taxkha · 7 months
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I recently got to see the Nier Orchestra Concert and it was quite literally a magical experience and I was close to tears at the end. I had to draw something to honor both Replicant and Automata. These games and its OST mean so much to me and they are so so special.
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dushpshpsh · 6 months
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This reference is almost a year old, but I still like it, as well as the character herself Glare-on-the-Water, lupus ragabash Shadowlord
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nondidd · 2 months
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shalalalalamova · 2 months
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(Sorry got too excited by the automata anime and remembered how much I love replicant, NieR-themed madness may or may not continue for some time)
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athunderheart · 9 months
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Shadowlord as The Fallen Angel
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snidy · 2 months
exploring thematic comparisons between tragic anti-villains: dragon age (solas) and nier (shadowlord)
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7marichan7 · 5 months
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🌼 NieR Replicant🌼 Happy (belated) 14th anniversary!
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smolljester · 3 months
me when literally any rendition of Shadowlord starts playing:
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artbykina · 2 years
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Shadowlord - Nier Replicant/Gestalt
Still one of my favorite boss themes in any video game.
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1000emotions · 2 months
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the category is badass characters in fantasy universes who were born as normal human guys on our earth
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
Sharing a darling
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Shadowlord & Louise ]
[ NieR Replicant ]
⚠️ This contain heavy spoilers
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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I know I know, is more likely that those two canonically never met each other (or at least personally), but I love the two of them so please just dont question and just enjoy this little fic I have just wrote <3
I think i wrote this in a pretty neutral way so you are free to take it as romantic or platonic! 🖤
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Replicant or shade, it doesn't matter what you are, what matter is that you are way too important for both and that wont change, both the Shadowlord and Louise can be quite posesive over someone so important for them but they can work together if that means protecting you and keeping you with them (however, making both work together will take too much time and efforts)
It is more probably that you met the Shadowlord before he became the gestalt, when he was still just Nier, getting to be important part of him and his sister's life before the world become what it is now, and yet on the present is when you end up meeting Louise, somehow traveling to that beach where the half destroyed ship is and getting to meet the little girl that is living there
It has being promised to the Shadowlord that he would be able to be with you and his sister again once the project gestalt shows good results, so he spend quite some time using his influence in the shades (along with the Grimores) to be able to find your and Yonah's shades and replicants, while in the mean time both were living your lifes unawere of him, Yonah with her brother and you now slowly starting a relasionship with the girl on the ship
It be either that for being a shade you searched for shelter in the ship with Louise or being a the human that were trying to offer her help, it doesn't really matter what you are, the important is that the feeling that has being growing in her slowly become stronger and stronger, reaching the point where Louise is sure that she wants you, she want to be by your side, she wants you to be her family and she will do everything and anything she can and has to keep you by her side
No matter where you and or how far you are from him, eventually the Shadowlord will find you and will also make everything in his power to get you back to him, wich will lead to both start a fight because non of them are willing to give up on you, they have finally found someone who is important to them and they would be crazy to just lose you!
Both are incredibly stubborn since both are quite selfish, non of them truly care about the rest of the world, they only care about themselfs and you, so this will lead to a really bad fight between the two of them (however, since you were on Louise's ship she is the one who has the advantage). The problem quickly becomes so big and dangerous that it won't take much time before Devola and Popola had to intervene, even if they dont fight each other directly both are the key piece of the Gestalt Project and they can't just take that kind of risk
After some negociations and preparations the problem will be solve by moving you and Louise to the Shadowlord's castle, if non of them will be willing to give up they must work together for the safety of everything (honestly, for the severity of the situation you won't have much room to complain, it doesn't matter if you don't want or not even understand whats happening, the risk is too big to take it), the castle will get adapted for Louise and you two will get there as soon as posible
Even once you two have move to the castle the Shadowlord and Louise will be still quite stubborn and not so willing to sharing due the previous battle (and the Shadowlord insistance in unify your shade and replicant, something Louise doesn't understand nor trust), it will take a while but after some time both will finally manage to make peace with each other, the most stubborn would probably be Louise but once she understand that for him you are just as meaningful as you are for her she will start to let her guard down, for him you are also family, and, as much she hates sharing you with anyone else she has pretty much no other option than do it
The Shadowlord is convinced that he knows what is the best for you and is quite controlling at times, insisting that what he knows what it is the only right way to do the things, while Louise is more possesive, not wanting anyone near you since she thinks she is above any other shade, despite their diferences they will end up working together pretty well, deep down both are incredibly needy and emotional, wanting nothing more than making sure you are safe and keep you by their side
At the end they manage to make things work and share you without much problems, however they can be incredibly suffocating to his darling, the Shadowlord is incredibly needy and emotional towards his darling, you and Yohan are his whole world and in the mean time before he is able to take back her sister you have to carry with his inmense pain since he constantly seaks for your comfort and affection to help him stay still, directly and indirectly reasuring him about how he have made the right choise when he became the first gestalt and the weight he has to carry for it, reasuring his poor heart and soul from the storming feelings that torture him. In the other hand Louise is has never experimented such feeling of love for someone else, this is the first time she doesn't look down at someone and not just that but this complete new feeling are pretty intense, so she just act on them and demand more and more of you (not in a rude way but more in a needy way), she blame you for making her feel hope and desire and yet she isn't rude about it, is is more like desperately asking for more
Aside from both, no one is allowed to reach to you (maybe just Devola and Popola but because is their job to make sure the plan goes right), even when in the castle there are al lot of diferent shades who's has being asked to protect the place non of them has the right to be near you, the Shadowlord can be quite possesive and paranoid, not wanting to take the slighest risk of losing you when he have finally got you back! and Louise doesn't like other shades, she looks down at other shades, besides both are quite dependent of their darling, they want their undivided attention and love, just having you by their side makes them feel right and complete so non of them has reasons to share you with any other shade nor replicant
At the end, the Shadowlord and Louise learn that they are not so diferent and and manage to share your time and affectionate between both, as long as no one else try to steal you is fine, they become quite dependent so if they managed to share you is because is only the two of them and non of them are willing share you with anyone else (except for Yonah, when the Shadowlord manage to bring he back then all of you can be like a big family for the rest of your lifes)
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becomeasgoths · 2 years
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snow in summer
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dushpshpsh · 6 months
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she makes a roar
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partylikemajima · 2 years
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What if shadowlord died in Nier's arms like this instead? What if Nier understood him in the last moment? What if???????? Watermark is my ig.
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junuve · 2 years
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blood of my blood, soul of my soul
i would give anything for her
but i’m afraid
i’m all out of myself to give
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lemonwerewolf · 2 years
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