#Seth Borden fic
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solbach-colbrock · 1 year ago
Demon Bait - Seth Borden X Reader
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SUMMARY - Turns out demons are drawn to you even more than spirits are to Seth
WARNINGS - established relationship w/ Seth and reader, demonic entities
WORDS - 1.4k
NOTES - this didn’t quite turn out the way that I had hoped but frankly I’m stuck on this one so hopefully its good enough for y’all lol (also I know the gif is being weird shut up)
It was something you had learned the hard way. For some reason, you seemed to be a magnet for demons. Every location that was said to have a demonic presence, you would be targeted by it. You couldn’t even make fun of Seth for being ghost bait anymore because you decidedly had it worse. 
The house had been active since the moment you walked in the door. Most of it was knocking and footsteps, but the spirit box had also turned itself on in Sam’s backpack and emitted a tone that indicated a large temperature change. More concerning than anything was the constant presence you felt over your left shoulder the entire night.
You had stopped vocalizing most of the things you experienced, as the boys had started talking about keeping you out of potentially demonic locations, and you weren’t willing to be benched from any investigations. You only ever told them the small stuff anymore.
You had been investigating this house for around seven hours, and it was finally 3AM. The feeling of being watched had been growing stronger all night, and by now felt like there was someone – or something – standing a mere inch behind you at all times. You felt crowded, to say the least.
The demonic energy was said to be in the master bedroom on the first floor, something that your gut was telling you was true. Earlier in the night, you thought you had seen a shadow figure in this room, and you felt something tug at the back of your shirt as you walked out, as if something was trying to pull you back in. It was the last place you guys had to properly investigate, and you were planning to finish off the night with an Estes session. 
“Are you sure you want to go under for this? You’ve been kinda spacey for the past hour. I don’t want this thing to get to you too much. I can go under if you’d rather sit this one out,” Seth offered. As someone who attracted a lot of paranormal attention, he knew something in that house had an eye for you. He had also done enough investigations with you that he was able to see when something was targeting you. It was scary enough being targeted by normal spirits, so he could only imagine how terrifying it would be to have demons attracted to you.
“I’ll be fine, babe. If I’m not, I’ll pull myself out. I don’t allow these things to harm me if I can help it,” you replied, taking the blindfold from Colby. 
“You say that, but what if you can’t? What if this thing is stronger than you? It already said your name five times tonight. I don’t know if I like this.”
“Seth, I’m an adult. I know what my limits are. This is our last investigation. Tell you what, if you get too scared while I’m under, you can pull me out, okay?”
You and Sam shared the sentiment that, because there were a lot of reports of people being touched or grabbed while in the bed, that you would get the best results while laying on it for your session, although Seth made you compromise on the issue, and you ended up just sitting on it to appease him. He was always very protective of you while doing paranormal stuff, even before you had started dating.
A shadow figure, 8 feet tall and bending down sideways to look at you, showed itself to you in the doorway right before you went under.
“Wow, immediately.”
“Speak. Now.” The putrid smell of smoke filled your nostrils. You scrunched your nose as it seemed to heat up your face.
“We haven’t even asked anything yet. That’s crazy.”
“Who are we speaking to?”
“You know me.”
“We know you? Is this Elizabeth again? We were speaking to you earlier.”
“You wish I…”
“Like ‘you wish I was Elizabeth’, as if what we’re talking to isn’t her?”
“That’s creepy. Tell us your name. Who are we talking to?”
“Are you scared yet?”
“Oh, fuck off, that’s not cool.”
“Borden. Fear.”
“Are you the demon that was said to make Elizabeth set the bedroom on fire?”
“Demon. Beelzebub.”
“We should stop talking to this thing. You know what happens when Y/N-“
“Not yours anymore.”
“I don’t think we should keep-“
When your leg had started shaking, you hadn’t noticed. What you had noticed however, was just how lightheaded you were getting. You almost had to fight to keep your head up. The static of the spirit box was starting to lull you into a meditative state that blocked out even the ability to perceive the feelings in your own body. You took a deep breath and continued listening.
“I set the fires.”
“Fires, plural? Did you set multiple fires?”
“Different people.”
“You made different people set the fires?”
“Pyromaniac demon is a new one.”
“Maybe it wanted to recreate Hell on earth or something.”
“Yours. For you.”
“Our Hell? What-“
“Not leaving with you.”
“Correct, you’re not allowed to leave with us.”
“Can we talk about this really quickly? It makes people set fires, supposedly in order to create a personal Hell. For Elizabeth, it was killing her own sister, and it sounds like it’s made other people do the same.”
“You’re not understanding.”
“What are we not understanding? Help us understand, tell us what you want us to know.”
“You’re losing this one. Y/N. Leave us.”
“Fuck no, pull them out.”
“Mine now. Say goodbye.”
“Pull them the fuck out!”
The red light from the camera blinded you as the headphones and blindfold were ripped from your head. A pair of arms wrapped around you before you could completely remember where you were. All three boys were shouting, you assumed enforcing that whatever was in this house needed to leave you alone. Your head crashed backwards into Seth’s chest, giving yourself a moment to get your bearings back.
“Holy fuck, baby, your nose is bleeding.”
Your hand came away from your face coated in blood that you hadn’t even felt fall. Even under the red light, you could tell it was a lot. Sam rushed to turn the room lights on as Colby stopped recording for the moment. Your well being was now more important than anything. 
The shadow figure still stood in the doorway.
“We’re being watched,” you told them, voice breathy and labored. “We need to leave. Now.”
It was raining outside, but none of you really cared. The cover over the porch provided just enough dry space for the four of you to use. They figured that, even if it wasn’t completely away from the house, it was still outside, which was safer than being in an enclosed space with whatever was going after you. Seth had you drawn into his lap facing him, checking your pupils and wiping at your nose every five seconds to make sure you were recovering.
“How are you feeling? How’s your head?” Colby asked, pressing the back of his hand to your forehead. You lightly swatted him away, feeling crowded enough by your boyfriend.
“Better. I’ll be back to normal in a couple days, but either I’m gonna sleep way too much or not at all for awhile.” You laid yourself on Seth’s chest as the exhaustion gripped your senses.
“You’re staying home and recovering for awhile. I don’t want you even mentioning ghosts for at least a couple months after this,” Seth declared. He rubbed up and down your back to the tempo of your tired breathing.
“Don’t ‘babe’ me. You keep pushing yourself like this, you’re gonna land yourself in the hospital. This is too fucking dangerous for you. You’ll get a demonic attachment if you’re not careful.”
You knew he was right. You had always tried not to let your ability to attract demons scare you, sometimes to a reckless degree. If it were just about you, you probably wouldn’t care as much, but bringing something demonic home with you meant bringing something demonic home to Seth, and your last desire was to put him in any sort of danger.
“…Fine, but only because I like you so much,” you replied, a bit defeated. He squeezed you a bit tighter at that, feeling better about it already.
“Thank you, baby. Now, let’s get you some sage and holy water before we leave. Even I feel fucking unclean after that.”
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thefanficmonster · 1 year ago
Sam and Colby Masterlist
⨀ - Angst
* - Fluff
Heavy Metal Lover (Colby Brock x Reader) ⨀ * - PART 2
Piss off your parents (Colby Brock x Reader) * ⨀ - PART 1 ; PART 2 ; PART 3
Phases (Colby Brock x Reader) ⨀ *
Never Beating the Allegations (Colby Brock x Reader) *
Safety Blanket (Seth Borden x Reader) *
Hostile Presence (Nate Hardy x Reader) ⨀ *
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More to be added....
