#Senator letant
rsclopez · 16 days
Im on a binger rn for Senator Letant. This fine ass Romulan has been on my mind…lols
Also in this Episode of the Love Boat,our dear senator is playing a gawd honest role as a Gigolo..named Paulo with an Italian accent
@bigblissandlove1 @starrynightgardens @ensignsimp @saebarantsandreblogs @fentah @zierzim @jar-of-moondust @minymo1234 @deepspacedukat
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toebeans-mcgee · 1 year
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Barbie’s Malibu Warbird. Drawn on Procreate.
Link to: Regular Romulan Warbird
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lilacs-in-space · 5 months
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A young Senator Letant, back when he was a lowly Erein in the Imperial Navy.
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spookysnooty · 6 months
I'm taught how to make edits and the first thing I do is use it do make degenerate content 🌸🎀✨
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boldlydeck · 2 years
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🪐This is a Romulan-Friendly Post🪐
I 💚 Vulcanoids, they’re beautiful and they deserved to be my most treasured alien species.
Reference used.
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sleepycat82 · 9 months
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So, ummmmm…I love this version of Letant! @deepspacedukat I’m watching the episode right now
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Poll: Weeds Among Stones Fanart WIP
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So the older version, with Letant’s head in a different position is here in this post, but do you guys think this pose works better? I feel like his head is disproportionate, but then again, the Romulan wigs they have them wear are freaking huge….idk. Because I think I’ve stared at this for so long I can’t be objective, it’s poll time!
If I stick with this current one, more work on shading, contouring, texture will be done which should help a lot. Maybe his mouth should be closed?
@emilie786 @deepspacedukat @darkmattervibes @wafflingchemist @love-at-first-contact @bigblissandlove1 @romulanhorsegirl @horta-in-charge @starrynightgardens
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
The writer’s block has been rough the last couple of days. The most I’ve been able to write has been a couple of sentences, so I consider this little diversion a win. I didn’t plan on writing this. It just happened. I used gender neutral pronouns since this is just a quickie fluff drabble. This is not related to my Senator Letant of Romulus series. It’s just a quickie little standalone blurb drabble ficlet thing. Because brain said I was only allowed to write this today. So uh...yep. Enjoy!
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Letant (ST:DS9) x Reader
[A/N: This is fluff, and I have nothing constructive to say so...enjoy!]
Warnings: Interspecies kissing, fluff, cuteness.
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Letant was listening to his mate talk about the logistics of growing flowers from all over the galaxy in their garden. The amount of water each needed, the nutrient requirements for the soil, the light requirements, the depth of soil needed for the roots to grow - the Senator’s mate was analyzing the variables thoroughly.
Yet all he could focus on was the way that the light of Romulus’s sun caressed their face and the shape of their lips as they spoke. As the two of them sat at the kitchen table looking through plans, he mused over how this was an inevitable outcome. He cared about what they were saying, truly he did. He wished for the garden to be a private little paradise for them, especially since horticulture was a hobby of theirs. But his mate’s lips entranced him every single time they spoke to him in that beautiful voice of theirs.
Letant knew why, of course. Humans used their mouths for intimacy - something that had amazed him and quickly set his passions alight when they’d kissed him for the first time. Letant had spent many long hours reveling in the simple sensation of mingled lips and shared breath. His lover’s soft sighs and hums against his mouth never failed to make him crave more.
Could he really be blamed for falling under his Human’s spell so completely when they were doing nothing more complex than talking? Surely not.
“It might be best if we swap the Betazed lilies and the Vulcan orchids, especially with their different water requireme–”
Letant wasn’t even conscious of his movements until he found himself leaning across the side of the kitchen table kissing his mate. He’d interrupted their train of thought, but it was worth it for this moment alone. Thoroughly stealing his lover’s breath, he didn’t pull back until he felt the edge of his hunger stirring deep within him.
Smoothing his tunic and resuming his seat, Letant leaned his chin on his palm as he had been before.
“My apologies, e’lev. Do go on. You have my full attention,” he said with a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, but his lover just blinked at him with wide eyes.
“I...uh,” they stammered and struggled to regain their previous composure, but it was in vain. When they tossed their plans aside and tugged him into another kiss, he knew there would be no more talk of the gardens for at least another few hours.
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I Can't Help, Falling In Love With You
Pairing: Senator Letant x gen!reader Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Words: 0.9K Summary: Sometimes just a fraction of a moment in peace with the person that counts the most in the whole universe can sooth the mind of one troubled soul. Song: I can't help falling in love with you, by Elvis Presley
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Letant loved his profession and he had never made much of a secret of it. It excited him and made his blood boil, in a positive sense, to argue, to compromise, which at best worked out in his favour, and to see his achievements blossom before him. It had, to the surprise of many, nothing to do with ego or arrogance. He honestly enjoyed it when he could help and that service was then also in favour of the Empire.
On the other hand, Letant didn't want to fool himself. His work was not easy. He was often away from home because he had to stay late at the Senate or even travel across the galaxy, and the amount of overtime he worked took on such a mass of digits that he didn't even want to think about it. It weighed on him, though not as much as it did his spouse.
They tried their best not to let it show, to keep him from feeling guilty, but he knew of their grief. He could see the sad, if well-hidden, glimmer in their eyes when they said goodbye to him when he had to leave again. He could see the incredible relief on their face when he returned to them unharmed, knowing that he had once again survived a day in this profession that had already cost the lives of many. But much more he could feel it himself when he took their hand in his, when he pressed a kiss against their temple or let his hands run up and down their arms.
