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koujaaku · 11 months ago
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“Because I knew you, I have been changed for good.”
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katabay · 2 years ago
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wish you were here!
if I think too much about the modern day sequences of ac3, I get. emotional. wondering what we could've had in later ac games if certain Events and Decisions regarding the narrative were not made.
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tali-zorahs · 1 year ago
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remember when?
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mysticalfg · 2 years ago
Hopping on this trend with shaundes, does anyone still care abt them? Well too bad I do
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n4c9s · 1 year ago
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Happy birthday, Shaun Hastings! Have this comic I drew in 2020
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aro-simp · 1 month ago
did anyone post this on here yet?
ShaunDes nation how we feeling?
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miralyk · 8 months ago
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slowly drawing the rest of the makeout meme sticker versions for the ship charms, i'll keep updating my listings for people wanting these for some reason LMAO i'm totally not being lazy just reusing the same desmond art idk what you're talking about
☕️ k*-fi ☕️
📦 b*gcartel 📦
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ethan-acfan · 1 year ago
Falling back into my ass creed phase and with that comes shaundes so here are my headcanons for them
Desmond definitely speaks in Italian or Arabic when talking dirty (mainly Italian tho) and the more shaun picks up on certain phrases the harder it is for him to focus
Shaun can cook and sometimes makes food that Desmond had in the animus that he liked
Desmond has called Shaun Leo/Malik before and it took him a good 10 seconds before realizing
Shaun has social anxiety and overthinks every interaction with Desmond
Desmond always talks to Shaun first when he leaves the animus because Desmond said that he smelled like books and he found the smell comforting
When Desmond has a bleeding effect episode shaun rambles about random history facts to keep Desmond focused
Shaun started journaling with Desmond to help Desmond sort his memories
Desmond always boils extra water for Shaun's tea (he also knows he favorite tea by heart)
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sc4llywag · 8 months ago
what are your ac otps (besides altmal lol)
I love my silly Templar forbidden lovers so so much that always find their way back to the other no matter what
The enemies/haters to lovers trope is forever engrained in my soul I love them so much. And the fact Desmond is just silly American goof and Shaun is silly British goof makes it all better
It's so silly but I like the idea of FrenchFrye
It's literally all that one artist's fault I don't know their name but it's their fault
Ezio and Cristina have my heart🤍
I kinda fw Ezio x Machiavelli(Eziovelli? Machzio? I don't fuckin know)
Idk why but they seemed to have some tension and a little fling bc you know Ezio get that game
That's all I got gang goodnight🤙😘
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sombertide-0 · 11 months ago
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some shaundes because i absolutely adore these little freaks
yes i'm still obsessing over sphinx desmond, send help
in case anyone can't read my handwriting:
first pic says "How Shaun gets his hair spike"
third pic says "Waiting for Shaun to finish working" then "Refuses to sleep until his work is finished"
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yobotica · 3 months ago
Fandom homework - Drawing
Here's my fandom homework submission for @razielim, a snippet from a looooong "in progress" fic for a prompt on the assassin's creed kinkmeme from... 2011. 😔
Nothing is ever truly abandoned though, so here's 1.4k ish words under the cut about Artist!Desmond:
Thing is, the incident got Desmond thinking about his own art again. He hadn't so much as sketched anything in what felt like months. And maybe he wanted to impress Shaun a little.
Not that he thought Shaun would appreciate anything he did that much, though - he was good, yeah, but he was self-taught and Shaun seemed like he'd be pretty discerning. Additionally, he didn't want it to seem like a sad attempt at consolation, because that wasn't his intention at all. So, despite his very real desire to draw, and his desire to surprise and maybe impress Shaun, Desmond knew he wouldn't actually show him anything he managed to produce.
Still, he stole a pencil off of Lucy's desk, and doodled whenever he could. It wasn't too often, always on scraps or paper he saved from the shred pile (he always made sure to shred them later); just doodles at first, sketches of the warehouse - usually the rafters or windows - or things from memory. Never his teammates, never himself.
But soon, that wasn't enough. Small drawings in margins turned into bigger pieces on the backs of random paper that looked like it was headed for the trash.
Sometimes he drew portraits of people from Ezio's memories, or even Altaïr's. Sometimes it was the view from Masyaf; a bureau fountain; Ezio's bedroom; Firenze in the moonlight. And he shredded every one of them. It started to get harder and harder to do it, but he had nowhere to keep them, not even a footlocker to call his own. He couldn't even ask without arousing curiosity at the very least.
Obviously he couldn't keep it under the radar forever. They were in a pretty small space together, after all, and at least two of the people trapped here with him appeared to have a vested interest in keeping an eye on him and his mental health. The smaller sketches he could finish in a few minutes or so and crumple up without comment, but anything that took up more than 20 minutes of his time would be noticed.
And eventually, it was. Desmond was settled on one of the walkways in the warehouse area on one of his mandated breaks, and had grabbed a few sheets of Animus printouts Rebecca had slated for disposal, and had grabbed a spare clipboard so he had a flat surface to draw on. He knew he could get hyper-focused when he was really interested in what he was drawing, but even so, Rebecca's voice just over his shoulder startled him.
She had to cover almost twenty feet of metal grating to get that close, and the walkways weren't exactly quiet to step on.
He glanced up at her and she grinned down at him. "I said, what are you doing?" she asked, then cocked her head because she could now get a glimpse at the paper in front of him now that he'd looked up. "Holy shit, did you do that?"