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0sincerelyella · 2 years ago
Protector - Colby Brock
Summary: Sam and Colby invite a fan on the channel and the fan begins to have a panic attack because some very unreal things are happening to her, and she begins to realize she’s on the spectrum of being a medium, all firsts for the sam and colby channel. and colby feels the need to protect the young fan, and the other fans eat it up
Notes: this isn’t romantically at all!!:) i think it’s a cool concept because he’s the sweetest, and gives protective older brother energy!
i also made up the whole story of the house
WARNINGS: I mention miscarriages, domestic violence and suicide (for the story of the hauntings and one experience y/n had) panic attacks
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“What’s up guys it’s sam and colby!” Colby calls, throwing his arms infront of it. “we’re here at the the banville manor with axe murderer seth” sam says as seth laughed. “And someone whose never ever experienced anything paranormal, our fan, y/n” colby said, holding his arms next to her as if to show case something, wiggling his fingers in awe. “hi guys!” she waved, her hands covered by her flannel sleeves as if she was cold.
y/n stood off to the side talking to seth as sam and colby gave the intro. “so you’r sceptic?” seth asked, starting conversation. “well maybe” she says. “when i was little i used to talk to this little girl” she said, “my mom had a miscarriage before me, they think that’s who i used to talk to but i think i was just a kid with imaginary friends.” she laughed, seth’s mouth opened wide. “your kidding? you could be a medium!”
y/n explained that sometimes she felt she could see and hear people around her that no one else could hear, but she tried to tune it out cause she felt crazy. “your kidding y/n that’s so cool, maybe we can change your mind today” seth said, placing his hand on her shoulder and smirking. “what happened?” colby asked, sam faced the camera toward seth and y/n
seth asked y/n if he could tell the camera and y/n nodded “y/n was telling me that she can see and hear people but tunes it out because she felt crazy” seth said. “so you might be a medium?” colby asked, just as seth did. y/n nodded, scared already.
“y/n, if you get to scared, we can take breaks or we can stop, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want too” colby said off camera, letting her know that they would keep her safe. she nodded with a smile, still really scared.
the story of the banville house is, in 1973 aliza banville, a seventeen year old girl, got pregnant with her boyfriends baby. Unfortunately, her boyfriend didn’t like the idea of having a child and thought it was aliza’s fault, inevitably taking it out in her violently. soon enough aliza lost the baby, aliza did not cope well with the loss of her baby and ended her own life by jumping off the top of the building.
“this story is so sad” y/n said, walking into the house, standing between seth and colby as sam recorded. seth agreed, admiring the beauty of the manor. “this house is big” seth said. “well aliza’s parents were famous for owning a brewery downtown” colby mentioned, walking further into the house.
around midnight, they had started the investigation. y/n had a pounding headache, not alerting anyone of the headache in fear of ruining their video. they handed y/n the emf meter as they entered the room of aliza. as the four of them walking into the room chit chatting and explaining, y/n looked at a chair in the corner.
in the corner, was a girl with long red hair, holding an empty wad of blankets like a baby. y/n froze as the girl looked up. the emf immediately went to red and stayed there.
the girl looked up at y/n, she had tears on her face. and she said “hes gonna hurt you” y/n stepped back and screamed
“hey hey? what happened?” sam pointed the camera at y/n but suddenly noticed the tears in her eyes and a frozen look on her face “y/n what happened?” colby walked to her. “is this okay?” he asked, getting ready to rest his hand on her back and hold her hand to help her sit down. she nodded as colby attempted to set her in a chair, but y/n could still see the girl. “can we please go outside?” she was shaking. colby nodded. “what happened y/n?” sam said, leading them down the stairs “can i tell you outside? please i don’t want to go in here right now” sam turned off the camera and helped y/n down the stairs
as she moved all she heard was screaming, and the further she moved through the house and away from the door the more screaming she heard and the bigger her headache became
as soon as they broke the thresh hold it all stopped.
colby sat y/n on the steps and sat next to her, seth on the other side and sam right in front. “are you okay to tell us?” sam asked, y/n nodded, taking a deep breath and wiping her tears. “you guys can film if you want, your viewers will want to hear this” she gave permission, and colby turned on the camera “did you see a girl in that chair in the corner?,” she asked, visibly shaking. colby took a sharp breath. sams mouth opened wide. “no, there wasn’t anyone there y/n” seth said, y/n shook more, putting her hands on her eyes as she began to cry more. “i- i saw a girl- long red hair and a dirty bloody dress, holding a blanket in the wad of a baby swaddle but there was no baby-“ she explained. “aliza…” colby whispered.
“she looked at me when the emf went red and she said “he’s gonna hurt you” and that’s when i screamed” she said, shaking her hands. “that’s crazy y/n! are you okay? do you want to stop?” colby asked, rubbing her back. “no no i’m okay i’m just crazy” she shook her head, standing up. “y/n would you like to call amanda?” colby offered, “you know her right?” y/n nodded, of course she said. she wasn’t a sam and colby fan if she didn’t know amanda. “she’s a medium, she could help” y/n nodded, taking a breath as sam handed seth the camera so he could call amanda.
“hi guys! what’s up!” amanda smiled. “hi amanda! we have a fan with us today and she just had a weird experience we want your opinion” y/n explained her experience, and her experiences as a child. amanda listened with intent. “y/n i think your like i am” she explained. “i understand how scary this can be but they can not hurt you” she promised, “you just have to assert dominance, and tell them they can’t hurt you. but sam, colby, if you see her get physically ill or if she mentions getting physically ill please take her out, be careful” they all nodded, hanging up and turning off the camera. “are you okay with going again?” y/n nodded, standing again. “can you guys stay by me? i’m sorry if i’m ruining the video” colby shook his head. “no this is the most we’ve ever caught, plus your safety is more important y/n” colby promised. “if your only wanting to go back to not ruin the video please don’t, we don’t want you to get hurt” colby said, sam agreed.
“one of us will be with you at all times, we promise” seth said, giving her a high five and a smile.
the group went back inside, and back to aliza’s room. “whatever is in here can not hurt me or my friends here!” aliza said with confidence. “i have God on our side” she spoke. and as she did aliza walked through the door and sat on the bed
“she’s in here” y/n said, holding her hands up to make the boys be quiet. “i won’t hurt you” aliza said. “will you answer my friends questions?” aliza nodded “she said yes guys”
seth asked the first question. “who is gonna hurt y/n?” aliza looked up, pointing to the doorway. it was a man, he stood in the door with an angry face. he stood with blood on his hands. “get out” he said
“you can’t hurt me” she spoke at him. “you can not hurt aliza anymore!” she snapped, as the spirit stepped backwards and a little girl ran passed his legs to hide behind aliza on the bed. “get out!” y/n yelled towards the spirit. he lunged forward, with a scream at her face and then was gone, y/n pressed her hand to her back.
“thank you” and the sad face aliza had, went into a smile as she held this little girl, her little girl. she was reunited. and y/n felt content. “what happened?” seth asked, the boys had gotten this whole thing on camera. “the man who hurt aliza stood in the door, and aliza’s miscarriaged baby ran to aliza and they are reunited” she said, happy tears in her eyes.
“yo y/n!” sam said, pointing to her back. “what?” colby gasped and seth yelled “yoooo!” they all went crazy.
three long bleeding scratches seeped through her shirt, she lifted it up to show the camera.
