#Sending hate is what anti-endos do. We HAVE to be better than them.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year ago
circ is such 4 hypocrite. they cl4im to be pro endo 4nd then keep being friends with bigots (they're besties with J4S 4nd other people who've h4r4ssed you so its not surprising). even more recently they c4me out 4nd reve4led themselves to be one of the mods of the 4nti endo 4nd bigoted sysbox tumblr blog 4nd its so fucking dis4ppointed. i never re4lly liked them bec4use of how much they h4r4ss tulp4s but their recent post on th4t blog is such 4 new low. THEY H4VE SUCH PICK ME ENERGY. they're liter4lly joking 4bout being better 4nd more 'civil' th4n most pro endos 4nd endos (you know the people they SUPPOSEDLY support so much), which re-enforces stereotypes 4bout endo systems. they literally do not give 4 shit 4bout us or our rights 4nd i wish more plur4l collectives fucking stopped supporting them just bec4use they make 're4lly nice and friendly sysmed cdd system' their whole br4nd. they're like those people who 4spire to be 4 model minority. they dont c4re. they h4ve never c4red. they only c4re about their own 4cceptance and getting popul4rity but dont c4re 4bout the rest of the community. im so 4ngry. my littles who used to find their blog comforting 4re fucking he4rtbroken. i knew they were shit but im so 4ngry 4t myself for not being 4ble to protect my system. im so 4ngry on beh4lf of my system and on beh4lf of the whole plur4l community. we deserve better
i hope this is ok4y to send. im just re4lly angry and your blog h4s 4lw4ys been 4 s4fe sp4ce for us. th4nk you for everything you do btw. despite the h4te, you 4lw4ys keep posting 4nd fighting for our rights. my system 4dmires you [ ^-^] <3
I'm sorry you feel hurt and betrayed.
It's terrible to put your trust in someone and find out they aren't who you thought they were. But for what it's worth, I don't think you let your system down.
Life is about making mistakes and learning. You can't refuse to trust anyone just because you get burned in the past. Maybe it hurts now, but I don't think any lasting damage was done.
Personally, learning this... I find myself largely indifferent. I'm not at all surprised at this, knowing them. They've modded anti-endo discord servers, so why not an anti-endo sysbox blog?
My own feelings on Circ are complicated. I do not consider Circ safe for endogenic systems given their reblogs and support of anti-endos, and frequent parroting of anti-endo talking points.
At the same time, I actually do think their presence in anti-endo spaces has been a net positive for our goals in those communities. Circ has bragged a few times about making their anti-endo friends more pro-endo. And while I wouldn't say those friends became allies to the pro-endo community, many did switch to more neutral stances which I do think helped reduce hate against endogenic and pro endo systems in those spaces, and that seems like a good thing for me.
So I guess, while I don't care much for Circ as a person due to history there, I can acknowledge that their influence in anti-endo spaces ultimately serves my goals.
Besides, it's really upsetting some anti-endos so that's fun to watch! 😁
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And you know, they have a point.
Like, if I was following a pro-endo blog and learned that one of the mods was anti-endo... and an anti-endo who bragged about making pro-endos more anti-leaning, I would be very suspicious of not just that one anti-endo but all the mods on that blog they were friends with.
How can you trust that your anti-endo sysbox mods haven't already been converted to the other side and aren't just lying to you about their syscourse stance???
Now you might think I'm just intentionally trying to spread mistrust and division among anti-endos by saying this... get them to turn on each other and tear themselves apart from the inside. And you'd be absolutely right! But that doesn't mean I'm wrong, and it doesn't mean me stating my motives aloud will make it any less likely to work!
And I would even like to say that I do appreciate the mod team on that blog being able to look past an alleged pro-endo's syscourse stance. Even if it's only for this one kind-of-hypocritical exception since they still refuse to interact with any other pro-endos.
Yes, I SophieInWonderland, endogenic tulpa, support sysboxes for having a pro-endo-identifying mod!
