#Shark Island band
hungercityhellhound · 11 months
Bands I follow on Spotify with less than 500K listeners per month. I feel like it will be most of them. I will use the tag #<500K if you want to track along. I'll be doing 10 at a time.
Format Band name (# of listeners per month)
Nile (134K)
Masquerade (976) <- Such an underrated band.
Sixgun Renegades (3K)
The Lazys (68K)
Shark Island (10K)
Diamond Head (121K) (Did you know that Metallica covered this song? I love the original so much. It has such Sabbath meets Maiden vibes)
Chickenfoot (112K)
Kix (215K)
Blackbraid (42K)
London (822)
Y&T (208K)
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kazieka · 2 years
hold up im reading more about the lionfish thing and this one island in Honduras has had such a huge problem with lionfish that the measures they have taken include
• getting special exemption from the Honduran government to allow divers access to harpoons and spears which are otherwise illegal in fishing
• public campaign to teach people how to prepare and eat lionfish (apparently they are very tasty once the poisonous spines are removed) (but watch out)
• holding lionfish combination hunting competition and cookout (reportedly they killed and cooked 1,700 in a day) (someone killed 60 of them with a rubber band spear gun???)
• most recently and apparently out of desperation, the divers in charge of culling the lionfish in the Roatan Marine Park just started. feeding the lionfish they killed to sharks. bc what else are you gonna do with it
• the sharks don’t seem to notice or be affected by the poison and begin hanging out with the divers
• the sharks then were seen hunting and killing the lionfish on their own
like this is nuts to me sorry. the sharks just had to be shown “hey this is food, did you know?? you can eat these!! here try one!!” we are possibly altering an entire foodchain bc we like feeding the big ocean wolves
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missterious-figure · 6 months
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Mer Sun.
Wobbegong + Angel shark + Brown-banded bamboo shark + Horn shark. Barely 4 ft long.
Sun lives in the same kelp forest as Moon. Those two often hang out together, as they have never found any others of their kind. Sun is an ambush predator. He buries himself in the sand and snags anything that strays to close (well, anything that isn't too big). He likes to crawl onto the beaches of near by islands and play in the warm, dry sand. And when he's done, he buries himself in it and takes a nap. He and Moon also love to go exploring on the islands. Moon is definitely the faster out of the duo. Both on land and in the water. But, he usually waits for Sun to catch up so he isn't left behind.
Funny little tidbit, Sun refuses to believe clams aren't moving rocks, no matter how many times Moon tells him. Sun has never seen the inside of a clam before. Moon doesn't know how to break them open, so he can't really prove his point. Even if Moon tries to show Sun a clam's shell, Sun just says that clams are fossil rocks (they have found fossils inside rocks on the beaches of some of the islands that they explore) and that the shell is the fossil inside. The two get into this argument a lot.
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muzaktomyears · 6 months
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In 1980 Peter Brown, a former assistant to Brian Epstein who later ran Apple Corps, managed the Beatles and was best man at John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s wedding, started work on the definitive account of the Beatles. With the American author Steven Gaines, he spoke to the three surviving band members alongside wives, girlfriends, managers, friends, hangers-on and everyone else in the Fabs’ universe. The book promised to be the last word in Beatles history. Then in 1983 The Love You Make was published, and all hell broke loose.
“They were furious,” recalls Gaines, 78, still sounding pained at the memory. “Paul and Linda tore the book apart and burned it in the fireplace, page by page. There was an omerta, a code of silence around the Beatles, and they didn’t think anyone would come forward to tell the truth. But Queenie, Brian Epstein’s mother, told us above all else to be honest.”
“Even she didn’t think we would be quite so honest,” adds Brown, 87, his upper-crust English tones still in place after five decades in New York.
Why did The Love You Make, retitled by Beatles fans as The Muck You Rake, incite such strong feelings? The suggestion of an affair between Lennon and Epstein on a holiday to Barcelona in April 1963, only three weeks after the birth of Lennon’s son Julian, had something to do with it, but more significantly it was taken as a betrayal by a trusted insider. Brown and Gaines locked the recordings in a bank vault and never looked at them again — until now.
“Very good question,” Brown says, when I ask why he and Gaines have decided to publish All You Need Is Love, an oral history made up of the interview transcripts from which The Love You Make was drawn. He is speaking from the Manhattan apartment on Central Park West where he has lived since 1971. “When [Peter Jackson’s documentary] Get Back came out, a journalist from The New York Times wanted me to talk. I told him I hadn’t talked about the Beatles since the book was published and suggested he go to someone else. He said, ‘There isn’t anyone else. Paul, Ringo and you are the only ones left.’ And I thought, do I have a responsibility to clear it all up, once and for all?”
After the death of Epstein in 1967, Brown assumed the day-to-day responsibilities of managing the Beatles and Apple Corps. He had on his desk a red telephone whose number was known only to the four Beatles. Unsurprisingly, given his insider status, the interviews make for fascinating reading. Paul McCartney, yet to be asked the same questions about the Beatles thousands of times over, is remarkably unguarded. Asked by Gaines if the other Beatles were anti-Linda, he replies: “I should think so. Like we were anti-Yoko.” On the image the Fabs had for being good boys on tour, he says, “You are kidding,” before going on to reference a notorious incident involving members of Led Zeppelin, a groupie and a mud shark, concluding: “No, not in the least bit celibate. We just didn’t do it with fish.”
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Ono, speaking in the spring of 1981, not long after Lennon was killed in December 1980, reveals that she didn’t sleep with Lennon for the first two years of their relationship — “John didn’t know how to make a move” — and claims that she was blamed by the Beatles camp, George Harrison in particular, for getting Lennon onto heroin in 1969. “Everything we did in those days, anything that was wrong, was my responsibility,” she tells Gaines. But everyone, from the Beatles’ notorious late-period manager Allen Klein to the Greek electronics wizard/hustler “Magic” Alex Mardas — “the Mordred of the Beatles’ Camelot” according to Brown — has their own version of events.
Going through the transcripts reminded Gaines of the long shadow cast by Lennon. “I didn’t realise how sensitive the other Beatles were to John’s opinion,” he says, speaking from his home in the Hamptons, Long Island. “Paul worried about what John would say [in the event Lennon died before being interviewed] and was still longing for his friendship. George said that John didn’t read his autobiography because it was called I, Me, Mine. Those interviews were done before John’s death and Paul’s heart was broken, even then. It wasn’t just the break-up of the Beatles. It was more personal than that.”
From around 1968, the transcripts reveal how the key Beatles duo started to come apart. McCartney’s enthusiasm was only getting stronger. But Lennon grew increasingly bored and disillusioned. “You have to remember that John wasn’t in love with his wife Cynthia,” Gaines says by way of explanation. “He wanted to get away from the life he was leading and that’s why he started to experiment with drugs, all the way up to heroin.”
Brown says Ono was, and probably still is, a distant, mysterious character, exactly the kind of person Lennon was looking for, having done the right thing and married the sensible, quiet Cynthia after she discovered she was pregnant with Julian in 1963. “John told me about meeting this woman, and how frustrated he was that he couldn’t get to know her better; he couldn’t take her to lunch because it would cause gossip. I gave him the key to my apartment so he and Yoko could be together in private and thought, naturally, they were going there to f***. When I went home that evening, the apartment was untouched. They did nothing more than sit on the sofa and talk. That’s what they wanted: to know each other.”
Regarding the long-held, unfair suggestion that Ono broke up the Beatles, Gaines says: “Yoko came along at the right moment to light the fuse, but the dynamite was already packed. They resented her, she was difficult to understand and had a deep effect on John, but they were getting more and more unhappy with each other and needed to have their own lives. As people in the interviews say again and again, [the split] was bound to happen.”
It was Brown who in May 1968 introduced McCartney to Linda Eastman, an ambitious young American photographer whom he knew from his business trips to New York, when she came to London on an assignment to shoot the Rolling Stones. “I was having dinner with Paul at the Bag O’ Nails [a club in Soho] when she turned up, so I introduced them and he was obviously taken with her,” Brown recalls. “The following Friday, May 19, we were holding a party for 12 top photographers at Brian Epstein’s house in London when she walked in. Paul says I didn’t introduce him to his wife … but I did.”
If the book has a villain it is Klein, the New York accountant who took over management of the Beatles and sacked everyone around them, much to McCartney’s horror. As Brown puts it: “He was a hideous person. He even looked like a crook: sloppy and fat, always wearing sneakers and sweatshirts. Everything he didn’t like was ‘for shit’.”
You wonder why Lennon fell for him. “The interviews suggest it is because Allen Klein offered Yoko a million dollars for her movie project,” Gaines says. “She was enticed and John would do anything Yoko said.”
“I asked Mick Jagger to come over and explain to the four Beatles who this Allen Klein was,” Brown remembers. “And John, in his wonderful way, had Klein turn up to the same meeting, which was deeply embarrassing. It made Mick very uncomfortable too.”
Epstein, the man who saw the Beatles’ potential in the first place, is a central figure in All You Need Is Love. It includes a transcript of a recording of him from 1966, not used for the original book. It was in the possession of Epstein’s attorney Nat Weiss, and seemingly made by Epstein to mark the end of the Beatles’ final tour. He claims not only that Lennon felt remorse for the infamous comment on the Beatles being bigger than Jesus — “What upset John more than anything else was that hundreds of people were hurt by that” — but that the Beatles would tour once more. “There’s no reason why they shouldn’t appear in public again,” Epstein claims. They never did, unless you count that rooftop performance on January 30, 1969.
“Brian was driving them around the north of England in his car for a year,” Brown remembers of the early days. “This Jewish guy from Liverpool, who was gay, was with these guys who had been hanging around in Hamburg, so both had interesting backgrounds. They understood each other.”
For Gaines, a self-described “gay Jewish boy from Brooklyn”, Epstein is at the heart of the story. “Brian never felt the love of a real relationship. Then he found the Beatles. Everyone thought it would be just another of his phases, but he had tremendous feelings for John, both sexual and intellectual, and that’s what really pushed him. If there was one thing that started the whole thing off, it was Brian’s love for John Lennon.”
That love affair was the contentious issue of the original book. In his interview, McCartney says of Lennon going to Spain with Epstein: “What was John doing, manipulating this manager of ours? Sucking up to him, going on holiday, becoming his special friend.” It wasn’t the suggestion of a homosexual relationship that was troubling McCartney, but the balance of power tilting in Lennon’s direction.
“Paul wanted to be in charge, and he deserved to be because he was the motor, the driving force,” Gaines says. “Paul felt that John would steal away the power. He felt threatened by John’s relationship with Brian.”
“Paul always wanted to be active,” Brown adds. “After Brian’s death the world had to be carried on. Who was going to do that? It wasn’t going to be John, George or Ringo. Brian was my best friend and I was very upset [at his death]. I had to go to the court to convince the magistrate that it wasn’t a suicide, and the following day Paul set up a meeting so we could discuss what we would do next. I said we’d do it next week, and he said, ‘No, it has to be now.’ He was right.”
