#Shady's back
barbthebuilder · 2 months
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rizzmin · 10 months
Guess whose back
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empresskadia · 1 day
I live and got in a beautiful tan during vacation
Raya's ref sheeting is going very well! I got her formal dress drawn and I scream, my girlllll
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tinyidle · 10 months
soooo, ive kind of come back from the shadow realm. soojin came back with a beautiful debut album, ateez are trying to kill me with their comeback pics, and soyeon's a part of a that future MAMA performance with winter and liz.
with that being said, ive gotten even more requests from the past week and such, and im conflicted on whether i should wait until i can finish those or release the one fic i finished (but want to refine a bit more).
but nevermind all that. im here again! as if i ever left lol
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thefalloutdiaries · 2 years
There is Something
There is something out there, in the dark. There is something that lurks out beyond the warm light of the stars in the cold reaches of the galaxy. It does not speak any known language, it does not trade or build great works. It simply drifts along in the vastness of the blackness that permeates the spaces between stars. If your ship encounters it, something will try to board it. If it succeeds, it will... change the crew. And the crew will return to their home port, flooding the bands with screams of truest, deepest terror. They will open fire with whatever weapons they have aboard, seeking to kill anything and everything they run across. They cannot be reasoned with, we don’t even know if they can hear us when we broadcast demands for them to cease fire, to prepare to be boarded, to quench their engines or be killed. So we kill these ships, and their crews, and every time we do we wonder what it is they saw. What happened to them? What could possibly have been done to them?
The answer, ultimately, is immaterial.
The light of faith had guttered like a candle in a cold wind in the centuries that elapsed since mankind slipped the surly bonds of earth. The blaze of faith that had once sent thousands to the afterlife and had kept millions more through trials that I cannot even conceive of, was just a low bank of embers. What need was there of faith out among the stars? Where humanity ruled supreme, where the only God was trade, the only hymn the hum of a ship’s engines.
But we had found our faith again. A common faith, a faith in mankind. A faith that taught that whatever tribulations were yet to come, whatever monsters that came crawling from the long dark, whatever disasters that would befall us, humanity would persevere. We would dig graves for the fallen, we would weep for our losses, and then we would shoulder our tools and go forth once more. Let the skies boil and the seas churn, let hideous things come to kill us from the black, we would not fail, and we would not falter. The aging Pontifex, his beard grey flecked with white, stood at the door to his cathedral and proclaimed a Crusade. A Holy War, a calling for men and women of all planets and all nations to set aside their differences, for there was a threat to humanity.
We answered the call. The Pontifex called, and we answered. It began as a trickle, a merchant captain who bid his crew with families go ashore and took those who remained with him. A pirate cruiser whose crew wished to die doing one thing right in a life of misdeeds. The crew of a battleship that all-but mutinied before they were given leave to come. Merchantmen purchased by collection plate. A thousand ships, from tiny little sub-light barges to massive fleet carriers and everything in-between. A thousand ships crewed by men and women of such courage and faith that I cannot but weep for it.
Humanity called, and we answered.
We don’t know what awaits us in the darkness. We don’t know what was found out there, that drove those crews to fratricide. We don’t know if we will live or die. What we know is this one simple truth. Humanity will endure. So my crew, my beloved crew, light the engines. Make ready the ship to supercruise, and say one last blessing over the guns. We are the clenched fist of mankind, we are the instrument of humanity’s fury, we are the Crusade of Man, and we shall know no fear.
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guess who's back
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back again
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scenegraph · 1 year
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shhhh we're doing something clever and leaving the surprises untagged
(bonus for followers: the wowee design. it's couture! it's fashion! it's mostly ariga's.)
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Back to the Shadows
Standing in the light is becoming exhausting. Levi reached up to run a hand through his hair, looking over his shoulder at his sister. Where Izzy usually looked like a fire was lit behind her blue eyes, today they looked hollow. Pretending for all these centuries was taking a toll on her. 
The blinding sun cast its beams upon them both, the leafless trees doing nothing to shade them. Shade. It was time. Time to go home; to return to the shadows. As their thoughts moved in sync, so did their bodies. Each one stepping onto a small shadow cast on the ground, melting into shadows themselves and disappearing all-together. 
The familiar feeling of the shadows engulfing them had an immediate calming effect. Levi could already feel some of his strength returning. Not physical strength, that was still in massive reserves as it had been since the day he made a deal with the devil. No, this was mental strength. Emotional strength. It had been too long since Levi and Izzy had walked among their people, their home. Levi turned to say as much to Izzy, when he realized she was nowhere to be seen. Emerging into the entrance hall of their palace of shadows, Levi let out a soft breath. He would allow her some space to herself; something in him said that if he tried to reach out now she would slice him open, and he didn’t care for the thought of stitching himself up on his first night home. 
No, that wouldn’t do. Levi chose to start towards the kitchen, searching for a snack or a sense of normalcy. 
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alexheidd · 2 months
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lifewithdream · 3 months
Guess who's back ,
Back again
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instant-ramen · 4 months
Eminem - Houdini [Official Music Video]
Goat’s at it again <3 
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rizzmin · 1 year
Guess whose back
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cowbeeboy · 7 months
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Arthur after a pack of 12 year olds picked on him, stole his satchel and made him chase them all through st denis, and then an old lady laughed very loudly at him for slipping on a coconut in the market in front of a bunch of townspeople (all that in a span of 5 minutes too)
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neuroillogic · 2 years
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Gonna start posting designs here because honestly, I've missed Tumblr. Y'all are my people lol. Little bit about me, I've been designing for a little over a decade, transitioning for almost as long, and I'm gaaaaaaaay. Here just making clothes for other depressed anxious gay elder emo milennials and everyone who shares any corner of our venn diagram 😂😎 Thanks for visiting!
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bluegiragi · 1 year
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konig reminisces with horangi over his short-lived stint as an underground boxer in his teenage years...
more on patreon (plus the nsfw follow-up comic)
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doodledrawsthings · 2 years
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finally locked down the creature form design in a way i actually enjoy drawing edit: repost because i forgot a drawing in the last one
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