#Seoul Dynasty
5nightsatteddys · 6 months
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My Mercy skins aesthetic boards =3
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trainermallow · 2 years
as a long time fan i could not be happier for dallas fuel FINALLY pulling out the win, what an absolutely incredible way to end the season. of course shock will always be my number one and they played a fantastic series, so i hope everyone is proud of themselves! 🧡🖤 i would’ve been happy to see anyone in the final eight go all the way and they all proved themselves a hundred times over. ggs, 2022!
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overwatch-1eague · 8 months
2018 (Inaugural Season)
Stage 1, Week 5, Day 3
Match 2 - Seoul Dynasty vs San Francisco Shock
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amarimeta · 2 years
did u guys know about this and forget to tell me.
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without-ado · 7 months
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Happy Year of the Dragon
l 운룡도 Dragon in Clouds l Joseon l 19th Century l National Folk Museum of Korea
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nineteenfiftysix · 1 year
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Hongdae Joseon Dynasty (Seoul, South Korea - 2023)
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bisexual-ashe · 2 years
not me being lowkey tempted to spend £10 on a fucking overwatch league skin 💀
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fewwordsmanyriddles · 5 months
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How accurate is this translation?
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soooo niche but in the inaurugal season of the overwatch league in stage 3 week 3 theyre all passing around the hand sanitiser and it becomes a meme and hex is like "when the superbug hits..." well let me fucking tell you it "hits" differently watching it back in 2023. 2018 was just a much simpler time
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meowtifullycute · 1 year
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Tranquil Oasis: Gyeonghoeru Pavilion and Hyangwonjeong Pond!
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minniepetals · 1 year
cry me a river | the reckless
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— summary: in the face of danger, you run right into it
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst, mafia!au
— word count: 4.7k
— warnings: slight violence
— PART 24 / previous post / masterpost
It’s about one in the morning when you sneak out of the room with gentle steps, making sure to not wake the one who sleeps on the armchair beside the bed, his soft little snores still heard until his presence disappears with the closed door.
The hallways are as silent as it was back in the room, the only thing heard is the sounds of your footsteps echoing through, and as you close your shawl closer to your body, you look around to make your way to the familiar steps that lead outside where the greenhouse stands.
The doors are left unlocked so you let yourself in and step through the glass doors, closing your eyes for a moment to breathe in the scent of the greens all around you.
It’s during lonely moments like this you feel your heart craving for some sort of familiarity. Not just the presence of your Reapers but for the presence of your manor itself.
For years you spent hating that place more than anything because that was where everything happened; where you were born, where you grew up, watching your mother hating you with every fiber left in her, chasing after your father’s attention, shedding tears on top of gentle shoulders, trapped behind the steel door of a white room, training, meeting good people, meeting bad people, everything.
You can’t recall when the feeling of dread and disdain turned to eyes seeking for it, feet yearning to step back into it. Maybe it was the moment your father died, when the dynasty he worked so hard to build broke down into pieces like a house of cards, when you took over and made it into the home that it is now starting to feel like.
You returned to it after Leehyun, locking yourself in the comfort of your room, knowing that if you were to step outside, your Reapers would be right there with the smallest calling of their names. It served as your escape when it used to be the very reason you hated your existence.
The manor has become home and perhaps the only reason it’s able to be such a thing is because of what you’ve built it to be.
You want to escape, to return to it and simply hide in it and have no one bother you until you’re ready to step out yourself.
On the bench where Alexander sat this morning, you take your seat and close your eyes, trying to manipulate your mind into thinking you aren’t in Norway, that you’re back in Seoul, back at the manor, and not somewhere far, far away.
It’s exhausting doing this, your revenge plan. It’s exhausting having to put up a front, exhausting having to freeze up and recall unwanted memories that you wish could bury forever in the back of your mind.
But buried memories can’t always stay buried. They return, eventually, in time, whether you’re prepared or not.
You can’t tell how much time has passed but when you feel something against your feet accompanied by small little pants, you open your eyes to find the little puppy that accepted you from the moment he laid eyes on you.
You look down at him and he returns your gaze with a tilt in his head, tail wagging, and swirls about in a circle once before using his nose to poke at your leg again. He reminds you of the children at The Academy, how they’ve never been scared of you despite wanting to always push them away with your cold demeanor. It’s like Kiwi sees right through you, just like them, and in your silence, you pick up the small little thing to bring him onto your lap.
His tail wags a little more and when you run your hand through his fur, he gets a little more excited and affectionate.
Besides the children, there’s someone else you see in him.
