shancebigbang · 7 years
Shance BB Posting Schedule!
First: Find your group by the CLAIM number you got via email. This is what your fic was assigned as, or what you put your art claim in as. Fic summaries are also listed here: https://shancebbsummaries.tumblr.com/ if you don’t have access to the original email and need to look up your fic number by summary. If you do NOT see that claim or you’re having a hard time remembering which one is yours, shoot us a message! (Or if you have any other issue besides needing a new posting date - see the below instructions for that) N001 Group 1 N004 Group 2 N005 Group 3 N008 Group 4 N009 Group 5 N010 Group 6 N011 Group 7 N013 Group 8 N014 Group 9 N015 Group 10 N017 Group 11 N019 Group 12 N020 Group 13 N021 Group 14 N022 Group 15 N023 Group 16 N024 Group 17 N025 Group 18 N027 Group 19 N028 Group 20 N029 Group 21 N030 Group 22 N031 Group 23 N033 Group 24 N034 Group 25 N037 Group 26 N038 Group 27 N043 Group 28 N044 Group 29 N045 Group 30 N046 Group 31 S02 Group 32 S06 Group 33 S07 Group 34 S08 Group 35 S10 Group 36 S11 Group 37 S12 Group 38 S13 Group 39 S20 Group 40 S21 Group 41 S25 Group 42 Remember, if you have any issue with the posting date, you need to speak to your group FIRST and all agree on two dates and then send us those. Second, here is a link to the calendar; there are to be no more than 3 fics posted in one day so that everyone can get some love and attention.   Click Here!
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Shance BB Updates!
Hey Guys! We have a list of artists that are getting their reassignments tonight, so please check your email in the next little bit if you are expecting one.  If you are an artist who is getting reassigned: You are getting offered a posting date during the week of Nov 19th. This is the last week users can post, and only reassigned pairs can post at this time.  If you are a writer who gets a reassigned artist: PLEASE get in contact asap. Don’t be shy, they are all getting paired with someone from their claims, so don’t worry about them not liking your story.  SECONDLY, on Saturday (Sept 23 for those already in the future) the tentative schedule for posting will go up. Everyone is listed by GROUPS. You will see Group 1, Group 2, etc. A post with groups will be released with the schedule to make it easy.  If you or someone in your group has an issue with the posting date, please follow the following steps: 1. Message your group FIRST.  2. As a GROUP, pick two dates that you ALL agree on 3. Send them to the mods 4. Give me like ~24 hours to update the calendar with your new posting date Please know that the way these dates were picked were through the update form you sent in (and if you didn’t send one in, well, really get in contact with your group), and while some groups coordinated which dates they wanted, a lot of you didn’t, so I tried my best to pick a day of the week and week you could agree on. Following these steps ensures that you are in contact with your group and are checking on each others progress. Thank you all for your patience <3
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shancebigbang · 7 years
The Mod Team is working on re-pairing those who've indicated they need a new partner based on their original claims and will be sending out emails to those who need new partners by FRIDAY! We’re hoping to have it done sooner, though!
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Hello there. I'm very sorry life has been rough, and I hope you are doing well now. ♥ Would it be possible to change the posting dates so that they don't overlap with the shiro big bang though? With the new dates both bangs will be posting right on top of each other, and I don't want either one to get outshined bc shiro deserves all the love. ♥♥♥
I really appreciate the concern and I definitely don’t want anyone to get out-shined, but I think some things need to be put in perspective.
Authors and their partner artists can still choose to post on October 13th or anytime through October 31st. There is no obligation to pick a date during the overlap.
Currentlywe are on track for 62 shance works spread over one month with an average post rate of two fics + arts per day.
There are an average of 10-12 shance fics posted or updated per day. This means at most we here at Shance Bang will be producing only 16%-20% of the shance fics (by fic count) on any given day during the posting period.
Unlike Shance Bang, Shiro Bang is an event for all Shiro ships. There are roughly 60-70 shiro-centric fics posted or updated per day in the main shiro ship tags (sheith, shance, shallura, shklance, shatt). That means we here over at Shance Bang, will comprise only 2%-3% of the shiro-ship fics (by fic count) posted or updated to on any given day during our posting period.
To say that one more or less is to invalidate all the other works not affiliated with either event.
Even with the overlap, I don't think there's any risk of our fics out-shining Shiro Bang’s fics, only an equal ground with more than enough room for both. If you’d like to discuss this further, you’re welcome to contact us off-anon.
