#Shahar TV
eliks9 · 4 months
تلویزیون شهری: فراتر از ارتباطات سنتی
تلویزیون شهری، نمونه‌ای از آنچه تکنولوژی می‌تواند در عرصه ارتباطات جمعی ایجاد کند، به سرعت در سراسر جهان در حال گسترش است. این تکنولوژی از صفحات نمایش LED بزرگ برای نمایش تصاویر و اطلاعات به صورت حضوری و موثر استفاده می‌کند. اما چگونه این نوع از تلویزیون می‌تواند به شهرها کمک کند؟
نوآوری در تبلیغات
تلویزیون شهری یک راه جدید برای ارائه تبلیغات است. به جای تابلوهای تبلیغاتی سنتی که فقط می‌توانند یک پیام را نمایش دهند، تلویزیون شهری قادر است به طور مداوم تصاویر و محتوا را به‌روز کند. این قابلیت به شرکت‌ها اجازه می‌دهد که به سرعت و به صورت موثر با مشتریان خود ارتباط برقرار کنند.
ارتباط موثر با شهروندان
تلویزیون شهری نه تنها برای تبلیغات، بلکه برای ارائه اطلاعات مهم به شهروندان نیز می‌تواند مفید باشد. اطلاعات مربوط به وضعیت ترافیک، اخبار محلی، اطلاعات آب و هوایی و برنامه‌های رویدادهای محلی را می‌توان از طریق این صفحات نمایش ارائه داد.
آینده تلویزیون شهری
تکنولوژی تلویزیون شهری همچنان در حال پیشرفت است و امکانات جدید آن هر روز افزایش می‌یابد. با پیشرفت تکنولوژی، این تلویزیون‌ها قادر خواهند بود که اطلاعات بیشتری را به صورت موثرتری نمایش دهند. در نهایت، تلویزیون شهری یک ابزار قدرتمند برای ارتباط با جامعه است. با استفاده از این تکنولوژی، شهرها می‌توانند به صورت موثرتر با شهروندان خود ارتباط برقرار کنند و اطلاعات مهم را به آن‌ها ارائه دهند.
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gameofthunder66 · 13 days
The Chosen (2017- ) tv series
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-(finished) watchin' Season 3- 9/11/2024- 4 stars- on Amazon Prime
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mxmoth · 3 months
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THE CHOSEN S01E04 — The Rock on Which It Is Built Noah James as Andrew; Shahar Isaac as Simon Peter
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imnotkosmic · 4 months
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Just a reminder episode two is now airing!! ✨
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The Chosen S1E1: I have called you by your name.
Simon “wine hands” and his brother Andrew.  
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queen-of-obsessing · 6 months
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me @ chosen fans who condemn other fans for wanting to pirate season 4 but also support shahar isaac in the very next breath
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hq-screencaps · 1 year
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The Chosen Season 1 ↳ 1080p logofree screencaps
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vintagegirl01 · 1 month
Hunt Athalar x female reader.
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Summary: You and Hunt have been dating for a while now. Despite how much you have grown to love him, you refrain from saying anything in fear that he is still in love with Shahar. You realize that this is far from the truth.
A/N: This is a bit of an alternative universe with the reader in Bryce’s place (love Bryce though, so please no attacking me 😂). There’s references to parts of the first and second book. Haven’t read the third book, so please no spoilers. Other than that, hope anyone reading this enjoys it.
“She’s nothing like Shahar.”
Before you could hear more, you quickly walk away from where Hunt stands before he can see you and walk out of the 33rd Legion.
Hunt told you about Shahar.
About how much he loved her. How her death impacted him so much that he hadn’t had a serious relationship in centuries.
Though you were happy that he had trusted you enough to share that with you, you couldn’t help but feel as if you’d never compare to her for she was everything that you weren’t. Strong, brave, beautiful. But more importantly, an angel just like him.
You and Hunt met when he was assigned to guard you after some powerful individuals were out to get you in the hopes of using your power to gain information as you were a dream walker. A rare gift in Lunathion. Yet, it somehow existed in your family line. On your mother’s side to be exact. The last known person exemplifying this ability was your grandmother.
Despite Hunt being a bit standoffish initially, you both eventually grew close to one another as he was staying in your apartment until the bad guys were caught. Anyone with eyes could see the connection between the two of you as you did things together that couples would do. From going eating takeout together to a watching movies together.
However, things changed between the two of you when he came back to your house all beaten and bruised after a night of being sent on a mission to take care of some people. After helping him get cleaned up, you brought him to your room and cuddled. This eventually resulted in him falling asleep in your lap as you raked your fingers through his dark shoulder length hair.
It was at that moment you saw a tormented male trying to survive the horrors of his past. From that day on, you two became a couple. Though, it had to stay low profile until the baddies were caught. Once they were, you and Hunt continued to living together.
You had truly believed that everything between the two of you was going well until you heard that sentence.
You had know idea what hurt more, hearing those words come from Hunt’s mouth or the fact that he was telling his friends and colleagues this.
After dinner, you and Hunt are sitting on the living room couch, watching a movie together. The space between you two is evident.
Since Hunt got home from work, the interactions you’ve had with him brief. Though you try to ignore the words you heard earlier that day, they find way into your mind again.
She’s nothing like Shahar.
You must have been silent for a while because Hunt had turned off the tv and turned, looking straight at you.
“Babe… what’s wrong? You’ve only spoken a few words since I have come home and you’re not cuddling me like usual. Also, we didn’t have lunch together like we usually do every Friday. Is something wrong?”
Instantly, you shake your head.
“Come on (y/n), I know that isn’t true. Please, whatever it is, tell me and we can fix it together.”
You’d almost fall for his sweet words if you hadn’t heard what he said to Isaiah and Naomi earlier.
“I had gone to your work today to have lunch together when I heard what you said to Isaiah and Naomi.”
The angel’s smile is there only for a few seconds longer as if realizing what you were referring to.
“Baby…what you thought you heard this afternoon, isn’t what you think it is.” He stops to take a breath before continuing. “When you heard me saying that you are nothing like Shahar, I meant it.”
You wince before looking down to hide your tears.
“You are better than Shahar.” The angel pauses before continuing. “Looking back on the time I had with Shahar, I thought I loved her when in actually it was infatuation. From the time you and I have had together, I realized that the the moments I shared with her were ploys for her to gain my affection so that I can play a part in her rebellion all those years ago. Everyone in 33rd can see that.”
Hunt can tell you still look gets onto his knees and hugs you, holding onto your waist.
“I love you so much and I don’t want to taint you. You are literally the epitome of light and goodness while I’m darkness and corruption”, the angel in front of you says tearfully.
You are shocked by those words. He said those three little words that held such impact.
It doesn’t take long for you to take the angel’s chin into your left hand, looking into his dark, tear stained eyes. A contrast from his usual brooding stare.
“The man I love is more than that. An evil man wouldn’t feel guilt or remorse for what he has done. You do. You wipe his tears with your thumbs, kissing where the tear stains for. “Also, you were in a position where you had no choice”, your mind thinking back to the late Sandriel and Micah.
You then get to your knees to be leveled with Hunt, letting your fingers travel through his dark hair as a way to ground him. Though not as long as it used to be, you can’t help touching the remainder of his dark tresses.
Hunt then lets his hands gently touch your cheeks for a few seconds before bringing your face near to his own.
“I’m so lucky to have you as my love and mate.”
