#Serena Dibiase
marcogiovenale · 1 year
documentazione di ricercabo 2022: i video delle due giornate di lettura, 3 e 4 dicembre
RicercaBO | Laboratorio di nuove scritture a cura di Renato Barilli, Niva Lorenzini, Gabriele Pedullà con la partecipazione di Cecilia Bello Minciacchi, Marco Giovenale, Mario Ugo Marchetti, Sergio Rotino Sala “Stefano Tassinari”, Bologna 3 dicembre | prima giornata Letture di Gabriele Stera Serena Dibiase Alberto Comparini Valentina Proietti Muzi Francesco Marangi Andrea Accardi Seconda…
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personal-reporter · 1 year
I Fumi della Fornace 2023 a Valle Cascia
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Dintorni. Teorie e pratiche per corpi sonori, è il progetto di Diana Caponi e Giulia Pigliapoco della quinta edizione dei Fumi della Fornace, Festa della poesia, che si terrà dal 24 al 27 agosto a Valle Cascia, in provincia di Macerata. La V edizione dei Fumi della fornace ha come tema portante la voce, su cosa significa mostrarsi in voce? In che maniera la parola ci posiziona in relazione all’altro? Come si desidera attraverso essa, attraverso la violenza che crea? Si può sfuggire a una voce che è essa stessa corpo, evento e riflesso del circostante? A partire da questi interrogativi, il progetto si snoda attraverso riflessioni che indagano la presenza del corpo individuale e collettivo nello spazio, il rapporto tra voce e relazionalità, l’espressione tra il visibile e l’invisibile. Con una programmazione che avrà la presenza di otto ospiti, la rassegna curatoriale Dintorni si propone come un incontro di voci, per esplorare la materia propria e altrui in un rinnovato spazio terreno e lasciare che la voce scenda nello spazio del paese, si snodi al suo interno e riverberi tra le strade e i corpi, per un incontro e scontro tra corpi e terra in una collisione di echi. La struttura dove si terrà l’evento, pensata dell’architetto Lorenzo Malloni per questa edizione, sarà così un polo paesaggistico attorno al quale si articoleranno performances, live set e letture pubbliche che permetteranno alle voci di echeggiare, per poi ricostituirsi nell’incontro con la terra. Seguendo l’insieme di azioni e vibrazioni che tra le vie, il festival invita un nuovo movimento a riabitare il paese con una presenza materica, oltre ad animarlo di un rinnovato fruscio di voci. Gli artisti invitati attivano questa oscillazione operando con diversi linguaggi, ad esempio Cesare Pietroiusti indaga la tattilità della parola, in una conferenza performativa che gioca con la bocca e i suoni. Parini Secondo, duo performativo, reinventa l’esplorazione dello spazio tramite il contesto del gioco, mentre Elena Rivoltini inonda Valle Cascia con un’opera sul tintinnare di voci, richiamo alle temporalità contadine e il nuovo scandire del tempo terreno, mentre Matteo Lucca ripensa la creazione con un corpo nato dal fuoco, frutto di un lavoro collettivo e Gaetano Palermo e Michele Petrosino immaginano la scomposizione della materia attraverso i liquidi, dando vita a nuove forme di un corpo che si scioglie. Infine Kratu (Serena DiBiase), crea intersezioni tra racconto e sonata per una nuova poesia; Gianmaria Borzillo mette in scena una drammaturgia del silenzio e  Paolo Migliazza compone gli spazi del festival con le sue figure d’argilla che si diramano nei luoghi, presenze silenti dallo sguardo indagatore. Read the full article
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Proseguiamo con la quarta giurata del 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐢 𝐝𝐢 𝐩𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚 𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚
Serena Dibiase è autrice, performer e compositrice di Bologna dove si è laureata in lettere e filosofia.
Ha pubblicato raccolte di versi (𝑁𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒 𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑒, Manni ed. '09, 𝐴𝑚𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑎 𝑑𝑒𝑖 𝑣𝑖𝑣𝑖, Pequod '15) e parallelamente, con il nome progettuale S.ee, ricerca nell'ambito della manipolazione dell'oggetto sonoro e linguistico, creando performance live di vocals soundscape ospitate da festival di poesia e nuova drammaturgia.
Suoi testi sono tradotti in inglese, spagnolo, russo.
Gli studi artistici sono stati accompagnati dall’incontro di diverse realtà teatrali con cui ha poi collaborato (Punzo nel carcere della Fortezza di Volterra, Adriatico, Masotti, R. Castellucci, C. Guidi, Teatro Valdoca, Motus, F. Ballico, R. Kijartansson e Silvia Gallerano con cui è attivo un collettivo di ricerca performativa post-femminista).
𝐿𝑎 𝑏𝑎𝑚𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑎 𝑙𝑜 𝑠𝑎 è la sua ultima raccolta, edita per Edizioni La Gru.
L'indagine del progetto S.ee si concentra sul linguaggio sia poetico che sonoro; si è mossa da autodidatta nell’ambito della composizione di scenari elettronici indirizzandosi via via verso un più specifico uso della parola e del corpo/voce. Si affida a software, registratori analogici e campionatori per la costruzione della drammaturgia della performance, ma si affida soprattutto alla voce, che diventa strumento di interazione corale e al tempo stesso anarcoide, disgregato, onomatopeico, puro respiro e battito.
Al momento sta curando la rubrica Letteratura dal mondo per il progetto “Liberi dentro - Eduradio”, una radio nata per rompere l'isolamento del carcere Dozza di Bologna, in onda su Radio Città Fujiko.
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fromtheringapron · 3 years
WWE WrestleMania XXVI
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Date: March 28, 2010.
Location: University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. 
Attendance: 72,219.
Commentary: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Matt Striker. 
1. WWE Unified Tag Team Championship Match: ShoMiz (The Miz and Big Show) (champions) defeated R-Truth and John Morrison 
2. Triple Threat Match: Randy Orton defeated Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr. 
3. Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Jack Swagger defeated Christian, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Kane, Montel Vontavious Porter, Matt Hardy, and Shelton Benjamin. 
