#Sexy Asura
golden-golem · 6 months
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After his relationship with Saamid, Xam spent a long time focusing on running his clinic. Supplies for his business would arrive at the ports in Lion's Arch where he had dealings with all types, including pirates. It was here that he eventually met Captain Drakefang Dakt. The two had a brief, lusty relationship, with Xam even vacationing with him once. Artwork and Dakt by/belong to the extremely talented @what-the-flux
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ratasum · 1 year
I always see people talking about all the other pc voice actors but can we get a little love for the asura pc voice actors?
Steve Staley and Colleen O'Shaughnessy don't have to go nearly as hard as they do, but they put so much sauce on their performances, and I rarely see anyone talk about the really quality work they both put in for the asura pcs.
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headcutoff101 · 1 year
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commanderfloppy · 1 year
💦, 💘, 💐 for our beloved floppy <3
Floppy our beloved <3
💦 : Is your OC’s attractiveness based on looks or a more intangible aura?
I mean the aura she has as the Commander is definitely quite attractive. But I’ve always been of the opinion that Floppy is a total asuran hottie (at least looks wise). 
Look at her, those bright eyes, well kept hair, those Big, Beautiful, Sexy Ears! A lot of her college social life was based on the fact that other students thought she was hot (even if she was a country bumpkin) so they invited her to parties and stuff. 
💘 : Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming?
I don’t think she’s really the best at flirting, but she definitely has a natural charm about her. When she was younger (and even now despite all that’s happened) she has a very bright aura about her, she’s kind and genuine and I that is probably charming to a lot of people. 
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
I think her strategy is to just be friendly and ask if they want to do things? When she was younger it was probably a bit of ‘want to dance with me?’ or ‘me and some of the krewe are going to do an ‘experimental test’ on one of the Arcane Council, want to join?
Now though it’s probably similar but she finds it a bit harder to initiate. She’s tired and out of practice, and honestly overthinks stuff now. But I do think she has a new wooing method also of giving/making things for others. Offering to cook a lunch rather than buy at a noodle stand, creating a disease resistant strain with bright coloration of their favorite flower, just nice small things she can be relatively sure they’ll like.
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facelesstown · 6 months
It's just a runny nose!
#asuracryin #anime #follow #cosplayers #animegirls #otaku #manga #facelesstown #animeart #viral #girls #likes #love #digitalart #animesexy #model #memes #photography #kawaii #ecchi #oppaigirls #dnd #gaming #waifus #fanart #cuteanime
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tsunflowers · 3 months
For the "do you think it’s sexy when a character has two or more extra arms" Poll,
What type of "two or more extra arms" are we talking about?
Because you have stuff like Machamp from Pokémon, where there is a second set of shoulders and shoulder blades with connection flesh in-between that weirdly protrude out from the back:
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Or Goro from Mortal Kombat (and certain AUs of Spider-Man), where the extra arms stick out underneath the pectorals:
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Or the canon rule-63-alt-universe version of Spinnerette (the indie webcomic, not Marvel AU version of Mary-Jane Watson "Spinneret"), where there is an extra set of Pectorals for each extra pair of arms:
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Or like that one tumblr post where someone proposed having a second Hidden set of pectoral underneath the first on the inside
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Or certain portrayals of Spiral from Marvel Comics, where all the extra arms come out of the same shoulder socket as the regular ones:
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Or Asura from Asura's wrath, where the extra shoulder sockets stick out the back of the main shoulders (but unlike machamp, don't have the extra flesh between the 2 sides)
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Or like the thing Nico Robin in One Piece sometimes does where she uses her powers to make extra arms come out of her elbow
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For me personally, the Machamp approach is the only one that kinda grosses me, below the pecs & from the elbows depend on the execution (e.g., Spinnerette & One Piece execute theirs's very well), and everything else is usually a yes please.
you are an incredible scholar of characters with multiple arms! I salute you
multi-arms diverging at the elbow like nico robin has feels different to me somehow, although I can't explain why. I don't like the look of that as much. otherwise pretty much any style of multi-arms is cool and sexy to me. it doesn't even matter to me if thought was put into it like spinnerette and the tumblr design or if they just slapped some more arms on like goro. even machamp isn't that bad to me but I agree it is a less appealing look
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puppys-teeth · 3 months
While I don’t like world-ending nonhuman villains being,,,, human looking, Asura’s design is sexy and cool
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hokkyokusei · 1 year
Asura and Susanoo (separate) teasing their already flustered s/o? Nsfw if possible ?
