gswsihyun · 2 years
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JEON YEO BIN 전여빈 as Hong Cha Young Vincenzo 빈센조 (2021)
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gswsihyun · 2 years
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“we both know he’s not sleeping. and if he is, i’ll wait for him to wake up at his bedside.” a fleeting thought — catching wind of his treasonous intentions, perhaps the ruling family had ousted him from their inner circle. no notice, no warning, just punishment, doled out swiftly and quietly. but the notion of opposing the incumbent had barely crystallized in his own mind, let alone that of another. no, this was a deliberate attempt to hide the mayor from everyone ( including close confidantes ). “i know he’s sick.” the entire town received that news before the blackout. “that’s why i’m here to wish him a speedy recovery.” basket of home remedies in hand was a mere gesture. these concoctions his mother packed would likely never see the light of day in the moon household. “listen,” and so began the cajoling. “when you were told no one is to see him, that surely didn’t include me. just call and ask someone.”  
The color red engulfed the soothing days of late autumn Sihyun looked forward to. Not in the beauty of the changing leave but with the crimson moon and the new scent of blood. Instead of perusing her trunk and closet for opportune moments to flaunt about her foppish nature during the most fashionable time of year, she bundled herself in plain clothes to not draw any attention to herself. Mitigating circumstances lead her into paranoia.
She glanced over her shoulder, hiked her hood and scarf up higher to shield her face from wind and eyes. Did someone know who was not meant to? There was bound to be. Nothing on this island could remain under wraps for too long. The power outage comes as a fortunate surprise. The woman dependant on her phone no longer mourned for lack of connection or signal. Good, she thought, no cameras or instant messaging. There will be more time.
Sihyun trudged through the cold in her thick layers, thankful for the goose down lining the interior of her jacket. Snow finally dusted the ground and covered the fall leaves in a thin layer of blinding white. Behind her trailed her small footprints, unsteady pattern telling of her state of mind. But among the freshly laid blanket was an additional pair of footprints. She placed her foot inside one — much later than hers. A man's. The windows of her grandfather's residence were too clouded over with frost and fog to ascertain who it might be. Her brother, perhaps. Or even—
"Ha Juhwan!" The eldest Moon daughter called out the moment she recognized him, trudging over the slipper ground carefully to quickly sidle up next to him. Her brows furrowed together beneath her knit beanie.
The guard turned to Sihyun and nodded. "There are no visitors right now. Ms. Lee, please inform him of this protocol. We cannot allow just anyone to come inside while the mayor is recovering."
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"Oh! Um..." She cleared her throat and pivoted her footing to stand between Juhwan and the guard. She glanced up at him and tugged on his sleeve — an old habit of hers from all those years ago. She transformed her concern into a saccharine smile, hoping to distract him from his efforts. Perhaps it still worked on him. She could only try. "I just came out the back door to go on a walk. Grandpa is resting right now. Come join me and I'm sure... by the time we're back he'll be awake!"
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gswsihyun · 2 years
( ... )
Her assumption had been that her mother was trying one of her manipulation tactics and seeing if it worked on her, but her older brother had assured her that the gravity of the situation was much, much worse than she could possibly imagined. She enters the residence, not knowing what to expect. A part of her is relieved when she spots Sihyun first and not her mother.
“W-What happened, Sihyun?” The grim atmosphere dictates that she should be whispering, or turning around and heading back into the comfort of her mattress on the floor. Perhaps, that would have been the smartest decision. Her emotional and mental state were still too fragile to consider that she might have to comfort her mother. “Has he… died?”
The eldest daughter was summoned to the mayor's official home with haste. Any response short of yes would be met with a tongue lashing and she knew how the mayor's oldest child lost her grip with temper in the blink of an eye. Unpredictable, unhinged — the Moon Boram the public did not see; would not see. And yet, she sounded every bit of frightened.
Sihyun arrived to her grandfather's residence with caution in each step and every word. The area surrounding the home had been cleared of any prying eyes, offering a private radius to conceal an incident that would easily fly under the radar. Her mother's expertise in doing so did nothing to offer reassurance.
What happened this time?
