#Shadow as a babysitter is the cutest ever to me
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paintedswatch · 1 month ago
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sonicboomrevisited · 10 days ago
I'll understand if you wanna keep those answers to yoursleves, but in case it's ok to ask, this question is for mama, Star, multi and everyone else who wanna answer.
Wich Sonic Boom episode is your favorite, wich one you find the funniest and wich one is your least favorite?
Reasons why would be appreciate but not nescessary
Three megafans with many thoughts = long post! Buckle up!
FAVORITE: A tie between "The Meteor" and "In the Midnight Hour". I'm a sucker for body swapping tropes. Hearing Roger Craig Smith and Mike Pollock take on each others roles was a lot of fun. The animation team also put in a lot of work to have them swap mannerisms such as Eggman reaching for a moustache he didn't have in Sonic's body or Sonic trying to run like himself in Eggman's. "In the Midnight Hour" was a solid Stick's centered episode with a really cool robot as the main antagonist. I love Dreamcaster's design. The mind control plot also helped inspire Robo-Sonic 1.0!
FUNNIEST: Probably "Alone Again, Unnaturally". There's specific scenes in other episodes that make me laugh harder, but this episode generally makes me smile throughout. Sonic being completely oblivious to why he's trapped out of phase and his "haunting" of Eggman's lair always cracks me up.
LEAST FAVORITE: Another tie, this time between "Counter-Productive" or "Knuck Knuck! Who's Here?" Both these episode base their plots around Knuckles just... being an idiot. I can't stand plots that are only motivated by characters being dumb, especially coming from someone that really shouldn't be. Charlie and his wife are fun villains, but I hate that I sympathize more with them than I do Knuckles when watching these episodes. I'm not laughing. I just feel bad for everyone.
FAVORITE: A tie between "Fiend Bot" and "Role Models". Sonic acquiring a giant killer robot that wants nothing but his safety and to follow him everywhere is one of the cutest concepts in the show. "Role Models" was a fun episode because of the ridiculous premise that I find hilarious. I also love "Robots From the Sky" Especially because of Mighton and Bolts <3
FUNNIEST: A tie between "Double Doomsday" and "Alone Again, Unnaturally". I agree with all the reasons Multi said about the latter. My favorite joke in the entire show is Sonic trashing Eggman's lair while he's invisible. It's too good. "Double Doomsday" is also hilarious. From the banter between Eggman and Dave through the door Dave locked himself behind, to Eggman getting offended at the way Sonic made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
LEAST FAVORITE: "The Biggest Fan" (I can't watch this one). "Late Night Wars" for making Knuckles look stupid for jokes and both the episodes that Multi mentioned--for the reasons she mentioned--they are unwatchable. I also hate "Knine-to-Five Knuckles" for these reasons as well. I also dislike "Do Not Disturb" for the way the Unbreakable Bond was written.
FAVORITE: Oh, I have a few that I would watch over and over.
"Cowbot" - Eggman actually made a giant robot cow
"It Takes a Village to Defeat a Hedgehog" - Shadow's just THERE, and just has this beef with Sonic for no reason
"Anything You Can Do I Can Do Worser" - Tails' over competitive nature at play.
"Multi-Tails" - Knux being the bestest babysitter ever
"Cabin Fever" - love eps where they just act like kids
FUNNIEST: I think I have to say "Cabin Fever" is one I just love
LEAST FAVORITE: There are a number I don't like, mostly because they feature characters I don't like, or portray Knux as SUPER dumb, or are just boring. Anything with Nominatus is a hard pass for me. And those frog people.
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wisteriaandwafers · 2 years ago
I’m making another one
(Part 1) - because there’s a tagging limit
It’s because of the fact that I’ve read some really good fluff recently and everyone else should as well. Also exam procrastination as always
Some parent ones in Tommy section, but most of the rest are mutual pining, best friends, cute misunderstandings working themselves out, Early relationship things, and shenanigans
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Peaky blinders but it’s really just Tommy
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Keep us safe by @zablife
The resolution was like taking a deep breath
Tachipen and two Shelby men
Swimming lessons by @vintunnavaa
This one in particular I read and reread a lot and I can’t exactly pinpoint why I love it so much
gentle love, who you love
Drabble by @acewritesfics, a daughters return
They happen to both be cute kid fics
Well, what about the Dog by @runnning-outof-time
I’m a big fan of when Tommy’s wife doesn’t give him a choice regarding domestic things. It’s very fun for me
The silver lining
well spoken by @notyour-valentine
This man and finding himself around intelligent women 🤝
Under his Eye by @queenshelby
This one creeps me out a bit because HT creeps me out but I so want to know what happens next
Lurking in the shadows by @pherelesytsia
This one is a very cute Halloween fic
It was an accident by @kiki0005
The aftermath of the accident is cute and funny
Afternoon Shelby Chaos by @teenwolf-theoriginals
This whole collection based on this family is very locute. They’re so loving and 🥰
A friend literally said to me years ago, every time I open your phone you’re reading Bucky fics, and it’s still true:
Well not so much anymore but I still read:
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Blurb by @angrythingstarlight
Because bee is the cutest baby ever
Valentine by @softlyspector
Pining and hesitant action is my jam in fics
Though I have never read it by @tuiccim
It’s ongoing but I’m really enjoying it
All wrapped up by @jobean12-blog
It’s a Chrismatime fic and it’s adorable!
I like you a latte by @moonstruckbucky
It’s a coffee shop au what more do you need
Easy by @jadedvibes
It’s the cute beginnings of a relationship and they’re being all sweet and learning each other
Bribe the super by @real-jane
There’s a heat wave, there’s an entangled friend group, and they both sort of stalk each other with help from a store owner.
When morning comes by @pellucid-constellations
Besties at different points but they try and remain connected at heart and 😍
These one are Steve fics:
Mini matchmaker by @avengerofyourheart
Christmas cute kid fic
First date by @navybrat817
They go on a cute date and deal with a mini, kind of funny misunderstanding
My favourite what if part 2 by @imhereforbvcky
There’s drunk coffee, gardening, Sarah Rogers, and forever in love besties
Pick Her poison
Coffee shop meet cute
Then of course because I am a child of this millennium, some TASM! Peter as well, not all, but most:
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Zoo blurb by @webslingingslasher
Honestly, I’m not sure which Peter this is but it’s cute
I swear I don’t know who that man is
Tarrent is indeed a character and the whole thing is a journey
Like me, like you by @privateanxieties
I don’t know why I enjoy body switch stories but I do And I am anxiously awaiting the finale
Shampoo and heartbreak. Apple stem
Pairing by @spider-stark
It’s a case of shenanigans stemming from pining and I’m a fan
Bloody love by @parkerpeter24
This one is kinda sad
Daughters will love like you do by @waitimcomingtoo
Babysitter!peter helps everyone
Some light voyeurism
This one by @forever-rogue
Spidey identity and anxiety fueled decisions. It all works out very nicely
Meet cute. By @helplesslyinlovewithcharacters
Meet cute and is very cute
You ain’t nothing by @withahappyrefrain
Actually just read all her Peter stuff. The mob!peter au 🥰 like this one
Forest scenario by @vendettaparker
Text message fic
Webbed troubles by @curseofaphrodite
They’re both so stupid and I love it !!!
Hey babe I love you by @oracleofapollon
It’s best friends to lovers
Stranger things, but it’s really just Steve + Eddie fics
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Baby by @cosmal
It’s so cute
Crush by @call-me-eds
There’s a misunderstanding but it’s not what you think
Wayne’s world by @queenimmadolla
A sudden birth I cried so much
It’s a date by @luveline
And no, he does not stop staring even after the date
Waiting for forgiveness by @iveseenstrangerthings
There’s a party, there’s a misunderstanding, they’re besties
Secrets out by @steddielvr
Well that kid can’t keep his mouth shut
Best friends and cosmos by @taylorbrooke1230
I like those you’re just noticing!? Moments
Safe space by @chervbs
So 🥰
Tied with a bow by @angrymilfs
There’s Flowers and cuteness
This one by @plainemmanem
They’re coworkers this time and someone is smitten
Nothing compares by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord
Later life and smiles
Oops I love you by @earthgirl616
Just best friends they say
Then all the others that I can’t categorize but still love and cherish :
Horacio Carillo
This blurb by @tropes-and-tales
Alone for the holidays, love struck
Just like always by @drabbles-mc
Din djarin
Significant by @softlyspector
This one is a case of I don’t even go here. But I just about die for mutual pining and this one has it
Andy barber
What Andy wants by @theycallmebecca
I like this one. One person not realizing what everyone else sees clearly. 