They missed him, they cared about him and didn't want to let him go. And all because they had fallen in love with him.
Letant still did not know what had earned him this honour, but he had already known when he had seen them standing on the promenade and had managed to make the changeling in charge of security laugh that they were special.
However, as he now turned his gaze to his right where they were still curled deep in slumber in the blanket, their head resting on his chest, he knew he was thanking all the elements to be able to have them with him. Individual rays of light filtered into their bedroom through the curtains, bathing them in a brilliant golden light, which emphasised their calm features, and Letant gently stroked their hair. Birdsong, which his mate said was similar to that of a song thrush, sounded from outside and he looked at them lovingly.
These were the moments he lived for and through which he knew he had done everything right in his life. Well, maybe not everything, but everything that had led him to this moment. Letant appreciated these moments, the moments when he could take a deep breath and just enjoy the presence of them without worrying about what would come next and what hurdles he had to overcome. Now, at this moment, he could be perfectly content to lie in their bed, his partner in his right arm, a book in his left hand and stroking their hair from time to time.
Absently, he had started humming softly, which he hadn't noticed right away because he had been doing it subconsciously. Now, however, when he became aware of it, he also recognised the melody he was humming to himself.
It was an old Earth song that they had taught him. He wasn't normally a big supporter of earth music, but he had to admit that he was quite fond of it, not because of the artist or the song itself, but more because of the moments when he had heard it.
Letant remembered that the song had floated up from one of the restaurants to the promenade when he had first seen them. By chance, it was also playing when he asked her out, on their first date, on their second, on their third, until it had become their song. It played in the background in their quarters when they first kissed, he had let it play when he asked for their hand in marriage and eventually they had even danced to it at their wedding.
So no, earth music was still not something Letant appreciated. The memories he associated with that song, however, were immeasurably valuable to him.
He didn't know exactly how long he lay there, reading the book, humming their song on an endless loop while his right hand slid over their hair, though they seemed to be slowly waking up too, because at some point, soft singing started to sound from beside him. It was sleepy and a little slurred and they couldn't for the life of them hit all the notes, but that didn't matter. They were there with him, to enjoy this moment of peace.
„Wise men say Only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with you Shall I stay? Would it be a sin If I can't help falling in love with you?“
Letant pressed a kiss to their forehead and slowly turned back to his book, but he did not stop humming under any circumstances, which encouraged them not to interrupt their singing either.
He smiled slightly as he sensed the calmness of their mind. Letant might not always be at home and perhaps he would die in the line of duty, however he knew that it was worth these moments, these small moments, just fragments in this vast universe that seemed to have no meaning. Letant knew that wherever he might be, he would always call a place home and could always find refuge in two arms.
„Take my hand Take my whole life, too For I can't help falling in love with you For I can't help falling in love with you.“
@bigblissandlove1 still not sure, if you want to be tagged in all Star Trek stuff, so I'm just gonna do it
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Romulan enthusiasts reblogging that one gif of Letant drinking water
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rsclopez · 8 days
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Ummmm i found the mother load! LETANT IN HANDCUFFSSSS
@bigblissandlove1 @starrynightgardens @ensignsimp @saebarantsandreblogs @fentah @zierzim @jar-of-moondust @minymo1234 @deepspacedukat
@fentah @ensignsimp @lilacs-in-space
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toebeans-mcgee · 1 year
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Romulan Warbird. Drawn on Procreate.
Link to: Barbie’s Malibu Warbird
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spookysnooty · 6 months
*lays this down and fucking runs*
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boldlydeck · 2 years
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I just want to draw some Romulan babes for absolutely no reason :>
Gosh I’m obsessed with pointed ears.
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sleepycat82 · 1 year
Okay, I did it. Check out Ao3 under my name MeowMeowPowPow. I posted my first work featuring some of our favorite Romulans. Please check it out!
Thank you for the support @deepspacedukat and @bigblissandlove1 ! I’ll do S’Talon justice!
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creature-of-the-stars · 11 months
What’s goin’ on with Toebeans?
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One of the reasons I’ve been largely absent from here (after saying I was going to post more and get back to normal) is that I got the opportunity to go to Japan 🇯🇵! And I’ve been scrambling to get stuff ready and iron out details. Currently, I’m sitting waiting to board my 13 hr flight 😩. I’ve gotten behind on reading fic specifically because I figured I would need a lot of stuff to read over the course of 26 hours of flight. As much as I’m going to write and draw while in the air, I’ll go insane if I don’t sit back and do something more passive for a few hours, lol.
Also, I’ve been lost in the craft/hobby sauce recently. I’ve started taking a ceramics class (will report back if I improve enough to let the public see my monstrous creations 😅).
In addition, I’ve had this fabric sitting around for a little while, trying to figure out the design I wanted to go with for a Romulan Senator pillow. In this case, this is the design of Letant’s tunic (Vreenak’s is pretty funky and too complex). I designed it on my iPad and then had Joann’s print it (highly recommend). It’s so perfect I’m scared to start using it 😰. Once I work up the courage to finally cut into it, I’ll share the final result.
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And, lastly, I’m building a model of DS9. It’s a lot of work and I hope I don’t screw it up too bad as I try to rig the whole thing with lights. To give you some idea of how long it takes to make this thing look okayish, each window has to be drilled by hand with a tiny drill I spin with my fingers 🫠.
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With any luck, it will look something like this in the end (not my photo!).
Stay tuned for Tokyo photos!
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