#Ser Asteris
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asterisnotebook · 1 year ago
Asteri's Notebook (13/10/2023)
Hoy es un día mágico, hoy es viernes 13, y es el mes de Octubre, más perfecto no puede ser.
Aún sigo trabajando en lo que di pista ayer, aún no voy a decir nada por que quiero explicar lo que hice cuando ya lo termine.
Y hoy supongo que fue otro día aburrido para el díario, no hay nada que decir :/
Me acabo de acordar!, vi otra vez Ready Player One y apenas me di cuenta que la dirigió Steven Spielberg. Personalmente me gusta mucho esa pelicula y quisiera luego comprarme el libro, tambien quisiera hacer un juego con la filosofía de Adventure "No lo consigues por ganar, lo consigues por jugar", tal vez en un futuro haga algo pequeño así.
Y coso que no puedo hablar tampoco pero, hablando de juegos, tengo una idea de hacer uno, primero voy a hacer un poco y luego presentar esa idea a alguien, si ese alguien y más personas lo haceptan entonces esta idea si se realizará, en resumen, primero hago como un boceto y luego ya verémos.
Parece que al final si tenía cosas que decir xd.
Pero eso fue todo.
Espero esten bien, y si no lo estan, espero en algun momento puedan encontrar paz.
Chau <3
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nyxraeldeath011 · 2 months ago
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Nome completo: Nyxrael Noctis Asteri (Stella?)
idade: 600 anos [?]
espécie: Anjo Raro [Anjo da morte] - Futuramente a próxima: Arcanjo Da Morte
origem: Nyxrael por incrível que pareça não nasceu no purgatório mas sim No Limbo. Um local aonde as almas transitam, possuindo o equilíbrio da Vida e da Morte.
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aparência: [Em Breve]
cor do cabelo: Nyxrael tem cabelos pretos igual a Stella, porém quando era criança seus cabelos eram castanhos mas seu cabelo começou a escurecer quando entrou na fase adolescente.
cor dos olhos: as pupilas de Nyxrael são pretas, possuindo íris roxas. Ela tinha olhos "Normais" quando era criança sendo castanhos escuros porém acabou que Nyxrael com o passar dos anos acabou sendo corrompida por seus próprios poderes fazendo ela ficar "Cega" e perder toda a sua pureza e inocente que ela tinha na infância, o que fez com que a Luz que ela tinha como Anjo raro se apagasse totalmente, Uma transformação que Nyxrael teve que infelizmente passar. As cores dos seus olhos podem mudar Para: vermelho, Azul e Amarelo mas isso ocorre raramente.
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pele: Nyxrael é pálida, ela era "morena" quando era criança como ela passou a infância inteira no reino dos céus lá havia constantes exposição ao sol, mas quando cresceu e foi ao purgatório aonde raramente a luz batia já que o ambiente de lá é coberto de névoa constantes por causa disso a pele de Nyxrael começou a perder horrivelmente a cor, e perder aquele brilho solar que ela havia. Mesmo o purgatório não sendo totalmente escuro é um lugar completamente cercado de escuridão e penumbra, porém Nyxrael não é tão pálida pois em sua pele ainda tem alguns resquícios de luz solar.
outros detalhes: Nyxrael possui veias escuras e ramificadas que deu uma pequena deformada na região dos olhos dela.
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Ela também tem um Terceiro olho em sua testa que a maioria das vezes fica fechado e invisível não sendo possível enxergá-lo quando está fechado, mas quando nyxrael abre ele fica exposto e dá para vê-lo - Nyxrael costuma usá-lo para ver o que está acontecendo na terra Já que não pode sair do purgatório.
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E também possuindo as pontas dos seus dedos da mãos tingidas de preto, Manchadas. Como se estivessem queimadas
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personalidade: Nyxrael por mais que não pareça, ela é Introvertida e tem uma personalidade bastante quieta e reservada sempre escolhendo observar as coisas primeiro do que intervir e comentar sobre. Ela detesta ser o centro das atenção carregar o título de: 'Filha do arcanjo da morte' por si so já chama a atenção mais do que deveria e muita das vezes isso a incomoda. Nyxrael é uma pessoa sincera mas muita das vezes ela mente, e mente muito bem para evitar falar a Verdade de algum assunto para evitar encrencas ou desentendimentos. Diferente de Stella que adorava conhecer novas pessoas, Nyxrael detesta. Se sentindo muita das vezes desconfortável ao interagir com alguém que não conhece e também as vezes se sentindo desconfortável com pessoas que ela conhece mas que nunca interagiu corretamente. Ela tem dificuldade em pedir ajuda e se abrir sobre o que ela está sentindo ou o que está acontecendo pois sente que isso a deixa vulnerável até demais e ela odeia isso.
virtudes: determinação, inteligência emocional, lealdade, coragem, resiliência, empatia seletiva, senso de justiça, disciplina, paciência (As vezes), responsabilidade, compreensão, autenticidade, prudência, perseverança.
defeitos: autossuficiência extrema, Frieza emocional, Desconfiança, tendência ao controle, Teimosia, crise de identidade, hipocrisia involuntária, reservada até demais, orgulho, impaciência, tendência ao isolamento, dificuldade em perdoar, competitividade, autocrítica pesada, introspecção excessiva, inflexibilidade emocional, insegurança disfarçada, tendência ao pessimismo,
Red Flags: Manipulação emocional, fixação pelo equilíbrio, Bloqueio emocional, Sabotagem emocional, Apatia ocasional, Sarcasmo e cinismo, complexo de salvadora, dificuldade em pedir ajuda, barreira emocional, explosões emocionais contidas, tendência ao martírio, Desconfiança crônica, inabilidade de relaxar, comportamento reservado em excesso.
