#Sephiroth: You watch them Daddy's got things to do
sapphirothcrescent · 14 days
You know how cat mothers will just carry their offspring over to you and just dump them onto you and leave?
Sephiroth doing that to Cloud with the Remnants.
Sephiroth: *enters Cloud's bedroom carrying one of the remnants. Plonks him onto the bed and leaves without a word*
Cloud: ????
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altocat · 3 months
No I totally agree with you there. Sephiroth’s downfall is so heartbreaking precisely because he seemed like such a nice person. Pretty much every time you see him out of combat he’s sort of awkward, standing around by himself but still being super polite and sweet to anyone he interacts with (his whole thing with Tifa pre-Nibelheim and guiding her back to town even though it would be a major inconvenience for him will never not make my heart twist a bit) so to see him go from that to… whatever the hell he is now is definitely depressing.
And about how he was talking to Rufus as Glenn, I was also wondering about that. I audibly gasped when he started tearing into him and saying he was- if I remember correctly- “a pathetic, pigheaded, daddy hating child” I was like damn enough, he’s down 😂 It definitely did sound personal. But then you also have to wonder if that’s because he assimilated into the lifestream and just got a glimpse into Rufus’ greatest insecurities and used them against him, or if he perhaps started hating on him more after he found out about Glenn and then suddenly everything Rufus did annoyed the hell out of him. The Kendrick Lamar Drake diss comes to mind here (“I hate the way that you talk, I hate the way that you walk…”)
I really do hope first soldier goes into more detail with them though, because they have such an interesting dynamic going on and it brings so many questions. I’ve also always found pre-insanity Sephiroth so much more interesting than the crazy version. He just kind of loses complexity after he snaps and becomes sort of boring to analyze 🫤
I love Post Nibelheim Sephiroth to pieces. He's a great villain and is extremely entertaining to watch. But yeah, he does lose a lot of his complexity. Sane!Seph sorta feels like a completely different person, complete with a full character arc and eventual descent. Sephiroth as he is now sorta feels like a character that's already reached his final conclusion, just short of a final death.
I really hope First Soldier shows a lots of lore, especially for Rufus, Glenn, and anyone else important in Sephiroth's life. I was so worried about them handling a previously mysterious segment of Sephiroth's life. But after Episode 1, I'm very confident about where it's all going. So I can't wait!
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toddlerbodybag · 3 years
Howdy! I'd love to request Yandere Tifa Lockhart with a s/o that tries to escape her. Thank you!
Sorry this was an little angsty, but I really wanted to explore how her experiences led to her yandere trait's. Trigger warning for don coreno, nothing explicit, just trauma from the event.
Tifa had many admirers, alot of whom where in high places. There was nothing she hated more then those men who wouldn't stop. Early on in your relationship you told her that she was started to adapt the behavior of her abusers, her possessiveness sometimes rubbed you the wrong way. She broke down crying. She explained that this was different. She did everything because she loved you so so much, that she was scared to loose you because you were the first person who genuinely seemed to love her for more than the surface. Who didn't see her as an object to be won. The guilt from your accusation caused you to fall into an flurry of self hatred. You both blamed it on your self destructive nature, hurting yourself because you hated yourself. She held you with your head burried in her lap, kissing the top of your head "just let yourself be happy, you deserve to be happy". She just wanted to protect you from all the people who saw her as an prize, who wanted to break her down and mold her into someone else. Who wanted to hurt her because she looked pretty when she cried.
All of that made you feel even worse for what you where about to do. It's not that you where trying to leave her.. you just wanted to check up on a sick friend. Tifa would only let you leave 7th heaven with her by your side. If you asked her she would have taken you, but it was an busy day for the girl. You needed to check up on your friend now and you didn't want to give her another thing to do. You waited till she was in an deep sleep and slipped out of the bed. You ran over to your friends house for an quick visit. They where unable to sleep due to their painful symptoms, so you stayed well into the night, watching movies to distract them.
Your eyes caught the sunrising from the window "fuck, I gotta go home" in a rush you gathered your things. You looked at your phone to check the time, "7 missed calls from tifa" shit. You opened messenger, but your phone died before you could type an single letter. You ran out of the apartment and towards 7th heaven. "Tifa" you shouted as you opened the door. "Y/n" an sleepy small voice whispered. Marlene was standing by the pinball machine, clutching her pink blanket. "Sweetie, what are you doing up" you bowed down to her level. "Tifa left" "oh, okay, just go back to bed honey it's alright" Marlene nodded , you waited until she had left untill you sprinted over to the bars phone. Dialing tifa as fast as you could. "Hello" tifa's voice was shaking, "tifa baby I am so sor-""were are you" she interrupted "I'm at 7th, are you okay" tifa hung up. You sat down, preparing your explanation.
After a few minutes tifa burst through the door, tackling you with an hug. "Why, why did you leave" "I just went to check up on an friend" tifa grabbed your shoulders, "without me" tifa scolded. "I didn't want to bother you". "You never bother me!!" You sighed,"I don't get why this is such an big deal, I'm a big girl tifa, I can take care of myself" "you can't!!" Anger bubbled inside of you "I'm not an idiot tifa!". "You just don't understand, the type of people out there" tifa cried out. Tifa continued "there are people out there who want to do terrible things to me, to you. What if HE got you" now you understand her paranoia. "Sephiroth's dead tifa" tifa looked up confused. "I know, it's someone else y/n" "who?". "Don coreno" she said his name like each letter of it burned. Pulling you close to her she elaborated. "He didn't get the chance to do anything, but he would've, and he will if he gets it." Guilt twisted your heart, seeing her like this broke you. "Y/n, my baby, I don't want you to ever experience those types of looks, you stay up at night haunted by what could have happened, I'm strong so I can save myself, but you. It could actually happen if I'm not there to protect you".
You held her for an while, her hot tears ran down your neck as she cried , her face buried in the nape of it. "Let's get some sleep" she nodded.
You where able to hobble out of the bar,her body leaning on you. Collapsing onto the bed the two of you drifted off to an light yet peaceful sleep. Which was quickly pulled away from you when Marlene crawled between you. "Had a nightmare" "why you crawling in with us" tifa's voice was slightly raspy from crying. "Daddy's to big, I'm crushed" Marlene pouted "he snooooores to loud" you drifted off to sleep, the sounds of Marlene describing her nightmare to tifa. Their voices muted and words distorted
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sahbibabe · 4 years
Soulmate AU
Sephiroth/Fem! Reader
You visit Seventh Heaven, catch up with Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge, and meet Barrett and Marlene.
You learn a little bit more about Sephiroth from the man himself, but not in a way you can understand.
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WHEN YOU COULD SPARE the time, you visited Seventh Heaven for once, and not the other way around. While you were very aware of avalanche and who that entailed, it didn't stop you from frequenting the bar from time to time, and it most certainly didn't stop you from delivering tea to Wedge whenever you could just to visit his cats.
      You were surprised, upon entering, to find the place crowded and not at all deserted like you had expected. Tifa was pouring up drinks by the dozen and had no end in sight as people kept coming up for more; you even saw Cloud in the back with her, almost frenzied as he tried to keep the orders correct and going to the right people.
       "[Name]!" Jessie's voice was like the crack of a whip over the throng of noise. You turned to face her table, where she sat with Biggs, Wedge, a man who appeared more muscle than bone, and a little girl in a cute pink dress who was talking animatedly to said man. "Over here!"
       It was better than braving the crowd around the bar, you decided, after taking a glance at the riot of alcohol being tossed around.
        You approached cautiously, wary of drunkards who stumbled and laughed near you, and Jessie finally got impatient enough to jump up and yank you to the table, plopping you down in a seat across from the little girl in pink.
        "[Name]!" Wedge cheered, giving you a tiny wave with a surprised look when you looked him dead in the eye. "It's nice to see you! Want some chips?"
         "Oh, no thank you." You held your hands up and waved his offer off. Chips didn't sound like a very good appetizer to you, and you had only come for a Cosmo Canyon to unwind a bit. You would probably be getting neither. "I appreciate the offer, Wedge."
        Biggs, a grin on his face, reached around Jessie and patted your shoulder. "Barrett, Marlene, this is [Name]. She's the local tea supplier up near the station."
         You smiled politely at them, only jostling when Jessie managed to shove a glass of beer in your hand. You never did favor beer, or any alcohol in particular, though Tifa had somewhat succeeded in getting you to like the Cosmo Canyon as long as it had a wedge of lime in it.
         "It's nice to meet you both," you said, unflinching underneath Barrett's hard stare. You had a feeling that he did that to all the new people he met. "I'm [Name], like he said, but I only run the tea shop. I'm not much of a supplier."
        Barrett grunted at you, keen on going back to speaking to Marlene, but the little girl's eyes were fixed on you, her mouth open wide. She was absolutely adorable and you were having a hard time not snatching her up and cooing over her like a grandmother.
        "Hello," you greeted her again, waving your hand at her with a smile. "You're Marlene, aren't you?"
         As you interacted with the girl, you found it difficult not to ignore the holes that Barrett was burning in your skull. The little girl was obviously someone important to him, but no one seemed to want to tell you just how.
        "Hi," she responded shyly. You held out your hand to shake, just to appease Barrett, and she shook it slowly. "I'm Marlene."
        "That's a pretty name," you said, and it was--you had never heard much like it. "I love your dress."
        "Thank you! Daddy bought it for me. I really like your feathers."
        You had almost forgotten Sephiroth's feathers at your hip--touching them mindlessly, you smiled at her, and plucked one of the smaller ones from your bundle. It was one of the prettier ones and shone like oil slick, and under Barrett's approving stare and nod, you handed it to Marlene.
        "Here you go. You can have one, since you like it," you said. She took it from you gently, watching the different colors bounce off under the lights. "Take good care of it, okay? That feather is rare."
       "I will!" Marlene promised, clutching it to her chest--very gently, you noticed. Then, she held it up in front of her father's face, chortling,"Look! Look! Miss [Name] gave me a feather!"
        "I see that," he began,"but what do you say?"
        You watched, amused, eyes crinkled, at the interaction. Parent dynamics always fascinated you to no end, especially since you had a hard time remembering how your parents were with you as a child. Time seemed to take those away from you the older you got; you were only twenty-three, but your memory was as hazy as an old bat's.
         "You say thank you," Barrett was chiding her.
        "Oh!" She said, as if struck. She turned to you, her eyes bright. "Thank you!"
         "You're welcome, Marlene," you laughed, patiently, and took a sip of the beer Jessie had given you with a grimace. "Jessie, I don't even like beer."
        "You're not getting a Cosmo Canyon anytime soon, so drink it up," she said, nudging your shoulder playfully.  "And then we can help Tifa clean up after."
       "Fine. But I better get one before the night's over."
      As the hours went by and the crowd slowly thinned out, leaving crumbs of chips and open beer bottles scattered across the various tables left open, you were entertained by Marlene, who was putting the feather in different parts of her hair and grinning at you, and Jessie, who went along with you and praised Marlene's fashion choices. Barrett seemed to have no issue with you the longer you played with Marlene, choosing to speak with Biggs and Wedge about something far more serious than a feather's fashion season.
        Soon, it was Marlene's bed time and you were saying goodbye, drowsy and only a little buzzed. Barrett had offered to take you home after he tucked Marlene away, probably to thank you for occupying his daughter while he spoke about serious things, but you waved him off.
        "It's okay," you said gently, fighting through the buzz in your head. "It's only a little ways away. Bring Marlene to visit one day; tea's on the house."
        "I'm sure she'd have fun," he laughed when the girl in question nodded her head eagerly. "Come on, little lady, let's get you into bed!"
        With a farewell hug to Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge, and a wave to Tifa and Cloud, who still seemed to be busy, you stepped outside and inhaled the smell of Shinra chemicals and metal. It was a far better cry than the musty heat that had become Seventh Heaven.
        As you walked down the street to your tea shop, avoiding cats that wove through your legs, you became aware that you were being followed. The vibrating strings on your fingers told you who it was, though, so you continued walking, only stopping well out of view of Seventh Heaven and other people.
       You paused just under one of the working street lights, the others under disrepair or age, turning to face Sephiroth. He had kept his distance so far, skirting the edge of pathways and staying in the dark, but approached when you stopped to look at him.
       "Stalking isn't nice," you said by way of greeting. His eyes squinted in slight amusement, but not much. "Walk with me."
        "I intended to. Just not so close up."
        With a roll of your eyes you began walking, linking your arm with his to keep up with his longer strides. To the unwise observer, you would appear like a couple walking down the street, oblivious to onlookers, when you were anything but.
        It didn't trouble you too much that you would never have a normal relationship with him. Did it bother you that any attempt at happiness would have to be with someone else? Of course; it hurt when someone who was supposed to be your soul mate couldn't be that for you. Was unable to be that for you.
        You had decided, during one of those long showers where you wasted more water than you should have, that you would be happy with whatever moments you got with him. You would cherish them, no matter how distant he was from you, because he had lingered and watched over you; he could have left that first night and never come back.
        Instead, he had lent you his sight, given you little tokens, and even now, made sure you were safe as you walked down the road to your shop.
        It wasn't love. It was… appreciation. It was nearly a platonic acquaintanceship. You could have tacked many labels onto what you were, but one stood out the most: reluctant friends.