How did Brown and Gaines feel about the horrified reaction to the book, not just from fans but the Beatles themselves? “The world has changed,” Gaines says, by way of answer. “Now, after all these years, hopefully people can see it as a truthful, loving and gentle book.” It has been decades since Brown spoke to the surviving Beatles and he has not contacted them about this new publication.
What the interviews really capture in eye-opening detail is the story of four young men who became a phenomenon, then had to deal with the fallout as the dream ended. On December 31, 1970, the day McCartney sued the other three to dissolve the partnership, Brown handed in his resignation as the Beatles’ day-to-day manager and officer of Apple Corps. Ringo Starr said to him: “You didn’t want to be a nursemaid any more, and half the time the babies wouldn’t listen to you anyway.” Brown moved to New York and became chief executive officer of the Robert Stigwood Organisation. But the Beatles never fully left him, and in the wake of Get Back — and the news that Sam Mendes is to direct four biopics, one on each Beatle — he decided he had one last job.
“We have finished our responsibilities,” Brown says with quiet authority. “It is the end of the story.”
‘It’s like bloody Julius Caesar, and I’m being stabbed in the back!’
Paul McCartney on the Beatles signing Allen Klein as manager against his wishes
[John Lennon] said, “I’m going with [Allen] Klein, what do you want to do about it?” and I kind of said, “I don’t think I will, that’s my roll.” Then George and Ringo said, “Yeah, we’ll go with John.” Which was their roll. But that was pretty much how it always ended up, the three of them wanted to do stuff, and I was always the fly in the ointment, I was always the one dragging his heels. John used to accuse me of stalling. In fact, there was one classic little meeting when we were recording Abbey Road. It was a Friday evening session, and I was sitting there, and I’d heard a rumour from Neil [Aspinall, road manager] or someone that there was something funny going around. So we got to the session, and Klein came in. To me, he was like a sort of demon that would always haunt my dreams. He got to me. Really, it was like I’d been dreaming of him as a dentist. Anyway, so at this meeting, everyone said, “You’re going to stall for ever now, we know you, you don’t even want to do it on Monday.” And I said, “Well, so what? It’s not a big deal, it’s our prerogative and it could wait a few more days.” They said, “Oh no, typical of you, all that stalling and what. Got to do it now.” I said, “Well, I’m not going to. I demand at least the weekend. I’ll look at it, and on Monday. This is supposed to be a recording session, after all.” I dug me heels in, and they said, “Right, well, we’re going to vote it.” I said, “No, you’ll never get Ringo to.” I looked at Ringo, and he kind of gave me this sick look like, yeah, I’m going with them. Then I said, “Well, this is like bloody Julius Caesar, and I’m being stabbed in the back!”
‘You don’t like to see a chick in the middle of the team’
Paul McCartney on Yoko Ono
Give Yoko a lot . . . that was basically what John and Yoko wanted, recognition for Yoko. We found her sitting on our amps, and like a football team, an all-male thing, you really don’t like to see a chick in the middle of the team. It’s a disturbing thing, they think it throws them off the game or whatever it was, and these were the reasons that I thought, well, this is crazy, we’re gonna have Yoko in the group next. Looking at it now, I feel a bit sorry for her because, if only I had been able to understand what the situation was and think, wait a minute, here’s a girl who’s not had enough attention. I can now not make this into a major crisis and just sort of say, “Sure, what harm is she doing on the amps?” I know they would have really loved me. You know, we didn’t like Yoko at first, and people did call her ugly and stuff, and that must be hard for someone who loves someone and is so passionately in love with them, but I still can’t — I’m still trying to see his point of view. What was the point of all that? They’re very suspicious people [Lennon and Ono], and one of the things that hurt me out of the whole affair, was that we’d come all that way together, and out of either a fault in my character, or out of lack of understanding in their character, I’d still never managed to impress upon them that I wasn’t trying to screw them. I don’t think that I have to this day.
How Cynthia Lennon was driven to drink — at an ashram
Alexis ‘Magic Alex’ Mardas on Ono’s love letters to Lennon
Alexis Mardas was also known as Magic Alex, a name John bestowed on him because he was so taken with Alex’s inventions. Alex was handsome, charming, and a charlatan. (He sued The [New York] Times in Britain for calling him a charlatan and settled out of court. He’s dead now.)
[The Maharishi] was fooling around with several American girls. The Maharishi was making all of us eat vegetarian food, very poorly cooked, but he was eating chicken. No alcohol was allowed in the camp. I had to smuggle alcohol in because Cynthia wanted to drink. Cynthia was very depressed. John was receiving letters from Yoko Ono. Yoko was planning to win John. She was writing very poetic and very romantic letters. I remember those letters because John was coming to me with the letters, and Yoko was saying to John that “I’m a cloud in the sky, and, when you read this letter, turn your head and look in the sky, and if you see a small cloud, this is Yoko. Away from you but watching you.” Poor Cynthia was prepared to do absolutely everything to win John. She was not even allowed to visit the house where John was staying. She was longing for a drink. Now, drinks, they were strictly prohibited in the ashram, but when it was discovered that Maharishi had a drink, I said, “Just a second, at least equal.”
‘He’s become so nasty’
George Harrison on reaching out to John Lennon
What’s wrong with John, he’s become so nasty. It sounds like he hasn’t moved an inch from where he was five or six years ago. I sent Ringo, John, and Paul all a copy of my book. I got a call from Paul. He called me up just to say how much he liked it. I shouldn’t have called it I Me Mine, because that title was a bit much. I sent a copy to John. I’m wondering if he’s actually received it, if he’s received it, he probably doesn’t like it or something offends him about it.
‘I told John that ... it was just a nice feeling’
Yoko Ono advising John Lennon how to take heroin
George said I put John on H, and it wasn’t true at all. I mean, John wouldn’t take anything unless he wanted to do it. When I went to Paris [before I met John], I just had a sniff of it and it was a beautiful feeling. Because the amount was small, I didn’t even get sick. It was just a nice feeling. So I told John that. When you take it properly — properly is not the right word — but when you really snort it, then you get sick right away if you’re not used to it. So I think maybe because I said it wasn’t a bad experience, maybe that had something to do with it, I don’t know. But I mean so, he kept saying, “Tell me how it was?” Why was he asking? That was sort of a preliminary because he wanted to take it, that’s why he was asking. And that’s how we did it. We never injected. Never.
‘It was time’
Ringo Starr on the end of the Beatles
Ringo Starr: Well, I’m pleased it happened because in so many ways, I’m glad it’s not going now. It was time. Things last only so long. Steven Gaines: The Rolling Stones are [still] going. Ringo Starr: Yeah, but they’re old men.
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N: This is what Victor would look like if he was doctor Seuss.
Uzi: There's a socket in my pocket, maybe this will help me fix my sprocket.
Uzi: It's not a 5, or a 6, or a 10, I have seem to have lost all of those again.
Uzi: And when it comes to wrenches, it seems all of them have disappeared off my fucking work benches.
Uzi: So even though there is a socket in my pocket I can't even use it to fix my fucking sprocket
*Next day*
Uzi: Another tool another day, I dropped some more shit in this fucking engine bay.
Uzi: But it's okay because I bought this car to get from point A to point B.
Uzi: And after one week of ownership I'm kinda hoping this thing gets crushed by a fucking tree.
Uzi: I've wanted to sell this car since week one, but nobody wants to buy it when it has every problem under the sun.
Uzi: This car will just remain broken and collect some dust, and eventually this piece of shit will start collecting rust.
Uzi: But at this point I don't really care! I have the time, nor money or energy to try and repair.
Uzi: I'm just gonna say fuck this, and sell this shit on craigslist to some guy named Chris.
V: I now proudly present, the life and times of earnest Hemingway in aproxamently 3 and a half minutes. GO! Born in Chicago in 1899, son of a physician and a musician, reasonably uneventful childhood, decided to study Journalism. Enlisted with the Red Cross during World War I, got BLOWN up in Milan and spent 6 months in hospital with severe shrapnel wounds in both legs. Fell in love with a nurse, they decided to get married. He came home to prepare, she stayed there and ditched him for an Italian soldier, which initiated a life long pattern of him rejecting women before they had a chance to reject him. Got a job as a foreign correspondent, fell in love with his roommates' sister, married her and moved to Paris. They hung out with Gertrude Stein. They kicked it with Pablo Picasso. He started writing in earnest, no pun intended. Moved to Toronto, had a kid, moved back to Paris, published a couple of books. Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Converted to Catholicism... Cut his head open after pulling on a cord thinking he was flushing a toilet and instead ripped a skylight from the roof and smashed it onto HIS FACE! Moved to Kansas City, had another kid, his dad committed suicide, he shot a lot of bears for some reason. Had a car accident, had another kid, went to Africa to kill some wild animals and got dysentery karma! Published another book, moved to Cuba, SHOT HIMSELF IN THE LEG WHILST AIMING AT A SHARK! Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Published "For Whom the Bell Tolls," sold half a million copies in a couple of months and got nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Became the self appointed leader of a band of village Militia outside of Paris and was subsequently brought up on charges for contravening the Geneva Convention, and GOT AWAY WITH IT LIKE A FUCKING CHAMPION! Got pneumonia, moved back to Cuba and spent most of his spare time on his boat TRACKING NAZI U-BOATS WITH A MACHINE GUN AND A PILE OF HAND GRENADES I AM NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP! Had a few more car accidents, three more concussions, got CLAWED WHILE PLAYING WITH A LION... Got depressed, drank. Got fat, published a couple more books, went back to Africa to shoot some more wild animals, and barely survived two separate plane crashes in the space of 24 hours, winding up with a fractured skull, internal bleeding, cracked spine, ruptured liver, first degree burns, and a paralyzed sphincter muscle karma! Won a Nobel Prize, had a file opened on him by J. Edgar Hoover, left a bunch of shit in a safe in Cuba and moved to Idaho, paranoid that the feds were following him WHICH THEY WERE BECAUSE HE SPENT MOST OF THE 1940S WORKING FOR THE KGB, AGAIN NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP! Suffered from hepatitis, nephritis, hypertension, hemochromatosis, anemia and impotence, karma. Got committed, received way too much electroconvulsive therapy and came out all fucked up, started hinting at suicide so immediately got recommitted, received another couple of months worth of electroconvulsive therapy, got released, put both barrels of his favorite 12-gauge shotgun into his mouth and BLEW HIS FUCKING HEAD OFF! WHAT A GUY!
N: Welcome to applebees! What'll it be? Apples or bees? Congrats, you get bees!!!
Doll: Now that I've added the milk to the cereal tell me, is that milk now a beverage, a broth, or a sauce? Answer carefully Khan, you're wife's life depends on it!
Uzi: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true whoever is controlling my Sim I JUST WANNA TALK!!
