#ใ€Œ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐งใ€
gswsunghoon ยท 2 years
AN UNWELCOMED ENCOUNTER โ€” @gswxjunโ€‹โ€‹โ€‹
ย  His night had been nothing but one big ordeal. Why couldnโ€™t things just be simple for once? Everything would have gone so smoothly if that lowlife had just coughed up the rest of his debt. Sunghoon couldโ€™ve been back at his place and enjoying the evening in peace. But, of course, that wasnโ€™t the case. It was late into the night, and Sunghoon, now tired and disheveled, was slowly strolling down a quiet street, hoping to get back home without incident.ย 
ย  When he first arrived on the island a couple of months ago, it had been his intention to keep his head down and simply coexist amongst the other inhabitants. That only lasted a couple of weeks before the desire for more kicked in. That voice in the back of his head had spoken up and criticized the way that he was living. How he had gone from having so much to suddenly having nothing. It just wasnโ€™t fair. He deserved to live more comfortably, didnโ€™t he? The voice disagreed, but Sunghoon had gotten better at ignoring it. It was only when the deep voice took form that he became aware of his own depravity.ย 
ย  But for now, he was alone. There were times when his solitude brought him comfort. When he didnโ€™t have to pretend to be someone that he wasnโ€™t. It was a chance to lower his guard. But, at the same time, whenever he returned to his dark and quiet apartment, it reminded him of all that he lost and how little he had now. It was almost like, each time he walked through the door, the world was mocking him. Then again, he never really was truly alone, was he? Sometimes, out of the corner of his eye, heโ€™d catch a glimpse of the same blood-soaked man.
ย ย โ€œAh, shit.โ€ He suddenly exclaims, stopping in place. He had gotten so wrapped up in his own thoughts, that he hadnโ€™t been paying attention to where he was going. He mustโ€™ve missed his usual side street since none of his surroundings looked familiar. Grumbling incomprehensively under his breath, Sunghoon pulls his phone from his pocket. He was actively praying that thereโ€™d be enough signal nearby to pull up a map when he noticed a dark figure walking towards him.
ย  was it him?
ย  Tightening his grip on the phone, he locks it before slowly walking towards the stranger. He was fully prepared to see the same gruesome face with the pained expression that he had unwillingly become so familiar with. Clenching his teeth, Sunghoon quickens his pace, on the verge of confronting the lifeless man and demanding that he leave him alone once and for all. But as soon as he got close enough, he froze again. It wasnโ€™t who he had been expecting at all. Quickly putting his hands on his hips, he glances around hectically, trying to come up with an impromptu excuse for his behavior.ย โ€œHey. Donโ€™t you know that itโ€™s dangerous to be walking around this late at night? Gosh, kids these days. No wonder the crime rates are so high.โ€
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