       "What do you do when you aren't with me?" You asked suddenly. You could feel his eyes darting to look at your face at the question, an eyebrow raised. You felt your face go hot at having to repeat yourself, flustered. "What I meant was, how do you spend your time? You never sleep, really, and I only see you at night, so…"
       "I take care of my important matters." It was so infuriatingly cryptic when you only wanted honesty. Which, he was, to a degree, but he wasn't elaborating. "Don't look so irritated. If it weren't dangerous for you to know, I would have told you."
        Dangerous. That was a word you were slowly coming to terms with when it came to him. You knew dangerous; Cloud was dangerous in a different way from Tifa, just like Tifa was dangerous in a different way from Cloud. Sephiroth was his own brand of danger, but in a more powerful way than your stressed out brain could understand.
        "Everything seems dangerous for me to know," you sighed. Then you narrowed your eyes, thankful you could see the slight twinge of a grin on his face. "Fine then. What's your favorite color?"
        "Starting with the basics, are we?"
       "I quite literally know nothing about you, except for your name and former job. This seems like a better compromise."
        "... Fair enough." You swore he was laughing at you in his head. "Green."
         "Why green?"
         "The lifestream. Your turn."
        You almost nearly stopped in your tracks at that admission, nearly pulling him with you, but you fixed yourself and continued walking, tucking that tidbit of information away for later.
        "Blue. Favorite book?"
        "Dante's Inferno."
        You had no idea how much that answer would hold significance when it came to him. Later, you would understand that every word that came out of his mouth had a meaning; not a breath was wasted.
        Later, you would realize that he was descending into his own hell, and was, in his own way, telling you about it.
        Later, you would look back and lament on all the reasons why you should have caught it, but truly?
      Truly, you knew nothing about him in the first place until it was too late.
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greensaplinggrace · 4 years
Hi, I just wanted to ask if you would be willing to dabble in a prompt about Cloud having a wing? Like maybe something where it first manifests in a really bad situation of some kind and he's just horrified and scared about it, and runs away from everyone because he's terrified of what they they think. They then him and end up reassuring and comforting him? Just- angst to family feels? There is a distinct lack of Cloud wingfics haha 😅 so I was just hoping you'd be interested.
I debated a long time about this being pre-Sephiroth reveal and post-Sephiroth reveal and finally decided to place it earlier in the game. I hope you don’t mind! This an AU where the Sector 7 plate never drops.
-UPDATE! This prompt has an alternate fill - VERSION 2 - HERE IT IS ON AO3
*TW for self esteem issues, self hatred, blood and injury, a brief contemplation of self harm/mutilation, hallucinations
- If you want to send in a prompt, the guidelines are HERE and HERE!
“I don’t believe it for a second!”
“It’s true! In front of dozens of people, too, including Madame M.”
A bellowing laugh fills the room, and Cloud stares furiously at his tumbler as the table nearly cracks beneath the force of Barret’s gun arm. “I knew he was full o’ shit! ‘I don’t dance’, my ass.”
“He was so good at it. By the end of the song, he wasn’t even following Andrea’s lead. It was like he just fell into the music.”
“Aw! I can’t believe I missed seeing Cloud finally let himself go.”
“Oh, it was wonderful, and he was blushing like mad the whole time. But you haven’t even heard the best part, yet!”
Cloud bites back a groan and hunches his shoulders, angling himself as far away from the rambunctious group gathered around the corner table. He catches sight of Tifa working her way down the bar with a rag, an apologetic smile on her lips, and sighs in defeat when she doesn’t even think to say a word in his defense.
“What, that it only took him glancin’ at the walls of Wall Market before he broke out dancin’? Cause we already knew he was repressed.”
“Barret!” It’s Tifa who finally protests, but it’s too little too late. Cloud sinks into his seat and wishes the entire world would disappear. His drink sure does, though not nearly fast enough. He grabs a nearby bottle and refills it himself.
“He’s got a point, though.”
Aerith giggles as if she knows a thing about him. “Cloud’s just shy.” 
He is not shy. 
“Shy or not, he was certainly willing to dance for Tifa.”
“And-” Cloud can fucking hear the wink in her voice. “-wear a dress for her.”
The room explodes into chaos. Cloud scowls against a blush as everybody bursts out laughing, voices overlapping in glee and disbelief. Even Tifa’s grinning, eyes sparkling with amusement when Jessie bounces over and slams stomach first into the table. She’s flushed on Gaia knows how much alcohol, eyes bright and cheeks rosy.
“I knneww he liked you!” she exclaims a bit too loudly, and Cloud winces. Half of him wants to speak up against the fact that they’re all gossiping about him when he’s right here. The other half of him just wants to remain quiet, refusing to give them the satisfaction of knowing he’s affected. “Did he really? It mm...must have been- so pretty! I bet it was the- the most amazing thing you’ve...ever seen.”
Cloud would say it was the most ridiculous thing she’d ever seen, but Tifa actually blushes.
Cloud tries not to blush as well with the realization, turning away from the two as Jessie resumes the conversation amidst Tifa’s embarrassed silence. The others are busy, all chattering and mellowed out, scattered around the bar in small groups and talking about whatever it is drunk environmental activists usually find interesting. 
There’s a simple camaraderie in the people around him. More than friends or acquaintances could ever be. A family.
He almost feels like an intruder, sitting here silent and morose in the midst of their comfortable chatter. All easy touches and loving warmth. Even Aerith has settled into the group as if she’s always been a part of it. She’s moved on to her second bottle now, talking animatedly with Barret about flowers, and how Cloud hadn’t ever expected them to get along like moss on a boulder is a mystery to him. 
They look...happy. All of them do.
Fondness prods at the boundaries of his chest as he watches them. A wholly unfamiliar feeling, and one Cloud isn’t keen on courting at the moment. He can’t allow himself to think like that, not when he knows he’s unwelcome here. Barret had been right about this being a team - a family - that Cloud isn’t a part of. He’d been right to kick Cloud out the first time around.
He empties the rest of his drink in one go and doesn't even pause to deliberate further. It tastes like ashes.
He shouldn't have even lingered this long. Sitting here brooding at the bar while everybody has fun, bringing down the mood like one giant dark intrusion in their bright little haven of safety and warmth and... 
Had his presence annoyed them, and that’s why they’d ignored it? Or had they even noticed him to begin with? Tifa certainly had, otherwise she would have left to go join in the celebrations of her family- her new family. One that Cloud isn’t part of anymore.
He stands to leave. The world tilts for a second, and he has to catch himself on the bar as his feet trip up underneath him, breath hitching and vision blurring. Nobody comments or moves to help him, though. Nobody even looks his way. So he staggers until he’s walking and makes a beeline for the front doors, past every joyful conversation and a smattering of giggles, until he’s bursting outside in a rush. 
At once, he’s hit by a blast of the cool night air and the dim glow of the porchlights. For a second, the two worlds meld together - the quiet peace of the night and the warm, brash camaraderie of Seventh Heaven. A soothing lull to the strain of reality. Then the sounds cut off abruptly as the doors click shut, and all he’s left with is silence.
Cloud stumbles over to lean on the nearest metal railing, avoiding the stairs like the plague. Leave. He inhales deeply, the air crisp and refreshing, and breathes out some of the fogginess in his mind. They don’t want you here. He opens his eyes again and stares blankly at the ground below him, uncertain and on edge. Green flickers in the corner of his eye, a breath like ice ghosting through his hair. He swallows thickly and tells himself it’s the breeze, but slitted, sickly eyes grace his vision, and he has to duck his head over the railing to calm the tremors that arise.
“You think these people will accept you, once they know what you are?”
He breathes in shakily and grits his teeth against a response.
“You’re lucky they don’t care for you.”
They do. 
They don’t.
He clutches at his hair and tries to make the world stop spinning, panting so loudly he can hear it past the rush of water in his ears.
“Imagine how disappointed they’d be if they learned what goes on inside your head?”
Cloud shakes his head and takes in another breath. He refuses to answer. Refuses to give anybody the satisfaction of knowing he’s hurt - knowing he’s weak.
He doesn’t want them to accept him. He never did and he never will. He’s stronger than that.
He jumps at the voice - real and alive and right there - heart racing for a moment in pure, unbridled fear as he thinks that Sephiroth’s finally become real. That the man can finally hurt him. Then the rest of it catches up to him. It’s a girl’s voice, small and high and above him. Not next to him. Not Sephiroth.
“Marlene?” he asks in disbelief, half convinced he might still be hallucinating. Yet when he races down the stairs and turns to face the source of the noise, it’s a little girl’s head peeking out at him over the edge of the awning. “How the f- how did you get up there?”
“I- I didn’t do it on purpose. I promise!” Her voice warbles with tears, and Cloud shifts uncomfortably. This is decidedly not his problem.
“I’ll go get Barret.”
“No! You can’t!”
He glances through the windows of the bar, where Barret’s laughing uproariously at whatever Tifa’s said. The man would kill for his daughter, and he’d probably beat Cloud’s ass for even considering not telling him. Cloud doesn’t need that right now. Barret already hates him enough, but at least he’s still willing to foist off his money. “You won’t get in trouble.” Probably. “He should know you’re safe.”
“But I will!” Marlene wails, and Cloud winces. “Daddy will be mad. I’m not s’post... supposed to be out here.”
“You're not allowed, you mean.” 
Marlene sniffs again, lower lip quivering as her eyes start to water, and Cloud’s heart drops when he realizes she’s about to cry. “Please don’t tell Daddy! I only left out the window to see the lights. I didn’t mean to get stuck.”
“Can you go back to your room?” Cloud asks, though he already knows the answer. If only things were that easy.
“N-no...It’s dark and- and I can’t see. Please help me down, Cloudy...I’m scared.”
“It’s not- don’t call me that.” Marlene sniffs again, and Cloud sighs, squeezing his eyes shut for a second to fight off the growing headache. “Fine. Just...don’t move. Stay right there.”
He steps further from the building and examines the walls in the hopes of finding somewhere she could climb down, but she really has gotten herself trapped in the most unfortunate place possible. She’s on top of the awning, perched on the highest peak. Her knuckles are white from the death grip she has on the edge, knees occasionally sliding down the curve before she corrects them. Every time she so much as fidgets he feels his heart hit his throat, and by the time he’s finished examining every inch of the building, he feels more sober than he ever has in his life.
She’s much too high up, he concludes. This really is a job for Barret.
“You’d have to jump,” he finally says as he rounds the front of the stairs again, keeping his voice soft to avoid startling her, “we need to get Barret.”
“No! Don’t tell Daddy. He’ll be angry.” 
Barret couldn't be angry with Marlene if his life depended on it. “I don’t think so. He just wants you safe.”
“You’re lying.” Marlene hiccoughs, voice cracking on the last word, and it takes an effort for him to remain still in the face of her distress. Something like guilt and understanding twists up inside him, but he can’t think too long about it.
“I’ll be right back,” he says, though every word feels like pulling teeth, “just don’t move and B...Dad will come save you.”
“But I want you to come save me! Please dont- please don’t leave!” She yells out in a panic, and then she’s moving, letting go of the roof and pushing to stand with too much force, feet sliding and eyes widening as Cloud’s stomach lurches in fear. 
A dozen things happen at once, blurring and loud in the rush of panic. Marlene’s scream pierces the air, wood cracking and light flooding the area with a series of yells, and Marlene falls. Her scream cuts off as she hits empty space, and Cloud moves like he’s never moved before, feet skidding across the concrete and launching himself from the bottom step with a vicious gust of wind.
He doesn’t know how he reaches her in time. Doesn’t know anything except that he manages to snag hold of her before she even drops a foot, pulling her to his chest and curling around her with a snap. The harsh movement interrupts his flight, and in the next moment it’s Cloud that’s falling, wrapped tightly around his precious bundle as his back meets the top step. There’s a sickening crack, pain igniting across his back and forcing the breath from his lungs, but he doesn’t even think to let go. Not as every step afterward makes the pain spike and not as they finally hit the concrete, wrought metal a dark and twisting sky above them.
Marlene’s shaking on his chest, torn by hiccoughing cries and too afraid to let go, but at least she’s alive. Cloud almost wants to cry with her at the relief he feels seeing her there, safe and breathing in the cradle of his arms. Her small fingers are fisted in his shirt, head buried against his chest, and when she looks up at him her face is wet with tears.
“Is- is it over?”
His lungs feel too constricted to answer, chest tight, and before he can gather his thoughts or his breath there’s a thud of footsteps and a rise of voices. Other people, he realizes blankly for a second. Then, Barret - Avalanche, as awareness finally catches up to him.
“Marlene! Marlene!”
“What the hell happened?”
“Oh Gaia, is that-”
A shadow falls over them, and within seconds Marlene is pried from Cloud’s arms. Barret instantly sweeps her into a crushing hug, a spill of soft, comforting words pressed into his daughter’s hair. Cloud struggles to sit up when the other man turns away, hoping to capitalize on his distraction before anybody realizes a simple fall practically took him out. His face burns when he finally manages to push himself upright, but nothing could prepare him for the sight of everybody else standing there as well. Silent and frozen as they stare at him with wide, horrified eyes.
Cloud tenses and goes deathly still. His voice catches at the back of his throat, shame and pain and a dozen other things making his arms shake beneath his weight. He knows he should say something, but no words would be able to justify the fact that he’d almost let a child die. Now they know. Now they-
“What is that?” It’s Marlene who asks it, voice small in the heavy blanket of silence, and Cloud blinks in momentary confusion.