N: Do you think god stays in heaven because he too fears what he's created? That's a quote from Spy Kids 2 have you ever seen it it's like peak cinema.
Uzi: Who needs sleep when you run on equal parts NyQuil and Methamphetamine?
V: Just remember Uzi people die when they are killed!
V: Ha! You're pointless!
Doll: Thirty nine buried.
Doll: Zero found
N: Which one of you was gonna tell me tea tastes different if you put in hot water?
Uzi: Y- you we're putting it in cold water???????
V: N. Answer the question N!
N: Yeah??? I thought for like five years people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process, didn't realize there was an actual reason.
J: You don't have the patience to microwave water for three minutes??
Doll: Why are you. Putting it in the microwave to boil it?
J: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove?
Doll: It takes less than a minute!
J: Doll is your stove powered by the fucking sun!?
Doll: How long does it take to boil a cup of water on your stove?
Doll: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in two minutes, less if you use a saucepan.
Lizzy: Crying your putting the whole mug on the stove??? On medium heat??? Your stove is enchanted!
Uzi: Every drone in this exoplanet is a fucking idiot.
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myriadeyed · 2 years
I would like to offer this resource for therians, an extensive list of all of Sir David Attenborough’s nature documentaries that are available on soap2day, and a full list of what species* they each (notably, prominently) feature the natural behaviors of, separated by episode, and omitting species that were only shown dead, juvenile or being predated on. This took me a while (I have been working on it since Prehistoric Planet’s release) because I did in fact have to watch every single series in full in order to list all the species and the episodes are around 50 minutes long, but enjoy.
Long post ahead:
Most of these shows have closed captioning, which is why I’ve picked soap2day. Planet Earth is the only one that doesn’t. I did not include Dynasties and Dynasties II because each episode only features one species.
Thank you to Birch (@ambiguousmutt​) for his help (he watched about half of the episodes) so I didn’t have to do it individually. Credit goes to him as well.
*Sometimes Attenborough doesn’t say the specific species and I was too busy trying to get through the episodes to identify it. In those cases I just put the most specific name I could.
Planet Earth
Episode one (From Pole to Pole): emperor penguin, polar bear, caribou, arctic grey wolf, Amur leopard, six-plumed bird-of-paradise, superb bird-of-paradise, great white shark, African elephant, African buffalo, lechwe, baboon, African wild dog
Episode two (Mountains): gelada, walia ibex, Ethiopian wolf, guanaco, cougar, grizzly bear, markhor, snow leopard, golden eagle, grey wolf, panda, golden snub-nosed monkey, red panda, demoiselle crane
Episode three (Fresh Water): giant salamander, grizzly bear, smooth-coated otter, Nile crocodile, dolphin fish, midge, Amazon river dolphin, dorado, piranha, spectacled caiman, crab-eating macaque, snow goose
Episode four (Caves): wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat, cockroach, bat hawk, cave swiftlet, yellow-red rat snake, Texas blind salamander
Episode five (Deserts): Bactrian camel, dromedary camel, red kangaroo, fennec fox, guanaco, long-nosed bat, Nubian ibex, flat lizard, lion, African elephant, locust
Episode six (Ice Worlds): snow petrel, Antarctic petrel, south polar skua, humpback whale, emperor penguin, eider, muskox, arctic grey wolf, polar bear, little auk, arctic fox
Episode seven (Great Plains): Mongolian gazelle, red-billed quelea, wildebeest, snow goose, arctic fox, arctic grey wolf, bison, wild ass, Tibetan fox, pygmy hog, African elephant, lion, baboon
Episode eight (Jungles): magnificent bird-of-paradise, spider monkey, howler monkey, siamang gibbon, gliding tree frog, colugo, red crab spider, African elephant, chimpanzee
Episode nine (The Shallow Seas): humpback whale, multiple corals, banded sea krait, trevally, dugong, bottlenose dolphin, Socotra cormorant, salp, comb jelly, sea lion, dusky dolphin, sea urchin, sunflower starfish, short-tailed stingray, great white shark, king penguin, fur seal
Episode ten (Seasonal Forests): Eurasian lynx, moose, crossbill, wolverine, western capercaillie, pine marten, great grey owl, pudu, kodkod, mandarin duck, cicada, red deer, Amur leopard, tiger, mouse lemur
Episode eleven (Ocean Deep): whale shark, oceanic whitetip shark, common dolphin, Cory's shearwater, manta ray, sea spider, vampire squid, spider crab, unnamed deep sea eel, giant isopod, chambered nautilus, Pacific spotted dolphin, mola mola, frigatebird, sailfish, blue whale
Planet Earth II
Episode one (Islands): pygmy three-toed sloth, Komodo dragon, sifaka, marine iguana, Galapagos racer, Buller's albatross, fairy tern, Christmas Island red crab, yellow crazy ant, chinstrap penguin
Episode two (Mountains): Nubian ibex, red fox, golden eagle, grizzly bear, bobcat, flamingo, mountain viscacha rat, snow leopard
Episode three (Jungles): spider monkey, flying lizard, sword-billed hummingbird, river dolphin, jaguar, glass frog, paper wasp, click beetle, red bird of paradise, Wilson's bird of paradise, indri
Episode four (Deserts): lion, Harris's hawk, shrike, locust, sand grouse, pale chanting goshawk, feral mustang, golden mole, desert long-eared bat, darkling beetle, Namaqua chameleon
Episode five (Grasslands): saiga antelope, lion, harvest mouse, carmine bee-eater, Kori bustard, African elephant, serval, Jackson's widowbird, grasscutter ant, compass termite, giant anteater, bison, red fox, arctic grey wolf
Episode six (Cities): langur, peregrine falcon, leopard, European starling, great bowerbird, raccoon, rhesus macaque, spotted hyena, wels catfish
Our Planet
Episode one (One Planet): lesser flamingo, orchid bee, golden-collared manakin, red-capped manakin, blue manakin, cormorant, booby, common dolphin, shearwater, African wild dog, timber wolf
Episode two (Frozen Worlds): gentoo penguin, wandering albatross, narwhal, Pacific walrus, humpback whale, orca, leopard seal, polar bear
Episode three (Jungles): lowland gorilla, forest elephant, black sicklebill, twelve-wired bird-of-paradise, western parotia, mountain treeshrew, Philippine eagle, black spider monkey, leafcutter ant, Sumatra orangutan, velvet worm
Episode four (Coastal Seas): northern fur seal, compass jellyfish, giant trevally, mobula ray, Atlantic stingray, bottlenose dolphin, grey reef shark, whitetip reef shark, sea otter, California sheephead wrasse, Steller's sea lion, bald eagle, humpback whale, Guanay cormorant, Inca tern, Peruvian booby, South American sea lion
Episode five (From Deserts to Grasslands): Socotran cormorant, Arabian leopard, Arabian oryx, African elephant, cheetah, bison, Alcon blue butterfly, saiga, Przewalski's wild horse, tiger
Episode six (The High Seas): blue whale, spinner dolphin, mobula ray, oarfish, anglerfish, bristle worm, giant petrel, black-browed albatross, wandering albatross, bluefin tuna, sea lion, humpback whale
Episode seven (Fresh Water): Australian pelican, torrent duck, grizzly bear, manatee, giant mayfly, common kingfisher, osprey, jaguar, callipterus cichlid, Siamese fighting fish, hippopotamus, lion, African elephant, sandhill crane
Episode eight (Forests): Siberian tiger, bald eagle, rough-skinned newt, great hornbill, African elephant, African wild dog, fossa, gray mouse lemur
A Perfect Planet
Episode one (Volcano): lesser flamingo, marabou stork, Galápagos land iguana, vampire ground finch, Aldabra giant tortoise, North American river otter, coyote, Kamchatka brown bear, wildebeest
Episode two (The Sun): yellow-cheeked gibbon, fig wasp, arctic grey wolf, wood frog, garter snake, arctic fox, Saharan silver ant, golden snub-nosed monkey, sooty shearwater, humpback whales
Episode three (Weather): straw-colored fruit bat, fire ant, Amazonian giant river turtle, desert rain frog, Bactrian camel, Christmas Island red crab, carmine bee-eater, Nile crocodile, African fish eagle, hippopotamus
Episode four (Oceans): common dolphin, marine iguana, flightless cormorant, flamboyant cuttlefish, eider, bottlenose dolphin, lemon shark, manta ray, blacktip reef shark, trevally, rockhopper pengin, Eden's whale
Episode five (Humans): none
Episode one (Challenges of Life): bottlenose dolphins, cheetah, panther chameleon, orca, brown-tufted capuchin, stalk-eyed fly, hippopotamus, Clark's grebe, giant Pacific octopus, strawberry poison-dart frog, leopard seal, orangutan
Episode two (Reptiles and Amphibians): pebble toad, caiman, basilisk, Brazilian pygmy gecko, panther chameleon, Namaqua chameleon, red-sided garter snake, collared iguana, hog-nosed snake, horned lizard, sea krait, African bullfrog, Komodo dragon
Episode three (Mammals): Weddell seal, elephant shrew, aye-aye, caribou, straw-colored fruit bat, lion, spotted hyena, polar bear, brown-nosed coati, meerkat, African elephant, humpback whale
Episode four (Fish): sailfish, flying fish, weedy sea dragon, convict fish, sarcastic fringehead, mudskipper, Hawaiian freshwater goby, hippopotamus, barbel, silvertip shark, clownfish, sea lion, ragged tooth shark, multiple snapper, whale shark
Episode five (Birds): spatuletail hummingbird, lammergeier, red-billed tropicbird, magnificent frigatebird, red knot, horseshoe crab, lesser flamingo, chinstrap penguin, great white pelican, Clark’s grebe, sage grouse, Vogelkop bowerbird
Episode six (Insects): Darwin’s beetle, unnamed damselfly, monarch butterfly, alkali fly, Wilson’s phalarope, oogpister beetle, mongoose, bombardier beetle, honey bee, black bear, Japanese red bug, Dawson’s bee, grass cutter ant
Episode seven (Hunters and Hunted): ibex, short-tailed stoat, brown bear, Ethiopian wolf, California ground squirrel, star-nosed mole, cheetah, red fox, greater bulldog bat, bottlenose dolphin, Bengal tiger, rattlesnake, orca
Episode eight (Creatures of the Deep): Pompeii worm, Humboldt squid, nemertean worm, moon jelly, fried egg jellyfish, spider crab, stingray, cuttlefish, giant Pacific octopus, sunflower sea star, king crab, cleaner shrimp
Episode nine (Plants): monarch butterfly, purple-throated carib hummingbird
Episode ten (Primates): Hamadryas baboon, Japanese macaque, lowland gorilla, spectral tarsier, phayre's leaf monkey, ring-tailed lemur, Sumatra orangutan, chacma baboon, white-faced capuchin, brown-tufted capuchin, western chimpanzee
Blue Planet II
Episode one (One Ocean): bottlenose dolphin, tuskfish, tern, giant trevally, mobula ray, false killer whale, Asian sheepshead wrasse, orca, humpback whale, walrus
Episode two (The Deep): sea toad, Venus’ flower basket, unnamed shrimp, ethereal snailfish, cock-eyed squid, pyrosome, barrel-eyed fish, unnamed siphonophore, yeti crab, Humboldt squid, fangtooth fish, sixgill shark, scabbardfish, zombie worm
