#Seraphim Pigeon
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justsayapple · 4 months ago
Veryyy slowly getting out of my artblock with a lil fancy rainbow pigeon from my sketchbook ✨
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penguinofficer · 2 months ago
Here, have some of my bird OCs
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I actually have more that I haven't drawn yet, but feel free to eat my art
My OCs: Abby the Raven (a.k.a my birdsona) (She/Her)
Denis the Secretary Bird (He/Him) Gaya the Laughing Falcon (She/Her)
Kyupidd the Seraphim Pigeon (She/Her)
Molly the Toco Toucan (She/Her)
Parker the Raven (He/Him)
Sammy the Pigeon (They/Them)
Sphena the Killdeer (She/Her)
Info about the characters:
-All the corvids in their universe possess umbra kinesis. Abby's shadow powers are reflected in her clothes.
-Sphena broke her arm in an accident. Her broken wing is actually a reference to how real life killdeer defend their nest by pretending to break their wing (this is known as the 'Broken Wing display').
-Kyupidd works in a post office that delivers love letters. Despite this, Kyupidd doesn't like romance and hates her job, but she has to do it for money I guess.
-Parker and Abby are siblings. Parker is the older brother.
-Denis has a wife and two kids.
-Molly works as a blogger and usually does travel vlogs and feather product review.
-Gaya worked for the pest control service for 5 years.
-Molly has a girlfriend.
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octahedral-chaos · 7 months ago
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octastims · 11 months ago
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Duality! Angel (Worldless AU: Duality) stimboard with seraphim, seraphim pigeons, light particles, white feathers, spears and supercell thunderstorms for @mystic-131!
This was an absolute BLAST to make!
🔵 ⚪️ ⚪️
⚪️ 💙 ⚪️
⚪️ ⚪️ 🔵
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raptor-tooth-remade · 1 year ago
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Drawing my horrible little bastard shapeshifter as different animals gives me life. Its therapeutic.
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pigeonstab · 6 months ago
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Does it feels strange laughing with three jaws?
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skullingwaydraws · 9 months ago
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A sketch that turned into a more finished thing. Sometimes I like doing more rendered/painterly art
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voreasaurusrex · 5 months ago
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gtober 7: mutation a fall from grace
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kondietorei · 7 months ago
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if it walks like an angel, swims like an angel, quacks like an angel.... surely it must be an angel.
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birds-in-posts · 7 months ago
Rock dove (Columba livia)
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pangur-and-grim · 5 months ago
now that I have a minute to breath, I'm going to go back into money-making mode. all the testing early in the week added to over 1k, and then the pills were another 800.
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1anxiousbeancrying · 1 year ago
I headcanon all of the Angels in hazbin hotel to have different wings and characteristics based on different birds. Like I have so many thoughts on the angels it's not even funny. I also have a few on halos.
Lucifer: I like the idea of all of the seraphim being the same type of bird being a dove but I like to imagine that Lucifers wings changed after he fell to duck wings even if they do not look like them they have the same shape and capabilities of them, as his wings seem much bigger than the other seraphim though I don't think we've seen sera or Emilys wings at full size. It's also why his wings are two different colors, he also absolutely quacks.
Emily and Sera: both have dove wings, they are seen as authority figures in heaven so there wings indicate there purity and elegance. Though I was thinking of giving them swan wings (I'm not sure yet), Emily also coos and vocalizes more than sera
Adam: he's heavens golden goose, he's loud and angry like one and I can image him honking. His wings are very large and beautiful, and I can see him being very possessive over his exorcists due to the first two lady's in his life leaving him. He absolutely makes the exorcists preen his wings.
Vaggie and lute: putting these two together because there the same species. All exorcists have falcon wings. The exorcists are heavens army they need to be fast and deadly. Compered to the other angels in heaven exorcists have very dark wings with lighter insides similar to the falcon. Never race an exorcist you will lose. Exorcists all preen each others wings as they are all part of the same flock, after vaggie was left in hell she greatly missed having someone preen her wings but after what lute did to her she absolutely hates people touching her wings. All exorcists use falcon calls to communicate with each other.
Winners: most winners have extremely small wings from what we saw in the show, I like to imagine the bigger the wings the more important the role of the winner is like St Peter's wings where very big compared to that of Molly's. The most common wings you would see in winners are pigeon, hummingbird, seagull and Robin.
Redeemed sinners: the only redeemed sinner so far is sir pentious and from the looks of it he doesn't have any wings, so I'm assuming that sinners don't get wings when they go to heaven.
Halo headcanons
Halos indicate your rank in heaven, the more spikes or accessories indicate more power, sera being the most powerful/influencal angel we've seen so far has an extremely large and beautiful Halo.
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Next is Emily, but due to her having a lower status her Halo is smaller ( I also think the eye appearing when she's angry is cool)
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Next would be Adam with his bright gold halo and single Spike, his is interesting because despite him technically being a winner his status as the first man boosts his power. His halo also has the power to communicate with all the other exorcists like we see lute do in the last episode when she picks it up.
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Then we have the exorcists, their halos are completely black which is very interesting as all other angel species so far have bright halos, maybe it represents the violence their capable of? Idk they also have the same spike as Adam Maybe that's how he can communicate with them. My theory on the exorcists is that there heaven born so would rank higher that the winners it just makes more sense and it would be the opposite of the sinners where hell born are ranked under them.