4. Triple H defeated Sheamus. 
5. Rey Mysterio defeated CM Punk (with Serena and Luke Gallows).
6. No Holds Barred Lumberjack Match: Bret Hart defeated Vince McMahon. Bruce Hart was the special guest referee.
7. WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match: Chris Jericho (champion) defeated Edge. 
8. Layla, Alicia Fox, Maryse, Michelle McCool, and Vickie Guerrero defeated Kelly Kelly, Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Gail Kim, and Eve Torres. 
9. WWE Championship Match: John Cena defeated Batista (champion) to win the title. 
10. No Disqualification Career vs. Streak Match: The Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels. Per stipulation, Michaels retired.
My Review
WreslteMania XXVI is a difficult show to sum up. It’s a pretty good WrestleMania, but also one that happens to be all over the place in tone and focus. Perhaps its reflective of how indeterminate the future of the WWE felt at the start of the 2010s. The roster was such a mishmash of eras that you’d be forgiven of not having a clue where the hell the company was going. John Cena, Batista, and Randy Orton were at the top of the card after their rise to superstardom in the 2000s, but the spotlight was still shared guys who rose to stardom in the ‘90s like Triple H and The Undertaker. Then there was a new generation of talent—The Miz, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, etc. — bubbling in the undercard who seemed poised to rocket into the top at any moment. But wait! Time was also given to  . . . the 13-year-old feud between Bret Hart and Vince McMahon?!? Suffice to say, with the show splintering off in so many different directions, it’s not surprising it has some misfires.
Let’s start with the good stuff, though. The main event between Undertaker and Shawn Michaels is fantastic and I’m gonna throw it out there that I like it more than their match from the previous year. The stakes feel higher, the suspense level feels higher, and there’s more of a story here than just Shawn needing to beat Taker. He puts his entire career is on the line here, for heaven’s sake! And speaking of his career, like many at the time, I didn’t have a clue this would be Shawn’s last match. Most on-screen wrestling retirements are never legit, so there was plenty of basis to believe this one would be no different. But alas, this one was different, and we get about as good a sendoff as we could’ve gotten for someone who’s been dubbed Mr. WrestleMania.
On another show, the WWE title match between John Cena and Batista would’ve been the main event. Their match here is great fun. It’s actually an end of an era for the two men who were crowned as the leaders of the next generation at WrestleMania five years earlier. Batista would move on to Hollywood shortly after this and, while certainly not his last WWE run, it would mark the end of his career as a full-timer. Interestingly enough, Batista was really coming into his own as a heel at the time of his departure, even winning over fans who previously couldn’t stand him. He would resurrect his heel run in 2014 and 2019, again only for a short spell. A shame we haven’t been able to spend much time with arrogant heel ‘Tista and his impeccable designer fashion, but then I guess that’s what makes it so special.
As for what doesn’t work, I probably don’t need to go into much detail about the Bret/McMahon clash. The basics of the story are solid — Bret gets his long-awaited revenge on McMahon, with his family right by his side. It’s just not super fun to watch in execution, however well-meaning it may be. They match is dragged out much longer than it should and it takes the crowd completely out of it. Another misfire is the Money in the Bank match. This would be the final iteration of the match at WrestleMania before it becomes its own pay-per-view. It’s clear the concept needs some rejuvenation by this point as it’s now a lazy, bloated affair where everyone gets in their allotted number of spots and there are way too many participants. To cap it all off, the ill-advised decision is made to push Jack Swagger into the main event scene, an idea which would run out of gas in a matter of months.
The show seems to have some weird pacing issues as well. In the era of the Network, I’ve grown so accustom to Manias being stretched to the point of exhaustion, so it’s always little odd to go back and watch one that feels like it doesn’t have enough time. It’s almost like it’s struggling to figure out how spread out time across a card so stacked. The tag opener and Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk feel like abridged versions of the matches we would’ve otherwise gotten, while Bret vs. McMahon gets more time than either combined. Even Money in the Bank feels somewhat rushed. I’m definitely not a huge fan of WrestleMania becoming a seven-hour event, and WWE has proven they struggle with time management on longer Manias, but this is one show where it seems an extra hour absolutely would’ve been to its benefit.
At its best, WrestleMania XXVI is a nice sampler plate of eras, even if struggles to give you equal portions for all of them. The multi-generational makeup of the card ensures there’s a little something for everyone and even closes the books on a couple of legendary careers. You’re bound to dislike some it but for better or worse, and this is a cheeseball thing to say, it definitely puts the “showcase” in the Showcase of the Immortals.
My Random Notes
No joke, I really did not think this would be it for HBK and even seriously thought Taker’s streak was in jeopardy. Am I a fool for thinking that? Maybe, but I like that wrestling conned into believing it in a way it hardly ever does anymore.
I feel like the temple entrance set is something that should’ve been more impressive than it is in actuality. They just stacked LED screens on top of each other and just rolled with it. It looks like something from Minecraft.
Ah, this show reinvigorates my fond feelings for Matt Striker. Such a handsome chap! Not surprising at all he would appear on a Bachelor ripoff a whole decade later.
I chuckled at Bruce Hart being the special guest referee for Bret vs. McMahon. You just know he huffed and puffed his way into that one, much to Bret’s annoyance.
I also chuckled at Diana Hart-Smith walking down to the ring with her best “evil, vindictive femme fatale on the cover of a pulp novel” look. God bless her. She needs to write another book.
I know Rey singing Happy Birthday to his daughter is meant to be a heart-warming thing but if I were a kid in the same situation, I would be traumatized. Just think of how uncomfortable it is when a room full of people is signing at you and then think of enduring that in an arena filled with thousands of people. CM Punk did her a huge favor by crashing the moment, as far as I’m concerned.
Not saying anything new here, but the whole Spear thing with Edge is cringe as hell and it’s for the best that it’s been forgotten in the annals of his career.
I know some people like to mock Vickie Guerrero doing Eddie’s frog splash, but I personally thought it was a sweet moment while staying true to comedically heel Vickie.
The official theme song to this Mania is “I Made It” by Kevin Rudolf. A time-period appropriate choice, I must say. I feel like the dawn of the 2010s is the only time a Kevin Rudolf could be a success.
I identify myself as someone who will always be more embarrassed by John Cena haters than Cena himself and I gotta say him posing next to the guys in the front row hating his guts is fucking hilarious. Cena is funny sometimes when he just straight-up trolls.