“You remind me of someone,” you say as he nuzzles into the feeling of your palm. “Though unlike you, he wasn’t too fond of me in the beginning. It took some time for him to warm up but once he got to that point, he wouldn’t stop following me around.”
You fall silent again, thinking, remembering, reminiscing, and your fingers stop playing around with the little puppy on your lap.
The memories aren’t as hazy as they used to be, they’re a little clearer, a little closer to home. You can feel it in your heart when something feels like it’s just stabbed it, and in your stomach when you feel a little drop.
“I’m sorry for being selfish,” a voice whispers into your ear. “I’m sorry for only ever thinking about myself.”
But the thing about that is, you cannot be sorry for something that is within your nature, you cannot be sorry for wanting to put yourself first in a cruel, cruel world. When everything feels wrong, when the world feels like it’s always against you, when you do not know who to put your trust in.
If you were a little more mature and a little more brave, would you have been able to tell him the things you want to say now?
Things like; it wasn’t your fault. Things like; it’s alright, and you’re okay, and rest well.
Rest well, rest well, rest well.
You lean your head forward to the sky, gaze closed, as if hoping the things you spoke within your heart could be heard from him wherever he stays.
And as the silence continues, you feel your consciousness eventually slip away as your shoulders loosen their tensions with the feel of the little puppy resting well in your lap.
You didn’t realize it, that you had fallen asleep, but you know yourself waking when you feel a presence closing in and immediately opening your eyes to meet the old man who has a blanket hovered before you, his eyes falling a little surprised because he hadn’t expected you to wake up so easily.
“It’s good to put your guard down a little, you know,” Alexander says with a small chuckle as you accept the blanket to drape it behind you.
“I’ve learned my lesson with that,” you answer him and scoot over to the edge of the bench in order to make room for him.
He takes his seat beside you though leaves enough space in between and you’re thankful this man is observant. Kiwi’s awake but remains quiet and still, head resting against his paws with his tail swaying side to side.
“Do you have anyone you can trust in this world?” Alexander crosses a leg over the other and you look at your watch to see that it’s about four in the morning.
You managed to sleep in an unfamiliar place while knowing there weren’t any Reapers that could come to you at any second. How odd.
“There are always chances someone can stab you in the back.” Maybe the presence of Kiwi helped you. “It’s never a good idea to put your full trust in anyone.”
“You say that but one day you might come to know it feels rather nice putting unconditional faith in someone.”
You shake your head, brows furrowing. “Even if that someone has a good heart and good intentions, it doesn’t mean it hurts any less.”
There’s only been one person you know you can truly trust but he’s gone from this world, only ever being able to see him again when he wishes to visit you in your dreams. He’s the only person you’d ever allow to hurt you over and over again, even if it isn’t the real version of him.
Mister Butler can hate you and betray you but you’d let him do it again and again and maybe that’s because in your heart, you know those versions that the nightmares give you are simply from your own imagination and that he’d never truly come to hate you. He’s incapable of betraying your trust. Someone like him, who stayed by your side when he didn’t have to, isn’t a man who can have his heart easily swayed into hating you.
“Are you tired of betrayal?”
“I’m tired of everything,” you admit and he looks at you up and down, eyes narrowing slightly.
“And yet here you are, out in Norway.” Alexander knows a thing or two, he isn’t dumb, and you aren’t someone to think otherwise. He wouldn’t be in the position he is now if he was, and you don’t deny what he implies in his words. “You run straight into the very things that make you tired.”
“Because it is the only way I can feel alive.” You look on straight ahead before you, watching the pretty sky that pokes out from behind the plants of the greenhouse. “Otherwise I’d be in my room, rotting away. There is no purpose in running away, there is no purpose in leaving things be. My father did not leave this world for me to simply carry on as if he never existed.”
Some may take that as you carrying on your father’s legacy and whatever Alexander is thinking, you don’t care too much for it because all it matters is what you know. You didn’t kill your father just to stay silent for the rest of your life. His death was the beginning of everything.
Your turning point.
“And no one can stop a mind that’s already been made up.” Alexander nods, understanding, and doesn’t push for answers, but perhaps in the back of his mind, he’s a little curious about you and your goals and aspirations in this life. What drives you, what made you into the sort of person you are today, but Alexander is wise unlike many old men you’ve met throughout your life, so he doesn’t question things beyond your boundary.
And so he diverts the subject once again, turning it to the puppy in your lap.
“Perhaps you should adopt a pet of your own, to help you ease your mind a little,” he tells you with a fond gaze at Kiwi. “Humans can be quite disappointing, but a loyal pet will stay loyal for the rest of its life. Not to mention they’re the greatest comfort when someone needs it.”
