#SessKagu fanfic
mrfeenysmustache · 11 months
A SessKagu story based on super steamy art by @sayuri-liu for @inu-spiration!!
Summary: Sesshomaru is the crowned prince of hell. Kagura is a receptionist. They shouldn’t have anything to do with one another, but Sesshomaru finds something in Kagura, something sublime and forbidden, that he just can’t deny himself.
Read on: AO3
A dark chuckle, the click of lacquered nails on glass, a spritz of perfume.
Kagura leaned forward in her mirror, checking the shimmer on the swell of her breasts, grabbing up her powder puff and adding more.
Vanilla scent clouded the air around the vanity, sweet and rich, joining the heady amber of her body spray.
She smelled like a baked good: delectable, mouthwatering, sinful, perfect.
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for the fic rec ask game: 📆 and 💯!
📆 A fic you’d re-read 10 years from now
Thank you for the ask, northern! I'm a HUGE fan of yours so seeing your name in my inbox was the highlight of my day!
The Language of Flowers by ASongofSixpence: "There are three things that set up the month of May as one that will no doubt be full of trouble for Kaoru. For one, he and his brother need to finish designing a dress for up-and-coming actress Rino Isoya to wear at the Met Gala, which is happening on May 9th. Then, three days later, on May 12th, Tamaki and Haruhi will (finally) be getting married, and Kaoru can’t even begin to think about the kind of nonsense he will wholeheartedly commit to as soon as all of his friends are in the same room at the same time. Finally, and this is, admittedly, his own fault: he and Kyoya hooked up in the beginning of April, and he hasn’t spoken to him since."
My first ao3 bookmark. OHSHC was one of the first anime/manga I got into also, so the nostalgia factor is high all around. I shipped Tamaki/Haruhi from the beginning but only recently realized the perfection that is Kyoya/Kaoru (this was actually the fic that cemented that ship for me!) It's timeless. I'll read it again and again.
💯 A fic that makes you think #writergoals
I've talked about my love for you was bulletproof (but you're the one who shot me) by Shespitsfire (@savethelastdan) a million times by now (it's an exploration of abuse using the events of a Chinese drama, Well-Intended Love) so I'll pick a newer one by them that is also god tier: time will tell, a SessKagu AU inspired by Jane Austen's Persuasion. For the record, I do not watch or read Inuyasha but she's successfully dragged me into the fandom through her incredible writing, and I was SO pleased by the inventive way she wove pieces of the source material into the story while maintaining the true personalities of the characters involved. She is a master of impactful, beautiful language and witty dialogue, and everything she writes makes me wish I could write half as wonderfully as she does.
(To anyone reading: feel free to ask me these numbers again bc I have a million fics/writers I could choose for my answers)
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savethelastdan · 3 months
Fake Married + Hospital AU please
Kagura rushed through the long, white hallway, ignoring apprehensive looks from patients and nurses alike. Somehow she'd gotten turned around, and ended up in the human side of the hospital. Great.
Naraku was definitely going to catch her this time.
Holding her injured right wrist close to her side, she hustled around a corner. Her hip hit the side of an ultrasound table some idiot had left outside a nondescript doorway; she managed to regain her balance with only a slight stumble. There was no opportunity to slow down. If she slowed down, she was finished.
At the end of the hall, a wave of demonic aura hit her face like an unrestrained slap. Thanks to the cortisol and epinephrine flooding her system (which, in any other being would have meant a pained thudthudthud within her chest but for Kagura simply resulted in an ocean-sound in both ears) she released a clearly terrified gasp, causing the human woman sitting in a chair several feet away to look up.
But after another split second, she registered that it wasn't Naraku's aura. No, this one was some other incredibly powerful demon, who for some inexplicable reason was sitting in the exam room in the human wing of an enormous dual-species hospital.
An aura like that would completely smother her own, rendering her undetectable. Without another thought, Kagura shoved the door open and slipped through.
As soon as the door shut behind her, the scene within the four walls (120 square feet, 10 feet wide - she'd been in enough hospitals in her life that she could probably guess the number of ceiling tiles at this point) imprinted itself on her mind.
The human doctor, perched on a wheeled stool beside a paper-covered exam table, stared at her with surprise. On the other side of the room, in an uncomfortable-looking chair, sat a dog demon in traditional dress, his face the exact midpoint between handsome and pretty. And at the center of it all - a messy-haired little human girl with an enormous stuffed frog in her lap, sitting on the exam table with her legs swinging back and forth like none of this was anything unusual.
Kagura made eye contact with the girl, first. For a moment she saw her own clear terror reflected in the child's eyes. Then, tiny button nose screwing up, the child leaned forward and shouted, "Mama! You found us!"
Kagura froze. The dog demon in the corner flinched. When he turned an inspecting, cold gaze on her, it zeroed in on her injured wrist, then the center of her chest (oh, gods, were her insufferable circumstances really that easy to pick up on?)
"This is your mother?" The doctor said slowly, wheeling herself a bit closer. Her eyeshadow was purple-pink, which for some reason made Kagura want to like her. "Your chart said you're from a single-parent household - "
"They just got married," the child chirped, squeezing her frog toy with one arm while reaching the other out to Kagura. Stiffly, as though she and this stranger had choreographed this, she walked over and took the human's hand. "It was love at first sight."