“Mate?” you look at him shockingly.
Realizing what he said, Hunt tries to explain.
“Yes, mate. I understand if it’s too soon for you to say but I want you to know that you are my mate… When I’m around you, I feel this need to protect you as well as want to be a better male.”
You smile at him. “I feel it too. Though, I was afraid to say something in fear that it wasn’t reciprocated.”
The two of you then lean into share a passionate kiss, whispering your love and commitment to one another for all eternity.
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blogger360ncislarules · 8 months
Miracles are rare in the 21st century, but watch pretty much any episode of The Chosenand they are bountiful. But the biggest miracle of all is perhaps the fact that a historical drama centered around Jesus of Nazareth (a warm and welcoming Jonathan Roumie), set in 1st century Galilee as He preaches, gains followers (and enemies) and, on occasion, raises the dead and walks on water, has built a passionate legion of faithful viewers. How did a crowdfunded production become a heavenly international sensation?
The holy cards were stacked against The Chosen from the start. Faith-based television is historically hit-or-miss. The Academy Award-winning 1956 classic The Ten Commandments, which has aired on ABC nearly every Easter season since 1973, regularly reaps solid viewership (3.2 million when it last aired on April 1, 2023). But in terms of scripted TV, for every spiritual success (think Highway to Heaven and Touched by an Angel), there are just as many failures (anyone remember ABC drama Of Kings and Prophets or the Anne Heche sitcom Save Me?).
The Chosen’s accessibility—it’s been available to stream for free online at thechosen.tv since Season 1—didn’t hurt in making the show a hit, but it also drew in curious audience members with fresh takes on well-known biblical figures that never feel out of touch. Roumie effortlessly shepherds a comforting and gentle strength in his Jesus, whether He’s confidently preaching the Sermon on the Mount to thousands or graciously healing someone in private. And He’s unapologetically human. He laughs hard and pokes fun at His Apostles, shows His frustration with hardheaded religious leaders, joyously dances at a wedding in Cana and even frolics in the Sea of Galilee.
His 12 Apostles—the actual “chosen”—come with relatable baggage, broadening their flat Bible counterparts into colorful characters. Hotheaded fisherman Simon (Shahar Isaac) scrambles to provide for his wife, Eden (Lara Silva). Later, the young couple suffers a miscarriage and Simon blows up at Jesus for not protecting them. Outsider Matthew (Paras Patel)—who has been likened to being on the autism spectrum—is lonely and ostracized from his family. Nervous Andrew (Noah James) struggles with feelings of anxiety.
The show’s female cast also shines a light on women in a time period when they were often overlooked and underutilized. The iconic Mary Magdalene (Elizabeth Tabish) deals with shame from her past, thoughts of suicide and the loss of a parent. She bonds with the honest Tamar (Amber Shana Williams) over the latter. Jesus’ caring mother Mary (Vanessa Benavente) grapples with the idea that her adult Son—the Messiah—no longer needs her.
The Chosen so beautifully weaves its many perspectives together, often creating compelling duos, like awkward Matthew finding a surprising ally in gruffly sympathetic Roman centurion Gaius (Kirk B.R. Woller).
Finally, the show brings dimension to the New Testament’s most famous lines of Scripture, and the messages never come across as preachy. They’re edgy and nuanced, with fun bouts of humor and a deep sincerity and unwavering respect for the source material.
After 24 episodes (27 if you count the three Christmas specials), The Chosen has lifted the hearts of fans, who give thanks both through an overwhelming amount of online praise and the generous crowd-funding donations that continue to raise the drama’s production quality year after year (over $40 million has been collected so far). And given that the Christian megahit has been pitch-perfect since the original 2017 pilot, we have faith that the flourishing show will only continue to collect more and more loyal disciples on its righteous journey. Amen!
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theladyofbloodshed · 8 months
How do you feel about Hunt's relationship with Shahar? Like I'm not sure how to feel about her, considering she was good enough to rebel against the Asteri to fight for a better world but at the same time and die for it...
But in HOSAB Hunt mentions she wouldn't care or risk her life for the lesser Vanir/humans (like Bryce did for Emile) or seemed to care about Hunt. I kinda wish SJM made it like a Celeana/Sam type relationship though.
(But I wonder if her and the Hind may be connected? Considering the Hinds name is Daybright and Shahar is Daystar.)
Oooof what a question - thank you!!
SJM has a habit of tarnishing the first love and making it out like it meant nothing so I'm always careful about retcons. Every relationship that ends means something or helps you to learn.
As Hunt grows closer to Bryce, he reflects that he didn't have these cute things with Shahar - e.g. if he gave her a little opal, she'd have forgotten about it amongst her riches (equally, he'd forgot he gave it to her). I think Hunt and Shahar never had the chance to actually be a "normal" couple and watch reality tv etc because they were in the middle of a rebellion. Would they have worked if they weren't in a rebellion? Probably not. She was an archangel at the end of the day and they were together because she wanted to restructure the malakim hierarchy. If she didn't have those values, she'd not have gone near Hunt in a romantic sense.
My gut instinct is Shahar saw a powerful angel who'd lost the only important person in his life (mama) and offered Hunt love to recruit him, recognising his power. I think they both had similar values hence the rebellion, but she saw someone who was at rock bottom and offered him the love he needed for her cause. For Hunt, I think he did really love her because she saw him as someone special and not just a low level angel. As you grow and look back on relationships that you thought you really loved the person in, you can change your opinion. If that was Hunt's first relationship, then yeah he probably did love her, loved her cause, loved her enough to commit to the rebellion. Now he has had a friend then a lover in Bryce, he realises how different love can be and maybe it wasn't as meaningful as the one he has with Bryce. In CC1, Hunt thinks he will never love again because the relationship he had with Shahar was so significant to his life which I don't think should be overlooked.
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gameofthunder66 · 8 days
The Chosen (2017- ) tv series
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-(started) watchin' Season 4- 9/15/2024- on Amazon Prime
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mxmoth · 3 months
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THE CHOSEN S01E04 — The Rock on Which It Is Built Shahar Isaac as Simon Peter; Noah James as Andrew
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are-they-z · 11 months
Supporters of Creative Community For Peace Open Letter (Support of Israel) - Part 1/2
The letter condemns the Supernova Music Festival attack on Oct 7, but fails to mention Palestinian civilians, then states:
"As Israel takes the necessary steps to defend its citizens in the coming days and weeks, social media will be overrun by an orchestrated misinformation campaign spearheaded by Iran."
see full letter (x)
Ari Ingel, Executive Director, Creative Community For Peace
Aaron Bay-Schuck, CEO/Co-Chairman, Warner Records
Brad Ableson, Animation Director, Illumination
Natalie Abrams, Co-EP
Deeba Abrishamchi, Senior Manager, A&R, Universal Music Publishing Group
Jason Adelman, VP, Brand Innovators Labs
Orly Adelson, Former President of ITV Studios, America
Marty Adelstein, CEO, Tomorrow Studios
Ali Adler, Producer
Ben Adler, Musician
Rachel Adler, Agent, CAA
Dan Ahdoot, Comedian
Jason Alexander, Actor/Director
Sasha Alexander-Ponti, Actress/ Director, The Ponti Company
Karen Allen, Actor/Director, Blue Willow Productions Inc.