Maybe that’s true. Maybe you should turn to a dog rather than humans in your time of need. Humans are disappointing creatures after all. But, “It’s too much of a hassle,” you say. “I can’t even take care of my own self properly, it’d be unwise of me to try and take care of another being.”
“...Is that so?”
It becomes a daily occurrence; the talks in the greenhouse, and soon you come to realize that Alexander isn’t one to let just anyone into his greenhouse. The doors that are usually locked during hours when one should be asleep are kept open, and perhaps that’s because he’s come to realize that you don’t sleep a lot, at least not in the house of a stranger, so he leaves them open for you to visit when you need your space.
And in the morning, around four or five AM when he awakens, he’ll come along and strike up a conversation and the two of you will speak about the things he brings up. Things like Seoul and of the Reaper gang, sometimes he’ll ask of Master Kitagawa, other times he’ll ask how far your skills go.
You speak to him in vague terms, careful not to tell him everything, but he comes to know that you were an only child, married once in an arranged marriage, but divorced. He doesn’t seem too surprised by that fact probably because everyone knows this happens all the time.
And in him knowing a little more about you, you come to know a little more about him as well.
Like when Kiwi came into his life and the fact that he’s had other pets throughout his lifetimes before but they’ve all died and left him.
You asked him why he continues adopting pets when he knows they don’t live as long as humans do, why he hurts himself over and over again, but he simply smiles and says that sometimes being able to love is better than being lonely. That it doesn’t matter how many times he has to watch them die and that he’d never regret loving them.
Alexander believes in reincarnation, that the souls of his first puppy dies and returns in the form of the other pets he’s had, so he’s never truly lonely, and something about that, believing in such a thing, though it sounds a bit absurd, is a little bit beautiful in its own way.
If you could believe Mister Butler died and returned through someone else, it’d be a nice delusion to live in, and despite the fact that there have been one or two guys that have reminded you of him, the truth is, no one can ever be Mister Butler.
Not Hoseok. Not Mingyu.
Because Mister Butler is like family. He was. 
Through your marriage with Namjoon, he was your older brother, but he always felt closer to a father figure to you, and perhaps that’s because your father was never there for you. Mingyu is closer to an older brother. A companion. A friend.
And Hoseok?
The one that got away.
The right person at the wrong time.
And because of that fact, you don’t allow yourself to be near him for too long, hence denying his companionship when Jungkook told you it’d probably be better if Hoseok were standing guard at your side rather than him.
It’s true, Hoseok would be better. You wouldn’t be as cautious towards him as you are of Jungkook, but it’s that exact reason that you cannot let him near.
You cannot let him shake your core, so you endure what you can and let Jungkook stay near you despite the constant reminder of what he did all those years ago.
It’s not entirely his fault but as you’ve said, it doesn’t hurt any less.
In your time getting closer to Alexander, he’s refused the appearance of Karl several times. Asher says if he has to, his grandfather will meet him elsewhere. Just not in the house. The guy has come to guess that you’re here because of Karl, and if he’s guessed it, maybe Alexander has too.
Though the old man never brings it up despite the plenty of chances during your greenhouse talks.
“Any progress?”
Dawn remains in the sky as ever and while Jungkook sleeps, you sit on the windowsill to take a call from the other side of the world. It’s a bit chilly to head out today so you stay indoors this time, making sure to keep your voice low.
“Plenty. It’s been quite peaceful these days, it feels a bit out of place.” Alexander’s kindness wasn’t something you expected the first day you walked into Norway. You expected things to be harder after meeting Asher but surprisingly, things are quite…easy, to say the least. “I have a feeling it won’t last too long.”
“No?” Namjoon sounds a little confused on his end. “Why do you say that? Should we come over earlier than planned?”
“No, don’t do that. Come as scheduled,” you say and look away from the window to the man who’s moved from sleeping on the armchair to the bed. It took some time to convince him initially but eventually Jungkook agreed to take the bed since you don’t really sleep anyway.
“You have something planned, don’t you?” There’s some suspicion in his voice and you want to laugh a little at how things are right now.
Who would have thought you’d be back on speaking terms with the man you thought you’d push away for good? But here he is, back and ready to give you his trust. You don’t know if he’s smart or stupid or both. Maybe there’s a bit of both, but it probably took some time for him to consider it, being as the whole thing was about his brother whom he loves very dearly.
Namjoon’s finally using his head.
Though you aren’t too sure if you like it so much.
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.”
“It’s nothing bad.”
“I don’t know if I can trust those words so easily. The last time you left the country, you disregarded your life just for that plan of yours.”