"Rin," the dog demon hissed. It should have been fearsome, and yet the little girl brushed the admonishment off like it was an errant fly. Kagura couldn't help but be impressed.
"I'm glad you're here, Mama." Rin, as she must have been called, tucked her face against Kagura's arm, squeezing her uninjured hand. Had any human ever gotten this close to her willingly? "Papa says after my test is done, we can get ramen before we go home."
Papa? Kagura glanced over at the dog demon, who was looking at her with a mixture of bemusement and suspicion.
However, he simply said, "Yes." And when the doctor looked up from her chart, his expression smoothed into something more neutral.
He didn't seem keen to point out his daughter(?) was lying. Was this actually happening - they were willing to let her hide out in here, pretend to be part of this family until it was safe for her to leave? Just like that?
Dizziness set upon her, and she leaned heavily against the exam table. She'd never had much of a reason to be hopeful, before.
But with the little girl now shoving the frog toy into her lap, and the dog demon's aura cocooning her own through sheer proximity, Kagura wondered if her crazy problems demanded an even crazier solution.
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heynikkiyousofine · 2 years
been struggling with finding any inspiration this week to write, but this little soulmate one shot came to me in a dream, haha. now, i can get back to writing smut, muhahaha. enjoy lovelies!💕
“Ah, it seems Lord Kouga and his mate, Lady Ayame, have invited us to the Summer Solstice Festival this year to welcome their first litter of cubs.” Lady Izayoi hummed, flitting through the stack of letters as Prince Inuyasha rolled his eyes. Their home always stinks. Maybe I can come up with some kind of excuse to not go.
“Son, do not roll your eyes at your mother.” Lord Toga pursed his lips without ever looking up, continuing to write out responses to the never ending letters and proposals from various kingdoms. How did he..? “And you are coming, no excuses.”
Sighing, he crossed his arms and slid father down his seat, catching his brother’s smirk. Bastard.
“Inuyasha, maybe this time you will finally get to discuss things with Lord Koga.” Inuyasha wanted to swipe the knowing grin off his face, but clenched his jaw instead. The last time he brawled with his older brother, the asshole almost put a gaping hole in his gut.
“Sesshomaru, stop teasing your brother. You will be attending as well and I expect you both to be on your best behavior.” Toga looked up, giving both of them a stern look that said “If you don’t, I will be the one to punish you.”
“Yes, Father.” They replied in usion. 
“Sesshomaru dear, how is Kagura?” Izayoi smiled, her tactic of changing the subject relieving to him. Inuyasha glanced down at the small stack of invitations in front of him, the idea of reading each one exhausting and tedious. It was debut season and while he himself had been announced years ago, many courts were reaching out with their own invitations and secretly hoping he would choose their princess as a bride.
“She is doing fine, resting as much as possible. I expect her to give birth in two month’s time.”
Inuyasha tuned out their conversation, gazing out the window. It was nearly sundown and Miroku and Sango should be back soon, after visiting her family for the day. His cousin had managed to find his soulmate pretty early on and even though Sango was hesitant at first, Miroku never strayed. The monk’s still a flirt, but he’s loyal to her.
Hell, his parents and even his brother and sister-in-law were soulmates. While it was a little different for demons, they had mates. Someone they could bind their life span to, a bond that couldn’t be ignored. He had even heard of mates sharing emotions and similar thoughts, that’s how strong the bond was.
He sighed, his heart aching for his own as he leaned on his arm rest, propping his chin up with his fist. Being a prince was great and all, his father encouraged him to learn about more than just the typical Lordly duties, and that he even declared Inuyasha could marry whomever he wanted, title or no title. Even with all of that, he was still the only one around that didn’t seem to have a soulmate. Maybe it was because he was a hanyou, he didn’t know. All he did know was that it was lonely sometimes.
A flash of dark hair, followed by the softest of giggles, appeared in his mind. Straightening, he looked around, his brows furrowed in confusion. 
“Inuyasha, is everything alright?” Toga glanced his way, sealing a letter with the royal wax seal. Shaking his head, Inuyasha muttered he was fine, wondering just who that was.
Three days passed and Inuyasha was still confused about the woman popping up in his thoughts at the most inconvenient times. First, it was her hair and laughter, then he swore he could smell her, the faintest scent of wildflowers fluttering across his senses. A brief glimpse of pouty lips or a cute button nose. Sometimes it would be a whisper of his name, causing him to shiver. It wasn’t until he saw her chestnut gaze while he was eating dinner with his family that he knew something was going on.
“Mother, can you tell me again how you knew Father was your soulmate?” He prompted, taking a bite of the garlic chicken.
“I’ve told you that story about a dozen times and you still don’t remember?” Izayoi giggled as Toga patted her hand, proudly smiling.
“Can you tell me once more?” He asked once more, earning looks from everyone.
“I would love to hear it as well, Aunt Izayoi.” Miroku added and Rin agreed, her little smiling dazzling.