“your kidding me?” she said, “the one time i meet my hero’s and i find out i’m a medium and i get scratched” she began to breath heavily. “i can’t i can’t..” her breaths began to go quickly, and her heart sped up. “i can feel him he’s watching us” she said, freaking out. her head started hurting and then everything went black.
when she woke up she was on the steps of the manor. “what happened?” y/n asked. “you passed out” sam said, explaining it to her. “are you okay? do you need water?” colby asked, seth was filming after getting permission. “no i’m okay, i just.. i can’t go back in there” they had been investigating and touring for 6 hours now, it was dark and all this happened at 3am.
“thank you, y/n for allowing us to use this footage and get that” sam said, colby nodded. “well i don’t want anyone to be like i was, they need to know” she said, shaking. “do you want a hug?” colby asked, holding out his arms. “yes of course” she smiled, getting pulled into a hug. “thank you guys for letting me come with you” “you were a blast y/n, i’m glad your safe” colby said, pulling sam into the hug.
and the video ended
Video comments:
user04: BRING Y/N BACK.
user65: that’s actually so scary!! i’m so glad your okay!
user76: BRING Y/N back😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
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pinievsev · 8 months ago
I'm back, babyyy! New and improved! I've worked on my writing! And I shall continue the P1H series ASAP! In the meantime, requests are still open! (Please make sure to check my guidelines (masterlist) before requesting!) (you can find a link to my masterlist in my description)
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luvmmarner · 2 years ago
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I MADE THIS GIF PLEASE GIVE CREDITS. I saw no seth fics and he's so hot. So I decided to write one for those who wanted one! -
You didn’t remember how you ended up in the house of a Paranormal investigator. All you remembered was getting pushed to your death. You were fuelled with such hatred and revenge for whoever pushed you. That you didn’t even consider letting it go and head to the other side.
It was fun being a spirit. The look on people's faces when you moved things was priceless. That was until Seth moved in. He didn’t even have any reaction. He just made stupid excuses. It was so infuriating all you wanted was for him to give you attention.
As time did pass on. You were starting to become more and more obsessed with Seth. He was an attractive guy around the same age you would’ve been if you were alive. You wanted so badly for him to be attracted to you as well. But you knew that could never happen. He was alive, you were dead.
You would sometimes tag along with him to locations. Yes, you were attached to him, but it wasn’t like you were hurting him. You didn’t drain his energy except for small things like batteries. His mood didn’t even change. 
It was like every investigation, but this one was different. You watched and observed what gave him a scare. Maybe you could do some at home to finally get him to notice you. That’s when you got the idea.
As soon as he returned to the house. You already had a prewritten message on the mirror.
‘I’m watching you’
It didn’t work all that well. He didn’t get the scare you wanted. He was shocked, but assumed it was his friends pulling tricks on him. You were starting to lose hope until you tried  sone last time. But this time so he can see it himself.
As soon as he entered the bathroom you wrote in red marker. 
‘I like you, but I’m dead”
His reaction wasn’t what you wanted. You knew he wasn’t going to like someone who was dead. He immediately got spooked and left the room. You didn’t expect him to say anything back. But it would’ve been nice if he would’ve at least knowledge you.
Then, as a last resort. He went into the sight of a mirror once more. You knew this time would be different. After a few seconds of deliberation on whether or not to proceed. You knew you had to do it, and this was your last chance. So you appeared in front of the mirror like that unexpectedly and out of nowhere. His face became extremely pale, and his eyes slowly drifted to yours.
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solbach-colbrock · 1 year ago
Up Top! - Seth Borden X Reader
SUMMARY - You and Seth have developed a… unique high five
WORDS - 1k
NOTES - This is actually something I used to do with a friend of mine. I thought it would be cute to write. Also Chase is in this one
Neither of you were sure how long you had been doing it, but by now it was practically automatic. Every time you and Seth got excited, you would… well, it wasn’t quite a high-five, but that was the closest approximation you could make. You got a few odd looks and laughs the first couple of times, but at this point you got looked at funny if Seth’s palm didn’t collide with your forehead when you two were hyped up about something.
At least part of it was due to your height difference. Being shorter than him, you had already become his designated armrest, so it was no real surprise when he started joking about your height by holding out his hand to high five you right at your face height and you just… smacked it with your forehead in spite. It was goofy, and the fans definitely loved it. 
You, Seth, and Chase were filming a video for Chase’s channel. It was a quiz challenge thing, all the questions coming from Twitter fans asking you about details of your past videos that you were likely to get wrong. The two losers of the challenge had to dye a strip of their hair whatever color the winner decided. Two of you were gonna end up matching, and as funny as the concept was, you’d rather not let either of them decide what colors your hair was. 
“I fucking knew it, too! My first fucking thought was, ‘oh it was definitely my green hoodie’, but then you started talking and I started doubting myself! Motherfucker,” you exclaimed, sinking into the backseat of the car. You put your head in your hands, annoyed by the laughter coming from the brothers in the front seats. 
“Haha! I messed with your mind!” Seth laughed.
Y: “Guys, this man in gaslighting me! I have it here.”
S: “Alright Chase, your turn.”
C: “Damn, alright. Hit me.”
S: “What was the name of the man who was rumored to have hung himself at the Shanley Hotel?”
C: “Ah, fuck. How am I supposed to remember that? We filmed that a couple months ago.”
Y: “Even I know the answer to this, and I haven’t even been there yet.”
S: “How the fuck do you know then?”
Y: “I watched the video! I was interested in the lore! It was new information!”
S: “Fuckin’ nerd, alright. What’re you a fan or something?”
Y: “Oh, I’m so sorry for supporting you and your career, Jesus.”
S: “Ok Chase you’ve had plenty of time to come up with an answer. What do you think his name was? Like, honestly, if I didn’t have the answer right in front of me, I don’t think I'd be able to answer this one.”
C: “Fuck, um… David or somethin’? I don’t know!”
S: “Final answer?”
C: “I guess? I really don’t know.”
The smirk on your face grew to a grin as he answered.
S: “Wrong, it was William.”
Y: “Get fucked! Oh, I knew you weren’t getting that one.”
S: “Now you two are tied.”
C: “One of us is gonna lose.”
Y: “Seth is already losing this one.”
S: “Yea, there’s no way I’m wining. I’ve only got two questions right.”
Y: “Should we do a tiebreaker? One question, and whoever gets the answer right first wins?”
C: “Oh, yea. We gotta find a question both of us could answer, though.”
S: “Alright, I’ll look. Give me a second.”
You and Chase relaxed for a moment, avoiding opening your phones in case you came across the same question that Seth could ask you. Chase turned around in his seat when he heard you chuckle to yourself.
“What’s funny?” he asked.
“Oh, nothing. Just deciding what color would look best on you two.” He rolled his eyes at you, his competitive side coming out full force now that it was down to the wire.
“What makes you think you’re winnin’?” You folded your arms over your chest in defiance.
“I’ve watched the videos multiple times. I know what the fans have seen.”
S: “Okay, shut up. I’ve got the question. At the Hatfield Estate, what did the ghost of Arnold whisper in Josh’s ear?”
Y: “Oh, shit! Fuck, I know this!”
C: “God, what was it? I was standin’ right next to him when it happened, too. Damn it…”
S: “You guys get thirty more seconds before I need an answer, right or wrong. Whoever gets closest, I'll take it.”
C: “God, was it ‘come find me’? I remember it was a little kid sayin’ it.”