Matt Murdock
You what? By @babyboiboyega
Coffee shop woes by @courtforshort15
F1 imagine
Forgive me, what? By @lovingperfectionsblog
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bowieandqueen11 · 5 years ago
Sleepover / Jim Hopper Imagine
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Request: Could I have a request where the reader is El’s babysitter? Hopper has a crush on her. When he gets home, he sees El and her asleep together. He’s just like “That is the cutest shit I have ever seen.” Maybe in the morning El, Hopper and the reader are eating breakfast and El is just like “So... There is this new restaurant and movie that the reader wants to go to but, she doesn’t want to go alone.” The reader gets super flustered and El just smirks because her plan is working. Thank you! :) 
Thank you!! I need to write more for Stranger Things and show my love for Jim XD <3
All comments are much appreciated!
Dumping your overnight bag next to Eleven’s rucksack by the front door, you sighed a little sadly to yourself as El grabbed your hand and pulled you into her room.
Jim wasn’t here.
‘Don’t sigh too loudly’, El announces with a small smirk.
‘Dude, is your dad ever at home?’
‘...Isn’t that why you’re here?’
El’s bedroom was furnished on a meagre budget but if was full of more warmth than you had seen in many years, it truly felt like home. The wood panelled walls have been painted an off green colour, a pair of dim yellow see through curtains covering the window, and one lone poster covering the side wall by El’s double bed, but the comics that littered the floor were a welcome and familiar sight. A few bracelets littered the picture of her and Hopper that sat on the pine bedside table, the lamp wobbling as you bump your hip onto it as you collapse down onto the bed, your face smooshing into the plush striped duvet as El lies down next to you giggling, placing one hand behind her head. She starts to become fidgety, slightly bored as you pretend to snore, until finally she pokes you constantly on the shoulder.
‘I like your outfit’, you manage to murmur out as you roll over to face her, the black suspenders a nice contrast against the block pattern of her mustard shirt.
‘Thanks, it’s bitchin’, El replies as her feet land over your legs.
‘You know, I have the nicest eye shadow to go with that, if you want to try it on.’
El nods hesitantly as you run out to get your bag, kneeling down next to her and laughing as she flinched slightly away from your brush. A few hours later, extract from rose petals were had been used as rouge while a stick of kohl had gently lined her eyes with black powder. You finalised the look with pearl earrings fastened to her ears and a neon headband placed over her wavy hair. The bangles danced on her arm like the hoops of a magician, playfully tinkling and sliding from her forearm to her hand, where they rested halfway between her knuckles and her wrist as the two of you danced around the room without a care in the world, Madonna blaring against the walls and making them shake, and for a moment you were thankful Jim wasn’t home. The dim bedroom lights were twinkling with every step as El spun in delicate circles in your open arms, her feet sliding against the floor in the way any normal teenager’s would.
You hadn’t even realised the two of you had collapsed onto the bed until you’re woken awake by an elbow slamming into your ribs, fluttering your eyes open painfully to see El murmur slightly in her sleep, the makeup slightly smudged around her eyes as she turns on her side to face you, unconscionably burying herself further into the warmth of your arms. Placing your chin on top of her head, you sigh happily before letting your eyes fall shut again and sleep take you down into a content dream.
You’ve slipped into dreams again before you hear the front door click close, the heavy footsteps of Jim Hopper as he places his hat down on the front table, a sigh escaping his lips as he fixes his shirt after yet another hard and tireless, never ending day. You don’t hear him frown to himself, approaching El’s bedroom with heavy footsteps, tapping on it lightly with three familiar raps, his code that he wants to talk to his daughter, a fond little trick as he places his ear against the door.
‘El, hun, are you there?’
‘I’m sorry I’m so late home. Again. But I got held up. Again. Is Y/n still here?’ 
Opening the door a crack, Jim peers into the room, his eyes rolling around out of instinct, checking nothing was out of place. He faltered slightly, taking a step into the room with a gentle smirk on his face as he moves over to turn the bedside lamp off, his steps noisy and rushed despite his tip toeing as he spots the two of you asleep cuddled up together.
‘Well shit’, he murmurs, smiling to himself, ‘that’s adorable.’
He couldn’t help but watch for a moment, moving down to the edge of the bed to throw the blanket El had kicked down with her feet onto your shoulders. You looked peaceful, the only movement the slight rise and fall of your chest. In sleep you were angelic, your face as fresh as a dew drop, making gentle snuffling noises as you breathed. You snuggled into the soft eiderdown duvet as it caressed your cheek, hugging El a little tighter so you enclosed her in warmth.
The next morning, when you finally managed to role out of bed, you were surprised to see El already sitting at the table with a small smirk on her face, and Jim’s broad back turned to you as he stood over a smoking pan.
'Good morning’, you say as you slide in next to El, winking at her as you look at the burnt toast and eggs that lie on your plate.
‘Sorry it’s so burnt’, Jim says as he winces slightly, dropping the pan in the sink as putting his finger in his mouth to try and cool the burn he just got, ‘I’m naw a gweat cook’, he mumbles out.
You spread some butter over your toast, a joy in the way you did it, as if for a moment you were happily absorbed by a feeling of love that played in your subtle smile and soft gaze. For the first time ever, you could see every day of your future and you wanted it, wanted to stay and be apart of it more than anything you’ve ever wanted.
‘Are you dropping me off to school?’, El asks with a serious gaze.
‘Yeah, sure I can, I’m heading over to the movies afterwards anyway-’
‘By yourself?’, El asks, incredulous. ‘Dad, Y/N wants to go to the movies, but she has nobody to go with. You should go with her.’
You’re a little shocked by her bluntness, but you’re more shocked by the blush that burns on Jim’s cheeks. His long fingers ran through his short brown hair which shifted back into place once his hand had gone past. The light coming from the windows made it shine to a shade of melting milk chocolate and his slightly damp skin glowed, making his stubble covered chin seem darker. The man's high cheekbones, perfectly accentuated his face, and his full pink lips were pressed firmly together in a flustered expression. His eyes, which were normally a simple sepia colour, were now a golden honey hue and seemed to be screaming out his emotions. 
Blushing would have been no problem, but what you did was go as red as a beetroot and radiate heat like the hot pan Jim had just dropped as he dared to look over at you, suppressing a small smile.
‘If that’s okay Y/n? I have a few hours off, and I haven’t been to the movies in years.’
As the two of you smile at each other, neither of you see the successful smirk on El’s face as she takes a bite of her toast.
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applepiewinchesters · 6 years ago
Unlikely Friends (Alec Hardy x Reader)
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Requested by: Anonymous 
The babysitter just had to cancel, on a Monday, when you had absolutely no one else to watch your son, Archie. He was only two, so he definitely hasn’t started primary school yet, and you lived in Broadchurch alone, no family, no nothing.
All of your friends had jobs as well, so none of them could watch him. So, it looks like Archie was coming to work with you.
Hopefully your boss, DI Hardy, wouldn’t mind, he wasn’t exactly the most compassionate man. He was kind when he wanted to be of course, he was a good cop too, no matter what the media labeled him.
Oddly enough, he seemed to have a soft spot for you as well, he was kinder to you than the others, even Ellie.
So, you came into work that morning, one hand holding Archie’s as he toddled beside you, the other holding a diaper bag containing things to entertain him for the day. People stopped to coo at Archie, who just giggled back at them.
When you got to your desk, you grabbed Archie, setting him on top of the desk along with his diaper bag. You stopped him from grabbing your scissors before a shadow appeared beside you, looking over, you saw Ellie, smiling.
“Bringing the little man to work today?” she asked, reaching out to pinch Archie’s cheek playfully, he smiled.
“Ellie!” he squealed in his cute little voice. Ellie picked the small boy off your desk, turning to you for an answer for her question.
“Yeah, unfortunately Alice had to cancel, she’s sick or something, I didn’t have anyone to watch him so hopefully Hardy doesn’t get on my arse about it,” you explained, sitting down at your desk as Ellie tickled Archie, making him giggle again.
“I’m sure he won’t, everyone here knows he’s got a soft spot for you,” Ellie said, giving you a playful wink.
You groaned, throwing your head back, “Yeah, and I’ll never understand why,” you spoke, throwing your hands up in the air.
Archie reached out for you and you happily took him from Ellie’s arms, grabbing a toy from his bag and sitting him on your lap.
Ellie shrugged, “Probably fancies you or something,” she told you, you laughed and shook your head.
“Yeah, sure,” you said, turning to your computer as you powered it up.
Ellie laughed, going to sit at her desk. After a while, Archie got a bit fussy, so you set him on the floor beside your desk to play with his trains on the floor. Thankfully, Hardy was shut up in his office, not really paying attention to anyone, so it seemed he hadn’t noticed your little visitor for the day.