“Of course dears, let me start at the beginning. I was enjoying a lovely afternoon in my garden at my Father’s palace. You all know my dear husband was traveling back and forth between Lady Kimi’s home and our own, discussing matters about Sesshomaru when that very afternoon, I found myself staring into the koi pond with the brightest of golden eyes staring right back at me. I thought I was dreaming!” She laughed, Kagura and Toga smiling at her. “It took me a minute to realize that I wasn’t staring at my own, but his. That was the first time I knew my heart belonged to someone else’s.”
“Now, the thing is, human’s eyes rarely have any strange color, so I knew this man wasn’t human, but I didn’t care. From that day on, I searched everywhere I went for golden eyes. After about a week, I saw flashes of silver as I looked in my reflection, but I never stopped searching.” She continued on, “I found out later, I usually saw images of him whenever he was close, as he would fly over my home whenever he was traveling.”
“I also saw flashes of her in my mind as well, but it took me a little longer to put two and two together.” Toga chuckled, intertwining his hand in hers. “After a few months of traveling and getting Sesshomaru situated, my youkai would call out to her and it was then, I knew she lived in the village. The very next day, I introduced myself to her father, your grandfather, and he almost had a heart attack. He certainly didn’t expect for me, a Lord, to just show up unexpectedly.”
“You had the whole castle in an up heap. Servants were running around, trying to make sure the place was perfect for you.” Izayoi shooked her head, her childlike laughter filling the dining room. “When my father introduced me and I stepped into the throne room, it was as if nothing else mattered. I felt myself being pulled towards you and the moment I looked into your eyes, I knew you were the one for me.”
“And you are my heart, tsuma.” Toga smiled, leaning down to give her a small peck on the cheek. “Son, why do you ask?” Here goes nothing. Taking a shuddering breath, Inuyasha met his brother’s gaze and when Sesshomaru nodded, he spoke.
“I think I’m beginning to see my soulmate.”
“Seriously?” Kagura and Sango asked at the same time, Inuyasha nodding silently.
“Oh my!” Izayoi gasped, while Miroku grinned. Sesshomaru even smirked a little, but Inuyasha knew it was his way of showing his affection.
“This is something to celebrate.” Toga announced, holding up a cup of wine in congratulations. “Do you know who she is?”
“If he did, I think he would know, dear.” Izayoi smiled, patting his arm.
“I don’t. I keep seeing flashes, not like in the mirror like you did and my demon keeps urging me to find her, but I wouldn’t even know where to look. It’s always at the most inconvenient time too.” He sighed, shaking his head sadly.
“It may not be a distance thing as theirs was, but you could have a stronger connection to feelings. I can always feel his emotions, even if he resembles the ice king.” Kagura pointed to her husband, smirking. She isn’t wrong.
“Or, it could be a physical touch thing. I wasn’t even sure Sango was the one until I held her hand.” Miroku chimed in, earning an eye roll from his wife. Lecher.
“Just don’t go around groping every woman’s behind who looks like her.” Sango glared and he had to shake the shiver threatening to crawl up his spine. She was strong enough to take him down on one of his good days.
“So what do I do now?” Inuyasha groaned after a thoughtful moment, his mind filled with way too much information for his liking.
“It will happen when it’s supposed to happen. Don’t try to force it, darling.” Izayoi smiled sadly, everyone nodding along. 
Inuyasha let out a deep breath, one he didn’t realize he was holding and looking down at the half eaten plate of food. I hope it happens soon.
The days passed in a blur, more images filling his mind. At night, whenever the moon was high in the sky, he found himself watching it with a new mindset, more than once the idea of running through the meadow underneath the stars filling his thoughts. As he and his family were preparing for their visit to Wolf Clan, a new image flashed across his mind, making him pause in his packing.
Looking out towards the courtyard, he could’ve sworn he saw a pair of blue eyes staring back at him from the reflection in the mirror. I thought she had brown eyes? Shaking his head, he wanted to scream and call out for her, his demon growling when her image disappeared.
Groaning in frustration, Inuyasha sank to his bed and laid his head in his hands. Why doesn’t she just appear in front of me? Am I seeing the wrong person or maybe she’s dead and reincarnated. I have this incredible urge to reach and protect her, but how am I supposed to do that if I have no idea who or where she is? Snarling, he swiped his claws across his pillows and grimaced at the torn fabric. Great, now Mother will scold me for ruining another pillow.
Sighing, he closed his eyes, willing her to appear and shook his head as he was met with darkness. I better get finished, we should be leaving soon.
After loading up the carriages, he found himself with Miroku and Sango and his Father, while Sesshomaru, Rin, Kagura and Izayoi followed behind in the second one. Kagura was growing bigger by the day and she wanted his mother and her husband with her as much as possible. He wasn’t surprised by her fear that something would happen, this being her first child and all.
“How are you doing?” Sango asked him softly, breaking him out of his thoughts.
“I’m alright, You good over there? Monk can’t be too comfortable on your shoulder.” He snickered as they hit a bump, a small frown of discomfort appearing on her face.
“He does better when he sleeps along the way.” She shrugged lightly. “Are you still seeing her?” He knew exactly what she was talking about and he nodded, feeling tired. It seems I can feel her now too. That has to mean I’m closer to finding her.
“I have faith, son. She’s probably just as eager to meet you as well.” Toga patted his shoulder and he nodded.