Poderes: absorção das sombras, manipulação do medo, criação do Vazio, Portal do crepúsculo, desmaterialização nas sombras, visão abissal, ressurgimento Negro, Espelho do Caos, Domínio da penumbra, Chamado do Eclipse, explosão sombria, camuflagem, amplificação do silêncio, Necromancia, terceiro olho, ressurreição sombria, amnésia induzida
erosão emocional - o cada uso abusivo de seus poderes drena parte de sua capacidade de sentir emoções
marcas físicas - à medida que utiliza seus poderes seu corpo começa a exibir sinais de Corrupção como veias escuras, olhos com um tom abissal, e a temperatura ao seu redor cai.
esgotamento energético - ao invocar poderes poderes extremamente fortes podem deixa-la fisicamente e mentalmente exausta tornando-a vulnerável após o uso. ela pode desmaiar ou perder temporariamente o controle de suas ações
instabilidade dimensional - o uso excessivo de habilidades ligadas a portais ou domínios pode causar rupturas entre dimensões, trazendo criaturas ou energias indesejadas para o mundo real
distorção sensorial - após usar certos poderes, nyxrael pode sofrer com visões perturbadoras, perda temporária da visão ou da audição e uma sensação crescente de desconexão com a realidade.)
(The light of Nyxrael.)
(Yin Yang, Light and Darkness united.)
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betweenthetimeandsound · 3 years ago
Three Minutes to Eternity: My ESC 250 (250-241)
(Author's note: I intended to have the list ready by 1 September, but I was a bit lousy in compiling the final spots on there. As a result, they will seem a bit shoddy, but there will be good summaries, I promise! And there will be honorable mentions soon enough.)
#250: Harel Skaat -- Milim (Israel 2010)
“האור נרדם, דמעות של דם, שורפות לי בגרון, ידית שרוטה, תקרה שמוטה, כשאני שר לך את השיר האחרון” “The light fell asleep, tears of blood scorch my throat Scratched handle, sloping ceiling When I sing to you the last song” Curiously, I already knew of Harel Skaat before hearing of Eurovision: I listened to a few of his earlier tracks when I found him singing with another Israeli pop artist, Dor Daniel. I particularly liked משנ�� ממני and כמה עוד אפשר. Milim is a requiem for what was once lost—the presence of one whom the narrator really loves. The imagery used in this song adds to the melancholic feel—a classic ballad of sorts, with a lot of emotion. And the performance from Harel was very good, even though he butchered a note at the end. Maybe it was the pretty blue lights that really accompanied the mood of the song. Personal ranking: 7th/39 Actual ranking: 14th/25 GF (grand final) in Oslo
#249: Tina Karol -- Show Me Your Love (Ukraine 2006)
"You see it in my eyes, my heart is on fire Don’t hide your love away, don’t wait another day" As mentioned in the note, I had a hard time determining the last few spots on my list. I went through the results of both sorters and picked what I felt in the time. Show Me Your Love is a bit odd, but with the accordion intro striking right away, it deserves a place here! While an overly simple song with stilted lyrics, Show Me Your Love is still a bunch of fun. From the boppy beat to Tina's infectious presence on stage, one can't help but smile as this comes along. And there was a jump rope right in the middle of the performance--never change, Ukraine. :) Personal ranking: 5th/37 Actual ranking: 7th/24 GF in Athens
#248: Alan Sorrenti -- Non so che darei (Italy 1980)
“Non so che darei per fermare il tempo Per dormire al tuo fianco solo una notte Non so che darei per sentirti mia Per tenerti vicina solo una notte” “I don’t know what I can give to stop the time To sleep beside you only for one night I don’t know what I can give To take you close to me only for one night” Recently, I find myself humming to this a lot, because it's so calming and nice. I particularly like Alan’s vocals in this song! He really conveys the pain of losing (or on the verge of losing) the one he loves, expressed by the melancholic lyrics. Together, they form a song which is just as beautiful, if not more so than the winner of its year. Despite its 6th place, it became a continent-wide hit, which was quite deserved (just like a good number of Italian Eurovision songs over the years, haha)! Alongside that, Non so che darei also had the only black conductor at Eurovision while there was an orchestra, along with a couple of women playing fake guitars. For some reason, I imagined they were holding umbrellas instead, but I clearly remembered wrong... Personal ranking: 3rd/19 Actual ranking: 6th/19 in Den Haag
#247: Sanja Vucic ZAA -- Goodbye (Shelter) (Serbia 2016)
"I lick my wounds So that I can keep on fighting" Another last-minute choice, but this is an important song, both in 2016 and now, unfortunately. Despite the advances in women's rights over the decades, domestic violence still persists across the world. Goodbye (Shelter) tells the story through someone who's struggling to get out of a toxic relationship, and there's a mix of vulnerability and strength in the lyrics. Of course, lyrics don't make up the whole song; the music also conveys the story through a dramatic build and beautiful strings. Considering the 2016 contest, it does get a bit lost amongst the crowd, but it feels like a musical number in all the right ways. Also, the performance told the story well, and Sanja is a wonderful singer (she also sings a cover of one all-time favorite you will see towards the end, hehe). I even would shed a tear at points. Personal ranking: 8th/42 Actual ranking: 18th/26 GF in Stockholm
#246: Remedios Amaya--Quien Maneja Mi Barca? (Spain 1983)
“El verde de tus ojos verdes, mírame, Que mira que yo te mire, mírame, Que mira que yo te mire” “The green of your green eyes, look at me, Look at me, so I can look at you, look at me Look at me, so I can look at you” One of those songs that can be defined as an acquired taste--the people who love it enjoy its subversive status in the Eurovision canon for being unapologetically Spanish, while the people who hate it will dismiss it as just a bunch of noise. This is a song which is part of the “New Flamenco” genre popularized since the 1960s, which mixes up flamenco music with other genres, such as rock or electronic music. Quien Maneja mi Barca ‘s studio cut has nebulous lyrics combined with an electronic beat, which is alright at best. I found it quite hollow and quite forgettable there. I prefer it in its orchestral form, which fuses synths and concert instruments fantastically. It definitely amps up the drama with Remedios’ voice, and made me appreciate this very distinct entry. Personal ranking: 6th/20 Actual ranking: Joint last (with Turkey) in Munich