Then a feather falls into view, and Cloud nearly goes faint with shock. Before he can stop to think, he’s bringing his hand up, fingers splayed and stomach twisting as he reaches up to catch it. He expects dust and shadow - for the feather to disappear as every other has. Except that when his fingers wrap around it, all he feels are soft, delicates vanes and a thin shaft. Real.
Cloud throws it as far away from him as he can, panic rising when all it does is catch on the air and keep drifting. Like a real feather should. Panting, he staggers to his feet, casting about desperately for Sephiroth as he grabs for his sword. Yet his hands hit nothing and all he sees is Barret and Tifa and Marlene, shocked and terrified and stunned. All looking at him and not anybody else . Or, more accurately, something behind him.
Cloud doesn’t need to see it to know, of course. The weight off balances him and has him trying to catch his footing, tripping backwards as they all just keep looking. Not saying anything. Not doing anything. Just-
“Are you a monster?”
And Cloud can’t bear to hear their answers. To look for one more second at their disgusted expressions and horrified eyes. The spell has been broken, Tifa opening her mouth to speak as Jessie gasps and moves forward, and Cloud trips backwards again, boots scraping loudly on the ground as he staggers around in a wide circle.
“Cloud!” It’s Tifa.
Tifa. She knows what Sephirtoth did. She knows he’s a monster-
And he can’t look back - can’t look into her eyes and know that she hates him.
So he runs.
He runs until his feet ache and nothing makes sense. Until the stares and gasps he draws from onlookers drive him deeper into the bowels of the scrapyards with the burn of shame and fear and hatred.
“I told you,” Sephiroth hisses, and Cloud spins in the center of a closed metal clearing to face the bastard, but all he’s met with is more walls.
“Shut up,” he snaps, “shut up!”
“They know you’re tainted, now”. Cloud doesn’t even need Sephiroth to tell him that. Doesn’t need Sephiroth to let him know that his mind is cracked and broken. That his body isn’t his own.
Cloud can’t even look at the metal for fear of seeing his reflection; gleaming snake eyes and a cruel smirk. He already has enough of Sephiroth. He already knows he’s a monster. He doesn’t need to see it. As if the voices in his head hadn’t proved it. As if the green flashes and painful hallucinations hadn’t already told him. Now his corruption isn’t only on the inside. Now it’s outside of him, too. A morbid display of his weakness and his failure. Proof that he can’t control what’s inside his head, let alone the appearance of his own body.
He holds back a sob, chest jumping and lips thinning. There’s a corner of the clearing that’s shadowed and dark, sheltered by a jagged metal overhang, and he forces one foot in front of the other. The sound of something dragging behind him makes him want to vomit. Pain sears through the appendage, pulling at his chest and back and making his shoulder ache. Snapped, he thinks, and has to push the thought to the back of his mind because he doesn’t care. 
If he’s lucky, the thing is broken beyond repair.
He drops down and crawls beneath the overhang, pulling his knees to his chest and pressing against the cold metal. Stretched out in a gruesome, bloody display is the wing, nearly unnoticeable in the darkness of the night, and he presses his eyes to his knees so he doesn’t have to see it. The pain is a stark reminder, though.
He really is a monster.
They’d all been so scared of him. Tifa had been the worst, of course, but Marlene’s fear was palpable. Even thinking about it makes his eyes wet, and no amount of rubbing them on his pants can brush away the tears. Aerith had been wide eyed, fingers pressed to her mouth in shock, and Barret had looked thunderous. Probably from allowing Marlene anywhere within a foot of Cloud.
He curls into a tighter ball and tries to fight the heave of his shoulders, but it’s a fruitless endeavor. There’s a feeling of loss that burns, even as he reminds himself that he’d never been a part of their family in the first place. One that has him wishing he could cut the fucking wing away. That he could make everything better. Head back to Seventh Heaven and beg for their forgiveness.
If only he had his sword.
The mere thought has him shuddering in phantom pain, and he resists the urge to pull the wing closer for protection. 
“Cloud?” A voice breaks the silence, and Cloud freezes at the sound. It’s Tifa’s voice, and she’s close enough to be right on top of him.
Then another voice speaks up, echoing down the walls of the alley he’s in, and Cloud ducks down to press even further into his hiding place at the sound of Barret’s approach. “Oi merc! Where the hell are you?”
“Barret, you’re going to scare him off.”
“Kid can take care of himself.”
“But did you see-” 
A light swings into view, flickering along the battered edges of Cloud’s feathers, and both sets of footsteps immediately come to a stop. Cloud swallows and closes his eyes, trembling with fear or embarrassment, he doesn’t know.
Have they come to hunt him down? Or kick him out?
Tifa wouldn’t do that.
Cloud doesn’t say a word. Neither does Barret and Tifa. Their light lingers on his wing for a long time, and he wonders if they’ve finally noticed how ugly it is. The gruesome bend and twist of an unnatural limb.
“Oh Gaia. Cloud, are you hurt?”
It takes a greater effort this time around to resist pulling his wing closer, wrapping it around himself and shielding his body from prying eyes. The light hasn’t moved, but he knows their gazes have, and there’s not even a millimeter more space between himself and the walls that could help him shift away.
“That don’t look natural.” It’s not. “Shit, do you think it’s broken?”
The light moves, then, over bloody patches and the scattered feathers ringing his form. Cloud feels nauseous just looking at them, undeniably grateful that they haven’t turned to dust even as he wishes they would.
“That looks like a lot of blood…” Tifa worries, and Cloud flinches when she takes another step forward. “We need to get him back. Cloud, can you move?”
He doesn’t know what to say. Doesn’t know what they want from him. His mouth feels sealed shut with fear and loathing, and he can’t even swallow past the knot in his throat anymore. As if it isn’t shameful he’d been so weak as to get injured in the first place. Now he has a fucking wing sprouting from his back and all he wants to do is cry. Are they here to mock him? He just wishes they’d leave.
“We’re just here to help. Please, Cloud.”
It shouldn’t be Tifa begging. It shouldn’t be Barret approaching with light steps and a soft voice. Shouldn’t be either of them here to see him like this, offering help.
This is all so, so wrong. They should be afraid of him. They should hate him.
He knows he does.
“It’s okay-”
“It’s not.” He inhales like he’s drowning, throat tight and vision blurred. “I’m a- I’m like- Sephiroth.” The word is acid on his tongue and Tifa’s startled inhale only makes it worse. He’s a fool for reminding her, and now she’s going to abandon him. She’s going to realize this was a mistake and she’s going to leave.
“You’re nothing like him.”
Cloud almost chokes on his sob, tension cut away so abruptly his limbs go numb with the shock of it. He collapses in on himself, biting his lip to stifle the tremors, but the rest of his body shakes with each breath.
“I told you before that I was wrong about you, kid. That wasn’t a joke. You ain’t nothin’ like that sick fucking bastard.”
Cloud shakes his head. “You’re wrong. You’re wrong. I-I see him- I-”
“You see Sephiroth?” Tifa sounds faint, but Barret powers on as stubborn as ever.
“That doesn’t mean a thing, okay?” he says, and the conviction in his tone eases the band around Cloud’s chest. He takes in a shaky breath, latching desperately onto Barret’s next words. “What you see isn’t real, and having a wing don’t mean a thing except that you’ve got a wing.”
“Sephiroth has-”
“Sephiroth doesn’t have shit cause he’s a dead sonofabitch.”
That brings with it a whole host of worries Cloud hasn’t allowed himself to think about since he got here, and another silence descends between the three of them. The pain in his wing is a lot more noticeable now that he’s gathered enough wits to focus on it, and he can’t help the slightest hint of hope from forming - that they actually mean what they say. That they still care.
“You ain’t a monster, and Marlene shouldn’t have said that.” Barret lowers himself to a crouch, the hard edges of his expression melting into something soft as he continues. “You saved her. You saved my baby girl, and I will never forget that.”
Cloud had failed her. He’d almost let her fall. Yet he can’t bring himself to correct Barret, careful of the tentative trust.
“I ruined your gathering,” Cloud ends up saying instead, though he’s not entirely sure why.
Barret snorts. “Gathering was ruined as soon as you left.”
Should have snuck out. “Sorry.”
“That’s not what he meant,” Tifa says, sighing. She lowers herself to kneel beside Barret, and Cloud’s surprised to see nothing but kindness and concern in her eyes. That small bubble of hope grows when she smiles at him. A shy, reassuring twitch of the lips. “He meant that we missed you after you left. Aerith was worried she’d upset you.”
“But it was a…” Private affair. 
Gaia, he’s such an idiot. It was stupid to worry about such a thing in the first place, and it only goes to show just how weak he is that he’d even been bothered at all. Cloud has never been shy about who he hangs out with before. He’s never cared before if people accept him. Yet the sting of Barret’s words had felt fresh, the mockery of a few days ago - of extra money and saying they wouldn’t need him - like a new cut across his skin. It hadn’t felt scarred over in the moment. Hadn’t felt anything but raw and exposed as they’d all laughed around him - at him.
“We wanted you there. Hell, it woud’a been nice to hear the story from you.”
“I’m sure you would have told it better. Though Aerith does have a...way with words.”
A hint of a smile finds its way to Cloud’s lips at that, but it rapidly gives up the ghost when his gaze lands on the wing again. He eyes it warily, swallowing down bile and blinking away the afterimages of blood and a sword and silver hair over monstrous eyes. He shudders at the memory, pulling his knees closer to his chest. There’s a limp, broken rasp of feathers over concrete as he moves, and he has to peel his gaze away before he does something he’ll regret.
“Cloud…” Tifa begins hesitantly, fingers outstretched toward his wing. They’re frozen, her voice hesitant as she speaks. “We never talked about what happened in Nibelheim. Sephiroth…”
“I know.”
She gives him a tiny nod and says nothing for a while, then: “you aren’t a monster. You’re not like him, and I could never hate you for this. You and Sephiroth...you aren’t the same. Even if-” She squeezes her eyes shut, lips pursing and shoulders hitching as she calms herself. Cloud and Barret both wait patiently. “Even if you see him...Sephiroth. You need help.”
“We can help you,” Barret pitches in, low and so unlike himself that Cloud thinks for a moment he might be fever dreaming or in an alcohol induced coma.
“The others are waiting at the bar for us, too.”
“Trust me when I say they’ll come out here themselves and scream your name for hours if we don’t return with ya. Your little flower girl threatened me. I ain’t never been threatened by someone so tiny in my life.”
“Everybody wants to help you,” Tifa says, “Please. I- we... love you.”
“Well, I wouldn’t go that-” Tifa’s hair practically cracks through the air as her head whips around, and the burn of her vivid red eyes has Barret cowed. Cloud can’t quite hide the smirk that appears this time around, and Tifa shares a smug smile with him when Barret scowls at the both of them. “Uh huh. I don’t know why the hell I thought our friendly neighborhood merc here was the only Nibelheim bastard. You’re both just feral pains in my ass.”
The word choice is uncomfortable, but for the first time that night, the pang of rejection doesn’t follow. Barret looks relaxed around his wing, now. As does Tifa. Neither of them appears horrified, anymore. They don’t look disgusted.
“I’m...I don’t know what to do.” He has to pry the first words from his mouth, but he isn’t even aware of the next words until they fall like fire from his lips. “It hurts.”
His face heats with shame, yet Tifa and Barret don't mock him. They don’t call him weak or useless or a sorry excuse for a SOLDIER. And he forces his muscles to unwind, inhaling deeply and exhaling at length. They wouldn’t hurt him, he reminds himself, these people are safe.
“It’s okay, Cloud,” Tifa soothes. She rises slowly, every movement of her approach projected, and Cloud would protest the treatment if he wasn’t so painfully grateful for it. When she falls to her knees outside his shelter, the careful compassion on her face hasn’t changed. “We can patch you up. Just like when we were kids.”
He hesitates. “Here?”
“Back at the bar,” Barret corrects, “ain't no way we’d be able to heal you up out here, otherwise. Even if it were daytime.
Cloud takes another fortifying breath, comforted by Tifa’s solid support. Yet voicing his concerns is still too much, and he subsides reluctantly into the shadow of his safe haven.
“We’ll take the back alleys,” Tifa says, and Cloud blinks at her in surprise. Her flicker of a knowing smile is like a benediction, a soothing run of words like water over his skin. “We aren’t that far from Seventh Heaven, so it shouldn’t be a problem. Okay?”
He nods, and Barret’s loud clap is almost enough to make him jump. “Aight! Let’s get movin’. You think you can stand, SOLDIER boy?”
“I’m not an invalid,” Cloud barks with a scowl, “I can move just fine.”
“We could carry the-”
“Don’t!” He regrets snapping immediately, wincing and looking away. “I can move it myself.”
“It’s got to be painful. Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Don’t...don’t touch it.” He pauses and flicks his eyes to her, then over to Barret as the other man shifts to stand. They both came for him. They want to help him. 
They consider him family. He blinks the tears from his eyes and looks away, crawling slowly from his shelter. Tifa is warm at his side, Barret steady and unwavering before him. Neither of them leaves.
They came for him. “...thank you.”
Cloud might just believe them.
