's because she likes Jisung too hehe)
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POSITION ― Rookie Tech Specialist
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Unavailable but In Love, Deeply [best friends to lovers]
1/2 of the A star rookies that was voted by the leaders of all 3 groups
he looks like an angel but he is more than that
he is actually good at hacking and so Taeyong decided to put him under Chenle and Jisung's care (although he is older than them, but Chenle and Jisung are more experienced)
we would wonder how Shotaro joined NCT? it was actually through his parents (unfortunately through a saddened incident of a syndicate barging into Osakis' residence, they were almost slaughtered but it was actually thanks to Yuta that they were saved - the NCT member was close with Shotaro so they keep tabs with each other)
his parents entrusted NCT on taking care of Shotaro (and since then Shotaro lives with the Dream members. he learns how to be independent with the help of the NCT members)
and with that he is immediately enrolled to schools that Kun owns (he had attended high school which when he met his now best friend)
he is a shy bub and at that time, he was already somehow a member of NCT (all rookies in NCT will definitely end up as a NCT member, and as usual all NCT members will gain huge attention in schools)
everyone was gossiping about a cute guy that looked like an otter joining the school and stuff and so Shotaro was being seen in the hallways (all girls adore him tbh, he is the only member who looks endearing - even when he doesn't smile)
Shotaro was so committed to school that he joined a club which was the basketball club ! (honestly the basketball club was shook and excited that they have a NCT member and all of them were nice and supportive guys which were rare to find)
and the cheerleaders room and basketball room is just 2 doors away from each other - guess who met one of the well-known cheerleader, yes our otter cheerleader
so what had happened was Shotaro and the boys were leaving to grab drinks and coincidentally, the door of the cheerleaders' room opens abruptly with one of the members exiting the room with her phone on her hand (and guess WHO accidentally bumped into her, yes Shotaro)
followed by hearing deep gasps and the sound of a phone crashing down on the floor, silence decided to cover the area and the first one to move is Shotaro to gather the broken phone while apologizing to her numerously (and what made Shotaro widen his eyes was hearing her answer which was "it's okay, well, at least i get to avoid my annoying older brother. don't worry the damage will be on me though")
and with that, she left quickly and the boys started started to ask Shotaro if he was okay or did she just threaten him and ofc Shotaro was confused on who they were talking about (then Shotaro was being told that she was actually NCT Johnny's adopted younger sister and they kind of had a fall out and stuff - there were rumors about her that she was being adopted and it was sad she had to find out by the rumors itself)
her face and her impression kind of stuck onto his mind that Shotaro couldn't help but steal glances towards her whenever he saw her in the hallway or during lunch (basically a tsundere to him)
according to Shotaro's point of view, she would always be seen with her own clique, in the middle of the girls who were gossiping while she was on the phone looking unbothered at the same time answering her friends (and somehow they both caught each other's eyes that Shotaro froze and as for her, she slight smiled at him before looking away *cue Shotaro panicking and feeling butterflies on his stomach*)
the next moment they met was at Taeil's party and as usual everyone was invited, which includes Shotaro - and when he arrived, guess who saw the girl looking grumpy as she followed her tall older brother? Shotaro of course (she doesn't look impressed at all as she follows her older brother as he was talking to his own friends - and at one time she slips off as she wander around)
and while Shotaro wanders to find the Dream members and her walking off making small talks with Dream members' partners, they again bumped into each other but this time she was about to fall by her back and Shotaro who has fast reflex caught her by her sides (that's when they had a FACE TO FACE eye contact and not wanting the situation to be an awkward one, she started the conversation first which lead them to exchange numbers)
which just an exchange of phone numbers, both of them became close which means they kind of know each others' habits and because she trusted Shotaro, she even told him her secrets - well not a secret since everyone found out from a rumor (Shotaro remembered that she called him in the middle of the night, as she was crying and being the gentleman he is, he came to her and they just sat on the stairs right outside of Dream's residence)
their friendship kind of grew from there till they graduate and attending the same college as the other Dream members (and of course they are accepted in the Dream clique since they know each other through the other members)
and Shotaro is slowly falling for her and everyone knows that especially the members - with how he looks at her and how he just communicates with her, he thinks he knows everything about her but there is just one secret he didn't know about her which will one day save Shotaro's life (will be revealed in her own profile)
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POSITION ― Rookie Sniper
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ― Complicated [childhood friends to lovers]
another A star rookie that picked by the 3 leaders
kind of opposite with Shotaro tbh
he doesn't look like an angel and he isn't an angel due to his tragic past
though he was chosen because of his skills and abilities which is a sniper, Taeyong actually found him walking mindlessly on the street
was it a coincidence? well kind of. Taeyong was actually on his way to personally kill his parents for what they did to innocent people and seeing their son walking mindlessly with blood stains on his clothes, kind of coincidence isn't it?
so Taeyong kind of took him and that's when the mafia leader knew the kid somehow just found out the truth on what his parents did and he was ashamed tbh (ofc who wouldn't be ashamed finding out your parents kidnapped children, trained them to become weapons and somehow tortured them in the middle)
and that was like 5 years ago and a year passed, Sungchan lives in NCT Dream's residence at the same time attending high school along with the other Dream members
and one fine day, his class was introduced to a new classmate and Sungchan's eyes widened as soon as he recognized that stone-cold face and his classmates were definitely a positive kind of bunch as they excitedly say their 'hi's and hello's with excitement (Sungchan was the only one who didn't say his 'hi's and 'hello's, he was froze on his seat realizing that girl is his long-time childhood friend)
one thing that Sungchan loves about his childhood which he would always hold onto that whenever someone ask him regarding his childhood was actually play-dates with his childhood friend (whom is a younger sister to Taeil's wife and to Got7's leader, Lim Jaebeom)
his parents were somehow friends with hers and that's how the play-dates started, hence they attended the same middle school (both of them were the innocent ones when it comes to their parents' works but she was smart to find out things since her parents' were assassins)
and with Sungchan escaping from his house after sneaking and hearing their conversation, and he got caught by his parents' men in result of Sungchan getting physical by stabbing them, hence he out of nowhere cut off contact with his childhood friend
Sungchan knew she still recognize him after seeing her face grew more cold, after making a 2 second eye contact as she turned away to find her seat and through-out the day, she didn't even approach him instead she just walked passed him - and that went on for a month
until he decided to approach and let's just say it didn't go well in the middle - with him grabbing her arm since she just ignore him and them basically yelling at each other but what made Sungchan stop on the 'yelling competition' is seeing her tears finally falling and in result of Sungchan crying too after hearing her confessing what she felt for the passed few years without him
and so 2 childhood friends were reunited and one fine day as they were enjoying lunch in school, all hell break loose after hearing non-stop gunshots then seeing a notorious faces of syndicates that Sungchan knew (and strangely before Sungchan decided to make his move, his childhood friend was fast enough to hold onto his hand as they make a run for it)
they were smart to realize that those men were actually after Sungchan and Sungchan couldn't even process everything that day as he only remembered arriving to NCT's residence with all of the members basically running around (basically 127 and WAYV trying to calm down the panicked Kun at the same time worrying for Sungchan and Dream members worrying for Sungchan and his friend)
a few days later, Sungchan was acting weird towards her - avoiding her at the same time not replying to her texts which made her super annoyed, that one fine Saturday night, there was a loud knocks on Dream's residence door and poor Shotaro opens the door to see her raging and wanting to talk to Sungchan who was busy playing FIFA with Jisung and Chenle on the 2nd level
sweet Shotaro guided her and the atmosphere grew tense after Jisung see Sungchan's friend standing with cold glares towards Sungchan and ofc Jisung had to nudge on Chenle and he had to nudge onto Sungchan (honestly it's comedy peak) and ofc ChenJi had to escape from that suffocating atmosphere
Sungchan knew at that moment he was going to have another 'yelling competition' but instead she just sat beside Sungchan quietly and said "please don't do that, I already lost a few people that I love. you are the last person that I don't want to lose."
and they cried in each other's' arms again after finding out the truth about what happened to her family and Sungchan found out that she knew what had happened to him back then (and so much more that Sungchan wanted her to join NCT but she can't because of Taeyong agreeing with Jaebeom on business related stuff and weirdly about her too)
so from that moment onwards till college, there were no secrets between her and Sungchan and they continue to become that type of bestfriends with Sungchan asking her to come to parties or events that the members could invite someone and she would constantly had to remind him that his older sister is married to the oldest member in NCT and of course she has to come
but there was something that Sungchan couldn't tell her face to face and he had no choice to make it as a secret - and that would be confessing to her about his feelings (which was liking her ever since they were in middle school and falling in love with her in the present time)
[ N-127 MOODBOARDS ] - [ 127'S SOULMATES ]
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uwuwriting · 5 years ago
So I've seen this future kids prompt pop up everywhere and I love it. Maybe Shouto, Shinsou, Iida and Dabi with their future kids ????
Ooooh I’ve read them as well! They’re so wholesome. I’m happy to oblige dear anon. Love ya. 💖💖💖
Todoroki Shouto
-He was on patrol with his father when someone bumped into him.
-When he looked down he saw a little girl with snow white hair, laying on the pavement.
-The little girl was crying, her hiccups echoing in his ears.
-His father had stopped a few paces in front of them, watching the scene unfold.
-Shouto knelt down, gently grabbing the girl by her elbows, steadying her as he looked at her.
-She looked...oddly familiar.
- “Are you okay?” he asked.
-At the sound of his voice the little girl snapped her head up, her dual-colored eyes meeting his own and she shot herself onto him, wrapping her little arms around his neck while continuing to whimper.
-Shouto was taken aback by the action, but what had him almost shaking was her eye colors.
-One grey and one e/c.
- “W-we n-need to f-f-find h-her!” she said between sobs. “S-she wasn’t w-w-with m-me when I-I-I woke up!!”
-Shouto wrapped his own arms around her small frame, trying to calm her down.
-Once she stopped sobbing, he untangled her from him.
- “Where are your parents, snowflake?” he couldn’t recognize his own voice due to the softness.
- “W-what do you mean, daddy??” long awkward pause. “And w-why are do you look so y-young?”
-This boy malfunctioned at the word ‘daddy’.
-What does she mean daddy? He’s a virgin for crying out loud!
-And above that he couldn’t bring himself to talk to his crush, aka you, without messing something up!
-How could he have a kid!?
-The little girl was looking at him with wide eyes, his eyes, like she was waiting for him to remember her.
- “What in the world are you talking about, girl?”
-Oh he had forgotten about his father being here.
-Without a word, Shouto scooped her up in his arms and told his father that he was going to take her somewhere safe.
-He was going to take her to you.
-An awkward silence enveloped them as the girl clutched his hero costume in her little fists.
- “So what’s your name?”
- “Ren...”
- “That’s a nice name.... And how old are you Ren?”
-”I’m four.”
-And so Shouto asked her question after question.
-Apparently, a kid at her school got his quirk and it went haywire, sending both her and her twin sister Rei here.
-Ren explained to him that she woke up without her twin which send her into a panic because they had never been apart before. 
-Shouto asked who her parents were and if she had any siblings. 
-He already had an idea about who her parents were, but he needed to be sure.
-Ren told him that you were her mother and that they had recently welcomed another mini Todoroki to the family, a little girl named Ru.
-Shouto was ecstatic but of course he didn’t show it.
-Once at the school, he went on a mad hunt searching for you.
-He may not have an explanation and he may not have told you about his feeling but you need to see her.
-See the future.
-He was getting desperate until he heard your laughter coming from somewhere behind him.
-Just as he turned his head, he was tackled to the floor by a ball of vibrant red hair.
-The girl in his arms started to giggle and both of the little humans on top of him were bouncing up and down from excitement. 
- “Todoroki there you are!! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
-You crouched down next to him, pulling the two little girls off of him and placing the on the floor beside you.
-You gave him an apologetic smile before turning back to the girls.
- “I’m assuming that you are Ren?”
-The little girls both nodded in response, too busy hugging each other to really care. 
-The rest of the day was spent with the four of you watching Disney movies and having some quality family time.
-When they disappeared at midnight, you both were exhausted beyond belief. 
- “Why did we name the red head Rei?”