#245: Marianna Efstratiou - To diko sou asteri (Greece 1989)
"Μα στο βραδινό τον ουρανό το δικό σου αστέρι ψάξε βρες Γιατί οι σκιές στο πρώτο φως μοιάζουνε φοβίες παιδικές" "But in the evening sky, search and find your own star Because the shadows in the first light seem to be childish phobias" While To diko sou asteri sounds a bit safe in the grand scheme of things, I think its lack of pretension is what makes this little song shine. The lyrics encourage one to find their star and encourage the listener to pursue what they believe in without any fear. Marianna's vocals also add to this song in that they're quietly hopeful and sweet. Also, for some reason, I got some "True Colors" vibes while listening to it every time, despite there being some differences. Both have this relaxing, calm vibe to help the listener on their journey through life. Then again, True Colors doesn't have some nice flute flourishes throughout the song, haha. Personal ranking: 4th/22 Actual ranking: 9th/22 at Lausanne
#244: Dina -- Amor d'agua fresca (Portugal 1992)
"Peguei, trinquei e meti-te na cesta Ris e dás-me a volta à cabeça" "I picked you, bit into you and put you in the basket You laughed and made my head spin" 1992 is one of the most average years at Eurovision--after the chaos that was 1991, it seems like the songs and production sought something safer, and the whole thing felt really bland. Amor d'agua fresca is anything but dull--it's bubbly and sweet, with quite relaxed atmosphere. The combination of instruments--particular the guitar in the beginning and Dina's vocals-- really help with conveying a mood. But after that, we have the lustful lyrics, describing a romance through enjoying different fruits, which was quite different for me... But hey, different makes things quite a bit better in life! Personal ranking: 4th/23 Actual ranking: 17th/23 in Malmo
#243: Lucia -- Él (Spain 1982)
"Él me perdona porque es un pedazo de buen pan Y me trata con paciencia Sé que no debo ser cruel Que le debo confesar que él a mí, no me interesa" "He forgives me because he’s a scrap of good bread And he treats me with patience I know that I shouldn’t be cruel That I should tell him I’m not interested in him" One interesting thing about me is that I'm a sucker for tango music. There's a sense of drama when one listens to it, and even more so when people get on the dance floor. While I've only danced it a few times, when one does it right, the connection between two people is quite powerful, and you could fall right into a dream. El definitely amps up the drama--Lucia is in a conflicted relationship, but she plays the "player" role quite well. It's very flirty and seductive, and you could immerse yourself in the story. While the dancing was a bit too much for a stage as small as 1982's, it's still quite fun to see. Also, it was sent as a way of supporting Argentina in the Falkland Wars, which is quite interesting... Personal ranking: 4th/18 Actual ranking: 10th/18 in Harrogate
#242: Gabriela Gunčíková -- I Stand (Czech Republic 2016)
"I am thanking you, you made me You are my air, I’ll always care" For those who have an aversion to ballads, why is that? I find it annoying because there can be ones where they can touch you and tell a story. Life can't always be happy bops with heavy beats (or it's because they don't really inhabit my musical atmosphere most of the time...) I Stand sounds like a derivative ballad sonically, but it carries itself with such grace and grandeur. The instruments add to the drama of the song, which thanks a special person for their help in their life (though the lyrics above can come off as a bit co-dependent...or so I've heard) And Gabriela delivers this with the necessary composure and grace the song desires. It feels like a highlight track from a musical--one where two characters meet again and the narrator wants to recognize the latter's good deeds before they're gone forever. Thanks to that, the Czech Republic gets their first grand final appearance (though getting 0 televote points once there was harsh...) Personal ranking: 7th/42 Actual ranking: 25th/26 GF in Stockholm
#241: t.A.T.u -- Ne ver, ne boysia (Russia 2003)
“Кто-то понты а кто-то маньяк, Кто-то как ты, кто-то как я.” “Someone's a psycho and someone's a maniac, Someone like you, someone like me” If I’m right, I may have heard this song without knowing this was from Eurovision. It was because there was a period between middle school and high school where I love t.A.T.u’s music, and this was one of their singles. Ne Ver Ne Bosia is compelling and dark, with an interplay about the people around them using an old Soviet proverb as the title. It’s gripping and intense, and brings the listener into this crazy and mad world they're enveloped in. The performance, on the other hand, almost couldn't have been worse. The vocals were really ropey (especially from Lena, who would usually be trusted to help Yulia), and it didn't come over as a great listening experience. While I love it, t.A.T.u were really lucky they competed in the televote era, as they would've been struck down hard by the juries. (and the worst part: there will be a couple of poorly-performed entries which will be quite high on this list...) Personal ranking: 6th/26 Actual ranking: 3rd/26 in Riga
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mrstelelt · 3 years ago
