#She also asked if I was older than my nephew (who is 19 months old???)
pianokantzart · 6 months
A little four year old visited today and asked "why are you always here when I come over?" and I had to explain to her that I live here.
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frauleinfunf · 3 years
My dumb headcanons about Mrs. Levin and her side of the family
Bc I cannot stop myself and love thinking way too much about Kevin's family tree bc that's how I express my love for characters
-Deborah Rifka Rozowski was born in 1969 at Kings County Hospital
-She has an older sister named Nancy, whom she's thick as thieves with
-Their father was a very physically abusive parent and their mother had untreated postpartum depression that led to her attempting suicide several times during their childhoods
-Their father had threatened to put her in an institution more than once in front of them
-In addition to a rough home life, she grew up in Brooklyn during the Son of Sam killings, the 1977 blackout, and later the crack epidemic. So it's safe to say she survived by being tough and street smart.
-Deb also had a deep of love of books and writing. It started as a form of escapism, but also became an outlet for her to express her feelings in ways that weren't picking fights
-At 16, Deb's father kicked her out. Nancy immediately put her up at her apartment with her husband Ira, but Deb ended up leaving in the middle of the night. Nancy was already heavily pregnant and Deb didn't want to feel like a burden, but also just wanted to leave Brooklyn and New York and get as far away from her current life as much as possible. Of course being a teenager, she assumed this meant she had to cut ties with her mother and sister.
-Deb wandered for the next few years, hitchhiking her way across the country and making money through odd jobs, mostly pick pocketing and mugging people though.
-At 19, she was in a city just outside of LA called Bellwood, where she ended up trying to mug Devin Levin
-Devin Levin was a hard simper and ended up asking her out after disarming her.
-Devin helped her find a job and an apartment, and soon they start a relationship, marking the first time Deb had ever felt like her life was stable and happy.
-Devin eventually convinced Deb to reach out to her sister, who still had her old phone number (Deb was not expecting that when she agreed to give her a call). After yelling at her for having Nancy worried sick for years, she broke down crying so happy to know Deb was alive and well.
-Nancy did have to be the one to tell Deb that their mother died from suicide a year after she left.
-Deb, while still obviously upset, had kind of assumed that happened in the intervening years.
-Nancy stopped speaking to their father after their mom died, and Deb sure wasn't eager to start talking to him again. So at this point their family was just them and Nancy's husband and kids.
-Deb became a mom at 23 and married Devin at a courthouse while she was pregnant. Their honeymoon was a weekend getaway to Santa Barbara.
-Nancy flew out to California with her husband and now three kids in tow to stand witness for the wedding, and she flew back alone a few months later to meet her nephew and help Deb settle into being a new mom.
-Kevin was 2 when Devin died and Deb just kind of spiraled from there, starting to drink while she sat shiva for him.
-Deb moved back to New York to be closer to her sister again. Nancy and her family were living Yonkers at that point so that's were Deb found a place for her and Kevin.
-In addition to her grief and addiction, Deb's life was not made easier by the fact that she found herself having to work two jobs to keep a roof over their heads and having to leave Kevin with Nancy for most of the day.
-She showed up to her waitress job drunk and her boss scrambled to find someone to take take her home. A trucker named Harvey Hackett who was at the diner for a union meeting volunteered.
-Harvey came by the next day to check on her, and that's how their relationship started.
-Harvey signed her up for AA meetings and, once Deb was sober enough, started teaching her how to drive a truck.
-Deb may not have loved Harvey in the way she loved Devin, she never could've loved anyone like that again. But he was a good man who wanted to take care of her and Kevin, and at that point that was all she wanted.
-They got married when Kevin was 4 and as we know that ended up being the worst decision of Deb's life.
-Meanwhile, things in Kevin's life weren't all that great, even before Harvey started to fear him.
-Nancy's kids (Amanda, who was 7 years older than Kevin, Mikey who was 5 years older, and Josh who was 2 years older) did not adjust well to an aunt they only met once and her kid all of a sudden coming back into their lives, and in addition to that their mom was now practically raising their cousin alongside them.
-It certainly didn't help that Nancy almost immediately started including Kevin whenever she called her kids her munchkins, and even called him Kevala the way she called them Amala, Mikala, and Joshala.
-So already they were inclined to ostracize Kevin, and that only got worse once his powers started developing and regularly short circuiting their electronics.
-Things came to a head when Kevin one day followed them to their treehouse and Amanda pretended she was going to push him out, scaring him enough that he unintentionally shocked her and left a third degree burn.
-Nancy and Deb, after a long talk with a lot yelling and crying and cheesecake, decided it would be safest for Kevin if Deb found other babysitters, which she could now afford with her and Harvey being unionized truckers.
-Nancy was absolutely heartbroken about this and cried on her last day watching him. Amanda, still mad about her burn, convinced Kevin that Nancy was crying because she thought Kevin was a freak just as much as the kids did.
-Until he ran away, Kevin ended up having a long, long list of babysitters who were all scared off by his powers at one point or another.
-Eventually Harvey and Deb started working their schedules so that at least one would be home all the time, meaning they started to see each other much less.
-While Deb and Nancy understood that Kevin's power outbursts were something he couldn't control and completely tied to his emotional state, Harvey did not.
-It didn't help that Harvey and Deb had very different parenting styles in general, with Harvey believing Deb was too permissive and Deb believing Harvey's approach was "totalitarian dogshit"
-So whenever Deb was home Kevin, while still struggling, was a lot more happy and behaved than when Harvey was the one who was home.
-A lot of Kevin's acting out was him being a kid who's stepfather feared him and him obviously not having the tools to deal with that since he was like 7.
-The rare time Deb and Harvey had together was often spent fighting about parenting, and Kevin just came to hate Harvey's presence in general, especially with Amanda's words still in the back of his head after all these years.
-On that fateful day when Kevin accidentally destroyed the house, Harvey just completely lost it.
-He said Kevin's mother suffered so much because of him, because of the pressure of having a freak son.
-This, combined with his experience with Amanda, is what convinced Kevin that his mother was going to reject him.
-After Kevin ran away, Deb and Nancy's family searched everywhere for him. Now faced with the prospect of never seeing him again, the now teenaged Amanda, Mikey, and Josh were certainly feeling a lot of guilt for how they treated him as kids and how much they tried to ignore what they did as they got older.
-Harvey and Deb's divorce was very messy, to put it mildely
-Harvey, a smart man, moved to the other side of the country just to avoid Nancy and Ira, whom he now feared even more than Deb. With Deb, he had hurt her baby. With Nancy, he had hurt her baby AND her baby sister.
-Once Kevin reunited with Deb, he reunited with Nancy. He still has no contact with his cousins though.
-Why Harvey was chosen to be the one to talk Ultimate Kevin down instead of Deb or Nancy is a mystery only God knows.
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Character Recap! Gen 2
After a good break to sort my life out, I decided that it would be good to do an update on everybody (yup, this is one of those posts) Why, you ask? Because I enjoy driving myself crazy by creating unnecessary amounts of work for myself - but y’all knew that already 😂 Keeping in line with that theme, one night at 4am I decided that I wanted to revamp my character pages (which ended up being my whole Tumblr theme) which would require updated pictures of everybody. I don’t know what possessed me to dredge up my old coding knowledge - if you can even call it knowledge- but I’m still in the process of finishing the character pages for gen 3 because there’s so many of them. 😅
Even though we’re on gen 3 officially, these characters are still mentioned in some parts of the story, and I also find it hard to let go of these since they’re my OG 8, the first sims born in game that I’ve ‘raised’. I’ve only just had the time to sit down and calculate peoples ages, meaning that the first 2 couples should technically still be adults, but I’m not reversing the aging process - we’re too far in 😂
I’ve updated my character’s page for gen 2 (gen 3 is almost done, but this isn’t about them 😂) I decided to add the ‘labels’ for each couples (where they fall on the fundie scale) because then it would align with what I do for gen 3′s character pages and how I label them. I tried to summarize all the ‘yikes’ bits of the relationships with the bulletpoints to truly highlight the 🥴-iness of it all you know? 
Allan & Casandra 
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Meet Allan (54) and Casandra Collins (51) - Here’s a quick recap of their relationship:
They met at Family Bible Camp at 22 and 18 respectively, and were married 5 months later - both had their first kiss at the altar.
They continued to live as quiverfull fundamentalists after their marriage, subscribing to conservative biblical modesty standards, meaning that Casandra (and their subsequent daughters) wear skirts and dresses. They pledged to allow the Lord to decide their family size which led to 15 children - 13 living and 2 miscarriages.
Allan works as the Head Pastor at Newcrest Baptist Church along with being on the Board of Directors for the Centre For Learning and Life, whilst Casandra homeschools their children still at home and ministers to the women of the church in her duties as the Pastor’s wife. When she’s not doing that she’s visiting her grandchildren that live in town, or traveling to see the children and grandchildren that live elsewhere.
Here they are with all their children:
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Back L-R: Adalynn (32), Barrett (31), Macie (31), Zoe (29), Maggie (25), Reece (24), Beckett (23)
Front L-R: Amira (22), Priscilla (20), Annette (20), Allan (54), Casandra (51), Charles (18), Parker (17), Ashton (15)
Branden & Lea
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Meet Branden (52) and Lea (50) Collins - A recap of their relationship
They met when Lea’s family visited Newcrest Baptist so her father could give the sermon as the visiting pastor when he was 17 and she was 16, and they were married a year later - they saved their first kiss for their wedding day.
They had trouble having children for the first year and a half of their marriage, eventually having their twin girls Abbey and Brittany (28), their son Tanner (25) joined the family 3 years later.
Branden is now a retired Christian novelist, whose books have been bestsellers and he travels from church to church to run writing seminars for authors who are hoping to make it in the business. Lea stays at home and tends to her garden now that all their children are grown. She started the garden in their time before children and that garden has grown to be a local hit - she’s been selling the honey made by their bees and runs workshops to teach young women how to start their gardens to promote healthy eating. She travels along with Branden when he's teaching somewhere, and if she doesn’t she’s visiting her grandchildren.
Here they are with their children:
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Front L-R: Abbey (28), Brittany (28), and Tanner (25)
Claire & Ryan
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Meet Claire (51) and Ryan Paulson (55) - Here’s their recap:
They met when Claire travelled with a music group to perform at Ryan’s home church when she was 20 and he was 24, they were engaged 3 months later and married 3 months after that - they too had their first kiss at the altar.
They too pledged to allow the Lord to decide their family size and ended up having 10 children, like their parents they subscribe to conservative biblical modesty standards, meaning that the girls in the family wear skirts and dresses only.
Ryan runs his own IT business whilst Claire is a renowned Christian musician. Despite her immense talent, Claire’s main focus was and still is homeschooling her children and being a keeper of the home. As Ryan is his own boss, he is able to travel with Claire whenever she travels to teach of perform, she’s taught their children (who’ve seemingly inherited her talent) and the family performs at various events.
Here they are with their children:
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Back L-R: Carter (30), Valentina (28), Alan (27), Celeste (26), Kristyn (24), Sabrina (24)
Front L-R: Jarrod (20), Zachary (18), Conner (15), Jarrett (15)
Danielle & Sebastian
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Meet Danielle (51) and Sebastian (53) Hunt - Here’s a recap of their lives:
They met when he moved to Newcrest for his Veterinary residency and started attending their church, where during their courtship they both realised they had a shared love of nature and animals. 6 months later they were married, at the ages of 28 and 30.
They struggled to have children, and when Danielle did get pregnant 3 years into the marriage they ended up losing that pregnancy in the 3rd trimester - Danielle was pregnant with a baby girl they named Sarah. The next year they got pregnant and had their son James (19), and 4 years later they had their daughter Gabriela (15).
Sebastian runs a Vet Clinic in Brindleton Bay and Danielle stays at home to homeschool Gabriela, she does work at the clinic when she has the time and is responsible for the bookkeeping.
Here’s their family:
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Elaine & Taylor
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Meet Elaine (48) and Taylor (49) Godwin - Here’s a recap of their lives so far:
They met when Taylor moved to Newcrest to be a commuter into the city for his job as an engineer, and started attending their church. They courted for a year before marrying at the ages of  24 and 25.
They had their daughter Kyra (23) a year into their marriage, followed by twins Rory and Ruby Rae (17) 6 years later, Ava Grace (15) was born 2 years after the twins, and the youngest Amelia (11) was born 4 years after Ava.
Taylor works as a mechanical engineer whilst Elaine uses her teaching degree to homeschool the children and teach at the local homeschool co-op. Elaine wanted her children to have the experience of being taught by more than one person, but wanted control of their curriculum, meaning that the co-op was the best thing for them.
Here’s their family:
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Fletcher & Cara
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Here’s Fletcher (45) and Cara Collins (44) - Here’s a recap of their lives:
They met at Cara’s university when Fletcher was 22 and Cara was 20 and married 3 years later at the ages of 24 and 23 respectively. They set their own standards and therefore kissed before marriage. 7 years into their marriage they had their only child, a son that names James Lee (14)
Whilst Fletcher was raised in a conservative, fundamentalist household, Cara was raised in a less strict conservative Christian home and they chose to realign with less strict rules for their lives. 
Fletcher works as a Sergeant for the Newcrest Police Department and Cara works as a fundraising specialist for the local Conservative party in Newcrest. 
Here’s their family:
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Grayson and Keira
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Meet Grayson (42) and Keira (40) Collins - Here’s a recap of their lives:
They met when Keira moved to Newcrest to work as a Nurse in the pediatrics ward at Newcrest General hospital, Grayson had begun his rotations and they were in the same orientation group. Keira also joined Newcrest Baptist, their relationship blossomed from there and married after dating for a year and a half at the ages of 26 and 24.
They were open to having as many children as the Lord saw fit to provide, and they had their son Matthew (14)  2 years into their marriage, followed by their son Archie (11) 3 years later. There were complications during Archie’s birth that lead to Keira having a partial hysterectomy to save her life, meaning that their family is complete with their 2 boys.
Grayson works as an Obstetrician/Gynaecologist at Newcrest General, and Keira worked as a Nurse until they had their children. They’ve chosen to homeschool their children until high school, after which they enroll them in a private Christian high school. Once Archie the youngest moves into high school, Keira plans to return back to work at the hospital.
Here’s their family:
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Harley & Gabriel
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Meet Harley (42) and Gabriel (45) Barnard - Here’s a recap of their relationship:
They met at a dinner party in San Myshuno, they became fast friends and started dating a year after they met. They dated for 2 years before getting married at the ages of 28 and 21.
Harley was the first of her female siblings to go to college, she has a 1st class degree in Fine Arts with a focus on Fashion. She’s also the first of her female siblings to work a full time job. After going to college, Harley realised she was more like her older brother Fletcher and his wife in terms of beliefs, so when she married Gabriel they both agreed that in terms of beliefs that they’d attend a conservative non-fundamentalist church in San Myshuno. They both chose not to have children, so they spend time with their nieces and nephews, as well as the children their nieces and nephews.
Gabriel works as the Head Chef of a 5 star restaurant in the city, and Harley is the Editor-in-Chief of the popular fashion magazine ‘Myshuno Madness’
Gen 2 total: 8 sims (16 if you count the spouses)
Aaaand that is the first reintroduction post! Posts will restart after this one, mostly because I need queue some things up before doing the gen 3 posts so that I don’t need to worry about spoilers 😂
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dreammthief · 4 years
dig a little deeper
tagged by @gcralts​ and @quaffled thank u both ily 💕
1. do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? black
2. would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? oh 100% city
3. if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? I always wanted to learn how to tumble/gymnastics so that would be cool but my eighty-year-old knees could never
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? tea never, coffee always
5. what was your favorite book as a child? I always loved series so i primarily went from magic treehouse to percy jackson and harry potter
6. do you prefer baths or showers? showers regularly, but baths for relaxing with wine and a book
7. if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? sksksksk if not a dragon, then definitely a faerie
8. paper or electronic books? paper or not at all 
9. what is your favorite item of clothing? my two, very oversized crewneck sweaters they’re ariana grande merch shut up I know
10. do you like your name? would you like to change it? i like it enough not to change it, but sometimes I wonder if I would have preferred my “almost name”, victoria
11. who is a mentor to you? my mom??? I mean I literally cannot make a decision without calling her so
12. would you like to be famous? if so, what for? it’s my dream to publish a book one day and of course i’d want it to do well, so, yes, i’d like to be famous for that (copying this verbatim from wik because we’re the same person but what else is new)
13. are you a restless sleeper? oh god no I don’t move at all but it does take me fuckn forever to actually fall asleep
14. do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? i am... so soft, yes
15. which element best represents you? fireeee
16. who do you want to be closer to? this is probably not what this question is asking for but i wish my good friends on here lived closer to me (or at least on the same continent) so i could see them irl (im copying again its too good also ily)
17. do you miss someone at the moment? literally everyone back home that I moved away from, especially my mom :(
18. tell us about an early childhood memory. i don’t know how I remember this but my mom has assured me its real, but when I was eighteen months old (I swore in the memory I was like seven hahahha nope) I thought I saw my nana so I waved at her and got my arm caught in the train door of the london underground and had to be rushed to the ER and my parents missed our flight back to the states ooooops also my nana was 1000% not there at all 
19. what is the strangest thing you have eaten? probably some various form of bug on a dare from my brothers whenever we went camping
20. what are you most thankful for? my friends, family, and my resilience? like I keep finding myself leaning back into depression and constantly fight to stay out of that dark place 
21. do you like spicy food? yessssss
22. have you ever met someone famous? uhhhh no? no one comes to mind
23. do you keep a diary or journal? no but I really, really should
24. do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pen, unless its math math then pencil
25. what is your star sign? libra
26. do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? if my jaw doesn’t ache after eating it I don’t want it
27. what would you want your legacy to be? i want to save lives and leave people better, more hopeful, and happier than when I found them
28. do you like reading? what was the last book you read? god yes, and red white and royal blue which wrecked me
29. how do you show someone you love them? i like to spend time with them and I like to know them, as well as let them know me
30. do you like ice in your drinks? its nice but not a necessity
31. what are you afraid of? losing a loved one, forever being alone alone, and not being good enough
32. what is your favorite scent? sawdust, sandalwood, pine, and literally anything “manly”
33. do you address older people by their name or surname? mostly first name I think?? I can’t think of an instance where I wasn’t familiar enough with them not to use it
34. if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? bitch I would travel the earth until I died
35. do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? por que no los dos??