And since antiendovents crossposted in the inclusive plural tag, this is going straight into the anti-endo tags so the entire anti-endo community can see me expressing this support that I'm sure won't create any waves at all. 😈
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imperfect-archivists · 2 days ago
Hi, same anon from a few days ago. If it’s not too much of a bother could you explain endogenic and traumagenic and why it’s controversial? I keep seeing things about it but none of them actually explain what it is and none of my research or the studies I read mentioned either word. Also I really liked the idea of making a blog for my others to speak on. If I ever do end up making one I could send you the name of it if you’d like.
Endogenic systems are non-traumagenic systems who, one way or another, formed from something other than trauma. Some non-traumagenic systems form from stress, neurodivergence, tulpamacy, and other means. Many debate whether they're valid as systems, but most if not all endogenic systems do not claim to have dissociative identity disorder (DID), they only claim to be plural, which is not something exclusive to DID. Many say endogenic systems spread misinformation, but I've personally never seen that to be true. What I do know and have seen is that countless endogenic systems have been harassed by antis, told to off themselves, told they're not real systems (which makes the antis no better than fake claimers), etc.
Antis don't just hurt endogenic systems, however. They hurt other traumagenic systems too. Many traumagenic systems, diagnosed or otherwise, are turned away, fake claimed, and harassed simply for supporting endogenic systems.
If I may dip my toes into some scary territory, here, the endogenic drama feels a lot like the trans drama I've heard about and personally witnessed. Just like how being transphobic doesn't just affect trans people but also cisgender people who don't fit the mold, it feels a lot like being anti-endo also hurts non-endogenic systems. We've witnessed a cisgender friend be misgendered right in front of us. We've also been fake claimed simply for supporting endogenic systems even though we are a traumagenic system. Being anti and phobic helps no one, in our opinion.
But whether you choose to be endo neutral, anti, or pro, is up to you. Just don't harass anyone regardless of your opinion and don't force your opinion onto anyone else. Please. If you choose to be anti-endo, expect the endos to avoid you. If you choose to be endo-neutral, expect both sides to reject you given the gravity of the controversy. If you choose to be pro-endo, expect to be harassed and fake-claimed. There is no safe route. But in my experience, being pro-endo means being welcoming and inclusive. Seeing a brighter side to plurality. And from our own past experience, being anti-endo simply means being apart of a hateful, angry community.
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webby-mogai · 11 months ago
Hey this isn't my usual kinda post but I'm feeling like starting shit and scaring anti-endos off my page.
While I'm usually more passive and don't care much for drama the increasing number of anti-endogenic systems in the mogai community is fucking pathetic. You people wanna act like you're SOOOO accepting, but the moment it's something you personally don't understand you shit yourselves. Grow up. Endogenic systems literally didn't do anything to deserve your hate, you're just mad and bitter not every system has the same experiences as you. It's absolutely pathetic. "You need trauma to be a system" no the fuck you don't and any medical professional worth their degree fucking agrees. You're just fucking angry some people have a better experience with plurality than you, or you're so fucking brain washed into this stupid mindset you're unable to think critically. You've made a straw man in your head of the big boogie man that is endogenic systems.
This is all coming from a TRAUMAGENIC SYSTEM, mind you.
Endos are just trying to live their fucking lives and you lot feel the need to exclude them because you don't understand them. You're just as bad as all those trans folks that say MOGAI isn't valid. Your arguments are fucking identical, even. Like REALLY FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT. You guys sound the exact same, just replace the demographic.
Grow up, grow a pair. If this post pisses you off, good. I'm sick of seeing you assholes in this community. Get out or get with it. It's so much easier to love than to hate, and you're all filled to the brim with hatred.
I'm not taking criticism btw if you send hate I'm just gonna laugh at you in dms with my friends, maybe even publicly if it's pathetic enough. I'm not fucking responsible for trying to change peoples minds I just think someone needs to level with you pieces of shit and call you what you are: pathetic and hateful.
This isn't attacking people who are unaligned or neutral, btw. Just those who are hateful and use their hate as an excuse for cruelty and exclusion. We as a community need to strive towards being the best we can and this anti-endo shit does nothing but bring this community down.