After making sure Archie was content, you turned back to your computer, continuing to type out some files.
Unbeknownst to you, Archie had silently gotten to his feet and padded away. Considering he was so small, he sort of went unnoticed, that was, until he wondered into Hardy’s office. The door was cracked, and Archie was a rather curious little guy.
Alec was sitting at his desk going over documents from the Latimer case, he didn’t even notice the door open or the sound of little feet walking towards him until he felt a small hand tug at his shirt.
He nearly jumped out of his skin, not expecting anyone to be there, “Shit!” he cursed, looking over to see a chubby cheeked little boy standing beside his desk chair.
Archie only laughed, clapping his hands, “Shit!”, he repeated, he was into that phase now, unfortunately for you.
Alec’s eyes widened and he shook his head, “Oh, no, no, don’t say that,” he spoke.
Archie giggled again, “Shit, shit, shit,” he said, like it was a song.
Alec couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips, he knew he was yours, the only question was, why was the little guy here? He looked out the window of his office to see you glued to your computer screen.
Was it bring your kid to work day? Was that even a real thing?
The detective shook his head, setting down the document he was holding and turning his chair to face the small boy, “Mummy busy, eh?” he asked.
Archie smiled and nodded, “Workin, shhhh,” he said, putting a chubby finger to his lips.
“Oh yes, your mums very busy, suppose that’s my fault,” Alec spoke, more to himself than the little boy, who was now currently trying to climb into the man’s lap.
Alec let him, he missed having a small child, Daisy was the cutest little thing when she was younger, always laughing and running around, Archie sort of reminded him of that. The better days Alec liked to call them.
Once Archie was on Alec’s lap, he made himself comfortable and began to grab at the papers on the man’s desk.
“Ah, ah, no, not those,” Alec said, stopping the boy’s hands. He reached into his pocket for his phone, pulling up one of those little kids shows that Daisy used to like, he handed the phone to the little boy who smiled and laughed at the song the cartoons were beginning to sing.
Alec continued his work; the little guy wasn’t being fussy anyway. He was an easy kid it seemed.
You on the other hand finally looked up from your computer, your vision a bit blurry from staring at the light. You swore you’d only looked away from Archie for ten minutes, so when you looked down to check on him and saw just his trains lying there, you panicked.
Standing quickly from your desk you checked the immediate area surrounding you. Not there. “Archie?” you called, looking around a few desks.
“Have you seen Archie?” you asked one of your coworkers, who shook their head.
The panic was settling in a bit more then, your hands were shaking as you quickly walked past the door of Alec’s office, but something out of the corner of your eye made you back track quickly.
There, sitting on Alec Hardy’s lap, was your son, happily giggling at whatever he was watching on the man’s phone.
“Sir?” you asked, Alec looked up from his papers, smiling a bit when he saw you.
“Ah, Y/N, believe I’ve got something that belongs to you,” Alec said, motioning to your son on his lap.
“Sir, I-I’m so sorry, I only looked away from him for a minute, his babysitter cancelled today, and I didn’t have anyone else to watch him…” you were rambling, and Alec cut you off.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it, little man here’s been helping me,” Alec said, reaching down to tickle the little boy’s side, making him squeal.
“Really?” you asked, laughing a bit.
“Yeah, he counted ten pens and told me all the colors he knows, smart boy you’ve got,” Alec said, making your smile widen.
“He’s always been,” you answered sheepishly.
Archie finally seemed to notice you were there, when he did he dropped Alec’s phone on the desk and reached out to you. Alec stood from the desk then, holding the little boy in his arms as he brought him over to you.
“Alright, say bye to Alec, we’ll get you some food okay?” you told Archie.
Archie nodded, surprising you both when he wrapped his little arms around Alec’s neck, giving him a tight squeeze, Alec smiled a bit, hugging the boy back softly.
“Bye Awec,” Archie said as Alec handed him to you.
“Bye buddy, don’t give your mum too much trouble yeah? She works hard,” Alec said, saying the last part more to you.
You could feel the blush creeping up your cheeks as you looked down, “Thank you sir,” you spoke.
“Call me Alec, please” your boss told you.
You smiled, “Alec,” you said, the man’s lips twitched up into a smile.
Turning to leave the room, Alec spoke again before you left, “If you ever need help with him, just ask, I’ve done it before I know how hard it can be sometimes, and he’s welcome back anytime,” he told you.
You smiled and nodded, “Thank you, that means a lot actually,” you said.
Alec looked down, becoming his more reserved self again, “Course,” he said, shrugging.  
You left then, carrying Archie to the small kitchen area to make him some toast. You’d never admit it but seeing how good Alec was with Archie absolutely melted your heart.
Maybe Alec wasn’t such a shitface after all.
A/N: This was such a cute request thank you so much for the idea! I hope you guys enjoyed it and thank you for reading! Love you all! ~ Sara :) 
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stayextrafrosty · 6 years ago
What About Us?
Request: Patrick walks off stage one night, after acting odd and distant from everyone for a few days and confides in the reader that he wants to start a family. The only problem is he isn't in a relationship with the anyone. The reader, without thinking is like, 'I can help you.' naturally, Patrick is taken aback, but the reader is so far down the rabbit hole at this point she's like, 'sure! Why not? Let's go for it!'
Warning: some sexy stuff but not a full smut
Authors Note: I have no idea what the relationship between Bronx and Meagan is so I just have Pete refer to her by name rather than “mom.”
Read on AO3 // Masterlist
I tossed the ball to Pete’s kid, Bronx and tried not to laugh at his awful attempt at catching it. I cheered him on as he made a pitiful attempt to throw it back to me. He really was one of the cutest. I did wonder why Pete brought them along on tours. I’m sure it was rough on them.
“You’re gunna tire me out kid,” I teased him. He let out this giddy laugh and ran after the ball I had tossed back to him.
I never gave a lot of thought to having kids. I suppose I did want them some day but I hadn’t found the right person. My parents were of course pressuring me to figure it out because I was going to ‘run out of time.’
I dared to look away from Bronx and check the time on my phone. Almost six. Pete or Meagan would be coming to get him soon. There was a text from my mom asking how the tour was going. She asked this every few days and it was almost getting annoying. There were the same stories about crazy fans trying to sneak backstage or some sort cool thing a fan gave them at the meet and greet.
I looked up as the door clicked open. Pete and the rest of the guys were laughing about something or other. Patrick brought up the end and he smiled at me as he walked in. I smiled back but had the wind knocked out of me by Bronx jumping into my lap.
“Careful there, kid! Don’t hurt her. You don’t want a new babysitter, do you?” Pete laughed as I glared at him, hugging Bronx.
“That’s all I am? A babysitter? Not like I’ve known you guys for years or anything,” I huffed. They all laughed as Bronx climbed off me. “Be good,” I called to him. He laughed as he ran up and hugged Pete.
“Let’s go little guy. Meagan’s waiting.” Pete held his hand as they walked out together. The other guys tossed themselves on the other couch, chatting away. Something about a new band they were both into. Patrick sat down next to me, taking off his hat and placing it on the table beside him.
“You’re really great with him ya know?” I shrugged and smiled at him.
“Maybe it’s just cause I’ve known him his whole life,” I said, stretching. Patrick chuckled and glanced over to the door. I could never quite pinpoint what he was thinking and figured it’d be rude of me to ask. He looked back to me, a blush dusting his cheeks.
“You don’t have to answer if it’s too personal, but have you ever considered having kids? You seem to be a natural.” I thought. I didn’t mind the personal question but I must have been quiet for too long. Patrick rushed to cover the silence, “never mind, that was rude. I’m sorry. I really should keep those thoughts to myself.” I raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, no. Not at all. Please continue asking me things! I want you guys to know about me. Let me think,” I paused. “I suppose I never bought into the whole ‘maternal instinct’ thing but I do like kids. Maybe that’s why I’m good at it.” I shrugged. “I haven’t given a lot of thought to my own kids but I guess when I find the right person I’ll want them.”
Patrick nodded and fiddled with his fingers. He looked like he wanted to say something but held back. For what reason, I had no idea. Joe and Andy called Patrick’s attention to whatever they were talking about. He looked happy but something wasn’t quite right.
Maybe it was rude to stare but I couldn’t pull my eyes away this time. I was curious about him and he never said a whole lot about his personal life. I think he had a girlfriend at one point but she never came around and then he stopped talking about her all together so I assumed they broke up.
He was cute but I had never thought about him in that sense. Not until today and it was more of a passing thought. I’m sure he could get a girlfriend if he wanted and he certainly had the free pick of girls.
A knock at the door signaled that it was time for them to get ready for the show. Pete stepped in the room.