Dan Aloni, Partner, WME
Kayla Alpert, Writer
Cindy Ambers, Co-Owner, Art/Work Entertainment
Leon Angel, Joint Head of Football, CAA Base Limited
Dennis Arfa, Chairman, IAG Music, Independent Artist Group
Jarred Arfa, EVP and Head of Music, Independent Artist Group
Taryn Ariel, Agent
Antonina Armato, Founder, Heroine Music Group
Jeff Astrof, Showrunner, Warner Brothers
Liz Astrof, Writer/Producer, 20th Century/Disney
Eve Attermann, Literary Agent, WME
Michael Auerbach, Partner, Jackoway Austen
Nate Auerbach, Partner, Versus Creative
Karl Austen, Attorney, Jackoway Austen
Meredith Averill, TV Writer/Showrunner,
Shahar Avnet, Creative Director & Founder, SHAHAR AVNET
Asi Azar, TV Host, Keshet
Irving Azoff, Chairman, Full Stop Management
Ivor Baddiel, Scriptwriter and Author
Gary Barber, CEO, Spyglass Media
Moshe Barkat, CEO, ColorTime, LLC.
Eve Barlow, Music Journalist
Jonathan Barnett, Chairman, CAA Stellar
Romi Barta, Writer
Jonathan Baruch, Partner, Rain
Richard Baskind, Partner & Head of Music, Simons Muirhead & Burton
Lance Bass, Music Artist
Neal Batra, President, Tradition Pictures
Brian Baumgartner, Actor
Jaime Becker, Writer/producer
M. Becker
Matt Earl Beesley, Director/Producer, This Much Films
Idan Ben abou, Football Agent, ISCOUT LTD
Karyn Ben-Gal, A&R Coordinator, Disney Music Publishing
Aton Ben-Horin, VP of Global A&R, Atlantic Records Group
Rachel Bendavid, Head of Scripted Programming, BBC Studios/Lionsgate Partnership
Pablo Bendersky, Producer/Artist
Steven Bensusan, President, Blue Note Entertainment Group
Ram Bergman, Producer, T-Street
Adam Berkowitz, Founder and President, Lenore Entertainment Group
Jim Berkus, Chairman of the Board of Directors, UTA
Jordan Berkus, Talent Agent, UTA
Greg Berlanti, Writer/Director/Producer, Berlanti Productions
Gail Berman, CEO, The Jackal Group
Luc Bernard, Director, Voices of the Forgotten
TJ Bernardy, Talent Agent, WME
Carolyn Bernstein, Exec VP, National Geographic
Jeff Bernstein, Partner & Board Member, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Heather Besignano, CEO & Founder, ICON PR
Mayim Bialik, Actor/Host/Author
Sharon Bialy, Co-Owner of Bialy/Thomas Casting, Bialy/Thomas & Associates
Matthew Bierman, Producer
Allison Binder, Partner, Goodman Genow Schenkman Smelkinson & Christopher
Joshua P. Binder, Partner, Rotherberg, Mohr, and Binder LLP
Neil Blair, Partner, The Blair Partnership
Rachel Bloom, Writer
Doug Blu, Commercial Dept, Eris Talent Agency
Robyn Bluestone, Talent Manager, Robyn Bluestone Management
Steven Blume, COO, Content Partners LLC
Sawyer Bock, Coordinator, Elevate Entertainment
Evan Bogart, Songwriter & CEO, Seeker Music
Laura Bonner, Partner, WME
Michael Borkow, Writer/Producer, Tinder Hill Productions, Inc.
Betsy Borns, Television Writer/Producer
David Bradley, Partner, WME
Alan Braun, Agent, CAA
Dan Brecher, Principal/Owner, Rothman Brecher Ehrich Livingston
Chris Bremner, Screenwriter, Unknown Quantity
Tor Breon, Music Agent, WME
Theodore Bressman, Screenwriter
Josh Brill, Writer/Producer
Karen Brodkin Watson, EVP, Endeavor
Aline Brosh McKenna, Writer/Director/Producer
Brantley Brown, Talent Representative, Authentic Talent and Literary Management
Amy Brownstein, Founder, PRStudio
Ashley Brucks, President of Screen Gems, Sony
AJ Buckley, Artist
Mitch Bukhar, Talent Agent, CAA
Danny Burstein, Actor
Joannie Burstein Besser, Owner/Manager, Burstein Company
David Byrnes, Partner, Ziffren Brittenham LLP
Omri Caaspi, Former Professional Basketball Player
Ryan Cabrera, Musician
Trey Callaway, Television Showrunner
Bryan Carmel, Independent Producer, The Very Specific Corporation
Tia Carrere, Actress
Madeline Carver, Account Service Representative, Vevo
Markell Casey, Music Executive
Nir Caspi, Partner, Non-Scripted TV, WME
Daniela Cassorla, Associate, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, PC
Jennifer Cecil, Writer/Producer
Jared Ceizler, Talent Manager, MGMT Entertainment
Brian Celler, Founder, Bravo Charlie Management
Pamela Charbit, A&R Manager, Atlantic Records
Olivier Chastan, Founder & CEO, Iconoclast
Cliff Chenfeld, Co-Founder, Razor & Tie
Ted Chervin, Agent, CAA
Emmanuelle Chriqui, Actor
Jeffrey Ciabattari, Talent Manager
Patrick Clifton, Writer, Promise & Potential
Andrew Cohan, Co-Founder/C.E.O., ACI Licensing LLC
Ayala Cohen, Talent Agent, CAA
Etan Cohen, Writer/Director
Joe Cohen, Agent, CAA
Alex Cole, President, Elevate Entertainment
Lindsay Conner, Partner, O’Melveny & Myers
Henrietta Conrad, CEO, The Optimism Company
Lionel Conway, SVP, BMG
Adam Cooper, Partner, Jackoway Austen, et al.
Leanne Coronel, President, The Coronel Group
Raye Cosbert, Managing Director, Metropolis Music
Ben Cosgrove, CEO, Leviathan Productions
Cassidy Crosby, Associate Manager of Marketing, Vevo
Jamie Lee Curtis, Actress
R.J. Cutler, Filmmaker, This Machine
Avi Dahan, Attorney, Boyarski Fritz LLP
Ian Daly, Head of Brand Strategy, Live Nation
Hannah Damico, Junior Designer, Vevo
Greg Daniels, Writer
Dani Darling, Entertainment Attorney, LaPolt Law
Ben Davis, Partner, Co-Head of Digital, WME
Doug Davis, The Davis Firm
Mitch Davis, Concert Promoter, The Artist Partnership
Taylor Dayne, Artist
Danielle Del, Partner, D2 Management
Jamie Denbo, Co-EP Grey’s Anatomy, ABC/Disney
David DeSantos, CEO, Cottonwood Productions
Meredith DeSantos, Writer/Producer
Josh Deutsch, Chairman/CEO, Premier Music Group
Ken Deutsch, Global Co-Chair, Entertainment and Media Group, Paul Hastings LLP
Vikram Dhawer, Partner, Authentic Talent & Literary Management
Avi Diamond, Director, Film & TV Licensing, Warner Music Canada
Michael Diamond, Talent Manager/Partner, MGMT Entertainment
Jessica DiBiase, Talent Agent, CAA
Lucy Dickins, Global Head of Music and Touring, WME
David DiGilio, Showrunner/Executive Producer, THE TERMINAL LIST – Amazon Prime
Kosha Dillz, Artist, Rapper
Matt Dines, Producer
Lee Dinstman, Partner, IAG
Brian Dobbins, Co-CEO, Artists First
Efrat Dor, Actor
Joella Dorenbaum, Talent Agent, CAA
Craig Dorfman, Partner/Manager, Three Six Zero
Rick Dorfman, Partner/Head of Comedy & Development, Authentic Talent & Literary Management
Michael Douglas, Actor/Producer
David Draiman, Frontman of the band Disturbed
Bill Duffy, Head of Basketball, WME Sports
Alex Edelman, Comedian/Writer
Julian Edelman, Co-Founder, Coast Productions
Scott Edelman, Senior Partner, Gibson Dunn
Lisa Edelstein, Actor
Jason Egenberg, CEO/Producer, Tiny Riot Entertainment
Jon Ehrlich, Founder/Composer, Qwire
Matthew Einstein, CEO, Tradition Pictures
Jessica Elbaum, Producer, Gloria Sanchez productions
Natasha Elie, Marketing Assistant, Atlantic Records
Talya Elitzer, Co-Founder, Godmode Music
Andy Elkin, Agent, CAA
Craig Emanuel, Partner, Entertainment & Media, Paul Hastings
Robert Emmer, Founding Partner, Shout! Factory
Alexandra Emmerman, Agent, CAA
Hannah Epstein, Agent, CAA
Dan Erlij, Partner, Co-Head of TV Lit, UTA
Ingrid Escajeda, Showrunner/EP
Henry Eshelman, Managing Director, PMG: Platform Media Group
Nancy Etz, Agent, CAA
Ikenna Ezeh, Partner, WME
Ron Fair, Record Producer & CEO, Faircraft Inc.