“There is something though. I thought she had brown eyes, but this morning I saw blue eyes. How am I supposed to find her if her eyes change colors?”
“Maybe she can change forms, like a kitsune. She could be a demon or a witch that can change how she appears.” Sango suggested, smiling sheepishly.
“Well that doesn’t help me one fucking bit.” Inuyasha grumbled.
“You know your mother doesn’t like that word. But Sango’s right. You don’t know if she is human or demon or anything in between and that won’t matter because you will know when you see her.”
“I just wished it didn’t have to take so long.” He crossed his arms and went back to staring out the window.
“Don’t we all?” Toga chuckled.
The hours passed by as the sun was just beginning to set, the royal family were nearing the Wolf Clan and their kingdom. Taking a whiff, Inuyasha tried and failed to hide disgust on his face at the stench, but whipped his head up when the faintest of wildflowers flitted across his nose.
Popping his head out the window, he saw a large group of villagers and what looked like a market. Sighing, he thought it was too good to be true and his nose was playing tricks on him again when his Father announced that they would be stopping to stretch and allow the horse a break. 
Stepping out of the carriage, Inuyasha found himself looking around, nodding at the gaping villagers. This is the part I hate most about traveling. We are normal people like everyone else.
“Son, I think I smell some delicious food. Care to join me?” Toga asked, joining him at his side. “Kagura is craving some sort of spicy food and as much as I can’t stand the thought of burning my tongue, I told her we would search out something for her.”
Chuckling at his sister’s demand, Inuyasha nodded and together, they walked into the crowd. Frowning, he felt this pull towards a large booth serving some type of stew with noodles. Glancing at his father, he pointed his chin in that direction, his mouth beginning to water. What type of food is that? It smells fucking divine.
Arriving at the stall, he met an older woman with dark hair and one gray stripe appearing above her ear. She had kind brown eyes and a soft smile, reminding him of his mother.
“Hello, would you like a bowl of ramen?” She asked brightly.
“What’s ramen?” He asked.
“Here, why don’t you try some and if you like it, you can take a bowl with you.” She laughed, dishing out two small spoonfuls. Looking over at his father, who looked absolutely delighted as slurped down the ramen.
Raising the bowl to his lips, Inuyasha was surprised by how much he loved it. Grinning wide, he gulped down the remaining amount and together, they held out their bowls for more.
She laughed and he tilted his head, the sound familiar. There’s no way this woman is my soulmate. Looking at her eyes, he saw bright brown, but sighed when they didn’t match the beautiful brown he saw in his mind. 
“Actually, would you mind if we took some back to our carriage? My daughter in law is carrying and I think this would be perfect for her.”
“Of course, I’ll dish some up for you and your children. How many bowls would you like?”
“I’ll pay for every pot you have!” Toga held out a small bag, the golden coins jiggling around. “Is this a family recipe?”
“Yes! My daughter Kagome makes this as often as possible, starting from scratch almost every week for market day. Speaking of, Kagome dear! Come out, there is another gentleman who would like to compliment your cooking.”
A joyful, proud feeling washed over him and he looked around, hoping he could see if his soulmate was near. It certainly felt as if she was near, her soft giggle echoing in his ears. The triangles twitched and flattened against his head when he didn’t spot her, straightening his back to introduce himself when the woman’s daughter stepped out from behind a curtain.
“This is my daughter Kagome.” The woman smiled, bringing her forward and Inuyasha breathed in the wildflower scent surrounding him. She has to be close, I can practically taste her.
“Hello, Kagome. My name is Toga and this is my son, Inuyasha.” Toga chuckled and stepped back. Frowning at his father’s odd behavior, Inuyasha turned to introduce himself, and he froze, his demon roaring at everything clicked. There, standing in front of him, stood his soulmate, with long dark hair in beautiful waves down her back, pouty lips, a freckled nose and the most striking pair of eyes he had ever seen. Blinking rapidly, he realized one was brown and one was blue, his world falling into place as her name was whispered into his soul. 
taglist below the cut:
@enchantedink-ag @yukinon-writes @sailorbabydoll92 @loveinu40 @knittingknots @dawnrider @moonandwind @lavendertwilight89 @malditamigs @coyfoxmama @hazelhalfpint @sailorlolo @liz8080 @eriimoonsstuff @gottalottasocks @swaggingtomboy @kalcia @splendentgoddess @wheremydreamsliethereyoullfindme  @kawaiichan67 @mandirox89  @banksdelivers  @keichanz  @sorayastrife @abominablesnowpickle @joaniemae @sheremylunadandelion90 @babeewiththepowerr @misteria247 @that-one-nerdy-gal @adorabubblesblog @snowleopard302 @mybloodstream-caffeine @cazzy96 @briartss @hny-moroha @xcaeli @imextraordinarilyordinary @prettybaby89 @grapefruitwannabe @mustardyellowsunshine @clearwillow @coquinespike @mamabearcat @lostinfantasyworlds @inuyashaeienni @chit-a-to @ashleythegothgirl666 @serial-doubters-club  @shinidamachu
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shade-without-color · 3 years
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Come and take a lesson in this little baking adventure [Read it on A03]
(Banner Picture from Markus Spiske)
Well for @inusecretsanta , I am honoured to be @neutronstarchild​ secret santa for this special season. Hoping you have a safe and well holiday season Neutron and thank you for inspiring me💖
I also got a specially commissioned work from @sweepingtree​ for you on your OTP 💖
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rubyblue143 · 3 years
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saphira404 · 2 years
The Epilogue of THE MOST PERFECT LEGACY is finally available now. (long overdue conclusion to Sess/Kagura week 2021 prompt fic)
Babies were adorable, but they were quite exhausting. They cried when hungry. They cried when tired. They even cried when bored. Having two of them proved to be quite a logistical challenge even with three youkai to look after them. Kagura had never been a fan of Jaken, but she could admit that it was quite useful to have him around in these trying times. He was always eager to help change sodden bottoms, soothe crying babies or give baths. She was sure that if he had been able to, the toad would have been glad to breastfeed his beloved Sesshoumaru-sama’s babies.