“Listen.” You roll your eyes. “I’ll be fine.”
There’s a pause on his end before he speaks again. “You didn’t assure me that you won’t do something reckless,” he notes and you internally click your tongue, “which means that feeling of the peace not lasting for long is you actively causing that to happen.” When you don’t respond, he goes on. “Will you stop being so secretive and let me know what you’re thinking? Maybe then you won’t be in the same position you were with Leehyun, and me and my boys and the Reapers will know how to help you.”
“You can’t keep hiding, Y/N. Stop being so reckless, you’re too reckless.”
“Watch me.”
He lets out a heavy sigh. “That wasn’t a challenge.”
Another sigh and he knows he can’t win. “Just…if you decide it’s better for me to go over sooner rather than later, let me know. I’ll be waiting. Right here, just a phone call away.”
You don’t think too much about it. You don’t want to think too much about it. 
So when the cloud gives way to the sun and it shines higher in the sky, you finally take up Karl’s request to have tea and catch up, deciding you shouldn’t keep running away from what you’re trying to face.
You have Yeonjun stay by your side this time, rather than Jungkook, in case Karl says something out of line and Jungkook will hear more things than you want him to. You stay in the garden of Alexander’s mansion, keeping a little distance away from the building itself, and with the feel of eyes from a window behind you, the conversation begins.
“I remember him,” Karl points at your escort when he takes his first sip of the tea. “Jun? Joon?” Yeonjun doesn’t make an effort to fix him and simply remains quiet. “Right, never one to talk but always by your side.” His eyes settle back on you, a small glint of mirth in them. “You have quite the loyal companion.”
“Yes..I do.” You ignore his gaze to take a sip of your own tea, keeping your replies short.
“I’m still a bit hurt you didn’t reach out to me about your father’s death. We were good friends, you knew that.”
Of course you did. “I apologize, it slipped my mind.”
“Slipped your mind?” He raises a brow, unconvinced. “Hmm…and here I thought, I left a good impression in those four months I stayed in Seoul.”
You did. 
You did indeed leave an impression that will last a lifetime.
“Maybe I should have tried harder?”
That mirth in his eyes. Again.
You want to punch him.
“How did he die though? The man I knew isn’t someone who would have easily died and he would have updated me about his health had he fallen ill.”
“He was betrayed,” you say, not batting an eye, and Karl puts his cup down after hearing that.
His eyes are blown out. “Your father? Betrayed? And he didn’t see that coming?”
“They were smart.”
“Even still..” He can’t believe it, though you don’t blame him too much. The father you both know is not someone who’s easily trusting of others, therefore he’s always right there to pick out someone who will betray him before they can execute their plan. 
That’s why it took so long to manipulate him into believing you were a daughter full on worshiping his ground without an ounce of betrayal in your veins. That’s why your masterful plan took so long. You had to convince your father into believing he had won in manipulating you to his side when all along, you had been waiting to stab him in the back. Facing a man like him, smart, calculating, a manipulating gaslighter who thinks the world centers around him requires more than just simple brains and planning.
It took years to execute your plans and even then you feel like you could have done better with everything. For one, not letting anyone see what had happened, aka Bangtan. But what’s done is done. Dwelling on past mistakes is just stupid and a waste of time.
“And what about you?” When Karl points the finger at you, his gaze narrows, brows slightly furrowed. “You’re his daughter, his perfect little doll. You didn’t see that someone was plotting your father’s death? Is it not your job to protect him?”
“That’s right,” you give him nothing to fight against, just simply accepting the accusations placed upon you. “I failed in protecting him. I am an incompetent daughter who should have done better.”
Karl stands up, running a hand through his hair. “Your father did all that he could for you and still, you–” 
When he looks at you again and meets the gaze you send him, his word stops mid-sentence. Your stare isn’t threatening, it isn’t a glare, nor one that is meant to scare him off, yet something in them lies a hidden threat either way, were he to continue speaking. Karl, seeing that, lets out a chuckle and he closes in on you, patting you on the shoulder before simply leaving his hand there.
You look at it for a second before giving him the attention he wants as he leans in, nose inches away from you.
“Your father created you into the weapon that you are today, my dear little Y/N, and you’ve even been trained under Kitagawa, so why is it that you failed to protect him? Huh? Tell me.”
From the corner of your eye, Yeonjun moves slightly closer, though he keeps his distance and doesn’t dare to make a move unless you instruct him otherwise.
The breath against your face, the touch of skin burning through the thin cloth of your dress, the sides of your knees meeting one another, back straightening up, heels rising from the ground, fingers intertwined into each other, sitting on your lap.