Veronica Falcón, Actor
Donny Farber, Dan Farber
Sharon Farber, Composer, Soaring Taurus, LLC
James Farrell, Agent, WME
Daniel Federman, Owner, Maccabi Tel-Aviv
Oded Fehr, Actor
Erik Feig, Founder/CEO, PICTURESTART
Jaime Feld, Talent Agent, CAA
James Feldman, Partner, Lichter Grossman Nichols Adler Feldman & Clark
Josh Feldman, Head of Film and Television, Altar Rock Pictures
Katie Feldman, Publicist
Ryan Feldman, Partner, WME
Patti Felker, Partner, Felker Toczek Suddleson Abramson McGinnis Ryan LLP
Jacob Fenton, Partner, UTA
Ken Fermaglich, Partner, UTA
Hannah Fidell, Filmmaker
Tommy Finkelstein, Head of Business Affairs, General Counsel, Independent Artist Group
Dylan First, Agent, WME
Bradley Fischer, Producer
Alexis Fisher, CEO, Timeline Management
Scott Fisher, Select Management Group
Seth Fisher, Showrunner
David Fishof, Producer and Music Executive
Wayne Fitterman, Talent Agent, WME
Carlos Fleming, Partner, WME
Josh Fluxgold, Founder and President, ONEWAY.
Beau Flynn, Producer, FlynnPictureCo
Erica Forster, Entertainment Attorney
Gary Foster, Principal, Krasnoff Foster Productions
Lauren Fox, TV Literary Agent, CAA
Sarah Francus, Manager, Roc Nation
Etan Frankel, Writer
Ashley Franklin, Partner/Talent Manager, Thruline Entertainment
Jordan Frazes, Founder, Frazes Creative
Bryan Freedman, Founding Partner, Freedman, Taitelman + Cooley
Jeffrey Freedman
Jessica Freedman, Singer, SAG-AFTRA
Jay Jay French, French Management, Twisted Sister
Geordie Frey, Owner, GEF Entertainment
Michael Fricklas
Stuart Fried, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks
Jody Friedericks, Executive Creative Director, 160over90
Adam Friedman, Executive, CAA
Adina Friedman, President, Friends at Work Management
Daryl Friedman, Former Chief Advocacy & Industry Relations Officer, The Recording Academy
Stephen Fry, Actor/Writer
Antoine Fuqua, Producer/Director
Bryan Furst, Producer
Sean Furst, Producer, Global Position Studios
Gal Gadot, Actress, Producer, Pilot Wave
Alex Gansa, Writer/Producer, Gansa Films Inc.
Siri Garber, CEO & Founder, Platform Public Relations
Andy Garcia, Actor
Risa Bramon Garcia, Casting Director, Teacher, Director, The BGB Studio
David Gardner, President, Artists First
Jeremy Garelick, Founder / Owner, American High
Bruce Garfield, Executive Director, Columbus Music Commission
Spencer Garrett, Actor
Nancy Gates, Partner, UTA
Willie Gault, Retired NFL Player
Andrew Genger, Manager, Red Light Management
Paul George, Manager, Podwall Entertainment
David Gersh, Co-President Gersh Agency, Gersh Agency
Gary Gersh, President, Global Touring, A.E.G.
Jody Gerson, Chairman and CEO, Universal Music Publishing Group
Risa Gertner, Agent, CAA
Pete Giberga, President, AWAL
Jill Gillett, Agent, WME
Gary Ginsberg, Senior VP, SoftBank Group Corp.
Joyce Giraud, Actress/Model
Fran Glasenberg, Foundation Executive, CAA
Nikki Glaser, Comedian
Patricia L. Glaser, Partner, Glaser Wei Fink Howard Jordan & Shapiro
Daniel Glass, Founder/ CEO, Glassnote Records
Karen Glauber, President, HITS Magazine
David Glick, Founder & CEO, Edge Group
Joshua Glick, Manager
Jonathan Glickman, Founder, Panoramic Media Company
Jordan Glickson, VP, Music & Talent, Vevo
Mark Goffman, Executive Producer, Off The Cliff Entertainment
Ross Golan, Songwriter, Unknown Music Publishing
Elon Gold, Comedian/Actor
Hannah Gold, VP Marketing, Interscope Records
Judy Gold, Comedian, Actor, Writer
Andrew Goldberg, Writer/Producer
Dana Goldberg, Chief Creative Officer, Skydance
Saul Goldberg, Agent, CAA
Tracey Goldblum, VP commercials, KMR
Tony Goldring, Agent, WME
Alistair Goldsmith, President, Chosen Music
Lindy Goldstein, Producer, Lindy Goldstein Productions
Michal Goldstein, Co-President, Basset Hound Distribution
Michael Goldwasser, President/Co-Founder, Easy Star Records
Nichole Gomez, Agent, Eris Talent Agency
Adrianne Gonzalez, Owner, BYAGINC
Alissa Goodman, Manager, Authentic Talent & Literary Management
Brandon Goodman, Co-Founder / Co-Owner, Best Friends Music
Howard Gordon, Writer/EP
Jonathan Gordon, CEO, 1916 Enterprises LLC
Michael Gordon, Partner, CAA
Jeff Gorin, Partner/Talent Agent, WME
Hildy Gottlieb, Agent in MP Talent, CAA
Karen Gottlieb, Partner, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, P.C.