I'm not sure I did it well :<
NSFW content
He likes to hold s/o's hair tightly, while two fingers continue to tease their hole. Of course, they will be pressed against something like a wall
Usually Asura pulls his partner's hair so hard that they practically bend in an arc. He thinks his partner looks better when s/o can barely move
Mara will talk about how well s/o take his dick and that they should do it more often. Asura knows it turns them on even more. By the time his cock gets inside, s/o is so wet, that his every move echoes around the room
This guy also enjoys the opportunity to pin his partner to the wall. In his opinion, s/o look very sexy when his partner have nowhere to run and all they can do is obediently accept his caresses
Susanoo agrees to do this only when he is sure that no one will see them. It really turns him on just thinking about how his partner tremble when he uses his power to tease s/o. Susanoo likes to kiss s/o while his fingers continue to electrically stimulate their hole
Let's be honest, it's not Susanoo teasing s/o, it's them teasing him. If fucking his beloved to the point of unconsciousness wasn't so tempting...
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valentinesparda · 10 months
had to clean the entire kiosk at work bc our big boss is supposed to be doing a pre-black friday visit and listened to my little music while doing so and it's funny bc if I shuffle through all my music then I go "oh now I'm thinking about vinland saga. oh now its asuras wrath. oh now its ff13. oh now it--" over and over again until I get to a sexy jam, in which case I can't do my silly little dances without people in the mall staring at me weird
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0carkki0 · 2 years
I know my ‘art’ tends to be suggestive. Sometimes a bit more in forward way. But even I have limits in that area. I for example like to make my characters believable in sexual way. Like what exactly might different species find attractive. I really like how ArenaNet didn’t for example give the charr females human-like breasts. Though, I’d imagine them to have six nips, that are covered in fur. And with clothes as well. Same with asura. Well... except instead of having six nips, they have two, very close to their own skin color -nips. ^^; 
Sylvari don’t really care about appearances, and if they do, they lean more to the looking pretty than sexy. Of course exceptions exist. But... exception proves the rule, since often there are more of those that go by the rule than those that are exceptions. 
With norn it’s mostly about spiritual and/or physical strength, I’d imagine. Therefore they probably appreciate muscular bodies. And bigness.
Charr are more about those beastly features. Meaner looking, the better. 
Asura are more about the mind, than physical strength or beauty. Or if it is about appearance, it’s usually those with bigger ears and those whose brains look very big. I also would think that skinnier the asura, more of an impression they’d give that they have at least golems to work for them. Do all the physical work. 
Which would make Vivs in his Personal Story to Heart of Thorns -story seem like that, because back then he was actually skinny. The war against Elder Dragon Corruption gave him some muscles, since he barely ever used golems to help him. Then again, as a necromancer, he did have his minions. But like I said, he was skinny till he began to turn into the Reaper in Heart of Thorns. Season 3 he was already a full fledged Reaper and already showed some muscles on him. Waving a greatsword around and running around fighting off all those creatures in the jungle... 
It was in Path of Fire when he started to pay attention more to his appearance, simply because his parasite minion died and didn’t give him that satisfaction that kept his split mind’s psycho side in control. He had to start attract more people. The reputation of the Commander did help some, but looking attractive would boost that even further. So he started to actually work out, since he figured that overall a lot of people would find that attractive. 
I also wanted to give him big man boobs, because he is an asura. A race known not to have boobs. He is a male, the gender that usually don’t have boobs. It’s kind of ironic. And it does look good to me personally. ^^ Though, norn -kind of muscles just goes over the top to me. 
Vivs would not understand why would the asura want to have norn and human female -like boobs. It just doesn’t make sense to him, except if they themselves just simply find it attractive. Which they don’t to him. Nor they look ugly to him either. 
Vivs, as an asura still is all about the mind, even if he has very high libido and a lot of stamina to boost that up. Everything, even emotions come from the brains, even if we often hold our left chest when talking about feelings, since those emotions do get that kind of pressure in there at times, when we feel strong emotions. Emotions are part of normal beings. Having emotional intelligence and lacking ability of feelings are two different things. Lacking emotions to Vivs means that these beings are also lacking in brain activity.
Emotional intelligence however tells about more advanced evolution of brains. This doesn’t mean the mind that doesn’t have that good of control of emotions is stupid, but isn’t that evolved in emotional intelligence. 
Also, there is a difference between relaxed and flexed muscles. Most of the times the guys are drawn like they are constantly flexing. - w -; 
Anyway, all that said, Vivs would be studying his own mind, since he finds it fascinating, that his psycho side lacks emotions, while his caring side feels them very strongly. But that would mean that he’d have to let out his psycho side, but the problem is tha the psycho side probably would not cooperate. Not to mention his desire to cause pain and suffering. 
Saying Vivs is a bisexual is kind of true, except he doesn’t get turned on by appearances, but more like by mind traits. He is more of a pansexual. Of course less you wear clothes, more easily your brains can sense a simple light touch. 
For example, let’s say you have a an armor that has a bare back. You have any idea how badly Vivs would like to slide his finger up your back? ^^ 
Also, if I remember correctly, when people were complaining about the male asura faces looking too old, I remember devs responding with that the asura normally look sick and tired, since they tend to spend a lot of time in their labs inventing. Probably even not sleeping for long periods of time. Breathing in whatever chemicals they are dealing with.