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lenny-rambles · 11 months ago
About "SpyxFamily: Short Mission 13"
Manga: "SpyxFamily"
Update: Short Mission 13
Author: Tatsuya Endo
Relevants tags ig: the dog has ptsd, again
Honestly, I was mad when I initially saw it was a Short Mission. It's gonna be a month now since the last regular chapter came out, the plot was moving, my heart skipped at beat at the last double spread, the story was thriving, I could sense a lore drop any minute now. Then we got two short missions. TWO!!! But the newest short mission took me by surprise and now I'm sad about the damn cartoon dog.
Spoilers for the SpyxFamily manga and anime, more as in, characters that appear and not exactly plot stuff, BEWARE!
IT'S A GODDAMN SHORT MISSION, WHY DID YOU SHOW AGAIN THE SAD DOG'S BACKSTORY?!!! ISTG. You know what I was expecting? I was expecting a "funny haha, future seeing dog has a boring day home alone" maybe break some stuff by accident, maybe he goes to the neighbors' for attention, cute, sweet, nothing heavy slice of life chapter. BUT NO, I WAS FOOLED.
Like, most of the Short Missions are just, not that relevant. Like, it is more of a day-to-day life than the manga normally is. As in, last short mission (the chapter before this one) was about Anya sending Lloyd, and WISE, to an early grave with a High-Fashion dress for prom. It was funny, sweet, Anya wanted to help, then Damian messed up again and she wanted revenge, you know, the usual.
Why? Who gave Tatsuya Endo the idea to give Bond MORE flashbacks?!!! Poor dog's been through a lot, the Forgers becoming his safe place is just beautiful. THE WAY HE AND ANYA RESONATE, BECAUSE THEY ARE BOTH SECRET EXPERIMENTATION SURVIVORS!!!!!! Fucking dog making me sad because a big ass Penguin plushy has stiches. Stupid dog making me emotional over fish, FUCKING FISH. I HATE FISH!!!!
SpyxFamily makes me happy and sad. I think it's a great story to show how connections, friends, family, define a person more than what we'd like to imagine. No person is an island, so seeing characters like Nightfall or Franky, doing missions or getting bits of their backstory, makes it feel more real. Having a character like Anya, being capable of reading mind but not truly understanding most of it makes you think about how children navigate the world.
Oh gosh, I could talk about how SpyxFamily shares an anti-war message through its main characters, all of them victims of the war, one way or another. But it won't, 'cause this was supposed to be about the dog having what I'd call panic attacks because he accidentally broke a glass. BUT WE GET TO THE PENGUIN. In case you haven't read the manga (why are you reading this?) or simply forgot, Bond broke Mr Penguin!
It was an act of jealousy, Anya started playing with the plushie more, and he got lonely. So he destroyed it. He might be an oracle dog, but he is still a dog, I don't blame him. And he felt Bad. He made Anya cry. And he felt terrible because he just wanted Anya back and now Anya's crying and he can't undo it (dogs can't sew). In the end they made it better. I don't remember if it was Lloyd, Yoru or the neighbors, it was probably Yoru though, who fixed it. And the Penguin got cool looking stiches and "he and Bond made Peace".
That was nice, UNTIL THIS GODDAMN CHAPTER. I used to wonder if Bond also felt survivor guilt from being the only dog that managed to escape. TURNS OUT HE DOES, THE DOG HAS SURVIVOR'S GUILT FFS!!!! Poor Bond, realized that he inflicted damage to something like him (unable to defend itself, new/young, a play pretend animal and an animal no longer treated as such) and he tried to make it better. I can't change what I did but I want you to feel better, I'm sorry.
I'm overanalyzing here, it's probably Not That Deep. It's a funny haha manga about a family of dangerous people who end up loving each other by accident. But sometimes it's about Lloyd burying himself in a nameless grave by the time he was 18. It's about Yoru sacrificing her innocence for her brother only to do the same for her. It's about Anya needing validation from everyone because if the people in the lab didn't like her they'd get rid of her. It's about Bond feeling lonely and distressed because a vision he got is especially terrible and he is just a Dog.