36. what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? i mean if I didn’t see anyone drop it or anything, then I would probably keep it and pay it forward somewhere
37. have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish? yes and no
38. what is one thing you would want to teach your children? *nieces/nephews, and to be independent, clever and funny lol
39. if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I have several, but the next one I want is inspired by a drawing called self love by frederic forest and on the back of my elbow if that makes sense
40. what can you hear now? a storm, rain pelting on the window
41. where do you feel the safest? surrounded by my friends and family, doesn’t matter where
42. what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? being more open about my past trauma
43. if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? god, it would be horrible as far as how far we’ve come in so many aspects of life, but I’ve always been interested to know how it would be to live in the 15th/16th century 
44. what is your most used emoji? 😂 + 😭 + 🥺 
45. describe yourself using one word. resilient
46. what do you regret the most? trusting certain people  
47. last movie you saw? the half of It
48. last tv show you watched? sex education
49. invent a word and its meaning veration - (noun) extreme happiness for fictional characters or ships that causes a real, physical response; ex: kate’s veration over pynch deepened when she realized they were canon. 
tagging: some new mutuals @ughdraco @chlamets @fleurdlacour @avilareyna @henriettia @eorwyn @ivashkov + anyone else who wants to (also feel free to ignore this)
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meg91596 · 4 years
Grew Too Fast Chapter 3 Scout's Birthday
I can't imagine my little baby boy being 16 already he grew up so fast. Its hard on a mother who honestly didn't think she would get a second chance at being a mother but more liek 4 extra chances. I have 4 healthy kids who I love to no end. Link and I are blessed to have our kids and how special each and every child is to us. Scout however grew up too fast for our liking. He's now 16 and just passed his drivers license this morning. Today is his 16th birthay and he is now a licensed driver, and honestly I don't think I will be seeing much of my baby boy because Link and I got him his first car, and a carseat for Elena, and carseat for Allison's baby. Scout says he thinks it's someone elses baby. But I am his mother so I know that it is his child. He's a teenage boy who just can't handle his emotions.
Today is my 16th birthday and my parents got me a car or should I say a van to drive my siblings, Allison, and the baby in. They even got Elena a carseat for my car. She's probably the chillest child I have seen, but I do worry for my sister because she doesn't say much. Elena barely started to walk. She has several developmental delays unlike Charlotte (Charlie) Luke, and I have. All three of us don't have any delays but we have dyslexia. Apparently according to Grandma it runs in the Shepherd family. My Uncle apparently had it, Aunt Liz, Aunt Katheleen, and mom. I know she's proud of me and she's probably figured out that Annalese or Marcus is my child. Allison and I don't want to know the gender because we want to be suprised in case we decide to place the child up for adoption.
Allison is leaning towards adoption but i'll support her with what ever happens. We love each other and that is what matters. I can't beleive that today marks 16 years since Allison and I have known each other. She really is special to me and I can't imagine life with out her. She's my one and only, Where ever she goes for college I will follow her although I'm only 16 and setting myself short for colleges but I'd do it Allison. She would probably do the same.
Today is Scout's birthday and I am suprising him with the gender of the baby. We had decided not to know if it was going to be a boy or girl because we were talking about adoption but I don't think I could do that as the baby deserves her parents. When I told Scout I was thinking about adoption that was when I was uncertain about his maturity for this. Our daughter is lucky to have both of her parents that love her so much even though she really was an accident. Sometimes I think that going back in time would help but then again we wouldn't have our daughter. Annalese really is going to be a lucky baby she is going to have parents who love her no matter what the curcumstance is. She's our little nugget who we love and honestly it would be really hard to say goodbye to Annalese when she comes because she has been kicking inside and got me to mature instead of being a stupid child. Well I was stupid enough to get pregnant at 16. I will almost be 17 when she is born which she is due in March 25th, and My birthday is April 15th. who would figure that you have a child by the time you go into your junior year. Scout and I will be parents in our junior year but we don't care.
I don't know if I agree with Allison for asking Scout to take responsiblity for her actions. But Anna is my granddaughter and I can't imagine saying goodbye to her if she is put up for adoption. When I first got pregnant with Allison I thought about adoption. But then I realized how wrong that would be for Owen to not know his own child. She's just a lot younger than I was. Allison, Leo, Adelynn, Louis, and Tom went to Scout's birthday party. He's the best boy you could ask for. Allison and Scout have been best friends since they were in diapers. They have known each other since birth and they love each other.
I can't beleive that my baby cousin as I always called Scout is now 16 years old. that makes me feel old except I'm 19 now and have no clue where that time went. It seems like just yesterday I was meeting Scout when Auntie Amelia came home with him. I can rememeber not being too fond of Scout because he was a baby and I wasn't the baby of the house anymore. I was 3 almost 4 when Scout was born and yet I should have been excited however I was not. But now it is hard to imagine what I did as a young girl because I love my cousin so much. I still can't beleive that he is going to be a dad. I know it was an accident much like Harry, and myself but I'm much older than Allison and have more education. Bailey went through the same except he is 21 raising a 7 month old child. Daisy is adorable. I don't think Zola is ever going to settle down she wouldn't even come for Scout's birthday party. I guess she's too busy to even realize what day it is or something like that. I haven't talked to her in weeks. Mom has and she said that Zola is now at Oxford in England. She went there to finish up but also because she will be finishing in December and was asked to watch out for Leo when he goes there in the fall.
Daisy and I came to Scout's party and we had a fun time. I got to see my sister Ellis, mom, aunt, uncle, and cousins. It was a fun time. I wish Zola had been there other than virtually but atleast she was there. I'm proud of my sister for all of her accomplishments kinda like mine with graduating as a single father, and with teacher certification in May. I will have a little cousin born by that time. I am excited but yet still suprised that Scout would make that same mistake. Yet again it's Allison Hunt we are talking about. She's a good kid but sometimes makes dumb choices much like her mother, and honestly my Aunt, and cousin. I remember when Scout wasn't even thought of and Aunt Amelia was scared to have a child because of my cousin Christopher that I guess would have been 23 this year two years younger than my sister and two years older than me.
I can't beleive that my nephew is 16 already. It seems like yesterday that he was born and now he's 16 and is a sophmore in high school. My own children it's hard to beleive especially Ellis because it's been 20 years since Derek died because Ellis is going to be 20 in 4 months. It's hard to beleive that but atleast I still have a piece of him here left on earth Bailey, and Ellis. They got me through some big problems so did Amelia, and Maggie. Scout and Allison however have their own little problems going on but hey they are teens they do stupid stuff like that but you never really know what goes on in a 16 year olds head.
Seeing your child grow up so fast is hard on a parent. Amelia and I are barely holding on for dear life trying to keep Scout to stay young, but that is impossible. He's not our little baby boy anymore and I don't know what we are going to do. I just got him a car for his birthday. He's such a smart, and healthy young man. Amelia and I really love him for everything even if Annalese was an accident. We will love that baby girl no matter what happens. Scout now knows that Allison is keeping Annalese. I think he's either scared or he's thrilled. Scout is a hard person to express emotions much like his mother. I love them both along with Charlotte, Luke, and our crazy yet young little girl Elena.
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travelingstar · 5 years
Opportunity Chapter 1
Hi there! So before beginning this fic series that I hope to complete and share with others, I just want to say that this idea came from me and @starkravingspiders chatting and we bounced some ideas off of one another and decided to write our own versions of the same rough idea of the story.
Also a bit of a warning this chapter does contain some more mature themes and a good amount of angst, but the story overall does get more happy. Enjoy!
It had been another long day for the 19 year old Peter Parker.
His day had been filled with the usual stress of starting his early in the morning shift at a breakfast diner, turning in his papers, paying attention in class, finding food at the grocery store that he could afford (usually ramen and maybe some pre-made foods if they were on sale), finishing his shift at a cafe downtown and rushing to his job as a pizza delivery guy. Now he just needed to heat up some ramen and get two essays done and he’ll officially be done for today.
He looked down on his badly cracked cell phone to skip to the next song, he didn’t have many since they do cost a bit more than he is willing to pay, and to both check the time and if anyone had called or messaged him.
Peter didn’t know why he was still so hopeful. Afterall, two years ago his life went to shit after Tony had died.
His aunt and friends were happy to have him back, and so was Peter don’t get him wrong.
But sometimes he felt like they were looking at him like he wasn’t really real. At first, Peter thought that this would go away after some months. But they still do look at him like that. After he had graduated high school, Peter rarely gets a text from Aunt May, he would always be the first to make contact, whilst with Ned and MJ, they had already rarely called or texted, which he figures is just because they were now busy with either school or their jobs. He wouldn’t text as much, which just made him feel bad. They probably thought he was a terrible nephew and friend.
And due to the whole five years of absence, it has become hard for him to even make friends since a lot had happened whilst he was gone and after a while he kinda stopped trying since he had to focus on school and making rent every month.
What remained of the Avengers never call or contact him. Peter understood, they all knew Tony much longer than he did and he was just some dumb kid that got carried along by Tony. And since the man is dead, why even get to know some college kid.
Peter shook his head slightly, bowing his head, but still walking. ‘No, I can’t cry. Everyone lost much more than I did.’
The last time Peter saw Rhodey, Pepper and Morgan was at Tony’s funeral. He had tried to give them his condolences, but they didn’t look at him and went inside of the cabin that Pepper owned, whilst carrying Morgan. Morgan did look at Peter, looking confused. She clearly didn’t fully understand why everyone was crying and Peter felt bad for even trying to talk to them. They had lost a long time friend and a child lost her father.
All because of him.
The others at the funeral, except for Aunt May, didn’t talk to him.
He had overheard from Happy that the family had been listening to a recording Tony had left behind and read his will. Peter, almost subconsciously, turned to them and wanted to ask if Tony said anything about him. Anything.
But he had felt a hand clutching his shoulder and he turned around and saw Steve, looking at Peter like he had just hurt someone.
“Look kid, they don’t need to be bothered right now. They just lost a friend and a husband. Just give them some space, okay?”
Peter stood at that spot frozen. He wanted to say something, do something, anything! But he couldn’t. He watched Steve walk towards Bucky and acted like nothing was wrong, whilst Peter felt a fresh pair of tears streaming down his face and feeling that inner voice feeding on those words and just continuing to tell Peter that he was no one and that he shouldn’t bother others. He listened as everyone was talking about Tony for the rest of the service and thinking he had no right being there.
It didn’t help that before Thanos came the first around that Peter had realized that he was starting to crush on Tony.
Sure he always admired the man, but when he had gotten to know him and spend time with him, he started to first crush then fall for the billionaire who would anything for the people he cared for. He loved Tony’s charm, his comments on others he didn’t like, his massive interest in tech and his rambling, oh god his rambling Peter would have listened to for hours and never get tired of the man talk about anything from his latest invention idea to a newly found food joint that he wanted to invite Peter to.
Peter even imagined finally confessing to Tony. He had imagined Tony kissing him, hugging him, taking him out on dates, making out, having his first time with the older man, spending Christmas with him, any scenario that came to mind for Peter he would imagine.
But than Thanos came and took him away from his life for five years and came back to a world without the man he fell for, said man having made a family and having a daughter. Peter felt like he had been forgotten by Tony, but knew that the man probably never liked him like that to begin with and just wanted to be happy whilst he still could with a family he made himself during that time. But Peter could never blame Tony for trying to find happiness after all of that happening.
But Peter would still imagine those scenarios, afterwards however he would be filled with guilt and shame.
SHIELD had since restricted when he can be Spiderman. Peter knew that he was being manipulated into agreeing with them, but in the back of his mind he hears a voice telling him to just give up and to not even try to fight and to let ‘professionals’ handle these situations.
He hated that he couldn’t fight crime.
He saw a mother and child being mugged during his pizza route a couple of days ago and wasn’t able to do anything.
A guy being harassed on the streets some weeks ago and, again, couldn’t do anything.
Peter witnessed a bank robbery taking place whilst getting off his shift at the cafe and he couldn’t stop it.
Sure he could sew together a suit like his first one, but SHIELD would find out and threaten to burn his suit and take him in to be tested.
He doesn’t like to remember that threat.
Happy would now only contact him to tell him that SHIELD wanted him on another mission. Peter knew that this was for his safety, but he felt like that was just a half assed excuse to not have to waste time in talking to him. More often than not, Peter would have to decline the offer since he had to either take a shift and there would be no way of getting out of it without losing his job or had a exam to study or do other schoolwork. Happy wouldn’t reply with much, only really with the occasional comment that would come from Fury that Happy would quote, telling Peter that he needs to do his job and to not throw excuses and waste their time.
Peter let out a shaky sigh and took a deep breath before walking faster home. He figured if he was going to cry, he might as well just go home and do in private without anyone judging him, except for his mind.
But it is telling the truth, so he thinks.
His apartment was in the worst part in Queens. It was the only place that he could’ve afforded and was relatively close to the subway at least. There was a lot of crime going on, but luckily Peter only ever witnessed drug deals and some people chasing someone for ‘money that he owed them’ or something.
The nearby buildings were either abandoned, filled with those living there who could barely afford much like Peter, or were places where criminals would meet up and handle their business there.
Thankfully, Peter had only ran into one once when the other person was high, so Peter was able to quickly escape.
He gets to his apartment and pulls out his keys and unlocks his door to his small as hell apartment. He barely had anything and didn’t want to burden Aunt May by taking anything that wasn’t his. She didn’t make comment on the small pile of belongings Peter had with him before he left Aunt May’s place for college.
Once inside and closing the door, Peter heard something.
Rather someone.
‘Oh cmon, I don’t want to be mugged in my own home or murdered.’, Peter thought to himself, thudding his forehead against the door. He really just wanted to curl up for at least a minute before pulling himself into making some ramen.
Couldn’t he have a moment where things weren’t hectic or made him feel bad?
He figured he might as well face this person and get it over with. After all, the sooner he is done with this, the faster he can make food, finish those essays and than maybe sleep for five hours before getting up for his morning shift at the nearby fast food joint.
Peter turned around and saw someone he thought he’d never see until maybe he died.
Tony Stark, sitting on his old tattered couch, playing with the prototype reactor in his hand before staring at Peter.
“Oh hey, was wondering when you’d get back. I need your help to get back to my universe, since I can’t contact anyone else. By the way, why are living in a dumpster hole and not in Avengers tower?”
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mariposalass · 5 years
Deep Pain, Deep Sorrow
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Summary: The day he died the first time has come, and Philip is having nightmares of reliving the events in his mind. It is not really great, not great at all.
Setting: Mari and co.’s house in Daly City, California, present day midnight; Weehawken Dueling Grounds in Weehawken, New Jersey and the Church family house in New York City, New York, November 20-24, 1801.
Notes: Written up in the last minute in commemoration of RL Philip Hamilton’s death by gun dueling on this day 218 years ago. There are Hamilton musical spoilers and mentions of death, guns, & blood loss along with slight mention of alcohol & hate speech against Alexander Hamilton: if you’re not comfortable with any of them, then skip this and finding something more cheerful instead. Although the ending doesn’t end on a sour note though… Also tagging @husband-of-lucoa​ since I’m basing this on a RP we had on Discord with Marina’s old life dilemma before as a main theme.
Tags: character death, mention of guns, salty language, mention of blood and blood loss, existential crisis, Defying Time, Renewed Potential, Hamilton: An American Musical, Hamilton spoilers, implied mention of alcohol, hate speech, George Eacker bashing (if this is a thing), real life history
It all started with a speech, a goddamn speech on the Fourth of July nonetheless. Bloody Eacker had all the nerves to bash his father like that: no respect to the man who had to work hard from a rough life of illegitimacy and having one parent died & another far away to help bringing a nation out of the shackles of Great Britain’s control, in front of a bunch of people wanting him dead literally or otherwise, poor Theo’s figuratively blind and ambitious father included. Surely, if that fool had known the man personally much longer, maybe it have been less abrasive, but no, he was a foolish twat. 4 months had passed since that slanderous speech and he & an old friend, Stephen Price, had confronted him, both younger men being under some alcohol for some reason, in the Park Theater about that rancid work of words. A verbal fight has borne out of this confrontation and the final straw came in the form of that bastard calling him and Stephen ‘rascals’, which had the young men to challenge him in a dueling match.