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aftepes · 4 years
From the Personal Journals of Professor Hojo
@hojoweek Days 3, 4 and 5 all (sort of) in one log. Under a cut for length, no major warnings apply. It also occurs to me that I am posting this on mother’s day, what more perfect day to write about baby!Sephiroth.
The assistants cannot stop making a deal of the experiment. It's a four month old infant, what is there to make a deal of? It barely shows any signs of cognitive awareness, much less a sense of self, or anything worth making a fuss over. And yet they want to "hold the baby" "what's his name?" "who's a good little lab assistant?" "helping your daddy at work are you?" The last one is the most inane. He is my work, and he is no help at all about it. He was supposed to give us insight to an ancient race, into the birth of the planet itself.
Instead he is a banal human infant, for all intents and purposes. Eating, shitting, sleeping and crying, and little else. Shows few signs of awareness, though at least he is holding up his own head. Doing it for him was beginning to interfere with my work. If anything, the assistant's admiration of him means it is simple to get someone else to feed the thing. "Poor little thing, growing up without a mother," they say. As if he doesn't see his true mother every day when I go in to work.
And yet he shows little interest in my work, or in her. If I didn't have such hope for what he might age into being, when he becomes aware, becomes cognizant of the world around him and his circumstances, I might leave him with one of the cooing, insipid assistants. But he is far too important an experiment in the hands of someone who utters the word "feetsies" with no shame. None of them respect my directive to not talk down to him. They insist he is only a baby. He's so much more than that. He is my life's work, perhaps one of, if not the greatest scientific work of the modern age.
Never mind that he spit up on my best shirt. For now, he is just an infant. Useless, round, unaware. And if this is what to expect of the experiment, then perhaps it is better to leave him, to continue my work in another path. But we did everything right. And Dr. Crescent responded to the J-Cells, to the point of being incapable of raising this thing that has so overtaken my work. Glowing eyes even without mako treatment, no pigmentation in it's hair, strange effects in the blood and vitals, he does show signs of being affected by the experiment.
But for now it is just an infant. Tiny and tucked into a sling against my chest, one of the assistants insisted I could not carry it slung around my hip, or propped into a backpack, though both left me far more range of movement for my work. Apparently it is important to them I treat the experiment like it will grow up to be an ordinary human, slave to emotions, and so it's emotional development must be tended to. It has no real awareness of a world outside of it, but they refuse to listen to that. "Little Seph should be able to see his daddy, shouldn't you cute little thing?"
I should fire them all.
But he has begun to stare at me as I work, and he brings his tiny hand to his mouth and watches as I talk, and I even got him to look at his mother. Perhaps there would be some use to raising him, even should the experiment fail.
After all, I could use a better assistant, and what would be more perfect than one I raised myself.
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
So Your Ship (or Theory) Isn’t Canon
The day comes where you find out that your ship is not the canon pairing. It’s a sad day, you go through the stages of grief. 
Except, it probably wasn’t. 
This is how I had to deal with it a few times, and why it didn’t ruin the overall story for me. Full disclosure: None of these are considered “Main” pairings. 
Okay, let’s talk about the only couple I really cared about for FF7 back in the day: Vincent and Lucrecia 
Like most rational people, I have a very deep adoration for Mr. Valentine. I had a wall scroll of him in my room. He was mysterious, powerful, and my God, I’d say he was pretty effing romantic. I was also 12, but WHATEVER.
I played OG, got Vincent, saw the Waterfall scene and I was like “THIS MAN DESERVES TO GET THIS WOMAN.”
So, as we all know, the OG didn’t go in to a ton of detail about this whole thing. That didn’t really come until DoC, which of course, I didn’t play at that point. It wasn’t even out yet. And then I didn’t play it when it came out because I didn’t want to play a shooter game. 
They tell you that Hojo marries Lucrecia and that Sephiroth is his son. But then you have me that creates a theory based on a fanfiction ( That was a great fanfiction and I have no idea what it’s called because I read it 20 years ago.. ).
My theory became: Vincent was actually Sephiroth’s father. It was the only rational explanation, right? 
Who would sleep with Hojo? He’s gross. Very gross.
So, in my head, Vincent and Lucrecia did have some type of relationship and Hojo had forced her to marry him. BUT WAIT - she was already pregnant with Vincent’s child. Lucrecia played it off like it was Hojo’s, but he had his suspicions. Not that he cared, this was an experiment. He didn’t care about anybody. 
So I sat with my theory about Vincent being Sephiroth’s father, and that his sins went deeper than just not being able to stop Lucrecia and Hojo from experimenting. And Vincent suspected it too, so it wasn’t a complete mystery. In this theory, Vincent heavily suspected that he was Sephiroth’s father.
I think I replayed OG a few years ago when it came out on Switch. Once again, my love of Vincent came back. **I’m realizing that I probably did like Cloti even 20 years ago, but it was overtaken by my love of Vincent in my memories**
So I get online and am searching for Vincent things. Specifically about him being Sephiroth’s dad. And I came across it... the post proving it wasn’t canon. That the devs had done an interview and flat out said “No, Vincent isn’t Sephiroth’s father.” And if this was an episode of Maury, some folks may have jumped for joy.
I was actually hurt. Like, this can’t be right. Why wouldn’t they add that level of drama? But it wasn’t. It wasn’t canon, it was pure fanon. I’ve believed this for like 15 years. So I felt defeated.
And part of it was being wrong, which I think is a huge motivator for these ship wars. Nobody likes to be wrong. We are all human, after all. 
And I did go through about a 10 minute thing of eff that game. But guess what, I looked at it again. I actually watched DoC cut scenes (finally) and it made sense. It’s clear, it’s canon that Hojo is Sephiroth’s father. 
However, that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy that theory on my own, along with whoever else does. Fanfiction, fanart, playful discourse online about it. 
And that was fine. It didn’t ruin the game for me once I took a step back from my own theory, my own head, and looked at it as a whole. 
DoC did change my opinion of Lucrecia. For some reason I thought she was this nice lady. 
I even named my main World of Warcraft toon after her. I still have that toon, it’s still my main. 
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But I was kinda like “damn she’s gonna play him like that?” And I wasn’t mad at the story anymore, I was mad at Lucrecia. But, what’s nice about that whole thing is, as the story continued in DoC, you found out she regrets her choice. She feels guilty about Vincent’s father’s death, so then goes crazy trying to save Vincent. Her “husband” treats her like trash, so then I REALLY hated him.
But I thought it was a good thing to make sure I reviewed all of the canon resources for Vincent and Lucrecia. 
I will still eat up a good fanfiction of Vincent being the daddy, though. I just will not ruin or twist the story of FF7 as it was written for it to fit that narrative. Doesn’t make me like it any less!
My next contenders, though not as serious as the above: Zell and Selphie from FF8 
I don’t know why. It was pretty obvious that the game showed Zell and Library Girl with the Pigtail (I mean, they could have at least given this chick a name) and Selphie and Irvine. And I knew that playing it. But in fanon land, I preferred Zell and Selphie. Something about them made them cute to me. Irvine and Quistis I’d generally pair up too. I have no idea why to this day, maybe just to stick people together. But even more than Irvine and Quistis I liked the idea of Seifer and Quistis. That became the thing. 
In any case, I never was upset playing the game and it never showing a single scene between those fanon couples. I loved FF8, still do. The only reason 7 overtook it was because of Remake. I still love the idea of Zell and Selphie together. 
Okay, this one actually I did have a hard time with: Psych
I wanted Shawn and Jules together by like episode 5 of that series. You want to talk about a slow burn? Those two. Shawn had other girlfriends. Jules had people. They’d still clearly have this tension. You’re like wtf guys. Come on.
When he needs to choose to save his gf (Abigail who I legit just found out was played by Rachel Leigh Cook) vs Jules in “Mr. Yin Presents...” I was like omg you son of a bitch go save Jules. Jules likes you. You know you love Jules. And he doesn’t. He save Abigail. And I was sad.
Then Abigail breaks up with him and I’m like hah!
And Jules and him get together. I actually had to spoil that for myself to keep going, cuz I almost stopped watching it. The tension was too much. That’s one where if they didn’t end up together, I think it would have ruined the show for me, as crazy as that sounds. I absolutely love the other themes in that show, but I really, REALLY loved Shawn and Jules. 
So when they break up for a bit later on, I actually got depressed. Had to spoil AGAIN to keep it moving. 
But I can guarantee one thing: If they didn’t end up together, I would not have gone online and started fighting people about it. I would have either stopped watching the series or I would have just suffered through it, depending on how tense it was.
I can tell you, when they finally kissed, I lost my shit. The tension was relieved. To get this shot, I had to watch it again AND GOT ALL WARM AND FUZZY.
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And I can tell you right now, if this happens with Cloud and Tifa... I’m not sure what will happen to me. Cuz I reacted ridiculously with this, and right now I’d say I’m more invested in Cloud and Tifa. 
It’s just the release of the romantic/sexual tension that I need, I guess.
So the actual actors above were together IRL too. And I was like all about that. They were adorable. Then... she married another guy. I was like wtf guys, come on. 
I definitely made sure not to let that ruin the show, since their characters were still together. 
But in any case, you can love whatever ships and theories you want. You really shouldn’t go around lying about the story, removing parts of the story, twisting translations, words, everything that’s right in your face. 
That’s where I get annoyed. I love all the characters (except Hojo, but he is there to be hated) - so seeing this discourse is sad. 
I do laugh my ass off now more than I did before - especially over on Twitter. 
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silvahheartless · 5 years
kingdom hearts as memes
Sora: I’ma keep it G, Axel.
Sora: I brought this cranberry juice for Riku. But you know what? Me and Riku had our faults, apologized, whatever you want to call it. I ain’t got no beef with Riku no more.
Sora: all my beef is with the bitches on those chairs.
Axel, glancing at the Organization XIII chairs: o-on these chairs?
Sora: yeah, so i mean, if you don’t wanna get wet—
Axel: yes boo cause this is calvin klein and I don’t play that shi—
Ventus: There is a VULTURE on top of my house.
Ventus: Oh my—
Ventus, spraying him with a garden hose: THIS IS NOT YOUR LAND! GO!
Riku, to Xion: So I’m gonna pay you 100 munny to fuck off.
Axel, watching Roxas float in midair: there is something wrong with my turtle. Roxas speak to me. Roxas! No. No! NooOooOOO!
Axel: anybody ever tell you you look like Xehanort?
Blindfolded Man: no they usually tell me I look like Riku
Axel: who the fuck is that
Riku, taking off his blindfold: me bitch
Axel: hey anybody ever tell you that you look like Riku
Riku: all the fuckin time
Ventus: i call this song χ-blade. (Screams)
Xehanort, nervously: axel. give daddy the knife.
Axel, raising his blades:
Xehanort: a-axel gi- give daddy t—
Axel, setting them down:
Xehanort, nervously: th- thank you
‘Leon’: Cloud really loves celebrating history. It’s a really great thing—
Cloud, fighting Sephiroth:
‘Leon’: well. Not. Not all the time.
Xehanort: o— there’s. There are keyblade weilders outside. They’re. They’re tryna get in the house.
Xehanort, glancing at Axel: what the fuck you doin axel you just gonna sit there? throw up gang signs or something
Xehanort: I have invented. A knife weilding shadow person.
Vanitas, swinging his keyblade:
Xehanort: if anybody would like to volunteer to come deal with it that would be fine by me
Ventus, hesitantly clicking play:
His phone: This message lasts two minutes
Axel: This is for Yen Sid you big fat nobody hatin nasty smelling fat bitch why you took me off the motherfuckin keyblade exam with your trifflin dirty nobody hatin ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm coming up there and I'm gonna beat the fuck out of you bitch and don't even call the keyblade masters today cause I'm gonna come up there unexpected and wait on your motherfuckin ass bitch im coming to beat the fuck out of you bitch cause you did that on purpose with your aundry nobody hatin ass thin haired bitch watch I'm coming up there to fuck you up bitch I'm telling you watch I know what kind of gummi ship you drive I'm gonna wait on you and I'm gonna beat your ass bitch cause Imma show you not to play with Axel Lea’s money bitch thats the first thing you did and you got me fucked u—Ventus, exhaling nervously:
Ventus: Aqua said if I don’t get my grades up I can’t get my tetnus shot this year
Terra: that’s.... weird... what are you gonna do?
Ventus: fucken study, i guess.
Vanitas: No, no, actually I’m—
Riku: IM SORRY, are you a keyblade MASTER?
Riku: that’s what i THOUGHT. GUYS IT’S A HEARTLESS.
Xion: Look! A snake charmer!
Roxas: hey-yo snake!
Axel: what?!
Roxas: you cute as hell
Axel: ssssssstop
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necropxlis · 4 years
4, ,7, 8, 14, 17, 19, 21 sorry not sorry this is a lot
And for 21 I want you to do the music shuffle thing I did for my number 21!
Ya know what I’m not even gonna complain 🤣 only cause it comes from you 🤍
4. Are you likely to blush when a sex scene comes up or can you read/watch it with a straight face?
LOLOL NO. Okay lemme put it this way: depending on the fic I can more than likely read it with a straight face. Unless I get super into it and I’m just like OOP OOOOOPPP NOPE. Like that one time I was at work reading an actual book and the girl and guy were getting into it and I was like IDWDJQLDBQLS and constantly looking around to see if anyone saw me blushing. But watching a sex scene? AHAHAHAHAHA NO. I could be alone or with other people I get FLUSTERED and will look away or look at my phone one. I can barely even handle HEAVY make out in movies and shows because I just get FLUSTERED so badly. Considering there’s no intimacy in my life that’s probably a main factor and cause of how I was raised. My mama would always cover my eyes so I’m always like uhhh where’s my cover???