The words echo, all too familiar emerging from her in the direction of her mother. Moon Boram appeared solemn and concerned, one arm folded across her middle, the other holding a thumbnail to idle down between her veneers. In all their years together, Sihyun had never witnessed such an expression of worry on the overbearing woman's face. The wrinkles settling in the apples of her cheeks and the corner of her eyes were visible from across the room. No makeup, short hair visibly disheveled; even when hidden beneath one of her father's old hats.
Carnage laid in the upstairs office. Her mother could not bear to look but insisted Sihyun do so. Her head swam, placing her in a walking dream as she trudged up the stairs. Individuals wearing masks and gloves scurried around the office to rid the room of evidence. Blood, tossed about papers, a woman's body, the shivering form of her grandfather huddled in the corner. She was going to be sick.
Her trip back down the stairs was a blur — until she laid eyes on a comforting familiar face.
"Sieun!" A gasp coupled with her sister's name. Sihyun stepped forward to grab the younger's elbow, tugging her into the darkened tea room. She lowered her voice to a hasty whisper. "What are you doing? Why are you here?! I explicitly urged...—"
Flustered heat poured into her cheeks and settled behind her ears, turning them red. Rarely, if ever, was Sihyun the sibling to succumb to rage. If anything, their mother prided herself on raising such a jovial and courteous child ( and an obedient one at that ). But it should be known that even a worm will turn.
"No, he hasn’t died. He’s just... his illness has worsened. Mom told me we should stay in this room, so we can all be together." A lie, but what was another? "She's upstairs right now with Hyunsik and Hyunseung is still on his way. He's coming from Seoul."
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gswsihyun · 2 years
He didn’t meant to come off as rude or noisy, but as someone working in the medical field, he could barely watch someone that youn ruin their health at this age. At least he believed the person he was rushing after a young girl. “Excuse me, miss!” Jun called after her, before catching up to her on the busy shopping street. It was his off-duty day and he probably risked being frown at for meddling into someone else’s business. But he felt like not being able to leave her alone, not when there was a chance to help her prevent a life full of health issues and pain. He alone wouldn’t be able to heal humankind, but at least he could try and help as many people around him as possible. Even the slightest chance to make someone else’s life a little better was a win.
So he pushed aside all hesitation, ignored his own warnings to not nag some random stranger and said it upright: “I know it’s easier to speak, than to actually do it, but I think you should stop using that.” The doctor pointed at the cigarette in her hand. She was a young and pretty woman, so she definitely wouldn’t want any of the health risks that came with the nicotine consumption. “I’m sorry, if I come off as rude or noisy. It’s just a advice. I mean no harm.” He bowed his head lightly, trying to reassure him he was indeed harmless. When looking up again, he stopped for a moment and wondered, where he had seen her face before. But that couldn’t really be, right?
Lee Sihyun picked up smoking only within the last year. It began with an offer from her colleague at an after party, a gesture that lead to them venturing out for tiramisu the following night. You look stressed, he said, urging the pack towards her. She thought nothing of it at the time, not beyond the sharp cough and sour taste — but her nerves were set at ease when the nicotine ran its course. It did nothing the yoga instructors and shamans promised they could do for her high levels of tension. Perhaps gullibility led her down this route as usual. Perhaps the compulsion to please others, no matter how destructive to her the action.
The addiction followed her to the island. She only imbibed, so to speak, when on her lonesome; as far away from her young son and other people as possible. When a person passed by with several feet between her and them, she drew in the puff. Being caught with smoke billowing from her nostrils would do nothing for her reputation and, in her mother's eyes, lead the family's down a path of ruin. ( Particularly during one of the moods that drove her to pry open the small white box. )
Shit! A man called out to her, something she was intent on ignoring until he was close enough. She kept the less than savory thoughts to herself, instead forcing a smile onto her face. Of course, as an actress, faking it became her most prized ability. "Oh, this?" She tossed the cigarette to the sidewalk and buried her heel into the tip to snuff out the embers. ( I don't see how this is any of your business. ) "I was just trying to find a place to throw it away!" Nonsense. She trained her cheeks to widen her grin. "Thanks anyways. Toodles~" She promptly turned on her heel to scurry away, eyes widening and mouth grimacing.