You keep your eyes open, meeting his gaze, but internally you’re counting in your head and holding your breath, hearing the beat of your heart that might as well rip through your rib cages and past the barrier of your skin to physically beat widely before Karl himself.
Maybe he hears it, maybe he can feel it, but whether he does or not, he has no will to move away from you and you know Karl, he isn’t dumb. He knows exactly the effect he has on you right now. He saw it, knows just how you felt all those weeks ago when you were in the living room and he touched you.
He knows and doesn’t care one bit.
Just as he was all those years ago.
They never change.
“What is it that you want from me, Karl?” He doesn’t fix you into calling him uncle this time. “Do you want me to repent on my knees and beg for forgiveness? My father’s already six feet underground, it’s not as if he’ll hear me now, but as his close friend, if you wish for me to do just that, I will. Just for you.”
There’s malice in his eyes, a scoff that leaves him when he watches you, and finally, he moves back. Just a little. “You’ve gotten quite bold, haven’t you? Now that your father isn’t here to teach you a lesson.”
“And if I have? What will you do about it?” You push back, leaning forward, challenging him despite your body screaming at you to run away. “Go ahead and do whatever you’d like with me, there’s no one here right now that can stop you. I can tell Yeonjun to pluck his eyes out right now and he’ll do just that. He won’t say a word and he won’t move unless I tell him otherwise.”
At the mention of the boy, Karl looks over between you and him, and then something in him lights up slightly as if he’d just remembered something. As if he’d just realized something.
“That’s right...what loyal companions…” He steps back, releasing your shoulder, and tilts his head back as he laughs obnoxiously. “Is this all about that little boy I messed with? Him?” The laugh rings a little louder, a little more crazed. “You pretend you’re so cold and have no feelings and yet here you are, chasing after me all the way from Seoul, just for a boy, the second you got the chance. If your father were still here, he wouldn’t have let that happen, but now that he’s gone…-”
He pauses again, and after hurling over laughing, stands back up straight again as the laugh dies all too abruptly. So you stand up from your seat, the corner of your lip curling over as you notice just why he’s gone silent.
By now the tea is slowly getting cold but you don’t care much for it as you stand tall, hands held together before you in a formal manner.
“The person who betrayed him…” His eyes narrow. “Who was it?”
“Oh uncle,” you mock that title, mirth in your eyes, “I think you know exactly where that answer lies.”
Something screams danger when his gaze darkens in realization.
And yet you seem to only be attracted to danger as it is the only thing you’ve ever gotten used to seeing every day. The danger of being born as a mafia heir, married to a mafia powerhouse, spiraled into a hellhole you cannot ever seem to escape so you run towards it.
Directly into the fire.
Into the danger.
Provoking your enemies, knowing exactly just what their reactions will be, because danger seems to be the one thing in your life that will never leave and abandon you out of nowhere. The only thing you can forever trust to catch you were you to fall blindly into it.
And blindly you fall, trusting it to come.
And comes it goes, directly your way.
Never disappointing.
Never disappointing.
Namjoon called you reckless and for the first time in forever, you might have to agree with him. Because being reckless means not caring for the consequences to come after committing a rash action. The reckless ones do not care what happens to them, they live off adrenaline, they run towards the fire when everyone else runs away.
Towards the danger despite knowing there will always be a chance they may not survive. Unheeding, stubborn, thoughtless, careless, negligent, imprudent. Unwise, unwary, incautious, hasty.
A fool.
A fool.
A fool.
But misguided and left on their own. Lonely, abandoned, hurt, isolated, rejected, forsaken. An outcast and unloved, a disappointment and broken.
A broken little soul whose heart lies empty with a hole pierced through the middle.
You are reckless. You are broken.
And broken things do not know how to save themselves, they only know the warmth of the fire. That is the only thing they can rely on.
So you stay within his vicinity, within Karl’s reach, watching, simply standing there, keeping still, as if keeping vigil. Like you’re just waiting, just expecting for something, anything, the inevitable, to happen. And when it comes in the form of a harsh, harsh slap across the face that has your body turning over to the side and having to hold onto the table to keep your balance, you can’t even say that you are surprised.
It feels like being in the presence of your father all over again, in the face of danger, of a manipulator, of a gaslighter, of an abuser.
He returns hard and so vividly in the form of anger, in the form of a ghost, a spirit whom you see standing right behind Karl. He stands as still as ever, hands held behind his back, simply watching.
While you stand before him in front of a man he’s using to command orders over him. Using violence through others because father never raises his hands, father never puts in the effort or strength or power into physical forms. He does it through others, he commands through others, he hurts through others.