Back then, most men, even the smartest and most noble of the lot, wouldn’t simply settle things in a calm and logical manner; with pride on the line, they dealt arguments with small death machines, guns loaded with bullets that could spell death to the unfortunate person on the other side. Eacker would take on Price first a day after, then him on the next day. Four shoots were heard across in Weehawken, but no one died that day. The next day came, and it was him against the foolish twat; with some advice from his father, he had started it with a delope, throwing his first shoot, a move that would ultimately cost him life. Eacker had done the same, for a fool like him, it too was a smart move then.
A minute later, neither one dared to make a move, but then, Eacker aimed for him and shot him above the right hip and into the left arm; he did shot back, but the bullet was useless. The fired bullet from Eacker’s gun was lodged to his arm, spasms came in involuntarily. Everyone was wondering and panicking while Eacker was blindly soaking in this false victory, yet he knew that the victory that fool was enjoying is fleeting and was trying his best to remain calm and collected as Death is slowly arriving at his doorsteps and he was bleeding profusely. Soon, word was spread of the duel and he was then rushed to Aunt Angelica and Uncle John’s house in the city center; Angelica, while still shocked by her nephew’s misfortune, wrote that his attitude during this trying time was unbelievably remarkable for a 19 year old nearing Death.
Horrified by the news of what Eacker did to his firstborn son and rocked by anxiety & worry like every responsible caring parent would, Alexander rushed to Dr. Hosack’s home to ask for medical help, only to learn that the good doctor was already ahead of him at the Church residence by this time, staying with his family to recover before heading to his sister in law’s place. By the time he and Eliza reached him, he was paler than the moon itself, his face ashen from the near loss of blood, almost haggard in appearance.
The older Hamilton was in despair, sobbing and clutching Dr. Hosack by the hand & salted tears running down from his watery eyes, and the middle Schuyler sister, pregnant with her final child at 3 months, even more distraught than she would let on. Pulse was faint, but still heard by Alexander, and yet time was running out for his eldest son. They had stayed by his side all the night along, 14 hours and a confession of faith later however, Death has taken Philip Hamilton away from the world and from his family at 5 AM. Only 19 years old.
He had bolted up from his bed after so many flashes running across his mind, waking up screaming and causing his roommate Ahkmenrah to wake up from his slumber as well. His horrified screams could be heard all over the house, alarming everyone trying to get a good night’s rest. The former pharaoh was startled by the stressful look in his friend’s face and checked if he was okay. Philip honestly couldn’t hide how he was feeling, but didn’t explain it to him fully until everyone else went inside their shared bedroom.
Mari has never seen him this stressed out (beside crunch time on news article deadlines and getting confused over modern day things) in the 11 months they have been together, she had sat beside him and sheepishly held onto his hand as a calming measure. Kirby, saddened to see him in the state he was in, flew onto his bed and hugged him by the side of his torso.
“Hey, what’s happening to you, mate?” Harry questioned him, sensing that there must be something that left him this freaked out.
“Yeah, we want to know why,” Kairi chimed in.
“Come on, Philip, there is never a bad thing to admit it,” Mari gently reminded him, “We’re all ears for you.”
“Nightmares, those nightmares of that duel, agh!” he groaned in agony, “I never thought of reliving those awful memories of it all over again. I didn’t expect it to send my family on a downward slope after that. It was horrible to think about it in your sleep.”
“Well, you told us all about it many times for a long time now, still there is no need to hold back just because of some a-hole trying to peg down your dad like that and shoot you in return,” Mari sighed, not knowing what else to say in return and trying to fight back in tears from her eyes.
“Philip, please don’t feel bad about that. I know that it was very foolish of both you and that Eacker guy to try to shoot each other over a speech and just sort those issues out yourselves, but honestly, I didn’t think that it was all your fault,” Issa tried to reassure him, “Besides, he’s already dead and probably regretting that he shouldn’t harass your father with that speech in the first place.”
“Your father sounds like a very important man indeed, Philip,” Ahk pointed out, “You and your siblings must have looked up to him so much. He have done some messed up things in the past like that affair thing, yes, but never a horribly terrible person at all. I would have loved to ask him questions about how he helped out in freeing and growing this nation and independence with several like-minded men.”
“Poyo...” Kirby sniffed in sympathy as he cried.
“Look, Philip dear. The past is the past, we know that we couldn’t turn back the hands of time to stop it from happening, even the Doctor couldn’t stop it in a couple of cases whenever he goes time-traveling. But it doesn’t mean that you should never be defined by those events. You got this second chance in life and you can still enjoy life even more than ever, so you shouldn’t worry about everything the second time around,” Mari calmly reassured her dearest beloved before remembering something similar that had happened to some friends a year ago, “Funny enough, this whole situation you’re in is quite similar to Marina’s case: Dyl’s friends at the Fortress Team found her unconscious by the sea and couldn’t find anyone willing to pick her up and look after her until Dylan and Lucoa (and later Lady Palutena) stepped in and took her into their large family. Even she was struggling with recovering from her past mistakes for some time, but since you came back and befriended her, she doesn’t have to worry too much about them. She still gets nightmares once in a while, but beyond that, she is doing well.”
“Well, I suppose that I should follow her example then?” he meekly asked her and everyone else in the room.
“I don’t see a problem with that, Pip,” Issa smiled back in response, “She was the first person to reach out to you since you made that public reveal of your return, so she is likely to listen all about it.”
“Since you did in a way helped her recover from her past mistakes and get help from her folks, perhaps we can contact Dylan, Lucoa, and Lady Palutena by morning and see if she can drop by to help you out as well,” Harry added, “Or you can talk to me as well. I have been through a lot of trauma in my life as well, especially with the Killing Cruse, the Horcrux Hunt, the Battle of Hogwarts, and after I disown my canon realm for good. Seriously, if you have some nightmares again, just let us know: we’re all here for you and Mari is always there for you as much as you’re always there for her.
The kind support and reception he is receiving are too overwhelming yet welcoming as everyone gathered around him to give him a warm hug, Mari’s being the tightest of all. He never felt this much closer to home than with this unlikely group of people, animals, and what have you, but it is probably true in a way. It might tempting to ask Ahk to bring his folks back to the world of the living, but that would too much hassle and trouble to ask for. The whole 11 months felt like quite a wild ride for sure and yet it is the most fulfilling he has ever lived through, and he couldn’t ask for more than find his place among these strange modern day waters and have an amazing life with his new unlikely ‘family’ and his beloved darling.
The End
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Daddy’s Girl
Characters: Genevieve Padalecki, Danneel Ackles, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins,  JJ Ackles, West Collins (mentioned), Jared Padalecki (mentioned), Zep and Arrow Ackles (mentioned), Gen’s parents (mentioned), Tom, Shep and Odette Padalecki (mentioned).  
Pairing: Jensen x Danneel, Jared x Gen, Misha x Vicky, and a surprise pairing.
Square Filled: Friends to Lovers for @spnfluffbingo
Warnings: Daddy!Jensen (in this context yep that is a warning), Supernatural ended (DON’T KILL ME - it’s 2029!).       
Word Count: 2100ish
A/N: This fic was a wip for so long. I tried writing it as a Jared x Reader story but could never get it quite right. So I changed it. It is now sorta part of my Padackles universe, but as the only one it is set in the future. The year is 2029. I hope you guys enjoy this.
No hate towards anyone intended. I love all the actors and their families. This is all done for fun and giggles.
Thanks to the amazing @blacktithe7 for betaing this silly story for me.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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Gen had been looking forward to this day for a while. She didn’t get as much time to just hang around the Ackles’ house as she did when they were younger, when her and Danneel’s husbands were working together every day on Supernatural. Their families had managed to remain close though. Just like they had with many of the cast and crew from the show. They were all very much an extended family, that Gen was more than grateful to be allowed a part off.
“Hey Aunt Gen,” JJ greeted her as she ran down the stairs, seemingly in a hurry, just like every 16 year old girl always was. “Did Uncle Jared pick Dad up yet?” She looked sheepishly around the house, making Gen frown slightly, wondering what she was up too.
“Hi JJ. Yeah they just left. They…” Gen started but was interrupted by JJ, who was now practically bouncing with joy.
“Great,” she replied before bellowing through the house, leaving no doubt in Gen’s mind who her father was. Not that anyone could ever be in doubt with her reddish blond hair, pouty lips and green eyes. The girl was a looker alright.
“MOM. I AM HEADING OUT,” she bellowed only to have Danneel answer her back, agreeing to her departure from somewhere in the kitchen.
“See you Aunt Gen,” JJ smiled at her before running out of the front door. Gen looked after her for a few seconds, still wondering why it had been so important to her to make sure Jensen had left the house before she blasted out of there like her pants had caught fire. Gen let out a deep sigh, mentally preparing herself for when her daughter reached that age. 12 wasn’t all that far off from 16, and it would be nice if time would slow just a little. Not that Gen didn’t love JJ, because she did. JJ was a great girl and easy for a teenager. Still, she had the temper and the moodswings to go with her age. Jensen had probably said something that pissed her off last night even though that rarely happened. JJ was a daddy’s girl if Gen had ever seen one, even more so than her own Odette.  
Gen shrugged and closed the door after the girl before walking through the house to see your best friend. “Hi Dani,” she greeted, feeling a big genuine smile spread across her face as soon as she saw her. The smile was mirrored on Danneel’s face as she rushed towards her, wrapping in a big hug, just like Jensen hugged Jared before they had taken off.
“Gen, I missed you so much,” Danneel practically shrieked into her ear, making her half laugh and half flinch in pain.
“I missed you more,” Gen joked before letting her go, looking around the house for a set of rambunctious 13 year olds, who rarely strayed far from each other.
Gen remembered when they were little. They had been born only a few months before Odette. Being pregnant at the same time had caused her and Danneel to grown even closer. They already shared a strong bond before that, both having married a set of overgrown children, granted Gen’s was more childish than Danneel’s if you were to make a competition out of it. Not that Gen would ever want Jared any other way. He was the father of her 3 beautiful children and her husband of 19 years. He had been there for her through ups and downs, through heartache and happiness, just like Jensen had for Danneel. Gen knew that she and Danneel were both very lucky. They had married amazing men that had not only given them a family of their own, but also given them each other. Had it not been for them and their bond, she and Danneel would most likely never have met. She was now Gen’s best friend, and there was not much the two of them didn’t share, sometimes much to the grief of their husbands. However, they knew that even through their whining, they loved that their two wives were as much sisters by choice as they themselves were brothers.
“Where are you hiding the twins?” Gen asked, while Danneel went back to preparing dinner. She was a great cook, and she loved being in the kitchen. Actually it was a wonder her husband hadn’t gotten fat yet.
“They are at a friend’s house. It amazes me sometimes that they still chose to do almost everything together,” Danneel smiled as Gen sat down at the counter. She knew better than to ask Danneel if she could help. Even if she allowed it, she would still shoo her out of the way after a few minutes. The only one she seemed able to peacefully share a kitchen space with was Jensen, and even that had taken them years.
“What about your kiddos? Enjoying the weekend with their grandparents?” Danneel asked with a smile, looking up from her cooking.
“Yeah Tom, Shep and Dad are out fishing, and Odette and Mom are on a shopping spree,” Gen grinned, before remembering Danneel’s oldest strange behavior earlier. “What about JJ? Where was she heading too?” Gen asked curiously, causing Danneel to let out a sudden laugh as she put the chicken into the oven.
“Oh that’s right. You’re in for a story,” Danneel smirked, washing her hands and sitting down across from her best friend. “JJ got a boyfriend.”
“Oh I bet Jensen loves that,” Gen laughed, sending Jared a loving thought, not doubting what his reaction would be the first time Odette brought home a boy. Even if Jensen was somewhat more scary than her goofy husband, the poor lad would also have two very protective older brothers to deal with.
“That’s not even the best part,” Danneel snorted with laughter. “Remember West getting into UT here in Austin?”
Gen’s eyes widen a little as Danneel continued her story. “Well of course you do. Tom has been hanging out with him, but apparently JJ offered to show him around,” Danneel smirked, “but according to JJ, West was able to bring out a new side of Austin to her, or so she said.”
“JJ is dating West Collins?” Gen tried to hold back her laughter, but she couldn’t when Danneel once again started laughing.
“How did Jensen find out?” Gen managed to ask in between fits of laughter. “I assume he did since JJ was so worried about him being home before she stormed out of here?”
“Oh yeah he found out. JJ confessed to me she was seeing someone, but begged me not to tell Jensen,” Danneel grinned, “of course I couldn’t keep that from him, but I convinced him to be cool about it and trust JJ. We raised a good kid.”
Gen nodded as she listened to Danneel, trying her hardest not to rush her story. “Only Jensen came across them down at the lake. They were walking hand in hand and being all cute. If I am to believe JJ, which I do, Jensen threw a fit and embarrassed her, dragging her home after scaring poor West so badly he called Vicky, who called me,” Danneel laughed.
“Ohmygod,” Gen clapped a hand over her mouth, desperately trying to keep from laughing. “How about Misha? How is he taking all of this?”
Danneel smirked, leaning back in her seat, preparing to tell Gen her favourite part of the story.
“Go to your room. We’ll talk about this later,” Jensen groaned at his clearly furious daughter who stormed right past her mom.
“You married an asshole!” she snarled as she passed Danneel, causing her to gasp. She had never heard her daughter talk about her dad or anyone like that before.
“Justice Jay!” Jensen roared after her, but JJ didn’t turn around. She just continued her flight up the stairs, screaming back before the door slammed.
“I’ll talk to Mom! I am never speaking to you again!” Her voice was high pitched, and Danneel could tell she was on the verge of tears.
“Can you believe that?” Jensen turned to Danneel, clearly expecting her to instantly be on his side without knowing what was going on.
“Jensen, did you really have to be so hard on them?” Danneel tried carefully, causing Jensen to glare furiously at her.
“Excuse me? Did you hear what she just called me?”
Danneel sighed. “Yeah I did. I’ll talk to her about that, but Jensen, you ran from your car to scream at her boyfriend in public before dragging her home. You can’t blame the girl for being pissed at you. Hell, had it been me, I would have strangled you in the car,” Danneel tried to reason with her husband, who just looked at her in equal parts anger and confusion, until Danneel elaborated. “Vicky called me. West called her in tears. Jensen, you were really hard on him.”
“He was kissing my daughter!” Jensen defended himself, only getting an eye roll back from Danneel.
“She’s 16 Jensen. At least it is someone we know…” she sighed just before Jensen audibly growled, not unlike an angry bear. Danneel was sure had Jared been nearby, he would have ran for the hills, thinking an actual bear was in the house.
“Where are you going?” Danneel required, sounding somewhat annoyed as Jensen rushed past her into the living room.
“To resolve this,” Jensen groaned, pulling out his phone as he paced the floor, and Danneel instantly send him a hard glare.  
“Jensen Ross Ackles, if you are calling West to…” Danneel started, instantly feeling protective of the boy she had thought of as an honorary nephew for all of his life.
“Relax. I’m calling his dad,” Jensen hissed before Misha answered the phone. “Misha? Hi it’s Jensen. Did you hear?”
“You screaming at my son?” Misha answered dryly. “Yeah I heard.”
Jensen didn’t pay attention to his tone. He was too caught up in the huge problem at hand, or what he saw as a huge problem.
“Your son is seeing my daughter!” Jensen growled, causing Misha to instantly snap back in offense.
“I think JJ is amazing. What’s wrong with my son?”
“He’s just like you!” Jensen blurted out without thinking, and he could practically hear Misha sending him that suspicious, annoyed look he had perfected over the years playing Cas.
“Yeah? What’s wrong with me now?”
“Nothing Mish. You’re one of my best friends. You know that,” Jensen sighed, falling down on the couch, feeling the anger slowly leave him. His concern stayed though. “But you’re also not dating my daughter.”
“Goodnight Jackles,” Misha chuckled, realising what this was really about, and he couldn’t say he blamed him entirely. Maison bringing her first boyfriend around last year hadn’t exactly been easy on him either. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow when the fumes have stopped coming from your ears.”
“Mish…” Jensen tried to stop him, but it was too late. His friend had already hung up, and Jensen threw himself back against the back of the couch with a huff.
Danneel couldn’t help but smile and take pity on her idiot husband. She slowly crossed the room from the doorway where she had been listening in on his phone call. She sat down next to him, cuddling up to his side, and Jensen instantly wrapped his arm around her.
“You think we can get a pill or something that will turn her into a 4 year old again?” Jensen asked his wife, looking down at her, only halfway joking.
“God I hope not,” Danneel laughed, running her hand over his chest. “I would never get you to myself again then.”
