ask-guardian-gallade · 6 months
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A late birthday thing I made. (I had to work yesterday) After getting word that @noblejanobii & I share that same birthday and I was like, why not. Happy Belated-Birthday Noble.
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masked-vee · 15 days
(Shaymincafe) "Matching masks, very cute," Hana said with a chuckle as she approached the duo. "I notice you appear to be visiting from far away as well. Do they have any festivals like this where you are from? Have you ever been able to attend them before?"
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"Th-thank you." Cereza said as Mouse hid behind her. "We're visiting from... a faraway kingdom." She said quickly. "I have attended festivals before as per my job, but this is Mouse's first time attending any type of festival."
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Mouse made movements with their paws.
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"They said their having fun so far." The hilt translated.
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shaymincafe · 21 days
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Whilst cleaning up the blog, I was going through my post archives and realized that it seems like I never posted these (or if I did Tumblr ate them), so please enjoy these artworks of Pumpkin and Spicata!
These were both done as mini-pieces for the ComicFury Zine Volume 2 No. 2 and ComicFury Zine Volume 3 No. 1.
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mod-jazzy · 1 year
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Fan Art Doodle Requests! Very messy... very,..,, doodle...y... Did what I was able to outta what I got heehoo [ thank you to those who nominated/requested things!! ] Characters belong toooo: @shaymincafe | @ask-shiny-umbreon @asknuvemacafe | @fugamsemidei
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asktheoger · 11 days
Hana eyed Kenji from afar for a moment before approaching him cautiously. "You're one of the ones who sent this letter, correct? I wished to thank you in person for the cordial invitation. My girlfriend says I don't get out enough these days and this seemed like a fantastic place to visit."
Her eyes slipped to the side for a moment as Hana looked towards some of the nearby stands. "You plan on paying for things, I assume, yes? Do you mind if I ask what currency they use here? I wasn't quite sure what they use these days, so I brought several but I'd rather not embarrass myself with one. And... just in case, is there a good way to go about acquiring some in a pinch?"
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“It was no biggie, I’m glad you could come!” Kenji chuckled. “The mask festival is a lot of fun for all of us, especially Aya…I’m really happy she gets to share today with her friends as well!”
“Ah, um- yup! Everything costs a bit of money, but usually the prices aren’t too steep,” the Okidogi’s mood seemed to change once the topic of money was brought up. “I’m not sure what the currency is like where you live, but we have something called ‘poke’ here.”
After quickly glancing around, Kenji leaned down to Hana’s ear. “As for…um…obtaining some, the easier way is to, um…..take it,” he whispered. “There’s a few food and game stalls that don’t exactly pay too much attention to their money…but, um, I wouldn’t do that unless as a last resort.”
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Featuring Hana from @shaymincafe
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phantomguild · 12 days
(shaymincafe) Hana approached Mint eagerly as she caught sight of the unique mask. "Oh my, your mask is absolutely beautiful. Did you make it yourself or did you have someone commissioned to make it? I'm desperate to know the inspirations behind the design."
Mint grinned, taking off the mask and showing it to Hana. A blend of Latias and Latios, tinted in green.
"Ashen actually made it for me based on a drawing of a Pokémon in an old book I found, supposedly a Pokémon in between Latios and Latias. I actually still have the page with me." She took out a small piece of parchment, yellowed with age but thankfully everything was still fully legible.
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"I thought it looked cool and fit my whole color thing, so I asked Ashen to make me a mask based on it. No idea if one actually exists, especially since most Legendary Pokémon are in hiding. ... or even did exist for that matter. But I think it'd be neat to meet one sometime!"
[ @shaymincafe ]
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asksavel · 1 year
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"I just want him to keep coming home..." -sniffs-
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"I don't want to lose him again..."
@shaymincafe , @meddlingcelebi , @askforestoddities , @inaris-pokemon-world , @askpokemoncrossover , @occasional-pip , @askleaderscrest
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pokeaskzine · 6 months
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connectedspace · 11 months
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"it's funny to do it back n forth but it hurts eyes so i tend not to."
[ @ask-sarah-and-co / @shaymincafe ]
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daybreak-mun · 2 years
Belated Christmas Presents
... because I have the time management skills of a potato.
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Laivan from @asksavel​    I know I’m coming in at the tail end of the story, but what I see, I honestly really like. Looking forward to seeing more of it pop up on my dash!
Rai from @miles-of-muses​    Honestly, roleplaying with you is always pretty fun, even if we don’t really do it as often these days. Your worlds are all pretty interesting to read through.
Neo-Ka from @pokege-ne-project    It’s been a while since I’ve seen these characters in action and I’m excited to see what you have planned for them. You’ve been a great friend over the years, and I really appreciate that. Thanks, Liam.
Cipher from @themeowsticvigilante​    I didn’t see your post about your ruptured appendix until I started this project, but I’m hoping everything goes well! Even though we don’t interact much, I enjoy your characters. The world needs more Meowstics.
Snow from @ask-a-learning-ai    The interactions with Snow I read are pretty good, and while I’ve kind of been in and out of a slump, I’d be down for having our characters interact more in the future. I can definitely see Cherry and Snow being friends.
Mukudori from @ask-a-staravia    It’s pretty interesting to see a take on Legends Arceus that manages to spin it into a different world, but still similar enough to be recognized. Looking forward to seeing more stuff from you in the future.