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Cidade da Lua Crescente: Casa de céu e sopro (Vol. 2) (link na bio) O poder mais mortal. A paixão mais feroz. O destino mais cruel. Bryce Quinlan e Hunt Athalar fizeram um pacto. Enquanto processam os eventos da última primavera, eles irão manter as coisas... platônicas... até o solstício. Eles salvaram a Cidade da Lua Crescente, mas com tanto frenesi acontecendo ultimamente, eles desejam, mais do que qualquer coisa, uma oportunidade de relaxar. Desacelerar. E descobrir o que o futuro lhes reserva. Mas quando a tensão suspensa entre os dois alcançar um nível insustentável, prestes a incendiar a Cidade da Lua Crescente, eles serão capazes de resistir? Enquanto isso, para os dois, a iminência do perigo não está ainda fora de questão. Arrastados para um movimento rebelde do qual não querem tomar partido, Bryce, Hunt e seus amigos veem a si mesmos contra os sinistros asteri – de quem, custe o que custar, precisam evitar ser percebidos. No entanto, quanto mais conhecem as causas desse movimento revolucionário, mais se aproximam de uma inevitável escolha: permanecer quietos enquanto outros são oprimidos... ou lutar. E eles nunca foram muito bons em manter silêncio. Nessa sequência sexy e cheia de ação do best-seller Casa de terra e sangue, Sarah J. Maas constrói uma história cativante sobre um universo prestes a explodir – e sobre os que não medirão esforços para protegê-la. #bookstagram #book #books #livros #livrobr #livrosderomance #leitor #sarahmaas https://www.instagram.com/p/CcZSEkXLL0g/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reymaryps4ever · 8 years ago
Porque si :v
Nada mas es para presentar a mis brodis y bb's ocs :'b Mary(osea yo xd): hada, tiene 318 años y aparenta de 16 8y Daniel Shadow: Tiene 300 años y aparenta de 18 :v Andrwd Withe: Demonio, tiene 459 años, aparenta 19 Delt Doll: un muñeco(jajaja, no ya en serio :v, era humano pero ahora es un ser de tela y algodón) tiene y aparenta de 17 años. Eleazter the killer dreams: una psicópata :b, tiene y aparenta 21 años. Nev!sans(era más que obvio que tendría un Sans xd): esqueleto, obviuss, tiene… io k c no soy 100tifika :u Aparenta 20 v: Circus!Sans: alias; mi consentido bb XD Igual que Nev, pero aparenta 14 :3 Bluug del reino Wüálër(xD): es un híbrido :v, tiene 152 años y aparenta de 20 :3 Color!!!: alias: el bullyiado, tiene 17 años y aparenta de 21(es que esta jodidon :y) Clear Cream: es un helado, tiene 18 años y aparenta 15. C41: es un robot con forma de gato, tiene 2 meses de creación y aparenta… es un robot por fahvarr :vr Asteri Walaxy: es un alíen, tiene 4 eones y aparenta de 12 años :3 La DJ(no tiene nombre aun :'v): una híbrida de un gato y una oveja(? Tiene y aparenta de 21 años. Alehem Spywer: híbrido de arácnido y humano, tiene 230 años y aparenta de 22 años. Y ya son todos estos cabrones que tardaron un miSERIO DÍA PARA VER MI CORTE DE PELO!!! >:v Daniel: a nadie le interesa (눈_눈) *ignorar* wuenoo, si gustan pueden hablarles o io k c :vr
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westeros-rp · 4 years ago
nymeria martell
Nymeria stood quietly as she looked over the orange groves her father had loved so much from her balcony. She and Dorne had lost Elric Martell three months prior. After battling illness for weeks, he finally slipped into the night. Dorne had gone into immediate mourning. Sadness fell over Sunspear as the people mourned the loss of their leader. Despite her pain, Nymeria let all the windows and doors be open on the grounds of the estate. She opened up parts of the castle and into the sept to let the people in to mourn and pay their respects to their Prince. As she had promised her father, Nymeria forced herself to only mourn for a few days before focusing her attention to bettering Dorne and strengthening their relationship to Westeros. A few days after Elric had been buried, Nymeria had been crowned Princess of Dorne and Lady of Sunspear. She was the sole heir to the crown. 
Today, the day before she was to leave for King’s Landing, was the first day she had felt most at peace about his death. Her mind and nerves were wrapped up in King’s Landing. The sun would set soon and she watched as the handmaidens finished harvesting the ripe blood oranges for the day. They had been working on a nearly daily basis to prepare for the trip to King’s Landing. Dorne’s gift to the crown would be an offering of oranges. Nym, and Dorne, would once again be swearing fealty to the crown and celebrate the birthday of Reina. 
The sound of someone approaching jarred Nym out of her thoughts. Outside of her beloved handmaiden, Dyanna, few chose to actually approach Nym in the past few months. Kaegan and Asteri were also among the exceptions. However, only one tended to come calling via balcony. Nym glanced over the edge and was mildly surprised to find Kaegan. She had figured that he would be elsewhere, preparing for the trip. Nym tried her hardest to not seem so excited and definitely ignored the feeling of butterflies as Kaegan began to climb her balcony. His behavior was typical and something he had done since they were children. But the fluttering feeling was new; realizing itself a few weeks ago when the sun had kissed his skin at the perfect angle and then proceeded to infiltrate her dreams.
<b><font color=”#C75430”> “Kaegan,”</font></b> Nym greeted with a soft smile. 
<b>“Nym,”</b> Kaegan greeted in response. Nym mentally noted his playful mood, he had not climbed her balcony so often in the past few months. For a moment, Nym felt as if the past few months had not happened. That she had not been thrust into a position of immense power and into a game she wasn’t sure she wanted to play. Either way, she was entertained by his climbing. 
<b><font color=”#C75430”> “We should take a walk through town,”</font></b> Nym suggested, moving to playfully push him back down the balcony. Kaegan made a noise and fell backwards. Nym’s heart sank immediately as she rushed to the edge. She had certainly injured him if not damn near killed him! <b><font color=”#C75430”> “Kaegan!,”</font></b> She yelled. Her concern immediately stopped as she was confronted with his playfully laughing face. He dangled easily from the side of the balcony. Nym pursed her lips, <b><font color=”#C75430”> “I will never concern myself about your wellbeing ever again,”</font></b> Despite rolling her eyes, Nym smiled as he continued to laugh. <b>"There, that's the smile that blesses Dorne."</b> A moment later, Nym swung her leg over the edge of the balcony and jumped down easily into his awaiting arms. After a few minutes of gentle ribbing, they were off, arm in arm, to walk the town.