Jensen let out a small chuckle, kissing the top of his wife’s head and tugging her closer. “You think she’s ever gonna forgive me?”
“Depends,” Danneel grinned. “How many times do you plan on trying to scare off West Collins? You know that kid is as stubborn as his dad right?”
Jensen groaned in annoyance, playfully biting his wife’s shoulder, causing her to squeal with laughter and slap his chest.
Gen threw her head back, laughing as Danneel finished telling her story. “Oh poor Jar,” she giggled. “He is gonna have to listen to Jensen’s tale of suffering all day isn’t he?”
Danneel let out a snort. “Well better him than me.” She winked at Gen, who bit her lip as she thought of something Jensen probably hadn’t thought about yet.
“You know Misha and Vicky met in high school right?” Gen raised her eyebrows teasingly, and Danneel instantly turned a little pale.
“Oh God please don’t remind my husband of that….”
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Padackles Tag Team (Jenneel and Jarevieve)
@mrspadalackles @roxyspearing @blacktithe7 @atc74 @mogarukes @crushing83 @theoriginalvick @jensen-gal @mysterious-398 @ericaprice2008 @adriellej @ashleydivine @percywinchester27 @becs-bunker @queen-of-deans-booty @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @smoothdogsgirl @ryantherandomhero @sillesworldofwriting @docharleythegeekqueen @mysupernaturalfics @evansrogerskitten @mrswhozeewhatsis @carryonmyswansong @thelittleredwhocould @super100012 @opeeta @cassieraider @lonelygolheart @jayankles @ambermei @oneshoeshort @grace-for-sale @speakinvain @plaid-lover-bay25 @jessyackles @sea040561 @petra-arkanian-1497 @serienjunkiegirl @unicornblood4ever
@jenneel-jarevieve @meeshw777 @danijimenezv
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sebeth · 6 years
Young Justice: “Fears” and “Drop-Zone”
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Issue 6: “Fears”
We left off with Superboy declaring the thought of “destroying Superman” is constantly on his mind.
While Superboy’s teammates reel in shock, Dick decides to narrate his origin recap.  But internally since Batman won’t let Dick share details about his personal life
We flashback to four years ago, the Flying Graysons (John, Mary, Dick, Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin John) were performing at Jack Haly’s Circus. Dick mentions he was nine-years old.
Dick mentions that “I never knew either of my grandfathers.  They died a long time before I was born.” He also comments “I was the youngest of the troupe, so father said I wasn’t allowed to be involved with the most dangerous stunt the Flying Graysons performed.”
Dick continues “I was jealous of my older cousin, secretly wanting to be in his place.  He would always mess up my hair and say ‘Don’t worry, squirt, you’ll get a chance sooner than you think.  He always knew the right thing to say.”
We know what happens next: Zucco – tampered ropes – bodies hitting the floor.
“A lot of things happened after that.  Most of them were a blur, even if I could concentrate, I didn’t think I would be able to say exactly what order things happened in.  The next crystal-clear thing I do remember was Bruce Wayne.”
“My mother and father dead. My aunt and cousin dead.  My uncle alive but paralyzed for the rest of his life. The only living family member I had was unable to take care of me.”
“Bruce Wayne came to my rescue and let me become part of his family.”
We know the rest – after training, Robin is born and Zucco is brought to justice.
This is the only instance I can recall of Dick having relatives other than his parents. Discounting generations-back Talons.
An odd choice to leave the uncle alive since he’s never mentioned again.  The extent of the paralysis isn’t mentioned.  Since it appears that gaining custody of Dick was never an option, I would assume the paralysis is from the neck down. It’s a safe bet that Bruce provided the best medical care for the uncle.  
Poor Uncle Grayson. He lost his wife, child, brother, and sister-in-law!  And, as an aerialist, he is now paralyzed.  All in one night.  Talk about your worst nightmare coming true.  I wonder if Dick maintained contact with his uncle.  He could use the support but he was dealing with multiple traumas and depression – would he have even wanted to see his nephew?
Wally interrupts Dick’s ruminations: “Robin, did you hear what he said? He just said that he wants to take down Superman!”
Superboy clarifies: It’s how I feel…sometimes.  What if that’s why I was created?  What if that was the only reason I was created? I just feel…I don’t know what I feel. Sometimes…thoughts happen.”
Dick agrees Conner has a valid point: “We really don’t know anything about what they did to him yet.”
Wally defends his friend: “We know he’s one of the good guys and we know he’s part of this team.  In my world, actions speak louder than words. Superboy has proven his intentions with actions.”
Wally checks in with his other pal: “Hey, what’s with you? Not like you to zone out like that.”
Dick admits to being lost in thought.
The writers seem to be taking a nod from the Justice League cartoon and are establishing Wally as the heart of the team.
Wally asks Megan about her story.  Megan gives a few selective details:
·         Martians live underground as the surface is uninhabitable.
·         Family lives are very entwined.
·         Martians mostly communicate telepathically.
·         Telepathy helps large Martian families maintain a sense of community.
·         Martian families are usually quite large.
·         Megan has 12 sisters, 17 brothers, and over 300 cousins.
·         M’gann mentions that Martians are green, white, or red.
·         Megan claims that her parents were green Martians and she was raised in a liberal environment.
·         “Others were not as tolerant and the treatment of white Martians was especially horrible.
·         M’gann states that she was the closest to uncle J’onn: “We had a great relationship.”
·         We discover J’onn is the most famous Martian in history: “He grew to be a true beacon of hope and stood for what our society could achieve.  Upon his return to Mars it was declared a day of planetwide celebration.  When he came back it was not just for adulation.  He also had a specific purpose in mind.  Having learned about all of you, J’onn decided now was the time to introduce a younger Martian hero to earth.  J’onn J’onzz came to Mars and decided he would hold a competition to find the next Martian champion that would be returning with him to fly among the heroes of earth.”
·         Megan enters the contest – very shades of Wonder Woman and wins.
·         “At first, Uncle J’onn seemed as if he didn’t want me to compete.”
M’gann has revised significant parts of her background as we discover later in the season.
I wish we knew more of J’onn’s Young Justice background.  In the traditional comic book-verse, J’onn is the sole surviving Green Martian accidentally brought to earth by a scientist.  The Green Martians were wiped out by a telepathic plague. White Martians were imprisoned/banished before the plague but small numbers turn up to cause trouble for J’onn and the Justice Legue at various points.  White Martians are very barbaric and warlike.  “Red martians” are an alien species found on Titan/Saturn – the most famous member is Jemm, Son of Saturn.
Taking Megan’s account at face value – which is hard as she is a very skilled liar – it seems as if Martians are thriving on their home planet.  The white Martians don’t seem to have been banished or imprisoned but are not accepted by the green and red Martians.  
I’m assuming the white Martians are still very barbaric and warlike which causes their isolation.
Megan states she was raised in a “liberal environment”. Does this mean her parents were White Martian versions of hippies – make love, not war.  If her parents did adopt a more peaceful approach it could explain their isolation from the white contingent and the suspicion of the red/green groups.
M’gann’s White Martian nature explains her lax morals when it comes to her telepathic powers.  The White Martians abuse of their powers was one of the main divides between the greens and whites.  Assuming Megan’s parents left the “white nature” behind it doesn’t mean they were instructed in the strict guidelines the green/red follow. If the parent isn’t taught, it becomes hard to instill it into their children.
Megan’s desperation to escape her environment – and her hero worship of J’onn – is easy to see.  The later reveal of Megan’s White Martian adds another layer of “J’onn didn’t seem to want me to compete”. It’s important to note that the other competitors were all green Martians.  Megan, of course, is drawn as green as the big reveal hadn’t happened yet in the cartoon.
I’m curious if the White Martians ever attacked the Justice League in the YJ-universe?  It’s the only reason I can think of as for why Megan is so desperate to have everyone believe she is a green Martian.  Otherwise, there could be a whole rainbow’s worth of Martian colors – no one on Earth is going to know.  It would also explain why J’onn brings in M’gann as his “niece”.  It would eliminate any wariness the members of the Justice League might have about a White Martian being on their protégé’s team.
Does M’gann really have that huge a family?  As I said earlier, she’s a very convincing liar prone to living in her own fantasy life – is this extensive family yet another lie/fantasy?  Does her parents’ “liberal environment” cause her to be ostracized from this extended family?
Finally, how did J’onn arrive on earth?  Was he accidentally transported by a scientist or did he arrive on earth as an explorer/ambassador?  Is his wife and daughter still alive? How long was J’onn away from Mars before he returned?
The issue ends with a Cadmus flashback.  Superboy dreams of confronting and killing an out-of-control Superman.  A scientist informs Roland that the dreaming Superboy has cracked another containment pod.
Roland orders the scientist to “Keep him under and get a new containment pod in here!”
Another scientist comments “What the G-Gnomes make him see must be pretty real to him.”
We return to the camp fire as Superboy ruminates: “These are my thoughts.  This is what they put in my brain.  I remember…this is why I was created.”
We now return to “Drop Zone”.  I mentioned the apparent time screw-up in an earlier post.  Kobra’s invasion of Santa Prisca begins on June 19th. The next scene has Young Justice headed to Santa Prisca on June 21st – almost a month before the team actually formed.
I’m going with the assumption that June 21st was meant to be July 21st.   Otherwise, we would have 1) missed a whole year’s worth of the team’s adventures, and 2) it only took the Justice League 48 hours to discover the Light’s plans for Santa Prisca.  The Light would have a hard time passing itself off as criminal masterminds if they can’t even keep a plot secret for 48 hours.
Robin recalls Batman’s instructions to the team: “This is a covert and recon mission only.  Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will.”
Robin asks the important question: “So who’s in charge?”
Batman and Red Tornado glance at each other: “Work that out between two.”
Robin’s smirk indicates he believes he should be in charge.
Dick put Bruce in an awkward position. Bruce can only feel one of two ways: 1) He believes Dick should be in charge but doesn’t want to “play favorites” or 2) He doesn’t feel Dick is ready but doesn’t want to tell him that in front of the others.
Covert costumes make their first appearances.
“No capes. No tights. No offense.” – Superboy doesn’t need your stealth tech, thank you very much.  And all he needs to do is switch his shirt inside out in order to achieve stealth mode.
“It totally works for you.” – Megan is as subtle as Wally when it comes to flirting.
“Knew I didn’t need a line.”
“And yet creating a seismic event may not have helped us much with the covert.”
Give Conner a break – he’s still figuring out the extent of his abilities.
Conner and Wally aren’t well-suited for “covert” – they don’t have the temperament for it.
“Did you hear that?”
“You do have great ears?” – Wally and Megan need to have a flirting contest – points given if they actually achieve the “subtle” art of flirtation.
Aqualad, dropped off at a different point on the island, is the only one attempting to come up with/adhere to the plan.  Dick’s already splintered off to do his own thing and Wally’s totally going to follow the plan as soon as he “finds Rob”.
Bane and his henchmen are having a shootout with Kobra operatives.  Wally stumbles into it: “So much for the stealthy.”
Superboy jumps into the brawl.  Bane tries a power attack but discovers it doesn’t work on a Kryptonian.  Poor Bane is having a horrible time this episode – his strength is one of his top assets but this is the second time it’s failed him. It must be humbling to think of yourself as a physically powerful man only to discover you can’t compete with the real powerhouses of the DC Universe.
Robin launches into the fray: “What is wrong with you guys? Remember covert? Why didn’t you follow my lead, vanish into the jungle?”
To be fair, the Flashes don’t do covert – they are brightly colored heroes much loved by the public. Superboy is fresh out of the containment pod and doesn’t have the temperament or training for covert missions. Miss Martian’s powers are perfect for these situations but she’s a total newbie plus her entire race consists of telepaths – is “covert” even a concept on Mars?
Wally explains to Robin that they’re not mind readers – they didn’t know Dick’s plans.
Megan pipes in: “You told me I could only read the bad guy’s minds.”
Aqualad reunites with the group.
Robin recognizes the Kobra goons’ outfits.  Kaldur and Dick agree Batman wasn’t aware of Kobra’s presence on Santa Prisca.  Batman had to suspect something was different on the island.  Why else would he send in the team – Bane has been running Santa Prisca/producing Venom since before he “broke the bat”.  Unless this mission was only supposed to be a “training wheels exercise” in covertness.
Wally says it’s time to radio Bats: “Mission accomplished>
Dick disagrees: “These cultists aren’t on venom. Kobra’s hoarding the stuff.  We don’t leave.  Not until I know why.”
Wally and Dick argue over who should be leader of the team.  Wally correctly points out that Dick is only 13-years old and ducked out on the rest of the group as soon as they arrived on the island.  Dick counter claims that Wally isn’t that mature at 15-years old.
The boys continue to bicker. Superboy makes it clear that he has no desire to be a leader.  Miss Martian forfeits herself due to the Mr. Twister fiasco.
A tied-up Bane and henchmen discuss plans while Dick and Wally continue to argue.  Superboy overhears and the small smile on his face indicates Conner understands Spanish.
Wally and Dick wrap up their argument:
“Duh. You’re not Batman.”
“Duh.  Closest thing you got.”
Bane bursts out laughing at this point: “Such clever ninos.”
Yeah, arguing like a pair of toddlers doesn’t help your credibility with bad guys.  And in front of one of your dad’s villains!  Shame, Dick!  You know Bane’s bringing it up to Bruce the next time they fight.
Miss Martian attempts to read Bane’s mind but he’s “not that easy”: “He’s mentally reciting football scores en Espanol.”  The moment is a testament to Megan’s youth and inexperience as a resident of earth. J’onn wouldn’t have been dissuaded by the “foreign language” trick.
Bane proposes the old “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” routine.
Bane and the team head to the factory.  Dick is still throwing jabs at Wally’s expense.  Wally again calls out Dick on his behavior: “A real leader would focus on getting answers.”
Dick is rather petty but he is only 13-years old.  Not the most mature time of anyone’s life.
The group enter the Venom factor via a secret entrance.  Robin promptly disappears.
Bane: “Has the young fool already been caught?”
A resigned Aqualad: “No, he just does that.”
Kid Flash decides he’ll get the intel and be back before Robin.  Ignoring Kaldur’s “Wait”, Wally speeds off.
A sarcastic Bane: “Great chain of command.”
Robin and Kid Flash are in a control center, looking at chemical compounds.  Wally’s love of science is demonstrated as he recognizes one chemical compound as Venom and the other one as the Blockbuster formula from Cadmus.  The two combined make a powerful combination – and a permanent one.
Sportsmaster arrives on the island.  Yes, the Sportsmaster!  He’s a rather obscure Golden Age villain that I don’t even think has been used in the comics since the All-Star Squadron/Young All-Stars/Infinity Inc days. I’ve mentioned before that I love the creators’ knowledge and fondness of the complete scope of the DC Universe – this is just another example.
Off topic, the main reason I hate re-boots and re-sets are because of all the characters and elements of the DC Universe that are lost every single time.  It’s the same reason I hate all the senseless deaths in comics.  Boo to all of that!
Did the Justice Society and its respective foes still debut in the World War II era?  Or was their debut pushed into a later decade – say the 1970s or 1980s?  Sportsmaster is looking rather young for a non-meta who debuted in World War II. Not that aging is a problem for comic book universes – with all the magic, chemicals, radiation, and cosmic craziness it wouldn’t take much to explain the slow-aging of every inhabitant on earth.  
Miss Martian spies on Kobra and Sportsmaster’s conversation.  Aqualad attempts to reach the Justice League but the coms are jammed. Kaldur decides they need a plan.
Bane: “I have a suggestion.” Bane leaps down and starts fighting Kobra henchmen.
Mammoth storms into the factory but finds Superboy isn’t as easy a target as Bane.
Bane leaves the chaotic scene.
Wally and Dick enter the fray. Miss Martian telepathically links the team.  Robin has – once again – disappeared from the scene.  Robin intercepts Shimmer and Lord Kobra at their helicopter. Kaldur demands Robin return – and, surprisingly, Dick listens.
Kaldur orders a strategic retreat.
Dick wonders “How could my first mission as team leader go so wrong?”
Kaldur diplomatically points out: “You do have the most experience.  But perhaps that is exactly what has left you unprepared. Fighting alongside Batman, your roles are defined. You two do not need to talk. But this team is new. And a leader must be clear, explicit. He cannot vanish and expect others to play parts in an unknown plan.”
Dick completely misses the point: “So I’m supposed to hold everybody’s hands.”
Dick doesn’t take criticism well. Not even the constructive kind.
Dick concedes: “You lead us, Kaldur.  You’re the only one who can.”
Superboy chimes in with “Could have told you.” I’m guessing Conner thought Kaldur was the leader the entire time.
Kaldur graciously accepts, informing Dick “I accept the burden until you are ready to lift it from my shoulders. You were born to lead this team.  Maybe not now but soon.”  Kaldur’s not only the team leader but the team diplomat.
Lord Kobra finds his helicopter has been sabotaged.
Bane betrays the team. Shocking, I know.
Bane monologues while Aqualad devises a plan.  Bane discovers he’s horribly outmatched against Young Justice including receiving a one-punch knockout from Superboy.  The day has not been a good one for Bane’s ego.