Episode three (Coral Reefs): broadclub cuttlefish, coral grouper, day octopus, multiple corals, green turtle, bottlenose dolphin, manta ray, bobbit worm, saddleback clownfish, marbled grouper, grey reef shark
Episode four (Big Blue): spinner dolphin, yellowfin tuna, mobula ray, sailfish, sperm whale, sea turtle, blue shark, great white shark, multiple jellyfish, Portuguese man o' war, whale shark, wandering albatross, shortfin pilot whale
Episode five (Green Seas): Garibaldi, Australian giant cuttlefish, weedy seadragon, common octopus, pyjama shark, sea otter, tiger shark, smooth stingray, zebra mantis shrimp, common dolphin, humpback whale
Episode six (Coasts): Pacific leaping blenny, king penguin, southern elephant seal, Sally Lightfoot crab, Galápagos sea lion, ochre starfish, clingfish, chain moray eel, Atlantic puffin, arctic skua
Episode seven (Our Blue Planet): none
Prehistoric Planet
Episode one (Coasts): Tyrannosaurus rex, Tethydraco, Phosphatodraco,  Tuarangisaurus, Mosasaurus hoffmannii, pycnodont fish, ammonites,  Kaikaifilu
Episode two (Deserts):  Dreadnoughtus, Tarbosaurus, Velociraptor,  Mononykus, Barbaridactylus, Secernosaurus
Episode three (Freshwater): Velociraptor, Tyrannosaurus rex, Deinocheirus, Quetzalcoatlus, Masiakasaurus, Beelzebufo, elasmosaur
Episode four (Ice Worlds): dromaeosaur, hadrosaur, Ornithomimus, Olorotitan, troodontid, Antarctopelta, Pachyrhinosaurus, Nanuqsaurus
Episode five (Forests): Austroposeidon, Triceratops, Carnotaurus, Qianzhousaurus,  Edmontosaurus, Atrociraptor, Anodontosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Telmatosaurus, Hatzegopteryx
The Hunt
Episode one (The Hardest Challenge): African leopard, African wild dog, Parson’s chameleon, nose-horned chameleon, African mantis, Darwin’s bark spider, Nile crocodile, Amur falcon, orca, cheetah
Episode two (Arctic): polar bear, arctic grey wolf, arctic fox, glaucous gull
Episode three (Forests): tiger, American marten, sparrow hawk, Portia spider, tarsier, harpy eagle, chimpanzee, army ant
Episode four (Oceans): blue whale, frigatebird, dorado, sargassum fish, spinner dolphin, Beroe ovata, Chiroteuthis, lionfish, black-browed albatross, sea lion, tuna, copper shark, common dolphin, Bryde's whale
Episode five (Plains): cheetah, caracal, honey badger, termite, bald eagle, lion, Ethiopian wolf, hotrod ant, spoor spider
Episode six (Coasts): bottlenose dolphin, algae octopus, sand bubbler crab, long-tailed macaque, marine otter, grizzly bear, grey wolf, peregrine falcon, orca, humpback whale
Episode seven (Conservation): none
Life In Colour
Episode one (Seeing In Color): Indian peafowl, mandrill, Costa’s hummingbird, magnificent bird-of-paradise, blue moon butterfly, fiddler crab, mantis shrimp, flamingo, poison dart frog
Episode two (Hiding In Color): Bengal tiger, langur, ptarmigan, crab spider, zebra, Cuban painted snail, blue-striped fangblenny, common waxbill, pin-tailed wydah, Augrabies flat lizard
Frozen Planet II
Episode one (Frozen Worlds): emperor penguin, orca, Pallas’s cat, Siberian tiger, grizzly bear, hooded seal, polar bear
Episode two (Frozen Ocean): polar bear, beluga, harp seal, skeleton shrimp, crested auklet, orca
Episode three (Frozen Peaks): high-casqued chameleon, japanese macaque, kea, andean flamingo, giant panda, golden eagle, andean mountain lion
Episode four (Frozen South): king penguin, Antipodean wandering albatross, blue whale, Weddell seal, chinstrap penguin, snow petrel, leopard seal, orca
Episode five (Frozen Lands): grey wolf, arctic fox, Amur leopard, Siberian tiger, painted turtl, Lapland bumblebee, snowy owl, caribou, grizzly bear
Episode six (Our Frozen Planet): none
Episode one (Kalahari): fork-tailed drongo, ostrich, black rhinoceros, Angolan giraffe, African leopard, armored ground cricket, spider wasp
Episode two (Savannah): Agama lizard, shoebill, bee-eaters and rollers, lesser flamingo, African elephant, crowned eagle, African fish eagle, martial eagle
Episode three (Congo): chimpanzee, central African rock python, Angola banana frog, African skimmer, rockfowl, African elephant
Episode four (Cape): emperor swallowtail, giant kingfish, African penguin, monkey beetle, springbok, yellow-billed kite, pied crow, ghost crab, vundu catfish, Nile crocodile, Bryde’s whale, great white shark, common dolphin
Episode five (Sahara): Grevy’s zebra, naked mole rat, barn swallow, Dromedary camel, dung beetle, crocodile, western yellow wagtail, Saharan silver ant
Episode six (The Future): none
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leolingo · 1 year
picturing baby jaiden, elquackity (who just went by quackity, at the time) and foolish sitting around a table at the big colorful room in the federation facility. projects blue bird, duckling and goldfish, respectively.
they like drawing and doing the tasks they're asked to, even if sometimes they're odd. they're surrounded by labs, and there's lots of writing and reading. it's okay. the bears are friendly enough and soothe their questions if they have them -- one way or another. their caretakers and each other are all they've ever known.
fast forward twenty years or so. the three of them are finally out in the world. jaiden, fully-grown and flaunting the very same blue wingspan she used to dream of. foolish, now a shark. and elquackity. the one who got held back, and the only one who remembers.
the other two have had their brains picked. scraped free of white walls and any memory of growing up. it's part of the task. the greatest, most important one they've ever been entrusted with.
they're nearly strangers. they can't exactly count on each other anymore. still, somehow, it's like they gravitate. in the absence of facts, the heart makes do. the bird and the shark band together. circling each other until they wind up on the same doorstep they started in, albeit unknowingly. the bears welcome them in silence. it's a greeting, but they don't know it yet.
elquackity has it harder -- an untouched mind is a heavy burden to bear, here. his job is simple: act the part you've been given. this means taking over someone else's memories, even though he still has his own. he's pretending times two, and he's not even doing that good of a job.
nevertheless, the experiment carries on. it's much bigger than any of them.
watching his once friends from afar, always far, elquackity wonders if he'll ever be able to truly enjoy the island.
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bogleech · 1 year
In 2010 I illustrated the party game "Chimera Isle," by Kevin Lanzing which randomizes creatures from heads, bodies and tails, but for both convenience and fun I drew them together as complete creatures that would be split apart later, based on simple lists the creator sent me for "attributes" he wanted in the game; like a card that would make a creature the fastest, or the tallest, or a grazer or a scavenger. The game went through some rules changes by the time it was released, and my real-life friends felt the unreleased beta rules were the easiest and most fun. For $10 patreon patrons I've uploaded a zip of all the creatures in high resolution, an extensive text file detailing my conceptual rationale, and a PDF of what those original gameplay rules were like, but I'll also include a little bit of the art stuff right here:
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"GRASS EATER head," "JUMPING body," "DEXTROUS" tail: Lanzing really liked my first concept for a grazer head, a goatlike animal with a lawnmower-like trunk. I reused his concept of spring-shaped legs for the "jumping" body, and then I assigned "dextrousness" as a tail piece with a cluster of tentacles, wielding a spear. I guess most people would expect dextrousness to be tied to the torso limbs, but this was approved for being unexpected and fun.
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"SCAVENGER" head, "FLIGHT" body, "FASTEST" tail: for a scavenging creature I went all out with my personal tastes, making a vulture head that's also a fly head that's also a coiling earthworm, so the all-purpose "flight" body card became condor-like. Lanzing didn't assign attributes to body parts for me, but let me decide what should be what, so I made the "fastest" attribute a tail piece and designed it like a many-finned shark. This originally had a rocket jet on the end, but we changed it to a propeller because we already had a different fire-spewing tail.
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"SENSE OF SMELL" head, "SOCIAL" body, "SYMBIOTIC" tail: for sense of smell I designed a bison-like head with a huge, comical nose on the end of a little trunk and no visible eyes. Kevin's notes also included "SOCIAL" and "SYMBIOTIC" as two different attributes he wanted in the game, and they were the most fun to think of ideas for. I assigned "social" to a body card, and I drew it so whatever head card you drew, it would end in a little round rump with legs, with the rest of the body card featuring a band of different creatures: a little piglike thing, a flying eyeball, and a stalk-eyed flightless bird who leads into whatever tail card you drew. I then assigned "symbiotic" to a tail card resembling a tree branch with a little weird bird perched on it, and I decided to draw these three attributes together so they'd be a whole pack of creatures relying on a blind leader who sniffs out the food. Again these "original combinations" wouldn't be seen by players, so they're just my own internal behind-the-scenes combos. I didn't include the following in the patreon file but if you're having a hard time picturing it here's how the Symbiosis Body card looks on its own, like all body cards still lining up with any possible head and tail:
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In retrospect, we settled on pretty bad background colors, the cool grey way too close to the dull green template of the creatures, especially given that they were done without any lineart. Should have gone with totally white backgrounds, but we thought that looked too cheap!
You can still buy chimera isle on the gamecrafter here, but I don't get royalties or anything, it was all one big commission, which did prove to be more money than I would have made off its sales!
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kaytrawrites · 3 months
QSMP - Tapestries colored by Death
Summary in which a ritual is performed to call forth a Death Being to protect the life weavings of those who have grown close
Notes CW // multiple character deaths (non permanent), multiple ritualistic suicides (non permanent), violence (make sure you rb with the cw tags, at least)
i've been slowly working on this one for a while. this is my non-canon what-if ending of the islanders vs the horrors. enjoy. (I love the crow poem, if you couldn't tell lmao)
The waystone in the tree swooshed as a demon stumbled into existence. He clutched a shredded shirt to his side, inhaling through his teeth at the stabbing pain from moving. Across the floor, three figures were deeply asleep, one wrapped around the other two, a scarred, still beautiful wing covering the two completely.