He was annoying, but these days she tried to be nicer to him as he did come in handy. It was because of his solicitude that the wind sorceress had managed to plot her little plan for a special evening after all. Sesshoumaru had left a few days ago. This proved to be an opportunity for his lover to seize. He had told her he would be back by nightfall today, so this had afforded her enough time to make her plans. She had seduced Sesshoumaru before, and she knew she could do it again…
Final chapter available on AO3 and Fanfiction.net !
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stillunderyourbed · 3 years
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testing for a new proj ~
i like my usual style but i get a diff vibe from these two, so i’m adjusting it as such 👀
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Sesshomaru stared at the couple from the border of the village where they and his ward lived. Grief and pain permeated the air around them as they faked smiles at the villagers passing by. They were on their way to the shrine in the forest by the old bone eater's well.
It had been 6 months since their child was stillborn.
The fetus would have been too premature to be saved by tensaiga. However, Sesshomaru would never know for sure. When Jaken told him the news, it had been 2 days. Well past the chance of revival.
Yet, tensaiga shook in agony.
He came the same day, and he almost wish he hadn't. Inuyasha pleaded for him to save their son's life. He even attacked when he found out it was impossible.
Sesshomaru only allowed such insolence was because of his younger brothers pain. Not because a burning sense of regret for not being there earlier. A feeling he wished he never felt again.
Visiting Rin has been uncomfortable ever since.
She will often meet him in the edge of the town, opposite that of bone eater's well.
He sits under the same tree, and she rambles on about her daily life. Her Miko training is doing well under Kaede, and had successfully healed a burn victim. She had also mastered the loom in record time. There was a lot of talk about Kohaku. A hint of a blush forming on her ears as she talks about him, they had been spending more time together when he finishes demon training.
Like a small snowball tumbling into an avalanche, he was hit with the realization of how much she had grown. The little girl he saved was no more. Here stood a teenager, with a promising future ahead of her.
"They're going to try again soon, when Kagome is ready." Rin says, following his line of sight.
He lifts an eyebrow up, somewhat surprised that they'd try again so soon.
"You know, I'm surprised you don't have any kids of your own." Rin said nonchalantly, as if she hadn't been playing this conversation with him for a long time.
"Ridiculous." He scoffed. There was no woman he'd consider bearing his child.
"I don't think so. You were a good father figure to me." Rin had a small smile as she remembered. "There's just something magical about seeing something for the first time through a child's eyes. I wish I got to see the world from Yatoru's eyes."
Inuyasha and his unborn son came to Sesshomaru's mind, and he wasn't sure if the pain he felt was from tensaiga, or from within. It was a deep throbbing sensation in his chest, one that had subsided as time passed. It was accompanied by visions of his failures. The army he led to an early demise, his brother begging at his feet, and a pained smile dissolving into the wind.
"What is the point of having something to protect if it is all temporary?" He asked back with a hint of cynanism.
A large grin spread across from ear to ear. "Memories aren't temporary, you have them forever."
He ponders her words carefully. Thinking of how after she, his brother and Kagome, Kohaku, and even Jaken are all dead, he will remain. The sole survivor to carry their memories. He didn't have to be alone, if he wanted.
"Who would sire my offspring?" He asks in a joking matter, a rare and exclusive side of his personality. "Kaede?"
Rin burst out laughing, but reigns it in knowing not to push it too far.
Rin answered with laughter sitting warmly on her throat. "I thought your mother would pick someone for you."
Sesshomaru scoffed at the ridiculousness of the suggestion.
"My mother has no say in such affairs. She'd pick a spineless bore of a debutante to marry." He rolled his eyes at the thought of his potential wife's voice.
"Then I'd pick someone who is not those things. Someone who is brave and exciting." Rin said confidently, not knowing how difficult a task she was asking. "Someone who brings life."
"Someone brave and exciting huh?" A small smile graced his lips as she changed subjects to her studies with Kaede.
But the thought stuck with him long after he said farewell to Rin. Visions of a pained smile became more clear. Red lips, wavy hair pulled back, and fire red eyes. She was braver than any soldier. There wasn't anything she wouldn't do for her freedom, and there was no one she was afraid of. Others would have been slain on the spot for their inncolence. Kagura was different.