“Alright, let’s get on it,” he said enthusiastically. The other three agreed and hurried out the door, Patrick taking up the back like usual. He looked back at me and I saluted.
“Kill it,” I said with a smile. He grinned but it seemed half-hearted. It was probably nothing I needed to worry about.
The show went without a hitch and Patrick’s mood seemed to improve drastically. The issue was it never stayed that way. He would get quiet unexpectedly, usually right before a show when Pete was taking Bronx to Meagan.
I tried asking him what was wrong but he would always smile and say, ‘nothing.’ I didn’t want to push him but it was like he was cutting everyone off. Where there some issues within the band I wasn’t aware of? Were they arguing about tracks or the writing process again?
Maybe the guys were due for another break but Patrick was usually very good at working things out within the band. And nothing seemed of with the rest of them. God knows Joe would say if he was pissed or annoyed.
“Dude, I hate to admit it but I have to agree with Y/N. Somethings been up with you,” Joe pointed out after I tried asking again. Guess I wasn’t as quiet as I thought when talking.
“Sorry. Just a bit out of it I suppose.” Patrick was never out of it. At least during shows. But this had been going on for the last few nights. It’s like his energy was sapped.
Yesterday was particularly bad. He doesn’t talk anywhere near as much as Pete but when asked a direct question he was super slow to respond. Joe even stepped in to save the joke. The songs weren’t affected but his general presence onstage was.
“Alright, well at least we have a couple days break. Will that help?” Pete rested a hand on his shoulder. Patrick shrugged and forced a smile.
“Yea. Probably just tired. We are nearing the end of the tour. I’ll be fine after some rest. It won’t effect any more shows.” The guys all nodded and made their way to the backstage area. Patrick didn’t even glance at me as he followed.
This cold shoulder was starting to hurt my feelings. I had to figure out what was wrong. I suppose I couldn’t force him to tell me anything but I thought we had become good friends.
The show went better and Patrick engaged the crowd. I could tell it was forced but hopefully the crowd couldn’t. I scrolled through their social media to see if I could find any mention of the changed attitude. If they did notice, most were telling him to get rest because clearly, he was tired.
I stood just offstage, watching as they laughed and thanked the crowd. Andy tossed his drumsticks from the night into the crowd. I wondered if anyone ever got hurt from those. It’s not like it was a guitar pick. I laughed as Pete was almost pulled into the crowd.
My eyes drifted to Patrick. He was waving but backing off the stage quickly. He gave his guitar to one of the stagehands and rushed out of the stage area. I ran after him, clearly, he was trying to get out and to the hotel before the crowds.
“Trick! Hold on!” He only slowed for a moment to look at who was calling him. But he continued his pace until he made it out the door. This asshole was running from me. What was his problem?
I finally caught up to him as he was getting into the car. I grabbed the door before he was able to close it and climbed in after him. The driver pulled out as soon as I shut it. I could see the look of surprise on Patrick’s face before the shadows took over.
“Y/N what—”
“What’s going on because this isn’t tired behavior. I know you better that you’d like to think, Trick,” I said quietly, crossing my arms. He turned away from me, pressing himself against the door.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about.” I stared at him through the darkness. We would occasionally pass under a streetlight and the shadows would cut over his cheekbones. I thought I saw a wetness in his eyes but couldn’t be sure. Maybe it was just sweat.
I let the rest of the car ride sit in silence. I studied him instead. He removed his hat and ran a hand through his hair. An image of my hand running through it instead passed through my head. Patrick was probably as perfect a guy as I would ever find. Of course, I only realized this in the past few days.
It was a small crush. That’s what I tried to tell myself. I would catch myself thinking about a future with him. I wondered if he would take care of me or let me work like I wanted to. But what if we had kids? Would he stay with me to take care of them?
The car pulled into the back lot of a hotel. He tried to shut me in the car but I was faster. I followed him inside and refuse to even acknowledge the stares we got as I kept pace with him.
“Patrick please,” I begged. “Please talk to me.” He pushed a keycard into the reader and slipped into his room, slamming the door in my face. I stood there in shock. He would never be so rude to anyone.
I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I sighed and stepped away from the door. Clearly, he wanted to be alone. I gave up.
I was surprised when the door creaked open slowly. Patrick’s hair was disheveled and face slightly red. I placed my hand on the door and pushed it open fully. There was no resistance from him.
I stepped into the dark room after him and let the door click shut behind me. He turned on a lamp by the side of the bed. The bed, freshly made, sank under his weight. Patrick dropped his head into his hands.
“Look, I’m sorry I treated you that way. I just,” he trailed off, voice shaking. I took a spot next to him. I wanted to wrap and arm around his shoulders but that might scare him out of talking.
“It’s just me. You can tell me anything and I won’t tell a soul,” I reassured him. “I like to think I’m a good listener. At least that’s what Bronx tells me.” Attempting a joke made him shrink back from me. Crap. He stood and ran a hand through his hair.
“Damnit,” he huffed. I raised an eyebrow. Was there something about Bronx that I didn’t know? Or worse, Pete didn’t know?
“Hey, did Bronx say something? Is he ok?” Patrick glanced at me but looked away quickly. He clenched and unclenched his fists.
“Yea he’s fine.”
“Well when I mentioned him you seemed to get anxious,” I pointed out.
“It has nothing to do with him.”
“Then why did you suddenly—”
“Because I want one ok!” He had never snapped at me before. I blinked in surprise and couldn’t register his words for a moment. I stood slowly, ready to ask what he meant. He took a deep breath and elaborated, “A kid I mean. A family of my own.”
Realization hit me like a car. No wonder he always looked so sad when Pete or Meagan took Bronx away. I didn’t know what to say to him.
“Well,” I started. “What’s stopping you?” He let out a sarcastic laugh.
“No girlfriend. No wife. Need one of those before I can even think about kids.” He sounded spiteful. Maybe he was thinking about his ex? I wanted to comfort him.
“Well that’s an easy fix. I’m right here.” I rushed out the first thing that came to my mind. An awkward silence settled on the room. I could feel the heat rushing to my face.
Patrick was staring at me with disbelief. He didn’t seem repulsed by the idea and a look of genuine consideration passed over his features. I wanted to run out of the room but I was all in. I wanted to try with him.
“You’re not just screwing with me, right?” I was almost insulted by the hesitation in his voice. I straightened my back.
“Never. I’m serious.” His cheeks turned red as he stumbled over his words.
“You mean… you really uh… wanna… with me? I mean… um… a relationship? And all the uh… other stuff?” I nodded and the awkward silence returned.
I bit my lip and stepped toward him. Now or never I suppose.
“Y/N?” I didn’t give him a chance to continue. I pressed my lips against his gently. I was a bit taller than him but it didn’t bother me. I waited for him to push me away but it never came. Instead his hands rested on my hips, and he kissed me back.
I shuddered as he pulled me closer. My hands wandered into his hair and I didn’t care if it was still damp from sweat. It felt nice to be pressed against him. He was warm and soft and I loved the way we fit together.
When we broke apart I took a risk. I pulled him back toward the bed. I wasn’t ready for kids just yet but there was nothing wrong with testing the water. Patrick followed me almost eagerly. His fingers gripped my hips and I pressed my mouth against his again. It didn’t last as long due to me flipping us around.
He sucked in a surprised breath as I pushed him down onto the mattress. He didn’t seem bothered when I straddled his lap and nipped at his bottom lip. I thought I heard him whimper and I grinned.
His hands drifted under my shirt and ran over my skin, making me shiver. I sighed his name and he pulled my hips against his. My excitement got the better of me and I crushed my mouth against his. I could feel him chuckle and respond just as eagerly.
His tongue touched my lips, requesting entrance. I opened up to him slowly but he never rushed me. I ran my hands over his chest and down to the hem of his shirt, lifting slowly. He sat up and we laughed at the clumsy removal of the damned thing.
His skin was warm under my fingers. I caught him grinning like an idiot and kissed both his cheeks. He rolled his eyes at me and I took his hands in mine. I bit my lip as I guided his hands to the hem of my shirt and pushed it up.
Patrick smiled and stopped his hands, placing a quick kiss on my lips. I didn’t have time to respond before he pulled my shirt back down and pulled me into a hug. I was confused. Was this not what he wanted?
“Y/N. As much as I want this, I refuse to rush it. We have all the time in the world. And won’t you at least let me take you on a date first? I want to do this in some sort of right way.” He chucked as he held my face gently.
His smile was so genuine and sweet I could have cried. I smiled and turned away from him in embarrassment.
“I guess I did kind of jump you,” I muttered. He laughed and pressed a gentle kiss to my neck. I shivered as his tongue touched me briefly.