Andrew Gould, Music Executive
David Graber, SVP, Content Licensing, Warner Brothers Discovery
Jessica Graboff, Agent, CAA
Marc Graboff, Consultant
Nicholas Grad, President, FX Entertainment
Cary Granat, Co-Founder and Partner, Destiny Media, EMH Media
Jack Dylan Grazer, Actor, JDG Creative Services
Michael Green, Writer
Roger Green, Partner, WME
Trudy Green, Trudy Green Management/HK
Alison Greenberg, Author and screenwriter,
Scott Greenberg, Partner, LBI
Stacy Greenberg, Head of Scripted, US, Merman
Steve Greenberg, Founder and President, S-Curve Records
Ava Greenfield, Scripted TV Agent, CAA
Josh Greenstein, President Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group
Dan Gregor, Writer
Adam Griffin, Manager, Vault Entertainment
Iris Grossman, Partner, Echo Lake Entertainment
Jonathan Grossman, Coordinator, Elevate Entertainment
Lynn Grossman, CEO, Secret Road
Jeremy Gruber, Friends at Work, Head of Artist Marketing
Tony Guanci, Chairman, EDGEOUT
Marc Guggenheim, Writer/Producer
Gary Gulman, Comedian/Writer
Julie Gurovitsch, Music Producer, The Tonight Show
Paul Haas, Partner, WME
Michael Hackman, CEO, Hackman Capital Partners
Amanda Hacohen, Agent, WME
Amir Haddad, Singer Songwriter, Warner Music France
Shirley Halperin, Editor-in-Chief, Los Angeles Magazine
Marilou Hamill
Mark Hamill, Actor
Alicia Hannah-Kim, Actor
Amy B. Harris, Writer/Producer
Lynn Harris, Producer/Partner, 6th & Idaho
Ronnie Harris, Partner, Harris & Trotter LLP
Ashley Harrison, Agent, CAA
Jo Hart, Founder, Hart Media
Becky Hartman Edwards, Writer/Producer, Two in A Tub Productions
Ryan Hayden, Partner, UTA
Josh Heald, Writer/Producer
Patricia Heaton, Actress/Producer, FourBoysEntertainment
Julianne Heitzer, Attorney, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Scott Henderson, Partner, WME
Karen Hermelin, EVP, Marketing, Strategy & Insights, Paramount Pictures
Peter Hess, Co-Head, CAA Commercials Endorsements
Stephen Hill, Actor
Avi Hirshbein, A&R Coordinator, Electric Feel Ent.
Beth Holden-Garland, Manager, Authentic
Shawn Holiday, Full Stop Management
Laura Holstein, Producer
Billy Hopkins, Casting Director, Hopkins Ingram Casting
Matthew Horowitz, Agent, CAA
Samuel Horowitz, Television/Film Writer
Chris Horsman, Talent Agent, CAA
Allison Howard, Talent Agent, WME
Andrew Howard, Attorney, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Linda Edell Howard, Attorney, Novick Law
Lindsay Howard Parker, EVP, Head of Scripted Literary, Independent Artist Group
David Hunt, Founder, FourBoys Entertainment
Michelle Hurd, Actor and Activist
Jon Hurwitz, Showrunner
Richard “BournRich” Ingram, Artist/Creative Director
Susana Ivanir, Executive, CAA
Basil Iwanyk, Producer, Thunder Road Films
Chukwudi Iwuji, Actor
Levi Jackson, Agent, WME
Mara Jacobs, Producer
Neil Jacobson, Founder of Hallwood Media
Chris Jacquemin, Partner, WME
Jonathan Jakubowicz, Writer & Director, Epicentral Studios
Tim James, Co-Founder, Rock Mafia
Maxwell Jenkins, Actor
Raymond Jimenez, Talent Manager, Zero Gravity Management
Brandt Joel, Agent, WME
Douglas Johnson, Agent, CAA
Jasmine Joseph-Danielpour, Manager
Nancy Josephson, Partner, WME
Al Joyner, Former Olympian
Brooke Jung, Talent Agent, WME
Heather Kadin, President, Scripted TV Range Studios, Range Media Partners
Rachel Kalban, Children’s Television Producer
Rachel Kaplan, Producer, Absecon Entertainment
Marisa Kapust, Attorney, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Dorian Karchmar, Agent and Partner, WME
Mike Karz, Partner, Gulfstream Pictures
Zach Katz, President and COO, FaZe Clan
Ryan Kavanaugh, Founder, Proxima
Stephen Kay, General Counsel, Roku, Inc.
Jonathan Kellerman, Novelist
Cari Kenny, Talent Agent, Eris Talent Agency
Lee Kern, Writer
Craig Kestel, Partner, WME
Ilan Kidron, Artist & Musician
April King, Talent Agent, WME
Russell King, Director, King Law Firm
Melanie Kirschbaum, Writer/Co-EP
David Kissinger, CEO, DK Media
Dana Klein, Writer/Creator, Can’t Get Five Productions
Jenny Klein, Writer
Lance Klein, Partner, WME
Barbie Kligman, Writer/Producer
Scott Kluge, President, Tremendous Entertainment
Zachary Knighton, Actor, Independent
Amanda Kogan, Agent, The Gersh Agency
Keetgi Kogan Steinberg, Writer/Producer
Blair Kohan, Board Member/Partner, UTA
Jenji Kohan, Writer/Producer/Showrunner, Tilted Productions
Ben Kohn, CEO, Playboy
Courtney Kohn
Marc Korman, Agent, WME
Barry Kotler, Agent, CAA
Steve Kram, CEO, Content Partners LLC
Ynon Kreiz, Chairman and CEO, Mattel, Inc.
Rick Krim, CEO, Krim Music + Media
Erik Kritzer, Owner/Partner, Link Entertainment
Josh Kurfirst, Music Agent, WME
Andrew Kurland, Talent Agent, CAA
Michelle Kydd, Chief Innovation Officer, CAA
Stephanie LaFera, Head of Electronic, WME
Angela LaFever, Management, Independent
Ricki Lake, Television Host/Actress
Evan Lamberg, President, North America, Universal Music Publishing
Amy Landecker, Actress
John Landgraf, CEO, FX Networks
Gabz Landman, VP, A&R, Warner Records
Sherry Lansing, Former CEO, Paramount Pictures/Founder, The Sherry Lansing Foundation
Dina LaPolt, Entertainment Attorney, LaPolt Law, PC
Estelle Lasher, President, Lasher Group
Sanaz Lavaedian, SVP of Music, MOCEAN
Inbar Lavi, President, Tuna Productions
Dennis Lavinthal, Owner, Hits magazine
Adam Leber, Founder, REBEL
Jared LeBoff, Producer, Marc Platt Productions
Sara Leeb, Agent, CAA
Michelle Leibel, Writer/Producer, One Trick Pony Productions
Doron Leidner, Football Player, Olympiacos
Carol Leifer, Comedian/Writer
Jeffrey Lenkov, Attorney
Peter Lenkov, Writer
Eli Leonard, Comedian/Writer/Actor
Gerri Leonard, Partner, Leonard Business Management, Inc.
Greg Lessans, Weed Road Pictures
Colin Lester OBE, Founder/Chairman, JEM Music Group
David Leventhal, Business Manager, Citrin Cooperman
Arielle Lever, Agent, CAA
Zachary Levi, Actor
Ben Levine, Partner, Link Entertainment
Michael Levine, Co-head, CAA Sports, Creative Artist Agency
Ashley Levinson, Producer
Steve Levitan, Writer/EP
Alexandra Levy, Writer
David Levy, Partner, WME Entertainment
David Levy, Founder and CEO, Back Nine Ventures
Marcus Levy, Agent, WME
Richard B. Levy, Managing Director, Executive Talent Management, P.C.