Kagura was exciting and brave, beautiful and dangerous.
She slipped from his fingers because of his failings.
If only he could do it over again... How would it turn out?
Sorry I wrote this like this... But I just can't help trying to break hearts...
Your friend,
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This is beautiful 🥺 Thank you anon!
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julyzaa · 3 years
Sesshomaru contemplates his family when his younger daughters are born
That word had taunted him when he came to find out his father had taken a human wife and expected him not to marry his husband because of what people would think. It had tormented him when he found out his half-breed brother ---whose mother and uncle had caused him pains so great he came to abhor humans--- had been given Tessaiga and he, Sesshōmaru the heir, a cast-off sword for healing.
But now family had taken a different meaning.
Sure, he would never get along with his half-brother, but he no longer hated humans as his eldest daughter had taught him that not all of them are cruel idiotic creatures. He, Sesshōmaru, had a wife, three daughters, and five grandchildren at the age his father decided to court the proud and beautiful heiress of the West.
His first child had been a little girl who saved him from a life as a bitter and miserable demon. His little girl, Rin, was now forty and a mother herself, therefore he was the grandfather to her twins and three younger children. Sesshōmaru, Kaede, Kikyo, Jaken and Kagura.
Sesshōmaru and Kaede, she and Kohaku had named their twins. Once he would have scoffed at the stupidity of giving someone a name to honor his. He would have scoffed, but when Kagome gave him the tiny baby with his name, he found he no longer had the cruelty to do so.
Now he beheld tiny Sesshōmaru with awe that the tiny baby had mastered Tenseiga by the age of fifteen. Kaede, much like her namesake, was a healer, but unlike her namesake young Kaede was the first and only love of a young prince intent on marrying her once they both became of age. Quiet and reserved in a way Rin had never been at her age. She was thus far, the apple of her great-grandmother’s eye and his favorite grandchild.
Kikyo was the image of Rin at her age and wanted nothing more than to be a demon slayer like her parents, Jaken at the tender age of seven had decided he would be a monk and Kagura at the age of three had been born with purification powers strong enough to purify small fry demons.
At the tender age of twenty ---five hundred and twenty in human years--- and with two newborn girls, Sesshōmaru was the proud grandfather of Rin and Kohaku’s five children.
“Children, meet your aunts.” Kagura looked radiant when his, no, their grandchildren came to meet their three week old aunts, Towa and Setsuna.
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You guys think I should redesign Setsuna for my YH Rewrite AU? I'm thinking that I wouldn't mind rewriting her in if I ever get the chance to actually write the story, so I've been seriously debating changing her design, like getting rid of the red streak in her hair and maybe replacing it with a white streak? Or just leaving it brown? I'm also wondering if I should give her pointy ears to make her actually look like she has demon blood. Stuff like that.
I'm just thinking that a lot of parts of her design don't make any sense, like the red streak, and I kind of just want to experiment for what I'd make her look like in my YH AU.
Also, yes, Kagura could be the mom because even w/o a redesign, Setsuna looks like a Sesskagu kid, but I'm unsure what role Kagura would even play in my rewrite, so I'm not clear on how I'd even address that in the story. I I'm kind of thinking I'd leave it ambiguous. (But Rin is not the mom, but the Big Sister)
Idk, what do y'all think?
And no, I am not redesigning Towa because I don't plan on rewriting her in. Setsuna is an only child in my version.
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kiwi--witch · 3 years
Day Two: Green - Apart
Sesshoumaru had never been dependent on anyone. 
Not his father. Not even his mother, because once he’d grown enough to walk and talk on his own he knew he cared little for being nitpicked and watched. He valued his freedom, and he valued having nothing of value. With nothing to hold him back and no one to made demands of him, he could do as he pleased. 
Of course, things didn’t always go as he’d planned. The last few years he’d gained quite a few things―and even he would reluctantly admit―that he cared for. Not the last of which being the young human girl that tramped along beside him, babbling about something that had happened to her yesterday involving some other young girl in the village. He hadn’t been listening to the start of her story, too busy looking―
“She ain’t here.”
He stopped. Rin almost kept walking, but she backed up so that she was even with him again.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he said, turning to where Inuyasha was watching him. His brother had a stack of logs strewn over one shoulder and a scowl on his face to match his course language.
“Then stop sniffin’ around like you’re lost.” 
Even if he’d had a rebuttal to that―one that wasn’t poisoned claws to the gut―he just watched Inuyasha walk away.
“Were you looking for Kagura-sama?”
Rin was staring up at him expectantly, but Jaken squawked out a denial before he himself could. She followed along beside him when he started walking again, laughing softly, but he didn’t ask what she thought was funny because he was stuck on his brother’s point.
He was not looking for Kagura. He’d merely expected her to be there, because she always was. So he wasn’t looking for her. He was simply unnerved by the lack of her.
He’d gotten used to her jabs, the insults that had gotten less and less potent as the months had passed. He’d even gotten used to the threats, which had grown bolder the more comfortable she’d grown around him, unfulfilled as they were, he found himself anticipating the day when she attempted to make good on them. And he’d grown very, very used to the warmth of her thighs wrapped around his hips― 
He caught Inuyasha’s eyes flicking back to stare at him, as if he knew his thoughts, but Sesshoumaru didn’t know the meaning of shame, and refused to look guilty. His brother rolled his eyes and kept walking.