-You laughed at his question, admitting that you had the same question when you first saw the little girl. 
-Rei thankfully had explained that once they got their quirks, their hair colors changed/switched, so now the white haired one was Ren while she was Rei.
- “So I’m guessing that this is a good time to ask you on a date.”
Shinsou Hitoshi
-When Shinsou saw the five year old girl sitting on his bed when he returned to his dorm after training, he knew something was up.
-The little girl had her head bowed as she sat on his bed, her lilac locks framing her little face but he could see the tears rolling down her cheeks.
-She wouldn’t look at him and he could tell she was terrified by the slight tremble of her shoulders. 
-Moving to stand in front of her, Hitoshi knelt down and moved some stray locks from her eyes, revealing the purple orbs. 
-Okay now he definitely knew that something wonky was going on here.
-She was a perfect mix of you and him and it made his heart flatter.
-He was positive that you were the love of his life and having it confirmed had him WILDIN.
-He couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that he married you and you had a kid!
-Best day of his life so far!
-A sniffle coming from the little girl in front of him snapped him out of his daze.
-Stretching his arms out towards her, he motioned for her to come closer and she leaped at him.
-Her small fists balled up his shirt as she buried her little head in his chest, her cries becoming full on sobs at this point. 
-Without a second thought he scooped her up and walked back and forth in his room, holding her close to his chest and stroking her hair. 
- “I-I don’t know what h-h-happened d-daddy! I was just p-petting the k-k-kitty when this m-m-man came up to m-me!”
-He shushed her, telling her that everything was going to be alright and that no one would hurt her as long as he’s here. 
-After calming her down (which was pretty quickly), he took her to the kitchen for a quick snack.
-He watched as the little chipmunk, his little chipmunk, chomped down on the sandwich he had made her, a comfortable silence enveloping them.
- “What’s your name kitty?” 
-On their way to the kitchen he had explained to her what he believed happened and how important it was that she didn’t call you mom.
- “Kei. Kei Shinsou.” she beamed at him. 
-Kei and him talked about the future, Hitoshi wanting to know everything he could about her family life.
-As it turns out Kei was five and a half ,and not five as she clarified quite angrily when he called her a five your old and she was expecting a baby brother soon.  
-Hitoshi was shookth!!
-Was he dead?
-At that moment you walked into the kitchen, you earbuds in your ears while the YouTube video you were watching was being blasted through them.
-You hadn’t noticed them until you bumped into Kei’s chair.
-Your reaction to the whole scene was a “I’m too high for this” as you proceeded to pour yourself a glass of water and walk back out the kitchen.
- “Oooh mommy was doing magic grass!!! That’s bad...” 
-Shinsou made a note to stop smoking weed from now on. 
-They both returned to his dorm room and magically fell asleep. 
-Having her small frame snuggle up to him, did wonders to his insomnia and he was out like a light.
-The next morning he was faced with an empty bed and a very confused you.
-He had to explain everything now...
-Oh boy. 
Iida Tenya
-Iida had the biggest crush on you that was visible to everyone BUT you.
-You were absolutely oblivious but he like the pinning so he didn’t really mind.
-What he did mind however was the little girl clinging to him at the moment going on and on about how someone used their quirk on her and she woke up in the alley.
-Tenya was losing his shit over the whole ordeal and most importantly over the fact that the little girl was a carbon cope of you, with his hair and eye color.
- “Where are your parents?”
- “How did you get into UA?”
- “Why are you calling me daddy?”
-The moment she saw him starting to panic and go into an air chopping frenzy, she climbed on a nearby ledge and grabbed his cheeks, squishing them in between her own small chubby hands.
- “Stop hitting the air! You’ll hurt it!”
-That... wasn’t what he expected but okay.
-After a small interrogation, he found out that her name was Asami and that you were her mother.
-Plus she might have mentioned a baby brother but because of her rapid talking Tenya didn’t get a chance to ask her about him.
 -After she stopped rambling, he decided to take her to Recovery Girl.
-The only reasonable thinker of the four boys tbh.
-On their way to her office they ran into you.
-And when I say ran I mean Asami ramming into you with a loud squeal. 
- “Mommy mommy we found you!!!”
-Tenya was positive that you passed out.  
-You mumbled something before standing up, taking the little girl into your arms.
-Tenya made to explain but you caught him off.
- “After she’s been ... dealt with?”
-For the rest of the way you and Asami conversed about every little thing while Tenya was burning this image in his brain.
-You looked so happy holding her and the little girl in your arms had the largest smile on her face that was identical to yours.
-He always wanted a family and he had pictured starting one with you.
-That is if he ever found the courage to ask you out.
 -Once at Recovery Girl you let little Asami skip into her office for her check up and you two fell into an awkward silence. 
- “So...... we made.... her..”
-You chuckled at his words, not believing them yourself.
- “Yeah, she’s really pretty.”
- “I’d say she gets that from her mother.”
-You both agreed to go on a date after Asami left.
-When she finally did you felt kinda hollow.
-Guess you’ll have to get to work to bring her back then wink wonk.
-He had no idea why this kid was following him but it was starting to get on his nerves. 
-It was like he was a mother goose. 
-He took a sharp turn into an alleyway and waited for the kid to turn as well.
-Once he saw the mess of unruly red hair with some scattered h/c strands, he kinda froze. 
-Snapping out of his initial shock he tapped the kids shoulder. 
-Turquoise eyes looked back at him and he lost it.
- Enter internal screaming affect here.
- “Why are you following me kid?”
-The little boy froze at his words and bowed his head, not meeting Dabi’s gaze.
- “I-I woke up here a-and saw you s-so I followed you.” sniffle “I-I assumed y-you would lead m-me to m-m-mom....” 
-Dabi continued to analyse the kid trying to find more similarities between himself and this kid and he came to the conclusion....
-That he had come face to face with a mini version of himself.
-He heard more sniffles coming from the boy, who was trying to hold back his tears and pull of a brave face.
-He was failing but kudos to him for trying.
-Kneeling down with a sigh Dabi looked at him dead in the eyes, his eyes.
- “What’s you name kid?”
- “Kyro a-and don’t call me kid.”
- “Why so...kid?”
- “Because I am not a kid!!”
-As Kyro balled his fists, Dabi noticed a small blue flame emitting from one of his fists and he lost it...again.
-But this cocky bastard is stubborn.
- “Since you’re not a kid you can find your own way home then.”
-He stood up and went to leave when he felt a tug at his coat. 
- “No dad don’t leave, I-I don’t know w-what to do.”
-Dabi.exe has stopped working.
-There was a long ass pause before Dabi grabbed Kyro’s small hand and led him out the alley. 
- “I’m taking you to someone who might help then...then you are going to tell me who your mom is so I can drop you off.”
-And you can guess who he asked for help.
-Shirakumo Kurogiri the dad villain.
-Once at the hideout, Kyro explained everything to Kurogiri and that he didn’t know how to get back.
-To be honest both father and son were slightly panicking with the whole situation but their damn pride wouldn’t let them express their concerns. 
-And then you walked into the bar.
-Two really loud voices called out to you, one frantic Y/n and one panicked Mommy.
-You had your hands full after that.
-As much as Dabi likes to pretend that he doesn’t give a shit about anything, he really loved you and the fact that in the future you two had a son together got him going all dad mode on both you and Kyro.
-For the remainder of the day you were stuck babysitting an adult Dabi and a four year old version of Dabi. 
-Both father and son knew that you had reached your limit when you called Dabi Touya so they backed off a little bit. 
-Everything came to a halt the moment your heads touched the pillows.
-Kyro and you were out like a light while Dabi managed to stay awake for about five minutes drinking in the image of you holding the little boy tightly close to your chest and interlacing your fingers with his. 
-He could get used to this.
-Kyro didn't seem to hate him so he must be doing a good job.
-As sleep was clouding his mind he wandered when you two actually have him.
-Is it in five years?
-In two?
-Guess he’ll have to wait and see.
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enchanted-lightning-aes · 4 years ago
Enchant Presents, OC Fact for @ocappreciationweek: mobile edition. A little babble treat featuring Nishan, Blasted Scorn's crew top brain cell.
African, dark brown skin with warm tones, wavy and curly dark brown hair, deep brown eyes, pretty like very much so. has freckles dotting her cheeks. is the shortest around 5'3.
smart, shy and awkward around people (yes, we need characters who are soft black girls and women like this, thank you), passionate about what she does, graceful, mild-mannered and often has her nose stuck in a book.
used to be a student, who studied about history, architecture, and sea-faring.
she and adopted her father had to move from city to city. illegimate child, but it's a secret for the most part.
has a good relationship with him, because they see eye to eye. he doesn't care if she's not his actual child, it doesn't matter.
gets curious about the rumors of a pirate crew. she finds their adventures amusing and fun.
Shookth to see them in one of the cities she's staying in, one day. When their business finished, she managed to talk to them and somehow they invited her. She was 'Nishan.exe stopped working' when that happened.
her father encouraged her to go because ~adventure~ and stayed behind but she manages to visit him once in a while.
Was a little stiff and awkward when she first joined. Eventually grows close to Eubha and Kumari, though.
Has her own room with a shelf full of books. :3
actually has heart eyes for a certain dancer on the crew. too nervous and not confidant enough to share about.
listen, Ianete will not let anyone see the light of day anymore, if anyone lays a rough hand on her. That's all to say here.
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hwanuels · 6 years ago
l.hc: stay with me
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summary: the confusing subject of lee haechan 
pairing: highschool!stoner-boi!haechan x reader 
warning: a shit ton of cursing, still got a lot of crackheadness, and DRUGS. no i’m not kidding, if you aren’t okay with that shit don’t read ahead. also! still part of my semi-collab with @huangsren! read her fic here: art-hoe!renjun  BEWARE OF GRAMMATICAL MISTAKES!!!!! 
it’s your favorite local stoner-boi!haechan’s turn
like norenmin, haechan’s name gets tossed around on the daily at NCT Highschool, except not with the same positive connotation
haehcan’s reputation isn’t the best but it could be worse
no it can’t
it’s actually really bad
everyone knows haechan to either be taking a gigantic nap in class or vaping in the bathroom. he gets into detention weekly bc the boy skips school like every other day 
the only reason why haechan hasn’t been expelled was bc he was the principal’s son 
don’t bring that up or he’ll actually cuss you out no cap
although he’s well-known, he’s only got like two friends + college-freshmen!mark lee (hA what a loser)
and one of them was currently in some type of situation with fboi!jaemin that haechan can’t be bothered to deal with –> y/n from fboi!jaemin’s au who will be further known as ara in this story
the other one was you, he liked to keep that one a little more private
it was never explicitly stated that you would maintain your sorta friendship a secret  
although could you really call it friendship if you’re doing all of the things people in relationships actually do? 
like haechan would always call you up in the middle of the night  to get boba or frozen yogurt for no reason
or sometimes yall would be cuddling in your bedroom watching some stupid movie on netflix,,,haechan would probably be throwing popcorn at the laptop screen bc of something stupid the main protagonist would do 
the other times, he would text a simple “pick me up” 
and you knew that that meant that haechan was too high or drunk to operate
there would be nights where you would be chilling in your car as haechan vaped 
you hated it 
but you could never hate lee donghyuck who now went by lee haechan 
yall met around the middle of sophomore year 
damn so much shit goes down sophomore year at NCT high
aNYways, you were stressed out from studying so you decided to take a stroll in the park at like ten at night. 
was that a stupid idea? yes, but at least that’s when you met haechan dressed in a navy green hoodie and a puff of smoke leaving his lips
sophomore!you was like highkey shookth seeing the lee donghyuck smoking in a park
bc at this time, lee donghyuck wasn’t lee haechan 
he was one of the school’s golden boys 
yeah that’s right norenmin used to be norenminhyuck or the 00′s 
he was the star of the school’s choir and the biggest class clown that still managed to get good grades
so imagine your shock when you see him with a cigarette in his hand
you figured that it was best to leave donghyuck alone since you weren’t the nosy type of person
except you weren’t that discreet in leaving when your eyes met donghyuck’s bright red ones 
you stood there for a second, both of you locked in what seemed to be staring contest, before turning to leave since it wasn’t any of your business what donghyuck was getting up to
the next day of school, donghyuck was back to his bubbly, fun self which seemed to be a drastic contrast from the one you saw at the park 
when your eyes interlocked in the hallways, donghyuck raised a finger to his lips when he was sure no one else was looking 
and you understood 
somehow you found yourself in this strange no-talking sit-downs in the park relationship with donghyuck while he smoked on the bench next to you 
this went down for a couple of weeks where the two of you would just sit in heavy silence. the only noises were the cicadas chirping in the background
until one night when donghyuck dressed in the same navy hoodie wasn’t smoking but his eyes were still red
“why haven’t you told anyone yet?” 
you shrugged “because it’s not my secret to tell” 
“you were shocked when you first saw me that night.” haechan commented 
“yeah, i just never expected it from someone like you,” you admitted
you could hear the boy next to let out a dry chuckle, “you’re not the first person i disappointed” 
“it ruins your lungs btw” 
“i know, i want it to” 
“why do you do it?” 