S: “That-“
Y: “No! It was ‘over here’ because after we started freaking out about it the REM pod started going off in the other room! Like it was trying to show us where it was!”
S: “Yea, that’s correct, actually. Chase, you lost.”
You were practically jumping in the back seat from excitement, cheering at Chase’s distraught state. Your hyper reaction was infectious, and Seth stuck his arm towards the back seat for a high five. You threw your head forward, your forehead making contact with his open palm.
S: “Let’s go! Good job.”
Y: “I fuckin’ knew it! Now I have to decide on a color.”
S: “Wait fuck I forgot I have to do that. What the hell am I celebrating for?”
The three of you wrapped up the video, opting to post pictures of you dying their hair as well as the final result on instagram later. 
“How many edits do you think we’re gonna get out of the high five this time?” Seth asked, knowing full well there would be some made within an hour of posting the video. There were always at least a couple when you two did that. The fans loved your silly little habit. They thought it was really cute and endearing, and frankly, so did you.
“Oh, plenty. It’s been at least two months since we did that on camera. They’re gonna eat that shit up.”
“Will you two just fuckin’ date already?”
“Shut up, bro!’
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solbach-colbrock · 1 year ago
SEPARATED - Seth Borden X Reader
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SUMMARY - During a solo investigation, Seth comes into contact with a spirit that wants to harm you while you are three floors away from him. He needs to check on you
WARNINGS - very briefly proofread (yes that is a warning)
WORDS - 2.1k
Seth was getting more comfortable with the alone investigations. They still freaked him out a bit, owing to the fact that those investigations tend to leave people feeling incredibly vulnerable. Safety in numbers, and all. He also still had trauma from being grabbed twice in the Conjuring basement. Frankly, one of the things that kept him calm was your attitude about the investigations. 
You had ways been a go-getter when dealing with the paranormal. Of course, you always took proper precautions both before and after you had been at any location any of the boys took you to. You were very good at swallowing your fears for the sake of the investigations and have (on more than three occasions) run directly towards some sort of perceived danger in an attempt to catch something on camera. You were seemingly fearless, something that Seth admired about you. He was trying to be more like you, though his anxiety got the better of him sometimes.
The hospital that Josh had brought you to had seven floors. This was the second night of the investigation. The night prior, the three of you had done a walk through and attempted an EVP session on each floor. Some floors didn’t seem to be active at all, while others felt they had something much more sinister lurking around. 
“Okay, what do you guys want to bring? I’m taking the DR60 to the children’s floor. We got a lot of EVP there yesterday,” Josh said, taking the device from its box. Seth pulled the spirit box from the bag, and you followed by retrieving the Alice box. 
“First floor seemed the most calm last night so I’m staying here. I’m not dealing with any demonic shit tonight,” Seth said. You rolled your eyes at him, turning on your camera.
“God, you’re such a baby. I’m taking fourth floor. Hopefully I can actually catch that door slam this time,” you declared. Seth looked at you with wide eyes.
“You’re insane. I don’t understand how you haven’t had an attachment yet.”
“I always get sick evidence. You can judge when you capture a shadow figure as clear as I did a few months ago.”
“They got a point,” Josh cut in, throwing his bag over his shoulder. “Everyone ready?”
The fourth floor was designated for the psych ward, back when the hospital was operational. The guides that you had taken the tour with yesterday said that the energies on this floor were more demonic, given how violent they typically were. You wanted to test a theory about that tonight. Something told you that the energies were just the violent patients. They were treated horribly when they were held in this hospital. A fair amount of hostility was to be expected. 
“Okay guys, so I’m on the fourth floor, which was the psych ward, and I’m completely alone tonight. I have the… Alice box with me. I really want to figure out if its truly demonic, or if it's just violent spirits. Frankly, I just think it’s the patients because it didn’t feel very demonic to me. Now where do we want to go first…”
There were a few spots that felt the most active to you, including the reception area and the singular children’s room, where the guides said they had watched a ball roll on its own only a few days ago. The most unnerving was the isolation room, where they would lock up the most violent patients for up to three weeks at a time. There were multiple recorded suicides in that room alone, which earned it the name of the ‘suicide room’. It was the room that the door had slammed closed on the previous night. If you were going to get any activity, it would most likely be there. The Alice box beeped in your hand as soon as you touched the door.
“Hunger… there were rumors that the staff would borderline starve the patients as some fucked up punishment when they were annoyed with them. Did the nurses not feed you while you were locked in here?” You placed the camera on the edge of the bed and crouched in front of it, keeping the device on the floor in front of you.
Beep. “Rare.”
“They rarely fed them. God, that’s so fucked. I’m so sorry that you were treated like that. You didn’t deserve it. I heard that there were patients that killed themselves in here. Is that true. Did you commit suicide in this room?”
Beep. “Stop.”
Beep. “Rude.”
“Was that rude to ask? I apologize, I just want to know your story. People should know how badly these nurses treated you. You deserved better.”
Beep. “Get out.”
Beep. “Room.”
Beep. “Mine.”
“Guys, I don’t think I’m very welcome here. Can you at least tell me your name before I leave? I’d like to know who I’m talking to.”
Beep. “Fuck off.”
“Alright guys, so I am on the first floor, which was where they had the emergency rooms and ICU, and they also did a lot of like, the lab work down here. Now, according to the guides, these two rooms right here are where they would keep the bodies of the recently deceased until either they were identified by a family member, or they would just stay here until the morgue had the space for them.”
A chair was sat in the corner of the room, the only piece of furniture in the space aside from the shelves drilled into the far wall, where Seth placed the camera. He sat in the chair, turned on the spirit box, and started his session. Static filled the empty room, echoing off the walls.
“To any spirits that reside in this room, the next room, or even any of the spirits on the entire first floor, if you would like to communicate, please feel free to come into this room and talk to me. I’d love to hear your story.”
“Hi, Seth.”
“Hello. Are yo-“
“Do you need help. Are you a patient here? If you were, can you say-“
“Yes I am.”
“ ‘Yes I am’. Do you need me to get you a nurse?”
“I’m dying. Seth.”
“I swear it just said-“
“Danger. Y/N.”
Beep. “Demon.”
“Well that’s comforting. Okay, you obviously don’t want to really communicate with me, so I’m leaving. Is there anything else you’d like to say to me before I leave? This is your last chance to… get a message out….” A wave of dizziness hit you halfway through your last sentence, leaving you to place a hand on the floor to stabilize yourself. “Shit, I’m lightheaded. I’m gonna have to take a second. This isn’t a good sign.”
Beep. “Die.” A loud slam echoed through the room as the door swung shut next to you. Your head snapped up to check the viewfinder, smiling to yourself as you realized that was most likely caught on the camera. The dizziness doubled as your vision started to go white, leaving you completely doubled over on the floor.
“Oh, motherfucker. Leave me alone. Get away from me right now. You do not get to affect me like this. If you want me to leave, then let me!”
“I don’t fucking like that at all. Are you saying that Y/N is in danger? Is there something that is going to harm them if they explore the psych ward alone?”
“He’s angry. Run away!”
“Who is angry? Tell me what’s gonna happen to Y/N.” Seth’s leg started shaking now, and his free hand pressed itself against his mouth as the anxiety crept in. He already didn’t like the alone investigations very much, but to hear what sounded like something threatening you made him all the more scared about it.
“Suicide. Help.”
“Will they be in danger if they go in the suicide room?”
“Too late. They’re dead!”