Bad inhaled slowly. “Sorry old friend…” He breathed, and stepped forward, carefully lifting the dark wing of the blond man, folding it back away from the two still eggs. He pulled the quilts higher around the two eggs, pausing for the briefest moments at their warmth.
He shook his head, taking a crumpled sheet and wrapping it around the deeply asleep man. The tall demon lifted the winged blonde, one arm under his knees, the other supporting his torso.
“Sorry little ones. Your papa will come back soon. I will make sure of it.” He whispered, then turned back to the waystone.
He warped away, arriving in a ruined hellscape. “I have him!” Bad called out, beginning to sprint toward a golden glow not far away.
“Bad!” The familiar voice of Foolish called out. The massive shark-totem hurried to escort Bad and his precious cargo to the structure that was almost complete.
Bad carefully set the blonde man down on the central slab of gray stone. 
“I still don’t get why it has to be him.” Tubbo grumbled.
“He is touched by Death in a way that no other islander is, Tubbo.” Bad said. “Everyone ready?” he looked up at the torn group in various stages of injury, who nodded.
Cellbit, Baghera, Tina, Pierre, Maximus, Fit, Foolish, Etoiles, Charlie, Pac, Mike and Tubbo were all gathered around. Bad nodded. “Ok. Cellbit. Can you start us off? I will be last. Tubbo will need to- put down that sword. Phil will be most likely to follow where you point.”
Tubbo huffed, but nodded at Bad’s words.
Cellbit took a breath and straightened. He flipped the machete in his hands around and as a tear slid down his cheek, declared: “ONE for sorrow.” He plunged the blade into his gut. He collapsed on the floor, his life essence spinning out of his body, a small portion breaking off and absorbing into Philza’s sleeping body. The remainder coalesced above the bed nearby, forming into Cellbit once more. He hurried to gather his things from his dead body as Etoiles began to speak.
“TWO for mirth.” He chuckled, bringing up his code touched blade to his throat, slashing it with one quick movement. He crumpled like Cellbit, the same life essence show happening to Etoiles. He too respawned, hurrying to collect his gear and turn to face the lurking nightmares that were clawing to stop the ritual.
“THREE for a wedding.” Fit declared, squeezing Pac’s hand. He held out a titanium band to the dark haired brazilian, who gladly let Fit slip it onto his ring finger. Pac repeated the action, placing an almost identical ring on Fit’s finger. Fit nodded, and Pac blinked away tears, refusing to let any fall, as he took a step back, his Dreadbow appearing in his hand. He pulled back, a shadowy arrow appearing on the string. After a moment the arrow flashed red and Pac released the arrow, point blank at Fit’s head.
A bit of Fit’s life essence flowed to Philza, and he too respawned.
“FOUR for a birth.” Maximus declared. He took a step back away from the group, and his skin shred itself from the inside. Green ones and zeros danced across his flesh, cutting and eating his body, which spat out his life essence. A small bit of it surged toward Philza, the rest returning to Maximus’ reborn body.
“FIVE for silver.” Pierre declared, sloughing off his jacket, exposing his silver, robotic arms. He turned, the firelight catching his metal cheek. He flicked open a hatch on his chest, revealing the only fleshy part of him, his still beating heart. He extended a finger, and stabbed the fleshy organ, his eyes going dark. A bit of life essence joined the globe that was growing above the sleeping avian before Pierre jolted back to life.
“SIX for gold.” Foolish declared, squeezing the totem in his hand, before dropping it to the ground, unholstering his federation issued gun up, pointing it under his chin, squeezing the trigger.
He crumpled, his life essence roiling out of his dead body, a truly monstrous amount. The small amount that joined the growing lump above the comatose form on the altar barely a drop in the ocean of his life. He hurried to collect his things after respawn, joining Cellbit and Etoiles in guarding the ritual against the monsters.
“SEVEN a secret ne’er to be told.” Tina said, reaching up and untying the ribbon around the little cat ear points of her hairstyle, revealing a pair of sawed off stumps of demon horns.
Tina lifted a scythe that all gathered recognized as belonging to Bagi, and with a single movement, beheaded herself. She joined the others after respawn, her slender horns restored, nails lengthened into claws ready to tear the encroaching enemy apart.
“EIGHT for a wish.” Charlie declared, looking down at his code touched arms, thinking back to the little girl he wished so deeply to see again. He let his body dissolve into slime, then finally into nothingness. Upon respawn, the code infection was gone.
“NINE for a kiss.” Pac said, grasping Fit’s hand, leaning forward, deeply kissing the taller Floridian man. Fit enjoyed the moment, then revved his chainsaw and plunged it into Pac’s gut, ripping it to the side. Pac crumpled, and respawned.
“TEN a bird you must not miss~!” Baghera sang, spinning in place. She revved her chainsaw, spinning it in her grasp recklessly. Resulting in her chainsawing off her own head. She scooped up the still growling weapon upon her respawn, turning and brandishing it at the ever closing in monsters.
“ELEVEN for hope.” Mike said, looking down at the little bouquet of sunflowers. He flicked open a little vial, downing the glowing green contents. He collapsed like a puppet with cut strings, respawning after a moment.
Etoiles turned back toward the altar, opening his mouth to speak again.
“TWELVE for health.” Tubbo declared before Etoiles could speak. Etoiles and Bad froze, not daring to speak for fear that it would ruin the ritual.
Tubbo lifted his wrench, and began bashing in his skull. The others could only watch on silently as Tubbo quickly collapsed, his life essence hovering above his body. It was tiny, and became even smaller as a portion joined the almost complete orb above Philza.
Fit scooped up Foolish’s dropped totem, pressing it against Tubbo’s chest. The totem shattered, dragging Tubbo’s small life essence back down into his body. Tubbo gasped as he returned to life.
“THIRTEEN beware of the devil himself.” Bad said, as everyone else backed away. He lifted his hand to his chest, feeling heart thump thump. It felt like his heart was being both stabbed and shattered into multiple pieces. For the first time, he was dying from a broken heart.
His vision went dark as he heard the DOOM of the ritual completing.
The firelight that warded off the encroaching monsters winked out, plunging the clearing into darkness. One by one, the beings gathered lit torches and lanterns to illuminate the space once more.
Fit carefully helped Tubbo stand, everyone else backing away from the altar, allowing the two to face the now standing figure that had been laid on the slab.
Where before the Being’s bird features had been limited to dark wings and slightly clawed fingers, now He was truly an Angelic fusion of Man and Bird.
The only human skin visible was his hands and around his mouth; every inch of his body not covered by his clothing was covered with tiny, dark feathers. His single pair of wings, once quite large, had multiplied thrice, each of the six now spanning double what they once did. His hand flexed and a 
Witnessing The Angel of Death walking upon the earth once more, those who had performed the ritual were thankful that the time for their Tapestries of Life to be bound off had not yet come. But they prepared to follow the being they had called to cut off the Tapestries of those who desired to stop the weaving of their own.
For they were a family, and were prepared to witness the beautiful weaving of this day…
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toffeechad · 8 months
A lazy ahh summary of every major Monday Dusk Monolith x Battle For Corrupted Island character ever
(This crossover's pretty much a BFB AU and a FNF AU at the same time)
MDM!Loser: An archangel whose wings are unsymmetrical as well as a pure, golden circular halo. He is worshipped as a savior by many.
MDM!Blocky: He's a survivor who was a former prankster. His goal is to search for his missing friends, MDM!Pen, MDM!Eraser and MDM!Snowball. He also has a scaly wing on his back.
MDM!Woody: He's a survivor full of incomprehensible anxiety. He doesn't use the wings on his legs for flying, though. He's afraid of heights.
MDM!Taco: Her Monolithan self appears to be far more different than how Woody interpreted her in one of his nightmares.
MDM!9-Ball: She's lost an eye because of the fact that a Monolithan impaled her in the left eyeball once.
MDM!Spongy: He's not only a pilot, he's also a heavy weapon specialist and a mechanic!
MDM!Flower: A Monolithan who was once a captured survivor who got infected by MDM!Four along with MDM!Taco and MDM!Firey. SHE BECAME THE THING SHE SWORE SHE FEARED.
MDM!Firey: He's a Monolithan who appears to be MDM!Firey Jr's missing big brother. He is also capable of transforming into his blue flame form whenever there's a harder situation for him to comprehend. One of his arms and legs is covered with obsidian.
MDM!CRT: hell yeah she's back from the dead
MDM!Camera: That's just Camera with a band-aid on the cracked part of their lens, I did not do much on their design.
MDM!Leafy: While she was infected, she was also merged with MDM!Evil Leafy, therefore making her more hostile.
MDM!Balloony: He's MDM!David's caretaker and restrainer. He also acts like a father figure to MDM!Rocky.
MDM!David: He's a victim who's capable of becoming 3x bigger than his usual Monolithan size while being outraged.
MDM!Bubble: She left MDM!Pencil because she had a serious conflict with her. As she's lost all of her sanity, she's already turned to a Monolithan who has 4 tails that are also tentacles. She ate a Yoyleberry to prevent herself from popping too easily.
MDM!Pencil: An alliance leader who regrets her life choices mainly because of causing MDM!Bubble's spiteful betrayal.
MDM!Match: She suggests MDM!Pencil to have a second chance to redeem herself so that she doesn't descend to madness.
MDM!Lollipop: She's an assassin who uses a gun. When she found out that MDM!Dora was drastically changed due to her mutations, she was horrified.
MDM!Ruby: She performs exorcism.... but not in a holy way like usual. She exorcises Monolithans by irritating them with Music, their major weakness. expect her to play two trucks on her radio lol
MDM!Teardrop: A survivor who has her infected features resembling that of a shark. She's an expert at sniping.
MDM!Gelatin: He's a survivor who's searching for MDM!Flower, a missing friend of his. No one really knows what do his infected features resemble, though.
MDM!Fanny: A Monolithan who resembles a Harpy, specifically related to a hawk. Since all her memories are gone, she forgot MDM!Pillow was a friend of hers.
MDM!Tree: A remnant survivor that can transform into a huge treant when he's truly at his breaking point. His treant form is also known as his overgrowth phase. He will revert back to regular size if he's calmed down. OH GOOD GRIEF, HE'S RIPPED-
MDM!Black Hole: Although he's powerful, he doesn't want to participate in the frequent wars that his allies have against the Monolithans.... because the reason is obvious.
MDM!Marker: The same self he's meant to be, but now with "More Anxiety"™ /j
MDM!Lightning: Although he's a saved victim, he actually left the "pact" he was once a part of. Therefore, he's also a loner.
MDM!Stapy: MDM!Foldy abandoned him after she found out he befriended MDM!Liy.
MDM!Firey Jr: A former friend of MDM!Bomby. After finding out the reason behind his big brother's disappearance, he was stricken by grief. He draws pictures of him along with his brother as a method to cope with that tragedy.
MDM!Pie: A survivor who claims that she's the best at preventing death. Her weapons are dual knives that can be attached on one another. She's also relied as a hunger source, but she prefers to have less of her insides eaten up or else she'd have a chance to explode.