On the Legacy fallout: The storytelling for this was weird as hell. Am I the only who remembers that one time on Raw where they teased Ted turning face and the crowd was actually kinda into it? Then they completely abandoned it for whatever reason and just had Randy be the breakout face (as if he needed it) and dunk on both Cody and Ted at WrestleMania. I feel like Cody’s AEW origin story more or less began here.
Awwwwe, this show has little baby Drew McIntyre. It’s so interesting watching this with the benefit of hindsight. I remember a lot of people Not Feeling It when he was anointed as the Chose One, and truthfully I wasn’t feeling it at the time either, but watching it back really makes you appreciate how much hard work he put in to get to where he’d be a decade later. A lot of folks were dreading the inevitable Drew world title run in 2010. The title run did happen, but it was much later and much more welcome than anyone back than anyone could’ve imagined.
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chanarie69 · 5 years
THE KIOSK OF DEMOCRACY PRESENTS "Umani sognano leoni elettrici? [testi da 'la bambina lo sa']" Soundscapes By S.ee | Serena Dibiase - Italy THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK ON THE KIOSK https://www.facebook.com/kioskofdemocracy/
S.ee | Serena Dibiase ©
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askauradonprep · 5 years
Wrestling Inspiration
As part of the wrestling AU, @scream-qween and I were talking about the different kids and wrestlers who could have served as inspiration for them. Let’s pretend for a second the WWE exists in this universe. Other wrestler suggestions are welcome, I’m just picking ones I’m familiar with (and I’m relatively new to wrestling - I’ve only watched for two years and only watched WWE).
Note: I am referring to the wrestlers as in their kayfabe personas. Any mention of them here should not be read as an endorsement of anything they may have said or done elsewhere. 
Mal = Paige, Sonya Deville, Mandy Rose, Undertaker, Kane, Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan, Liv Morgan, Jody Threat, Molly McCoy, Maria Manic, Tamina and Nia Jax (as a heel). 
Uma = Kairi Sane, Io Shirai, Becky Lynch, Roman Reigns, Drew McIntyre, Sasha Banks, Creatures of the Deep, Trish Stratus, Jordynne Grace, The Sea Stars, Chyna, Rhea Ripley, Shotzi Blackheart, Lita, Allie, Kofi Kingston, Nia Jax, Beth Phoenix, Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, Bianca Belair, and Ronda Rousey.
Freddie = Undertaker, Kane, Cameron, Carmella, Damian Priestly, Bray Wyatt, Ember Moon, AJ Lee, Paige, New Age Outlaws, Hawlee Cromwell, Elias, Sanity, Su Yung, Nikki Roxx, Aliyah, and Ruby Riott.
Celia = Undertaker, Bray Wyatt, New Age Outlaws, Ember Moon, Tamina, Aleister Black, Sting, Solo Darling, Nikki Roxx, Willow Nightingale, and Vivian St. John
Jay = Baron Corbin, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Miz, Natalya, Seth Rollins, Becky Lynch, Dean Ambrose, Imperium, British Strong Style, Pete Dunne, Goldberg, Ember Moon, Big Show, Jericho, Bret Hart, Bullet Club, Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, Alex Zayne, Roman Reigns, Warhorse, The Rock, and the Undertaker
Evie = Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, Alexa Bliss, Sasha Banks, Cameron, Mandy Rose, Naomi (especially as a face), Scarlette Bordeaux, Velveteen Dream, Laynie Luck, Breezango, Kylie Rae, and Bayley (especially at the height of her ‘hugger’ days), Charlotte Flair and Ric Flair.
Carlos = Carmella, R-Truth, the Usos, New Day, Shield (as faces), Mark Henry, Big Show, Heath Slater, Undisputed Era, Jordynne Grace, Alex Ohlson, IFHY, Lana, Marko and Logan Stunt, No Way Jose, Lucha House Party, Xyberhawx 2000, and Naomi.
Harry = Nikki Cross, Drew McIntyre, Aleister Black, AJ Lee, Bray Wyatt, Kane, Kairi Sane, Shayna Baszler, Space Pirates, Becky Lynch, Jon Moxley, Jordynne Grace, The Sea Stars, Creatures of the Deep, Damian Priestly, Ember Moon, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, Mick Moretti, The Carnies, Undertaker, and Finn Balor (as the demon).
Gil = Brock Lesnar, Braun Strowman, Bobby Lashley, Randy Orton, Drew McIntyre, New Day, Heavy Machinery, Space Pirates, the Viking Raiders, Oleg the Usurper, Creatures of the Deep, Warhorse, Mark Henry, Kane, Big Show, and Kairi Sane.
Ben = John Cena, Kurt Angle, Bruno Sanmartino, Bret Hart, Finn Balor, Diamond Dallas Page, Bayley, Naomi, Natalya, Boomer Hatfield, Levi Everett, Dynamite Dino Dude, and Roman Reigns (especially after he came back from leukaemia).
Chad = Baron Corbin, Randy Orton, Carmella (as a heel), the Miz (as a heel), the Shield (as heels), Kane, Sasha Banks (as a heel), Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Vince McMahon, Darin Corbin, GPA, Breezango, and the Usos. 
Lonnie = Asuka’s NXT heel run, Xia Li, Becky Lynch (especially as ‘the Man’), Sonya Deville, Gail Kim, Bianca Belair, Minerva, Velveteen Dream, Johnny Gargano, Jason Jordan, The Bar, Titus O’Neil Rhea Ripley, Shayna Baszler, Tamina, Lacey Lane, Mia Yim, and Natalya. 
Jane = Bayley, Asuka (as a face), Candice LeRae, Dakota Kai, Bobby Roode, Sara Del Ray, Summer Rae, Willow Nightingale, Solo Darling, Jordynne Grace, and Charlotte Flair
Audrey = SASHA BANKS, Charlotte Flair, Bianca Belair, the Rock, AJ Lee (as a heel), Alexa Bliss, Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, Mercedes Martinez, Velveteen Dream, Renee Michelle, Roman Reigns, Princess Kimberlee, Mickie James, Lacey Evans and Tamina.
Jordan = Sasha Banks, Carmella, R-Truth, Cameron, Miz, Maryse, Nikki Bella, Nia Jax, Becky Lynch, Natalya, CM Punk, Roddy Piper, Tegan Nox, Santana Garrett, Kacy Catanzaro, D-Generation-X, Molly Holly, LuFisto, Lacey Lane, Ronda Rousey.