They ended in the gazebo, in the center of the palace’s orange grove. They stood together near one of the ornate benches, taking a moment to catch their breath. Nym’s thoughts briefly wandered to a moment a few years prior. She and Kaegan had been only teens and he had chased her into the gazebo. After the fit of laughter, she had leaned in and kissed him. Nym had not let the moment last. She had ended up playfully punching him and then running into the castle. With him standing so near, she felt her stomach flutter again. She could smell the subtle scent of cologne, pleasantly mixed with whatever else he had been involved in that day. Before Nym could stop herself, she found herself leaning into him and pressing her lips against his. 
Needing to catch her breath, Nym pulled away but hovered close. She was tempted to run. She had once again crossed a boundary between them. She had wanted to. She still wanted to. But a small part of her felt complex feelings about Kaegan and duty to Dorne began to mix with all the uncertainty that had swirled in her since her father passed. And she found herself not breathing again  as he had yet to entirely react. Her wondering did not take long. Kaegan swept her back into another kiss, wrapping her tightly in his arms. This moment too did not last long. Perhaps Kaegan, as he often did, reminded himself of his position in relation to her. <b>"Nym--"</b>
Nym shook her head, <b><font color=”#C75430”> “please, do not question it.”</font></b>. Encouraged by his reaction, Nym leaned in again, kissing him longer and beginning to tug on his clothes.
--le skip--
The loud chirping of birds woke Nym. Her eyes fluttered open and it took a moment to register that she was still in the gazebo, snuggled up to Kaegan. He snored softly next to her, blissfully unaware that it was still morning. The morning that they were supposed to leave for King’s Landing, which she still was not entirely packed for. She could hear the clamor of the handmaidens as they prepared to begin their daily harvest of the oranges. It was well past the time that Dyanna would come to wake her.  <i> “shit!”</i> Nym chastised herself quietly. She quickly moved out of Kaegan’s hold without disturbing him and pulled on her slip. Nym gathered the rest of her clothes and quickly made her way back to the castle. 
--weeks later--
<b><color=#C75430>“Ouch,”</color></b> Nymeria huffed as Dyanna pulled a brush through her hair. <b><color=#C75430>“Careful, Dy. Please.”</color></b> Nymeria quietly swore to herself as the carriage bumped along and Dyanna again tugged through her hair. The Dornish party was quickly approaching King’s Landing and Dyanna and Nymeria were fretting over her appearance. Everything needed to be perfect. She would be facing the Kingdom and her Aunt, the Queen. 
<b>“I’m sorry, princess...but you know how your hair gets after a wash.”</b> Dyanna responded. She had finally combed through the tangles and was trying to make quick work of Nymeria’s hair. Dyanna brushed a little bit of makeup and pinched Nymeria’s cheeks, <b>“to accent your best features. You are beautiful, my lady, and will radiate throughout Westeros.”</b>
<b><color=#C75430>“Thank you, Dy. How are the oranges and saplings?”</color></b> Nymeria asked as Dyanna zipped her into her dress and smoothed the flyaways in her hair. Dyanna fixed the emblem of House Martell to Nymeria’s breast and adjusted any misplaced threads. 
<b>“Perfect still and looking as if we had picked them yesterday. I think your father truly is shining down on us.”</b> Dyanna commented. Nymeria nodded with a soft smile before opening the window of the carriage to look out. King’s Landing lay just in the distance, towering over the nearby landscape. Its red-capped buildings almost reminded Nymeria of Dorne, but Dorne had a warmer hue and seemed so much more inviting. Looking at King’s landing, Nymeria felt apprehensive: it looked like a place that could make her wildest dreams for Dorne come true, but also bring her own demise. She should not think like this. She was armed with her father’s years of knowledge and driven by her own clear purpose. 
<b><color=#C75430>“How much longer?”</color></b> Nym called out to her traveling party. After some shuffling, Kaegan responded with a few minutes. They had barely spoken throughout the duration of the trip. Nym wasn’t sure how she wanted to handle him and the idea of him yet. 
Nymeria walked down the cavernous hall, her shoulders tense but appearing relaxed as she followed one of the castle's servants to the throne room. They were going to present their gifts to the crown, presenting themselves in front of the royal family. Nymeria was flanked by her own four maidens who strode confidently behind her. Each one was dressed similarly: in muted orange tones and a gold bracelet that wrapped up their arms, their hair braided in crowns around their heads, and the sigil of Dorne pinned to their breasts. The two front maidens each held a large basket of oranges and the back two each carried two orange tree saplings. Dyanna and the few others that joined their traveling party were getting the carriages and horses situated before joining them. Nymeria paused before the doors and took a deep breath. Her father’s words echoed in her mind, urging her to best represent Dorne in this mostly foreign land. The doors before her swung open and revealed the throne room. 
It was a remarkable. 
Nymeria paused by the doors as she entered. On either side of the aisle stood a row of guards from the door all the way to the throne. The King sat on a tall throne, stacked high with iron swords and towering over the room. His children, the crown princes and princess sat on either side of him and were looking towards her. 
A squire announced her entrance, <b>“Nymeria Wylla Nymeros Martell or House Martell, Lady of Sunspear, and Princess of Dorne. She is accompanied by Ser Korban Dayne, Knight to Dorne, and four maidens.” </b>
Nymeria pulled her shoulders back and walked confidently down the aisle, her maidens trailing behind her with her gifts in hand. Once she reached the end of the aisle, her maidens stopped as Nymeria sank into her curtsey. She was poised and elegant, taking into consideration all the lessons her tutors had given her in her youth. Address the highest ranking person first, then their relations, and then her purpose.
