gswsunghoon · 2 years
  His night had been nothing but one big ordeal. Why couldn’t things just be simple for once? Everything would have gone so smoothly if that lowlife had just coughed up the rest of his debt. Sunghoon could’ve been back at his place and enjoying the evening in peace. But, of course, that wasn’t the case. It was late into the night, and Sunghoon, now tired and disheveled, was slowly strolling down a quiet street, hoping to get back home without incident. 
  When he first arrived on the island a couple of months ago, it had been his intention to keep his head down and simply coexist amongst the other inhabitants. That only lasted a couple of weeks before the desire for more kicked in. That voice in the back of his head had spoken up and criticized the way that he was living. How he had gone from having so much to suddenly having nothing. It just wasn’t fair. He deserved to live more comfortably, didn’t he? The voice disagreed, but Sunghoon had gotten better at ignoring it. It was only when the deep voice took form that he became aware of his own depravity. 
  But for now, he was alone. There were times when his solitude brought him comfort. When he didn’t have to pretend to be someone that he wasn’t. It was a chance to lower his guard. But, at the same time, whenever he returned to his dark and quiet apartment, it reminded him of all that he lost and how little he had now. It was almost like, each time he walked through the door, the world was mocking him. Then again, he never really was truly alone, was he? Sometimes, out of the corner of his eye, he’d catch a glimpse of the same blood-soaked man.
  “Ah, shit.” He suddenly exclaims, stopping in place. He had gotten so wrapped up in his own thoughts, that he hadn’t been paying attention to where he was going. He must’ve missed his usual side street since none of his surroundings looked familiar. Grumbling incomprehensively under his breath, Sunghoon pulls his phone from his pocket. He was actively praying that there’d be enough signal nearby to pull up a map when he noticed a dark figure walking towards him.
  was it him?
  Tightening his grip on the phone, he locks it before slowly walking towards the stranger. He was fully prepared to see the same gruesome face with the pained expression that he had unwillingly become so familiar with. Clenching his teeth, Sunghoon quickens his pace, on the verge of confronting the lifeless man and demanding that he leave him alone once and for all. But as soon as he got close enough, he froze again. It wasn’t who he had been expecting at all. Quickly putting his hands on his hips, he glances around hectically, trying to come up with an impromptu excuse for his behavior. “Hey. Don’t you know that it’s dangerous to be walking around this late at night? Gosh, kids these days. No wonder the crime rates are so high.”
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gswhan · 2 years
patchwork / @gswxjun
Hangyeol's head is spinning — as full and overbearing as a hurricane. The crimson threads that pour down his arm and hand resemble paint in the foggy mindset adrenaline has put him in. He does not feel the pain, not yet. A jagged cut from a sharp rock runs down his arm; the length of a finger, positioned in way that could prove deadly should he be made to wait any longer. It's directly parallel to a scar of a similar length, though clean in its execution.
He remembers being rushed to an emergency room just like this after the attack. There are still panicked voices surrounding him, pale face of his younger sister glued to his side. His dry lips mumble, "When did you get here?" but the voice only seems to be in his head.
The stubborn man is placed atop a cushioned chair in one of the rooms. He can hear the frantic voice of a nurse informing the doctor she will depart to retrieve fluids to make up for what Hangyeol has lost. He shakes his head. "I'm fine... Just slap a bandage on it and get me outta here, doc. I need to make sure that —" He pulls himself to his feet, only to stumble backward into the chair. "Need to make sure everyone's okay and that thing..."
The door to the room is cracked, waiting room visible. A large crowd of people hover around the area. Some pace, some sit, heads in their hands. Those with less serious injuries appear to be relieved albeit shaken from what just happened.
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minhyun-gsw · 2 years
Days were tedious, feeling all the same despite being all too different. It didn’t make sense, every day should be an adventure at the hospital yet Hyun felt like he was burying himself in a job he despised. And it was a lovely job, the one of saving lives, yet something didn’t click inside of him and he knew it was because of his parents. 28 years old and he still felt their pressure on his shoulders, he still felt like he wasn’t enough, even when he did everything they asked to their only child.
He was an intern doctor, just like his dad, his path drawn for him since a very young age. He had done it, he should feel free now, having accomplished everything he was supposed to do. Yet his days felt lonely, empty, he felt like his life had no sense, the only happiness coming from the sea. But was that his problem? His career choice? Or maybe there was something else missing in his life? He always looked around to his colleagues, they seemed to have it all figured out and he was jealous of them, wanting whatever made them wake up and confront the day with a sense of purpose.
He was drowning himself in self pity and he knew it, so as he looked at the apple he was deciding to eat or not he noticed Dr. Seomun was sitting alone and he decided to join. “You don’t look too well, having a bad day? We can always start a team or something” He offered as he sat in front of him. Maybe his assessment was wrong, maybe Hyun was the only one having a bad day, but there was something about Jun that made him feel comfortable enough to share his troubles with him.
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