Ally = Harley Wonderland, Nikki Cross, Allison Wonderland, Alexa Bliss, Maria Kanellis, Rhea Ripley, Lita, Elias, Heavy Machinery, EFFY, AJ Lee, Bayley, and Lacey Evans, Nina Samuels, Jinny.
CJ = Kairi Sane and Io Shirai are all she cares about.
Aziz = Ricochet, Ali, AJ Styles (as a face), B-Team, Bayley, Dolph Ziggler, Jinder Mahal, Finn Balor, Kurt Angle, Dana Brooke, the New Day, Jordan Devlin, Sonny Daze, Goldust.
Herkie = Shinsuke Nakamura, Rusev, Kevin Owens, Brock Lesnar, Mark Henry, Samoa Joe, Bobby Lashley, Becky Lynch, Titus O’Neil, Shelton Benjamin, Kurt Angle, Mandy Rose, and Punishment Martinez.
Maddy = AJ Lee, Aksana, Ember Moon, CM Punk, Paige, Emma, Lita, Charlotte Flair, Rosa Mendes, Victoria, The Beautiful People, Ric Flair, The Ascension, Laycool, and Alexa Bliss, Jinny, Reina Gonzalez.
Ginny = Alexa Bliss, Alicia Fox, Candice LeRae, Mandy Rose, Charlotte Flair, Maryse, Zelina Vega, Lana, Randy Savage, Maria Kanellis, Dolph Ziggler, Laycool, The Iiconics, Candy Floss, Carmella.
Harriet = Kairi Sane, Io Shirai, Mia Yim, Shane Saber, Shelly Martinez, Shayna Baszler, Paul and Katie Lea Burchill, Rhea Ripley, Batista, Kay Lee Ray, Jazzy Gabert, Natalya, Becky Lynch, and Toni Storm.
Ruby = Bayley, Bobby Roode, Dolph Ziggler, Naomi, New Day, Candice LeRae, Dakota Kai, Lucha House Party, Rey Mysterio, Bianca Belair, Jericho, No Way Jose, Dana Brooke, Xia Brookside, Carmella and R-Truth, Humberto Carrillo, Jurassic Express, Cain Velasquez, Andrade, Sin Cara, Zelina Vega, Sarah Stock, Catalina Garcia.
Anxelin = Baron Corbin, Alexa Bliss, Carmella, Charlotte Flair, Ember Moon, Sasha Banks, Paige, Eddie Guerrero, Apollo Crews, Cedric Alexander, Dana Brooke, Titus O’Neil, Shelton Benjamin.
Yi-Min = She’s mostly seen Chinese wrestling promotions, so Black Mamba, Ho Ho Lun, King of Man, Ash Silva, Slam, Hangwan, Voodoo, Candy Brother, Dalton Bragg, and Jason New are her inspirations from those promotions. She’s got a few wrestlers whose careers she follows in English though - Xia Li, Karen Q, Lin Byron, Kenny Li, Rocky, and Big Boa.
Arabella = Daniel Bryan, Rowan, Brie Bella, Asuka, Rusev, Lana, Natalya, Alexa Bliss, Braun Strowman, Becky Lynch, Sami Zayn, Sasha Banks, Finn Balor, Apollo Crews, The Miz, Mandy Rose, Goldust, Elias, Bayley, Bobby Roode, Charlotte Flair, Jimmy Uso, Naomi, Shinsuke Nakamura, Big E, Carmella, Ember Moon, Mickie James, Bobby Lashley, Jinder Mahal, Alicia Fox, Kevin Owens, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, R-Truth, and Nia Jax.
Jade = Aliyah, Jayme Hachey, Bianca Belair, Vanessa Borne, Abbey Laith, Ayesha Raymond, Candice LeRae, Dakota Kai, Jazzy Gabert, Kairi Sane, Kavita Devi, Kay Lee Ray, Lacey Evans, Marti Belle, Mercedes Martinez, Mia Yim, Miranda Salinas, Nicole Savoy, Piper Niven, Princesa Sugehit, Rachel Evers, Reina Gonzalez, Renee Michelle, Rhea Ripley, Sage Beckett, Santana Garrett, Sarah Logan, Serena Deeb, Shayna Baszler, Taynara Conti, Tessa Blanchard, Toni Storm, Xia Li, Zeda, Tegan Nox, Barbi Hayden, Deonna Purrazzo, Jessica James, Lei’D Tapa, Nicole Matthews, Alundra Blayze, Lita, Triple H, Corey Graves, Aerial Monroe, Allysin Kay, Ashley Rayne, Hiroyo Matsumoto, Io Shirai, Isla Dawn, Jessica Elaban, Jinny, Kacy Catanzaro, Kaitlyn, Karen Q, Killer Kelly, Lacey Lane, Meiko Satomura, MJ Jenkins, Priscilla Kelly, Vanessa Kraven, Xia Brookside, Zatara, Zeuxis, Beth Pheonix
Zevon = Steve Austin, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Sheamus, Roman Reigns, Shinsuke Nakamura, Asuka, Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins, Drew McIntyre, Charlotte Flair,  Booker T, William Regal, Bad News Barrett, Baron Corbin, Christian, The Miz, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, MVP
Anthony = Steve Austin, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Brock Lesnar, Batista, John Cena, Randy Orton, AJ Styles, The Miz, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Kazuchika Okada, Kenny Omega, Ted DiBiase, Ric Flair, The Rock, William Regal, Prince Devitt, Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, Mustafa Ali, Prince Nana, Prince Puma, Awesome Kong, Mickie James, Michelle McCool, Madison Eagles, Gail Kim, Cheerleader Melissa, Paige, Nikki Bella, Asuka, Ronda Rousey, Becky Lynch, Natalya, Jimmy Jacobs, Aliyah, Alexa Bliss, The Authority, Kairi Sane, Carmella, Toni Storm, Chrissy Rivera, Chelsea Green
Claudine = Michelle McCool, Kurt Angle, Roman Reigns, Rey Mysterio, AJ Styles, Quinn Ojinnaka, Eddie Guerrero, Pat Patterson, Shawn Michaels, Naomi, Nor Diana, Goldberg, Mustafa Ali, Kacy Catanzaro, Ricochet, Candice LeRae, Mandy Rose, Lacey Evans (as a face), Bayley (as a face), Becky Lynch (as The Lasskicker), Dana Brooke, Sami Zayn (as a face).