MDM!Remote: A robot who also wants to be treated as a real person and not just a tool. Unlike her past self, she's way more matured than ever.
MDM!Liy: A survivor who's trying to cope with her murderous past. Whenever she's having a mental breakdown, MDM!Tree restrains her so that she calms down.
MDM!Golf Ball: A team leader who regrets her life choices after arguing with MDM!8-Ball right to the point she forgot MDM!Puffball was painfully transforming into a Monolithan. MDM!Gelatin thinks she had a divorce with MDM!Tennis Ball since he doesn't see them work together often. Ironically, both of them were in a platonic relationship until they broke up. They weren't in a romantic relationship.
MDM!Tennis Ball: He's an inventor who doesn't really work together with his partner that much anymore ever since MDM!Fries' disappearance. Since he's full of mood swings because of the apocalypse, he's not bubbly and clumsy anymore. He's hoping that MDM!Golf Ball would repent for her mistakes.
MDM!8-Ball: He's a survivor who lost his loved ones because of the apocalypse. He's lost his wife, MDM!Basketball because of her being brainwashed by MDM!Puffball's dreadful singing and his adoptive son, MDM!Grassy because of the infection. Those events caused his hatred of the Monolith to grow.
MDM!Pen: He's a remnant Monolithan who began boiling the chaos for the team he was once in. Sickened with MDM!Golf Ball's attitude, he left his team and proceeded to become a remnant out of spite.
MDM!Eraser: He's a remnant Monolithan who was the first to leave his team behind because of MDM!Pen capturing him, then infecting him afterward. Unlike MDM!Pen, he's slightly more naive than him.
MDM!TV: He's very trustworthy to MDM!Golf Ball and MDM!Tennis Ball, but he seems to toy around with his trust towards MDM!Bracelety, MDM!8-Ball and MDM!Roboty. Despite this, he doesn't like it when there's an argument going on in his team. He got his screen cracked because of MDM!Puffball's tantrum.
MDM!Bracelety: She's a survivor who idolizes MDM!Ice Cube. Even though MDM!Fries left the team, she also felt bad for him due to the fact he's been captured and infected even though he dislikes her.
MDM!Roboty: He's a robot who had enough with MDM!TV's "trust". Sickened with MDM!TV's presence, he's mainly happy whenever he's not here. He has a translator strapped on his chest so that he can provide messages, warnings, etc..
MDM!Puffball: She's a Monolithan who was the second to leave her team because of the infectious wound on her head being left untreated. As she fully transformed, she roared, she angrily bashed the hell out of her other team members and she dragged MDM!Fries away from his team members so that MDM!Pen can infect him in return. Other than roaring, she can even express her emotions by howling and growling too. She can't speak, however. If she sings her dreadful song, you might want to cover your ears since she's capable of brainwashing. She still knows how to change her size.
MDM!Fries: He's a remnant Monolithan who was the last to leave his team because of him getting infected via MDM!Pen's tail. He's already lost his hope of being saved by someone, then he accepts his fate. Saddened with MDM!Puffball losing all her memories via the infection, he decided to build up his trust with her Monolithan self to comprehend the trauma he had. Beware, his bite is venomous....
MDM!Dora: After she sacrificed some of her sanity to save MDM!Book's life while she was attacked by MDM!Pen, her appearance seems to have changed a lot. She wears a control mask to restrain herself so that she doesn't even go rampant. Whenever it's time for her daily island consumption, she takes off her control mask temporarily.
MDM!Book: She's a survivor who's good at being a mercenary for teamfights. Whenever there's no war going on, she's MDM!Dora's caretaker and restrainer. She's the one who gave MDM!Dora her own control mask.
MDM!Pillow: She's a delusional and insane scientist who actually did make a cure for her infected teammates, but not the rest of them. MDM!Dora got infected later unlike MDM!Nickel, MDM!Naily, MDM!Lightning Cherry, MDM!Bomby and MDM!Price Tag. MDM!Pillow is also partially a cat and has nine lives as well. There's not much recovery needed if she dies!
MDM!Cake: A guardian angel, whose wings are on his eyelashes and legs as well as having a feathered tail. He really admires MDM!Loser.
MDM!Nickel: He left from the place he once lived in because of the tragic losses of many of his friends that happened here. Overwraught with the losses of his friends, he then psychotically felt like deceiving MDM!Springy by pretending to trust him. After MDM!Springy gets mauled by MDM!Nickel's fallen allies, MDM!Springy dies by getting bitten in half by MDM!Floor, causing his heart to stop beating. Note that in this AU, III 18 and 19 didn't truly happen as this takes place in a far more gruesome future.
MDM!Price Tag: They're a survivor who resembles and tends to behave like a bug. Whenever they're scared, they scream like a cicada. They're secretly envious.
MDM!Bomby: He's a survivor who is best friends with MDM!Naily. He doesn't really like it when MDM!Pillow treats him like a test subject in some experiments.
MDM!Naily: She's a survivor who has her infected features mostly resembling that of a cat. She even has nine lives as well.
MDM!Water Bottle: They're a survivor who is known for being relied as a water supply for their team. They're a friend of MDM! Lightning Cherry.
MDM!Lightning Cherry: They're a survivor who tends to be really hyperactive and playful. They're also slowly developing a bond with MDM!Marker.
MDM!Profily: They're a survivor who's concerned about what's going on in Goiky. They're MDM!Nonexisty's caretaker.
MDM!Clock: He's a priest who doesn't only worship MDM!Loser, but also MDM!Winner at the same time. Despite this, MDM!Winner refuses to reunite with MDM!Loser.
MDM!Winner: They're a fallen angel whose wings are black along with a monochrome halo. They can gaze at their world's flashbacks.
MDM!Yellow Face: He's a victim who's being restrained by his friend, MDM!Clock. He can't only control the urges to resist injuring a teammate of his but also his sentient tail's urges to bite. He mainly dreams about glaggleland when be sleeps.
MDM!Ice Cube: She's a survivor who has ears resembling that of a hare, but her ears also have mouths too. She tends to trim MDM!Rocky's crystal-covered body using her ears' fangs whenever the crystals on him are too long.
MDM!Cloudy: He's a victim who has his infected features resembling that of moth. Unlike his past self, he has mood swings.
MDM!Bottle: She's a survivor who is apparently also a delusional psychopath to MDM!Liy and MDM!Pin. Because of the fact she also causes mayhem, MDM!Black Hole doesn't really like it when she's around.
MDM!Rocky: He's a survivor who suffers from crystals growing all over his body. There was one time he saw MDM!Firey from the distance, thinking that he finally found him... but MDM!Firey isn't really himself right now. He was then rescued by MDM!Tennis Ball, who was concerned about his safety.
MDM!Birthday Cake: They're as gleeful as their past self, BUT THEY DON'T WANT TO SPARE YOU IF YOU'RE A PARTY POOPER.
MDM!Nonexisty: the infection ruined his fricking eyes
MDM!Coiny: He's a survivor who has his infected features partially resembling that of a sheep. There was one time where he got scarred by MDM!Needle instead of getting slapped. His left hand is made of liquid gold that can change shape and its state of matter as a defense mechanism.
MDM!Pin: She's a survivor who specializes at being a strategist. The Monolithan apocalypse going on in Goiky seems to be making her feel traumatized right to the point it reminded her of a zombie apocalypse she was once involved in. She doesn't want to lose MDM!Coiny in an event like this ever again.
MDM!Donut: A team leader who's actually MDM!Gelatin's adoptive older brother. He has a soft spot on MDM!X because they sometimes confess about their struggles to him in the apocalypse that's going on right now.
MDM!Needle: She's a Monolithan who appears to be impaled in the chest. I swear to god, she's still aware that she doesn't like being called "Needy". If you do call her like that, she'll actually scratch you.
MDM!Barf Bag: She's a victim who suffers from dizziness and sanity loss due to the infection. Since she's mentally unstable, MDM!Donut looks after her.
MDM!Saw: A survivor who wears a gas mask most of the time. She's also really concerned about her friends' sanity.
MDM!Gaty: She's a survivor who has a lot of empathy for MDM!Two. Whenever MDM!Two experiences serious injuries, she comes to aid them. That's why MDM!Two has bandages on.
MDM!Rusty Coin: He's a survivor who has a fear of being neglected. He's not really the type of person you would want to ask a hint from, he's not really that good at providing solutions. He usually stays together with his friends.
MDM!Steamy: She's a survivor who often accompanies MDM!Rusty Coin and MDM!Clip. Although she's cheerful, she might act stubborn and never follow orders.
MDM!Clip: He's a survivor who accompanies MDM!Rusty Coin along with MDM!Steamy. MDM!Naily, who is also frequent at making puns, is in good terms with him.
MDM!Basketball: A survivor who was brainwashed while trying to make an escape. After finding out MDM!Grassy was infected, she slowly stood back, before running away. While she was chased by some other Monolithans, she saw MDM!Puffball right in front of her. As MDM!Puffball knew she had a communication headset on, she instead decides to do her alternative brainwashing method no one actually knew about that she can do only once in a week. She brainwashes her by gazing at MDM!Basketball with her hypnotic, colorful and epileptic eyes that shift colors rapidly. As MDM!Grassy grasped MDM!Basketball's robotic arms, she couldn't manage to cover her petrified eyes. MDM!Basketball's eyes were in pain, as she becomes blinded by the inability to control herself.
MDM!Snowball: He's a Monolithan who resembles that of a Yeti. He mainly lurks in cold areas. If he's threatened, he can protrude icicles on his body as if it's his armor to defend himself.
MDM!Grassy: He's a Monolithan who resembles that of a grasshopper. If his "butterfly" friend flies by, that's a sign he's gonna jump to you and rip you apart.
MDM!Eggy: She's a priest who worships MDM!Loser. She strongly believes in god and divine intervention. Whenever she needs help, she asks MDM!Cake.
MDM!Foldy: A Monolithan who resembles a Harpy, specifically related to a falcon. Unhappy with her enemy befriending her best friend, she leaves him behind only to return..... with nothing left of her sanity.
MDM!Robot Flower: A robot who assumes she's a real person. She convinces MDM!Gelatin she's perfectly fine as if she's MDM!Flower way before she was infected, but MDM!Gelatin was confused because he's actually looking for the real one. Before the apocalypse even happened, MDM!Basketball finally downloaded all the data of S4 Flower's personality inside her.
MDM!Bell: Way before she was turned into a Monolithan, She was MDM!Basketball's sworn enemy. MDM!Basketball's brainwashed self eventually captured MDM!Bell to bring her to MDM!Four so that they can agonizingly impale her and infect her. The hand inside her isn't a real hand. It's actually a replicated hand via a mutation from the Monolith.
MDM!Grandfather Clock: Not much information has been retrieved about them. The only thing we know is that they're a Monolithan who had their real eyes blinded.