I read the interview where Tatsuya Endo said he didn't like the characters that much. Maybe not Gege Akutami (you're going dow Gege) levels of hate, but a blunt indifference. And sometimes I find that hard to believe. Maybe he didn't want Anya to be cutesy-dumb-pink-haired little girl, or Lloyd a super-intelligent-spy-ikemen at first, or even now. But I don't think he doesn't like his story, or characters; we wouldn't have the short missions in the first place if that were the case.
All this to say, cartoon dog made me sad, and then happy, because there are better things coming for everyone in the end. Thank you for reading this far! I'd recommend SpyxFamily if you are up to something a tad dramatic, with a happy ending and endearingly funny. (Or if you have issues with your parents and want a bit of escapism, that's also fair)
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multiplicity-positivity · 1 year ago
hey so we get pretty stressed out by hearin/talking about syscourse do to past trauma conected to it do you have any tips on how we can work on being less scared/stressed by it (like we have multiple alters that are just staight up scared and end up crying when reading and us getting syscourse ask do to the trauma) - night it/xe/star
our response is going under a cut due to the potentially triggering topic.
hey, night… we’re really sorry that seeing syscourse can be so triggering and painful for your system. rest assured you’re not alone in this. what should be a space for civil, respectful discussion with a diverse group of people is more often than not filled with folks hating and lashing out at each other for holding differing beliefs.
honestly, we believe that no one should feel obligated to take part in syscourse if they don’t want to. if viewing and participating in syscourse is a trigger for your system, it may be best to limit your exposure to it. we’d suggest using tumblr’s filtering system to block both the tag “#syscourse” and the word “syscourse” - you can also do this with “#anti endo” and “anti endo” as well, depending on your system’s views.
on the off-chance that you do happen to see some syscourse, here are some things you can do:
if you get a syscourse-related ask, block the user (which you can do by hitting the three dots at the top of the ask, then “block user.” this will work even if they send an ask anonymously) and then delete the ask.
if some syscourse is reblogged onto your dash, unfollow the person who put it there, ask them to tag the post properly so it can be filtered, or go to the original poster and block them.
if you’ve been put in a difficult emotional state due to seeing syscourse, try to step away from the situation and calm down a bit. we love the r.e.s.t. acronym for this, which is a dbt skill. we’ll include a post we’ve written in the past where we explained this strategy:
and here’s a few other things which might help y’all feel a bit less stressed about syscourse overall:
- other people’s opinions of you do not matter. regardless of your origins, someone ranting angrily about how certain systems are invalid for whatever reason is ultimately their problem, not yours. try to work on internal validation and self confidence, and understand that other people do not know you or your system better than y’all know yourselves.
- understand that everyone who participates in syscourse is a human being. many participants are traumatized, hurt, frustrated, and confused. sometimes when people are making heated statements, their words are coming from a place of heightened emotions and not rational thinking. so it’s never beneficial to take another syscourser’s remarks too personally.
- educate yourself about dissociative disorders, endogenic plurality, or other subjects that often become topics in syscourse. if you can build up your own solid foundation of knowledge, it may help you feel less helpless or attacked by seeing others have these discussions online.
we really hope that something here will be useful for you. we genuinely do believe that no one should have to engage in syscourse if they don’t want to, and especially if they have trauma relating to syscourse, it may be best to stay away from it. but we know everyone’s different and some folks really want to continue participating despite it having negative effects on their system. so hopefully, whether or not y’all choose to engage with it in the future, something here can at least help you feel a bit more equipped to make the right decisions for your system.
good luck with everything, night. we’re wishing your system rest and healing in the future :)
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imjustaf444keriguess · 5 months ago
(i slept and i feel a bit better, although i should probably focus on other things after this reply)
you mention it was "from a blogger who did confirm they were endogenic and just posted a one off "plural culture is" post." but when i read "plural culture is" i think of those blogs who just post anons mostly. there's even one that uses "plural culture" (or used to use it) even though they're anti endo themselves. the term plural is meant to encompass ANY plural experience, disordered and medicalized or not.
