silvahheartless · 2 years
Me, walking into the Kingdom Hearts Fandom, and then finding out Nomura is one of the leaders:
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silvahheartless · 2 years
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silvahheartless · 4 years
This is,,, so thoughtful?
Roxas fractured Riku's left wrist during their fight in Days, when Riku sought to capture him and wake Sora from his sleep. This is why in KH2 and DDD he wears the wrap around it. Roxas fractures it with Oblivion, which is ironic, since Oblivion represents Sora's forgotten memories of Riku. [I'm pretty convinced it represents the forgotten memory of his death, and a promise they made as children, specifically]
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During the DDD intro rendition of Riku and Sora's fight with Xemnas, you can see it is clearly bothering him. He looks at it and flexes it, before Xemnas punts him. This blow appears to be across the face/left shoulder, but it's not really clear. Probably also hurt super bad.
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After this, when Xemnas is about to finish off Sora, Riku deflects the blow and pushes Sora to safety, leaving him open to this blow from Xemnas.
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Which I believe also fractured the left side of his hip. This is why he had so much trouble walking after the battle, and had to be helped by Sora.
I find Riku's walk very stiff, especially compared to other characters. And I might be imagining it, but I feel like he has an ever so slight limp, barely there at all. Fractures around joints can cause stiffness and arthritis when they don't set properly.
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When Riku stands to protect Sora, he presents the left side of his body foremost. His most damaged side.
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When the darkness begins consuming his body, the camera again intentionally focuses on his left leg and left hand, and you can see them falter slightly. Especially his hand, you can see it contort. Riku is actually in a shit ton of pain here. That's why Sora gasped and reached out to him, he could see it hurting him.
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Riku has physical handicaps, his left wrist and left hip, that both originated from him protecting Sora. Not to mention how he stood there and literally let the darkness eat him alive trying to protect him.
So I want to point out the significance of this scene at the end of KH2.
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Upon seeing Kairi, in his joy Sora immediately seems to forget about Riku's injuries, which came from... Riku protecting him. Riku is shown growing distant in the background, walking slowly, struggling, being left behind by Sora. But he's happy that Sora is happy, and safe, because that's what's most important to him. I imagine however, that he was also incredibly sad watching Sora run to Kairi, knowing that Sora wanted to be next to her at that moment rather than him, even though Riku had suffered so much for his sake.
The way the shot is framed, as Sora runs toward Kairi, he blocks out the sun completely.
If he had stopped, turned around, and looked at Riku, he would have been looking directly at the light.
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~~wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I
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silvahheartless · 4 years
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silvahheartless · 4 years
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2018 >2019 >2020
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silvahheartless · 4 years
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before i start kh3, there is just a BUNCH of silly stuff ive drawn outside of my livetweet threads that deserves to be seen
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silvahheartless · 5 years
verum rex means true king in latin yozora means night sky sora means sky
almost like theres a guy named noctis which means night hanging around who happens to LOOK A LOT like this yozora kid and happens to be called the true king but a lot but again idk
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silvahheartless · 5 years
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I am finally able to share my piece for @luminescence-zine did last year!!!! :33
It is honestly something I am really proud of and something that took me a long time to finish!<33
The structure of the art book is like a timeline and my task was it to draw something for „Chain of Memories“. I wanted to capture the struggles and emotions Sora had with Replicu, which he thought was Riku at that time! Also the loss of memories and the fear of losing his friend again! It was a big pleasure to work with so many talented artists, especially because some of them are my secret inspirations ahhh 
I hope you like it!
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silvahheartless · 5 years
wanna write me some ffxv x kh content bc i like noctis he’s tragic —-yozora who????
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silvahheartless · 5 years
im glad its now canon that "the power to protect what matters" is actually Love
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silvahheartless · 5 years
this is me with riku i r
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script taken from when a certain someone streamed endgame kh3 for me a year ago.