“Okay, fuck no. I’m going up there. That floor scares the fuck out of me but if something’s threatening them, I’m not letting them stay up there alone.”
“Nope, nope. I’m turning this off. We’re going upstairs, now. Y/N! Y/N!!”
Your ears had started ringing. You had turned the Alice box off to cut off communication with whatever was targeting you. You had tried the door, but due to the original purpose of the room, it could only be opened from the outside once fully closed. You had also tried to call either Seth or Josh to come get you out, but inexplicably, your phone had died. You had entered the room with 73% battery, and now it wouldn’t even turn on. The room was also soundproofed on the inside, and the boys were each three floors away from you, so shouting wouldn’t help. You were trapped until they realized you were missing, and you had all agreed to spend an hour apart.
“You have no real power over me. I am stronger than you. If you want me to leave, you have to leave me alone. I can’t walk out of this room if you keep making me… this dizzy… Christ, I’ve never had a room spin this fucking much in my life.”
Beep. “Scream.”
“What the fuck? I turned that o-… I think I just heard footsteps outside, holy shit.” You pressed the heels of your hands to your eyes in an attempt to stop the spinning. You turned the Alice box off once more.
“Y/N! Y/N/N, where are you?”
“Oh thank fucking god, it’s Seth. I can hear him, but I don’t think he’s gonna hear me. I can try…” You shuffled over the door, relying on touch to find your way. You pounded your fist on the door, wincing at the volume. The footsteps grew closer, as did his voice. 
The door flew open, and instantly, your head cleared up. You breathed a sigh of relief as Seth’s terrified expression came into view. The smile that spread across your face did a good job of confusing him. Your hand made its way to his cheek. You were incredibly thankful to see him. He put down the camera to give you a once-over, making sure you weren’t physically harmed.
“God, I’ve missed your stupid face. Get me the fuck out of here.”
“You will not believe what I-… what happened?” Josh became concerned as soon as he saw you and Seth huddled next to each other on the lobby couch. Seth was still very shaken by what happened, while you were just relieved to be back to safety. He tucked the DR60 in his pocket and walked over to you, camera still rolling.
“I may stick with a buddy for the next few investigations,” you laughed softly, resting your head on Seth’s shoulder. 
“They got locked in the fucking suicide room and almost passed out,” Seth explained. His hand made soft passes over your back. You were incredibly worn out from the whole experience, and it took a lot of effort to keep your yees open for very long.
“Holy shit. That’s terrifying.”
“Something was warning me about it on the spirit box, dude. I ran up there as soon as they started saying they were in danger. They would’ve been trapped in there for almost an hour if I hadn’t run up there.”
“See, because I thought I heard the door slam from upstairs but it sounded like it could’ve been on my floor so I didn’t know. Oh my god, that’s crazy.”
After Josh told you about the sheets moving and EVP of children crying he got on the top floor, the three of you decided that you had enough footage for the night and quickly filmed the outro outside the front doors of the hospital. As you packed everything into the car, Seth wrapped his arms around you.
“Good god, Borden. I’m fine. I feel like that freaked you out more than me,” you teased, turning around to return the affection.
“It said you were gonna fucking die! It scared me!”
“Well, too bad for you. You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“I’d never want to get rid of you. I kind of like having you around. Don’t know if you’ve noticed.” You laughed at his words, pulling away to finish packing up. 
“In that case, we’re sharing a bed tonight because I’m sure you don’t want to sleep alone tonight and Josh snores like a motherfucker,” Seth said. You both laughed as you heard Josh’s protests from the driver’s seat.
“Aww, Seth. You know, if you wanted to cuddle, you could’ve just asked.”
“Shut the fuck-“
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solbach-colbrock · 11 months ago
Asking if you could write the Hangover story with Seth next? I'd love to see how he would help out with the paranormal hangover!
SUMMARY - You have your first paranormal hangover, and Seth helps you through it WARNINGS - none WORDS - 495
Why now? You had been through so many investigations before, and it had never happened, even on the most intense nights, so why now? You just had to get your first hangover on a minor, single ghost investigation. You were almost embarrassed.
                  Seth, of course, was the first to notice something was up. You had been spacey since you went under for the Estes session, and he had been keeping a close eye on you ever since.
                  “Hey, you doin’ alright?” he asked as he picked up his backpack from the floor. Chase was out at the car loading up the equipment, so it was just the two of you in the tiny, run down house. It took you a moment to shift your attention to him.
                  “Yea, yea, just… incredibly drained. Think I’ve got my first hangover,” you chuckled, slouching further into the chair you were in. You ran a tired hand over your face, hoping to wipe off some of the exhaustion. A hand was extended in front of you, Seth’s silent offer to help you up and into the car.
                  “Come on. The quicker we get you out of here, the sooner you’ll feel better. I’ve been through this before. I know what helps.” Your heart all but melted at the mixture of the gesture and the soft smile on his face. You took his hand wordlessly, thanking your lucky stars that you landed the coolest boyfriend ever.
                  You spent the ride home using every ounce of energy you had trying to focus on Seth’s words and keep yourself awake. At some point, you half registered something about fries and milkshakes, but you weren’t quite sure until you got back home. As soon as you were through the front door, you were all but babied. Seth grabbed you your coziest sweats and some fuzzy socks, insisting you change in the bathroom and not the bedroom because there were less chances of you just knocking out that way. You settled on the couch once you were changed, taking note of the show playing on the TV. Your favorite show. Good lord, he was spoiling you.
                  “Cozy?” he asked as he popped in from around the corner, fries and milkshakes in hand (so that’s what that was). You nodded, once again rubbing at your eyes. He sat down next to you and handed you your share of the food. A blanket was thrown over the two of you, and Seth proceeded to pull you into his lap. You laughed a bit to yourself as you settled in.
                  “Something funny?”
                  “You know you don’t have to go overboard here. It’s just a paranormal hangover. It’s not like I’m sick or anything.”
                  “What, you expect me not to spoil my wonderful partner during their first ever hangover? These can suck. I wanna make sure you get through your first one as spoiled and comfortable as possible.”
                  “You’re ridiculous. I love you.”
                  “I love you too, baby.”
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solbach-colbrock · 11 months ago
OMG OKAY! OKAY! so! Hear me out!!
Seth x GN reader if possible! Where like reader is an absolute fearless motherfucker right? (You can pick where they are idm!) And so like when they do solo investigations they take a room where people say that like is evil ig? Like there's a demon or sum shit idk, and they get locked in there in the dark and their lights die and Seth is panicking meanwhile reader is just like "take your time man I'm just chilling WITH A DEMON!!!'
Take Your Time! - Seth Borden X Reader
WARNINGS - mentions of death/murder, demonic/evil entities WORDS - 951 NOTES -
It was no secret that between you and Seth, you were the brave one. Whenever something came up on an investigation where previous visitors had been grabbed, scratched, or just scared out of their minds due to the activity in a certain place, you were always the first (and typically, the last) to step into that area for the investigation. Seth always stayed back and talked to you through the doorway.
This time, Seth had taken you to what used to be a pub and inn back in the 1800s. The most famous part of the building – the basement that functioned as a brothel until everyone in it was massacred – was also the most active. The tour guide told the both of you a story about a woman having her hair pulled by one of the spirits just days prior, and according to the guide, the spirit wasn’t exactly gentle.