"As for what I personally would consider more than the most surface level things about plurality, to me it's the emotion and the struggles behind it, not connected to just the symptom of having alters." do you mean the trauma and PTSD symptoms? because that's separate from the plural experience, and can affect your experience of plurality, but that just sounds like you're referring to, you know, the trauma and disordered part of your experience? especially because after you say "Especially the negative parts about it such as not having a sense of self whatsoever, or not recognizing yourself in the mirror.", which... doesn't apply for all systems or plurals, and definitely is more of a trauma or PTSD thing than a plurality thing.
also "there are so few people who experience the negatives, or at least post about it" do YOU post about the negatives of your plurality/systemhood all the time? i know i don't, but we don't really share our system much online in a direct "hey, i'm a system!" way. half of the reason why we don't post about our system is due to it being personal, private, and trauma related, so of course i'm not gonna spread that out wildly on the internet (i'm not an idiot kid anymore luckily).
(the other half is because if we did share the nice and fun stuff, we'd get fakeclaimed and seen as "too happy" and "not experiencing the negatives", even though we're just a system and as a human being living in the world today, we want a happy space and tumblr is a place where you can make your own safe space and not have to deal with the negatives.)
also, again, as you say "Once again, this may just be affected by who might've blocked us and who we have blocked ourselves.". people aren't gonna vent to strangers, most the time. especially if they're older and have experienced the trauma or seen other people be traumatized by expressing themselves online. you can see systemscringe and fakedisordercringe reposting people simply existing, making fun of them and creating toxic spaces. people like that and many disrespectful anti-endos cause endos and pro-endos to want to guard their spaces, to keep them safe. i know i immediately feel like i've walked into a bad space when i enter and they're fakeclaiming endos in their rules, even if i'm technically "traumagenic" and shouldn't be affected by that. people want SAFE spaces, and many people make tumblr's tags unsafe.
so, the main people who do post stuff like that there that wouldn't have already blocked you, are probably 16 and new to tumblr and just exploring their system feelings for the first time and don't know about heavy syscourse or what "seems obvious".
also, about the people in your inbox, you should be able to block them, or turn off anon asks for a bit, because some people like to use syscourse to be mean to others and yell at "the bad people", instead of trying to make their spaces safe for all systems and plurals. thats cause they prefer sending anon hate instead of being kind to fellow systems that need it. they aren't worth your time if they're just sending hate (although if they're sending critiques, like my reblogs to you, then stop, listen, consider, and if it's actually still worthless to you, then delete and block.)
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Is it just me or do endos just post the most surface level things about plurality??
I saw a post saying "Plural culture is having to explain to your friends why you sometimes don't remember things and act different."
Like sure that's true but it's like one of the most well-known things ever, it's been said hundreds of times.
It honestly strengthens my belief that these people really don't know what plurality is beyond Tumblr and maybe a Wikipedia page or two. It just makes it seem like they didn't put much effort into learning what plurality actually is beyond the most well-known things about it.
-Charlie and Kirill
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nightfallsystem-moved · 2 years ago
Nightfallsystem - Main blog. Plural System. cringe asf autistic and chronic pain haver. giant isopod enthusiast.
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‼️hi guys if ur reading this during october 2023 plz check out @qiekzart rn im doing a thing ✨✨
Check out my etsy plzzz :333 i post adoptables !!
My name is Qiekz, my pronouns are it/its, please use my actual preferred pronouns. For your DNI purposes please know I'm 14 ^_^ also no nsfw interaction or you will fucking die!! im also learning japanese! (please send help.... im dying..... grahh.. ive gone too far to quit its kind of my curse now.)
what to expect from this blog? random shit, this is my personal blog. there may be vents and rants (tagged as #vent and #rant respectively) there may be random shit there will be so many reblogs.
i try to add ids when i can into the alt text, though i have chronic pain so sometimes im too tired to, sorry
Special interests: Giant isopods, Yugioh 💀💀
interests: TBHK, manga and anime, servals, marine animals, suicide boy (critical of it...), made in abyss, (critical of it...) , japanese language ,, ... i forgor
FEEL FREE (i encourage you to!) TAG ME IN SHIT ABOUT MY INTERESTS!!! esp yugioh im really autistic about it o my god
#autistic about this thing tag <- will be me tagging shit im really autistic about!!
not really in discourse anymore other than transgender stuff so if you try to drag me into discourse ill drag you into the pits of hell. i fucking hate syscourse so much.
