#Shamanism ☼
naoutchi · 22 days
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Shortly after finishing his apprenticeship to become the Clans next shaman, Dahar went on spiritual a pilgrimage across yautja prime.
The young shaman was gone for longer than what had been planned and his clan could do nothing but guess that he had died
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It was a stormy evening when a dark silowet was seen on the edge of the tree-line, where the lush and dark jungle took over.
Further inspections by guards, revealed the identity of said person.
It was Dahar.
His ship was nowhere in sight and he was practically naked.
He did not speak of his journey or the things he had seen. Simply staying quiet or changing subject when asked.
All that he knew, was that there is so many things out there than just divinities like Cetanu and Paya.
Dark things.
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On a pale morning, a few months after returning, the young shaman claimed that he had gotten a ominous vision in a dream.
What exactly it was- Dahar didn’t want to say. He just said that they needed to decamp from their lands.
The majority thought that he had gone mad and didn’t lisen, the minority who did followed after Dahar.
The rest of the clan went on living as usual. Until the headaches started.
Followed by high fevers, chills and harrowing nightmares that disrupt sleep. Leading to severe physical and mental fatigue.
The progression of these symptoms varied, depending on the immune system of each individual.
But the symptoms above was followed up by the development of painful, blister-like lesions that oozes a vicious dark liquid.
The victims would often report of a burning sensation coursing through their veins, resembling an internal fire.
As the skin lesions expanded, they became neurotic, causing excruciating pain. The nightmares escalate into hallucinations, with infected individuals experiencing imagined horrors that often lead to self-harm.
Severe dehydration sets in due to excessive inability to eat, resulting in muscle cramps and spasms.
The body begins to shut down, with patients slipping in and out of consciousness. The skin turns ash-grey, and the necrotic lesions burst, leading to an unbearable release of pressure and fluids.
Most victims succumb by this stage, either from overwhelming pain or secondary infections.
Within a few weeks, Dahar’s old clan was no more.
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The departed group of yautjas Lead by Dahar, became a tight ring and flourished in a new way of life.
Dahar is X’aravaths deceased father and Zi’ytes first mate. Enjoy this subtle lore tease ;)
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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“Unquestionably, the first cosmos is formed by multiple, transcendental, divine, spiritual suns.Much has been spoken about the Sacred Absolute Sun and obviously every solar system is governed by one of those spiritual suns. That means that our set of worlds possesses its own Sacred Absolute Sun, as do all the other solar systems of the unalterable infinite.”-Samael Aun Weor To be oriented means we have direction in life, we know our way, and we are going always toward the light, toward life. https://www.gnosticmuse.com/the-sun-the-central-point/?fbclid=IwAR3UlvO6pOgAqb2BEixehHo64PrQ1aFBoe3C1MEPoC8a9_CPDGrG3UBF_xk Sun Shaman ☼
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kyuusei-shadowleaf · 11 months
☼ - appearance headcanon
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To be simple and straightforward; Kyuu's "face claim" is Dichen Lachman. And it's easy to find an image for that so there you go!
But you want a more interesting headcanon, right? Everyone who follows this Tumblr knows Kyuu's faceclaim by now.
Kyuusei's hair, several years ago, was much straighter, paler, and usually worn in a ponytail. But that... that was before Teldrassil.
She lost much of her hair to fire in the aftermath, and the combination of Azerite poisoning she suffered and multiple sources of magic used to help her recover (druidic, monk, shamanic) caused it to grow back darker, fuller, and much more unruly.
And for her own reasons, she's refused to have it cut since.
Now it's long, loosely tied back, and littered with vines and leaves - a bit surprising considering Kyuu usually has a cat's fastidiousness about the rest of her appearance. Though it was recently combed ourand braided by another druid ( @wingsofhyjal ) who simply couldn't stand the mess - we'll see how long those braids hold.
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Thanks for the ask, @captzexx
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gswsihyun · 2 years
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 ✿   —  Hey there!!  Yeonhee perished so Sihyun could live. This is a bit of a revamp on my last muse. Her personality is practically identical, her backstory has just gone over a major overhaul. Meet LEE SIHYUN, formerly Moon Sihyun, 31 YRS OLD & eldest daughter of Moon Boram and granddaugher of Mayor Moon. She is an ACTRESS who has been in Seoul for the past 11 years but has recently returned after a scandal drove her into hiding and she’s been here ever since. Learn more about her under the cut as well as her profile page and there will be plot ideas as well!! Just drop a ♡ if you’re down.    〉
Born February 13th, 1991.