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gswsihyun · 2 years
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her company arrived before her beverage with apologies and promises and all at once, hands swept away from their mindless drumming. she returned a shake of her head that she’d been waiting long. it was her fault for arriving well before their agreed upon time. “seriously, people need to pick up ubering around here. if i had better driving skills, maybe i’d do it myself.” a complaint she had frequently on her walks home when sleep would not come. “or maybe electric scooters. those would be great.” though perhaps that would be considered radical change for a place like this. how was she to know? “i ordered us tea to cleanse our bodies of toxins.” a feeble attempt at occasionally embodying her brand. “and because they said it was the special and i’m a sucker for marketing.” she liked the first explanation better (  the latter was more accurate ). 
Comparisons could not help but flood to Sihyun's mind when in the presence of the younger woman. Personality wise, she was nothing like the little sister she knew the former was well-acquainted with by now; a possible good influence on Sieun's social life that was always strived for by Sihyun and their mother, alike. But the actress was just that: an actress, something created and molded by the expectations of an overbearing parent. She found her escape in films and television shows, hoping there had to be something more to this, that she might as well keep up her habit of acting. ( And her mind waders to an old Hollywood movie, Mommy Dearest. A shudder washes down her spine. ) There were thoughts that, perhaps, Myunghwa felt the same, that what if Lee Taeho was equally persistent and controlling. She certainly hoped not.
With a sigh, Sihyun leaned back against the cushioned bench ( and away from her thoughts ). "You are so right. Standing and waiting around for one to see you or pick up their phone is so nerve-wracking, too. I honestly can't imagine it's any easier for foreign tourists when they get here. What a pain in the rear." Another exhale of exasperation escaped the foppish woman. A dark pair of sunglasses still covered her eyes. Either she forgot they were still fixed to her face or she was intentionally concealing her eyes, and with the way they shifted behind them, it was more than clear the latter.
She opened her mouth to speak again when the server slides their cups of tea onto the table, a warm grin on his face. Sihyun offered her own platitudes of thanks in return, muttering several saccharine courtesies for his service. She leaned over the cup. "Smells like a lovely green tea," An inhale. The steam rolled into the air, catching the incoming beams of light from the window. "Anyway, let's cut to the chase, Miss Myunghwa." The actress lowered her voice. "Why did you really want to meet like this so suddenly? Do you need help with something? Advice? Maybe you're finally taking up my offer to get you that beverage brand deal?"
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gswsihyun · 2 years
( ... )
Yiming stopped by the entrance of the village as he did last time. There were some flowers offered, some bundles fresher than the others. His mandarin oranges offering from last time was gone - either cleared away by humans or eaten by the ghosts. “Okay, I am going to do eight oranges.” It was a lucky number. He laid them in a circle and placed a few persimmons neatly inside. 
A smile chock full of nerves and skepticism crossed Sihyun's face — but it was a smile, nonetheless. She glanced over her shoulder, wringing her hands around the strap of her purse. ( It was the rugged sort of style, perfect for adventuring and primed for potentially getting dirty or lost. There would be no way she would ever bring along her limited Chanel shoulder bag to a place like this. )
"When I was little, they would tell us terrifying stories about all the things that happened here in urban legend. I would always ask why it was that these things go on, and so recently. Like, normally, those stories go back to, like, the 10th century and all. They told me that there are certain events that just can't be explained but... isn't that just the nature of the spiritual?"
Her hand delicately reached inside and procured what appeared to be a small wooden effigy of an owl further within the circle of persimmons and oranges. She gave the figure a ginger pat with the tip of her finger. "But, luckily, there are protectors that look after us."
She glanced up.
The appearance of the entrance alone is enough to send a shockwave of goosebumps along her skin. A thin film of fog overlaid the few buildings. It dimmed their appearance like a fading old photograph. She clasped her hands in a praying gesture and rubbed her palms together alongside a mumbled shaman hymn, hoping it would cease their incessant trembling. If the superstitions surrounding this village were to be assumed correct, their offerings and precautions would see to them being protected from whatever malicious entities might lurk.
"Mr. Guan," Sihyun tugged on the man's sleeve, urging his attention. Her expression is meek, and her voice thin. "I don't think we should stay around here for too long! If my grandfather finds out..."