Young Justice storm Kobra and his henchmen.  Lord Kobra orders Sportsmaster to leave with the shipment.  Sportsmaster is very perceptive as he’s gotten the drop on an invisible Megan twice in this episode.  Kid Flash claims another souvenir.
Robin battles Kobra but is outmatched.  Aqualad puts down Mammoth – a nice testament to Kaldur’s skill.  Sportsmaster keeps Miss Martian and Superboy occupied which should be a nice testament to his skill but feels a bit ridiculous.  He shouldn’t be able to last two seconds against a Kyrptonian or a Martian much less both at once.
Sportsmaster escapes in a helicopter but Megan planted an explosive device causing the copter to crash.
Lord Kobra now faces the entire Young Justice team and decides to exit stage left: “Another time then”. The team simply stands there and lets him escape?
Batman reads the team the riot act: “A simple recon mission.  Observe and report.  You’ll each receive a written evaluation detailing your many mistakes.  Until then…good job.  No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. How you adjust to the unforeseen is what determines success.  And how you choose who leads determines character.”
Sportsmaster meets with the Light: “All I recovered is a single ampoule of the Kobra venom.”
The Light intones “Enemies of the Light must not stand.”
One member of the Light is speaking French.  I’m blanking on French bad guys in the DC Universe – the only ones I can recall are Monsieur Mallah, Madame Rogue, and Warp.  
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paene-umbra · 6 years
For the ask thingy: all of ‘em. ❤️
First of all, thank you so much for asking me this! You’re awesome for taking pity on me and on all my followers by asking me a question and stopping my incessant begs for anon messages. 
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
I think they are fairlyimportant, yes. I think a relationship cannot do well unless you are attractedto your partner. I don’t mean to say that you always have to think your partneris the hottest person alive, but I think eventually you start to see them asmore and more attractive because you’re associating feelings with their face.
2.Are relationships ever worth it?
Yes, they are!! Even if they don’tlast forever, they still teach you things about yourself and what you like or don’tlike.
3.Are you a virgin?
4.Are you in a relationship?
Yes, I am, and my man is goodto me. He helps me be better.
5. Are you in love?
Not yet.
6.Are you single this year?
Hell no.
7.Can you commit to one person?
Yes. I don’t share and I want myperson to make me feel special and I can’t feel special if someone isn’t givingme their full affection.
8.Describe your crush
Uhhhh, I’ll describe my boyfriend.He’s tall and handsome and muscular. His eyes are hazel and beautiful, and he’sgot the cutest crooked smile. Sometimes he laughs and it sounds so joyful and verysurprised, like he was trying not to laugh but it burst out of him. Sometimes Itease him and he holds his mouth open indignantly but he smiles while he doesit.
9.Describe your perfect mate
I think creating the idealperson in your head sets you up for disappointment and heartbreak. So, for a “perfectmate” I think I would just want someone who treats me right and understands myfaults and shortcomings and is compassionate of them, but also doesn’t let memake excuses and always tries to make me be the best version of myself.
10.Do you believe in love at first sight?
No. Love is something thatgrows over time. I think your can lust for someone immediately, but feelingstake time.
11.Do you ever want to get married?
I’m not sure, but definitelynot in front of hundreds of people. My love is to be shared with my person, notall our friends and family. If I ever did get married, it would be a small oneor an elopement.
12.Do you forgive betrayal?
Generally, no. People have toearn forgiveness now, I don’t just hand it out left and right anymore. If youbetray me, knowing full well that I am understanding and compassionate and havea huge heart, that’s on you. I can learn to live without anyone.
13.Do you get jealous easily?
Unfortunately, yes. I try notto, but I have low self esteem and if I’m not very clearly and obviously someone’sfavorite person it is hard to make sense in my head whether they like me atall. I always feel like I am the one who likes my person more than they likeme, and I hold them to unreasonable standards of the attention and affectionthat I want from them, and I get jealous when they talk about other people whenI think they should be talking about me. It’s terrible and I need to be betterthan I am.
14.Do you have a crush on anyone?
My boyfriend : )
15.Do you have any piercings?
Yup. Septum (14g), two earpiercings in each ear that are all stretched (the second holes are stretched to2g but I am trying to let them heal up for now and my first holes are stretchedto 5/8in), and my nipples (14g).
16.Do you have any tattoos?
Yup. I’ve got a spade outlineon my right wrist (for asexuality lmao) and I’ve got the Lonely Mountain fromThe Hobbit tattooed in the crook of my left elbow.
17.Do you like kissing in public?
Small pecks are okay but makingout in front of other people is unacceptable.
18.Do you shower every day?
Yeah, every morning before I startmy day.
19.Do you think someone has feelings for you?
Pretty sure my man does.
20.Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Probably not. Unless it’s mydad, but I don’t care about that.
21.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
Yes. Cheating is unacceptable.I will never cheat. Ever. If you can put your partner out of your mind longenough to let someone else into their place, you don’t love your person and youshould let them go.
22.Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
No. I don’t know if I could trustsomeone enough to marry them, and definitely not in as little time as 5 years.
23.Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
Already am.
24.Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
Yes, a few people. People haveonly recently started fighting not to lose me and I thrive off that shit. Ithelps me know my worth, which is something I struggle with.
25.Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
My best friend from middleschool wrote a song about how ugly I was in middle school. We are not friendsanymore and that ruined my self esteem for a very long time.
26.Have you ever been cheated on?
Not that I know of.
27.Have you ever cheated on someone?
Never. See question 23.
28.Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change aboutyour body?
I have, but not seriously. I wouldget my chin done to make it sharper and probably smoothing to make my eyes lesshooded and more even. And maybe something to make my mouth bigger and my cheeksless chubby/more pointed.
29.Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
Yes, unfortunately. But I am workingon that and being better than that. 2018 is the year of knowing my worth andnot letting people hurt me.
30.Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
Yeah lmao. He knew andexploited me for it. Fuck that guy.
31.Have you ever had sex with a man?
32.Have you ever had sex with a woman?
Not yet.
33.Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
Yup. My boyfriend is 2 yearsolder than me.
34.Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
Yeah lmao I had a huge crush onmy best friend from high school. She told me that she would have dated me if I wasborn a boy and that confused the hell out of me because I would have dated her despiteus both being born as girls. I didn’t understand why she thought it was bad fortwo girls to date each other if they liked each other.
35.Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
Yeah, my ex was obnoxious, anda lot of people hated him and did not like being around me while he was there,and often told me that I deserved better and that I should dump him. I cravedlove and was so terrified of being alone that I continued to date him until hegot tired of me. I was thinking about breaking up with him for weeks leading upto our split but could never force myself to do it. I’m glad he finally didbecause neither of us were happy. Long story short, I should have listened tomy friends who hated him.
36.Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
Yeah, my ex from question 35.He was my best friend and I never expected to like him.
37.Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
I don’t think so, but probably.
38.Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
Yes, but I would never evergive anything like that to someone. I used to write poems about my friends. I don’tthink I am a great creative writer, but I might be some day if I practice andmaybe got some prompts from people.
39.Have you had sex so far this year?
40.How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
Maybe a minute or two.
41.How long was your longest relationship?
Ten months is my longest (itwas my very first relationship) but I’m creeping up on 7 with my currentboyfriend and I think we will last a while. He makes me confront our problemsinstead of ignoring them and letting them fester. He wants healthy and I wanthealthy too.
42.How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
Two total. One ex and onecurrent.
43.How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?
None, lmao. I was in middleschool and VERY UGLY and nobody was interested in me.
44.How many times did you have sex last year?
Less than 15 times.
45.How old are you?
46.If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
I don’t know. I would probablydie a little bit inside and tell them to go after the person they like.
47.If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
The way he squeezes me sometimeswhen we’re laying in his bed, as if he can’t pull me close enough. About himunrelated to me, I like how strong and confident he is and how involved he getsin everything he does. I am constantly impressed by him.
48.If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, wouldyou accept?
Nope. I’m good, luv, enjoy.
49.Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
My nephews! I love them somuch.
50.Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
Not at the moment.
51.Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
I don’t think so, and even ifthey are, I don’t care.
52.Is there someone you will never forget?
I don’t forget anyone.
53.Share a relationship story.
The other day, my man and I weresitting on his bed and we got caught up talking and he ended up telling me thatI have been doing really well (emotionally and mentally) and that he was proud ofme.
54.State 8 facts about your body
I am of average height, I have brownhair, fingers on both my hands have semi-permanent indentions from my rings, mynails are square-shaped, my back hurts 100% of the time, I wear glasses, mybody craves healthy food often, my stomach is repulsed by any meat that isn’t chickenor sliced deli meats.
55.Things you want to say to an ex.
Nothing. I’m at peace and I don’twant to waste any more time on someone who isn’t worth it.
56.What are five ways to win your heart?
Bring me snoballs, play with myhair, text/snapchat me often, save my selfies, hold my hand in public.
57.What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
Add me on snapchat to find out.My username is “ughlaney”
58.What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
The biggest age gap I’ve ever hadis 2 years. I don’t like big age gaps in relationships, especially if I’m theolder person.
59.What is the first thing you notice in someone?
Probably how often they smile orfrown. I’m big on “vibes” from people, and I try to read them as quickly aspossible to figure out what that person is gonna be like. And by vibes, I mean bodylanguage and comments that a lot of people don’t pick up on.
60.What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
I don’t really think I findpeople sexy.
61.What is your definition of “having sex”?
One person inserting something intoanother person. Fingers, toys, other body parts, etc.
62.What is your definition of cheating?
Anything that you wouldn’t doin front of your significant other is cheating. If you wouldn’t do it in theroom with them, that’s cheating. If you know they would be hurt by what your doing,that’s cheating.
63.What is your favourite foreplay routine?
Oh gosh. I dunno.
64.What is your favourite roleplay?
I don’t roleplay.
65.What is your idea of the perfect date?
Hmmmmm… I think a really nice datewould be dinner (sushi probably, with Bang Bang shrimp!!!) with lots of talking,maybe a movie where my person holds my hand and rubs their fingers on mine andoccasionally pulls my hand to their mouth and kisses it, then we go back to theirhouse and hang out and talk some more and just lay with each other and enjoyour time. Maybe some sexy times but that’s not required.
66.What is your sexual orientation?
67.What turns you off?
Diapers and baby stuff, specificallysomeone soiling themselves.
68.What turns you on?
Moaning. Hearing people moan isLITERALLY the hottest thing ever. I like that.
69.What was your kinkiest wet dream?
I really don’t think I’ve everhad a wet dream before?? I don’t dream about sex.
70.What words do you like to hear during sex?
I don’t like talking duringsex?? It seems very uncomfortable and unnatural and I’m not good at it becausethere is too much pressure to sound sexy and my anxiety takes over and locks myvocal chords shut. If anything, I would like to be called baby or somethingcute.
71.What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
Not sure. I know I don’t likepublic displays of affection because I get uncomfortable in front of people I’mnot close to. A really cute thing that my man did recently was bring me asnoball as a surprise to my office. It was nice to see him. I think I wouldjust like for my person to hold my hand and talk about me to other people.
72.What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
Nice clothes. Since I’m going tobe stealing them anyway, I want them to look good.
73.What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
The sweetest thing anyone hasever done for me was when my man put his arms around me and walked me from hisliving room to his bedroom, still hugging me, and whispered everything he likedabout me into my ear. He said silly stuff that he liked, such as the way myteeth chatter when I’m cold, my smile, my voice, etc. It made my heart do theTHING^tm
74.What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
I’m kind of a piece of garbagebecause I am not very creative and can’t ever think of sweet things to do. Orat least I can’t think of any cute things I’ve done.
75.What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
Depends on the size of the agegap and the age of the youngest person in the relationship. If the gap is largerthan 2 years, I don’t like it. If the younger person is still a teenager or inhigh school or whatever and the older person has graduated high school or arein college, I don’t like it. I think there is such a huge change in maturityand life experience just from going from 16 to 17 to 18 that anyone who is 20 (Iam being very generous with this age, because I do NOT like age gaps older than2 years so an 18yo could date a 20yo and like…..the maturity is still prettybig but I’ll let it slide) or older should NOT be talking to someone who stillhas a 1 in the tens place of their age. My own maturity and knowledge of theworld was wildly different from year to year, to the point where I was aCOMPLETELY different person at 16, 17, 18, and now 19 years old. I do notbelieve that relationships with larger age gaps (when the younger person is16/17/18/19) can be healthy because there is always that imbalance of power. Moretimes than I care to remember, I have seen older people, generally men,manipulate their much younger partners, generally women, and emotionally blackmailthem with comments like “if you were more mature you would agree with me/see mypoint/accept my behavior but I guess you’re still an immature kid” or anythingalong those lines. Like obviously there will be exceptions, but I really don’t believethat relationships with more than 2 years of gap when the younger person isyounger than 18 can be healthy.
76.What’s your dirtiest secret?
Oh gosh, I don’t think I haveany dirty secrets. Sexually I am pretty vanilla, and I don’t do many scandalousthings.
77.When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
I was jealous when my man was talkingabout his funny coworker. I tried not to be, but I can’t help it yet. I amworking on being a less jealous person though.
78.When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
My sorority sister said sheloved me and I said it back.
79.Who are five people you find attractive?
80.Who is the last person you hugged?
My man!
81.Who was your first kiss with?
My ex.
82.Why did your last relationship fail?
I was too needy and he didn’t care.I was pretty fucked up, too. I look back and realize I had a lot of flaws that Iwas ignoring back then, and a lot of stuff that I put up with that I shouldn’t have.Badness on both parts.
83.Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
No. I need physical attention.
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soomlns-blog · 6 years
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hello ! i’m meg, i’m 19, use she/her pronouns and live in est. sorry this intro is mad late, i’ve come down with something but we’re going airplane tell you about soomin anyways !!! the fourth link on my blog is a stats tab, and it’s nearly finished so feel free to check that out --- and finally, you can read some more info on soomin under the cut ! if you’d like to plot, which i hope you do, feel free to im me or hmu on d*scord @ i want everyone to raw taemin#0420 ( don’t judge me ) !!!
kang soomin came into the world in seoul in 1994. his father, kang dongsung, an heir to his own father’s well built business and his mother, guk soori, was nothing more than a karaoke hostess his father had met while getting drunk with friends. born to an unwed couple in korea in the 90′s, it was safe to say soomin’s early life wasn’t easy. 
dongsung’s parents frowned upon the birth of a child out of wedlock, soomin’s grandfather wanted nothing to do with such a child. felt it was best hidden. dongsung didn’t often go against his father’s wishes. this time was no different, despite him having some feelings towards soori he told her he could have nothing to do with her any longer, and nothing to do with their child. 
soori didn’t mind much. sure, she’d cared for dongsung, but she hadn’t exactly expected a man she’d met at the karaoke bar to be responsible for his child, let alone a kang. she knew she wasn’t going to end up his wife and be some high society mistress. thus she let it roll off her shoulders, and even knowing it’d be hard, she had her child on her own. that’s where soomin comes into the picture. 
born guk soomin to a single mother, despite things being rough for them, he was a happy child. always bright, always smiling. his mother worked several jobs to keep food on the table, caring for not only her son but her sister who seemed incapable of doing so herself. when soomin did get to spend time with his mother, the normally happy child was even more so elated. he loved his mother more than anything else.
a kind, caring woman, she taught soomin to be giving. to be loving. to be respectful. she raised him until he was nearly nine years old, but life got in the way. or perhaps, that isn’t the right phrasing. death is what got in the way, after all. a few months before soomin’s ninth birthday, his aunt picked him from school. it was unusual to say the least. despite her mooching off of his mother, soomin hardly saw his aunt. 
unfortunately, it wasn’t because she’d missed her dear nephew. she came bearing bad news --- news soomin didn’t think he’d ever have to hear. his mother was dead. soomin was too young to understand all the technicalities and the sciences behind her death, but he wasn’t too young to understand what had caused it. guk soori had worked herself to death. she’d done it for her family. for him.
soomin’s aunt was the only family he truly had left, but she wasn’t interested in raising a child. after all, she could hardly care for herself, let alone a nine year old with a broken heart. that’s how soomin ended up at the kang’s door. his father had since been married, and to a woman with a child. while soomin grew up with his mother alone, his father cared for someone else’s kid. 
at the time, soomin didn’t quite grasp that. however, he did grasp that he was second to this child in every way. his father cared more for his step-child than his own flesh and blood. only taking soomin under his wing to prevent it being spread that his off-spring was put in the system. for soomin’s ninth birthday, he got a gift he’d never wanted. he became a kang. 
soomin went from having nothing but a loving mother to having everything but. however, his education improved, his clothing, his warmth and he ate more as a kang than he ever had as a guk. soomin missed a lot of things about his mother, her gentleness, her family name, her. but he put on a brave face, soomin learned young that no one cared about how he was really feeling. it was best to always smile. to never burden. 
the one thing soomin did get to keep, was soccer. he’d played on his local team when he was with his mother and now he was playing on a bigger team at a larger school, and he was good. his skills improved fast and he found soccer connected him more to his old life than anything else. it became his passion quite quickly as you can imagine.