But still, asura can look young, yet sick? Comparing to other species faces, they do look old. With charr the difference between old and young isn’t so obvious. > . >
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ratasum · 6 months
Anyway. Gonna try not to be scared abt posting this anymore but...
...I actually loathe what they did with Zojja. Even if I didn't have Leyya I'd have fully changed the timeline on her being there and just pretended she wasn't there at all!
Having read the book, played from the beginning, it felt like she was a completely different character. And I'm not against characters changing, but it was coupled with anet's seeming use of asura as a giant punching bag for the last expac and a half.
I could've even been brought around to her doing this! But anet put absolutely zero weight on her doing this, zero weight on her decision, and had her just totally okay and on board with everything Isgarren is doing despite her extremely strong moral compass as we've seen it earlier in the game.
It wasn't well executed. It's not well written. They just wiped her memory and threw her out of the narrative and I'm expected to applaud. No.
If you're cool with it, that's fine. This is just my two cents on it. I don't like SotO. I'm probably gonna not like it moving forward. That's not a moral read on anyone, and you're welcome to keep liking it. But Zojja's "journey" has been poorly telegraphed and badly written and you could fully remove her from the story and change absolutely nothing.
When your main draw fails the "sexy lamp" test, it's not great.
So yeah gonna be rewriting basically the entirety of it. I'll go into detail re: Caithe being there later, and we'll decide on how we handle the end of the story after it drops.
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headcutoff101 · 2 years
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golden-golem · 2 years
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The idea was a “sexy” old man asura. He’s an old mechanic, never settled down, and is pretty protective of his intellectual property. He’s still a work in progress.
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xamaxenta · 2 years
About to start on Ares!Zoro fr this time and am contemplating whether I wanna use his Asura form as part of inspiration for the design or not.
Ooh please!!! The asura form would be such a sexy motif for a god form!!
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latin-dr-robotnik · 2 years
So what are your thoughts on the Guardian mini bosses?
My personal favorites are the Sumos and Asuras. Sharks are pretty cool as well.
And Striders. Well tbh I just feel bad for them.
Sumo was a lot of fun! I liked all the versions of Dennis' favorite "sexy obsidian lady" Ninja, though some of the hardest variations were a bit boring to fight. I loved Asuras and their theme, such a shame they don't return after Kronos. At least Squids return later on, and they're always fun to engage, same for Fortress in Chaos, except that one that spawns on top of a cyberspace portal and it takes so long to despawn it’s faster to just chase it, kill it quickly and then jump into cyberspace. A bit crammed.
Fun fact: the closest Strider to your starting position in Ares island killed me like 10 times the first time I played, those damn red orbs switching lanes as you do were so annoying! And a couple of those deaths also were because the guardian spawned orbs on top of my current position. Kinda unfair to be honest.
I thought Caterpillar was a quicker, sometimes better version of striders, you do some quick rail grinding to expose its weakness, then dodge bullets to attack it, cool, though the hitbox felt a bit janky at times.
The worst ones to me were the later versions of Tower, Tank and Ghost in particular. Usually, the longer the fight kept going the less I liked the guardian in question, and Ghost is just 4 platforming challenges. Also I didn't dislike Shark, but I felt like the excitement wore off quickly. Neat concept, could be used for something other than a guardian that'll respawn every X amount of nights. 
The Spider one was pretty standard, nothing to add, but it has some pretty cool music, especially as you skydive your way down.
So far, the guardians are a welcome addition. Some of them would work better as actual main boss fight phases, but most of them are pretty neat challenges to tackle.
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mystery-salad · 2 years
some character design questions for you! do you tend to lean towards certain color schemes more often than others, and what color schemes do you want to use more? is there anything you'd consider universal to your character designs (for me it's always adding freckles on the cheeks/nose)? and what character design are you most proud of?
hope you get well soon! covid is awful
Ough that's a good question! Off the bat I know I lean into masc women. Mostly because I find them incredibly sexy myself. I also catch myself leaning into blue/gold and red/blue color schemes so much, it's ridiculous! I'm constantly checking my roster to try and catch too many of those and diversify my color palette when I can. At the moment I've been really trying to reach more for off-reds and complimentary colors in the more brown range. In general I try to consciously reach for brown a lot because it's so diverse of a color but I often forget about it in clothing!
The character design I'm most proud of is a hard one! There's a few characters who hit that mark. Here's the ones that stand out to me personally right now as "damn I really made this with my own brain???"
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I'm proud of all my characters, and the ones I find very compliments the most are different from the ones I think I did stunning on which is really interesting to me! For example Tvelle gets compliments everywhere I take her which is amazing, asura ambassador lmao
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