MDM!Metronome: Not much info about them either. The only thing we know about them is that they're a Monolithan who is apparently a friend of MDM!Grandfather Clock and their tail wags like a real metronome.
MDM!Portable Music Player: he recently had throat surgery? yikes.
MDM!Two: They're the one who rounded up the survivors in Goiky ever since the apocalypse began. They convinced MDM!X to not wander off, but MDM!X didn't want to listen to them.
MDM!X: They're a brainwashed survivor who wants to see MDM!Four again after being isolated. Whenever they want to go see MDM!Four, MDM!Two catches them because they said that MDM!Four isn't themself right now.
MDM!One & MDM!Three: They're conjoined Monolithans that also go by the name "Thirteen" despite not being that since the addition method is involved if two algebraliens fuse. There are rare instances where both of them truly fuse to become a red and blue-colored number 4.
MDM!Four: They're the first Monolithan to show up in Goiky. Their posture is mostly strained, but they didn't realize their back snapped. Instead of their zappies coming out of their hand, their zappies come out from their throat.
MDM!Five: They're the first survivor to introduce MDM!BF & MDM!GF to Goiky at the time both of them arrived here. Their weapon is a bat. Concerned about the apocalyptic state of their world right now, MDM!Five once asked MDM!BF about what a Monolithan's weakness is, then MDM!BF responded with music as a solution. After hearing the answer, MDM!Five tells MDM!Ruby about it, eventually making MDM!Ruby feel like performing an exorcism to the Monolithans that lurk here.
MDM!Six: A survivor who appears to have spikes protruding out of their eye and cheek, as well as two wings on their arm and one wing on their back. They're a frenemy of MDM!Nine.
MDM!Seven: A survivor who really, really dislikes MDM!Fourteen's presence mainly because they ate MDM!Five's skin, MDM!Ten's skin and their own skin as well.
MDM!Eight: They're the pontiff in a church where MDM!Loser, MDM!Winner and MDM!Cake usually reside their presence. Unlike MDM!Ruby, their exorcism method is mainly using a crucifix to banish demons.
MDM!Nine: A survivor who lost their right hand due to MDM!Four's rampage. Since they lost their right hand, they now wear a prosthetic arm. They didn't want anyone else to know that they're also impaled, so they covered the top of their body with a cloak.
MDM!Ten: Comapred to the other Algebralien survivors, they're the one who's gone through the most gruesome pain. Their legs have a lot of scars, their right eye is numb, a part of their body has torn skin as well as their hands tremble due to the skin of their hands being ripped apart by MDM!Fourteen.
MDM!Announcer: He returned to Earth as he saw a huge shockwave caused by the Monolith from a distant view in space. Little did he know, he knew that MDM!Four along with everyone else here would be in shambles. He has a mechanical hand that can blast out pulses.
MDM!Purple Face: He's a church attendant who appears to have a pair of wings on his back and another pair of wings covering his eyes. MDM!Yellow Face is his archenemy. His design is inspired by one of the lies he told in Post-Split BFB.
MDM!Fourteen: A rogue, cannibalistic Monolithan who has an addiction of eating people's skin. Although they're feisty, it's easy to lure them since they're gullible. They were chained by MDM!Fifteen.
MDM!Fifteen: They're a rogue survivor who lives in a shack in the swamp unlike their canon self. Their weapon is a flamethrower. They can sometimes be seen swimming in swamp water. Their method of incapacitating MDM!Fourteen is by burning them alive or by chaining them.
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foxbirdy · 1 year
can you talk a bit about what you do as conservation work? i’ve seen a couple of your posts float around (the seasonal worker comic and the one about the remote island) and have looked into conservation stuff a bit myself and it all looks super cool!! i was just looking for a bit of a more personable take that what job sites describe
Of course! :) A lot of the work I've done has been in either trail maintenance, habitat restoration, or biological fieldwork, with a little bit of outdoor recreation stuff mixed in. Pretty much all of those things (barring the outdoor rec) have been in partnership with or working directly for government agencies (DNR, USFS, BLM, NPS, USFWS, etc.)
Trail work is very trades oriented - you are using tools (generally handtools - especially if you are working in designated wilderness, which prohibits any kind of mechanization) and your body to build effective infrastructure that will last a good, long time. Project work covers a huge range - brushing trail, digging tread, building structures, fence repair, rock work/wall building, etc. Often you have to work with natural materials on the project site, because hauling in lumber or stone is not feasible. It's hands-on & technical work, and it needs a lot of creativity! Your end goal is that no one knows you were there at all, because your work blends seamlessly into the landscape. A lot of people who hike or mountain bike don't realize how much effort and complexity it takes to maintain a trail! It's a very secret service, & I think there's something really beautiful in that. It's dirty, hard work, and you'll very likely go long periods without access to service or utilities (lots of treating/filtering your own water, camp-cooking your meals, showering in the creek, and sleeping on the ground).
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The habitat restoration I've done has generally involved the removal of invasive plants & the planting/seeding of natives. This is also pretty intense physical work! You might have to get certified/trained in working with herbicides, which are sometimes a necessary tool in fighting invasive plants. Hack-splash or drill-fill are the most commonly used herbicide techniques in restoration, because broadcast dispersion is considered a last resort. That involves individually treating each invasive plant with herbicide, using minimal amounts and concentrations to limit the effect on the surrounding ecosystem. The two biggest restoration projects I've worked on are the re-planting of disturbed alpine meadows (50K plants in about six weeks) and the removal of invasive coconut monocultures from native rainforest (hacking down palms with a machete, and spraying/injecting the cut stump with a small amount of herbicide to prevent it from coming back).
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My biological fieldwork has been mostly marine-oriented - I've done a lot of work with seabirds, as well as coral reef survey & tagging sharks, mantas, tuna, and dolphins. My seabird work involved monitoring nesting colonies (counting babies, tracking growth) with some tagging, banding, and sample collection as well. The seabirds I worked most with were several different booby species, Greater Frigatebirds, Red & White-tailed Tropicbirds, noddies (both black and brown), & terns (white & sooty). Most of the marine tagging I did was using handline fishing techniques, and required me to have a lot familiarity with/certifications for boat operation & seamanship. Biological fieldwork has definitely been lower labor-intensive than trail work or restoration, but still requires a lot of hiking & hauling gear around remote (& sometimes treacherous) terrain! You will also have really intimate exposure to animal bodies and death, and will probably (definitely) get pooped on/thrown up on/bled on at some point.
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A big common theme throughout these kinds of jobs is the ability to work in small groups, in isolated places, for long periods at a time. I hope this was the kind of information you were looking for in terms of what the actual work is! Feel free to reach out/message me if this didn't actually answer your questions <3
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bestiarium · 2 years
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The Brigdi [Scottish folktales]
The fishermen in the Shetland Islands used to tell tales of many strange and monstrous creatures that supposedly inhabited the waters around them. Of all these monsters, the Brigdi was said to be the most feared. It is usually described as a colossal, flat creature with very large fore- and hind-fins. These fins are flat and triangular and the creatures were known to hoist them in the air like a ship’s sail. This way, sailors often mistook them for other vessels while the Brigdi approached its victims, because their fins closely resembled sails. When the sailors realized the ship in the distance was actually a monster, it was already too close to escape. The Brigdi’s signature fins are also its main weapons for they have a sharp edge. As such, Brigdies were said to rush at boats and cut them in half with their fins. Other times, however, Brigdies hit ships with the flat edge of their fins, effectively crushing them. There are tales of ships returning to the harbour with one side completely smashed, having barely survived an encounter with a Brigdi.
Still other stories tell of Brigdies ‘embracing’ a vessel with two fins before diving deep below the surface, dragging the boat and its unfortunate crew down with it. To avoid this fate, some fishermen were said to carry axes so they could attack the gigantic fins if a Brigdi attempted to hold their ship.
These monsters were most commonly sighted off the eastern and northern coasts of Shetland, and usually in clear weather. To placate the Brigdies, fishermen used to throw offerings into the ocean. In particular, a bead of amber was said to be very effective. Crew took care to carry some of these when they left the port, and if a Brigdi was sighted it would disappear immediately when someone threw an amber bead into the sea.
There is a tale from the 1840’s of a Fetlar ship that was being chased by a Brigdi. The ship managed to make land and all of the crew jumped ashore and escaped. Turning back, they could see the Brigdi smashing the boat to pieces, furious that its victims escaped. Nowadays, belief in these monsters has diminished in Shetland (or became entirely extinct, quite possibly) and it is thought that the historical sightings were actually of basking sharks. These animals do not hunt people, nor are they known to attack ships. But they are huge and look scary, so it’s perfectly possible that fishermen mistook them for monsters and later exaggerated tales of these encounters to the point of fiction.
Sources: Teit, J. A., 1918, Water-beings in Shetlandic Folk-Lore, as Remembered by Shetlanders in British Columbia, The Journal of American Folklore, 31(120), p.180-201. Marwick, E., 2020, The Folklore of Orkney and Shetland, Birlinn Ltd, 216 pp. (Image source: this is the logo for the band Brigdi. Being a band logo, it’s not entirely accurate to the original myth but I rather like this image)
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asexual-spongebob · 5 months
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Above & Beyond Rewrite/ Reimagining. (Because I am silly.)
So um. I got an idea to make a A&B rewrite/ reimagining because, while I love it very much, I feel like there’s some things about it that could be better. So, I decided to take it into my own paws.
Note: This is just based off my personal interpretation of these characters. You do not have to like them nor agree with them, but please don’t throw a hissy fit because my characterization/interpretation doesn’t line up with yours.
What would it entail?:
It is a targeted at an older audience, like the older kids or teens who grew up with the show.
Barnacles is still a main character. He goes on missions more.
Dashi still has a lot of focus though.
It would talk about both marine and land creatures.
It has the classic and iconic Creature Report.
The Octo Agents are still thing, same with Octo-Watches. Bianca is a Octo Agent, and Orson and Ursa are Junior Octo Agents.
There’s shellso, twashi and pearlanca here. (I’m sorry.) with a side of queer platonic Minkling. And also Kwazini.
For Kwazii and Paani, I’m thinking that their dynamic is more like enemies to lovers, (instead rivals to lovers, which is how i see them in show) like they really dislike each other, but as time goes on, they begin to they that they’re more similar then they think.
Like, they both had pretty fucked up childhood’s for example. And I want to especially nail in the fact that Paani’s childhood was really fucked up and thats the reason why he thinks that so many things are normal, when in actuality, they aren’t. I also want explore things like internalized queerphobia and internalized ableism, especially with Paani.