<b><color=#C75430>“Your Highness, Princes and Princess. Thank you for your invitation to King’s Landing. We bring these oranges as a token of our gratitude and a gift to Princess Reina and her birthday. We also present four orange saplings that will bloom beautifully in a few months' time.”</color></b> Nymeria spoke as she flashed her signature kilowatt smile around the room. <b><color=#C75430>“I also would like to extend my gratitude to Princess Reina and her gracious offer to host us. I cannot thank you enough.”</color></b>
The maidens stepped forward and handed the gifts to the Crown’s own servants before stepping back in their own bows and moving to stand behind Nymeria. 
Nymeria curtsied once more before turning on her heel and walking out of the throne room once she was dismissed. Nymeria followed the maid that had led them to the throne room back through another part of the castle to her guest chambers. There was only one window in the room which the Targaryen maid immediately crossed to and opened when they entered the room. 
<b> “I hope the room is to your liking, princess,”</b> the maid commented. The woman continued to fuss about the room: she opened the door to a small balcony and turned over the pillows before dismissing herself and leaving Nymeria alone. Finally, a moment to herself. Nymeria likely only had a few minutes to herself before the maid allowed Dyanna and Nymeria’s other maidens to burst into the room and also began fussing about the room.
<align=center> --later in the day or the next day--</align>
King’s landing was noticeably cooler than Dorne. Yes, it was summer but she kept hearing whispers. Something about how “Winter was coming” or something of the sort. Nymeria had noted it but had yet to inquire any further about it. She was concerned with learning the players and linking faces to these houses she had been learning. Even walking through the castle, she had caught bits and pieces of names and how certain houses regarded one another. She was sure that she would hear more throughout the joust or would be able to see how everyone interacted with one another.
Dyanna trailed behind Nymeria as they headed for the jousting pit. Princess Reina had invited Nymeria to sit near her in her audience box. It had been a long time since Nymeria had interacted with the Princess or any of her siblings. 
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ao3feed-yurionice · 5 years ago
No Más Lágrimas – Au Fanfickers [En contra el bullying]
by AsteryFiore
「 ¿Hasta qué punto las personas son capaces de llevar a alguien al límite por no ser "igual a los demas?, 」
-AU de YOI que nos enseña las consecuencias propias del hostigamiento hacia las personas sin límite de edad y el como su vida puede cambiar si estamos dispuestas a colaborar en ello -
-Estilo: AU Fanficker/Escritor/Fan/Cotidiano -Brotp: PhitchitxYuuri (No a nivel romántico, solo de amistad) lo que nos deja sin parejas en este fic pero si nos dá inicios del Victuuri a su interpretación de los hechos. -Categoría: One Shot
Los personajes de YOI no me pertenecen, lo unico mio es la imaginación y la escritura desarrollada.... los personajes les pertenecen al Estudio de animación MAPPA y sus creadoras Kubo y Sayo.
Autora y directora: Astery-Fiore [Dannu] Betas Readers : Cameron y @Sharayanime. Fanart por: Sharayanime
Words: 3224, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Phichit Chulanont, Victor Nikiforov
Relationships: YuurixPhichit, YuurixPhichit (Not Romantic / No Romantico), No Romantic Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: amistad, relacion no romantica - Freeform, Brotp, Mejores Amigos, Au fanfickers, Lord K, No Más Lágrimas, Au Fanfickers [En contra el bullying], One Shot en contra del BULLYING, One Shot, NML, AsteryFiore, sharayanime
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/23934184
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andrewfire7 · 7 years ago
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 Asterio Enrique Acosta Prens  (1937-2018)
     Asterio Enrique Acosta Prens  (1937-2018)
       Gracias Padre Celestial, por haberme bendecido al ponerme en la vida, de este Gran Ser que Guió mis pasos desde bebe, al estar en cada momento el cual lo necesitaba, educandome, llenando de valores, amor, confianza y mostrarme cual es el ADN para ser una gran persona, familia y un buen hombre. Siempre mostrando con alegría y tranquilidad la solución a los problemas.
      Yo solo tengo para ti un agradecimiento profundo y por ser una fuente de inspiración para mi Vida,.. Por lo que siempre te
caracterizo; una persona amable, servicial, sociable, llena de valores, el siempre hacer lo correcto y sobre todo tu Honestidad y Humildad.
       Siempre estaras en mi corazón y mis memorias, espero Ser el nieto y la persona que querías que fuera, espero nunca defraudarte,.. Tu Siempre seras para mi un Gran Caballero.
     Gracias por tu Sonrisa, tus chistes, tus cuentos, tu manera de vivir la vida, tu formación, gracias por ser gran padre, abuelo, tio, Suegro amigo y esposo, gracias por ser el Equilibrio en la familia y el pilar
de nuestras vidas y nuestra familia. Son tantas cosas que has sido y nos has
dado, Que no tengo palabras como expresarlo…
Te amo abuelo #papi Muchas Gracias por Todo de verdad sé que estaras desde el Cielo protegiéndonos y cuidandonos.
Y gracias al Señor por ser parte de nuestras vidas...
  #asterioacosta #acosta #elmaracucho #asterie #prens #abuelo
#papa #caballero #18marzo
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asterisnotebook · 1 year ago
Asteri's Notebook (9/10/2023)
Cada día la disforia está peor, tengo que cerrar los ojos cada vez que paso cerca de un espejo, y teniendo una discución con mi madre surgió otro problema, antes iba con otro psicologo, ese psicologo hizo que pensara mal de mi e hizo que tomara malas decisiones haciendome pensar que era lo mejor para mi, una de las cosas que hizo es que piense que no tengo disforia, y si no tengo disforia, entonces que es esto? que es este asco que me da verme al espejo? que es este odio a mi cuerpo que me hace querer arrancarmelo? que es esta incomodidad que me hace sentir tan mal?, ya no se si lo que siento es disforia o que, necesito ir con mi psicologo actual. Pd: Gracias mamá por hacer que vuelva a tener problemas que no recordaba.