Shiso from @shaymincafe    You've been a pretty great friend in the few years I've known you, and I always enjoy having our characters interact. I'd be down for hanging out with you and Peaches in FFXIV once I actually catch up.
Kuno + Cucumber from @teamnextgen   I haven't really known you for very long, nor have I really interacted much with you. You seem like a pretty good person, and I'd be down for hanging out at some point.
Luxu from @asktheisle​   I haven't really read your blog, but I enjoy your character designs and general art style. I've heard quite a few good things, so I decided to put this together.
Joule from @dailyashleighraichu Your art is simultaneously a source of serotonin, and pain. I see a bit of my past self in Joule with how she was treated by random people. For me, it didn't really get to that level, but I can empathize with her in some small way.
Elliot from @ask-elliotgang Admittedly, I haven't been able to go back and read through your blog yet, but I can tell there's a lot of work put into this. Figured it'd be a neat idea for Joule and Elliot's cards to be two halves of a larger card here.
Luca from @sphaeramjourney I swear I kept thinking your url is "seraphimjourney", but that's more on me. Your art is always really good and I love the effects in your pages. As with many things in the community, I'm late reading, but I'm liking what I'm seeing so far.
Anyway, Happy New Year everyone!! Here's hoping 2023 sucks less!
Also if any of these blogs would like the full size images, I can DM them on request.
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pokege-ne-project · 8 months
(shaymincafe) Shaymes @ Pop: So what made you decide to move to the city? Was it because of the people? The experiences? Accessibility? Or were you just trying to do something new?
"Heyyyy, g'evenin'! Thanks for sayin' hi." The Lopunny didn't seem like they would lose steam any time soon. "That can be a longer bit of story, but hey, we got time!"
Pop cleared their throat a bit and started. "Once upon a time, little ol' Pop just left a mean Trainer, not e'erybody's one, mind ya, but this guy sucked! He ain't the focus though, anyway! The only reason he matters 'ere is that I was in Pinwheel Forest at the time. 'Course, only knowin' that I was in that big city a bit ago, I jus' booked it! Don't think I ever ran that fast ever b'fore."
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"Hey, maybe th' bridge was maybe welcomin' me home!" The Lopunny laughed hard, but it didn't seem to be 'at' it. "It's still home now, even if I'm now way up north o' it. Hopefully it'll welcome me back when it's good to."
Ask hints have been updated!
@shaymincafe, @pokeask-magi-retreat
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(shaymincafe) Hana @ ???: Oh, did you just arrive as well? If your friends arrived here before you, I could try to help you look for them if you let me know who or what I should be looking for.
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"I appreciate the assistant. He's a Gallade named Romeo. Dressed in teal both his kimono and mask. He's also accompanied by a human kid named...Vinny? I already asked the other patrons to help me point the direction, but it seems it will take awhile to catch up with them. But if you do end up finding them, be sure to let me know." @shaymincafe
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shaymincafe · 13 days
@ogre-n-partner Poni walks up to the gijinka, smiling wide as she approached.
Hiya! Noticed you just arrived, hope the travel wasn't too hard on you. Got any plans for the festival? I'm Poni by the way!
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( @ogre-n-partner )
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asktheisle · 1 year
(Shaymincafe) Rosemary eyes the Rayquaza carefully on approach. “Ah… you.” She lifts her head and adjusts her stance to get a better look at the larger creature.
[ Rosemary’s ability activates. Rosemary begins to exert pressure. ]
“What are your goals here, vile beast?” She growls out. “Is the pain and bloodshed you’ve caused not enough to satiate your vile appetite? Must you thirst for more like a mindless beast?”
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A Shaymin with Pressure? Certainly you have something more going for yourself!
[The serpent let out an awful cackle at the accusations, leaning down to look the hedgehog in the eyes.]
Ohoh, I'm not done in the SLIGHTEST.
I won't stop until The Resplendent One is nothing but crumpled bone, just like his father. And I am MORE than happy to take out his little human pet in the process, just to watch him give in to sorrow and lose the will to fight for his life.
I am no longer Cehualcoatl, after all. I am Ezzohcoatl- "The Bloodied Serpent"!
(( @shaymincafe ))
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asktheoger · 5 months
(teamsunfluff) Kaji scampers up to Aya and Kenji's side eagerly. "Other visitors, perfect! Hello there, tall ones," he says with a large grin. "What brings you to this fine tower today?"
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“I’m here to have fun!! And meet new friends!! And try lots of good food!! And do that truth-or-dare thingie!! And to have a pillow fight!! I wanna do everything!!!” Aya explains.
“And I’m mainly here to keep an eye on my daughter,” Kenji adds. “Though, I’d like to explore and meet some new people as well!”
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Featuring Kaji from @teamsunfluff!
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phantomguild · 8 months
(Shaymincafe) Shaymes @ ???: How long exactly has it been since you’ve made contact with someone? It seems terribly lonely to have not done so in a long time.
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"It must have been... I don't know how long it was exactly... I know it was at least a few hundred years since I've had a proper conversation, at least I'd assume so from looking at the calendar..."
It seemed to not immediately acknowledge how weird that response was, or if it did, it didn't show any signs of it.
"It has been nice, talking to more kinds of people... The only person that was around didn't talk that much."
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