If i am not speaking and another system member is, the post will be tagged as "- [name]". I tag common triggers, flashing lights and eyestrain, etc, these will be tagged as "TW [topic]". also JSYK i block a fuck ton of people so like, yeah, I block anyone for any reason I want. I will also not unblock you. unless youre liek my friend or smth.
We have so many fictives sooo,, source list: TBHK, Omori, OneShot, Wolf Song the Movie (yknow, that one on youtube.), yugioh..... </3 .. sourcemates r cool to interact n stuff feel free to send an ask im just shy...
anon hate MUST be original no lame "kys" or "[slur]". i will judge you. try better. try harder. get good. if you send anon hate i will judge it and rate it out of 10 so please try your best.
i am weirdo fictionkin heres the list: hooni from suicide boy yayy,, faputa from made in abyss ( I FUCKING HATE THE SORUCE FOR BEING SO WEIRD OMFG AHGHH),, jolteon from pokemon. . im weird and fuckd up . much prefer if u dont rlly seperate me from me in sources. cuz i just am me. sorry. ig. just refer to me as me . thank you
I am critical of all of my interests!!
or more just i hate them agh just be normal omfgggg crying sobbing
if you wanna avoid a common trigger its most likely tagged #tw [topic]. i also tag eyestrain and flashing lights but usually i just tag it as "#eyestrain" or "#flashing". tbh i unfortunately cant be trusted to remember to tag any other specific trigger because of bad memory. i wont tag reclaimed slurs but i will tag slurs used in a mean way
Please do not DM me unless you actually really need to. Send me an ask if you want to DM me and specify that you want it answered privately if you want. but i AM UNCOMFY WITH DMS. unless we're friends or i DMed you first. otherwise i place a curse on you I MUCH prefer asks over DMs
Sideblog list
@oops-all-traumacore (TW TRAUMACORE)
@sunnymogai (inactive)
@hellhoundmutt (inactive)
@sunnymogai2 (inactive)
@qiekz (EYESTRAIN + FLASHING TW please block if you are affected by that please)
alter blog 4 tasma:
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Anti plural, pluralphobe, anti endo, sysmed, against created alters/etc, "dont believe in systems",
Proship, condone or support posting any sexual stuff that includes a child, lolicon/shotacon/etc, someone purposely meant to look like a child, cub.
LGBTQphobic, transmed, transphobe/homophobe/biphobe/panphobe/etc, 'super straight'/variants, anti-ace inclusion, anti-aro inclusion, anti a-spec inclusion, aphobes, anti mspec lesbian/gay/etc, stelliophobic, anti lesboy/turigirl/etc, anti any good faith queer identity, anti neopronouns, anti xenogender, anti mogai.
Ableist, support autism speaks, think "narc abuse" is a thing/demonise people with any disorder including NPD, infantalise people with disorders/disabilities/etc, post/support on subreddits like r/fakedisordercringe or r/systemscringe, use the term "Aspergers" / describe urself as an "aspie" (Hans Asperger was a nazi who killed many disabled people, so shut the fuck up.)
Racist, cultural appropriators.
Radqueers, trans-id/transX, transrace/trace (not adoptee term), support the term transplural, pro-contact/contact-complex/contact-neutral for harmful paraphillia, sway people away from getting help for harmful paraphillia, MAP/Pedo/zoo/necro. (also transspecies is ok if its not used in a transX way)
Fujoshi/variants. fetishize mlm/wlw, etc.
Against traumacore / vent art.
Have minors on ur DNI (no offense im just a minor lol), NSFW-Focused blog
Post stolen art (includes AI images) / trace art without consent
other stuff is im neutral on factkin or kff tbh. and i think id rather stay neutral on tulpas as a term. i just dont fucking care. i dont involve myself in syscourse anymore, i might post more endogenic positivity later but id rather not due to the rampant harassment and infighting in the system community.