Watching until he’s satisfied.
But he’s never satisfied. He’s never satisfied.
And on your end, you can do nothing but accept it all willingly.
There is nothing else you can do, there is nothing else that can be done. It is like being in his presence all over again. Yeonjun, the Reapers behind you, standing still, told to not do a thing, to not move an inch, and your father behind the violence, keeping silent with a deadly gaze.
You return to the past.
You see him.
He’s right there.
And Karl raises his hand again.
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bts-trans · 2 years
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221116 RM's Instagram Post
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Picture Translation: Black: Seoul National University Special Project Exhibition Blue: Color the Paintbrush Red left: Geunyeokhwahwi* and Red right: The Artists of the Joseon Dynasty
(T/N: *A book of sketches created by Oh Se Chang.)
Trans cr; Ali @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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overwatch-1eague · 9 months
2018 (Inaugural Season)
Stage 1, Week 5, Day 1
Match 3 - Los Angeles Valiant vs Seoul Dynasty
0 notes
jnnul · 3 months
work in progresses (iii)
a/n: right...so i'm aware that wip ii is not technically completed yet but i keep outgrowing fics so these wip lists are just going to keep being made until i have the energy to return to older fics and finish them. but please be assured that everything is being written! slowly but surely, everything is being written haha <3
good liars
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sum: you are the rebel child - it's a role that you embrace proudly, and one that you've undertaken since childhood. after all, your overachieving and perfect older sister could never be the rebel. no she had the perfect manners, personality, and even the perfect fiancé; one who shone as bright as a star.
but even perfection has its flaws, which you discover when you find out that your sister had died under suspicious circumstances, forcing you into taking over everything she'd represented: being the heir to a long dynasty of wealthy nobles, showing the class difference between haves and have nots, and being the wife to the perfect star.
but the brighter a star shines, the longer the shadow so as you try to discover what truly happened to your sister, you realize just how dangerous power can be - all because of a man named choi soobin.
est. word count: 20k words est. release date: september 2024 status: writing (8.3k written)
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sum: hong seunghan has everything to become a tennis legend like his father - money, resources, connections, and a passion for the sport. the only thing that he doesn't have is inborn talent; not like his father did, at least. the pressure of being at the top and having everything to lose is something that his father could never understand.
but shin yuna understands him. as an actress and the daughter of a critically acclaimed actress, she understands him better than anyone else can. and seunghan is comfortable in this - in her embrace.
but there you come. you don't have anything seunghan does. you don't have money, resources, or connections. but you have the one thing that seunghan doesn't: natural talent. when the two of you are paired as doubles partners, seunghan is forced to decide between comfortable love and challenging love - one that forces him to push his boundaries, and could potentially make him lose everything. is dna everything?
est. word count: 15k words est. release date: early august 2024 status: writing (2k written)
ten days to fall out of love
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sum: you and jaehyun jung just aren't meant to be. that's what your friends think, anyway. and you can't even blame them. you logically know that this is no good for either of you. you fight, and he ignores you for days and you crawl back to him begging and pleading, and then it's sheer bliss of sex, pleasure, and sweet words for two days before it repeats all over again.
so your friends come together to stage an intervention and present the two of you with an ultimatum: ten days to fall out of love. but ten days is a long time to try and figure out how to fall out of love with the one person who sets your skin on fire with his touch and your soul into flames with his love.
maybe ten days is all you need to figure out how to fall back into love. and maybe it's all you need to say goodbye once and for all.
est. word count: 18k words est. release date: end of october 2024 status: writing (1.1k written)
lucky 777
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sum: in this edition of seoul searcher magazine, you - y/n l/n - are the main focus! when your editor-in-chief/best friend, julie han, sets you up on seven blind dates with seven different men to bring you out of your dating slump, you find the material you need to bring yourself out of your writing slump as well.
as you navigate love in the 21st century, finding yourself, and pushing the boundaries of everything you ever thought you were, you realize that life is more simple than you'd ever thought it to be.