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gswsihyun · 2 years
thicker than water / @gswmyunghwa
The young woman known as Lee Myunghwa quickly became someone Sihyun could see tiny slivers of herself within. Granted, she silently thought of her as slightly more impulsive and off-the-rails — closer to the girl she left behind when she flew to Seoul as a naive twenty year old. Those presuppositions faded the more the youngest Lee daughter revealed about herself. Something more than a mini socialite and lifestyle blogger. Hidden just beneath the surface was a girl desperate for sincere friends and companionship, and Sihyun was more than willing to offer the chance to be one.
The whispers from other townsfolk echo like sirens in their ears. Did you hear about Mayor Moon? No one has seen him in person in ages, apparently! Did you hear about Lee Taeho? He's going to dig his claws in Seomyeon next, I just know it.
Years of experience allowed Sihyun in particular to block them out, dismiss the passing utterances as town gossip to keep their mundane lives full of intrigue. An actress that was making a name of herself all the way in the sparkling city of Seoul had no time for rumors, even the ones that followed her to and from both locations.
She strides into the cafe like she would in the big city. A designer bag and jacket wrapped around her form. Looks are shot in her direction as usual but she can only offer a sugary sweet twinkle of her fingers and a cheeky smile in return. Her eyes do not roll behind her sunglasses — she still knows them, after all, and it was up to the children of Moon Boram to maintain a sterling behavioral reputation.
"I am so sorry I'm late. You know the taxis here—few and far between!" Sihyun slides into the corner booth in front of Myunghwa, immediately reaching across the table to grab her hands. Carefully, though, she just did her nails the night before. "I didn't leave you waiting for too long, right? Have you been well? I'll pay for what you get today."
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gswsihyun · 2 years
cleansing evil   /   @yiminggsw
A certain proclivity to impulsiveness was a trait long since quenched in the woman's tidy, succinct life in Seoul. She stuck to a tight schedule, accustomed to working around others and a production manager's directions. A creature of habit was made of her. No longer existed the spur of the moment driven young woman that Sihyun left behind with the rest of the Moon family, insistent that she not be the same. That she not be driven merely by a hunch or emotions... — and here she still stands, twiddling her fingers in the company of a strange man newly acquainted with.
( In fairness, he certainly was charming in his own way, if stilted expressions resembling that of an every day human could be considered so. Perhaps it is this touch of eccentricity that taps into her own and pulls her to listen. Or perhaps, her propensity to put more value into pretty looking things. )
The man named Yiming ( Mr. Guan, as she refers to him ) rambles on about his own preventative measures and intentions to leave offerings to whatever entity lingered about in the abandoned Northern Village. It was long abandoned for reasons not entirely unclear to her. Her own grandfather, the mayor of Dangam, in particular warned her of poking around up there even as a child. But back then, he still had color in his cheeks and a fullness to his crooked smile.
"Mr. Guan, I'm not too sure if it is vampires we're dealing with here. Maybe something else entirely... like malevolent ghosts or goblins." She scoffs and waves her hand, covering her own answers that are perhaps closer to Yiming's answer than she cares to admit. Blood-sucking creatures, he clamors on about. Her eyes dart away.
"I still have a bunch of my ex-husband's things I brought with me. I also played a shaman on TV once in a show and have some goodies. I think your oranges and persimmons will be just fine. You know... on the island, persimmons are said to hold special properties! At least, that's what the grannies have been telling me."
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gswsihyun · 2 years
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 ✿   —  Hey there!!  Yeonhee perished so Sihyun could live. This is a bit of a revamp on my last muse. Her personality is practically identical, her backstory has just gone over a major overhaul. Meet LEE SIHYUN, formerly Moon Sihyun, 31 YRS OLD & eldest daughter of Moon Boram and granddaugher of Mayor Moon. She is an ACTRESS who has been in Seoul for the past 11 years but has recently returned after a scandal drove her into hiding and she’s been here ever since. Learn more about her under the cut as well as her profile page and there will be plot ideas as well!! Just drop a ♡ if you’re down.    〉
Born February 13th, 1991.
Born and raised in Dangam, Gwasuwon-do.
Perfectly followed in the steps her mother laid out for her and became an actress as per her mother’s dream.
Initially, she wanted to become a stylist or fashion designer but that fell through.