soomin discovered in his teenage years, soccer wasn’t his only passion. it wasn’t business, though his father intended to make it business --- no, it was boys. the pretty boy in his history class, the soccer captain, his father’s assistant. he was passionate about men, but he knew his father wasn’t. in fact, his father pushed him towards several of his business partners daughters, and soomin ? complied. 
another thing he learned young ? he didn’t have the privelage to be gay. so he stayed silent, loved boys in quiet. and outwardly ? to the world ? he was heterosexual. it pleased his father, one of the only things soomin did that could please him. so soomin figured it wasn’t so bad of a trade off, right ? as soomin got older, he only learned to hide his sexuality more. not only was his father not keen on homosexuality, but his teammates weren’t either. he was told by everyone who he should love, and he listened. 
despite this, soomin remained the same happy-go-lucky guy he’d always been. smiling all the time, being kind and caring. deep down he was affected, but as he’d learned, he couldn’t burden others. he was the shoulder to cry on, not the one who cried. though this made him appear fake at times, it was only ever out of the goodness of his heart.
as soomin got older he continued his passion for soccer, attending a school well-versed in sports. however, he still majored in business. if you asked his father ? his current stint as a professional soccer player wouldn’t last long, and he’d be back at the kang business before everyone knew it. funnily enough, his teammates thought the same thing. 
despite being very talented, soomin’s teammates saw him as someone whose father bought his way. it wasn’t true, not even slightly, but being a kang came with not only harshness in his home, but outside of it too. his father wasn’t exactly a great guy, and he was keen on paying the way for soomin’s step sibling. soomin always understood why they though that of him, and never got angry over their harsh teasing. 
soomin is a great guy all in all, despite his rough past. though he does date women while having no feelings for them, everything else he does is rooted only in kindness instead of selfishness. he’s very giving and involves himself with several charities. his dad didn’t like this either, saying the kang’s didn’t become rich by giving away their money. however, soomin knew what it was like to have nothing --- he loved giving back.   
though soomin could never seem to please his father, he remained confident. one of his worst traits was his pride, and perhaps it was built up to hide his many insecurities, but regardless. he could certainly present as a bit cocky from time to time, but nothing rich people weren’t used to seeing. when you have all that wealth ? it usually goes to your head a bit.  of course, his father doesn’t quite care how cocky he is. he sees him as unfit to run the family business, as an embarrassment to the kangs. 
as far as personality goes, soomin is an amazing person despite his flaws. he’s generous and empathetic, and there for those who need him. he’s a bit of a people pleaser, perhaps too much so, but it only makes him seem that much more gentle and that much more lovable. he’s also pretty energetic and adventurous, he loves trying new things and having fun. he’s essentially a human golden retriever ( in a non-furry way ). 
i think that’s all i’ve got for now ! i hope you love soomin because my big baby definitelty deserves it ! thanks for reading !
first friend ----- the first person soomin got close to when he came to live with his father and was introduced to this new world of rich kid culture. ( 1 slot open )
first kiss ( girl ) ----- his first kiss with a girl. probably was... bad ? neither of them talk about it anymore. could be really good friends now or something ? we can plot it out more. ( 1 slot open )
first kiss ( boy ) ----- really cemented for soomin that he was gay. was definitely a secret, and is something soomin may even act as if never happened ( certainly does if it’s mentioned around others ). ( 1 slot open )
ex-boyfriend ----- someone he dated, but it didn’t work out either because it just couldn’t or because the sneaking around and soomin pretending to be so heterosexual just pushed them away. we could have fun with it ! ( 1 slot open )
beards ----- any of the girls he’s dated to appease his father and/or the public ? we’d have to talk about it in more detail but they could be a current girlfriend or an ex, and it could make for a fun plot too. ( 2 to 3 slots open )
best-friend ----- obvious plot here. just a ride or die friend, they’re really close. tell each other almost everything. when one is single, the other joins them as a plus one. that kind’ve amazing best-friendship ! ( 1 slot open )
step-sibling ----- the child of the woman his father married. no blood-relation, but they certainly act like siblings. they bicker all the time, but at the end of the day despite their differences and his sibling being much more ... bratty, soomin would do anything for them. they’re the only person he even really considers family. ( 1 slot open )
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northpolenotes · 6 years
Auntieviews Volume 7: Laurie Mathisen – The Pizza with Lots of Toppings Aunt
Hello there fellow Aunts and Aunties. Welcome back to Auntieviews.  I recently had the pleasure of virtually meeting Laurie Mathisen through a FaceBook Group for Aunts.  I thought Laurie would be a great person to interview for 2 reasons.  First, she’s been an Aunt since she was 12 years old!  Wow!  That must have been a fun childhood.  And second, she’s also a Great Aunt now since her nieces and nephews have started families of their own.  I thought that dynamic would be fun to hear about so I just had to pick her Auntie brain.
  Laurie was born and raised in small town of Eagle River, Wisconsin.  She loves it there because she’s surrounded by her entire family and gets to enjoy all four seasons.  She’s a self-proclaimed “homebody”, but does enjoy a night out every now and again at a concert or comedy club.  If you’re ever in the area, you might also spot her at the local art studio enjoying an instructional paint night.  If not, that means she’s probably partaking in one of her hobbies at home.  She loves to read, journal, and watch a movie while snacking on her favorite treat, Twinkies.
Before I began the interview, simply asked Laurie, “What’s something special or unique about your relationship with your nieces and nephews?”  To which she replied, “With no kiddos of my own, I treasure the relationships I have with my nieces and nephews.  My oldest nephew is 31, is married and has 2 kids of his own.  They live about 30 minutes from me but I see them often.  I love being around the next generation of nieces and nephews.  When I spend time with them, my own problems disappear for a while.  It’s a nice escape for me and they remind to just be in the moment, not to stress about things, and to laugh…a lot of laughing.”  That put a smile on my face.  Laughter is some of our best medicine, and who better to share it with than family?
Now let’s get on with Laurie’s Auntieview.
    The Interview:
  1.) Please describe your background as an Aunt.  What are the names of your nieces/nephews?  Are you an Aunt by relation, choice, or both? How many do you have? How long of you been an Aunt?  How old were you when you first became one?
  I first became an aunt when I was only 12 years old.  My sister is 10 years older than me and was married at 19.  She & her husband lived in CA when my first nephew was born; the rest of the family on both sides were in WI.  My sister needed gallbladder surgery about 5 months after Ryan was born so I was able to spend the summer out in CA helping her take care of him.  I was the first person in the family to meet Ryan; when I got off the plane and saw just my sister standing there my first question was “where’s Ryan?” (he was with my BIL at baggage claim).
I have 5 nephews, 1 niece, 1 great-niece &  great-nephew.  They are all by relation.
Ryan is 31, is a guidance counselor at a local high school and married to Sara who is 32, and works at a local technical college.  They were high school sweethearts so she has been part of the family for 14 years.  They have blessed me with a great-niece, Emma who is 4 and a great-nephew Jack who is 1.
Zachary is 24, lives in LaCrosse, is gay and the sweetest young man I know.
Aaron is 22, lives in our hometown, and works construction.  He is tough on the outside, but a heart of gold on the inside.
Nicolas is 25.  He recently moved to Nevada to work on the Hoover dam for 3 years.  He is the one nephew I could count on if I needed anything done around my house, I miss him, but I’m proud of the responsible adult he has become.
Carter is 23, lives in our hometown, and has started working construction.  He is slowly finding his way in the world but would give you the shirt off his back if you asked.
I loved those 5 boys so much; even though at times I wanted to strangle them…boys can be little monsters!  Haha!
  2.) Are you also a Mother or are you a childless Aunt?
  3.) If you are childless, is that by choice or by chance?
  I’m not sure if its choice or chance.  I never married and now being 44 I know biologically I won’t have a child.  I’ve thought of adoption or even fostering kids, but at the same time, I’ve realized I’m a bit selfish with my free time.  I love being an aunt because I can take the kids for the day, yet give them back and have my own life.
  4.) If you can think back to when you were first told you were going to be an Aunt, what were some of the emotions that you felt?  For example, pure excitement?  Anxiety?
  I may have only been 12 years old, and my sister was 10 years older than me, but we were close.  When she told me she was pregnant, I was ecstatic!!
  5.) What do your nieces or nephews call you?  Did you choose it or did they choose it for you?
  My mom started calling me “Mouse” shortly after I came home from the hospital because I made squeaking noises more so than crying.  The nickname stuck with family and close family friends.  Around the time I was in middle school, I didn’t want to be called Mouse anymore.  Then my oldest nephew was born when I was 12 and I didn’t want to be called “Aunt Laurie”, so I said that Ryan could call me Aunt Mouse.  It stuck with the nephews that were born after him.  Even now that all of them are grown men, I am still Aunt Mouse.  My great-niece Emma calls me Mousie.
  6.) Many Aunts are often looked at and referred to as second Moms to their niblings.  Do you feel like that’s a fair way to describe your relationship?
  To my sister’s 3 boys, I am definitely the second mom.  I was a little closer to them while they grew up and involved in their lives a bit more than my brother’s 2 boys.  My brother’s wife isn’t always the easiest to get along with and her side of the family was always put first over ours.  I’m close to all my nephews, but I have different relationships with all of them.
  7.) Do you live close to your nieces and nephews or are you a long-distance Aunt?
  2 of my nephews live in the same town as I do; 1 nephew & his family live about 30 miles away; 1 nephew is about hours away, and 1 nephew is living in Nevada but only for 3 years, then he will be moving back to our hometown.
  8.) As an Aunt, what do you consider to be the biggest value you bring to your family?
  I love the kids unconditionally.  There’s really not much that I wouldn’t do for them, within reason, and they know they can count on me.
  9.) In general, why do you think Aunts are important within families?
  Aunts are an extension of the parental units.  We can offer advice, talk honestly with them, and give them the support they need.
  10.) Even though your niblings needs have evolved from when they were very young until now, is there anything about your relationship with them that has remained constant?
  We still celebrate all the holidays together.  I still send or give birthday cards with money in them, even though most of them have better-paying jobs than I do.  In this day and age of social media and technology, I’m in touch with most of them on a daily or at least weekly basis.
  11.) I make it a point to schedule “just us” time with my niblings.  Do you do the same?  If so, what are some of your favorite activities to do with them?
  When the boys were little, going to the movies or arcade was a thing we did often.  When I spend time with my 4-year-old great-niece, we like to do arts and crafts.  I also take her and her brother to the park a lot.
  12.) What is one good piece of advice that you would give it to any new Aunt?
  Don’t step on the parents’ toes, but love that little person with all you have.  They’ll return that love in ways you never knew possible.
  13.) What is one of the biggest difficulties you’ve experienced as an Aunt?  How did you overcome it if at all?
  When my one nephew came out as gay it was hard for him to admit, though honestly, I knew from the time he was about 2-3 years old.  I never judged him, but he judged himself harshly and tried to hurt himself as he wasn’t sure how some of the family and his friends would react.  It was a stressful time but he gained strength from knowing he had everyone’s support.
  14.) What’s your proudest moment as an Aunt?
  Seeing all of my nephews grow up to be caring, strong, hard-working young men.  They are all far from perfect, but I am proud of each of them.
  15.) If you could go back in time and give your younger Auntie self a piece of advice but would it be? And why?
  Enjoy the times when they are little and want to spend time with you.  Savor the snuggles and kisses, because the day will come that you’ll be lucky to get a quick hug or 5 minutes alone with them.
  16.) I was once told that being a Mom is all cake and being an Aunt is like icing on the cake. How do you feel about that comparison?
  I think that’s true.  Mom’s have so much more responsibilities than Aunts do.  We can love and support the kids just as fiercely as they do, but at the end of the day, the moms are the ones that have to make the tough choices and decisions.  As aunts, we get to be the ones who swoop in and offer mom a break, play with the kids, share laughs and jokes, then leave.
  17.) If you had to compare your role as an Aunt to one food what would it be and why?
  I would say pizza with lots of toppings.  Everyone loves pizza, and there are many different varieties; just like there are many different varieties of aunts and their relationships with their nieces and nephews.
Would you like to share your story of Aunthood? 
Use the contact form below and I’ll email you back to get your Auntieview started!
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
NaNoWriMo ‘17 Day 1 - Collateral
Day 01   Day 02   Day 03   Day 04   Day 05   Day 06   Day 07   Day 08 Day 09   Day 10   Day 11   Day 12   Day 13   Day 14   Day 15   Day 16 Day 17   Day 18   Day 19   Day 20   Day 21   Day 22   Day 23   Day 24 Day 25   Day 26   Day 27   Day 28   Day 29   Day 30
Summary: Ford cooperates with the cost of information, but he’s going to run out of credit if he’s not careful.  Sort of a continuation of this ficlet.  [Variation of Big Sis AU] Word count: 2660
               The door opened.
               “Hello, Angie,” Ford said cheerfully.  Angie sighed and propped a hand on her hip.  
               “All right, let’s hear it.  What do ya want from me this time?” she asked.
               “Fiddleford told me that there is a family grimoire in your possession.”
               “He also mentioned that I might be able to convince you to allow me to peruse it.”
               “Hmph.  He said that, did he?”
               “It’s a bit more complicated than that.  Come in, we can talk.”  Angie stood to the side.  Ford walked into the small house she and Stan shared.  He raised an eyebrow at the cauldron in the middle of the living room.
               “Did I interrupt something?”
               “Nothin’ what can’t wait fer us to talk.  Take a seat at the table.”  Angie walked away.  Ford sat at the kitchen table and drummed his fingers idly.  
               “Hi, Uncle Ford,” a voice chirped.  Ford looked around.  He smiled fondly at the source of the voice, his niece Molly, who was sitting in the living room.  His view of her when he walked in had apparently been blocked by the cauldron.
               “Hello, Molly.  How are you?”
               “Good.  Mom’s teaching me how to make potions.”
               “Maybe you could teach me, after you’re done with your lessons,” Ford suggested. Molly grinned.  
               “No, no,” Angie said, walking back into the living room.  She frowned at her stepdaughter.  “Don’t you teach yer uncle anything ‘bout magic-makin’ and spellcastin’.  He can’t be trusted.  And anyways, it’ll be a long time ‘fore yer done with yer potion lessons.  Go to yer room and do some of yer homework while Ford ‘n I talk, okay?”
               “Okay.”  Molly left. Angie joined Ford at the kitchen table and placed a thick book in between them.  
               “This is the family grimoire?” Ford asked.
               “This is the family grimoire,” Angie confirmed.
               “Remarkable.  It’s much larger than I expected.”
               “It’s generations’ worth of magical history and instructions,” Angie said. “It’d be weird if it weren’t this big.” Ford reached out a hand.  Angie slapped it away.  “Don’t.”
               “You said I could.”
               “I said we had to talk about it,” Angie corrected.  “Fiddleford didn’t tell ya everything.  Ya have to pay a price to view a family grimoire, if’n yer a normal mortal.”
               “Money is no object.  This grimoire could provide crucial details to assist my research.”
               “Ya won’t pay in money, Stanford.  You’ll be payin’ in years of yer life lived so far.  Like the collateral I took to heal Stan.”
               “How much?” Ford asked.
               “It’s a fraction, but I can never remember what the fraction fer it is.”
               “I thought I heard Fiddleford say something about one tenth?” Ford offered. Angie nodded.
               “Oh, that’s right.  Dang, my older brother, knowin’ the magic stuff when he don’t have magic.”
               “Well, I am more than willing to pay the price,” Ford said.  Angie frowned at him.
               “Are ya sure?”
               “Really, completely sure?”
               “Yes, Angie,” Ford said firmly.  Angie sighed.  
               “All right.  ‘Fore ya pay me, I have to lay out the ground rules fer it.  Ya won’t get yer years back ‘til after you’ve decided yer done lookin’ at the book.  When yer done, ya come see me, and I’ll end the spell.”
               “Gravity Falls is a bit of a drive from San Diego.”
               “You’ll be stayin’ here with Stan, Molly, ‘n myself,” Angie said. “The family grimoire won’t leave this house.”
               “Fair enough.”
               “Ya can use what ya learn from the book in yer research, but ya can’t quote it to anyone.”
               “I’m not quite sure I understand.”
               “Ya can be general about what the book says, but ya can’t be specific. No namin’ folks or things like that.”
               “And non-magical mortals can only view a family grimoire once.”
               “That’s all I need,” Ford said.
               “So, do ya agree to the terms?”
               “Yes, I do.”  Ford shivered, suddenly chilled by a breeze of air that drifted through the kitchen.
               “Follow me.”  Angie stood up and walked into the living room, then took a cross-legged seat on the floor.  Ford sat down in front of her.  
               “Why the floor?”
               “Look, I’m the witch, not you,” Angie snapped.  She paused.  “Stanford, did Fiddleford send anything with ya?”
               “Oh, yes.  A bag. He didn’t tell me what was in it.”
               “That’s fine, I already know,” Angie said.  She held out her hands.  Ford placed his hands in hers.  “Close yer eyes.  It’ll help with the vertigo when I’m done.”  Ford closed his eyes.  A strange trickle began to spread across his skin, with almost a stinging sensation. He shifted uncomfortably.  “Don’t move.”