Born and raised in Dangam, Gwasuwon-do.
Perfectly followed in the steps her mother laid out for her and became an actress as per her mother’s dream.
Initially, she wanted to become a stylist or fashion designer but that fell through.
A makjang (soap opera/melodrama/think kimchi slap and Penthouse) actress, started acting when she was 20 where she mostly had small roles, b movies, etc. Only in the past few years began acting in bigger roles.
Notably acted in shows like Lady in Dignity and Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce).
Has a 3 year old child (Jisung) from a marriage that ended in divorce (husband was a con artist who claimed he was a wealthy and famous shaman when he was not) and their marriage only lasted for about 3 years.
During their marriage, she became more obsessed with the idea of shamanism due to his influence and became increasingly superstitious. YES, she does keep charms around and prays when she’s scared and will go to the shaman to get exorcised and what about it? ( She might have gone a little off mentally during that time tbh. )
In early 2022, a scandal involving her was released that she was having an affair with a married co-star for years and that it was the reason for her own divorce. The outlet report read that she was spotted at night getting tiramisu with married actor Shin Muyeol (46) and the two emerged from the restaurant smiling and laughing.
Turns out she was not a mistress and they were just discussing the show they were in. Because of her being typecast in “mistress” roles in dramas constantly, the image must have projected to her.
To get reprieve from the media, she moved back to Gwasuwon and has been there ever since!
Has the tendency to name drop and claim she knows big stars. ( Sure, Jan. ) She is still coming down from her celebrity and socialite disease, please bear with her.
Has horrible judgement when it comes to relationships and is quite gullible.
Aquarius ☼, Pisces ☽, Gemini ↑ ... girl is something else.
Notoriously dramatic and a bit all over the place. Tends to exaggerate and get emotional but... that seems to run in the family.
Would she die for her son? Yes.
Could she be keeping secrets that her mother is confiding in her about? Also, yes.
Socialite friends or anyone that she happened to know from Seoul or from her travels for acting gigs, etc.! There’s a huge gap of her being in Seoul mostly so there’s lots to explore there. ( So basically, from 2012 to 2021 is when those interactions happened. )
She lived in Gwasuwon until she was 21 years old. There’s bound to be quite a few people around her age who knew her since childhood, in high school, etc. or even because of her status as the mayor’s granddaughter since that’s pretty lucrative.
Her marriage lasted from 2018 to 2021. It is possible that she dated around here and there before and after because she’s a romantic at heart but it’s probable that most of them were a bit overblown by her because she really has that “fairytale romance” mindset which can be off-putting for some, for sure, especially if during the teenage and early adulthood years. ( * Any past r/s plots would need to be extensively plotted bc... Sihyun is Complicated. )
People she talks up about her “connections” to as a “celebrity” and claims she will always put them in contact but calls her out on some of her bullshit. Sure, she might know some but we are doubting you’re bffs with IU and Park Seojoon, ma’am.
In reality, she’s a B-tier celebrity but it’s possible you’ve seen some of her crazy melodrama appearances and b-movie roles that she took out of desperation. Maybe someone who constantly references it and she is kind of embarrassed. ( We thought you liked the star treatment, Sihyun?? )
Someone who could possibly have hooked her up in the past with a place ( as in giving her a deal on an apartment ) since she was absolutely not going to move back in with her mom.
Any daycare workers or potential tutors for her son. He is only 3 years old so what could you possibly need all that for, Sihyun? Well, you can never start too early, of course!
Someone who is trying to help her quit smoking. She picked up the habit in Seoul out of stress and has been wanting to stop because she doesn’t want her son around that but... Look at what is happening right now.
Someone who just does not find the Moon family to be reputable or trustworthy in any way ( and they just might not be ) and sort of makes it known. Expect her to get upset about that since she is very protective of her family as the oldest. 