Diego = Elias, Street Profits, R-Truth, Carmella, Sasha Banks, Bayley, Shawn Michaels, Jericho, Cameron, Naomi, Marty Jannetty, Shayna Baszler, Drake Maverick, The Rockstar, John Cena, Lita, Mickie James, Jeff Jarrett, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Samoa Joe, Lio Rush, Braun Strowman, Rusev, The Rock, Aiden English, Bobby Roode, Hulk Hogan, Lana
Opal = Ricochet, Kota Ibushi, Rey Mysterio, Io Shirai, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Evan Bourne, Owen Hart, Jushin Thunder Liger, Kane, Randy Savage, Scott Steiner, Lita, Christian, Jamie Noble, Matt Hardy, Gail Kim, Daniel Bryan, Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston, Tajiri, Zelina Vega, Ayako Hamada, Aliyah, Naomi, Mio Shirai
Ariana = Lady Apache, La Amapola, Marcela, Lioness Asuka, Dynamite Kansai, Chigusa Nagayo, Dump Matsumoto, Mae Young, Luna Vachon, Leilani Kai, Sarah Stock, Natalya, Cheerleader Melissa, Ayako Hamada, Beth Phoenix, Mariko Yoshida, Gail Kim, Mickie James, Sara Del Rey, Akira Hokuto, Alundra Blayze, Judy Grable, Wendi Richter, Bull Nakano, June Byers, Jaguar Yokota, Chyna, Sherri Martel, Awesome Kong, Lita, Mildred Burke, Aja Kong, Trish Stratus, Manami Toyota, Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, Paige, AJ Lee, Marie LaVerne, Joyce Grable, Ann Casey, Sue Green, Rachel Dubois, Debra, Stephanie McMahon, Victoria, Candice Michelle, MsChif, Sasha Banks, Asuka, Michelle McCool, Madison Eagles, Jazz, Jacqueline, Nikki Bella, Alicia Fox, Ivory, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins
Lil’ Shang = Edge, Christian, Rey Mysterio, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Brett Hart, Jim Neidhart, Undertaker, Kane, Finn Balor, Ho Ho Lun, Big Boa, Rocky, The Rock, Rikishi, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Jinder Mahal, Booker T, Fit Finlay, R-Truth, Trish Stratus, Lita, Victoria, Jazz, Molly Holly, Beth Phoenix, LuFisto, Lance Storm, Road Dogg, Umaga, The New Day, Bianca Belair, Street Profits
Artie = Tyler Bate, Trent Seven, Pete Dunne, Jordan Devlin, Kenny Williams, Ligero, Nick Aldis, Drew McIntyre, Finn Balor, Sheamus, Becky Lynch, Nikki Cross, Paige, James Drake, Bea Priestley, Ayesha Raymond, Zoe Lucas, Tegan Nox, Layla, Lana Austin, Bad News Barrett, Drake Maverick, Isla Dawn, Priscilla Kelly, Joe and Mark Coffey, Finlay, Nadia Sapphire, Eddie Dennis, Mark Andrews, Morgan Webster
Carina = Andre the Giant, Tamina, Lana, Maryse, Taynara Conti, Gisele Shaw, Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, Trish Stratus, Rhea Ripley, Indi Hartwell, Alexa Bliss, Bayley, Liv Morgan, Natalya, Toni Storm, Kay Lee Ray, Nia Jax, Mortar, Tegan Nox, Chyna, Lita, Asuka, Kairi Sane, Io Shirai, Kagetsu, Melanie Cruise, Shotzi Blackheart, Dakota Kai, Mia Yim, Candice LeRae, Riho, Sarah Logan, Hikaru Shida, Aja Kong, Bull Nakano
Doug is a manager. As a manager, his inspirations are Paul Heyman, Zelina Vega, Lana, and Bobby Heenan. Smee kids and Elle are commentators. The boys tend to like Michael Cole, Beth Phoenix and Byron Saxton. Elle tends towards JR, Corey Graves and Renee Young. Dizzy is a reporter back stage, but her favourite wrestlers to watch are Bayley, Kylie Rae, Breezango, and Princess Kimberly as a face. She gets her professional inspiration from Renee Young, Gene Okerlund, Charly Caruso and Cathy Kelley.
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usmaradiomagazine · 3 years
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THE CAVE IV - 🎧  AREA PODCAST QUI 🔴  ON AIR - Sabato 12 febbraio alle 21:00 su usmaradio.org > TRISTRAM (OPENING ACT) >> Soundcloud > SERENA DIBIASE >> Soundcloud COVER ART © RICCARDO SCANU FACEBOOK - THE CAVE INSTAGRAM - THE CAVE
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placetobenation · 7 years
*** Scott & JT’s Vintage Vault Refresh reviews are a chronological look back at WWE PPV and TV history that began with a review of WrestleMania I. The PICs have revisited these events and refreshed all of their fun facts that provide insight into the match, competitors and state of the company as well as their overviews of the match action and opinions and thoughts on the outcomes. In addition, Jeff Jarvis assists in compiling historical information and the Fun Facts in each of the reviews. Also, be sure to leave feedback on the reviews at our Facebook page. Enjoy! ***
Monday Night Raw #108
April 24, 1995 Civic Auditorium Omaha, NE Announcers: Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler
1) Smoking Gunns defeat Barry Horowitz & Brooklyn Brawler when Billy pins Brawler with a reverse bulldog at 2:15
Scott: We are here with a nice fresh live show this week from the midwest. Right at the start Vince McMahon announces the the Gunns will get their Tag Team Championship rematch with Yokozuna & Owen Hart on May 14 in Syracuse. This was a quick squash to open as Vince & Jerry Lawler talk about Bret Hart & his match with Hakushi that’s set for the first In Your House. Grade: DUD
JT: Welcome to this week’s Monday Night Raw where we are finally back live, emanating from Omaha, NE and being welcomed to the action by Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler. WrestleMania is well in our rear view mirror by now but we are still feeling the ripple effects as we steamroll into the inaugural In Your House. Opening things up this week are the former Tag Team Champions, the Smoking Gunns and Vince McMahon immediately reveals that they will receive a title rematch at IYH against the champions, Owen Hart & Yokozuna. Tonight the Gunns battle a JTTS dream team in Barry Horowitz and Brooklyn Brawler, so in theory may be a bit of a test. Horowitz and Billy open things up and it’s all Gunn to start. The Brawler entered shortly after but he was met with more of the same from both Billy and Bart. Brawler would land a few shots on Bart but his shine was quickly dulled by the cowboy. Jerry Lawler talks some shit on Bret Hart as the match goes on, saying his challenges to the Hitman have gone unanswered. Hart will face Hakushi at IYH and that is why he hasn’t accepted King’s challenge. Brawler again got a smattering of offense but he was quickly overwhelmed by the Gunns, who hit the Sidewinder for the breezy win. The Gunns are locked in and look ready to regain their gold on Mother’s Day. Grade: DUD
*** We are joined by Bam Bam Bigelow and Ted DiBiase from backstage. Bigelow promises to make the Corporation proud when he takes the WWF Title from Diesel later tonight. Bigelow dodges a question about how he received a black eye. ***
*** We are then joined by Diesel from backstage and he talks about being a fighting champion just like Bret Hart and that is why he accepted this challenge despite being in rough shape and a rugged schedule. ***
2) Bertha Faye defeats La Pantera Serena with a splash at 3:55
Fun Fact: Tonight we get the in-ring debut of Bertha Faye. We actually saw her for the first time on Raw three weeks ago on 4/3. Faye was the mysterious woman who came into the ring after Blayze won the women’s title.  The beating broke Blayze’s nose and she was forced to the sideline to have reconstructive surgery. 