“Only a little. Not that I really mind. Besides, I don’t need one of the guys walking in on us.” I giggled at the thought. Definitely not something I wanted either. I moved off him and he grabbed his shirt, still damp with sweat from the show. Patrick stood and grabbed my hand, goofy grin breaking through no matter how he tried to hide it.
“At least you don’t have to worry about whether I’m good with kids or not,” I joked. He rolled his eyes and laughed.
“I promise you won’t be a glorified babysitter. I’ll be there through the whole thing,” he said. He was already thinking so far ahead. But I couldn’t judge, so was I.
“Just remember you promised,” I said, hugging him.
“This is a partnership, Y/N. It will always be ‘us.’”
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iwaoiyoonminphan · 8 years ago
JJP Fic Rec
hi! i love jaebum, jinyoung, and most importantly jjp so here’s a fic rec for the ship of the life 
this is hardly a fraction of the quality jjp on ao3, but these are honestly my favourites and the ones i recommend the most! enjoy and join me in jjp hell
sfw (no smut)
1. (why dont you) speak it out loud  by sevencm 
complete/ post college au/ fluff/ 9k
“Imagine that A and B are dating, but person B doesn't voice their feelings much. One day person B is cursed/drinks a truth serum and has to say everything they think about out loud. Person B starts saying 'I love you' and other super cheesy shit to person A every five minutes. Person A enjoys it very much.” 
thoughts: actually the cutest fic to ever exist! the characterization in this fic is so good and i reread it all the time^^
2. Falsettos, Stains, and Drama   by jaenly 
complete/ high school au/ fluff/ 9k 
“It all starts when Jinyoung becomes Juliet Capulet.”
thoughts: ok so like jjp are both in drama club and they end up as romeo and Juliet. actually the cutest ever jaebum was so shy n bashful ///////// n jinyoung was dense as fuck, the ending made me smile so much!    
3. look at me for a sec (don’t be too awkward) by turbrolence(shortiest) 
complete/ hogwarts au/ fluff/ 10k 
“in which a bludger shatters jinyoung's shoulder and jaebum ends up volunteering to feed him breakfast.“
thoughts: so cute!!!!!!!!!! jinyoung is dense as a brick and i loved his interactions with the side characters too, jaebum was s o chivalrous but also dorky and SO ENDEARING this fic makes me want to spontaneously combust honestly 
4. Of douchebags and pretty boys  by schoetheisrealaf 
complete/ asshole au sorta/ fluff and humour/ 7k 
“’Dear Dog Biscuit, Since you seem unable to understand the sign that clearly indicates that this parking space is to be exclusively used by the staff of this facility, I’ll kindly explain it to you again: Until you’re an employee of the state who works his ass off for society only to get shit wages and the worst working hours you CAN’T USE THIS PARKING LOT, SO FUCK OFF! Apart from that, have a nice day. PS.: I hope you don’t have sex for a year. :)’
You steal my parking spot all the time and I was just heading out to leave a strongly worded note under your windshield wiper but oh no you're hot AU Starring Jinyoung the kindergarten teacher and Jaebum the (arrogant yet dorky) business man“ 
thoughts: ok ok so this is so funny n also soft? jinyoung and kids makes me really happy and why is jaebum like this??? hilarious and also so cute rereading this is always fun! 
 5. opportunity cost  by symmetrophic 
 complete/ corporate au/ fluff and humour/ 4k 
“kim yugyeom, 25, is PA to park jinyoung, 29, feared ceo of park powers (this sounds marginally less ridiculous in korean). a lot more intellectually insulting and ghei than it sounds.”
thoughts: this fic is kind of yugyeom centric but its so funny and cute i just couldnt resist ukno!! jinyoung depends on yugyeom so much its cute and also jinyoung screaming over jaebum? the BEST 
6. Always By My Side by bb_bambam 
complete/ soulmates au/ fluff and angst/ 21k 
“Soulmates!AU where after you meet your soulmate, you experience physical pain when you’re apart for more than 12 hours until you both acknowledge that you’re soulmates.Essentially, it takes Jinyoung and Jaebum way longer than it should have to figure out that they’re soulmates.“
thoughts: the softest soulmate au ever! i especially loved how it was set in canonverse bc the emotions were so real n pure! the au setting was very clear and jaebum made me ssso sad 
7. Your Smile Is Sweeter Than (Hot) Chocolate  by bb_bambam 
complete/ coffee shop au/ fluff/ 12k 
“Jaebum brings Youngjae to a coffee shop for some hot chocolate, and they end up getting Jinyoung instead.Basically, the jjp coffeeshop/kidfic mashup au no one asked for.“ 
thoughts: another one from the goddess herself! jinyoung is the best barista and single dad jaebum is so sweet n whipped i loved it so much its just tooth rotting fluff tbh and kid! youngjae im really about to SCRE AM 
8. Topaz by setaxis 
complete/ idol verse/ angst/ 6k 
“Mark loves much the way he does everything else, quietly, unthinkingly. He doesn't know when he fell in love with Jackson. He doesn't think it matters much.
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz, or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off. I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.” 
thoughts: ok this is the only main markson side jjp but i included it in this list bc jjp is pretty important here too and the angst hurts so much jaebum is so stupid and jinyoung hurts prepare to cry 
nsfw (w/ smut)
1. Disappear Here by foxxing(gayfantasticfour) 
complete/ detective au/ angst and mystery/ 70k 
“Homicide detective Im Jaebum's career has been steady and his personal life mostly uneventful, until the morning officer Choi Youngjae wakes him up at 3am and he finds out his childhood best friend and ex-partner has been murdered. He takes the case only to watch everything he's ever known slip through his fingers like sand and to finally figure out that sometimes life is all about finding forgiveness.” 
thoughts: this one was an emotional roller coaster! the plot was really intriguing and i cried so hard at the end. the writing was amazing too, as expected of the queen of jjp fanfiction 
2. read you like a magazine by dollyeo 
complete/ college au/ enemies to friends to lovers (!!)/ 42k 
“Ever since Jaebum passed auditions and he didn't, Jinyoung's been hell-bent on hating the guy. Now that they're in uni together, it's like destiny is screwing up all of his plans.”
thoughts: theres no actual smut in this but theres other nsfw-ish content so read at your own risk! this fic has the perfect amount of angst and fluff and ENEMIES TO FRIENDS TO LOVERS AAAAAAA jinyoungs character development was super fascinating n jaebum was so whipped in this i love him 
3. Citation by KingJackson 
complete/ college au/ enemies to lovers/ 115k 
“When the one book he needs for an important term paper has to remain in the campus library, Jinyoung catches the eye of Jaebum, a library assistant.”
thoughts: a fandom classic honestly! jinyoung is such a bitch but soft perfect jaebum loves him anyway its so angsty but also the best gghhhhhh check out the sequel renewal its also SO GOOD 
4. A Certain Romance by foxxing(gayfantasticfour) 
complete/ escort au?/ fluff/ 17k 
“By day, he's a top-rated babysitter. By weekends he's an x-rated escort. These things are generally kept separate, until the day his weekend regular gets his phone number by recommendation and calls for an emergency babysitter. The problem is that Jaebum doesn't know that Junior the escort is also Jinyoung the babysitter.In which Jaebum and Jinyoung know each other in the biblical sense but maybe want to get to know each other, too.“ 
thoughts: also by the queen! jinyoung with kids is the bane of my existence tbh and kid! yugyeom gives me so much feelings bOI jaebum is kind of awkward in this but jinyoung still likes him hehehe i loved this SO MUCH 
5. Compass Calling by sugarbowl 
ongoing/ pirate au/ action and angst and fluff/ 65k rn 
“Prince Jinyoung is destined for a lifetime of luxury, until he's shoved in a trunk and accidentally abducted. Im Jaebum clawed his way out of poverty to captain a pirate ship and... not much else, actually. Jinyoung could be his first real treasure, if Jaebum could just figure out how holding someone for ransom actually works.“
thoughts: cant believe this is the only fic on this list by god (actually just read sugarbowl’s entire ao3) this fic is so beautiful jaebum is kind of dorky and also really cool this fic had me at the edge of my seat all the time AMAZING 
6. The Tiger & The Duke by foxxing(gayfantasticfour) 
ongoing/ sugar daddy au/ angst/ 160k rn 
“Im Jaebum is the richest man in the country under forty, content to mess around and skirt the headlines as a cutthroat businessman and casual playboy. Park Jinyoung is a graduated English Literature major, content with (in Jackson's words) his boring life working at a restaurant and writing poetry. When their worlds collide over a spilled cup of coffee, Jinyoung learns there's a lot more to life than the secrets of his past and the safety of library books.“
thoughts: another one... but this is so good ok at first i was kinda wary bc the ten year age gap but its not very important in the plot and nothing illegal happens lol jinyoung makes me want to PROTECT and jaebum is trying his best ok hes sO anyway its good and ill cry when it ends 
7. muses by comingbackhometoyou
complete/ star trek au/ enemies to lovers/ 120k
“Your dad gave his life for-”
“Yeah, yeah I know,” Jaebum interrupts, voice ringing through the empty bar. “My dad gave his life for Starfleet and died with honors. I’ve heard this story a thousand times before. No offense, but why should it matter to me? Why are you here telling me what I’ve known since I was five years old?”