Fuera de eso no hice nada interesante, en realidad no hice nada, no he hecho casí nada pultimamente, paso todo el día inetntando sobrevivir de mi propia mente y ya no he podido trabajar, necesito que alguien me ponga a hacer algo, por que en este momento no tengo fuerza para hacerme hacer algo yo misma y si no hago nada solo voy a estar peor.
En noticias menos deprimentes casi me vuelvo a pasar Hades, tome una foto de una zona bonita del final y la quise compartir, pero antes, SPOILERS!!!! Estan avisados.
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Miren que bonito! <3
Espero mañana hacer algo, para porfin avanzar en mis planes y para tener algo de que escribir o de que crear contenido.
Ayer estube pensando algo, en subir una foto mía, subida de tono, no aquí, en otro blog más de cosas random de mí, ya que este blog es solo mi diario, tal vez por der subida de tono la gente diga cosas buenas y me haga sentir mejor, pero tambien puede que me digan cosas malas y me sienta peor, no lo se, solo quiero sentirme mejor con mi cuerpo, es algo que pensaré, se que es raro escribir esto (o leerlo), pero puede que por la gente ver algo subido de tono no le importe tanto y diga cosas buenas, pero como digo, no se, y es raro, así que dejo de escribir sobre eso, eso lo pensaré después.
Lo siento por que tubieras que leer lo de arriba, y no lo puedo borrar, tengo una regla de no hacerlo, quiero ser lo más sincera posible.
Como dije desde un principio, no tengo nada interesante que decir, no se porque leer esto, pero si lo hiciste, gracias por darte la molestia de leer lo que sea que sea esto.
Espero que en algun moemento estes bien, y si puedes estarlo en este mismo momento, mucho mejor, y si ya estas bien, espero así siga, chau <3
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etharion · 11 years ago
Day 27: Do they believe that a person can redeem themselves from mistakes of the past?  Yes, but.
Eth believes in redemption, but to him it's a complicated matter.  Can there be true redemption without justice as well?  He doesn't think so.  On the other hand, what constitutes justice?
He thinks of a Ser, a druid he once knew, who in his youth had been a slaver and rapist.  A few thousand years later, Ser found his own redemption in his love for his infant daughter.  When the Druids of the Flame came to recruit him, Ser resisted them though it cost him his own life and the life of his baby girl.  Eth firmly believes that in those final moments, Ser found personal redemption.  But then he thinks of the people who were murdered or enslaved, the women who were violated.  Where was their justice?  On the other hand, was justice in Ser having to suffer the flames himself, and having to kill his beloved infant child so that she would not go through the pain of burning alive?  Was that payment enough?  Eth doesn't have an answer.
What scares them?  The prospect of going through life alone, without a partner to share love with; becoming cynical, hard, and finally cruel.  Basically, that life will knock all the love out of him.
How do they feel about death?  He recognizes that death is a natural and necessary part of life, but he also believes in fighting it and wringing every minute you can get out of living.  He would agree with Syrio Forel:  "Not today."  And so far, for all his suicidal thoughts, that's what Eth has managed to say to Death.
Have they been significantly affected by it?  Oh...you could say that.
- http://asgardianthunder.tumblr.com/post/12903597383/the-most-in-depth-30-day-character-development-meme
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asterisnotebook · 1 year ago
Asteri's Notebook (6/10/2023)
Antes solía usar mis cuadernos como diarios cuando me sentía mal, pero mi novia (@jfdnat69 <3) empezó a hacer un diario y se me ocurrió hacer uno tambien, aparte de que usaré tumblr para publicar mis ideas sobre cosas y así, aunque yo si escribo mucho por que no se callarme xd.
Esta entrada será solo una introsuccción de mi, siempre me gusta empezar así.
Holi, soy Ivette, mi nombre de artista es Asteri, inventé algo llamado el "Complejo Da Vinci", que es basicamente una manera de decir que intento hacer todo, y si no se hacerlo voy a aprender a hacerlo.
Soy trans, uso pronombres femeninos y soy furry.
En el momento de escribir esto hablo español e ingles, pero quisiera hablar más idiomas.
Hago juegos, canciones, musica, modelo, intento dibujar, me gusta leer, los musicales, mis artistas favoritos que estan vivos (xd) son Imagine Dragons y JFD, los que estan muertos o ya no estan en grupo son Ella Fitzgerald, Daft Punk, Avicii, Michael Jackson y otros.
Lo principal que hago es hacer historias, y pueden ser representadas en forma de juegos, libros, series, peliculas, etc.
Se que nadie va a leer este texto o interesarse por esto, pero seguiré escribiendo lo que sea que pase por mi mente.
Si alguien tiene el infortuno de leer todo esto, holi otra vez, y espero estes bien, y terminaré con algo que me escribí en una de mis notas y quiero que lo leas tambien:
"You already made a long way here, but you need to hear soemthing... Please, live your life"
"Ya has hecho un largo camino hatsa aquí, pero necesitas escuchar algo... Porfavor, vive tu vida"
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ao3feed-yurionice · 5 years ago
No Más Lágrimas – Au Fanfickers [En contra el bullying]
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3f8Vc75
by AsteryFiore
「 ¿Hasta qué punto las personas son capaces de llevar a alguien al límite por no ser "igual a los demas?, 」
-AU de YOI que nos enseña las consecuencias propias del hostigamiento hacia las personas sin límite de edad y el como su vida puede cambiar si estamos dispuestas a colaborar en ello -
-Estilo: AU Fanficker/Escritor/Fan/Cotidiano -Brotp: PhitchitxYuuri (No a nivel romántico, solo de amistad) lo que nos deja sin parejas en este fic pero si nos dá inicios del Victuuri a su interpretación de los hechos. -Categoría: One Shot
Los personajes de YOI no me pertenecen, lo unico mio es la imaginación y la escritura desarrollada.... los personajes les pertenecen al Estudio de animación MAPPA y sus creadoras Kubo y Sayo.