Scott: We have a women’s match that doesn’t involve the title for the first time in quite a while. I’m a little bummed that Bull Nakano seems to be getting phased out as a contender for Alundra’s title and this mammoth woman has replaced her. Harvey Wippleman is now her manager, as Lawler accidentally calls him “Bruno”, since, of course, he was Downtown Bruno in Lawler’s old Memphis promotion. He called him Harvey three times in about two minutes after that to affirm his name. I miss the USA Movie of the Week bumps and instead we get talk about that awful Duckman show. I guess the movie tags went with Randy Savage. Bertha moves well for a big woman, and she gets the victory. Grade: 1/2*
JT: We head back to the ring where Bertha Faye and harvey Wippleman are strutting out for action. We saw Bertha a few weeks back when she made a shocking debut by decimating and injuring Alundra Blayze. Since that time she has developed a new look, wearing garish colors and all dolled up instead of the drab tights and face paint she wore in her debut. Here she takes on a random female competitor, La Pantera Serena, of whom we don’t learn much about. Bertha easily shoves Serena around before planting her with a hard clothesline. Vince and Jerry talk about Bertha’s weight and make some benign fat jokes. Serena is able to take Bertha over with a sloppy arm drag and then followed with a whiffed shitty cross body block off the top. That was really messy. Bertha, who Vince says is the female Yokozuna, took over from there, using her weight to smother Serena. Lawler gives our weekly Duckman plug as Bertha just pummels Serena. I am not sure where they dragged Serena out from but she is a disaster, botching every move she tries and flopping around all over the place. Bertha eventually hits her with a powerbomb and follows with a press slam and big splash for the win. Bertha looked fine here, really showing off her big power offense, but Serena was terrible and really messed up nearly everything she tried. Some quality depth could really help this division but it doesn’t seem likely at this point. Grade: DUD
*** Todd Pettengill is with us for this week’s In Your House report and we are just a few weeks away now at this point. Here is the card so far:
Diesel vs. Psycho Sid – WWF Title Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid vs. Jeff Jarrett & Roadie Bret Hart vs. Hakushi
Also, remember to submit your ballot for a chance to win the beautiful Orlando, FL vacation home! See you on Mother’s Day! ***
3) Diesel defeats Bam Bam Bigelow to retain WWF Title with the Jackknife at 16:00
Fun Fact: Tensions have been building the past few weeks between Bigelow and the head of the Million Dollar Corporation, Ted DiBiase. After his loss to Lawrence Taylor at WrestleMania, he looks for redemption tonight in a WWF Title match against Diesel.
Scott: Now with Diesel set to face Sid on May 14 in Syracuse, is this a foregone conclusion that Diesel wins this match? Well, with the evident friction in the Corporation could Bigelow win tonight and face Sid at In Your House? I mean it’s plausible but probably unlikely. What I’m looking forward to seeing is Diesel facing someone about his size. Remember since winning the WWF Title back in November the only high profile matches he’s had were with Bret Hart at the Rumble and Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania. Yet those two guys can give a broom a ***½ star match. However facing a big man here and then ANOTHER big man at In Your House, I’m curious how Diesel will work with these guys. He did work with Razor Ramon last year, but Razor is even slightly smaller than Diesel. Vince just said Bigelow asked Diesel for this title match on his own and was surprised Diesel said yes. Now that could be the beginnings of a babyface turn, we will see. This match hasn’t been that bad, as Diesel hit some of his big moves but Bigelow turned the tables and started to work the champion over. Bigelow is sporting a real shiner, but no explanation was given. Diesel took the match over with strikes until Bigelow hits a suplex out of nowhere for a two count. Bigelow really held his own here and has been his most enjoyable Raw match in a while. Out of nowhere out comes Tatanka to a chorus of boos. This brings an interesting dynamic because Bigelow and Tatanka haven’t gotten along since the Royal Rumble, but they are both Corporation members. Once Tatanka comes out, Bigelow takes control again and Tatanka gets some cheap shots in. This has been one of the longer matches in a while, going through two commercial breaks. Diesel whips Bigelow into the ropes but Bigelow reverses it. Then Tatanka (thinking it was Diesel) trips Bigelow on the bounce, and Diesel hits the big boot and the Jackknife for the victory. So we are not sure what the deal is here. Did Bigelow get tripped by accident, or was this a situation with Sid, and his title shot on May 14. Well it’s pretty evident what it is as Bigelow is publicly fired after the match. Tatanka attacks Bigelow, but Bam Bam chucks him out of the ring. He’s about to go after DiBiase but IRS attacks him from behind and then Sid comes out and continues the beatdown. The WWF Champion comes out to save Bigelow, and the Beast is a babyface. I like this dynamic, as we need another big man on the face side with Diesel and Undertaker, who we haven’t seen on Raw in ages. The match was fun. Grade: **1/2
JT: We are back in the ring and it is time for our main event and WWF Title match as Diesel takes on Bam Bam Bigelow. Bigelow has been on the corporate shitlist since WrestleMania and went into business for himself here looking to win the big gold and get back in Ted DiBiase’s good graces. Before the bout, we hear from Sid, who doesn’t seem too thrilled that his stablemate has this shot tonight with his challenge coming on May 14. Bigelow is fired up and focused as he looks for that chance at redemption. Diesel saunters out to a warm reception from the crowd as Lawler says Shawn Michaels is watching this match from a wheelchair. Bigelow stalls a bit to start but once he got in the ring, Diesel was all over him, whipping him around the ring and working him over with big shoulder blocks and elbows to the head. Vince says Lawrence Taylor is watching this one as Diesel beals Bigelow across the ring and then chokes away with his boot. The champ kept bringing the heat, really dominating the action as Vince puts over the fact that a match of this caliber is being presented here on Raw. Diesel works the arm a bit until Bigelow turns the tide and starts to zero in on the ribs of Big Daddy Cool with his power arsenal. Diesel cut the attack off with a flying shoulder block but the match spilled outside and the challenger flipped control before ramming Diesel into the ring post. Bigelow would clamp on a chinlock back in the ring and keep it wrenched in throughout a break.