“because it actually makes me feel alive” 
something changed that night bc the next day donghyuck into a physical fight with the student-athlete!jeno who everyone knew was a pacifist. 
that night haechan showed up with a black eye and you didn’t ask why
donghyuck still gave you an explanation even though it was complete bs
“because he was getting on my nerves” 
but it seemed like the whole group of the golden boys was getting on his nerves bc donghyuck stopped hanging around them for the rest of the year
you saw him sometimes sitting outside on the bleachers during lunch, sleeping or smoking, not afraid to be caught 
you never had the courage to approach him in person at school, bc it seemed like your relationship was strictly limited to the park 
but you couldn’t help to be worried about him with the drastic change in character he was undergoing 
one day, he showed up to school with bright red hair and did nothing in all of his classes but take a nap 
sometimes he didn’t even show up to school 
you heard from someone that he quit choir which was shame bc you always wanted to hear him sing 
and sophomore year bled into junior year and donghyuck was no longer known as donghyuck but as haechan 
it was weird, every time you would get the urge to take a midnight stroll in the park, haechan would be sitting there on his usual bench sometimes smoking sometimes not
you always sat down next to him even if you knew that you were just going to sit there in silence
“give me your phone number,” he said bluntly holding out his hand for your phone 
“i’m tired of waiting for you to come to the park” 
and you really confuse because does that mean that haechan wanted to be your friend??? 
as if he can read your mind, he rolls his eyes “yes, let’s be friends. you’re a lot better than those fakes in our goddamn school.” 
so that’s how your friendship began with the lee donghyuck, rebranded as haechan 
he doesn’t let anyone call him donghyuck but you,,, you still try your best not to call him that bc he doesn't like it 
gotta respect your friends’ wishes y’know
it wasn’t until haechan was over at like 2am in your room, both of you talking in small whispers bc you don’t want your parents to wake up and find you laying in bed with a BOI, that y'all reached the final level of closeness and haechan let slip one of the reason behind his reckless actions
“you know what sucks? even when i’m acting out like this, my parents still refuse to acknowledge me. it’s like they don’t care” 
and your like :((( 
“i’m pretty sure they care about you a lot,” you didn’t like the listlessly way he was talking 
“you don’t get it. when my dad saw my hair, all he told me to do was to dye it back. my mom didn’t even freak out when she saw me smoking a blunt with my friend in my room. they could care less” 
and haechan begins to spill
“even when i was achieving so much, they rarely ever bat an eye at me. do you know how hard it is to come to school and put on the facade of that i have no worries in the world? that i’m that cheery happy-go-lucky kid? even renjun is allowed to have moody days, but i’m expected to always be the mood maker. i fucking hate it.” 
you stayed silent listening to his rant 
“when jeno was complaining about how his parents invited his whole family to his stupid basketball game, i just got so angry because my parents haven’t been to one recital ever since i joined the choir. nor did they go to the science fair where i actually won first place with that stupid potato rocket i did with renjun.” 
haechan let’s out a bittersweet laugh 
“after that fight with jeno, no one asked if i was okay or why i even did it. none of them did. my dad didn’t even look at me in the eye when i went to his office, all he cared about was if the school’s basketball mvp was okay.” 
“god, i’m so numb to all of this shit. i don’t even know how to be happy anymore” 
that night you didn’t say anything to haechan bc you didn’t know what to say. but that night was the first and last night you ever saw haechan cry or that emotionally vulnerable bc the next day, he acted like it never happened 
by junior year, everyone already knew that the old donghyuck was gone and haechan was here to stay 
BUT your relationship with haechan wasn’t one-sided at all 
nooooo there were nights where you were the one crying and haechan was the one comforting you even though his advice was bs
you best bet that when haechan got his license, he dragged your ass to midnight drives to the cliff, but you would be the one to drive him home bc he probably vaped a little too much on the cliff 
despite breaking down that one night, haechan was very emotionally closed off. he didn’t smile as often as he used to in public unless it was with you
sometimes he would catch himself smiling when you said something really dumb or when he found your antics adorable, but he would never admit it and the smile would be quickly gone from his face.
your hangouts were so lowkey
one night, junior year, you were just chilling in your car with hyuck and he just leans over and kisses you. 
you could still smell the strawberry vape juice on him but you didn’t stop the kiss,,,cuz it felt nice
his lips felt like soft little cloud pillows 
and when haechan pulls away he has this little smirk on his face while you're flustered as fuck 
let’s be honest, that wouldn’t be the last time y'all locked lips 
cause it happened a lot 
especially in the car and sometimes in your room 
you can’t lie and say you don’t have any sort of feelings for haechan 
especially when you do see his real smile that he doesn’t let anyone see or when he made the effort to stop smoking cigarettes 
although you still highly disapprove of his drug usage
drugs are bad kids! 
haechan has his own reasons for continuing to use it so as much as you try to discourage him, you don’t stop him 
you’d like to say that you’re the only girl in his life, but your not
bc you were only hyuck’s friend at night,,,he has a day friend who was also a girl who he didn’t seem to care to be seen w at school 
a really pretty (AKA y/n from jaemin’s au) one who you also saw on multiple occasion haechan flashes his breathtaking smile too 
one of your friends had gossip that that girl was ara, who was dropped by her friend group bc she was dating haechan who had beef w jaemin who was dating ara’s ex-bestfriend? confusing, yeah i thought so too. 
you knew better than to listen to stupid highschool rumors but you couldn’t help but come to your own assumptions about the closeness of their friendship 
bECause haechan never mentioned ara in any of your conversations
at lunch, you can’t but let your eyes drift to the two of them in their own world laughing away 
you only met her once when mark was dropping haechan off at your house bc he much rather be at yours then his 
you were a little bit hurt since she got to know mark before you did 
you knew that mark was one of haechan’s closest friend and someone he really respected even though he liked to bag on him 24/7
as much as you tried not to, you found yourself repeatedly comparing yourself to her 
the subject of ara was left alone, forever stored in your insecurities
you didn’t want to confront haechan about it bc you didn’t want to admit it but you caught the big bad feels for the boy
so your feelings were left untouched until senior year
when the two of you were making out in your room and haechan suddenly pulls away with wide eyes 
and he lets out an “oh fuck” 
now, you were worried 
did you somehow do something wrong? 
“ara is going to fucking kill me,” haechan muttered grabbing his phone, calling someone up 
“hey gramps, can you pick ara up? i kinda left her at school,” haechan said through the phone to someone you presume to be mark
“okay, fine i’ll bring you weed brownies and hurry up before she gives me shit tomorrow. you know how high-maintenance she gets” and he hangs up the phone, throwing it aside 
“sorry about that,” haechan says going to resume what the two of you started but you stop him
cause it hurts too much and you don’t know what the hell you are to haechan
“i can’t do this anymore, hyuck” you say in a small voice, not daring to look him in the eyes bc u know damn well that he’ll see the tears in your eyes
“what do you mean?” you could hear the worry in the voice
“this,” you gesture between the two of you “i can’t anymore” 
and haechan knows what you’re talking about 
he’s been dreading the moment,,,he could sense the end 
which is the last thing he wants
“what’s wrong?” 
you bite your lip not wanting to start breaking down in front of the boy you grew to love so much 
your heart was hurting so bad,,,but you couldn’t continue on pining over a boy that would never love you the same way 
“what am i to you, hyuck?” 
one of the things that haechan hated the most was seeing you sad 
he hated how you saying his nickname in that teary voice made his heart drop 
“you’re my friend, y/n. actually, you're my bestfriend” 
you look him in the eyes this time, but haechan wished you didn’t 
“i’d never be more than that, right?” you smiled sadly at the boy
for once in his life, haechan is rendered completely speechless 
“i think you should leave” 
he knew that he should have put up a fight 
yet he couldn’t bring himself to 
there was this pang of hurt in his chest that he couldn’t quite explain 
so he left 
he wished he didn’t 
the minute he walked out the door he felt all of the happiness leave his body,, he knew that when he walked out the door, he would never be walking back 
when he got home in his room that night, he didn’t have it in him to pick up his usual blunt or his vape pen 
instead, he flopped onto his bed staring up at his ceiling 
there was wetness on his cheeks,,,his vision was blurry,,,and his heart hurt 
he almost contemplated skipping school the next day, but he didn’t want to spend his day wallowing in his despair that he didn’t even know why he felt 
his eyes were red as fuck so he tried to play if off as if he were high because who would question it?
so that’s why he went to school with a pair of sunglasses to hide his puffy, red eyes 
he was expecting everyone to leave him alone cuz he looked like he was faded but his shithead friend ara marched over to him and pulled him away leaving behind a very confused looking jaemin
that’s probably a story i’ll hear later. he thought.
“you fucking moron,” ara exclaimed at him punching him in the arm “this is like the eighteenth time you have gone to school fucking high! get a grip man!” 
“don’t lecture me as if you weren’t talking to the parasite,” haechan huffed, rubbing his arm from the pain
damn she packed a punch 
ara squinted and haechan realized he fucked up with his fake high act 
so the girl reached out and grabbed his sunglasses much to his protest and saw his puffy eyes
“hOLY sHIt, dude were you crying?” 
haechan snatched back his sunglasses and quickly put them back on, “fuck you” 
“sorry man, what happened?” 
“i don’t even know” 
“you want a pity hug?” 
“why the fuck not” 
the thing was haechan wasn’t touchy with other girls except for you, so the hug w ara was like a bro hug 
all that awkward patting and shit
stupid haechan failed to notice that you were standing at the end of the hallway, witnessing the whole scene 
now it was clear to you that you didn’t mean shit to haechan 
you were just a girl that could make him feel less lonely in secret, nothing more 
he had no trouble displaying his relationship w ara in public 
why did he make it seem like he wanted to keep you a secret? 
you were tired of it
spinning on your heel, heart-shattering into pieces, you walked away from lee haechan for the very last time 
basically now, it was simp hours 24/7 for the both of you
even college-freshmen! mark knew something was off with his highschool weed buddy 
“dude, what’s goin on with you lately?” 
the two of them were on their regular get-high cliff except mark was the only one doing the deed, haechan was just spaced out 
“i dunno” haechan shrugged 
mark made a face that was like “if you don’t tell me i’m beating the shit out of you” 
“okay fine, y/n doesn’t want me in her life anymore,” haechan spilled the beans on the whole situation between the two of you and mark is like “and i thought i was the fucking idiot” 
haechan is like wdym bruh? 
“are you dumb, bro? like are you out of touch with your feelings or sum shit?” 
“goddamn i have to do everything in this household, listen to me you little bitch boy, grow a pair and admit that you have feelings for her!” 
haechan’s face is like O.o 
“are you high right now, mark?” 
instant smack on the back of his head 
“no you dumb shit; just say that you like her and that ara is just a friend!” 
“what does this have to do ara?” 
mark is like BOI IF YOU DON’t
“obviously, you failed to mention that you managed to befriend a person who just happens to be a really pretty girl-” 
“dude, ara is fucking ugly. i’d date you before i’d ever date her” 
“stfu and listen bitch boy. anyways, y/n is probably highkey confused bc she probably thinks you’re interested in ara since you’ve been spending a shit ton of time w ara in the day time but you only come to y/n at night.” 