7 dates with 7 different men but only one of them catches your eye...
est. word count: 12k words est. release date: july 31, 2024 status: writing (800 words written)
blue jeans
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sum: you had two big problems in your life: you were in the wrong career and hopelessly single. in a world where soulmates were the norm, the latter issue seemed rather improbable but it was true; you were still single, even though it seemed that everyone seemed to be moving forward in their lives with their love and career, while you were stuck in the same place.
but after a fated encounter with a stranger, you get the chance to switch to the career path of your dreams: modeling. and between struggles at work and your love life struggles with a model named leehan that you keep running into, you discover that the most important love is not the one you have for your career or those around you but the love you have for yourself.
est. word count: 10k words est. release date: september 2024 status: writing (1.3k words written)
beautiful you
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sum: hospital life is not easy. as a neurologist, your hours aren't nearly as gruesome as some of your colleagues and your closest friends but the sheer mental pressure is enough to make up the hours - after all, the basis of human life, the brain of your patient, is being put into your capable hands.
as it can be imagined, dealing with patients and their issues is enough of a time commitment; you quite literally do not have the time for love or relationships out of the time that you squeeze out for your friends. but the presence of a new neurosurgeon, hwang intak, somehow seems to affect this strong decision you've made for yourself and somehow, there seems to be more than 24 hours in the day when it comes to thinking of the handsome new surgeon.
est. word count: 12k words est. release date: october 2024status: writing (2k words written)
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sum: it's the olympics and the reigning champions of the olympics, the usa, is back with the intent to clean sweep every cateogry they've been nominated for - as per usual. but even amongst athletes of the same country, everyone seems to have something to prove.
for yudai koga, it's proving that the usa's throne for men's track will never be emptied for another country to sit upon. there's a level of cockiness that comes with being a champion who's never been defeated and somehow, yudai koga wears it beautifully.
for you, on the other hand, it's proving that the golden era of usa's women's swimming team is not over just yet. after a stunning defeat at the olympics four years ago, you and your team is back with vengeance running through your veins.
but that many young, capable, and beautiful people in the prime of their lives, medals aren't the only thing on everyone's minds. and with that, welcome to the olympics! break records, not hearts this season.
est. word count: 20k words est. release date: mid august 2024 status: planning
young doves lay their heads here
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sum: three days. that's all the time you had with kim mingyu. he had to go back to korea in three days, even though you didn't know it at the time, to continue fulfilling his duties as one of the members of the biggest boy bands in korea. three days. and in three days, the two of you experienced happiness, sadness, anger, betrayal, love, and heartbreak. all in the span of seventy-two hours.
and then he's gone and you're left with the memories of someone who'd lit your soul with cold flames of passion and soothing touch in a way that only he could balance.
on the other side of the world, mingyu is alone with his memories and he regrets everything. he regrets leaving without saying the three words that had ran through his mind every moment he was with you. he regrets not keeping in contact. and so, mingyu makes the leap of his lifetime to find the dove that had taught him what love was in less than three days.
est. word count: 30k words est. release date: december 2024 status: writing (1.2k words written)
goodness, gracious, great balls of fire!
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sum: cha eunwoo was a man of few words. few words, but many thoughts. he'd been cast as the prince in every social setting he'd ever been in, and as though the role was real, he felt the heavy chains of having to be a stoic, perfect, regal person. even his callsign was prince; there was simply no escaping it.
not even at topgun, where cha eunwoo was entering to become the greatest pilot of all time. princes can't be anything less than perfect, after all. turns out, he's not the only one with his eyes on the throne (however reluctantly it may be), and cha eunwoo's life is turned upside down by you (sometimes quite literally) - callsign venus. topgun is the place for unexpected feats, after all.
est. word count: 40k words est. release date: january 2025 status: planning
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without-ado · 2 years
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한겨울의 경복궁 l Gyeongbokgung in the middle of winter
l hotpickorea l Seoul Korea
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Why These Imperfect Korean ‘Moon Jars’ Sell for Millions
Old, round, imperfect and beautiful — that’s how fans of Korean art describe the moon jar, or “dalhangari.”
These unassuming, plain white pots have entranced everyone from rapper RM, of K-pop sensation BTS, to philosopher Alain de Botton.
The former director of London’s Victoria and Albert Museum, Beth McKillop, has called the moon jar an “icon of Korean identity.” And if price is any indicator of popularity, one recently sold for over $4.5 million at a Christie’s auction.
This month, a rare example from the late 17th or early 18th century will go on sale at Sotheby’s in New York, where it’s expected to fetch more than $3 million.
“A large moon jar has always been expensive, but I think the big uptick in prices and value is… because their appeal is now global,” said Angela McAteer, Sotheby’s international head of Chinese art for the Americas and Europe, over video call. “You’ve got an international cohort of bidders competing for them, so it’s gone beyond the traditional connoisseur collecting community of Korean art.”
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Huge price tags also result from the jars’ rarity. Although made for over a century in the royal kilns of Korea’s last kingdom, the Joseon dynasty, few are thought to exist today. Estimates for the number of larger ones (those more than 40 centimeters, or 15.7 inches, tall and wide) that have survived over the years range from 12 to 30.