7. Name a character you wouldn’t mind naming someone after.
I’m actually dying at this because the first name that popped into my head was Sephiroth 😂😂 but I would not name my kid that. However if we are talking about naming children after characters: I wouldn’t mind naming my son Levi, Alistair, Eren, or even Rin. For a daughter: I would probably name them after Eowyn or Arwen because I love those names so much and they come from strong characters. This is funny because I actually have a list of names I want to name my kids and majority of them are from movies, games, books, and anime.
8. Do you prefer happy, bittersweet, or sad endings?
It depends actually. I’m not the biggest fan of a lot of happy endings, if it’s written or plays out well then I’m okay with it. Most of the time I like bittersweet or sad endings, mainly because I’m always into the sad stuff and I don’t know why. I know when I’m reading a book if it ends with like a fairy tail happily ever after I’m like meh about it. The only time I was okay with that was the ending for the Tigers Curse series, and the only reason I was okay with it was because of Kishan’s letter at the end. I went on a whole tangent but ya it really just depends on the story to be honest, but I do see myself leaning towards the bittersweet more than the others.
14. Name a fandom, ship, or character that you love that others would send you hate mail for liking.
This is really hard because I have to sit here and actually go through my list of characters I actually like.
Boromir: I’ve had this conversation with a lot of people. They really don’t see Boromir as victim and just as a power hungry, daddy pleasing, idiot who wanted the ring. Like he has more to his character than that plus he made up for it in the end.
Connor Kenway: 🤣 people hate on Connor so much but I love him. I love his character even tho the amount of times I heard “Where is Charles Lee” is enough for one lifetime. He’s interesting and his story is a little on the sad side.
Ravus Nox Fluret: I’ve stayed away from a lot of stuff FFXV because of the lack of love for Ravus. I don’t think I would get literal hate mail, but I see people arguing about this.
Adam (Nier Automata): I love Adam because he’s so intelligent but the things he did to 9S was inexcusable. I tend to overlook it because it was good character development and made me feel things for him and for 9S that I needed.
Overhaul: I guess this can be one because I really stayed away from everything Overhaul for a long time. So I’m mainly putting him here because my friends hate him and I don’t.
Soowoon (Yona of the Dawn): HAHA I have no reason for this one other than 🤷🏻‍♀️ hes cool I like him.
As far as ships? I don’t really think I have any ships that people would come at me for?? And fandoms?? I mean I’ve had some people come at me cause I like Dragon Age before. I used to be in the Voltron fandom so I think that’s about the biggest issue I got 😂
17. Are there any tropes you wished were used less often?
Umm honestly I’m not sure if I can pinpoint one trope cause I know I see flaws in a lot of them. I know the whole “weak but gains crazy power” thing is getting a little old. I don’t mean that in a bad way if it’s written well, but a lot of it just feels repetitive. I also am not a fan of overly loud main characters or overly loud characters in general. Don’t get me wrong I still love them but like I wouldn’t be complaining if they were never there to begin with. That’s just my opinion. I’m sure I have more tropes I could throw out there but my brain is fried from all this thinking ☠️
19. If you could be a part of any story, which story would you want to tag along in?
If I wanted pure adventure for sure Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit. If you don’t think I wouldn’t try and save Thorin’s life you’re wrong 😤 Other ones I would be interested in is the Modern Day story for Assassins Creed. Again, gonna try my best to save Desmond. Final Fantasy 7 & 15. Okay now here’s the struggle. I honestly feel like I wouldn’t stop Sephiroth..but I feel like I would be beside him. BUT DANG IT IF I WOULDNT TRY MY BEST TO SAVE ZACK!! Same thing with 15, I would do my best to make sure Iggy didn’t loose his eyesight, Ravus didn’t die, and save Luna and Noctis. 😤 I also would wanna be in Seraph of the End to see what my demon weapon would be and so I can be friends with Shinya 😂 and Haikyuu so I could replay volleyball.
What I was trying to get at was basically I just wanna save some people who didn’t need to die...and have fun 🤣
21. Bonus+Create your own question.
But you told me to do “Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?”
I cheated a bit and I’m doing two songs cause I can’t decide between the two.
Fingertips by OneRepublic for Luna and Noctis
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And August is Over for 9S and 2B
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0 notes
gayredmage · 7 years
Pay Rise - FFVII Fanfic
I had this story idea collecting dust in my folders. Finally got around to finishing it. Took so damn long because it is uh…interesting…and very difficult to write.
Pairings: President Shinra/Genesis, Genesis/Sephiroth Rating: Explicit Word count: 5519 Summary: President Shinra is bored, lonely and horny. And he wants a new second class soldier to deal with it. Little does he know that Commander Rhapsodos will be giving him more soldier than he asked for.
External Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11636493
Some days President Shinra hated his wife. It wasn’t because she was getting old and needed more botox than she did ten years ago, or that her libido was gone now that she had menopause. No…nothing like that. On the inside she was still the beautiful, young, caring woman Shinra married for money, influence and to get the media off his ass. No, he wasn’t pissed off that the hag had to get old and become sexually unresponsive – not that he would want to touch the ancient treasure in such a way. Because damn it! He was President Shinra! He should have models and whores and dozens of ethnic mistresses, more than what money can buy!
Today he hated his wife because she flared up at him. Angry about Tiffany and Ruby and Stefanie and…Alejandro. She said something about wanting a divorce. Something that Shinra did not want because then the hordes of women would come running and shove their illegitimate child under his nose. And the media would start and AVALANCHE would begin their defamation campaign. No…so long as he’s married he can pretend he’s the loving husband who puts his family first and wouldn’t dare to touch a Honey Bee girl.
So for the moment, the president was confined to his office until his wife finally calmed down and got those new breast implants she (he) always wanted. But that wasn’t a problem. See this was all a game to the president and one that he knew damn well how to play. Pressing a button on his desk phone he called straight to his illegitimate son’s office.
“ Yes, Mr President? ”
Shinra cleared his throat, “I heard you just recently got some new recruits. How are they doing?”
“ …ahh…well those who passed the initial tests are still in training. They’re being supervised by Commander Rhapsodos for now.”
“I see, I see…” Shinra really didn’t give a gil toss, “Say…son…” Shinra smiled, “Could you deliver me their class file? I’d…like to check on some things. You know, being president I’d love to familiarise myself with the strong men of the future protecting this company.”
On the other end, Lazard did his best not to facepalm too loudly, “ A 3rd should be there with the file in 5 minutes. ”
“ Anything else I could help you with, sir? ” preferably unrelated to your wayward manhood.  
“No, no. You’re doing well, my son .” he beamed, “You should be expecting quite the pay rise.”
“ Very well. Have a good day, sir.”
While he waited for his menu to arrive, Shinra noticed an obstacle in his way. It’s a bit…bizarre for the head of the company to request meeting a fresh recruit in his penthouse office right off the bat. Not to mention it would be weirder for a recruit having to explain to their superior that they were to be the president’s audience for…a while. No, Shinra has to request permission to see a recruit like some lowly boot licking grunt to keep face, keep things discrete and actually get the damn thing to work.
Groaning, he called his secretary, “Bring me Commander Rhapsodos. I need him here in no less than 20 minutes.”
“ Of course Mr. President. There is a soldier here with a file, would you like me to deliver it to you? ”
Shinra grinned, “That would be delightful, Vivian.”
The minute she left the room after dumping the folder on his desk, the president had his cock out, “Now let’s see which one of you makes me hard…” he said, licking his lips while drooling all over the cadets’ pictures.
After a quick thumb through and some whistling and a good ogling of their stern faced portraits, Shinra picked his few. He needed to keep a selection of course, in case some weren’t available. Also, it was Rhapsodos. The president shivered as he picked up the phone and glared at the direct call number on the top of file. That redhead was one heck of a sour puss. He hated to deal with him – loud, arrogant, always disapproving, always acting like he had a sword shoved up his ass. Good soldier, but damn was he…difficult. And if it weren’t for his bastard son’s infatuation with the faggot, plus blackmail from both the Rhapsodos family AND Lazard, he would have had Sephiroth ‘accidentally’ get him killed in the wastelands. But then Sephiroth himself had a bit of an ‘interest’ in him. What men saw in the flamer, Shinra had no idea! He was a complete big-headed lunatic for all he knew!
Shinra rolled his eyes. The damn bitch sure does love to take his time to answer the phone. How is he even in 1 st Class if he can’t be prompt? Is it because he’s bent over getting fucked by Sephiroth? Wait, was Sephiroth even taught any of that? He had to have a word with Hojo…
“ Commander Rhapsodos speaking, how may I help you? ”
He cleared his throat, “Ah, there’s my favourite commander in all of SOLDIER! It’s good you answered, very good.” Oh damn he really hated the sound of his irritating voice, “I have a file of the new recruits assigned to you. I was hoping we could…discuss the…well-being of them. You know, being the CEO of such a large company leads to great responsibility and I do love keeping informed of our newer members. It helps me feel progress. Like the greater good is right by our doorstep. I’m proud of SOLDIER and proud of all the new men coming in. Now…what good is a father without knowing his sons?”
Holy Minerva, did he really just-? Shinra facepalmed. His. Sons? Now this was going to be wrong on two levels…first abusing his power, now getting in the mood for some serious daddy/son roleplaying. It wasn’t beneath him, but the fact that it slipped out like that. Damn it! Even over the phone Shinra felt like he was being put on the spot by the bitchy 1 st .
“ Right…Okay…When do you need me by ?”
“Now would be great.”
“ I’m in a meeting with the general. I’ll be at your office shortly after, say, half an hour?”
Well Shinra just pictured the most awkward and painful looking orgy between Sephiroth, Lazard and Genesis in the director’s office with some SOLDIER guard filming the action. As an aside, half an hour really was too long to wait, but better getting the stupid commander rather than the general to bring a recruit over.
“That’ll be fine.” The president hung up. He was too damn horny to give a fuck what the redhead thought. Instead he turned to the pictures in front of him. William Kunsel, oh he had a cute face. Mako blue eyes and soft brown hair with freckles over his nose. He was so damn sweet looking. If the stupid ditz didn’t arrive on time he might have to bust a nut before he winds up with a blood clot or a hematoma or ruptured testicle or something! Then it would be a wasted erection.
DAMMIT! What was taking that bitch so long? He thought as he drummed his fingers on the desk, trying to distract himself with work, work that he basically paid other people to do for him while he sat in his office screwing escorts and interns, promising a good-paying job in return before he kicks them out, forgets their name and has them replaced with a new intern. Checking his watch, only 5 minutes went by, so he decided to watch some lacklustre amateur porn involving babysitters and a horny dad.
He had to admit. He did enjoy that daddy roleplaying. Because he was a man of power and men of power like to always be on top of the world – to be kings! Just as it was getting to the good part where the girls feed ‘daddy’ some cream pie, the president’s office doors burst open and a rather annoyed looking commander sat opposite him.
Quickly closing the window the porn was on, the president turned to the monster in front of him and smiled his big, fatherly smile. Genesis gave him snake eyes and crossed his arms.
“You called me, sir.” He deadpanned. He was in the middle of an important meeting with the general and the director about their upcoming stint in Wutai. Angeal was captured by their forces, his life threatened in exchange for peace and money. And while they were discussing very important life or death strategies, this nimrod who doesn’t even know what a battlefield is calls him to his office.
Said nimrod was sweating.
He cleared his throat, “Ahhh, yes Genesis…” damn this whore was venomous, “I was hoping you could bring me this boy.” He hands him the file and Genesis flicks through it, “He looks like a promising young hopeful. Could maybe be our next first class prodigy, what do you say?”
The commander raised a brow, “He’s a child. It would be at least another 3 or so years.”
The president swallowed. So? And? What’s the point Rhapsodos?! “Well yes…but I’d like to meet him.”
“What for? He’s good, but he’s not far from average.”
Shinra’s eye twitched, “I like to meet them. Just in case. You know, it’s good to meet a future first class soldier while they’re young. Gives them that extra boost in confidence to excel and reach their goal of becoming first!”
If Genesis wasn’t talking to his boss right now, he would have rolled his eyes and maybe hit him over the head with the folder. “Right…”
Well this was going nowhere! The president was getting more and more annoyed with the commander’s bitchy attitude and pushed the whole stack of files towards him.
“Here.” He said, “Why don’t you find me a hopeful then, commander? Expect a pay rise for this.”
Ahh the old pay rise trick. Gen-Gen knew all about that scam. Crossing his legs he started to ponder. What was it that the president wanted so badly with his new soldier? He knew he was wasting his time, time he could spend on actual work and saving his friend. He knew they wouldn’t kill Angeal, Angeal was too nice, but still. The work was important. Gingerly he took the stack of folders and flicked through to find a poor victim.
While the redheaded foe was shopping for the president, he turned back to his porn only to have an advertisement play over the muted video. He would have groaned if he didn’t have company, but still he watched it with half-minded attention…at first.