A makjang (soap opera/melodrama/think kimchi slap and Penthouse) actress, started acting when she was 20 where she mostly had small roles, b movies, etc. Only in the past few years began acting in bigger roles.
Notably acted in shows like Lady in Dignity and Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce).
Has a 3 year old child (Jisung) from a marriage that ended in divorce (husband was a con artist who claimed he was a wealthy and famous shaman when he was not) and their marriage only lasted for about 3 years.
During their marriage, she became more obsessed with the idea of shamanism due to his influence and became increasingly superstitious. YES, she does keep charms around and prays when she’s scared and will go to the shaman to get exorcised and what about it? ( She might have gone a little off mentally during that time tbh. )
In early 2022, a scandal involving her was released that she was having an affair with a married co-star for years and that it was the reason for her own divorce. The outlet report read that she was spotted at night getting tiramisu with married actor Shin Muyeol (46) and the two emerged from the restaurant smiling and laughing.
Turns out she was not a mistress and they were just discussing the show they were in. Because of her being typecast in “mistress” roles in dramas constantly, the image must have projected to her.
To get reprieve from the media, she moved back to Gwasuwon and has been there ever since!
Has the tendency to name drop and claim she knows big stars. ( Sure, Jan. ) She is still coming down from her celebrity and socialite disease, please bear with her.
Has horrible judgement when it comes to relationships and is quite gullible.
Aquarius ☼, Pisces ☽, Gemini ↑ ... girl is something else.
Notoriously dramatic and a bit all over the place. Tends to exaggerate and get emotional but... that seems to run in the family.
Would she die for her son? Yes.
Could she be keeping secrets that her mother is confiding in her about? Also, yes.
Socialite friends or anyone that she happened to know from Seoul or from her travels for acting gigs, etc.! There’s a huge gap of her being in Seoul mostly so there’s lots to explore there. ( So basically, from 2012 to 2021 is when those interactions happened. )
She lived in Gwasuwon until she was 21 years old. There’s bound to be quite a few people around her age who knew her since childhood, in high school, etc. or even because of her status as the mayor’s granddaughter since that’s pretty lucrative.
Her marriage lasted from 2018 to 2021. It is possible that she dated around here and there before and after because she’s a romantic at heart but it’s probable that most of them were a bit overblown by her because she really has that “fairytale romance” mindset which can be off-putting for some, for sure, especially if during the teenage and early adulthood years. ( * Any past r/s plots would need to be extensively plotted bc... Sihyun is Complicated. )
People she talks up about her “connections” to as a “celebrity” and claims she will always put them in contact but calls her out on some of her bullshit. Sure, she might know some but we are doubting you’re bffs with IU and Park Seojoon, ma’am.
In reality, she’s a B-tier celebrity but it’s possible you’ve seen some of her crazy melodrama appearances and b-movie roles that she took out of desperation. Maybe someone who constantly references it and she is kind of embarrassed. ( We thought you liked the star treatment, Sihyun?? )
Someone who could possibly have hooked her up in the past with a place ( as in giving her a deal on an apartment ) since she was absolutely not going to move back in with her mom.
Any daycare workers or potential tutors for her son. He is only 3 years old so what could you possibly need all that for, Sihyun? Well, you can never start too early, of course!
Someone who is trying to help her quit smoking. She picked up the habit in Seoul out of stress and has been wanting to stop because she doesn’t want her son around that but... Look at what is happening right now.
Someone who just does not find the Moon family to be reputable or trustworthy in any way ( and they just might not be ) and sort of makes it known. Expect her to get upset about that since she is very protective of her family as the oldest. 
Someone who she actually expresses that she’s terrified about what’s going on on the island about and tries to convince them that this is some horrible cosmic sign and they need to cleanse things asap!!!!! 
There are so many more ideas and thank you for reading this much! Just contact me if you have any ideas or maybe are interested in one of these~ 
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gswsihyun · 2 years
Song : Dandelion
Artist : BOL4
Album : Puberty Book II Pum
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gswsihyun · 2 years
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Vincenzo 빈센조┃2021 ↳ JEON YEO BIN 전여빈 as Hong Cha Young
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gswsihyun · 2 years
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gswsihyun · 2 years
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