Rin was happy enough to host him on her own for the day, doing what she’d done for years before Kagura had returned and become a part of their routine: she paraded him through the streets, taking long detours to ensure that all the village people caught a glimpse of her youkai guardian―not that he minded, but he was aware that her flaunting of him had grown to new extremes in recent years―she brought him to see Kohaku, who was working with his sister to make tools from whatever youkai they’d recently slain; she walked him past Kaede and the miko who were laying out herbs to dry; called out to the fox kit who was practicing his juvenile tricks on some passing merchant; and she even tried to steer him in the direction of some of the children her own age, but they had run off to hide before Rin had even gotten within shouting distance, too scared of the youkai that she roped along behind her.
It wasn’t an uneventful day, they returned to the old woman’s hut for Rin to eat her dinner and offer him tea as a good host should, she regalled him with tales of her lessons from the slayer and her exploits with the fox kit until the sun had set and she was nearly falling asleep against his knee, yawning widely as she affirmed that she wasn’t tired.
As content as he was, he knew he could not stay, so he told her he would return soon and bade her a good night, despite her objections. 
He wandered through the village as the humans readied themselves for bed, some finishing up their dinner and others still sitting out with friends, bottles in their hands as they laughed and joked.
An idyllic scene, and yet he felt uneasy― 
She should have been back by now.
He told himself that it was of no concern, Kagura could care for herself, and yet her absence as the night cooled had begun to gnaw at him. It had become a routine, that was all, that she would be there, a smile on her face and a barb on her tongue when he arrived.
But she hadn’t been, and Sesshoumaru felt oddly bereft.
He felt no remorse at leaving Jaken behind when he took to the sky, searching out her scent and hastening his flight when he caught it...
He found her lounging on a hill, several miles from the village, surrounded by fireflies. Their light painting her with flashes of soft golden light, it illuminated the deep forest green of her kosode―he’d given her that one, he remembered as he landed.
His boots crunched in the grass as he landed none too gracefully, loud enough to alert her to his presence, though she seemed less than surprised. She pulled herself up into a seat languidly, as if she had no care in the world what sort of creature had just come upon her. That should have bothered him, but when she turned her head and met his stare with her own he didn’t care at all. 
“Well, ain’t this a surprise,” she called, a grin spreading across her cheeks. “Come for a visit?”
It should have bothered him more that this felt like coming home. 
She stood up at his approach, that smile still plastered to her cheeks, illuminated by the sudden flash of a firefly― 
“You weren’t in the village.”
Kagura chuckled and stood her ground when he didn’t slow. “You didn’t miss me, did you?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he muttered as he reached out for her, pulling her in close and pressing his nose into her hair.
Kagura tucked herself into the space beneath his chin, wormed herself against his chest. Her voice tickled his throat when she spoke. “Maybe one day maybe I’ll convince you to take me with you when you go.”  
He inhaled her scent, he knew that he would let her.
Also available at: FanFiction.Net // Archive of Our Own
Tagged: @sesskaguweek @sweepingtree @ukyou-kuonji @kagu-rin @pataytayo (If you’d like to be included please let me know!)
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savethelastdan · 1 month
“Heal my demons/make it dirty on principle/kill my prison, tip my demons/‘cause I know they’re unquenchable” from One in A Million by Dance Gavin Dance (writer’s choice for ship)
Lines, faded so pale pink that only someone looking very close would see them, twine around her wrists. Remnants of the chains in Naraku’s castle. Their presence is as heavy as the real thing.
Layers of clothing hide a collection of poorly-healed battle wounds that neither time nor demonic blood could erase. They burn with the reminder of her original purpose: Soldier. Shield. Slave. 
Worst of all is the spider that still mars the whole of her back. Rough, ugly, and wind-worn. Though she can't see it herself, knowing it's there (like a stamp, a brand) makes her want to claw her body to ribbons. 
Kagura’s scars feel like a curse.
The wind god finally allows her to resurrect, and it is a disappointment that her body remains unhealed.
Jaken complains about the time she spends melting away in hot springs, unaware how many minutes are dedicated to scrubbing her skin raw. Her displeasure is not out of a sense of vanity; rather the constant reminder the marks make, of the being that put them there. 
I will be free, Kagura spits at her tormentor's back for the hundredth time. Echos of a thousand demonic cries shudder through the castle walls. 
Naraku doesn't even spare a look back towards her as he retorts, You don't even have a reason to exist without me.
Now she has a life of her own. But with how the vessel containing her spirit looks, who would know?  If she could live with a hollowed out place in my chest, then a few layers of skin off the back won’t matter…
The sky grows dark, indicating she's taken far too long. So Kagura grits her teeth and ties her kimonos loosely around sore, stinging shoulder-blades. The spider mark burns; perhaps Naraku is using it to send her a message from Hell. 
That night, curled up together in a cave somewhere, Sesshomaru watches the ginger way she moves about. Predictably, he doesn't actually say anything. But Kagura picks a fight anyway, just to distract herself from what he could be thinking. 