His eyes went wide. An advertisement for a gay BDSM porn site. Oh hell yeah! Clicking the link he was transported into a world, the good world, of submissive ‘sons’ and dominant ‘daddies’ doing all sorts of fun things. Like having them walk around humiliated in latex dresses and thigh high boots. Of CBT and whips, and leather harnesses and bitchy men turned into desperate, moaning submissives in pain begging for pleasure.
Looking up from his porn he watched the redhead and smirked. Hah, handsome and experienced rascal like him could turn that whining brat into a begging submissive sex doll. His cock went harder and he kept thinking about whipping him with his belt and him in stiletto leather boots, crying, his make up all over the place. He shook his head. That was fucked up. Or was it? He could only imagine how lucky Sephiroth must be for being able to turn that hot-headed whore into a sobbing, desperate mess.
Woah, what? Really? This bitch? And for some reason he was hard as diamond over that thought. But that was never going to happen. He hated him, he could do so much better. Like that sweet boy Kunsel. And maybe Cloud from the cadets. Oh man, was his dick oozing to cum or what?
Genesis’ nose twitched. There was something in the air, something aside from middle-aged man sweat.
“Have you chosen one?” Shinra asked, and Genesis turned to him.
He knew it!
The redhead smirked, “Yes. I have.”
YES! The president’s balls felt like they were on fire, he was practically jumping for joy…on the inside, “Oh? And who would that be?”
Genesis’ grin got wider, “You’ll have to wait, sir , and you’d need to have a discussion first, in private.”
The president’s heart sank, “In private?” are you kidding me? “Why?”
“Hmm…well he’s on a mission now, but he will be back tonight. He’s also very shy and very nervous, you’d have to…calm him down. He could pass out from shock, you know, from getting to meet such an esteemed individual as you.”
Even though the president was horny now and wanted to fuck something now, he had to admit…that sounded very, VERY appealing. If this kid was going to be so shy he needed to speak with him in private, oh and to make it better, he could invite him to his own penthouse…you know. To have him calm and at ease and all, for the honour of being told he’s a hopeful for first class, of course.
He smiled, “I like that, Genesis.” This was going to be good, he’d definitely see to Genesis getting a pay rise or promotion or something! He was his new favourite for sure, “Tell him to meet me in my quarters then. The penthouse.”
The commander nodded, “Certainly, sir…he should be there by 9pm.”
He showered, exfoliated, shaved his privates like the young ones liked, spritzed himself with Gucci cologne, got dressed in a black silk thong and put on his leopard skin bath robe. Damn, he was one sexy devil, he thought to himself as he combed over his thinning blonde hair humming a tune.
The doorbell rang and he quickly headed for the door. Palms sweaty as he opened the door, in his mind seeing a cute little play thing. Bam. Red hair, buttoned up trench coat with bitch all over.
The commander smiled, “Good evening, President Shinra.” He shoved his way inside, carrying a black duffel bag.
“What are you doing here?!” he yelled, bounding towards him, “Get out of my house! You were told to bring me a soldier, which you haven’t done!”
Genesis nodded, opening the large double doors that lead straight into the bedroom.
The president was furious and shook with rage, “I’ll call security!”
“Such a lovely room.”
He was the president of Shinra for crying out loud! The most powerful corporation known to man! But this redheaded bitch couldn’t care any less. What with the way he surveyed the room, heels clicking as he paced about before dumping his bag by the bed. Balling up his fists, Shinra was ready to pull out his phone and call the guards. That was until he had a soft, warm mouth against his.
“Really, sir? You asked for the best and here I am.” Genesis whispered in his ear.
President Shinra’s phone clattered to the ground. A hand was rubbing his viagra laden crotch as the most irritating, though admittedly very attractive, soldier tickled his golden moustache with a tongue heavy kiss. His knees almost gave out - a whirlwind of emotions spiralling around him between wanting to send this man off to a firing squad to wanting to fuck him senseless on his silk-sheeted bed. But he purred , he purred into the president’s mouth and so the old man tossed all preconceptions about the whore out the window. He wanted him. Oh yes, this filthy hoe wanted a piece of the most powerful man in the world in him.
Without a second thought, he had his hairy, oily hands on the firm, round globe of Genesis’ leather clad ass. The young man gasped, gazing back at him with flirtatious mako blue eyes. Shinra smirked - the bitch wasn’t half-bad. If he kept this up, hell he was getting paid leave. Like a nymphomaniac the redhead moaned and rubbed their groins together. Shinra shivered.
“Yeah, bitch. That’s right.” he groaned, drooling heavily as he rutted his tiny prick against the soldier’s thigh.
“FUCK!” A souped up super soldier crushing the family jewels was like a sledgehammer through the groin. That bitch kneed him right in the balls and the president was on his knees shouting in pain with tears in his eyes.
Shocked, he looked over his fat hairy stomach at him kissing and petting his hurting balls. What happened next was too fast and volatile for Shinra to even register it. The soldier had the president’s dick in his lush, wet mouth and then those eyes – those goddamned mako eyes flashed and the old man’s fat face was smothered by a pillow. He was stunned, he flailed. Tried to call security, but in a heartbeat he was spread like an X, cuffed and tied to the four posters of his bed.
“MPHF!” he cried, only to have the pillow be replaced by a ball-gag which forced its way into his mouth.
The bitch was fucking strong. One hand holding his head still, making the president, HIS BOSS , afraid to move his head least his neck would snap, while the other hand pried his mouth open and secured the gag.
The redhead dusted off his hands, “Silly old man. Thought you could cry for help when I had barely even begun my work.”
The commander pulled away his coat revealing an all-black form-fitting BDSM extravaganza. Boots laced up and buckled that came to mid-thigh, tight latex shorts, clear vinyl shirt with a shiny black corset around his itty bitty waist, D-ring collar and a body harness. The president gulped – Genesis snapped on a pair of black latex gloves, with a smug grin on his face. Donning a leather officer’s cap he straddled the President.
“Love the look, sir?” he asked, pulling open the old man’s robe to reveal his hideously overweight and hairy figure before ripping off his underwear. Small erection and loose fitting balls dribbling out of the torn fabric.
The president struggled against his bonds, hoping his guards would do their rounds and check on him. The commander tutted at him, before slapping his moustached face sending his combed over tresses aflight.
Genesis struck a match and extracted two red candles from his bag. Shinra could only stare up at him - eyes wide with fear as Genesis straddled him and lit the candles. The bitch sighed, rocking his ass against the small erection beneath him. The president’s hairy gut heaving with every breath as he feared every move the commander was to make.
Those plump red lips pulled into a sadistic grin as those burning red, hot candles tilted. Searing wax dripped onto his golden, furry chest - patches of skin and hair burning and sizzling as they dribbled down his fat torso. Shinra tried to shout in pain, but he could only chew on the ball in his mouth and watch as Genesis chuckled and continued his assault.
“Don’t fight it, Mr President. You’ll only make me want to do more to you.”
He would have whimpered if he could. Caught between fear and crippling sexual satisfaction as the wax dripped onto his hard nipples. Genesis blew, cooling the wax so it hardened before trailing the candles down the big, gluttonous belly. Swirling them about like he was casting a spell to the underworld as he ground his ass into the thin prick standing at attention between his thick cheeks.
CUM SLUT. Genesis smirked at his handiwork on his large canvas as Shinra twitched; his skin, pink like the pig he is, was going to be branded the next day since the ass couldn’t heal like a soldier. The president, despite the agony, was oozing from his cock head, slicking up the covered asshole of the bitch who rode him. Blowing out a candle, Genesis stood the other on the bedside table.
“Tell me, sir. Are you going to behave?” he asked.
The president glared at him. There was no way in hell Shinra was going to give this bitch whatever he wanted. That was, until he saw a hard leather belt wrapped around the redhead’s hand. He stood his ground - like a fool. The whore wouldn’t kill him, and once Shinra was free of these bonds, he was going to-
His eyes rolled into the back of his skull as his cock was enveloped in hot, wet warmth. It was easy for the slut to take that tiny cock into his mouth and swallow him whole. He sucked - drinking down his vile fluids as he palmed his boss’s sweaty balls. Shinra thrust up involuntarily and Genesis grinned thinking it cute that the old bastard thought he could make him choke with his small friend.
He pulled away, “I’ll ask you again, sir. Will you behave?” His strong hands gripped Shinra’s throbbing cock. Tighter and tighter. The head turned purple, those piercing blue eyes stared into his soul. He was afraid again. But so unmistakably aroused as his mind begged for that face to be in his crotch again. Shinra hated him, his blood was boiling - this man knew every way to crawl under someone’s skin and exploit them. And he knew it so well. The president could not wait to wipe that wretched smirk off his ugly face.
Genesis untied his bonds, though made sure those hands remained tied together, and flipped the old man over. Shinra’s face was smothered by a pillow - he struggled, turned his head to watch the sadist behind him. In a beat, the commander deep-throated the end of the lit candle stick. It was a sickening, sinful display - Genesis’ face splashed by drops of red wax, his swift tongue curling around the end of the red candle as if he were pleasuring it. He removed the candlestick and looked so full of himself. Raising his hand, he brought the belt down.
Shinra screamed in the back of his throat as welts dented into his ass cheeks - his fat rippling as Genesis struck him again. He was cackling, unrelenting as he whipped his boss. Shinra tried to cry out against the gag in his mouth - hoping someone would save him from the commander. But his little prick was enjoying it - slicking up his heavy, round stomach with fluid as the redhead flogged him. Tears welled up in his eyes and the old man sobbed into his pillows as the loud sounds of leather slashing him across the bottom resonated in his room. His skin was cut, bleeding.
Genesis threw the belt down, satisfied at the red seeping from his boss’s wounds. The man’s hairy asshole was beckoning - wincing with every blow and that only fueled his desire. Without any care, Genesis forced the end of the lit candle into Shinra’s loose, haemorrhoid laden ass. The president froze - feeling violated, dirty, wrong, only to then find himself yanked up by the few strands of gelled hair he had left. A proud cock stood by his face, released from their entrapment of tight latex.
“If you play nice, Mr President…I’ll make sure that candle doesn’t set fire to your rear.”
Shinra could not wait to see the day Genesis would finally stop being so cocksure and smiley. The day when he orders the Turks hunt him down and torture him. Maybe have a woman force him to pleasure her with that deft tongue of his in her cunt. He couldn’t wait to jack off onto his tear covered face and watch him break.
The gag came off and the commander fucked his cock into the president’s mouth. He gagged instantly, only making the bitch moan louder at the old man’s obvious distress.
“Mmm. Suck my cock, sir.” he demanded, grabbing Shinra’s fat face and slamming it up and down his dick.
Shinra moaned at the rough treatment, wanting to rub his little prick so badly, but too stubborn to give this bitch the satisfaction of seeing him break at the seams. The candle wicked away, hot wax dripping onto his balls, his hairs singing from the hot wax. He backed up, trying to spread his ass cheeks to stop the fire from burning his skin. His golden moustache covered in spit as he chocked on soldier cock.
It was burning now and he was growing desperate. Whimpering around the dick in his mouth, hoping the sadist had a glimmer of humanity. Genesis pulled away and puffed out the candle.
“That wasn’t so bad, now was it?” he asked, flipping the president onto his back, before pulling out the nub of wax and discarding it onto the floor.
Now was his opportunity whilst he caught his breath. But before he could bellow for his guards, he had a perfect mouth to his and the gentlest of kisses.
“Want to meet a good friend of mine?” sparks went off in those mako eyes and Shinra almost had a heart attack.
Ten inches with a six inch circumference - a giant, black cock waved in his face before disappearing down the commander’s throat. He moaned so deliciously, before extracting it. Shinra shook his head.
“N-no.” he whimpered only to then have the fat head of the dildo sink into his ass.
He groaned and grit his teeth as pain and sick pleasure shot up his spine. He was mad at himself now as he ground against the giant cock ramming its way into his ass as Genesis none too gently fucked him. “Take it, sir! Come on and take it like a real man!” he shouted before shoving all ten inches into the old man’s ass.
Genesis pushed him upright, Shinra too dazed to do or say anything as he strapped the cock down. Circling the bed, the commander was so pleased with himself. The old, fat man bound, defeated, sitting on a fat cock. He deserved a treat he thought.
Getting onto all fours, Genesis pulled Shinra’s head into between his cheeks. “Eat me out, sir. I beg of you.”
The president was happy to comply. Burying his round face into his warm, sexy ass, he licked that tight asshole. His cock was crying, as his lips and tongue pleasured the commander’s fuckhole.
“Fuck yourself on that cock.” Genesis commanded. And Shinra complied as his balls begged for release. His useless prick waved around as he fucked himself and tonguefucked the commander.
The commander turned around, feeding Shinra his cock as he reached down and jerked the old man’s dick. In seconds, the president pulled back and jerked about - eyes to the sky as his whole body convulsed hideously. His cock spat a pitiful amount into Genesis’ hands leaving the poor man unimpressed. Shinra bucked into his palm before slumping forward onto the redhead feeling like he was on the cusp of having a heart attack at the tender age of 59.
Grabbing Shinra by the chin, Genesis shoved his soiled hand into his face. “Clean this pitiful mess up, sir. What a shame…and here you were hoping you could fuck me senseless. All you’ve left me with is a soft cock and pity for your mistresses.”