After the commercial, Diesel broke free of the hold but both men collided in the middle of the ring, leaving both prone on the mat. Bigelow was first up but Diesel tripped him and then dropped a big splash for two. The match ebbed and flowed a bit until Bigelow landed some tight right hands against the ropes and a snap suplex for two. As Bigelow cranked away on a chinlock, his stablemate Tatanka slithered down to ringside to provide some additional support. Diesel busted out of the hold but Tatanka got involved, smacking the champ as Bigelow tied up the referee. Vince wondered if any other Corporation members would show up as we took a second break. When we returned, Diesel caught Bigelow with a big boot but a DiBiase distraction allowed Bammer to regain control. However, things fell apart a moment later when Tatanka accidentally tripped up his former tag partner, allowing Diesel to drop him with the Jackknife for the win. After the match, a pissed off DiBiase hit the ring with Tatanka and berated Bigelow for suffering yet again another humiliating loss before ultimately firing him from the Corporation. Tatanka would attack Bigelow, but Bammer fought him off and then turned to DiBiase. Before he could get his hands on his now former manager, IRS and Sid showed up and Bigelow caught a rough and stiff beating until Diesel made the unlikely save. Looks like we have a new main event level face in the mix, which was a good decision with Sid now on top of the heel pile. Bigelow has been a loyal Corporate soldier since last summer but it was time for a change. The match was rock solid and given a lot of time to tell a story. I liked all the back and fort between both guys and Diesel was really aggressive in there, carrying the action and coming off like a star. I thought it was a really good night for Big Daddy Cool, who seems to be riding some nice momentum of late. We will see if that carries over to Mother’s Day. This was a busy match for sure with lots going on during and after the bout. Grade: **1/2
4) Aldo Montoya defeats Black Phantom with a reverse bulldog off the middle turnbuckle at 2:44
Scott: Before the match it’s announced that Sid will face Razor Ramon next week. Also it’s announced that Shawn Michaels will be back in action in a month, which means he will miss the In Your House show. That’s a big blow to the company for obvious reasons, but for what seems like a short show it probably won’t be that bad. I’m kind of surprised that the title match wasn’t last but it works anyway. This is a throwaway match as Vince & Lawler barely pay attention. Grade: DUD
JT: It is time for our final bout of the evening as Aldo Montoya chugs to the ring to take on the Black Phantom. Vince and Jerry talk about the big Sid/Razor Ramon match signed for next week as the match gets under way. Looks like Aldo is sporting some dreadlocks nowadays. Aldo unloads his repertoire as Lawler makes some jokes about Helen Hart and Vince tells us Jim Ross is with Bam Bam Bigelow on the Superstar Line. We also find out Shawn Michaels will be back in action in approximately a month. Aldo eventually nabs the easy win and keeps on doing nothing of substance. Grade: DUD
*** We check out a simple vignette for a newcomer named Hunter Hearst-Helmsley. After that we check out footage from an earlier commercial break when Diesel and Bam Bam Bigelow shook hands. ***
Final Analysis
Scott: A Live Raw! Wow, what a change. The crowd was smoking and a World Title match was a nice change of pace that the show sorely needed. I’m liking the dynamic of Bigelow and the Corporation probably splitting, it has been good programming. Diesel has had a great run as champion thus far, but now he will be facing a guy who isn’t Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels. Can he and Sid have decent chemistry, since in essence they’re the same wrestler? We will see. The company still has severe roster issues and that’s not going to go away anytime soon but at least we have some sort of focus and a secondary show that the audience can look forward to. This was a solid show with a good title defense for Diesel and more babyface sympathy for the Beast from the East. Final Grade: B+
JT: This was a nice bounce back episode of Raw, mainly thanks to the big WWF Title anchor match. The bout itself was good and it had tons of development woven into it as well with Bam Bam Bigelow finally leaving the Corporation, ostensibly being replaced by Sid. Other than that we had a few milquetoast squashes while Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler pushed along all of the storylines and agendas. In Your House is coming into form now and we seem to have some decent feuds and angles shaping up as well but you can still feel that lack of overall depth thanks in part to some deadwood that is still lingering around. The live atmosphere and fresh taping certainly helped things but that lacking feeling is a tough one to shake. Also, Serena was fucking terrible. Until next week! Final Grade: B-
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𝗣𝗼𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 _𝘂𝗿𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗼 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼
Torino, Barriera di Milano, Circolo La scimmia in tasca, Via Montanaro, 16 • Mercato di Piazza Foroni
Non cercare simboli, goditi il paesaggio.