“i do that because i don’t want people to associate her with the things i do just because i’m friends with her. she’s doesn’t deserve to be roped into the same category as me” 
aNOTHer smack in the head 
“go clean up the mess you made and admit your feelings you fucking shithead.” 
“i dunno, ask her to prom or some shit” 
“i don’t want to go to prom” 
so haechan gets dropped back at his house and he does some thinking about his so-called “feelings”
which is a fat surprise bc haechan is the living embodiment of impulsiveness,, he had only one brain cell to do his thinking
did he like you? idk man
he liked the way you smiled every time you told him something good about your day while the two of you cuddled. or when you would watch a funny clip on your phone and share it with him
he liked the way your hair smelled liked vanilla and was always so soft every time he ran his fingers through you hair
he liked the way you never turned him away even when he knew that you hated the way he was living his life. 
all of his other friends didn’t even make the effort to reach out to him when he was so obviously out of it. he felt unimportant with them
you were different
you made him feel happy, loved, and cared for
he no longer craved the attention of his parents or anyone in fact because he has you
or well he HAD you 
right now, all of the phone calls, text messages, and even snaps went straight to delivered, voicemail, or unopened
every time you’d see him in the halls, you would go the other direction
all of the times haechan tried to reach out to you, all of his attempts were deflected 
now how the fuck does one confessed when they’re being ignored???
“that sounds like a personal problem,” ara stated, stabbing her food angrily after haechan told her his predicament during lunch
na jaemin had just gone by their table and did someone bullshit that haechan could care less about, he stopped associating himself w him a long time ago
“no shit sherlock, help me bitch.” 
ara glared at him “you got yourself into this mess so fix it yourself” 
“i hope you fucking choke on an ice cube” 
“i’ll slit your throat in your sleep, lee haechan” 
wow everyone really out here expecting haechan to solve his own problems. how selfish of them.
which is probably why his plan of execution was shitty as fuccck
you, on the other side of the equation, was currently in the depths of your despair as all of your friends had managed to score dates to senior prom which was this weekend
you’re highly disappointed bc if it wasn’t for you being so preoccupied with the thought of haechan you’d probably have a date by now 
hell you even lied to haechan saying how you didn’t want to go to prom bc it was too extravagant for your taste when in actuality, you wanted to get dressed up, take pretty pictures, and dance awkwardly to a slow song 
the typical highschool prom experience
one thing that you didn’t want to admit was that the only boy you could picture as your date was donghyuck, the same boy that you wanted to get out of your thoughts and heart
the night of prom, you were stuck in your bed in a pair of sweats and some random oversized t-shirt scrolling through social media
to say you weren’t jealous of all the fun senior prom seemed to be was a giANT lie you could’ve just went alone!!!
honestly, even your parents were out having fun on a date night while you were being depresso espresso at home
you flopped in bed with a giant huff bc who was haechan to stop you from experiencing your highschool years! who was he to make you feel so bad that you couldn’t even go to prom! 
your phoned buzzed in your hand causing you to look down and nearly scowled at the message that was sent to you
hyuck: open up 
you ignored it, turning your attention back to that stupid rom-com you were watching on your laptop 
your phone continued to ding w messages you were sure were from haechan but you don’t want to open bc you knew that you would probably be launched into another wave of sadness and maybe even break-down cry in front of him so you turned your ringer off 
but out of nowhere, you hear this loud thud against your window 
wtf was that? alert mode on
then you hear a loud shout 
you already knew who it was, so you contemplated on whether or not you wanted to actually confront him or run away from all of your problems (*coughs* ara *coughs* haechan)
 you didn’t get much time to think bc another thing was launched at your window
haechan’s shoe
walking over you opened ur window to see below haechan on your lawn with a giant cheeky smile on his face you knew for a fact it was genuine
he only smiled like that when the two of you were bent over laughing at something stupid he or you did
aww shit here comes the sad bugs again 
“what do you want?” you say loud enough for him to hear “go to prom with me!” haechan shouts up making you and your heart flustered af 
“prom already started, you idiot” 
“then let’s dance in your room” 
as much as you knew you should have turned him away, you couldn’t
you were so in love with haechan 
the minute you open the door you were engulfed into his chest
you froze up not knowing how to react 
“don’t let me go please,” haechan says barely louder than a whisper
goDAmmit haechan’s making me tear the fuck up
“you’re the only one in my life that hasn’t left me. the only one that was willing to understand me. i know that i’m not the best guy out there, i know that i’m nothing great, but when you look at me with that stupid smile of yours i feel so god damn on top of the world.”  
he hugs you tighter “please, please, y/n don’t leave me. i need you in my life.” 
something wet drops on your shoulder but you don’t dare to look up at haechan’s teary eyes 
closing your eyes you fall into his chest, his familiar scent triggering tears of your own 
“i love you” he pulls away from you to look at your face for a response, your eyes meeting his shaking brown orbs 
you have to raise your head slightly up to look at him while he was looking down at you
his hair was a mess of a light pastel rainbow (we go up broski) 
that’s when you notice how red his eyes were but there was no stench of weed or alcohol on him 
lee haechan was completely sober 
“i’ve always been yours, lee donghyuck”  
lee haechan wasn’t like other guys. he was lee donghyuck. he was complex and it would take you years to completely unravel him. even when you knew him for so long, you still had no idea was going through his mind. there were times where you found yourself stumped on the subject of haechan, but it was okay 
because you were willing to take the time to understand. 
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wildflowerwattpad0217 · 4 years ago
Clary Fray Gets Married. (My First Story On Wattpad) My Reaction After 3 Years.
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So This story is going to be deleted from Wattpad on 12/18/2020. Due to how messy the story is. But I don’t reccomend reading it. So if you want to read the mess before then here is the link:
Clary Fray Gets Married
One paragraph is a single chapter
So Maia just got killed and Sebastian is back. That's a cheesy line. How would they be able to invite you to the wedding if they thought you were dead. Not that they would anyway. Clary is sacrificing herself for everyone. All these misspellings though, well it was my first story on here and I never edited it and I wrote it on my phone. That was short af. Well my original word count was 500 but later in the story I am pretty sure I switched it to my current 2000.
The incest plotline though, *throws up* I was trying to continue the idea of Sebastian thinking that the bloodline had to be pure. And Clary's pregnant. Jace's pov, the language was the worst in this story. Clary pov. Sebastian wants to make another demon child. Trama. Sebastian is a vampire but a new breed. Mark of Cain?
So we are starting this chapter with Trama warnings. Jace is blood thirsty and I don't blame him. This is the cringest this I've ever written and that's saying a lot. Clary made a run to hurt him. It can't be that easy.
Sebastian told Jace that was pregnant. Jace just cut of his head and he's still alive? These 500 word chapter get annoying fast.
Threatening Alec for Magnus to put up wards. That's one way to do it ig. You want the Infernal Cup too? Now he only wants Jace and Clary there.
Not much happened in this chapter but Sebastian raided Clary's closet from the Insitute.
A protective Jocelyn tho. This language is not how I would write this today.
It's like every other word is F*ck. This is so cringey. This is supposed to be first person pov not whatever you wanna call that. So much flopping back and forth between povs and I didn't make the pov change very noticeable either.
Really you're taking his head off again? Well it gave you time to get away ig.
This conversation feels forced. It doesn't flow right.
Clary is insisting on getting married before Sebastian can screw it up any more.
Magnus calling Simon by his actual name??? How did Jace just pop up like that?
What the hell was going on it that small pov with Sebastian and Lilith? "...revealing his father in a new form." Valentine? Wtf? Yeah it is Valentine and he hates what his son did.
Jace and Clary are finally getting married.
Valentine it pissed at Sebastian. Clary thinks it's halirious that he's a downworlder now. Karma is a bitch. Clary really just stabbed him in throat after he offered to help you kill your brother and Lilith?
Now why is Sebastian so worked up over a missing necklace? And Jocelyn just found out about Valentine and she shookth.
Jace has a half sister? And Luke has a niece? I don't remember this plotline but this story was all over the place.
Who is Lilith gonna bring back now? Carmen Herondale, Jace's sister.
Sebastian and Carmen reunited.
Sebastian never wanted this for Carmen? She's made at him but not for the reason you think. He was going to propose to her the night she was killed? Valentine is the reason she's dead? Clary just killed him.
Carmen is a murderer? And she got away.
I didn't even realize Simon didn't go.
Carmen you touch Alex or Max I will kill you.
He gave her the wrong spell thankfully.
Tessa is dead? The author's note was not it.
Even in a shitty fanfic Max is adorable.
Carmen's adoptive mundane father was a gang leader in Paris? What kind of crack was I smoking while writing this?
Simon compared her to Assassin's Creed. Why did Clary just pass out?
So the kid is basically going to be a full blown angel. Interesting. And the last thing she remembers is taking the pregnancy test?
That is some Twilight shit right there.
Aww Alec wants to propose to Magnus.
Her pregnancy is getting intense.
That line is so cringey wtf. Sebastian is back?
So I kinda remember the person who originally raised Lilith but tbh I regret writing Carmen's charcther because the next few chapter don't make any sense.
Clary's eyes changed colors. I really don't remember writing half of this because I was going through some stuff at the time.
The unnecessary pov switch tho. Clary just made a new Rune.
Magnus may have found a way to make Shadowhunters immortal?
Why would you try a rune on a trash can?
So everyone one agreed to going immortal. That would suck. And there was a rune made with the oil based paint Clary used. This is confusing af. I am sorry to anyone who has ever read this.
Max calls Clary, Aunt Clary. Wtf does he have to be so cute?
More Max being adorable.
Alec and Magnus are engaged. This makes me happy. Sebastian projected himself into the Insitute?
New Character is introduced: Emily Starkweather. Hodge's daughter and Lydia Blackwell's half sister and she hates her.
I made Lydia Blackwell very homophobic because I made Emily bi sexual and that's why they hate each other. Emily is traitor. Sebastian loves her? And is cheating on Carmen with her. This is very confusing. Emily is gonna teach Izzy how to cook.
Raphael got her addicted to Yin Fen. I really mixed The show and the book together. This bitch is lying her ass off to them.
Sebastian and Emily are planning to get rid of Carmen.
She's planning on killing so many people and pinning it on them.
Emily has some Trama TM
She is going to kill her mother.
Lowkey think Jace is getting sus of her. Carmen is dead.
They just found out she's a traitor.
Joyce, Luke, Myrse and Robert are all dead wtf and the baby is coming.
Emily has a good reason to trust Sebastian tho. He did save her life.
Lilith thought she was dead? Who do u think rose you from Edom?
They don't know Carmen id dead yet? Alec ripped into Lydia. Compared her to Valentine. Big ope. Emily is the 3rd Angel experiment.
Emily and Sebastian  are planning on kidnapping Lydia. Emily's angel blood is Lucifer's wtf? Emily called her sister a Stupid Ass Bitch and I'm living for it. And she's been kidnapped.
Sebastian just turned her? Ew. The left-handed joke. They summoned Lucifer for some reason.
Emily is absolutely crazy.
So she did kill her mother... I didn't make that very clear. Jace and Alec want them to make Amends so that she doesn't murder Shadowhunters. Sweetie I think it's far too late for that. Lydia is officially dead. How could she be preggers if she's a vampire? And now her mother is still alive? Jocelyn, Luke, Maryse and Robert are alive still too? Emily's mom admitted to everything. I also started going to 2000 word chapters.
Lilith is acting like a bitch, kinda. They are attacking the clave. Lilith summoned a shit ton of demons. The end of the chapter is kinda intense tho.
Raphael? Wtf are you doing here? Hodge?  They are testing by mortal sword. This is kinda confusing. Why was this the most read story on my wattpad before Avenging Riverdale?
Flashback scene to when they first met.
Then there was a short chapter. About a prochey
Time skip. The baby is coming. A blue and a black eye? Sebastian's eyes flickered green? Magnus wants to figure how to bring out the Johnathan in him.
Emily plans on making Sebastian stays Sebastian.
That was a shitty chapter.
And I forgot I discountinted it... Sorry about that.