The president was ashamed. Tears fell from his eyes as he licked the cold, slimey cum off the commander’s hand until it was clean.
Genesis laughed, “So pathetic, you are. There is no way in hell you’d be able to make me cum.”
Pushing president Shinra onto his back, Genesis straddled the old man’s chest as he jerked himself off. A slender hand gliding up and down his pretty dick as the other pinched and teased a pierced nipple through his translucent PVC shirt. Without a sound, Genesis came - thick, white streams spraying onto Shinra’s panting face, soiling his golden moustache.
It took seconds for the commander to catch his breath. And when he did, he put himself away - swung his coat back on, packed his items away and left.
The following week, President Shinra was late to the board meeting. He walked with a limp and cold coffee into the meeting room only to lock eyes with the smirking commander standing with arms crossed by Sephiroth’s side. The old man coughed before taking the head of the table. His cock swelled. Red hair flicked out of a smug face as he rose and saluted the President with the rest of the high ranking members of Shinra. They sat, Shinra moving his seat further than necessary to hide his ‘growing’ problem.
Genesis whispered to Sephiroth. Made a motion with his pinky finger and they laughed.
Sephiroth smiled. “If I may, I wish to start…President Shinra.” his deep voice boomed through the meeting room. Everyone else looking ordinary - bored and tired as they were for every other meeting, whilst Shinra felt too warm. Sweat rolled down his forehead, his knuckles white as he gripped the edge of the table tightly - a mixture of fear and desire welling in his chest.
“Y-yes, Sephiroth?”
The general grinned and looked to his commander before commencing, “How goes that request for additional funding for SOLDIER…and of course, our inevitable pay rise? 13% as we agreed or…?” he trailed off, a murderous glint to his eyes that no one else but Shinra saw.
He shook slightly, stammering a little as he tried to find the words. Those goddamned blue eyes were glowing at him again and he couldn’t look away, even when his bastard son frowned at him with mild curiosity. A lovely, pink tongue darted out of those plush red lips and licked them ever so subtly, but with all the sinful, crass intent mustering up images of a night that Shinra could not stop remembering.
“H-how about say…25%? Yeah? I…I believe you boys earned it.”
The redhead’s face softened ironically, “Oh President Shinra…how generous of you for recognising our efforts.”
Lazard nodded, “Yes. I am sure the soldiers would be delighted to hear this. And what of the funding? We are in need of training equipment, a new VR room, renovations to the entire SOLDIER floors…and a handsome relief fund.”
Scarlet scoffed, “Pah! Dream on, sweetie! That money’s for me…isn’t that right, honey?” she turned to the president, pulling her arms together so her tits spilled over her low neckline.
But Shinra had his eyes on the commander toying him, his hand gliding up and down his general’s back before not so subtly whispering to him as if the pair were lovers. The president was green - if money was what this bitch wanted, so be it.
“Write me an invoice, Deusericus and I’ll fill it. What do you need, 5 billion gil?”
Lazard readjusted his glasses, unfazed by the high offer as the rest of the directors gawked. Hojo spilt his coffee down his front and Heidegger was pulling out his beard. “That would be a good start.” he said, writing out an invoice and having a soldier present it.
The president signed it. Immediately, the funds were digitally moved once it was scanned into the system. The rest of the meeting moved along rapidly as Shinra’s hands were tied having dropped a quarter’s worth of profit into SOLDIER because his dick told him to.
Reeve had watched the meeting with scrutiny and post-meeting he hurried after the soldiers.
“Commander Rhapsodos!” he called, catching the man midway from sipping his tea in the SOLDIER break room.
“Tuesti, lovely seeing you.” he smiled, “Have a macaron. I made them this morning.“
“Oh thank you.” he said, taking two brightly coloured desserts.
“Have you met my newest soldier, Kunsel? He’s my ‘eyes in the sky’.”
A young man saluted Reeve, “Pleasure meeting you, sir!”
Reeve nodded in reply, face full of ganache and crunchy biscuit. “Genesis, I had been meaning to ask about that funding in the board meeting. You see, my department is in desperate need of development and I was wondering if you had any advice on broaching the topic with the president.”
Genesis laughed, “And you’re asking me?”
“You do have a silver tongue.”
“Reeve, I like you and I believe you have a noble task in your hands. But I’m not sure you really know what you’re asking.”
Reeve sighed, “I’ll wine and dine you if it comes to it. Just let me know how you did it. You can deflect as much as you like, but I have a strong suspicion you were behind this.”
The commander smirked. “Seeing as you’re so persistent…just let me have a word with the general first.”
Shinra never knew that the cameras in his home were hacked. Or that the moment Genesis got home he was bent over the dining table and fucked by a real man whose long, thick cock was dripping in excitement from having watched his ruthless commander order the pig around. Genesis needed to also have a private chat with Kunsel…see if Reeve had any cameras whose feed could be streamed straight to Sephiroth’s computer.
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kalta79 · 7 years
Mystic Pizza
Summary: A 'truce' meeting between the Turks and Cloud and his allies goes horribly wrong. Set soon after the ending of the original game. Mature content.
“Do we have to do this?” Reno asked Tseng as he sat between Rude and Elena in the conference room.
“Now that Sephiroth is dead, Rufus wants us to sit down with Cloud and his allies to try and mend fences and come up with a good way to restore the planet. They should be here at any moment, so behave yourself.”
“You know you can behave yourself if you really want to.” Elena whispered to him as she saw the familiar rebellious look on his face.
“If you would behave yourself less, you might have better luck getting Tseng into your bed.” Reno whispered back, smiling as her face started matching the same shade of red as his hair.
Feeling her face burn with outrage and embarrassment, she was about to deliver a scathing retort when Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Yuffie, and Vincent arrived. They sat down across the table from the Turks.
“What do you want now?” Cloud blurted out sullenly, and Tifa nudged him sharply.
“We hope you meant it when you said you wanted to make amends.” Tifa said, taking over. “There’s a lot of work to be done to make things right.”
“You can start by dismantling all the Mako reactors!” Barret exclaimed. “You can start by leaving Wutai alone.” Yuffie interjected.
Reno was about to make a nasty comment when a knock on the conference door interrupted everything, and Vincent opened it to a pizza delivery man. He had four large mushroom pizzas. Tseng paid the man for the pizzas, and Tifa made Cloud give the delivery man a big tip.
“I hope mushroom pizzas are acceptable to you all, I’m told mushrooms are a very healthy and environmentally friendly food.” Tseng told Cloud and his allies as Rude and Elena passed out plates and napkins.
“That was a nice tip.” The delivery man said as he got back into his car and drove back to the pizzeria. “Any more deliveries ready?” he asked his coworker when he walked back into the building.
“Yeah, deliver the mushroom pizzas to this address.” The coworker responded, handing him the order receipt.
“This is where I just delivered four mushroom pizzas to.” He said.
“What?!” His coworker exclaimed, then rushed to the stack of boxed pizzas ready for delivery and opened the first few boxes. “Oh no…” he breathed in sheer panic.
“What’s the problem?” The delivery man asked.
“Those mushroom pizzas didn’t have just any mushrooms on them! They were meant for a creative writing group.” his coworker explained.
“Well, I’m glad I got my tip when I did, then.” The delivery man shrugged. “Who knows what they would have given me once they started eating the pizza. And you‘re in such trouble when they recover…the one guy had a big sword with him, and one of the guys had a gun where his arm should be.”
“Sir, I brought you some pizza.” Tseng said as he walked into Rufus’ private hospital room.
Rufus typed on the laptop provided to him for communication, since his vocal cords had not healed enough for him to talk yet. Why aren’t you at the meeting? the screen read when he stopped typing.
“They’re just eating and chatting now, fostering the kind of relationship we want them to have with each other now. I felt it better to absent myself to let them be themselves. Reno especially…he’ll not have anyone to rebel against if I’m not there.”
Very well. What kind of pizza?
“Mushroom pizza.” Tseng replied.
Rufus made a face, or so it seemed, with all those bandages it was hard to see his facial expressions, and he started typing again. Just one bite then. You eat some too.
The conference room was almost abandoned, after except for Vincent who stayed behind, not because he was hallucinating, but because the mushrooms caused him to lose the ability to control his form, and he kept randomly changing into monsters. He hoped he wouldn’t hurt anyone, since he was surrounded by the current generation of Turks and those who had finally put an end to Hojo‘s madness. If nothing else, this reminded him why he didn’t want to be around people, it just wasn’t safe for anyone.
Tifa and Rude were looking for Cloud, who had run off for some reason, taking some pizza with him. They were following pieces of pizza crust into the men’s bathroom on the third floor, while eating some they had taken with them as well…they usually weren‘t pizza people, but something about this one was different.
“Oh, you’re such a beautiful carousel horsie!” Tifa suddenly exclaimed to Rude as she looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror.
“I’m a horse?” Rude asked in surprise. Right in front of him, Tifa seemed to grow wings and a halo like an angel, and angels never lied. “That’s why these clothes feel funny on me!” Rude thought everything made sense now, and hurriedly got undressed.
“You’re a very beautiful one.” Tifa explained as her eyes started shining. “I miss being around horses.”
“Wait, if I’m a horse, I’m not supposed to be able to talk, am I?” Rude wondered.
“You’re a very special carousel horsie, of course you can talk.” Tifa said, petting his naked body like she had petted real horses before.
“What are these things in my ear?” Rude touched his earrings. He also found he really liked being petted by an angel. Maybe he was a special horsie after all.
“It’s a gold ring!” Tifa exclaimed. “That’s not supposed to be in your ear, it’s supposed to be on my finger!” She took it out of his ear, almost ripping it out in her haste to have a ring on her finger, because she had wanted one there for so long. “It doesn’t fit!” Tifa got upset at not being able to wear it.
“Are you supposed to ride me first before you can wear it, Angel?” Rude asked her.
Tifa gasped. “You’ve got to be right! You’re such a smart horsie!” She kissed his ear and Rude blushed, the color deepening as she continued running her hands over his well-muscled body. “Do you mind if I ride you bareback? I don’t want to hurt you with a saddle.”
“You’re an angel, you couldn’t hurt me!” Rude exclaimed.
Tifa smiled as she mounted him. At first she thought she had forgotten how to do it right, because she felt something hard that she didn’t remember, then she realized carousel horsies would have a safety mechanism to secure her to him. It felt so good when she repositioned herself properly on top of him that she gasped again, then paused when she heard Rude gasp as well. “Are you okay?” she asked.
“You’re perfect.” Rude answered. His body told him he had needed to be ridden for a long time, and now it was an angel giving him what he needed.
Tifa smiled once more, because feeling her mount so warmly firm beneath her was perfect for her too. “Giddy up, horsie!” she cried.
Barret and Yuffie were wandering around the building, and found themselves back in the conference room, and Barret yelled when he saw Vincent transform.
“It’s Dyne! He’s come back to hurt Marlene!” Barret pointed his gun arm at Vincent, and before he could do anything else, Yuffie kicked him in the head.
“Don’t you hurt my baby!” she yelled back at Barret, and ran to rip Vincent’s cloak off him and cuddle it in her arms like a child. “Can’t you see he’s a harmless infant? You’re just a big bully!”
“When did you have a baby?” Vincent and Barret asked her, confused.
“He’s….he’s my secret love child I guess.” Yuffie replied.
Having walked back towards the conference room as well, wanting more pizza, Reno overheard Yuffie mention her secret love child, and he looked in the room, and Yuffie’s appearance kept changing, looking like all the mostly nameless women he had used for immediate release over the years. And without his cloak, Vincent looked like a process server in child support cases. Vincent’s cloak in Yuffie’s arms did look like a baby, and it had red hair. The baby jumped out of Yuffie’s arms and started walking towards the door where Reno, multiplying as it got closer and closer. Panic set in as the babies lifted their chubby little arms towards him.
“Daddy! Daddy! Hold us! Let us take your money!” the infants called out, and Reno ran screaming down the hall.
Reno heard loud moaning coming from the bathroom when he was fleeing his money-grubbing offspring, and cautiously opened the door, spying Tifa on top of his partner, riding him like the cowgirl she once wanted to be. Reno knew Rude really needed to get laid, but judging from the obvious urgency on Tifa’s part, she needed it just as bad. “Way to go, buddy!” he said a little too loud because one of the babies was watching Rude and Tifa too, pointing and laughing at them, and when Reno talked, the baby turned to him and vanished, then Reno saw the army of babies coming down the hallway towards him again. “I hope you're wearing a condom!” Reno yelled towards Rude before he started running away again.
“What was that?” Rude asked Tifa, but before she could answer, both of them climaxed.
“You’re such a wonderful horsie!” Tifa said a few moments later. Riding a carousel horsie was so much better than she remembered.
“No, you’re a wonderful angel.” Rude replied.
“The ring still doesn’t fit!” Tifa frowned. “Maybe I’m not doing it right…maybe you’re supposed to ride me.”
“I can’t do that, you’re an angel!” Rude was shocked by the notion of a horse riding an angel.
“If I’m an angel, doesn’t that mean I should be right?” Tifa asked him.
“Yes, but…” Rude still tried to protest, as Tifa got off him and positioned herself on the floor.
“Please ride me now.” Tifa told him. “I need that ring!”