Jaebum has been running for 16 years when his past finally catches up with him.”
thoughts: this one doesnt have much smut i think just ALMOST smut but anyway i dont even like star trek but this made me so sad jjp love each other so much its beautiful and i love jinyoungs no-nonsense character its so funny and also heart wrenching i dont know this fic just hurts me its wonderful 
i hope you liked my recommendations and enjoyed the fics as much as i did! the jjp fandom is honestly blessed by so many good writers so i hope you find more good work in the tags!! 
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caramelomachiato-blog · 8 years ago
The Shadowhunter chronicles faves (spoilers for lord of shadows)
Okay but I'd protect: Kieran, Mark, Christina, Ty, Kit, Livvy (;-;), Dru, Tavvy, Helen, Aline, Diana, Jem, Tessa, Will (;-;), Alec, Magnus, Max and Rafe, Raphael (;-;), Simon, Izzy, Maia, Max (;-;), Jules, Alec, Kieran, Ty, Livvy, Alec, Magnus, Kieran, Raphael, Ty, Livvy, Dru, Diana, *repeat* with my life I love them so much I love Kit and relate to him on a spiritual level. I love his relationship with the twins (especially Ty if ya know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) and his frustration with Shadowhunters (he's expressing the viewers words tbh). I love his understanding and need to protect Ty. It's great to see someone doing the right thing for my baby bee boy. I love Dru so much being a middle child is hard, especially when you're 'too young' for literally everything and people forced your younger sibling on you. Also she's beautiful and her talks of insecurities about shape and weight really hit it home for me and I'm sure lots of other. I literally cried when Jules said "You're our heart baby girl. You're the heart of the family." Tavvy is the cutest bean and needs protecting. That's all that needs to be said. Also if anyone hurts him I'll find you. I loved Diana a lot from the beginning. My attachment to the Blackthorns meant that anyone who was nice to them by association caught my interest and deserved attention. But I liked her character, especially when she essentially told Zara to shut the fuck up ngl. Her coming out story was a cherry on the cake tbh I wasn't expecting it and I cried over her story (also her sister ;-;). I love Diana's design too. She's overall a great Character. I love Helen and Aline so much. Their relationship, dedication, meeting, everything about them alone and in a pair is just so great. Also I'm high-key gay for both of them. But Aline dedication to her wife made me cry I'm-- I'm just in love with them ok? Okay but Tessa Jem Will Tho yass I love them I haven't even finished their series (I've read lord of shadows but I'm only on clockwork angel aka the first one ;-;). I live their dynamic. Tessa's just beautiful and great and smart and badass af. Jem is precious I love him. Will is so great I actually prefer his herondaleness to Jace's. I love their interaction. And their Camille and Magnus interaction were the goodest of good shits™ 👌. Do I really need an explanation for Max and Rafe tbh. Like Tavvy they're both adorable and amazing. Also Max is blue (I love the fact he's blue). If anyone ever hurts or bullies them I'm coming for that person. Simon and Izzy. Well what can i say, Izzy is hot and Simon is chill (mah man). He's honestly such a geek ("tell me a bedtime story" "k *plot of starwars*"). He should meet Kit tbh. I love Izzy in book and the TV show (and not just because Emeraude Toubia is impossibly attractive). I live her character. I love Simon's character. 'Nough said. Max, well, uh we don't talk about that. F U C K Y O U S E B A S T I A N M O R G E N S T E R N ! ! ! I loved Max so much, though, I wish I could have protected him personally. He was so cute and loved reading and felt like no one noticed or listened to him or borderline ignored. (That sounds familiar call out post to my toxic friends and family). He's a 13 year old boy you should be ashamed! Tbh I loved Maia since I first read about her in the books. She was so strong and badass and pretty and great. Also that one time where izzy says if she was attracted to girls she'd tap that ass. Also when she killed that asshole I was like yasssss queen slay!!! Rip Kyle tho I miss him. She pretty great in the TV series too, W E A RE N O T T A L K IN G A B O U T T H E C L O S E T S C E N E I R E P E AT N O T!! Jules, Jules, Jules... he's a fucking amazing brother lets start with that. He's had to essentially, apart from Emma and Diana look after his siblings, the institute and everything else singlehandedly. He's always there for them. He's also an artist ! That's great I love artist characters idk. Can we also talk about his way with words dang dang diggity dang dang dang he can talk anyone into seeing to his POV or believing his words. He a great boi. He just needs (some milk, sorry it's 2 am) a permanent vacation with Emma in an AU where parabatai bonds won't make you crazy if you be fucking yo parabatai. So he can fuck Emma, essentially is what I'm, ever so subtly, getting at it. Christina Rosales is beautiful and deserves the world and to stab Zara Fucking Dearborn through the heart. Ok I love her but I love Kieran more so she better not hurt my boi Kier. Also I'm down for some KierArkTina anytime as long as they spend some (a great amount) time to sort out their issues and love each other properly. Mark is great tbh (but again I love Kieran more so don't hurt him mah boi). Like I love his personality and character and appearance and speech patterns they're like the perfect blend between nephilim and faerie and I love that. I love him, that coat scene tho and the kitchen scene and the many scenes where he talks to inanimate objects. Also the make out scenes got diggity damn kierark. Also talking about kierark ppl be like Kieran was so bad to mark yeah but mark was bad to Kieran too. I'm not excusing mah boi here or mark but yeah they both not angels (hahaha). Tbh I loved Raphael so much (also saphael). He was so great I loved this lil asshole so much I cried when he died so much. S E BA S T I A N F U C K IN G M O R G E R N S T E RN !! ! Also ! Ace! representation ! Is ! Important ! I'm! Happy! But yeah Rip this babe. I loved Ty and Livvy ever since I first read them in the books, I was super excited for an autistic character and related to Livvy as my little brother is also autistic. (Livvy deserved better tbh). They're just so great and cute, I love them. We don't deserve them tbh. I love ty, I'm sorry, Sherlock so much and his twin sister (Euros lol don't shoot me) is an inspiration. Livvy is so protective and I love her. Ty is just so protective and I love him. I love them both so much. Kieran, mah boi, my sass ball, my salty bitch, my faerie boi, my king's son, my slayer, my great handsome beautiful amazing boi. Okay I don't even know why I love him so much I just do. He's misunderstood and before yall bitch at me like oh that poor special snowflake he Hurting he misunderstood poor bean do he need a tiny violin to play sad music for him where's thE P R O O F OF T H I S BI T C H ! !! Yall can read up on this subject on other post about it I've reblogged. O K A Y he did some bad things he regrets and wished he could rewind and stop. Um. So has almost every other fricking character in this book series apart from really young kids don't just blame my baby gods guys. Magnus is just the best, if you hate him you're wrong doesn't matter who you are or what ever. You're wrong. He's a great great bf, fiancée, future husband, father, future uncle, babysitter, cat sitter, lover, friend, Warlock, person and soul. I love him I'd give up all my soul and body for him. I worship him, I love his design, speech patterns, personality, methods, over all character and just everything. If I wasn't attracted to female only I'd high-key be crushing on Magnus Bane. Bi the way (see what I did there) he great don't ever hurt. Also he slays. And Harry Shum Jr. does a great job portraying him in the series, he great. Drop everything because you've come to the last of the superior squad (Ty, Livvy, Kieran, Magnus and Alec) Buckle the fuck up guys it's time to go for a spin in the Mystery mobile (or w/e the fuck it's called). Ah Alec, my biggest fave rivalled only by Ty my other biggest fave, he's so handsome brave and amazing. Malec is like supreme OTP (with Kitty and Kierark of course) I live for their dynamic both in the book and on the screen in the TV show. I love Alec as he's incredibly relatable, beautiful, great with kids, a great leader, a great bf/financée/lover/husband, a great person. I love him. If i could if adopt him as my son. I'm screaming he's just so good. Also he hecka attractive for a guy if i was a guy 10/10 would bed and we'd this handsome boi. Also the way he roasted Zara Dearborn, she was more like deadborn back then. (Also when Kieran joined in I cried tears of joy). When are we gonna talk about his alleged bondage kink btw? Hmu with fic and Fanart with this if you have it. In conclusion I love them all very much! Special mentions to: Gwyn, Arthur, Malcolm (idk why), Annabel (kinda i guess), Jaime (Un petit peu), Nene, Nerissa and Aodaon (?) (he cute).
