mizulekitten · 7 years
Keeping the Nightmares Away
Read on AO3 -> HERE <-
By MizuLeKitten
Lance had had the occasional nightmare as a child, who hadn’t honestly, so having them while in space fighting against an alien tyrant hell bent on controlling the whole universe? At least some things were universal. As the nightmares persist, Lance takes to wandering the castle at night, and it appears he’s not the only one. After a chance run in with Shiro the two come to an agreement: If they can't sleep alone, why not try sleeping together.
If only things stayed as simple as they sounded.
Words:  20911, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron)
Relationships: Lance/Shiro (Voltron) Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk & Lance (Voltron), Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro
Additional Tags: The Others Are There But Not Enough To Warrant A Tag, Fluff, Insecure Shiro (Voltron), Insecure Lance (Voltron), Panic Attacks, Nightmares, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Comfort, bed sharing, Hurt/Comfort, Sleepy Cuddles, Morning Cuddles, There's Multiple Cuddle Tags Omgs, Cuddling & Snuggling, Platonic Cuddling, at first, Canon-Typical Violence, Paladin Bonding, Family Bonding, Spa Nights!, Gaming, Tickle Fights, Those Two Are Related, Tickling, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Shiro (Voltron) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Falling In Love, Friends to Lovers,
Lovely Art By @nartezor -> HERE <-
Read on AO3 -> HERE <-
Read more shance fics @shancebigbang I’m super excited to read what everyone has to offer!
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there is something blue that watches from the second floor of a house that thrived in days long past, possibly centuries before he was even a thought. a light flickers, then is snuffed out so that there is nothing more than the rush of water in his ears.
[Shance BigBang 2017 - ‘Shivers of Oaks’]
Shiro is a disabled veteran who is still haunted by the ghost of his comrades after an IED went off during a routine run. Months later, he runs away from his home in Seattle, Washington, boarding the first flight he can get.
He somehow ends up in bucolic Gilman, Alabama, home to the amicable Holts, a sheriff by the name of Allura King, and a young man trying to do right by his family's land when his father bails on him.
And then, there is the old house on Oak Avenue.
Read ‘Shivers of Oaks’ on AO3
Comic and Allura Scene by @corgioki
Playlist for that Ambiance
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vegalocity · 7 years
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These are my entries for the Shance Big Bang, featuring scenes from the lovely fic written by the equally lovely @0blue-bird0!
This was my first Big Bang, and let me tell you this was a complete delight!
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Update and apology
So. A little backstory here. You should also have receive this as an email if you are participating in this event. Mod A has been having one heck of a time keeping assistant mods and has had a few relationship fallouts that have made this project at times difficult to deal with. Pair that with some depersonalization issues and time is fake and Mod A would swear it was like August 10th like literally just two days ago. So Mod A self-destructed for a while on this project as a result and that's not y'alls fault and y'all shouldn't be penalized for it. Mod A has (hopefully) reliable help on-board now and is in a much better place in terms of mental health, is cleaning house, and is back in contact with their therapist. So. Here's what we're gonna do: 1, Extend posting dates. Posting dates are being extended through the week of November 19th. 2, We Have A Form. Below is a form. Please fill out this form REGARDLESS of if you are still interested in participating. https://goo.gl/forms/Tosqc7b6geBNoHZ62 Any other forms are UNAFFILIATED. 3, Drops: There IS a place to indicate if you would like to drop or have dropped and somehow weren't removed from our lists. Please do FILL OUT THE FORM so that we can update our records. 4, If you ARE still interested in participating but have LOST YOUR WRITER OR ARTIST or have NOT been able to contact them, FILL OUT THE FORM. As mentioned, we are going to be extending posting dates through the week of November 19th. Those who are reassigned will receive a new partner by Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 14TH and assigned to a posting date the week of NOVEMBER 19TH. This will give you two months to finish your work with your new partner. Later posting dates can be discussed. 5, Posting: Please tag @shancebigbang on tumblr/twitter in your posts of your work for both fic and art. For writers, please also submit your work to this collection: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/ShanceBigBang/profile If your work is NSFW, please ensure any NSFW content is under a cut or make a separate post linking to your work. Please fill out this form ASAP. Preferably before SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. Late forms WILL be accepted up until SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH but the sooner the better. Again, the form link is here:   https://goo.gl/forms/Tosqc7b6geBNoHZ62 Thank you for your time and we apologize for the hassle.