Michelle Lewis, Executive Director/Songwriter, SONA
Micha Liberman, President, Mind Meld Arts
Chuck Liddell, UFC Hall of Famer
Marc Lieberman, President, Above Average Productions
Sean Liebowitz, Agent, CAA
Sydney Lipsitz, Chief of Staff, CAA
Cory Litwin, Managing Partner, Music, Range Media Partners
Steve Lobel, CEO, LMG
Jonathan Lomma, Lawyer, WME
Alexandria Longo, Director of PR/Publicist, Blended Strategy Group
David Lonner, CEO, The David Lonner Co.
Jonathan Lonner, Partner, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, P.C.
George Lopez, Comedian/Actor
Amy Lord, CEO, Eris Talent Agency
Dean Lorey, Showrunner
Bryan Lourd, CEO, CAA
Richard Lovett, Co-Chairman, CAA
Doug Lucterhand, Agent
Kris Lythgoe, TV Producer
Nigel Lythgoe, President, Nigel Lythgoe Productions
Meghan Mackenzie, Agent, WME
Ben Maddahi, SVP A&R, Columbia Records + President, Unrestricted Publishing & Mgmt
Allysa Mahler, Partner, WME
Melissa Malkin, Literary Manager, BEP
Howie Mandel, Comedian
Jamie Mandelbaum, Co-President, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Chris Mann, Singer/Actor
Gabriel Mann, Composer/Producer
Daniel March, Managing Partner, Dynamic Television
Vanessa Marcil, Actress
Deborah Marcus, Executive, CAA
Ashlee Margolis, Founder, The A List
Susan Markheim, Full Stop Mgt., The Azoff Company
Rob Markus, Talent Agent, WME
Orly Marley, President, Tuff Gong Worldwide
Ziggy Marley, Musician
Rebecca Marlis, VP, Publicity, Interscope Records
Ori Marmur, VP, Original Studio Film, Netflix
Chris Marrs, Writer / Producer
Sarah Martin, Senior Legal Counsel EMEA, WME
John Mass, President, Content Partners, LLC
Nancy Matalon, VP of A&R, Spirit Music Group
Andrew Mathes, Partner, WME
Austin Matloff, Coordinator, Broadway Video
Arielle Matza, Associate Attorney, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, P.C.
Haim Mazar, President, Haim Mazar Music, LLC
David Mazouz, Actor
Rebecca Mazouz, Assistant, Plan C Productions
Michel J. Mazouz MD, Physician
Paul McCrane, Actor
Judith McCreary, Executive Producer, Griot, Inc
Allison McGregor, Agent, CAA
Deborah McIntosh, Agent, WME
Michael McKean, Actor
AJ McLean, Music Artist, Backstreet Boys
David McMillan, TV writer/producer
Barry McPherson, Partner/Executive VP of Talent, IAG
Brian Medavoy, Partner, More Medavoy Management
William Mercer, Partner, Thruline Entertainment
Debra Messing, Actor
Tom Miceli, Agent, WME
Adam Milch, Writer/Producer
Daniel Miller, President, Ironbound Films, Inc.
Rina Mimoun, Warner Brothers
Arika Mittman, Showrunner/Executive Producer
Mike Mizanin, WWE Personality
Alfred Molina, Actor
Jordana Mollick, President and Co-Founder, Semi-Formal Productions
Carolyn Moneta, Partner, WME
Tony Morales, Composer
Erwin More, Founding Partner, More/Medavoy Management
Jessica Morgulis, Talent Manager, Authentic
Marcy Morris, Attorney, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Rob Morrow, Actor
Meg Mortimer, Partner and Manager, Authentic Talent and Literary Management
Michele Mulrooney, Partner, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Ryan Murphy, Writer/Director/Producer
Talia Myers, Agent, UTA
DJ Nash, Creator/Executive Producer, A Million Little Things
Chen Neeman, Songwriter, Chen Neeman Music
Brie Neimand, SVP Current, Cable and Streaming, CBS Studios
Noah Nelson, Writer, Gumballs and Stickers
Paul Nelson, Manager, Mosaic
Lauren Neustadter, President, Film & TV, Hello Sunshine
Eric Newman, Film and TV Producer
Robert Newman, Agent, WME
Alan Nierob, Chairman, Entertainment, RCPMK
Amaury Nolasco, Actor
Sharona Nomder, Morse Artists
Howard Nuchow, Co-Head, CAA Sports
Lisa Nupoff, Manager, IMIN Music
Annette O’Toole, Actress,
Mike O’Malley, Actor/Writer
Tracy-Ann Oberman, Actress
Julie Oh, Film Producer, OhCo
Michael Ohoven, Producer, CEO, Infinity Media
Peter Oillataguerre, Head of Production
Jim Osborne, CEO, Independent Artist Group
Sharon Osbourne
Claudia Oshry, Comedian and Podcast Host
Scott Packman, Founder and Managing Member, SSP Partners LLC
Jaime Paglia, Writer/Producer/Director, Two Joes Entertainment
Richard Palmese, President, Palmese Entertsinment
Lucienne Papon, EVP, Creative Affairs, ITV Studios
Renee Pappas, Consultant, Heritage Auctions
Joshua Pasch, Manager, Authentic Talent & Literary Management
Jared Paul, Founder, Faculty
Josh Peck, Actor
Shauna Perlman, Talent Agent, CAA
Numa Perrier, Filmmaker
Sara Pervil, Business Affairs Executive, CAA
Jack Peterson, Assistant, 3 Arts Entertainment
Andrea Pett, Talent Manager, BEP
Mekhi Phifer, Actor
Brian Pianko, Head Of Creative Advertising, Paramount Pictures
Chris Pine, Actor
Naomi Pitt, Front Office Coordinator
Jeremy Piven, Comedian/Actor
Jonah Platt, Actor/Jewish Advocate
Wendy Plaut, SVP, Paramount
Eric Podwall, President, Podwall Entertainment
Margrit Polak, President, Anne Frank LA/President Margrit Polak Management
Daria Polatin, Showrunner/Executive Producer, 1001 Pictures
Alissa Pollack, EVP, Global Music Marketing, iHeartMedia
Billy Porter, Artist, INCOGNEGRO
Cami Potter, TV Talent, CAA
Dani Potter, TV Scripted Partner, WME
Ava Poulson, London Mailroom, WME
Monique Powell, Sole Owner, Lead Entertainer, Save Ferris
Mike Praw, Entertainment Executive
Dawn Prestwich, Writer/Showrunner
Rhonda Price, Manager Partner, The Gersh Agency
Bryan Rabin, President/Founder, Bryan Rabin Inc
Sylvie Rabineau, Co-Head, Book to Film/TV, WME
Gideon Raff, Writer Director
Jazmin Rangel, Director of VO, Eris Talent Agency
Ross Raphael, Partner, WME
Ellen Rapoport, Writer/Producer/Director
Ron Rappaport, Writer/Executive Producer, That’s A Rapp Productions
Ron Rauch, VFX Editor, HBO Max
Adam Reed, Actor
Dani Reis, Manager, Friends at Work Nashville
Remedy, Artist
David Renzer, Chairman & Co-Founder of CCFP & Former Chairman/CEO, Universal Music Publishing
Peter Riegert, Actor
Seth Robbins, Actor
Sebastian Roché, Actor
Hanna Rochelle, Founder, Purple Productions LLC
Rich Rogers
Samantha Ronson, DJ/Songwriter