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hey! not trying to start s/scourse, i'm 100% pro endo, but PLEASE don't use the term "sysmed"!! i understand the intent behind it, but its origin is incredibly ableist against traumagenic systems (not quite as bad as ""traumascum"", which is horrible, but its coining was still... really not great), and conflates a really specific form of transphobia with something totally unrelated, it just isn't a very good word. "anti endo" or "system gatekeeper" are better!! thank you for reading, sorry bothering!!
hi, and no offense to you, i disagree (except for traumascum, that's a horrible word and no one should use it tbh).
admittedly, i don't know much about the coining of the word (and you didn't send sources, but i'll try to look), but i don't see how "sysmed" is ableist. as i (and others) have said many times, it stands for "system medicalist" which is exactly what they are. it's different from anti-endos, too- similar, but different. anti-endos simply hate/"don't believe in" endogenic systems, while sysmeds attempt to medicalize every system.
it also does not conflate anything with anything- words can sound alike without being related. the only thing in common is the ending, "-med".
also, no offense anon, but i've only ever seen sysmeds try to stop people from calling them that, because it's "offensive". call me "transphobic", call me "disrespectful", but without proving it had a "incredibly ableist" coining, i'm not changing accurate wording over sysmed's feelings.
also, if you call someone "disrespectful" for using an accurate word, while actively arguing against their existence and harassing them horribly for being "fake" and "ableist" and "appropriating disorders" (none of which endogen & nontraumagen systems do), you're not allowed to choose if you don't like what we call you.
i'm not sure why you sent this to a culture-is blog, and this will be the only syscourse-related ask i answer here. we are firmly pro-endo, pro-nontraumagen, pro non-dx, pro (informed) self-dx, pro non-disordered, and pro-every system in between. we are rad-inclus of any and all good-faith identities, including queer, syshood, and alterhuman. this isn't a discourse blog, so i'm not putting up a dni other than "don't harrass anyone", but if you disagree with any of the above, feel free to block our main, and if you feel uncomfortable with us running this blog, start your own i guess.
thank you for reading, and goodnight.
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sophieinwonderland · 5 months ago
Much of the support for endos actively does harm to those with CDDs(and you wonder why some of those with CDDs don't like you).
What does this even mean?
In what way does support for endogenic systems harm CDD systems?
Besides the apps that have been built by the pro-endo community, and the resources that have been created by pro-endos, the academic research is likely to foster better treatments and it's already helping educate people about the overlap between plurality and gender issues, which will be a huge help for systems of all kinds who are hoping to transition. And one of the goals of the studies into tulpamancy is to help develop treatments for dissociative identity disorder and other disorders that involve voice hearing.
Support for endogenic systems they win for everybody.
The suggestion that supporting endogenic systems hurts CDD systems is categorically false, and underly absurd on every level.
As for your other accusations, the fact that you ended up spreading misinformation that you didn't believe really seems like a you problem.
I run one of the largest pro-endo bloge on the website. In my pinned, I make it clear that I don't personally have a belief in spirits or the afterlife or the like. My view of plurality is entirely grounded in the physical and the psychological.
I have made posts on multiple occasions where I explained why I don't believe that headmates can travel metaphysically from one system to another through system hopping, with my explanation of why, and explaining how you could test if this actually worked in a way that could successfully communicate information from one system to another.
And guess what? I have practically never actually been made to feel like I was wrong for standing by my own beliefs.
Honestly, I was surprised at how accepting the community was of me not holding any of these spiritual views.
Which makes me wonder if this is actually a problem with the pro-endo community, or if you were just spineless as a pro-endo and unwilling to stand by your views because of assumptions you made about how the community would receive them?
I think that the community is far more accepting of opinions than you give it credit for, unless those opinions involve defending the people who hate us for existing.
Just because you felt a certain way doesn't make it the community's fault or responsibility.