“…where according to our tour guide, the killer took their own life after slaughtering everyone else in the brothel. Apparently this room right here has the most poltergeist-like activity. People getting touched, objects getting moved and straight up flung across the room. Strong activity.” You listened from a few feet away as Seth showed the camera around the little group of rooms. You shook your head as a chuckle rippled through you, grabbing the equipment you needed for the final part of the investigation.
“Aaaaand it’s a good spot for a solo investigation, don’t you think?” You smiled at Seth, popping into frame with the REM pod in hand.
“Fuck that noise. I mean, be my guest. I’ll hang out here if you want to make friends with another evil entity. I have enough demonic trauma, thank you very much.”
“God, you’re such a baby, Borden. At least try to catch something cool while you’re out there, you wiener,” you joked. You turned your flashlight on and made your way into the dark room alone.
According to the lore you managed to dig up before you arrived at the location, nobody knew whether the killer was a man or a woman, or why they had done what they’d done. Theories were that if it was a woman, it was revenge for the women of the brothel seducing her husband and tearing apart her marriage. If it was a man, most people believed he had found his wife working in the brothel and lost it. There were even some that believed that, no matter who did it, they were compelled by a demon to murder all those people. Nobody could say for sure.
“To whatever spirits are in this room, my name is (Y/N), and this device I have here is called a REM pod. I’m gonna place it right here on the vanity. I’m sure you’ve had a lot of visitors with a whole bunch of different equipment, so if you know how to use this, can you show me?”
“That’s perfect, just like that. Can I ask who I’m speaking to? Is this one of the girls from the brothel? Or a member of staff?”
“Okay, is this one of their clients then?”
“Are you a non-human entity?”
“Do you have a name?”
“Did you cause the deaths of all of these people?”
“Can you stop that now, please?”
“Okay, I’m turning this off and leaving if you won’t cooperate.”
Fed up with the entity’s unwillingness to hold a simple conversation, you stood from your seat on the edge of the old, crumbling fainting couch and moved to turn off the REM pod, but the entity had other plans. Your only sources of light, the flashlight in your hand and the light on the camera, flickered and went out at the same time before you could reach the REM pod.
“Oh, lovely. Thanks for that.”
The door to the room shut with such force that a mirror hanging on the wall rattled violently. You could hear Seth curse from the next room and haul ass to the outside of yours. The light from his camera peeked through the crack at the bottom of the door.
“(Y/N), you okay?!” Seth practically yelled, panic evident as he banged on the door.
“Fine, Seth. Just, y’know, trapped in her with an eVIL ENTITY THAT’S RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATHS OF DOZENS OF PEOPLE. Feel free to take your time with that door, Borden.”
Despite how much Seth was freaking out, you found the situation fairly amusing. The beeping of the REM pod had yet to cease. In fact, it was going crazier than before. You managed to find your way over to it and shut it off, and as soon as the device fell silent, a certain skinny paranormal investigator came crashing through the door, which was suddenly no longer locked. You fell to the floor yourself, cradling the camera as fits of laughter rolled through you. You batted away the hand touching your knee, giving yourself another few moments to catch your breath.
“Oh my god, talk about comedic timing! You just fell right through the door like a Scooby Doo scene!” you cackled, wiping the tears away from your eyes. Finally finding some semblance of composure, you sat up and once again attempted to push Seth’s hand off your knee, no longer needing his help to keep stable.
“Yea, hilarious. You need another minute to get the giggles out or can we get out of here?” Your eyes widened as you heard Seth’s voice to the right of you, several feet further than you thought he was. Your eyes snapped to your knee, watching as an unseen force tugged at your pantleg.
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solbach-colbrock · 1 year ago
Movie Night - Seth Borden X Reader
SUMMARY - Movie night with Seth WARNINGS - established relationship w/ Seth and reader, fluff!!! WORDS - 939 NOTES - requested by @1f0undth1sinth3trash ~*~*~*~
Nights like this were the nights you lived for. The house cold from the pouring rain outside, thunder rolling through the dark night as you gathered every blanket you could find. The door creaked and clicked shut as Seth closed it behind him.
“Food’s here!” Seth called from the entryway. You smiled, hearing his feet pad from the front door to the kitchen. The blankets were placed in a haphazard pile on the couch. The string lights around the room gave a very cozy atmosphere. At first, you made fun of Seth for wanting to get the purple ones (of course he wanted those), but you could now admit that they fit really nicely. They felt like him, and that simple fact made you like them all the more.
            Burrowing under your mountain of blankets, you found the remote for the tv and turned it on, fingers barely poking out of the sleeves of the hoodie you had stolen form him months ago to press the buttons. You scrolled through Netflix to find his favorite movie. It was his turn to choose, but you knew what he was gonna pick anyways.
            The cushion dipped next to you as Seth sat down, placing the Chinese food in your lap and the drinks and various other snacks on the coffee table in front of you. Balancing his own plate with one hand, he slotted his free arm around your waist and pressed a kiss to the side of your jaw. His hood was up, as it almost always was, and brushed against your skin as you instinctively leaned into him. 
            “How did you know what I was gonna pick?” he mumbles against your skin, pressing another kiss to your shoulder.
            “I’d like to think I know you pretty well at this point, babe,” you respond, pushing his hood back to run your fingers through his hair. “Besides, you always pick something super cheesy, and you mentioned this movie to Josh literally last week and said you wanted to rewatch it soon.”
            “Mmm. Oh, should I grab popcorn?”
            “Maybe later. Right now, I’m in desperate need of food and cuddles.”
            “Fair. Come here, baby.”
            You giggled as he pulled you closer to him, kissing him once for good measure before you started eating. He reached over to press play on the remote, officially starting your weekly movie night.
            It was a vast improvement on the days he was traveling. Whenever he was away filming a video, even if it was an ungodly hour wherever he was, he would FaceTime you on the date of your movie night so he was at least somewhat be with you. Even being able to see his face and hear his voice on those nights, it still wasn’t as nice as this. On those nights you missed him desperately, so when he was home like tonight, you made sure to hold him extra close, and extra tight. His hand drifted up the back of your shirt to glide along the skin of your back. You melted into the touch, leaning impossibly closer to him as you took another bite of your food.
            “Ooo, this is my favorite part!” He whispered into your shoulder.
            “You say that literally every time, Seth,” you said, rolling your eyes.
            “And its always my favorite part. What’s your point?”
            The weather continued to roll and pour outside as the movie continued. Seth kept interjecting with his own commentary, sometimes through mouthfuls of food or almost choking on his drink to get the words across. You loved him too much to find it annoying. At least it was fairly entertaining, and you had a tendency to remember certain parts of the movie because his comments made you laugh hard enough for the moment to stick in your brain for awhile. 
            By the time the movie was over, you had made your way into his lap, and both his hands were pressed to your skin as he held you, his lips pressing lazy kisses to your back as he got more tired and comfortable. Empty plates and packages of snacks lay discarded on the coffee table. He had stopped paying attention to the movie 20 minutes prior, opting instead to devote his attention to you. It never failed to melt your heart how affectionate he was with you. You wouldn’t trade it for the world.
            “Seth, love, the movie ended ten minutes ago,” you said softly, turning slightly to make sure he could hear you.
            “Hmm? Oh, shit, yea. We should clean up and get to bed,” he replied, finally looking up. He rubbed at his weary eyes, leaving the spot on your side where it was placed cold from the sudden lack of touch.
            “As fast as possible though. I want to get back to being held,” you smiled, brushing a lock of hair behind his hair.
            “Counterpoint: we sleep right here and deal with all this in the morning.”