Paani is still mysterious here, but to an even broader degree. However as time goes on, the audience finds out more things about them, like his childhood, and how the way they were raised negatively affected them. (Ex: The reason she had internalized queerphobia for the longest time is because of how her father said queerphobic things, (ex: claiming that queer people were “confused”). However, a few years before Paani became a Octonaut, she started to realize that a lot of the things she was taught as a child were incorrect. He realized that he was queer, that he was demisexual and demiromantic, that he was genderfluid and transfem. And got diagnosed with ADHD. At first, he was very ashamed of it, but he learned to accept himself, and that, they had nothing to be ashamed of.
Oh and did I mention? Paani becomes a full on Octonaut, and has their own pod here. It’s a very nice little room, with light green walls, fake plants and fairy lights, band posters and other things they like on the walls, a little a shelf with her knick knacks and her dvd and cd collection.
10. Paani is alt here, however he typically wears his work uniform when on missions, but at home, you’ll often find him wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, a bright green and black checkered belt, heavy, thick eyeliner and Invader Zim merchandise.
11. Kwazii and Paani begin to realize that they’re more similar then they think after they get stranded on a an Island. At first, Paani is pissed at Kwazii, the two insult each other before they realize that they don’t really have a choice but to work together, not matter how much they don’t want to. Kwazii almost gets eaten by a shark, Paani saves him. Kwazii questions why Paani saved them, and Paani replies with “Because that’s what Octonauts do.” They start to bond and learn more about each other and realize that, they’re actually pretty similar.
(Inspired by the Jimmy Neutron episode, “Stranded”. )
12. After Kwazii and Paani get found after being stranded, they start being nicer to each other. And Kwazii starts to catch feelings and freaks out. he’s like “WHY DO I LOVE THIS BITCH WTF?!” Oh and Paani realizes that they also like Kwazii. The two bottle up how they feel until one day Paani can not take it anymore, and tells Kwazii how he feels. Kwazii says that he feels the same way. And then they have a lovey dovey kiss scene and Peso and Shellington nearly faint out of shock.
13. Barnacles is glad that everything regarding Kwazii and Paani worked out just fine.
14. The childhood’s of the other Octonauts are going to be explored here as well, the audience doesn’t know much regarding their childhood’s either, so they’ll learn more about them as well. Featuring by personal interpretations.
I’ll probably be making backstory posts for everyone, as soon as I finish coming up with them.
I’ll probably think of more later regarding the other octo agents and og Octonauts, I want to explore them as characters as well.
here’s this little ref I made for Paani, I kept his design mostly the same, but added some bangs and made his coat longer.
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Blacksheep HC’s? <33
Black Sheep Hc’s 
[Author’s Note: Sorry I disappeared for a while 😅]
The reason why Carmen has a bit of a temper is because her showing anger in a destructive way was rewarded by the VILE faculty. 
Player would send her memes on the phone she stole, Black Sheep didn’t understand them at all. 
She would try to catch the seagulls that would come onto the island. She did catch a few but ShadowSan made her release them. 
Before she met Player the only music she was allowed to listen to was classical. 
Black Sheep had no sense of personal space, it isn’t her fault she was just a rowdy child. 
She was a little entitled because the Faculty let her get away with many things. 
Her and Mime Bomb would draw each others pictures in the sand. 
Black Sheep’s favorite board games were Clue, Candy Land, and Operation.
Black Sheep didn’t understand how romantic relations worked because she was never told about them until Antonio did. 
When she was little she would sit on the shore and try to see if she could spot sharks, she did spot dolphins though! 
Black Sheep and Jean-Paul would race each other around the school, they often got in trouble for it. 
Bonus Operatives Hc’s!: 
Sheena loved Monster High, she knew the lyrics to all the songs. 
Despite seeming really chill, Antonio had severe anger issues in the past. 
Jean-Paul is double jointed in literally every part of his body. He loves to freak people out by bending his limbs in some weird way. 
Grey played the electric guitar in high school and even tried to start a band.
Mime Bomb draws on his arms when he gets bored, he’s also a day dreamer. 
Paper Star dyes her own hair and outfits. 
Spin Kick and Flytrap knew each other before becoming operatives. They refuse to go on mission without each other. 
The only video game Dash Haber plays is Candy Crush. 
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psychicequalizer · 6 months
how many tapes do you own? and which are your favorites?
so this ask has been sitting for a hot minute bc i keep forgetting to count them. but i counted today and i have around 100! my mom actually found 3 new ones for me in an antique mall today, and even though i won't have them until friday, i already know they're gonna be some of my favs. i'll make you a list of my top 10 (ok it turned into 11 sue me):
young man's blues - rock city angels (this band is so very special to me. this is the only tape i've ever ordered online)
law of the order - shark island (found this one new, still shrink wrapped from 1989, in a record store bin for $5)
back to mystery city - hanoi rocks (gift from ryan @lonelyplanetfag and one of my coolest tapes imo)
sign in please - autograph (from my mom, not on spotify, been looking for it. i have it on vinyl but it skips)
hooked - great white (from my mom, but i have it on CD too)
fair warning - van halen (this one is particularly special bc it's a hand me down from my dad—the last tape he (ostensibly) had left after all of his were stolen in 1988. it was in the center console of his truck when the box of tapes he kept in the passenger seat was stolen. i have the CD too, which i stole was gifted from my mom)
faster pussycat - faster pussycat (one of my favorite albums of all time, have it on CD too)
keel - keel (when i bought this, the album wasn't on spotify and i was so fucking excited to find it)
dokken - under lock and key (gift from ryan, my favorite dokken album)
gnr lies - guns n' roses (oddly, my only gnr tape. also a gift from ryan.)
back in black - ac/dc (this belonged to my dad in high school. i found it, worn out to the point that most of the lettering on the tape itself is gone, without a case on my grandparents' basement floor. the only way i even knew what it was and didn't toss it was that i vaguely recognized some very faint words that i thought said "hells bells." i didn't have a player at the time, so i took it home and kept it. when i got my boombox, it was the first tape i played, and it was, in fact, back in black. it plays perfectly. my dad remembers losing it his junior year and never saw it again until last summer. needless to say he let me keep it!)
overall, i have some really cool shit and hope to acquire more. i also have a steelheart cassette single, but it didn't make the top 11. and, i have a shitload of classic country too, and classic rock shit like lynyrd skynyrd and traffic. i also have a tape from a current shoegaze band that one of my friends from radio gave me. i can take pics of my whole collection for you if you wanna see!
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cabaretkel · 11 months
Broadway Theatres
There are currently 41 operating Broadway theatres, & I have been lucky enough to visit most of them. In descending order by most visited, here is a list of all the productions I’ve seen & the year I attended for each theatre.  
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Belasco Theatre: Hedwig & the Angry Inch (2014) / Hedwig & the Angry Inch (2015) / Hedwig & the Angry Inch (2015) / Farinelli & the King (2018) / Network (2019)
Neil Simon Theatre: Jesus Christ Superstar (2012) / Big Fish (2013) / All the Way (2014) / Angels in America Part 1 (2018) / Angels in America Part 2 (2018) 
Richard Rodgers Theatre: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (2013) / Romeo & Juliet (2013) / If/Then (2014) / Hamilton (2016) / Hamilton (2018)
Studio 54: The Mystery of Edwin Drood (2013) / Cabaret (2014) / Cabaret (2015) / The Lifespan of a Fact (2019) / Pictures From Home (2023)
Longacre Theatre: First Date (2013) / Of Mice & Men (2014) / Allegiance (2016) / The Prom (2019) / Leopoldstadt (2023)   
Brooks Atkinson Theatre / Lena Horne Theatre: Peter & the Starcatcher (2013) / Spring Awakening (2016) / Spring Awakening (2016) / Waitress (2017) / SIX (2023)
Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre: It’s Only a Play (2015) / The Color Purple (2016) / The Ferryman (2018) / Company (2020) / Parade (2023)
Circle in the Square Theatre: Godspell (2012) / Fun Home (2016) / In Transit (2017) / Once on this Island (2018)
Booth Theatre: The Glass Menagerie (2013) / The Elephant Man (2015) / American Son (2019) / Kimberly Akimbo (2023)
Music Box Theatre: Pippin (2013) / The Heidi Chronicles (2015) / Dear Evan Hansen (2017) / Purlie Victorious (2023)
Broadhurst Theatre: The Front Page (2017) / Anastasia (2018) / Jagged Little Pill (2020) / A Beautiful Noise (2023)
Imperial Theatre: Les Miserables (2014) / Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 (2017) / Carousel (2018) / Bad Cinderella (2023)
Broadway Theatre: Cinderella (2014) / Fiddler on the Roof (2016) / West Side Story (2020) / Here Lies Love (2023) 
Ethel Barrymore Theatre: The Bands Visit (2018) / The Inheritance Part 1 (2020) / The Inheritance Part 2 (2020) / Harmony (2023)
Al Hirschfeld Theatre: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (2011) / Kinky Boots (2013) / Moulin Rouge (2020) 
Nederlander Theatre: Newsies (2014) / Honeymoon in Vegas (2015) / Pretty Woman (2019)  
St. James Theatre: Bullets Over Broadway (2014) / Something Rotten! (2016) / Frozen (2018)
Shubert Theatre: Hello Dolly (2018) / To Kill a Mockingbird (2019) / Some Like it Hot (2023)
Winter Garden Theatre: School of Rock (2016) / Beetlejuice (2020) / Back to the Future (2023)
Lunt-Fontanne Theatre: The Addams Family (2011) / Finding Neverland (2016) / Tina - The Tina Turner Musical (2020)
Lyceum Theatre: The Realistic Jones (2014) / A View From the Bridge (2016)
Marquis Theatre: Wonderland (2011) / Evita (2012) 
American Airlines Theatre: Violet (2014) / On the Twentieth Century (2016)
Samuel J. Friedman Theatre: Casa Valentina (2014) / Constellations (2015)
Palace Theatre: Annie (2013) / Sunset Boulevard (2017)
Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre: The Bridges of Madison County (2014) / Come From Away (2018)
August Wilson Theatre: Mean Girls (2019) / Funny Girl (2023)
Stephen Sondheim Theatre: Anything Goes (2012) / & Juliet (2023)
Cort Theatre / James Earl Jones Theatre: The Cripple of Inishmaan (2014) / Gutenberg! The Musical (2023)
Hudson Theatre: Toured the theatre (2019) / Merrily We Roll Along (2023)
Eugene O'Neill Theatre: The Book of Mormon (2012)
Minskoff Theatre: Easter Bonnet Competition (2014)
Majestic Theatre: The Phantom of the Opera (2016)
New Amsterdam Theatre: Aladdin (2014)
Walter Kerr Theatre: A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder (2016)
Hayes Theatre: Lobby Hero (2018)
Gershwin Theatre: Wicked (2020)
John Golden Theatre: The Shark is Broken (2023)
Ambassador Theatre: Chicago (2023)
Lyric Theatre: N/A
Vivian Beaumont Theatre: N/A
Shows seen multiple times: Hedwig & the Angry Inch (3), Cabaret (2), Hamilton (2) & Spring Awakening (2).
108 shows, 1 event & 1 tour
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