Overall I am happy I discountinted you. It is a horrible book and I am embarrassed by it to be honest. This is my first book on wattpad so I think it's pretty normal but it wasn't my first piece of fanfic. My first work was on Fanfic.net but has since been deleted by the website. I don't know why it wasn't bad at all it was more fluff than anything. But I have decided that I am going to post this and then I'm going to take down the story in a month. I failed to put trigger warnings, failed to edit (to be fair that was back when I did all of my writing on my phone before I had am actual laptop). But I did have some good ideas when it came to the traitor part and Sebastian finding love and I deem this story on crack. So my final rating is a 2/10.
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hey-hamlet · 6 years ago
BNHA AU Ideas : Of Heaven and Hell
Also on AO3! 
TL;DR: Aizawa Shouta is a half-angel that has dedicated his time to teaching students to be the best they can possibly be. Yamada Hizashi is a demonic defector from hell's army.
Guess who's in love?
basically, Aizawa and Hizashi are teachers at a high school (its just ua honestly) no quirks, but mythological creatures are a thing and interbred with humans
Aizawa has been working there for a g e s
nezu knows he's immortal and a half-angel, his mum had,,, a time,,, with a male angel.
anyway, he ages like,,, 1/12 the speed other people do so he's just living his life protecting his students
ua is a normal school for the most part, but what is the hero course in canon is actually a kinda,,, secret? course?
everyone knows it exists but not that there is a special way of being sorted in
basically: the a and b classes are made up of kids that aren't 100% human. a little angel, or siren, or spirit or something. not human enough to be normal. not inhuman enough to be with their own people
Aizawa is minding his own business w his classes, its the start of a new school year
nezu has hired a new teacher! great bc the old English teacher returned to the pit of the sea he used to live it and they can't ask him if he wants to teach again this year. Aizawa is expecting a human! or, mostly a human
and in walks Hizashi
a full demon
and like
Aizawa is logical! he knows people aren't what their blood is, but he sees this full demon and every part of him is screaming "KILL IT KILL IT CAST IT OUT KEEP IT AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN BURN IT"
he’s so pissed he can’t keep the glamour up on his wings (he's like,,, the only person that holds a glamour in the staff room anyway) and they puff up like an angry duck
Hizashi walks in, looks at this angel
(he thinks Aizawa is a full angel lmao)
an angel filled with holy fury
and just,,, walks straight back out
30 seconds later nezu shoves him back into the room and introduces him as the new English teacher
full demons tend to be like,, part of hells fucking army so Aizawa isn't like,,, out of line here, Hizashi is a defector tho!
not that nezu tells Aizawa because he finds this so goddamn funny
so Hizashi in his true form, all 8 feet of bird/lion/demon him is scared shitless by the 5'8 half-angel that's practically hissing at him in rage that he dare set foot in his school
Aizawa like just like a very angry kitten
anyway, Hizashi low key is smitten w Aizawa because,, he's so good with kids and just a babe all around
problem is: Aizawa will not let him within 5 meters of him unless Aizawa's kids are around, then Aizawa sticks so fuckin close and just fumes
Hizashi is pining
like, tragically pining
and Nemuri is living for this. she is a half-ish demon and actually recommended him to nezu bc the boy has been running from hell hounds for being a defector for like 5 years and he's starting to look ratty
1A and All Might try to set them up.
so all might is like,,, 3/4 angel? not an even 3/4 but close. and Aizawa looks up to him bc all might changed the publics opinions on mythical creatures as a whole and also like, single-handedly beat the king of hell back into the ground
which is wild because he's not even a full angel, and whole armies of angels weren't able to get this guy away
also, all might is like,,, 1200? years old? so he's a fair bit older than Aizawa too
all might is like Aizawa's big bro, Aizawa is shookth because all might is the hero from his fairy tails, and hizashi and all might are buds. all might is trying hard to help Hizashi win over Aizawa
they are struggling
basically, the only reason Aizawa starts going soft on Mic is bc one of his kids gets hurt and mic comforts them and takes them to the nurse's office, on his lunch break when he didn't need to
Aizawa is filled with unending love for his kids
USJ is,,, interesting
the nomu is basically a bunch of creatures and humans with their souls all welded together, desperately trying to separate, it snaps Aizawa's wings and tears out most of the feathers
Aizawa doesn't even care, he'd let the monster tear the wings off his back if it kept his kids safe
with his wings crushed, Aizawa can't get to his kids in time to save them from the nomu, and Izuku and Tsuyu get hurt
Tsuyu's head cracks against the wall, bad concussion and can hardly stand
the nomu rips Izuku’s horn from his head, one of Izuku's wings is crushed (Izuku is half kirin and like,,,, 1/24 raiju. He just sparks a little)
and Aizawa
f u r i o u s
Aizawa is filled with the kind of righteous furry only an angel can have
these are his kids
his children
and hell won't touch one more hair on their heads
the nomu burst into holy fire
its burning Aizawa too because he's not a full angel, but Aizawa doesn't care
all might bursts into the USJ to see his kids hurt and what's basically his little brother in flames, advancing towards the villains
all might takes care of the remaining villains, Aizawa is still burning. holy fire is not something he can control.
the rest of the teachers burst into the USJ, to see All might holding Aizawa flaming hand and trying to help him put out the flames as Aizawa tries not to make a noise so he won't scare the kids. by the end of it, Aizawa is covered in burns, his wings are crushed and bleeding, and all might isn't exactly running hot either after the nomu
Hizashi gently picks up Aizawa even though the remnants of holy fire are horrifically painful for a demon, and carries him to recovery girl with as much care as he can
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haveanotherkpopblog · 6 years ago
Inspired by @noona-clock‘s “EXO as Royal Princes”
Pairing: Kim Jongin x You
Genre: AU, Fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: None
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When you were told Prince Jongin volunteered at the soup kitchen, you openly laughed. Prince Jongin, one of the most gorgeous men in existence, volunteered at a soup kitchen? Unlikely. There were a hundred other things he could be doing with his time, you highly doubted he tended to some needy people.
Life bit you in the ass when he showed up, dressed in simple clothing and with a soft smile. For someone volunteering to feed the poor and homeless, he looked like a god. You refused to be near him. Being near someone that gorgeous would leave you blushing and shookth. So you stayed away, focusing on the people in front of you.
Every now and then, you would sneak a glance at him. And every time he would be smiling and talking to the people. His people. Your heart swooned at the sight.
“He’s quite an attractive young man.” You turned to see an old lady standing in front of you, giving you a toothless smile. You nodded in agreement. “You two would be very cute together,” she told you. You coughed awkwardly, hoping he didn’t hear what she said. She chuckled, patting your cheek before walking away.
You shook your head, clearing away the embarrassment she had just instilled onto you. You loved old people to death, but they could be a bit blunt. Guess it came with age. You laughed quietly to yourself imagining you at her age saying that to someone your age.
You bit your lip, daring to glance at Prince Jongin. You wished you hadn’t. The old lady was talking to him and he was staring at you. You locked eyes for a brief three seconds. Then he sent you a smile and you dropped your gaze, cheeks burning.
Your friend bugged you about the incident for days. She begged for details and gossip, even though there were no detail or gossip. You saw each other, old people like to embarrass younger people, Prince Jongin flashed you (along with every patron) an award winning smile. You bet his smile could cure any illness.
“He’s so handsome and kind and wow. I’m jealous you got to see him, and I’m pissed you didn’t talk to him,” she huffed. You shrugged, scrolling through your phone. “Seriously! You guys could have had such a romantic moment! I mean, it’s not like meeting at a café, or an art museum, or in a park on a cloudy day where you could have bumped into each other, and he would have apologized helping you up--”
You tuned her out, attempting not to fall off her bed laughing. No more rom-coms for the two of you, especially if she was going to go off on tangents like this.
A few days later, said friend called you, claiming she was too sick to go to the orphanage and help, but they really needed volunteers. She begged you to go in her place because the girls were really looking forward to this.
“You don’t sound sick,” you told her as you slipped on some comfortable shoes.
You heard her gasp on the other side of the line.
“Would you like to hear me throw up? Will that convince you? Because I’ll go throw up right now and I will let you hear just how sick I am,” she threatened.
“Please don’t,” you said cringing at her words.
“Good. Now don’t be late. And make sure you look cute!”
“Why do I need to look cute?” you inquired.
“Do you want to have a bunch of six-to-eight year old girls give you makeover?” she asked in return.
“Good point.”
Arriving at the doors of the orphanage, you were immediately greeted by dozens of small arms wrapping around you. The children absolutely adored visitors, but they idolized you. They asked you so many questions, some very, very, very personal questions. You diverted their attention by playing hairdresser.
You were braiding a little girl’s hair when she let out a squeal. Along with every other girl in the room. Glancing up, you saw him. Prince Jongin was here. Being handsome, sweet and caring. That’s why your friend was playing sick. She knew Prince Jongin would be here.
And… was he approaching you? Yes. Yes he was, and he wasn’t showing any signs of stopping. Until he was right in front of you, the poor lighting making him look like an angel.
Prince Jongin was talking. To you. Speak Y/N, speak!
“Uh, hi your--”
“Kai,” he quickly interjected, waving to the little girl who's hair you were doing. She giggled, waving back shyly. “And you’re…”
“Y/N,” you told him. He smiled and you could have melted into a puddle right then and there. Oh, why did his smile have to be so welcoming? Why couldn’t he be cheesy? Why did he have to be so damn genuine? He stood there, hands in his pockets as his brown orbs stared into your own.
“Is Y/N your princess?” asked one of the little girls. You choked on air, hand over heart. Apparently old people weren’t the only one who like to say uncomfortable things. You were about to say something, but Prince Jongin, or Kai, spoke for you.
“Yes, she is. In fact, we travel around and help people all over,” he told her sitting on the bed. The girls gathered around the two of you, staring at Kai with stars in their eyes. You were probably staring at him the same way. “Princess Y/N and I are traveling around the kingdom, making people everywhere happy.” He grabbed your hand smiling and intertwined your fingers.
Your heart stopped. Was this a heart attack? Or a stroke? You stared at your clasped hands, eyes wide and face flushed. The girls squealed and giggled, fawning over the two of you. You fought back a grin as Kai talked to the girls. He was so good with children. He’d make a great dad one day.
No. Not the time to be fantasizing about the freaking Prince. Weren’t you a smart one. You inwardly scolded yourself as Kai went to play with the girls. You guys chilled until dusk, when the girls had to get ready for bed.
The Prince escorted you out of the girls’ room and towards the front door. “Sorry if I, uh, if I made you uncomfortable,” he told you scratching the back of his head. “It’s just I remembered seeing you a week ago, at the soup kitchen.”
“You remembered me?” you asked shocked. He grinned sheepishly, nodding his head. “Why? How?” You were honestly amazed Prince Jongin, who probably had hundreds of princesses fighting for his attention, remembered you.
“I just--well--uh, you were helpful, and you seemed happy to be there. Plus you’re really beautiful,” he added under his breath. You chuckled awkwardly, staring at the ground.
He stopped just before the front door, turning to you. He was staring at the ground, laughing awkwardly. “I know this is weird and sudden, but there’s this reading next week, and I was just--you know--wondering if, maybe, you would attend? With me?” he inquired.
You stared at him, mouth slightly open. His shoulders drooping snapped you out of your stooper. “Yes!” you shouted. He jumped back. “Sorry. Yes. I would love to go to a reading with you,” you assured him.
He grinned, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Great, I’ll pick you up at three. Good evening, Princess Y/N.” You grinned back.
“Good evening, Kai.”
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nothing-but-kpop-dreams · 6 years ago
Just "Friends" (5.5/?)
A/n: sooooo sorry this literally took forever. My job is hoenstly so crazy and i either dont have time to write or i am too tired.
All Parts
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“Three! Two! One!”
The freezing rain was quick to snap you back into reality. The thin soles of your shoes barely had enough traction to keep you on your feet as you ran down the crowded and slippery walkways.
For a dude that you never saw walk faster than a snail's pace, Yoongi was actually a fast runner. You were barely able to keep up with him. It could have been that he was secretly fit or the fact that the rain felt like bullets of ice shooting down on you but the two were back in that dirty alleyway he found you crying at in what felt like ten seconds.