            “You make a compelling argument, Borden. I’m inclined to agree.”
            You let out a yelp as he firmly wrapped his arms around you once again, pulling you and the blankets the two of you were buried under down with him. After adjusting the blankets so they properly covered the two of you, he pulled you into yet another kiss, cradling your face to pull you into him deeper and deeper until you needed to come up for air.
            “I love you so much,” he whispered, thumb making gentle passes over your cheek. His eyes scanned every feature of your face, lingering on your lips, before finally setting on your eyes.
            “I love you too.”
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thefanficmonster · 1 year ago
hii could i request a Seth Borden x gn!reader where the readers been teasing him abt being scared while they’re filming a haunted video and then they comfort him when he gets genuinely scared?? TYY
Hi sweetheart! Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy the fic <3
Lots of love, Vy 💌
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Safety Blanket
Pairing: Seth Borden x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Swearing, Ghostly activity, Paranormal Investigations
Genre: Fluff, Comfort, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: see request above
"What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby!" I mentally check out for a few seconds as Sam and Colby start filming the intro to their video as Seth and I idle around in the background. "Today, we'll be investigating one of the most brutal prisons in US history." Colby explains to the camera, turning to Sam to give him his cue.
"The Darkmont Correctional Facility in Huntsville, Alabama." The blond declares before turning off the. "We'll film the history segment inside, it's too windy out here. The audio will be a bitch to edit." He tells us, tilting his head to the entrance gates of the massive and downright terrifying building that has been abandoned for decades.
A shiver runs down my spine as I look up at it. Not so much out of fear, more so excitement. I was an urban explorer long before meeting and dating Seth, let alone Sam and Colby. I have a decent pile of trespassing charges under my belt but my adventures never included dabbling into the paranormal. It brings a whole new level of adrenaline to the table and it always makes for a remarkable experience, especially with these guys.
Seth, on the other hand, approaches the paranormal with much more skepticism and a ton more fear which I believe contradict one another - how can you be afraid of something you don't believe in? But alas, I don't fight him on it, I know it's pointless.
Messing with him, however, works like a charm.
I take my opportunity to do just that when I see him very visibly gulp as he takes in the exterior of the prison as we enter the courtyard past the giant metal gates the tour-guide left open for us.
"Someone's looking paler than usual." I poke his side with my finger, hitting a particularly ticklish spot that causes him to jump.
He grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together, "Not at all, I've seen worse." He shrugs, feigning nonchalance with a simple shrug even though I can clearly see the goosebumps on his skin.
"Whatever you say, babe." I mock him with a pout, dragging him along with me, forcing some speed in his steps to catch up with the guys.
The interior is infinitely worse than the exterior. It's stonewall, concrete and metal wherever the eye can see - which isn't much considering how dark it is. No lights are on, the only visibility being provided by the daylight seeping in through the barred up windows. It's a pretty cloudy day so there's not much of said daylight to go around either.
In short, it's the perfect atmosphere.
That's only confirmed further when I feel Seth's hand tightening its hold on mine, seeking the comfort he's too prideful to actually ask for.
"Welcome, yall." A deep voice with a southern drawl catches our attention out of the blue, startling us. Well, some more than others considering I didn't fail to pick on Seth's little jump out of the corner of my eye. I can't help but laugh, causing him to blush.
The voice belongs to our tour-guide Alan. He greets us each individually before starting the tour, telling us the stories stemming from this place. Sam, Colby and I take turns holding the main camera, capturing different angles as we walk through the eerie halls and cells. Seth tried helping out as well but his hands are too unsteady to get any usable footage so he's just taken to carrying the bag with the equipment and holding my hand as if I'm the scared one.
As the tour comes to an end, Alan turns off the lights he had turned on at the beginning, wishes us luck and sets off on his way, saying he hopes to see us all alive and well in the morning. It's the cherry on top of the terror cake he'd made with the history of the place as well as visitor horror stories. He gave us further proof of the paranormal activity in the place with pictures and recordings that Seth discreetly avoided looking at for too long.
The early hours of the night are upon us at this point and we've switched over to flashlights and the camera light to guide ourselves around the premises. Sam and Colby excuse themselves to the so called 'taming dungeon' to film the history segment for the video.
I walk around, looking at the marks on the stone walls while Seth remains rigid and jumpy in the middle of the large space that used to be a lobby. When I stray down the hall, following a trail of what I hope is paint on the wall, he jogs to catch up, prompting a laugh from me.
"Don't worry, babe. I ain't going anywhere. You're alright. The ghosts aren't coming to get you....yet." I add the last part with a low whisper and a tickle to the back of his neck. I've come to realize that defocusing his attention from the fear factor and instead move it to our banter is the best course of action. He'll never admit he's scared, so the best I can do is try and actually make him forget he's scared.
"Shut up..." He laughs, tickling my side as a counter-attack. "You're the worst."
I grin up at him, "Oh you love it."
Something tells me it's gonna be a pretty long night.
* * * *
"Is it just me or is it freezing in here?" Seth speaks up as we migrate from one floor onto the next after a brief investigation with the flashlights and other equipment. The spirits are talkative but dodged properly answering any of the questions we asked. They actually appeared to be talking amongst themselves more than us but it was still informative.
"I think it's cause you're a little bitch." Colby, who's also been put on edge by the activity we've gotten so far, replies. He masks his own fear by messing with the rest of us and I respect that. I'm doing the same.
"Oh fuck you!" Seth laughs, lightly punching his arm, "Y/N back me up here!"
Sam and I have already begun setting up the flashlights and REM pod so I'm partially distracted when I turn my head to look at the two. I glance between them, Colby giving me a fast nod. "Yeah, whatever Colby said." I shrug, evoking two completely different reactions from them.
As soon as we start, we are basically told to leave. We try to get a few questions in to try and ease up the tension but the spirit's opinion doesn't change - he wants us gone. And I can't blame him, if I died in this horrible place the last thing I'd want is to talk about it.
With that last group investigation we reach the audience favorite - and Seth's most dreaded - part: the solo investigations.
A game of rock-paper-scissors decides the areas we'd be covering: Colby takes the attic, Seth is on the second floor, I get the ground floor and Sam takes the basement somewhat voluntarily - something I greatly admire. We each take a piece of equipment with us and we split up.
"Hey..." I take Seth's hand before he follows Colby up the stairs, "I'm just a flight of stairs away. If you get freaked out, just call out to me, I'll meet you at these stairs, ok?"
He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, and truthfully - I needed that. "I'll be ok, I hope. But the same goes for you. Anything happens, I'll be right down."
With a parting kiss, we each begin our investigations.
I, for some reason, chose the music box to be my piece of equipment. I've placed it at the beginning of the main hallway and take a seat in a fold up chair, turning on night vision on my camera.
"Here goes nothing. I'll be fine, I'm far more worried about Seth, he hasn't been handling the night very well..." just as I say that I hear a voice and my heart nearly drops in my ass. Turns out I haven't been handling it all too well either, considering Sam's faint voice was enough to send me into cardiac arrest.
I take a deep breath, willing myself to actually say something to the potential presence keeping me company at the moment. Just then, the music box whirrs to life, playing its creepy tune for a good couple of seconds, as if encouraging me. "Hi, are you here in the hall with me?"
The answer is almost immediate as the music box comes to life once more.
"Were you a prisoner here?" I ask once the tune has stopped playing. I get no answer so I try again, "A guard?"