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surveys-at-your-service · 8 years ago
Survey #60
“everything i touch turns to stone, so wrap your arms around me and leave me on my own.”
how're you feeling today?   okay.  i guess.  still plenty of time for the day to be ruined.  i just woke up a few minutes ago.  thank god i managed to sleep kinda easily last night, despite what was going on.  guess i was just that tired. have you ever lost a close friend?   yeah, i have, but not to death. what’s your sister(s) names?   katie, misty, ashley, nicole, and tiffany if you want to count her. when was the last time you cried?   last night. what is your favorite song?   first let it be clear that i have LOTS.  but i'm actually going to make an effort to list some here.  again, this certainly isn't all, but some include "hurt" by johnny cash, "here to stay" by korn, "nebel" by rammstein, "perfectly flawed" by otep, "lost it all" by black veil brides, and just... yeah, LOTS more. how do you wear your makeup?   i will once in a blue moon wear foundation, but usually not.  i'll always put on eyeliner and mascara, usually lipstick, then sometimes eye shadow, depending on whether or not i feel like taking it off later or not. do you have a job?   no, but my mom and i are going to drive around animal shelters today to see about volunteering.  since i quit school, i don't know about you, but i can't tolerate myself to sit at home with zero responsibilities.  i have to do something. do you work out every week?   no.  funny how i used to do it everyday. what kind of bathing suit do you wear?   i don't know what it's technically called, it's just a normal bathing suit that covers the belly and such? do you think you are pretty?   i honestly think i would be if i wasn't my size. what’s the cutest thing someone’s ever done for you?   the cutest?  probably that time i was lying in bed and i couldn't sleep, so i was iming jason on facebook and jokingly demanded him to sing to me, because i mean, obviously he couldn't really.  he ended up posting the lyrics/sending me a video to "the mortician's daughter" by black veil brides.  i smiled so big listening to that song; i ended up listening to it all night.  if you ask me, i'll always tell you that was "our song," and it fits us now more than ever.  i usually can't listen to it, but it's so dear to my heart that i sometimes fight the triggering and just listen to it regardless and remember what we had.  i've also decided that regardless of whether or not we get back together, i'm getting "i love you more than i can ever scream" (or possibly another lyric) tattooed somewhere on me, probably in a quote bubble or something.  i don't give half a shit if i ever end up with someone else, i will always love him and that song, and i dare my potential significant other to complain.  but hey, regardless of your musical taste, you should really listen to it, it's beautiful. do you consider dogs inside or outside pets?   both.  i don't believe in leaving them outside all alone forever, and i don't believe in cooping them up inside where their energy gets to be too much. do you read books for pleasure?   not so much anymore, really.  i just kinda... stopped one day.  i really think it's because of my hospitalization; i read like crazy to pass the time every time i was in the hospital, and i guess i just associate it.  it's a shame though, i used to love reading... wood floors or carpet?   in general, i prefer wood floors.  i love it when they look all glossy and they're easier to clean, i think. a teacher says she’s noticed you’ve looked sad, do you confide in her?   i probably would.  when people actually show interest in my wellbeing, i usually open up decently. if someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it?   if mom let me, yeah.  i go on and off between wanting my own kitten, so. are easter baskets only for kids?   absolutely not! do you like to daydream about sex?   i'll admit i've done it before, but i wouldn't say i "like" it. which of your parents do you laugh more with?   my dad have you ever been to an open casket wake or funeral?   yes, for my former babysitter miss janet. after a date, do you call your friend to tell them how it went?   lmao i probably would, honestly. do you like romantic gestures or do they make you feel awkward?   FUCKING YES I LOVE ROMANTIC PEOPLE. have you/do you plan to go to college?   well, i just dropped out of college yesterday due to my deteriorating mental health, so... do you struggle to articulate your thoughts and feelings?   omg, YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!  especially irl, i am TERRIBLE.  like i am a highly figurative thinking and think of everything in kinda inexplainable ways, to where no words seem to fit.  i will struggle so much in a conversation to get out words exactly how i mean them, which is why i prefer to write, because i can think longer about what i'm saying. do you think all porn stars are whores?   i'm sorry to offend, but uh, yeah??  a whore is a prostitute, and a prostitute is someone who engages in sexual acts for monetary gain.  it's kinda... obvious...? would you date an 18 year old at the age you are now?   despite that only being two years younger, probs not.  i want someone older than me in hopes they'd be more mature.  sure, an 18-year-old could be perfectly mature, but i just believe the odds are better with someone slightly older. are you more likely to show affection through your words or your actions?   both really. be honest: are you clingy?   quite a bit. do you like to wear makeup?   i do.  it makes me feel prettier.  i just don't usually put it on. how old is the oldest person you’ve kissed?   he's 23. are you bipolar?   according to psychiatrists, yes.  but honestly, i don't really know for certain, considering i always feel an underlying depression?  like i'm aware one kind of bipolarity is more manic, the other more subtle, but i still don't know if i have it. have you ever seen the last person you kissed without their shirt on?   MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM BOI do you believe the last person you kissed still cares about you?   do i hope?  yeah.  do i believe he does?  no. do you like to cuddle?   if you're jason, yeah.  it's so funny.  i didn't even like hugs when we started dating, but he got me to wear i absolutely loved cuddling with him and i now love hugs. when you listen to a new song, do you usually play it over and over?   YUP.  if i really like it, anyway. do you prefer being called your actual name or a nick name?   brittany or just "britt" is fine. do you ever want to get married?   i do.  i'm christian, and marriage is perhaps the most beautiful thing in our faith.  i don't want children until i'm legally bound too, and i do want kids.  and i mean... i guess i'm still trying to be abstinent, so. are you wearing a necklace?   no.  i rarely wear necklaces. have your parents ever caught you drinking?   no.  i've never been drinking when i wasn't supposed to. ever been kissed under fireworks?   i have not. have you ever held hands with someone in a car?   jason usually let me hold his hand while he was driving, yeah. do you like the town you are living in?   *cackles maniacally* how did you get one of your scars?   from scratching my leg obsessively. would you ever get a tattoo/belly ring?   tattoos, fuck yeah, belly button piercing, only if i got much smaller.  i don't like how they look on people my size. have you ever hated a teacher?   no.  i've honestly never had a bad teacher because i actually knew how to behave. when is your birthday?   february 5th!!  coming up!! c: are you afraid of roller coasters?   YUP.  i'm terrified of throwing up. how often do you think about death, suicide or running away?   death/suicide, multiple times a week.  running away, never. have you ever had stitches? where?   in my chin, yes. do you enjoy chicken noodle soup?   nope. have you ever been on omegle?   no, because i'm honestly not fond of seeing random dicks. do/did you enjoy it when your school would have pep rallys?   NO.  i hated them so much that i always stayed in class with the teacher. have you ever been caught cheating on a test?   no, because i don't cheat on tests. do alligators scare you?   nah.  i mean if one was coming after me i'd obviously be fearful nor would i approach one, but in general, they don't scare me.  i rather think they're very cool.. are your parents proud of you?   i'm sure they're not.  i've done nothing to warrant pride. do you play just dance on the wii?   not anymore, but i would once in a while back when.  once, during my little sister's birthday, jason and i danced to a kiss song... and he beat me.  i'm still salty af. what are your initials?   bmd, or bmcd if you want my catholic name. did you ever want a pet rabbit?   not adamantly.  my sister had one once and she was veeeery messy. ashley didn't know the rabbit had died for a week. who was the last person that asked to hang out with you?   colleen if you knew that one of your friends was considering suicide, what would you say to them?   ... i'd be a bad person to talk to about suicide.  nevertheless, i'd speak to them pretty wishfully, to be honest.  ex. "everything eventually gets better," bullshit like that that doesn't happen for everyone. have you ever felt so depressed that you were struggling to carry on?   oh, you mean the daily struggle? have you ever worn colored mascara?   no... but that'd be cool depending on what i was wearing! before facebook became popular, did you use any other social networking site, like bebo or myspace?   myspace, yes.  i remember mine was entirely dedicated to meerkats lmao. has anyone ever asked you out and you turned them down?   yes. are you a secretive person?   online, not really.  real life, yeah. if you were going to buy a present for the person you love, what would you generally choose?   something oriented around "magic: the gathering."  or something with cthulu. ever gave a really long apology?   i have. have you ever felt like you literally needed someone?   i have.  call it crazy, but you ain't experienced heartbreak until you've felt it. where would you like to go on your honeymoon?   