Cloud found himself in the training room. He heard a noise in what looked like a closet and saw a training robot when he opened the door. As he looked at it, it took Sephiroth’s form. Cloud‘s jaw dropped. “You‘re alive!”
“Of course I am!” Sephiroth said mockingly before vanishing and then reappearing across the room. “You were willing to kill me over a girl though, weren’t you?” He said, this time reappearing behind Cloud and tousling his hair.
“No!” Cloud exclaimed. “I could never do that to my…” He shut his mouth before he finished his sentence.
“What’s that? I was your what?” A little Sephiroth appeared on Cloud’s shoulder with puppet strings, grabbing Cloud’s ear. “Come on, you’re not afraid to say what you used to call me, are you?”
“My Sephy-Wephy.” Cloud whispered, feeling his cheeks burn. “How’d you know that? I never told anyone that, and I only did it when I was alone.”
The training robot suddenly activated and approached Cloud from behind. “I’m going to kill you.”
Elena had ended up in Tseng’s office, waiting for the man she most respected to show up. She was wearing some special lingerie under her Turk uniform, hoping that if the meeting went well, he’d finally celebrate with her. The pizza had made her feel too hot, so she had taken her suit off. Suddenly the alarm for an unauthorized fight in the training room, which sounded like a tsunami warning to Elena. She was looking out the window at the time, and she didn’t see the blue sky, it looked like the ocean to her, and she saw what looked like tidal surge coming for her, so she jumped onto the desk and started swimming for it.
Rufus suddenly got a terrible craving for sweets, and he looked around for something to satisfy him, and he saw the biggest lollipop he had ever seen standing close by. He didn’t know lollipops had legs, but he couldn’t let this wonderful treat escape. Rufus took his empty meal tray and swung it too fast for Tseng to react, then he pulled the unconscious Tseng onto the bed with him and started licking his licorice lollipop.
When Tseng woke up later, Rufus was still licking him, and Tseng cried out in alarm and managed to run out into the hallway, where he ran smack dab into Reeve.
“Tseng! What’s wrong? What happened to you?” Reeve had never seen the leader of the Turks looking so disheveled or panicked.
“There’s a man-eating snake in Rufus’ room! It was trying to devour me!” Tseng explained.
“What?!” Reeve dropped the books he had brought for Rufus to read during his recovery and started to head back to the elevator.
“Come back to me, my lollipop!” Rufus yelled out.
Reeve looked hard at Tseng. “A man-eating snake you say?”
Reeve cautiously entered the building, and made his way to the conference room. The doctors at the hospital had figured out that the pizza had hallucinogenic mushrooms on it, and the best thing to do was to let them sleep it off, so Rufus and Tseng were both sedated. But Tseng had managed to tell Reeve and the doctors about the meeting where the pizza was delivered to, so Reeve decided he had better check on everyone.
“Who’s there?” Vincent called out from his meditative position in a dark corner as Reeve entered the room.
“It’s me, Vincent. Reeve. How come you’re here and no one else is?” he asked the former Turk.
“Something happened and I can’t control myself anymore.” Vincent explained. “Everyone else left after they started eating the pizzas.”
“It’s the mushrooms on the pizza that‘s affecting you. It’s only temporary, nothing’s wrong with you.” Reeve reassured him. “Hey, where’s your cloak?” he asked Vincent in surprise.
“Yuffie stole it.” Vincent pouted. “I think she said something about going to the cafeteria.”
“Will you help me round everyone up?”
“I don’t want to hurt anyone.” Vincent explained. “I just want my cloak back.”
“Don’t worry about that, I’ve got a trank gun and a taser.” Reeve informed him. “And like I said, it’s only temporary.”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Vincent said, and walked out, making his way to the cafeteria as Reeve hurriedly caught up with him.
They found Yuffie in the cafeteria as expected, where she was gorging herself on whatever food she could find.
“Don’t hurt my baby!” Yuffie cried out as they approached her.
“She’s using my cloak as a fake stomach!” Vincent exclaimed in outrage at Yuffie’s attempt to give herself the appearance of a woman in her last trimester with his cloak.
Reeve hurriedly aimed and fired the tranquilizer gun at Yuffie before Vincent did something drastic in his beast forms. Once Yuffie was unconscious, Vincent stiffly approached her and took his precious cloak back.
“What the hell did she do to it?” Vincent demanded to know after examining it. “It’s got some kind of…fluids…on it. Dammit that‘s gross…and I hate dry cleaners!” With that, Vincent was gone in a swirl of curses instead of his usual swirl of red.
Reeve sighed. He had hoped Vincent would help him return everyone to their beds to sleep off the mushrooms once he had sedated them. Reeve took out his cellphone and called a couple of ex-SOLDIERS he knew who were always looking for honest work. They returned Yuffie to her apartment while Reeve went to Rufus’ office to access the security cameras to find out where everyone was.
“What the…” Reeve exclaimed as he viewed the third floor bathroom camera. “Is that Rude and…Tifa?” He blushed over seeing the compromising position they had fallen asleep in. “Um…well at least I don’t need to sedate them. Wow…that’s…I…yeah…I never saw anything. Next camera!”
“Cloud?” Reeve said when he and the two men entered the training room.
“I killed him.” Cloud said, kneeling on the ground next to a training robot with the head cut off. “How did he know what I used to call him in private? I wonder if Sephiroth knew I wrote poems about him too. I hope Tifa never finds out.”
“Uh, not really an issue right now I don’t think.” Reeve reassured Cloud before tranking him.
“Are you sure about this, Doc?” Barret said to a coat rack. “I really like having a whole arm, but if you say cutting the other one off will help my gun arm function better, you’re the expert.”
One of the two men charged Barret and knocked the cleaver out of his hand, while the other man grabbed the tranquilizer gun and fired, using his marksmanship skills to get a clean shot.
Elena had to be tasered to safely neutralize her before sedation, because she had become convinced she was a tiger shark. An actual half-tiger half-shark hybrid, and her combat skills made getting a clean shot almost impossible. The taser had a wider field of impact.
When it came time to get Rude and Tifa back home, Reeve dressed Rude back in his uniform before letting the two men take him away. He couldn’t find any trace of Tifa’s panties, since that the was the only thing she was missing, and Reeve decided that her wardrobe choices were none of her business.
“That’s the last of them.” Reeve informed the men when they came back from returning Tifa to her place above 7th Heaven. “Thanks a lot for your discreet help.” He dug into his pocket and paid the men 500 gil a piece, knowing they would keep their silence.
Reeve realized he was exhausted and in need of some sedation himself, so he just went to his old office and pulled out the hide-a-bed he had kept there. No one would think to look for him here, and he didn’t want to be found when everyone woke up knowing he knew what they had done while drugged.
A strange noise woke Reeve up, and he saw a shadow near his desk. He carefully grabbed the taser and tranquilizer gun from under his pillow. "Who's there?" he called out. "Ssssshhhh, they'll hear you!" A familiar voice whispered fiercely. "Reno?" Reeve couldn't believe he had forgotten him when he was returning everyone home. "What are you doing?" Reeve got out of bed, realizing with more surprise that Reno was hiding under the desk. "Hiding. I can't let them find me. They'll take all my money." Reno explained. Reeve turned the light on against Reno's protests, and saw that Reno had the last of the mushroom pizzas with him. "Who's trying to find you?" Reeve asked as he activated the taser behind his back. He was out of tranquilizer cartridges anyway. "My secret love children. Yuffie told them I was their daddy, and they just want my money." Reeve looked at the second-in-command of the Turks in disbelief for a moment, then shrugged and tasered him before Reno could do anything else. The redhead hit his head on the side of the desk as a result, knocking himself out. Reeve sighed and went back to bed, after hiding the last of the pizza. He'd take it down to the incinerator in the morning.
Tifa woke up first the next morning, feeling very groggy and sore. She was confused as to why some parts of her body registered abuse and pleasure simultaneously when she turned over. Breathing a huge sigh of relief at seeing Cloud where he belonged in the twin bed next to her, she was confused as to why she felt a twinge of guilt when she looked at her childhood sweetheart. Finally getting out of bed to head to the bathroom, Cloud woke up at the noise she made, and he stared at her with a similar mix of relief and guilt once some of the fogginess in his eyes cleared up.
“Whatcha got there?” Cloud asked Tifa.
“Huh?” Tifa was confused.
“In your hand.” Cloud explained.
Tifa realized she was holding onto something for dear life in her hand, and she slowly convinced her hand to open up. Staring at the gold earring she had been holding onto, not understanding why a conflicting series of emotions rushed over her at first. “I’m not…this isn’t mine!” Tifa blurted out, some flashes of memory making a slow flush creep up her neck onto her face.
“Is that a hickey on your neck?” Cloud asked next, as the change in her skin tone made him notice it.
“I…I need a shower!” Tifa exclaimed, running into the bathroom and locking the door, trying to ignore the marks on her body in the bathroom mirror as she put the earring down on the counter before ripping her clothes off and getting in the shower stall. As the warm water sluiced over her body, she suddenly realized her panties were missing from the clothes she just took off.
Cloud looked at the closed bathroom door for a few moments, then closed his eyes to try and go back to sleep. There was something he still needed to that he couldn’t remember, so he hoped when he woke up, he’d feel more with it and know what he had to accomplish.
Rude woke up groggy and sore as well, confused as to why he felt drained yet happy. He also didn’t understand why he was in his own bed wearing his uniform complete with shoes. And one of the shoes felt funny. Managing to fling the shoe off because it wasn’t on properly, Rude was shocked when a pair of women’s panties flew out of his shoe towards him, landing on his head. Taking them off, he noticed a label. Blinking a few times to let his eyes focus enough, his jaw dropped when he read Property of Tifa Lockhart.
“Why would I have Tifa’s underwear? I didn’t steal them, did I?” Feeling the fabric of the panties made wisps of memories float through Rude’s head. “What…the…hell?!”
Yuffie woke up to a knock on the door to the hotel suite she was staying in for the moment. She felt incredibly hungover like she had the morning after her first formal dinner back home in Wutai, having never had the rice wine before.
“Who’s there?” Yuffie managed to call out. Not being able to hear the response, she uttered some Wutaian curses as she staggered to the door and opened it. “What?!” she snapped at the bellhop who stood there with an envelope in his hand.
“Um, I was told to give this to you, ma’am.” The bellhop handed the envelope to her and she managed a polite response as she grabbed it.
Ripping it open, she stared in disbelief at what she read. “A bill for dry cleaning? Are you kidding me?!” Yuffie exclaimed.
Barret woke up to Marlene tapping on his bedroom door, asking if she could make her own breakfast. “Sure thing, kiddo!” Barret replied, and he heard her feet head towards the kitchen. Barret sighed…he felt like had been drinking too much last night, but he couldn’t remember anything.
Reeve was coming back from the incinerator when Reno was trying to walk down the hallway outside of Reeve’s old office.
“That must have been some party last night I ended up at!” Reno said when he saw someone else in the hall.
“You ended up being a father about a hundred times over is what happened.” Reeve just couldn’t resist messing with Reno a little as payback for disturbing his sleep last night.
Reno paled til he was the color of snow, and the shock of Reeve‘s statement instantly sobered him up. “A father? What are you talking about?” Reno reached for his cellphone and dialed 9-1-1. “This is a life-threatening situation…I need an emergency retroactive vasectomy!”
Rude was approaching 7th Heaven to return Tifa’s panties, discreetly concealed in a small box in a gift bag, when something landed on the street next to him. As he stared at the cowgirl boots lying there, he heard a window slam.
“What was that?” Cloud asked Tifa when he saw her fling something out the window.
“I’m cleaning house.” Tifa replied in an odd voice. “Anything horse related has to go. What are you doing?”
“I’m cleaning house too.” Cloud answered as he crumpled the last of his Sephy-Wephy tribute poems and threw it with the others into the fireplace and grabbed the box of matches, lighting on and throwing it on top of his poems.
Tseng cautiously entered Rufus’ hospital room. “Good afternoon, sir.” he stiffly told his boss.
How is everyone doing? Rufus typed.
“I think we still managed to achieve our objective.” Tseng informed him. “Everyone will be so embarrassed over what they remember about last night that they will be extremely polite when they run into each other in public, most likely trying to avoid them otherwise. But they won’t risk getting antagonistic towards each other anymore.”
So a job well done after all?
“Yes sir, may I be excused now?” Tseng asked.
Go about your other business. As Tseng hurriedly left the room, Rufus thought he might have smiled at Tseng’s relief in being dismissed, but his facial nerves hadn’t fully healed yet either. He was rather embarrassed that he had licked Tseng like a lollipop, but Reeve had told him that Tseng though it was a snake trying to devour him. Rufus had heard that normal people wear costumes on Halloween, so since Rufus wanted to be normal now, maybe he would have a snake costume custom-made for the upcoming holiday.
When Tifa went back upstairs to go to bed after the annual 7th Heaven Halloween party a few weeks later, she was shocked to find a wrapped present in front of her door. Picking it up carefully, she went into her and Cloud’s bedroom and set it down on the dresser, gently removing the wrapping paper. Tifa loved to save momentos, to the point she had ended up having to rent a storage unit to keep items she couldn’t bear to get rid of, just to hold on to the memories. Tifa gasped when she opened the box and pulled out an angel figurine with an actual gold ring in her size as its removable halo.
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