Autora y directora: Astery-Fiore [Dannu] Betas Readers : Cameron y @Sharayanime. Fanart por: Sharayanime
Words: 3224, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Phichit Chulanont, Victor Nikiforov
Relationships: YuurixPhichit, YuurixPhichit (Not Romantic / No Romantico), No Romantic Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: amistad, relacion no romantica - Freeform, Brotp, Mejores Amigos, Au fanfickers, Lord K, No Más Lágrimas, Au Fanfickers [En contra el bullying], One Shot en contra del BULLYING, One Shot, NML, AsteryFiore, sharayanime
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3f8Vc75
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asteriloststar · 8 years ago
Sound of Silence #2
Querido H.
Já fazem 2 semanas. É um progresso razoável pra quem não consegui ficar nenhum segundo sequer sem pensar em você, e agora a maior parte do tempo eu me pego me concentrando nas coisas que eu quero fazer esse ano. Eu finalmente tô começando a te esquecer.
Porém o medo de te perder persiste e me faz querer segurar sua mão no abismo do esquecimento, tentando fazer com que você não caia, aí daí que vem as recaídas. Sorte que eu me limitei ao máximo sem celular, e sem qualquer app que me faça querer te procurar. E como você não me procura também eu acho ótimo. É sério, eu acho ótimo mesmo. 
Queria poder te falar tudo que estou aprendendo nos últimos dias sobre filosofia, Design thinking, até curso da Endeavor eu tô fazendo. A situação com minha irmã tá ótima, conversamos bastante. Penso que foi só o choque inicial.
Comprei um óculos novo, acho que você ia achar ele engraçado. Mas eu tô me sentindo mais bonita, não que você se importe.Mas eu me importo.
Li um texto hoje que falava de  superar uma perda amorosa. Ela dizia que assistiu um filme que um psicólogo sugeriu que o paciente usasse a cadeira como sua ex- namorada, e ele nos primeiros dias chorava muito, assim como eu chorava todas as noites. E depois ao longo do tempo ele foi desabafando com a cadeira, tirando toda a dor que ele sentia, até não restar nada , e ele se sentir limpo.  Talvez eu ainda te escreva mais algumas vezes pra tentar tirar o que ainda tenho de coisas pra falar pra você, e prometo mais uma vez que você não vai ler nada disso. Não vai ter graça se você ler. 
Eu finalmente consegui terminar a história que fiz inspirada na gente e em minha vida, e lógico que não ficamos juntos no final. Minha personagem, Asterie se dá conta no meio da historia que vocês jamais ficam juntos, por que você não a ama. Eu queria muito ter a postura madura dela. Mais ainda queria ter o Rei Thanos ( BK) pra mim, mas infelizmente ele também não me quis. Eu tentei arquitetar o personagem com tuas manias, e em apenas um dialogo  eu já te odiaria por você não prestar atenção em nada. Por enquanto vou focar nos personagens, mas prometo fazer você um pouco mais legal na historia do que na vida real pras pessoas não te odiarem mais do que já te odeiam kk.
Através dessa história eu vi o quanto devo focar nos meus sonhos e não me prender à pessoas. A Asteri  deixou o Thanos e seus amigos no Pélion para seguir em frente rumo à novas jornadas, e eu , 3 anos e ainda não consigo deixar de gostar de você. Eu preciso aprender mais com a Asteri mesmo. 
Eu estive pensando sobre seu aniversário, e só de pensar em te ligar já me deu calafrios. Não que eu não queira falar com você, eu não tenho O QUE falar com você, essa é a verdade. Você se importaria  com 0,5% do que eu falei aqui. É a verdade. Eu pensei em mandar algo pela menina de Recife do curso que você nao se importou em saber o que era , o qual eu vou cursar. 
Eu pensei em realmente passar mais dois meses sem falar com você. Talvez até mais. Porém se eu ficar com celular você vai me ligar e eu não quero. Não tô afim, por enquanto.Eu quero viver sem você, sem esse relacionamento abusivo pelo qual eu me doei por completo, com a esperança de ser amada, e não fui. E não, não quero ter outra pessoa pra depender, isso tá fora dos meus planos. Hoje, sem você eu continuo tendo amigos, e também não me importo se tô sozinha, e NENHUM  deles eu preciso depender pra nada. Feliz? 
Eu quero me sentir limpa. E  quero ser feliz com meus projetos, sem nenhum julgamento imbecil de alguém que pouco se importa. 
Talvez eu tenha exigido demais  de você, eu confesso, e eu realmente criei expectativas grandes na nossa amizade, e eu nao devia ter feito isso. Me desculpe. 
Agora, pra consertar isso eu preciso não precisar de você, e não deixar me atingir por nada que você faça ou diga. Tendo isso,  podemos reconstruir nossa amizade, de uma forma que não seja abusiva. 
Eu sonhei com Matheus. Sonhei que conversávamos e que ele se emocionava ao receber uma carta minha. Eu queria poder encontrar ele e consertar as coisas, mas vai demorar até eu poder realizar essa missão impossível. 
Bem, é isso. Falei bastante. Caso ainda tenha sentimentos acumulados eu falo pra você aqui.
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