Having passed through auction houses and antique dealers across the world, several of these are now in the collections of institutions like the British Museum and Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts, as well as in the hands of private collectors.
‘Owning a piece of happiness’
The first moon jars were created in the royal kilns in Gwangju (a city just outside Seoul, not the larger southern city of the same name) from 1650 to 1750. They were made from pure white porcelain and kaolin clay, and, following the neo-Confucian fashions of their day, the pots reflected values such as propriety, humility, frugality and purity. They were likely used at court and in upper-class homes as containers for food and liquids, or as decorative vessels.
In the mid-20th century, moon jars began gaining international appreciation thanks to influential admirers such as Japanese folk crafts scholar Yanagi Soetsu and British potter Bernard Leach, who bought one from a Seoul antique store in 1935. Leach once said that having a moon jar was like “owning a piece of happiness,” and would later give his to fellow potter Lucie Rie for safekeeping during World War II. It stayed in her studio until her death and was later acquired by the British Museum.
Charlotte Horlyck, lecturer in Korean Art History at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies, wrote in the Art Bulletin journal that after World War II the moon jar “caught the attention of an early generation of postcolonial Korean artists and scholars who sought to restore Korean art history and national identity,” as the pieces “resonated with the visual language of international modernism and minimalism of the mid-20th century while remaining a distinctly Korean work of art.”
The moon jar’s allure
When Sotheby’s announced its forthcoming sale, the auction house described its 44-centimeter (17.3-inch) moon jar as an object that inspired, astounded and soothed those who “stand in its presence.” It’s a funny thing to say about a pot, to speak as if it’s alive, but the jars’ visceral, emotional impact on people is something that comes up time and time again in the literature.
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Choi Sunu, a former director of the National Museum of Korea, has described the museum’s moon jars as being like companions, or muses that have inspired his writing and stirred his creativity. Bernard Leach admired the pots for their “natural unselfconsciousness.” In 2012, South Korea’s then-Unification Minister Yu Woo-ik used the pot as a metaphor symbolizing a reunified Korean peninsula (moon jars are created in two hemispherical pieces and joined in the middle).
More recently the rapper RM, of K-pop group BTS, posted a picture of himself hugging a modern-day moon jar on Twitter, telling fans that the pots made him feel calm.
“It’s hard for someone to really comprehend how a pot can make you feel that way,” said McAteer. “It has this real meditative presence. If you’ve sat in front of a great (painting by US artist, Mark) Rothko and you feel this kind of palpable energy emanate from it, and you could sit for hours and just feel something in its presence — the moon jar has that too.”
“The more you look at it, the more there is to see. It looks different from every angle,” she added. “We had real issues with the photography and the catalog because it looks like a different piece every time you rotate it, or you change the lighting. The surface is just alive, you know.”
“You can see how the glaze coalesces; you see these spontaneous bursts of this blush color that’s happening in the firing. You can lose yourself in its surface.”
Modern masters
Modern Korean potters have been inspired by the jars, and a number have come up with their own homages. Ceramist Kim Syyong covers his pots with a black glaze, while Yun Ju Cheol’s versions look spikier like a pufferfish and Choi Bo Ram’s unvarnished, textured blue vases have a denim-like quality.
Others, like Kwon Dae Sup, have looked to closely recreate the process used by the potters of yore. The 71-year-old ceramist produces unadorned white jars and allows for all the beautiful imperfections produced to shine through. He works out of a studio in Gwangju, where the royal kilns that produced moon jars were once located.
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There’s a great deal of preparation that goes into making a moon jar traditionally. It’s labor-intensive: washing, sifting impurities from the clay, kneading and rolling it to remove air bubbles, carrying around these large hunks, not to mention hand throwing the clay itself to that oversized bowl shape without collapsing, and the work keeping a pine wood fire burning for 24 hours while the pot hardens in the kiln. Kwon also built his own kiln to replicate the old process as closely as possible.
“I do this because it’s fun,” he said in a phone interview. “Every time I make something, it’s novel … The quality of the material is different every time. The conditions in which I make the pots is new every time.”
Kwon said he also feels an emotional connection to the moon jar. As a student he was so moved by a one he saw in a Korean antique store that he decided they would be his life’s work. “They feel alive,” he said.
In a 2019 book on his work by Axel Vervoodt Gallery the potter is quoted saying he tries to produce art that needs no addition or subtraction. “I wish to create work that has an imposing presence but harmonizes with its surroundings regardless of where and when it is displayed. It should give peace of mind and a sense of comfort to all who look at it.”
By Christy Choi.
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