Dan Rosen, President, Warner Music Australasia
Rick Rosen, Co-Founder, Endeavor
Michael Rosenbaum, Actor
Erez Rosenberg, Partner, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Julie Rosenberg, Account Manager, Vevo
Melissa Rosenfield, Founder, IFP Communications
Shep Rosenman, Lawyer, RLG LLP
Philip Rosenthal, Writer/Producer
Shani Rosenzweig, Partner & Talent Agent, UTA
Claudia Rosha, Marketing Manager, Atlantic Records
Jeffrey Ross, Comedian/Actor
Sydney Ross, Script Coordinator, Hulu
Michael Rotenberg, Partner, 3 Arts Entertainment
Eli Roth, Director
Harrison Rothman, Manager, Elevate Entertainment
Robert Rothman, Managing Partner, Rothman Brecher Ehrich Livingston
Kate Rothschild, Artist Manager, Roc Nation
Amanda Rovitz, Manager, 1916 Management
Autumn Rowe, Singer/Songwriter
Mike Royce, TV Writer/Producer, Snowpants Productions
Olivia Rudensky, CEO, fanmade
Josh Rudnick, Talent Manager/Producer, Mosaic
Danny Rukasin, Co-Founder/Manager, Best Friends Music
Stacy Rukeyser, TV Writer and Showrunner
Olesya Rulina, Actor, Rain Management
Jason Ryterband, Music Editor, Ryterband Music
Haim Saban, Chairman and CEO, Saban Capital Group
Eric Sacks, Partner, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks
Kirk Saduski, Producer
Carin Sage, EVP Feature Film, Skydance
Rebecca Sahim, Head of Publishing, Salxco
Rochel Saks, Manager, SAKS&
Ira Sallen, Executive Advisor
Doron Salomon, Head of Football Operations, CAA Base
Peter Sample, Partner, Jackoway Austen
Nancy Sanders, Partner, Thruline Entertainment
Scott Sanders, Producer, SGS Pictures
Ashlie Sapiro, Director of Drama Development, HBOMax
Mark Satlof, Sr Vice President, Shore Fire Media
Jacqueline Saturn, President, Virgin Music
Ben Savage, Actor
Fred Savage, Director
Malina Saval, Editor-in-Chief, Pasadena Magazine/Contributing Editor, Variety
Murray Sawchuk, Itz Gone Productions
Jeff Schaffer, Writer/Director/EP
Leslie Schapira, Writer/Producer
Brad Schenck, Agent, CAA
Thomas Scherer, President, BMG
Elyse Scherz, Agent/Partner
Ayelet Schiffman, SVP Head of Promotions, Island Records
Hayden Schlossberg, Filmmaker/Showrunner
Steve Schnur, Worldwide Executive & Music President, Electronic Arts
Liev Schreiber, Actor
Amy Schumer, Comedian/Actress
Jordan Schur, CEO and Chairman, Mimran Schur Pictures and Suretone Entertainment
Joseph Schwartz, Agent, UTA
Robert Schwartz, Attorney, Quinn Emanuel
Sam Schwartz, Co-Principal, Gorfaine/Schwartz Agency
Sherrie Schwartz, CHRO, CAA
Susan Schwarz, Partner, SDB Partners
Sarah Scott, Managing Partner, LaPolt Law
Scott Seidel, Talent Agent, Endeavor
Jerry Seinfeld, Actor/Comedian
Barrett Sellers, Agent, WME
Camila Seta, Executive, Brand Consulting
Stefi Shabashev, Songwriter
Jason Shapiro, Creative Director, Collab
Peter Shapiro, Founder, Dayglo Presents
Rebecca Shapiro, Senior VP, Shore Fire Media
Keto Shimizu, Writer/Producer
Rona Lee Shimon, Actor
Larry Shire, Partner, Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, P.C.
Kevin Shivers, Agent, WME
Iliza Shlesinger, Comedian
David Shore, Writer /Executive Producer, Sony/The Good Doctor
Noah “Westside Gravy” Shufutinsky, Artist
Ally Shuster, Agent, CAA
Alan Siegel, President, Alan Siegel Entertainment & G-BASE
Mark Siegel, Agent, CAA
Chris Silbermann, Agent, CAA
Jeremy Silver, Producer/Songwriter
Ben Silverman, Chairman and Co-CEO, Propagate Content
Laura Silverman, Actress
Craig Silverstein, Writer/Producer
Gail Simmons, President/Host/Producer, GMS Media Inc
Drew Simon, President, Infrared Pictures
Ralph Simon, Chairman & CEO, Mobilium Global Limited
Tamar Simon, Owner, Mean Streets Management
Marty Singer, Attorney, Lavely and Singer
Robert Singer, Writer/Producer, Dec.3rd Productions
Bedi Singh, Board Director
Dilprit Singh, Accounting Manager, Mosaic
Brad Slater, Partner, Agent, WME
Gregory Slewett, Partner, Johnson Shapiro Slewtt Kole
Robert Smigel, Writer/EP
Michael Jonathan Smith, Showrunner, Sony Pictures Television
Dee Snider, Music Artist, Twisted Sister
Nicole Snyder, Writer & Producer
Aliza Sokolow, Author
Jeff Sosnow, EVP A&R, Warner Bros. Records
John David Souther, Songwriter/Musician/Artist
Fred Specktor, Agent, CAA
Dana Spector, Agent, CAA
Donna Spievak, VP of Strategic Marketing, Interscope Records
Sheldon Sroloff, CAA
Michelle Stafford, Actress
Ira Stahlberger, Partner, WME
Halle Stanford, President of Television, The Jim Henson Company
Daniel Stanton, President, Coallier Entertainment
Noelle Stehman, Showrunner
Hank Steinberg, President, Channel Road Productions
KJ Steinberg, Writer/Producer
Bradie Steinlauf, Talent Agent, CAA
Jonathan Steinsapir, Partner, Kinsella Holley Iser Kump Steinsapir
Sandra Stern, Vice Chairman, Television Group, Lionsgate
Gary Stiffelman, Founder, GSS Law
Willie “Prophet” Stiggers, Co-Founder/Chair, Black Music Action Coalition
Brittany Stone, CEO, Stone Talent Agency
Wendy Straker Hauser, Showrunner and Executive Producer
Rachel Strassberger, Manager, Grassroots Music
Noa Sturgeon, Agent Assistant, WME
Geoff Suddleson, Partner, UTA
Margaux Susi, Director/Actor
Assaf Swissa, Co-Founder, Coast Productions
Aaron Symonds, Film Composer
Fernando Szew, CEO, MarVista Entertainment and Fox Entertainment Global
Traci Szymanski, President, Co-Star Entertainment
Nina Tassler, President, Tassler, Inc.
Adam Taylor, President, APM Music
Irit TenHengel, Producer, Yodan LTD.
Scott Tenley, CEO, MRC
Mitch Tenzer, Partner, Ziffren Brittenham LLP
Dannielle Thomas, Vice President, Untitled Entertainment
Jessica Thomas, Talent Agent, WM Agency
Michael Thorn, President, Scripted Programming, Fox Entertainment
Bella Thorne, Actress
Noa Tishby, Author, Producer, former Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism
Niv Toar
Fred Toczek, Partner, Felker Toczek Suddleson Abramson McGinnis Ryan LLP
Bianca Tomash, Strategic Advisor, BJEA
Shaun Toub, Actor
Sam Trammell, Actor
Stacy Traub, Writer/Producer
Jonathan Tropper, Showrunner, N/A
Eric Tuchman, Writer, Producer + President, Goldensoul Inc.