Desmond glanced down. He'd been working on a sketch of Leonardo's workshop, focusing on one of the shelves of half-finished inventions, because it was an delightful place with lots of interesting details and shadows. Judging by the level of detail, he'd probably been working on it for more than half an hour. No wonder she'd come looking for him, he'd gone over his break by quite a bit.
"Yeah," he answered, after a minute, but then stopped because he wasn't sure if she'd be upset that he was doing this; he hadn't specifically hidden what he was doing, but he had taken steps to ensure he wasn't caught, so if it felt a lot like he wasn't supposed to be drawing, he knew at least part of that was on him.
"That's really good!" she gushed, leaning down to get a closer look. Desmond held the clipboard up to her, and she took it from him and straightened up, eyes roving over the image. Desmond stood himself, since she wouldn't have come looking for him if they didn't need him for something. He was done with the Animus until after lunch, but it could also be any number of tests they liked to run regularly, or a 'team meeting' he had no idea why they bothered to include him in since he wasn't going to be given any duties aside from 'farm memories, don't break brain'.
He smiled when he caught sight of his drawing - it really was good. He hadn't had a chance to draw anything this detailed in a long time, so it had felt good to really get down and take time for the intricate play of light and shadow on the frame of what would become the flying machine. Leonardo's workshop evoked powerful feelings he knew weren't entirely (or likely even mostly) his own, but he still felt them. He didn't share that, though - like his art, it felt private. Maybe he should, but something made him hesitate.
Rebecca glanced to him, eventually, looking like she was trying too hard not to frown. He hated it, how they held themselves back when speaking with him a lot of the time, like they were scared of him.
"It's really good," she repeated. "How long have you been drawing?"
Desmond barked a harsh laugh and turned away to lean against the rail of the walkway. "I know what you're really asking, you know," he pointed out, and he saw her wince out of the corner of his eye. "I've been drawing for a long time. Since I was a kid, but… It wasn't encouraged," he said. "I kept it up, though. Never did anything serious with it, it was just for me."
He turned to look at her then; she looked a little shaken at being called out, perhaps, but not apologetic at all. "You've been drawing a bit here, haven't you? Where did they all go?"
He shrugged. "The shredder, where else? What am I gonna do with them? They'll just be destroyed anyway."
Rebecca almost looked aghast at that. "Well, alright, I'll be frank with you - do you often draw things from the Animus?"
"Yeah. It seemed safest, but mostly because it's the most interesting stuff I can clearly recall," he said. "I haven't drawn anyone here, not you guys or myself - even I know that's just a really stupid idea. Shredded papers can be put back together. So, I draw from memories instead."
She smiled at him, then, and nodded. "Smart," she murmured. "Do you think it helps? Keep you grounded, I mean? Or do you feel like you might get a Bleed if you draw something from their memories?"
He took a moment to think about it. "I… I don't know if I can give a good answer to that. When I draw, I end up focusing on just what I'm making, you know? Like, recalling the shapes and shadows, keeping my pressure just so… I'm not really aware of much else," he said, and gestured to the door she'd come in from, since he knew he'd jumped a little when she surprised him and she grinned at him.
"Yeah, I feel you; coding can be like that," she said. "I'm gonna bring this up to Lucy, though, just in case. If she thinks it's okay for you to continue, then maybe we can actually get you some supplies and you won't have to keep destroying them," she said, and Desmond sighed.
"And if she doesn't think it's okay for me to draw?" He asked, because while he knew they depended on him to do this and he'd been extraordinarily cooperative so far, he could refuse. If they wanted to stoop to levels lower than Vidic had, and drug him to get what they wanted, well. Maybe he'd make them. See if all their talk of freedom was just talk.
She made a face at that, and Desmond wanted to smile at her for it. Of all of them, she was the most open. "Well then, I'd imagine she'd ask you not to, but let's cross that bridge when we get to it."
"I guess we'll see," he said, and he could tell she heard the edge he couldn't quite remove from his voice because she wilted a little at that, but nodded.
"Yeah, I guess we will," She said. "Anyways, I'd come looking for you because it's time to get a blood draw before lunch."
"Ugh," Desmond groaned, but when she turned and walked away, he followed her without much more than a token grumbling.
She kept the clipboard.
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koujaaku · 1 year ago
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Codextober '23, Day 7: Ghost
"I had this colleague. He was our boss's son. I didn't much care for him at the start. Everyone treated him like he was so bloody special. To me, he just wasn't invested in anything that didn't affect him personally. But, I was wrong about him. He became my friend. Put himself through hell. And he saved us all in the end. So I reckon… Well, I can't apologize to him, but I can, I don't know. I can try and live up to his example."
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katabay · 2 years ago
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some kind of. miscellaneous conversation sometime during ac3?? this was actually part of a much longer scene that went in a more serious direction than I originally planned once I started drawing it. I ended up starting over, but I couldnt bring myself to delete the pages I had already started (which is why the dialogue's a little janky bc I decided to redo it before I got to the lettering stage RIP) so I cleaned them up a bit to post :') get some sleep, desmond.
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gophergal · 1 year ago
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schroedingers-faggot · 2 years ago
I think everyone should know that in the german AC3 dub Desmond says "literally Shaun, lick me" during the Manhattan mission
(short explanation to that: "fuck you" is generally dubbed over as "leck mich"/"lick me", coming from "leck mich am arsch"/"lick me on the ass" which is in meaning pretty similar to "fuck you".)
Only "seriously Shaun, fuck you" and "literally Shaun, lick me" have a VERY different connotation
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n4c9s · 1 year ago
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Another doodle for Shaun's birthday!
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