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silvahheartless · 5 years
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My sanctuary, my sanctuary My fears and lies melt away
A SoRiku illustration I did for the “Cross The Line” zine on twitter ♥ I was inspired by paintings of the romanticism era, and wanted to paint as much drama and movement as I could into this :D Now available as a poster on my storenvy: https://nijuukoo.storenvy.com/
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silvahheartless · 5 years
“scala ad caelum” shut up!! shut the fuck up!!!
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silvahheartless · 5 years
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I don’t know if anyone else did it but here it is, here’s my truth and Nomura’s truth
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silvahheartless · 5 years
kingdom hearts as memes
Sora: I’ma keep it G, Axel.
Sora: I brought this cranberry juice for Riku. But you know what? Me and Riku had our faults, apologized, whatever you want to call it. I ain’t got no beef with Riku no more.
Sora: all my beef is with the bitches on those chairs.
Axel, glancing at the Organization XIII chairs: o-on these chairs?
Sora: yeah, so i mean, if you don’t wanna get wet—
Axel: yes boo cause this is calvin klein and I don’t play that shi—
Ventus: There is a VULTURE on top of my house.
Ventus: Oh my—
Ventus, spraying him with a garden hose: THIS IS NOT YOUR LAND! GO!
Riku, to Xion: So I’m gonna pay you 100 munny to fuck off.
Axel, watching Roxas float in midair: there is something wrong with my turtle. Roxas speak to me. Roxas! No. No! NooOooOOO!
Axel: anybody ever tell you you look like Xehanort?
Blindfolded Man: no they usually tell me I look like Riku
Axel: who the fuck is that
Riku, taking off his blindfold: me bitch
Axel: hey anybody ever tell you that you look like Riku
Riku: all the fuckin time
Ventus: i call this song χ-blade. (Screams)
Xehanort, nervously: axel. give daddy the knife.
Axel, raising his blades:
Xehanort: a-axel gi- give daddy t—
Axel, setting them down:
Xehanort, nervously: th- thank you
‘Leon’: Cloud really loves celebrating history. It’s a really great thing—
Cloud, fighting Sephiroth:
‘Leon’: well. Not. Not all the time.
Xehanort: o— there’s. There are keyblade weilders outside. They’re. They’re tryna get in the house.
Xehanort, glancing at Axel: what the fuck you doin axel you just gonna sit there? throw up gang signs or something
Xehanort: I have invented. A knife weilding shadow person.
Vanitas, swinging his keyblade:
Xehanort: if anybody would like to volunteer to come deal with it that would be fine by me
Ventus, hesitantly clicking play:
His phone: This message lasts two minutes
Axel: This is for Yen Sid you big fat nobody hatin nasty smelling fat bitch why you took me off the motherfuckin keyblade exam with your trifflin dirty nobody hatin ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm coming up there and I'm gonna beat the fuck out of you bitch and don't even call the keyblade masters today cause I'm gonna come up there unexpected and wait on your motherfuckin ass bitch im coming to beat the fuck out of you bitch cause you did that on purpose with your aundry nobody hatin ass thin haired bitch watch I'm coming up there to fuck you up bitch I'm telling you watch I know what kind of gummi ship you drive I'm gonna wait on you and I'm gonna beat your ass bitch cause Imma show you not to play with Axel Lea’s money bitch thats the first thing you did and you got me fucked u—Ventus, exhaling nervously:
Ventus: Aqua said if I don’t get my grades up I can’t get my tetnus shot this year
Terra: that’s.... weird... what are you gonna do?
Ventus: fucken study, i guess.
Vanitas: No, no, actually I’m—
Riku: IM SORRY, are you a keyblade MASTER?
Riku: that’s what i THOUGHT. GUYS IT’S A HEARTLESS.
Xion: Look! A snake charmer!
Roxas: hey-yo snake!
Axel: what?!
Roxas: you cute as hell
Axel: ssssssstop
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silvahheartless · 5 years
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Rikus got it all figured out now. Thanks mike.
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silvahheartless · 5 years
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