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the3vilnom · 7 years
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These are my drawings for the @shancebigbang
I’ll Be There
by @starboy-shiro
In a fit of desperation, Single Dad Shiro turns to his neighbor Lance. However, Shiro is still very cautious and does everything he can to protect his daughter. As Lance and Pidge grow closer Shiro questions Lance’s motives, adding to the already high tensions. This causes problems between them all since Lance sees Pidge as the child he never had. Shiro goes back to his old routine, cutting Lance out and leaving everyone involved with a sour taste.
 These were a lot of fun to work on and the fic is beautiful~! I hope everyone enjoys them!
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novembercomes · 7 years
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my pieces for the @shancebigbang ! these are for southernbird’s southern gothic shance fic, “Shivers of Oaks”, gOSH it’s been such a journey being able to read this fic! y’all, it’s so heckin good i cant even??? describe?? 
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a-strange-1ne · 7 years
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Hello, Shance fans out there. Thank you for tuning in to the @shancebigbang! It was awesome working with @nightmares-of-purity to put together this awesome piece of shangst! Now, without further adieu, I present to you “Forging New Bonds” by @nightmares-of-purity, art by @a-strange-1ne
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raphidae · 7 years
Chapters: 1/13 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Lance/Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Keith (Voltron), Coran/Slav (Voltron) Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Slav (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Lotor (Voltron), Kuro (Voltron) Additional Tags: mild Hunk/Pidge, mild Matt/Thace, mild Nyma/Shay, mild Rolo/Plaxum, Plaxum is named Polly in this AU, former Lance/Lotor, it wasn’t a healthy relationship at all, also OC/OC but they’re really just Alibaba/Kougyoku from Magi, oh and Rei/Nagisa from Free!, also there will be lots of smut in this story, Light BDSM, mild blood play, some breath play, LOTS OF BONDAGE, Kuro is a created personality here, and there are some scenes dealing with war, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Shiro (Voltron) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, so does Lance but he won’t admit it, Sense and Sensibility AU, well more like a Regency era AU at this point, I totally diverged from the book here, oh and Alibaba and Kougyoku deal with some Regency-era racism here Series: Part 2 of Sense and Sensibility AU Summary:
Post-Sense and Sensibility AU, Lance and Colonel Takashi “Shiro” Shirogane are the happily married talk of the town, especially since the former Alforchild’s tailoring business is taking off far more quickly than anyone anticipated. However, Shiro’s nights are still plagued more often than not by terrible memories of his time at war, and Shiro fears they make Lance’s nights worse too. Lance and Shiro therefore come up with an extraordinarily unconventional solution to the problem that lies at the root of Shiro’s nightmares, one that requires complete trust between them, would cause the utmost scandal were it to be found out by high society, and somehow brings Lance and Shiro even closer to each other than ever.
@shancebigbang Here we are!  And also eternal credit to my artist @washipuppy for being absolutely wonderful with me!
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oldmythos · 7 years
Appreciation post for @cycychang and @vaporwave-shiro because they are INCREDIBLE ARTISTS WHO YOU SHOULD ALL FOLLOW.
They were so amazing to work with on our @shancebigbang piece The Luxury of Lacking Confidence. They made beautiful art and dealt with every single one of my existential crises. Go follow them, because they are straight up good people and I know for a fact that they are both ready to share some beautiful art with y’all <3
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Artists Wanted & New Mods!
Alright guys, sorry for the radio silence! As you may know, Mod O has withdrawn from the event. In the wake of Mod O’s departure, Mod M and Mod H will be stepping up to the plate. Welcome, Mod M & Mod H!
Also, we’re pushing back some deadlines! Artist sign-ups will be extended to Sunday, June 4, 2017! That means you have ONE MORE WEEK to sign up as an artist! With 111 fics currently signed up and only 88 artists, we need more artists! Reblogs & signal boosts are appreciated! Sign up here! Due to the sudden flood of sign-ups, artist sign ups are officially closed!