He was quick to usher you past the garbage bins you once hid behind all those weeks ago and pushed open the back entrance of his apartment building.
“We made it!” he huffed, trying to catch his breath from the burst of activity.
You looked up at him. His blue locks were plastered to his forehead and his shirt was completely soaked. His shirt stuck to his body like plastic wrap and the bottoms of his pant legs were a darker shade of blue compared to his thighs.
You on the other hand were only standing in soaked sneakers while the neckline of you shirt was the only other thing to get the most damage. Yoongi’s coat protected you from most of the water and you felt a bit bad that you had it on the whole time. 
“Here you should take your coat back now.” you said, so that he'd at least have something to keep him warm.
He took the coat from you but didn't put it on. “It's alright I’m gonna change out of these clothes right now. Might as well lend you another sweater too.”
“Nah, its ok.”
“I said I'm lending you a new sweater.” he “insisted” kindly as he grabbed your hand again and began to lead you to his apartment.
Second floor, the second door on the left and you were in his humble abode. 
“Okay, warning, I wasn't expecting this to happen so sorry that my place is kind of a mess.” He said a bit late considering you were already standing in the middle of his apartment.
You took a look around. It was a decent sized place, probably a bit bigger than your apartment, definitely cleaner. If he thought this was bad, he must consider your place a landfill by comparison. “No worries, it's cool, but where's holly though?” You asked excitedly.
“Oooh, he isn't here today. My brother took him for a few days”
“Aw, then what's the point of being here?” you whined
“To finish our date with some good ole fast food... or would you rather be out in the rain? Cuz i can very easily kick you out!” He said with a grin.
“I mean if those are my own options, imma get an uber!” You said jokingly.
“Like I'd let you get in some stranger's car.” he smiled more sincerely, very much noticing your cheeks turn a deep shade of pink. “Wait here and decide what you want us to order while I get changed. There's a few take out menus by the fridge if you want to look at those!” His voice trailed off as he went down his hall and into one of the bedrooms.
Very timidly did you make your way to his kitchen and took a "quick" look around for the menus he was talking about. It could have been possible you snooped through the cabinets and drawers, but it was just a thorough look at the place that's all.
The menus sat there by the fridge just as he said. There wasn't too much to choose from
“Burgers, sushi, pizza- oh that doesn't sound too bad right now, ohhh mexican food!” you were getting hungrier and hungrier as you looked through the pictures of the different foods.
“Boo!” A shout suddenly came from behind you and you felt a pair of hands grab your shoulders!
You let out a shriek. With eyes closed shut you spun around wildly throwing fists at your opponent.
“Chill!” You could hear yoongi laugh. His hands grabbed your fists to stop you from trying to hit him. “It's just me!”
He had a cute laugh, but right now wasn't the time you were going to let him get away with it. “Oh just you? All the more reason to do this!” you hissed, ripping one hand away and smacked him on the shoulder.
Yoongi only laughed some more. "I had to do it. It's pay back for scaring me at the park.” he justified.
“Ugh, fine. We're even.” You grumbled, taking notice of his new "outfit". Yoongi was sporting a faded orange t shirt that made his towel dried blue hair pop even more, paired with some black skinny jeans.
"And here! This is for you, you scaredy cat." He chuckled, pulling off the black sweater hanging from his shoulder and holding it out for you to slide on.
You rolled your eyes at him but complied.
The black sweater was huge. It was like he draped you with a blanket. It was thick and soft and all around perfect.
"Thank you." You smiled like a spoiled brat.
You looked up at him to find him with the same look he had during the whole movie.
His eyes were locked on you, but his face was a deep shade of pink. He was frozen in a stance where he was leaning in closyoongiyou, but not close enough to break your bubble of personal space. Yet again it was like he was holding himself back from making a move.
You yourself felt your face getting hot. You wondered if he was finally going to make a move or not. 
After what felt like full on minutes of him just staring, he still did nothing. 
Maybe it was your turn to try and get the ball rolling.
Without much thought, you reached out your sweater paws and grabbed his hands, moving him closer to you.
Your touch seemed to startle him, as if you disrupted his train of thought. You couldn't help but crack a smile when his eyes looked back at you with subtle look of shock.
You probably caught him off guard. Up until now he had been the one to make all the advances. He was the one to text first, hold your hand first, and was always the one to ask to hang out. 
It's not that you ever turned him down in any way, but you also never put yourself out there with him. Why? You weren't completely sure. It could be that part of you still saw him as your nothing-but-pure-evil high school bully or that you were traumatized by any type of possible rejection after your drama with taehyung. Regardless, it wasn't really fair to him to not reciprocate anything. 
"So yoongi, I've been meaning to tell you something." You started. 
"Hm?" Was all he was able to get out, suddenly so nervous around you.
"Shockingly enough… I don't hate spending time with you." you confessed.
Yoongi couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "I told you I wasn't that bad." He mumbled shyly.
Silence fell between you two again. Neither one of you knew what to say next. 
"... I-um... y/n?"
"I've been meaning to ask you something... I'm sure it's pretty obvious at this point, but I like spending time with you an-"
"Ay yo! Yoongi!" A voice came from the now open front door.
The two of you looked over at the front entrance and honestly, you weren't too surprised to see who it was. Even with his back towards you due to peeling off his soaked coat, he looked like he hadn't changed a bit since high school. 
"Dude, you need to answer your fucking phone!" His voice filled the empty silence of the apartment. "Namjoon and I were creating such fire, all we needed was-" his blood ran cold when he turned around and saw you standing with Yoongi in kitchenette. "Oh! A girl!"
Jung hoseok, aka Hobi, aka Yoongi's partner in crime all through high school, stood in awe at the sight of you. Hoseok and Yoongi were always together back in the day. Most of the school was convinced Hoseok flunked a grade too just to be in class with Yoongi. And even years after graduation, it seems like they are still inseparable.
"What were you saying Hoseok?" Yoongi's voice was a full out groan now. 
You on the other hand were a but too shookth to even wave him and just stood there like a statue. You weren't trying to be rude, but you weren't exactly friendly with Hoseok in high school, you know, cuz him being Yoongi's hype man in his bullying raids and all (of course now trying to accept the fact he was trying to be more of a wing man back then).
Upon landing his eyes on you, hoseok plastered on a smile and made his way over to you guys. "Oh it's nothing, but who's your lady friend here?" He asked walking up next to the both of you.
By this point you and Yoongi had let go of each others hand, so shy about being put on the spot.
"Hi, I'm hoseok by the way." He said bringing an arm out to shake your hand and not even letting Yoongi answer the question.
"I know." You said smiled awkwardly. " I still remember you from high school."
Now it was Hoseok's turn to freeze. "High school?  We went to high school together?" He was suddenly looking at you more intensely, doing his best to try and remember you.
Suga let out a frustrated sigh. "Do you really not remem-"
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Hoseok's finger stopped Yoongi's lips from moving, all while having his eyes locked on you.
Immediately Yoongi slapped his hand away
"Oh my gosh" Hoseok whispered. "It's you! Cindy, right? Cindy from algebra 2?!"
Hoseok literally didn't even let you answer his question, he just attacked you with a hug. "Oh damn it's great to see you! It's been so long! how've you been?" He screamed joyously.
"She not Cindy you idiot!" Yoongi said pulling Hoseok off you. "It's y/n. She was a grade below us remember? Fuck, we all ended up graduating together stupid!"
"Whoops sorry! You and the girl I was thinking about look alot alike!" Hoseok laughed.
*You and Cindy, in fact, did not look alike*
"So we graduated together, huh? What's your last name???"
"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" yoongi grumbled. "Hoseok, this is the same y/n i liked back in high school." He spoke in a growl, so frustrated and a bit embarrassed over Hoseok's horrible memory.
Hoseok's eyes opened wide. "Oh…. Oooh!" He froze for a second "Oh you're that y/n." He said under his breath. Again, he stuck his hand out for a handshake. "Well hello again!" He said back in his original tone. "It's great to see you after all these years. You haven't changed a bit!" His tone, although, polite expressed a hint of what you felt could either be nervousness or embarrassment. "Um by the way… why are you here?"
"Hoseok!" Yoongi snapped.
"What?" The questioned innocently. "Last I remember, she hated us."
"I used to." You butted in. "...But now I don't." Without even thinking about it. your eyes trailed over to Yoongi and you couldn't hold back the little smile that formed on your face.
Hoseok very much so noticed the look you gave Yoongi. "So uh- so uh-" he was just waving his hands weirdly between the two of you "so uh what's going on over here then? Hm? Whats- whats a- going on between the two of you?" He asked, his eyebrows jumping mischievously.
"We're on a date." You said blankly. 
Remembering how over the top Hoseok was back then (and seeing how he is now) you didn't want to add any fuel to his over dramatic fire by beating around the bush.
Immediately, his smile widened. His smile was so big you could see all his teeth. The boy was practically an attack on titan titan with the face he made. 
"Say it ain't sooooooo!!!!" He screeched at Yoongi. 
"It is! So now can you let us order some damn food?" A red face yoongi growled.
"Oh food! What we orderin'?"
"No, no,no. Just y/n and i. You want food, then you go out and get some." Yoongi ordered, grabbing Hoseok by the shoulders and attempting to guide him out the kitchenette.
"But it's still raining!" Hoseok whined.
"C'mon! Hey y/n don't you wanna catch up with me over some… pizza? How about mexican food?" Hoseok pleaded as he held onto the counter, now from the other side of the breakfast bar. "I'll chip in this time!" He proposed, just as Yoongi tried to get the front door open with one arm while the other was gripping onto the back of hoseok's shirt.
"Nope!" With one swift yank, Yoongi put Hoseok out in the hall and he shut the door in his face.
Yoongi kept himself at the front door for a moment, putting all his weight in case Hoseok tried to come back in. Meanwhile, you were having a laugh attack at the sight of two men in their twenties acting like actual children.
"C'mon man! Let me in! Hoseok shouted through the door."
"No, I won't let you mess up this date!" Yoongi shouted back "And shut up the neighbors will get mad.
"Fine! … but can i at least get my jacket? It's still raining."
Very strategically, Yoongi grab hoseok's coat without allowing the front door to completely open. 
"Bye y/n!" Hoseok shouted "niceseeingyou!youandyoongidonthavetoomu-"
Yoongi yet again cut hoseok's attempt to embarrass him off by shoving the wet coat in his face and slamming the door shut.
You continued to laugh on your own seeing a defeated yoongi place his head on the front door. It was very easy to tell that his best friends had a tendency to do something like this alot.
You both knew any chances of yoongi being cool after this were out the window.
"So…" he sighed, still hiding his probably blushing face from you. "did you figure out what you wanted to eat?"
-Admin Boat
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alitaimagines · 6 years ago
request by @tachibanahime: “Can i request a cute hc for Mirio and his short (shorter than him) but actually very sassy & savage af gf who has a quirk clone-making like Twice but she can do it easily just by looking at the other for 10s & she can manipulate the clone like a puppet using the clone's quirk ?” 
mirio togata x fem! reader
fandom: my hero academia (requests closed) 
Mirio was SHOOKTH to the core. Compared to someone of his stature, Mirio was surprised that someone as short as you were able to handle such a powerful quirk. 
You tended to be a little sassy during training sessions whether it was with him or anyone else. You didn’t like to hold back when training bc you needed to show the world that even if you were tiny, your personality and quirk were not anything to take lightly. 
It was a shame that you weren’t considered one of the big three because your quirk was something that needed to be shown off. Whenever the chance came up, he would try to partner up with you. 
When it came to training, he could tell you loved to clone people. It was your quirk, clearly, but you did steal other peoples quirk and cloned them to give you the bigger advantage against your partner. 
He lowkey hated being cloned. He was your boyfriend and he didn’t really like seeing another version of himself. (i’m entering yandere territory now, LMFAO)
Unlike the quirk that Twice had, you did have the ability to handle the clone. It also gave you another advantage bc you were able to handle more than one clone at a time. 
You didn’t mind cloning yourself but you only did it on the rare occasion that you ABSOLUTELY had too. Mirio also really didn’t like you cloning yourself. He would never say anything but he just thought it was weird to see double of you. 