There it is, I think as the music creepily bounces off the walls in the quiet space. Sam has walked to a different part of the basement because I can no longer hear him. It makes the situation much more eerie, makes me feel much more alone.
I throw out a few more questions with no outcome that can be considered content worthy so I begrudgingly decide to relocate to somewhere else on the floor. Just as I grab he music box to turn it off, I hear a huge crash from upstairs and a string of curses that quickly get louder, accompanied with footsteps approaching the staircase behind me.
I quickly flick on the camera light, illuminating Seth who gallops down the stairs with inhuman speed. I barely manage to catch him, placing my hands on his arms in order to slow him into a halt and stabilize him. He's shaking like a leaf, his eyes are wide and his face has reached a sickly shade of pale.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what happened?" I ask as I pull him into a hug, "Hey, you're ok, you're ok. Everything's ok."
I see Sam peep his head up from the staircase, coming up from the basement, alerted by the noise. "What's wrong?" He asks as he jogs over to us. Colby is nowhere to be found, clearly oblivious to what happened.
"I...oh fuck...." Seth mutters, his breathing still heavy, "I mean, I got what I asked for. I wanted a clear sign and a door slammed shut. It freaked me the fuck out." He explains, still extremely shaken up but a bit calmer as he clings to me.
"Ok, ok, well that's great." I see the conflict on Sam's face, balancing between excitement over the footage Seth captured and worry for his friend. "Are you alright? Take a breather, stay here. I'll go grab Colby and we'll do the Estes method when you're ready." He says calmingly, his gaze fixating on me for rational and coherent responses but all I can do is nod, my full focus is taken up by Seth.
"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Holy shit, that was insane, though." He manages to say, tapping Sam on the shoulder, "Go get Colby."
I lead my boyfriend over to the chair I was previously occupying and sit him down, crouching in front of him, "You captured something incredible back there, babe. You're incredible!" My hands rest on his knees as I too still am wrapping my brain around what happened just now. "Whoever was there with you can't hurt you. You're stronger than them and you have authority. Hey, they might like you, even! I barely got anything down here. The spirits must really like you to shut a whole ass door for you." I'm rambling, I'm aware, but it seems to be working since Seth is smiling now, some color having returned to his cheeks.
He lets out a chuckle as he runs a hand through his hair, "Well, I am the distant relative of a murderer. That's gotta count for something." He says, making me laugh.
"That's what I'm talking about." I smile up at him, my thumb drawing abstract patterns on his knee, relieved to see he's feeling better already.
"Thank you." He adds after a stretch of silence, "You're like my safety blanket." His hand cups my cheek, automatically prompting me to lean into his touch immediately.
"Happily, babe." I slowly rise up so I can lean in and meet him halfway.
Just as our lips are within a millimeter, we hear pure disbelief echo off the walls as two pairs of footsteps rush down the stairs. "A fucking door slammed shut?!!" Colby shouts breathlessly, causing us both to burst out laughing.
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thefanficmonster · 1 year ago
Hiii could i request a nate hardy x reader for the video in the Yorktown Memorial hospital?? People have had like earrings ripped out and i was thinking maybe on the solo investigations the reader gets their earring ripped out and scream and nate freaks out?? srry if it’s too much details 😭😭
Hi sweetie! Thank you so much for your request, hope you enjoy how I've executed it ❤
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Hostile Presence
Pairing: Nate Hardy x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Paranormal Investigations, Aggressive spirit activity, Minor blood warning, Swearing
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, PRF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: see request above
The light from the camera covers less than seven feet ahead, just enough to light the group so you are visible on video and nothing more. Everything around you is washed out in complete darkness. Your eyes are playing tricks on you each time you try looking past the circle of light and try to pinpoint where the random noises you're hearing are coming from.
Shadows are merging and forming rather terrifying shapes, footstep-like sounds are echoing off the walls and the five of you have to maintain some sense of calmness. Still, none of you can remain completely still when a particularly loud crash comes from behind you, causing all hands to lift off of the planchet as all five heads turn to seek out the source of the terrifying sound. What you all fail to see is the few millimeters the planchet moves without any sort of physical contact from any of you.
"Whaaat was that....?" Sam rarely lets the fear he feels bleed into his voice but it's clear he is pretty shaken up.
And so are you, past the point of being able to express it into words. You'd be completely freaked out had your boyfriend Nate not been there. His unoccupied hand has been comfortingly resting on the small of your back, letting you know that despite how charged things get, you're safe and have him by your side.
Suddenly, you hear what you can only describe as a heavy sigh directly in your left ear. Startled, you whirl around to look at Seth, hoping to God it was him you heard but your hopes are quickly nipped in the bud when you see he's taken a few steps into the darkness, shining his phone flashlight around the vicinity to see if there may be a bat flying around, making all these sounds.
Before you can raise your concerns regarding the strange noise seemingly only you heard, you feel a sharp sting in your ear, causing you to hiss through your teeth.
"Oh shit!" Just as you reach up to touch the aching spot you all collectively hear a clink of something small hitting the floor. Looking down to find the dropped item is futile considering you see nothing but darkness.
However, a quick touch to your earlobe and a flash from Seth's phone confirm that your earring has somehow unclipped itself and fallen from your ear.
"No fucking way!" Nate is the first to voice his confusion and shock as he bends down to retrieve the small earring and examine it between his fingers. "It's not even unclipped! What the fuck?!"
Pulling your hand back, you find a small droplet of blood on the tip of your finger, "Oh my fucking God...." You can't even find it in you to panic out loudly the way it sounds in your head. Instead, you're barely stringing words together, muttering them semi-cohesively.
Luckily, Nate is quick to pick up on what's put such a tremor in your voice. And hands, and entire body at this point. "Fuck....ok....Hey, hey, hey, let me see." He can see the pure panic that's hollowing out your gaze into a thousand yard stare. He's doing his best to keep you grounded and stable while he too is shaking. He moves your hair to the side to have a look at your ear, wiping the little blood that's left. "What just happened...?"
"Didn't he say people would have earrings ripped out on tours and stuff?" Colby asks, referring to their tour guide who is still hanging around outside the premises in case of emergencies, "This place is known for physically hostile activity." You try and focus on the rationality of his words and calmness of his tone but your heart is thumping too loud in your ears to be able to hear anything else.
It only slows down once you feel Nate's arms wrap around you, your cheek resting on his chest. You hear his own heartbeat racing, pounding against his ribcage but it is a calming sound you can focus on rather than your heavy breathing. Focusing on any of your overdrive-set bodily functions would be a recipe for disaster.
Instead, you find comfort in Nate's warm and safe embrace. You can barely make out the reassuring words he's whispering in your hair but just hearing his voice and knowing that he's got you no matter what, it's enough to slowly settle your heart into a somewhat normal rhythm.
"It's ok. You're ok, baby. I'm here." It may take a minute, but you will, indeed be ok eventually. Your three best friends and your boyfriend are here for you and although they can't physically do much to protect you, the emotional comfort is more than enough for you.
"I know, I know..." You mutter, your voice muffled by his shirt but he still manages to hear you, acknowledging your statement with a kiss to the crown of your head.
In a couple of days it'll be nothing but a cool story to look back on and tell people. In a week you'll once again visit another haunted place with Nate, Seth, Sam and Colby. In a year you'll have forgotten it. Or maybe not.
Then again, how many people can say they've had an earring ripped out by an angry spirit?
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solbach-colbrock · 1 year ago
This close 🤏 to writing for Seth bc there’s a criminal lack of Seth Borden fics on this hellsite
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