it'd be quite ideal if i could go to south africa for that so i could fulfill my dream of photographing the kmp meerkats, but i don't know how romantic that would be.  i'd want my future spouse's opinion here. would you ever cut all your hair off to raise money for charity?   all my hair?  no, honestly. do you eat the slice of lemons you get in drinks?   NONONONONO.  i will never forget that gmm episode where they talked about surprisingly filthy things and the lemons were one of them due to having relatively common contact with fecal bacteria from employees not washing their hands. do you like family get-togethers?   my family doesn't really have those because most of my family isn't in nc.  on the rare occasion some of the family's together, generally, no, i don't really enjoy them because half the family has shit to say about me. where does your (favorite) pet sleep at night?   in my old room.  i'd love for him to sleep with me, but he's old and has accidents. how many pillows do you actually use while sleeping (not just on your bed)?   three. do you prefer using regular or mechanical pencils?   mechanical. who in your family has the longest hair? how long is yours?   nicole or ashley, pretty sure nicole tho.  mine is mid-way between my shoulders and breasts. what do you hear now?   "fuck away the pain" by divide the day.  i really don't know why, but this song helps me feel better about shit sometimes...? what are all the areas of your body that you shave?   underarms, legs, trim a "certain area" when you go on webcam, who do you chat with the most? do you use any specific sites or programs?   i never use my webcam what books (if any) have you read more than once?   "because of winn-dixie" i read twice, and "meerkat manor: flower of the kalahari" i've probably read over 10 times lmao.  i skipped over clutton-brock's tangents in the later re-reads, though. what is your favorite card game?   "magic: the gathering" i assume.  i'm not big into card games. what is your most expensive piece of jewelry? if it was a gift, who got it for you?   that's a very good question.  i honestly couldn't tell you. what is your favorite video game to play by yourself?   i love replaying "silent hill 2" and experiencing it again, but the feeling will never be as raw as the first time.  i have to be in the "right" mood to play it though, or else it will REALLY depress me. you have to get a piercing, what do you get?   i want a vertical labret for my lip again. what are you wearing?   plaid pajama pants, cheshire cat tank top do you like the ocean?   i do, but it also scares me.  A LOT. would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?   honestly, i sleep better alone, but i'd prefer to be with someone. do you wear glasses?   always, unless i feel like taking a picture without them for whatever reason. do you wear contacts?   no, but i did years ago.  i was just bad with taking them in and out, so i got glasses instead. have you ever loved someone, but broke their heart?   i couldn't tell you.  he sure as fuck never acted like it.  despite being together for 3 1/2 years. have you had a bf/gf that you never kissed?   if you want to count my first two boyfriends, yeah, i never kissed either of 'em. would you be able to stand being in the same room as someone you hate?   no.  one of us would die that day. has anybody criticized the way your significant other looked?   it's happened before and i'm just like... why???  you're not the one dating him stfu. have you ever stayed up late talking to a bf/gf on the phone or online?   plenty of times. do you have any handshakes with anybody?   nah. what has been the stupidest reason someone has broken up with you?   i've only been broken up with once, and he might as well have said, "i'm sorry you're too sick for me after all this time so i'mma leave you to die peace bye" who do you care about more, your significant other or your best friend(s)?   i don't have a significant other, so i'm just going to say crush instead.  and honestly?  i care about him more, sorry. do you have any pictures of yourself with a bf/gf?   i still have every picture i've ever taken with jason.  hell, i still have our facebook album of pictures because i refuse to delete it. is there anyone you don’t like that always seems to be everywhere you are?   no. who in your life is your number one priority to make sure they’re happy?   i would say jason, but he's not really "in my life," so i don't... really know...?  i mean i guess colleen.  though i'm aware it should be me.  i just can't manage to care for myself like that. do you like making lists?   i'm neutral, honestly. do you play sports with your siblings?   nope. what color or design does your shower curtain have?   it's actually entirely blank. does it bother you when animals lick themselves?   no, they're just cleaning themselves.  my mom though, she cannot STAND the sound.  she'll yell at any of the dogs if they're doing it. could you ever give yourself a shot?   probs. do you wear a bra 24/7?   i only ever wear a bra if i'm going somewhere.  gotta let the ladies be free fam. have you ever worked as a cashier?   yes, and FUCK THAT a million ways over. do you know how to tap dance?   i know how to clog, and it's pretty much identical, just the shoes are different. what ethnicity is the last person you talked to?   white do you have any interests in psychology?   i find it extremely interesting, but i have no desire to learn more about it.  the brain is too dangerous. would you go out with someone right now if they asked?   only if you were jason. have you ever met anyone who claimed to be a witch?   i have indeed.  very close online friend. have you ever been to michigan?   when i was a baby, yes. would you ever tattoo a lover’s name onto your body?   never in a million years.  i'd get matching tattoo or a couple tat, but NEVER his name. do you know anyone with asthma?   my mother and grandma. are you going to force your kids to be in activity or let them choose?   i would never force my child to do something they didn't want to do. do you watch toddlers and tiaras?   omg no, fuck that show and its concept.  i do not, even mildly, agree with pitting your child against another to decide who's more "beautiful."  jesus christ, do you WANT your child to grow up insecure as shit?  i personally know a number of children who have been in pageants, and guess what, they're snobby, materialistic little... ugh.  even if my child asked, i wouldn't allow them to be in a pageant.  just no. what was the last band t-shirt you bought?   good question. if someone asked you to go to war today, what would you say?   hell no, son.  i'm 1.) not patriotic enough and 2.) i'm a pacifist and 3.) i just have no desire. are you passionate?   holy fuck yes.  i honestly think it's my favorite trait about me personally. do you own an old vintage typewriter?   we did at one point, no idea where it went... do you hate how dogs bark every time someone comes to your house?   oh my GOD you ought to hear how our dogs are when someone comes home. have you ever been to sea world?   i have as a child; i still remember being splashed all to hell by shamu or whatever the whale's name was there.  now as an adult, i don't know if i'd go again... due to obvious controversy.  i don't know how i feel about it, honestly.  like i do believe it's very important for us to learn about animals, but to put a huge whale on display for our entertainment?  i dunno, man. do you know someone who suffers from short term memory loss?   it's very well possible i do.  i forget shit WAY too easily. are you a protective person?   oh boy, can i be.  i'm the type that would kill for those who deserve my protection. have you ever experienced an earthquake?   no.  i was two-three hours away when a very, very minor earthquake struck the east coast, though.  mom felt it at home. does your house have a dishwasher?   we do. do you know anyone who has a flower tattoo?   probably, idk. could you say something good about the last person you kissed?   he's very realistic. what exactly did you drink the last time you were intoxicated?   mike's hard and smirnoff what languages can you count to ten or higher in?   english, german, spanish do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people?   depends on the person. do you believe that the world will actually end?   i'm certain it will eventually. are you socially awkward?   always. are you satisfied with your gender?   i am, but even if i wasn't, what would i do about it? are you good at admitting your problems?   probably too good. who is your family doctor?   dr. emanuel has anyone suspected you of being a different sexuality?   yep.  most recently when it seemed colleen's pastor thought we were a lesbian couple lmao do you ever floss?   i confess, no. are you an impatient person?   OH LORD YEAH are you a supporter of the war?   fuck no. has your cell phone ever rung in class?   no. speaking of which, what kind of phone do you have?   samsung galaxy do you sometimes think you aren’t as fortunate as others?   i'm perfectly aware i'm not as fortunate as most.  face it, not everyone is blessed equally. are you a paranoid person?   very. what would you say is your favorite type of flower?   tiger lilies would you consider yourself a clean person?   for the most part, yeah.  i don't like feeling dirty. do you have a hint of obsessive compulsive disorder?   not so much anymore.  i used to have repetitive thought cycles BADLY, but thank god i fought so hard to overcome that. how many trees surround your individual house?   loads.  we live in the woods. is halloween simply the greatest holiday ever?   if you can actually get into the spirit, absolutely.  haven't felt it for a long time, though... is pantera one of your favorite bands?   definitely not a fave, but i like some songs by them.  especially "walk." what color car would you definitely not want to own?   white.  gets dirty too easily. are you picky when it comes to music?   very much so. what's something you disagree with about the way you were raised?   my mom spanked us. has the opposite sex ever written you a poem?   yes, but i'm very suspicious it wasn't just for me.  juan was well-known to be a player.  he probably gave it to other girls. have you ever been a featured member on any website?   i have. who’s the last person you had a sleepover with?   chelsea
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