Pity would be bad enough, and isn't something she wants anyway. Confusion is more likely; Sesshomaru often finds her feelings and behaviors a mystery. 
As for compassion - Jaken claims the daiyokai has developed some, in the time between Kagura's death and rebirth. But as the source is less than reputable, she won't hold her breath for that. 
Over the years, her body gains other scars. But it's different this time.  
It's not hard for someone with Kagura's taste for fun to meet with trouble - how fascinating, that violence seems to be a constant partner of good entertainment! So she collects a few more battle wounds. It takes days for her demonic energy to fade them into a white or pink interruption of skin. But in this life, Kagura is not shut up in a corner of the castle to wonder at the consequences of resting for too long. Instead, Sesshomaru sits by her side with little comment, other than a dry reprimand for her lack of sense. And nothing happens to her heart.
Well, nothing bad, anyway. 
A year after her resurrection, they kiss for the first time, and his fangs catch her lip. It's sharp enough to leave a divot that she runs her tongue over at night. Not with fear, but excitement. And the next time their lips meet, she tries her best to give him a matching one.  
Her body stretches as she eats and drinks and laughs more often; in the hot spring, she counts blue stripes along her hips and thighs and delights in how they look like sunlight rippling across wind-touched water. It leaves much less time to try to wash away a dreadful past. 
Jaken mentions it off-handedly one night - a demon who makes art out of people's bodies with ink. Kagura interrupts to ask about something she will never remember later, and as with most of their conversations, it quickly devolves into a screaming match. She ends up so focused on chasing the kappa around the room with blades of wind, that Sesshomaru's thoughtful expression completely passes her notice. 
A few days later, he takes her to a grimy seaside village. They stop at a dark stall covered with line-work designs, where he stuffs a genuinely worrying amount of money into her hand. "This should cover anything that you feel is necessary."
To cover her rapidly increasing heartbeat, Kagura punches his arm with a shout - don't treat me like a greedy little mistress you're abandoning in a merchant's square! But even if he didn't have excellent hearing, the warm wind that twines around his shoulders would still make her delight clear. 
The self-proclaimed artist, Yatora, deems the scars on her wrists "not a problem". He is clearly taken aback when she states that is not her concern; when she pulls away the final kimono to display the spider scar that still stains her back, the response is a frustrated sigh.
"Well...I hope you can handle pain." 
Memories rush in, but she is past feeling like she'll drown in them. "Won't be a problem."
In the growing darkness, Kagura flexes her shoulder-blades carefully to test the stretch of the raw, needled skin. She left the mirror somewhere, or else she'd go to look at the finished design again. Even swollen and healing, it makes the air around her sing with pride, to have the spider finally covered. 
Sesshomaru watches her move, eyes half-lidded. After some time, he murmurs, "What was it that convinced Fujin to resurrect you?" 
Kagura twists her head towards the futon; he has never asked her this before. Perhaps because it didn't matter to either of them, so long as she was alive at all. As she considers how to answer, her tongue worries the divot in her bottom lip. 
"I dunno. It was something like - my smile had 'too much beauty in it to be left to a hopeless fate'."  
Sesshomaru frowns. 
"Okay, fine, I made that up. He never said why; don't reckon I'll ever know." 
He shifts closer; the tips of his claws run down the collection of blue lines striping her left hip, and she shivers. 
Clearing her throat, she says, “Whatever it is, I suppose you’re asking because you’re grateful for it?”
Sesshomaru’s eyes gleam in the barest hint of lantern-light that remains. It makes Kagura want to mark him, too. 
So she does. Long lines scratched down his back and the imprint of her mouth against his throat, to start. But unlike the scars crossing her own body, anything that mars Sesshomaru’s skin will fade before the morning sun can arise.
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lo-flo-jen · 4 years
Hey gals and pals,
Would yall be interested in a one shot rewrite of episode 15 of yashahime where Kagura is giving birth and Kaede and Rin are helping as midwives (rin is midwife in training)? 
I think it would be really wholesome and sweet.
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shade-without-color · 2 years
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Come on grab upon something spicy [Read it on Ao3]
Summary: Sesshomaru's work-life seems so dull when all of a sudden- a text of a bare breast caused him many questions.
Indeed many many questions.
Hello everyone! This is my first @inu-spiration piece and working with @nikelaos87 on this super fun Sesskagu piece ✨
It is so fun to do that story despite the challenges of timezone differences 😅 and plus I get to show my chops which is super comedic for me, and a little bit of slice of life which I have been vibing lately.
And yes I did add some Singaporean lingo because I want to add some local flair to make it mine,
"Jia Liat" : it's a super old Uncle AF way of saying oh shit or it is troublesome which I see Hosenki as that grumpy ass grandpa ahaha
Shiok: A way to say delicious.
Lah Jiao: this is a very Singaporean way to say chilli, here I am referring to Sambal chili which is ground chilli with prawn paste which is like so good (despite my spice levels can be questionable)
And here is that gorgeous art by her 😍
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kaguraweek · 4 years
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Kagura Week 2020 has begun!
Even if you're only participating for one day, we look forward to seeing what everyone has in come up with.
Tag your works as #KaguraWeek2020 or @ us to get them featured on this page!
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