Someone who she actually expresses that she’s terrified about what’s going on on the island about and tries to convince them that this is some horrible cosmic sign and they need to cleanse things asap!!!!!��
There are so many more ideas and thank you for reading this much! Just contact me if you have any ideas or maybe are interested in one of these~ 
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blues-koos · 2 years
one of my favorite pieces that i wrote
this was a piece i wrote for a secret santa exchange that i never received anything in return for and i also don't think my giftee read this story. it's my second favorite story that i've ever written, the first being my 15k jinkook fic. i'll post a snippet of the beginning and the link to the rest of the fic if u'd like to read! <3
Jungkook sits on his halmeoni’s bed, fiddling with a contraption he’d fashioned of cloth scraps she gave him and sticks he’d brought from outside. The fabric is taut against the sticks as he continues to work. She smiles, watching her grandson’s fascination with his own projects. They often spend hours like this, a silence overtaking the space as they focus on their respective ventures. She sits at her loom, creating a beautiful sheer guksa material for a custom order in the town. Jungkook’s parents tend to their fabric storefront at the market. Unlike his halmeoni, his parents don’t understand nor appreciate his love for creation. When he was younger, he’d taken to sitting on her lap, learning the patterns of weaving on the loom; his parents hated it.
His halmeoni has a reserved fondness just for his creativity, admiring the way he twisted the world to fit what he’d thought of with his boundless imagination. It reminds her of her late husband whose nose Jungkook inherited. She teases him that all of his blooming thoughts and differences were stored in the rounded tip of it. He always laughs, tells her that his ideas are all simply his own with as proud of a face as a 10-year-old can make.
When the sun begins to peak through the curtains of the room, she beckons the boy to stand with her. They enter the kitchen, making tea and starting on the family’s dinner. She laughs when he stands on the tips of his feet, trying to look over the edge of the pot. She shoos him off to prepare the teacups for when his parents return. They move in a practiced harmony around the kitchen, flowing around each other. While they wait for his parents to arrive and the food to finish cooking, they sit at their table, legs crossed, and she retells stories of his halabeoji.
According to her, he was a guile and passionate man. She laughs, sometimes, retelling stories of how his fiery personality got him into the worst of troubles. It was how they fell in love, she says, that he’d fought with her brother at the market over something so incredibly petty and ended up having to apologize. It was how he showed up at her family home, bowing deeply to her brother and offering a replacement to what had been damaged. She found him handsome, he thought her pretty. Things just escalated onwards. They’d had 7 children, 6 healthy and one sickly.
He loved his family deeply—he simply loved deeply—when he loved, he poured his entire soul into it, until his adoration was soaking them all. He moved heaven and earth and mountains and oceans for his loved ones. When his youngest daughter was born weak and ill, he set off on an endless journey to bring her health and strength. He traveled to as many towns as his feet and horse could take him. Learning of every possible remedy, cure, and spell to give his daughter the world. He offered many things to witches and shamans alike, begging for a prayer or any sort of blessing for her. They became poorer and poorer. But Jungkook knows—loves—this part of the story. A shaman well-versed in all things related to hallakkungi (the god of life and death) told him of how to cure his daughter. It required commitment, a trip to the heavens, and a will stronger and more stubborn than any mountain. The Sun God had decreed, long before the horses were brought over from Jeju, that any human who could successfully reach his kingdom in the sky would be granted a wish. It was a mere legend, but at his wits’ end, Jungkook’s halabeoji chose to venture for it. He hoped to wish for his daughter’s life to be one of health and worriless, one with wealth to ensure they never became hungry. He was never successful, ridiculed time and time again for believing such a baseless legend. In the end, some combination of one of the many herbal concoctions brought their daughter strength. He never lived to see her, though, having died in an attempt to reach the sky.
Jungkook knows what happens next. The pot of rice boils over, and he removes the cover from it. His halmeoni sits, listless, staring out the window up at the clouds. When the rice is fully cooked and he moves it off the stove, she stands and moves to light incense at the shrine for the man they just talked about. She bows in front of it and Jungkook turns his head so as not to see her tears. During these times, he wonders what he would wish for if he were to reach the sky. If he were a man that could fly, what would he desire? He thinks and thinks. Wonders what sort of passion drives a man to try to grow wings. In his 10-year-old worldview, there is so much love and happiness, there is no reason to want to fly. Perhaps his halmeonI’s ease. Perhaps that would be enough to make him want to fly. His parents return home with their earnings for the day before he can continue his thoughts. He places bowls of rice on the table while they help his halmeoni to the table.
official ao3 post but it's in lapslock bc thats my usual style 0:
the fully formatted version
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ladykopriva · 5 years
Altay в Instagram: «Owl 🦉 drum to Russia. #shamanicdrum #shamandrum #shamanictambourine #бубен #shamantambourine #шаман #шаманскийбубен #шаманизм #бубеншамана…»
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