Cinquant’anni dopo il Nouveau Réalisme e sessant’anni dopo l’I.S., la poesia continua a cambiare il tessuto urbano e a infiammare le proteste di quanti chiedono a gran voce di partecipare alla ridefinizione delle nostre città, abbattendo i simboli del nostro passato per immaginare insieme il presente. Proprio per questo, la locandina di quest’anno di Poetrification_urbanismo inverso è un omaggio a Christo, artista che più di ogni altro ha celebrato l’anti-monumentalità e che ha voluto dare un peso all’assenza. Il valore simbolico che doniamo ai monumenti cambia insieme ai nostri valori, dunque più che costruirne di nuovi, forse, dovremmo imparare a dire l’assenza, per cogliere le trasformazioni in atto nella società e dando all’arte il ruolo che da sempre le è proprio nella civis: essere espressione di una resistenza all’appiattimento dell’immaginario, consci del fatto che non esistono città ideali e che i simboli sono per loro stessa natura provvisori. In una prospettiva di cambiamento e di mutazione del paesaggio urbano, dunque, il nostro festival vuole essere un’occasione di incontro e dialogo per osservare come la poesia di strada e la street art possano contribuire a varcare questo limes, questo confine tra le culture che a volte sembra invalicabile.
La scimmia in tasca - Circolo culturale e coworking
L’Associazione Culturale Neutopia, in collaborazione con Via Baltea 3 e con il sostegno di Casa Bottega, Torino Creativa e Fondazione San Paolo (CiviCa), inaugura da settembre in via Montanaro, 16 il circolo culturale La scimmia in tasca. 
Un luogo d’incontro e un co-working per presentazioni, dibattiti, esposizioni artistiche e laboratori, aperto alle associazioni culturali che vorranno impegnarsi in un lavoro coeso sul territorio, con lo sguardo rivolto al sociale e alla valorizzazione artistica del quartiere. Una rivalutazione dell’emiferia non gentrificante, ma orientata alla partecipazione attiva e alla promozione culturale dei suoi artisti, scrittori, artigiani. Uno spazio dove non insegneremo nulla: impareremo a imparare.
Premio Roberto Sanesi di poesia e musica
La prima novità di questa edizione di Poetrification è il Premio Roberto Sanesi, rivolto a tutt* * cantautor*, poet* e performer under 35 della scena italiana, con una particolare predilezione per lo sperimentalismo, in memoria di Roberto Sanesi, poeta e traduttore, tra gli altri, di Dylan Thomas e Thomas S. Eliot, attivo nella seconda metà del Novecento anche come drammaturgo e poeta visivo, che ha realizzato l’album di spoken word in musica Viaggio verso il nord (1972), che verrà omaggiato da Lorenzo Kruger, Spellbinder, Lorenzo Lombardo con le musiche di Federico Sanesi.
I quattro finalisti scelti dalla giuria di qualità composta da Federico Sanesi, Gianni Milano, Serena Dibiase, Lorenzo Kruger e Lorenzo Lombardo si sfideranno sul palco de La scimmia in tasca venerdì, 11 settembre 2020: Gaia Ginevra Giorgi, Beatrice Achille e Clara Orpelli, Vinnie Marakas, Luca Atzori. La giuria popolare scelta tra il pubblico presente decreterà i vincitori, la cui opera sarà pubblicata sul nuovo numero di Neutopia Magazine e il cui lavoro sarà prodotto dallo studio torinese BNDCKS.
PoetInfieri - Fiera di atti poetici
La poesia è, fra tutte le arti, l’unica merce “inconsumabile”. Proprio per questo, dovrebbe essere riconosciuta come bene di prima necessità. In attesa che le venga conferita questa onorificenza, dato che i poeti sono lavoratori come gli altri, per una sera, sabato 12 settembre 2020, alle luci del tramonto, saranno protagonisti, trasformando con i loro atti poetici uno dei principali mercati rionali di Torino in un grande happening all’aperto. La call è aperta a tutti i musicisti, poeti, teatranti che vorranno portare il proprio contributo sotto il cielo di Piazza Foroni. Per partecipare, compilate il modulo con la descrizione della vostra performance e della scheda tecnica sul nostro forum entro il 31 agosto 2020.
Arte plurisensoriale nella poesia di strada e nella poesia visiva
Anche quest’anno, Poetrification proporrà interventi di poesia di strada site specific, con la partecipazione degli artisti Mister Caos e Viola Gesmundo, facendo rivivere la poesia nei luoghi di ogni giorno. Inoltre, in collaborazione con Margot Modonesi (Fondazione Berardelli), verranno esposte durante tutto il festival delle opere di alcuni giovani artisti che indagheranno le proprietà sinestetiche del codice poetico, in un’esperienza multisensoriale della poesia visiva: Luc Fierens, Francesco Aprile, Andrea Astolfi, Alessio Cannarozzo e Paolo Alù, Mirko Pugliara, Francesco Terzago.
Reading e presentazioni
Riscrivere la realtà e il nostro tessuto urbano passa necessariamente dai libri di alcuni autori e autrici per noi imprescindibili, in linea con i temi di Poetrification di quest’anno, che verranno presentati domenica 13 settembre 2020: Chiara De Cillis, Alice Diacono, Lorenzo Lombardo, Francesco Terzago. In conclusione, Carmine Mangone presenterà il suo reading, Qui la vita, qui gioisci.
La solitudine pubblica ha una scimmia in tasca.
Roberto Sanesi
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Ecco la classifica finale e i 4 finalisti del 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐨 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐢 di quest'anno:
/////////////// Gaia Ginevra Giorgi
////////////// Beatrice Achille e Clara Orpelli
///////////// Vinnie Marakas
//////////// Luca Atzori
/////////// Margherita Barone
/////////// Kosmonavt
////////// Giuseppe Liuzzi
///////// Adriano Cataldo
//////// Arturo Alessandro Bandinsón
////// Punk Freud
////// Fabrizio Tagliaferri
Ringraziamo i nostri giurati: Federico Sanesi, Gianni Milano, Serena Dibiase, Lorenzo Lombardo e Lorenzo Kruger.
I finalisti si esibiranno alla serata di premiazione l'11 settembre 2020, al circolo 𝐿𝑎 𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑎 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑐𝑎 di Barriera di Milano (Torino).
Complimenti a tutti i partecipanti
Staff Poetrification Festival
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chanarie69 · 5 years
"Eclissi" Soundscapes & a film
Concept video: Lara Cetti
Performance e progetto sonoro: S.ee | Serena Dibiase
By S.ee | Serena Dibiase - Italy
S.ee | Serena Dibiase ©
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