Fic Summary Forms will be sent out tonight and are due by June 18th, 2017 at 11:59PM EST. Early submissions are very appreciated and make the last-minute work easier on us mods! Fic previews will be posted promptly on June 19th so make sure you get your previews to us ASAP.
Fic Summary Previews for Artists will open at 01:01AM EST on June 19th, 2017.
Claims for Artists will open at 12:01AM EST on June 23, 2017 and will close on June 25, 2017 at 11:59pm EST. We will be asking you to give us your top 5 fics, in order of preference. Fic claims will be on a first-come first-served basis so look out for that link and get your claims in early! 
Pairings will be announced once all writer-artist match-ups have been made! This should happen by June 28th, 2017! 
We look forward to seeing all of your work!
Stay Shancey! 
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Announcement: Dates Change
Okay guys. So things have fallen very far behind here. As a result, dates will be pushed back by one week. Claims emails will go out today so you can review the summaries and claims will open on the 30th. I’m sorry for any inconvenience.
- Mod A
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Shance Big Bang Discord Chat
Since some people apparently didn’t know, I’m signal boosting this! We have a discord server for our shance big bang participants! Feel free to come by, join in, & talk shance with us! We’ve got channels both for talking about the bang, discussing your WIPs, chatting to other participants, and just for shance big bang participants to share their love of this ship!
We’ll see you there!
AS A REMINDER: This server is for individuals who have signed up for the shance big bang bang ONLY. There are other shance servers out there if you just wanna talk shance but this server is for shance big bang participants ONLY.
(Also because someone asked, if you signed up and then dropped out, you’re still welcome to stay, we’re not gonna boot you or anything.)
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Reminder: today is the LAST DAY to get your claims in, artists!! Claims close in a little under 24 hours! - Mod A
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shancebigbang · 8 years
Shance Big Bang
Hey there! This is the Shance Big Bang, a fandom event created to celebrate the relationship between Shiro and Lance from Voltron Legendary Defender!
So, What is a Big Bang?
You’ve probably seen a few about the fandom already! There is The Sheith Big Bang and Blam! Blam!: A Shiro Big Bang! Running at the moment as well, for instance! A Big Bang is a community project to produce a chunk of fanfic and fanart about a particular subject - in this case Shance - that all gets posted around the same time at the end. So that there is a surge of the content that fans of the Character, Pairing or Show that the Big Bang features love to see!
What do I have to do?
If you decide you want to join in it’s simple, really! Write a fic that is 8000+ words (with no upper limit!) if you are a writer and if you are an artist you’ll collaborate with a writer to create 2 pieces of art for the fic. (Artist are also free to draw their own ideas out for the Big Bang in addition to this, but only if they want!) All skill levels of writer and artist are welcome and encouraged to join in!
Here’s the schedule!
If you love or even just like Shance, please consider joining us! Sharing info about the Shance Big Bang is also so very appreciated! Let’s help the thirsty for more content Shance masses out a bit~! 
There is a Discord server up and ready to go for everyone who wants to gather and chat about it all, share wip’s and get to know each other that will be released once sign up start!
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Slight delay in summaries going live
Sorry guys. There’s gonna be a delay in posting summaries and sending the link out. Mod A has been traveling all day and (due to a grand total of 3.5 hours of delays, yikes) hasn’t been able to finish setting things up for the formatting. Soooooo things are going to be delayed by a couple of hours. But all our lovely summaries should be up and available for browsing by about 6am EST. Sorry for the delay.
Writers, that means you have a couple more hours to squeak in any last minute summaries!
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Shance Big Bang Sign-Ups Open!
The moment you’ve been waiting for is here! Sign-Ups are now open for the Shance Big Bang!
If you love or like Shance, please consider joining us! Signal boosting & spreading the word about the Shance Big Bang is also very appreciated! Help us get the word out so we can get that good shance content into the fandom!
Writer Sign-Ups: https://goo.gl/forms/PUajd6VbfeeEnkpp2
Artist Sign-Ups: https://goo.gl/forms/r1AfjuPOjg4Uhwgr1 
Minimum writer word count: 8,000 words Minimum artist commitment: 2 finished pieces 
Not sure what this is? Check out our About & FAQ for more info! (Tumblr App Version here.)
As a reminder, here’s the schedule!
Stay shancey!
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