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Update and apology
So. A little backstory here. You should also have receive this as an email if you are participating in this event. Mod A has been having one heck of a time keeping assistant mods and has had a few relationship fallouts that have made this project at times difficult to deal with. Pair that with some depersonalization issues and time is fake and Mod A would swear it was like August 10th like literally just two days ago. So Mod A self-destructed for a while on this project as a result and that's not y'alls fault and y'all shouldn't be penalized for it. Mod A has (hopefully) reliable help on-board now and is in a much better place in terms of mental health, is cleaning house, and is back in contact with their therapist. So. Here's what we're gonna do: 1, Extend posting dates. Posting dates are being extended through the week of November 19th. 2, We Have A Form. Below is a form. Please fill out this form REGARDLESS of if you are still interested in participating. https://goo.gl/forms/Tosqc7b6geBNoHZ62 Any other forms are UNAFFILIATED. 3, Drops: There IS a place to indicate if you would like to drop or have dropped and somehow weren't removed from our lists. Please do FILL OUT THE FORM so that we can update our records. 4, If you ARE still interested in participating but have LOST YOUR WRITER OR ARTIST or have NOT been able to contact them, FILL OUT THE FORM. As mentioned, we are going to be extending posting dates through the week of November 19th. Those who are reassigned will receive a new partner by Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 14TH and assigned to a posting date the week of NOVEMBER 19TH. This will give you two months to finish your work with your new partner. Later posting dates can be discussed. 5, Posting: Please tag @shancebigbang on tumblr/twitter in your posts of your work for both fic and art. For writers, please also submit your work to this collection: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/ShanceBigBang/profile If your work is NSFW, please ensure any NSFW content is under a cut or make a separate post linking to your work. Please fill out this form ASAP. Preferably before SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. Late forms WILL be accepted up until SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16TH but the sooner the better. Again, the form link is here:   https://goo.gl/forms/Tosqc7b6geBNoHZ62 Thank you for your time and we apologize for the hassle.
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Emails should go out tonight once I get back. Got caught up with stuff, sorry y'all.
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Have I missed and email or is the bb on hold?
you can expect an email later today or tomorrow checking in and giving updates and juggling around the few people who were on the unfortunate end of a writer/artist drop (they and their new partners will also get an automatic extension offer). also probably a poll about the schedule dates and keeping them the same vs pushing things back a week? not sure.
- Mod A
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shancebigbang · 7 years
update 8/9
hey guys i know i've sort of been entirely off the surface of the planet but you can expect an email later today or tomorrow checking in and giving updates and juggling around the few people who were on the unfortunate end of a writer/artist drop, ok? (they and their new partners will also get an automatic extension offer so no stress on that) ilu all, sorry for the radio silence.
- Mod A
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shancebigbang · 7 years
it's check in 1 but i haven't heard what we do? did i miss an announcement?
Check in 1 info will be sent out later today, sorry! Working on getting a couple of last reassignments sorted out after a couple of drops.
What you can expect for check-in 1: Basically just “are you and your artist/writer in contact and talking about your piece together?”
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Are you doing the nsfw email claims one day and sfw another? Ps, you're doing fantastic.
All claims have been sent out!! Also ;_; thank you???
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Should I have gotten something by now? I've seen people have theirs
As of now, all claims emails have been sent out. If you are a writer or artist for this event and haven't received an email yet, let us know ASAP!
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shancebigbang · 7 years
I haven't gotten the claim announcement email. :( does that mean no one claimed my fic?
About a dozen emails are left to send, sorry. Writing 80+ individual emails has taken a while. They should all be out by the end of today!- Mod A
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Shance Big Bang Discord Chat
Since some people apparently didn’t know, I’m signal boosting this! We have a discord server for our shance big bang participants! Feel free to come by, join in, & talk shance with us! We’ve got channels both for talking about the bang, discussing your WIPs, chatting to other participants, and just for shance big bang participants to share their love of this ship!
We’ll see you there!
AS A REMINDER: This server is for individuals who have signed up for the shance big bang bang ONLY. There are other shance servers out there if you just wanna talk shance but this server is for shance big bang participants ONLY.
(Also because someone asked, if you signed up and then dropped out, you’re still welcome to stay, we’re not gonna boot you or anything.)
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shancebigbang · 7 years
What is the dropout process? It's early but the fic I decided to write isn't something I want to do anymore.
Oh no, sorry to see you go!
Contact us off-anon with your name so we can reassign your artist. If you’ve already received your email, please also contact your artist directly to let them know you’re dropping.
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shancebigbang · 7 years
hey how will we know when claims are announced?
Emails are in the process of being sent with claims matches. There's over 80 to go through though so gimme a bit!-Mod A
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shancebigbang · 7 years
if i haven't heard anything about claims now that the date has passed, does that mean no one claimed my fic?
Claims emails have started to be sent. Every fic is claimed, it just takes a while to send 80+ emails, sorry!- Mod A
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shancebigbang · 7 years
Reminder: today is the LAST DAY to get your claims in, artists!! Claims close in a little under 24 hours! - Mod A
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