And something that you seem to consistently not understand is that there is a difference between hating somebody for their existence, and hating somebody for literally spreading hate and bigotry against you for your existence. These are not the same things and it is disgusting that you are even comparing them.
Yes, many of these sysmeds are plural. Just like many transmeds are trans. Would you argue that hatred of transmeds by non-dysphoric trans people is uncalled for?
And while I don't support sending hate to people from either side, this again, is very different when one side is reacting to bigotry they face from the other.
Being anti-endo is inherently bigoted.
Disliking anti-endos for being bigots is not.
It's that simple.
(I also wonder what the context was for the hate messages your friend got. Not saying that they deserved it. But I do find a lot of times that an anti-endo will make a post like "endos are all ableist roleplayers and aren't real," reblog a flag to show how much they hate endogenic systems, then get a rude anon and be like "see, I told you endos were terrible!")
And you accuse us of entering spaces we don't belong. What spaces are these again? Are these the CDD exclusive spaces for support with a mental disorder? Because despite this accusation being hurled a lot by anti-endos, I have rarely ever actually seen this. Most non-disordered systems aren't going to hang out in spaces for people with dissociative disorders.
Or do you mean the anti-endo spaces? The spaces that are created for a community that hates us to spread more hate about us???
Is your position then, that it's morally acceptable for people to have safe spaces to spread hate against our community?
Are we the bad guys for not allowing bigots to have safe spaces where they can spread rhetoric that hurts us?
Finally, nobody needs to involve themselves with syscourse if they don't want to. I have no idea why you think that I would want them to do that. There are lots of great blogs that aren't involved with it, or rarely are, and it's important for those spaces to exist.
Have you ever seen me go after a blog because I thought they didn't talk about syscourse enough? 🙄
I do think that the label is important though. I think that it shows solidarity with the endogenic community and lets endogenic systems know that it's a safe place.
People don't need to involve themselves in arguments. Just having the label can make your space feel more welcoming and inclusive. You can just delete any asks you don't want to deal with and block people trying to pick fights.
I am all for the people who want to stay out of syscourse doing just that.
What I won't support are the type of neutrals who will try to play both sides, blame endogenic systems for being attacked by anti-endos, and try to police the way that we fight back.
Hi sophie, I'm the host very small traumagenic(could be otherwise) group(we don't ..I was hoping to give a little more perspective into why we consider ourselves "endo-nuetral". Also if this is not the correct term, maybe you can suggest another one?
We do not really care for system discourse, we find it very difficult to interact with people when they are so stuck on stances, orgins, validity etc. just so they can argue. It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" type of situation that's very exhausting for us, we don't have the spoons to constantly go back and forth, or try to prove of convince others to just shut up and take others point of views into consideration. We am are not anti endo at all, plurality comes in all sorts of forms and that's basic knowledge, but we use it to signal to others "we are not gonna argue about endos with you, fuck off". Ultimately we love seeing other people's opinions, and their thoughts, and their stances on certian things. But like, yk, it's just so irritating being pulled at the limbs by both sides for having opinions.
So I'm searching for a better term to just if you could possibly assist with that?
You're probably not going to like my opinion, but I think the only valid stance is pro-endo.
Like, you believe endogenic systems exist... I'm sure you agree that endogenic systems have a right to exist and not face hate for being endogenic... that's pro-endo.
If the only reason you're identifying as neutral is to avoid syscourse, that's probably going to have the opposite effect. It puts you in the middle where endogenic systems won't feel safe with you, and probably is going to encourage anti-endos to interact and argue. The reason being that they see someone on the fence, whose mind they can potentially change.
So... why not just be pro-endo? Why not embrace it?
I think the better way to signal "we are not gonna argue about endos with you, fuck off" is to be proudly pro-end, make it clear that you won't participate in syscourse, and you won't change your mind because you know that plurality comes in all forms.
Sure, you may still get hate. But it's only going to be coming from one side, and probably even less from that side because they know they won't be able to bully you into submission.
I just don't see the value in taking any sort of middle ground. It's not going to keep you out of discourse. It's not going to protect you from anti-endos. And it's actually likely to pull you more into discourse than if you had actually firmly picked a side.
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