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Lastly would be the winners, sinners turned winners and the cherubs as the all have the same halo being a single ring. Everything in the show so far has indicated the winners being the weakest in heaven this could change but so far this is my ranking.
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macabrecabra · 1 year ago
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And first blorbo getting an update! ALSO designing some of the high level Nephilim! Nephilim in general look like metal birds, so decided to go with it more obviously with Nerosis's design having pigeon colors. The colorful bits are the "fleshy" parts of their old angelic body before they "died" and were made to reincarnate in a "prison of metal".
The Seraphim soul used to create them was divided into four and Nerosis is one of the four Omens and of course, is the one that is known for a "Divine Disease" they will sometimes unleash on those that earn their ire, one that eats through any being if it is in possession of a soul.
Personality wise, Nerosis is often dismissive and easily agitated by the plights of the "lesser souls" as they see it. Will scare the crap out of people on purpose and if anyone threatens their flock, they don't hold back. Can be blistering sarcastic and blunt and sassy. Not above lying to "lesser souls" for their own amusement. Will spread a plague at times if really miffed.
Also they do coo when sitting with the city pigeons in the city. The pigeons are honorary members of their flock as they are less annoying than the "lesser souls" that bother them about silly problems.
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originemesis · 8 months ago
Why does it feel like he's in danger...of cringe? He spots her expression and gives a warning beat if his wings. Maybe she'll just float off in the gale like a dandelion seed if he's lucky.
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"I'm social distanciiiiiing, dude! Don't even-"
@originemesis replied to your post “She is going to be.. So busy with all the joy she...”:
You stay over there.
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Target acquired!
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pigeonstab · 3 months ago
on one end, I do think shipping opportunities for Toucan would be slim, (given that he's eight people, seven of which are children) but like, if the opportunity ever did present itself you cannot tell me that those kids wouldn't be wingmanning (hehe) the whole thing so hard. Prime example of this
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theramseyloft · 5 months ago
Do roller pigeons bred to larger breeds help to shrink a line? And how is the personality of a roller pigeon as a breeder bird for a companion project
Birmingham rollers are pretty small, so yeah, breeding one to a larger bird will make offspring smaller than the larger parent, but larger than the roller parent.
For reference:
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Ferdi (Old Dutch Capuchine)
Mated to
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Money Penny (Show Type Racing Homer)
and threw
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Cookie, who has her Dad's over all structure, thickened by her Mom, with a forehead more in between them and a beak more like her dad's.
She mated to
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Wilson (Racing Homer)
and they threw
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Tandy, who could easily be mistaken for a purebred homer.
See, Racing homers are the most natural pigeon shape, only altered from the wild rock dove by the size of its head and slope of its forehead.
Tandy took
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Emillio (Portuguese Tumbler) as her first mate. (She's has a few!)
Portuguese Tumblers are the second smallest breed of pigeon in the world.
The title of world's smallest pigeon is traded between Portuguese Tumblers and Valencian Figurita practically every other year, but figs are typically more slight, so I consider Ports the second smallest.
Generally, the babies of a pair with a wide size difference will favor the mother, but in this clutch, we see the whole range.
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Thistle (First hatch, cock) Is smaller than Tandy, but takes more after her in size.
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Elliot (Second hatch, hen) was much closer to Emillio in size, as well as overall structure.
Thistle mated to
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And absolute bitch of a Racing homer named MJ.
(She was extremely affectionate with her previous owner, and never forgave me for going into the loft.)
It took them four tries to throw
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Riddle came out of Clutch 5
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And Mipha from clutch 6.
These all being mostly homer, they didn't vary much from Tandy's build.
Nettle was the one I kept.
Elliot took
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Leonard (Birmingham Roller) as a mate.
Birmingham Rollers come in a wide range of sizes, depending on their blood line, but good "deep rolling" lines tend to be very small, and Leonard is a tiny bird.
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Jojo (cock), being half Birminghan Roller and 1/4 Portuguese Tumbler, was also a teeny tiny bird.
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Patch (Cock, Whom I kept)
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And Rogue (hen) were clutch 2.
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Bluebird (hen) was clutch 3
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Athena (Hen, kept)
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And Calypso (hen) were clutch 4.
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Sweet, snuggly Bijoux (hen) was clutch 5.
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and Shinobi (hen) was clutch 6.
They were also very uniform in structure and color, all shaped mostly like their Birmingham Roller sire.
Tandy's second mate was
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Cherub (Seraphim dad, Classic Old Frill mom, still technically full Seraphim, since that breed was developed from the COF)
They threw
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And Nimbus (Kept).
In their first clutch. Both cocks.
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Berry (hen) was clutch 3.
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Moth (cock) was clutch 4.
All four were a pretty consistently even blend in size and shape between the Seraphim and Homer build.
Elliot also mated to
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Satin (Danzig x Racing Homer) (Cotta and Taffeta's Dad)
and threw
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Artemis, who, interestingly, ended up with build and color very similar to Elliot's children out of Leonard.
Slightly more sloped forehead than her half siblings.
WAY more outgoing temperament.
Patch mated to
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Spangle, a tiny Birmingham Roller hen.
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And threw me Banner.
There are more birds in this family, but Tumblr will only let me fit 30 photos in one post, and this should be a pretty detailed representation of how size and structure traits are passed on.
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