               “Yes, ma’am,” Ford said.  He frowned at his voice.  It didn’t sound quite right.  
               “All right, I’m done.  Open yer eyes.”  Ford did as he was told.  He blinked, perplexed.  Angie leaned forward and carefully took his glasses, which were sliding down his face. “I’ll return ‘em when ya leave. Ya don’t need ‘em right now.”
               “Why are you so tall?” Ford asked.  Angie frowned.
               “I ain’t a tall person, Stanford Pines,” she said.  Ford looked down at himself and yelped.
               “Holy Moses!”  His leather loafers had been replaced by children’s sneakers, his slacks were now bright blue capris made of light denim, and his sweater vest and button down had turned into a T-shirt.  For a brief moment, he puzzled over why shoes that clearly were designed for a child fit him. Then it clicked.  Ford looked back up at Angie.  “You took more than a tenth of my life!” Ford shouted.  Angie cocked her head.
               “Well, yeah.  Two tenths don’t equal a whole.”
               “What are you even talking about?” Ford demanded.
               “The price to pay fer viewin’ the grimoire, all it leaves ya with is a tenth of yer life.”  Ford gaped.
               “You took nine tenths of my life?”
               “I said I was goin’ to!”
               “No, you didn’t!”
               “Stanford, you said Fidds told ya the spell left ya with a tenth of yer years.”
               “No, he-”  Ford froze. “Oh.  Oh, no.”  Angie watched him, befuddled.  Ford shook his head.  “Never mind. Change me back!”
               “Are ya certain that’s what ya want?”
               “Yes!  I can’t be a toddler!”
               “If ya end the spell now, ya won’t get a chance to look at the grimoire,” Angie said.  “I told ya. Ya only get one shot at this.”
               “Wh- that’s not fair!  I misunderstood!”
               “If ya were confused, it was yer responsibility to seek clarification,” Angie said.  “I’m sorry, Stanford, but I can’t help ya.  I told ya the rules, I laid out the instructions, and ya agreed to it all.”
               “I’m only three years old,” Ford whispered.  Angie nodded.  “I- what could a three-year-old comprehend from an ancient book of spells?”
               “Yer body is three, yer mind ain’t,” Angie said, rolling her eyes. “The rules aren’t that cruel.  Heck, the spell even adjusts yer wardrobe fer ya.  In case ya couldn’t tell.”
               “Stanford, are ya goin’ to revoke the spell today?”
               “I- I don’t think so.”  Ford swallowed.  “I already paid the price, I might as well do what I came here to do.”
               “That’s a good way to think of it.  Okay, here’s what’s goin’ to happen.  That bag Fidds gave ya?  It’s some of Tate’s old clothes, and some overnight supplies fer ya.  Stan ‘n I ‘ll set up a space fer ya to sleep in the guest room, we’ll come up with ground rules fer how ya should behave while yer stayin’ with us.”
               “You’re going to tell me how to behave?”
               “We can’t let folks get suspicious ‘bout a toddler what talks and acts like a college professor,” Angie said.  Ford looked down at his new outfit again.  The T-shirt had a cartoonish caricature of a dinosaur across the front.
               It would be rather strange to be my normal self when I look like this.
               “…Fair enough,” Ford mumbled.
               “We’ll tell folks yer one of Stan’s nephews.  No one ‘ll question it.  You’ll stay here until yer done with the grimoire, then I’ll turn ya back normal, and you’ll head home to Oregon.”
               “All right,” Ford said with a nod.  He yawned and rubbed his eyes.  “Did the spell take some of my energy?”
               “Nope.  But yer a lil kidlet right now,” Angie said, poking his nose playfully.  “It’s ‘bout three in the afternoon, which means it’s naptime.”
               “Angie, I’m an adult.”
               “No, yer not.  From what Fidds says, ya don’t get enough sleep.  That’s catchin’ up to ya, now yer so small.”
               “I can’t take a nap, I have to read the grimoire,” Ford protested. Angie stood and picked Ford up, eliciting a surprised yelp from him.
               “The book ‘ll be here when ya wake up.”
               “No buts.”
               “Did Fiddleford plan this out, just to try to get me to sleep?” Ford grumbled. Angie stroked his back in a soothing manner.  Ford’s eyelids drooped.
               “I don’t know what my brother plans.  Fer now, let’s call it a happy consequence.”
               “Molly, darlin’, hand me the iguana eyeballs,” Angie said as she looked over the bubbling cauldron with a knowledgeable gaze.  Molly handed a jar to her stepmother.  “Thank you, honey.”
               “Dad will be back to normal after this?” Molly asked.  Angie nodded.
               “Yep.  The potion to reverse a species change is simple enough.  The ingredients ‘re just difficult to come by.”
               “And after you’re done fixing Stan, you’re fixing me, right?” Ford asked. He was sitting at the kitchen table while Molly and Angie made the potion.  
            ��  “Yessir,” Angie said.
               A month is far too long to be stuck as a toddler.  Ford idly grabbed another goldfish cracker from the bowl on the table and put it in his mouth.  Maybe before I leave, I can convince Angie to make another potion, so that I can watch.  Ford scowled.  I do not like the “you must be at least five years old biologically to be in the same room as an active cauldron” rule. He heard a small squeak.  Ford looked at the rat sitting on the table.
               “Sure, Stanley,” Ford said, handing a cracker to the rat.  The rat squeaked in thanks and took the cracker, nibbling on it excitedly.  “I suppose you’re pleased that you’ll be human again.”  The rat nodded.  “What exactly happened?  I was taking a mandatory nap during the incident.”  The rat looked at him.  “Oh, right. You can’t speak English.”  Ford raised his voice.  “Angie?”
               “Yes?” Angie said.
               “How did Stanley get turned into a rat, again?”
               “Honestly, I ain’t quite sure,” Angie said with a sigh.  “I’ve done that spell a thousand times, I don’t know why my magic went all haywire.  And I definitely don’t know why I had to resort to a potion to fix it, instead of just doin’ a reversal spell.”  Ford nodded and shoved a handful of crackers into his mouth.  “There are some things that can make a witch’s powers go sideways, but I don’t think any of ‘em…apply…”  Angie trailed off.  She glanced at the calendar on the fridge.  Her face went white.
               “Something wrong?” Ford asked.  
               “Uh, nope.  Not at all,” Angie stammered.  Her face abruptly changed from pale to a sickly shade of green.  “Molly, dear, I’ve got to run to the restroom.  The potion’s ready.  Just go ahead and drop yer dad in the cauldron.”
               “That’s it?” Molly asked.
               “Yes, indeed.”  Angie rushed off to the bathroom.  Molly walked over to the kitchen table.
               “Okay, Dad,” Molly said.  She held out her arm.  The rat jumped onto her arm and scampered up to her shoulder.  
               “I’ll come watch,” Ford said, getting off his chair with minor difficulty. Molly shook her head.
               “No, Uncle Ford.  You know the rule.”
               “It’s ridiculous.  I’m not really three years old, and you know that.”
               “Uncle Ford.”
               “Fine,” Ford muttered, climbing back onto his chair.  His legs swung idly as he watched Molly take the rat over to the cauldron, and unceremoniously drop it in.  Within a few moments, Stan’s head poked out of the cauldron, and he climbed out, fully human again.  And, oddly to Ford, fully clothed.  Ford cocked his head.  
               Why do all of Angie’s spells account for clothing needs?
               “Thanks, Little Six,” Stan said, tussling Molly’s hair.  “You’ll be a witch like your mom any day now.”  Molly grinned.  
               “You’ll have to get me one of those witch hats.”
               “Duh.”  Angie walked back into the living room.  “Hey, babe.”
               “Darlin’,” Angie said softly.  Stan frowned at her.
               “What’s with the long face?  I’m not angry at you.  Shi- stuff happens.”
               “Yes, it most certainly does,” Angie squeaked.  She swallowed nervously and turned to face Ford.  “Stanford, I’m sorry, but…I can’t change ya back today.”
               “What?!” Ford shouted.  Stan glared at him.
               “Don’t raise your voice.”
               “Don’t treat me like a child!” Ford fired back.  Stan rolled his eyes.
               “Just eat more of your dang crackers and calm down.”  Ford crossed his arms.  “Pouting doesn’t help your case, you know.”
               “Angie, you’ll change me back soon, though, right?” Ford asked, ignoring his brother.  Angie rubbed the back of her neck.
               “Depends on yer definition of ‘soon’.  I, ah, it turns out one of the things what messes with witch powers is actually in effect.  I can’t use my powers at all until it’s done.”
               “Is that why you turned me into a rat, when you were trying to get the brownies to cook faster?” Stan asked.  Angie nodded.
               “That was the last hurrah fer my powers.  Until…”
               “Until what?” Ford asked.  “How long am I going to be stuck as a toddler?”  Angie took a sudden interest in her fingernails.
               “Nine months?” she said softly.  Ford frowned.
               “Nine months?  What could possibly take that long to- oh.” Ford looked at Stan.  His brother’s facial expression eerily resembled a deer about to get hit by a train.  
               “You’re pregnant?” Stan whispered.  Angie nodded.  “Geez. Oh, man, your folks are gonna kill me. We’re not even engaged.”
               “P-pregnant witches can’t use magic,” Angie said, “‘cause of the energy to takes fer it.  It’s a biological failsafe.”  She looked up again with a small grimace.  “So sorry, Ford.”
               “Well, can’t you just ask another witch to change me back?” Ford asked. Angie shook her head.
               “If this were a normal spell, sure.  But the spell yer under involves transfer of life force.  I’m the only one holdin’ onto it, and I can’t give it to anyone else until I can use magic again.”
               “Motherfucker!” Ford swore loudly.  
               “Hey!” Stan shouted.
               “I’m not actually a child, you can’t tell me to watch my language,” Ford said shortly.  
               “Yeah, I can tell you to watch your language.  In front of my actual kid.”  Stan pointed at Molly.  Ford rolled his eyes.
               “I’m sure you’ve sworn in front of Molly before.  I mean, there’s no way you’ve kept your mouth clean the entire time you’ve been a- hey!”  Ford yelped in surprise as Stan marched over to him and picked him up by his shirt collar. “Put me down!”
               “I will.  In bed.”
               “It’s 3 o’clock.  That means it’s naptime for grumpy toddler-aged nerds,” Stan said firmly.
               “I don’t need a nap!”
               “Yes, you do.  And you’re getting one, whether you want to or not.”
               “Stanley, I- I can’t do this for nine more months!  I can’t be a toddler!”
               “Yeah, well, Angie can’t do squat about the situation.  Stuff happens.  Suck it up, move on.”  Stan began to walk towards the guest room, carrying Ford.  “Honestly, you should stop feeling bad for yourself, and start feeling bad for us.  We’re the ones that have to deal with a toddler, Molly, and a pregnancy all at once.”
               “I’m not going to feel bad for you and Angie, when she got me in this mess in the first place.”
               “You wanna blame someone?  Blame Fiddlesticks.  He told you about the grimoire viewing thing, to try to trick you into getting a better sleep schedule.”  Ford’s eyes widened.
               “I knew it!”
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ace-take-the-prndl · 7 years
you asked for it
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? 
I’m not suprised
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
Nothing because I haven’t kissed anybody  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
If it was weed I probably wouldn’t care but any other kind yeah..
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
Still never kissed anybody
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
7. What does your last received text say?
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
09. Where was your last kiss at?
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
I saw my oldest sister like 2 days ago, I can’t remember the last time I saw my other sister. She doesn’t hang out with us anymore
11. What do you drink in the morning?
Some nice cool and refreshing H2O. Stay healthy kids.
12. Where did you sleep last night?
My bed?
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
I answered this one already
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
Nah that’s too much work. and I wouldn’t fuck with the past
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
Yeah that I’m alone
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
Answered this already too
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
omfg a lot of people. My middle name is unoriginal for a middle name
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
like pajama shorts
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
God I hope so
20. Does anyone like you?
idk if they do they better tell me because I’m clueless af
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
Still haven’t kisses anyone
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
there’s a lot of people I CANNOT stand tbh
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
Yes! I want a bunch tbh
25. In the past week have you cried?
Probably I don’t even pay attention to when I cry. I’m an emotional person okay.
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
Mixed breed
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
29. Do you think you’re old?
Hell no I’m still young
30. Do you like text messaging? 
Yeah its quicker and easier sometimes
31. What type of day are you having?
A chill one
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
I actually just got my nose pierced a few weeks ago! I’ve wanted it for the longest time, both my sisters and mom have theirs done.
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
COLD. I hate the heat so much, I get hot easily and then I get sick. Warm weather, gross.
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
eh not really
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
A relationship. I’ve never been in one and I want something meaning full in my life and not just a fling
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
I can be both
37. What song are you listening to?
Also answered this already
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
Of course 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
Yeah I’m sure my friends do, I don’t keep things from them even about myself if I did it’s because I forgot to tell them or something 40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
???? 41. When did you last receive a text message?
Today 42. What is wrong with you right now?
You got me buddy 43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
I’d say pretty well 44. Does anyone disgust you?
Yes. 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
Depends I guess 46. Are you in a good mood right now?
Yee 47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
idk my dad?  48. What color shirt are you wearing?
Like a really dark blue 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
No I’m an opened person and I’m always ready to listen to someone even if they’re telling me I’m a shit person I’m like thank you and now I’ll go change myself so I’ll be less of a shit person and don’t cause people trouble or pain 50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
None that I care for 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
No, I’ve never fell hard for someone
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
Nope. I know when I need to walk away to better my health I won’t let someone hold me back. 53. Do you like rain?
answered already 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
Nah. Just as long as they’re not an alcoholic I’m cool with it 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
Yeah. Story of my life tbh. 56. Do you like to cuddle?
YES 57. Are you shy?
eh not it depends on the situation like around adults I can be meh… But grouping outings and stuff I’m pretty out and about 58. Do you get along with girls?
yeah 59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
no 60. What do you carry with you at all times?
Money. Hand sanitizer. Chapstick. Basic shit. 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
For 1 million dollars yeah, I’d fight a ghost for 1 million dollars 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
yeah 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
sadly no 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
YES 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
I left my sister’s house and my sister texted me a minute later saying how my nephew asked were I was at and she told him I left and he goes “but i didn’t get to say bye..” I thought it was cute. Usually they hate me lmao
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
never been kissed
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?  
My nails are shit I’d rather pay. I only ever got them done twice in my lifetime so far.    68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?
Leopard print     69. Do you have any stickers on your car? 
I don’t have car…    70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?  
LUKE BRYAN. I actually really love Luke Bryan don’t hate me   71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?   
Well my first smart phone was and Anroid so I’m going with that 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?
God I can’t even remember I hope it’s soon I could go for some PIzza Hut     73. Do you like diet soda?    
Ehh.. Yeah I don’t drink a lot of pop to begin with though. Like I hate pop. But I LOVE root beer 74. What color are the walls in your room?  
White   75. Are you 16 or older? 
I am 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    
No but I’ve heard of it 77. Do you have a job?    
No… I need to get one. I gotta worry about school so putting a job on top of that would suck. and I have no way of transportation so..   78. What are your initials?   
JH  79. Did you ever have braces?    
I actually got denied braces a couple days ago which pisses me off because I need braces, my teeth are shit 80. Are you from the south?  
I don’t think? I’m horrible with stuff don’t ask me this. 
81. What does your last status on facebook say?
It’s just a video I reblogged, I don’t post much on facebook     82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? 
there’s a lot of kissing questions isn’t there?    83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?
I don’t like to choose though I feel more comfortable joking with my mom on some stuff. It can be a little awkward with my dad because I’m like his little girl and idk.. Sometimes it’s like or this is fine and sometimes I’m like why. It’s nothing ever addressed towards me or anything no, it’s just things you’d like tell a friend and have a laugh about you know? But also my dad does do a lot for me. So I’m close to both of them.
84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    
Hell no 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?   
Kong: Skull Island  86. Do you smoke?    
No I’d literally die. Asthma my guy, I ain’t taking any chances. 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? 
Heels. I can’t walk in heels which I REALLY WISH I COULD. But I hate feet and flip flops is basically just showing you people’s feet and I just want to gag   88. Is your phone touch screen?    
Yep 89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    
Straight 90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    
No, I’m a good noodle 91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?
 I’ve only ever swam in a pool it’d be fun to swim in a river or lake. But then large body water phobia might kick in
92. Have you ever made out in a car?  
No :/   93. …Had sex in a car?    
….. No 94. Are you single or in a relationship?    
Single 95. What were you doing last night at midnight?
Probably watching videos on youtube     96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?
July 4th :P     97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    
Fuck no it’s a piece of shit 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?  
No.   99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? 
Lmao no    100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?
No I ain’t no fake bitch if I hate you why would I add you on facebook 101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    
No 102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
Probably Cannibal I don’t know why but I listened to that one a lot back in 2010 103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    
No I can’t tan for the life of me. I got 2 shades Larry the Lobster and Casper the Friendly Ghost 104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? 