Montana Tucker, Music Artist
Brad Turell, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Independent Artist Group
Dor Turgeman, Football player, Maccabi tel aviv
Oded Turgeman, President, The Operating Room
Ronli Tzour, VP, Marketing & Artist Management, FAE GRP
Jonny Umansky, Writer / Producer
Eleanor Vainshtok, Sr Director, Music
Berni Vann, Agent
Marsha Vlasic, Vice-Chairman, IAG Music, Independent Artist Group
Alex Voihanski, President, Paramount Business Group
Debbie Von Arx, Attorney, Jackoway Austen Tyerman Wertheimer Mandelbaum Morris Bernstein Trattner & Klein
Jeremy Vuernick, President of A&R, Capitol Music Group
Darah Wagner Boaz, Producer
Matt Walden, Producer, Walden Entertainment
Cymbre Walk Sklar, VP, Casting, Feature Animation at Netflix
Don Walker, President, Harry Walker Agency LLC
Diane Warren, Songwriter, Producer
Joshua Washington, Artist/Producer
Nina Wass, Producer
Michael H. Weber, Screenwriter
Steven Weber, Actor
Jon Weinbach, President, Skydance Sports
Alex Weingarten, Managing Partner, Los Angeles, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Nola Weinstein, Entertainment Executive
Marc Weinstock, President of Worldwide Distribution and Marketing, Paramount Pictures
Allison Weintraub, Writer
Andrea Weintraub, Agent, CAA
Evan Weiss, Co-Founder and CEO, Streaming Ink Media
Greg Weiss, Manager/Producer, Wonder Street
Matthew Weiss, Assistant
Gina Welch, Writer and Producer
Titus Welliver, Actor
Ilana Wernick, Writer/Producer
Alan Wertheimer, Attorney
Jonathan West, Attorney
Ron West, Partner, Thruline Entertainment
Lee White, Agent, WME
Modi Wiczyk, Co-Founder, Co-Chairman, MRC
Joanne Wiles, Partner/Producer, Black Bear Pictures
Deborah Williams, Associate Director, Freelance
Sabrina Wind, Executive Producer, WPM
Evan Winiker, Managing Partner, Range Media
Yale Wolman, Agent, CAA
Don Wongprapan, Partner, Authentic Talent & Literary Management
Anne Woodward, Partner/Manager, Authentic Talent + Literary
Adrian Woolfe, CEO, Studio 1
Melissa Worth, Wonder, Artistic License
Alexandra Wright, Actor
Michael Yanover, Head of Business Development, CAA
Sharon Tal Yguado, Founder & CEO, Astrid Entertainment
Kevin Yorn, Founder & Managing Partner, Yorn Levine Entertainment Law Firm
Rick Yorn, Co-Founder, LBI Entertainment
Mark Young, CEO, The Orion Stars Group
Jonathan Yunger, Film/TV Producer
Stefanie Yunger, Actor/Comedian/Writer
Chris Zaccaria, Sr. Director, Sales Analytics
Laurie Zaks, Executive Producer, Rosewood Television
Alex Zamm, Director/Screenwriter, Zammgate Ent.
Derek Zasky, Department Head/Agent, WME
David Zedeck, Global Co-Head of Music, UTA
Jennifer Zeller, VP, Promotion, Interscope Records
Ian Ziering, Actor
Josh Zilberberg, Influencer
Melissa Zukerman, Managing Partner, Principal Communications Group
Jessica Zysberg, Manager, Marketing Solutions, Vevo
Music Artists Coalition (MAC)
Black Music Action Coalition (BMAC)
Songwriters of N America (SONA)
Additional Signers:
Mark Schiff, Comedian
Adam Biren, TV Agent, CAA
Paul Craig, Founder, Nostromo
Vanessa Livingston, Agent, RBEL Agency
Tom Rothman, Chairman & CEO, Sony Pictures Entertainment
Greg Grunberg, Actor
Guy Nattiv, Filmmaker
Bruce Resnikov, President and CEO, Universal Music Enterprises
John Fogerty, Musician
Julie Fogerty
Asher Angel, Actor
Gary Goetzman, Producer
Cedric Kyles, Actor/Producer
Samantha Levenshus, Writer/Producer
Richard Trank, Documentary Filmmaker, Moriah Films
Jeremy Norkin, President, Exile Music
Carly Rosenberg, Business Affairs Executive, CAA
Oded Raz, Director/Filmmaker, Raz Production
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→ The Chosen S3E7: Ears to Hear.
“So he already knows our whole story?”
Requested by anon.
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luxmaeastra · 9 months
The last few months had gone fast. Shahar had moved out, finding her own place. But even that hadn't surprised her, what was the Malakhim male that had come out of nowhere to "court her" apparently.
Bryce didn't understand it, didn't understand where this male has been. He was gorgeous, he'd been a general in her army. And according to Shahar had made his intentions known for her since he'd met her.
She'd never given him the time of day but now...well.
Bryce stared at the TV, trying to control her shock. She knew they'd been courting, or whatever. But this? To the Daglan to allow her to plead her case? To apologize and take back her words against them. She pleaded for the release of her soldiers, that they'd all done their penance like her.
Bryce looked to Orion, to his phone as it began to light up and kept going.
She snapped back to the TV as Shahar swayed, the wave of magic showing her tattoo dissapering. Heyley held her, whispering her to. Bryce swallowed the dread as Shahar smiled up at him.
Renly stared at his hands flexing them. He looked to Ruhn, he'd become a good friend over the last century.
"What will you do now?"
Renly shrugged, sipping at his beer.
"I don't know if Calaena...I don't know if I can face her man. She's your family, you hear anything about her in the last two centuries?"
He'd never asked Ruhn since this entire mess began. Why did he stay in the Midgardian Isles, why did he pretend he and Orion hadn't been close before. He hadn't asked him any of the questions he'd desperately wanted to.
Autumn would have continued on. We're his parents okay with him being here? Did he talk to them? To Calaena?
Calaena was a lot like her parents. From his experience when Amarantha and Narcissus put their minds to something they got it done.
What had occupied her mind for the last two centuries? Rage?
He fiddled with his bottle.
"Is she okay? Just - just tell me if she's okay."
He'd learned about Lucien at least, his mate's death. Did she blame him for not being there when her twin lost his eye?
Fuck, even the short time away from his cousin and Renly seemed to be losing himself. Granted, no one them had expected for Shahar to make that move, to do what she had done. The selfish part of him was thankful that that side was over, but the part of him that was more like his mother felt pity.
Shahar had flown too close to the fires, she got scorched and burned. She was forced to relent everything she loved and cared for, she was forced to create what safety she could. Even if Heyley had promised to look after her, he knew that the relationship would pale in comparison to what she and Orion had.
He sat back, swigging from his bottle before he looked back to Renly. “My cousin is fine, you know how strong she is and you should know damn well she had been a pain in the side of those in power here,” he countered. “She’s used our families connections to raise hell, she follow you despite her parents protests…”
Having Calaena there had increased his drinking, if only for the fact his mother had asked him to keep an eye on her. She was the heir to Autumn after all, something he cared little for but he didn’t wish to see her hurt - or be the reason why she was hurt.
Ruhn patted Renly on the back. “She fought for you.”
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