Although you never admitted it, you would never clone Tamaki and Nejire. You had too much respect for the two of them to ever clone them. Nejire had begged you countless times to clone her just because she wanted to see what she looked like but Tamaki actually preferred to not be cloned. He wouldn’t know how to deal with it. 
Both as a team, you and Mirio would be killer. There were a few instances where you did team up with Mirio and every time you did, the outcome was spectacular. 
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the hunger games
ok so umm i just watched the entire hunger games trilogy and i have thoughts
hunger games: 8/10: introduced us to katniss, peeta, gale, and we got to see the hunger games in action ( this one is short because i dont really remember it)
catching fire 9/10: this one was a little better than the first one, we got to see more of katniss and peeta, and more of the arena. They grew closer together, and met new people; peeta was yeeted away in the capitol ship 
mockingjay pt 1: 4/10: in my opinion, the worst one. Although it was interesting to see District 13, the head lady already gave off a evil vibe. I liked the realization that katniss will be the mockingjay and the meetup with gale. Although, throughout the movie, she constantly focuses on peeta. ( a bit annoying) but i was happy when they reunited peacefully
mockingjay pt2 6/10: i loved the action aspect of this, where they snuck into the capitol and all that, (rip finnick im so sad ) it was definitly interesting to see the “evil” side of peeta, and how that eventually wore off. (i was shookth when he choked her) I wish the ending was better because, after all that, katniss and peeta live happily together and are forgotten???//? do people not remember the girl who shot the president?
ps: these are just my opinions, and i know the reviews aren’t very complete
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wayoutlit-blog · 6 years ago
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R E V I E W: T H E   B E C O M I N G   O F   N O A H   S H A W
Title: The Becoming of Noah Shaw
Author: Michelle Hodkin
Star rating: 3.8/5
Buy: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads
In the first book of the Shaw Confessions, the companion series to the New York Times bestselling Mara Dyer novels, old skeletons are laid bare and new promises prove deadly. This is what happens after happily ever after. Everyone thinks seventeen-year-old Noah Shaw has the world on a string. They’re wrong. Mara Dyer is the only one he trusts with his secrets and his future. He shouldn’t. And both are scared that uncovering the truth about themselves will force them apart. They’re right. 
The Becoming of Noah Shaw is a continuation/spin-off of the Mara Dyer series by Michelle Hodkin. The Becoming of Noah Shaw picks up shortly after the events of the Retribution of Mara Dyer and explores the lives of the characters after the life-changing ending of the Retribution of Mara Dyer.
That being said, I do recommend reading the Mara Dyer trilogy before picking up the Becoming of Noah Shaw. Events form the Mara Dyer trilogy, especially the last book, are constantly referenced, and honestly, you’d be very confused if you don’t know what happened prior. 
Plus, Mara Dyer is one of my all time favorite series so I highly recommend picking those books up and then going on to The Becoming of Noah Shaw!!
I was really looking forward to reading the Becoming of Noah Shaw because Noah is 10/10 book boyfriend, but this novel offered a new side of Noah, and all the other characters, that we never got to explore before. I think this has a lot to do with the POV change; the Mara Dyer books were always in the POV of Mara, but now we get to see everything, even past events, through Noah’s eyes.
The Becoming of Noah Shaw has many elements of the Mara Dyer series, like its playful banter, dark humor, and eerie atmosphere. Reading the story from Noah’s point of view was very interesting, especially when it concerned Mara. 
I don’t know if it’s just me, but Mara felt different in this book. She didn’t feel like the Mara from the Mara Dyer trilogy, she was more of a mystery figure in this story, which does get explained in the end but it was just weird reading her like that and there was no prevalent sign to suggest that something was wrong with her, she was just presented in this weird way. You can obviously tell there was a difference from the Mara in the Mara Dyer trilogy and Mara in this book. 
A big part of what I wanted to see from this book was the Noah and Mara interaction. A lot gets resurfaced in this book, Noah and Mara encounter a lot of trust issues, and honestly I was hoping for a dramatic break up at the middle of the book, like Troy and Gabriela ‘Gotta Go My Own Way’ style, just because I was frustrated with this alien Mara that we were getting and that Noah was bottling things up and not communicating. You could definitely feel the strain between them and it added a lot of tension in the book that kept you really interested in how everything would play out.
Character-wise, I don’t know how to feel about Leo; I just get weird vibes and with this safe house that he proposes, we don’t really get to see it or the other Gifted people he talks about, so it just feels eerie to me. I was not expecting the Sophie betrayal, that came out of nowhere, and it’s really creepy to think she was planted in there since the first book in Mara Dyer. I really liked Goose, but I felt like he was randomly brought into the story. Noah just invites him for no reason and he doesn’t add much to the story, other than his funny lines. I know he amplifies the power of others, but it didn’t seem like an essential skill for the story, like his power wasn’t used for a crucial purpose and didn’t really add much to the plot so he was just there.
I was not expecting the end at all, I think that the foreshadowing was a bit weak towards hinting Mara as the villain. I was also a bit confused with the end; I assume Mara was doing the killings as payment for bringing Noah back to life in The Retribution of Mara Dyer.
Which, by the way, I highly recommend rereading or skimming through the Retribution of Mara Dyer before picking up the Becoming of Noah Shaw. There were moments where I was really confused and I had to even put down the book and pick up the Retribution to make sense of what was happening, especially when Stella was telling her version of the story. So definitely know the Retribution of Mara Dyer before reading this, it’ll all make more sense.
Noah and Mara develop this Professor X and Magneto relationship at the end. They do break up (which will bring lots of angst in the next book and I’m really excited) and it seems like all the tension that was built between them explodes at the end. Though I would have liked to see him question her more on the events on the Retribution, just because I was as confused as him. I do see Mara’s point of view at the end of the story, it seems like she was killing in order to protect Noah or keep him alive, so I get why she was doing the killings, but still not cool, girl.
The epilogue blew. Me. Away.
Mara’s grandmother comes in!!
I am assuming that Mara’s grandmother who encounters Noah at the end. I was really shookth when she said “You can call me Mara,” because as far as we know, Mara is a fake name used to tell the story in the Mara Dyer trilogy, so is Mara the grandmother’s actual name? Are they both using the same pseudonym? 
This also adds a lot of fuel to the aging theory in the Mara Dyer series, where Mara is described as looking older for her age and it's hinted that Noah’s healing powers may slow his aging. And at the end, Noah recognizes Mara’s grandmother because he says she looks exactly like the pictures he’s seen from this mother’s pictures and Mara’s house. 
Mara’s grandmother was said to commit suicide either before Mara was born or when Mara was really little, either way, that’s approximately 17ish years ago and Noah says she looks the same as the pictures taken of her from like 20 years ago. So that’s really really interesting and I am definitely curious to see what role she has in The Reckoning of Noah Shaw,
All in all, I definitely recommend the Becoming of Noah Shaw. It is very different, yet similar to the Mara Dyer series, reading from Noah’s POV is very refreshing and you get to see all the characters through his perspective which adds a lot of mystery and you question things you previously accepted in Mara’s narrative. I will be picking up the Reckoning of Noah Shaw and I hope you guys do too, so we can talk about it :).
The Reckoning of Noah Shaw: November 13, 2018
Pre-Order: Amazon, Barnes and Noble 
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nettvnow-blog · 7 years ago
All For One | Episodes 7-15
Episode 7: Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One
Characters: Dorothy (Gwenlyn Cumyn), Ariana (Xavier Lopez), Portia (Claire Gagnon-King), Alex (AJ Simmons)
Plot: In this episode Portia so happily welcomes everyone and by that she means everyone to this inclusive event for a good old fashioned, Girls Night*
It’s been a week of Dorothy being MIA with her friends, though she’s not necessarily missing out on any action with Miller (oops, my hand slipped). Alex being Alex throws down the third degree on wanting more deets on her friend’s boyfriend but Portia’s quick to put everyone back on track because she has an agenda for the night. Of course she does and Alex is OBVIOUSLY loving it...see below for loving it expression.
It’s a valiant effort from Portia to host a night to help show Dorothy that she doesn’t need a sorority to make her feel like she has sisters and truthfully, we have to agree with Portia! MST or not, she’s got these girls for life. Dorothy’s still a bit of a downer but she’s fully on track to recover from the Blanket Burrito incident of 2K16 and is ready to get this party started. We start off with a 90s karaoke event which Alex is quick to turn off the camera for (rude) but we pick back up just in time for truth or dare, where the Inseparables get to take a hold of the reins for a bit!
Ariana is the clear winner in the ‘Who Wishes They Were Anywhere but Here’ category as we’re met with one snarky comment after another and it finally gets under Alex’s skin when Ariana provokes her during her choice of picking truth, sparking some not so great memories from Alex’s past.
The night takes an awkward turn and in an attempt to salvage what’s left of the their night Alex slowly but sure begins to open up. There was a boy, they dated in high school and it ended badly, end of story. So why is this different than any other high school fling? Well, he was a runaway and Alex was supposed to help protect him but instead ended up hurting him and let him down, making him disappear. Guys, we’re gearing up for some really great character development, especially with Alex, so let her grow on you.
Portia, taking the reins once again transitions from this sad moment to a round of crank calling and just like that, we’re back on track!
*A gender inclusive sleepover event!
Episode Takeaway: Portia is too good for this earth, what did we ever do to deserve this cinnamon roll?
Best Inseparable Line: I like to feel the cool breeze between my toes because breton needs to give us more of a reason to think he’s weird.
First thought: Hi, hi, hi how do I get invited to one of these inclusive sleepovers also Portia, where can I get that onesie?
Final thought: I still don’t know where to get that onesie and Dorothy, I promise you, no one wants to hear what you and Miller might get up to over the phone. Gross.
Episode 8: A Revelation or Two
Characters: Dorothy, Ariana, Portia, Alex, Connie (Linnea Currie-Roberts)
Plot: So things are about to get heavy and not hot and heavy in the way that we’d hope (Dornie!) but something’s going down in Connie’s sorority, Psi Pi Alpha and Dorothy is ready to help her through it. So we find out that Connie did in fact put MST down as her first choice and was rejected which is bizarre given that her cousin, Anne, is the President. Legacies don’t just get shut down like that guys!
So as it turns out, Rick, President of the Student Union and infamous ex-boyfriend of Anne, told her to reject Connie, for what reason? We’re not so sure but it smells like blackmail to me. Connie being Connie says she doesn’t want to react because she loves Anne and of course she doesn't want to do anything to make matters worse for her. Now here, we get a firsthand view of a not lover’s quarrel, the first of many I’m sure, when Connie so straightforwardly yells, “Dorothy, you’re not my girlfriend!”
Except that it isn’t...Because Connie reveals that Anne was told to block two pledge and guess who pledge number two was...All because of Douchcanoe, Owen Rochefort. We shouldn’t be surprised at this revelation but we are and I’m shookth (am I using that right?) at Cumyn’s performance to keep it together when I’d be a baby crying on the floor.
Dorothy shares her news with the trio we’ve come to love and you can only imagine where they each stand on this. Alex is for ‘Team Don’t Do Anything!’ While Ariana is on Team ‘Let’s Rock This Shit! Personally,’ I’m on ‘Team Let’s Rock This Shit.’ Nevertheless, Alex talks some sense into Dorothy and they plan to take Rick down at the next Student Union gathering.
Episode Takeaway: Alex’s moral compass seems to be rubbing off on Dorothy...kinda and Ariana is definitely a lot more dark than we thought she was...Hacking the Pentagon, what?!
Best Inseparable Line: This is why I don’t date guys, from our favorite cookiemonster *cough* Laure Hollis, with an honorable mention from monochrome stating the obvious, ur a lesbian.
First thought: GUYS CONNIE IS BACK!
Final thought: Rick the Dick is a thing, also I want to see these hyena videos that Ariana’s talking about.
Episode 9: Vengeance Interruptus
Characters: Dorothy, Alex, Ariana, Portia, Treville
Plot: So that went well...not. As you can see, our beloved leading ladies are covered in what appears to be...fruit, so I’m assuming their non-violent, Rick the Dick, confrontation went well. So you guys ready for the rundown? After getting cleaned up, Alex lets us know she was well prepared, cue cards and all until they realized that everyone at the student union...LOVES and I mean LOVES the student union in a not cool scientology way, yikes.