I don’t think I’d ever wear cowboy boots lmao. I’ve worn boots with shorts before they just weren’t cowboy boots 
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agenderhyde · 7 years
i’ve been thinking about things re: my characters & i’m not sure what to do with them
there’s zev adina morgenstern, who started out as amy mcgennings,daughter of a notorious cannibal who raised her to be just like him, but i changed her to be a jewish vampire working towards her doctorate in medicine. she has a daughter + three-and-a-half siblings (daughter included), recently broke up w/ her girlfriend (whose name literally means ‘xmas day’) b/c she didn’t want to turn her, loves her friends & family fiercely and doesn’t get nearly enough sleep. she has turned one person: her old friend, who goes by ‘John’ b/c he feels unsafe casually divulging his hebrew name, and only did so b/c she was fifteen, pregnant, & wanted to rebel against her father. in the original story, she helped her cousin commit suicide & replaced her with natalie, despite nat’s father being a cop, and said it was for a school project (???). fav. foods are sufyganiot (not sure if that’s spelled right, it’s 12:42 am) and challah…
then there’s teresa vasquez, aka tess,who just graduated high school in june & proposed to her gf in may (on the girl’s b-day, no less) and doesn’t know if she should go to medical school, like her parents (with whom she doesn’t have a good relationship) did, or if she should study something entirely different, like journalism or teaching or singing or theatre, because she loves acting but doesn’t know if she could make it professionally (despite playing emma in j&h and lovett in sweeney todd – both high school productions). will fight anyone who insults jake, kal, angel, angel’s sister (name??)… basically, any of her friends. she loves her abuela and her brother, although he can be rather obnoxious at times, given that he’s only ten-years-old, but he supports her & kal, as does her abuela. delphi’s favorite aunt…
and there’s kali smith, aka kal, whose parents are both murderers who taught her how to kill, yet who rather prefers painting and will drink five cups of coffee, stay up til seven am the next day and then crash, all for the sake of completing a painting. she’s also skilled at maths, not just because of the vampirism, but because it comes easy to her, though she hates when people ask for help, or worse, ask her why she isn’t pursuing a math-related career. tess proposed on her 18th b-day in the school cafeteria & kal wants it to be on halloween, her daughter’s (first) birthday. she loves volunteering w/ children, particularly doing art workshops w/ her friends. loves her nieces, nephew(s?), siblings, mother, friends, etc… 
and then there’s jacob winters, aka jake, a jewish boy who had his b’nei mitzvah at 12, rather than 13, with his family supporting him under the name of ‘joshua,’ although he quickly changed it because he did not want to share a name w/ his baby cousin. tess & kal are his best friends & have always supported him. when he was three, he told them he was a boy and they accepted it, letting him play the role of ‘father’ in their games and, when all three started kindergarten, yelled at anyone who would dead-name him (teachers included; kali, especially, got in trouble quite often). has a younger (as of yet unnamed) sister. wants to study theatre but also medicine & psychology, will follow his friends to college, is the youngest of his friend group but thought of as the dad…
& elisabeth smith, a french jewish woman from the late 19th century, brought to modern day via time travel, who is pursuing a degree in social work and education, because she wants to help young girls and keep them from becoming like her. she worked as a prostitute for nearly five years, starting at fourteen, and fell in love with her first ever client, a man by the name of jacques mortimer, who was three years older than her. she thought, despite his being upper-class, that they could marry when she found out she was pregnant with their first child, but he had been courting a sixteen-year-old, white girl by the name of marion who got pregnant two months after bess did, and his parents chose her over the ‘lowly whore,’ as they referred to her. Due to financial circumstances, she gave their daughter, Delphine, up for almost four years, but now loves her fiercely, partially out of spite towards jacques’  father. she had another daughter (also w/ jacques; all of her kids are his), Ellis, at sixteen and Jennifer at seventeen. Ellis died when Bess was 18, leaving her utterly devastated, as well as pissed at jacques for not doing enough to help; but they sought solace in e/o & had yet another daughter when Bess was 19, named Eponine Ellis (after her older sister). she’s currently in a relationship w/ a woman named alyssa & lives in an apartment near campus w/ Delphi & ‘Poni, not too far from her mother & brother. jen is w/ her father in 19th Century France. 
there are many, many more, but it’s late and i’m going to bed; i’ll maybe post more tomorrow/within the next few days. this is over 800 words for not even a fifth of my oc’s… 
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ashaphros · 7 years
Mythology Asks answered for @tombsofthevoid
Anubis: How do you feel about death? Death used to terrify me. I couldn’t even go past a graveyard without wigging out. Now I hang out in them, and I feel like death really is just another part of life. I feel like our physical time is limited, so truly we should just live in the moment, because we never know when it’ll end.
Atum: What are your greatest imperfections? Feeling too much and my chubby cheeks.
Bastet: Do you have any cats? I have a cat named Critter who is beautiful and mouthy and weird and she is the love of my life.
Hathor: What brings you joy? Music, singing, roadtrips, traveling, writing stuff I’m proud of, the wind, the grass on my feet, the ocean, the stars, being intertwined with someone (but also how the slightest touch can hold so much power), feeling completely comfortable with someone, making mix CDs/playlists, when the Orioles win …………
Horus: What is one thing you’ve had to fight for in your life? My self-worth. I used to only feel good about myself when someone wanted to have sex with me, but finding value in myself without any outside influence has been a serious struggle and I feel like I’ll be fighting for it my whole life.
Osiris: Do you believe in the underworld? I want to believe, but no. I definitely believe in the spirit world and other realms besides the physical, but I don’t think there’s one specific underworld. I think it’s all around us and happening at the same time. I do carry a penny in my pocket or bra at all times though, so if you’re with me when I die, please make sure to put it in my mouth to pay Charon to help me shift out of the physical world as this current incarnation.
Ra: Do you have any major responsibilities or importance? We all important b. But, I feel like coming out to my family as bisexual is important. I have no problem telling people I’ve just met that I’m bi, but my sisters are super baptist and I hold a lot of fear that they’ll either never want to see me again, or have me around my nieces and nephew, or look at me the same. But I think being totally honest with them, to have them know they are bloodlinked with someone they believe is “wrong” will give them a different perspective on humans in general. We’re all in this together, and my heart goes out to all closeted people who choose to be out of fear.
Thoth: Do you like to read/write? Yessssssssss. I work at a library and I dunno how many stacks of books I have around the house. I’m a major defender against censorship. My favorite books are Siddhartha, 1984, and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I also love fiction that takes place in the 60s and 70s (like The Girls and Crooked) and futuristic stuff that feels like it takes place in the past (like The Giver, Fahrenheit 451, and Cat’s Cradle). I loveeeeeee Greek mythology, so I’ve read a bunch of the individual myths and Myths of the Ancient Greeks by Richard P. Martin is really groovy, and I’ve been trying to make it through The Odyssey for about a year now, but I’m not giving up! I’ve been writing since I was in first grade. I’ve always kept a journal. I write poems and I’ve tried short stories but never had much luck sticking with them. I would love to travel though and gain experiences and incorporate them in my writing and it’s a goal of mine to get published one day.
Arawn: What is the most terrifying thing you’ve ever done? Probably any time I was the first person to tell someone I liked them, and especially when I loved them.
Bran: How is your health? Hahahaha, fucking shitty. I was diagnosed with colitis on Halloween a few years back, and I’m not keeping it in check, so physically, my joints (especially my knees) kill and there are times I use energy work to help my digestion when I can feel my intestines burning and yelling at me. My doctor thinks it was psychosomatic, I wanted to be skinny and I was feeding off other people’s reactions like “Oh you look so good!” when I was shitting blood 20+ times a day, that I waited so long to get looked at and my body is/was attacking itself. I was also diagnosed with major depression a couple summers ago and it was like “so THIS is what’s wrong with me”– sleeping 10 hours and still feeling tired, not wanting to plan my life or even seeing a point in it, cutting, no self-worth. I’m a hell of a lot better than I was, but I recognize that this is something that is never going to go away, and to try and focus on what brings me joy instead of what brings me down. I’ve been feeling super suicidal these past couple weeks though, to the point where I can’t even hold a knife without wanting to shove it into my stomach, but I’m still here and I’m still fighting.
Brighid: Tell us about your relationship with your father. My dad left us when I was five and it was kind of like “oh, dad’s not living with us anymore”, I didn’t really understand what was going on. I’d see him Wednesday nights and every other weekend, and I absolutely loved driving around and listening to the classic rock station in his truck. It wasn’t until I was a teenager, dealing with his alcoholism and finding out about his affair with one of my sister’s friends, that everything hit me. The day he went into rehab was the first time I cut. I don’t think he’s ever loved himself and I don’t think he ever wanted kids (he got my mom pregnant when she was 19 and I think married her because it was “the right thing to do”, instead of being honest with himself and letting his marriage go on for 17 years and three children later), and when I realized that, I was so angry, but it also brought some clarity to the situation. He’s with a woman now he’s known since he was a kid, and she’s super quirky and outgoing and cool, but at the same time, controlling and demeaning and will cut you off if you’re on her bad side, and he never sticks up for himself or me and my sisters, he just goes along with whatever she says. He lives six hours away and I haven’t seen him since January and it’s been over a month since we’ve spoken on the phone, but I believe we have this unspoken understanding that we love each other and think about each other. I just wish he loved himself more, and I’m sure he feels the same about me.
Cernunnos: What is your favorite animal? Llamas, cats, seahorses, octopi, capybaras, crows …………
Danu: What is your relationship with your mother? I held a lot of resentment toward my mom as a teenager because of our conflicting beliefs on religion and lifestyle and my drug use. But since I was 9, it’s been me and her because my sisters are so much older than me and my dad was out of the house, so I’ve been her therapist and confidant my whole life. But I’ve hidden so much from her. It’s still very hard to be completely honest with her, even though we are living under the same roof (which I’m very grateful she let me move back in). But once I start seeing that it’s okay to live the life I want and take steps to move out, I hope our relationship can flourish. We’re similar in that we’re both giving and hardworking and we look so much alike that there’s no denying we’re mother and daughter. She’s going through some health problems with her heart rn, and I’m truly scared, but she knows I’m here for her just like she has been my whole life.
Morrigan: What do you think happens when we die? I believe we are a collection of mental, spiritual, and emotional energy inhabiting a physical body, and when we die, our soul(s) search for another body to continue what we need to learn or let go of and this continues until the physical work is done. I think once that happens, we’ll be able to travel through all realms freely.
Olwen: What is your favorite flower? Honeysuckle. I love summer and it’s the sweetest tasting thing on earth and it represents intertwined lovers, which I think is so beautiful.
Rhiannon: Have you ever been betrayed? A friend in high school dated two guys I liked, one she knew I was especially into. But they both turned out to be assholes, so hey.
Bragi: What kind of music do you listen to? Mainly 60s and 70s rock (Black Sabbath, The Rolling Stones, Kiss, Rod Stewart, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin) but I dig Otis Redding, Sublime, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Van Halen, Pearl Jam, Eric Burdon, Aretha Franklin, Stevie Nicks ………….. I love the sitar and harpsichord and accordion and violin, so I listen to some “world music” too.
Freya: Have you ever been in love? Once, and I currently am. It’s with a guy I want so bad, I’ve built up in my head that he’s my soulmate/twin flame, but he is so hypocritical (he doesn’t want anything with anyone, but wants everything with someone at the same time) and feeds off hate, that I feel like I’m just running my heart over back and forth with my truck thinking about us being forever. It sucks and it hurts dude, and I can’t keep killing myself over him, but I continue to do so every second of every day.
Freyr: Do you have any children? I am a proud and cool aunt of two nieces and a nephew, and I just recently found out one of my sisters is pregnant. Biologically I’m built to have children, but mentally, I don’t think I’m meant to have children in this lifetime.
Hœnir: Are you a silent or talkative person? Silent for the most part, but with the right person, I can talk and talk about music and movies and books and mythology and philosophy forever.
Iounn: How old are you? 25
Loki: What is the best trick you’ve ever pulled on someone? Probably that I’ve been straight since I was 11. Uhmmmmmm when I was like 5, I hid in a cabinet in the kitchen to scare my sisters when they got home from school, and my mom and her friends were playing cards at the table and I was in there so long they forgot I was there until my sisters came in for food and I slowly opened the cabinet door and scared the shit out of alllllllll of them.
Odin: What is your family like? My mom likes watching movies and playing cards (I want to take her to Vegas, like she’s THAT good, but all she thinks that town is is drugs and hookers smh) and gardening. My dad is a really good cook, he’s sensitive and artsy. My oldest sister Lauren loves being outdoors, she has a wonderful laugh, and she is really good with a sewing machine, but her husband doesn’t appreciate her and it pisses me off. My sister Stacy is hilarious, she took me to my first concert (Def Leppard, which I’ve now seen three times), a really great photographer, but I feel like marriage and motherhood has made her a shell and it makes me sad, like she’s forgotten who she is. My niece Emery is 10 and headstrong, a painter and drawer and wrestler, and demands to be heard, she’s my snuggle buddy. My nephew Landon is 7 and sweet as can be, likes building things, and sees through the bullshit. I hope to one day feel completely comfortable in my skin with all of them and I’m striving toward it.
Thor: Would you consider yourself pretty powerful? I didn’t think so for a long time, but now I’m beginning to see that I am. Wicca and meditation and energy work and being able to see and feel the spirit world around us have tremendously helped with that. I recognize that being hypersensitive and empathetic and peace loving are not bad qualities, but strong ones.
Tree: What have you done with your life? What are you going to do with it? I feel like I’ve done nothing with my life besides give it away to other people, most of whom didn’t even ask me to. What I am going to do though is travel and sing and write and shed my light on this world.
Aphrodite: What do you think of yourself? Depends on the day or hour you ask, but I think I am compassionate and open minded, a sensualist, an old soul, musical, self-destructive, passionate, an observer ………….
Ares: Are you an easy person to anger? When it comes to judging or hating someone because they’re “different” than you, then yes, I will get pissed, but I’m pretty easy going for the most part.
Athena: Would you consider yourself an artist? Yes, I’m a singer and writer and appreciater of all art.
Apollo: Do you play any instruments? I’ve been dabbling with the piano and some percussion, but nah, I’m much more of a singer.
Dionysus: Do you drink? Yes, I love Long Island Iced Teas and piña coladas and I recently started drinking beer, I just need to learn to be patient and not drink so much at the beginning of planning on getting drunk because lately I’ve been throwing up because of it.
Hades: Do you have a bad reputation? I don’t give a damn bout my bad reputation.
Hekate: Have you ever tried to communicate with the dead? I had a dream once that I was in a house where all the relatives on my dad’s side of the family were. My grandma died when I was 2, and I heard she was a very kind lady who listened to Creedence Clearwater Revival on her tractor, and I want nothing more than to be able to meet up with her, so ever since, when I meditate, I try to go back to that house and find her. There’s also a little boy ghost I saw when I was thirteen with big brown eyes and a bowl cut that, when I told the guy I’m in love with about him, he said he’s seen him too, so I’ve been trying for the past year to contact him too.
Hermes: Have you ever stolen anything? Lipgloss from Target and a pack of Marlboro Gold 100s from my friend’s grandparents when I was fifteen. Stealing the cigarettes still haunts me ten years later.
Poseidon: Are you a moody person? Yeah, I’ve been known to be emotionally unstable and I’m trying to get a grasp on it.
Zeus: Are you a confidant person? Sometimes, but not usually. If it has to do with music or dates or actors’ names and what they’ve been in and when, I’m always like “I got this” though.
Pluto: Where do you think we go when we die? I think we go wherever our next incarnation needs to grow.
Apollo & Dianna: Do you prefer to be up during the day or at night? Night
Mars: Have you ever gotten into a fight? I never liked confrontation, but I’m seeing that it’s important to stand up for what you believe. Most fights I’ve been in have been over trying to explain something that doesn’t come out right. And I honestly would love to get into a fist fight some day, just to feel what it’s like. I really want to punch one of my exes in the mouth, like if I ever see him again, I’m gonna punch him in the mouth and then walk away.
Minerva: Do you generally give good advice? I do, and I never take my own advice.
Proserpine: Have you ever felt trapped? I feel trapped rn. I’ve never felt like myself, always trying to be what I think other people want me to be, and it’s left me lost and trapped.
Plutus: Do you have a job? Library represent. My dream job though would be to have my own radio station.
Venus: Have you ever had your heart broken? It’s breaking as I speak.
Vesta: Do you like being home or do you try to get out whenever you can? I do like staying home and reading, meditating, taking a bath, sleeping, watching the Orioles play and That 70s Show on tv, but I do love going out and hanging out in graveyards, at Waffle House, walking around getting drunk or stoned, singing in the car, and rollerblading. I feel a calling to get up and leave asap.
Morpheus: Do you daydream often? Of what? I live in a daydream. I daydream about singing onstage, of sitting in a coffee shop in a new city writing, of being with the guy I love forever, of meeting up with a shaman to help me navigate through the spirit world better, of living at a Buddhist temple and working for the monks and cleansing my negative energy, of hitchhiking, of being 100% and completely me.
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