They’re two hours into the meeting and Alex finally gets her chance to speak but Rick and being the charming man that he is, diplomatically states he’d love a sit down. It should’ve ended there right? But it didn’t because Dorothy, oh our sweet and firecracker of a girl, decided to pick a fight with Rochefort in hope of provoking him in front of Rick.
As if her night couldn’t get any worse, Treville springs a surprise visit and Dorothy is not prepared. Straight to the point, Treville asks for an explanation of Dorothy’s earlier antics and boy were we not prepared for this version of Treville because she is ON IT, even shooting Alex down as she tries to be a good friend and explain but on the premise that Rick is evil, Treville grants her permission to continue the validation of her earlier outburst but despite her best rebuttal Treville is once again ON IT. She gives off some, “don’t mess with me vibes,” and guys, I AM HERE FOR IT.
Episode Takeaway: Treville is a badass, Dorothy still has a lot to learn and Alex is pretty great despite her motherly antics.
Best Inseparable Line: So gang, let’s regroup: how do we get Dorothy into MST? sometimesawesome asking the important questions in life but also, agreed.
First thought: *nods absentmindedly to The Beatles, Revolution*
Final thought: I need more Treville in my life.
Episode 10: I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good
Characters: Dorothy, Portia, Ariana, Alex, Miller (Dan Mousseau)
Plot: Welcome back viewers and oh...gross...kissing. Now I know that I said I loved the chemistry between Miller and Dorothy because it’s there, absolutely! But after the not-lovers spat that Dornie had in episode 8 how can I not be rooting for them? So Miller finally removes his face from Dorothy’s long enough for us to get an update, I’m all about new love, romance and all that jazz but c’mon you gotta remember your friends. We find out there isn’t any updates on Rick, but judging from the episode title, we’re in store for something good and oh if it isn't Miller with the interruption suggesting that maybe Dorothy can do something about it just on the DL.
So Miller comes up with a brilliant plan to take down Rick by exposing him for his other misdeeds, but this time be smarter about it by going after him for something the team can actually prove. I hate to admit it, but Miller’s onto something, let the sucking face continue.
And we’re back, with Miller and Dorothy a respectable distance away from each other, we finally get to hear this diabolical plan of theirs which now includes Portiana and Alex! This moment also strikes the first time that Miller meets Dorothy’s friends and it’s all great until Alex shows up...Because it turns out she knows Miller and she knows him by Anton. We’re with Breton on this one, wtf?!
Episode Takeaway: Portia’s a Hufflepuff, Ariana’s a Slytherin, Alex is a Ravenclaw and Miller is a hippogriff.
Best Inseparable Line: I don’t think u 2 attacking each other’s faces will stop Rick, preach on monochrome, preach on!
First thought: Gross, turn the camera off if you’re gonna mack.
Final thought: Shit just hit the fan, cue dramatic zoom in and zoom out on Alex’s face!
Episode 11: Don’t You Dare Look Back
Characters: Dorothy, Portia, Ariana, Alex, Anton/Miller
Plot: So Anton...Anton is Miller and Miller is Anton. Got it? Okay, good. Well whoever he is, is doing a shit job at trying to save face as he tries to hurdle Alex outside away from prying eyes and ears but leave it to Dorothy to intervene at the right time.
So here’s what we find out, Anton is Miller’s middle name and he knew Alex in high school, are you guys thinking what I’m thinking? Absolutely, he was totally Alex’s high school runaway boyfriend. Dorothy, trying to continue the conversation gets shut down hard and I mean hard as Anton/Miller loses his cool and yells for them to drop it. Strike one bruh...strike one.
The episode takes a bit more of a serious turn as Alex confesses that she thought he was dead, Anton/Miller takes a step forward, his hand going straight to comfort her by grabbing her forearm, a very intimate and affectionate move might I add. In front of Dorothy. Strike two.
Dorothy quite literally inserts herself into the conversation, standing between Alex and Anton/Miller and tries to reel the conversation back to herself, naturally. She turns to Anton/Miller looking for some sort of clarity and he at least has the decency to reply with, “it’s complicated.”
Okay, now every time I’ve seen this episode I’ve had to pause at this moment (1:41). The acting is phenomenal and not much is even being said. There are three things I love especially about this moment, 1) Ariana’s reaction to watching this go down. 2) Dorothy’s stance after confronting Anton/Miller and 3) Anton/Miller might be the tallest one in the room, but right now he’s looking very, very small.
The scene continues with Alex powerfully taking control of the situation, kicking everyone out of the room to talk to Anton/Miller. Some go quietly, some go kicking and screaming, Dorothy.
The gloves come off and underneath all that macho, pie-baking, scruff, there is a real human in there who felt things. Anton/Miller admits how dejected he felt after being dumped, to which Alex reminds him that she didn’t break up with him, she just told him that he might be better off with a better family that could care for him. Honestly, both sides are pretty heavy to take in but I feel for both of them, I really do. The acting from Simmons and Mousseau are phenomenal and it’s quite possible one of the shortest episodes of the series thus far and just wow.
Episode Takeaway: Anton/Miller might not be such a bad guy after all.
Best Inseparable Line: I think Akari^89 takes the cake with this one...
First thought: Anton/Miller is TOTALLY trying to save face right now and I hope no one buys it. Especially Dorothy and Alex.
Final thought: Where does this leave Alex and Dorothy but also Dorothy and Anton/Miller?
Episode 12: Bugaboo
Characters: Dorothy, Ariana, Portia, Alex, Miller
Plot: Things seem to be going swimmingly as the entire gang (Miller and Alex included) have banded together to help take down Rick. Miller seems to be handling it better than Alex, if the way Alex’s pacing gives anything away.
Portia makes drinks, because of course she does and Miller continues to rattle off any ideas to take Rick down, but it’s Alex with the not-so-legal tactic to get what they need, by bugging Rick’s office. Miller has this devlish gleam in his eye and it most definitely does not go unnoticed by Dorothy. The plan takes on a life of its own with Portia and Miller placing the bug, Ariana hacking the video camera and Dorothy in the least bitter way possible (yeah, right), asks Mom what her role is and we can totally tell she’s not having it with being shafted to backup for Miller and Portia while Alex heads up everything from base AKA Dorothy/Connie’s apartment. Speaking of Connie, where is she? I miss her.
Six hours later the plan is moving forward and we’ve got Alex at the helm alongside the Inseparables which spark the conversation on what’s been going on with Alex and Dorothy. You have to feel for them because this really isn’t anyone’s fault but when feelings are involved well, I’m sure you guys know how it goes.
The walkie talkie banter is pretty solid in this episode, in addition to the Miller backstory Alex divulges too. Long story short but they met at a mall, Miller’s parents had just passed away and he left to avoid getting stuck in a group home. We can’t blame him there, but unbeknownst to us, he had an aunt and uncle ready and willing to take him in, he just didn’t want them. Oh and not to leave you guys hanging but the bugging of Rick’s office was a success!
Episode Takeaway: Alex is a boss at executing plans, walkie talkies need to become a thing again, jealous Dorothy is probably one of my favorites and Alex admits that the Inseparables are real friends!
Best Inseparable Line: So how did teeny bopper Alex meet Anton and faaaalll in loo~ooove. Breton, I despise you but I also love you.
First thought: Dorothy has some feelings.
Final thought: Dorothy still has some feelings.
Episode 13: 100% Success Rate
Characters: Dorothy, Ariana, Alex, Portia, Connie, Miller
Plot: The squad is in full celebration mode after the successful hacking/bugging of Rick’s office and it appears that foam swords are now part of this crew’s celebration. You do you! Alex takes this moment to confront Dorothy and clear the air, quite frankly I’m a bit peeved at how standoffish Dorothy is being, when Alex has been nothing but kind to her, given the circumstances. Dorothy is awkward as hell and Alex is still the best for being so supportive. Plot twist though: Alex tells her to be careful because Miller is cool but the Anton she knew wanted to set the world on fire. Another plot twist, apparently Rick might be involved in some heavy coke smuggling ring, things sure have changed since I was in college.
This is probably a great time for Connie to show up. HI CONNIE! After a quick rundown on what’s been going down, Connie doesn’t exactly disapprove but she doesn’t exactly approve either. Either way, we’re just happy to see Connie back in our lives and in Dorothy’s (squeal). So naturally, this is a great time for Monty to be brought back up and for Connie to even ask about Miller. The roomie reconciliation ends and everyone comes out of Dorothy’s room to get back to celebrating. There’s an awkward conversation between Dorothy and Miller about Connie that honestly leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth but I suppose time will tell and Miller officially goes back on my Do Not Trust list. The episode segues into a group dance because why not and the episode ends in a rather dramatic way with a dark room and Alex back at the helm with a message to the Inseparables: Keep an eye on Dorothy and don’t trust Miller. This doesn’t feel right.
Episode Takeaway: Dorothy doesn’t know how to be cool. CONNIE IS BACK. Ariana and Miller fake sword fighting is everything, fake sword fighting in general is awesome.
Best Inseparable Line: And as usual Dorothy has the subtlety of a hammer. Sassyinspanish is quickly becoming my favorite.
First thought: Do we get another episode of Jealous Dorothy?
Final thought: Alex is the real MVP.
Episode 14: The Red Pill
Characters: Dorothy, Alex, Ariana, Portia, Miller
Plot: To say things are getting out of hand would be an understatement. There hasn’t been any incriminating evidence on Rick, Douchcanoe seems to be a very willing participant to do whatever Rick tell him to do and our Musketeers are once again left asking themselves what more can they do? Alex and Miller are at each other’s throats because once again one of Alex’s plans haven’t flourished so the overall frustration is understandable. Ariana’s dark side is showing again and I’m starting to feel like things may not be so great in the foreseeable future.
The bug seems to be useless right now and instead of trying to think of a more strategic approach Miller goes 0 to 100 real quick. I do however agree with one approach that they’re going for, and that’s making Rochefort look weak to Rick. The way to do that? By using Portia as bait and I am NOT here for this, especially with how Ariana is pushing her to do this.
Episode Takeaway: Rick the Dick drinks cherry coke. Ariana’s quick with the quips.
Best Inseparable Line: Ariana SWEETHEART pls save it for fanfiction.net. Akari^89 with the mic drop!
First thought: Why are Alex and Miller fighting?
Final thought: I am NOT here for Portia being pushed into a corner and being used as bait. Not one freaking bit.
Episode 15: Backstab in the Back
Characters: Dorothy, Portia, Ariana, Miller, Alex
Plot: It’s party time back at Casa de Castlemore, the drinks are flowing and everyone seems to be in a great mood except, Portia. Can you blame the girl? We get a rundown from Rick himself as Dorothy plays the tape of Rick tearing into Rochefort after his let up AKA being seduced by Portia. Plot twist, but not a surprise at all: Alex still doesn’t know about the plan.
Now can I please introduce you to the highlight of this episode? This reenactment from Portia and Miller who are being puppeteered by their significant other. Is it hilarious? Oh it is by far one of the best things this season, expect it’s pretty obvious that Portia doesn’t think so judging by her annoyed face.
Alex appears and things take yet another bad turn and this time there’s no telling what Rick will do and Portia may face the brunt of it. Alex has a point, their plan wasn’t thought through in the slightest. Alex lashes out at Miller, calling him out on his Anton bullshit (YAS), she calls out Dorothy and her lack of brains and she even calls out Portia for going along with it, which poor Portia, she so doesn’t deserve it but she did go along with it. Alex leaves in a huff only to be stopped by Dorothy asking her not to tell Treville which tells me that she absolutely cares and wasn’t fully comfortable...Yikes.
Episode Takeaway: Ariana and Dorothy are not the best reenactors, but A for effort, also A for hilarity.
Best Inseparable Line: Ariana’s kinda skeezy when she’s wasted. Breton, I actually agree with you for once.
First thought: Why is Portia sad and why isn’t anyone paying attention to her.
Final thought: When is Portia going to snap and when is Dorothy going to get her head out of her ass?
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